Archives Haziran 2021


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


AM SEEEndlich wieder Sonne und heute das erste mal in diesem Jahr wieder nackt am See gewesen. Nach Feierabend machte ich mich auf den Weg zu einem kleinen See. Auf der einen Seeseite ist FKK erlaubt, es sind aber meist nur wenige Leute dort. Der kleine Bereich ist größtenteils von Gebüsch umgeben und zum Ufer wächst das Schilf, so dass man relativ unbeobachtet das Nacktsein geniessen kann. Heute war ich alleine im FKK Bereich, auf der anderen Seeseite war ein Gruppe Jugendlicher, so 15 – 16 jährige. Ich konnte sie gut hören wie sie herum alberten. Ich lag nackt auf meinem Handtuch, genoß eine Zigarette und die warme Sonne auf meiner nackten Haut. Nachdem ich die Zigarette ausgemacht hatte legte ich mich zurück und döste in der Abendsonne. Nach einer Weile hatte ich das Gefühl beobachtet zu werden, ihr kennt das bestimmt, dieses Gefühl. Ich setzte mich auf, blickte um mich, konnte aber niemanden sehen, ausser den Jugendlichen auf der anderen Seeseite. Ich legte mich wieder zurück, wurde aber das Gefühl nicht los, beobachtet zu werden. Aus den Augenwinkeln suchte ich die nähere Umgebung ab, bis ich ein paar schlanke Beine hinter einem Gebüsch entdeckte, es war nur ca. 2 Meter entfernt. Ich gab aber nicht zu erkennen, dass ich sie entdeckt hatte. Ich dachte mir „mal sehen was passiert“. Ich legte eine Hand auf meinen yenidoğan escort Schwanz und begann ihn leicht zu reiben. Es machte mich jetzt geil, zu wissen, dass ich dabei beobachtet werde. Nach einer Weile war mein Schwanz halbsteif und richtete sich schon etwas in die Höhe. „So mal sehen was das kleine Luder hinter dem Gebüsch treibt“ dachte ich mir, stand auf und ging mit eine paar schnellen Schritten in Richtung Gebüsch. Es sahen mich zwei erschrockene Augen an, damit hatte sie wohl nicht gerechnet. Sie hatte ihr Handy in der Hand und hatte wohl ein paar Fotos von mir gemacht. „Was ist los, was machst du da, noch nie einen nackten Mann gesehen?“ fragte ich sie. „Doch, doch…aber…“ stammelte Sie. „Was aber?“ fragte ich sie. „…aber noch nie einen so großen Penis“ sagte sie.Sie war bestimmt erst 16, hatte lange schlanke Beine und einen verdammt engen Bikini an, geiler Anblick die Kleine. „Und jetzt hast du mich fotografiert, oder?“ sagte ich zu ihr. „Nein…nein…ja doch, aber nur weil ich noch nie so einen großen Penis gesehen habe“ antwortete sie. „Darf ich sie behalten?“ fragte sie. „Was bekomme ich dafür?“ antwortete ich und nahm dabei ihre Hand und führte sie zu meinem Schwanz. Sie zog erschrocken ihre Hand zurück. Ich ließ ihre Hand nicht los und versuchte es yenikent escort noch einmal, jetzt griff sie sachte nach meinem Schwanz. „Gefällt dir das?“ sagte ich zu ihr. „Oh ja, ich hatte noch nie einen so großen Penis in der Hand.“ Dabei massierte sie mir meinen Schwanz mit langsamen Bewegungen, mittlerweile war mein Schwanz zu voller Größe angeschwollen. Ich legte eine Hand in ihren Nacken und drückte ihren Kopf langsam nach unten. Ich konnte es kaum noch erwarten, dass sie meinen Schwanz in den Mund nimmt. Ihre Lippen hatten nun meine Eichel erreicht und sie küßte sie vorsichtig. Ich glaube damit hatte sie noch nicht viel Erfahrung. Ich schob ihr meinen Schwanz in den Mund und bewegte dabei ihren Kopf vor und zurück. Ein herrliches Gefühl diese kleine, unerfahrene Mundvotze zu ficken. Auch ihr schien es zu gefallen und ihre Bewegungen wurden immer schneller. Sie stand noch immer gebückt vor mir und ich ließ eine Hand über ihren Rücken in ihr knappes Bikinihöschen gleiten. Ich spreizte etwas ihre Pobacken und massierte ihr kleines Poloch. Das schien ihr zu gefallen, sie stöhnte immer wieder leise auf und ihr Körper zuckte dabei.„Dreh dich um, ich will dich jetzt im Stehen ficken“ sagte ich zu ihr. Sie ließ meinen Schwanz aus ihrem Mund gleiten und drehte sich um, als hätte yenimahalle escort sie darauf gewartet endlich gefickt zu werden. Ich spielte ein bischen mit meinem Schwanz an ihrem Poloch und ihrer nassen Votze. „Sei bitte vorsichtig, so einen Prügel hatte ich noch nie in meiner Pussy“ sagte sie. Langsam steckte ich meinen Schwanz in ihre Votze, man war die eng, ich hatte echt Mühe in sie einzudringen. Endlich hatte ich es geschafft und fickte nun das kleine Vötzchen mit immer schnelleren Stößen. Am Anfang stöhnte sie nur leise, aber je heftiger ich sie fickte wurde sie immer lauter, so dass ich ihr den Mund zuhalten musste. Ich glaube man hätte sie sonst auf der anderen Seite des See´s noch gehört. Nach wenigen Minuten kam sie schon zum Orgasmus, ihr ganzer Körper zitterte. Auch ich konnte mich nun nicht mehr zurück halten, zog meinen Schwanz aus ihrer Votze und spritzte ihr die volle Ladung auf den kleinen Knackarsch. „Los leck ihn sauber“ sagte ich zu ihr. Sie kniete sich vor mich und leckte mit ihrer Zunge meinen Schwanz sauber. Dann stand sie auf und sagte „so was habe ich noch nie erlebt. Was ist jetzt darf ich sie behalten?“„Was?“ fragte ich. „Die Bilder.“ entgegnete sie und schaute mich erwartungsvoll an. Daran hatte ich bei dem geilen Fick schon gar nicht mehr gedacht „Natürlich, aber nur für dich.“ sagte ich. „Ja, ich zeig´s niemandem. Aber ich muss jetzt gehen, sonst suchen mich die anderen da drüben noch.“ sagte sie, drehte sich um und ging los. Ich schaute ihr nach und musste grinsen, auf ihrem Bikinihöschen waren noch deutlich meine Spermaspuren zu sehen. Mal gespannt was sie ihren Kumpels erzählt 😉

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Am Badesee

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Am BadeseeEin warmer Tag im Juni, 28 Grad, Schäfchenwolken am Himmel, eine leichte Briese. So kann man es aushalten hier am Badesee unweit des Edersees. Hier am Ufer, am Rand des Sonnenschirm, im Halbschatten an einer kleinen Bucht, etwas ab vom Trubel der Badegäste. Die Sonne scheint warm auf meine Haut und eigentlich könnte es nicht besser werden. In gedanken versunken überlege ich was ich jetzt noch tun könnte um meine zufriedenheit noch etwas zu steigern. Mein blick schweift rüber zu dir, ja ein Grinsen fährt mir durchs Gesicht ich hätte da so einige Ideen. Ich auf die seite gedreht und dich schlafend wähnend mustere deinen Körper und bleibe wie so häufig mit den Augen an deinen wohlgeformten brüsten hängen. In gedanken ziehe ich dir gerade deinen neuen Tankini, der dir außerordentlich steht, mir aber gerade im weg ist, aus.Du schiebst deine Sonnenbrille etwas vor, schaust mir in die Augen und fragst mich “Na was denkst du gerade” “Oh erwischt” denke ich. “Ich träum nur so vor mich hin” antworte ich etwas verlegen da ich mich ertappt fühle. “Ja das sehe ich ganz deutlich das du vor kızılay escort dich hin träumst” sagst du grinsend und dein Blick wandert auf meine Shorts. Da hab ich mich wieder selbst verraten. Wie ein Tipi sieht meine Shorts aus recht gespannt durch eine feste Zeltstange. “Meinst du wir sind hier ungestört” frage ich dich grinsend. “Ich denke schon und wenn wer vorbeikommt ist das halt so” Ohja genau das wollte ich hören denke ich ich mir. Zwei Sekunden später liege ich schon direkt neben dir und schaue dir in die Augen. Mit leichtem druck bewege drehe ich dich ein stück bis du bäuchlings auf unsere Decke liegst. Mit meine Händen massiere ich deine Schultern, gleichzeitig knete mit meine daumen deinen Nacken. Nein leichtes stöhnen zeigt mir das ich genau die richtige Stelle getroffen habe. Nun öffne ich dein Oberteil du drehst dich unter mit auf den Rücken “ja so hatte ich mir das eben vorgestellt” deine Brüste liegen baar vor mir und ich beginnen sie mit meinen lippen zu liebkosen. Im wegseln versorge ich beide Brüste und merke wie deine Hand in meine kolej escort Shorts wander. Langsam wixt du meinen Schwanz, so könnte ich den ganzen Tag verbringen. Ohne es wirklich zu wollen beginne ich mich fickbewegungen und meine Schwanz, noch immer in seinem Stoffgefängnis, reibt über dein noch bedeckten Venushügel weiterhin geführt durch deine Hand. Mein Hand wander von deine Brust langsam abwerts an deine Teile und öffnen die seitliche verknotung deines Höschens. Nun lass ich von deinen Brüsten ab meine Zunge wandert langsam über deinen Bauch an deinen Nabel vorbei über deinen Venushügel direkt zu deinem Lustzentrum. Oh ja hier bin ich richtig dein Geruch macht mich kirre langsam borre ich mich mit meine Zunge in dich und versuche einen Geschmack vollends auszukosten. Meine Lenden brennen vor lust geschwind entledige ich mich meine Shorts und begebe mich wieder über dich. Mein schwanz pocht förmlich vor geilheit, an langsam ist nun nicht mehr zu denken, mit schwung und kraft dringe ich, geführt von deine Hand, tief in dich ein. Du stöhnst kräftig auf ankara escort und schließt die Augen. Ohne unterlass stoße ich dich hart, schneller und schneller. Dein stöhnen macht mich nur noch wilder mit einem letzten harten stoß schieße ich meine Ladung tief in dich hinein, dabei drück ich dich fest an mich. Nach einigen sekunden in dies Pose ziehe ich meinen Schwanz langsam aus dir hinaus. Du schaust mich glücklich an doch irgendwas stimmt noch nicht ganz nicht. Mein Schwengel ist noch eisenhart und eine gewisse geilheit spüre ich noch. Ich flüster dir ins Ohr “ Lust auf eine zweite Runde?” Dein blick spricht Bände. Ich rutsche von dir runter, du drehst dich und begibst dich auf deine knie. Ohja das gefällt mir. Von hinten dringe ich in dich ein, meine Händ haben dein Becken fest im griff. Wollüstig nehme ich dich hart. Mein Hände wandern zu deinen Brüsten und kneten diese Ordentlich während ich dich weiterhin ficke. Dein Stöhnen wird wieder lauter und lauter, ich merke wie der Saft in mir zu kochen beginnt. Kurz bevor ich komme pack ich dich an den schultern und Nacken und drücke dich gegen meinen Schwanz. Meine Ladung ergießt sich in dich. Sichtlich zufrieden lasse ich von dir ab. Du lässt dich auf die Seite rollen, dein noch etwas wirrer Blick signalisiert mir dass es dir wohl auch sehr gefallen hat. Wir beschließe nun öfter an den Baggersee zu fahren

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Teil 3: Die Entwicklung

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Teil 3: Die EntwicklungTeil 3: Die EntwicklungSehr befriedigt hatten wir das Kino verlassen. Meine Freundin hatte sich vorher noch notdürftig gesäubert aber im Auto stieg mir der Geruch des fremden Spermas auf ihrer Haut deutlich in die Nase. Wie geil hatte sie ihren Körpern den anderen Kerlen zum Abspritzen zur Verfügung gestellt! Mein Schwanz schmerzte zwar bereits ein bisschen, wollte aber an diesem Abend gar nicht wieder weich werden. Ich streichelte ihren linken Oberschenkel während der Heimfahrt und beide ließen wir das Erlebte Revue passieren. Ich sprach meine Freundin darauf an, dass beide Herren, aber insbesondere der Erste sie durchaus ein bisschen fester angefasst hatten und grob zu ihr gewesen waren was ihr aber offensichtlich gefallen hatte. Sie bejahte dies und beschrieb es als Reiz, auch wenn die Kerle sich genommen hatten, was sie wollten, hatte sie es genossen und nur zugelassen, was sie auch wollte. Sie hatte die Lust von ihnen gespürt, die drängenden Schwänze, die sie in zügelloser Lust und Geilheit begehrten. Und letztendlich dann doch ein kleines bisschen die Kontrolle über die Situation verloren, wie sie mir gestand. Denn während ich mich gerade in den Mund der Ehefrau im Kino ergossen hatte, zwang ihr Mann den Mund meiner Freundin ebenfalls über seinen Schwanz und spritzte ab. „Er war ja durchaus vorsichtiger und sanfter als der erste Kerl, als ich anfing ihm einen zu blasen“, erzählte sie mir, „aber als er sah, dass seine Frau dich bediente und Dir das offensichtlich sehr gut gefiel, fing er an mit seinem Schwanz meinen Mund und Hals zu ficken“. Zack! Da war es wieder. Ein bittersüßer Schmerz in der Magengegend, wie es schon gewesen war, als der erste wichsende Kerl ungefragt den Kopf meiner Freundin über seinen Schwanz gezwungen hatte und ich ihn am liebsten dafür zusammengeschlagen hätte. Zwar beherrschte meine Freundin die Kunst des Deep Throat sehr gut aber dies hatte sich erst über die Zeit hinweg im Laufe unserer Beziehung entwickelt und sie musste dafür auch reichlich üben. Ich erinnerte mich ganz genau, wie sie mir einmal gesagt hatte, was für ein unglaubliches Vertrauen sie zu mir hätte, dass ich nicht im falschen Moment, wenn meine Schwanzspitze in ihrem Rachen steckt, noch tiefer zustoße. Und nun hatte ein völlig fremder in ihren Hals gefickt?! „Na ja, sein Schwanz war ja auch kleiner als Deiner und ich hab ja auch viel vorher bei Dir geübt“, flüsterte sie mir vom Beifahrersitz zu und lachte leise. „Außerdem war es geil zu fühlen, wie er immer wilder und drängender wurde. Ich habe regelrecht gespürt, wie ihm sein Sperma im Schwanz hoch drückte.“ Ich war baff und wieder total geil. Oder immer noch. Der Schmerz in der Magengegend hatte sich einfach wieder in das Gefühl die kleine geile Maus, die da neben mir saß und meine Freundin war und es offensichtlich sehr genoss mehr als nur meinen Schwanz zu bedienen, dringend ficken zu müssen verwandelt. „Und am Ende hat er ebenfalls auf Deine Titten gespritzt?! Das gefällt Dir schon ziemlich gut, oder?! Du kleines versautes Ding!“, sagte ich. Sie antwortete nicht. Kurz war Stille im Auto. Ich warf ihr einen raschen Blick von der Seite zu. „Nein, er hat in meinem Mund abgespritzt. Genau wie Du bei seiner Frau“, antwortete sie. Oh?! Ein bekanntes Gefühl schlich sich wieder ein. Das war etwas, was sie bei mir noch nie zugelassen hatte. Sie hatte ja nichts gegen Sperma, überall anderes eben, nur nicht in ihrem Mund. „Ich weiß auch nicht. Ich………vielleicht habe ich mich echt gehen lassen und die Kontrolle verloren aber in dem Moment musste es einfach sein, es hat gepasst. Und ich hab ihn einfach machen lassen, denke ich. Als er dann kam, war ich trotzdem überrascht. Aber es war einfach zu spät. Sein Schwanz steckte in meinem Hals und spritzte ab. Nicht komplett, nur im ersten Moment. Den größten Teil hat er in meinen offenen Mund gespritzt. Ich hab es nicht geschluckt, nur ein bisschen. Bist du böse?“ Ich wusste nicht, was ich sagen soll. „Ich meine, Du hast ja auch Deinen Spaß gehabt und bist, was das angeht, nicht zu kurz gekommen“ fügte sie hinzu und schmiegte sich an meine rechte Seite. „Ja, ich weiß“, antworte ich, „ich werde auch den Teufel tun und mich beschweren, ich………..bin nur überrascht weil……“, „……ich das nicht bei Dir bisher gemacht habe, ja ich weiß, das habe ich mir bereits gedacht. Aber wie ich schon sagte, das war die Situation, irgendwie und, Schatz, Du musst Dir keine Sorgen machen“, sie grinste, „Besonders lecker finde ich Sperma im Mund immer noch und den Geschmack schon gar nicht aber wenn Du magst, kannst Du das natürlich auch ab jetzt machen“. Dabei kniff sie mir leicht in meinen mittlerweile wieder komplett erigierten Schwanz in der Hose. „Und wie ich mag“, lachte ich. Ich sah zu, dass wir schnellstens nachhause kamen. In dieser Nacht fickte ich ihren immer noch nach fremden Sperma riechenden Körper wie ein Irrer und ergoss mich später tatsächlich das erste Mal in ihren Mund. Dabei war ich nicht gerade vorsichtig, schließlich hatte sich diese zwar süße Maus, die gerade nackt und besudelt vor mir kniete und gehorsam meinen Schwanz schluckte, noch vor einer Stunden zwei Unbekannten als gefügige Maulhure angeboten. Es hätte wohl nicht gefehlt und sie hätte sich direkt auch noch von ihnen ficken lassen, dachte ich mir. Ich spritzte zwischen ihren Lippen ab, ein Wahnsinnsgefühl. Ihre Zunge schlängelte um meinen zuckenden Schwanz und ich stöhnte laut. Wie geil! Aus meiner heißen, mich liebenden Lebensgefährtin ist eine geile Blashure geworden. Stoss um Stoss trieb ich meinen Sperma verschmierten Schwanz in ihren Mund, sie würgte leicht. „Ja, lutsch ihn brav“, sagte ich. Sie stöhnte. Sie genoss es regelrecht. Wie sie so vor mir kniete. So hatte sie wohl auch vor dem anderen Kerl gehockt als er in ihrem Mund abgespritzt hatte. Sie zog meinen Schwanz aus ihrem Mund, wichste ihn ganz sanft und grinste mich so von unten mit meiner Wichse auf ihren Lippen an. „So hat das wohl vorhin für den anderen Kerl auch ausgesehen, oder“, sagte ich. Sie lächelte, „Und?! Schaut gut aus!?“, will sie wissen während sie mich weiter wichste. „Geil, einfach nur geil! Du bist doch schon eine kleine Hure!“, antwortete ich. „Hure?“, ihre Stirn legte sich leicht in Falten. „Nun ja, sei ehrlich, Du hast Dich denen echt einfach hingegeben, was total geil war“. „Das Wort gefällt mir trotzdem nicht“. „Sonst hast Du doch auch nicht gegen Dirty Talk?!“ „Ja, aber ich habe das gemacht, weil ich Lust darauf hatte, nicht für Geld oder weil ich gezwungen worden bin“. „Aber Du hast Dich Ihnen sehr gefügig unterworfen und……“. „…..weil es mir gefallen hat!“ „Hätte es Dir gefallen, wenn sie Dich auch gefickt hätten!?“ Sie sagte nichts. War das zuviel gewesen?! Wortlos verschwand sie in unser Badezimmer. Wir setzten unser durchaus emotionales Gespräch wenig später fort als sich meine Freundin gesäubert hatte. Zwischenzeitig weinte sie sogar und beide hatten wir ein mulmiges Gefühl. Was geschah gerade mit uns?! Sie sincan escort gestand ein, dass die Grenzen, die wir uns gezogen hatten etwas verschwammen. Ja, auch sie hatte bereits Gedanken daran verschwendet vielleicht sogar weiterzugehen. Sie offenbarte sich mir sogar insoweit, dass sie sich bereits damals nach unserem Erlebnis am See vorgestellt hatte, wie es gewesen wäre ebenfalls mit dem Spanner zu vögeln. Diese Phantasie hatte sie erschreckt. Sie erklärte mir, dass dies auch der Grund dafür gewesen sei, dass sie den Besuch eines Swingerclubs so kategorisch abgelehnt hatte. Sie hätte Angst vor ihrer eigenen Courage, bzw. im falschen Moment nicht mehr die Kontrolle zuhaben und sich zusammenzureißen zu können, wie sie es schon gefühlt hatte, als der Kerl in ihrem Mund abgespritzt hatte. Ich erklärte ihr, dass es genau das wäre, was mich total fasziniert und aufgegeilt hätte, sie eben nicht zusammenzureißen, sich für einen Moment nicht den gesellschaftlichen Konventionen zu unterwerfen und sich einfach geil treiben zulassen. „Denkst Du nicht, dass wir damit vielleicht einen Schritt zu weit gehen, wenn wir jetzt auch noch mit anderen Partnern ficken?!“ „Das weiß ich nicht aber offensichtlich beschäftigen wir uns beide ja mit diesem Gedanken. Was meine Gefühle für Dich angeht ist da überhaupt nichts, was das zum Wanken bringen könnte. Im Gegenteil, das ist auch ein Kick für mich, mit einem Partner, den man liebt, so ein Vergnügen zu teilen. Ich finde, das macht es erst besonders“, antwortete ich. „Da hast Du allerdings recht“, sagte meine Freundin etwas beruhigt“, Abgesehen davon, dass ich alleine sowieso nicht in ein Pornokino gegangen wäre, hat es mich total angeturnt, dass Du mich beobachtet hast, während ich einen anderen Schwanz geblasen habe. Und genau so Dich mit der anderen Frau zu beobachten“. Dieser geile und faszinierende Abend nahm, Gott sei Dank, den verdienten, friedlichen Abschluss. Unsere Gemüter beruhigten sich und wir nahmen uns vor uns nichts vorzunehmen. Wir wollten der Entwicklung vorbehaltlos entgegensehen und einfach schauen wann uns wonach auch immer sein würde. Sollte sich erneut eine Situation in Zukunft ergeben und einer von uns hätte das Verlangen auch mit einem anderen Partner zu ficken, dann würden wir das eben probieren. Wenn nicht, dann nicht. „Ich liebe Dich“, hauchte meine Freundin und küsste mich auf meinen Mund. Dann drückte sie sich an mich und wir schliefen beide ein.Die nächsten Wochen verliefen himmlisch. Wir hatten super geilen und versauten Sex. Ich durfte jetzt regelmäßig in ihrem Mund abspritzen und wir ließen uns beide ziemlich dabei gehen. Ich haute leicht mit den Handflächen auf ihre üppige Titten, kniff in ihre Nippel und riss an ihren Haaren während ich ihren Mund immer wieder über meinen Schwanz zwang. Sie feuerte mich immer mehr an sie schneller zu stoßen und zu ficken. Ich hatte das Gefühl im partnerschaftlichen Sexnirvana angekommen zu sein.Es war erneut ein Samstag als meine Freundin vom Shoppen nachhause kam und sich auf meinen Schoss setzte während ich am PC saß und gerade im Internet surfte. „Du, Schatz, was hältst Du davon, wenn wir heute mal wieder in das Kino fahren“, fing sie direkt an. Ich schaute sie verdutzt an, „In das Pornokino?!“ Sie lächelte nur, „Ja, in das Pornokino, ich hätte Lust!“ Etwas irritiert schaute ich sie an, „Ähhh, ja, klar, aber…..was ist mit Dir denn los?! Bist Du scharf?!“ Wieder lächelte sie nur und stand auf. „Ja, was dagegen?“, und stemmte dabei die Hände in die Hüften und schaute mich gespielt motzend an. Jetzt musste ich auch lachen. „Nein, natürlich nicht, aber man wird doch fragen dürfen! Was hat Dich denn so angespitzt?!“ „Das verrate ich Dir später“, sagte sie und verschwand im Badezimmer, nicht ohne mir noch hinterher zurufen, dass ich mich fertig machen solle.Die Fahrt zum Kino war bereits die reine Qual. Ich war total geil auf meine Süße. Was hatte sie genau vor?! War sie wirklich auch so geil?! Und warum?! Und was wollte sie genau an diesem Abend erleben?! Sie hatte sich herrlich zurecht gemacht, ihre blonden Haare rechts und links zu zwei Zöpfen geflochten, die Beine wieder in ihren geilen Stiefeln, darüber einen kurzen Jeansrock und ein weißes, eigentlich verboten enges Top, das nur die Hälfte ihrer dicken Titten verbarg.An der Kasse empfing uns erneut die uns bereits bekannte Transe, die uns mit einem Lächeln empfing, „Na, das freut mich aber, anscheinend habt Ihr Euch das letzte Mal hier amüsiert, dass ihr wieder kommt“. „Ja“, antworte meine Freundin, „Ich kann nicht klagen“ und lächelte ebenfalls. „Dann wird es heute erst recht gefallen, ist mächtig was los“. Gespannt lösten wir die Tickets und öffneten die Tür zum ersten Kinosaal. Und in der Tat war es bedeutend voller als beim ersten Mal. Überall saßen Pärchen und einzelne Herren und es wurde auch bereits mächtig gefummelt soweit man das sehen konnte. Wir suchten uns zwei Plätze in einer der hinteren Reihen und beobachteten erst einmal genauer unsere Nachbarn nachdem sich unsere Augen an die Dunkelheit gewöhnt hatten. Insgesamt waren an diesem Abend bestimmt 8 Pärchen und bestimmt noch 10 einzelne Männer anwesend. In unserer Reihe saß nur ein weiteres Pärchen, die ich auf unser Alter, Mitte Zwanzig schätzte, und die heftig miteinander knutschten, sowie noch zwei weitere Männer, die abwechselnd zu dem Pärchen und auf die Leinwand blickend bereits ihre Schwänze wichsten. „Mhhhh, ist ja schon ganz schön was los“, flüsterte meine Freundin und knabberte leicht an meinem Ohr. Ich stöhnte leicht, „Und das scheint Dir zu gefallen?!“ „Ohhhhhh ja“, hauchte sie hervor und strich mit ihrer Hand über meinen Schwanz n der Hose. „Scheinst ja ganz schön geil zu sein, zieh Dein Top und Deinen BH aus“, befahl ich ihr. „Und dann hol meinen Schwanz raus und bedien mich“. Lasziv lächelnd folgte meine Freundin meinen Anweisungen. Kaum saß sie oben ohne da öffnete sie meine Hose und holte meine Latte hervor, die sie leicht wichste. Einer der wichsenden Kerle hatte bemerkt, dass es bei uns offensichtlich mehr zu sehen gab, als bei dem anderen Pärchen und setzte sich genau rechts neben meine Freundin. Wichsend grinste er sie an und stierte auf ihre Titten. Meine Freundin wand den Kopf zur Seite und grinste ihn ebenfalls an. Dann packte ich mit einer Hand ihren Hinterkopf und zwang ihren Kopf grob über meinen Schwanz und begann direkt ihren Mund zu ficken. Der andere Kerl lächelte über das ganze Gesicht und wichste hektisch. Nur ein, „Geil“, kam aus seinem Mund.Ich ließ von meiner Freundin ab und sie schnellte nach hinten und rang mit speichelverschmiertem Mund nach Luft. „Du bist schon ein schwanzgeiles Miststück“, sagte ich und walkte dabei ihre schweren Titten zwischen meinen Fingern. Dann zwang ich erneut ihren Hinterkopf mit meiner Hand nach unten, diesmal aber zur Seite in den Schoss ihres Nachbarn. Sofort schluckte sie folgsam den fremden Schwanz zur offensichtlich freudigen Überraschung seines sıhhiye escort Besitzers, der mich mit großen Augen anschaute. Wieder sagte er nur, „Geil“, und übernahm dann den Kopf meiner Freundin mit beiden Händen während ich mich selber wichsend einfach nur zusah. Der Kerl genoss die Behandlung meiner Freundin an seinem Schwanz sehr. Fest drückte er ihren Kopf mit beiden Händen auf seinen Schwanz, der schon in ihrem Hals stecken musste. Ihre nackten Titten rieben dabei über die Sessellehne, die die beiden trennte. „Ohhhh, die geile Fotze lutscht traumhaft“, stöhnte der Kerl hervor. Es turnte mich an, wie er über meine Freundin redete. Das andere Paar und der weitere Kerl in unserer Reihe schauten ebenfalls ganz unverblümt beim BlowJob meiner Freundin zu während sie an sich selber rumspielten. Das Pärchen war sicherlich auch mittlerweile angeturnt aber ich hatte den Eindruck, dass sie sich nicht richtig trauten. Außer heftigem Knutschen und Fummeln über den Klamotten war noch nichts passiert. Nun öffnete der Typ aber selber seine Hose und holten seinen steifen Schwanz hervor. Mit leicht leidigem Blick grinste er seine Begleiterin an. Etwas widerwillig schien es mir glitt auch sie nach unten und schluckte dann aber seine Eichel, die sie zu saugen begann. „Mhhhhh, heiss, die Kleine“, dachte ich mir, „Und echt hübsch“. Sie war kleiner als meine Freundin und auch schmaler, mit dunklem Teint, soweit ich das erkennen konnte, und dunklen langen Haaren. Und sie lutschte geil an dem Schwanz ihres Begleiters. Während ich umher gesehen hatte und mit einer Hand selber meinen Schwanz wichste, griff ich meiner Freundin mit der anderen unter ihren Rock. Natürlich, das geile Stück hatte kein Höschen an und sie war bereits trief nass. Ich fing an ihre Klitoris zu reiben und ein-, zweimal zwei Finger tief in ihrer Möse zu versenken. Sie quittierte dies mit einem lauten Stöhnen und ihr hochroter Kopf kam wieder hoch zu mir. Sie küsste mich nass und glitschig, ich schmeckte den fremden Schwanz auf ihrer Zunge. „Fick mich jetzt“, stöhnte sie mit geschlossenen Augen während sie weiter den Schwanz des Typen nebenan wichste. Nun griff sie mit der anderen Hand auch meinen und wichste ihn hart, „Fick mich jetzt!“, sagte sie erneut. Ich stand auf, stellte mich mit steifem Schwanz vor sie und packte ihre Oberschenkel. An diesen zog ich sie mit ihrer Möse bis an den Rand des Kinosessels, wobei ihr Rock nach oben um ihre Hüfte glitt. Dabei wichste sie stetig den fremden Schwanz nebenan weiter. Dann steckte ich meinen Schwanz in ihr feuchtes, überlaufendes Loch, das ihn direkt tief aufnahm. „Ohhhh ja“, stöhnte meine Süße hervor. Ich fing an sie schnell und rhythmisch zu stoßen und ihr Unterleib kam mir dabei jedes Mal gierig entgegen. Der Typ nebenan hatte mittlerweile angefangen von der Seite ihre Titten zu kneten und genoss seine Handbehandlung, „Jetzt lässt das geile Stück sich hier von Dir auch noch abfüllen“, kommentierte er unseren Fick, „Das junge Möschen würde ich auch gerne ficken!“ „Oh? War es jetzt soweit“ , dachte ich mir. War es das, was sie so heiß gemacht hatte und was sie heute hier suchte?! Wieder beschlich mich ein mulmiges Gefühl, aber gleichzeitig war ich auch geil. „Soll es einfach sein“, dachte ich mir und lächelte meine Freundin an. Sie sah mich an und ich nickte leicht mit dem Kopf zu ihrem Nachbarn. Fast unmerklich schüttelte sie mit dem Kopf. Nein, offensichtlich wollte sie mit diesem Kerl nicht ficken. Diese Frage hatte sich dann kurz darauf sowieso gelöst, denn während ich weiter ihre enge, nasse Möse durchpflügte, kam er unter den Fingern ihrer rechten Hand und verzog sich daraufhin recht schnell. Das Mädel des anderen Pärchens in unserer Reihe hatte sich mittlerweile auf den Schoss ihres Begleiters geschwungen und ritt ihn hingebungsvoll wobei sie sich ebenfalls den Rock zu den Hüften hochgezogen und seinen Schwanz einfach neben den Slip in die Möse geschoben hatte. Wir taten es ihnen gleich und wechselten die Position. Als sich meine Freundin auf meinem Schwanz niederließ, ließ sich eine weitere Gestalt in dem Sessel neben uns nieder. Es war die Transe von der Kasse! Unverblümt grinste sie uns an, „Wow, Du legst hier ja eine ganz schöne Show hin, ich hab Euch eben schon von dahinten zugeschaut und Deine Blaseinlage bewundert!“ Meine Freundin erwiderte lächeln ihr Grinsen und sagte, „Ja, wir haben uns bisher ganz gut amüsiert und ich hatte meinen Spaß!“ „Na, das sieht man! Sitzt Du geile Maus hier nackt auf dem schönen Schwanz Deines Freundes!“, dabei langte sie meiner Freundin an ihre rechte Brust, die daraufhin leicht stöhnte. „Darf ich vielleicht mitspielen?!“, sprach die Transe. Meine Freundin lächelte sie an, „Ja, warum nicht?! Wie……“. Wortlos stellte sich die Transe vor meine Freundin. Mit beiden Händen zog sie ihr Oberteil selber runter und zum Vorschein kamen zwei zweifelsohne gefakte Titten, aber es waren Titten?! „Eine Transe?!“, dachte ich, „Häh?! Mit Titten?!“ Sie nahm die Hände meiner Freundin und legte sie auf ihre Brüste. Dann wanderten ihre eigenen Hände runter zu ihrem Rock, den sie langsam nach oben zog. Und zum Vorschein kam ein Schwanz unter der Strumpfhose! Und zwar von durchaus beachtlichen Ausmaß. Ein kurzer spitzer Schrei des Entzückens kam aus dem Mund meiner Freundin als sie den Schwanz erblickte und ich spürte wie ihre Mösenwände sich fest um meinen Schwanz klammerten. „Das scheint ihr zu gefallen“, dachte ich mir, „Abgefahren!“ Die Transe holte ihren Schwanz raus und stand somit wichsend vor meiner Freundin, die mit ihren Titten spielte und an den Nippeln drehte, während sie mich ritt. „Komm, sei deinem Freund und mir eine geile Gespielin und schluck auch dieses Stück Schwanzfleisch“, flüsterte die Transe wichsend. Und folgsam beugte sich meine Süße nach vorne und schluckte den fremden Transenschwanz wobei sie den Rücken durchdrückte und ihre Möse tief auf meinen Schwanz presste. Oh Gott, war das geil, ich fickte hier vor bestimmt 20 Leuten meine notgeile, heiße Freundin während die den Schwanz einer Transe lutschte. Und der schien das mehr als nur zu gefallen so wie ihr Hinterkopf auf dem Ding hin- und herhüpfte. Die Szenerie war einmal mehr einfach nur geil, wild trieb ich meinen pochenden Schwanz ihr entgegen und rührte damit tief in ihr herum. „Ohhhh, Du machst das so gut, Süße“, presste die Transe mit geschlossenen Augen hervor. Dann blickte sie mich an, formte einen Kussmund mit ihren Lippen und schaute mir über meine Freundin hinweg direkt grinsend in die Augen, „Deine kleine Nutte lutscht traumhaft!“ „Ja“, antwortete ich und fragte ganz unverblümt, „Willst Du sie ficken?!“ Die Transe grinste mich nur an, meine Freundin kam wieder nach oben, lehnte sich zurück mit seitlichem Kopf und lächelte nur. Ich sagte, „Komm, dreh Dich um“. Sie stand auf von mir und drehte sich mit dem Hintern zu der Transe, die schnell ein Kondom hervorzauberte. Sofort zwang ich den Mund meiner Freundin wieder über meinen subayevleri escort Schwanz und beobachtete weiter. Die Transe rollte den Gummi über ihren Schwanz und drang zwischen die Pobacken meiner Freundin. Mit einer Hand drückte sie von oben auf ihren Schwanz und schon schlüpfte er in die Möse meiner Süßen. Da war es geschehen. Ich saß gerade in einem Pornokino mit heruntergelassenen Hosen und meine echt süße und hübsche Freundin stand vor mir praktisch nackt, lutschte meinen Schwanz und wurde gerade von einer Transe in ihre Fotze gevögelt. Und die beiden „Weiber“ ließen sich nicht lange bitten sondern fingen schnell an heftig zu ficken und stöhnten dabei beide laut. Ich betrachtete von oben das Gesicht meiner Freundin, die mit geschlossenen Augen und offenen Mund meinen Schwanz empfangend fortwährend lüstern stöhnte. „Du kleine Sau“, sagte ich, grabschte nach ihren Titten und kniff bei beiden fest in ihr Fleisch, „Du bist wirklich eine Nutte und lässt Dich hier ficken!“ Ich war total aufgegeilt durch die Nummer. „Lutscht schön meinen Schwanz während Du abgefickt wirst!“, „Jaaaa“, stöhnte meine Freundin schmatzend hervor. „Du kleine Nutte, ich lass Dich hier der Reihe nach von allen Kerlen ficken, weil Du so notgeil bist“, herrschte ich sie an was sie mit einem lauten Stöhnen beantwortete. Rechts und links von uns hatten sich mittlerweile einige Zuschauer positioniert die sich das Schauspiel aus der Nähe betrachten wollten. Ich winkte den Erstbesten heran. Das war ein nicht wirklich ansehnlicher, untersetzter Endvierziger mit lichtem Haar und dickem Bauch der seinen Schwanz wichste. Ich stand auf und ließ ihn sich auf meinen Sessel setzen. „Blas ihn“, befahl ich meiner Freundin. Ich glaube, sie hat sich den Kerl unter den Stößen der Transe nicht einmal angeschaut, aber sie schluckte den fremden Pimmel augenblicklich. Geil, jetzt schien es waren alle Dämme gebrochen. Ich stand in einer Gruppe wichsender Kerle während zwei fremde Schwänze meine Freundin in Mund und Möse fickten. Und sie genoss es, das war ihr deutlich anzusehen. Der fette Kerl fingerte grob an ihren Titten während sie ihn blies. Kaum hatte sich die Transe unter heftigen Stößen und lautem Gestöhne in meine Freundin ergossen und von ihr abgelassen war schon der nächste der umstehenden Herren hinter ihr und stieß seinen Schwanz von hinten in sie. „Jetzt ist sie wirklich das Fickluder für den ganzen Laden hier“, dachte ich mir. Es klingt komisch aber irgendwie schwang ein kleines bisschen Stolz bei diesen Gedanken in diesem Moment mit. Und pure Geilheit natürlich. Meine Freundin hatte gar keine große Regung erkennen lassen als ihre Fickpartner gewechselt hatten außer das sie sich jetzt wieder dem fickenden Schwanz entgegendrückte und gierig den anderen tief schluckte. Während ich so wichsend dastand und meine Freundin betrachtete kam die Transe auf mich zu und mit den Worten „Na, da kann ich mich für den geilen Fick mit Deiner kleinen Nutte ja vielleicht erkenntlich zeigen“, ging sie vor mir auf die Knie und fing an meinen Schwanz mit ihrer Zunge zu bearbeiten. Wahnsinn, ich habe eigentlich gar keine bisexuellen Neigungen aber so von oben betrachtet mit den falschen Silikontitten sah das ganze ja fast wie eine Frau aus, 😉 Wäre da nicht der noch im Kondom steckende mittlerweile half schlaffe Schwanz zwischen ihren Beinen gewesen der noch eben meine Freundin gefickt hatte. Aber das war mir egal, sie beherrschte ihr Handwerk wunderbar und ließ meinen Schwanz tief in ihren Rachen fahren. Mittlerweile hatte sich der fette Kerl im Mund meiner Freundin erleichtert. Rechts und links lief ihr sein Saft zwischen den Lippen hervor während sie ihn weiter lutschte. Der Kerl hinter ihr stöhnte auf, zog sein Schwanz aus ihrer Möse, rollte dabei den Gummi ab und spritzte heftig auf ihren Rücken und Hintern. Als er fertig war verschmierte er sein Sperma mit der Eichel auf ihren Pobacken und ihrem Arschloch. Und direkt waren wieder zwei Kerle zur Stelle. Der hinter ihr drang sofort heftig ein und fing an sie feste zu ficken. Unnachgiebig trieb er seinen Schwanz in ihr Loch und stieß fest zu. Meine Freundin schrie laut auf aber schluckte folgsam den vor ihr präsentierten Schwanz eines älteren Südländers der den Platz des fetten Kerls eingenommen hatte. Der Typ hinter ihr hämmerte echt wie ein Wahnsinniger in das weiche Fleisch ihrer offenen Möse. Dabei ließ er seine rechte Hand auf ihre Pobacken niederfahren und slappte ihren Arsch, „Du geile Sau, jetzt ficke ich dein dreckiges Fötzchen!“ Jetzt erkannte ich den Kerl plötzlich, das war der erste Typ von unserem Besuch im Kino gewesen, Mr. „Vielleicht später“! Da hatte er seinen Spruch wirklich wahr gemacht und die Gunst der Stunde genutzt und sie jetzt tatsächlich gefickt. Und wie er sie fickte. In einer irren Geschwindigkeit rammelte er in sie hinein, ich dachte, sie müssen bald Feuer fangen. Aber meine Süße genoss diese harte Behandlung nach wie vor. Ob sie überhaupt bemerkt hatte, wer sie da bumste?! Letztendlich konnte ich der ganzen Szenerie die sich mir bot und der stetigen Zungenmassage meiner Gespielin nicht länger widerstehen und spritzte in den mir angebotenen Mund. Mit einem herben Kuss auf meinen eigenen Mund verabschiedete sich die Transe mit den Worten, sie müsse noch arbeiten und verließ den Kinosaal. Nun sah ich wie der Kerl meine Freundin herumriss, seinen Schwanz noch mit Gummi ihr direkt in den Mund stieß, diesen dann aber hektisch herab zerrte und in ihrem Mund abspritzte. „Jaaaa, schön, schluck schön meine Wichse, hab ich es doch gewusst, dass Du eine Hure bist als ich Dich gesehen habe. Und nun habe ich doch Deine Fotze gefickt“, sprach er und begutachte sein Werk von oben fies lächelnd. Noch bevor meine Freundin reagieren konnte spritze der Südländer ab und der andere Kerl zwang meine Freundin mit dem Kopf über den zweiten, zuckenden Schwanz, „Los, den schluckst Du jetzt auch noch, Fotze!“. Würgend gab meine Freundin nach und ließ den Kerl sich erleichtern. Dann war es mir zuviel. Ich ging auf meine Freundin zu, drängte die anderen Typen zur Seite, den augenblicklich war bereits der nächste schon wieder da, der meine im Sessel liegende, völlig verschmierte, erschöpfte Freundin direkt ficken wollte und seinen steifen Schwanz zwischen ihren Beinen rieb. „So schon gar nicht, Freund“, sagte ich. „Ich dachte die kleine Nutte lässt sich vielleicht überall besamen aber darf ich sie mit Gummi ficken?!“, entgegnete der Kerl. Ich funkelte ihn finster an, „Ne, es reicht jetzt, wir gehen!“, ich half meiner Freundin auf, sie sah echt hart aus. Die Haare total zerzaust, knallrote Backen und überall klebte Sperma, im Gesicht, auf ihren Titten, ihrem Bauch und Rücken, ihrem Arsch, zwischen den Beinen. Ihre Möse klaffte soweit offen wie ich sie noch nie zuvor gesehen hatte. Ihre Schamlippen hingen wie dicke Lappen weit auseinander herunter. Während dem Ficken hatte wohl der ein oder andere Typ mit den Fingern in ihrem Hintern herumfuhrwerkt, denn auch ihr Arschloch war dick geschwollen und rot. Ich half ihr sich halbwegs anzuziehen und zügig verließen wir das Kino, sie auf sehr wackeligen Beinen. Kaum saßen wir im Auto fragte ich sie, „Was zum Teufel hat Dich denn heute Nachmittag so geil gemacht, dass wir einen solchen Abend erlebt haben?!“

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Urlaub Zu Zweit (Teil 5)

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Urlaub Zu Zweit (Teil 5)Zur Zeit sind Ferien und viele fliegen – egal ob als Familie, als Single, als Clique, oder als Paar in den (hoffentlich) sonnig-warmen Süden. Bei einer früheren Freundin und mir war es mal ähnlich, wie in dieser Story. Das eine könnte passiert sein, das andere ist aus meiner Fantasie. Die Namen in dieser Geschichte sind zufällig und spontan von mir gewählt ! Übereinstimmungen mit realen Personen sind Zufall und KEINE Absicht ! Sie nenne ich hier Moni, Miri und ihn Manny ! TEIL 5 Ein heisser Morgen Die Sonne schien in unser Zimmer als ich gegen halb acht wach wurde. Nein, ich wurde nicht einfach so geweckt – was mich weckte war ihr Mund mit dem sie hingebungsvoll und mit viel Gefühl meinen Penis liebkoste. Ich blinzelte kazan escort mit einem Auge sodass sie nicht merken sollte, dass ich wach war. Erst nach einigen Minuten begann ich leise zu stöhnen, dann bekam ich einen heissen Morgenkuss von ihr. “Guten Morgen mein Süsser !” säuselte sie mir ins Ohr: “Ob du’s glaubst oder nicht, aber ich bin schon wieder dermassen scharf auf dich, dass es schärfer garnicht geht ! Meine Pussy läuft über, die braucht ganz dringend erst deine Zunge und danach deinen harten Knüppel !” Noch leicht verschlafen gab ich zur Antwort: “Was, deine Pflaume will geleckt werden, so früh schon ?” “Ja bitte, wir haben doch Urlaub und da sollten wir jeden Moment auskosten ! Du leckst meine Pussy keçiören escort und ich verwöhne deinen Freudenspender !” “Na gut, du scharfes Luder, du weisst ja, dass ich nicht genug von dir bekomme, also her mit deiner Pussy !” So begannen wir den Tag auf 69er-Art. Abwechselnd leckte und fingerte ich sie, während sie mich wichste und lutschte. Bald war ihr das nicht mehr genug und sie wollte richtig gevögelt werden. Die Balkontüre hatten wir offen gelassen und als wir uns langsam umdrehten hörten wir spitze Lustschreie aus dem Zimmer neben uns. Das machte uns noch geiler, als wir ohnehin schon waren. Kaum war ich in ihr, rief die weibliche Stimme nebenan “Jaa, jetzt kommts !” und schon, ohne dass ich ankara escort es wollte, spritzte ich meine Sahne in mehreren Schüben tief in Monis Loch. Ich war eben doch noch nicht richtig wach….. “Verdammt !” entfuhr es mir “Das ist mir noch nie passiert !” Sie küsste mich zärtlich und meinte tröstend: “Ist doch nicht schlimm, Schatz, fick weiter, ich hab dich doch lieb !” So tat ich mein bestes, mein Schwanz blieb wirklich hart und ich bumste weiter bis sie laut stöhnend zu einem Orgasmus kam, wie ich ihn von ihr nur selten erlebt hatte: Ihre Fut krallte sich geradezu um meinen Stab, vibrierte wie noch nie, ihre Beine waren um meinen Rücken geschlungen, sie wimmerte laut als wir uns küssten und nachdem ich ihr eine weitere Ladung verpasst hatte ächzte sie: “Mein Gott, war das irre, so intensiv bin ich noch nie gekommen !” Langsam liessen wir voneinander ab, und ruhten uns aus. Dann gingen wir nacheinander alleine ins Bad, zogen uns an und gingen ausgiebig frühstücken. Dann holten wir noch den offiziellen Check In nach.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

You Can’t Be Me I’m A Rock Star

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


I didn’t know he was a rock star when he picked me up in the club. I mean, I didn’t go out looking to be fucked by a rock star, the idea didn’t occur to me. But I suppose the idea of being fucked by someone did, or maybe I wouldn’t have worn my best underwear, taken so long with my hair and make-up.

I was new in Los Angeles and lonely and it was my room-mate’s idea to take me to this famous club that she said all the rock stars hung out at. I had agreed, thinking to myself that no rock star would ever look at me anyway, I wasn’t blonde, I wasn’t tanned and I wasn’t a D cup. Instead I was short, pale as death, raven-haired and considered my ass and hips too generous, my tits average, although some had appreciated them. The best I could hope for was Joe average as usual, but there was no harm in ogling some famous people along the way.

Predictably, when we got to the club, Anna was gone within 20 minutes and I was left alone in the dark, smoky room, the music deafening, the bass heavy and sensual. I stood on the edge of the dance floor watching hordes of sweaty bodies in a mosh-pit, drinking fast, thinking about tackling the queue at the bar. When I looked over there, I saw a man watching me.

I looked away quickly without bothering to see what he looked like. I wasn’t really in the mood any more, I felt deflated. No one had looked at me all night, I had been abandoned, I was starting to think about snuggling up with my cat when I got home. But I felt his eyes remaining on me, so I looked back in irritation, intending to warn him off.

He stood under the lights by the bar so I had a good view. He was short and thin, a black T-shirt moulded to a lean torso and flat belly, black jeans fastened with a wickedly-studded belt. His hair was dark brown, parted in the middle and just skimming his shoulders. His face was dominated by foreign-looking eyes which looked black as coal at this distance, huge and wide, intense and unblinking. I felt my heart start to increase its work. My gaze swept the rest of his face. His skin was pale for California. He was clean-shaven save for an odd beard which stuck out stiffly from his chin in two long prongs. I should have known then he was a rock star, but the idea never occurred to me. His features were fine, almost delicate, his mouth small, pert and pink, like a rose-bud. He appeared to be the same age as I. I was once again drawn back to his eyes. Then he smiled very slowly at me and turned away towards the bar.

I was left almost gasping, as though he had had his hands on me and removed them suddenly, leaving me desperate for more. He was talking to a woman now, a tall red-head. I felt stupid. He had been flirting that was all, just window-shopping. He was probably with his wife. The intensity of his eyes had left me feeling appreciated though at last and I smiled inwardly at the favour he had done my ego. I could go home now and remember the way the man with the awesome eyes had looked at me like I was someone special.

I put my empty glass on a nearby table and made my way through a heavy black door to the toilets. I passed by the man at the bar, but his face was still turned away from me. I used the toilet,looked at my make-up critically in the mirror. I would smile at him on the way back, I thought to myself, it was the least I owed him for making me feel warm inside. I pushed open the ladies’door, stepping out into the etimesgut escort corridor leading back to the club. The music was muffled here, the bass still resounding.

I sensed a silent presence behind me before a cold hand closed firmly and tightly around my wrist. I whirled around in sudden fear, struggling fiercely, my other fist raised to defend myself. Behind me was the man from the bar. My mouth opened in shock but before I could speak, he turned and walked away, his grip on me still tight, dragging me behind him. I allowed him to do it, despite my fear of him. He pushed open the fire door at the end of the corridor and pulled me into a narrow alleyway, dark save for one lamp mounted on the wall. It was under this circle of light that he drew me, pushing me against the wall, his hands on either side of me.

I saw his face close-up for the first time. He really was stunning, my vision across the dark room had not deceived me. His eyes were like nothing I had ever seen before, so huge, so dark and mysterious. His expression was solemn, serious, the intent in his eyes clear and I was a little frightened. I told myself he was barely 3 inches taller than me and slightly built, I did not need to fear him, but it didn’t really work. I was intimidated by his sheer sexual attractiveness, by the fact that I had never found a man like him attractive before, a man whose hair was long and flowing while mine was cropped short like a boy’s, a man who wasn’t 6 feet 3 with huge muscles, a man who had dragged me outside and made it clear with no words what he was going to do to me. Oh yes, I was loving it. The evening had suddenly taken a turn for the better.

His scent was overwhelming me. He smelled so clean. Of aftershave, hair-gel and soap and something less definable – arousal. I longed to press my face into his body and smell his cleanness for myself.

The longer he stood there deliberately scaring me with those eyes, the more my legs started to shake and the damper I felt. He pressed very slowly against me then, watching the reaction on my face as his hard cock nudged me.

I caught my breath in a stifled gasp and as my lips parted involuntarily, he swooped down on them, covering them with his own, his hand grasping the back of my neck. His mouth was so hot and so soft. I had never been kissed like this, ever. My mouth opened further to him to admit his tongue and I met it with my own. I felt his further arousal in the way he held me tighter, kissed me deeper, took panting breaths. If I’d thought I was on the edge, he was at fever-pitch. I was almost awed at what I was doing to him with just a kiss.

He yanked my T-shirt up suddenly and pushed up my lace bra so my breasts spilled free to him and he cupped them firmly in both hands, his thumbs moving across my already hard nipples. I moaned against his mouth and he shifted his lips suddenly to my left breast, fondling the other while he sucked at my nipple.

I felt another rush of wetness soaking my pants. I slid both hands up his T-shirt, lifting it to look at and feel his body. His chest was nice, his nipples tiny and sensitive I found, as I rubbed them gently. A line of hair started at his belly, bisecting it and disappearing below the low waistline of his pants as though showing me the way. With trembling hands I began to open the studded belt. To my surprise, he put his hands etlik escort on mine and moved them away, then he started to undo my pants. I put my head back against the wall, throbbing with anticipation of his touch.

He dragged my pants down off my hips, exposing the tiny thong I wore that evening and found my clitoris with one finger through the damp material. I gasped and jerked against him instantly. I saw a smile cross his face briefly showing a hint of white teeth and then he hooked the thong aside and thrust a finger instantly inside me. I clutched at his biceps moaning. They were tense and hard under my hands. He inserted another finger and rubbed my clit with his thumb. His other hand was on my bare ass, squeezing and stroking.

I was going wild. I could not remember ever being aroused this fast and this easily before. He was effortless in his ability to control me. I knew any moment he would make me come and I preferred not to let it happen until he’d fucked me. I held back, groaning under his relentless stroking and probing, biting my lip hard. He removed his hand suddenly as though he knew and I saw him glance down at my pants around my ankles, as though trying to work out how best to fuck someone with jeans on.

He dropped to his knees suddenly and began to unlace one trainer. I almost giggled at the ridiculousness of the situation. He pulled off my shoe and then began to manoeuvre my leg out of my jeans and then my thong, leaving them trailing around the other ankle. As he did so, he pressed his mouth to my inner thigh, dangerously close to my aching pussy so I had to stop myself forcing his head up.

He stood up swiftly and began to unbuckle his pants in the sexiest way I had ever seen before, his eyes firmly on mine, his pink tongue flicking out to moisten his lips in an oddly nervous gesture. He pushed his pants down, followed by his boxers and his cock sprang free.

Oh, I was not disappointed. Smooth and thick, circumcised and long, it was a work of art. As I reached out to touch him, he grasped me firmly in both arms and lifted me, sliding me up the wall so the rough concrete scraped my ass. I put my arms around his neck, hanging on tightly. Without further ado, he rammed his cock into me.

I almost screamed with pleasure. He started to thrust hard and fast. I looked into his face. It shone with sweat at the effort of fucking and holding me up. His cheeks and neck were suffused with blood, his long thick lashes lowered over his beautiful eyes. I pressed my mouth suddenly to his and I heard him groan, the first sound he had yet uttered. He devoured my mouth and fucked me harder so I was almost insensible with pleasure. I slid one hand under his T-shirt, up his back, scratching at him uncontrollably. I knew he would not last much longer, he had probably been holding back since he first entered me, but I didn’t mind how long he lasted, he had already scored his points with me.

I felt him stiffen all over. His mouth slid down into the hollow of my neck and I knew his teeth scraped my skin hard enough to leave a mark. He shuddered violently and gave a low hiss of feral pleasure. It was all over.

He was still for a moment and then very slowly he lowered me to the ground. I watched him do up his pants. I watched how he panted for breath and knelt, putting my foot back into my clothes and casting his eyes around ankara escort as though in a daze for my trainer and pushing my foot back into it. I looked down at him in sheer amazement and frustration that this was really it. He was dressing me again after bringing me to the edge, satisfying himself and leaving me there. I felt tears of disappointment pricking my eyes as he pulled up my pants.

But he only pulled them to my mid-thighs and he remained kneeling, looking up at me. He ran his hands very slowly up my inner thighs and smiled at me, a smile loaded with as much promise as before he had fucked me.

My heart soared. He hadn’t finished with me after all. He shuffled closer to me and slowly spread open my lips to him with his fingers, exposing my clitoris, which he closed his lips on and sucked. I moaned and clasped his head, running my fingers through his silky hair. Then he slowly licked me, his tongue darting inside me and back up to my clit.

Very soon, he sensed I could take no more teasing and decided to put me out of my agony. He began to lick my clit as fast as he was able, working two fingers inside me as he did. I clutched at his shoulders with both hands, my nails digging in, moaning and gasping loudly. The orgasm hit me with a force which almost took me off my feet, were it not for this man holding me upright firmly. I bucked and writhed under his mouth violently, crying out loudly, but he kept his mouth doggedly on me until the last waves died away what felt like hours later.

I remained still, my head back against the wall for a long time, feeling confused, catatonic, like my limbs were submerged in water. My mystery fuck was dressing me again, doing my pants up, manoeuvring my breasts back into my bra. So considerate I thought, beginning to come round and finding to my dismay, my face streaked with tears.

He looked at me, his eyes still intent and kissed me softly, his mouth no less full of desire for me than it was previously. Smiling gently, he wiped my cheeks dry. Then he took my hand and led me back through the fire exit. As we passed the toilet, Anna came out. She opened her mouth to speak, then she saw my partner and her jaw almost hit the floor. She glanced back at the fire door, then at him again. Then she whispered to me loudly: “You fucked Daron?”

I frowned at her. “What?” I asked. “You know him?” I glanced at him. He seemed to be trying to melt into the shadows behind me.

Anna giggled drunkenly. “You’re unbelievable,” she said, “you’re the most naive groupie ever.”

He spoke suddenly, his voice a deep Californian drawl. “She’s not a groupie.” His tone was cold as ice, his eyes flashed fire in the darkness.

“Right. You rock-stars are all the same,” she snapped back, glaring at him, “you wouldn’t know a meaningful screw if it bit you on the ass.”

I stared at her, then at him. Was he a bone fide rock star? I wondered, now in awe of him. If so, where were all his tattoos and piercings? His hand tightened on mine and without another word, he pulled me away from Anna and back into the club. I thought I heard her shout abuse after him as we plunged back into the music and moshing.

I ran to keep up with him. His fingers were crushing mine, his jaw tense and pulsing. We were outside again in the balmy night air. He flagged down a taxi, held open the door for me. For a moment our eyes met. Slowly he smiled, his eyes softening to melted chocolate. I got in the taxi. He got in beside me, gave the driver an address in the hills and then took me in his arms. I slept there all the way to his house.

That was the time I fucked a rock star without a single word passing between us.


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You Ask What I Want

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We laid entwined on the couch talking and teasing. Exploring still after all these years. You asked me what I want, and my response was a mere shrug because I couldn’t put it into words, but I’ve given it thought- a lot of thought.

You want to know what would make me become liquid, malleable, incoherent, then exhausted? I want you to love all of me, make love to my whole person- my entire being, tease me, make me shudder with anticipation.

Anticipating the warm breath on the back of my neck turning into the slickness of a tonguetip- that the gentle hand on the small of my back might stroke the length of my spine, making me purr and lengthen like a cat. Make me exhale all tension away, embrace relaxation and the love you give.

I want to feel your lotion-slicked hands stroking the long muscles of my calves, your thumbs massaging the smooth sensitive, forgotten flesh at the backs of my knees. Your tongue to fill the hollow below my ankle bone. Notice the way my toes curl. Smile and see that the gentle flexing of my thighs serves almost imperceptibly to part my legs. Know that the sweetness between my thighs is beginning to yearn for its own caress- but don’t, not yet. Tease me.

Knead and spoil the strength of my thighs. Glide your fingertips over the soft smooth skin that leads to my slickening. I want to feel your yenidoğan escort work-worn hands soften in love as they pass slowly over my taut ass, and the warmth of your kisses in the hollow where back meets buttocks. The small dimples there. Your tongue will flick hotly at the cleft, your breath fiery. My hands will clutch at the sheets and my breath become ragged, my relaxed muscles reveling in a new tension. The stillness of me will end. My hips will begin to roll, begging for the touch you withhold. My mound thrusting softly into our bed as your hands glide over my ribs, touching, barely touching the sides of my breasts.

I want to feel your tongue, liquid heat between my tensed fingers that work the sheets cruelly. Fists that draw the duvet towards my mouth to muffle my groans, conceal the effect that you are having. You should chuckle, knowing that you’ve got me, knowing I’ll beg.

I’ll beg for it. Beg for your quick fingers to linger as they pass over the stiff tendons in the back of my neck. Linger long enough to be caught in my mouth as they trace the pout of my wanting lips, then my jaw.

I’ll turn over in a flurry of unruly curls and grasping hands, dangerous with desire. My legs will part, also begging, my swollen pussy longing for relief, but you’ll not offer any. You’ll make yenikent escort my thighs clench and thrust, pleading.

I want your nose smoothly tracing the curve that is the underside of my breast, followed by the slow caress of your lips. My hard pink nipples yearning, your firm pinch will make me mewl and torture your back in a frustrated grip. Make me want more.

The muscles in my belly quiver in response to your teasing. My smooth pubis arching upwards to reach the caress it needs. My thighs will be wet, embarrassingly wet, and you’ll smile as you touch only the spilled slickness but not the source.

I want you to inhale the scent of me, to see the urgent need apparent in the swollen openness of my sex. My pussy will glisten wetly in the candlelight. I want you to hear me moan and murmur… please… breathless… touch me. Make me beg and I will.

My lips, slick as sealskin, fat with need, will absorb the electric shock of your lightest touch. Are you indeed touching me or is it my need fooling me, manifesting itself on my flesh? Quivering, contracting muscles spill more wetness, filling my cleft and seeping onto our bed beneath my writhing ass. I want your touch to grow firmer. Your other hand will direct my legs still wider apart. I want to be open, vulnerable, and yours.

Your yenimahalle escort dextrous hands stroke my soft thighs and move slowly to their torrid juncture. Gently you’ll stroke the slick lips, massaging the tender flesh upwards. Your thumb will slide through my hot juices as it moves closer to my throbbing yet untouched clit, and I will convulse and cry out. The slowest of strokes are the sweetest of torture. I will feel it already, deep within my body, the power and electricity of orgasm. I will feel your eyes on me as my breathing quickens and my own hands grasp desperately my breasts and erect nipples.

I need to feel two of your gentle fingers stroking the length of my clit. The tips dipping into the heat of my cunt. I hear the soft, sexy slurp of it, and your whispers of approval and beauty, urging me to wait and enjoy, as you enjoy my agony. You will taste the sweetness of my pussy with the tip of your tongue while it rhythmically circles and explores my inner lips. I want you to hear me moan through clenched teeth, see the arching of my back as you drive me closer, closer.

The penetration of your two thick fingers will be too much for me. Sliding into my hot, wanting pussy will make the explosion happen. The beautiful tension in my abdomen released, flung to the outermost reaches of my body. My toes curl, my hands grasping wickedly at your body. Make my cunt clench, crushing your fingers as they drive fiercely into my depths. I desire you to feel the gush and heat of my passion, my surrender to you. I want you to hear me scream, then whimper with your tongue tenderly fucking me.

You asked me what I wanted.

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You never know Ch. 01

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I was visiting my old friend Susie for a couple of months, combining a brief overseas business visit with a much needed longer holiday. She has an 8 year old son, which I have been spending lots of time with these weeks. Me and the kid get on really well.

Still, I was a bit apprehensive when Susie asked me to take him to the dentist one day, since she had a doctor appointment at the same time as his dentist one. When I was a kid the dentist was a scary place to go to. Painful. Threatening. But the kid didn’t seem to mind. He was happy about a chance to go to town, and not at all afraid of pain.

So we head for the dentist. It’s located in a large office building. The corridor on the 3rd floor has signs for lawyers, therapists and the like. Plus a small private dental clinic. We enter the minimalist reception which has only two cushioned benches for the waiting patients. The girl at the reception is about 20 years old and clearly overweight. As most people in this country, unfortunately. I have totally the wrong taste in women for South America. But I know this since long time. She prepares all the paperwork, and tells us the dentist will be free in about 15 minutes, and that the work should take about 20 minutes. The kid was here for a check-up two days ago, and today’s appointment was scheduled to remove one caries that they found then.

My usual habit when I’m in “boring waiting” situations is to indulge in sexy fantasies about the women around. But today there are no suitable subjects. So I settle down with the kid, playing some games and in general having fun. A couple of women keep passing between the reception and the two treatment rooms, one on this side where the reception is, and one on the other side of the corridor. I really can’t tell if they are dentists or nurses. About my age, but overweight and unattractive as usual. I focus on playing with the kid.

The entrance door opens, and a woman that is clearly a nurse enters. Now suddenly life becomes more interesting. Yes, she is pretty. But it’s not only that that catches my attention. It’s the way she moves. She moves with a deliberate grace that is totally enchanting. Every movement seems calculated, with smooth and soft control. She walks up to the receptionist and looks at some paperwork. I totally loose focus of the game I’m playing with the kid as I watch her beautiful hand turn the pages. They look so soft. Long fingers. Immaculate nails, short and clean with clear polish. Light chocolate brown skin. Her posture is pensive, back slightly arched, head a bit tilted to the side, and the other hand on her hip. A hint of a smile plays on her lips as she lifts her gaze to me and the kid for a few seconds.

I have to make an effort not to check her out too obviously as she passes me and leaves the reception again. But I do check her out of course. I have to discount the hair, because it doesn’t look so sexy in the compulsory nurses hair net. But I’m sure she has a nice haircut underneath that. Can’t really guess which style, though.

She’s dressed all in white. On top she has a knee length nurses coat. I wonder if that is the clinics standard issue, or if it’s a coat she’s picked out herself. I guess the latter. The coats manages a really fine balance between staying very correct and modest, and being totally sexy. Well, I guess the reason it is sexy is that she is sexy, and the coat kind of allows that to shine through. It’s neither tight nor loose. It just sits very right on her figure, showing it off pretty well without even getting close to being improper. The arms are short, and a little puffed. But only very little. The coats collar is a little low, showing her neck that looks very kissable. But the cotton top that she wears under the coat is not low cut, so the end result is still completely proper. And finally a pair of white slacks are complemented by low suede shoes in off-white with some turquoise pearl trimmings.

Her hips are rather narrow, especially if you compare with the average size of the women in this city. As she walks out the reception door I can easily see myself doing nice things to that slim behind. When she has left I wonder how old she was. Kind of hard to estimate. She looked really young, but you have to be about 20 or 21 to be a dentists nurse. At least. Maybe I was fooled by the perky look of her breasts. However, that could be the work of some clever bra. Hard to tell under the coat. Too young for me, my intellectual self tells me. Still, she left me with a warm tingle in my stomach.

I go back to playing with the kid for a few minutes, and then the dentist arrives. He asks us to step over to the other treatment room that’s located across the corridor. The beautiful nurse is there waiting for us. A very pleasant surprise. I think I will enjoy this visit to the dentist more than I thought.

The dentist and his nurse goes to work taking some X-rays of the little guys teeth. She is still working with an çankaya escort exquisite grace. Handling the dentist the films, taking care of them and developing them. And, more importantly, smiling a nice shy smile as she shows me out of and back in to the room a few times, to avoid X-ray exposure. I smile back, and keep eye contact as long as I can, while watching her closely. Yeah. I think she is noticing that I am noticing her.

I chat a little with the dentist as the nurse gets busy developing the X-rays in the next room. She reappears. Carefully, almost lovingly drying the last drops of development fluid from the films. After studying them for a few moments the dentists points out a few things to me. A couple of the permanent teeth are risking growing out at bad angles due to the remaining baby teeth. He would like to remove two of the baby ones. A slightly longer operation than what was previewed. At this point in time, I don’t mind at all. So I tell him to go for it.

They get to work with the local anesthetic. The kid is totally cool, fortunately. He seems to trust the dentist fine. Even when I tell him that the injection will hurt a bit he just says “OK, cool.”

It’s a joy to watch her work. I lean against the wall just behind the dentists chair, so in fact neither he nor the kid can see me. But she is facing me as she prepares injectors and other things on the small table in front of the dentist. I savor every hand movement, every turn of the head and every moving wrinkle of her coat. She is working very deliberately and professionally now. Not paying any attention to me.

As the operation of cutting out two teeth moves into the cutting phase there is less work for her in preparing things, so she takes a step back and stands still, putting her hands in the pockets of her coat to watch the dentist work.

This is when I catch her looking at me for the first time. She immediately looks back to the dentists work. But I already feel a boundary has been crossed. I know she will look back. I just need to give her the right response. I don’t want to come across as a too flirty. I just want her to realize that I appreciate her.

I am right. After rearranging some tools on the table, she again steps back to put her hands in her pocket. Not more than 10 seconds later she shoots me another look. This time I hold her gaze, and gives her a small appreciative smile. This produces a hint of a flush on her face, and she lowers her gaze to the floor for a bit. Most seductive. I wonder if she is aware, or just does it naturally.

A while later some machinery needs attention on the other side of the chair, so she needs to pass me. As she does, I clearly and respectfully get out of the way. Which doesn’t stop me from checking her out thoroughly, of course. I still can’t figure if those small firm breasts are real or just a bra. But what a super sexy body she has, anyway.

Work goes on, and she returns to her monitoring position. I feel the need to make some kind of decision. Either I leave it like this, just spend the time of the operation to watch and appreciate her. Or I make some slightly bolder move. I really can’t make up my mind. I decide to just go with the flow and see what happens.

A few minutes later she is back in her observation position, and shoots me another look, this time longer and more relaxed. I jump at the opportunity. I make a small sign, grip my own shirt to show, point at her coat and make the classic thumb-to-longfinger-plus-lips-form-kiss gesture that means “very nice.” I am rewarded by a bigger and warmer smile this time. I assume a kind of waiting posture, leaning against the wall.

The next time she comes around my side of the chair, she stops, one hand on the backrest of the chair, overlooking the dentists shoulder. This would be a totally natural position for a nurse who is eager to follow the proceedings, but I am hoping she has other motives for this move. She is now only half a meter in front of me, slightly bent forward as she studies the operation. Myself, I am studying her well shaped behind as the coat gets pulled a bit tighter over it. Easy now, I think to myself. Don’t rush it. After a while she needs to fetch and arrange some more things on the table, but when done, she comes back to stand in front of me with one hand on the operating chairs backrest. Only this time there is no bending over to see whats going on in the little guys mouth.

This is it, it’s time to break the physical touch barrier. At first I really don’t know how to go about it. What if she gets upset? But as I watch the side of her neck, I see a small vein that runs very close to the skin. It is visibly pulsing with her heart beat. A beat that seems quite a bit too fast for a relaxed day at work. It must be. This girl is teasing me, and it’s exciting her. I move closer, slowly. Very carefully leaning a bit forward, so that if she jumps I can pretend to be interested çayyolu escort in watching the operation too, over her shoulder. My chest first makes light contact with her back. She doesn’t move. She must be feeling this. I allow the touch to become a bit more firm. Now she reacts. Oh God. She moves, ever so little, but still, very clearly she moves a bit closer to me, so that more of our bodies come into contact.

I stand still for a while. Now I am having quite a pulse too. And a very noticeable hard-on. Can’t let that show just yet. But my hormones are making me bold. I move a bit to her side, so that I can peek over her shoulder. This way I can give here a smile at the same time as I lean forward to pretend to look at the operation. But what I really focus on is gently gripping the sides of her arms and softly running my fingers up them. She doesn’t seem to mind this position. We stand like lovers watching over a sleeping child or a pet, me slightly behind her, holding her arms by the shoulders. We are still behind the chair, so neither the dentist or the kid can see us. Time to move forward. I remain in the watching position, but I let my grip of her arms ease, so that I can softly run my fingers up and down her arms.

I can see the small vein in her neck pulsing even quicker now. Her pulse is echoed in my own. Shit, we are close to making out now. Behind the dentists back. This is so sexy. But just I think this, she realizes that there is some work to do too, and slips out of my grip to fetch some chemicals and lay them out on the table. I remain leaning against the wall behind the chair, watching her, now with a little smile playing permanently on my lips. I was expecting her to return to my side after she is done with this bit of work, but instead she backs up to her favorite standby position, on the other side of the table, facing me.

But this time she has less focus on the operation. She watches me, with her head slightly bent down, and her hands in the pockets of the coat. I flash her a big smile, and get a slightly smaller back. But she stays there, just watching me. I can’t tell what’s going through her mind. I’m not looking all that bad. I’m quite fit for my age, and nicely tanned after many months of working out in the sun. I hope she likes what she sees.

Suddenly she seems to come to a decision. She moves up to the table to arrange some things laying there, because by now the dentist is far into the teeth-removal operation, and the table is becoming a mess of tools and wipes. It seems to be going well though. The little guy is not complaining. I get a sinking feeling that this was it, she has decided not to go on with this crazy flirt. But instead she comes around the chair, and again stands in front of me with her back towards me. Only this time she is not even close to the chair. She is close to me, however. Very close. She just stands there. I see the little vein pulsing like a beacon. I know I can touch her. I can probably touch her anywhere I want. She’s inviting me. The excitement is driving me crazy. I don’t even know where to begin. So I raise my fingers to her neck, and trace a line from the end of her hair net down her neck and back, down to her behind, and then back up to her left shoulder. Then down again along the arm, down to that beautiful soft hand that I first saw turn the pages in the reception.

Her fingers welcome mine, and we let our hands play with each other for a while. By now my erection is starting to really call for attention. I can’t stop myself anymore. I take her left hand in mine, and very slowly and deliberately position it on the front of my shorts. I’m only wearing a pair of thin summer shorts on top of my briefs, so I know she can feel exactly how hard I am. She sways and then freezes. But after a while, ever so gently her hand starts to move on its own, pressing against my pants, determining what the situation is underneath. As soon as that has been asserted, she gives me a few light squeezes through the shorts. I realize now that I shouldn’t have done this. This is not giving me satisfaction, it just excites me more. And I know I won’t be getting much more. I don’t even think I want to get much more at the moment. I mean, we are still in in the middle of dental surgery. Before she has to move away again to do her proper work, I lean my upper body back a bit to look down and enjoy the scene: Her slender arm and pretty hand stretched out behind her, massaging me through my shorts. Centimeters in front of that her pretty behind and slender waist, mine to touch should I want to.

But I don’t. I know if I do I will be approaching a point where I can’t control my actions anymore. The window is open, so the room is not quiet at all, with all the noisy traffic below and an air compressor running nearby. But even so, I don’t think we can pull off having sex behind the dentists back. And the kid is having two teeth cut out. He might ankara escort need the nurse at some point. So next time she needs to attend to the operation I give her a little push ahead of time, telling her to leave me. I’m hoping this small move will make her want more.

She is done working again. She starts to walk back to me, but I gesture for her to stay at the opposite side of the table, where we can look at each other. She stands there, all in white and still visibly breathing a bit heavy. She is so pretty and sexy. I consider trying to get her to give me her phone number. But to be honest, I’m not sure she will. We’re in the wild-and-crazy-sex-with-a-stranger mode here. Not in the dating game. Plus part of my brain clearly tells me she’s to young for me to date. I decide to take a different approach.

There is a big clock on the wall. I point at it and gesture: At what time are you finished? It takes her a few seconds to understand. Then she smiles and shows me all the fingers on one hand. Five o’clock. OK, good. This would give me time to bring the little guy back home. So I point first at myself, then out towards the office building corridor, then show five fingers and point to the clock. She looks a bit hesitant at first, then she nods and blushes at the same time. She points her index finger straight up, and then turns it a quarter of a turn. Fine. Quarter past.

The rest of the operation is quickly done. The two cut out teeth are put in a small bottle for showing to mum back home. I sign the papers for the medical insurance, give miss sexy nurse a sly smile, shake the dentists hand and say goodbye. Now that I know I will be back I actually want to leave as soon as possible. The desire is too much to bear.

The afternoon passes in a haze. Shortly before five I’m back. I have not been able to think about much else than this girl the whole time. Images of her pretty eyes, slender neck, soft skin and firm breasts are all I see. And now she’s only a few meters away. I wait outside the elevators on the 3rd floor. People are leaving their offices and taking the elevators down. Just before five I see the couple of women I saw in the reception earlier this morning. They don’t recognize me, however. I can tell the receptionist does, as she’s waiting for the elevator some minutes later. But she decides it’s none of her business why I’m there, so she pretends not to. I realize it could be a bit awkward if the dentist recognizes me too, so I bring out my phone and turn so that I’m facing away from the elevators. I keep an eye out for people arriving from the dentists side of the corridor. A few other people pass by first, and then I see the dentist turn the corner. Before he notices I am busy surfing away on my phone. I’m in his view, but he doesn’t notice it’s me. Or if he does, he says nothing. Anyway, I’m not looking his way until I’m sure hes gone into the elevator. All clear now, hopefully. With my stomach full of butterflies I start out down the corridor towards the clinic offices.

The reception door is locked. I ring the bell anyway, just in case. There is no reply. OK, this leaves only one chance, the door to the treatment room we were in this afternoon. As I approach it, I can already see that it’s open. Should I knock or just go in? Hm, better safe than sorry. I knock the door even though it’s already ajar.

She’s there. I see the white of her working uniform through the slit even before she opens. The only change is she has gotten rid of the hair net, reveling a wealth of shoulder length curly black hair. I am actually a bit surprised at this, I had fantasized her hair as being longer and straight. But I don’t mind. This suits her too.

I have already decided to play a little game, in case she is having second thoughts.

“Hi! I was here earlier today, and I believe I might have forgotten my glasses in here?”

She looks a little bewildered at first.

“Hi… I see. Well, I’m not sure, I would have seen if there was anything left behind.”

“Can I have a look?”

“Yes, of course, come on in.”

She shows me inside with the same controlled grace as I remember from this morning. So beautiful. Once the door closes behind me I start to feel more confident. I let her pass before me, as if I was expecting her to show me the way. In reality I just want to walk behind her, to look at her slim and lovely figure that I now know for pretty certain I will be fucking in a few minutes. We make a quick tour of the treatment room, looking for glasses. I agree that they are not there. But walking in through the small waiting room between the corridor and the treatment room has given me an idea what I want to do.

I make as to leave, and walk out to the waiting room. It has just two low armchairs and a small table. But it also has a full length mirror by the hangers on one of the walls. The girl looks a bit confused now, but she follows me. I stop in front of the mirror and turn to face her. She stops too. I want to get back to the tense silent excitement that we had earlier today, so I say nothing, and make a “hush” gesture with my finger in front of my mouth. I gesture for her to come closer and stand in front of me. She does, with a face full of apprehension.

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XXX Movies Ch. 1

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When I got to his bathroom, John had already lit candles and was in that huge bathtub with bubbles up to his neck. On the tile shelf by the tub he had laid out our ‘picnic’ from the deli; sandwiches, pickles, potato salad, potato chips. A Coke for me and some kind of yuck beer for himself. There was even a snifter of Grand Marnier for dessert. As I took off my robe and stepped into the tub, I thought about how natural it seemed to be naked with John, even that long pussy-exposed step down into the tub. I felt none of the embarrassment or shyness that would have probably been the death of me a week before.John has seen every square inch of me, even places I’ve never seen. Touched me everywhere, too. I’ll bet he’s kissed more than half of me. He sure seems to like what he sees, feels, and kisses, so there’s nothing to be shy about. He’s never even said anything about that darned mole on my tummy.

We had a wonderful time eating in the tub, and I decided pastrami and swiss on dark rye might have taken over from sausage and pepperoni pizza as my absolutely favorite food. Well …….. lobster, steak, prime rib, and blueberry pie are right up there. Oh, barbequed ribs, too. And Dryer’s Grand Pecan Praline Ice Cream. Oh, Heath Bars. Semen is kind of good, too.

By the time I had eaten all my sandwich, half of John’s, most of the potato salad, all the chips, my dill pickle and half of John’s, and about a quart of Coke I was feeling full and satisfied. I could even feel a little bulge in my tummy. We used towels for napkins and just let the crumbs and juices fall into the water. It was messy and lots of fun. I felt a little guilty about getting all the towels dirty and dropping crumbs in the tub, but John said that’s just one of the nice things about staying in a hotel, and that they got well paid for cleaning up after us. It had been a long, eventful, wonderful day, and I was feeling a little sleepy, but I had plans to give and receive lots of loving before I even considered going to sleep.

John piled the wrappers, plates, and cups from our ‘picnic’ to one side of the shelf and gave me a sip of his Grand Marnier.I’m getting to really like this stuff. When adults drink alcohol, I don’t understand why they don’t always drink things that taste good, like Grand Marnier or creme de menthe. I hate the taste of beer, Wild Turkey is awful, and I’m not crazy about the sips of wine I take at dinner just to please John. That Stoli-stuff he drinks doesn’t even taste, it just burns. I guess they must be adults-only things, like coffee and the IRS, whatever that is.. There are some adult things I can really appreciate, though. I’m being kissed in a very adult way, there’s a very adult penis poking me in my tummy, and the feeling this is causing in my pussy sure isn’t juvenile. Little girls nipples don’t get big and hard like mine are getting, either. I would absolutely love to be put on that shelf and have my pussy kissed, and little girls don’t think thoughts like that. If he doesn’t do it pretty soon, I’m going to ask him to. Beer isn’t too bad when I taste it on John’s lips.

We had a long, lovely kiss, and then we each leaned back on our ends of the big tub and relaxed. After a few minutes of this, I just couldn’t wait any longer. I picked up a big towel from the stack on the floor, folded it double, and put it on the shelf. I guess this wasn’t very subtle, but I knew what I wanted. John laughed and took the hint. He asked if I would like to sit on the shelf, to have my pussy kissed, and wasn’t I getting just the least bit spoiled? I said that the answer was yes to all three questions and got up on the shelf with my legs down in the sudsy water.

While John was putting a towel around my shoulders so I wouldn’t get cold, I told him I knew I was being a spoiled brat, but that he had made me that way and I took no responsibility for it. He laughed and spread my legs while I giggled and raised my knees. With one foot on the shelf beside me, the other foot on John’s shoulder, and my knees wide, I was really spread open. He said he never had a camera when he really needed one, and I leaned forward to pulled his head to where I wanted it. I whispered that I would be glad to let him take all the pictures he wanted of my pussy, but right now it needed kissing.

I think I realized for the first time what my mom meant when she used the term ‘brazen hussy.’ That was me. John definitely wanted me to be a lady in public, but I could be as brazen and hussified as I wanted when we were alone. Acting like that seemed natural for me, and after only a few days of practice. I loved being John’s ‘lady’ (although I knew I needed a lot of experience and practice at that), but when we were alone together I wanted sex, sex, sex. It was by far the most significant and wonderful thing that had ever happened to me, and I loved it. I loved being in love, being loved in sincan escort return, and SEX.

I think I love the giving as much as the getting. Welllllll, maybe not quite as much. I like sucking John’s penis, but not as much as I like him kissing my pussy. A week ago I’d never even been really kissed. Three days ago I was a virgin. I guess math isn’t the only thing I have a natural aptitude for. Going over seems to come very naturally to me. Oh, Lover, I feel like I have about a hundred orgasms built up inside me, just waiting for you to let them out!

The first touch of John’s warm, wet tongue between my inner lips was like magic. It changed me instantly from a giggly, playful girl into a woman who took her pleasure very seriously. He parted my inner lips with his tongue, then he sucked them in and out between his lips a few times. It felt lovely.

By the time his tongue entered my vagina, my lips were well spread and I could feel my juices flowing and my entrance open in anticipation. My legs were quivering, and he asked if I was cold. I told him I wasn’t at all cold, just anxious. He asked what I was so anxious for, and I told him if he licked my button a little bit, I’d show him. I guess he wanted to find out, because he started gently licking it. I could feel that big clitoris of mine swell before he even touched it.

He pushed the covering back with the tip of his tongue, and I found myself already about ninety percent of the way to a climax and rapidly reaching for the other ten percent.

I groaned, ‘Oh, John, make me coomme!’ and I was startled at how loud it was in that big tiled bathroom. It kind of echoed. I grabbed his hair with both hands and held his mouth to me as his tongue found that ultrasensitive spot on the side of my button. As I flew to the peak of my climax, he kept his tongue right there, licking very rapidly. I came so hard I yelled and squealed at my peak, and the sounds echoed. As I was coming down, all I could say was, ‘oooff.’

I told John that I’d be a basket case if he did any more, so he helped me slide back down into the tub. He held and kissed me until I had recovered. Maybe I’ve had too many orgasms today. That one really knocked me out. I asked John if he thought I’d overdone the orgasms, and he said that maybe it was the opposite. Maybe I hadn’t had enough. That made me giggle.

I asked John to get up on the shelf so I could suck him, and he said we should save it for later, when we went to bed. I told him I wanted a nice warm penis in my mouth, and I didn’t intend to make him come, just give him pleasure. I found it kind of awkward, kneeling sideways in the tub, but I finally got fairly comfortable. I knelt there between his parted legs and made love to him, slowly and lovingly.

I soon had big, warm Herman throbbing and his slippery stuff was really flowing. John seemed to like it a lot when I pushed his knees wide apart and sucked one of his testicles into my mouth and ran my tongue around it. He liked it so much that I did the other one, being very careful not to hurt him. I think I’m getting pretty good at giving my lover pleasure. I hope he gets half as much pleasure from our lovemaking as I do. I wonder if I could get them both in my mouth at the same time. Probably not, and I might hurt him if I tried.

When the slippery stuff started to get sticky, I decided I’d better quit before he went over. He told me that I was getting very good at teasing him and keeping him close to coming. He warned me, though, that if I let him go just the tiniest bit too far, there was no turning back. Once he started to come, he had to continue until he was finished.I’ve got a lot more to learn about him, but I’ve never studied anything that was so much fun. I think I’d better quit, before I accidentally make him come. I have other plans for Herman, and they don’t include him coming in my mouth. At least not right now.

I held Herman’s tip in my mouth and milked him, and I got the inside of my mouth nicely coated with a mixture of slippery and sticky stuff. John slid back down into the tub, and he kissed me before I even had a chance to wipe off my gooey lips. He didn’t seem to mind. We washed and played with each other until I started to get cold, then I got dried and my nipples kissed, just the way I had learned to like it.

I went to my bathroom to put on my robe and apply some Vaseline to my pussy. I wanted Miss Kitty to be ready for whatever ‘punishment’ big, warm Herman wanted to give her. We had been making love so much that I was always just a little bit raw, right at my entrance. When we were out in public that little irritation kept me reminded of what we had been doing and what we would soon be doing again. I liked that.I think I’m going to be a little sore for as long as John and I are together. I hope so. The Vaseline seemed to sooth the raw sıhhiye escort places and keep me ready to do it again without getting any sorer. I brushed my hair into shape, put little dabs of White Shoulders behind my ears, and went to join my lover in bed.

John wasn’t in bed, though. He was out in the living room or whatever you call it in a hotel. He was sitting on the couch, sipping Grand Marnier, and flipping through the channels on the TV. I joined him on the couch and got a nice kiss. I was pleased to find that he had brushed his teeth, and I couldn’t taste beer on him anymore. As he channel surfed, it looked like the usual stuff.

He quickly passed through a channel that looked like it was showing naked people, and I asked him to go back to it. He laughed and said it was pornography, and I was too young. I said I was old enough to do it, so I thought I was old enough to watch it. Besides, I’d seen that porno VCR tape of Dad’s.

He found the porno channel, and …….. well, what they showed on there made the porno video of Dad’s that I’d sneaked a peek at seem pretty tame. There was no attempt to make any kind of story, it was just a bunch of short segments showing different people having sex in different ways. I was absolutely fascinated.

As we watched, I wanted John and me to be doing the same things, but I also didn’t want to miss anything. I would ask John a question, and as soon as he answered, I would have another one. He seemed to think most of my questions were kind of funny, but he didn’t ridicule my ignorance. He had told me the difference between ignorance and stupidity and that I was definitely not stupid. I was very serious about my questions.

D: Is this on regular TV, or is it just in San Francisco? We sure don’t get this stuff at home.
J: No (laughing). San Francisco’s very liberal, but I don’t think this sort of thing would be broadcast even here. They have something like this in some big hotels, but you have to ask for it. I didn’t ask, so I guess they forgot to turn it off after the last guest in this room. I’m sure it’s a closed circuit thing with video tapes, shown only in the hotel. I’ve never seen real hard-core porn like this in a hotel, though. It must be something new. I still think you’re too young to be watching this stuff.

D: Hah! You won’t think I’m too young when I get you to bed. Was there really someone there with a video camera there taking those pictures?
J: From the looks of it, there was more than one. Probably a lighting guy and a director, too. Maybe a few people just standing around, watching. Maybe a grandstand and they sold tickets. (laughing)

D: How can they do that? I mean make love with people watching.
J: I don’t know, Sweetie. I guess they just get used to it. I wouldn’t call if ‘making love,’ though. In this case it’s just fucking and sucking with no love involved.

D: Do those people get paid for …… what they’re doing?
J: I’m sure they do. I don’t think they would do that without getting paid for it.

D: If they get paid to do it, isn’t that like …….. prostitution?
J. Ummmmm…… Yeah, I guess it is. I never thought about it that way.

D: John, do people get ….. you know ….. turned on by watching movies like this?
J: As far as I know, that’s the only reason anyone would watch them. It sure isn’t for the plot, the dialogue or the acting. The costumes aren’t much either. (That made me giggle)

D: Is that why they make them? To turn people on?
J: No, Sweetie, the people who make these movies and act in them do it purely for the money. You will learn that if there is something that people are willing to spend money for, there is someone who will do it for that money. I think you’ll find that it’s called ‘capitalism.’

D: The men seem to have awfully big penises. Wow, look at the one on that guy! I’m sure glad Herman isn’t that big. If he was any bigger than he is, I don’t think he’d ever go into me. I know I wouldn’t be able to get my mouth around him, and I love to do that.
J: (Laughing again) I think having a big dick is the main reason these guys are hired for the films. We guys with average sized penises always say that size has nothing to do with pleasing a woman. (That gave me the giggles)

D: Darling, when that guy’s penis is inside her, the lips of that woman’s pussy are really spread out. When Herman is in me, I can’t see it, but when I feel with my finger it seems like even my outer lips are stretched like rubber bands and wrapped tightly around him. Will I get bigger like that? You know, get stretched out?
J: Baby, you have the smallest vulva I’ve ever seen. I mean the part of you from top of your cleft down past the entrance to your vagina isn’t more than two inches. You’re really tiny down there, and I doubt you will ever get very much bigger. Well, maybe subayevleri escort a little when you have babies. When my penis is in you, everything gets stretched and even your little lips become wrapped around me. There isn’t anything extra to spread out, because everything you have is holding Herman. I wish I could find the words to tell you how good that feels to me. You have a beautifully large clitoris, and you get stretched so much that it rides right down against my penis when we make love. I think that’s one of the reasons you seem to be able to get to an orgasm so easily. You’re really built for orgasms, but the main reason is that you’re basically a very lewd woman. (He laughed)

D: (Giggling) I think I have so many orgasms because I love you so much and you’re such a wonderful lover. If I’m a lewd woman, it’s because you must want me that way. After all, you taught me everything I know.
J: You seem to have a wonderful natural talent for being lewd when I want you to be and a lady at other times. You may have a tiny pussy, but we’ve managed to get your vagina stretched out to where it takes my penis perfectly. I can’t imagine a pussy that looks, tastes, and feels any better than yours. It’s a pussy that’s custom fitted to my penis, and it’s wonderful. I’m a very lucky man. You and Miss Kitty have come a long ways in just a few days. I love you, you know. (He shut me up for a little while with a lovely, long kiss with lots of tongue. My favorite kind.)

D: Are those women really having climaxes? They sure sound and act like they are.
J: I don’t know, Baby. I have an idea that’s mostly faked. I think moaning and groaning is the main part of the script for the girls. In this one, I think the sound was added later, and they didn’t do a very good job. Some of the moans come when her mouth’s closed.

D: Well, the guys sure do have orgasms! Why do they always have to do it all over the girls’ faces? I mean, I didn’t mind it the time I got it in the face and hair. In fact it was kind of sexy. But that was an accident and it was just one gusher. Besides, it was my own fault. In these movies, though, they do it all the time, on purpose, and seem to want to get the maximum amount possible all over her face. Do the women really like it, or are they just acting? They get it in their hair, eyes, and even up their noses. I think it’s kind of gross. No! I didn’t mean for you to shut it off. I want to watch.
J: (Laughing) Let’s see …. I’m sure the women just consider it a part of the job and act like they enjoy having someone ejaculate all over their faces. I won’t go into the psychological aspect of it, but some men get stimulated by seeing women sexually humiliated. They also like to watch women having sex. Those facial cumshots satisfy both wants.

D: Don’t other kinds of people watch this stuff?
J: Oh, sure. Just everyday people with no particular hangups who happen to like it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with pornography, and it’s probably perfectly healthy. Just as long as a person doesn’t get carried away with it, confuse it with real life, and it doesn’t involve children. As a psychologist and marriage counselor, I’ve even suggested that certain couples try watching it together. It can be a way to liven up a dull marriage, something to masturbate to, or watch some of it just for fun. Like we’re doing.

D: Well, we aren’t married and our sex life sure isn’t dull. It really is kind of fun to watch, though, isn’t it? Oh, yuckk! I sure don’t think that’s fun to watch, those two women. Oh, God, now they’re kissing each other’s pussy. Do you think they really like that?
J: I suppose they’re doing it for the camera, and because someone is paying them to pretend they like it. Lots of women really do that, though. Do you know about lesbians?

D: Yeah. Some of my friends think our gym teacher is that way. They call her a dike, or something like that.One of the women was holding a plastic bullet-shaped thing, about eight inches long. What’s that thing?
J: (Laughing) That’s called a vibrator, Diane. Ever heard of them?

D: No. What does it do?
J: Um … it vibrates. Most women think it feels really good on the clitoris or in the vagina. It’s used for masturbation or just for fun. It’s what’s called a sex toy. Would you like to try one?

D: Oh, I don’t think so. I’ve got you, Darling, and I can’t imagine some plastic thing giving me pleasure like my Herman can. John, that man has his finger up ……… well …….. in that lady’s ……… er, bottom. Oh, my God! Are they doing what I think they’re doing?
J: (Laughing) If you think he’s fucking her in the ass, yeah, you’re right.

D: Why? Did he make a mistake and get the wrong place? Why doesn’t she make him stop? It must really hurt.
J: (More laughter) No, it’s not a mistake. It’s called anal intercourse, and some women like it. Homosexual men make love that way, you know. I guess it doesn’t hurt if the person is on the receiving end is willing, used to it, and well lubricated. Would you like to try it?

D: No way! I think it would really hurt. Besides, it’s gross and disgusting. We don’t have to do that, do we?

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Working at the Sperm Bank Ch. 05

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Big Tits

Author’s note: This is a multi-part series. I highly recommend reading ‘Working at the Sperm Bank Ch. 01’ first, to understand the backstory. Reading all previous chapters is recommended, but not necessary.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of pure fiction. Any names, places, and events in this story are entirely made up by the author. Similarities with real occurrences are coincidental.


A few minutes later, Alyssa had a plan. Since her underwear doubled as sexy lingerie, she wouldn’t need to change any clothes. All she had to do was go over to Cameron’s house, pretend she had locked herself out and didn’t want to wake up her parents. She would ask for a blanket, and hope to be let inside for the night. As a way of thanking him, she could offer her body for the night. Perfect!

No later than 9 in the evening, Alyssa’s parents had gone to sleep. As soon as she heard snoring from upstairs, she left for the neighbor’s house. Once again, she rang the doorbell. Cameron opened.

“Uh, hi?” he said, looking confused at the sight of Alyssa again.

“Hi, I’m so sorry to disturb,” she excused herself. “Do you mind if I come inside?”

“No, go ahead,” Cameron said, not seeming to care much about what she wanted. “What do you need?”

“Here’s the deal; I’ve locked myself out,” she said, while faking an insecure laugh. “Could I maybe borrow a blanket or something?”

“Aren’t your parents home?”

“Yeah, but I really don’t want to wake them up.”

“Uh… Sure, I’ll get you a blanket,” he said and disappeared upstairs. A minute later, he came back with a blanket under his arm.

“Here you go,” he said and handed it to Alyssa. “You don’t think it’ll be hard sleeping outside with just a blanket?”

“Maybe, but I don’t really have any other options.”

“You could stay here if you want. We’ve got a guest bedroom.”

“That would be sooo nice of you,” Alyssa said and gave Cameron a hug.

When she let go, she gave him a kiss on the mouth. He seemed speechless.

“Um, no problem.”

“You got anything to drink?” Alyssa asked.

“What, like booze?”

“Well duh,” she joked.

“I’m only 18, Alyssa,” he said.

“I don’t fucking care, just show me where your parents keep it!” she begged.

Cameron seemed reluctant, but he eventually started walking up the stairs and motioned for Alyssa to follow. They went to the kitchen, and Cameron lifted a bunch of bottles down from the top shelf. Alyssa poured them two shots of tequila. She downed one herself, and passed the other to Cameron.

“Thanks, but I don’t really feel like it,” he said and pushed the glass back towards Alyssa.

“Yes you do,” Alyssa responded and gave it back to him. “If I drink, you drink. A gentleman shouldn’t be sober if his lady isn’t.”

“No, I’m sure, thanks,” he said with a laugh.

“Okay…” Alyssa said, before getting an idea. “How about this: If you drink, I’ll lift my skirt up for you!”

“Uh… Sure,” he replied after a moment’s thought. He downed the shot.

Keeping true to her promise, Alyssa hiked her skirt up to show her ass.

“To hell with smooth talking and subtlety,” she thought. “I want to fuck him, and that’s what I’m gonna do.”

“Are you a virgin, Cameron?” she asked, while grabbing her ass cheeks.

He didn’t answer, which Alyssa took as a yes. She turned around to see him standing speechless, just staring at her.

“Let’s change that,” she said and wrapped her arms around him. “You can view it as my way of thanking you, if you’d like.”

“I’d fucking love to, Alyssa,” he said.

She smiled, and started kissing him. He kissed her back, but in a very sloppy manner. She could tell already how inexperienced he was.

“Let’s go down to your bedroom, Cameron,” she said.

Alyssa started walking, and Cameron followed. He started at her butt the entire way. When they arrived, Alyssa knelt down before him.

“Take your pants off,” she instructed.

Cameron complied, and pulled both his pants and boxers down. His cock was impressive – it wasn’t even entirely hard yet and Alyssa already guessed it to be about six inches long.

“Fucking hell, am I in for a treat,” she said while stroking it.

Wasting no time, Alyssa started kissing his growing cock with passion. She licked it as it grew. With one hand on his balls, she started jerking him off with the other. It felt like it kept growing with each stroke! At about ten inches, it finally stopped. Alyssa wrapped her lips around the tip and gently licked the underside of it. Cameron started breathing faster, and Alyssa realized he would cum too quickly if she wasn’t careful. She tried to be more careful as she worked her mouth up and down his shaft.

“Fuck, that’s good,” Cameron moaned.

Alyssa kept a hand on his ballsack, fondling it gently. With no warning whatsoever, Cameron suddenly started cumming in her mouth. Alyssa wasn’t prepared at all, and it almost choked her as it flew out of him. Finding it hard to breath, she let his cock kazan escort pop out of her mouth. Gasping for air, Alyssa let the cum already inside her mouth pour out over her chin. But he wasn’t finished, and he shot a bit more across her face.

“God damn,” Alyssa said while kissing his cock. “Cameron, you’ve got to tell me when you’re cumming. I almost choked there, and you haven’t so much as touched my pussy yet!”

“Sorry, I’m new to this,” he excused himself.

Alyssa realized he was just a teenager, and would probably be hard again in just a few minutes. She might as well play with herself in the meantime. She stood up and unbuttoned her shirt. Trying to get Cameron hard again, she put on a show. Alyssa swayed her hips back and forth while taking her clothes off, a piece at a time.

She started with her blouse. Alyssa undid the buttons one at a time, before letting it drop to the floor. She turned around, with her ass in Cameron’s direction. Her skirt was already pulled up, so Alyssa just wiggled her ass cheeks as she went along. She turned back around and started pulling her panties down. Being careful not to rip the delicate material, she stretched them outwards with one hand. The other moved down to rub her pussy.

Now, Alyssa was entirely naked except for her bra and heels. She cupped her tits and walked over to Cameron, who had sat down on the chair by his desk. Alyssa took his hands and guided them to her boobs.

“God damn,” he moaned.

Alyssa laughed, and reached behind her back. She unclipped her bra and pulled the straps down her shoulders. She took a step back, which made Cameron let go and her bra fall to the floor. Cameron looked speechless at the sight of her beautiful body.

“You like this, Cameron?” Alyssa asked while turning around. “Come here.”

Cameron gladly walked over to her and gave her a kiss. She didn’t kiss him back, but instead knelt down yet again. Starting slowly, Alyssa began kissing his dick in hopes of getting him hard again. It worked, and Cameron started getting hard again. Alyssa laughed when she noticed, and put it back in her mouth.

She worked her head up and down until she deemed him to be hard enough for her pussy. Then, she stood up and waved for Cameron to follow her as she walked to the bed. Alyssa laid on her back, spreading her legs. She started rubbing her clit.

“Fuck me,” she begged while looking into his eyes.

Cameron had walked up to the bed, and was aiming his dick as Alyssa’s pussy. She realized he had never done this before.

“Just start rubbing it on the outside,” she told him.

He did as she said, and Alyssa moaned when he hit the right spots.

“Now slowly work your way in.”

Cameron started pushing against Alyssa’s pussy. She felt her hole widen as he pushed harder and harder towards it. When he finally thrust in, Alyssa purred in relief and pleasure. Cameron started humping, but he was way too slow for her taste.

“Fuck me harder, baby,” Alyssa begged. “I know you can do it.”

He started increasing his speed, slowly but surely. He was finally fucking Alyssa just as hard as she wanted. They kept eye contact, and Alyssa’s body shook with Cameron’s every thrust. She kept rubbing her clit, and occasionally moaned little words of encouragement to Cameron.

“You fuck me so fucking good, Cameron. Your huge dick feels so good inside my pussy!”

Since he was just a teenager, he couldn’t hold his orgasm back very long. Like Alyssa had told him to, he gave her a heads up.

“I’m gonna cum,” he panted.

“Put your cock in my mouth,” she responded.

Cameron pulled out and climbed up on the bed. Alyssa grabbed his cock and guided it into her mouth as he started shooting. This load was smaller than the last one, but Alyssa didn’t mind as she figured the S-Extractor in her throat still had to have room for a few more rounds. Dr. Lopez hadn’t told her exactly how much it would fit, but she guessed it was around eight or nine just by its size.

Alyssa swallowed his load, but kept sucking his dick when he was finished. She wanted to keep fucking, and hoped to get him hard a third time. While sucking, she looked into his eyes and fingered her pussy. After ten minutes, Cameron was getting hard and ready for another round. Alyssa opened her mouth, releasing his dick with a pop.

“I want to ride your cock,” she said. “Get on your back for me.”

Cameron got on his back next to Alyssa. She stayed where she was for a moment, stroking his dick. She talked dirty to him in the meantime, hoping to tease him a bit.

“I bet you’re happy to fuck a slut like me. A slut who can fuck you all night, and make you cum like you’ll never cum again!”

Alyssa sat up and rolled over onto Cameron. She laid on top of him, and they began making out. Cameron put his hands on her ass, and Alyssa reached below her to keep stroking his cock.

“Fuck me,” Cameron finally said after breaking their kiss.

Alyssa was sure he would last longer keçiören escort this time around, and hoped to orgasm herself as well. She sat up straight and scooted back. She squatted above his crotch, grabbed his dick, and started lowering herself onto it. As soon as he was inside her pussy, Alyssa started riding. She kept her back straight, to show Cameron how her tits bounced. He kept his hands on her ass, and helped her lift herself as they fucked. The sound of flesh hitting flesh was a turn-on for Alyssa, so she made sure to come all the way down as often as possible.

“Fuuuuck,” Cameron moaned. “How are you so good at this?”

“Fucking guys is my day job, baby,” Alyssa said while still jumping up and down on his dick.

“What, are you, like…” Cameron said with a shocked look on his face. “Like, a whore or something?”

“Not exactly,” Alyssa said and leaned down to give him a kiss. She then whispered in his ear, “But, I’ll be your whore tonight, if you want to.”

With a laugh, she pulled Cameron’s dick out and rolled down onto the bed. She got on her hands and knees.

“Take me from behind,” she said while squeezing her legs together.

Cameron moved over to her and knelt down behind her ass. Alyssa spread her pussy to show him where to go, and he thrust inside right away. He went as far in as he could, and Alyssa gasped. Cameron didn’t bother starting slowly, and went at her just as rough as before. He grabbed Alyssa’s ass to keep her steady.

“My God Cameron, fuck me until you cover my face with your cum!” Alyssa begged.

Cameron seemed to be able to hold back longer and longer, because he kept fucking her for a good minute before pulling out. Alyssa turned around and grabbed hold of his cock. She aimed it at her face as Cameron began to shoot yet again. Alyssa stuck her tongue out, but most of his load ended up scattered across her face. She felt a bit land on her forehead, and another on her left cheek. The rest landed around her mouth, forming a nice ring of jizz around it.

Alyssa let the cum around her mouth drip down on her tits. She spread it out with her hands, looked Cameron in the eyes and started shaking them. The rest of the cum she scooped up with her fingers, and swallowed. Cameron was laying on his back to catch his breath. Alyssa joined him.

“Holy fuck! You were fucking awesome for a first-timer, baby. Do you have a shower I can borrow?”

She didn’t feel like any more fucking tonight, since the size of Cameron’s load would probably just keep decreasing. A small load was no fun, so a shower and some sleep sounded much better.

“Yeah,” he said. He turned over toward her, and she noticed a mischievous look in his eyes. “Mind if I join you?”

“Not at all, baby,” she responded with a laugh.

They both got up and started walking to the bathroom. Alyssa followed Cameron upstairs and past the kitchen. The bathroom was next to what she assumed was his parent’s bedroom. It had a huge shower, that could easily fit both of them.

After a few minutes of showering, Alyssa felt something strange press against her thigh. She looked down to see Cameron’s cock – rock hard, one more time. Should she go for it a last time?

“You’re hard again,” she remarked with a smirk on her face.

“My dick’s kinda hurting from all this fucking,” he said with a laugh. “Fuck it, let’s go again!”

He immediately started kissing her. Alyssa reached down and started jerking him off. She turned herself around, placed her hands on the wall and pushed her ass out. Cameron slid inside her. He was a bit rougher this time, and reached around Alyssa to grab hold of her tits. The water kept running, and made their bodies shine.

“Oh, fuck,” Alyssa moaned. “Your dick is so fucking big!”

Cameron kept fucking her until he was ready to cum. When he pulled out, Alyssa knelt down in front of him. He shot his load straight into her mouth, but it was only a few dribbled this time around. She swallowed it all.

“Ow, my dick fucking hurts!” Cameron exclaimed when she had stood up again.

“Guess you just weren’t ready for my pussy,” Alyssa teased.

They finished their shower, and went back to Cameron’s bedroom.

“You mind if I stay the night?” Alyssa asked.

“Not at all!”

They laid down on his bed, still entirely naked, and were so hot from fucking they didn’t bother covering themselves with any blankets. The two of them were spooning, with Cameron on the outside and Alyssa on the inside.

“Good night, baby,” she said.

“Good night.”


Alyssa was woken up by the sunlight shining her in the face. She glanced at the alarm clock on Cameron’s bedside table; it showed 5 AM. There was still a bit of time for Alyssa to get back to her house before her parents woke up. Cameron had reached under her and cupped her left boob, so she tried to make him let go. He didn’t but instead grunted something in response. She had woken him up, and he sat ankara escort up in the bed.

“Alyssa, what are you doing?” he said, sounding confused.

Alyssa hushed him, hoping he would just go back to sleep.

“You’re not leaving, are you?” he asked.

Shit. She hoped a blowjob would get him to shut up. Alyssa climbed on top of him, and gave him a kiss. She could almost feel his boner already, and guessed he had been hard for most of the night. After turning him around to his back, Alyssa let go and laid down with her face between his legs. She started playing with his balls, while wrapping a hand around his dick. She began jerking him off, slowly.

Cameron had leaned back, and was looking up at the ceiling. Alyssa scooted further up the bed and wrapped her lips around his dick. She worked her tongue around it, while moving her head up and down. Alyssa took his cock as far into her mouth as she could, but didn’t bother deepthroating it.

Soon enough, Cameron’s breathing got heavier. Alyssa lifted her head further up his cock, and he started shooting. His load was about as big as the first one from last night, and Alyssa swallowed after every shot. She licked his dick clean, and then got off the bed.

“Don’t worry, babe,” she reassured him. “I’m just going to the bathroom.”

He didn’t answer, but instead turned over and tried to go back to sleep. Alyssa grabbed her clothes, and went to the toilet. She actually needed to use the bathroom, it wasn’t just a lie to get Cameron back asleep. When she was finished, she left out the front door and headed back to her house. She did her best to be quiet, and sneaked in through her bedroom window which she had left open. Alyssa put on her panties and laid down in her bed. It felt great to get to sleep in a bed that didn’t stink of sweat and cum, like Cameron’s had.


Alyssa was, yet again, woken up by a knock on her bedroom door.

“Alyssa? Are you awake?” someone said from the other side.

She grunted something in response.

“The boy from next door is looking for you,” the voice said. By now, Alyssa realized it was her dad speaking. “I’ll go back upstairs and have breakfast while you talk to him.”

Fuck. Alyssa had hoped Cameron wouldn’t have the courage to talk to her ever again. She certainly wasn’t feeling like more sex, since she hadn’t cum a single time while he came four. Alyssa got up and reached for her robe, but stopped when she realized they had spent the entirety of last night together, naked. She opened her bedroom door in only her panties, and saw Cameron standing on the other side.

“Good morning,” she said.

“Hi,” he said with a smile on his face. “We need to talk, can I come in?”

Alyssa gestured for him to step inside her room, eager to find out what he wanted.

“Last night was amazing,” he told her.

“Thanks,” Alyssa said silently.

“I’m in the mood for a bit more, though.”

He started walking toward her, but Alyssa placed a hand on his chest and pushed him away.

“Not right now, Cameron.”

“Why? Aren’t you like, always horny?”

“I was last night yes,” she said. “But I was also drunk. Now, please leave me alone.”

“You sure? I’ll be quick if you let me.”

Alyssa felt he wouldn’t stop nagging her, and decided to give in.

“Fine,” she sighed. “Be quick, and keep in mind that my parents are upstairs.”

Cameron smiled, and unzipped his pants. His cock was already hard and ready to go. Alyssa bent over the bed and pulled her panties aside, exposing her pussy which was still wet from last night’s escapades. Cameron thrust in with force, and Alyssa had to cover her mouth to silence her moans. He was extremely rough, almost to the point where it was uncomfortable. Thanks to his intensity, he pulled out after just a minute. Alyssa turned around, took his dick in her mouth and swallowed his load.

“Thanks, Alyssa,” he said while catching his breath.

Alyssa stood back up. She was actually getting quite horny again, and regretted she had asked him to be quick. She put a hand on his chest and started speaking.

“Cameron, I’m going back home soon. Don’t expect to see me again for a while.”

“Okay,” he said with a disappointed look on his face.

“It’s been a great few days with you, though. You should get yourself a girlfriend your age to do all these things to!”

Cameron laughed at her remark. Alyssa blew him a kiss, before opening the door for him to leave. When he had left, she walked back upstairs to have breakfast with her parents.

“Good morning, sweetheart!” her mother called from the kitchen.

“Did you sleep well?” her dad asked. He was sitting at the dining table, reading today’s paper.

“Yup,” Alyssa responded and made herself a breakfast sandwich.

“Did you hear any strange sounds tonight?” her dad asked when she had sat down opposite him. “Your mother and I both heard a door closing right after we’d gone to sleep.”

“Nope, nothing strange,” Alyssa lied.

She was proud of the fact that she still was an expert at sneaking out at night. In high school, she practically ran away every night. Sometimes she went to see a boyfriend, sometimes it was a party, and sometimes she had done it just for the thrill.

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Working The Hole

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Lily looked around herself in awe. She had never seen so many beautiful trucks in all of her life. She was surrounded by them. Big ones, small ones, loud ones, quiet ones, shiny ones and rusty ones. She smiled broadly.

The Gumboro Mud Bog. One of her favorite events of the year. Basically, it was a redneck woman’s dream come true! Beer, hot country boys, mud, oh and trucks!

“Lily! Look at that one!” she heard her friend Amy shout. Lily spun her head around and saw it. It was a truck straight out of her dreams. A brand new, 2009 GMC Sierra. It had what looked like a 4″ lift, and 35-1350’s under it. The paint was a gleaming black with a lime green pin stripe running down the sides. Oh, and it wasn’t an average pin stripe, it was painted to look like a strand of barbed wire. The tailgate said “I’m Going Out With My Boots On”.

Lily smiled as she saw it and shouted to Matt, the guy driving the truck she was sitting in the back of.

“Why can’t your truck look like that Matt?”

“Cause I don’t have a million bucks to make it look like that Lil,” he said with a glance in the rearview mirror. They continued driving through the crowds looking for a place to park. Matt and his girlfriend Amy sat up front in Matt’s ’02 F-250, while Lily, Tom, Greg and Gina sat in the bed. Finally, Tom pointed out a parking spot a few places up and Matt whipped the truck into it.

Lily was the first to clamber out of the back of the truck. She was joined by Amy and Gina and they started to walk up to the area where everyone sat back, partied and watched the trucks go through the holes. Matt, Tom and Greg followed behind lugging two coolers and some sheets to sit on once they got up there.

Lily and the girls were busy chatting about all of the hot guys around them. “Oooh look at him,” Amy said and giggled when Matt scolded her from behind them, reminding her she already had a hot man. Tom chimed in to Gina that she did too, considering the fact that they were together. Lily and Greg were the only two single ones in their group. Which meant Lily was free to have fun.

As they neared the mud holes the boys spread out the sheets and sat their coolers on them. Amy and Gina sprawled out on their backs, hoping to catch a tan from the hot summer sun.

“Aww c’mon guys lets go walk around first,” Lily complained. When they all decided they’d rather stay there, the boys included, Lily decided to head off on her own, promising to catch back up with them around 4.

Country music was blasting from all directions and she heard whoops and hollers going up everywhere as she began to walk. Half of the people here were already drunk and probably had been since the night before. She smiled to herself; these were her kind of people. The smells of grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken and more wafted through the air and made her mouth water.

After about ten minutes of wandering, she realized her mistake. She hadn’t brought a beer with her! She made her way over to the concession stands and was floored at the prices. $7 for a bottle of Bud Light Lime. Lily groaned and spun around. She’d just have to go thirsty, no way was she paying that much.

“Need a drink?” she heard from behind her. She kızılay escort turned around and came face to face with who had to be the most gorgeous man there that day. He topped her height by a good foot, and probably doubled her weight easily, but it looked to be all muscle under those tight Levi’s and that black wife beater tanktop.

Lily pasted on her most flirtatious smile. “I really could use one,” she said sweetly. She watched as the guy’s eyes raked up and down her body and felt her flesh start to tingle from just the touch of his eyes. He gestured for her to come with him and Lily immediately sidled up next to him.

“I’m Derek,” he said as they made their way through the crowds. He nearly had to shout for her to hear him over the noise of roaring trucks and radios blasting.

“Lily,” she replied holding her hand out to him and giving him a sweet smile. Derek chuckled softly and took her hand, kissing the back of it briefly and winking.

“Where are we heading?” Lily asked as they continued to wind through the people.

“See that Sierra up there?” he asked in her ear, his breath tickling her neck. Lily was ecstatic; it was the truck she’d seen earlier.

“The one with the barbed wire pinstripe?” she asked animatedly, a broad grin crossing her face.

Derek faced her and raised his eyebrows, “Been checking it out already?” he asked with a knowing look. Lily laughed out loud.

“Who hasn’t?” she asked. Derek winked before hauling himself up into the bed of the truck and grabbing a Bud Light for himself and asking her what she would like.

“Got any Bud Light Lime by any chance?” she asked and Derek grinned, pulled one out and handed it to her. Lily took a swig and began to inspect the truck up close. There were a lot of personal details to it, including his name etched into the driver’s door, but no name on the passenger… a good sign.

“No girlfriend?” she asked sweetly as she came to stand beside Derek who was leaning against the lowered tailgate, watching her.

He shook his head. “If I did would I have brought you back here with me? Any girl would be jealous of you,” he said. Lily blushed when she realized he had quite a noticeable tent in his pants then she giggled.

“My friends are gonna be so jealous when I tell them about this,” she said. Derek’s eyebrows rose.

“Jealous of you talking to me?” he asked innocently. Lily immediately shook her head.

“No, jealous of what we’re going to do,” she said as she wiggled closer to him. Her hip brushed his and her hand brushed against his member, straining against the jeans that confined it.

A low growl escaped Derek’s lips. “Easy darlin’, unless you want me to haul you up into that back seat and show you what can really happen at a mud bog,” he said in her ear. As he said this his hand brushed across her tit and the nipple straining against her shirt there.

Lily hadn’t bothered with a bra today, it was too hot for any additional clothes, and her spaghetti strap tank top did little to cover the fact that she was highly aroused.

Derek stood straight and faced Lily. He stepped up until he was a mere inch away from her and leaned down so his lips were kolej escort next to her ear. His arms surrounded her head on both sides and his thighs were surrounding hers as well.

“Honey, I know you ain’t cold in this heat, so there’s only one other reason why your nipples would be that hard,” he said in a husky voice. His lips touched her skin right behind her ear and Lily’s knees almost buckled at the contact.

“Oh god,” she whispered. One of her hands was now on Derek’s rock hard chest and she felt the muscle there jump at her touch. She looked up into his eyes and smiled, his forehead was resting against hers. Slowly, she inched her lips towards his and then he took control, covering her mouth with his. One of his hands tangled in her long blonde hair and crushed them together. His tongue traced the crease in her lips, begging for entry. Deciding to tease him a bit, Lily broke the contact and ducked beneath the confines of his arms. Slipping around the corner of the truck she heard Derek groan. She stifled a giggle.

Opening the driver’s side door of the truck she was about to climb up into it when she felt Derek’s large hands span her waist and haul her up into it himself. She landed with a rather unladylike oomph but Derek didn’t seem to care. He followed her up into the truck and soon she was crushed beneath his weight on the front seat. Somehow, Derek managed to shut the door behind him. The interior grew dark due to the tint on all of the windows except for the windshield.

Derek’s mouth latched onto Lily’s nipple through the thin cotton and he sucked and nipped at it until Lily was writhing in pleasure beneath him. A moan escaped her lips as his hand traveled underneath the hem of her shirt and covered the other breast. His fingers plucked at the nipple making it grow tighter still. Lily wanted his mouth on her bare nipple so she broke the contact long enough to whisk her tank top over her head. Derek took this opportunity to do the same with his. As soon as his shirt was shed he was back on top of her kissing her deeply and palming her bare breasts.

Lily’s hands were exploring his chest as well. They traced the contours of his six pack all the way up to his small male nipples where her nail flicked at them and made him groan. Derek was grinding his hips into hers as his mouth latched onto her nipple once again, his hot tongue searing her skin.

Lily cried out softly at the contact and her nails dug into his back where she had been exploring the smooth. hot skin. Derek groaned deep in his throat.

“Lily, I want inside of you,” he said breathlessly. Lily couldn’t speak so she merely nodded and arched her hips up to grind against him. Derek groaned again and reached down. He easily undid the button on Lily’s short denim shorts. The zipper was next and before she knew it, her shorts were gone leaving her only in her silk thong. Derek’s big fingers prodded her through the silk and Lily whimpered in wanton need. She heard a ripping sound and realized Derek had ripped away her underwear, but she didn’t care, especially when she felt his finger slide deep inside of her.

Derek’s finger began sliding in and out of her in rhythm and she ankara escort was trembling from the pleasure of it. Lily reached down and worked at getting his jeans off. It was easier said than done considering the tight confines of the seat but eventually she got it and Derek shucked them without ever pulling his finger out of her.

Lily could feel herself close to cumming and wanted Derek to stop but he wouldn’t listen. He just kept driving his finger into her, and when he closed his lips around her nipple again that was Lily’s undoing she came hard against his hand her juices soaking his fingers. As she came Lily cried out loud, the sound echoing in the truck. Derek chuckled softly as he kissed her.

“Lily, are you on the pill?” he asked softly. “I want to feel you without the confinements of a condom”. Lily nodded yes reached down to stroke his throbbing manhood. A low groan escaped his mouth.

“Babe, if you don’t stop I’ll never get a chance,” he said with a lazy grin. Lily stopped after a few more seconds of stroking and opened her legs beneath Derek, guiding him to her entrance. She felt him press against her and slowly start to slide in. The sheer size of him took her a few moments to adjust to but he slowly pushed all of the way in. He was so long that the head of his cock brushed her cervix, making Lily cry out. She’d never felt so filled in her life.

Derek began a slow and easy rhythm and Lily urged him to go faster. She wanted it fast and furious, not slow and easy. Derek took her hints and began to slam in and out of her making her cry out with every thrust.

Lily found herself close to another orgasm and threw her head back against the seat. Derek took advantage of this and his mouth latched onto her exposed throat, suckling and nipping her there. This drove Lily over the edge and she began to spasm around Derek’s cock.

Her pulsing sucked Derek’s cock in and he began to cum immediately right along with her. She could feel his hot juices flooding her canal and splashing against her inner walls. A loud moan escaped his lips as Derek came. He continued to rock in her until his dick became too soft and he pulled out.

Lily just lay there, still writhing in pleasure and moaning softly. Derek kissed her throat, temple, lips and everywhere in between. Lily smiled up at him in sated happiness.

“Oh man,” she managed to mumbled and Derek laughed.

“I agree darlin’,” he said softly. It was then that Derek heard the number 193 called over the loudspeaker.

“Shit I gotta get ready to run, that’s my number!” he said scrambling to dress as Lily did the same thing. Derek scribbled a number on a piece of paper and thrust it into her hand as Lily turned to walk back to her friends.

“That’s my number babe, call me and tell me if I did a good job going through the hole,” he said with a wink and laugh before starting his truck and driving off.

Lily made her way back to her friends and was happily embarrassed when they immediately noticed a large hickey on her neck. She explained to the girls what had happened, and as she had predicted they were jealous.

They sat there drinking beers and when Lily saw Derek’s truck pull up to the starting line she sat on the edge of her seat. He made a nice run, coming in second. Lily pulled out her cell phone and sent him a text message.

“Nice run, but call me tonight and I’ll really show you how to work a hole” was what it said. She wondered if he’d actually call her or not.

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