Nişanlımla Oral Seks Yaparken Baldızım Azdı Bana Verdi

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Merhaba, ismim Can. 2 yıllık evliyim. Henüz nişanlı iken, ben ayda bir hafta sonu İzmir’e gidip, onlarda kalıyordum. O zamanlar baldızım da nişanlıydı, ama bacanak orada kalmıyordu. Gece olunca ben tek başıma bir odada yatıyordum, nişanlım ve baldız beraber bir odada yatıyorlardı. Herkes uyuduktan sonra nişanlım benim odama gelir sevişirdik. Nişanlım, “Ben senle evlenince gerdeğe girmek istiyorum!” derdi ve kesinlikle siktirmezdi, ama sikişme haricinde her türlü sevişir ve birbirimizi rahatlatırdık. Yine böyle bir gece nişanlımla sevişirken, yazın İzmir çok sıcak olduğu için, odanın penceresi açık bir şekilde sevişiyorduk. Evleri müstakil ve tek katlı, güzel bir bahçe içindeydi. Nişanlımla sevişmeye başlayalı yaklaşık yarım saat geçmişti, nişanlım beni yatağa yatırmış ve güzel dudaklarıyla beni benden alıyordu resmen. Bir ara ben pencerenin dışında bir karaltı gördüm. Dikkatlice baktığımda, baldız bizi izliyordu. Bir elinin iki parmığı ağızında emiyor, bir eli küçük göğüslerindeydi. Küçük göğüsleri diyorum, baldızım karımdan yaşı 6-7 yaş büyüktü, ama göğüsleri ve götü oldukça küçüktü.Nişanlımın 15 dakikadır yaladığı sikim ay ışığının pencereden içeri vurmasıyla daha bir parlak ve daha iç açıcı duruyordu. Ben baldızın bizi izlediğini görünce nişanlımın ağzını resmen sikmeye başladım. Baldız da daha çok çoştu tabii. Hemen nişanlımı alta alıp, baldızı göremeyeceği şekilde yatırıp zevkten sulanan amını yalamaya başladım. Her zamankinden daha güzel ve iştahlı yalıyordum, baldız bizi izliyor diye. Uzun bir yalamadan sonra nişanlımın bacak arasında yerimi aldım ve başladım sikimi nişanlımın amına sürtmeye. Siktirmediği için hep böyle sürterek tatmin oluyorduk.
Herhalde baldızım, benim kardeşinin içine girdiğiğimi zannetti ve ağzındaki eli kayboldu, sanırım alt tarafını okşuyordu. Ben de nişanlıma değişik pozisyonlarda sürtmeye devam ettim. Arada bir sikimi baldıza doğru çevirip, elimle bir iki okşayıp tekrar nişanlıma sürtmeye devam ediyordum. En sonunda nişanlımı domaltıp, baldızın tam göreceği bir pozisyonda nişanlımın beline ve sırtına doğru oluk oluk boşaldım ve elimle baldıza gitmesini işaret ettim. Baldız başta çok şaşırdı, benim kendisini gördüğümü bilmiyordu sanırım, ama hemen gitti, çünkü nişanlım gaziantep escort 2 dakika sonra yanına yatmaya gidecekti. Ve gitti de.
Sabah kalktığımızda herşey normaldi, baldız kahvaltı hazırılıyordu. Ailecek güzel bir kahvaltı yaptık. O gün baldız bana daha çok ilgi gösteriyordu. Kaynanam, baldızım ve nişanlımın ısrarlarıyla o gece de orada kalmaya karar verdim. Akşama bacanak ta geldi, güzel bir sofra kurup içmeye başladık. Kaynanam içmezdi, sadece sohbete katılıyordu. Saat ilerleyince bacanak gitmek istedi. Ben hariç, herkes kalması için ısrar etti, ama o kalmadı ve gitti. Daha sonra muhabbet cinsel içerikli olmaya başladı, alkolün etkisiyle tabi. Kaynanam, “Siz kafayı bulmaya başladınız, bu sohbet yeter, ya kapatın ya ben gider yatarım!” dedi. Ben ve nişanlım, “Kapatalım!” dedik, ama baldız, “Ne var anne ya, Can yabancı mı? Senin oğlun sayılır!” dedi ve cinsellikten konuşmaya devam etti. Kaynanam da kızdı ve gitti yatmaya.
Kaynanam gidince, baldız daha rahat konuşmaya başladı ve sonunda konuyu insanların evlenmeden nişanlılarıyla ve sevgilileriyle ilişkiye girmesine getirdi ve nişanlıma sordu, “Ters bir olay mı?” diye. Nişanlım da, “Ben karşıyım!” dedi. Baldız ise, “Benim nişanlım benden öyle birşey istese, onu elimden kaçırmamak için yaparım!” dedi. Biz hemen ona döndük. O da, “Yoooo yooo, valla Eray’la bir şey yapmadık!” dedi. Biz çok ısrar ettik, “Hadi hadi yeme bizi, yaptın mı?” diye, ama baldız yemin ederek yapmadığını söyledi. Sonra da, “Asıl siz yapmış olmayın?” deyince, ben akşam gördüklerini anlatacak sandım, ama anlatmadı. Nişanlım hemen, “Sen beni bilirsin abla, ben öyle şeylere karşıyım!” dedi. Baldız da, “Yapsanız ne olacak ki, yakında evleneceksiniz zaten!” dedi. Sonra da, “Sizin konuşacaklarınız vardır, ben zaten kötü oldum, iyice kafam dönmeye başladı. Bu sohbetin sonu boka sarmadan gidip yatayım ben!” dedi ve gitti.
Baldız gidince, nişanlım, “Ben de çok sarhoşum, yatmaya gidiyorum!” dedi. Ama ben sevişelim diye ısrar ettim, kıramadı beni ve benim odama gidip başladık sevişmeye. İçkinin de etkisiyle nişanlım, çok sıcakladığını, pencerden gelen havanın yetmediğini ve sessiz olursam, cereyan yapsın diye odanın kapısını da açık bırakacağını söyledi. Kabul ettim, kapıyı da açıp sevişmeye devam ettik. Kapı açık olduğu için, baldız bu gece dışardan değil de kapının önünden bizi izlemeye başlamıştı bile. Ben ne türlü pozisyon olursa olsun nişanlımın yüzününü kapıya döndürmemem lazımdı. Hemen nişanlımı 69 pozisyonuna getirdim ve yalaşmaya başladık. Çok güzel yalıyordum nişanlımın amını. Baldız beni yalarken görüyor, ama benim sikimi göremiyordu.
İlk defa nişanlımın götünü de yalamaya başladım. Çok zevk aldığı belli oluyordu. Arada baldıza bakıyordum, göğüsleri fora etmiş kendini okşuyordu. Nişanlımı altıma alıp, kulak memelerini emerken, kulağına fısıldayarak götten yapmak için yalvardım. Nişanlım da, “Yalarken çok güzeldi, yine aynı zevki verirsen kabul!” dedi. Sikimi iyice tükürükle ıslatıp, nişanlımın bacaklarını omzuma aldım ve götten girmeye başladım. Amına sürterken bu kadar zevk almıyordu, inleye inleye, “Daha sert sik götümü!” diye sayıklıyordu. 15 dakika sürmeden böğüre böğüre boşaldım götünün içine. O sırada baldız kapıdan kayboldu ve herkes yatıp uyudu…
Bu olaydan kısa bir zaman sonra baldız evlendi. Onlardan 1 yıl sonra da biz evlendik. Baldızın bir çocuğu oldu. Arada bir kocasıyla bize kalmaya gelirler. Onlar geldi mi her gece içer, kafaları biraz kırar öyle yatarız. Onlar bizdeyken karımı daha sert siker uçururum. Karım da, “Ablamlar buradayken daha iştahlı oluyorsun sen, ne iş?” diye sorar hep, ben ise geçiştiririm. Ama bizim evde karımla sikişirken baldızın bizi izlediğine hiç şahit olmadım.
Birgün yine bize geldiler. O akşam yine içtik. Yalnız bir tuhaflık vardı, baldız az içiyor, ama sarhoş gibi davranıyordu, bize durmadan kadeh kaldırıyordu. Ben bu durumu farkedince ağırdan içmeye başladım. İçkiler bittiğinde, bacanak ve karım tam kelle olmuştu. Herkes odasına çekildi. Ben yine karımı altıma aldım ve sertçe sikmeye başladım. Karım sarhoş haliyle nerdeyse sikişirken altımda uyumak üzereydi. İçine boşalıp amından çıktığımda sızdı kaldı. Birkaç kere dürttüm, “Kalk bir duş al öyle yat!” diye, ama horlama sesinden başka tepki gelmeyince, ben banyoya duş almaya gittim. Bir ara banyonun kapısı hafif aralandı, biri bakıyordu, bu kesin baldızımdı. Göreceği şekilde sikimi sabunlayıp okşamaya başladım. Ama baldız umduğum gibi banyoya girmedi, kapıyı kapatıp gitti.
Duşumu alıp bornozla banyodan çıktığımda, bizim kullanmadığımız eşyaları koyduğumuz küçük odadan birtakım sesler geldiğini duydum. Başta korktum eve hırsız falan girdi diye, ama odaya gidip baktığımda, baldız yarı soyunmuş halde, eski kanepeye uzanmış kendini okşuyordu. Beni görünce hiç toparlanmadı ve “Gelmeyeceksin sandım!” dedi. Ama ben hemen üzerine atlamadım. “Ne bekliyorsun?” dedi. “Kardeşin uyuyormu bir bakayım!” dedim. “Ben baktım da geldim, uyuyor, gel artık, seni çok istiyorum!” dedi. Vakit kaybetmeden sevişmeye başladık. Baldızın küçük memeleri beni hep delirtiyordu zaten. Göğüs uçları çok güzeldi, onları doyasıya yaladım, emdim. Oradan amına indim yavaşça. Amı da güzeldi, ama doğum yaptığı için biraz deforme olmuştu. Amıyla beraber beni hep hasta eden o küçük götünü de yalıyordum. Götünün en güzel ve beni mest eden tarafı, iki yanak arası oldukça ayrıktı, tam götten sikmelikti yani.
69 olduk, şimdi baldız da benim sikimi yalıyor, “Mmmhhh, yarağını yalamayı çok hayal ettim!” diyordu. “Zevkini sür ozaman, iyi yala!” dedim. Ben baldızın götünü yalarken birşey dikkatimi çekti, göt deliği epey genişti. Baldıza, “Kaç kere siktirdin götten?” deyince, baldız, “Aslında bekarken götten sikişmeye karşıydım, ama seni kardeşimi götten sikerken görünce, her gece kocama yalvardım beni götten sikmesi için. Başta istemedi, ama ben zorla siktirdim götümü ona. Şimdi her gece götümü sikiyor, amımı ise haftada bir!” dedi.
Baldızı altıma alıp, amına daldırdım sikimi. 15 dakika amını siktikten sonra, baldız beni yatırdı ve götüne soktu sikimi. Hiç zorlanmadan alıyordu hepsini. Belli ki götten sikilme delisiydi. Arada bir sikimi götünden çıkarıp amına sokuyor, ama bir iki dakika sonra tekrar inleye inleye götüne sokuyordu. Amına soktuğu zamanlar vıcık vıcık oluyordu amı hep. Sanırım 2-3 defa boşalmıştı. Pozisyon değiştirip domalttım ve götten sikmeye devam ettim. O da boş durmuyor, 3-4 parmağını amına sokuyordu. Ben de artık boşalmak üzereydim, elini amından çıkarıp, sikimi amına sokup sikmeye başladım. Çok geçmeden ikimiz de aynı anda boşaldık. Sonra baldız banyoya gitti, ben de bornozu giyip karımın yanına gittim, yattım uyudum.
Baldız şimdi ikinci çocuğa hamile ve artık eskisi kadar sık gelmiyor. Ama gelince de götünü siktirmeden gitmiyor!

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Öğretmenime Zorla Tecavüz Ettim

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

slm  değerli  sikiş hikayesi  okurları ve sex hikayeleri  severler ben koray. Yahşi delikanlıyım nese hıkayeme geçeyim.bizim okulda cok hoslandıgım her gorusumde cıldırdıgım serpıl hoca var.manyak bişi ya tas tas 40 yas uzerı sanırsam ama süper memeler o gozler o süper kalcası en cok sevdıgım yeri.zamanla hocamın gozune daha cok gırmeye ona karsı yag cekme havasında sululuk yapmak falan devam edıyordum.bir gun hocamız alt dolaptan bişiler almak ıcın egıldı bende arkasına gectım kalkarken gotu on tarafıma degdı ve pardon dercesıne ordan gecıyormus gıbı yaptım.hafıf kızdı ama yumusak bır tebessum attı.ben yıne sık sık yakınlasmalara devam edıyordum.derken bir gun okul cıkısı evıne kadar takıp ettım ve gozlemeye gaziantep escort basladım evi 14 yaslarında bi oglu wede 6 yaslarında bi kızı wardı.kocasıda gecelerı gec gelıyormus 11 gıbı.oglu we kızı akrabalarında kalacaklarmıs ertesı aksam dınledım ve kocası 11 gıbı gelıcekmıs.Ertesı gunu Okul cıkısı takıp ede ede gıttım yıne evlerıne içerı gırdı ve 20 dakka sonra kapıyı caldım actı aman tanrım one dedım.üstunde dar bi t-shirt aldında bi kısa bol bı etek we makyajlar ojeler ayaklar falan erıdım kısacası.her zaman boledır ama o gun o sanıye bı farklı geldı nedense.Bı anda kendımı topladım ve ıcerı gırdım ne oluyo koray napıosn dıyemeden odaları gezdım kımseler yoktu we kapıyı kapatıp kıtledım.Tuttugum gıbı bunların yatak odasına goturdum bir iki tokat atmaya calıstı ama nafıle.sırt ustu yatırıp ellerını ayalarını bagladım yataga we fantezıme basladım.once o mıs dudaklarını yalıyarak emdım dudagımı ısırdı ve kanattı ama olsun dahada hosuma gıtmıstı ardından soydum bi kılotu kaldı o mıs gıbı dolgun memelerını emmeye basladım 5-6 dakka emdım artık kızgın degıl yawas yawas yumusamıstı ve gobek delıgıne yalaya yalaya geldım o puruzsuz kıllı amını sona sakladım we yanından asagı dogru bacalarınnı baldırlarını emdım we dızlerıne sonra ayaklarına ayak fetısını severım guzel ayagı warsa temız ojelı bakımlı dayanamam ve aynı tertemız mıs kokulu bakımlı ayakları emmeye yalamaya basladım kudurdu hocam anlatılmazz.sonra tekrar yukarı cıktım kulotunu cıkarıp o puruzsuz mıs kokulu amının yanlarnı yaladım emdım bacaklarını sıkıstırdıkca emıp yalıyordum ben ve hocam ınanılmaz zevk akıyordu.sonra amını yalayıp emdım emdım emdım 20 dakkka yaladım emdım hocam 5 defa bosalmıstı cok guzel bır zevk ayaklarını cozdum ellerınıde sonra agzına verdım yarragı ben bı olumsuz tepkı yapar dıye beklerken agzına aldı we süper sakso cektı manyaktı.we agzına bosaldım.sonra o tatlı memelrınn arasında gıt gel yaparak orda da bosalttı benı.ve yuz ustu yatırdım arkasına yattım yuzu koyun ve amına dogru gıt gele basladım cok zevklıydı onum her gıt gelde dolgun kalcasına vurdukca zevkın doruklarına cıkıyordum 10 dakka da bosaldım hocam ise o gun 10 dan fazla bosaldı.Artık her hafta onlara gıdıyorum rv bos oldugu zaman kayıyorum.

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Abi Diyen Bakire Komşu Kızıyla Seks Hikayesi

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Merhaba seks hikayesi okuyucuları size başımdan geçen bir hikayemi anlatacağım adım metin 24 yaşındayım kocaelidenim. Esra yası 19 aynı zamanda esra bizim komsumuz olur. esrayı okul cıkısında gormustum hakan abi deyip yanıma geldi beraber yuruyorduk bana dersi oldugunu bilgisayarımı kullanmak icin izin istedi. bende olur dedim ve aksam gelmesini soyledim. ogun bizim hanımda yoktu zaten. aksam olmustu saat sekiz bucuk gibi kapı caldı esra gelmisti uzerinde pembe bady ve altında sorrt vardı ve vicut hatları tamamen belliydi iceri girdi evde kimse olup olmadıgını sordu yok dedim o buna hic aldırmadı. zaten esra gaziantep escort atesli bir kızdı bu her halinden belliydi. bilgisayarı actttı ve internete baglandı bir yandanda bana bakıyordu bende onun bacaklarına bakıyordum o bunu farketti ve bir porno sitesi actı. sasırmamıstım cunku ondan beklenirdi.. bana donup hakan abi erkeklerin organını cok merak ediyorum dedi eger sen ban gösterirsen bende sana gösteririm dedi bende okadar istersen gel kendin bak dedim yanıma oturdu fermuarımı indirdi ve zaten kelmıs olan yarragımı eline aldı ve oksamaya basladı opebilirmiyim dedi bende bana sorma ne istersen yap dedim basladı opmeye dilinle yalamaya kafasını bastırdım agzına almasını soyledim ısırıyordu ama güzel yapıyordu ımmmmmmmmmm diye sesler cıkarıyordu. ve ona sıra sende dedim oda hemen short unu cıkartıp yere uzandı bir eliylede amını parmaklıyordu oohhhhh yeni tıras etmisti cok güzel pespembeydi ona daha once ilişkiye girip girmedigini sordum girmedim dedi. ve dilimle sikmeye basladım dilim deydikce cıglıklar atıyordu basımı tutup bastırıyordu. artık cok azmıstım ve yarragı amına surtmeye basladım ohhh okadar sıcak tıki altımda titriyordu sok askım diyordu yavasca kafasını soktum acıyor dedi cıkarttım ve tekrar soktum aynı sekilde on onbes defa yaptıktan sonra artık alısmıstı ve zevk alıyordu aaaahhhhhh daha hızlı bebegim diyordu onu kanepeye oturtup bacaklarını omzuma aldım yarragı yerlestirdim ve deli gibi sikmeeeeye basladım esrada cıldırcak gibiydi tırnaklarını kanepeye geciriyordu ohhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh hadi bebegim hadi daha hızlı diyordu bir kac dakika daha esrayı düzdükten sonra yarragımı agzına soktum ve agzından sikmeye basladım agzının kenarından sular akıyordu ve bütün spermlerimi agzına bosalttım ama daha hepsini cıkardı. cok yorulmustuk halıda esranın bekaretinin izleri duruyordu ama bu seks herseye degerdi bana tekrar olucakmı dedi gizlikalcaksa sorun yok dedim….

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Midlife Carnal Crisis

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Perhaps calling it a “crisis” is overstatement. It’s hard to tell at the moment. But everything began at that mountain pool, on a hot summer day not long ago. Maybe, after reading this, you’ll tell me it began a whole lot earlier, and maybe you’d be right.

Roger was looking at me, a bit uncertain, his dark eyebrows furrowed. Although a nearby neighbor, I didn’t know him well enough to be able to read his expression with much accuracy. He looked puzzled, that much was sure, but I couldn’t tell whether his quandary was somehow connected to me or a sign of some other internal confusion on his part.

He didn’t have any clothes on and neither did I. His chest hair was wet, dark and matted against his skin, and the midday sun accentuated the fact that his nipples were erect. Probably from the cold pond water, but perhaps not. I got the feeling he wanted to say something but didn’t quite know how to begin.

After our plunge in the bracing mountain water just now, his penis had retracted, but his balls, hefty and manly, hung low with little beads of water still dripping off his hairy scrotum.

We’d only been here once before on a hike, a few weeks ago, a remote pond off a trail to Lone Mountain here in the Berkshires.

“Clay, so what exactly happened last time?” He gestured vaguely towards the flat granite rock ledge we were on, maybe ten feet up from the pond. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

“You mean your wet dream?” I arched my eyebrows, knowing where this was going.

He shook his head. “I think there was a little more going on than that. More I consider, the stranger it all seems. What happened, Clay?”

I shifted on my feet, a bit uncomfortable. “You really want to know?”

Our eyes met. This was going to be one of those “test of friendship” talks, something guys almost never enjoy, so different from our wives, who seem to manage their emotional lives with a lot more grace and efficiency.

“I do.”

I took a deep breath and looked away. “Let’s sit down, at least. The sun will warm us pretty good. We can talk.”

The smooth rock was indeed warm underfoot.

Warily he unrolled his towel, gave himself a quick wipe-down and arranged himself on it, sitting cross-legged, facing me. He had big, strong shoulders, lots of fur all over his rounded, taut belly. I liked how gracefully he moved that dripping, forty-year-old body, hardened from his work in the machine shop. Below the waist his skin was unearthly pale.

I sat down maybe three feet from him and our eyes met.

“That wet dream,” I began.

“That wet dream.” He stared back at me. “I haven’t had one of those in five years, Clay. Maybe ten? Common as corn when I was young but almost never now. Tell me what happened.”

“Well, we’d done our hike and skinny-dip thing, and you conked out here on this ledge afterward for a nap. I can’t tell exactly how your dream spooled out for you, but you spurted pretty good.”

Roger narrowed his eyebrows again. “All of that is true, Clay. As far as it goes. But I think you are leaving something out. I’m asking you to fill in the blanks.”

He didn’t look angry, but I knew he wasn’t going to let me off.

I looked away. “It’s complicated, Rog. Complicated.”

“Go ahead.” His voice was soft.

So I relayed to him again what happened, trying to get it all right. How we’d felt like a pair of daring teenagers again, doing the naked swim business out in the open since we hadn’t brought any swimsuits along on our excursion. How the water had felt good after our overheated hike, how we’d stoked ourselves out on the rock, this rock, to sun dry off before heading home. How he had fallen asleep, an afternoon nap after we’d chatted, and that I couldn’t help myself.

He peered into my face. “Couldn’t help yourself?”

I thought about it all, replayed it in my mind. You see, and I don’t really want to go into this at the moment for various reasons, I have this thing about sleeping cocks. Or cocks on sleeping guys rather. I have some difficulties letting things alone.

And there had been my neighborhood buddy Roger that day, naked, with a sweet-looking, soft penis lolling away on his thigh, breathing in deep sleep on this very ledge, outdoors, next to me, right by the pond.

If you’re the type who likes origin stories, I have written about this awkward little proclivity of mine, (Don’t) Let Sleeping Dicks Lie , it’s called. I’m certainly not the only one in the world with an obsession. Lots of people have highly focused interests in all variety of things, but it’s possible no one else has this particular eccentricity.

Anyway, Roger’s penis, a very handsome one at that, had been out there in the open and unattended, right next to me. So I did a little clandestine fondling, not a lot, and his penis got stiff and did the thing that penises are supposed to do, and he woke up and thought he had a wet dream, which was technically true, and here I had witnessed it, and he knew I had witnessed it, and he had been a little undone, a puddle of warm Ankara escort sperm on his belly that needed to be cleaned up, all of that.

I held my breath. “Sorry Rog, I couldn’t help myself. I touched you. Did a little stroking. Your prick looked so nice. I always sorta have a hard time resisting. It’s actually a handsome number you have there, you know, and I thought maybe a little release might be good. No harm, no foul.”

I paused, knowing how lame I sounded. But I also believe staying as close to the truth as possible is the proper thing to do with people, certainly friends, at least most of the time.

“I’m sorry, that wasn’t right of me, will never happen again. One of those things.”

He looked at me.

“Forgive me?” I did feel strange. No one likes to violate the trust in friendships, ever, for any reason, and here I had gone and given in to an insistent urge of my own, unbidden and without permission.

He turned his head and looked off into the distance for the longest time.

Soft, rounded, green New England hills in the background, the sky blue, just a few clouds to the east. Pond surface was smooth, not even much in the way of bird or insect noises in the heat of the afternoon, just the lightest of breezes.

Silence. Always the worst sign of everything in humans, the quiet before the storm. Your wife not talking to you while she’s building up a good head of steam for an argument. Your boss pissed off at you for some dumb mistake at work, his mouth smashed shut in anger. Waiting for the thunderclap. All those times as a kid when you’d pulled some stunt that got discovered, and it was just a question of time before some adult unloaded on you. Punishment coming. An immense, forbidding silence.

While silence reigned, of course my mind went sprinting off in overdrive. I wanted forgiveness from Roger, didn’t want this to twist our friendship, new and slight as it was, but I also knew there was nothing more I could do about things at the moment. It was his call, that was it. I’d confessed. I was at his mercy.

So in the interval, I thought about me, my history and life so far. My sexuality has always been a bit confused, although perhaps it was less so earlier in my life, when almost everything was simpler.

I’d been married now for twenty years, mostly happily, since any time you have two folks together it is inevitable that not everything is perfect, and I never expected it to be so. Barb is a sweet soul, kind and tolerant, we are still a decent looking couple, even with middle-aged bodies and the wear and tear that aging and raising a family brings.

But then there are other things that intrude. I have never found it possible, or even advisable, to keep a shut-door policy on thoughts and fantasies. If the door is closed, they come in under the sill anyway, no helping that, and while many thoughts cannot, and shouldn’t, be indulged (like the periodic urge to strangle my boss), I have found it best to treat them in a neighborly fashion, and maybe they’ll just settle into a comfortable chair in your head, have a drink and merge into the background and not cause too much of a ruckus and try to rule your life or drive you nuts. Throw up a “Keep Out!” sign to thoughts and you are just asking for trouble. Live and let live, I say.

So here I am, married, kids grown, but still the loins stir themselves, testicles churning for a bit more activity than they get.

To put it at its most basic level, for the longest time in my life, when I see a sleeping cock, a penis on an unconscious man, strange desires surge through my system, and I have an unaccountable desire to interfere. “Help out,” as it were.

There, you have it. Can’t be dodged. I’m not gay, just have a thing for male genitalia. You may have heard of this sort of thing before. My wrinkle is just a bit different. Of course our little adventure here at the pond the other week, or my adventure anyway, couldn’t end simply, human dramas don’t wrap themselves up neatly. I hope you can bear with me.

Roger began to talk. Not so much to me as just out to the world, he wasn’t even looking in my direction. It had been long enough it took me by surprise. He didn’t say a single word about our little event and my owning up to what had happened.

He talked about his wife, Carrie. He went on at length. I knew roughly how they’d met and courted but got quite a bit more detail. He talked about their early, ardent days together, how often they had coupled, more details about their love life than I had ever expected to know, how things had slowed down with kids and middle-age of course, happened to everyone, and he had been hoping, when their youngest John finally left to live on his own last year, how Roger had hoped that might mean there would be more time for each other at home, maybe a bit more in the sex department. It sounded an awful lot like my own scene. He took a deep breath.

But the “more sex” part hadn’t happened, he said, despite some efforts on his part, and he had found Ankara escort bayan himself a bit restless and everything.

He looked over at me. He had an erection going, his penis lengthening along his thigh, the head a bit engorged. Maybe it was him talking about Carrie and their early years, he had been more graphic than I ever would have expected. I’d heard descriptions about the kinds of lovely things she’d done with his prick. But maybe something else was going on.

“That wet dream, Clay? It was nice. You know how long it had been since my last ejaculation?”

I didn’t want to speculate so just shrugged.

“Over two weeks! You managed to get half a month’s worth of sperm out of me.”

He shook his head. “It was one crazy dream.”

“Yeah,” I said cautiously, not sure where this was going. “I know mine can be totally strange. Those dreams sure can be downright bizarre.”

I halfway hoped he would tell me exactly what happened in his dream, but I didn’t dare ask.

He looked closely at me. “When I surfaced with the climax, Clay, I had a feeling, I wasn’t sure, but I thought you might have had something to do with it all.”

Okay. Here we are. We’d arrived at ground zero. I waited. His erection looked like it had grown a bit since I last looked.

“Forgive me, Roger?” I finally went.

He just looked at me, then turned and stared off into the distance again.

“What can I do to make things good?” I wasn’t pleading, I was more resigned I guess. Trying to do the right thing, make amends.

His reply took me by surprise. He turned and looked into my face.

“Would you do that again, Clay? While I’m awake this time?”

I swallowed hard. Last thing I expected.

My thoughts shifted instantly, from dread to elation.

Roger was sitting there, with a half-hardon, looking at me. Again I couldn’t read his expression, but I had not only just been delivered from awkwardness but gifted a supreme desire. I tried to keep my hands from shaking with excitement.

I stood up and arranged my towel out on the ledge, trying to be deliberate. I gestured Roger to lie down on my towel, and took my discarded shirt, rolled it up and put it under his head.

“So you can be comfortable.” Given what was about to happen, the understatement and triviality of the comment did not escape Roger’s attention.

He smiled at my efforts and took a look around the pond before settling himself on his back.

No one around, we were pretty sheltered. Even if anyone came down the trail to the pond, we were far enough from view to have some warning to cover up. But there was no question it added to the excitement. Outdoors. No clothes. An erection out in the open. Daring.

I slowed everything down, put all my senses on high alert. Sun warm on my back, handsome surroundings, outdoor mountain air. All was good.

And my buddy’s handsome body stoked out in front of me.

Barrel chest, lots of hair on it, just a little gray, even denser on his legs, which were all pale white making the dark hair stand out even more. A good, heavy groin thicket, old growth forest, his penis half hard, resting on his left leg.

A penis half hard.

I looked at it longingly, the shadows the early afternoon sun made on it. White shaft, slightly pinker head, those sweet balls underneath nestled in their furry cocoon. I rubbed my hands, knelt down next to him.

Roger had closed his eyes. I aimed to make this last as long as possible, but of course had no sense of his own arousal cycle, how he would react to my touch. It might be fast, he might want it fast. I would play it by ear.

I laughed at my internal phrasing. “Play it by feel” was a better way to put it, but maybe he’d contribute an audio track.

You get these dreams in life sometimes, and every once in awhile, if the dream isn’t too big, and you aren’t too greedy and fussy, it can all work out.

A nice half-erect cock in front of me, with permission to play. I quivered with anticipation but exerted extreme restraint.

I stroked his legs, the inside of his thighs, just below his navel. All around his groin, but not actually there. He was hypersensitive. His body tensed every time I touched him.

Five minutes of this, Roger laying back with his eyes closed, sun warm on my back, and his prick had gotten serious hard despite no contact. The kind of hard that makes a prick stand rigid. It was hovering like a miniature baseball bat about an inch above his lower abdomen, bobbing stiffly when my hands moved over him or he shifted position. I hadn’t even gotten to it yet.

Pleased so far, I still went slowly. I let my fingers drift to his balls, feeling underneath them, they had risen in their sac. They oscillated, one egg on either side of his shaft. The right one rose up a little higher than the left. His prick-head nodded as I noodled his nuts around.

My right fingers traced up along one side of his shaft, stopping before the top. Down the other side. Lightest of touches. Escort Ankara Breath escaped from Roger’s lips. He’d gone and wrapped his arms around his chest, giving himself a hug. Maybe something to do to keep his hands occupied, keep the tension under control.

My fingers finally sought the top of his penis, barely touching it, tracing the sharp edge of his prick-head.

His shaft was pale, but it made his cock-head look pink, almost purple, in comparison. It was meaty, smooth to my fingertips, dying for more.

The payload aperture would have to wait. Fingers of both hands along each side of the shaft now, slow up-and-down. His sperm tube was clearly outlined. I imagined the rush of semen that soon would be coursing through it. Wondered if I would get a good look at him going off, maybe feeling the pulses of sperm with my fingers when he gushed.

The tip showed just the barest sign of dampness, not a drop yet, but wet at the end. If I wanted to, I could have had him spurting in two minutes. But I didn’t want that.

I reached under his balls with one hand, slowly dragged fingers up through them and along his shaft until a fingertip touched his damp tip. Did it with the other hand. I got a slow, teasing cycle going, thrilled to watch his balls drop down after I had nudged them up.

Roger’s legs were stiff, his toes curled. The most wonderful noises were coming from his throat.

I used two hands now, stroking each side of his shaft, pausing at the ridge-line to massage his cock head, a thumb just under the tip.

His hips pushed back into me.

Then, too soon, off he went. The first spurt went to his navel, my hand just underneath his cock-head, the second spurt went further. His hips bucked with his contractions, and the sperm eruption was spectacular.

I kept stroking, knowing myself how nice it is to keep the stimulation going. I kept my soft but now semen-coated hands moving on him, slowing after his last spurt, until his body gave off signs that he’d had enough. I sat back, watched his cock shrink back into what passed as its normal self.

The head got smaller first, all wet and spent and rubbery, and the rest of his prick followed. I was struck by how quickly he deflated.

He was quite a sight.

I had fetched an impressive quantity of sperm out of him. Several puddles of it on his hairy belly, his navel cavity filled to overflowing. He looked beautiful.

He raised up his head and looked down at the mess. I wasn’t sure whether he would be weirded out or not.

He surveyed the scene, then turned to me.

“Thanks bud. I don’t think I have had anyone pay that much attention, that much nice attention, to my prick in ages.”

He wagged his sodden cock back and forth. “Felt good. Real good.”

I was relieved it went off so well. That I had been able to please him. And of course my own cock was now insistently hard, sticking out from my groin forest, defiant.

Roger looked at it. Then into my face.

“I ought to return the favor,” he said.

“You don’t need to.” I was worried about anything that might ruin this event, and although I was dying for my own release, the last thing I wanted to do was damage what might turn into a promising scene between us.

He shook his head. “You did me good. Least I can do is reciprocate. Although I might not be as skilled as you were.”

This was not an offer to refuse.

We traded spots. I laid out on my back, my penis pointing up at my face, already hard from my own excitement pleasuring him. He knelt next to me.

I like the sight of my penis erect. Hell, I like the sight of any penis erect. But if mine is erect it is because I am excited. And the route to enjoyment is open, and the anticipation itself intoxicating.

I had gotten so aroused I figured that almost no matter how Roger handled me, I was going to be quick.

I was right.

Maybe if I hadn’t kept my eyes open to see the whole thing play out, it might have taken a little longer.

Roger began by fondling my balls with one hand while pulling on my prick with the other.

Feeling the pressure of his fingers under my balls was wonderful. He did long, slow strokes along my shaft, traced a finger along my cock’s ridge-line. Maybe this was how he did himself?

I shuddered with this thought. Maybe I’d get to see him do himself sometime? I had no idea then how all of this was going to spin out.

He made a circle with the thumb of his right hand and his index finger, began to run this noose up and down my shaft, the sliding friction lovely. I spread my legs and he took the hint, rubbing my balls with his other hand.

As the sun beat down on our scene, I looked down at the spectacle. Roger was totally focused, and I looked at his damp, deflated cock, wagging between his legs, the one I had just satisfied.

My own was aching. Roger took a moment and smeared the fluid oozing out of my prick-head around. He didn’t stop stroking.

The pressure built up within me. My legs stiffened. I felt the urge inside to squeeze.

My anus clamped shut and I shot. The first pulse was explosive, the second even better. Five good spurts of sperm came hurtling out of my prick. Roger, bless him, didn’t stop, kept pulling until his fingers were drenched with semen, and my own cock stopped twitching.

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A Little Wet

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“I’m tired of this shit. If they’re not going to use my ideas, why do they keep asking for my help? It’s not like I have nothing better to do than to sit around waiting for them to pick me for their team. If I have to spend one more day kissing her ass and pretending like I care, I’m going to loose it! Dammit Ricky! You’re supposed to be listening! Drop the sock and let’s go for our run!”

I pulled on my black shorts and Nikes and leashed the dog for our nightly run. We didn’t go far but pounding out a couple of miles helps relieve stress after the long days at the office. Ricky waited patiently as I stretched my legs and watched the other joggers go by. With a quick pat to the head, we were off and heading towards the park a mile down the road.

I was sweating lightly as we rounded the corner into the park and picked up the looping trail around the perimeter. Jill was jogging about ten yards in front of me. Half the reason I started jogging was to watch Jill; her body was perfect and its bounce keeps me motivated to keep up so I can continue watching. Today, she’s wearing my favorite pair of black shorts, the loose ones that have a tendency to ride up in the back. Keeping pace, I watch as her shorts inch up and the rounded muscles of her ass started to peak out under the hem of her shorts. As if she Ataşehir Escort knows, she picks up the pace and I’m having to work to keep the view; it’s worth it though.

Sam lopes up next to me and smiles; she likes watching Jill’s ass as much as I do. What a pair, watching Sam’s breast bounce on my left and Jill’s ass ahead of me reminds me of how long it’s been since anyone’s shared my bed. I push the thought away and grin as Jill stops at the benches ahead of us and stretches, feet apart, fingers touching the ground, her head though her legs watching us run up and her ass high in the air. Even Ricky grins as she passes that ass, proudly displayed. We head around the final turn and Sam waves as we part company. Ricky and I head towards home.

Home sweet apartment! I sip a bottle of water and give the dog a new dish as I start peeling off clothes. My sweaty sports bra and shorts end up in a pile on my shoes after I flip on a soft jazz CD. I finish my water, standing in the kitchen in a black thong. Rehydrated, I step into the bathroom and slide the thin cotton over my hips and reach up to turn on the faucet. I tug the rubber band out of my hair and run my fingers through my blond locks, smoothing out the harsh pony tail.

The water’s perfect as I step into Ataşehir Escort Bayan the shower; I set the stream to pulse to help loosen up my muscles. I slowly lathered my hair with shampoo and leaned back against the shower wall, letting the water ease away my day as it coursed over my warm skin. After rinsing my hair, I started working a thick sponge with my favorite calming body wash.

I started with my neck, rubbing gently and worked over my shoulders. I ran the sponge over my breasts in small circles; I was surprised when my nipples hardened. I trailed the sponge over my stomach and across my hips, swaying in time to the soft jazz. Placing a foot onto the small shower bench, I worked the sponge down my leg and around my foot as the water pulsated against my breasts. Switching legs, I drag the sponge across my thigh and up into the cleft of my pussy. I rock against the sponge just a little before pushing it back to create soapy trails around my ass.

I had turned around and repositioned my foot on the opposite bench, spreading my ass to let the stream of water wash away the soap, when I dropped the sponge. Leaning down, reaching for the wayward sponge, angled my pussy toward the pulsing spray. I moaned and rocked forward, enjoying the hot water coursing over Escort Ataşehir my clit.

A little light headed from the run and the hot water, I quickly turned around to sit, allowing my head to clear. I leaned back against the shower wall and spread my legs, allowing the hot water to flow across my breasts and splash against my pussy. I placed my foot on the bench next to me, angling my hips up, toward the water, loving how my pussy throbbed in time with the water’s pulse.

I sat, leaning against the wall, playing with my breasts, and watching the water splash against me until I thought I might go mad; it felt so good but I couldn’t cum. I pulled my hand away from my aching nipple and pushed it inside my pussy. I removed the wet digit and started circling my ass, gasping as I slowly pushed it inside. I rocked my hips in time to Mindy’s sexy sax, pushing my finger a little deeper with every thrust. The angle of my arm prevented the water from hitting my pussy so I stroked my clit with my other hand, in tight, rigid, circles. I started panting, working my clit faster and pushing my finger deeper into my ass as I felt myself start to orgasm. I cried out, oh goddess, as I came, my finger deep in my ass and my other hand clutching my throbbing pussy.

It took a minute for me to recover. I slowly stood up and found the sponge, reapplying the body wash and smoothing away the cum from the inside of my thighs and the crack of my ass. I was smiling when I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. I tied a towel around my wet hair and stepped into my silk robe. I don’t mind going to be a little wet…

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Suzanne’s Massage Surprise

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My name is not really Suzanne, but I’m going to go with it as I need to stay under the radar. Anyone who knows me well enough may start to figure out who I really am as time goes along, but that’s a chance I’ll just have to take.

What is true is that live in London, but it’s a big place and I should be OK with telling you that much. I work as a Beauty Therapist, I’m in my late 20’s, and my figure what is generally known as “petite” being just shy of 5 feet tall and am a size 6. I have what I consider perfectly sized breasts (ok – small) and play a lot of Squash so am nice and trim (I think).

So enough of this let’s get into why I feel the need to write all this down…

Where it all Started

About 6 months ago this guy walked into the salon where I work, booked in for a full body massage. He was with his girlfriend and the massage was a apparently a birthday present. I was hovering around the back of reception, waiting, when they checked in and seemed quite a happy looking couple, early thirties or so, and comfortable with each other, although not what I’d call “touchy-feely” in the way they stood together.

The woman asked how long it would take and when she found out it was just over an hour appointment, she pecked him on cheek, said she’d see him later, and headed out of the door – shopping clearly the priority for that afternoon.

He took a seat and was just reaching for a magazine when I called him through. He stood up and as I led him through to the treatment room and I noticed how tall he was this close up, and caught a brief waft of his aftershave. Nice, I think, he’s bothered to freshen up – I hate people who turn up sweaty and stale. He wasn’t particularly good looking, but was pleasant enough, and I warmed to him as he stood there looking lost. Clearly a first timer.

I was straight into business mode, letting him know what the massage involved (shoulders, back, arms, legs, torso), how long it would take, blah blah blah…you get the idea…but for some reason forgot to mention the towel discipline. The bit where I explain how we use the towel across the middle to protect his modesty, and my blushes. So telling him to get undressed and hop up on the table, I headed out to give him a moment to get ready.

I walked back into the room and – bless me – he’s lying face down on the massage table stark naked. I stood gaping for a moment and then, realising anyone passing by in the corridor could see in, quickly closed the door. He was lying with his face planted through the face hole at the top of the table and didn’t say anything or even move, so I wasn’t sure he’d noticed me come in, although he must have heard the door as I’d given it quite a shove to get it closed, pronto like.

I stepped over to the table and had a moment to take in the fact he clearly worked out – he was nothing short of ripped – with a very, very nice arse. I know exactly what I should have done then (grab a towel, cover him up, and be all professional again ), but I just didn’t. I don’t know what came over me, I’d seen him with his partner, and the rules about this sort of thing couldn’t be clearer, no hanky-panky in the treatment rooms. We don’t do “that kind” of massage and sackings and general unpleasantness will follow anyone breaking of the rules. But we all talked about it, and I knew Anadolu Yakası Escort the legends of the other therapists who had had some fun on company time, none of whom worked here anymore – ominous.

But like I said, something just came over me. I’ve been in a relationship with my partner for nearly two years, I get plenty of sex at home, and I never considered myself an “unfaithful” kind of person, let alone a floozy to take advantage of someone else’s guy. But that arse – it was just perfect.

I leaned over and quickly flicked the lock on the door before grabbing a bottle of oil and started warming it in my hands.

“You OK there?” I asked, voice just ever so slightly squeaky with nerves.

“Fine” came a voice from under the table, “am I OK like this?”

“Just – perfect”

I saw him relax slightly and thought – hey ho – to work.

I have no idea whether he was genuinely naive about not being naked for a regular massage, or whether he played me, but I stopped caring as soon as I walked to the head of the table and started working on his shoulders. Like I said, he was ripped and it was like trying to get the knots out of a slab of week old beef. This guy seriously worked out and I actually earned my keep, using a gallon of oil and thinking I might need to get help, my hands were really aching. He groaned appreciatively at all the right points, and by the time I’d worked all the way down his back and then back up his legs, it wasn’t only my hands that were sticky and wet – this guy was seriously affecting me, in a good way.

At this point the normal procedure is to lift the towel, the client turns over safely protected while I discretely turn my head away, just in case, and they settle down facing upwards ready for the next bit. Today I was looking at the most perfectly formed butt I’d had the pleasure to ever gaze on and I made a decision.

Pouring far more oil onto my hands than was strictly necessary, I placed both hands firmly onto his buttocks. It took all my self control not to whimper as I heard the deepest sigh come from under the head end of the table. Did he think this was just a normal part of the massage? OK – let’s make it so. I began to press and knead his tight buns, sliding firmly and then caressing lightly in turn. It was just so horny! I was starting to get a little breathless myself when I noticed his legs part ever so slightly – and my life changed forever.

As his legs parted I saw he had a great set of balls, shaved clean and perfectly formed. And below those, starting to make its way down the table, I could see his cock was starting to harden – pressed against the table – and getting bigger with every stroke of my hand across his butt. I consider myself a woman of the world, and thought I’d been with some decent guys, but this was in a different league. I watched in awe as it got longer, and thicker. I half heard an embarrassed apology and something about my hands being too good, but I just mumbled a quick “It’s fine, really” as I gazed on a 10 inch wonder of the world.

I slid my hands into the crack between his butt cheeks, pulling them apart and letting oil pour down over his arsehole, sack and onto this long, hard cock. I then followed the flow with my fingers, pressing onto his hole briefly before Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan cupping my hands over his balls, squeezing and gripping them hard enough to raise a real groan from under the table. My pussy was going crazy. I was beyond hot and wet, my breathing had reduced itself to a soft pant and I actually thought I might cum right there. Without noticing, I’d been rubbing myself on the padded edge of the table and was well onto the way to getting myself off. I was losing any semblance of control and I needed more.

Slowly, oh so slowly, I let his balls slide through my hands as I stretched down to the base of his cock. My nails grazed their way around his shaft and I felt the heat and hardness for the first time, tingles spreading through my fingertips as I took hold of the biggest erection I’d ever seen. A long soft moan came form under the table as I slid my grip along his length the to swollen head, raging and purple, already oozing pre-cum in a little sticky teardrop. My head began to swim and I had to remind myself to breath before I passed out from the sexual tension, it was just awesome. I had never felt so horny, and I was with a complete stranger, lying naked and gorgeous in my workplace.

All pretense stopped right there. He wanted to cum. I wanted him to cum. I needed to cum.

As I began to stroke the underside of his cock, I could he was getting a little uncomfortable. He was face down and his cock was lying along the table between his legs the wrong way. I reluctantly lifted my hands away and nudged his side.

“Flip over” I whispered.

I don’t know if he’d actually heard me, but he eased himself over and I saw his cock in all its rock hard glory. As he turned it sprang to life like a baseball bat, springing up to its natural place and waving like a flagpole as he settled onto his back. It was an independent thing. Rising up from his balls at an angle and hanging in the air, the bell shaped cock end hovering just a couple of inches above his belly button. My mouth was dry as I took a moment to admire the view.

I managed to look away for a brief moment and really look him in the eye for the first time. He was in control here and he damn well knew it. Behind a boyish half grin (which I thought had been shy and unassuming – what a mug) there was a confidence – earned from god knows how many encounters just like this one, I bet. He pointed at his cock,

“Do you mind just…?” he asked.

The bastard already knew the answer. He knew I was so far gone by now I would do pretty much anything he asked so long as it involved that gorgeous hard-on. And now I understood why some girls were more than happy to get fired over this kind of thing.

I responded with what my mother would have called “gusto”.

Smiling right back, I started to unbutton my work top. Popper by popper I worked down the blouse front and as I slipped it off my shoulders I glanced back down to his cock, and was rewarded with a healthy twitch in response. I lifted my vest top up over my head and thanked mother nature for giving me the small pert breasts that meant I could get away without a bra most days.

It was his turn to take a breath as he watched me reach for his cock, leaning low, and letting my hardening nipples brush the Escort Anadolu Yakası side of his chest. He reached up with his right hand and cupped by breast as I leaned towards his cock, my face just inches from the raging head and my hand circling his shaft. I stroked slowly at first, but quickly picked up the pace, squeezing and teasing in turns. Cupping his balls with the other hand I pulled and twisted while I wanked him, from the base to the underside of the head, then gripping and twisting that head, all the while feeling him squirming under my touch.

I was desperate to take him into my mouth, but he was so oily I’d have gagged (note to self – find a nice fruit flavored lube for next time – oh god, I’m already thinking about the next time). So this was a hand-job only session, which was fine by me as well, he felt so damned big and hard I was close to ecstasy just wanking him off.

I almost whimpered with disappointment when he stopped cupping my breast and teasing my nipple, moving his hand away, only to gasp in excitement as his hand slid up between my legs. His pressed up into the crotch of my trousers and I felt a gush of wetness as he grazed my clit. Heaven – he was happy to sort me out as well – and boy did I need it!

Keeping up the stroking with one hand, I reached around with the other and grabbed at my waistband, tugging my trousers and panties down in a series of inelegant shoves so they slipped halfway down my thighs, just far enough to expose my dripping pussy and let his hand delve deeply into my cunt.

Two fingers slipped easily up into me, curving straight round to find my G spot – damn, this guy was good – his thumb pressing against my own rock hard clit. Shit, this felt fabulous, and I wasn’t going to last long as he expertly finger fucked me in response to my own stroking of his cock. His breaths were getting short and he began to buck on the table under my grip, and then without any warning he blew. Great white streams of cum jetted out of his cock, coating my face and hair. My lips were slightly parted and one superbly aimed stream of spunk shot straight into my mouth, finally pushing me over the edge. As he came, he tensed so hard his fingers rammed up me, rigid as cocks themselves, and while my face and hair were being bathed in spunk I orgasmed like never before. My juices poured over his fingers and down my legs as my cunt spasmed in overdrive. Waves of pleasure surged up through my body and I’m sure I passed out for a moment as my head felt like it exploded in white light and I collapsed onto him on the table as my knees gave way.

Silence. For a moment it was pure silence, and then my senses started coming back to life.

The first thing I became aware of was him groaning quietly.

“Wow – that was fucking incredible”

His cock was starting to go limp and I eased myself up and away from him. Turning to see him smiling at me. I smiled back back, “Yup” was all I could manage right then. I took a deep breath and the waves of my own orgasm began to subside, and I felt fabulous. I’d just has one of the horniest, most satisfying, experiences of my life. A glance at the clock told me we’d only been at it for 20 minutes which surprised me, it felt like forever. We had plenty of time to get ourselves together, tidy up and appear respectable again before he headed out of the door at the end of the session.

There’s a full length dressing mirror by the door in the treatment room, and I caught a new image of myself. Naked as far as the trousers and knickers pushed around my thighs, hair dishevelled, with spunk dripping down my face.

And do you know what – I really liked what I saw.

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A Heart of Stone

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It didn’t feel like home turf.

The southern climate had forced Alec to leave his leather attire behind, in favor of thin, black slacks that fit tightly on his buff legs, and a simple linen button shirt that hung half open on his chest.

Far from a swamp, the Broussard estate was nevertheless wrapped in oppressive humidity that even the variable shade of gnarled cypresses along the uneven stone path barely eased.

The plantation was not open unannounced visitors but could be rented for those who preferred authentic slave barracks in the background of their wedding photos.

Alec removed his sunglasses as he came into view of the Georgian manor house, pale red walls framed by white, if dirtied, columns.

He was awaited by a brunet man in a tank top showing off his defined arms and a baseball cap on his square head.

“Alec Reyes?”

“Yes,” Alec said and shook the offered hand. “You must be Mister Daniel Broussard.”

“Just Dan, please.”

They moved into the dim, dusty lobby. Alec couldn’t help feel the building’s age had been ignored for too long but the humidity was bearable here.

Dan led him up the stairs to a guestroom where Alec dropped his suitcase.

“You manage the plantation?”

“Sort of,” Dan said. “My parents spend as little time here as they can. Me and my little brother Ricky are stuck here with Howard – grandpa. I’d leave if I could but… someone’s gotta look after the old grump, haha.

“As for the Raven portrait…” Alec begun.

“So the painting actually *belongs* to Howard. You’ll have to talk to him. If it were up to me I’d just have sent you the damn thing but he takes up fascinations sometimes.” Dan looked like he wanted to say a lot more but switched track. “Grandpa can be stubborn. Maybe if you’re willing to wait until he moved on to some new item.”

“We’ll see. Can I talk to him right away?”

“I’ll check if he’s sleeping. He’s usually awake by now but… old people, you know.”


Howard Broussard was a rather ugly man but aside from severely messed up, brown teeth he looked much younger than his age – barely fifty.

He gave Alec a disapproving once-over. Likely because of the ash blond mohawk and nose ring, possibly also because of the dark skin.

“Your client wants the painting?” Howard asked, as if laying a trap. “Well he can’t have it,” he added with finality. “I’m not *done* with it.”

The old man lounged in a chair in front of a ceramics display hutch, an untouched, dusty tea set on the end table. The room stank of cigarettes but there were none in sight.

Alec dropped himself in the other chair, leaning back with legs wide to give Howard a show of rugged masculinity.

Dan, leaning on the doorway, twitched.

“And what exactly are you *doing* with it?”

“None of your business.” Howard was quiet for a moment. “But if you’ve got any information on it that would help me figure out… Well, I’m interested in its history. Things that might not be in the official records. If your client, uh-“


“-Mister Raven knows the key to this mystery I’d part with it sooner.”

The old bastard wanted to harness the portrait somehow. Conjuring? Sending visions to his enemies? Keeping a ghost as a slave?

“Can I see it?” Alec asked. “I’ve worked with Mister Raven for years. I have knowledge of ‘mysteries’. From the mundane to the… tricky.”

Howard gave him another faintly disgusted once-over but rose and waved him along.

At the back of the Broussard manor was a small office, overflowing with artefacts in glass cases and drawers, mostly open and loosely organized. Chinese scrolls, anatomical drawings, jars of snakes in aspic. A bookshelf where every other book carried a pentagram or a goat head on the spine.

Most of the walls were dedicated to African artefacts, like necklaces, shields and simple strings without obvious use.

Alec wasn’t good at this type of thing but it took little effort to call forth the Connections. The hanging objects had overwhelmingly belonged to people who had lived on the estate and had not parted with their owners freely. Trophies of a sort.

Above a modest fireplace hung a portrait of Orion Raven.

The four hundred year old painting, about two feet high, had become tinged a dark yellow but the strict looking fellow with the ruff collar stared at the observers undeterred by the centuries of grime.

“Any visions since he got here?” Alec asked. “Nightmares? Hallucinations?”

Howard grinned with his rotten-looking teeth. “That’s what I’ve been hoping for, but no. Not so far.”

“What about you?” Alec said and turned to Dan who had stayed outside the room.

Dan flinched. “I… Um, no, not reall- No visions, sir.”

A glance at Howard made clear Alec had just tipped the old guy off to something. Dan was lying but Howard Ankara bayan escort didn’t yet know the contents of the hallucinations. And Dan didn’t seem likely to open up to his grandfather.


A knock on the guestroom door. An unfamiliar voice.

“Mister Reyes? The take-out’s here.”

Alec opened, wearing nothing but black briefs. The guy holding up a plastic bag of Asian food failed to hide his shock and awe at the displayed musculature.

“You must be Ricky,” Alec said and took the bag to his small two seater table.

“That’s me,” Ricky said, nervously chuckling.

The ‘little brother’ was barely a few years younger than Dan, with the same edgy face, slightly taller and lankier, his brown hair in an even fringe.

Alec had planned to target Dan but he could still do that later.

“I was about to shower,” Alec said, putting a lot of effort into his voice to make it The Voice without the aid of his wristlet which lay on the nightstand. “Does the water take a while to get hot?”

Ricky swallowed hard and tore his eyes off the hunk’s abs. “Uh, hot, yes. I mean-” He pressed his eyes shut and cringed lightly. “The boiler was renewed last year so you’ll be good.”

This was easier than expected. Ricky didn’t seem to need much convincing. Or maybe Alec underestimated his capabilities. He had gotten a lot of practice in Europe.

“I couldn’t find the towels,” Alec lied. “Could you show me where they are?”

“Sure,” Ricky said, entered and closed the door behind him.

Alec walked ahead into the bathroom and pulled his briefs down, simply stepping out of them as they dropped. On the narrow shower’s glass wall he saw Ricky stare at the hunky bubble butt.

Alec whipped around, catching Ricky gawking at his dick and patted the towel hanging over the shower wall. “Silly me, I found it earlier. Different question then. Has anything weird happened since your grandfather brought that painting home?”

“Weird…” Ricky said, looking everywhere but at the hunk’s body.

“Dreams. Hallucinations. Someone standing in the corridor at night?”

“Sometimes when Howard brings home a… fascination, it shows up in my dreams before I’ve even seen it in real life.”

“Did Orion? The man in the portrait?”


Alec turned on the water in the shower. “I’d like to hear about it. If you’re going to stay, better leave the clothes outside.”

Ricky froze, then tore his shirt off as if it were on fire. Alec was in the shower by the time the slimmer man was naked and had kicked his clothes in front of the door. His hand hovered over his small, cut dick but he didn’t decisively cover it.

“Any idea what your grandfather wants with the painting?”

“No, Howard never tells anyone anything.”

“I can barely hear you. Come a little closer.”

Ricky stepped up to the open shower, flinching as droplets sprayed onto him.

The way Alec used shampoo made it a flexing show. He stayed turned to the side so Ricky could ‘safely’ stare while pretending not to. He shoved the shampoo bottle at Ricky and turned around.

“Help me with the back.”

“Yes, uh…”

Ricky tried to rub gently, timidly over the hunk’s broad shoulders and tight waist while avoiding the water spray.

Alec turned to face him, grabbed his arms and pulled him under the stream.

The bottle clanked loudly on the ceramic ground as their faces met.

Ricky kissed eagerly but submissively, his boner rising between their thighs. Alec’s tool chubbed in response. With increasing courage, Ricky’s hands explored the muscled, brown body as water splashed over them both.

“Did Orion do any of this in your dreams?”

“Fuck… I don’t really remember but yeah, I think we dream fucked.”

“Oh,” Alec said with a chuckle. “He was the fuck of your dreams?”

Ricky pouted and punched the bigger man’s chest. “You know what I mean.”

“So you have not had your dream fuck yet?”

Ricky looked to the side. He sounded almost childishly indignant. “I’m not a bottom. Forget it. We can just suck each other off.”

“Daring, hehe. Your brother seems a lot more repressed by comparison. Do you know if he had the same dreams?”

“I think so but we don’t talk about Howard-stuff. Mostly I pretend Howard doesn’t exist. I basically live at the skate park. Do we *have* to talk about this now?”

Alec turned the water off and towel dried himself. He pushed Ricky out of the shower with a slap on the butt and the slim man grabbed a towel for himself.

“Just one question,” Alec said and put more power into his speech. He was willing to respect Ricky’s wish not to bottom — mostly because he didn’t want to strain his voice — but Alec Reyes was no cocksucker. He *got* his cock sucked.

“Yeah?” Ricky said and watched with awe as the hunk needlessly Escort bayan Ankara flexed while toweling.

“Why do you call him Howard? Even Dan had to remind himself to say ‘grandpa’.”

Ricky looked troubled. He fought with himself for a moment, eyes glancing repeatedly at the hunk’s thick semi-hardon. His own towel hung over his fully erect dick of unimpressive size.

“He’s not my grandfather. He’s my great-great-grandfather.”

“Oh. Shit.”

“You believe me?”

“Let’s say yes. How?”

“No clue. I wish it wasn’t true. He’s a monster. He can’t even look out the window without dreaming of seeing slaves working on the plantation again.”

Alec’s semi was rapidly hardening. He didn’t know how yet, but he’d use this information. For now, he could only clear his head.

“Hm, how strange,” the hunk said, pointing his twitching dick at Ricky. A thick pearl of precum glistened at the tip. “Could have sworn that spot was already dry. Little help?”

Ricky went to his knees, looking up as he slowly wrapped his mouth around the pulsing cock head.

Maybe Alec should call home regarding Howard. For now he forced a little too much into Ricky’s throat over and over, melting the oral bottom’s resistance with encouraging comments, enjoying the echo of desperate gagging on the bathroom tiles.

A few minutes later, the boy took a load without complaint and never asked his top to return the favor, leaving happy and glass eyed.


Away from the city, only the light of the crescent moon illuminated Alec’s sleeping frame. The hunk was naked, only his midsection covered by a nearly see-through blanket. His slow breath made his ripped chest move. No other sound disturbed the silence of the guest bedroom.

Footprints on the carpet, chaotically placed as if some unseen phantom was figuring out how many feet a person should have and miscounting every time, not even bothering to make them face the same direction.

A gentle tugging on the bedsheets went unnoticed. One hard tug tore the sheets away and Alec woke with a start.


The sheet sailed away, briefly hugging a humanoid outline at the edge of his bed that vanished from existence in the blink of an eye.

Alec saw handprints on the mattress, footprints on the floor and reached out into the air. He caressed a rugged face, briefly, before it faded into nothing.

“Orion?” Alec whispered.

What was he seeing here? What were they Connection? The naked hunk with nose ring and mohawk looked into the darkness, seeing with other senses.

“Show me the way,” he whispered.


Dan Broussard woke up as he heard the floorboards creak in the corridor outside.

Finally a night without dreaming of the guy in the painting, without dreaming about stripping for him, licking his shoes, bending over, begging for cock. He was happy in the dreams while they lasted but the moment he awoke he was hit by the horror and violation. He’d burn the damn thing if Howard didn’t sell it soon.

More creaky floorboards. Ricky had no reason to come this way and Howard moved around the house like a cat since he knew every inch of every traitorous floorboard. It had to be the weight of that muscular northerner.

Dan got up and headed quietly for the door.

A hand grabbed him by the neck, cutting off his ability to shout.

The Broussard man was dragged back onto the bed and something forced itself into his mouth. Something fleshy, almost like… a cock! He tried to bite down but the ghost rod fucked his mouth *through* the teeth as if they weren’t there.

More hands grabbed Dan, pinning him down by the wrists and raising his legs. With a ghostly smack on his ass, his legs were pulled up and apart.

Precum dripped into Dan’s face from his own dick as the ghost kept muffling his sobs with a throat fuck through closed lips.

Dan rapidly hardened. Invisible hands groped his junk and crack.

He opened his mouth to shout but the phantom dick never stayed out of his throat for more than one breath. Dan was gargling his own saliva and mucus while the ghost humped his mouth.

One hand let off his right wrist and Dan swatted the air, hitting nothing. He grabbed his own dick and rapidly jerked off.

A finger entered his hole.

Dan panicked and tried to scream, choking on his own spit. He masturbated more furiously. The dreams always ended after he came. Maybe the apparition would retreat for the same reason.

Invisible cum rained on him in ridiculous amounts, squirted from a dick above, like a showerhead.

As two fingers went knuckle deep into his ass, Dan finally creamed his load into his face. The ghost followed, exploding in the man’s mouth with such an amount that Dan’s gagging made the thick but invisible goo shoot out his nose.

With Bayan escort Ankara the taste of cum all throughout his nostrils and on his tongue, Dan was unceremoniously dropped and spasmed on the bed as the remaining shivers of his orgasm ran their course.

He feel into a deep sleep from which he would awake unbearably horny. The memories didn’t quite fade, however, and Dan would rise with a burning hatred for the painting and what lived within.


“Orion? Where did you go?”

Alec had slipped into his black briefs and followed the trail to the office where the portrait hung. With the thick curtains drawn, the only light came from his phone.

He scanned the place but found no obvious clues and Orion’s disjointed, twisted phantom appearance had seemingly move on.

A brush against the curtains. A glint of moonlight. Movement on the carpet.

Alec stepped up to the indicated shelf next to the fireplace. An invisible finger drew a circle in the feint dust around an item stand. It held bracketed a fully calcified human heart, dimly reflecting the phone’s light in dark yellow, white and gray.

There was nothing unusual about it, considering it stood between a jar full of eyeballs and a set of frontal teeth.

“You want me to see that? Why?”

Alec placed a hand on the heart and tried to feel anything unusual. How was a calcified heart *supposed* to feel?

The hunk took it from its bracket but the ghost kept drawing wider and faster circles around the stand.

Alec put the heart back and gripped the stand itself. It refused to be lifted. Lightly bending it, he could move it like a lever. The shelf clicked and rattled.

With a grunt of approval, Alec pushed the now freely moving shelf aside and entered the secret room behind it.

It was an extension of the office, windowless, small and filled with yet more creepy items.

The phone in Alec’s hand was shoved to point its light at a square box, half a foot wide, made of polished wood.

Alec took one look at the ornate design on the lid and froze.

“Poseidon’s Casket. What’s that doing here? I thought only the Browns still those.”

There was no lock. The box would have considered it an insult to hang a lock on it or wrap it with a chain. It stayed shut under all circumstances as long as it trusted the owner.

Alec ran his fingers along the smooth frame, expecting to not even find a slit, as if the box didn’t even *have* a way of opening it.

To his surprise, he not only found a clear distinction between box and lid, he could even lift it. Gasping in awe, he nonetheless smiled to himself. The box didn’t trust the owner — it trusted Alec.

He raised the lid and shone the light in. The fearless hunk nearly cried out.

In two inches of blood lay a beating human heart.

He swallowed heavy, took a picture of the outside and the inside and sent them to Mordecai. The old man would see the texts in the morning. Alec was confident in his judgement and didn’t wait for permission.


“Yes, I’m sure. Just take the damn thing,” Dan said. “This is the museum’s packaging it came with, so I’ll assume that’s all up to transportation standard.”

Alec grabbed the wrapped painting, made heavier by the frame inside the box that secured it. His open shirt fluttered in the wind as he walked off the manor’s stairs.

“Been a pleasure,” the hunk said. “Thanks for making things uncomplicated.”

“Yeah yeah,” Dan said. “I’ll deal with Howard somehow. But I’m not having that creepy guy in the same house as me for one more night. Ugh, sorry, I… didn’t sleep well.”

“Don’t worry, things are only getting better from here,” Alec said and with one last goodbye, the northerner was on the way to catch his flight home.

In his backpack were two trophies. One was Ricky’s underwear — old habit. The other took up so much space that Alec had been forced to trash some of his stuff.

Poseidon’s Casket weighed heavy on his shoulders, the content sloshing with every step.

He wasn’t even off the property when he stopped and walked a few feet into the thicket next to the path.

By daylight the box with maritime ornaments looked much less uncanny. The lid opened for him without issue, exposing again the grim, red, thumping content.

He dumped the blood and heart without so much as an apologetic facial expression.

Rapidly, the heart calcified. The blood turned black, solid and flaky until it was mere dust. After a minute, the organ had caught up with its supposed age and had shriveled to plum size. Alec stomped it into the dirt.

Before boarding the plane, he’d send the box back to the remaining Browns in Hawai’i, with a warning about the still blood-painted insides. He had never met them personally, but if they weren’t trustworthy, the box would know.

Dan or Ricky, whoever checked up on Howard in his office, would find a desiccated, century old corpse turned half to dust. It would be a shock he’d have liked to spare them, but Alec didn’t expect anyone in the family to shed a tear.

With light steps, Alec left the Broussard plantation behind.

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Bella’s College Experience Ch. 01

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Bella stared down at the pages underneath her hands, watching as the words slowly began to blend together. She had been studying for this exam for hours, and by now any knowledge that was to be imprinted on her brain had already done so. So why did she still have the book open? Truthfully, it was because she had nothing better to do. Entering college had been exciting – for the first few weeks. Now it had been almost three months, and any perks of being on her own had long since faded. Now she was just in a strange city with no family, no friends, and no boyfriend. The only way she could think of herself was undeniably lonely.

As she shifted in her seat, she felt the material of her panties brushing ever so gently against her crotch. She was lonely, yes…but also horny. It had been ages since she had had any sexual contact – months, in fact. Ever since she had left her boyfriend back in her hometown. She had tried to get out and meet new guys here, but she just hadn’t had any luck. Every guy she had met was the epitome of idiocy…she had left each date disgusted, every thought of sex out of her mind. She wasn’t the partying type, either, so that idea was out. It wasn’t that she was unattractive…it was anything besides that, even she knew that. She was a fairly average height, standing at 5’5″. Her brown hair reached the top of her pert breasts, which her old boyfriend had once called “just over the right size for handful.” She was satisfied with her breast size, knowing that her shapely legs and firm ass more than made up for the fact that she was a little small. But her physical attractiveness, while a beacon for plenty of men, was matched by her slightly picky personality. She wasn’t going to do anything, no matter how horny she was, with a guy she wouldn’t want to see or listen to the next day. This wasn’t exactly the type of attitude most people had in college – which is why she was always by herself. Bella had resigned herself to the idea of being lonely…it had to pick up sometime.

But before that…

Bella turned slowly to look at the set of drawers across the small room from her. There were two of them, one for her, and one for her roommate, Lisa. Lisa was out right now – with her boyfriend, of course. If they weren’t out at some party, or at the beach, they were in Bella and Lisa’s dorm fucking. The noises they made at night did nothing to rid Bella of her horniness. The worst part was that Lisa’s boyfriend, Jeff, was a pretty nice guy. Bella had let herself snatch a peek at his body on more than one occasion…and knew that besides his strong torso and great smile, Jeff also had a pretty nice sized cock. More than once, Bella had wished that she were the one moaning under him, instead of that bimbo Lisa.

But not for the first time, Bella thought about taking advantage of her privacy. Anadolu Yakası Escort Lisa wouldn’t be back for at least another hour, which left Bella plenty of time to do whatever she pleased.

Shutting the book in front of her quickly, Bella stood up and tugged at the bottom of the boxer shorts she was wearing. The prospect of what was to come sent a swift shiver up her spine, and she rapidly crossed the room to the set of drawers. Opening the bottom on, she reached into the back, beneath the piles of socks and underwear that she kept in here. Her fingers closed around a solid object, and she smiled to herself as she pulled her arm back.

She stared down at the vibrator almost lovingly, running her fingers over its familiar pink surface. Glancing behind her, she quickly moved to the bed and reached over to switch off the lamp that was sitting on her nightstand.

She didn’t hesitate in quickly twisting the bottom of the vibrator, shivering once more as she felt the smooth surface begin to shake ever so slightly. Inhaling a quick breath, she moved her hand down to pull off the shorts covering the lower half of her body. Using her free hand to brush over her smoothly shaven pussy, she spread apart the lips. She was already wet from even the thought of giving herself this type of pleasure. Bella used her fingers to brush up and down her slit quickly before bringing her fingers back up to her mouth and licking them clean. The taste was bitter and yet satisfying – if only it had been someone else’s lips wrapped around her fingers. She sighed at the thought, her eyelids fluttering closed as she let her imagination begin to take off.

The vibrator slipped down her toned stomach as the scene unfolded in her mind. In her head, she was still laying there on the top of the bed on the sheets, exposed with the trembling vibrator sitting on her lower abdomen. But she was not alone. In the same chair she had been studying in across the room sat a large shape – she could barely make out the outline, but from what she could tell, the person’s shoulders were large, toned, and broad. She shivered again, thinking of this imaginary man, and began to rub the vibrator up and down her slit.

In her mind, he liked watching her. She knew what she must look like, lying on the bed sheets with her bottom half exposed, the pink vibrator teasing at the lips of her pussy. She raised one arm above her head, tossing her hair away from her face and rubbing the vibrator more insistently against her body. Her clit was responding amazingly, already sending tingles of passion through her. The man in the chair sat riveted, a bulge growing in his pants.

A dark haze in her mind, he stood from the chair and walked towards her. He leaned down towards her, a strong jaw Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan looming on top of hers for a second before he kissed her roughly. She could feel his tongue in her mouth, almost strong enough to be real. His imaginary hands landed heavily on her waist, and she let out a small cry out loud before plunging her hand downwards, moving the vibrator so that its tip was positioned at her small entryway.

The man’s hands groped at her breasts through the thin material of her shirt, his hands pinching the nipples and slowly rolling them around between his thumb and forefinger. Bella’s own hand sought to do what her mind was envisioning, twisting and pulling at the sensitive nubs as she continued to rub the vibrator around her quivering pussy.

She could feel the man’s cock pressing against her side as if it were real, hard and waiting for attention. She let out a whimper again, this time louder than she had before. Without thinking, she plunged the vibrator into her warm, wet pussy. In her imagination, the man was suddenly on top of her, bending her legs up towards her shoulders as his thick cock moved in and out of her.

All nine inches of the shaking pink dildo was soon pumping in and out of her. Bella writhed on the bed, throwing her head back in ecstatic cries. Her breathing had grown shallow and panty sounding, and she gasped for air while crying out loudly. Her free hand slipped down to her clit, quickly rubbing across the small nub. Her back arched up from the bed, and she hissed in a breath at the contact on her sensitive spot. She began to rub her clit furiously, in time with the rhythm that she was fucking herself with. She could feel her plateau approaching as she envisioned the man above her, holding her hands above her head and fucking her like she hadn’t been fucked in months – no, in her life. Being lonely didn’t matter, and being horny didn’t matter – not now, not when she was rapidly coming closer to a better orgasm than she had had in a long time.

A loud yell traveled up her throat, and she could feel her body shaking as she continued to fuck herself.

“Oh God…oh, oh yeah…ohhhhh, yeah…oh my god, yeah, give it to me…Ohhhhhh God…” The cries resounded through the room, echoing through Bella’s own ears as her back arched towards the ceiling and her toes began to curl.

She imagined being fucked in every position possible – on her back, where he pounded into her while rubbing her clit for her. She imagined him rolling her over and pulling up her backside so that he was fucking her doggy style, penetrating her deeply while his balls slapped against her firm ass. She gasped out loud as she imagined him rolling his thumb over the small button that was her asshole. She had never been fucked or fingered Escort Anadolu Yakası there before…but the thought of something so forbidden sent shivers up and down her spine once more.

They flipped over in her mind, so that he was lying on his back and she was bouncing up and down on him. Her breasts moved up and down in time with her thrusts, and she reached up once more to squeeze her nipples, using her arm to push the two breasts together. Her clit throbbed, calling for her attention once more. She moved her fingers back down to the little nub, rubbing in circles around it as she started to shake uncontrollably. The man flipped her over once more, pounding her hard on her back. She loved it, she absolutely loved it. There was nothing, nothing better than this feeling…this feeling of…

The cry that the man let out echoed through her head as the orgasm ripped through her. She could feel her own juices on her fingers as she came all over the pink vibrator. She continued to pump it in and out of her pussy for as long as she could; finally stopping to throw her head back while drawing her knees up towards her chest. She lay there, letting the orgasm finish its wave of assault over her body.

She finally lay limp, smiling to herself. What did she need a man for?

The thought fled from her mind, though, as she remembered the fantasy that had been running through her head. She let out an involuntary shiver, pulling the vibrator out of her. She stared down at it, watching the way her juices glinted on the surface of the pale moonlight of the room. She slowly brought it up to her mouth, slipping out her tongue to run across the smooth object. The now familiar taste of her juices was even sweeter once she had been satisfied, and she quickly lapped it all up. She lay back again, smiling in the darkness. A post-orgasmic chill ran through her, and she began to laugh. Even if she was lonely, she could find ways to occupy herself, right?

Over the sound of her own giggles, she heard someone clear their throat. She quickly stopped, inhaling a surprised gasp as she whipped around to see who was there.

Standing in the doorway was none other than Lisa’s boyfriend, Jeff. There was a smile on his face that indicated to Bella that not only had he seen quite a bit…but that he had liked it, too.

Bella’s cheeks were still flushed from her orgasm, and she quickly reached for a blanket to cover her lower half. The vibrator, now forgotten, rolled off the bed and onto the floor. But Jeff still stood in the doorway, his gaze fixated on her. Bella wondered briefly where Lisa was, but the thought vanished as Jeff began to step towards her, the erection in his pants clearly visible.

She stared at him, her eyes wide. But even as he stood before her, she began to smile. Slowly, she peeled back the blankets and exposed to him her smooth pussy, still glistening from her previous orgasm. Jeff’s own smile widened, and Bella felt her heart skip a beat. Lonely college girl? Not if she could help it…

Hope you enjoyed Part I…II and III are written and will be posted if you so desire. Contact me, I’d love to get some feedback!

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Just Another Sunday Afternoon

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It was just another Sunday afternoon. The kind that he’d grown to dread. Where the weekend comes to an end and the impending workweek becomes a looming reality. He’d faced this a million times before and earlier in his career actually looked forward to Monday morning. The sense of accomplishment and the adrenaline rush that came from making the big sale. Recently though, he’d become complacent and bored. He truly lived for the weekend where he was free to imagine the possibilities and have a little fun. Faced with a rapidly approaching Monday that feeling was fading fast.

He wasn’t sure what he was missing really. He had the trappings that everyone looks for. The house, the car, the toys but it wasn’t any longer enough. He was 40 and bored and was ready to reach for his old stand-bye, too many drinks in an attempt to make Monday no longer a reality. As he was about to pour a Scotch and start dinner, it occurred to him a better idea was to face this head-on. After all, the problem wasn’t Monday’s it was the dreading of the office. Maybe if he just accepted that fact that he’d begin to enjoy work again and things would return to normal. So instead he told his wife he was going to the office to work on some papers and prepare for the next day. The best laid plans…

He walked into the garage and saw his car. A bright red sports car that always made him feel like driving way too fast. He slung himself into her cockpit, inserted the key and quickly brought her to life. What is it about men and their cars he thought? Why do we treat them like women? Enough, he headed to the highway and on to the office.

The office wasn’t far so he didn’t bother with a CD but instead turned on the radio. What was playing made him smile. It was old music from when he was 20 and it reminded him of a girl he’d dated at one of the best times of his life. They had little in common other than an unquenchable appetite for sex. Not lovemaking full of hours of foreplay but real down and dirty sex. He remembered writhing on the floor of his apartment, two animals entwined and screwing like mad. Tongues wrestling wildly while and hands exploring every inch of each other bodies. There was nothing out-of-bounds and nothing off-limits. They were wet and raw and careless and it had felt better than anything he’d felt before or since. She wasn’t a girl you take home to Mother but that’s precisely why he still remembered her now.

As he approached his office building he refocused his attention to the road and guided the car into a space behind the building. While he didn’t usually park there, he’d driven past the parking lot Kadıköy Escort because he was so caught up in his daydreaming. When he reached down for his briefcase he realized it had affected more than just his mind. He had a raging hard-on and had to work to re-position his cock in his shorts so it didn’t bring too much attention to him. Downtown was pretty deserted on the weekends and it wasn’t likely anyone would notice but it would be far too easy to be lead astray once sitting at his desk all alone in the office. Faced between real work or surfing porn he knew what the end result would be. While the thought of getting himself off was far more appealing, there was a time and place for everything. Work first, play later…

With new found commitment he began up the stairs forcing the back impulses that hadn’t been served in far too long for him to think about. Being married and 40 has it perks but uninhibited sexual adventures or anything remotely spontaneous wasn’t one of them. He climbed to the top of the stairs and opened the door to the office.

He proceeded quickly to his office laying his briefcase down on his chair. What? He thought he heard something for a moment but…then nothing. Just a jumpy he guessed. The odds of someone being in the office weren’t good. He opened up his brief case, sat at his desk and turned on his pc. There it was, he heard it again. Above a whisper but certainly not loud. It seemed to come from one of the offices down the hall. Not believing anyone could possibly be there he started down the hall to see what was making the sound. As he did he heard it louder and there definitely was someone in the office. His first thought was to round the corner and poke his head in to say hello but as he drew closer he recognized the sound and the office. It was one of his female co-workers offices and the sound was clearly not someone talking on the phone or in pain. It sounded like she was she was getting off.

Not wanting to miss this he stopped just short of the door and listened intently. It’s then that he noticed again the strain against his own pants. While he was still trying to figure out exactly what she was doing, his cock had long ago figured it out. This was clearly a woman who was having sex whether with someone or with herself, they were in the middle stages of a very pleasurable and what sounded sure to be intense orgasm. He inched further towards the door.

As he did, he heard her moan and the sound of sucking air between her teeth. By now his cock was harder than he could recall and it was begging to be released. While he couldn’t bring himself Kadıköy Escort Bayan to pull his cock out of his pants he knew he had no choice but poke his head around the corner to see for himself. Opportunities like this come along once in a lifetime and telling your buddies you jerked yourself off in the hallway without ever seeing what was going on wasn’t the way this was going to end He knelt down and peered around the corner. While he couldn’t see to well, she was kicked back in her office chair with her legs propped up on the desk. She had her eyes completely shut and was biting her lip as she was experiencing the pleasure crashing over her body. While he like the view he desperately needed to see more and slowly rose to his feet. He was amazed by what he saw. This quiet, polite professional girl was playing office slut with a huge vibrator jammed up her now sopping wet pussy. This was straight out of Penthouse Forum and he could hardly believe it.

She was in her mid 30’s and for a girl of that age she had retained her shape extremely well. She had long luscious legs that led to beautiful thighs and what was now evident, an incredible shaved pussy. GOD! This can’t be happening he thought…

The vibrator whirred as the white pearl balls inside the vibrator ground the walls of her gorgeous cunt. Her hands gripped the vibrator tightly as she pressed it deep inside herself. While the shaft went to work outside, the rubber rabbit on the top split and pressed her clit in two and made her body shake and her mouth gape wide open. He’d never seen a woman look hotter than this woman right now. Without realizing it he had had pulled his now throbbing cock from his pants and was stroking it at full pace. As much as he wanted to jump on top of her and lick the flowing juice from her sopping pussy he couldn’t stop staring at her; transfixed at the sight of her bringing herself ever closer to climax. She convulsed and shook and her body thrust forward and she opened her eyes wide. She was shocked for a moment but never let go of the vibrator. She was deep within the moment and there was no turning back.

Her initial look of vulnerability and surprise quickly went to desire as she scanned down and saw his huge bulbous cock throbbing rapidly in his hands. She looked at him and he understood. He quickly moved towards her awkwardly stepping out of his pants as he went. He slapped his cock against her face and told her to suck it. She greedily took all 7 inches of his meat deep inside her full lips only to let it pop out and lick the pre-cum fluid from its tip. GOD OH GOD OH GOD! I can’t hold back Escort Kadıköy this load of cum for long he thought and evidently she felt exactly the same way. “Stick you cock in my mouth. I want your COCK! and he quickly jammed his cock back in her mouth and within seconds he unloaded a flow of hottest cum that could be imagined. His knee’s buckled, his cock throbbed and she kept sucking as if her life depended on not letting go. He grabbed his cock back and fell to his knees. He had just come like he hadn’t come in 20 years and his legs could no longer support him.

After a moment he recovered and looked up at this gorgeous woman who stared at him with incredible heat and desire. “I want you inside me” was all she said and she quickly hopped out of her chair and bent over her desk. Her ass was incredible and she had the hottest damn tattoo just above her waist. Just looking at her brought his dick back to attention and ready to go for more. But staring at her ass started him thinking. This ass needed attention first..and he hauled off and slapped her right cheek hard. She yelled as she jumped back and turned back around towards him and gave him a look that said both yes and no. He smiled at her evilly and smacked her ass again. This time she accepted it and wriggled with each additional spank. Her ass, nice, red and round was now ready…He entered her hard and slammed his cock into her pussy grabbing her hips and driving into her with abandon. She wailed in pleasure and begged for him to “Fuck my wet pussy. Fuck me, fuck my pussy, yes,..” Being a greedy little slut she reached down between her legs and grabbed her swollen pussy. She violently ground her hand into her clit and began to bring herself even closer to coming.

He reached back and searched for more and shoved his cock now deeper inside her tight cunt. She was flowing cum like he’d never seen before and her come poured over his balls and down his thighs. He could feel her pussy tightening even further and it was making his cock draw closer and closer to it’s own climax. They fucked harder and harder, knocking pictures off her desk and sending her sprawling face first. She begged for him to fuck her and he wasn’t going to stop. He pumped and she grinded and pumped and rocked back. They were a freight train moving forward and there wasn’t any coming back. He felt the urge to spank her ass and reached out with his left hand. She said, “don’t stop fucking me.” And he spanked again good. She shivered and tightened once more and that was all she wrote. He came in one final load and filled her to the hilt. She felt his orgasm so deep inside her she shivered and convulsed again starting her own orgasm. She lay on the table shaking, quivering, breathing, just breathing there on the desk. He fell backwards into the chair and slumped, exhausted, dazed and for the first time in 20 years…content.

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The Public Art Exhibition – Part Eight.

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Chapter Eleven.I put on another dress after my shower. As much as I would have loved to have been naked again I just didn’t think it would be right.I went looking for Sally afterwards and found her back in the office looking at videos again.“You know, Mum, as much as I didn’t ask the tech guys to put a camera inside the cube I’m beginning to think that that may be the more interesting story.”“Oh, yeah?”“Yeah, I mean, I have just had a look through some of the other people’s recordings and you would be surprised at the way people behave when they think they can’t be seen.”After my own experience, I doubted that anything would shock me at this point.“Was I the worst? Did anyone else… Well, did anyone else do anything, ahh, that extreme?”Sally looked at me with a grin.“Enough to make a highlight reel if I’m being honest. I mean, you know that Luke did don’t you?”“Well, yeah, that was kind of what sent me over the edge after all.”“I was wondering about that. How did you know?”“I could smell it for a start. It may have been a while for me but you don’t forget what cum smells like.”Sally smiled and then chuckled.“Yeah, I thought that was what I could smell in there when I got in, but then, I could smell yours too and I knew straight away what that was. It was too much like my own to not know.”I could feel myself blushing again.“So to answer your question, Mum, yes. Astoundingly, almost everyone in some way or another. Some just seemed to pick up on the pheromones in there and were fidgety. Some were more physical about it but not just letting it all go. Some though, well, let’s just say that you and Luke weren’t the only ones that really let go in there.”Once again the tingles were returning. I wanted to see how many people were willing to let it all go as Luke and I had. Apparently, I was a voyeur as much as I was an exhibitionist. I wanted to see it all, I just wasn’t sure if I could deal with the fallout of that right now. I was so tired emotionally, I didn’t think I could take it.Sally seemed to be reading my mind again.“I think the best thing for me to do is begin editing this and I can make a copy just for you Şerifali Escort if you like.”She knew I wanted one, she just wanted to hear me say it.“Would that be alright? I don’t want it to be a conflict for you.”“Who’s going to know? I’m certainly not going to tell anyone.”I grinned as I thought about all the mischief people had got up to in the cube.“You know, that cube is almost like a magic portal in some ways.”Sally furrowed her brow as she focused on me instead of the screen.“How so?”“Well, it kind of transports people to a space where they are free of almost all constraints. There is no real conscience involved in their actions. They feel free to behave however they want. There is little to no fear of being caught or having their behaviour questioned so it creates a vacuum of sorts. Some people realise that there will be no consequences to their behaviour so long as it doesn’t extend beyond the walls of the cube so they push the limits of how they would behave if those societal rules didn’t exist. If it was for an extended period, those behaviours would ease off somewhat as they lost their initial excitement value. I find it very interesting and it would be interesting to see if those behaviours would be different if the parameters changed. Say for example the cube was bigger or other things were in the cube. How would those behaviours change if another person was introduced, would it be different if the people knew each other prior? There are lots of different things you could add or subtract to see what the results would be. It would be fascinating to extend the experiment. You could potentially create a new society if you wanted to.”Sally was watching me fascinated as I rambled on. Then when I finished my thoughts she smiled and shook her head.“You know what, Mum? I think you just wrote my final report for this. A big chunk of it anyway. That’s exactly what I have had floating in my mind. Initially, this was about the way people behaved towards art in a public place but it has become more than that. It has become more about the behaviour of the art in a sense.”Sally opened Şerifali Escort Bayan a word document and began typing almost word for word what I had just said before she forgot any of it. Pretty quickly I realised she was now lost in what she was writing and so focused on it that everything else had ceased to exist. I smiled to myself as I backed quietly out of the room and left her to it. I knew from experience that she probably wouldn’t surface again for a few hours.I made myself a cup of tea and went outside to sit in the last hour or so of sunshine that the day had to offer before it went down past the neighbour’s roofline. It would still be daylight for hours after that but I wanted to feel the rays kiss my skin again before it did.I pulled up the deck chair I had on the paved area. There was only one window where any neighbours could see me and as those neighbours were away at the moment I might as well be on a deserted island. I stripped my dress off and lay back in the chair enjoying my cuppa and the warmth of the sun on my skin.Before I knew it, Sally was shaking me gently by the shoulder. I looked around and the sun was well past the neighbour’s roof. I was mildly disoriented as I looked around trying to adjust to the fact that I had somehow skipped two hours of the afternoon.“Are you okay, Mum?”“Hmm, yeah, I must have fallen asleep.”Sally giggled as she nodded.“Yeah, you could say that.”“Sorry, Sally, I was going to cook dinner tonight but it’s probably a bit late to start cooking now.”“I started ages ago, Mum. I saw the ingredients there so I started making it myself. I decided to let you snooze.”“That’s good of you. Thanks for doing that.”I was still feeling a bit groggy and disoriented. I suspect the wine on top of falling asleep in the afternoon was contributing to it. I followed Sally back inside and sat on the stool and watched as she got the dinner ready. It felt strange to be waited on in my own home. Not that Sally never made dinner when she was living here but it had been quite a while now since she had lived here and you tend to get into a routine Escort Şerifali when you live on your own.After dinner, Sally and I went back outside and sat there enjoying the evening air.“Do you get nervous that someone will see you, Mum?”I looked around at the neighbour’s houses and pointed to the only one with a view.“That window up there is the only one that can see into the yard. It’s their spare bedroom so they rarely go in there. Besides, I happen to know that they are away for a while as they asked me to keep an eye on the place.”I smiled to myself as I remembered the show I had put on for Ian, albeit somewhat unintentionally. Perhaps when they come home I might just forget that I can be seen from that window and spend a little more naked time in the yard. I felt a tingle go through me at the thought.“So none of the other neighbours can see into the yard? What about that window over there?”She pointed to the house behind us and the only window on that side of the house. It’s a small frosted window and I had never seen it open once in the entire time I had lived here which was the majority of Sally’s life.“That’s their bathroom window, as you know. It’s frosted glass and I have never seen it open, have you? Probably doesn’t open.”I could see her thinking then she stood up and walked down to the back of the yard. It wasn’t far as it wasn’t a large backyard. She looked around trying to see all the windows in the neighbourhood and confirmed what she had probably already known, there were not many houses in this neighbourhood that faced this way. She smiled and stripped her dress off. She was completely naked underneath it having not bothered with any underwear since having her shower. She strode back to me, blushing the whole time. She turned around and sat back down on her chair.“You know, it is kind of nice and a bit exciting to sit outside completely naked isn’t it.”“I certainly enjoy it. If I am being totally honest with you though, I kind of like the fact that somebody might see me out here. It’s exciting.”Sally thought about it for a few moments then looked over to me.“What would you do if it got a negative response though?”“I guess it would depend on what it was and who it was.”“Well, what if Ian and his wife come over and say something about it.”I grinned remembering Ian’s response to my pizza delivery outfit.“I would remind Ian that he had seen it all before and ask why it was a problem now?”

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