The 120 days of sodom – 22 – part1, THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY

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Preparations for that ceremony were started early in the morning; they were of the usual sort but, and I have no idea whether or not it was by a stroke of chance, the inspection uncovered signs of the young bride’s misbehavior. Durcet declared he had found shit in her chamber pot; she denied having put it there, asserting that, to cause her to be punished, the duenna had come and done the thing during the night, and that governesses often planted such evidence when they wished to embroil the children in difficulties. Well, she defended herself very eloquently and to no purpose whatever, for she was not carefully heard, and as her little husband-to-be was already on the list, the prospect of correcting both of them was the cause of great amusement.
Nevertheless, the young bride and groom, once the mass had been said, were conducted with much pomp to the salon where the ceremony was to be completed before mealtime; they were both of the same age, and the little girl was delivered naked to her husband, who was permitted to do whatever he wanted. Is there any voice so compelling as example’s? And where if not in Silling were it possible to receive very bad examples and the most contagious ones? The young man sped like an arrow to its mark, hopped upon his little wife, and as his prick was greatly stiff, although not yet capable of a discharge, he would inevitably have got his spear in her . . . but mild as would have been the damage done her, the source of all Messieurs’ glory lay in preventing anything from harming the tender flower they wished alone to pluck. And so it was the Bishop checked the lad’s impetuous career, and profiting from his erection, straightway thrust into his ass the very pretty and already very well-formed engine wherewith Zélamir was about to plumb his young spouse. What a disappointment for that young man, and what a discrepancy between the old Bishop’s slack-sprung vent and the strait and tidy cunt of a little thirteen-year-old virgin! But Zélamir was having to deal with people who were deaf to common-sense arguments.
Curval laid hands on Colombe and thigh-fucked her from in front while licking her eyes, her mouth, her nostrils, in a word, her entire face. Meanwhile, he must surely have been rendered some kind of service, for he discharged, and Curval was not a man to lose his fuck over silly trifles.
They dined, the wedded couple appeared at the meal and again in the salon for coffee, which that day was served by the very cream of the subjects, by, I wish to say, Augustine, Zelmire, Adonis, and Zéphyr. Curval wished to stiffen afresh, had absolutely to have some shit, and Augustine shot him as fine an artifact as it were in human power to create. The Duc had himself sucked by Zelmire, Durcet by Colombe, the Bishop by Adonis. The last named shitted into Durcet’s mouth after having dispatched the Bishop. But no sign of fuck; it was becoming rare, they had failed to exercise any restraint at the outset of the holiday, and as they realized the extreme need of seed they would have toward the end, Messieurs were growing more frugal. They went next to the auditorium where the majestic Duclos, invited to display her ass before starting, exposed that matchless ensemble most libertinely to the eyes of the assembly, and then began to speak:

Here is still another trait of my character, Messieurs, said that sublime woman; after having made you well enough acquainted with it, you will be so kind as to judge what I intend to omit from what I am going to tell you . . . and you will, I trust, dispense me from having to say more about myself.
Lucile’s mother had just fallen into a state of the most wretched poverty, and it was only by the most extraordinary stroke of chance that this charming girl, who had received no news at all of her mother since having fled her house, now learned of her extreme distress: one of our street scouts – hard in pursuit of some young girl for a client who shared the tastes and designs of the Marquis de Mesanges, for a client, that is to say, who was eager to make an outright and final purchase – one of our scouts came in to report to me, as I was lying in bed with Lucile, that she had chanced upon a little fifteen-year-old, without question a maid, extremely pretty, and, she said, closely resembling Mademoiselle Lucile; yes, she went on, they were like two peas in a pod, but this little girl she’d found was in such bedraggled condition that she’d have to be kept and fattened for several days before she’d be fit to market. And thereupon she gave a description of the aged woman with whom the child had been discovered, and of the frightful indigence wherein that mother lay; from certain traits, details of age and appearance, from all she heard concerning the daughter, Lucile had a secret feeling the persons being discussed might well be her own mother and sister. She knew she had left home when the latter was still very young, hence it was hard to be sure of the thing, and she asked my permission to go and verify her suspicions.
At this point my infernal mind conceived a little horror; its effect was to set my body afire. Telling the street scout to leave the room, and being unable to resist the fury raging in my blood, I began by entreating Lucile to frig me. Then, halting halfway through the operation:
“Why do you want to go to see that old woman?” I asked Lucile; “what do you propose to do?”
“Why, but don’t you see,” said Lucile, whose heart was still undeveloped, “there are certain things that one is expected to do . . . I ought to help her if I can, and above all if she turns out to be my mother.”
“Idiot,” I muttered, thrusting her away from me, “go sacrifice alone to your disgusting popular prejudices, and for not daring to brave them, go lose the most incredibly fine opportunity to irritate your senses by a horror that would make you discharge for a decade.”
Bewildered by my words, Lucile stared at me, and I saw I had to explain this philosophy to her, for she apparently had not the vaguest understanding of it. I therefore did lecture her, I made her comprehend the vileness, the baseness of the ties wherewith they seek to bind us to the author of our days; I demonstrated to her that for having carried us in her womb, instead of deserving some gratitude, a mother merits naught but hate, since ’twas for her pleasure alone and at the risk of exposing us to all the ills and sorrows the world holds in store for us that she brought us into the light, with the sole object of satisfying her brutal lubricity. To this I added roughly everything one might deem helpful in supporting the doctrine which same right-thinking dictates, and which the heart urges when it is not cluttered up with stupidities imbibed in the nursery.
“And what matters it to you,” I added, “whether that creature be happy or wretched? Does her situation have anything to do with yours? does it affect you? Get rid of those demeaning ties whose absurdity I’ve just proven to you, and thereby entirely isolating this creature, sundering her utterly from yourself, you will not only recognize that her misfortune must be a matter of indifference to you, but that it might even be exceedingly voluptuous to worsen her plight. For, after all, you do owe her your hatred, that has been made clear, and thus you would be taking your revenge: you would be performing what fools term an evil deed, Başakşehir Escort and you know the immense influence crime exerts upon the senses. And so here are two sources of pleasure in the outrages I’d like to have you inflict upon her: both the sweet delights of vengeance, and those one always tastes whenever one does evil.”
Whether it was that I employed a greater eloquence in exhorting Lucile than I do in recounting the fact to you now, or whether it was because her already very libertine and very corrupt spirit instantly notified her heart of the voluptuous promise contained in my principles, she tasted them, and I saw her lovely cheeks flush in response to that libertine flame which never fails to appear every time one violates some prohibition, abolishes some restraint.
“All right,” she murmured, “what are we to do?”
“Amuse ourselves with her,” said I, “and make some money at the same time; as for pleasure, you can be sure to have some if you adopt my principles. And as for the money, the same thing applies, for I can make use of both your old gray-haired mother and your young sister; I’ll arrange two different parties which will prove very lucrative.”
Lucile accepts, I frig her the better to excite her to commit the crime, and we turn all our thoughts to devising plans. Let me first undertake to outline the first of them, since it deserves to be included in the category of passions I have to discuss, although I shall have to alter the exact chronology in order to fit it into the sequence of events, and when I shall have informed you of this first part of my scheme, I shall enlighten you upon the second.
There was a man, well placed in society and exceedingly wealthy, exceedingly influential and having a disorder of the mind which surpasses all that words are able to convey; as I was acquainted with him only as the Comte, you will allow me, however well advised of his full name I may be, simply to designate him by his title. The Comte was somewhat above thirty-five years of age, and all his passions had reached their maximum strength; he had neither faith nor law, no god and no religion, and was above all else endowed, like yourselves, Messieurs, with an invincible horror of what is called the charitable sentiment; he used to say that to understand this impulse was totally beyond his powers, and that he would not for an instant assent to the notion that one dare outrage Nature to the point of upsetting the order she had imposed when she created different classes of individuals; the very idea of elevating one such class through the bestowing of alms or aid, and thus of overthrowing another, the idea of devoting sums of money, not upon agreeable things which might afford one pleasure, but rather upon these absurd and revolting relief enterprises, all this he considered an insult to his intelligence or a mystery his intelligence could not possibly grasp. Thoroughly instilled, nay, penetrated though he was with these opinions, he reasoned still further; not only did he derive the keenest delight from refusing aid to the needy, but he ameliorated what was already an ecstasy by outrageously persecuting the humble and injured. One of his higher pleasures, for example, consisted in having meticulous searches made of those dark, shadowy regions where starving indigence gnaws whatever crust it has earned by terrible toil, and sprinkles tears upon its meager portion. He would stiffen at the thought of going abroad not only to enjoy the bitterness of those tears, but even . . . but even to aggravate their cause and, if ’twere possible, to snatch away the wretched substance that kept the damned yet amongst the living. And this taste of his was no whim, no light fantasy, ’twas a fury; he used to say that he knew no more piercing delight, nothing that could more successfully arouse him, inflame his soul, than these excesses I speak of. Nor was this rage of his, he one day assured me, the fruit of depravation; no, he had been possessed by this mania since his youngest years, and his heart, perpetually toughened against misery’s plaintive accents, had never conceived any gentler, milder feelings for it.
As it is of the greatest importance you be familiar with the subject, you must first of all know that the same man had three different passions: the one I am going to relate to you, another, which Martaine will explain to you later when she refers to this same personage, and a third, yet more atrocious, which Desgranges will doubtless reserve for the end of her contribution as doubtless one of the most impressive upon her list. But we’ll begin with the one on mine.
Straightway I had informed the Comte of the nest of misery I had discovered for him, of the inhabitants of that nest, he was transported with joy. But it so happened that business intimately connected with his fortune and having an important bearing upon his advancement, which he took much care not to neglect, in that he held them vital to his misconduct, business, I say, was going to occupy his attention for the next two weeks, and as he did not want to let the little girl slip through his fingers, he preferred sacrificing the pleasure the first scene promised him, and to be certain of enjoying the second. And so he ordered me to have the child kidnaped at whatever cost, but without delay, and to have her deposited at the address he indicated to me. And in order to keep you in suspense no longer, my Lords, that address was Madame Desgranges’, for she was the agent who furnished him with material for his third class of secret parties. And now to return to the objects of all our maneuvering.
So far, we had done little but locate Lucile’s mother, both to set the stage for the recognition scene between mother and daughter and to study the problems associated with the kidnaping of the little girl. Lucile, well coached in her part, only greeted her mother in order to insult her, to say that it was thanks to her she had been hurled into libertinage, and to these she added a thousand other similarly unkind remarks, which broke the poor woman’s heart and ruined the pleasure of rediscovering her daughter. During this first interview, I thought I glimpsed the appropriate way to talk with the woman, and pointed out to her that, having rescued her elder child from an impure existence, I was willing to do as much for the younger one. But the stratagem did not succeed, the poor wretch fell to weeping and said that nothing in the world would induce her to part with the one treasure she had left, that the little girl was her one resource, she herself was old, infirm, that the child cared for her, and that to be deprived of her would be to lose life itself. At this juncture, Messieurs, I must confess, and I do so with shame, that I felt a faint stirring in the depths of my heart; it advised me that my voluptuous pleasure was bound only to be increased by the horrible refinements I was about to give to my meditated crime, and having informed the old lady that shortly thereafter her daughter would come to pay her a visit with a man of great influence, who could perhaps render her great services, we left, and I bent all my efforts to employing the lures and devices I usually relied upon to snare game. I had carefully examined the little girl, she was worth my going to some trouble: fifteen years of age, a pretty figure, a very lovely skin, and very pretty features. She arrived Escort Bayan three days later, and after having examined every part of her body and found nothing but what was very charming, dimpled, and very neat despite the poor nourishment she had for so long had to put up with, I passed her along to Madame Desgranges: this transaction marked the beginning of our commercial relations.
His private affairs attended to, our Comte reappeared; Lucile conducts him to her mother’s home, and ’tis at this point begins the scene I wish to describe. The old mother was found in bed, the room was without heat although we were then in the midst of a bitterly cold winter; beside her bed sat a wooden crock containing milk. The Comte pissed into the crock as soon as he had entered. To prevent any possible trouble, and in order to feel himself the undisputed master of the fort, the Comte had posted two of his minions, a pair of strapping lads, on the stairway, and they were to offer a stubborn obstacle to any undesirable coming up or going down.
“My dear old buggress,” intoned the Comte, “we have come here with your daughter, you see her there, and a damned pretty whore she is, upon my soul; we have come here, I say, to relieve what ails you, wretched old leper that you are, but before we can help you, you must tell us what’s amiss. Well, go on, speak,” he said, seating himself and beginning to palpate Lucile’s buttocks, “go on, I say, itemize your sufferings.”
“Alas!” said the good woman, “you come with that vixen not to help me but to insult me.”
“Vixen? How’s this,” said the Comte, “you dare use insults with your daughter? By God,” he went on, rising to his feet and dragging the old thing from her litter, “get out of that bed, get down on your knees, and ask to be forgiven for the language you have just employed.”
There was no resist.
“And you, Lucile, lift your skirts and have your mother kiss your cheeks, and I am damned certain she wants nothing more than to kiss them, eager as she must be for some kind of reconciliation.”
The insolent Lucile rubs her ass upon the seamed and wrinkled visage of her dear old mother; overwhelming her with a tirade of playful epithets, the Comte permits the poor woman to crawl back into bed, and then resumes the conversation. “I tell you once again,” he says, “that if you recite all your troubles to me, I’ll take the best care of you.”
The woe-ridden are credulous; and they love to lament. The old woman made them privy to all her sufferings, and complained especially, with great bitterness, of the theft of her daughter; she sharply accused Lucile of having had a hand in it and of knowing where the child presently was, since the lady with whom she had come a little while ago had proposed to take her under her wing; that was the basis for her supposition (and there was considerable logic in the way she argued) that this same lady had taken her away. Meanwhile, the Comte, directly facing Lucile’s ass, for by this time he had got her to step out of her skirts, the Comte, I say, now and again kissing that handsome ass and frigging himself uninterruptedly, listened, put questions to her, requested details, and regulated all the titillations of his perfidious lust according to the old woman’s replies. But when she said that the absence of her daughter, thanks to whose work she was procure her wherewithal, was going to lead her gradually but inexorably to the grave, since she had nothing and for four days had been kept barely alive by that small quantity of milk he had just spoiled:
“Why, then, bitch,” said the Comte, aiming his prick at the old creature and continuing to explore Lucile’s buttocks, “why, then go ahead and croak, you foul old whore, do you suppose the world will be any worse off without you?”
And as he concluded his question he loosed his sperm.
“Were that to happen,” he observed, “I believe I’d have only one regret, and that would be not having myself hastened the event.”
But there was moreto it than that, the Comte was not the sort of a man to be appeased by a mere discharge; Lucile, fully aware of the role she was to play, now that he had been relieved, busied herself preventing the old woman from noticing what he was about, and the Comte, rummaging through every corner of the room, came upon a silver goblet, the last vestige of the material well-being that had once upon a time been this poor wretch’s; he put the goblet in his pocket. This fresh outrage having put new hardness into his prick, he again dragged the old woman from her bed, stripped her naked, and bade Lucile frig him upon the matron’s withered old frame. Once again nothing could be done to stop him, and the villain darted his fuck over that ancient flesh, redoubled his insults, and said that the poor wretch could rest perfectly assured he was not yet done with her, and that she would soon have news of himself and of her little girl who, he wished to have her know, was in his power. He then proceeded to that last discharge, his transports of lust were ignited by the horrors wherewith his perfidious imagination was already in a ferment, by the ruin of the entire family he was contemplating, and he left. But in order not to have to return to this affair, hear, Messieurs, how I surpassed myself in villainy. Seeing that he might have confidence in me, the Comte informed me of the second scene he was preparing for the benefit of the old woman and her little daughter; he told me he wanted the child brought to him without delay and, as he wanted to reunite the whole family, he wished to have me cede Lucile to him too, for he had been deeply moved by her lovely ass; he made no effort to conceal that his purpose was to ruin Lucile as well as her ass, together with her mother and sister.
I loved Lucile. But I loved money even more. He offered me an unheard-of price for these three creatures, I agreed to everything. Four days later, Lucile, her little sister and her aged mother were brought together; Madame Desgranges will tell you about that meeting. As for your faithful Duclos, she continues and resumes the thread of her story this anecdote has interrupted; indeed, she wonders whether she ought not have recited it at some later time, for, esteeming it a very stirring episode, she considers it would have proven a fitting climax to her contribution.

“One moment,” said Durcet, “I cannot hear such stories without being affected, their influence upon me would be difficult to describe. I have been restraining my fuck since the middle of the tale, kindly allow me to unburden myself now.”
And he dashed into his closet with Michette, Zélamir, Cupidon, Fanny, Thérése, and Adelaide; several minutes later his shouts began to ring out, and soon after the uproar started, Adelaide emerged in tears, saying that all this made her very unhappy, and wondering why they had to excite her husband with such dreadful stories; she who told them, Adelaide declared, not others, ought by rights to be the victim. During the interim the Duc and the Bishop had not wasted an instant, but the manner in which they operated belonging to the class of procedures circumstances compel us still to mask from the reader’s view, we beg him to suffer the curtain to remain down, and to allow us to move on to the four tales Duclos had yet to relate before bringing this twenty-first meeting of the assembly to a close.

istanbul Escort A week after Lucile’s departure, I handled a rascal blessed with a rather curious mania. Warned several days in advance of his intended arrival, I had let a great number of turds accumulate in my one-holed chair, and I had induced one of my young ladies to add a few more to the collection. Our man appeared costumed as a Savoyard rustic; ’twas in the morning, he swept out my room, removed the pot from beneath the chair, and went out to empty it (this emptying, I might note in parantheses, took a considerable length of time); when he returned he showed me how carefully he’d cleaned it out and asked for his payment. But, and this of course was all stipulated in our prior agreement, instead of giving him a coin, I seize the broom and fall to belaboring him with the handle.
“Your payment, villain?” I cry, “why, here’s what you deserve.”
And I bestow at least a dozen blows upon him. He seeks to escape me, I pursue him, and the libertine, whose critical moment has arrived, discharges all the way down the stairs, bawling out at the top of his voice that they’re cracking his skull, that they want to kill him, and that he’s got himself into the house of a scoundrel, she’s not by any means the honest woman he at first took her for, etc.
Another carried, in a small pocket case, a little knotty stick which he kept for an unusual purpose; he wanted me to insert the stick into his urethral canal, and, having plunged it in to a depth of three inches, to rattle it with utmost vigor, and with my other hand to pull back his foreskin and frig his poor device. At the very instant he discharged, one had to pull out the stick, raise one’s skirts in front, and he would discharge upon one’s mound.
Six months later I had to do with an abbot who wanted me to take a burning candle and direct the drops of molten tallow so that they fell upon his penis and balls; it required nothing more than the sensation this ceremony produced to bring about his discharge. His machine required no touching, but it remained limp throughout; before they would yield fuck, his genitals had to be given such a heavy coating of wax that toward the end there was no recognizing this strange object as a part of the human anatomy.
That ecclesiastic had a friend who loved nothing so much as to offer his bum to be perforated by a multitude of gold pins, and when thus decorated, his hindquarter far more resembling a pincushion than an ordinary ass, he would sit down, the better to savor the effect he cherished, and, presenting one’s very wide-spread buttocks to him, he would twiddle his member and discharge into one’s vent.
“Durcet,” said the Duc, “I should very much like to see that sweet chubby ass of yours studded all over with golden pins, ah yes, I’m persuaded ‘twould thus appear more interesting than ever.”
“Your Grace,” quoth the financier, “you know that for forty years it has been my glory and my honor to imitate you in all things; I but ask you to have the kindness to set me an example, and you have my word that I will follow it.”
“God’s loin-scum!” exclaimed the good Curval, who had not until now been heard from, “by His sacred seed, I do declare that story about Lucile has made me stiff! I’ve held my peace, but my head’s been at work none the less. Look here,” said he, exhibiting his prick standing high, “see whether I do not say true. I’ve a furious impatience to hear the denouement of the story of those three buggresses; I have the highest hope they’ll meet one another in a common grave.”
“Softly there, softly,” said the Duc, “let’s not anticipate events. Were you not stiff, Monsieur le Président, you’d not be in such a hurry to hear talk of wheels and gibbets. You resemble a great many other of Justice’s servitors, whose pricks, they say, rise up every time they pronounce the sentence of death.”
“Never mind the magistrature,” Curval replied, “the fact remains that I am enchanted by Duclos’ doings, that I find her a charming girl, and that her story of the Comte has put me in a dreadful state, and in this state, I say, I could be easily persuaded to go abroad, stop a carriage on the highway, and rob its occupants.”
“Ah, Président, take care,” said the Bishop; “keep a hand upon yourself, my dear fellow, else we’ll cease to be in safety here. One such slip, and the least we could expect would be the noose for all of us.”
“The noose? Ah, the noose, yes . . . but not for us. However, I don’t for a minute deny I’d myself gladly condemn these young ladies here to be hanged, and especially Madame la Duchesse, who’s lying like a cow upon my sofa and who, merely because she’s got a spoonful of modified fuck in the womb, fancies no one dares touch her any more.”
“Oh,” said Constance, “’tis surely not with you I count upon being respected because of my state. Your loathing for pregnant women is only too notorious.”
“A prodigious loathing, isn’t it?” said Curval with a chuckle, “why, indeed it is prodigious.”
And, transported by enhusiasm, he was, I believe, on the verge of committing some sacrilege against that superb belly, when Duclos intervened.
“Come, Sire, come with me,” said she; “since ’tis I who have caused the hurt, I’d like to repair it.”
And together they passed into the secluded boudoir, followed by Augustine, Hébé, Cupidon, and Thérèse. It was not long before the Président’s braying resounded through the castle, and despite all Duclos’ attentions, little Hébé returned weeping from the hurlyburly; there was even more to it than tears, but we dare not yet disclose just what it was had set her to trembling. A little patience, friend reader, and we shall soon hide nothing from your inquisitive gaze.
And now Curval himself returns, grumbling between his teeth and swearing that all those dratted laws prevent a man from discharging at his ease, etc.; their Lordships sit down at table. After supper they withdrew to mete out punishment for the misbehavior that had accrued during the week, but the guilty were not that evening in great number: only Sophie, Colombe, Adelaide, and Zélamir merited correction, and received it. Durcet, who since the beginning of the evening had waxed very hot, and who had been particularly inspired by Adelaide, granted her no quarter; Sophie, whom they had detected shedding tears during the story of the Comte, was punished for that misdemeanor as well as for her former one, and the Duc and Curval, we understand, treated the day’s little newlyweds, Zélamir and Colombe, with a severity that almost bordered upon barbarity.
The Duc and Curval, in splendid form and singularly wrought up, said they had no wish to retire, and having had a quantity of beverages fetched in, they passed the night drinking with the four storytellers and Julie, whose libertinage, increasing every day, gave her the air of a very amiable creature who deserved to be ranked among these objects for whom Messieurs had some regard. The following morning, while making his rounds, Durcet found all seven of them dead drunk. The naked girl was discovered lodged between her father and her husband and in a posture which gave evidence of neither virtue nor decency in libertinage; it was plain enough to the financier that (to hold the reader in suspense no longer) they had both enjoyed her simultaneously. Duclos, who, from all appearances, had functioned as an instrument to this crime, lay sprawled near the compact trio, and the others were strewn in a confused heap in the corner opposite the fire, which someone had taken care to keep burning throughout the night.

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CAW11 – Cold Winters Night

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It was a cold winter’s night, in late autumn. The fog had set in; just before midnight and gradually blanketed the streets. The air was full of mist and visibility was becoming difficult, as I walked the City streets.

My pimp forced to work the streets tonight. I was hoping for profitable night; to keep him and his henchmen, away from me and my family.

My name is Louise and I am a single 21 year old mother, and also a prostitute. I have a three year old daughter, Misty (Melissa). She was being looked after by a close friend.

My slender framed body was feeling, every icy cold whiff of air, tonight. I stand 5-foot 7-inches and weigh 103-pounds; and I wasn’t dressed appropriately for the elements tonight. I was more worried about earning money, then dressing up properly. When I set of on my evening route, at 8:00pm, it wasn’t as cold. It was just past midnight, and it wasn’t the case now.

The only protection from the elements I was wearing were my fish-net stockings, black latex mini-skirt, black tank singlet, red and black lace corset and my black knee length boots. I wore no bra or knickers but a garter belt. Luckily, I also wore my fake mink-fur jacket, or I would have frozen to death. I shivered as I walked clutching my fur jacket, as goose bumps formed, on my thighs and chest, from the cold air.

I tried not to stand in one spot too long, or the chill would start biting into my already chilly skin.

Deciding it was a bit too foggy and cold, to be out near the park area, so I walked towards the food district.

The booming sounds of a nearby night club could be heard.
I stood not far from an alley that led to the rear of some restaurants. There were trash cans, dumpsters and wild rodents, near where I stood. I lit up a cigarette and just watched, as people were leaving for taxis or their cars.

I while I puffed on my smoke, that most of the restaurants was either closing or closed, for the night.

As I was taking the last few puff of cigarette, a man noticed my image from a distance. He now was strolling toward me.

The closer he got the more I stared. He was bald and his head was shaved, and he wore a black trench Yenibosna Escort coat. He wore noisy boots. I could hear every single step he made, as he approached me.

I took a deep breath and tossed my cigarette, as was now just barely a few feet from me.

“Hey honey, dam you’re a stunner,” He said, with his hands in his pockets.

“Why, thank you, and what brings you here at this time of night,” I asked.

“Oh, I don’t know, I just finished a business meeting and then dinner,” He answered.

“Are you looking for desert,” I asked, and lifted a leg up and rested it on top of a trash can.
“Oh depends, what are you offering,” He said, staring at my leg.

“Hmmm, let’s see, $50 for a mouth full, $100 for sex, $200 for the works,” I said.

He ruffled around in his pockets, and smirked at me. I was handed a hundred dollars in screwed up bills. I nodded and placed the money inside my bum-bag.

He led me further into the alley away from the lights and prying eyes. We found a secluded spot and he kissed my neck. I lean myself against a cold, moist brick wall.

I wriggled and murmur, as he kisses and bites my neck. He then squeezed my breasts and yanks down the top of corset. My breasts now feel the cold winter’s air. Goosebumps develop on my skin, from the chill.

He now stops kissing my neck and begins to bite and suck on my nipples. While roughly squeezing and twisting them.

His focus was on my left breast and every now and then, he would kiss my neck again. I was so into this, my eyes were flicking and I let out slow moans.

As he went to kiss my mouth, I stopped him with a free hand. I touched his bulging trousers and slowly unzipped his fly. Then I pulled his cock out from his underwear, and began to stroke it.
He kissed my neck as I stroked his cock, until it was hard and glistening with pre-cum.

He stopped kissing me and watched me play with his cock. I looked into his eyes and spat a glob of saliva on his cock. I stroked my saliva and his pre-cum, over his hard cock.

He caressed my breasts as I stroked his cock. My mouth was a gape and my eyes flickered, like I was on some party drug.

It was Escort Bayan then I pushed him off of me and into the opposite wall. I had my hand on his throat and another on his cock. He stared at me, puzzled at first.

He relaxed once I lowered myself and squatted down. I think he knew what I was up too.
I opened my mouth and placed his cock inside my mouth. “Mmmh, mmmh,” I went about my business of sucking him.

He caressed my hair. It inspired me even more to suck slowly then a little faster.

I would suck hard around the head then swallow deep, before sucking on the head again. He would pull out and slap my tongue with his cock, before inserting it back inside.

Slowly I deep throated him. He moaned. I squealed a little as I gagged for air and saliva oozed out of my mouth.
While I gasped and caught my breath, I stroked his cock.
I stroke it, suck and lick the head, and then swallow it. This was repeated over and over, for about five minutes.

All the time, looking to see if no one was watching or approaching; each time I gasped for air.

He lifted me up and made me face the wall. My skirt was unbuttoned and unzipped and it dropped to the ground. Then my knickers were pulled down and off.

Squeezing and then spreading my butt cheeks, while I face the wall. He went about, squeezing my ass cheeks, before licking my asshole. I liked his tongue, prying into my asshole.

He then forced me hard against the cold misty bricks and eased his cock into my wet and willing pussy.

“Condom,” I nervously, pleaded. “Shut up bitch, I have a condom,” He growled.

I looked over my shoulder and cupped my bare breasts from the chill of the night. I let out several faint cries; as he went about slowly fucking me, to moderately fucking me.

My cries became gasps as my heightened excitement exceeded my early expectations. I was in torrents and the feeling made me stagger and stumble to my knees. “Ooh god, ooh, ooh,” I moaned.
He picked me up, and forced back into the wall. He teased my pussy, with his cock before slowly inserting it into my ass. I froze at first, as he didn’t pay me any money for this.
“That wasn’t part istanbul Escort of,” I tried to say. “Shut it bitch, I paid you for me to get off,” He grumbled at me.
Deep down I didn’t mind, but I didn’t want him to that I loved anal.

The cries of joy I was muttering, would have given me away though.
“Ooh yeah, ooh, ooh mmmh, ooh,” I cried and moaned. I couldn’t help it.

“Oh bitch, you were so tight, now you’re just right for the humping,” He talked down to me.
I hated him referring to me a bitch, with his tone of voice. But my cries made it seem like I like being called one.

When he stopped my ass pillaging, he took his condom off and made me get back on my knees again. I sucked and stroked his cock, until he was about to cum.

While he was moaning with his eyes shut and about to cum, I reached into my purse. When he grunted and squirt his cum on my face; I pulled out my flick knife and hacked open his balls.

“Bitch,” He yelled at me, and slapped my face.
He reacted on instinct and reached for his bleeding balls. That’s when I saw the opening I needed.
I sprung up off the ground and sliced his throat. Blood sprayed and squirted from the gash in his jugular.
I watched as I always watched my victim’s life slowly fade. Then while he took his last gasps of air, I rifled through his pockets and helped myself to his money.

I used my knickers to cleaned myself of cum and blood splatter. Then I pulled up my corset to cover my breasts and collected my belongings.
I looked back at the corpse of my victim and then left the tight crevasse in the alley.

I lit up a cigarette and walked further down the alley; away from crime scene. Wearing no skirt, no knickers and only my corset, garter and heels.

Ever since my uncle and his friends raped me as a child, this had been my outlet or vendetta, against the male species. If they treated me kindly, they lived to fuck another day. If they used my uncle’s favorite “B” word in “bitch”, well they didn’t. Tonight’s victim was number five.

Clip clop clip clop, was the sound of my feet as I walked into darkness.
Then booming sounds of the night club could still be heard. I leaned against the moist bricks of a building and finished my cigarette.
When a young who had been clubbing saw me, and my exposed pussy; walked up to me.

“Hey, looking to party,” He said.

The End, for now…….

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A Softer Touch

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I laid in the baths, my head leaning back and my eyes were closed as the steam kissed my tired body. Training with Anera had been tiring. It was not only taxing on the body but also on the mind and I was paying my due. Even though I was going to be the next Chief, it was no reason to hold back. At least, that is what my Elder thought.

For the past four days, Anera had me do sparring. We wrestled in mud, in the snow, and in the Great River. It was freezing since the river was fed from the glacial mountains but I never felt so alive. My youth allowed me to be somewhat limber and I gained the upper hand on Anera several times. When our bodies were tired and our muscles taunt, Anera would bathe me and use the moment to get close. He was smaller than me, but not by much. His beautiful, brown fur sparkled in the river’s water and his eyes were as blue as the most glorious sapphires. We made love on the river bank more times than I could count and I could still feel the tenderness from it.

There was movement in the corner of my vision and I saw Neokar undressed and proud. His shaft hung low over a pair of generous balls and his member flopped with each step. Instead of being burly like the others, Neokar was built more lean and slender. He was still dashing, however.

He walked as if he predicted each step he would take the morning before and his poise was dignified. He was adorned in jewelry. There was a thick, gold cockring that was around Neokar’s shaft and the pattern that it had was one that only belonged to an advisor to the Chief. He had nipple rings but they were bars instead of loops and his septum ring that tousled with each step he took had small rubies along the metal. It was superior craftsmanship and highlighted the Gold Master’s skills. It only further bolstered my desire to receive my own.

The Gold Master had pierced me yesterday. The areas were tender but no longer sore due to an ointment he used in order to numb the various areas. My nipples, ears, and septum each received the Gold Master’s offerings and I was attended to by my Elder with herbs in order to control the pain. I felt nothing from the ordeal besides a pleasant tingling. The thought of what jewelry he had prepared was more exciting than any nuisance that the piercings provided.

“Good afternoon, Tysius,” Neokar chirped with a pleasant tone to his voice. The bull walked forward to dip one hoof into the hot spring. He gave a pleasant sigh and moved to sit himself down at the edge. His fur clashed against the wet, smooth rock and the steam brought out the gold that the young bull wore. He couldn’t have been more than twenty suns but Fentrin blessed him well. The Gods always had plans for those who were wise enough to read the language of the lands that they created and I had a feeling that Fentrin was directly involved in giving Neokar foresight.

“Hello brother,” I replied and raised my right paw in greeting. He smiled and gestured for me to put my paw down.

“No need to be so formal with me. You know my name. We are no longer boys and have earned our names. Even the Elders will reveal their names to us and especially to you…my Chief,” Neokar assured and moved closer to me. He placed a hand on my left shoulder and squeezed it softly.

I snorted and shook my head. “I’m not your Chief yet. Please, do not use such a lofty title on me. I have not even received my jewelry.” There was a tinge of jealousy to my voice. I did not want to come off as a whiny cub but the suspense was killing me. Watching the other four become outfitted as tradition and having the Gold Master’s undivided attention on them was as wonderful as it was foreshadowing.

When Neokar looked hurt by my comment, I brought my paw up to rub across his outer thigh. “I’m sorry. I do not mean to act so spoiled. I want to look like you. I want to accept my place among my people and do what the Gods intend for me to.”

Neokar relaxed and the smile that he had before returned. The steam from the hot springs was not the only thing that warmed my heart and I watched him bring his body down into the water. Our shoulders touched for a moment before he turned to face me and took a step forward. We were chest to chest and I felt something push up against my member. I chuckled and brought my arms around his waist to pull him closer and he did not protest.

“I didn’t know apologies meant grinding against me,” I added with a cheeky grin. Neokar was still beaming from ear to ear. The smile wasn’t overwhelming either and had a charm to it. Not only could Neokar win people over through his speeches but also through his body.

“Well, I know how stressed you are. Perhaps there are ways I can help relieve it before you receive your rings?”

I chortled. “Oh?”

Neokar raised an eyebrow and tilted his head.

“It’s funny, Anera said a similar thing before laying me out on the shore of the river,” I replied.

“It seemed we both shared a common desire, but mine is focused more on what you can offer here…” Neokar disclosed and Taksim Escort grinded up against me. His eyes grew serious for just a moment; a fiery hunger clouding them. The look was gone as quick as it came and Neokar giggled.

“You look surprised.”

“I am just not used to everyone attending to me,” I said honestly.

“You lived so humbly, my Chief. But remember what you control now.”

Neokar leaned forward and planted a kiss on my cheek. I blushed, my ears folding down and I looked away towards the water. When his soft lips left me, I looked back at Neokar to see him with that same intensity as before. There was a shiver that went down my spine but I steeled myself. Whatever small amount of fear was bottlenecked into pure arousal. Like a spire, my cock shot up and at attention and Neokar only rolled his hips harder against my crotch.

“Remember that we are an extension of your power. Your wants and desires are ours. We are yours to command and we will not waver with any conviction. So, with that in mind…”

Neokar shifted himself to line up my cock with his hole. “Do you wish for me to please you, Tysius?”

“Y-yes…” I stammered out. My heart was hammering in my chest now and Neokar’s heartbeat synced with my own. We were like water flowing, our individual pieces making up the whole. He leaned forward and kissed me passionately on the lips, his tail lifted, and in a smooth movement of his hips, I hilted deep inside of him. It was a warm embrace and I groaned in need as he squeezed around my endowment. Neokar was the first to break the kiss to leave me panting and digging into his hips. He seemed pleased with himself.

“I was already prepared for you, my Chief. I knew you would want me before it even became a thought. I want you to make me yours, Tysius. Please….”

Before I could give a response, the sound of running echoed through the springs. The hoove falls hit the floor, not caring if anyone around heard them coming.


Dujar appeared through the archway that led into the spring and right when he was close enough, he launched himself into the air and brought his legs close to his chest. Aiming for some of the deeper pools, Dujar landed with a hard splash and Neokar and I were splashed with a wave of water.

When Dujar swam back up, he was smiling from ear to ear and had to face a glaring Neokar.

“Unnecessary,” Neokar hissed.

The smile that Dujar had faded and soured. He crossed his arms and moved towards the rock section that separated our pool from his. Even though his pool was deeper than ours, he had no trouble swimming towards us. Water dripped down his broad body and over his muscles. His fur was of a darker black which signified his birth; he came from the south where the sun was much more intense. His chocolate brown eyes also protected the inner mechanisms from damage.

“You are no fun, Neokar,” the larger of the three bulls scoffed. “I did not mean to interrupt you two…if that soured your mood.”

His eyes scanned over us, specifically lingering on the way my hands were invisible below the waterline. Dujar smirked, the gold ring around his tail taunting me and my eyes followed it for a moment. Neokar got up off of me. He did not make a face when my cock left his warm hole and he turned on his hoof to face Dujar with a gracefulness only capable by a bull of his stature. I cursed whatever trickster God led Dujar here.

“No, that did not sour my mood,” Neokar replied with a huff as he rested beside me. “You shouldn’t be so crass around our Chief.”

“He isn’t our Chief yet, however. He does not have his gold…”

Neokar bristled and I knew it was in my interest to intervene. Especially since Dujar’s eyes were now locked on mine. Why was he being so…forward?

“That’s enough, Dujar,” I said without hesitation. His eyes widened in surprise.

Dujar grinned, amusement on his face at getting a rise out of me.

“You know that Tysius will not receive his gold until it is finished,” Neokar frowned. “It is no easy task for the blacksmith to melt the other metals into it. His is special, being made w-“

Dujar groaned and shook his head. “Neokar, I know what it is made with. I’m going to be the Chief’s next blacksmith. I will be making him new jewelry for the rest of his life. You think I don’t know the mixtures that Tysius’ is made from?”

Neokar went quiet. His head was low and he looked up at Dunjar like he was a bully that just stomped out his favorite resting spot.

“I am aware, Dunjair. Callousness does not suit you,” Neokar tisked.

I was quiet, watching the two with my arms at the barrier of the bath. I could have intervened. After all, Dunjar did interrupt a very private moment and then insulted me, but it felt best to allow the ones closest to figure out their own problems. Noekar would seem more offended if I came to his aid rather than allow him the chance to defend himself.

“You hardly have anything to be so offended over. Both of you,” Dunjar Escort Bayan scoffed.

Dunjar’s eyes looked over me and he had that devilish smirk on him. With his larger, imposing figure and those fiery eyes, I would have seen him more as a resident athlete rather than in the Chief’s palace. He spread his legs and made himself comfortable across from Neokar and I.

“Besides, I was only kidding. Tysius was chosen for a reason just like I was and like we all were. Who says I can’t have a little fun?”

I could tell he wanted attention. Something about him screamed it. The way Dunjar looked at me told me that he was bored more than anything else. I huffed, the snort sending a blast of warm air into the even warmer waters.

I stepped forward to Dunjair, my posture straight and courageous even though I was shorter and not as stocky as the blacksmith.

“Neokar does not deserve your spite, Dunjar. The palace is no place for such bravado.”

Dunjar’s once relaxed pose shifted. He looked at me with a glare that held venom. “What is that I hear from a wannabe Chief?”

“A lot coming from someone in my same position. What kind of celestial blacksmith are you? You aren’t even behind an anvil…no sweat on your brow f-“

Dunjar shot up. I knew I had taken it too far when he was barreling towards me. I barely had enough time to register Neokar who dived in between us.

“Enough! This is no way for the nobility to act….”

Dunjar snorted, his hot breath against my face. “I was only teasing. It was Tyrius that insulted my craft!”

I chuckled which only made Dunjar’s anger simmer even more. “Keep that smirk on and I’ll wrestle you down to the floor when we spar later!”

“I said, that is enough!”

For being such a small advisor, Neokar’s roar was loud enough to shake the foundations of the bathing chambers we were in. Both of us paused, looking at the smaller bull between us. Even when naked, the look he had on was pure authority. I swore now that he had half a mind to drag us by our ears to a time-out square.

“Both of you are acting like spoiled children. Have you forgotten what our purpose is here? You need energy corrections.” I was about to protest when Neokar held up a finger.

“Both of you!”

Dunjar was about to speak up when a nimble finger was placed right on his lips.

“No! No words. You both will follow me…”

When I started to open my mouth again, Neokar’s other finger came forward to my own muzzle and his eyes bore into mine.


His finger pushed.


Neokar motioned us out of the tub and with our bodies still dripping with water and as naked as the day we were born, he led us out into the palace. The other bull’s around us paid no mind; they were servants that had seen it all but Strongarm, who was meditating in the main room, opened up an eye when he heard us coming. His legs were crossed on the marble and his large form looked odd surrounded by even larger golden statues to the Gods. It reminded me of when the Elders told us what was expected of us as we were given our roles. It felt so long ago.

“My Gods!”

He jumped when all three of us strolled by him and he blushed when they fell upon our wobbling cocks and balls. He wore a simple white tunic that did little to hide his own thick manhood which peeked out of the side of the cloth and an olive branch crown was on top of his head.

The green leaves of the olive branch clashed against his beautiful brown fur and the smaller bull looked over the three naked and still dripping wet bulls. There was a clear curiosity in his eyes as he watched us follow Noekar.

There were several other murmurs by nobles, but we took no shame in our forms and neither did they. I could catch some of their whispers. They were either admiring our form or jealous of what we had between our legs. As we walked, my cock would casually slap the side of my thigh to remind me of how big I truly was. The balls that were between my legs were filled with the God’s generous contributions to my body.

Dunjar was equally as endowed although he had larger balls than me. If I was not standing to his side, I would probably be admiring them. I was not jealous, but there was a tinge of curiosity. The older bull was still fuming, his arms crossed as he walked and the gold that looped in his nipples and jingled on his tail glimmering in the sunlight that managed to stream through the top of the roof.

Sunlight streamed in from the destination in front of us. The cool marble below our hooves transitioned into simple stone and then into dirt. The walls surrounded an atrium and a cold breeze made its way through. Our rough hide protected us from the bite of the winds and our fur kept the uncomfortable frigid air from seeping into our bones.

The walls surrounding the atrium were built with a trellis and winter ivy crept up along the wooden walls. No one knew how the ivy survived but the tenacious plant had created a home on the mostly desolant istanbul Escort mountain. It also had a unique property. Our Elders, in their wisdom, figured the leaves to be fantastic blockers of the cold wind while also allowing sunlight down to the floor. Most of the atrium was covered in the ivy which crept up towards the ceiling but the ivy continued to grow up to the sky. It linked itself in the middle like one large bridge but the cracks between the leaves still allowed sunlight to filter down.

With this marvelous plant, we could cultivate food but this atrium was more tasteful for the senses. Flowers of every color and variety grew along the edges. Grasses plucked from the prairie tickled our ankles as we walked forward and the sweet smell of the nectar entered our sinuses. The death, cold, and snow that was on the mountain could not choke out the life we have made in the area.

Neokar stopped and turned around to us. I gave a soft moo when his own soft, supple ass and cute tail was replaced with round balls and a thick cock that flopped over them. The soft sound of water hitting rocks hit our ears. My breathing started to slow and my pulse thumped in my chest but not with the same intensity as before. I could still feel the anger towards Dunjar from before but instead of being a simmering rage, it was dulled.

“Do you know why I have brought you to the atrium?”

Dunjar looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. “Therapy?”

“No, you dingus.”

Neokar stepped to the side. What his body initially blocked were two tables. Each one had a soft cloth draped over it and pillows that lined the bottom. The tables were long and wide enough to fit one bull comfortably. A small stand was set up in the middle which had a clay decanter. My nose could pick up the smell even with my golden septum ring on; the natural scent of oil.

The scent was unmistakable. I had a hunch of what was coming but I did not have any idea of the extent of what it was at the time. Neokar took a step forward, his arms behind his back in a casual stance as if he was inspecting a problem that needed to be solved. His analytical gaze looked over us carefully.

“Your energies are misaligned. The bond between you two is as sour as the most rancid of grapes,” Neokar said with no hesitation to his voice. Neokar stepped forward again until he was right between us. He looked towards Dunjar.

“Your stubbornness is what is giving you trouble…among other things,” Neokar frowned.

Dunjar blushed at being called out so callously and his tail flicked nervously. “I would not have done anything I-“


Neokar’s tone was firm as if he was scolding a child.

“No more of that.”

Dunjar cleared his throat. When Neokar’s eyes turned to me, it felt as if my heart was dunked in ice. Neokar stepped close enough so that I was the only one to hear him.

“And you need to understand your bulls before leading them, my Chief. It is…uncouth of you to try to direct what you do not yet understand. However….”

Neokar smiled. “I know that you have the capabilities to fill your role and succeed. I tell this to you in confidence. It would be rude for an advisor to not advise, yes?”

I nodded. The point was clear and concise and straight to the point. It was clear why Neokar was chosen to be my advisor.

“Good. Now…”

Neokar stepped away from both of us and towards the tables. “These are where you will rest. Both of you, come forward and lay face down on the table. Your heads will be placed on the pillow to ensure no discomfort and allow yourself to adjust to your position. I must attend to your energies at once.”

Dunjar and I looked at one another. Was this a medical emergency? Neither of us knew how to respond but Dunjair’s deer-in-headlights look was replaced by a smirk and his tail started to wag behind him excitedly.

“Alright, I’m game for whatever energy magic what’s-it…”

“Energy alignment…” Neokar said with an exasperated tone.

I chuckled and walked forward. As I got closer, it started to become clear what this “energy alignment” entailed. The table was cushioned with the pillows rather than they were uncomfortably placed on top. As Dunjar climbed onto it, it creaked due to his weight but when he flopped down onto the top, I noticed something dangled underneath.

His uncut cock hung below the hole in the table and I got the perfect side view. It was just big enough to allow his pelvis purchase on the table and the cloth did not give him any irritation as it flopped below and hung over what appeared to be a bucket to catch….fluids.

Dunjar was grinning from ear to ear. “I think I am going to like this…”

Neokar rolled his eyes as he swirled his fingers in the oil that laid inside the decanter. “Lay down, my Chief. I will attend to you personally.”

“Very well,” I said with a bit of a purr to my voice as I lined my cock up with the hole. It took a similar position to Dunjar’s and I let my head lay into the pillows. It was relaxing to set myself down into the cushions but there was something about the darkness that crossed my vision that added an extra flare to it. I rolled my hips and adjusted my posture. My cock slapped against the bottom of the table and my balls flopped about.

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## the housewife from high Part 1

society to whore in colony part 1.



Priya :lawyer and heroine

Maid :shyamala

Watchman :Ramu

Maid husband :Gopal

Call girl : Swapna

Old colony president :raghunath(63yrs)

Tailor :Ramlal

Tailor wife : rangamma

Madam : brothel house owner

Hi , this is Priya and I am writing one of my humiliating experiences in this story . I am going to tell you how one incident has changed me from being a decent and arrogant wife to completely submissive woman in our colony.

This happened in summer , let me tell you about myself ,I am a very rich woman and very beautiful woman , I am very arrogant and very bitchy from my childhood because my parents allowed me to do anything I want .My stats were 34-28-36.I work as the lawyer and people in my colony were afraid of me eventhough they were so many men who secretly desire me to fuck the brains out of me .but they were afraid because I am rich and powerful . the watchman and the ugly husband of my maid and the tailor of out shop were just a few among them . But the old society president is the one who never misses a chance to stare at me inappropriately .So in summer my husband went to navy as he is a marine officer , so I was all alone and the criminal cases were also not many which I were interesting tome .So I was feeling very bored all day all the time, and I keep complaining about it to my maid .I always dressed myself in western wear from my childhood and most of the time I spend in US I never wear a saree.

One day I was just watching tv casually , my maid was sleeping the floor and I noticed that she was wearing a beautiful saree.i asked her about it and she said that there was a tailor who stitch the saree material and also sell these kind of sarees . I said I liked it very much , she said “Madam you should try this , this saree will suit you and you will look like a goddess and all the men will not control themselves. “

priya :normally I am very serious with her and I would not encourage any cheap talk but I don’t know I kind of feel naughty that day so I said “really , so do you think I am beautiful “

Shyamala :yes mam you are very beautiful .


our eyes met in a sensuous way , I saw the look that said she wanted me , even though she is black and looks like a man she has a very large built body because of the hard work she does everyday .

Shyamala:mam tell me something don’t you feel alone when your husband goes away for 6 months, don’t you feel you need a man ?

Priya : I don’t know at that time why ,but I started crying and I told her that I missed my husband very much and I didn’t have sex for a long time .

Shyamala :don’t feel bad madam I can help you I can make you happy , there were some men I know who can fulfil the thirst you were feeling .

Priya :what do you mean

Shyamala: I mean I can arrange some one who can fuck you

Priya : what ?what are you talking about

Shyamala : come on priya think about it

Priya :(she replaced madam with priya , I don’t mind because I need a friend during this lonely time ) I don’t know I am not sure .

Shyamala : its ok we don’t rush we take it slowly , if you don’t want to advance or go further we can stop at anytime you want

Priya : ok that seems right

Shyamala: now first I want to see you naked priya

Priya : what ?

Shyamala : come on undress so that I can make you learn how to tie a saree.

priya : ok , I feel very shy because this is the first time I am going to be nude infront of my maid and woman .I was scared what if she says about this to someone else , my whole reputation in the city and in the colony will be lost , will this will be my downfall , I was lost in my thoughts

Shyamala came near and took the t shirt off which I was wearing .

Priya : I tried to cover my bra by crossing two hands over my breast region.

Shyamala started laughing saying to me that I am very shy.

Priya :I heard a door bell , do u hear something

Shayamala : oh I forgot, I asked my friend rangamma to come

Priya : may be I should wear my t shirt

Shyamala : no don’t ,she is also a woman , no problem .

Priya : she went to open the door ,I scolded rangammma lot of times .may be she will take revenge of me .

Shyamala went to the door and saw rangamma there

Shyamala :you don’t believe whats happening here

Ran gamma : what ?

Shyamala : I was making our beautiful priya madam nude.

Rangamma: how ?

Shyamala : I told her that I will tell her how to wear a saree and she agreed

Rangamma : I need to see this

Shyamala : then come on in and we both can enjoy her beautiful body

let me tell you here that both rangamma and Shyamala were bisexual.i have know about this later .

Shyamala and rangamma both came to the bedroom and rangamma seeing me laughing why are you covering yourself with your hands , we will make you not shy anymore by make you nude .

Priya : I was simply blushing , the both maids from my colony were talking dirty to me , I was feeling humiliated and the same time aroused.

Shyamala came to me and asked me to take off the bra and. Give it to

rangamma .

I closed my eyes and take the bra off , thats it thats the beginning of my downfall .

Rangamma who was sitting on my bed came to me and was looking closely at my bare breasts . oh my god now she was touching it and I released a slow moan , realising I was aroused they slowly started to undress my pyjama pant and the pantees and they both were kissing my breasts one each and they asked me to lay on the bed and as I lay , they spread my legs and they were laughing and praising how beautiful my vagina is , and how tight it is and they were talking that they should make everyman in the colony fuck me so that my vagina will not be tight anymore , all this time while talking Shyamala was putting her finger inside my vagina while

rangamma was licking my breasts , I closed my face with shame all the time .now they licked and fucked me and rangamma went inside and bring a brinjal and started putting into my vagina and I left a deep cry and they were ravaging my body like I have never experienced any sex like this before in my whole life .

Now they asked me to take the hand of my face and they asked me did I like it . They were both looking into my eyes,I said yes I very much enjoyed it .

Rangammma who is more uglier than Shyamala started undressing

Priya : what are you doing ?

Ran gamma : don’t you think you should return the favour

Priya 😮 my god now I should have to lick your filthy breasts and vaginas .

.then Shyamala who is also undressed in the mean time slapped me in the face and my cheeks became red and she said don’t ever talk to us like that bitch , now your are our slave and will make your a whore like one of us and you will be destroyed and humiliated .

Shyamala came near me took my head and inserted my face into rangammam pussy and without any interest I slowly started licking her pussy , and let me tell you they both smell very bad and the pussy was

Smelling very very bad as I have no option because they were very strong , I obliged and I started licking their pussys one by one and they asked me something which I never imagined .

They asked me to lick their buttholes

I was shocked I never knew they were so cheap , I like decent sex ,but this is so humiliating and degrading sex.

But rangamma slapped me , this time on my breasts when I said no , Shyamala said they will tell everyone if I don’t oblige , so without any choice I sucked their buttholes , when I was done sucking their , they sucked mine and we all reached orgasms one after the other and rangamma said that now they should bath me and they dragged me to the bathroom and rangamman started pissing all over me , and Shyamala pissed me on my mouth and some of the pee went inside my mouth , I can’t imagine my situation a rich arrogant and lawyer from royal family being treated like a whore by some low class maids . after Shyamala was finished rangamma pissed the remaining pee in my mouth , they were both laughing as I am trying to catch my breath .

After they were finished peeing shyamala told me that I need to wash my own clothes and that they were leaving .

O man what a day I had .after they were gone even though I was humiliated I enjoyed it a lot and I laughed like a 10 rupee whore and then at that moment I realised what a cheap whore I am inside.

# The housewife from high society to whore In colony part 2


After they both left I had a good bath and I thought that I should never do this kind of thing again .I was happy with the sex part as I had a multiple orgasms during that time ,but I was not ok with pissing and humiliation . I thought I should never let them humiliate me again ,so I thought I will be strict with them from now onwards . While I was in bath I imagined what just happened , I couldn’t believe it, I was laughing and I was thinking what made me to do such things , am I secretly a slut a whore .Thoughts were racing in my mind , i was rubbing my pussy the whole time while I was thinking all this , I kept pressing my boobs hard ,I can still smell the piss on my tongue and on my breath , yikes ….the image that two low class maids pissing on me made me have another orgasm in the tub . So I finished my bath and began to check my laptop to see if there were any mails from the law firm that I was working at .I found none . The next day my maid Shyamala came and without wishing me namasthe madam she directly came close to me and put her hand inside my pyjama and kissed me on my mouth , she inserted her tongue in my mouth , she had this habit of eating pan and she spit saliva and all the pan inside my mouth and asked me to keep chewing it until she says so , I don’t know what I have to do as I was so surprised ,so I kept chewing that pan making a bizzare face .She went to the kitchen and did the utensils and she came towards me,seeing that I didn’t had the pan in my mouth as I spit the pan after sometime when she went to the kitchen , she got angry and asked me to remove my top and bra. Since yesterday i don’t know why , but I liked being dominated ,this feeling is making me horny .I removed the top and bra slowly like I was teasing her , seeing that she said ” Priya you are turning like that whores in that brothel near our colony ” .I closed my face with shame , she came near me and asked me to sit on the chair and she kept sucking my boobs and she even bite them a little . I moaned with sweet pain .Suddenly her cellphone rang , you know these days every one has mobile phones ,she was talking in it and at the same time she was caressing my face and sometimes my bare breasts.She finished the call after 10 minutes and I asked her who it was ,she said it’s a friend of her a girl who works in a brothel near our colony. The brothel looks like a big house but everybody knows that a brothel .I know that brothel, it has very cheap call girls and most of the boys and married guys of our colony by the way who mostly were sex addicts keep visiting that one . The girl says that she has been working in that brothel and the madam who is there who was supposed to pay the money after a year of working was not paying her amount according to their contract . And Shyamala asked me ” can you do anything “, as you are a lawyer .I still feeling horny and was lost in my own thoughts , I came to my senses when she slapped me on my face .my cheek turned red .I said what , and she explained the whole thing again .I put on the clothes and now I transformed myself from a submissive slut to the lawyer mode and said fine I will talk with the girls madam .

A few days later Shyamala said Priya you have to talk to that madam now that girl came . I said ok where is she , she called that girl . The girl whose name is swapna came from outside the door , what a beauty she is . She looks very innocent and shy type girl . I never imagined a girl like that will do prostitution. I am coming now , give me a minute I will get dressed .Swapna said wait ,they won’t allow the woman to enter the house unless they think that the woman who are entering were prostitutes . I said “So what shall we do”.Shyamala was thinking then swapna told why don’t I make you look like me , let me tell you she looks like a professional hooker with heavy make up like red lipstick and very low cut blouse and saree below the waist . I was thinking if I walkwith them to the brothel if colony people saw me what will the people in the colony think ,Shyamala said to swapna ” wow that’s a fantastic idea , you really are a smart one , but then how come you are cheated by that madam .” Swapna looked sad ,I said ” hello ,we should get ready ” . Swapna said wow someone was eager to be dressed like a whore. Shyamala said ” see ,what did I tell you about Priya , isn’t she a slut ” . I was slowly removing my dress one by one like strip tease ,actually , today is my birthday and I was completely dressed in a new costly dress ,it’s a gown like the own they used to wear by the actresses who are walking in a red carpet to the film awards . While i was undressing Swapna and Shyamala were talking to each other saying how beautiful the dress Eyüp Escort I am wearing is and , I was standing in my bra and panties and swapna came near me and said a whore like us should never wear a bra and Shyamala who was sitting in the bed came near me and forcefully took the bra away from my body , I was wearing a black pant which was like a thong . They said that my underware is also pretty like me . So swapna began getting me ready she made me wear a red color saree the saree was very thin and it’s made of very cheap material and she gave me a blouse and its a white one and if you observe clearly you can see that the nipple area can be seen through that . I objected that I cant I wear this , but Shyamala told that the blouse matched the saree perfectly . I said ” yeah but my nipples can be seen from side ways through the blouse ” . Swapna said so what you are woman and everybody knows you have nipples and so what someone sees them they were very beautiful. And she winked at Shyamala . She put heavy make up on my face ,so much cheap make up that I looked like a real whore .Shyamala gave a evil smile looking at me and said come on priya it’s time .

# The housewife from high society to whore part 3


I locked the door and we all started towards the lift , this is the first time in my whole life that I steeped out without wearing the bra and that too with a see through blouse, I thought that I can manage to cover my breasts with the pallu,but the pallu is very silky and the Swapna didn’t allow me to put the pallu pin . I called my driver deepak , he is young man of 22 yrs old , when he is opening the door he was stunned to see that his conservative madam dressed like a cheap whore , I try to act like it’s not big deal and Shyamala teased him saying close your mouth or else the flies will get inside it. He blushed ,Swapna and Shyamala both laughed cheaply . When I got inside the car I asked deepak to go the Bluestar lodge , he was surprised ,he asked me why mam you want to go there , it’s a bad place it’s a brothel exactly . I know what it is ,I have a case so that’s why I am dressed like this so that they can allow me to enter . Deepak nodded . The security asked us to get down and asked three of us to come inside the security room and the male security guards frisked us inside the security room , no need to say how much time they frisked me .They were two guards and to my surprise they both frisked me as I don’t want to lose my chance to enter the lodge, I acted like I have no objections .We went to the main gate of the lodge . Deepak opened the car door for us both Shyamala and swapna got down first and when I got down my saree caught in the door, deepak pressed the auto lock and was walking , while I was trying to take my pallu all the people who were outside the lodge and the cheap people who were loitering in front of the lodge got a good view of my see through boobs, I shouted to deepak to press the unlock car button , he turned back and came running towards me ,he stopped and standing there he smiled saying that it was funny to see me with one hand holding the pallu and the other hand trying to cover my bare boobs , deepak looked at me and said you should have wore the bra mam , anyway your looking very beautiful without it and he is staring at my boobs . I said just shut up and open the car door , he smiled a little and opened the door and I take the pallu and covered myself as fast as I can .But I think the damage has already been done .All the people in front of the lodge had a glimpse of my boobs .The madam is watching from the top of the building window while I was adjusting , she was checking me out .

All three of us went inside the building , to my surprise it doesn’t look that bad , it looked like a nice and decent lodge with lot of rooms and there were sofas in the hall where prostitutes were seated and they were all busy chatting with each other and laughing cheaply . While I was getting upstairs I saw Raghunath (colony president ) just coming out of the room and he came close to me and said what are you doing here Priya . I said ” I had a case and I came for that ” .

Raghunath :he said this place also have male prostitutes you know if you want

Priya: ( in a little serious way ) no thanks

Raghunath: anyway if you want any help just ask

Priya : I think I can manage .

Raghunath was looking at my dress . He said you look very beautiful , I think I gave this saree to Swapna .

Swapna who said to me in my ear that he was one of her previous clients and he gave her that saree .He said the saree material is looking apt on you .

I on the other hand just standing there don’t know what to do , while he asked Swapna but don’t you think that I told you that when you wear this saree that you should not wear any bra .

Why would you give it to Priya , she is so shy she will always wear the bra . Swapna and Shyamala both said ” no she is not like that anymore , she is changed “.

Raghunath: what? are you saying that she is not wearing any bra

Swapna said “yes “.

Raghunath : I don’t believe you .

Shyamala who is getting irritated by this whole conversation removed my pallu in one quick flash and thrown it down to the floor .

Raghunath has his face seem like he has seen a bag full of gold , he said Fantastic and he was clapping looking at my breasts through see through blouse . With that clapping all the people turned towards me and they were looking at me and my are boobs , I put my head down feeling embarrassed . He came near me and put my chin up and he kissed me on my lips and said

“Don’t be shy Priya , you have beautiful breasts ,bye Priya , looking forward to meet you again “, and he left laughing . I looked angrily at Shyamala , Shyamala who was scared a bit due to my angry face said sorry that old man is a pain in the ass, that’s the only way we can get away from him . I said fine but don’t do these kind of things from now on . She said ok , and put a finger on her lips . We all three went to the room where the madam is staying . Madam looked at Swapna angrily and asked us who we are and what do we want ?.

As both Swapna and Shyamala were terrified by her I sat down and said that I am a lawyer and that I came here because I want you to give the money you owe Swapna because of her services otherwise I will make police come and raid this place .She thought for a bit and said let me talk with Shyamala and Swapna , you take a drink and asked her peon to bring the drink and she took Shyamala and Swapna inside the room . While I was sitting there the peon came to me and offered a drink . I took the drink and slowly started drinking it . It’s brandi . I used to drink for social conventions so it’s no big deal .

# The housewife from high society to whore part 4


Plot :I finished my drink three of them came back and madam sat next to me , took my hand and asked for time to give the money back and said it was a slight misunderstanding, that she will give the money she can give the money today but there is one problem .

Priya : what ?

Madam: as you know we are a brothel agency , we need to send new models pictures everyday to our clients .Otherwise they will not pay the money .Generally they transfer the money online , they are from Malaysia , srilanka . today our new model didn’t came .

Priya: so what you want to do?

Madam: I don’t know , Is money urgent for you ?

Swapna: yes , I need it as soon as possible .

Madam : then there is one thing we can do ?

Priya : what ?

Madam : why don’t You do a photoshoot ?

Priya: No , I can’t . Why don’t you ask Swapna

Madam : ooo don’t be stupid ( she , the cheap whore calling me stupid ) Swapna already send them pics

Priya : oooo I see , but I am not a prostitute

Madam: you don’t need to do anything , all you have to do is just pose for a few hot shots and then we will send them .

Priya: no , I am a respected lawyer and I won’t do this

Madam: they don’t know it was you , we will put a lot of make up and completely transform you into some other girl . We are sending those pics to different country , so you have no trouble .

Priya : hmmm, i don’t know . What kind of pics you wants

Madam: you know just the regular mini skirt shots

Priya : what ?mini skirts ? I am shy girl , I never wore a skirt which is above my knee cap after I got married .

Madam: ooo come on , you are a modern girl , don’t tell me you never posted bikini shots when you are in beach with your friends in social networking sites .

Priya: I did, but those are when I was a teen and in my college , not when I became a lawyer.

Both Swapna and Shyamala were listening to our conversation

Madam said ” if you do the shot they will give the money and I will transfer the amount today itself to Swapna , how’s that ? “

Swapna said ” wow” that’s awesome

Pls Priya madam just a few shots of mini skirt pics , it’s no big deal .

I told madam “fine , but what if they wanted me to sleep with one of your clients “.

madam gave a smile and told me that’s no big deal I simply tell them that it’s not possible because you joined some other agency .

I was in a dilemma and I don’t know what to do ,then Swapna persuaded me saying it’s no big deal mam , I did it previously it will only take 2 hours and then we can finish this deal as madam will give my money back and more over they don’t know it was you because of the heavy make up .

I always have a fantasy of me being the supermodel as most of my friends told me that modelling can always be my back up career option as I look hot , I would simply blush at their suggestions. I keep thinking about my college days then madam said ” is it ok ? Priya”

I said fine what the hell , lets do it .

Shyamala said ” Priya I should go , I have work to do “.

I said fine .she said good byes to madam and Swapna and left the place .

I was feeling vulnerable and nervous , I was wondering how I was transformed from being the demanding woman to simply a another village model within few minutes before the madam . May be this is how she will lure girls into prostitution . But I kept thinking I am not some stupid girl , I am an intelligent, smart and hot woman and these filthy people can never lay a finger on me in their life’s.I kept thinking that I will finish the photoshoot with simple short skirts and get out of here .

Madam asked Swapna to get me ready and she told Swapna what ever she needs the peon will provide her.

Madam said that she will call the photographer in the mean time. I said who is the photographer ?

It’s Raghunath

Raghunath !our colony president .

Madam:”yeah that’s right . He is the one who will do all the models photoshoot from the beginning , he is also the one who takes the virginity of the girls when they come here for the first time .He took mine when I was younger , you should be happy and be blessed to be fucked by him , he is a great fucker , he will fuck the brains out of you,his sperm also takes good .

Priya: ( I didn’t know what to say ?in an arrogant way ) I said no need .

Madam : trust me you like his dick , you will know how it is in the coming days (she laughed mischievously )

Priya : I blushed and said I don’t think so .

Madam : come on get ready it’s getting late , remove the saree.

I said can we do it in the room , come on Priya we are all girls and she came near me and took my saree off very quickly, I was standing in my see through bra and the petticoat .

she called Swapna and ordered her to get me ready .Swapna who was talking with one of her clients in the room came out of the room .

Ooo my god, I should do wear a mini skirt and do poses for raghunath , my confidence which is at 10 when I wanted to do the photoshoot came to zero . I was ashamed and embarrassed to be posing in mini skirt in front of him . I cursed myself for letting me to be in this situation . What a lucky bastard he is , I thought .The womam whom he is trying to lure since I moved into the colony was voluntarily stripping before him and posing in half naked dress . Swapna went inside the studio room and shouted Priya ( there is no respect what so ever in her voice) .I get up like a scared girl and started walking towards the room . The peon who is kind of a midget gave a evil smile looking at me as I was half naked with just a bra and petticoat . He is staring at my breasts . I put my head down and went inside the room .

Raghunath uses Priya to drink his pee in front of his friends at his house while having drinks , and she also pees in front of them and Raghunath asks her to (pee )go in the floor before them and asks her to clean it while they were drinking beer.

# The housewife from high society to whore in colony part 5


As I walked into the studio , peon said to Swapna ” this randi is very hot when will I get to fuck her ” ,

She laughed and said wait ,you will get your turn .

I said ” what are you saying ?”

Swapna ” Naaaa I am just teasing him ”

I also let a cheap smile . Swapna asked peon what dresses you want her to wear .

Peon : actually nothing ( he smiled)

Swapna : I know that , but what would you like her to put on .

Peon: I don’t know , wait I will call Raghunath sir and let you know

He Escort Bayan took the mobile and went out .

I was standing there like a little girl Swapna came to me and without saying anything she removed my petticoat and when she was removing see through blouse I objected . She said it’s no big deal , your blouse is not covering anything and she forcefully removed it from my shoulders . While she was doing it the midget peon was slightly laughing and talking on the phone .

He came near me looking at my bare breasts and said to Swapna that I had a very big ass and beautiful breasts . He asked me to turn around , I was looking at Swapna , she said ooo come on just turn around .

I turned around , he was so short that his face was exactly facing my ass . He touched my panties .

I scolded him ” what are you doing ?”

Peon : nothing , I am just checking for your Pantee size .

I said : large

But before saying that he has already opened my Pantee backside and has looked inside .

Swapna was just doing something at the dressing table while this guy was looking at my ass crack .

I was in shock when he opened it , I was out of words to say anything to him , I was just signalling Swapna with my eyes to come to my rescue .

Swapna glanced over and saw my discomfort and came near to peon and hit his hand with her hand like a slap and said to him don’t scare her you idiot it’s her first time .

Swapna : don’t worry Priya , it’s nothing he is little slow , he doesn’t understand .

Priya : I recovered from shock and said its ok .

Swapna asked peon so what did the Raghunath sir said ?

Peon : he wanted her to dress in a school uniform

Swapna : wow that’s a good look for you Priya , don’t you think .

(I was thinking in my mind that bastard , he knows how class woman I am and he wants me to dress like a little school girl , from a dominating lawyer to a little girl sucking a candy( secretly I admired his contradiction) but what a sick pervert he is .I am lawyer not some silly college model , ooooo God help me today )

Priya : ok Swapna whatever you want .

Swapna : thanks Priya madam , I won’t forget what you are doing for me , I will return the favour .

( what favour will she return , is it sexual favour ????)

Swapna said ok now first let’s start with the hair style ,I said why don’t we start with the dress , as I was still covering my bare breasts with my hands . She said noo, first we will do the hair , otherwise the oil and all will ruin the costume .

I said fine , do it quickly ( I told her In a authoritative way ) swapna said what’s the hurry princess, it’s not your court, you are not the madam or the lawyer who is in power here and while saying that she took off my petticoat in one movement , I turned like a top the kids used to play in childhood . Now I am only in my pantees and see through blouse , the peon who sat their drinking tea laughed looking at me get stripped . I asked her ” why did you do that in a slow voice “

She said ” to teach you some manners , A decent lady should not be authoritative and should not speak in that tone , she should obey what others tell her in this house , do you understand Priya ”

I said ” sorry , don’t be harsh with me , I will obey to what you say ”

Swapna ” see that’s the good girl , all we should do to make you submissive is to show you some dominance, one more thing while Raghunath ji is working he will be very strict , just do what he says without objecting much .

(I was thinking what is there to object I will be doing a simple photoshoot , a doubt raised in my mind is it going to be just a photoshoot )

She looked at the peon and said ” isn’t it peon ji ” .

He said yes sir is very strict .

I said ok Swapna .

Peon who finished his tea says now ” Randi why don’t you go down and bring the water and some biscuits for me from the kitchen lady downstairs . ”

I said what !why are you calling me randi( I controlled myself and didn’t scold him because of what Swapna said previously about not being showing attitude and all ) .

Swapna intervened and said its ok Priya he calls all the girls randi , that’s no big deal , ignore him and just bring him the biscuits and water , like a good randi ( she said in a teasing voice) .

I don’t know I am also feeling horny may be because of my half nakedness and my exposure to cheap people and letting my inhibitions go for the first time in my life , I said to Swapna ” ok randi ” . ( I laughed , I was letting myself go , may be I was becoming like her )

She who was busy with make up stuff , came near me and pinched my butt . I moaned .

Peon who is watching us told me ” randi go and bring what I asked other wise I will hit you ”

What , that midget is going to hit me , no way , I just thought all was this as a role play and said ” fine, I bring it , let me get dressed ” .

Peon : what dressed , go out now

But I am not dressed , I am half naked , at least let me cover my boobs .

Peon : come hear take my shirt .but first you have to kiss me .

I said what ! Or you I’ll be going downstairs without a shirt . I simply nodded my head and agreed .

He asked me to come near him and asked me to kneel to match his height , when I kneeled he pulled my face and kissed me so hard ( French kiss ) , the moment our lips touched he put his dirty tea tasting tongue into my mouth and was rotating it in my mouth like he was searching for something with a torch ( I laughed inside with this thought , while he was holding my head and pulling my hair hard , I was unable to breath , he was very good kisser , he then released me and asked me to take the shirt of him . I catch my breath and unbuttoned his shirt , while I am taking it off , he asked me how was the kiss.I told him that’s the hardest kiss I ever had , he asked but how was it ?

I said its a little rough but it’s good , and blushed .

He laughed and called Swapna and asked me to tell her again what I told him .

Swapna was looking at me rather in a irritated way because she was busy with make up stuff ,

I told Swapna that the kiss was good and hide my face with my hands ,

Swapna said “ok so what , and she went back .

peon was laughing while I was hiding my face I forgot that my bare breasts were right in front of him , he took my breasts each with his tiny little hands and started pressing them like they were wheat flour . I was shocked with his behaviour and tried to get away from him . But both of my breasts were held hard by him . I stayed like that ,kneeling before him while he was pressing my breasts .

Let me tell you even though his hands were tiny , he has a very firm grip . He massaged them for quite sometime while I closed my eyes and was moaning saying ahhha, ahhhhha.

he was playing with my nipples, oooo what a sensation I am feeling , I am feeling like I was in heaven and hell at the same time , and I said in a slow voice please stop it .

He said fine take my shirt and go bring the biscuits and water . I took his shirt and wore it , the shirt became like a little top which was barely covering my boobs in the front because of the midgets size , I was holding it like a suit with my both hands and going downstairs , they were few people outside talking with other girls , while I was trying to go down through the stairs unnoticed slowly like a cat ,I saw Raghunath in the middle of the stairs climbing , and said hi Raghunath even though I was embarrassed to be in that dress , with a small top and just pantees , I acted like it was nothing , he saw me with lusty look said , call me Raghunath sir from now on in a serious way .

I said ok .

Where are you going , come on up , we have a shoot to do , it’s getting late .

I said ok sir .

Even though he is acting like a professional I can see that guy is enjoying my half nakedness and was smiling inside seeing me like that .

He walked past me and slapped my ass hard , and told me to get ready quickly .

He clapped my ass so hard that it sounded like a clap and all the people below the stairs that is ground floor people looked up at me . I simply ran towards the studio to get inside behind Raghunath sir .

# # The housewife from high society to whore in colony part 6


When I entered the studio Raghunath sir was busy with the camera and was talking with Swapna .I went to the chair and I tried to sit but Raghunath sir saw me seriously from the corner of his eye , the peon came running towards me and said you should not sit randi before sir without his permission . Wow I thought thats too much , as I had no choice I simply stood up .raghunath sir gave a authoritative smile looking at me when I stood up . I was ashamed at the position I am in , I keep telling myself that I should get over this shoot as soon as I can and never see his face again (but may be fate has other plans I don’t know ).swapna in the mean time came to me with the dress , its a simple school girl dress , like a skirt and top and a tie too . Swapna said come on Priya we should make it quick and made me

Sit before a dressing table and applied oil to my hair and I said what are you doing she said its a school girlhairstyle and I need to part your hair in the middle (I didn’t remember when was the last time I parted my hair in the middle ).Looks like she has experience in this field a lot , she did it veryqucikly , I was looking completely different with the middle partition with my hair and with two pony tails on sides .Now comes the dress change as I was in just pantees and the topless peon shirt which by the way is smelling very badly , Swapna took my shirt off and called peon he came near us and was staring at my bare chest again , (ooo phew how much time he needs to keep looking at them ). Swapna said wear it and he wore it not taking eyes of my breasts , now Raghunath sir called the peon and he went to him they were working on some background and lighting stuff,swapna made me wear the top which is actually a small shirt with buttons and a skirt which to my surprise was not too short, it came until the knee caps , I was now feeling comfortable and little pleased and I was feeling like a model , but my thoughts were interrupted when Raghunath sir came to me and said ………

Raghunath :look Priya I am a professional and I just want you to cooperate with me to do whatever I say without interrupting me in the middle of the shoot , you are not a lawyer anymore , you are my model , is that clear

Priya : yes sir .

Raghunath :and remember this is not a high profile model shoot , this is a masala shoot , and you should give expressions of a hot cheap whore but not of a classy model .

Priya :sir but I don’t know how to do those expressions

Raghunath: don’t worry we will make sure you get those expressions from you by doing whatever it takes .

Priya : ok sir (I was thinking I can give those expressions easily if I try its no big deal , he is just exaggerating ).

Raghunath :ok just imagine yourself as a cheap slut and give me the looks and expressions I need

Priya : I will do my best sir .

raghunath :Now go to the green wall and sit in that chair , the chair was like a school chair .

I was sitting in that chair he took a picture of me just looking directly into the camera lens. I gave a small smile .

he said “wow Priya you have a very photogenic face .now try to give seductive expressions like you are teasing “

I said fine i will try , and i tried to give the naughty expressions with my eyes keeping innocent looking face , this was done based on little bit modelling knowledge and by watching actresses in porn films sometimes ,to my surprise he like it and asked me “how did the classy girl like you know these kind of things ” .

I told him from the porn films I glanced through .

Raghunath :so u watch porn films

Priya : yes , it’s not wrong , I watch them sometimes

Raghunath : he gave a little smile and said good good

Now let’s do some bold photos

Now the skirt is too long why don’t we cut it and he called Swapna and asked her to bring the scissors .he took the scissors from her and asked me to stand on the chair to made the cutting

.while I stand in the chair he took my skirt and cut it he cut it so short that my panties were visible from backside , like a Japanese school girl in porn films, I was unable to say anything because i know this is a prostitute profile and you don’t take photos of whores in sarees.If I oppose he would laugh at me for my ignorance so I went with the flow .

After cutting it he was observing my thighs closely and was squeezing them and touching them in the pretence of seeing how’s the skirt , he was keeping his hands on the legs and all the time while asking how the dress now to Swapna , Swapna said wow it’s very nice sir .

I was standing in that bench feeling embarrassed while they they were looking at me like an object .

Peon came to sir and said sir aren’t you forgetting something with the panties .

Raghunath sir said ” oo shit I forgot, Priya turnaround , ”

I turned around showing my black panties in the short skirt .

He was looking at my panties and touching them I was looking back to see what he was doing , he took both his hand and pulled the panties up and inside my ass crack istanbul Escort and made it like a thong .

Oooo my god he pulled up and twisted and made it like a thread that my whole ass is visible .

I shouted ” sir what are you doing ”

He said ooo don’t worry it’s just a thong look ”

But sir I never agreed to the bikini or thong shoot ,

Raghunath : It’s nothing , you were having that skirt right (skirt !!seriously ,it’s worse than a micro skirt after scissoring , half of my panties were visible and now the bastard pulled my panties up to make it like a thong ) .

I said fine do it quickly sir .

Raghunath :Don’t rush me Priya if I do it in a hurry it will be a waste .

And with me standing in the bench he asked me to look back towards the camera and took the pics of my bare ass in that micro skirt he made .

Click click

In another pose he asked me to keep my finger in my mouth and put a hand on my ass .

Click click

( in between he was shouting nice , good , come on Priya ji, I was feeling good because he was talking to me in a nice way and he called me Priya ji, but did he called that so that I give good shots ….. May be ) .

# *# The housewife from high society to whore in colony part 7


So while I was showing shamelessly my bare ass to Raghunath there was a knock on the door .I was terrified ,I was frightened ,who could that be ??could that be some one I know , o my god what should I do ,should I cover my self or should I stand in a normal position , all these thoughts were running over my head

Raghunath : come in

Priya : my heart was beating very fast

The door opened slowly and everyone was looking at it , my eyes were curious to see the face behind that door wall. Finally it opened it was

Ooo ….mmmmy …….god

It was Gopal the maids husband , the bitch should have told about my photoshoot and the bastard came to see me in these hot clothes or may be half naked clothes .

Raghunath : what are you doing here Gopal

gopal: sir my wife shayamala told me that Priya madam has agreed to a photoshoot and I came here to see her.

Raghunath:whats the surprise ,we all knew that one day priya will become a slut,since the day she moved into our colony , he was still immersed behind his camera.

Priya : ( the bitch, my maid Shyamala how dare she could tell him about this ) I was pleading with the Raghunath with my hands covering my almost bare ass to send him away .

I was holding my two hands to cover my bare ass while gopal was looking at them , he even came near the frame to see my beautiful white ass . The lucky bastard , he would never have imagined the beauty like me in this position . I think he may have imagined for sure all the time but he would never have thought it would happen in real life .

Raghunath : Priya what are you doing ( almost in a shouting voice), did I tell you to cover any ass just be in your pose .

Priya : but sir , that gopal is there sir pls pls

I never thought I will ask the mercy of Raghunath almost begging him with almost tears coming from my face .

Raghunath I don’t know what happened came running to me in flash and slapped my face so hard that and I took my hands out of my ass and I held my cheek in shock ,

Gopal who was standing in the frame laughed at me , while I held my head down and I started crying ,

Gopal came near me and lifted my head by pulling my hair back to see the tears rolling from my eyes ,my crying sad face , I think he was enjoying it ,

Raghunath said stop crying now Randi , you took almost all your clothes but still you think you were in a authoritative position , just be a model and don’t make me angry . Raghunath said now you can leave her hair gopal .gopal left it like throwing something sideways , I was in such a shame that I cried silently only my tears were coming without sound . Peon and Swapna who were watching this also started laughing , and with that they all started laughing , while I was on my back looking at the lens with my ass facing them with tears in my eyes ,Raghunath sir immersed in his camera started clicking pics

Click click

After those pics he also joined them started laughing with the rest .

and I got up from the position and took a few steps near the green wall and faced the green wall and put my hands on face and started crying . Raghunath sir said ok Priya lets take a break and he sat on his chair . After 10 min , Swapna came to me and said “ oooo come on they were just teasing you because this was your first time , it will all be good once you are adjusted and gets familiar .

I with a heavy crying and with my broken voice told her I will never come here again and I will go now and I hugged her .

Swapna: arey yaar , Priya don’t talk like that ,you had done all the hard work now there is only another shoot , after that you are good to go . So that the photoshoot will be complete and madam will give my money back .

Priya : fine but after photoshoot I am done

Swapna : ok ok we will see.

With that she saw my face and said see because of the crying all the eye liner and the makeup was ruined we should clean your face and do the make up again . I said ok

peon was hearing all this conversation .He went to the Raghunath sir and told something while I was looking suspiciously at them .

Raghunath sir called swapna and told her something

she came to me and said Priya don’t freak out , its no big deal for washing this make up water is not enough we have to use pee.

Priya : what ???

Swapna : yes pee , human pee

Priya : so what are you suggesting

Swapna : as we need pee to wash you face Raghunath sir suggested as Raghunath ,gopal and peon also had to take the toilet break they will pee on your face.

Priya : I was stunned what do u mean they are gonna pee on my (beautiful )white face

Swapna : arey then only make up will come out , we all did that

Priya : but I don’t want to

Swapna made me come and sit in a place few steps away from the shoot set and kind of put me in a kneeled position , I was not letting her do it she was kind of forced me and Peon out of now here came near me and started unzipping his pants I was saying no no no and shaking my head and swapna was trying to hold my head and suddenly the bastard peon opened his zipper and pulled out his tiny cock and started peeing on my face and my hair . I was shaking my head because of the smell and the warm water hitting my face I felt disgusting , while swapna held my head saying that it won’t take much time , we are doing it only to remove the make up .

So with almost my hair drenching in peons pee and most of it entered my mouth ( yawk yawk , I almost vomited by opening my mouth as swapna was holding my head most of the pee went into my mouth ). I gave up and simply faced the peons dick till he is done.

never had ever some guy peed on me in my whole life , I was in deep regret for accepting the shoot today, then gopal came , let me tell you about gopal he was very dark and ugly guy and he has a big belly and he looks very unhygienic . So he came near me took of his lungi and started pissing while swapna was cleaning my face with his pee like woman rinse their Childs face infront of the tap . And he was laughing while he was peeing I was simply in the control of swapna like a corpse.

After he was done I told swapna that I am feeling tired and I need water to drink then ragunath who has heard this called me and seeing my face in the pee , said wow Priya you are looking very hot in this wet look with your hair all wet and all . So fine I heard you were saying that you are thirsty . I said yes sir

Then why don’t you drink my pee , looks like all the make up did came out of your face ,

priya : what are you talking Raghunath sir , we should not drink human pee , its not good

Raghunath : who told you , the sailors who were caught on the boat in the middle of sea or ocean for days without water will drink their own pee , don’t you know that.

Priya : I do but thats different

Raghunath:priya don’t mind that I gave you a hard time before but thats only because to get the pics good , listen to me drinking pee is good and you should drink all my pee, ask swapna she did that too .

Swapna : ofcourse I drank pee a lot of times , its like beer at first you don’t like it but after couple of times you will be addicted to it .

Priya : but …..

Raghunath sir opened his zipper and took his cock out ooooo myyyy gooooooooooooooooood. What a big dick he has , like a black guy ,no wonder why madam said that woman enjoy getting fucked by him .

With that he asked me to kneel down and said priya why dont I put my dick in your mouth so that nothing spills out and with that he pulled my face near to his giant massive cock and he inserted his cock ( this was the first time I was putting someone else cock inside my mouth other than my husband )and started pissing into my mouth .He gave a small smile , I still remember that smile , the smile you give when you own or defeated your opponent , or when you own the woman whom you thought you were never gonna get without her consent but only by circumstances .I swallowed every drop of his pee and every inch of my pride.

# **# The housewife from high society to whore in colony part 8


After I finished drinking every drop of pee , raghunath sir took his dick out and looking it he said to me priya there is still a drop of pee on the tip of my dick why don’t you lick it with your tongue .

As there is nothing more that now I can object to as I already had his whole dick in his mouth earlier ,I simply took my pink beautiful tongue out I licked tip of his penis .

He said ” good girl ” .

I don’t know what happened to me or how I became from the strict and bitchy lawyer to simple girl

I replied ” thank you ” .

Raghunath:Now we should get you ready for the final shoot .

I was still sitting on my knees in front of his cock .

I said ” sir if you don’t mind it’s getting late and I had to go to my home because I have to make a video call to my husband . If it’s possible I will come tomorrow for the last photoshoot “.

He thought for a minute and said

Raghunath : ok priya seems fair but don’t forget to come tomorrow .

Swapna said to raghunath sir , sir ask madam to give my money today itself .

Raghunath : fine I will talk to your madam and arrange the amount .

Swapna : thank You sir .

Raghunath : make priya take the bath before leaving ok .

Priya : I will take the bath at my home sir

Raghunath : (angry voice ) did someone ask you priya ?

Priya : no sir ( almost guiltily)

Raghunath : remember ,never talk back

Priya : sorry sir

Swapna : don’t worry sir I will bath her and then only we will make her go to house

Priya : I was thinking inside my mind what does this great deal about bath they are talking about , can’t I take it at home

Raghunath : good

Swapna came near me and said priya we should go see the madam .

I got up still drenching in pee on my body while peon and Gopal were simply standing there talking to each other while staring at me , I think the bastards were making some kind of evil plan .

I thought well what is there for them to do , it’s almost over only one more photoshoot tomorrow and then it’s all done . I should think it as a simple bad dream and nothing else and move on with my life , I should never come to this house or shall I call it a brothel again in my whole life .

In the meanwhile Raghunath asked peon to call madam ,the peon went out and bought the madam .

Madam came and stand next to raghunath sir , the madam who is almost arrogant while talking to me and with others was completely transformed I front of the raghunath sir , she was almost like a submissive slut . She is looking down , like student standing before the teacher .

Raghunath came near her and put his hand on her chin and lifted her face and suddenly he kissed her very hard , I was shocked to see that , but when I watched others in the studio they didn’t see it as something out of ordinary , then I understood what madam said about that sir is the one who fucked her first and took her virginity . May be Raghunath sir always treats her like that only .

Now as I was lost in my thoughts raghunath showed me and called me, when I was miles away in my own world he shouted again .then I came back to present and was getting up ,

Raghunath : did I told you to stand up ?

you should walk on your knees and come to us for not paying attention .

( wow this is too much , all this seems like a porn film to me) I slowly started walking on my knees and came near them .

Raghunath :look priya I told your madam to give the money to swapna as it is urgent for her even though the last photoshoot is pending , but for this I need a small Favour from you .

Priya : fine sir , what is it

Raghunath : I was thinking of making the photoshoot in our colony swimming pool next .hope it’s ok for u .

Priya :no sir no ! It’s open and lot of people woman and small kids and all the colony people will be there , and I don’t want to be in short dresses near that pool .pls sir pls other than that ask something else.

Raghunath who was having a fun with a cunning smile said fine we will do a couple of complete nude pics .

( let me remind you I am still standing on my knees , the bastard

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The CL Cocksucker

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I was reading this Craigslist ad from some 33 year old guy:

“I have a cocksucking buddy who likes to suck me off. Last week we had another dude join us. He really got off on my cocksucker sucking another cock. He even jacked the dude a lil. We’re looking for a dude or a few guys that want oral service, he will lick suck deepthroat and swallow your cocks and cum.”

That sounded great to me – who doesn’t like a great blowjob? So I replied and showed up.

A tall slim good-looking guy, who was acting the way you’d expect someone to act when looking on the DL for men who saw his ad on CL, gave me the eye. So I came closer. Seems the cocksucker from the ad hadn’t shown up yet, so the guy, David, was going to make a call. Did I want to join him upstairs?


When we get there, he made the call, no joy. “Now what?” And he looks at me with a look that made me shiver, a bit turned on by how he was eyeing me like he had a week long load and someone needed to take care of that. And then he started talking to me, telling me of his need, and then said, “I need to cum. Let’s take turns.”

And he gives me this look that makes my heart pound faster, and time slowed down from the adrenaline rush, this feeling of disbelief this was happening. And I’m thinking of walking out, but his strong arms are on my shoulders, Beşiktaş Escort gently pushing me down. And godhelpme I wanted my cock sucked, and so I submit to the firm but gentle insistence of his strong hands, and bend down, still standing but bent over, with a hand lightly holding the back of my head, and he slowly unzips his shorts and lets them fall to his ankles. Then, still holding my head captive, he steps forward a few inches until his cockhead touches my lips.

He rubs his cockhead across my lips, and I lick my lips and taste the saltiness of his precum and just the tip of his cockhead, no penetration, and I’m thinking I can do this without really sucking his cock, just get him to cum with my lips, but the pressure of my lips creating suction on his soft dickhead skin makes him groan and he thrusts his hips slowly forward as his cockhead oh so slowly slips through my lips, his soft head pushing deeper as his hand held my neck captive, and he start fucking my face and I took it, I took it and liked it, oooh so sexy getting facefucked like that, and he was

talking on the phone, telling someone to come over, so I licked and sucked harder so he would cum and then it would be my turn to get blown.

Some men came in the room just as his hand forcefully holding my mouth on his cock pushed Escort Bayan my lips back over his cockhead, swallowing it, and I’m distracted a moment by my shorts being pulled down, but I don’t care, it kind of feels sexy being undressed with a dick slowly pistoning in my mouth, then I’m sliding his dickhead on my cheek’s inside while my palm tapped the outside, and he grunted in surprise at how good that felt and shot his load, filling my mouth with cum …

And I shudder in surprise as a finger invades my butt crack, cool and slick with liquid …

And the man who has cum in my mouth starts urging me in a sexy seductive voice to swallow it, and I’m turned on by the sound and the wonderful feel of the finger invading between my cheeks and touching my hole.

So I swallow his cum.

I’m getting a little alarmed at how turned on I am but that finger oh so slowly slipping into my hole, and it hurts but I’m pushing my ass against the finger, fucking myself on it, and I’m afraid I’ll do something I’ll regret, and anyway it’s my turn to get sucked.

But when I try to stand up so I would get my turn, one of the guys who had come in the room and had been watching all this grabbed my hair. “Hey” I say. “No.”

“Open your mouth, cocksucker.”

“I’m not a cocksucker.”

“Oh yeah? You istanbul Escort came in here, you bent over for a hard dick, and you sucked cock and you took a mouthful of cum. How’s that not a cocksucker?”

And I look at my host, the guy whose cum I can still taste, and said, “Look, you said we can take turns. It’s my turn.”

“I said we can take turns. And we all are, we’re all gonna take turns and fuck your cocksucking mouth.”

And the guy whose got my head trapped grabs my hair harder, hurting a bit, but it’s weird, the pain feels kinda good, and he starts to fuck my face. I try to rise, but my face can’t move – it’s pinned by a strong hand sliding a cock inside my face. And then my legs are being spread apart, and a cock lightly bucks and strains at my hole, the pressure building in a sexy way, till he pops through, and oh fuck it hurts, but I’m turned on by the grunting noise he makes as he fucks me, it feels real sexy to get fucked, so I buck back at him while the dick in my mouth pins me in place, and the guy fucking my mouth says, “Oh, fuck, I can’t wait”, grunting and spurting inside me …

And the guy behind me starts to fuck me hard, and it hurts, and I tell him to stop, but he spanks my ass and grabs my hair and pulls me back so I’m the one impaling myself on his cock while he stays still, then he spanks me once more and grunts and groans and I know he’s cumming inside me, and I wonder how the fuck I wound up bent over getting a load shot deep in my ass while I taste two other men’s sperm in my mouth and several other men look hungrily at me, ready to take their turn.

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The escapades of a teenage slut 2

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Since I had hooked up with Alec, I’d begun to realize just how strong my attraction to men was. My nymphomaniac-like craving for a hard cock in my mouth and ass was overpowering. Unfortunately, Alec was hoping for our sex to be a one-time thing. I can’t say it shocked me because it was, in fact, a drunken expierence. I had tried everything to fulfill my need to feel a pulsating cock inside me. Dildos, my fingers… nothing worked. I had to have a real cock…

I thought of all the hot boys I could pursue. Kyle, Ryan, Jeremy… All of them were straight though. It wasn’t until my 5th period class on Friday that I found someone. His name was Tucker Ashmore. He had short, brown hair, a cute boyish face, big, dark green eyes, full pink lips, and small dimples when he flashed his perfect teeth. He had a nice lean body with a hint of an emerging six pack coming from his flat stomach. He also had a nice round, tight ass that was hard to look away from. He was a bit shorter than me but I liked it if I was the taller one in a relationship.

Tucker was one of the popular kids, unfortunately, I wasn’t. Tucker and I were somewhat friends and we talked a little… I hoped that would come to my advantage.

He became my world for the next week. I began to study him. I memorized his movement, the way he walked, his semi-deep voice… It made me smile just to hear it. Finally I got the guts to go up to him. “Hey,” I said, flashing a smile. “Hi,” he replied, returning the smile. “I know we’re not that good of friends,” I started, “but I was wondering if you wanna hang out some time?” His eyes lit up with excitement. “Sure, I’d love to, and I thought I wasn’t going to have anything to do this weekend,” he said. “So how about a movie later?” I asked. “Sounds good to me. Meet you there at 8.” Tucker replied.

When I got there he had already paid for me and insisted I didn’t owe him a thing. From the start of the movie I caught Tucker staring at my. When I stole a glance his way he looked away, however. About halfway through the movie I decided to test him. I would find out if he was interested in me. I shifted in my seat and leaned my head on his shoulder. He looked over at me then rested his hand on my thigh. I settled to my original position and he quickly pulled his hand back. “Sorry,” he said, “I just got caught up in the moment.” He giggled. My curiosity got the best of me. “So, you’re…” “Bi,” he finished. “You?” Tucker asked. “Nope,” I said with a quick smile. I leaned close to him. “Gay,” I whispered. His eyes went wide. He looked at me and grinned ear to ear. His hand returned to my thigh, only this time it went higher, to my crotch. He pulled his back. “Sorry if I’m moving too sex izle fast, I just really like you,” he said. I moved his hand back to my now hard cock. “That’s fine. I like you too,” I said with a smile. His eyes widened once again as he felt my hard cock under my jeans. He began to trace the bulge it made with the tip of his finger. He continued to tease me for the rest of the movie, which neither of us watched.

When we were back in school, we couldn’t keep our eyes off of each other. We just kept giggling, stealing glances at each other, and writing each other notes all through our classes. He started coming to my house too. When we were alone upstairs we’d lay on my bed, in our boxers, just kissing. The best feeling in the world was breaking a kiss and looking into his gleaming green eyes. It made me feel like he’d never go away.

The following Friday I had a plan for Tucker and me. In our history class, one of the three classes we had together, I sent him a note that said, “Wait up for me when the lunch bell rings.” He nodded at me.

When Miss Nell was finished with a boring lecture on Alexander Hamilton, the heavenly sound of the dismissal bell filled the school. The crowd in the classroom headed for the door and down the hall to go to the cafeteria. Tucker acted like he was having trouble getting his bag zipped. When the room was empty except for Tucker and I, I went to the door and closed it, which automatically locked. I turned out the light and Tucker realized what my intentions were. Smiling, he took off his shirt, exposing his hairless chest and his erect pink nipples, his light tan accenting his abs. He came over to me and pulled me into a deep embrace, holding the kiss for a solid minute. I broke the kiss and put my mouth around one of his nipples. I flicked my tongue over it, sucking it gently. I felt his growing cock touch my leg. He pushed me back and took my shirt off. He then proceeded to unbutton my pants and pull down my boxers until my hard cock popped out.

Tucker got on his knees and wrapped his lips around my red cock head. I leaned against one of the desks. I felt his warm tongue spreading saliva all over the shaft of it as he swallowed half of my pulsing cock. He slowly bobbed his head back and fourth and put his left hand on my ball sac, massaging each one slowly to increase pleasure. His right hand went to the base of my shaft, slowly jacking me off as his mouth worked the top half. I leaned my head back and let him take control of my cock. He picked up speed and sucked harder. He removed his hand from my shaft and tried to deepthroat me. He got about halfway before he had to stop. He tried again and he was able to fit my entire cock into alt yazılı porno his throat. He started swallowing so his throat muscles massaged the head of my cock, causing me to moan in ecstasy. Taking this as a signal, Tucker took his mouth off of my cock and started jacking me off with both hands. When I was sure I was about to burst, he let off and started gently licking the head, putting my oncoming orgasm on hold. He then let my cock slide in between his lips and started deepthroating me again. I felt new saliva dripped down onto my balls. My cock jerked and my body convulsed telling Tucker that I was going to cum soon. He took his lips off of my shaft and started to jack me off again, while kissing the head of my cock. I felt a familiar tingling in my balls and moaned as my body jerked. A stream of cum went through Tucker’s lips. Tucker moved my cock upwards so my next stream covered my chest. He jacked me off slowly as I blew my load all over me, him, and the floor. Tucker swallowed what went in his mouth, then stood and licked my chest clean. With the cum still in his mouth, he sucked my nipple getting it covered in my own semen.

Tucker lifted off and swallowed. I pulled him into another kiss. This time, he broke it and he bent over a desk, exposing his tight hole. I smiled with delight as I got the idea. My cock began to regain its hardness. I got on my knees and put my tongue right on his hole and gave it a quick lick. I rimmed him, getting his ass nice and wet. I penetrated him with my tongue and he gave a short jerk. He was definitely a virgin. When he was wet enough I put my hard cock in front of his face. He instantly sucked it into his mouth, using his tongue to get it wet enough to slip inside him. I pulled out and went back to his ass, putting my hands on his waist as Alec had done to me, then I put the head of my cock in him. I pushed gently and it went in with surprising ease. I pushed a little harder as I watched my cock being engulfed by Tucker’s warm, tight ass. Tucker’s breathing got heavier, as did mine, and I pushed in faster. When I saw the last of my cock disappear inside him I heard a low moan. I pulled out and pushed in and Tucker opened his legs a little wider. I started a steady rhythm of fucking. I felt every inch of my cock being pleasured as it went inside. “Faster,” Tucker said. Doing as I was told, I increased speed and strength. I pushed in with a thrust and I heard another moan. My cock slid in and out of Tucker more quickly and I started to thrust even harder in an upward motion, feeling the walls of his ass touch the head of my cock. Tucker’s knuckles went white as he gripped the edge of the desk in pleasure. I started altyazılı sex izle going faster and harder and I moaned along with Tucker. “Harder please!” Tucker yelled. I thrusted harder, my body jerking forwards with each push. I pulled Tucker towards me as I went inside him to go even deeper. I thrusted harder until I felt his balls touch mine. When I was at a fast enough speed, I reached around and started rubbing the head of his hard cock. As I continued fucking him I felt another orgasm build up deep inside me. A light tingling returning to my ball sac, I asked Tucker where he wanted me to cum. “Deep inside me,” he said, in between breaths. I pushed in harder and pulled out faster, trying to bring my orgasm closer. When I felt my cock ready to explode I pushed in deep inside Tucker with unbelievable speed and I felt my cock jump 5 times as cum shot out of me and into Tucker. When I pulled out I saw my warm cum ooze out of him and onto the back of his ball sac.

Tucker turned around. “That was my first time,” he said. “Me too,” I quickly lied. I didn’t want him to feel bad. “Now, I want to know what you taste like,” I said with a big grin. I got on my knees as he had done. I put his cock halfway in my mouth and swiveled my tongue around the cut head. I sucked as hard as I could until Tucker made me stop. I tried to take him deeper and succeeded. When his cock was wet enough to jack I took my mouth from his cock and put it on his balls, sucking one of them gently as I jacked him off with quick swiftness. Tucker leaned back further and let me do what I was best at. I started to suck his other ball. When Tucker moaned from me jacking him, I put my mouth on his cock again and started bobbing up and down, keeping my tongue on the underside of his cock. Tucker’s hands, which found the back of my head, forced me to go faster. With my right hand, I put my middle finger against his hole and, using my cum as lube, started to finger him. Tucker let a moan of ecstasy escape his lips and removed his hands. I put my left hand on the shaft of his cock and started to rub it as I sucked. I felt precum flow onto my tongue and began to push deeper inside him with my finger and suck harder and bob faster. I was doing everything in my power to make his balls empty into my mouth. I wanted his cum so bad. I took my finger out of him and my mouth off of his cock and wrapped both hands around his cock and I started jacking him off faster than he ever did me. I put the head of his cock in my mouth and sucked as hard as I could while milking him. When his orgasm did finally hit, I felt 7 streams of cum hit the back of my throat. Of course, I swallowed every bit. However, Tucker found some on my lip and quickly kissed me so he could have it. I found out later that he often drank his own cum.

We quickly put our clothes back on and headed out of the classroom as the bell for 6th period sounded.

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The Female Stanton’s Downfall Chapter 3 edited

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The Stanton’s Downfall – Chapter 3


We all sat three laughing and replaying the events of the day. Nicola was ours now and we new our father couldn’t wait to try her out. Nicola was arriving in an hour and my father had her temporary room set up for her as well as the uniform she would wear in the house. I was even more excited because now I had three day with my half sister. Same father different mothers. It was funny, no one could tell that we were related but we knew since our mother had already informed us of how Gloria, Nicola’s mother stole our father from my mother when she was pregnant with Katherine our oldest sister. She and my mother were best friends and because she was jealous of my mothers relationship with my mother she drugged her and had my mother raped and took pictures of it. She even went as far as to drug my father, fuck him and video the whole thing, which she used to blackmail him until she became pregnant with Cassandra. Therefore she had solid material to get whatever she needed from my father even though he was married to my mother for 13 years and they grew together financially. She fed her children off the money my family made and she used her children as leverage. My mother surprisingly knew about the situation but did nothing expect divorce him and for three years they were separated then he married Gloria who had been eating the luxuries of my mother and father’s wealth and although I knew who they were and the children she had for him they didn’t know. For years they took our father away from us and at the same time took advantage of him, wasting his money, publicly humiliating him and using his respectable name as a means to an end. I watched as he sat with my mother discussing Gloria’s treatment. I knew they had their own private plan for her but at the end they would all belong to us. Our house had about seven bedrooms and two studies as well as three bathrooms and an extremely large dining room as well a large front room. Our garden had a jacuzzi and a swimming pool and we had an amazing house at the back of our garden which had tinted windows. I smiled softly as the door bell rang and everyone had a look of absolution or excitement. I slowly stood up and walked out the front room with a little swagger, this was it.


I shifted from foot to foot as I waited for the door to open. The house was amazing, I never thought that Sandra could live in such a place and yet I was standing at a mansion with black and gold gates. I froze as the door opened and standing there was Sandra in tight fitted leggings that hugged her slim legs and rounded hips and a crop top that showed off her mid-drift. She smiled coldly at me before stepping aside and letting me in. The door slammed behind me and I couldn’t help but gasp as my ass was cupped from behind letting me immediately know her intentions and said as her hands roamed around my jeans covered butt.

“Take the clothe off, no ones home except me and Rose” I shivered at her tone of voice and slowly stripped off my clothing watching her as she devoured me with her eyes. I could feel myself heating up at her stare as she drunk in my now naked form.

“Get on your knees!” I did so without complaint. The weeks before reminded me what she would do if I disobeyed and I didn’t want to cross her; Sandra had cruel methods of punishment that I would never like to revisit. She smiled at my obedience and slowly knelt down at my level and strapped a black do collar around my neck which had the name ‘slave one” on it. I quickly protested at this

“Please Sandra, I’m sorry for being a bitch before but please this is too much!” she smiled a little although her eyes felt like they were ice straight into my veins and said

“You were a bitch before, but now you are my bitch” I froze at her statements and stumbled as she tugged at the leash making me following her on hands and knees. I had this feeling of trepidation in the pit of my stomach and knew I wouldn’t like the outcome of my living situations but I knew I would have to accept them. I looked around in awe at the portraits on the wall and stared shocked as I saw the one person I didn’t expect there. They looked so happy and so clean cut and professional and once you looked at all the face you could see the resemblances. Even though Sandra was a red head she had my father nose and eye shape and his pale skin complexion whereas Rose had his mouth and cheek bones and she also had brown hair although it was darker than his. The other daughter who looked like the oldest had her mother red hair green eyes expect her facial Fatih Escort features were a feminine version of my fathers and then the guy looked like he could pass for my dads younger brother. This was beginning to get too much. If I was reading into what I saw in that family portrait that would mean we were sisters and she was raping me. She finally stopped walking and there sitting in front of me with a small smile on his face was my father.

[b]Dave( Father)[b]

I watched as the tears cascaded down her high cheek bones and beautiful face and said feeling no remorse

“Its nice to see that you actually learnt to keep time. I am sure you are wondering what is going on and I will inform you. You are now this families slave, your sisters and mother will be joining you soon so don’t worry!”

“Why are you doing this, I….I ….I can’t believe you Dad, why would you let them do this to me me?” I laughed at her whining voice and said removing my belt yet keeping eye contact with her

“You see, I never really wanted you or your sisters but your mother raped me and blackmailed me into having you so I decided that if I’m going to bear with your existence I will make better use of you” she cried harder as I folded the belt and walked leisurely around her body

“You have grown into a very sexy young woman, but here you are only a whore, slave, pet. What we say goes. I will fuck you anywhere and in whatever manner that pleases me and so will anyone who enters this household!” she curled into herself restricting me from her view. I wanted to see those perky tits and her tight little body and she withheld from me; I quickly whacked the belt across her back and watch as she tumbled to the floor in a horrible heap sobbing as she realised her positioned

“I’m sorry…..sorry…please…don’t hurt me…… I won’t fight…please stop!” I smiled at her fallen form hard from the sight of her and said calmly as I walked out the room with Sophie grinning besides me


“Take her out back, I want her sorted our accordingly!” Sandra and Rose nodded and dragged me through the house discussing all the things they were going to do to me and what they though my…our father would do to me.

Being with them wasn’t so bad if I ignored their remarks and only focused on the pleasure of their touches. Rose commented on how well I shaved of all my pubic hair whilst Sandra kept probing me with her fingers and occasionally licked at my breast. I stood in front of them with my cheer-leading uniform but my hands were tied behind my back and underneath the uniform my breast were bound wrapped with rope and I was wearing black three inch heels that went perfectly with the yellow and black uniform. I watched as they both admired my form and left me there. I didn’t cry but I did feel numb. I knew he was about to rape me but I accepted it now almost the fear was still there, there was nothing I could do but to just endure. When I thought back on it, I had never been a loving daughter and took liberates with him, I’ve embarrassed him I business meetings, crashed his car, maxed his credit card, insulted him and I spat and slapped him and he had never raised his hand or disciplined me until now. I slowly got to my knees as the doors opened and watched as he walked in without a definable characteristic on his face, he just looked blank. Now I was getting scared; I knew how much grief I gave him an now he was getting his revenge. I watched as he began removing his clothing and starred. My father always kept in shape and even at 48 his body was not bad. As he neared me I couldn’t help but tremble as the situation finally settled in. He was actually going though with this. I gasped as he picked up my dangling lead and tugged on it making me stumble towards him. I cried out as I felt his hands brush against my mid-drift and pulled away; he laughed a little and I watched horrified as he wrapped the lead around his fist until I was breathing in his breathless

“Please…don’t do this!” he laughed and licked at my parted lips and I couldn’t help the shudder that ran through my bones as my father lips violently attacked my own. All I could do was kick as my arms were already bound and I cried out as his lips descended to my neck and left bruised in any available skin. His held me so close to his body that I could feel his dick rub against my stomach and I cringed as it disappeared under my skirt and rubbed at my knickers. This was disgusting. I cried out as his hands slipped up my top and his cold hands fondled me rough and he panted against my neck

“I Escort Bayan cant wait to come in you!” I continued to tremble as his lips trailed along my neck and his hands wandered under my skirt. His hands were so rough and it gasped as he brutally grabbed my ass and began fondling me. He kept with the process and pushing and pulling apart my cheeks then patting it as I squirmed in his grasp. This was awful and I knew there was nothing I could do about it. I just couldn’t believe he would do this.

“Please don’t do this, I’m your daughter, please daddy” I trembled as he stopped his ministrations and waited for his reply; please let this be over. He slowly walked away from me and quietly sat down on the bed and just watched me. My eyes met his and he said as his eyes penetrated my body

“That’s the first time I’ve heard you call me daddy!” I nodded tear streaming down my face and couldn’t meet his eyes as he continued knowing what he said was true

“But you are right I am your father and I should not do this to you!” my head snapped up and I starred at him surprised at he admission and felt relief that he was finally letting me go

“Thank you so much, thank you, I swear I will behave” he nodded dismissively and said smirking as his eyes ran over my body and his hand rubbed at the bulge in his shorts

“I know you will behave, you are nothing but my slave daughter and I will fuck you when I please and how I please, so like the slave you are get on your knees and get between my legs. I saw those pictures, you look like you know what I do and I saw the videos Rose and Sandra made of you and your newly acquired skills of deep-throating. I want to see it at work. NOW!” More recordings…..there couldn’t be. There were only the pictures of me and Trevor. He saw me in all those embarrassing positions. I had become a porn star for those two sisters. They fucked me, especially Sandra. She cornered me in the showers after cheer practise and made me eat her out and the she got me alone after a detention and bent me over the teachers desk and spanked me with a wooden ruler. I shivered as I remembered the cruelty she showed my breast as she wrapped them in rope and proceeded to lick, suck, pinch, bite then slap them until they bruised. I cried as I knelt stumblingly as I finally hit the ground and remembered how she punished me for not learning how to crawl in the proper manner. Butt up in the air and face almost touching the ground but since my arms were tied I had to find another way. I cried as I let my shoulders touch the ground and used my shoulders to manoeuvre to him groaning in discomfort as I did so. When I didn’t perform well she whipped me and when I did she made me lick her until she orgasmed. I shook as I neared his feet knowing what I was going to have to do but hating it more than ever. I watched as he shuffled his trousers to the floor and I starred at his hairy legs trying to avoid looking at his dick. I slowly straightened myself in front of him and was faced directly at his penis. I gulped at its size knowing it was thicker and bigger than Trevor’s. I slowly closed my eyes and pressed my lips against the head of his eight inch dick.. I continued at a slow pace licking and kissing the head of his cock but I guess that wasn’t enough. I know I shouldn’t be into it so soon but at least he wasn’t hurting me physically. I continued to concentrate on my task, rolling his cock around my tongue and moving back and forth taking him deep within my throat. His hands massaged my head and he groaned s I continued sucking him. I worked harder than ever making sure I gave him the best and slowly let his dick enter my throat. I gagged a little but kept at and slowly pulled away and repeated the process. His hands gripped my hair harder as my throat went around his organ and as I pulled back he held me there and pushed forward. No, no no, please. I shook my head sacred at what he was trying to do. I could feel it force its way down my throat and I could help but cry as I felt his balls slap my chin and he groaned happily

“I’ve always wanted to do!” and then he began pumping. He pushed forward so deeply he almost made me gag. I could feel his hand wrap around my ponytail and another reach down and grabbed my breast. He was pinching and and scratching my tits as hard as possible as he rammed his cock in and out. I wanted him to finish. My throat was starting to hurt and I feel so dirty now. I could feel him reaching his limits and pushed forward allowing him to abuse my throat. It was almost over. I frantically shook as his fingers blocked my nose. I shook on him, shaking, trying to istanbul Escort breathe and moved off him but I could feel my chest constricting and my heart pounding until he laughed and shoot his load deep into my throat. I collapsed to the floor chocking and shivering as he laughed and dragged me back up and threw me unto the bed

“Months and years went into panning this. You belong to this family now. You will serve us with your body without question. Now be a good girl and spread em wide” There was nothing I could do, he knew it and I knew it. I stopped jerking about the bed like a dead fish and spread my legs wide for him. He smiled nodding and said crawling between my legs

“That’s better. Do you understand what your role is?” I nodded crying. His hands slowly slid up my skirt and pulled away my panties

“Every time I saw you in this uniform I wanted to have you!”


I couldn’t believe I was finally going to have her. I groaned as I felt her thighs touch mine and I leaned forward and latched unto her perky tits. They were so milky and her nipples were bright pink like a dart board. I could feel her body arch into my face letting me know she liked her nipples touch and continued to suck and pet then as my dick rubbed against her centre. She groaned as I gently slid into her and I could help but sigh as I slid my full length into her. So wet and tight and so so warm. This was amazing. She was so tight. I quickly pulled up her knees and pushed them opposite each other so I could get deeper. I groaned as I slammed harder and harder and I could eel her clench around me. I quickly tucked my legs under her thighs and took her hips and pushed speeding up and watching the reactions on her face. I could see the pain but there was pleasure as she finally accepted my dick. Her chest heaved and I could help but leaned down and take those addictive nipples into my mouth and suck as hard as I could. She screamed out and arched off the bed

“Oh gosh, this is too much, I can’t take it!” she panted out and this was only the beginning. I quickly unbound her and slammed into her harder than ever. I fucked her like a man posses for years she, her mother and sisters had ridiculed my so called submissive behaviour and took advantage of everything I had and now it was time to pay. Gloria was the first. She had let herself go and was a size 16, but not the attractive kind, the flab kind and so for a year I had her at the gym almost everyday and if she failed she wouldn’t receive a penny from me. She worked her ass off then when we were in the bedroom I began to get rougher. She argued went as far as slapping me when I spanked her too hard or came on her face but it was all fun for me. Last year when all the girls were away on a holiday with my brother and his sons Gloria was my little pet. She was a nice size 14 then; her breast were an amazing 38 DD breast and a narrow waist with beautiful voluptuous hips and a nice ass. I quickly turned Nicola around and unzipped the top half of her yellow uniform and ran my hands up her naked back and slammed into her again. She buckled fast and her face slammed into the pillow as I ploughed into her tight pussy. I could see and feel her body clench as I moved in and out of her harder and said fisting her hair and arching her body so her lips were in line with mine

“such a little slut!” and kissed her hard. I could feel her tongue push against mine and left her arm wrap around my head for leverage and we fucked each other long and hard

“Daddy, harder, I wanna cum” I gripped her breast and sat on the heels of my feet and sat her on my dick, jumping her up and down as hard as I could. I could taste her tears as I violently fucked her and froze as I could feel the impending flood and slammed into her so hard she cried out flung her head back with a shrill cry and collapsed unto the bed with my cum shooting unto her back.


I cant believe I did that. I came with him, my father. It hut so much and I was so turned on by the roughness. I was still coming down from my orgasm when I felt his finger enter my ass. I froze in shock and I knew what he was about to do next but I knew I couldn’t fight him. I cried again but this time silently as I bit my lip to force the screams back down in my throat as he slowly ripped open my anus.

I don’t know how long it went on but I knew he took me in every position possible before he came in me one more time before falling asleep with me still on top of him and his cock still in me.

“You stay exactly where you are with my dick in you!” I cried and did as told and tentatively laid my head on his chest shivering as my tits pressed against his chest.

Thanks for the reviews please continue reviewing after you read. Thanks

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The Curse of 100 Bottoms Ch. 06

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Note: This story contains themes of mind control, magic, and fantasy. All characters in it are 18+.


It’s amazing the difference a good dildo can make.

Now that Willem could fill his hole anytime he wanted, he was starting to feel a little bit more in control. He was still powerless over the inevitable tidal wave of buzzing that swept over him, slowly clouding his mind until he submitted himself to whichever man the curse saw fit to send him to next. But with the ability to ease the incessant itching in his hole, he at least felt like he was starting to see things more clearly.

Resistance was futile. It always had been. Anytime he had tried to circumvent the curse, it would find a way to punish him. Well, he was through playing hard to get. He was going to meet his fate head-on and fuck his way through the City of Angels.

Because you see, Willem had a secret.

He wasn’t an idiot. He was aware of the changes that were happening to his mind along with his body. He knew that the curse was wearing him down, trying to convince him that he was nothing but a bottom.

“Who would ever want to be straight?” said a voice in his head. “A boring life of average, vanilla sex. You’re living the dream. You get to fuck real men, get to feel what it’s like when a man gifts you with his seed. THAT’S real living.”

And so, Willem pretended. He played the part, going through the motions of allowing man after to man to fuck him to completion as he rode the wave of that lustful buzzing. He even let himself enjoy the way it felt, to fully give in to the sensations in the moment as they happened.

Because all the while, in the depths of Willem’s mind, he had carved out a small place where nothing could reach him, not even the curse. There he kept his memories of his old life: his first kiss with a girl; the night he lost his virginity to Allison Gordon; the series of hookups he and his friends racked up over their last year of high school, racing to see who could fuck the most girls before college.

This was his hiding spot, the place he would return to after every fuck to check in with himself. Just to make sure he hadn’t lost himself. He would run through each of his heterosexual experiences in his mind, pulling them out one by one, running his fingers over them, then placing them delicately back on the shelf.

“I’m straight,” he would whisper to himself when he was alone after the top had left. “I will always be straight.” Then he would lock the door to his hiding spot, knowing that his true self would be there waiting for him the next time he needed it.

Willem was nothing if not pragmatic. He knew that the only way around the curse was through it, but he was confident that he could protect the precious seeds of himself that still remained. This was all just temporary, nothing more. And, if he were proactive enough, he would hopefully be straight again by the time that college rolled around in the fall.

Willem said nothing about his secret hiding spot, not even to Jake. He and Jake had started hanging out regularly since the day he fucked the cop. Jake was actually a pretty cool guy, plus he was understanding if Willem needed to step away for a few minutes to go fuck the bear who just walked out of the 24-hour fitness.

Since his parents had rescinded their offer to pay for him to attend Caltech, Jake had gotten a job at a coffee shop in Weho, trying to earn enough money to put himself through community college. Willem visited him at work frequently, taking advantage of the free coffee while he trawled for dick.

“How many guys are you up to?” Jake asked as he wiped down the espresso machine.

“32,” said Willem. “Wait, no–33. I’m forgetting the sign spinner outside of Liberty Tax.”

“Clearly he wasn’t anything to write home about.”

“Yeah, weird cock. Very curved.”

“Have you heard from Josh lately?” asked Jake. “Or Dan, or Adam?”

Willem shook his head. “They can go fuck themselves. Homophobic assholes.”

“You were one of those homophobic assholes too, once,” said Jake with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, well, let’s just say I have a better appreciation for what it’s like,” said Willem. “How are things with your parents?”

Jake shrugged. “Nonexistent. Ever since I moved out of their house and into the new apartment–which is shit, by the way–they haven’t reached out to me at all.”

Willem frowned. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m not,” said Jake as he leaned against the counter. “They made things pretty clear. Plus I should be able to have enough saved up to start at LACC in the fall.”

Jake turned to greet the customer who had just walked in. Willem recognized him as Jin, a buoyant Korean guy in his early 20s who was a regular of Jake’s. He looked around the coffee shop while Jin ordered, keeping his eyes peeled for the signature pink haze that would direct him to his next top.

“How about you? Are you going?”

Willem snapped out of dick-hunting mode to see Jin staring at him expectantly.

“Sorry, Etiler Escort going to what?” he asked.

“They’re protesting some homophobic douchebag giving a speech in Orange County tomorrow,” said Jake as he handed Jin his latte.

“Not just any homophobic douchebag. John Hicks is like Satan incarnate. He’s an asshole congressman from bumfuck nowhere who hates the gays, women, and pretty much anyone who isn’t White Jesus. Me and my girls are getting a group together tomorrow to protest his speech. You wanna come?”

Willem made a face. “Sounds like a terrible time.”

Jin pursed his lips. “If us gays don’t fight tooth and nail for our rights, they’ll be taken away before you know it.”

“I’m not gay,” Willem said defensively.

Jin stared at him dumbly. “I literally fucked you last week. In THAT bathroom.” He pointed towards the back of the coffee shop.

Jake rolled his eyes. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.”

“Huh,” said Willem. “I forgot about that one.” He turned to Jake. “34.”

“Whatever,” said Jin. “I gotta get going. Jake, you have my number. Text me if you wanna go. I’ve got extra glitter for the signs.”

Willem raised an eyebrow as he left. “What a drama queen.”

Jake frowned, wiping down the counter with a rag. “I don’t think he’s being dramatic at all. Hicks is a fucking asshole, and he deserves a good protest. I’m gonna go.”

“I guess. I just don’t see what showing up and making a big fuss is actually going to accomplish.”

Jake’s eyes blazed with anger. “I know that you don’t get it because you’re just fucking dudes, and you’re not actually gay. But guys like Hicks make life a fucking nightmare for the rest of us. You think my parents don’t watch people like him on TV and eat that shit up like it’s Gospel?”

Willem stared at him, at a loss for words.

“I’m going to grab something from the back,” said Jake, throwing his rag down onto the counter as he walked away.

Willem sipped his coffee, looking guiltily down at the cup. Jake was right, he’d only been fucking guys for a month now and was already seeing how differently people treated you. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have to deal with this for the rest of your life. Not to mention the fact that, when this summer ended, Willem would be off to UCLA on his parent’s dime while Jake would be struggling to pay his way through community college.

Willem pulled out his phone. He searched for John Hicks, pulling up YouTube videos of his speeches. He played one from a speech Hicks had given at a national convention.

“Whatever happened to freedom of speech?” he asked. “Freedom of religion? Last I checked, this was still America, not Iran or North Korea. The Constitution guarantees us those rights, yet if you have the audacity to fight for the family, to promote the biblical institution of marriage as God intended, then suddenly you’re labeled a bigot! Well, if that’s the case, then I wear the label of bigot proudly.”

As unlikeable as Hicks was, Willem had to admit the guy was pretty handsome. He had a sharp jawline and salt-and-pepper hair that lent a greater air of authenticity to the diatribe coming out of his mouth.

Willem watched as the video on the phone began to flicker. The little dots of light morphed from red, green, and blue into a dull pink that surrounded Congressman Hicks as he spoke to the crowd.

“No fucking way…” he whispered.

There was no doubt about it. Hicks was surrounded by the pink haze in the video. Willem could even feel the buzzing lurking underneath his skin, like a shark beneath the waves.

Jake walked back out to find Willem staring at his phone, his mouth agape. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“You’re not gonna like this,” he said.

Jake stared at the video on his phone, then back at Willem. His eyes widened. “Are you kidding me? Him?”

Willem nodded.

“Please tell me you’re not gonna fuck him,” said Jake.

“I don’t have a choice!” Willem groaned. “Not that I have any idea how in the hell I could possibly get him to do it. The guy couldn’t be more homophobic.”

“Are you kidding?” asked Jake. “Seducing him is the easy part. It’s letting an asshole like him fuck you that’s gonna be a challenge.”

“What are you talking about? You think he’s gay?”

Jake shrugged. “The biggest homophobes always are. I mean, who cares that much about gay people? He’s gotta be a self-hating closet case.”

Willem groaned. “I can’t believe I have to let that guy fuck me. This sucks.”

Jake grabbed his arm. “Wait a second,” he said, a smile spreading across his face. “I think we have an opportunity here.”


They got to the venue around 30 minutes before Congressman Hicks’ speech the next morning. The place was already packed with protestors carrying large signs saying “NO HATE IN MY STATE” and “IF GOD HATES GAYS WHY ARE WE SO CUTE”.

They wormed their way through the crowd towards Jin, who greeted Jake with a kiss on the Escort Bayan cheek. He handed a sign to Jake, then went to hand one to Willem when Willem waved him off.

“What’s up with the outfit?” asked Jin as he stared at him quizzically. “You look like a Jehovah’s Witness.”

Willem blushed. He was dressed in his Sunday best, a white button-down shirt with dress pants and a paisley tie. He stood out like a sore thumb in the sea of colors and glitter that surrounded them.

“Don’t worry about it,” said Jake. “What time’s he supposed to come out?”

“Any minute now,” said Jin. “And when she does, we’re gonna fucking eviscerate her.”

By the time Congressman Hicks arrived and walked out onstage for his speech, he was greeted by an almost unanimous chorus of booing. Willem stayed silent, watching him with apprehension. The man was rippling pink light, the proximity of which made Willem’s hole throb in anticipation. He closed his eyes to center himself. “Stick to the plan,” he thought.

“Free speech is a Divine gift,” Hicks said into the microphone. “It allows us to know and be known by others. Now some out there in the woke media will try to crush the opposition by labeling us racist or homophobic. But that’s just not the case. There’s nothing wrong with stating the Biblical Truth, which is that marriage is between a man and a woman.”

The crowd booed. Jin waved his sign angrily.

“Let him speak!” yelled Willem. Jin stared at him in shock. “We love you, Congressman Hicks! Hicks for President!” Willem shouted out.

Hicks grinned and pointed at Willem in the crowd. “Good to see some of the youth of today’s society haven’t lost the faith. Now, as I was saying…”

Jin smacked Willem with his sign. “Are you kidding me? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit! I did not invite you here so you could join the “Pray the Gay Away” bandwagon, bitch.”

Jake grabbed Willem and pulled him away. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

They walked back through the crowd towards the exit, ducking the angry looks bombarding them from all sides. Phase one of their plan was complete.

“You’re sure he’s going to stick around after?” asked Willem.

Jake nodded. “His website said he would be signing copies of his book in the conference center after his speech.”

Willem rolled his eyes. “What kind of a book name is ‘Woke Me Up Before My Guns Go?'”

“A gay one, if you ask me. What straight person listens to ‘Wham!’?”

By the time Hicks’ speech was over, Willem was first in line at the book-signing table.

“Ah, my biggest supporter,” said Hicks as he slid into the seat behind the table. He smiled up at Willem. “Always nice to meet a young person with a good head on their shoulders.”

Being so close to Hicks made Willem’s mind start to cloud again with lust. He ignored the urge to grab Hicks’ tie and straddle the man right then and there. He blinked, trying to ignore both his insane dislike for the man and an undeniable desire to taste his cum.

He nodded. “Absolutely, sir. It’s a shame what they’ve done to our country. Pretty soon they’ll have us all in dresses.”

Hicks nodded gravely. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Now, how do you want me to address it?”

He reached his hand out to grab the book Willem was holding. “How about, ‘To my number one fan, Alex’?” said Willem.

Hicks opened the book. His face blanched.

Willem smirked. He knew exactly what Hicks was looking at. He had taken the picture last night in his bedroom using the time delay countdown feature on his phone. In the picture Willem was on his knees facing away from the camera, his hands spreading apart his juicy cheeks to reveal the smooth hole in between. His face was hidden, his head turned away from the camera so all you could see were his bouncy blond curls.

Underneath it, he’d written the words: “Fuck me?”

Hicks swallowed nervously. He closed the book, looking up at Willem. “What is this?” he asked quietly.

Willem smirked. “You can keep it,” he said. “My number’s on the back.”

Hicks stared at him for a moment, shooting a lustful glance down Willem’s body. He slid the photo out of the book and folded it in half, slipping it in his suit pocket. He quickly signed Willem’s book, then handed it back to him.

“Thanks!” said Willem, winking at him as he walked away. Phase two was now complete.

Willem was restless on the car ride back, rubbing up against the passenger seat as the buzzing sizzled through his body.

“Jesus, is it that bad?” asked Jake as he looked at Willem with concern.

“It’s pretty fucking bad,” said Willem, moaning. “Are you sure he’ll text?”

“He took the picture, right?” asked Jake. Willem nodded. “Then he’ll text.”

“Ugh, he better text soon. I’m fucking dying for cock.”

Willem reached down and unbuckled his pants. He took the dildo out of his pocket and slid it inside his hole, sighing as he sank down on it.

“You fucking carry that thing with you?” asked Jake incredulously.

“What? istanbul Escort It helps me think,” said Willem as he fucked himself on it.

“Just don’t get cum on my car seat.”

Willem spent the rest of the day at Jake’s apartment, pacing restlessly and fucking himself intermittently with the dildo as he waited for Hicks to message him.

Finally, just before 6 pm, he got a text from an unknown number.

“Is this Alex?” it read.

“Yep,” he replied. “Is this Hicks?”

“Send me another pic,” said Hicks.

Willem pulled down his pants and held the phone out, taking a picture of his juicy bubble butt. He made sure he didn’t have his face in the shot before he quickly sent it off.

“Fuck, boy,” replied Hicks. “You free tonight?”

“What did you have in mind?” Willem texted back. He added a winky face and a devil emoji for good measure.

“I can get us a hotel room in an hour. Can’t stay long though. My wife and kids are in town with me.”

“Text me the deets and I’m there,” responded Willem.

“Well?” asked Jake.

“Hook, line, and sinker,” said Willem, grinning.

Jake drove him to the Beverly Hills Hotel shortly before 7 pm. Willem anxiously clutched the small paper bag he had with him, trying to focus his mind. He needed to be sharp if they were going to pull this off.

“Call me when he leaves,” said Jake. “I’ll be downstairs. And if anything goes wrong-“

“I know,” said Willem, rolling his eyes. “It’s not my first rodeo, you know.”

Jake smirked. “Yeah, I’m well aware.”

Hicks had told him to come to room 311. Willem was filled with nervous energy as he entered the elevator of the hotel, exacerbated by the electric buzzing that was already starting to cloud his mind with horniness.

“Focus,” he said to himself. “Just a little bit longer and you can give in all you want.”

He approached the door to the room and knocked three times. He waited for a moment, then heard the sound of footsteps. The door opened to reveal Hicks, standing there with a glass of bourbon and his tie loosened. He looked Willem up and down with a smirk.

“Get in here you little slut.”

Willem went to enter when suddenly the man put his hand on his chest, making Willem’s cock leak in his pants.

“You’re 18, right?”

Willem nodded, the smell of the man’s musk invading his nostrils and making his head swirl. “Yes, daddy,” he mewled softly.

The man tapped him on the cheek. “Good boy.”

He put his arm on Willem’s back and ushered him into the hotel room. Willem could feel his mind starting to feel like cheesecloth again as the need to be filled overwhelmed him. He pinched his leg, trying his best to stay focused.

Hicks finished his drink and set it down on the nightstand, staring lecherously at Willem. He ran his fingertips down Willem’s arm, making the blond surfer boy moan in delight.

“You like older men?” he asked as he tweaked Willem’s nipple.

“Yes…” Willem moaned, his little nub standing to full attention in his pants.

Hicks reached his hand up and grabbed a handful of Willem’s curls, yanking his head back. He shoved his tongue roughly in Willem’s mouth, invading the boy with his probing tongue. Willem could taste the bourbon on his breath, feel his hands sliding down his pants and squeezing his bubble butt.

It took every ounce of Willem’s willpower to put his hands on Hicks’ chest and push him gently away, breaking the kiss. “Can I have a drink first?” he asked dizzily.

Hicks grinned. “Sure,” he said. He turned back to the minibar, crouching down to rustle through it. While his back was turned, Willem pulled out his phone and opened up the camera function. He quietly snuck over to the dresser, setting it up surreptitiously underneath the TV facing the bed.

“I’ve got poppers too if you want ’em,” said Hicks as he pulled out a bottle of bourbon and poured it into a glass with ice.

Willem hit record on his phone, then quickly turned back around just as Hicks turned to hand him the bourbon. He took the drink from him and smiled.

“Just the drink is fine, thanks,” he said, sipping it.

“You know, I’m glad you’re not all faggy like so many of the guys in LA,” said Hicks. “I can’t stand the screaming queens who need to rub it in everyone’s faces. Nothing gets my dick softer.” He shuddered. “You ever party and play?”

Willem had no idea what that meant, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. The buzzing was growing so intense it was making it hard for him to concentrate. Every inch of his body was screaming out to get fucked, but he knew that he still had something to do before he could get railed. What was it again? And why was Hicks staring at him? Oh, that’s right. He’d asked him a question. Willem had already forgotten what it was. He shook his head dumbly.

“That’s a shame. Makes fucking way better.” He nodded at the paper bag that Willem was still clutching. “I hope you don’t have condoms in there, cause I only go raw.”

Willem looked down at the bag in his hand. He’d forgotten he was holding it. He reached in and pulled out a black rubber gimp mask and stared at it curiously.

That’s right! The next part of the plan.

Willem smiled. “I was thinking you could fuck me in this,” he giggled.

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The Burning Skyline Succubus

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Spike slammed his locker shut, somehow more furious than exhausted. Fucking asshole!
He thrust his arms through the straps of his worn backpack and marched out of the dingy locker room. Cocksucker!
He stomped into an empty elevator, jerked his wrist at the security scanner and commanded through clenched teeth. “Level one.” The doors slid shut and the elevator began to ascend.
His X-Pod vibrated; a personal multimedia terminal including Virtual Video Phone, holographic-imager, and Metaverse node all in one. He unclipped it from the belt of his black one-piece jumper and twisted it open: A text message. The sender field is blank. Must be an error. The subject field states the message can only be retrieved in a private g-way train car. Why would he have to jack-in to view a text message? Maybe the blank sender field isn’t an error.
The elevator doors slid open. He twisted his X-Pod closed and clipped it to his belt, while pushing the inscrutable message to the back of his mind. Fantasizing about the gruesome demise of his supervisor took precedence at the moment. He’d love to use his blade-slinger on him, but he’d never get away with it. There are security cameras everywhere.
Spike strode from the elevator across the foyer toward the building’s exit. Shoved a piece of Amp-Max chewing-gum into his mouth. It’s infused with mild stimulants. Then pulled his filtration mask from his pocket and stuck it to his face, before stepping through the exit.
With a thought command directed through a transmitter plugged into his neural interface on the back of his head, just below the occipital protuberance, he activated his DC Razors; sneakers with electrogravitational propulsion-pads capable of reaching twenty-five miles-per-hour. He glided across the vacant loading zone into an awaiting mag-rail train car on the blue line. The car was barren except for a few fellow employees.
Sliding his backpack off, he collapsed into an open seat distant from the other occupants and slipped into the safely-straps. An alarm would sound if he didn’t buckle up. The seating was positioned like a plane rather than a subway train. Twelve rows of four bucket-seats on the left and right side of each car.
A moment later the subterranean magnetic-propulsion monorail fired. It can travel up to four-thousand miles-per-hour. Spike was pressed into his seat, briefly revealing his dark-green eyes from under his straight black hair, which usually veiled his face. His grisly reveries of murder continued on uninterrupted.
Spike works as a day laborer excavator for Halliburton, ten hours a day, six days a week, in a waste dump in the middle of nowhere. Due to lack of petroleum, the buried plastics need to be recycled. Corn oil can only do so much.
Today was one year continuous employment. Never once was he late. Never once did he not show up. Yet, while everyone else under his supervisor had been trained and promoted to using industrial-exoskeletons within six months, he was still doing the shittiest most grueling work.
The only plus to the backbreaking manual labor was the ripped physique he had acquired over the past year. Though he greatly appreciated the female attention his muscular figure granted him, it did little to alleviate his aggravation over his supervisor’s continuous and gratuitous discrimination.
After a few minutes of his homicidal brooding, the mag-rail came to a halt. Spike exited the train car and weaved his way through the crowded loading zone to the closest McDonald’s for dinner. He felt he deserved to treat himself for his one year employment anniversary. He devoured a chicken sandwich and a gulped down a Pepsi Jolt, overloaded with caffeine and other mild stimulants. And then cruised speedily to the Sleepwell Capsule Hotel.
He moved into the germ scrubber, a three-by-three-foot cube decontamination foyer, and the door sheathed closed behind him. He shut his eyes and held his breath as he was flash sprayed with a white sanitizing misty from all directions for two seconds. His skin tingled. He was then scanned for Tuberculosis, A.I.D.S., and various airborne cancer viruses. The entire cube flashed green once and the door before him sheathed opened. He glided out while peeling off his filtration mask and tucking it into his pocket.
Vending machines lined the outer walls within, selling everything from hot noodles and military rations to one-piece garments and nano-bot inhalers. The machines supplied the bulk of his sustenance intake.
He took an elevator down five levels. It stunk of piss and poorly cleaned up vomit that edged the wall. The hotel has been in need of a new janitor-bot for quite some time. I need to remember to keep my damn filtration mask on until after the elevator ride.
Spike hovered passed row after row of capsules stacked four high, until he reached the capsule that he had called home for over a year. He tossed in his backpack containing everything that he owned, then climbed in and laid on his back with a sigh of relieve. The capsule was eight-feet-long, three-feet-wide, and three-feet-tall. Just barely big enough for two people to hump. He knew this from repeated experience.
With a voice command, the door sealed and locked. It became as silent as a sensory deprivation chamber. The capsule self cleaned once a day while unoccupied, so it always smelled of lemon and antiseptic. A luminous strip ran the border of the ceiling, designed for minimal power usage lighting. Warm air flowed in passed the synthetic cyanobacteria filtration system.
His body was heavy with fatigue, though due to the Amp-Max chewing-gum he chomped throughout the day and the Pepsi Jolt he had just drank, his mind surged with vitality.
Kicking off his sneakers, he pulled open his black one-piece and shimmied out of it, then slipped a disposable splooge-catcher over his manhood. Since tomorrow is his day off, he’d love to do a few hits of Hype; a psychostimulant-entheogenic hybrid drug. But it makes him horny as hell, so he refuses to take Hype without finding a partner willing to share the journey. His plan is to visit The Stars My Destination, an exclusive adult nightclub. If he can’t find someone willing to visit his capsule, he’ll settle for the readily available cybersex. Thus the need for the splooge-catcher.
Pulling out his DC Razors’ transmitter, he retrieved his camouflage-green Cyber-Goggles from his backpack, slid them over his eyes and plugged the data-cable into his neural interface. With a mental command he jacked-in to the Metaverse, slipping into an oneiric state of consciousness, similar to the lucid dreaming state. His mind disassociated from his body.
Spike adhered to the urban-ninja fashion style, for it was reasonably admired by the ladies. He wore matching black and nuclear-green leather vest, fingerless elbow-length gloves, tight fitting pants, and bulky knee-high boots. The outfit showed off his mean biceps and firm ass. Each boot also housed a cleverly hidden vibroblade-dagger. They are illegal and very expensive, but no one voyages into a guerrilla-network unarmed.
Spike stepped into a private train car of the Google Metaverse Railway. It is a digital bullet-train used to move from one network to another, and is the only legal means of Metaverse travel. It also provides customizable chat lounges, vast video and music archives, classified and personal ads, and various other social networking tools. Silent advertisements for various goods played continually across the windows.
He sat upon the patterned plush seating and there was a poof of violet smoke. A chirping black bat appeared from the haze and flapped around Spike’s head. He held out his hand to accept its attention, and it morphed into the anonymous text message:
Come to The Burning Skyline
The message included the server address to the club and an access link to the guerrilla-network where it is hosted. The train car began moving without him giving any type of command. The message must have an embedded command file.
Only a hacker could send him a message anonymously. But why would a hacker want anything to do with me?
The train car came to a stop and the doors slid open without his command.
The entire inside of the train car flashed red three times, and a female digital voice sounded. “Warning! You are entering an un-trusted domain. Warning!”
Ignoring the forewarning, Spike stepped out into a desolate landscape, resonate of an alien metropolis long forgotten. Colossal spires of twisting metal, rusted and jagged, reached for the starry night, which was poisoned a toxic green. The streets were constructed of neither asphalt nor concrete, but corroded grating, fallen through here and there. The abysmal darkness below was disturbed by haphazard flashes of crimson and the distant echoes of dysfunctional machinery, grinding and clanking malignantly.
Spike ran a finger over the underside of his left glove and it split open giving access to the watch-sized computer embedded in his wrist. He pressed his thumb to the circle touch-screen and it fanned outward, tripling in size to display a larger image.
“Network map,” was his voiced command, pinging the primary network server, and a three-dimensional map displayed. “Locate The Burning Skyline.” A spire several blocks away pulsed with a red hue. He memorized the most direct route and thumbed the translucent holo-screen. It fanned closed and his glove sealed over it.
Spike wearily walked the course, ignoring a spazzed-out pusher offering the latest cyber-drug upgrades, and declining a techno-pagan cyber-cultist that wished to convert him, until he reached The Burning Skyline.
He waved his wrist-embedded computer over the metal doorway to pay the cover charge; once inside, drink and dance are freely unlimited. The door became temporarily transparent so he may step through into the club.
It consists of a sequence of rooftops connected via light-bridges. Each rooftop overlooks different scenery that corresponds to the music.
The first roof quaked with the breakbeats of drum and bass jungle pop. And looked out over a post-humanity NYC. Spider monkeys climbed huge vines that wrapped around the high-rises. A pride of lions stalked a family of zebra in the crumbling streets far below. Bald eagles ruled the afternoon skies above. The roof was packed tight with half-nude amazonians and a few dark-elfpunks, all dancing a wild tribal jig.
Spike weaved through the throng and crossed over onto the next rooftop. The music shifted seamlessly as he walked the light-bridge, transforming to a post-trip-hop acid jazz hybrid sound. And the post-apocalyptic afternoon became a Neo-Tokyo night. Flying cars, taxies, buses, and trains zoomed around the lit up skyscrapers, leaving streaks of ruby in their wake. Lightning dragons of sapphire and jade clashed in the heavens. The rooftop was crowded with urban-samurai, ninja, and geisha. A few space pirates and steampunks were thrown in the mix. This was his scene.
He moved to the bar and ordered a heavy voltage martini from a bartender wearing the garb of an emperor. As he sipped his drink he watched the breakdancers surrounded by people dancing the techno-robot.
Just as he began to feel the surge of his martini, like arcs of electricity jetting through his muscles, he was spellbound by a goth chick winding through the crowd.
Her shoulder-length hair is jet black with crimson tips, which along with her cherry eye-shadow, emphasize her glittering scarlet eyes. Eyes as piercing as they are dazzling. Her long bangs are pinned back with skull-shaped barrettes, which to him says she’s innocent while pretending she’s hardcore. Her slim neck is adorned with a lacy black and violet choker, and her slender arms with matching corset-style long arm-warmers. Her pointed fingernails look like they’re carved from amethyst. Both beautiful and fearsome. Her black strapless short-dress with plum stitching, and lavender thigh-high stockings, leave about three inches of her tan thighs exposed.
I’d give anything to run my hands up her legs, lifting her dress for a peek at her panties. I wonder what type she wears.
Black and violet sneakers rounded off her sexy attire with a touch of playfulness. She looks about sixteen-years-old, eighteen at most. How the hell did she get in the club?
Spike closed his eyes to mentally access his Cyber-Goggles’ memory, and loaded a hacker-utility bot that he purchased from a hacker alliance known as Section 9. He used it to scan the girl’s Explorer registration.
Her first name is Keaira. She is five-foot-one, ninety-five pounds, twenty-one-years-old. Her ethnicity is a mix of Spanish and Italian.
Either she’s a hacker or she paid one to alter her registration, because there’s no way in hell she’s twenty-one.
Spike opened his eyes and his heart skipped a beat. Keaira was gazing through the crowd directly into his eyes. Did she notice my scan?
She gave him a seductive look and licked her plump pink lips.
Half the men and most of the women on the rooftop were staring her down like a starving fox gawking a strung up chicken. Yet she gives me that look?
Spike leapt from his stool with the speed and poise of a pouncing puma and stalked through the crowd toward her. He retained eye contact as fiercely as if to blink would cause her to vanish from this earthly realm.
Midway through the crowd, she turned away from him and walked toward the next rooftop. Spike followed with a hastened pace, determined to catch her.
He toddled right through the middle of a breakdance mock-battle, narrowly ducking a swinging boot to the face. I’ve got to talk to her. She may have sent the bat.
As he paced the light-bridge the music transitioned into gothic trance. And the futuristic Asian landscape became a daunting vista. Instead of a skyscraper, he stood upon the watchtower of a dark citadel, overlooking a demonic cathedral with a jointing cemetery, where the corpses had risen from their graves. Stone gargoyle sentries circled the fortress.
There were men spanking other men’s bare asses with leather whips. Women fucking other women with glowing strap-on dildos. And a massive orgy of men and women, at the center of the tower, in a huge whirlpool bathtub of blood. Each and every one of them were cybergoths. They glared at him like he was an angel intruding upon Hades.
Keaira seemed to be swallowed up by the swirling sea of neon and black cybergoths. And there is no way I’m going in after her. If she’s altyazılı porno truly interested in me, she’ll come find me.
He backed away as though witnessing a crime, hurried back to Neo-Tokyo and returned to the bar for another drink.
Just before he lost Keaira, as she turned her head, he had noticed a small tattoo on her neck behind her right ear. He accessed his embedded wrist computer and opened Google. With a finger he traced the simple glyph he’d seen on Keaira’s neck.
It is the symbol of Perth, the rune of mystery. It’s associated with the phoenix.
After a wait of about an hour, he decided she was not going to return. She was probably just playing a prank, luring normal’s over to the gothic freak show. Guess I’ll be hitting The Stars My Destination after all.
Spike exited the club the same way he entered and began walking his way back to the g-way.
He stopped suddenly when he thought he heard someone pacing his footsteps. Maybe it was just an echo, though he didn’t remember hearing it on his way to the club.
After a vigilant moment of listening and gazing about, he tread forward again. This time no echo followed him. Fear slowly unfurled deep inside him.
About half way to the g-way, he swore he heard a muffled cry. The message was a trap! He broke into a full on run.
Three blocks later he came to a brutal stop as a figure appeared from around a corner. It was Keaira.
Spike huffed, “Who are you?”
She cocked an eloquent eyebrow. “You already scanned my registration.”
“Are you the one who sent me the anonymous invite?”
She looked bemused. “An invite?”
He gave her a suspicious look in reply. “Are you a hacker?”
Keaira stepped close to him. She smelled of crisp lavender twisted with sultry jasmine and vanilla musk. Her aroma had an arousing effect at once.
Wrapping one hand around the back of his neck, she used the other to cup and fondle his crotch. She took a sharp intake of breath and her eyes flared, apparently excited by the bulk of his package. She bit her bottom lip as she gave his groin a tender squeeze of admiration. Then licked the inside of his lips as though sampling an appetizer.
Keaira whispered, “Accompany me to my private server. It’s only a short distance from here.”
He was so thoroughly entranced by her, it was as if she had cast an enchantment upon him.
When he faltered to answer her immediately, she seized his hand and led him away without another word.
I guess I will get a look at her panties after all.
After walking a long zigzagging path through the bleak and equally strange city, they arrived at a mostly collapsed spire. Keaira scanned the area before directing him into the rubble.
When Spike opened his mouth to question the safety of this venture, Keaira pressed a quieting finger to his lips. She had done the same each time he attempted to speak during their winding stroll.
Keaira pushed aside a large chunk of metal, which looked too heavy for anyone to move, let alone someone weighting only ninety-five pounds. In doing so, she uncovered a hole in the grated flooring that looked no different than any other place the corroded grating had fallen into the abyss.
With a hand gesture Keaira directed him into the void.
Having absolutely no intention of leaping blindly into a dark bottomless chasm, Spike replied in a whisper. “Gothic ladies first.”
He found it strange that the response that flickered across her beautiful face was of false aversion masking an appreciation of his distrust, as though it had been a test of his intelligence or gullibility.
She crossed her arms over her chest and hopped into the void just as a burst of crimson lit up the darkness below. He didn’t see her plummet into the abyss. She simply vanished. It must be a veiled gateway.
His intuition screamed for him to run back to the g-way and never return to this network. But as it was his habit to ignore his instincts when they pleaded for reason over possible gratification, he jumped into the void without a moment of consideration.
He opened his eyes as he landed in a claustrophobic stone passageway lit by torch. Blood ran continuously up the walls into a crevice where the walls met the ceiling.
“Creepy place you got here. Quite spacious too. Is the rent cheap?”
“Follow me.” Keaira led him forward and the torches extinguished behind them.
Spike had the feeling she was momentarily deactivating security measures as they walked along the passage. His only question was it to keep someone out or to keep him in.
When they reached a circular chamber with five new paths to choose from, Spike realized they were traversing the complex barrier-maze of a counter-intrusion matrix. What is this girl hiding?
After passing through four more division chambers they finally reached the end of the maze. The passageway led up to a large bedroom of sorts, open to the night sky.
The stone passage sealed behind them leaving no trace of an exit.
Decaying stone walls, covered in blood-red ivy, stood eight-foot-tall. A murder of raven sat perched atop. Each of their heads turned to stare down at them with one beady eye. They were a menacing sight.
Spike realized upon closer inspection that human skulls were embedded in the walls. And even more ominous, an ethereal vapor bled from the eye sockets.
Beyond the crumbling walls laid a haunting forest entrenched in a bubbling bog. All the trees were dead. Their trunks twisted as though wrenched of life by the burping bayou. Every branch was adorned with viscous webs. A forewarning of the crawling creatures that lay hidden within the barren husks, awaiting prey. The luminosity of the full moon looming on the horizon mingled with the marsh gases to craft the ghostly aura of wandering spirits.
Spike could hear the crocking of toads, the chirping of bats, the howling of wolves, and distance gurgling groans. If he had to guess, he’d say it was the muttering of swamp trolls in debate.
The cool breeze did not stink of quagmire, it smelled instead of sweet night flowers.
A black marble fountain, spewing red wine, was located at the center of the room. The merlot splashed and sloshed over the brim of the great fountain, concealing the floor with a rippling burgundy mirror.
Keaira slipped off her sneakers and tread forward. Stepping stones covered in a red moss rose up to meet her every footstep. They sunk away the moment her feet left them behind. Spike took a tentative step and a mossy stone emerged just before his boot touched the red wine.
Black silk sheets clothed a large bed against the opposite wall from where they entered. Long chains hung around the border of the bed, suspended in midair. Thirteen little purple pixies, clothed in white dresses so tattered they might as well be nude, fluttered out from under the sheets and chased each other about, pinching and groping and kissing playfully.
Spike was drawn to the bed, rapt by their erotic aerial dance.
“Be careful, they bite.” Said Keaira from over his shoulder.
He spun around and she gave him a ruby encrusted goblet, apparently filled with merlot from the fountain.
He took a long sip. It was sweet with just the right amount of tart. He complemented her. “You’ve got great color and beautifully rosy cheeks for a goth chick.”
“Well I don’t worship the devil or desire death. I just find the darkness comfortable.”
“Oh yeah sure,” replied Spike glancing around with wide eyes, “your private space here does wonders for comfortability.”
“Trust me,” said Keaira, “this is cute and cuddly. I’ve spent nights with hardcore goth chicks in places that would leave Pinhead’s cenobite minions unnerved.”
Spike grinned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear anything after spent nights with hardcore goth chicks.”
“Oh, does that threaten you?”
“More like excite.”
Keaira rubbed her lips provocatively with a finger. “I hope to do a lot more than excite you.”
Spike closed his eyes for just an instant, mentally accessing his Cyber-Goggles’ memory. A shot of passion endurance mixed invisibly into his wine. He gulped down the full contains of his goblet at once, and was endowed with a boost of sexual stamina. He wanted to relish this young vixen for as long as possible.
Keaira finished her wine while staring over the rim at him. Then tossed the goblet over her shoulder and it vanished. “Now that I’ve drawn you into my lair, I have a confession to pronounce.”
Spike gave her a blunt glare. “You better not be a dude using an avatar.”
“No, this is all me. Well,” she drummed her pointed amethystine fingernails in the air, “except for these.”
“I can’t blame you for those. You’d have to be defective not to arm yourself in such a peaceful neighborhood.”
“This is why you have hidden vibroblade-daggers in your boots.”
“How did you…never mind. What is this confession?”
Keaira gave him a most wicked smile. “I am vampire. And you are my prey. But I am not without a soul. If you can make me climax three times before you do, I will turn you. If you cannot, I will drain you completely.”
Spike laughed. “Okay, I like to role-play too. But I’ve always played the dominating character.”
Keaira hissed, “Not this time.” And gothic metal, aggressive and dark, boomed from the heavens.
Before Spike knew what was happening, he’d dropped his empty goblet as Keaira attacked him.
She sprung at him with a startling momentum, strangling his waist with her legs and throttling his throat with her little hands. She kissed him in a frenzy, sucking his tongue as though she wished to absorb his soul. Her mouth tasted not of merlot, but of chocolate and raspberries.
Spike was overcome by her fanatical passionate might, unable to resist her, unable to process a single thought.
Keaira released her chocking hands from his throat and gripped his hair. She pulled his head back, exposing his neck. She kissed and sucked and licked and bit his neck.
She yanked off each of his gloves as she tongued his ear. Then clutched the collar of his vest with both hands and leapt off of him, tearing his vest in half, and let it disappear into the rippling merlot.
Keaira grabbed the waist of his pants with one hand, holding him steady where he stood, then tugged off one of his boots, switched hands and tugged off the other.
She unzipped his pants. Slipped both hands into the crotch. Grasped the leather. And growled as she tore his pants in two, leaving him nude.
Her strength is incredible. How is this possible?
Keaira gripped his balls with one hand and the base of his half-swollen member with the other. She looked up at him like a fiend about to feed for the first time in a millennium.
Spike was as full of apprehension as he was of anticipation. “Not too rough now.”
Seemingly without command, the booming gothic metal lowered in volume and transitioned into gothic rock, foreboding and mournful.
“I would never do anything to harm this big handsome cock.” And she gave it a deliberate hardy stroke. Then looked up at him threateningly. “Though I can’t say the same for you if you fail my trial of three.”
Due to her sheer intensity, Spike actually gulped an upsurge of anxiety.
Before he could gather a reply, the tip of Keaira’s moist tongue swirled and twittered over the head of his prick. He let out a groan of appreciative appraisal, forgetting his trepidation immediately. Keaira kissed the tip of his thickening manhood delicately, and massaged his scrotum with care. She ran her tongue up and down the underside of his shaft until he stood fully erect.
Keaira stared up at him with her glittering scarlet eyes, intense with fervent hunger. She enclosed one small hand around his stiff cock and began to milk it up and down slow and firm. She puckered her plump lips and slapped his cock against them. Then pressed her lips tight around his head and took him into her mouth, warm, wet, and wonderful, until his cock struck the back of her throat. Her eyes rolled back in bliss, her cherry painted eyelids fluttering in jubilation, as she sucked him up and down, up and down, with more and more vigor.
Closing his eyes, Spike released a long continuous moan. “Oh yeah baby.”
Keaira rubbed his throbbing cock over her lips and cheeks as though snuggling a warm teddy bear. She cooed, “Your cock tastes so fucking good.”
He took her face in his hands and pulled her up to meet his lips. He kissed her as though his life depended on it. As though he were drowning and her mouth were the only source of air he would ever breathe again. He then laced his fingers into her silken hair and pushed her down onto her knees.
She took his cock in two hands and jerked, while licking and sucking his balls. “Mmm, these taste good too.”
Spike replied, “You’re fucking nova.”
She stroked his shaft and massaged his balls in precise rhythm, as with her supple mouth she made adoring love to his cock. Spike cupped the back of her head with both hands. Her hair fell over her face as she rigorously bobbed up and down. Drool ran over his nuts. Spike and Keaira both moaned harmoniously in utter delight.
The entirety of all being withered and died as he vanished into the abysmal paradise of her oral pleasure. Alabaster angels wreathed in golden aura’s materialized in his mind’s eye as though budding from Keaira’s soul. They were naked and beautiful with black wings of liquid radiance and heavy bosoms that heaved as they encircled him and reached out as if to pull him through the veil of death. Their arms and wings embraced him, completely enclosing him. He was an embryo in an angelic egg. All was forgotten in joy and wonder and darkness.
After an immeasurable amount of time, he was thrust from this glorious heaven as Keaira stood up and slammed him onto the bed with a forceful palm to his chest.
She climbed up on the edge of the bed and looked down at him with a twisted smile.
Her black dress evaporated in a flash of emerald flames, revealing her tight petite body. Her muscles are perfectly defined. Her abs ribbed. Her breasts are small but spry with pink little nipples, already solid with arousal. Her panties are cotton, black with purple edging.
She twisted around and arched her back, pointing her rump at him. An extremely detailed alchemic circle is tattoo on the small of her back.
With thumb and forefinger, she pinched the band of her panties on each curvy hip, and slowly pealed them down just below her cheeks, exposing zenci porno her firm bubble-butt. Her behind is the epitome of perfection. The embodiment of excellence. She has an ass that must rival the uppermost Goddess. She gripped her round cheeks and squeezed, giving him a peek of her pink star. His pupils dilated at the sight.
She turned around, holding her hands over her little mound. She blew him a kiss and opened her hands like an emerging butterfly. Above her exquisite tiny slit is a small patch of fur. A deep shade of violet and shaped into a five-pointed star.
Keaira slipped her panties off gracefully, leaving her naked but for her lacy black and violet choker, matching corset-style long arm-warmers, and lavender thigh-high stockings.
With one slender hand she parted her lips, exposing the pink of her vaginal fissure. With the other hand she tucked her panties into the depths of her vagina. She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip as she rubbed her sensitive button with rhythmic twirls of a finger.
The pixies swooped in all about her and lifted their tattered dresses to expose their teeny purple pussies. Two of them bestrode Keaira’s protruding upper lip. Two others straddled Keaira’s erect nipples. Most of the remaining gripped Keaira’s vaginal lips. All of them humped madly.
Spike moved to sit up, wishing to join in their fun. Keaira shoved him back down with an unsympathetic foot upon his chest. She had not even opened her eyes, though the music had sped up for just a moment.
After a few minutes of self pleasure, Keaira’s eyes opened and she gradually, enjoying the sensation, pulled her panties from her pussy. They were soaked with her juices. She dropped on top of him and the pixies fluttered back into the air. She clutched his throat tight, and with a devilish smile, she shoved her sodden panties into his mouth.
They tasted like the nectar of honeysuckles. They caused him an extraordinary desire to drink of her sacred chalice directly.
Keaira released him and stood up, turned around, bent over, and clasped hold of two of the dangling chains. With the skill of an Olympic gymnast, she lifted her legs above her and wrapped them around the chains, so she hung upside down facing him. Her altar lay spread before him, at the perfect height for him to stand on the bed and devour her.
He pulled Keaira’s appetizing panties from his mouth, leaving them beside the pillow, leapt up and strolled to the end of the bed with the confidence of a squire about to be knighted. He gripped Keaira’s firm velvety cheeks as she grabbed his muscular buttocks with both her hands. She took his rigid manhood into her eager mouth just as he pressed his lips to her feminine flower and began to lap her delicious secretions.
Spike ran his pointer finger up the crack of her ass, and forced it two knuckles deep into her tight pink star. Her ass clenched involuntarily as he did so. And a thrilled pixie landed upon his squirming finger, riding it like a bucking bronco. He then crammed two fingers of his other hand into her insanely taut pussy and fondled her inner erogenous zone.
Keaira kneaded his ass she suckled his cock with her fleshy lips and unyielding tongue, working him deeper and deeper into her soft throat, until her lips were kissing the very base of his shaft.
Spike did not thrust as he desired so badly, for fear of asphyxiating her with his thick manhood.
Keaira must have sensed his self resistance. She pulled away and shouted up at him. “Don’t treat me like a fucking virgin! Fuck my mouth like you fucking mean it! I want you to choke me with your massive cock!”
Spike was not about to argue with her. And he was surprisingly aroused by her vulgar demanding. So when she had succeeded in working the entirety of his hulking cock into her throat again, he began to thrust. He was slow and cautious at first. But when she showed no sign of displeasure, he plunged deep into her supple throat with more and more force.
She began to gag and cough as he fucked her throat raw, but she did not attempt to pull away. She seemed to love it. To reveled in it. Her flower flowed with sweet nectar that he happily lapped up.
He continued to lick and lash her clit, finger her taut slit, wiggle his pointer in her tight pink star, all the while thrusting hard into her throat, slapping her face with his scrotum, until finally her every muscle contracted and she shivered in climax.
All the pixies squeaked and fell upon the bed as though they shared her satisfaction.
Had it not been for that shot of passion endurance, he didn’t think he’d been able to resist exploding into her gagging throat. He may have to sneak another shot if he’s going to make it passed two more orgasms.
Still hanging upside-down, Keaira snapped her fingers four times in quick succession, pointing at a suspended chain with each snap. The four long chains dropped onto the bed into a coil, two on either side of him. Each of them unfurled and slithered over the sheets. In unison they sprung, wrapping around his wrists and ankles. He fell onto his back and the chains reached under the bed and clasped the bed posts: He was pinned to the bed spread-eagle.
Keaira dropped forward onto the bed and twisted around to face him. She sauntered toward him with a sexy gait and purred, “I’m going to fill my cunt with your immense cock. But first I’m going to drink from you.”
Spike gulped. “Well I guess a vampire has got to do what a vampire has got to do. But do you think I could have another goblet of wine first?”
“What type of host would you think I am if I denied my guest a drink?” She stepped forward to stand over his chest. “Of course in your present situation a goblet will be of no use to you.” She held her palm aloft and winked. A goblet of merlot materialized between her spread fingers. “Now open up my pet.”
He opened his mouth and closed his eyes, spiking the wine with two shots of passion endurance. He wanted to be damn sure he passed her trial of three. There was no telling how long she would keep him imprisoned here if he didn’t satisfy her sexual demands. He should have known better than to follow a goth chick home.
Spike opened his eyes as Keaira placed her stocking shod toes upon his bottom lip. She slowly poured the goblet over her knee, letting the wine filter through her lavender thigh-high down her leg and into his mouth. He gulped hard again and again to swallow as much as possible. In spite of his effort, plenty ran down his chin.
Flinging the goblet aside, Keaira dropped onto his chest and kissed the merlot from around his lips with obsession, then licked his chin clean before following the wine down his neck. She snarled like a voracious wolf as she sucked his throat with fierce exertion, as though she scarcely restrained herself from tearing him apart.
Keaira jammed two fingers in his mouth and pinned his tongue. With her other hand she flailed a gleaming fingernail before his eyes, and then gashed his chest with it.
Spike heaved his shoulders instinctively and shouted a defunct bawl of pain.
Keaira licked and sucked his bleeding chest in fervent elation, moaning and growling and grinding her crotch against his thigh. She took her role-playing more seriously than he had ever.
Blood dripping from her lips and smeared across her cheeks, she clutched his throat and squeezed as though she meant to end him. He gagged and she kissed him in a rage of bloodlust. Only when he began to convulse and his eyes rolled back, did she finally release him.
Wide eyed, he gasped for air. And Keaira burst into a fit of haughty laughter. This bitch is fucking crazy!
When he had finally caught his breath she ceased her manic outburst. She pecked his lips with a kiss. “You’re so cute when you’re terrified.”
Spike replied with a sneer. “I’m glad you’re having so much fun.”
Smiling at his subdued anger, she sat up and licked the remaining blood from her lips. “Delicious.” Then wiped her face clean with her arm-warmers.
She glanced down at his half-swollen member and looked disappointedly at him.
He asked with a defiant tone, “What’re you gonna do about it?”
She held a palm to her heart and spoke with an air of arrogant surprise. “Me? What are you suggesting?”
“Oh, than you’re going to remove these chains?”
“No need.” She whistled and the prancing pixies swarmed over his cock and balls. They licked and humped in delirious ecstasy. It was a curious and pleasant sensation. He rose to full salute almost immediately.
With another whistle, Keaira banished them and they retreated to frolicking through the air all around the bed.
Keaira rose onto her knees, shimmied forward, and hovered over his erection. She took his dick and rubbed it gently back and forth between her feminine folds, teasing him. “Tell your mistress what you desire.”
His blunt response spewed forth without thinking. “I want you to sit on my dick.”
“Truly? I don’t believe you.” She squeezed his prick with an expression of warning. “Beg me.” It was a command.
“Please. Please sit your sweet perfect pussy on my cock. I want you so fucking bad. If it weren’t for these chains, I would take it by force without mercy.”
Keaira smiled with wicked satisfaction, and then eased herself down, her taut slit slowly engulfing his cock.
Spike closed his eyes and opened his mouth wide with a long moan. Her sheath was virgin tight.
Keaira constricted her vaginal fissure and screamed. “Oh fuck! Your cock feels so good! It feels so fucking good deep inside me!” And she slapped him hard across the face.
Spike’s eyes shot open. “What was that for?”
“If you don’t want to look me in the eyes while I fuck your cock, then you can stare at my backside.” Without waiting for a reply, she spun around in one fluid movement, and began to ride his dick in the reverse cowgirl position.
She wailed in pleasure as she worked her beautiful ass up and down, her luscious pussy traversing the full length of his rigid manhood, again and again. Gradually, she sped up her tempo, bouncing her perfect bubble-butt up and down, her firm cheeks slapping loudly.
Spike was mesmerized by her rebounding rump. He strained against his bounds. He wanted to squeeze and spank her ass so dire. He felt he may loss his mind to a primal insanity of covetousness. That he might burst into furious bellows at any moment.
Keaira looked back over her shoulder as she continued to spring her bottom up and down. “I was trying to punish you for your disrespect.” Her eyes rolled back as though reaching another climax. “Oh fuck, your dick is so huge.” She slowed her bouncing and opened her eyes. “But I think you like my backside more than my eyes.”
“You have no idea how right you are.” He tugged against the chains and shouted. “Free me now!”
“No.” Keaira twisted into a side-saddle cowgirl. “I’m not done with my torturous play just yet.” She moaned and closed her eyes as she rode his prick at a cautious rate. She was clearly holding back, prolonging his torment and cultivating a hunger within him that grew more ravenous with each stroke of his dick.
Attempting feebly to distance himself from his swelling madness, Spike took notice of the dark music, and wondered if Keaira bounced to the pace of the melody, or if the music harmonized to her rhythm.
Keaira twisted again, now facing him while leaning back on one hand. She used her free hand to spread her vaginal lips and massage her clit. He could not look away as she rode his cock, her legs flapping open and close like the wings of a butterfly in flight.
Pausing for a moment, she placed both hands behind her for support. Then crossed one leg over the other, before continuing to ride him, her succulent pussy tighter than ever.
Feeling he could handle no more, Spike relinquished to pleading. “Please my mistress, free my hands so I may pleasure you. I beg you. Please.”
“Since you beseeched me so nicely. I’ll give you one.” Keaira spread her legs into fluttering butterfly wings again. Then snapped a pointing finger at his right wrist. The chain released and bounded back into its previous midair suspended placement.
Immediately Spike thumbed her sensitive button with a steady and rigorous speed. His touch was too much for her. Keaira wailed and quaked in orgasm after only a few seconds.
And again, all the pixies squeaked and fell upon the bed, sharing in her pleasure.
After a few moments of heavy breathing, Keaira climbed off him. She snapped a pointing finger at the three remaining chains and they released him. Finally he was completely free.
Keaira pointed to the stone wall with a stern expression. “Put your back to the wall and remain still. Or I will bind you again.”
“Yes my mistress.” He obeyed, realizing he was not truly free yet.
She came to him and dropped to her knees. She took his cock into her mouth and suckled him until he was rock solid again. It only took a moment.
Keaira stood, kissed his lips softly, and then turned her back to him. She leaned forward, gripping her knees and arching her lower back. She pressed her ass to his groin and wiggled her cheeks, rubbing his dick between them.
Forgetting her command to remain still, Spike grabbed her hips. He pushed her forward, then jerked her backward with an accompanying thrust, driving his cock deep into her taut pussy.
Keaira turned around at once and smacked his dick before slapping him across the face. “You will obey!”
Stunned, Spike replied. “Yes mistress.”
She turned around and bent over. Reaching between her legs, she gripped his cock and backed up against him, shoving his dick into her slit with a long moan. She stood erect and reached over her shoulder with one hand, taking hold of the back of his head. She worked her hips, sliding his cock in and out, in and out, with a sluggish pace.
Spike balled his fists, resisting the urge to seize hold of her and fuck her with all of his might. His lustful lunacy intensified further.
Keaira continued her slow humping, moaning softly as she went. And again when Spike felt he could endure no more, he begged. “Please my beautiful mistress. Please give me free reign to pleasure you as you so rightly deserve. Please.”
She turned back to him and licked his cheek. “You may not thrust, my pet. But you may do with your hands whatever you wish.”
Free use of his hands was as good as permission to thrust.
He filled his palms with her breasts aldatma porno and gave them a squeeze. Then clutching her breasts tight, he yanked her backward, smacking her ass against his thighs, again and again. His rigid manhood plunged in and out of her tight pussy, over and over again.
Keaira craned her neck around, pulled his head close with one hand, and kissed his lips with astonishing zeal. She kissed him as though he were an oasis in hell. Finally she released his tongue from her sucking mouth and gazed into his eyes prayerfully.
He knew the look was the blessing he had been waiting for. So Spike slid his hands from her breasts to her hips, and thrust into her harder and harder and harder. Yet he had not even begun to tap the tremendous sexual tension that had been mounting within him.
Keaira cried. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” And she trembled in climax.
And once more, all the pixies squeaked and fell upon the bed.
Without waiting for Keaira to catch her breath, Spike ran the fingers of his right hand into her hair. “That’s three. Now I get mine.”
He clutched her hair in an unyielding fist, threatening to tear her scalp. She let out a yelp as he yanked her upright. With his left hand he seized her waist, as with his right he drew her head back as far as possible. He walked her to the bed and bowed her over hard, smacking her face into the sheets. Then released her hair and gripped her wrists tight.
Keaira looked back over her shoulder wearing a grin wild with angry passion. “It’s about time you stopped treating me like a fucking little girl.”
He pulled her arms behind her back so she could not escape him, nor call upon the chains to bind him again. “Daddy is going to give his bad girl a vicious spanking she won’t soon forget.” He pressed her legs together using his knees.
Keaira clenched her ass, realizing what he was preparing to do. She screamed, “Don’t you fucking dare!” But her heated expression could not hide the excitement in her scarlet eyes. She had obviously tormented him for so long, knowing he would ravish her once freed.
“Don’t worry. It’ll only ache until I’m finished.” With one hand he restrained her wrists. With the other hand he took his rigid member, sopping with feminine juices, and buried it between her ass cheeks. It was tighter than anything he had ever imagined or dreamed possible. It felt so unbelievably fantastic it almost hurt.
Keaira shrieked in a paradox of pain and pleasure. “Fuck!”
The purple pixies fluttering about, zipped through the air in a race to hide within the folds of the silk sheets. And the murder of menacing raven cawed loudly and ruffled their feathers in agitation.
Spike slowly drew back until only the head of his cock remained inside her. She looked back at him imploringly, her eyes already wet with tears, and pleaded. “Please stop!”
He drove into her with a solid smack. She screamed and threw her head back.
He pulled back and hit her again, and again, continuing at a steady pace. Keaira shrieked with each thrust. “No!”
Recognizing that he wasn’t going to stop, she fought against him, twisting and wiggling and attempting to tug her arms free of his severe grip.
Her struggling only served to thrill him more as he thrust deliberate and deep. All the while keeping her thighs pinned together with his knees, for maximum tautness. She was so extremely tight his whole body shuddered with each hammering stab of his throbbing manhood.
When Keaira’s resistance slackened and her shrieks lulled to crying moans, Spike steadily sped up the tempo of his drumming. Both Keaira’s screams and the gothic metal amplified in conjunction.
Keaira’s revived screams became muffled as she bit down on a mouthful of silk sheets. Her screams soon turned to agonizing groans as she ground the sheets between her teeth.
Still, Spike felt he couldn’t thrust as deep and as hard as he desired. Not with her ass clenched and his knees working to pin her legs. He wanted full unrestricted access. He knew, like a wild stallion, he had broken her. He only needed to pull the reins tighter.
Spike pulled out his solid prick and Keaira breathed a groaning sigh of relieve. She spit out the sheets, and with heaving breaths, she questioned. “I didn’t feel you cum?”
“That’s because I didn’t cum, not yet.” He climbed onto the bed, gripped her by the waist and pulled her forward easily due to her light weight. He sat on her backside as he gathered pillows. Then gripped her hair tight with his left fist and enclosed her throat with his right hand threateningly. “You do what Daddy tells you now. Or I’ll give you a real reason to cry.”
Tears glistening upon her cheeks, she spoke in a childish whimper. “Yes Daddy. I’ll do whatever you wish.”
Her cherubic response, both her address of him as Daddy and her submissive tone, meant she had succumbed fully to his dominance. He had no doubt this was what she had truly desired from the inception of their erotic encounter, if not knowingly, then subconsciously.
“That’s a good girl.” He released her tussled hair and her throat, rose up onto his knees, and stuffed the pillows under her so that her lower back was arched with her soap-bubble bottom propped up in the air. “Now cross your legs, grab your ass with both hands, and spread your cheeks for me.”
Keaira obeyed him without protest. Reaching back and gripping her cheeks, she stretched her ass wide as though presenting her swollen rosebud as a majestic gift to a royal knight.
Spike slid down, gripped her firm thighs, and kissed each of her reddened cheeks, sucking and licking and nibbling fervently. He then gently tongued her pink star. She cooed in her youngster voice. “Hmm yeah, Daddy. Ooh, you’re so naughty.”
He felt he could happily spend days with his face planted between her cheeks. Though after a few minutes of indulgence, he forced himself to move up onto his knees and position himself for reentry.
Cock in hand, he slowly drove the head of his dick between Keaira’s spread cheeks. And she let out a whine more pleasure than pain. Her previous clenching and resisting had only made it more painful for her. She might actually enjoy it this time.
He took a hold of her slim waist and paused. “Tell me what you want.”
Keaira spoke with her childlike voice again. “I want you to spank my hiney Daddy. Spank my hiney raw. Spank my hiney until you explode.”
He replied to her wish by gradually shoving the whole of his stiff manhood into her. He thrust ever so slowly so he may savor the immense delight of her crown jewel. Also so Keaira may enjoy it. And her quivering moan confirmed her satisfaction.
He pulled back slow until only the tip was submerged, then plunged unhurried again. He continued to drive in and out, in and out, at this leisurely stride as he held her waist. And Keaira continued to reply with quivering moans of approval and girlish cries of, “Ooh yeah Daddy.”
After several blissful minutes of piercing her vice-like ass, again and again, Keaira beseeched him in her juvenile tone. “Spank me harder Daddy, spank me so hard. Please, Daddy, Please.”
“Well since you’ve been such a good little girl, okay.” Spike lowered himself atop her, slipping both arms under her, one to grip her slender shoulder firm, the other to seize her hair tight and turn her head sideways. He licked and sucked and groaned into her little ear as he worked his hips, driving into her a little harder and a little harder, quickening the rate of his deep thrusts a little more with each plunge. And Keaira’s cries grew in volume accordingly, until she was screaming with the full capacity of her lungs.
Spike paused for two heartbeats to grab Keaira’s black cotton panties with purple edging, and shoved them into her mouth to stifle her insistent screams.
He proceeded to pound and pummel and pulverize her tight ass in a feral state of passion, roaring with exasperated jubilation as he thrashed her so unmercifully. He beat and hammered her taut bottom, unleashing all his pent-up sexual aggression, until finally Keaira spit out her panties and screamed. “Oh fuck Daddy! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I’m going to cum!”
Her body convulsed below him in a seizure of ecstasy. And Spike howled in rapturous euphoria as he expelled his hot load with the violent force of a discharging plasma-cannon. He would not be shocked nor ashamed if he found she had died at the moment of their climax. For the intensity with which he erupted within her had surely drawn the attention of all the libidinous gods and devils.
He lay there atop her, breathing heavy, his heart pounding, with his cock still buried between her ass cheeks. His mind was pleasantly blank with the high of flooding endorphins.
After his breath had returned to him, his heart rate slowed, and his consciousness reemerged from the post-orgasm heavenly void, Spike opened his eyes lazily with euphoric exhaustion and rose from the bed. He was bemused to find the alchemic circle, tattooed upon Keaira’s back, smoldering like burning incense. It emitted swirling wisps of violet smoke and little burning cinders.
The purple pixies all gathered around again, groping and softly biting each other in excitement. What has simulated them so?
The blood-red ivy reached from the decaying stone and twisted around his arms, legs, and torso. He was wrenched backward and pinned to the wall.
Keaira rose from the bed, her back still toward him. Her muscles rippled and her smoldering alchemic tattoo spewed violet smoke that whirled around her in a cloak of haze. It withdrew tight to her body and formed into a black and violet corset dress. Her choker, matching arm-warmers, and her thigh-high stockings had all morphed into intricately detailed silver, embedded with luminous amethyst gemstones and bristled with jagged spikes.
Keaira spun around, her purple pointed fingernails ready to slash. Her breasts had swelled to twice their original size and were bursting from her dress. A shadowy halo, like a possessing demon, besieged her body. Her scarlet eyes flared bright. Her jet black hair with crimson tips danced as though charged with electricity. Her little ears stretched to bat-like points and two stubby black horns sprouted from atop her head. Her soft mouth opened in a hiss and her canines grew into sharp gleaming fangs.
Spike shouted in surprise. “You’re a fucking succubus!”
With a supernatural velocity, Keaira lunged upon him and buried her fangs in one of the major arteries aside his jugular. A burning sting ran up his neck and into his mind. He writhed in agony. It felt as though every cell of his grey matter was being dissolved in acid. The auto-disconnect function, which should have been triggered by his critical pain, had somehow been subjugated or countermanded. A cyber-death within the Metaverse causes an intracerebral-aneurysm: A fatal seizure.
Consciousness began to fade to a hazy gloom of blackout. Spike was faintly aware of being lifted…carried…set down upon the bed. His sight flickered so what he witnessed seemed to skip forward in jerky movements.
Keaira returned to her original appearance. She slashed her left nipple with an amethystine fingernail. Scarlet blood dribbled down her breast. She cradled him in her arms and pressed his mouth to her bleeding bosom.
“Drink. It’ll stop the pain.” Her voice had taken on a motherly quality. “It’s okay. I fed just before bringing you here. You must drink.”
Blood seeped into his mouth. It tasted surprisingly sweet. He sucked weakly and hot syrup streamed over his tongue and down his throat. His mind cleared and his strength returned. His cock began to engorge.
Keaira caressed his cheek with a soothing hand. “Drink more.”
He nursed from her slit nipple and life force flowed freely. A warmth bred in his abdomen and spread throughout his body. His muscles pumped with superabundant strength. He felt he could run, leap, and fight with inconceivable force. The sweet scent of night flowers on the breeze suddenly became richer, somehow more real. Keaira’s heart beats became booming thunderclaps. He opened his eyes as he continued to suckle her breast, and found his vision had enhanced many fold. He watched the dancing pixies and could see every minuscule crease of their flesh. An intoxicating vigor rose from his core and he experienced both an exceptional exuberance and an intensifying lust to feed on more…neurogenic-energy.
“Shit!” Spike leap with wide eyes. “I thought neuro-vamps were only a myth, like cyber-ghosts. How can this be possible?”
“The meta-virus reawakens and reprograms the dormant nano-machines that remain after the neural interface implantation.”
His mind raced with such potent dynamic. “But the nano-machines are organic. They’re broken down naturally after all your neural-pathways are united with the interface.”
“The government claims they’re organic and biologically produced.” Exclaimed Keaira. “But that’s a blatant lie.”
“How can you know this?”
“It took me a long time to discover the truth. And I had help from my older brother.”
“Why would you do this?”
“There is a reason neuro-vampires hunt in packs. And even a second-gen cannot survive alone. For we are also hunted.”
Spike didn’t want to think just yet about who or what hunted neuro-vamps. He asked, “Why did you choose me?”
“No family. No friends.” She scanned him up and down with a pleased look. “A nova body. But most importantly, an angry thirst for more.”
“Are you, or should I say, were you a hacker?”
“Only a neophyte, though as you have just seen, I know how to create an avatar. My guru, the Etheric-Monk, sacrificed himself for me. He was an Elite, but there was just too damn many of them. He commanded me to flee. But I didn’t want to leave him. I wavered in my escape, and I was bitten for it.
“The first-gens will feed on you until you are left in a permanent vegetative-state, due to extensive brain damage. So there are very few second-gens.
“I can feed without passing the virus, and without causing permanent harm, if I desire.”
Thinking of classic vampire lore, Spike asked, “As my maker are you also my master?”
Keaira smiled jovially. “No. I’m your mate. That’s why I tested your sexual stamina. And I have to admit, I’ve never had so much fun.”
If it weren’t for the amazing high he was riding, he knew he would be in a state of utter shock. But the fact of the matter was that he wasn’t dazed. He was excited.
“Well then, now that we have played, let us hunt.” A devious grin split his face and his eyes radiated with vengeful wrath. “And I know the most deserving asshole to be our first prey.”
Keaira smiled eager, and then kissed his blood soaked lips.

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What A Game

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I am not completely sure how to tell what happened to me. I was 14 and already curious about why my lower part, now I know, as my dick made me feel good, when I would relax. I didn’t have someone to tell me about any of this. So I was a puzzle to myself. I had a lot of sisters and I mean a lot. One in particular was at around 4 year older than me. I was outside playing as I would be for my age when, we will call Lynn, came up to me and asked me what I was doing. I being my naive self said nothing, just playing. I wasn’t in the least concerned with anything. She asked if I wanted to play another game, I said sure. What game, she said oh one I will have to show you. We went into the far back room we used for storage and not very often used for much of anything. I asked if it was a hiding game and she replied kind of. We went in, like I said it wasn’t used for much for one the door wasn’t very big and it was in the very back of the house. She crawled in front of me and I really had paid any attention to what she was wearing until that moment. She had on a skirt, one she usually wore and again, I would never pay any attention to details. When she was about to start crawling she raised her skirt above her knees before she started to crawl. She said, stay real close behind me okay? How close I asked, she well, I tell you what, put your hand on my back and crawl with one hand. I didn’t understand what she wanted so I complied anyways. I went on my knees and had my hand on her back when we started to crawl. We were in our four move forward when the skirt cam off in my hand. There she was with my hand holding her skirt, I looked up and there right in front of my face was her butt and a hairy thing. She stopped, and to my surprise backed up. I started to stand but came to an abrupt stop. The ceiling was low and paused from shock of me seeing her hairy thing; (now I know as her pussy) she said are you okay? I didn’t know what to say. Lynn told me to crawl inside the room and she would get her skirt from me. Like an idiot I did what she wanted, once inside we stood up. I still was in shock of seeing her pussy like that. I guess she knew that I had never seen one before and man was she right. I asked if she wanted her skirt back to put it back on. She looked at me and asked, “Did you want to see my pussy up closer”? Why, I asked. She giggles and said that is what you are supposed to do. Why, I asked again. Okay, because you are supposed to want to touch it with your tongue and lick it like you would like candy. Does it taste like candy? No she said but you will come to enjoy it, the only thing is, when a girl does this for you, you can’t tell anybody ever. When you promise that you will never tell anyone you can do more than that. Do what, I asked?
Lynn looked at me and smiled and said one step at a time okay? I agreed to not tell anyone anything ever. Well, needless to say she lay down on her back and opened her legs wide for me and told me to put my face against her pussy and stick my tongue in the clearing in the center of her bush of hair. I slowly put my tongue in her pussy and at first it tasted weird but good. She instructed me on what I was supposed to do to her pussy and it was great. I had no idea what I was doing but she seemed happy. So, I kept doing it and then to my surprise she flushed me with white liquid. I hesitated and she moaned no, don’t stop, keep licking me. Okay? Sure I told her. By this time my dick became really excited and was beginning to get my attention.
Lynn, my thing is becoming real hard what do I do? She told me to take my pants and underwear off and she would tell me what to do next. Man, I felt like I was going to go nuts if I didn’t do something. I had everything off in a flash. Now what? Okay, go back to licking my pussy and put your dick, that is what you call it, okay? Okay, if you say so. So I did exactly what she told me what to do. I had no idea what to expect or anything. She put my dick in her mouth and started to suck and move her mouth up and down that I started to stop licking her, she stopped and told e that I couldn’t stop no matter what happens I had to keep licking her. When she stopped sucking me, I went crazy, okay, okay and continued licking her. To her surprise and to mine, put my fingers on her pussy and started to touch her inside. She went wild; she had me under her control. One moment I was on my side the next she was on top of me just pushing her pussy into my face. She told me not to stop, keeping licking and shovel my tongue as high as I could. I had never seen her get so excited like this ever.
She blurted out to me if I promise not to tell anyone about what she was doing to me. It didn’t take a second for me to promise her. I was getting head and what else was up in the air. I promise; I blurted out, just don’t stop, okay? Lynn said I am going to do something for you and I have to get out of my clothes, okay. Yeah, whatever you want I shot out. She pulled off her shirt and had her bra off in a flash. I looked at her things (now I know as tits) and they were bog compared to her friends. I looked at them and she told me Küçükköy Escort they are called tits, okay. Stay up with me, okay? Yes, yes just don’t stop. Lynn smiled and said I and going to sit on top of you but don’t worry, I will not stop working your dick, okay? Huh, I told her, never mind just suck on my tits when I put them on your face, can you do that? Yea, whatever you want me to do sis. She got on top of me and like she promised my dick was now in a warm hot place and I loved it. Lynn started rocking round, front and backwards and just moving her hips like she was going crazy. When I put her tits in my mouth she told me to suck and play with them. I did whatever she wanted because I could feel her pussy squeezing my dick like she had her hand on it while she was sucking it before. I was going crazy, something that I had never had felt before. She gave out a big moan and jittered all around before she stopped. Lynn looked at me and asked me if I had come. I didn’t understand what she meant but that I felt like I had peed but that it was different and it made me feel good.
She got off me and looked at my dick and said, “I guess you can’t go again can you”? What I asked her, she looked at me and let me find out. She started to suck my dick again, oh that, I think I can, did you want me too? Lynn looked up and said, never mind I know the answer. Okay, Lynn said, now you are going to do something else to me, you’ll like it I am sure you will. Lynn asked me, you know her you dog like jumping our neighbor’s dog? Yea, I told her, I want you to do the same to me. I’ll hold your dick and guide it in to me, okay? You bet, I became a willing kid, now that I can do this, it was better than playing a game. I got behind her and just like she promised she held my dick and she guided me into her pussy. It seemed automatic because I started to move like the dog did, I remember how the dog kept bumping the other dog and I did exactly like my dog did. She would move forward as I pulled back and she would almost slam her but against my dick, but I knew it wasn’t her butt that was getting my dick. I kept pounding my dick into her pussy because she kept telling me to pound harder, so I did. Out of excitement I had my hand on her waist and my right hand slipped and my finger went on butt hole. She went even harder; she started to moan and told me yes! Yes what! Do it… Put your finger on my butt hole. I didn’t care I was really pounding hard and when I put my finger on her butt hole and she went harder, I thought what would happen if I put it in her butt hole. The only finger close enough to her butthole was my thumb, and she had juices all on her butt that I in avertedly slipped my thumb on her butt that it had her juices on it. As I put my thumb on top of her butthole and started to push I could feel her squeeze my dick even harder. Well, here goes I thought to myself. I pushed my thumb into her butthole and she gave a loud moan, she was trying not to yell but she became choked up and said oh my god, don’t stop. Please! I want it, keep doing that, okay? All I knew she was pounding my dick and squeezing it and I didn’t want it to stop either… I guess she didn’t want to either. It came to me that if I could change the time that my thumb was going in and out maybe she would like that more and she would squeeze even harder. Well, I did and she started to moan loud and kept telling me to fuck her. She just kept telling me to keep fucking her, and then she told me to keep pounding her pussy. Man, she had no idea what she was beginning to do to me. I was beginning to start really pounding her like my dog would do to the neighbor’s dog. I heard one of my brothers tell my dog to pound the bitch until it can’t walk. Well I thought he meant it and that was what my dog was supposed to do the bitch as he called it. So, I thought that was what I was supposed to do to her. In was pounding back and forth and I thought to myself if I pound her upwards I could go pound her harder and that was what I started to do. I felt like I was going deeper and it was felling great. I started to slam my thumb in her butthole in a downward motion and she was going crazy. I kept hitting her pussy in an upward direction it lifted her off the ground and I would slam my thumb in a downward direction I thought she was going nuts. Then I told her you want more bitch, huh, you want more???? She didn’t stop, she yelped, yes, I am bitch! I am your bitch, just don’t stop! That was all it took, I started to hammer her like mad, then I felt her start to freeze at one moment and then pound her pussy again, she told me when she started to slam her pussy against my dick that I should do the same against her pussy. I started doing it just like she wanted me to and all of a sudden we locked together like my brother said that my dog was doing to our neighbor’s dog. I felt that feeling that I was peeing in her but she said just empty all of it in her.
I fell to my side as she did. Lynn laugh and said, “To think, I thought this would be uneventful” I looked at her and asked what that meant. She smiled and said remember your Escort Bayan promise, okay. I said sure. Lynn said no one unless that have a secret word, if they have that, then you can do the same with them as you have with me. Okay? What is the pass word? Game room. We both got dressed and crawled out of the room. She hug me and gave me a kiss. I’ll see you later okay. Okay, when can we, you know. Shhh, you promised me. Use the password. When can we use the game room again? Lynn looked at me don’t worry we will have lots of times that we’ll play in there. Remember anyone with the pass word, okay?
A couple of days went by and asked Lynn when we could play in the game room; she looked at me and said, you want to already? Yes, of course I do. When the password is given you can go there, okay? Huh, I said. Don’t worry you will play soon. Okay, but I hope real soon. I went to the store and got back, ate my candy and went to watch some television. On the way to the living room my old sister of about 6 years smiled and said, Game room. Well I wasn’t expecting that, but it is a secret between the ones who know the password. I began noting the difference between my sister body’s, Ella had some real big tits that were well shaped and firm, she had a wider butt not much a bit more Lynn. That didn’t matter cause I was going to be pounding it and I would taste her pussy too. This time I wasn’t going to slam my thumb as hard in the beginning but when she is on her back while I would be licking her. Maybe she would like that before I start bumping her. Yes I had plans on what I was going to do with her too. I followed her to the game room and we crawled in and closed the door. I had my clothes off in a jiff, she on the other and slowly took her bra off and let her tits slow out for me to play with. I was mesmerized, they were huge and firm. She had big circles the size of a 50 cent piece and they were sticking out, I touched them and she said not yet. She dropped her pants, she too had no underwear on so I guess girls don’t wear any underwear. I looked at her pussy, but she didn’t have any hair on it. It was bare, I could see the shape and it had, well I had to ask. Ella, what are those, I pointed to her pussy. She those are lips, you use your fingers to separate them so you can lick my clitoris. Huh, I said. Don’t worry about it, just do what I said and it will be fun, okay. Ella said one more thing, you can call me a bitch only when you are screwing me doggy style, okay? Doggy style? What is.. Okay like my dog does our neighbor’s dog. Right? Yes Ella replied.
Ella sat down with her legs spread, okay, you ready? Yes I said, are you going to sit on my face too? Your right Ella said, wait. She reached over and pulled a small folding beach chair. She sat on the edge of the seat and let her pussy hand over the edge. I starter licking her, her pussy was very warm and it tasted a little different not much but it started to taste a lot better once I stuck my finger in it. She didn’t seem to mind, Ella started to moan. It was soft and made me feel good lie I was making her happy. Well needless to say my dick was beginning to get harder. I eating away when Ella stopped me and said we are going to do something else. Huh, what? Ella said lay on your back, okay? I said sure, as I did there was Lynn, naked and she was rubbing her pussy. Hi, I said. Hi little brother with a big dick, very big dick…. She giggled. Ella took charge and told Lynn let me eat her pussy while Ella rode me like a horse. Man, I was feeling good. Lynn had her pussy up on my face and Ella slide her pussy on my dick. Man I was eating my sister and out and my other was bouncing on my dick. Ella was moving one way and Lynn was moving another, man I was going berserk. I wanted to doggy Ella, when Lynn leaned forward I, I found the words, I wanted doggy you Ella like my dog does. Okay? I said.
Okay but you are going to have to doggy both your sister and me okay? I had no idea but, Said sure. Lynn rolled over and was positioned to for me to doggy her but Ella said not Lynn, I am first. I just didn’t care I was pussy hungry and that was that. Ella turn to her pussy to me and I started hitting slow and hard at first and kept it going. This went on for what seemed like forever. Lynn said, hay my turn! Ella said, fine but you need to keep me going! Until he starts fucking me again. Lynn looked at Ella and said what? We agreed that we would do anything while we were in this game room right? That means you have to eat my pussy while you get dog fucked, you got it. Lynn said fuck, he is fucking my brains out right now and you want me eat you? Bring it on. Let lick the little pussy of yours. Ella didn’t know what to say especially with that tone of voice. Ella spread her legs and Lynn shoved her face into Ella’s pussy. This wasn’t what I had planned but that didn’t matter anymore. I started to push my thumb into Lynn’s butthole and she would shove her face into Ella’s pussy even harder. Ella would squeeze Lynn’s head when I would push my thumb in her butthole and Ella would moan at the same time.
Lynn gave a yelp istanbul Escort like a dog and Ella said hold on, you can’t come yet. He hasn’t fucked me. I was pounding Lynn’s pussy hard and now Ella wanted her turn. I said okay just give me some more pussy to pound, okay. With that, Ella and Lynn switched. I hadn’t fucked Ella like I had Lynn and I hadn’t got to slam my thumb into her butthole yet. I was ready to do want I wanted to do to Ella like Lynn likes. I started to pound Ella pussy yet. Ella stuck her tongue just as she went into Lynn pussy. Ella wrapped her arms around Lynn legs and had her face in Lynn’s pussy, seeing that I started to shovel my dick upwards and hard like. It looked like every time I would shovel my dick into her pussy she would shove her tongue up Lynn’s pussy. I uttered to Ella, she like my thumb in her butthole when I pull out of her pussy, like I am going to do to you. With the Ella gasped, what? It was too late, my thumb went into her butthole when I pulled out for that second. Ella went crazy, she stiffened and relaxed. Lynn started moaning and managed to say don’t stop you bitch! With that Ella, as I pulled out of Ella, she shoved her finger into Lynn’s butthole. Lynn moaned, yes, yes, don’t stop. Finger fuck my ass and suck my pussy dry you bitch. It was great, I was pumping Ella’s pussy and fingering her butthole and she was, I guess enjoying it because she kept slamming her pussy back at me. O could feel her squeezing my dick real hard every time I would shovel my thumb up her ass. Lynn would moan louder and tell me to dog fuck the bitch even harder, I felt like she was cheering me on. It would make want to do exactly that. I started to feel like exploding and I told Ella. Ella was pulled her face from Lynn’s pussy long enough to say, don’t pee in my pussy! Move your finger and shove your dick into my butthole. Okay? All I knew was I was about to go, I did what Ella wanted and shoved my dick into her butthole. At first it didn’t go in but after a couple of attempts I shoved it in. I went crazy, it was tighter than her pussy. Ella started to going nuts like she didn’t want it at first but Lynn said keep fucking her in the butthole, Ella said anything goes here in the game room! I just kept fucking her butthole until I peed in her. Ella fell to the side and rolled off Lynn’s legs. I fell to the ground. Tired. Ella turned around to me and said it called cumming inside of you. Okay sweetie? That was fantastic, Lynn is right. You are a natural at fucking.
We got dressed and Ella turned around and said, remember about the password. Only between those who know the password. Okay? Oh yea, I won’t forget. It is a secret between those who know that password. I won’t forget.
A few days went by and my Aunt stopped over, and took Ella and Lynn shopping I asked if I could go but they both said no. you need to stay here with your cousin, she like playing games, Lynn said. Like I said, I started to notice how my sisters looked different from each other and I already knew that their pussy would still taste good and I knew that I could make them be my bitch if I wanted them too. Now Lynn and Ella didn’t say that I couldn’t say the password to my sisters. I just wasn’t sure who knew the password. We were watching TV when I said I would love a game room to play in. Well, Lynn did say Irma liked playing games too. Irma said I’d love to play. That was all it took, we went straight to the game room and I had my clothes off in a flash. Irma was a little heavier but had big tits too. Irma dropped to her knees. She turned around and said, I hear you really like this position, well so do I! With that being said, I put my dick in her pussy and started to pump her good. I was pumping her hard when someone put their hand on me and asked, “What are you doing?” I didn’t even turn around and said, I am Doggy my cousin want to join in? Sure you won’t mind? What happens in the game room stays in the game room. That’s the rule. That sounds like a good rule, I’ll get undressed. Well, I didn’t even turn around until she said that she was ready. I told Irma, lay down and get your pussy eaten by, as I pulled out of Irma, I turned around there was a fine looking butt and pussy that looked swallow and ready to be to be fucked. Irma let, hey, who are you? To my shock it was my mother! She didn’t even skip a beat, she turned and told Irma. Irma, bring your pussy here! That came and went, I resume pumping my mother, I could hear her moaning and, well you know what came next. I put my thumb on her butthole and she started to go wild. Fuck me boy with that big dick of yours. My pussy needs it, really bad. After that, I went to town, pumping her upwards and I was really getting off on her moaning and jerking as in rammed my dick into her butthole. Her body locked up after 10 minutes of my dick ramming and I knew she was about to cum just like I was. Irma wasn’t completely satisfied but didn’t complain at all. We all got dresses and mom never mentioned anything to me about it again. Irma came back many times. Needless to say, I have eaten every pussy in the house and then some. So when I am out with the boys and they talk about eating and doing some girls once in awhile, I just say I get it whenever I want. They joke and say, with who your sisters? I laugh and say wouldn’t you like to know!

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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