Der Busfahrer mit dem Riesenschwengel

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Der Busfahrer mit dem RiesenschwengelSetting the StageDavid wohnte mit seinen Eltern in einer ‚kleinen’ Großstadt irgendwo in Süddeutschland in einer soliden Mittelklassegegend. Sein Vater war Busfahrer beim städtischen Nahverkehr während seine Mutter als Oberschwester in der hiesigen Uniklinik tätig war. Er selbst war noch auf dem Gymnasium und der Abiturstress machte sich zusehends bemerkbar aber er war ein guter, leistungsstarker Schüler. Leider litt sein geliebter Judosport unter dem zunehmenden Zeitmangel. Seine beiden älteren Geschwister waren bereits aus dem Haus und studierten in anderen Städten.So weit so normal…dass er sich selbst zu Männern hingezogen fühlte…geschenkt. Er hatte sogar schon ganz offiziell sein Coming-out hinter sich und seine Eltern wie auch die Großeltern reagierten so gut wie man eben reagieren kann. Er hatte es allerdings auch nicht anders erwartet, sie hatten ihn schließlich dazu erzogen immer ehrlich zu sich selbst und zu anderen zu sein. Sie würden halt mit den Enkelkindern zufrieden sein müssen die sein Bruder und seine Schwester dereinst haben würden. Sein Freundeskreis wusste ebenfalls Bescheid – alles war eigentlich in bester Ordnung.Sein Sexualleben hielt er aber von seinem engsten Familien- und Freundeskreis fern – er hatte nämlich einen recht ausgefallenen Geschmack. Mit sportlichen jungen Typen wie er selbst einer war konnte er rein gar nichts anfangen – das war für ihn alles Mainstream-Einheitsbrei und reiner Geschmacksterror. In sein Beuteraster fielen ältere Männer bis hin zu richtig alten Säcken, Dicke, Hässliche, Opas – am besten kombiniert in einer Person. In Netz kannte er die einschlägigen Seiten und inzwischen auch ein paar Cruisingspots in seiner Gegend, jetzt wo er den Führerschein endlich in den eigenen Händen hielt und er seinen ersten gebrauchten Honda Civic stolz sein Eigen nennen durfte.Seine Eltern und Großeltern hatten ein schönes Haus mit Garten gebaut – ein 3-Generationenhaushalt der nun nach dem Auszug der Geschwister allerdings nur noch 5 Personen zählte – der alte Bello und die zwei Katzen nicht mit eingerechnet. Im hübsch angelegten Garten wurden in der während der warmen Jahreszeit oft Grillabende ausgerichtet, desgleichen bei den Nachbarn. Die stellten auch oft die Gäste – ebenso wie die ArbeitskollegInnen der Eltern. Wenn die Busfahrerkollegen seines Vaters zu Besuch waren arteten die Abende oft auch in ausgedehnte Schafkopfturniere aus, dem in diesen Breiten beliebten Kartenspiel.Das erste richtig warme Wochenende des Jahres war vorausgesagt und somit stand auch die erste gemeinsame Grillparty der Saison mit Kollegen und Freunden bevor. Wie üblich brachte jeder etwas mit – Grillfleisch, selbst gemachte Salate oder Bier von den hier zahlreich vertretenen kleinen Brauereien. Auch Herr Leinberger war wieder mit dabei – sehr zur Freude von David. Auf den hatte er schon lange ein Auge geworfen und sein Augenkontakt mit ihm wurde sogar mit einem Schmunzeln erwidert.Herr Leinberger war eine stattliche Erscheinung nach allen möglichen Maßstäben. Eigentlich war er zu jung für David’s Geschmack – denn er ging erst allmählich auf die 40 zu – aber er wirkte wahrlich nicht wie ein Thirty-something. Mit 1,98 m Körpergröße überragte er eigentlich jeden – David sogar um mehr als einen Kopf – ebenso wie er dies mit seinen über 3 ½ Zentnern Gewicht tat. Er war aber keinesfalls fett. Zwar trug er einen recht stattlichen Waschbärbauch spazieren und zugegebenermaßen etwas Hüftspeck an den richtigen Stellen, ansonsten war er aber muskelbepackt wie ein Lastenträger (was gar nicht mal so weit hergeholt war denn in jüngeren Jahren hatte er auch mal bei einem Umzugsunternehmen gejobbt). Arme, Brust, Rücken, Arsch, Oberschenkel und Waden ließen so manchen vor Neid erblassen, besonders die baumstammdicken Beine auf die er sehr stolz war. Sobald die ersten wärmenden Sonnenstrahlen des Jahres erschienen wurden die kurzen Hosen ausgepackt und die weißen 58-cm-Waden präsentiert. Mit diesen Keulen konnte sich niemand messen außer möglicherweise der eine oder andere seiner männlichen Verwandten. Sein Vater, die beiden Onkel, seine Neffen und auch seine Brüder teilten diesen stämmigen Körperbautyp ebenso wie es sein Großvater und auch noch frühere Generationen taten wenn man sich die alten Familienfotos ansah. Er war nämlich ein echter Bursche vom Land und seine Familie betrieb einen stattlichen Hof schon seit Jahrhunderten – heutzutage mit den Schwerpunkten Obstanbau und Getreide.Er hatte sich schon als junger Erwachsener einen Vollbart wachsen lassen der sehr dicht und prächtig geraten war. Schwarz (und mit ein paar ersten grauen Härchen dazwischen) und etwas gelockt wurde die kurze Haarpracht oben auf dem Kopf schon deutlich lichter and eine Glatze begann mehr als nur abzuzeichnen. Wunderbar schwarz bepelzt waren allerdings Brust, Bauch, Rücken und Unterarme, aber eigenartigerweise waren sein Hintern und die Beine vollkommen unbehaart. Aus seinem freundlichen runden Gesicht mit seinen Lachfältchen blitzten einen zwei tiefbraune Augen an.Herr Leinberger kam auf seinem Fahrrad (er wohnte ja nur ein paar Minuten Fußweg entfernt) und brachte einem Kasten Bier einer beliebten lokalen Brauerei und eine Riesenschüssel seines berühmten Kartoffelsalats mit. David ging zu ihm hin um ihm beim Abladen zu helfen und wurde mit einer herzlichen Bärenumarmung begrüßt so dass seine Knie richtig weich wurden. Er trug wieder seine obligatorische kurze Hose mit dunklen Söckchen in Sandalen und ein offenes kurzärmeliges Hemd mit einem weißen Unterhemd darunter. Die mächtige Beule zeichnete sich wie immer überdeutlich in der hellen Hose ab – und erntete wie immer reichlich verstohlene Blicke.David wusste daß Herr Leinberger ein besonderes stattliches Exemplar von Schwengel sein eigen nannte – ohne es je in natura gesehen zu haben. Er wusste ebenso dass er nicht verheiratet war und anscheinend auch nicht anderweitig fest liiert. Er war sich auch 100% sicher dass sein Schwarm Männern zumindest nicht abgeneigt war – wenn er nicht gar komplett gay war. Dies erfuhr er indirekt über ein paar seiner (platonischen) jüngeren Gaykumpel die mal wieder David aufgrund seines exzentrischen Männergeschmacks frotzelten. In der Diskussion mit seinen Buddies ging es darum ob dicke Männer immer kleine Dödel hätten oder ob das nur so wirkte aufgrund der Körperfülle. David verneinte dies natürlich vehement und stempelte das als dämliches Vorurteil ab – er wüsste schließlich aus eigener Erfahrung wovon er rede. Daniel pflichtete ihm unerwarteterweise bei indem er eine ‚Busfahrerin’ erwähnte die einen dermaßen großen Schwanz hätte daß man damit praktisch nichts anfangen könne und dessen Träger wäre ja ein dicker Mann. Marc bestätigte dies mit der Bemerkung ‚ja das volle Gerät in der Hose’ und das diese Wunderwaffe ab und zu auf einem einschlägigen Autobahnparkplatz anzutreffen wäre. David wurde schlagartig klar wer mit dieser Person gemeint war – die Beschreibung passte haargenau ebenso die auf dessen Pkw’s. Sein Herz hüpfte geradezu vor Freude – wenn er das nur früher gewusst hätte.Der Grillabend daheim war gut gelungen wie er das eigentlich immer tat – das Wetter hielt und es wurde reichlich gegessen und getrunken und erzählt und gelacht. Die Frauen und Männer hatten allmählich getrennte Quasselrunden gebildet wobei an einem der Tische mit seinen Holzbänken bereits das Kartenspielen begonnen hatte. David spielte selbst begeistert Schafkopf durfte hier aber immer nur kurz einspringen wenn einer der Männer mal wieder eine Pinkelpause benötigte was ziemlich oft vorkam da die Jungs ordentlich tankten. David war kein großer Biertrinker und beließ es bei Säftchen oder Erdbeerbowle. Außerdem benötigte er einen klaren Kopf da er die Schafkopfliste führte denn es wurde natürlich um Geld gespielt. Er saß direkt neben Herrn Leinberger an dessen rechter Seite und konnte so seine Karten einsehen. David behielt natürlich fairerweise seine unbewegt-neutrale Miene bei. Einmal machte einer der Mitspieler den Fehler auf mehrere Herzen die er auf die erste Hand bekam zu setzen während Herr Leinberger zwei Ober und ein As auf die Hand bekam. So wurde gespritzt und gegengespritzt um mal im Fachjargon zu bleiben und so kam nach dem recht knappen Sieg in dieser Runde ein ordentlicher Betrag für die zwei Spielpartner zusammen – über 8 Euro auf einmal. Herr Leinberger umfaßte David vor Freude mit seiner rechten Pranke und drückte ihn an sich so daß ihm beinahe die Luft wegblieb und nannte ihn seinen ‚Glücksbringer’. Er drückte seinen nackten Oberschenkel recht kräftig gegen den von David welcher den Druck erwiderte. Auch fuhr der große Kerl David mal freundschaftlich über den Rücken, seinen Oberschenkel und sogar etwas über seinen Hintern während er mit der linken das Kartenblatt hielt. Aus dem Augenwinkel bekam David auch mit das er sich gelegentlich an seinem besten Stück herumfummelte bevor er die nächste Karte ausspielte. Er bemühte sich aber nicht allzu auffällig hinzustarren.Es ging nun auf 22:00 Uhr zu und es war bereits dunkel. Die Kartenrunde beschloß für heute abend das Spielen zu beenden zumal es empfindlich abgekühlt hatte. Herr Leinberger war mit dem heutigen Ergebnis sehr zufrieden: unterm Strich sprangen 16 Euro Gewinn heraus. Er packte den geleerten Bierkasten und die ebenfalls leergegessene Salatschüssel zusammen, bewegte sich zu seinem Fahrrad und bedeutete David mit einem beiläufigen Kopfnicken ihm zu folgen. David folgte ihm rasch und meinte freundschaftlich besorgt ob es denn eine gute Idee sei sich so angeheitert auf den Drahtesel zu setzten. Herr Leinberger meinte lachend daß er schon nicht aufsteigen werde und er könne ihn ja sicher den kurzen Weg nach Hause begleiten wenn er so besorgt sei. David’s Herz schlug ihm bis zum Hals und er sagte sofort zu…er müsse sich nur kurz umziehen und bei seinen Eltern unter einem Vorwand abmelden.Genau dies tat er nun…seinen Eltern erzählte dass es nun Zeit mit seiner Clique loszuziehen wie so oft am Wochenende und dass er wohl wieder bei einem Kumpel übernachten werde. David verabschiedete sich und ging vom Familiengrundstück fort. Herr Leinberger war inzwischen im Schneckentempo ein Stück vorausgegangen. David rannte ihm hinterher und hatte ihn schnell eingeholt. Beide Männer wirkten etwas nervös und aufgeregt. David gestand daß er des Öfteren daran gedacht habe ihn zu besuchen – er wisse ja wo er wohne – sich aber nie wirklich getraut habe dies auch zu tun. Herr Leinberger meinte dass er sehr wohl bemerkt habe wie er ihn immer angeschaut hat all die Jahre und dass er David sehr mag und er ihm gut gefällt. Er habe sich genauso wenig getraut ihn anzusprechen weil sein Vater ja ein Arbeitskollege und guter Freund sei. Heute aber habe er sich endlich ein Herz gefasst – ‚und nenne mich ruhig Albert’.Sie hatten die Ampelanlage an der Hauptverkehrsstraße erreicht – auf der anderen Straßenseite befand sich das Hochhaus in dem Herr Leinberger wohnte. Schnell wurde das Fahrrad in dem langen Fahrradständer untergebracht und gesichert und die beiden liefen Richtung Hauseingang. Er schloß die Tür zum Treppenhaus auf und meinte grinsend dass man die zwei Etagen auch zu Fuß bewältigen kann und etwas Bewegung sei ja immer gut. Herr Leinberger stieg nun gemächlich die Treppen herauf und David hinterher mit der Salatschüssel. Er konnte nun ungehindert die gewaltigen Wadenmuskeln bei ihrer Arbeit bewundern und den dicken Prallarsch der jeden Brauereigaul neidisch gemacht hätte. Nun traten die beiden aus dem Treppenhaus und die Tür zur Wohnung wurde aufgeschlossen. Der leere Kasten und die Schüssel wurden rasch in die kleine Einbauküche links von der Eingangstür abgestellt und Herr Leinberger wandte sich seinem jungen Gast zu wobei er etwas bedrückt wirkte. David spürte dies natürlich und fragte ob etwas nicht in Ordnung sei. Der Riesenkerl druckste herum als ob er nicht wüsste wie er etwas erklären sollte. Schließlich erklärte er ein körperlich großer Mann wie er auch sei nun ja – ähm weiter unten nicht gerade klein gebaut. Er solle ihm also versprechen nicht zu erschrecken und laut schreiend aus der Wohnung zu stürmen oder ähnliches. David meinte nur beruhigend während er den strammen Bauch streichelte dass ein Blinder sehen kann daß er ein dickes Paket mitschleppt und dass er sich sehr darauf freue ihn mit eigenen Augen sehen und anfassen zu dürfen.- Fortsetzung folgt –

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Strap escort

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Strap escortI broke down and finally called the number of an escort service I got online. I was very nervous having never done anything like that before. I had a very particular fantasy I wanted to indulge and thought this was the best way. A sexy sounding lady answered the phone.“As you might already know we specialize in making fantasies come true, so what are your fantasies?” She asked in a sultry sounding voice.“I … well … one of my favorite videos is ‘babes balling boys’ and I well …” I stammered out.She said, “I’m familiar and you’re in luck because every single girl here absolutely loves strapon play. That is what excites you isn’t it? Girls with strapons right?” I mumbled yes. She asked, “Do you have any experience?”I said some with my ex girlfriend. She replied, “So your not cherry then?” I said no. She asked, “What is it that excites you the most about it?” I was jacking off and knew she could tell from my breathing. I said, “I don’t know just the thought of it I guess … you know … being taken.” She said, “I know just the girl to send over but one more thing I need to ask. It is a very delicate question but it is important because it can make the experience more enjoyable if you answer honestly.” I said I would. “Good, now which do you prefer girth or length? Perhaps both? Is size important and if so how big?” Overcome with desire I blurted out, “I like it huge I guess I’m just a size queen.” She seemed encouraged by my honesty and said, “She’s on her way so why don’t you conserve your energy for when she gets there understand?” I stopped masturbating and agreed she ended the call by promising me a night to remember.Later, there was a knock at my door. I opened it to reveal a gorgeous Latin woman with long black hair and soft brown eyes. I held the door open and invited her in. She had a shapely petite figure and was dressed in tight jeans that accentuated her ass perfectly. When she turned around I noticed a large bulge running from buca escort her crotch down her leg. She noticed what my eyes were focused on and said, “Like what you see?” I nodded enthusiastically.She kissed me passionately running her fingers through my hair then down my back. She whispered in my ear, “I can’t wait to fuck your little tight ass after tonight you’ll never be the same.” I was breathing heavy as she kissed my neck and grouped my ass. She moved my hand to the huge bulge in her pants. I grabbed it wondering how big it was and softly traced the outline along the inside of her leg. She pushed down on my shoulders until I was on my knees then she began to unzip her pants. Her pants fell around her ankles and the enormous life like cock sprang forward. She looked at me saying, “C’mon baby suck my cock.” I proceeded to lolly- pop the head and lick it down one side then the other. I tea bagged the fake rubber balls looking up at her. She ran her hands through my hair getting a good grip with her other hand she dick slapped me lightly across the face then pushed the cock into my mouth and began short thrusting motions face fucking me. My cheeks were bulging out barely able to accommodate the huge dick.She gave me some encouragement, “You suck cock real good but lets see if you can deep throat.” She thrust her hips forward as she pushed down on my head with both hands. I gagged harshly as the enormous cock pushed down my throat. I couldn’t believe it fit. She hissed, “Look at that throat bulging out. I can see my cock going down your throat baby. You can handle a lot can’t you?”I mumbled a reply and started to resist the gag reflex. She really started to pump my throat saying, “Oh yeah faster, faster – that’s it, take it bitch – you fucking whore, suck that cock!” It was like she was a real man face fucking me on the verge of orgasm. Finally she let out a moan of ecstasy making one final powerful thrust that ended the blowjob.She stepped buca escort bayan back started pulling her clothes off quickly saying, “You suck cock like a good little slut now take your clothes off.” I did as she instructed then she bent me over the couch. She commented, “You have a sexy ass baby!” She pulled my cheeks apart and spit rubbing her cock up and down my crack. I let out a moan that was answered by “You want it baby? You want my big cock up your ass?”I said, “Yessss please fuck me.” She pushed the head until it just kissed my asshole and swirled it around in a circle. She said, “Beg me baby. Let me know how much you want my cock.” I said please between labored breaths. She pushed the head into me slowly. I exhaled loudly.She kept popping the head in and out slowly saying, “There we go your starting to loosen up a bit aren’t you?” I said yes through clinched teeth as I grabbed handfuls of the couch. She made one long thrust until she bottomed out her hips grinding against my ass cheeks. She said, “That’s a good slut I knew you could take every fucking inch I’ll give you a second to get used to it then we’ll really go for it baby!” I said, “O-o-oh my god it’s huge.” She gently pulled the enormous cock out of me it felt like I was being turned inside out then pushed it in splitting me in two. She commented, “Your ass doesn’t want to let go does it?” The long slow thrusting motions continued forever as she kept up the raunchy talk.“You suck cock and take it up the ass like a seasoned whore. Later on after I break you in I’ll need some help fucking you. You’ll be on your hands and knees’, taking it from both ends soon – I promise! How many guys have fucked this ass anyway?” She asked. I replied, “None, just my ex with a strapon.” She slapped my ass and said, “You make a perfect bottom bitch I can’t wait to set it up for you. The real thing will feel almost like what you have up there now.” She punctuated her sentence with a powerful escort burca thrust causing me to arch my back in pleasure. I said, “I’m not gay.” She replied, “It doesn’t matter if your gay or not. Who cares? You’re a bottom bitch and that’s that baby!” She began to pick up the pace slamming me harder and harder saying, “Close your eyes baby and imagine I’m a real man back here working that ass of yours. Picture real balls slapping up against you ass. Imagine there’s a line waiting to fuck your brains out – a real gangbang.”You could hear her body bouncing off my ass fucking me like a porn star. The slap, slap, slap of our bodies set up an erotic rhythm that lasted for a long time, I looked over my shoulder and saw her long black hair matted with sweat sticking against her breasts that were bouncing up and down. She had a light sheen of sweat all over her tan tight body. Eventually I came hard without even having to touch myself. She continued to pump my ass sending shooting orgasmic spasms with every thrust until I couldn’t take it anymore and begged her to stop. She pulled out and patted my ass saying, “You look like you’ve been ridden hard. You should see your ass its gaping wide open, so your satisfied right?” I was exhausted and enjoying the after effects I said, “My god yes I’m satisfied I’ve never been fucked that hard in my life I loved it.” She detached the strapon letting it fall to the floor with a heavy thump and laid on top of me. We kissed and then she said, “Next time I can bring a friend would you like that?” I said I didn’t know.She continued, “I can set it up if you want to try the real thing. If you are feeling really slutty I can set up a gangbang, so what do you say wanna try some real cock?” I made a noncommittal shoulder shrug and mumble. “I notice the idea interests you!” She was looking at my growing member that betrayed my desire. “Next time I can bring another girl and we can do a double anal penetration and do you from both ends would that interest you?” I said yes. “I’ll stretch that ass out until I can fist fuck you.” She said. I was fully erect and she was jacking me off. I agreed to whatever her depraved mind wanted to do to me.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

My New Lover!

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


My New Lover!I was still testing the waters a bit. I went out in my skinny jeans and just a t-shirt (I still don’t crossdress in public at least not heavily, still uncomfortable), my slightly long hair makes me look very androgynous. I wear very subtle eye makeup as well, I am happy in my body, it suits being a guy for my job and a girl for my lover. I thought I liked him a little but by the time we made it back to my house, which was empty, an irregular occurrence, he had been very nice and hit on me a little. He complimented my body and my ass (not to stroke my ego but I love my ass, I get compliments on it frequently. I had only just found out that he had gotten a few blowjobs from other guys but had never really had sex with one.I was really hoping that he wasn’t going to try to bail on me so I didn’t want to push him too hard. He began asking questions about my crossdressing and sissy stuff so I was thinking he was more comfortable with it. After a few drinks he said, ‘I want to see it.’ I lead him to my room. He had me on my back on my bed when I was barely through the door. I had my legs wrapped around him, he was feeling of my thigh and kissing on my neck and ears. His hand made it to my chest. He rolled onto his side and his hand slid down my smooth belly, into my panties. He had a very intimate touch, my cock was flaccid when he touched it lightly.I got up shortly after he pulled his hand out of my pants. I turned away and he had reached around me and unbuttoned my pants and dropped them. He was surprised to see that I was wearing panties. He took my shirt off of me and kiss and touched my body. He liked squeezing and playing with my ass. I had my back to him and he had my cock which was getting larger, in his hand. I reached down into his pants and I wrapped my hand around his cock. I told him how big it felt in my hand. He was uncircumsized and just big, long and thick. He let me go, I turned dropped to my knees and throated myself all the way balls deep one time while looking into his eyes. I stood and pushed him onto the bed.I asked him a few things and figured out what I should wear. I put on my VS thong, under a short skirt, the right top, thigh highs. I put my hair down, (which hides my jaw and makes me look more feminine) and a subtle lip color. I made him look away but he couldn’t resist; I caught his looking when I was nearly dressed, rolling my thigh highs up. I walked over to him, he sat up. The way he talked made me feel very good. He was still being very much a gentleman. atakum escort He said, ‘I don’t know what to do, I want to just fuck you like a girl but something feels kinda weird.’I said, ‘does it help that I want you to treat me like a girl? I will do whatever you want me to do.’He grabbed me, turned me around. Grabbed my waist and forced me to bend over. I was standing with my hands on my ankles, he pulled my thong to the side and licked my ass. I was so surprised. He hand a hand on my lower back, he licked and started to finger my ass a little. He was going to be fun, he was sucking on my balls too, I directed him to finger a little deeper and where my prostate was. He was so amazing, his exploration was very intimate for me. He had such care in his touch and he wanted to please.He asked, ‘do you ever use like a toy to masturbate?’I replied, ‘of course, (then jokingly) don’t you?”Show me. Do it like I wasn’t here,’ he said. He had a tone to his voice that I loved. As sweet as he was I would have (and still will) do anything he tells me to do. I was powerless to being treated like a princess. I walked over and opened my closet. Pulled out my suction cup dildo which was a bit smaller than he was. I stuck it to the floor a few feet away from him. I positioned myself over it and lowered myself onto it. We were watching each other. I was riding a dildo on the floor and he was stroking his cock. He said, ‘I do, I have a toy, a butt plug, I use it sometimes. You aren’t hard doing that?’ He questioned.’No,’ I replied. ‘I’m not usually, I like getting fucked.’ It was true, coming from anal is amazing to me. I took a leap that I wouldn’t scare him when I said, ‘that’s why I have a chastity cage. It keeps me from getting hard and I can’t touch myself like that.’ He looked curious. ‘Do you wanna see it?’ I asked.He nodded. I got off of the dildo, I made a little squeel when I did. He laughed a little. I got my cb6000s out. He said, ‘you wear that?’ I nodded yes. He asked, ‘doesn’t it hurt, how long do you wear it?’I answered honestly, ‘it does a little, it makes me really horny though. I have worn that one for three or four days but I have one that I have worn for about a month.”Wow,’ he replied. ‘That seems a long time.’ He gestured for me to hand it to him. He handled it delicately for a second, afraid of it. His look of slight disgust turned to an evil sort of grin, ‘will you wear it for me?’ He walked toward me.I got on my knees and his cock found its way to my face. I looked escort atakum past is big cock and looked at him. ‘I want you to make me,’ I said. I wrapped my lips around his cock sucked it for a second. ‘I am yours to use,’ I said again. I sucked his cock a little more. ‘Do you want to own me I said?’ I throated his cock staring into his eyes until mine started to water. I tried to pull back.His hand caught the back of my head. He stuffed his cock down my throat a few times. ‘Put it on, little bitch,’ he says with his cock buried in my throat. I was gagging and he pulled out. His cock was dripping from making me gag.I stood up, ‘you are fucking amazing,’ he said. He pulled me to him. He kissed me, his hand wrapped around my neck, he was choking and picking up on me. Another hand was under my skirt. It made me amazingly lightheaded. He whispered into my ear, while biting on my earlobe, ‘you are beautiful, put it on and teach me how to make you cum.’I got back down on my dildo, my cock really does go flaccid when I am being fucked. I used just a little lube to make it slide on because the fit is fairly snug. I asked Daniel to get the lock off of my night stand. He knelt down and slid the lock through. My heart was racing faster than before, he looked up and we were making eye contact when he closed the lock. He smiled.I was riding the dildo still. He kissed all down my body, pulled my nipple with his teeth. All while I was bobbing on the dildo. He stood up and walked behind me. I tilted my head back and he put both of his hands on my head and started fucking my face. When I opened my eyes his huge smooth balls were bouncing off of my face. He put his hand on my throat to feel his cock sliding in and out.My girly moan was coming through the throat fucking. he pulled his head back to the front of my mouth and I tongued inside his foreskin before he really had his way with me. I knew he was coming, not because he quivered when he held his cock deep for a second, and not because he was making noises too now, but because I could feel the squirt hitting deep in my throat. He pulled his pulsing cock out of my lips. I got a faint taste of semen in my mouth. He picked me up. I started taking off his shirt. I dropped his underwear and saw his amazing, smooth body. We were both fit, nearly hairless and his ass looked almost as good as mine.He took off all of my clothes except the stockings. I got onto my bed ass in the hair, back arched, hands on my ankles, face to the bed. I felt him get atakum escort bayan onto the bed. I knew his cock was coming. He slapped my ass hard, I felt the head of his cock touch my hole. Both hands touched my hips then he started stroking, shallow, then deeper and deeper and deeper so as to not hurt me. Then he started pounding me full stroke. I could see his balls swinging. They looked so powerful past my little locked up cock. I was looking back at him. I couldn’t help my moaning. Its so girly that it embarrasses me sometimes.I flattened out a bit and he was now rubbing my spot. His body was close to mine. I really stuck my ass out and he was pounding me hard. I had made myself so horny before finally getting a release. I was gasping between moans. I was gripping the mattress, I managed to say, ‘this is how you make me cum.’ His hand was around my neck again.He was filling and emptying me faster than before. ‘Cum!,’ he growled at me. ‘I wanna see you cum you little slut!’ I was involuntarily clenching on his cock. My hand was under my cock, I knew I was going to cum, I wanted to catch it. I tried my hardest not to clench and I could feel it. I wasn’t immediately aware that I was pretty much screaming. It was a hard built up orgasm. I did a lot of stuff that I couldn’t control. I was just trying not to clench so he would keep fucking. After a lot of shaking I finally felt my warm cum in my hand. He was still pounding me for a few minutes. I wasn’t making quite so much noise. Finally he pulled out of me, then said, ‘your ass is gaping.’ I rolled over and licked the cum off of my hand. I swallowed it.’How do you like to fuck your bitch?,’ I asked. “Doggystyle?”I like to fuck my girl doggystyle,’ he says. ‘Get on your fucking knees.’ I got on my hands and knees. He grabbed both of my wrists pulled them back so that my head was up. He stuffed his cock hard into my hole. He fucks me pulling out every time. He starts talking dirty to me. ‘I love your gaping little hole and your little cock.’ He slaps my ass and says, ‘your cute ass, and sexy body. Beg for it.’ He demands again, ‘beg for my cum!”Please,’ I said, ‘please use my hole Daniel. Leave my gaping ass full of your cum!’ I could feel my ass with my hands and I spread it for him a little more. ‘please, baby!’I could see the look in his eye. He didn’t expect that but he liked it. He was coming I could here him. He started fucking me really shallow and I could feel the cum. He pulls out, I feel his tongue in my gaping hole. Then he sucks out the cum. Snatches me up by my hair and pulls my mouth open and spits his cum into my mouth. ‘Swallow it!,’ he says.I show him the cum on my tongue. I said, ‘I like you, you’re kinda freaky!’ I swallowed.He said, ‘you’re kinda freaky, too.’

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Test loerm

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Test loermLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae eros id nulla condimentum luctus. Nam luctus dui et urna varius egestas. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas posuere purus nisl, id suscipit ligula egestas at. Aenean non eros odio. Sed sed sem ut metus congue vulputate in eget mauris. Nulla suscipit mi in m*****ie sagittis. Nulla malesuada porttitor felis vitae tempor. Pellentesque et elit eu risus aliquet condimentum at a lectus. Maecenas id vulputate quam. Curabitur vulputate diam ut tellus vehicula, sit amet congue magna fringilla. Aliquam consequat, felis in scelerisque venenatis, quam arcu porta ante, at viverra metus erat sit amet ligula. Ut vulputate enim nec congue laoreet. Ut nec hatay escort bayan tincidunt neque, ut commodo quam.Duis ornare diam mauris. Ut gravida nulla eu tellus m*****ie ultrices. Mauris at ipsum congue, lacinia turpis nec, auctor turpis. Sed non turpis a sem placerat congue nec lobortis nulla. Nulla porta, turpis sit amet bibendum lobortis, lorem lectus luctus diam, quis tempor metus tellus non erat. Vivamus rutrum quam vel odio hendrerit, tempor pretium lorem congue. Donec eros metus, dictum in mattis nec, imperdiet ac ex. Nunc commodo magna eu mi porttitor euismod. Curabitur sodales nisl nec enim tempus, sit amet eleifend purus condimentum. Cras ut felis fringilla ante euismod venenatis vel sit amet augue.Sed fermentum vitae arcu ut elementum. Morbi fermentum escort hatay ultricies sem sed egestas. Nam mattis consequat lacus, a porta sem vestibulum vitae. Quisque pellentesque sed sem aliquet auctor. Proin fringilla fermentum dolor, ac laoreet orci tempor ornare. Proin quis placerat neque, at iaculis velit. Proin facilisis cursus purus, eget pulvinar ante scelerisque ut.In accumsan leo gravida, pellentesque nunc ut, varius massa. Quisque quis consequat purus. Curabitur tempor imperdiet nulla non vestibulum. Curabitur metus massa, pulvinar nec nunc sit amet, rhoncus porttitor risus. Integer scelerisque suscipit lacus, eget vestibulum magna egestas ut. Etiam a mi pellentesque, gravida orci sit amet, ultrices urna. Phasellus a metus vehicula, congue nisi sed, hatay escort finibus quam.Cras libero ipsum, varius eget lorem non, elementum accumsan nulla. Suspendisse nec congue ligula. Duis gravida sit amet erat in facilisis. Vivamus varius accumsan diam, nec suscipit mauris hendrerit tempor. Nullam hendrerit mi nibh, aliquet condimentum nunc venenatis vitae. Phasellus vehicula aliquet sem, nec tristique felis hendrerit eu. In ullamcorper, ligula id pharetra elementum, neque tortor cursus lectus, eu aliquet ligula massa rutrum tortor. Phasellus sit amet pharetra tellus. Nullam eu semper ante, vitae feugiat lectus. Etiam tempor, tellus vitae viverra aliquam, nisl lacus dignissim elit, in pretium est massa in felis. Maecenas neque neque, condimentum sit amet tincidunt at, finibus ac magna. Donec ante ex, tincidunt at arcu vel, blandit interdum libero. Nullam venenatis nisl arcu, at posuere orci fermentum venenatis. Sed a maximus libero, nec tincidunt lorem. Cras ut dignissim quam. Donec luctus hendrerit tincidunt.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Sex Holiday 3 – Caribbean Experience

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Sex Holiday 3 – Caribbean ExperienceThis is again only FANTASYIt wasn’t long after we returned from Florida that the thought of the next year’s holiday came up. My wife still didn’t want to try any swinging outside of our main holiday time (afraid she might meet someone she knew if we tried it in the UK) but after the last 2 year’s holiday she said she loved the freedom she got for a week or so each year. The last 2 years had opened her up to naturism and being around naked people so she said that all future holidays had to have a naturist element. This of course made it more difficult, but not impossible. I found several naturist locations that were either linked to swingers’ sites or where I could find nearby swinging venues. One evening I spent several hours going through all the venues on the internet with my wife and told her it was her choice. She made her choice and I booked it there and then. When the payment had gone through stood up, stripped off got on all fours and told me to fuck her. I quickly stripped, nudged the head of my erect cock against her pussy entrance and with no resistance I pushed deep into her pussy. It must have been the thought of the holiday because her pussy was so wet. My wife is not one for dirty talk, or in fact much talking when we fuck but she told me to fuck her hard and fill her pussy. She then said that she was imagining all of the new cocks that would be fucking her pussy and filling her with cum. I sped up and shot my load into her as she orgasmed very loudly. The holiday wasn’t for another few months and our sex life went back to occasional monotonous sex. Little was said about the holiday but I knew she had been out shopping several times. The week preceding our holiday my wife said she wanted to talk to me. Like in the previous year the first question was to make sure I was still OK with her fucking strangers, and of course I was. The next question though took me by surprise. She asked me if it would be OK on this holiday if she had some adventures by herself. She would decide when and with who but she wanted to experience things without me watching. She said she had visited some Cuckold websites and read some accounts where it was the anticipation of the wife returning from an encounter and telling her husband what had happened was the more arousing than the guy watching. I wasn’t sure and said so, especially as one of my big turn ons was watching the cocks pounding her pussy and seeing her expressions of lust and orgasm and then the cum in her pussy. She then surprised me by taking control and saying this was her holiday and this is what she wanted me to try. I was still unsure and suggested we waited until we got out there to decide. The resort we were booked into was on one of the larger Caribbean Islands. It had a wild reputation but was popular with more mature couples. They held special weeks and we had booked for the more mature/relaxed break (rather than the USA Spring Break extravaganza). We stayed at a hotel near the airport the night before our flight and had had a comfortable flight over the Atlantic, with my wife enjoying more than a few alcoholic drinks. When we landed and had cleared passport control I waited for the luggage to arrive while my wife went to the toilet. I offered to look after her hand luggage but she wanted to take it with her. When she returned I could see why. She had changed from the regular clothes she had worn on the plane into a loose fitting dress, and it was clear she wasn’t wearing a bra. I wasn’t too sure whether to be turned on, or embarrassed, I decided to go with turned on and proud to be with a sexy woman like my wife. She was getting a lot of stares from other holiday makers as her nipples were very visible. We got our luggage and went to the meeting point where we were greeted and shown to a coach. We waited until it was half full and then we set off to the hotel. It was a mix between couples, single guys and single women whom I would guess were aged between 40 and 70. After a few minutes my wife took my hand and guided it up her dress. My fingers soon found her panty-less pussy and it was so moist. My wife smiled and removed my hand. It was quite a long drive to the hotel and it was late afternoon by the time we got there and checked in. At the check in counter my wife asked about the rules for nudity and was told that the whole hotel was clothing optional, as was their private beach, except for the main restaurant. That was the signal to my wife who proceeded to pull her dress over her head to reveal her naked body. We were shown the way to our room which had a door onto the paths but the front had a patio overlooking the beach. The room was in a block of three and when we entered we noticed there were interconnecting doors to the rooms on both sides. There was complimentary bottle of rum punch in the fridge so I stripped off and my wife and I went and set on the patio, waiting for the sun set. However, before the sunset a guy walked past the front of our room, sporting a massive hard on. As he passed he said hello and we replied hello. He turned and went onto the neighbouring patio and sat down. My wife asked him if he was our neighbour and he said yes so my wife introduced us two by name and he told us his name was Bill. My wife, unashamedly commented on his erection and he said he had arrived at the hotel earlier that day and had been taking in what went on around the place. He had just been watching two couples fucking and as one of the women was allowing other guys to play with her he decided to take a Viagra. He waited for it to take effect but as soon as he got hard the couple packed up and went away. My wife then had a wicked smile. She told Bill it would be a shame to waste such an erection. She went over to his patio, knelt in front of him and started to lick and suck his knob. As there was no division between the patios I got a good view. She then asked him to stand up and grabbed the cushion from his chair and put it on the floor. She knelt on the cushion and got onto all 4s and told Bill to fuck her pussy and fill it with his cum. Bill was in like a shot and slid his cock quickly and easily into my wife. It came as a surprise just how long he fucked my wife, bringing her to a couple of orgasms before pumping his seed into her. As he pulled out my wife laid on her back and opened her legs. She told me to come over and inspect the creampie. She held herself open as I looked and she then told me to lick this first of many creampies from her pussy. I got into the 69 position and as I licked her clean and brought her to orgasm she sucked my cock, but stopped before I had cum. We then chatted to Bill for a while and learnt he was 60 and needed Viagra to maintain his erection. He was divorced and only got into swinging in the last few years. As we were getting hungry we said our good byes and dressed to go the restaurant (one of the few areas there was clothing needed). After dinner we walked around the hotel grounds but were a little disappointed as we could find nothing going on. When we got back to our room we undressed and sat on the patio with a bottle of wine. About 30 minutes later Bill appeared and said he had been walking around the place and had found no action as well. We invited him to join us for a glass of wine. My wife very quickly told him that if he wanted to fuck her he could do so later, but maybe he better plan on taking a Viagra as she wanted a long fuck session. We chatted for a while to let the effects of the Viagra to take place. When Bill’s cock rose rock hard my wife looked at him and said it was time for him to fill her. She suggested they went into his room and that I could sit on his patio watching. They were soon in his room in the 69 position on the bed enjoying each other’s bodies. They took their time and tried several positions before Bill started to fuck her, but whilst my wife was riding his cock in the cowgirl position another guy appeared and stood next to me on the Patio. He watched, stroking his hard on and asked me if I knew if this couple were swingers. I didn’t tell him that they weren’t a couple and said that I had had the pleasure of fucking the woman (I didn’t say when and that I hadn’t fucked her yet bolu escort on this holiday) but I did say that if he went into the room and asked I am sure the woman would drain his balls. He didn’t even need to ask as when he entered my wife saw his erection and signalled for him to come over. She was soon riding Bill’s cock and sucking the stranger’s cock. When it appeared Bill was going to take a long time to cum, my wife rose of him, got on all fours and told the stranger to fuck her. He was soon deep inside her as she sucked on Bill’s cock. The stranger sped up and then grunted as his ball sacks unloaded into my wife. As he withdrew my wife signalled for me to join her and told me to fuck her cum filled pussy. I pushed my cock into her, forcing out some of the stranger’s cum and then fucked her until I added my spunk to the load in her pussy. Bill then fucked her for ages bringing her to several orgasms and then he said he was cumming, and I watched as he clenched his butt cheeks and filled my wife’s hole. As he pulled out my wife laid down and held her pussy open for me to see, and ordered me to clean her up. I licked her clean and when I had brought her to orgasm she suggested we go to bed. The stranger left and on the way out my wife suggested to Bill that he unlock the connecting door to our room, and she would unlock ours so that if he, or she had the urge they could easily meet up. We went to bed and fell asleep quickly. When I awoke next morning I was alone in bed and could her noises coming from next door. The connecting doors were wide open and when I looked through I saw Bill on top of my wife fucking her. I timed it right as I was there to watch my wife take Bill’s seed deep inside her. It was then they realised I was watching and Bill rolled off my wife. She called me over to take a better look and then positioned herself on the edge of the bed and told me to lick her clean. Bill’s cum today was salty but there was a lot of it. My wife told me to go and get some breakfast and we could eat it on the patio. When I returned 20 minutes later I could hear the sounds of a hard fucking coming from Bill’s room and when I looked in my wife was riding the cock of a stranger with 2 other strangers watching along with Bill. She took all three of the stranger’s cocks into her welcoming pussy and I watched as all three emptied into her. She was really enjoying herself and had many orgasms. The three guys left and I set up the breakfast on the patio and Bill joined us. My wife didn’t clean herself up and sat there as the cum dribbled from her pussy. When we had finished I asked my wife what she wanted to do today and she said to just relax naked on the beach, and then invited Bill to join us. My wife enjoyed the looks she was getting on the beach and we took a break to eat lunch in the shade. We were then told that there was a gathering and stage show this evening and it would be fun if all the guests attended. We asked about the dress code and were told ‘naked as you dare’. Bill said he was going to go for a siesta and my wife suggested we return to our room as well. However, back in the room my wife said she was going to rest on Bill’s bed and I could have our bed to myself. I dosed a little but heard no noises from next door and when I checked they had fallen asleep cuddling. When they woke we all decided to go for a swim and spent some more time on the beach. We then all returned to our rooms to get ready for the evening. My wife and I dressed and went to the restaurant and agreed to meet Bill in the ‘performance’ area later. After Dinner we went back to our room, stripped off and went to the performance area and got in a few drinks. Most of the crowd were naked and the tension was building. The compere came out, a tall black man, wearing a T Shirt and pair of shorts. He told us that tonight’s show was going to include the audience. He asked for all the women who had come in any clothing to go up onto the stage. There was about 10 women from fully dressed to only wearing a sarong. He then asked for there to be some music and told the women to put on a strip show and then the one who got the loudest cheer at the end would win a prize. To my surprise no women refused and we were treated to a wonderful spectacle. When all were naked they were lined up and the compere went along the line and at each one asked the crowd to cheer if this was their favourite. The one with the loudest cheer was rewarded with an envelope containing drink and food vouchers. He then asked for female volunteers from the audience to come up for the next competition, and to my surprise my wife jumped up and went onto the stage. 5 women were on stage and the compere brought out a big bag and asked the women to choose one item from the bag. My wife pulled out a black dildo, another woman pulled out a vibrator, another a finger vibrator, another some nipple chains and the last one some massage oil. The compere told the women to put on a show with their chosen item. They all took the best position available and the woman with the oil massaged it all over her body and then started to finger fuck herself. The women with the vibrators were rubbing them on their clits whilst my wife was rubbing the dildo on her pussy. The compere moved forward and held my wife’s pussy lips open and helped guide the dildo in. He also assisted the other women. I then saw my wife call the compere over. He laughed and said that this woman had a request and gave her the microphone. My wife said that the dildo was nothing like a real cock and if any of the guys out in the crowd wanted to fuck her then they should come onto the stage and the first there she would ride them. There was a clamour and a guy was led onto stage by the compere. My wife started to suck his cock until hard and then told him to lie down. She mounted his cock and rode him for a few minutes until he came inside her. She then laid on her back and used the dildo to bring herself to orgasm, every so often licking the stranger’s cum from it. The crowd cheered and my wife was handed an envelope with drink vouchers in and she returned to her seat next to me. He then invited any man who wanted to enter a competition. He only allowed 10 onto the stage. He told them that they all had to get hard and then the women in the crowd would cheer for their favourite cock. There were all shapes and sizes of cock up there and the winner had a long thick cock, however he invited 10 women onto stage to suck the guys off. Most swallowed the cum but a few let it shoot over their faces. When the on stage antics ended the lights came up and the crowd dispersed. Going back towards our room it was clear that the show had turned people on and couples were fucking on their patios in full view of people passing, some couples were fucking in the open and some women were surrounded by guys whose cocks they were playing with. We stopped to watch a couple fucking, joining a small group of men. It didn’t take long before my wife was stroking a couple of the cocks and was then on all fours being fucked from the rear and sucking on cocks. When this group had had their way with her we moved on and found another group and did the same. None of the guys seemed to mind that their cocks were pushing into her pussy that was already filled with cum. When we got back to the bedroom she had probably fucked about 15 guys. She told me she was too tired to fuck me and we went to bed. The following day we had arranged a Scuba diving trip through the resort but it wasn’t until we had arrived at the hotel we realised it was a bare Scuba experience. We were both experienced Scuba divers but this was going to be something different. After we had had breakfast we got onto the minibus taking us, several other couples and 6 single guys to the Dive shop. We had to be dressed for the transfer and at the dive shop we were shown to changing area where we could leave our clothes and change into swimming costumes. We were then fitted out with gear and taken to the boat and waited for the gear to be loaded. A few minutes after leaving the dock the captain said we could all now strip naked and relax as we would take another 20 minutes to get to the dive site. At the dive site we put on our bolu escort bayan gear and went through the safety briefing. It was clear that some of the people had been on this trip before. At the end of the safety briefing he said that ‘as usual there are additional weight belts on the sea bed’ and winked. My wife and I did not understand this. I looked over the side of the boat and was a little disappointed to see that it was just a sandy bottom and there was no coral reef to be seen. We were the last couple into the water and made our way to the bottom. It was only about 20 feet deep but we then realised what was going on. The first couple in were already on the bottom. The woman was kneeling on the sea bed, and had an extra weight belt over both her legs, just below the knee. She was holding onto a mooring pin in the sand whilst her husband fucked her. Several of the single guys were kneeling on the sea bed watching. My wife pointed to another of the couples who had taken up the same stance and then she pointed to some free weight belts. She reached them, found a mooring pin to hold onto and then put a weight belt over each leg. I didn’t need any asking and was soon positioned behind her pushing my cock into her. I quickly filled her pussy with cum and as I pulled out there was a long strand of my cum connected to my cock and her pussy and as I pulled further away more emptied from my wife’s pussy. Two guys had been watching us and when I had finished I signalled for them to come close. One was quickly inside my wife fucking her and then pumping his seed into her. The other guy lasted a bit longer and we then heard the clang from the boat telling us the dive was over and for us to make our way back. I floated 6ft below the ladder which gave a good view of each of the woman’s pussies as they got out of the water, all of them with globules of cum dangling from them. Back on the boat the nudity was overpowering, knowing all these women had cum inside them not only from their partners but from all of the guys on the boat. When all the gear was stowed away safely the captain said it would take 25 minutes to get back but we would need to be ‘dressed’ at least 5 minutes before we docked. As I turned round I found to my surprise my wife kneeling in front of a stranger and was sucking his cock. The other women took this as their signal. Eventually all the women had chosen a guy and it appeared in unison had gotten them all to sit down and were then lowering their pussies onto the cocks. When a guy had cum the women moved onto another guy. My wife looked over to me as a woman approached me and nodded that I could let her sit on my cock. She rode my cock as I watched another guy fill my wife’s pussy and she moved onto another cock. I was soon pumping into this stranger’s pussy and I watched her move onto the next guy, dribbling my cum onto his cock as she lowered herself onto it. As good as gold we were all dressed by the time we got back to dock. However the cum oozing from the sides of the women’s bikini bottoms gave everything away. In the changing area the women all stripped off and all of us had a quick shower before getting dressed and going back to the hotel on the minibus. I knew there would be a consequence for being allowed to fuck another woman. Even though my wife had agreed I knew she wasn’t keen on watching me with other women. Back in the room we decided to have a snooze on the bed. The doors between our room and Bills were still open and I was woken by Bill coming back to his room. He looked in and saw my wife asleep naked on the bed and I waved to him. He offered me a beer and I joined him on his patio. I told him about our diving experience and he said he had heard about the Diving but was not comfortable in the water, but it was something he would have loved to have tried. He told me about the women and couples he had met so far on his holiday but he hadn’t got as many fucks as he would have liked. I told him my wife’s pussy was always open for him and he could join her anytime. He smiled and said that was good to know. We were finishing our second beer when my wife appeared on the patio naked. She asked us what we had been chatting about and I said much of it was about Bill wanting to fuck her again. She and Bill both laughed. My wife said she was hungry and we should all go to dinner together. We all dressed to use the restaurant in the hotel and after dinner we sat at the outside bar and had a drink. It was now time for my consequence for fucking the woman on the dive boat. My wife looked at me and told Bill that tonight her husband was to be cuckolded and she was Bill’s for the whole night. Bill could decide if it was only going to be his cock inside her or how many other guys dumped their cum in her. She stood and stripped naked, and told Bill to do the same. She handed me hers and bill’s clothes and told me that tonight I was to remain in the bedroom as Bill and she remained out and she would then return to spend the night with bill in his room. I would be allowed to watch from the doorway or from the patio but I could not enter the room or join in. I didn’t really have any grounds to refuse so stood up and returned to or room. I laid naked on the bed listening to the sounds of couples fucking wondering what my wife and Bill were up to. I kept checking my watch but as the hours passed they hadn’t returned and I was starting to worry. How long should I leave it?Then at 1am a large group descended on the room next door. I got up and peered through the door to see my wife and Bill and Black 5 guys (I later found out they were all staff members at the hotel). They were all naked and their cocks were either long or fat. Their black hands were groping my wife’s tanned body as Bill watched on. Her lips were taking on the cocks and she tasted all their knobs as they took turns tasting her pussy and finger fucking her. She then laid on the bed and opened her pussy for the first guy. He lasted ages before his thick black meat pumped his creamy white liquid into my wife. I decided to give my wife the time on her own she had wanted and went back into our bedroom, listening to the guys taking turns fucking her and making her orgasm. I dosed off and was woken by my wife. She had been followed into our room by the group of guys and Bill. She said to the guys ‘look I told you he wasn’t interested in who was fucking me’. With that she told me to lie on my back. She got into the 69 position, her pussy a few inches from my face and the smell of cum was overpowering. She told me to look at her well used pussy and imagine all the cocks that had been in there during the last 4 or 5 hours. Cum slowly dripped onto me and she told me to taste the juices of real men’ that had satisfied her while I had been in the bedroom. She teased my cock as I licked the cum from her pussy. She made me hard and licked my knob. Then she stood up and got off the bed and told me she was going to spend the rest of the night in Bill’s room being satisfied by any black cock that wanted to go inside her pussy. I fell asleep to the sounds of my wife being fucked. When I awoke in the morning I looked through the adjoining doors to see my wife asleep, being cuddled by Bill. I quietly went to have a look at them and my wife had dried cum in her hair, on her face, over her ass and on the bed were lots of cum stains. I left and went and got some breakfast. When I got back to the room there was a note from my wife saying that Bill and her were off to the beach so she could wash off all the cum from her body and then she was going to spend the day (our final day on holiday) with Bill.I was a little upset that she didn’t want to be with me on our last full day on holiday, but also understood that these holidays had been my idea and I was so pleased that my wife had come out of her shell and was having do much fun ……. And the idea of so many men using my wife’s pussy as a cum dump was a great turn on for me. Not knowing how busy we would be later (or at least how busy I would be) I spent most of the morning packing up the stuff I could pack for tomorrow’s flight home. Late morning I went out and heard a lot of noise coming from the beach I went to investigate and there in escort bolu the shade from the palm trees was a large gathering and I moved close to see what was going on. One of the guys told me that the older woman (not knowing she was my wife) was a real slut and had been taking any cock that approached her. He had already fucked her twice and had loved cumming deep inside her, and for his cum to be used as a lubricant by the next guy. He said that when the young couple passed by the younger woman had joined in and they were now taking a break from fucking cocks so they could lick each other clean. They then offered their pussies to the surrounding men. I noticed Bill watching and then fucking the other woman and cumming in her as my wife smiled at him. I left, sure they hadn’t seen me and went off around the hotel. I came across a couple having oral sex on their patio and watched them. The guy was lying underneath his wife and his wife was on her knees above him. When the guy noticed they had an audience he signalled for me to move closer which I did. His wife then noticed me as my shadow came over the patio she turned round to look at me and smiled. There was little repositioning and the guy then held her pussy lips open and pushed his tongue into her. He then pulled his head back and signalled for me to bring my cock towards his wife’s pussy. She was continuing to slowly suck his cock. He then took hold of my cock and rubbed it along her pussy lips, guided my knob into her and was able to reach round and grab my ass and pull me towards his wife so my cock slipped into her. His face was now below my cock as I slowly fucked his wife. I could feel his hot breath on my balls and every so often felt his tongue slide from licking his wife’s clit to licking my shaft or my balls. The sight of my wife on the beach had been too much and I realised that fucking this woman would really upset my wife but I needed release after her antics last night and this morning. The woman I was fucking was speeding up her actions on her husband’s cock in her mouth and when he said he was about to cum he then licked her clit harder and I fucked her harder. As I pumped my seed into her pussy, he filled her mouth with his cum and then she shuddered with her orgasm. He reached round and held my ass so I couldn’t pull out so his wife’s orgasms gripped my cock pulling out any remaining cum. When she had finished cumming I was allowed to pull out and then he sunk his tongue into her pussy and licked her clean. We sat and had a drink together and it turned out it was their last full day and they had decided that instead of just being exhibitionists and voyeurs today, if the chance arose then she would fuck a stranger and I happened to pass just at the right time. I explained about my wife and they said they had watched her this morning taking 4 or 5 different guy’s cum and that was what turned them on to be having oral sex at the time I walked past their room. We chatted for about 20 minutes, and then the wife said she wanted more, but this time in the bedroom. She asked if this time could we swap. I had no problems with that and I was quickly lying on the bed and she was over the top of me. Her husband stood back watching me licking her pussy and clit and her using her tongue and mouth on my cock. She was giving me one of the best blowjobs I had ever had as I used my tongue on her clit. Then her husband moved in. His knob gently touched his wife’s pussy lips and he slowly pushed his whole shaft in. It was great to have such a close look at his cock fucking her pussy. I continued to lick her clit, and because it had felt good when he did it to me, it was only fair I returned the favour of occasionally licking his shaft and his balls. He was able to last a long time and it was clear his wife was an expert cock sucker bringing me to the point of orgasm many times.When I said I was about to cum he speeded up his fucking and we filled both ends of her with cum at the same time. When he pulled out I licked his cum from her pussy and then spent the next 5 minutes licking her clit and pussy until she orgasmed very loudly, watched by her husband. She rolled off me to lie on her back and it was then that I noticed he had set up a camera to film us, probably when he was waiting to fuck her. I smiled and he saw me looking at it and said he hoped I didn’t mind. I said I didn’t as long as he sent me a copy of it. I then got up and said my goodbyes and went off to find some lunch. I had been with the couple for over an hour but as I left I noticed there was still a large gathering on the beach so went back to investigate to find my wife was still the centre of attention. This time the lone woman with a cock in her mouth and one in her pussy. Word must have gotten around about my wife as every time I walked past the area she always had a group around her and was never short of cock inside her pussy. I went off for lunch with the hope that my meeting was going to be kept as my little secret. After lunch I went back to the hotel and the group on the beach had now gone. I went back to our room and neither my wife nor Bill was there. Throughout the afternoon I took strolls around the hotel watching some couples play but didn’t see my wife. Bill returned, but without my wife, saying that he had left her ‘playing’. The sun was setting when my wife returned, completely dishevelled. Most of body had dried cum on it and there was cum running down her leg probably the remnants of her most recent fuck. I wanted to be angry with her for ignoring me but in this state she looked so sexy. She smiled and said it was really appreciated that I had let her be alone. She went into the shower and spent a long time washing. When she re-entered the room she looked so clean, prim and proper. She then recounted what she could remember from the day and said that she had probably been fucked over 50 times but some of these would have been the same guys so probably only 25-30 cocks. She told me that she had loved being the total slut but it wasn’t over. She said that we should go to dinner as she had arranged to meet up with the 5 black staff members from the night before at midnight and she was going to spend the rest of the night with them. I reminded her that we had to be on the minibus at 8am to go to the airport and she said she would be back in plenty of time. We dressed, went and had dinner and my wife then had a little snooze in the room before going out again. She left the room naked and said she was looking forward to many hours fun with big black cocks. I went to bed hoping all would be well. My wife arrived back in the room at 5am and woke me up. She smelt of cum and there was cum all over her face and in her hair. She told me to go out onto the patio and lay on the floor. She then mounted my cock, lowering her cum filled pussy down onto me. As she rode my cock cum oozed out and she told me in detail at how the small group of men had invited their friends and she had been the centre of a bukkake party and cum fest. However she wanted the last jet of cum shot into her pussy when holiday to be mine. The thought of all these guys pawing at my wife’s naked body, playing with her tits, cumming over her, in her mouth and in her pussy was such a turn on that I didn’t last long. We laid outside cuddling watching the sunrise and then both showered and finished the packing. We caught the minibus on time and my wife slept the whole way back to England. When we got home my wife said she wanted to continue with the sex holiday idea, but next year she wanted two holidays. One would be a swingers holiday with me, but the other would be a long weekend/week away by herself for a full cuckold experience. Her argument for this was very sound. She was unable to watch me with another woman and therefore as a couple she felt guilty, but also that she, and other people, were missing out on experiences. If she went alone on holiday she could meet a single guy and then act as a couple and play in foursomes. She would enjoy watching what was going on around her and enjoy the pleasures she was receiving, without guilt. This was what she had found on the last holiday with Bill. She said with Bill she liked his company, loved his cock and loved the way he gave her freedom to do things by being there as a friend, which she might not have done with me. She then said that while she was away it was my choice if I wanted to fuck someone else, but I should never tell her.

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My ex son-in-law

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My ex son-in-lawI have been divorced for over ten years and always had my son in law Nick help me around my house on repairs.Nick was 30 something old very good looking guy tall and dark and well put together I had ac issue and called him to come over and look at for me.Nick came over right away I was still in my satin nightgown I was shocked that he came so fast I had no bra on or panties.Nick walk in and turn away lol I said it is fine Nick come in he was so nervous made me laugh inside and he went to the fuse box and was checking the breakers I was in the door way watching him I could see he was looking to the side at me kinda hard to hide tripleddd’s.I was looking at Nick he had on a spandex shorts that where so tight on him and that ass of his was perfect I could feel my nipples starting to get hard.Nick turn around and I notice a huge bulge in his spandex unreal his head was to the side and had to be at least 4 inches around I couldn’t stare for to long.Nick said your breaker was trip out so I reset it for you going outside to check the ac unit.I walk in front of him my nightgown was short so I knew he niğde escort was looking huge turn on for me we where outside now.Nick turn to me and wow he had semi hard on by now nips where rock hard he could see them sticking through my nightgown he had a hard time looking at my face while he was talking to me.Nick ended up leaving and I went to my room and played with my self thinking of him and that cock I no it is wrong but felt so good to me.Time rolled on and he would stop and see me and nothing like that day though one of the last times he stop he said they where getting divorce and he was sorry about it and moving to Texas for work.I told him it was alright and it will past and I hear to talk anytime and I hug him pushing my tits in his chest he hug me hard and felt his hands close to my ass and kiss him on the cheek.Nick left and I talk to my daughter and she was fine with it and said we just grew apart as all.Month past it was Sunday afternoon I was doing laundry and Nick showed up he said I am leaving Friday for good wanted to tell you I miss you and here is my contact information I thank him and escort niğde put it on the washer machine.I was really horny seeing him I ask him could you hand me that pile of clothes so I can wash them he said yes as he handed me stuff he had my bra in his hand.Nick said holy shit that is big bra I said yes for big boobs he said I never noticed and laughed.I told Nick could you hand me my night gown I am going to wash what I have on he said yes I took off my shirt and pants he was like holy shit I cant believe you are doing this.I said should I stop or as you to step out the door he said no way take it all off so I took my bra off and panties he was like holy shit your tits are huge and that hairy pussy.So I am standing nude and said your turn he slip off his jeans and pulled his underware off my god he is was huge at least 10 inches and the girth was huge and balls that hang down I could feel myself getting wet I walk over to him and grag it and was playing with it.Nick was pushing on my tits and sucking on them by now I am ready for some hot sex.I ask him lets go to my room we did where did oral on me niğde escort bayan dam near cum on his face it was so good.Next I suck on his cock choked a couple times he was just smile he said I want to fuck your tits I always wanted to do that and that one day I fixed your ac.Nick said I could see your tits hanging and your ass going up the steps I dam near cum there I said I no you where hard I could see that.Next thing he had his cock between them titty fucking me so dam hard the bed was squeaking and head board slighty banging against the wall.Nick rolled me over to my back he did it doggie it hurt so bad I was moaning and the head board was banging off the wall I am sure everyone outside heard that he fuck me doggie for a long time I stop and got on top of him.Nick said I want to see your tits bounce so I rode him so hard my knees where killing me my tits where slapping back and forth and up and down and hitting my face he kept on saying holy fuck holy fuck.Nick said stop I am going to cum I got off him he rolled over jack off on my tits he squirted a lot of cum it was on my boobs the sheets the head board I lean over and suck on it for awhile and both fell to bed.He fell asleep for awhile and when we woke up we talk for a long time and he said well I will be over more before I go I said yes as much as you want.Part two coming soon.

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First time humiliated

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First time humiliatedRight before I meet my husband in 1980, I was out with some girlfriends drinking flirting with guys, we stopped off at a bar that was frequented by Americans, we had a few beers and a couple of shots, one guy a bit older than the rest, (18 to 22) he was around 30 kept hitting on me we danced , talked, played some pool, he would put his arm around me, brushing my boobs a lot, pat my ass, feel me up, we went back to our booth and sat down he put his hand on my knee, working it up my leg until he was under my skirt, his fingers brushed my pussy and it felt so good, I jumped up and excused myself, I ran to the restroom, I had never been touched there in public before, my heart was pounding my pussy was burning hot once I calmed down I stepped out of the rest room,, in to the kind of dark hallway, Mike the guy I was with stepped up and pushed me into the corner he kissed me on the neck, ear them the mouth his tongue made its way into my mouth as his hand went under my skirt, he was rubbing my pussy then he pulled my panties to one side and slipped his finger into my wet cunt, he whispered into my ear that the party was moving back to the army barracks, he put his arm round me and guided me to the door I looked for my girlfriends and they were gone so were the guys they were with I assumed everyone went to the barracks.Mike and I walked along the street with his arm around me, he would grab my ass and pull my skirt up at times, we made it to his barracks room, it was a large room with 4 beds in it, he said his roommates would be back soon so we needed to hurry, Mike pushed me back onto a bed and reached under my skirt, he yanked my panties down and pulled atakum escort them off throwing them in the corner, he pushed my legs open and started to eat my pussy, he was so good at it, his mouth was sucking my clit as his finger was rubbing my ass hole, I pulled my shirt off and unzipped my skirt, Mike told me to get undressed and lay on my stomach on the bed, I did as he told me, Mike took his clothes off and I got a look at his cock it was about 7 inches long , he then told me to get up on my hands and knee, Mike rubbed my pussy and ass, I was ready for his cock when a flash of light went off then another I looked to see Mike taking phots of me like this, he started to tell me how to pose for him, as I was changing positions I saw the video camera with its red light on he was recording my humiliation , Mike turned me so I was looking at the camera and got behind me, he pushed his hard cock into my wet pussy and started to fuck my tight pussy hard, his cock felt so big as he jammed it into my cunt and pulled me back to meet his thrusts, I couldn’t help myself I kept looking into the video camera as Mike fuck my cunt, after what felt like an hour of fucking, I felt Mike applying some oil to my ass hole, and he placed the head of his cock on it and pushed, slow at first, then hard, it hurt so bad I was crying begging him to stop, he grabbed me by the hair pulling my head up just as he made the last push and buried his cock up my ass, 2 cameras flashed as he did this I looked to see the guys we were with at the bar and my girlfriends watching us. I looked into the video camera now being held by one guy, all kinds of camera flashes were going off, some of the guys escort atakum were naked or in underwear, my girlfriends were in stages of undress or naked, one guy yelled ‘’see I knew Mike was going to ass fuck her’’ I was turning red, hurting , and felt so humiliated Sabine came over and sat in front of me with her legs open I could see her pussy hair all wet and shining, she pushed my head into her pussy and said lick it, I could smell her musk, I started to lick her it was real creamy and salty, when I realized her pussy was full of cum, she had been fucked and someone shot a load of cum in her, now I was cleaning it up, I was licking and sucking her pussy for all I was worth when Mike grunted and thrust really hard in my ass as he emptied his cum into my ass, I feel flat on to the bed for a couple of minutes when Melanie pushed my ass cheeks apart so they could film and take photos of my fresh fucked ass and cunt, the guys helped me up off the bed, took me to a couch in the middle of the room and put a towel down so I could sit on it, someone handed me a beer, as I sat naked, they put the video cassette of me being fucked by Mike in and turned it on, it started out with some other girl being fucked by Mike, until he shot his load on her face, then it started with Mike and I kissing, Mike feeling me up, the guys were making fun of me, one guy got up and started stroking his cock in my face, he pushed his cock into my mouth and told me to suck it, I tried my best , after a while I opened my eyes to see myself live on the TV sucking his cock, I could see some of the other guys getting sucked and fucking my girlfriends, I felt a hand on the back of my head, and atakum escort bayan Melanie saying you can do better than that as she pushed my head down on his cock , it went deep into my mouth, I suck and sucked on it until he shot his load in my mouth.The guys then pulled me up off the couch and bent me over the back of it, they took turns fucking my cunt and ass, taking humiliating, degrading photos of me for the next few hours, until one guy pulled me to the bed, he laid down and told me to get on and ride his cock as another guy got behind me and put his cock up my ass, a 3rd guy put his in my mouth, the guys fucked me till they all had cum in me, as I got off the bed a big glob of cum fell out of my pussy on the floor, one of the girls pushed my down and told me to lick it up, as I was doing this I could see them taking photos of me and one guy video filming me licking the cum off the floor, the guys al went to a bed, some took a girl with them some not, I had to go to each bed and service whoever was on the bed I licked ass holes, sucked cocks, licked on fresh fucked pussys, suck off the guys taking pic’s and video, I was used over and over, when they had enough, they let me go, as I was getting dressed one guy took my bra and panties, he asked if I wanted them, I told him yes, he threw them out the window and told me to pick them up on the way out to the gate, my pantyhose had been ripped apart so I slipped on my skirt and shirt my big tits swinging about, my nipples rubbing on the material and the cold rain and breeze made them hard, I gathered up my undies and bra, I left the barracks my pussy and ass hurt so bad, as I got to the subway to go back to my part of Berlin I sat down and could feel my skirt was wet, I couldn’t close my legs all the way, my ass hole hurt, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, looking at my nipples, the dried cum on my legs and face, I was so humiliated but also so horny for more.

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Every Fucking Drop

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Every Fucking DropUntil a year ago I would never have dream’t that I could ever be cuckolded; let alone actually hiring the Bull for my wife. As a young man I had many lovers; all ages, sizes and classes then I met my wife to be in 1997 and fell madly in love. I was 32 and she 24 at the time; and when we had sex sparks would literally fly. We did absolutely everything two people could do and twice; on holiday indulged in MMF threesomes; much to both of our delight.Then, without boring you with the details I had ‘man troubles’ necessitating an operation that meant I can’t achieve an erection and my libido was virtually zilch.The good news is I’m still alive and can still achieve something called a dry orgasm; and with a lot of effort we can still have penetrative sex; but it’s not the same; and at only 43 it was heartbreaking that Kirsty’s sex life was about to dry up alongside mine.I had surprised myself during our marriage that I had pretty much been able to keep my prick in my pants; well to be fair I had strayed a couple of times at business conferences and, in mitigation I knew Kirsty had had a short affair with a guy at work and my spies told me that there may have been two other dalliances on ‘girls holidays;’ but that just fed my dirty imagination.One night after a lot of effort on my behalf and nothing to show for it I joked that “I would have to get a man in.” My wife laughed at the time; and it became a sort of running joke over the next couple of weeks. We had always shared our fantasies so I knew what turned her on; continuously whispering that I was going to ‘get her a well hung, tattooed stud to fuck her ragged’ as I fingered her fucked her to orgasm with a dildo. When I went into really intimate details she wriggled and wriggled until she came really hard; even squirting a little bit, which she had not done in years.I repeated the exercise the next three nights; with the result being exactly the same but on the fourth night as I fingered her ass and fucked her pussy with a big dildo at the same time while telling her to imagine that it was two big young cocks; she cried out as she came… “Yes…yes…YES…DO IT… MAKE IT HAPPEN!”We hugged afterwards and I had to ask if she was serious. My wife slowly turned away until we were in the spoons position. “Yes.” she whispered as I caressed her tits; “I think so…but only if.” Then she fell silent.”If, what?” I asked as I felt her nipple stiffen again.There was another silence.”Would you be there?””I hadn’t thought that far ahead.” I lied. “Would you want me there or would you want to do it in private?””It was kinda cool…you know…in Miami, when…you know… we…did it with that waiter and…it was so…intimate being there with you.””God.” I sighed; “If it’s not me doing it, I can’t think of anything hornier than watching you take a great big cock.” I whispered as my hand wandered down her stomach until I was stroking her neatly trimmed pubes. She instinctively parted her legs for the third time, while I rubbed her clit; retelling the fantasy of watching her with a couple of young, rough guy’s who would fuck her in every hole then spunk all over her tits and face. She came for the third time that night.My search began in earnest the next evening; although I already knew which sites to go on as I was now frequently masturbating in secret.Over a glass or two of wine a couple of nights later I asked again if she was serious. Kirsty blushed, then shrugged her shoulders and nodded. “I think so.” Looking into her eyes told me that she’d thought of nothing else in the last few days either. “Have a look here.” I smiled, “I have done some research and I found these sites.””You dirty boy!” She laughed and slapped my arm; “have you been looking at porn?””Only for research purposes my Dear.” I laughed as I opened the site on my laptop.”I see you already a member.” She raised her eyebrows and smirked.I carried on; explaining my thoughts that it would be best to keep this as a ‘business proposition’ so emotions wouldn’t spoil things. She agreed; “It’s a bit like internet shopping, isn’t it?”Unsurprisingly Kirsty was quite picky in what she wanted, so each one was at least 6 feet tall (I am 5ft 7) muscly and preferably tattooed and ‘hung like a horse!’ An hour later we had made a short list of 5 guys who fit her requirements and all lived within 40 miles of our home. “What now?” She excitedly enquired as she continued looking at cock after cock.”you will have to take some sexy photos and fill zonguldak escort in a profile.” I smiled. “Then contact the guy’s…or Bulls, as they like to call themselves.””How sexy?”I clicked onto the Lady Members page, “That sexy!” I chuckled as I scrolled past photos of middle aged women in and out of lingerie, exposing their tits and occasionally their pussies.”Well?” She asked as she gulped down her wine. “Shall we?”I grinned and nodded.I took about 50 photos of her in a couple of sets of stockings, suspenders and bras then as another glass of wine took hold her bra came off, then her panty’s. I only wish I’d suggested taking sexy photos years ago; she was a natural and never had a smile off her face! By midnight I’d uploaded 16 and had filled out a bio; which wasn’t too far from the truth; especially the bit about ‘needing a big cock or two because my husband can’t satisfy me any more.’We went to bed drunk on wine and expectation.The following morning, Kirsty was already in the kitchen when I wandered downstairs. “Morning,” I croaked through a haze.”Good morning my sweet.” She giggled as she poured me a coffee. “I had a peek at the laptop.” My wife grinned.”And?” I asked nervously.”SHIT Dan! You should see the responses and comments!” She giggled as her dressing gown slipped open, showing she was naked and her nipples looked like coat pegs. From the pink flush on her chest I suspected she had already been playing with herself.”And?” I repeated as she brought me the machine; which was already on her page.”Look, loads of those guy’s replied and four have offered their services too!” Kirsty was now scrolling down the comments on each photo…and all I can say is the members were impressed; and why wouldn’t they be? “That one…that one.” She sighed and repeated “That one lives about 10 miles away and wants to…see me today!””Shit?” She giggled; “What have we done?””It’s up to you.” I told her as I gathered my thoughts; “He says he can’t wait…it’s up to you now.”Kirsty suddenly looked shocked.I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. Kirsty curled her lips and grinned… “Should I?”I nodded and hugged her.After breakfast we agreed to contact the lad and see what happened. By lunchtime he had responded in the affirmative; agreeing to me watching. Even though I couldn’t get a hard on; I had a buzz in my balls for the first time in months as we e-mailed each other (in the guise of Kirsty) talking about what he wanted them to do to her while I jerk-off my cock in the corner. I booked a room at a Motorway Services about twenty miles away and close enough for us to get to; arranging to meet in the cafe at 8pm.We hardly spoke for the next couple of hours, after she let me help select her outfit; a shortish black skirt, a fairly see-thru chiffon blouse and black underwear including seamed stockings of course. as Kirsty showered and ‘did her hair and make-up’ and made her appearance at 7.15. WOW…she looked so sexy and her red lipstick made her ever so slutty too. We played some Marvin Gaye in the car as Jarrod sent my wife a series of sexy texts making her squirm in her seat. We arrived at the Services with 10 minutes to spare and immediately checked in, then looked over the room which was the clean side of seedy, before going into the cafe where he was already waiting for us in a corner seat.Just like in in his profile he was over 6 feet tall, shaven headed and had a huge bodybuilder chest and his arms were covered in tattoos. As we nervously approached them, Jarrod stood up to greet my wife with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then playfully squeezed her ass right in front of me. “Sit yourself down sexy,” he told my wife and guided her into the corner of the booth, then turned to me “Get us a couple of Cappuccinos.” It was obvious he was setting the rules; and I meekly complied. When I returned my wife was looking flushed and was squirming in her seat as I placed the drinks on the table.”Here is a present for you.” Jarrod grinned as he slid my wife’s silk panty’s across the table, landing about a foot away from me, so anyone could see. As I quickly grabbed them I realized it had taken him less than 5 minutes to get her panty’s off; and judging by the way she was twisting her hips I guessed he was already fingering her.Both ignored me over the next ten minutes; as Kirsty did ask him how often ‘did this’ and what where the other women like.Jarrod was 25 and a personal trainer and nightclub bouncer; which put him in touch with lots of ‘lonely, escort zonguldak horny married women and men who wanted to see their wives getting a proper fuck; just like him.” He sniggered as he looked at me.I couldn’t believe my eyes in the next 15 minutes as Kirsty rubbed his dick through his jogging pants while he had his hand up her skirt and fingered her. At one stage he even teased me by sniffing his finger than offering me a taste; which I declined.”Time for action.” Jarrod, coldly told me as he finished his coffee. “Come on sexy; let’s give you real man’s cock.”I trailed behind them as other customers looked on in astonishment plus a couple of lorry drivers nudged each other, then wink at me.”Hurry up limp dick.” Jarrod chided me as they waited at the door to our room; “if you don’t open that fucking door soon she’s gonna suck my cock right here…aren’t you?” Kirsty just smiled and groped the bulge in his pants again, as I put the key in the door. They barged past me and ended in a heap on the bed; immediately pulling there clothing off as her tits, his cock and then her sopping wet freshly shaved pussy were all being grabbed pulled and prodded. It only took a couple of minutes for the Bull to be naked and Kirsty lying next to him just in her stockings and shoes, sucking furiously on his cock.He hadn’t been k**ding in his bio; his monster dick easily looked over 8 inches long and much thicker than mine had ever been too.”Jesus! That really is huge!” Kirsty giggled as she held it too attention; “this is going to be fun.”My wife has always been a good cocksucker; but tonight she was surpassing herself, spitting on it then chewing on his ball bag; and occasionally virtually swallowing all of his large boner when he firmly pulled her head onto it. All of the time the Bull was giving me a running commentary as I stared on in disbelief. “Get on all fours baby.” He grunted. My wife twisted her body and meekly spread her legs, in expectation. She wasn’t disappointed. The tattooed bodybuilder teased her by rubbing his cockhead along her gaping slit; until she actually pushed her hips back onto it; letting out a gleeful sigh as it easily slid up her underused pussy.I had took no effort from the Bull to bury his 8 plus inches balls deep inside my middle-aged hot wife and when he did she began twisting her hips, while playing with the biggest set of balls I’ve ever seen. Soon he was fucking my wife so hard doggy style her tits were bouncing from side to side as she threw her head backwards and forwards. “She’s as Tight as fuck!” The Bull laughed at me, “but so wet it feels like she’s pissed herself! Use it or lose it a horny MILF like this needs a regular servicing of cock.”Didn’t I just know it?The huge mixed-race bodybuilder then grunted as he pulled his long cock out of my wife’s hot wet pussy; and I swear I actually heard a ‘plop’ as his swollen cockhead finally come out.. As they moved around the bed Kirsty was wide-eyed and looked dazed and confused with her mouth hanging open and her labia dangling swollen between her legs. “Come here.” The Bull grunted as he grabbed her hair and pulled her face down to meet his cock, where she wrapped her fingers around the shaft , her wedding ring sparkling in the half light, and she began spitting on his pussy coated purple knob; before sucking and licking her pussy juice from his huge shaft something she had never done to me. “Hmm she’s some dirty fucking cocksucker isn’t she?” Jarrod laughed at me as he slowly slid his cock into my wife’s willing mouth; “I bet she’s never sucked you like this, has she?” He then began thrusting incredibly hard down Kirsty throat making her gag; but that didn’t deter them one little bit as her spit dripped down his cock to his large balls.”I bet you’re dying for a jerkoff aren’t you?” He sneered as he smeared his cock across Kirsty’s face. “Get it out then and give us a laugh.”Blushing I unzipped my jeans and dropped them to my ankles, then with a heavy heart pulled my jockeys down. “Fucking Hell!” The Bull howled; “it looks like a fucking acorn!” He was right of course; but a after a few shakes I soon got it to about three inches long; making him shake his head. “Come on sexy, show that limp dick how you can really fuck.” He firmly told my wife as he pulled his long cock out of her mouth. “Get on board and ride the cock train!” He rolled back and without a word my sexy wife straddled his huge dick and slowly lowered herself down; whimpering all the way.”Bounce zonguldak escort bayan on my cock you fucking dirty cunt!” The Bull told her as he slapped her ass. Kirsty immediately did as she was told and began quickly bouncing up and down; completely filling her cunt with his fat cock; sighing and gasping on each thrust.”Pull your cheeks apart and show your husband what a real cock looks like up your dripping cunt.”Jarrod leant forward smothering his face in her luscious tits then slid her hands onto her ass and gently separated the cheeks; allowing me an amazing view of his fat cock stretching her bald cunt and again her wedding ring seemed to sparkle.”Up and down, up and down…like a good whore.” He laughed in between titty slurps. Again Kirsty did as she was told; slowly rising until his cock nearly came out then back down again. “Get back on your fucking knees.” The Bull eventually grunted. Kirsty reluctantly moved off his dick and complied and took up the new position but facing me, as the grinning Bull positioned himself between her spread legs.”Have you ever fucked her ass?” He grinned again as he dribbled spit between her cheeks.I shook my head; she never let me play with her asshole.”Hahahaha…you don’t know what you’re missing; and neither does she.” The Bull chuckled as he spat more firmly on her anus then rubbed it in with some pussy juice making her jaw drop in anticipation.”Oh shit!” Kirsty gasped as his bell end touched her ass ring, and the first time she looked across at me and saw me shaking my cock as if I wanted to tear it off. “Ugh…uggh…oh my God…Oh GOD!” She squealed as the Bull’s huge cock slowly slid up her ass; making her bite her lip and screw here eyes tightly closed. “Huh, huh, huh.” The Bull grunted as he forced the last couple of inches deep inside my wife’s glorious ass hole.”Come here little dick.” He waved at me; “come and get a close up.” Fascinated I did.”Isn’t that a fucking turn on?” he laughed as he grabbed my head and pulled it downwards as he withdrew about four inches, “sniff it…sniff it…kiss it…kiss her asshole!” His hand forced my head down until my lips were touching her stretched asshole and his huge cock. “Kiss it!” I did…over and over again; with him calling me a sissy boy; before pushing me away and pounding her ass for what seemed a lifetime; with Kirsty making all kinds of pleasurable noises as the Bull fucked her ragged; just like he promised. Even a man like him couldn’t keep up that pace forever; and with Kirsty no pushing back to meet his violent thrusts he shouted, “Faster, bitch…faster!” As he slapped her ass “make me cum…make me fill your married ass with sperm.” The Bull grunted as he began savagely thrusting his cock deep inside her cavity. “Fuck.” He gasped as his back straightened and he appeared to be filling her asshole with his cum, “Oh FUCK…FUCK…FUCK.” Now his thrusts were much slower but just as deep as he emptied his balls and dropped onto her back.They remained like this for a few seconds until he unceremoniously pulled his cum covered cock out; leaving her once tight bud stretched beyond all recognition and lumpy white cum oosing out and down her thighs.Kirsty lay flat out, but with her legs still spread open for a minute or so as both regained their breath and composure. “Which one of you is gonna clean this fucker up?” The Bull chuckled as waved his cum smeared dick from side to side.Kirsty actually looked at me, but we both knew she couldn’t resist another taste ;even if it had just been up her asshole. Aching from the last hour or so she slowly turned until she was side on to the stud and tentatively kissed his cockhead as he put his arm around her shoulder and jiggled her 34c tits; “Clean it good honey.” He laughed; “every fucking drop.” Kirsty looked across at me and smiled before slowly licking the soft shaft, carefully scooping up every drop of cum on her tongue, then wrapping her left hand, wedding ring and all around it and jerked it as she tried to suck it back into life; but that probably wasn’t going to happen; especially when he nonchalantly looked at his watch and said; “Sorry sweetie; got to go…work calls.”Satisfied his cock was now clean he stood up and laughed; “I will leave you two young lovers alone now. But you know where I am when you want some more dick…and you will.”Kirsty layed back on the bed and spread her legs, her pussy still wide open glistening with there combine juices and looked at me come over here now it’s your turn cleanup every fucking drop.He was right of course; a week later we invited him to the house where he is now a regular visitor along with my new cleanup duties and a couple of his bodybuilder friends which I wasn’t aware of until she showed me a tape they’d made!

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Fucking The Mother in Law Wendy

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Fucking The Mother in Law Wendy”Damn, the in-laws are coming over tonight,” I thought to myself as I was driving home from work. I really didn’t want to have to entertain them tonight. I just wanted to go home and get some rest, It was a warm evening, and when I got home, my wife, Arielle, wanted to bbq out on the deck, so I got the bbq fired up and awaited my in-laws, Jim and Wendy. As I waited, Arielle opened the door from the living room and told me that Jim and Wendy had called, and that they would be spending the night. Seems they had been at the beach all day, and since they live about two hours away from us, didn’t want to make the drive back that night. Jim and Wendy were nice. Jim he was 6 foot tall with gray hair, and a big belly. Wendy was 5 foot 1 inches tall with blonde hair, and very nice body for her age. I get along alright with them.As I put the steaks on the bbq, I could see Jim and Wendy had arrived through the doors in the living room. Jim was wearing a yellow singlet and shorts, and looked like he had already had a few drinks by the big smile on his face. Wendy was wearing a black, low cut blouse, and a white skirt that fit her curves very well. Her hair was wind blown, but looked very sexy. She had a very small waist, wide thighs, and a very healthy ass. She was standing with her back to the door so I had a very good view of that ass. Her legs came out of her white skirt very nicely, and they were tan and brown. I stepped inside and said hello, shook hands with Jim, and gave Wendy a hug. I could feel Wendy’s tits press against my body as we embraced. I could also catch a glimpse of her cleavage. She was wearing a black lace bra. “So,” I asked the two of them. “Did you have fun at the beach?” “Yes,” Jim answered. “But we are tired and don’t want to drive on home tonight. I hope you don’t mind if we stay the night.””Oh no,” I said. “We don’t mind at all.””Thanks Sam,” Wendy said. “Lying in the sun all day always makes me tired. I just want to eat and relax.” The thought of Wendy lying in the sun made my mind wander. Wendy looks damn good in a bikini. We have been with them to the beach a few times, and even at 51 she still wears a two-piece. Her tits look to be about 14C’s, and they sag some, but look very nice in a bikini top. I stepped back outside and finished cooking the steaks. It had cooled off some so we decided to eat out on the deck.Arielle and Wendy were bringing food out from the kitchen and placing it on the table on the deck. Jim and I had already sat down and were talking about cars, when Wendy leaned over the table with a plate of bread and asked if we wanted some. Jim took one piece of bread and she leaned in my direction. When she did, her blouse fell open and I couldn’t help but look at her cleavage. She noticed me looking and quickly put her hand up and pressed her blouse close to her body, blocking my view. I turned my head quickly like I wasn’t looking, but she knew that I was. I turned back and took a piece of bread off of the plate. She was still covering her blouse with her hand. “Thank you, Wendy,” I said sheepishly. With a big smile, she replied, “You are very welcome.” The ladies then sat down and we all started eating. When Wendy sat down her blouse fell open again. I had a perfect view of her cleavage. I couldn’t help but stare. Wendy kept glancing my way during the conversation. I didn’t try to hide the fact that I was staring this time. I just kept admiring those nice tits, and she made no effort to cover them this time. She leaned over a little and looked my way again. Jim and Arielle were talking and didn’t even notice that my eyes were glued right down Wendy’s blouse. Nor did they notice the little looks we were giving each other. About halfway through the meal Jim asked if there was any more bread. “Sure Dad,” Arielle said. “Let me go make some more. It will only take a minute to toast it in the oven.””No,” Wendy said. “You just keep eating. I will go make more bread. I am finished anyway.” She got adana escort up from the table and walked into the house. Her fine ass was swaying very nicely as she walked away. I told Arielle that I would go help her since she wasn’t familiar with the stove, and I got up and went inside, too.As I rounded the doorway to the kitchen, I saw Wendy bending over in front of the stove. Her white skirt was stretched tight around her nice wide ass.I thought to myself, “Damn, what a fucking ass she has.” I just stood there for a few seconds admiring her curves. Her legs were nice and dark, and looked very smooth. She was trying to get a pan out from under the oven to cook the bread on. I walked up behind her and leaned over and started helping her pull at the pan. When I did my left arm rubbed up against her right arm. The pans were stuck and I had to use some force to get it out. I gave it a jerk and the pan finally gave way. When it did my left arm flew back and rubbed all over her tits. She started to lose her balance and fell back a little. I reached out and held her to keep her from falling. The force of my elbow had caused her blouse to fall open again and there I was staring right down at her tits again. She looked at me, but didn’t say anything. Then, she laughed and said, “Let me have the pan, it needs washing.”She took the pan and went over to the sink and turned on the water. She looked back at me over her shoulder to see what I was doing. It was a lustful glare that really turned me on. She looked so damn sexy standing there. I walked over and stood behind her. She turned her head back around facing the sink. There was a window over the sink and you could see out on to the deck where Jim and Arielle were still sitting at the table eating. The water was running and she was scrubbing the pan. I moved in behind her and leaned over her shoulder. She just kept scrubbing the pan and looking straight ahead. I just stood there looking her up and down. My dick was starting to twitch at the site of her sexy curves. After a few seconds of silence, she said, “The pan is almost clean, you better find the bread.” I didn’t reply. I started to step away and when I did, she turned off the water, then turned her head and gave me that lustful look again. Our eyes met for a few seconds, and then she turned away. “To hell with the bread,” I said as I moved in behind her. I put my hands on her hips and pulled her ass back towards my growing erection. “Oh God,” she said with a surprised whimper as she dropped the pan into the sink. “What are you doing?” I didn’t reply. I just squeezed her hips harder and pulled her back more. She started squirming and tried to turn around. I pushed my body up against hers; she was pinned between me and the counter. “Let me go,” she demanded. “What in the hell do you think you are doing?”I didn’t respond to her question. I just pressed my body up against her big ass, reached around, and grabbed her tits with both hands. She responded by arching her back and pushing up against me, grinding on my cock that was getting harder by the second. I pulled her skirt up over her hips to reveal a black thong. I pulled it down to the floor with one quick motion, and she stepped out of it. Then I unbuttoned my shorts and let them drop to the floor, along with my underwear. I rubbed my hard cock up and down the crack of her ass. She lowered her head down and grabbed on to the counter to support herself. “Oh God No,” she said. “This isn’t right.”I moved my hand around her hips and made my way to her hot little cunt. I could feel a nice bald cunt that was already wet. I took two fingers and started playing with her clit. “Oh my God,” she said with a breathless murmur. “You better stop before….””Before what?” I asked as I circled my fingers all around her clit. “They are just right there,” she said looking out the window at her husband and daughter. “Yes, they are just right there,” I said as I continued my assault on her clit. “And look at you. What escort adana a dirty slut.””I am not a slut,” she said firmly.”Oh yes you are, “I replied. “And you like it, don’t you?” She didn’t say a word, just silence. “You like this don’t you, Wendy?” I asked. Again she didn’t say a word, just silence.I reached around and moved my hand underneath her blouse. I then made my way to her bra and pushed it up over her tits. I started making slow circles around her nipple that matched the circles that I was making on her clit. Her ass started moving in slow circles, responding to the motions my fingers were making on her clit. She was grinding on my hard cock.”Oh my God,” she muttered under her breath. “Oh my God this is just wrong.””Oh hell yeah it’s wrong,” I answered. “Just look out the window. Your husband and daughter are sitting right there, and it turns you on, doesn’t it Wendy?” I reached out and grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back towards me. I put my mouth next to her ear and asked, “What kind of woman lets her son-in-law finger her clit while looking at her husband and daughter sitting just outside? You’re just a fucking slut, aren’t you, Wendy?””No, I am not a slut,” she demanded. “We have to stop this, right now.””Stop this?” I asked as I slapped her big ass with my right hand and pulled her back again by her hair.”Yes, please stop,” she said almost crying. “Are you fucking crazy? A little flirting is harmless, but this is wrong!” I looked out the window and could see my wife and father-in-law still sitting at the table talking. It was turning me on so damn much. It was so wrong, so dirty, but I could tell Wendy was really into it, no matter what her mouth said, her pussy was so damn wet. I knelt down behind her and shoved my face between her ass cheeks. I ran my tongue as far into her ass as I could. She let out a groan, and said, “Oh fuck!” I had heard her use language like that before. It really turned me on. I ran my tongue up and down from her ass to her pussy over and over again. Her hips were squirming and I could tell she was close to orgasm. I concentrated on the area just between her asshole and her pussy, and then it happened.”Oh God Yes! Oh God Yes! Do it! Do it! I’m Cumming! Holy Fuck!” she cried. I slowed the movements with my tongue and rose up behind her. “Oh God,” she said. “We have got to stop this. Let me get my thong back on.”I shoved my thick meat between her ass cheeks; the head was searching for her opening. “Fuck sake, said stop it,” she demanded. The force of my thrust widened her legs, and my hard cock found it’s way to her wet mound, and up against her cunt lips. Just then, through the window, I saw Arielle get up from her chair and start walking towards the door to the house. Wendy also saw her.”Oh Shit,” Wendy said. “Let me go! She will see us!” I held her down firmly against the counter so she couldn’t move, my rock hard cock still searching for the opening to her wet cunt.The door opened in the living room just as I slid the head of my hard dick into Wendy’s wet, cunt. I thought, damn, if Arielle comes around the corner she will see us, but from the doorway she can’t. I pulled the head of my dick out of Wendy’s cunt. In a loud voice Arielle yelled from the doorway, “Are you two finding everything?” I yelled back, “Yes, we had to wash a pan for the bread, but we got it under control. Go keep your dad company and we will be right out.” “Ok,” she said. Wendy and I both watched as Arielle went back and sat down with her father. “Shit, we better stop and get back out there with the bread,” Wendy said. I slid my hard dick back up against Wendy’s cunt lips and asked, “Are you sure that you want me to stop?” There was silence for a few seconds. I reached down and grabbed my hard cock in my right hand. I started moving it up and down on her cunt lips. In a lustful whisper, Wendy started mumbling. “You Goddamn Asshole. Why won’t you stop?” I asked her again, “Are you sure that you want me to stop?” Wendy, adana escort bayan still bent over the counter looked back at me and said, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you better get that hard cock inside my cunt right now!” I just looked at her and said, “You are a dirty little slut, aren’t you?” To which she replied, “Shut the fuck up and just fuck me!” I moved in behind her again, grabbed her hips and went balls deep into her cunt with one hard thrust. “Jesus Fucking Christ,” she said in a grunting voice. I started moving in and out of that wet cunt with slow, hard thrust, and with every thrust she was grunting. Oh fuck yeah. I’m going to cum!””Cum slut,” I said to her. “Cum all over my hard cock!” “Oh God! Oh God! I can’t believe I’m doing this! Oh Fuck, I’m Cumming! Shit!” she cried.She came so hard that I thought she was going to lift us both off the floor. Her big ass was shaking and bouncing, she was totally out of control. Her mouth was shouting all kinds of obscenities. “You Fucking asshole,” she said. “What are you doing to me?” I slapped her big ass and told her to look out the window. She raised her head up and looked out at her husband and her daughter sitting outside. “Look at your husband,” I said. “And your little girl. Do they know what a fucking slut you are?” “I don’t give a shit what they think at this point. I just need to cum again. Shut your fucking mouth, and make me cum again,” she demanded. “Well Fuck Yeah,” I said. “Cum for me again, Slut!”With that said, she started shaking her big ass again. She was moving back and forth on my hard cock like a wild woman.”Fuck it, Slut! Fuck that dick,” I said as I pulled her hair back.” “That’s it, Bitch. Fuck it like the fucking Slut you are!””I can’t believe I’m doing this,” with my son in law she said.I could tell she was close, and so was I. I pulled her hair even harder. Her ass was shaking and pounding against my dick. “Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh Fucking hell,” she screamed.” Oh my fucking God, I’m Cumming!”I grabbed her hips very hard. She was holding on to the counter with all she had, bucking up and down on my rock hard dick.”That’s it, Bitch! Make me cum! Make me cum in that wet cunt,” I yelled. “Look at your husband,” I said.” Look at him while I cum all in your tight, wet cunt!””Oh Fuck, Yes!” she replied.”Cum in me! Cum all inside me, you mother fucker!” “Don’t you mean Mother-In-Law fucker?” I asked.”Hell Yeah,” she replied. “Cum in me like you cum in my little girl!””Holy fuck! You are a dirty bitch, aren’t you, Wendy?” I asked.”Yeah! I am one horny, dirty bitch! Now cum inside me,” she demanded.With that said, I couldn’t hold back any longer. I grabbed her big ass firmly and started pumping her pussy with all I had. I could tell she was close again, and with the rhythm we had going, it would only be a matter of seconds. I could feel her pussy squeezing tighter and tighter on my rock hard shaft. She was gripping the counter as tight as she could, and then it happened.”Oh My Fucking God! Oh Fuck Yeah! I’m Cumming again,” she cried.”Oh Fuck,” I grunted. “I’m Cumming, too, all in your wet cunt! You slut!” My hard cock unloaded stream after stream of sticky jizz all inside of that wet, tight cunt. Her cunt was milking every drop as I could feel it contracting and squeezing. Then, she collapsed and her head fell into the sink. I looked up to see my wife and father-in-law still sitting outside. We had been in there for about fifteen minutes, and they had to wonder what was taking so long. I thought, “Damn, we better get back out there.”Just then Wendy rose up and looked at me. She took a deep breath and let it out. She looked pissed off and started walking towards the bathroom. As she walked away she turned and said, “You son of a bitch. I can’t believe what just happened!””No one can ever find out about this, no one, and this will never happen again,” she said in a pissed off voice. She then turned and went into the bathroom. A few minutes passed and she came out of the bathroom, and walked by me in the kitchen without saying a word. As she turned the corner to go back outside, she hung me a bird. I couldn’t help but laugh as I got the bread out of the cupboard. The rest of the night was going to be fun!

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FUCKING MY LANDLORD’S DAUGHTERMoving to Brooklyn, as a medical technician, didn’t afford me the luxury of a hi-rise apartment. Instead I found a 2 bedroom apartment situated over my Landlords garage. It was completely renovated and had central air. It was detached from the main house and you had to walk a narrow pathway along the side of the garage to get there. I loved it and the rent was affordable. My landlord was a Widow from Jamaica, she was a school teacher and lived in the house with her teenaged daughter. My landlord was about 55 still had a nice body, but her face was butt ugly. Mrs. Barnes was a nice woman. I paid my rent and she never bothered me. I had worked the Emergency room last night and was in bed catching sleep, when I heard my bell ring. Without thinking I went to the door in my pajama bottoms and no shirt. When I opened the door it was my Landlords daughter Sheryl. Sheryl looked nothing like her mother. She looked like a young Naomi Campbell. She must’ve gotten her looks from her dad. She was about 5’7 slim shapely build, with the typical too big tits for a teen… lol . She wore a tank top, with no bra. I could clearly see her nipples through her top. She had on boy boxer briefs that were so tight I could see the outline of her little pussy. “Sorry to wake you Mr. Jones, but Fedex left you a package, and I signed for it” she says as she hands me an envelope. I had been expecting the package and thanked her . “Thank you Lisa I appreciate that. Thank God for good neighbors”I say .” Arent you a little too big to come outside dressed like that” I say. “No, I wouldn’t go out front like this, but I chill in the backyard or just back here to the garage” she says. “Why do you ask that”she says? ” Maybe because I’m a grown man and you are standing in front of me, in an outfit thats barely covering your body” I say.Though my mind knew she was jail bait, my dick didn’t give a damn. It started growing and pressing against my pants. I covered my erection with the envelope and bid her farewell. “Alright Sheryl, Thanks again I must get some rest” I say as I close the door and head back to bed.All I could think about was sheryl’s tits and that fat little pussy in her shorts. I shook the thought off and squeezed my dick and went back to bed. A few days later I got a call from Mrs. Barnes informing me that she had a family emergency and she had to fly to Jamaica darıca escort to take care of it. She asked me to keep an eye on the house as Sheryl was not going and would be home alone. She was a senior in HS and could not miss a week of school. When I got in from work I was bone tired. I showered , and climbed into my bed. My doorbell awoke me out of my sleep I checked the time and it was 4:30 pm. I went to the door and opened it to find Sheryl standing there. “Sorry to bother you Mr. Jones can I come in” she says. “Is everything ok ” I ask? “Come in” I say. That’s when I notice her skimpy outfit. She is wearing a long button down man’s shirt with just a bra and panties on and she didn’t have the shirt buttoned. “What’s the problem that makes you come out side half dressed” I ask. “I needed to talk to you about something” she says. “Okay what is it” I ask.Instead of trying to cover her body up she seemed to be pushing her tits out more. The Black lace bra clearly showed her big dark ebony nipples, and the panties just barely covered the lips of her pussy. For a slim girl she had the fattest pussy I had seen on a slim girl. I tried to look away but my eyes felt compelled to look.I let her in and close the door behind her. ” How may I help you” I ask? She stands before me and puts her hands on her hips and says “I came here because ever since you moved in I’ve had a crush on you. Im s*******n and I know what I want and I want you to make love to me” she says. She takes her hand and grabs my dick. “See. Your hard. You know you want to. I promise I wont tell a soul” she says. I grab her wrist and move her hand from my dick. My dick was throbbing. “Please fuck me Mr. Jones. Can I call you daddy” she asks. and she grabs my dick with the other hand. “Whoa whoa hold up. I start to laugh as I can not believe what is going on before me. ” You should go home right now” I say. She takes off the shirt and then unfastens her bra. The most beautiful pair of chocolate tits spilled out. Then she steps out of her panties and stands before me naked. “Are you serious” I ask I pick up her clothes and hand them to her.She throws the clothes across the room. “I’m not leaving. Not until you give me what I asked for” she says. It is hard to contain 9′ inside of boxers. Especially when it’s rock hard. I shifted it and tried to conceal it as much as I could. ” I’m not a virgin. I’ve been escort darıca sexually active since i was fifteen. I’m on the shot that lasts one year” she says.She walks over to me. She is so sexy. I try to keep my composure. My dick is aching. My boxers are so wet as I’m dripping precum. I back up and trip over my work bag and fall back onto the couch. When I fall on the couch Sheryl straddles my lap. She tries to kiss me. I pull away and her soft hands begin rubbing my chest. I can’t take it anymore, and I pick her up and carry her into my room and place her on my bed.I step out of my shorts and walk towards her on the bed. She gets on her knees and starts sucking my dick. She is rather skilled and has my dick throbbing and twitching. I grab her head and push my dick down her throat. ” Take this dick. Swallow it” I say as I slowly fuck her mouth and throat. “Ooooooooooo it tastes so good daddy” she says as she plays in her pussy.I pick her up and lay her onto her back with her legs opened wide. I was eager to taste her sweet young pussy and dived in as I lapped and sucked on her little clit. “Yes daddy eat that pussy good. I fucking love it . Yes yes yes” she cries as I ate her pussy up. “Oh my God. I’m gonna cum daddy. Oh yes I can’t take it no more” she says. I could feel that clit throbbing and swelling and knew she was about bust.She’s squirming and trying to get away. I hold them thighs and keep on lapping that clit. She cums everywhere. I get it all. She tastes so sweet and good. I know she’s ready now. I come up kiss her and let her taste her cum on my mouth and tongue. I put my dick right to her hot wet pussy and I slide right in. As I slide in I could feel her wetness and the tightness of her pussy. “God dammit baby this pussy good” I say as I stroke her pussy good.I take my time and stroke her deep and she meets each stroke as she whined underneath me. By now I have her pussy opened up and it’s beginning to make them wet sucking farting sounds. “That’s what I’m talking about got this pussy talking back me” I say. I pick her up and she holds onto my neck and I bounce her up and down on my dick. “Oh God you all up in me daddy” she says, as I easily hold her and bounce her on my dick.I walk with her on my dick and her holding my neck and walk towards the mirror so I can see my dick go in and out of her pussy. Her pussy is so good I’m fighting not to darıca escort bayan cum inside of her. Her pussy was creaming all over my dick. I could see the cream from the mirror. This turned me on, I walked her to the bed and lifted her off my dick.”Get on your knees and put your head down and your ass up” I say. She does as I say and I slap her ass a few times and then slide my dick in balls deep. I Grab her waist and fuck her hard and deep. She is taking dick like a champ. “Is this what you wanted” I ask as I fucked her deep. So deep that my balls were slapping her pussy with each stroke I made. “Yesssssss this is what I wanted” she cries. I fucked her harder.”Daddy I feel your balls hitting my pussy as you fucking me oh yes I love it . You gonna make me cum” she cries. “Cum on my dick ” I say as I pull out to the head and go all the way in and then cum out to the head again then go back in balls deep.” I cant hold it no more” she cries. “I’m gonna cummmmm” she says. The force of her cumming pushes me out and I push my dick back inside of her. “Yes mommy I felt you. I feel all that cum on my dick” I say as I thrust into her. Though she had cum 3 times her pussy was still tight. I had been fucking her for well over an hour and the sweetness of her pussy had me ready to bust. I pull out of her sweet pussy and turn her over onto her back I kiss her and grab her legs and put them over my shoulders. “You ready for this cum baby ” I ask? “Yes daddy I want it” she says.My rhythym was slower now as I fucked her and kissed her tenderly. No more beating the pussy up. I was just taking time to hit all them walls as I went in and out of her. “You like this pussy daddy” she asks? “Hell yeah baby. I love this sweet pussy” I say. I could feel myself about to cum .”Damn mommy your pussy so good. You done creamed my dick up. I love this little pussy. I’m cumming baby I’m cumming. I pull out and stand up. “Get up. Come get this nut” I say as she gets down on her knees and opens her mouth. I cum and she swallows every drop, and licks my dick dry and squeezes every drop out of me. I shake it off and stand her up and kiss her on her forehead. “My mom won’t be back for another 3 days, I think we can have a lot of fun together in that time” she says as she walks into the front room to get her clothes. I walk her out .” Yeah” I say as I squeeze my dick as I watch her get dressed. I smile to myself and think about what I had just done. She kisses me on the cheek and walks to the door, opens it and leaves. “See you later” she says as she bounces down the stairs. “Later babe ” I say as I watch her walk out of the door.

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