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Jenny’s Diary

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The following work of fiction contains some sexually explicit content (including male-female sexual action). All depicted characters are 18 or older.

SYNOPSIS: Jenny, after spending years without revealing her sexual fantasies to anyone, is forced by a strange woman with mysterious powers to act them out in the presence of her college classmates.

Originally posted: February 2009


The clock’s second hand swooshed past the six again. Two thirty-nine. Jenny wasn’t bored, though… she liked math, but at the moment, she was more fascinated with the motion of the hand.

Before too long, she looked back up at Gene, the grad student who was teaching the class, in order to catch up on notes. Even then it was hard not to be distracted, but considering Gene’s countenance, that was understandable. He was good-looking, and she respected both his concision and his general charm. His decision to regularly wear a tie was really nice. Jenny listened and wrote, and when she was confident she was safe, she looked back at the clock and allowed her mind to drift again. Every two minutes or so, the cycle restarted.

The second hand, with its hypnotic motion, was only one of two reasons to look in that direction. The second was that the clock was located above Nick. She only knew his first name by overhearing his conversation with a friend, but she liked to think that her knowledge of him exceeded that. She had watched him. His hair always fell perfectly over his forehead, and she really liked the way he smiled when he talked to… well, anyone. He seemed insightful.

She’d heard him say, “oh, hey, Brandon!” and “oh, hey, Franny!” depending on who ended up sitting beside whom. If only he’d say “oh, hey, Jenny!” with that boyish smile of his, and that laugh that made its way into the words he spoke. She had imagined him saying that to her. Indeed, she had imagined somewhat more than that.

As she looked at him, she imagined the feeling of a feather inside her right running shoe, firmly licking itself once up the sole of her foot, and endured the sharp sexual feeling it made in her.

That would be a moment for her diary entry tonight. Maybe she would expand on it. Thank goodness she had that diary, or she would have no outlet for this kind of thought. Thank goodness, even further, that it had a lock.

“I believe this is yours,” said Gene.

Jenny jumped. How long had she been staring at Nick?

Gene was looking right at her, and somehow, he was holding her diary in his hand.

“It says ‘Jennifer Deluca’ on the back,” he indicated.

Jenny’s pulse quickened. Had the diary fallen out of her bag? Thank goodness again for that lock.

“Yes, that’s mine; thank you,” Jenny uttered.

“Come up here, please, Jennifer,” Gene requested.

Jenny’s eyes surveyed the situation. She was behind a long table with a half-dozen students on either side, and Gene was standing right in front of her. He could easily have handed it to her instead of bidding her walk all the way out to one side of the room and back.

Very well. She liked the sound of his voice and the way he called her “Jennifer,” even if it was only because he didn’t know her well. Now she’d be fortunate enough to approach him face-to-face. That would go in her diary too.

Should she walk around the table to the left, or the right? Left would take her toward the door with the clock above it, and she would brush by Nick as she went. She wouldn’t embarrass herself like that, so she sidled to the right end of the room, and met Gene at the front.

“Have you been paying attention?” Gene asked her. The room seemed unusually silent. Everybody was watching her, she discovered, as she looked over the class.

“I — yes. I’m sorry,” she said to him. “May I have that back?”

“You’re sure you haven’t been distracted?” Gene said, holding the diary up, pressing the latch, and swinging the book open.

Jenny was shocked; surely she hadn’t forgotten to lock it.

“Hey!!” she shouted sharply and grabbed the book from him, smacking it firmly shut. “Thank you very much,” she said smartly, turning back to her seat.

“Jennifer, stop,” she heard Gene utter behind her, and her feet gently planted themselves on the ground.

The feeling surprised her. She was deliberately headed for her seat, but it was as though Gene was able to command her feet instead of her, and there she stood.

“Jennifer, let us please be honest,” he continued gently. “It’s time to share your thoughts with the class.”

Jenny managed to turn back to face him in defiance. She had never imagined herself capable of rude comebacks, but she had also never been the target of such condescension. One more comment and she would leave the classroom.

“Stop it,” she said, quivering. It came out softly, but the silence in the room had grown even more palpable, and no one misheard.

Gene gestured to a chair by the board. “Come and sit here, Jennifer.”

Suddenly, the surprising Güdül Escort feeling took Jenny over again. It was terrifying to feel her own feet begin to carry her to the chair. She resisted, trying to tug her legs in the opposite direction as they walked, but found herself unable to do so. She yelped in objection, saying “hey!” again out loud. There was no result.

She felt her body rest itself lightly on the chair, her hands rested palms-down on her diary, and her eyes turn to Gene softly as though seeking his approval. How this was happening, she couldn’t afford to think about. She just had to stop it.

“Consider, Jennifer,” Gene said. Her eyes were still staring at his, locked there, as he continued.

“You believe you write your own feelings, your own thoughts in their totality, but you don’t consider the full picture, Jennifer. And now, you have found yourself here, in front of everybody.”

The book, resting under her palms, felt lighter.

“With that book of yours,” he said. “That… diary. Locked. What does that lock represent, Jennifer? Is it really your desire to keep those muses secret?”

Jenny’s eyes had moved — of her own will this time — to the diary, which was now beginning to press upward against her hands. Its cover began to flutter and shake. She impulsively pressed it against her lap, but it pressed back with equal force.

“You’ve betrayed yourself, Jennifer. You can’t keep it up any longer. You want us to know, don’t you?”

The diary was so active, now, that Jennifer was hardly able to grasp the diary’s cover and spine without her fingers slipping. She clasped as hard as she could. She had never been so desperate.

“Please… make this stop, Gene,” she whimpered, and looked up at his eyes sincerely. He didn’t move, and returned her look with expectation.

The diary shot sideways in her grasp like a magnet against its twin, then attempted to jump into the air, causing her to stand quickly in order to retain it. It forcefully whipped itself back and forth, dancing her around. Her grasping hands jutted all the way above her head, and her navel — which she never exposed — flashed momentarily into full view of the class. Finally, she forced the diary to the ground and held it tightly to her chest.

“Now, Jennifer,” announced Gene, “it’s time to reconcile.”

The diary escaped her arms and zipped into the open air above her.

“No, please!!” Jenny cried. “Please don’t–“

At that moment, her diary snapped wide open in mid-air and exploded into the room. Pages flew everywhere. Jenny lost control of her own body. It mimicked the explosion as her arms and legs stretched to full extension, making her a statuesque snow angel, unable to move, watching as students grasped and began to examine the pages as they floated by.

Jenny squeezed her eyes shut as tightly as she could.

Everything went silent.

Jenny paused, daring not to open her eyes. Seconds passed, and then a quarter of a minute, but nothing happened.

Still with her eyes closed, she felt like she was sitting at a counter, with her head resting on her arms.

Squinting and blinking, she raised her head, and saw her own face in front of her.

It was a mirror, bordered by glowing light bulbs which illuminated her visage. It looked clean, and her hair was tidily pulled behind her ears. She was dressed in a white collared shirt, unlike the one she’d worn to class.

The small dressing room was empty and silent, except for approaching footsteps. They belonged to a young girl now entering the room, wearing a black shirt and a headset with a microphone in front.

“Jenny Deluca, right? You’re on in 90 seconds. Come on, now.” she said with an inviting smile.

This was a pretty girl with a soft, reassuring face. Not the kind of “pretty” which she so irritated to see overused beneath female Facebook profile pictures by other girls, but genuinely attractive. She knew her. There was no time to think about that, though; she leading her down a hallway by the hand.

“Are you nervous?” the girl said gently. “The first interview is never as bad as you think. The words will come right to you. And you look very attractive.”

The return compliment flattered her to the extent that she was able to concentrate on it. It wasn’t a far extent. She was presently ushered toward a door marked “studio entrance.”

“Oh, I’m Melanie,” the girl finally said.

“I know,” said Jenny pensively, trying to recall from where.

A voice came from behind the studio door, and Melanie thrust her through it easily. Everything was moving so fast.

“… To welcome our guest, Jennifer Deluca,” was all Jenny heard as the examined her situation. She was walking up to what appeared to be a news anchor’s desk in a full-fledged studio. A cityscape background stretched behind her back, and on the downstage side of the desk, three cameramen manned large apparatuses, interspersed with a few other headset-wearing, staffpeople.

The Güdül Escort Bayan welcome had come from the man sitting at the desk. As Jenny stumbled to the empty seat opposite him, she recognized him as well. He reminded her of someone she had had a crush on half-a-year ago. The similarity was enough to attract her to him slightly, and she tried to harness the feeling and calm herself, if that was possible.

“Pleased to see you here, Jennifer,” he said with a smile. “May I call you Jenny?”

“Um… sure,” she said, smiling nervously back. She had nothing prepared, but apparently she was on the news, or a talk show. Whatever it was, she dared not ask any questions; she was still stupefied, and apparently, she was about to wing an interview.

“So, you go to school at Barberra College?”

The question came as a great relief; if she was only here to answer questions, then she wouldn’t risk alluding to her own cluelessness.

“Yes, I’m a sophomore there,” she said back to him.

“Are you pleased with the classes?”

“Oh, yes,” she said, brightening. “I’m in Art History, Anthropology, and Calculus for general requirements. They’re not related to my major, but I’m actually enjoying all three of them.”

“The professors are highly-rated regionally. What do you think of them?”

“They’re good. I especially like the grad student, actually, who teaches my math class, mainly because I think he’s really cute. I’ve fantasized about him a lot.”

Jenny suddenly stopped. Everything was silent. She performed a mental double-take to verify that she had truly spoken those words.

She had not imagined it was possible, but no… it was true. She looked at her interviewer momentarily, but quickly averted her gaze to one of the cameras with pressed lips.

Her cheeks burned. Never at any time would she have said anything like that, in public or in private. Her cheeks flared brightly.

“I — I didn’t mean… I mean…” she stuttered. She considered trying to rephrase her thought, but there was no synonym for “fantasized” which could possibly undo the damage.

“It’s all right, Jenny,” said the man gently. “That’s what you’re here to talk about, after all.”

She looked at him.

“… What?”

“Everybody fantasizes, Jenny,” he said. “You must know that.”

“Well… of course, I suppose. It’s just that I have some really serious sexual fetishes, and I’m really embarrassed to talk about them.”

Jenny stopped again, breathless in disbelief. It was impossible that she uttered words which, until then, had only swum within the confines of her mind. And yes, she had said them with a straight face and in the most casual manner.

Jenny found herself looking directly into another of the cameras. One dark-haired woman standing beside it, with dark-rimmed glasses and a pen pressed to her lower lip, watched with intense anticipation as Jenny felt herself take another inward breath in preparation to speak. She willed herself to freeze, not to say anything. But she felt her tongue, her own tongue, press itself lazily under her front teeth as if to mock her effort to stop it, ready to form a “th” sound at its own discretion.

“The main fetish is tickling,” Jenny said. “It’s completely embarrassing to talk about it, like I said, but I fantasize — I mean, I’ve fantasized for a long time — about being completely helpless and having someone really understand what it feels like for me to be helpless. They would really… you know, like having me in that position, and they’d love how easily they could control me by… well, by tickling me, in this case.”

No sooner had her lips formed the final sound than Jenny was once again in full control of her body. But by that time, her state had changed. She had felt her body respond to her own confession. With each word, her pulse had increased, her skin tightened. Her blushing cheeks were reflective of arousal as well as embarrassment. None of this, though, she intended to reveal. She feared that she was no longer sure what she would reveal, but she was optimistic, and redoubled her effort to stop whatever was happening to her.

And only seconds after she regained her own will, she felt the same dreaded feeling that her body was about to betray her once again. She tried as hard as she could to wrench it out of its poised position, to bite her tongue to keep it from humiliating her any further.

“I love the idea of having, for example,” she explained with calm dignity directly to the face of her interviewer,” my arms stretched above my head, and someone tickling them lightly. I would be able to try to resist, but they would begin tickling under my arms, making me laugh. And… I see being made to laugh as very erotic, because you’d think somebody in a helpless situation would protest, wouldn’t you? So, the fact that they could make me smile and laugh, and act like I was enjoying it, really turns me on. In my fantasies I know that they really like Escort Güdül me, so I’m trying to keep myself from looking like I enjoy it, but they’re making me do it for him. It’s like they’re forcing me to be sexy for them.”

“That’s fascinating, Jenny.”

Jenny thought that fascinating was not quite the right word, but her emotions had become louder than her thoughts. Her nipples were almost uncomfortably rigid, and her body was tingling. Her pelvis had contracted itself involuntarily several times while she was speaking, and she had recited that entire speech while looking directly into the eyes of her intent host.

“But most of my fantasies involve my feet,” she said, looking back at a camera.

Her cheeks accommodated a fresh surge of redness as her lips intoned what, to her, was probably the most sexual word in the English language. She usually avoided saying it, even in normal conversation.

In the moment of silence that followed, Jenny became aware that the eyes of everybody in the room were on her. The woman with the dark-rimmed glasses was still observing with calm detachment and expectation.

“Would you like to explain that?” said the man.

“Well, I never show my feet to anyone, and it’s because I feel like they’re really sexual. I especially love the idea of someone tickling my feet, especially if they’re completely helpless, because… well, a few reasons.”

She winced inside, hearing herself imply an intention to elaborate. She felt herself lean back in her chair as though to take a more relaxing position, and the movement stimulated her pelvic area to another contraction. It filled her with a pulse of sexual pleasure that she tried to ignore.

She had also been trying to ignore her feet themselves, hidden behind the desk. It appeared that this would be the end of that consolation as well, as Jenny’s hands methodically removed her shoes, and her bare feet placed themselves in front of her on the desk’s surface, soles facing directly at one of the cameras. They began to flex systematically as she felt herself speak again.

“First of all, they’re especially sensitive. They’re another part of you that can be used against you to make you laugh and smile. But also, if someone’s tickling your feet, the natural response is to curl your toes. It’s pretty much impossible to help, and of course it’s not very effective for protecting yourself. Also, I know that a lot of people are turned-on by feet, including a lot of guys, so I fantasize that whoever’s tickling my feet is really interested in them sexually… my feet, I mean. So, once again, it’s not just that he can make me laugh and everything, but he can also make my feet flex and move for him, even if I’m trying not to reward him at all. My body is turning him on without my consent, if that makes sense.”

“All right, let’s cut there,” came a smooth voice. It was the lady with the dark-rimmed glasses, standing by the camera. “We’ll get your sign-off later, Brad.”

“Thank you,” the host responded coolly. “Oh, and Jenny?”

Jenny looked over timidly, apparently stuck in her reclined position.

“You did well; good job” he said, smiled, and lightly scuttled his fingers up the soles of her feet.

Jenny was severely flustered, but his touch was too deft. She felt him draw the giggle out of her, and she ended up smiling at him, and shyly lowering her eyes, before he squeezed her shoulder and exited.

“Hey, Jenny! Good job!” said a cheerful voice from behind.

It was Melanie, doffing her headset and rubbing Jenny’s shoulders with enthusiasm.

“Oh,” Jenny said, with none. “Thank you.”

“I asked if you were nervous on the way in, remember? I bet you were nervous by the end, weren’t you?”

Jenny bit her lip, hoping the blood would drain away from her cheeks, as Melanie walked around and looked at her.

“It’s over now. And you’ll be glad you did it. I can tell you’re not really sad. Just a little embarrassed.”

Jenny nodded.

“You know what? I have a tickling fetish too.”

Jenny looked at her.

“You do?”

“Yep,” said Melanie. “A pretty similar one to yours, it turns out.”

“You… you like to be… you mean, helpless? Too?” said Jenny with a certain touch of wonderment.

Melanie nodded slowly.

“Yes,” she said. “I enjoyed watching you talk about it. It bordered on touching. I mean emotionally, not…”

“I understand,” Jenny affirmed.

“Especially the feet part.”

Both were silent. Jenny couldn’t respond to this out of self-consciousness. Her own feet were still displaying themselves on the desk in front of her, wiggling idly. Evidently, Melanie’s attention had gone there too.

“You still can’t stop them, can you?”

Jenny blushed. “I’m trying.”

“Valerie did the same thing to me, too, on my first interview,” said Melanie.

Jenny noticed that during this conversation, the studio had been vacated by everybody except for the woman in the dark-rimmed glasses. She stood poised, smiling and still watching.

“Thank you for finally introducing me, Mel,” she lilted, approaching Jenny slowly. Her face was truly angelic, but authoritative.

“What do you mean, Valerie did the same thing to you?” Jenny whispered to Melanie. “Is she the person who…”

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Is This What You Really Want? Ch. 05

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The next day, Timothy only just managed to drive himself to work. He had made all the adjustments needed so that he could see the road, but he was realizing that he wouldn’t be able to drive for too much longer before his feet wouldn’t be able to reach the pedals.

‘We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,’ he mused to himself as he pulled into the parking deck. He had lost another inch last night, a direct result of more of Beatrice’s dirty talk, and he now stood at just under 4’10, and weighed 93 pounds. His new girlfriend had been sure to weigh him in the morning, and she was absolutely gleeful over the fact that he had shrunk again. He was wearing some baggy jeans and an even baggier t-shirt. Beatrice had helped him go through his closet before they went to bed, and she had discovered a box of clothes that Timothy had stored from a relative. The clothes had belonged to one of his nephews, who had outgrown them once he turned 11. For Timothy, however, they were the only clothes that he had that fit him, and even then, they were definitely on the roomy side. He had no choice but to wear his old loafers, which now looked unquestionably like clown shoes as he clopped and stomped his way into his office. But what was he going to do? Show up at work barefoot? There was a professional dress code, after all.

As he sat down at his desk, he thought of Beatrice back at home. She had been lounging on the sofa as he left, promising him that she’d be there when he got back. She had licked her lips at him hungrily and made hungry animal noises at him as he walked out the door, which caused him to have a full-on erection by the time he reached his car. Even now, sitting in his office, just thinking about Beatrice made him uncontrollably hard. He couldn’t believe his luck — Maia was indeed a goddess — she had come through for him in the most mind-blowing way possible…and that was only the first night he and Beatrice had spent together! Timothy sighed in pleasure, allowing himself to lapse into daydreams of the unimaginable things that awaited him when he returned home.

A sudden crackle from the intercom had him start out of his daydreams as the unmistakable and business-like voice of Clare came through to him through the static.

“Good morning, Springer,” her voice said. “You there? You better be there, Springer.”

“Y-yes!” he said excitedly, pushing down the intercom button. “Y-yes, Clare, I’m — I’m here!”

“Good,” crackled the voice. “Because today’s gonna be a busy day. A really busy day…lots of items on the agenda…lots of things to cover.” Timothy’s heart sank a little as he heard the tell-tale signs of Clare’s authoritarian streak through her voice. He hated it when things got busy like this…it tended to exacerbate her overbearing demeanor. He hoped it didn’t mean that he was going to stay late again. But he quickly chased these thoughts out of his mind as he imagined a naked Beatrice, with her long dark hair, lounging her big, lithe body across his sofa, touching herself as she waited for him to come back home.

“An emergency order came in from corporate last night,” continued Clare over the intercom. “They want us to come up with an entirely new drink — a totally new product. Fast.”

‘Oh great, not corporate,’ thought Timothy, fumbling for a notepad.

“The market’s veering toward healthier drink options, so corporate wants us to adapt with the times,” crackled Clare. “They want us to come up with something that’s still carbonated, still caffeinated, and still sweet-tasting, but that has no more than a quarter of the calories, added sugars, and carbs that are other options do. You’re taking all this down, right, Springer?”

“Yes…yes I am!” called Timothy into the intercom, scribbling down with his other hand.

“Alright,” said Clare. “I need you on this, Springer. I’m putting my top talent on it, obviously — Ashley and Patricia and Katie will be handling most of the work — but I want to give you a chance to prove yourself, Springer. You had a good day yesterday. Let’s see what happens when I put you in with the A-team, alright?”

“A-alright!” said Timothy, actually excited to be part of the team.

“Ok. Draw up some ideas. Meeting in Ashley’s office in one hour. Don’t be late.”

An hour later Timothy was plodding down the hallway in his oversized loafers, baggy pants, and baggier t-shirt, his heart fluttering in his chest, as he made his way to Ashley’s office. What were the girls going to say? How were they going to react?? He was positively awash in anticipation, and as he neared the partially-open door to Ashley’s office, he could hear female voices. He had a sudden urge to run. But he caught himself, laughing and shaking his head as he pushed the door open and went in.

All four women were standing around Ashley’s desk, apparently already deep in discussion. Clare stood out from the rest of the group, since she rose up taller in her heels and was sporting a bright red dress that clung tightly to her curvy Evren Escort body, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. She had her hands on Ashley’s desk and was talking — Ashley, Patricia, and Katie were all standing around her, listening with rapt attention.

At first, none of them realized that Timothy had walked in. Clare kept talking intently, reaching down to sketch something on a piece of paper, as the other three women all leaned in to get a closer look. In this time, Timothy was able to get a good view of all of them and was totally blown away — they all looked so huge! The first thing he noticed was that Patricia and Katie were obviously taller than him now, and even from across the room, he could see the swerve and weight of Katie’s backside winking at him. Good lord, it looked enormous! Timothy knew that Katie had always had a fat ass, but he could not escape the thought now that her rear end had grown, gotten even rounder, fatter…gotten sexier. Was this part of the beautification that Maia had promised him?

A quick glance up at the faces of the women confirmed this suspicion. They all just looked…fresher, brighter…just…more alive. Clare had always dressed skimpily, and today was no exception, but Timothy noticed how the usually-modest Ashley was wearing a green form-fitting dress today that showed off some impressive hips. Katie’s cornflower-blue blouse went down to about her mid-ass and did little to hide its voluptuous volume. Even Patricia, who Timothy had never really been attracted to, seemed different today…he noticed how her kakis looked tighter than usual, and betrayed some indisputable shapeliness in her hips, ass, and thighs. Had she always been that thick…?

All of this flashed through Timothy’s mind in a matter of moments as he walked slowly over to Ashley’s desk, the four women seeming to him to get taller and taller with each step he took towards them. When he was about ten feet away from the desk, Clare looked up and saw him and immediately stopped talking mid-sentence and stared. Ashley, Patricia, and Katie turned their heads in Timothy’s direction to see what Clare was looking at. Ashley took a sharp intake of breath and put her hand over her mouth in shock. Patricia’s mouth hung open. And Katie could not contain herself and let out a high-pitched squeal.

“Oh my god!” squealed Katie, bringing up her hands to her cheeks. “Oh my god oh my god…Timmy!!” She quickly rounded Ashley’s desk and walked straight up to him, stopping when she was directly in front of him as she stood up to her full height, staring down at him in wonder.

“You’ve shrunk again!” she practically yelled.

“Y-yeah Katie…I uh…I have,” stammered Timothy, feeling totally overwhelmed by Katie’s larger presence.

“Look at this!” she continued, as if he hadn’t even spoken, “your head barely even comes up to my chin!” She extended a flat palm out and placed in on top of his head, measuring his height to hers. There was no denying it — she was definitely a good deal taller now. And such close proximity to Katie’s big, heavy curves was beginning to have an effect of Timothy; he could feel himself growing in his pants.

“I just…wow, Timothy,” came Ashley’s quiet cautious voice as she joined Katie in standing next to him, her hand still up by her mouth as she looked down on him. From this vantage point, Timothy could see quite clearly that his head did not come up to Ashley’s chin. In fact, staring straight at her, he found that he was looking straight into the tops of her breasts. It was obvious to him now — Ashley’s boobs looked fuller, bigger. Was it just that tight green dress she was wearing? Or was this Maia’s magic?

“Are you feeling ok?” said Ashley in a worried tone, furrowing her brow down at him.

“I’m…yeah! I’m fine — feeling fine!” he said enthusiastically, knowing that his happy tone had to sound suspicious to his co-workers. “Never better!” he added, smiling up at Ashley. God, the skin on her face was so…healthy and clear. He glanced right over at Katie and saw her face looking unusually illuminated and lively as well. Was it just the lighting in Ashley’s office? It couldn’t be…

“Have you seen a doctor yet, Springer?” came Clare’s clear and authoritarian voice. She hadn’t budged from her standing spot leaning down on Ashly’s desk as she continued to stare forward at Timothy, her hands splayed out supporting her weight. She didn’t look particularly pleased at this unplanned-for interruption.

“Ummm…yes!” Timothy decided to lie, since otherwise he either had to tell the truth or pretend that nothing was odd or wrong. He thought that lying about seeing a doctor would shut down Clare’s probing questions and douse any suspicion. “Yes!” he continued, “and he, uh…the doctor said that…uh…that he wasn’t, uh, sure what was going on, but that…uh…that all of my, um, vitals were…were doing well, so that I had…umm…no reason…no reason to worry.”

Clare narrowed Evren Escort Bayan her eyes down at him from across Ashley’s desk as she scrutinized his response, not seeming like she bought this explanation.

“But…but you’re just shrinking, Timmy!” said Ashley, with some force in her voice. “Surely…surely the doctor would, like…you know…run some tests, or…or send you to a specialist or something, right?” She reached out and grabbed one of his upper arms, letting out a short gasp as she realized how thin it was. “I mean, look at this, Timothy — you’re not just getting shorter…you’re getting thinner…skinnier…”

“Wimpier!” put in Katie, shooting a toothy grin down at Timothy, cocking her hips sexily as she folded her arms across her ample chest. She seemed to be especially enjoying this.

“Katie, come on!” came Patricia’s chastising voice. “Don’t play around; he could have some kind of serious condition!” Ashley nodded her head in kind, agreeing. Timothy suddenly noticed that the acne on Patricia’s face seemed to have disappeared.

“But…but I don’t! The doctor said I’m fine,” he said, nervously noticing that Clare seemed to be getting more and more impatient. He really was looking forward to being part of the team today, and he didn’t want to waste more time with all of them gawking at him. “And…and, you know, he’s the one who went to medical school,” he continued, thinking up a couple more lies as he went along, “and anyway, he said that I could just come in to his office every week, just so he could…he could, uh…monitor me and everything…to make sure everything is ok. So there’s…there’s nothing to worry about, ok?”

Katie’s eyes sparkled downward at him as the smile grew on her face. “See?” she said brightly, indicating to the rest of the group, “he’s fine! He’s just…turning into a little shrimp!” And she winked down at him and Timothy felt that little pull in his stomach, telling him that he had shrunk again, just a tiny little bit, due to Katie’s teasing.

“You know, I’m as much for teasing and taunting Springer as the next gal,” came Clare’s exasperated voice, “but can we please get back to business? I’m under a lot of pressure from corporate for this new drink idea, and if we can come up with something great I know they’re gonna give me a huge-ass promotion.”

Timothy inwardly rolled his eyes. Of course that was why Clare was so insistent about them staying on-task…of course it had to do with her own personal promotion. Ashley and Katie retuned to their standing places around Ashley’s desk, and Timothy followed them. But as he took his spot in the circle, he saw that Ashley’s desk, which came up to the waist of most of the other women (and a little lower for Clare), came all the way up to the middle of his chest. From his vantage point, he couldn’t see what Clare had drawn on her piece of paper.

“Ummm…” he said awkwardly, glancing up at Clare for help, “I can’t…uh…I can’t see.”

“Why are you telling me, Springer?” she answered quickly. “Do you really need me to tell you what to do?” She turned to Ashley. “Ash, is there anything in here for him to stand on?”

Ashley glanced around her office for a moment and then nodded. “I just emptied my trash yesterday,” she said, walking over to the small trash can in the corner, fetching it, and turning it upside down. “You can stand on this, Timmy.” She placed it upside down on the floor next to him and indicated for him to stand on it. “Just…be careful, ok?”

“Ok,” he said, feeling slightly ridiculous as he grabbed onto the desk and used it to help him stand up. He felt the energy and intensity of all four women staring at him as he helped himself up. The trash can was around 8 inches high, and looking around at everyone once he was up, he realized that Clare was still a little taller than him. He was about the same height as Ashley…maybe just a smidgen taller…and a couple inches taller than Patricia and Katie.

“Are you all set, Springer?” said Clare, not bothering at all to hide the irritation in her voice. “Can you see everything clearly now?”

“Y-yes…yes I can.”

“Ok everyone,” said Clare, breathing out an exaggerated breath of relief, “now that Springer is on our level, we can continue.” She lowered her head back to what she had drawn, which was a series of pie charts. “Ok, now remember ladies…and Timmy…corporate wants low calorie above all other options. Understand? That’s the most important bit — low calorie and low-sugar. That’s where the market’s going, and that’s where we’ve gotta go. Ok?”

The three women and Timothy nodded their heads. Despite all of his excitement around all his fantasies coming true, Timothy couldn’t deny that he was just…just enjoying this normal, everyday meeting as part of the A-team. He just wanted to feel like he was a part of something at work…like he mattered…like he was making important contributions.

“And that brings us to the real challenge,” Escort Evren continued Clare, indicating to one of her pie-charts. Timothy took pleasure in leaning in with the other women to scrutinize it. “Anyone can take the sugar and calories out of a soda,” said Clare, “but what we need to find out is how to take out all the sweet stuff…all the calories, and still have a soda that tastes sweet — and not that artificial kind of sweet that you get from all those shitty artificial sweeteners.” She stood up to her full height, looking around at the group. “That’s what Bubble Town did with their new brands, trying to get ahead of the curve…and guess what? No one’s buying them, because they taste like what?”

“Like ostrich poop,” laughed Katie.

“Exactly,” said Clare. “And so we’ve gotta find a different way to make our drinks taste sweet. And that’s — ” and here she pointed a finger as she scanned over the group, “—where you all come in. I need you three…you four…to get to work on this. It’s our major task now. Are you up to it?”

“Of course!” said Ashley energetically.

“Yeah!” said Patricia, smiling excitedly.

“Yep!” said Katie with gusto.

Timothy nodded silently, feeling suddenly self-conscious hearing the full and dynamic voices of his co-workers. He felt the reality of their size disparity, and couldn’t help but feel like his voice would sound weak and tiny in comparison.

“How about it, Springer?” said Clare aggressively, turning on him. “Are you up for it?”

“Y-yes, yes I am,” he said, stuttering a little bit as he inwardly winced at how small his voice sounded in comparison with everyone else’s.

“A ringing and confident endorsement from our newest and smallest member!” called out Clare sarcastically, looking down at Timothy across Ashely’s desk as she shook her head. “Make sure he stays on task, please,” she said, turning to Ashley. “And I want a specific report before you leave today about how he did. Ok, Ash?”

“Sure, Clare,” said Ashley, turning to Timothy and smiling as she extended out a large hand to pat him on the head. “I’m sure our little guy here will do just fine.” Timothy heard Katie exchanging little laughs as Ashley pet him on the head, and he almost couldn’t believe how big her hand felt…it seemed like she could nearly palm his head right now if she wanted to.

“Well alright,” said Clare, rounding the desk as she headed out the door, “I’ll leave you all to it.” She gave Timothy one more stern look, like she was making sure he knew that she had her eye on him, and then she was gone. A few silent seconds passed by, and Timothy suddenly realized that all three of the remaining women were looking at him…studying him.

“Ok then!” said Ashley, clapping her hands as she went around to her chair and plopped herself down in it. “Let’s get started! Pull up chairs, everyone!” Patricia and Katie moved to do as they were bid, and Timothy started to step down from the trash can.

“Not you, Timmy,” said Ashley, seeing him start to move. “I think it’d be easier if you just…uh, if you just sat on the desk here next to me.”

“But…but, uh — I’m sure…I’m sure I could find some chair high enough,” he began to protest, not wanting to feel like the odd man out, so to speak.

“I don’t think there’s a chair in this building that’s high enough,” laughed Katie as she pulled her chair up to the desk, “unless you’re talking about one of those high chairs in the nursery downstairs.” Patricia joined Katie in giggling at her joke. Ashley rolled her eyes.

“Enough of that, Katie,” she said (even thought she was smiling). “But she’s right, Timmy…just…just come on over here and sit down, ok? We don’t have much time for dilly-dallying.” Timothy sighed and started to do what Ashley said, until he realized that she was actually asking him to crawl across her desk to sit on the edge next to her. He moved to step down off the trash can. He’d walk around the desk and use the trash can to help himself up.

“What are you doing, Timmy?” came Ashley’s voice, a little exasperated. “Come on — just come over here, ok? We need to get started.”

“You mean…uh…just…you want me to…uh…”

“Yes, Timmy, come on! Just crawl over here, please,” said Ashley, patting the spot on her desk next to her chair with her hand. “Let’s go!” Timothy obeyed the slightly irritated authority in her voice and got down on his hands and knees and started crawling over across the desk to where Ashley was sitting. It felt absolutely humiliating, crawling like this across her desk, and he could feel his face start to burn red as he heard Patricia and Katie whispering and giggling.

“Ok!” said Ashley once he was sitting on the desk next to her, his legs dangling off the edge, “let’s spitball some ideas, why don’t we? Go!”

“Agave!” came Katie’s chipper voice immediately. “We render down agave syrup and add it in small increments to the batch. Keeps the sweetness, but cuts down on the calories.”

“Hmmm, agave is packed with sugar,” said Ashley, “so I don’t think we can get it down to where the drink retains the sweetness without using too much of an already-sugary ingredient. But I like the idea of rendering it down and reducing it to a concentrate — nice, Katie! Next!”

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Jan’s Weekend

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Enjoy, only one chapter to this one. Strong sexual content.

Jan looked up at the clock and saw that it was almost time to go home. She cleared her desk and locked the drawers. She was in a busy office of four orthopedic surgeons and as the office manager she was busy throughout the day. Another of her responsibilities was to schedule all of the operative procedures with the two local hospitals that the group used. She loved her job and always looked forward to going to work.

She pushed her chair back slightly from the desk and using her hands and arms, lifted herself to a standing position. She heard the drop locks on her left leg brace drop down but used her hand to check that they were in place and her knee was locked. She got hold of her black forearm crutches right next to her desk and placed her arms in them. Using one of them she pushed the chair back out of the way and when she had her balance she turned 90 degrees and using a 2 point alternate gait started walking out of her office. She said good night to those she met in the hall and stuck her head in the offices that still had people in them to say good night or have a good weekend. She knew she was going to!

Jan crutched to the elevator and went down to the basement parking garage. Her reserved handicap spot was right next to the elevator and she pressed the fob to unlock the doors. After looking in at the back seat and floor, she opened the door. She maneuvered backwards to the driver’s seat and lowered herself on to the seat. She reached forward and unlocked her brace and lifted her legs into the car. Using the hand controls on her car, she backed out of her space and then pulled out of the garage. She got to her town home in about 20 minutes with the rush hour traffic.

Moving as fast as she dared, she got into the condo and into her bedroom. She had a date tonight and needed to get ready. Mike was the man she was meeting and they had been waiting for some time to finally get together. He had answered her ad that she had placed on one of the disabled dating sites. They had used the chat feature for some time and then Jan finally got to trust him enough to call him and then give him her number. Jan was on the east coast and he lived in the Midwest.

They had spent a lot of time talking and agreed early on that they would both be very open and honest with each other. Jan had been crippled almost all of her life and knew what a devotee was. She asked Mike the first time they talked if he was one. He said yes right away. Jan had been with a couple before and there had not been any problems from that stand point. She had not been specific in her profile about her problems just that she was crippled.

She asked Mike what he was attracted to and he said either paralyzed legs or amputees. Jan asked which he was more attracted to and he said amputees. She laughed and told him he hit the jackpot as she was both! After several conversations, Jan admitted to Mike that she was now a devotee also and was very much attracted to amputees. Any number or type of limb was good with her.

Jan told him that she had Polio as a baby and both of her legs were paralyzed. When she was 19 she was hit crossing the street by a car driven by a drunk driver. The car hit her right leg and the brace was so mangled it did a lot of damage to her leg and it could not be saved. Sometime after she told her story to Mike she admitted that she was glad she was an amputee. She had to struggle to walk as her stump was mostly paralyzed. But she liked to walk and yes it was a sexual thrill to her a lot of the times as she did so; especially when she knew people were watching her. Mike confided that as a younger boy he had pretended to be an amputee.

Jan unfastened and dropped her skirt down her legs and then sat on the bed. She undid the Velcro straps on her brace and removed it from her leg. She rubbed it because she thought the very small, atrophied, totally paralyzed leg was very sexy. Her foot dropped straight down with her toes pointing to the floor. She felt stubble and reminded herself to shave. She pulled the plug from her other leg and pulled her short, above knee stump from her C-leg prosthetic. She rubbed what was left of it and felt stubble on it also. She removed her top and bra and pulled her wheelchair next to her bed. She transferred to it and went into the bathroom.

She transferred to the john, used it and then back into the chair and then into the roll in shower. She transferred to the bench, pushed the chair out and closed the glass door. After adjusting the water temperature, she washed her body paying attention to her breasts and pubic area. She put a belt attached to a grab bar around her upper torso so she could lean forward without having to use her hands and shaved her leg and stump. She then scooted forward and shaved the area just alongside her labia and just a short way above her clit. She had a lot of thick, long, dark pubic hair that was surprisingly soft to the touch and left that alone.

She Gölbaşı Escort douched so she was clean and fresh. It had already been agreed by she and Mike that if they hit it off with each other sex was on the agenda. Jan felt that would happen for sure. After washing her very short hair she dried off and put a towel on the seat of her wheelchair, transferred to it and finished drying her hair. She rolled to her vanity and ran a brush through her hair, applied a touch of lipstick and went back into the bedroom. She got some very low heels, a short brown skirt, and a light brown sweater and put the stuff on the bed. She changed the shoe on her prosthesis and transferred over to the bed. She put her brace on first and slid the shoe over the plastic form that held her foot up and in place.

Jan worked a bikini thong up her leg and stump. It was much easier to get dressed and put her brace and leg one while on the bed. She wrapped her stump with a 2 inch wrap and sat up on the edge of the bed. She ran the end of the wrap into the hole at the bottom of the suction socket and pulled the warp end at the same time pushing her stump into the socket. After it bottomed out she pulled the wrap off of her stump through the hole and put the plug in. She tugged on the leg and it felt secure.

She pulled the sweater over her head and smoothed it down her breasts and lower chest. It was mostly obvious she was braless. Her 36 C pear shaped breasts were very firm and there was no sag. She had very large areolas that puffed out and pushed her nipples up and out a lot. She spread her skirt on the seat of the chair hoping it was in the right position and she did not have to pull it up after she sat on it. Jan moved to her chair and the skirt was fine. She fastened it around her waist and rolled over to the mirror on the door. She thought she looked great and she hoped that Mike would think so also.

Even though Jan was on the pill, she put a few rubbers, a couple of douche bottles, a small bikini, some other things and a change of clothes in a small bag. She was getting excited and wondered if she should leave now and be early. She decided she would go now and wait at the hotel they were to meet at before she went up to his room as he had requested. She got her crutches, a brown pair now instead of the black she used during the day, and wheeled out to her car in the garage and transferred in.

She was going to take her chair in the car just in case it was needed as she seldom used it out in public. She loved the looks she got walking on her crutches with her crippled, atrophied leg in its brace and her prosthetic C-leg showing from under her skirt. She never wore slacks to cover them up.

She got to the hotel and as Mike had told her, drove up to the valet area. He had left word for them to take care of her car. Jan got her crutches and put them by the car door. She got out of the car, stood and locked her brace and got her crutches on her arms and walked into the hotel. She was about 15 minutes early and decided to use the house phone to call his room and be sure it was ok to go up. Mike answered on the first ring and said he was so glad she was early. Come up at once!

Jan crutched over to the elevator, stepped in when the door opened and pushed the 25th floor button. This was a very fancy hotel. She checked herself in the mirror. Jan is about 5’5″ tall, 115 pounds and 26 years old. The skirt she had on came several inches above her knee. She only wore lipstick on occasion and no other makeup. She noticed her nipples were standing out and she was very proud of the whole package.

Mike’s room was just a little ways down the hall at the end. She noticed there were two peep holes on the door, one at normal height and the other down lower. She knocked and the door opened. In front of her was Mike looking just like his picture and when they used Skype. The only thing different was the he was in a wheelchair and had no legs at all. He asked her to come in as he backed out of the way and she was shocked. He read the surprised look and said you never asked me if I had legs or was crippled. Jan crutched over to him and threw her arms around him being careful not to fall as she reached down to his level.

He said for her to come over and sit down so they could be comfortable. As he watched, she pulled the drop locks up and dropped down to the couch. He wheeled over and transferred beside her. He pulled her into his arms and they had a long kiss. When they finally came up for air she put her head down on his chest. She was very quiet for some time and finally Mike lifted her head up by her chin and asked if she was ok. She said better than ok. He could see the tears in her eyes and brushed them aside with his fingers.

Mike said so you are not mad at me and Jan said not at all just very surprised. She admitted that most of the talk about crippled legs had been about her and she had never thought to ask him anything along that line. He had told her Gölbaşı Escort Bayan several times after they agreed to meet that he could not wait to touch her leg and stump. Jan reached down to his empty pants leg and found that both legs were missing at the hip, a bilateral hip disarticulation. She asked what had happened and he said leg bone tumors with a smile on his face. His legs had been removed 5 years ago. Jan did not ask any more questions as she understood what happened.

Mike asked if she would like to see the place and she said sure. She needed to use the bathroom anyway before they ate. They were almost on the top floor and the front side of the room looked out over the ocean. The side view looked up the beach. There was an outside patio with a table and chairs. An overhead awning could be put out over it if wanted. There was a large bedroom and off of that was a very large bathroom with whirlpool tub and roll in shower. The whole suite was accessible.

Jan now realized that was why there was a lower peep hole, so someone in a wheelchair could see who was at the door. Jan said she needed to use the john and did Mike want to stay. One of the things they had talked about was watching each other do things as they lived their daily lives. Mike said yes he would like to stay.

Jan looked things over to understand how she was going to manage. Unlike home where the john was against one side wall and she had a grab bar, this one was out in the middle of the wall with only a back wall. She had been in that position at various places before and just needed to think things through. She put her left crutch against the wall and kept her right crutch. Using her left hand she pushed her skirt up and put her finger in the band of her thong. She worked it down her legs. Then pulled the drop locks up on her brace, then slid her hand back and put it on the john seat. Between her hand on the seat and the other on her crutch, she lifted her weight just a bit and her left knee released and went forward letting her drop down to the seat.

After peeing and wiping, she picked up her thong. It was soaked from her pussy juice. She looked at Mike and threw it in the sink to be washed out later. He grinned and said thanks. She struggled just a bit to reverse the process of getting up but made it ok. Mike told her how beautiful and sexy she looked. She said so you’re not afraid to be seen with this crippled old lady then. He said no, he would be proud to be seen with her. Did she mind being seen with him in his wheelchair? No she said, people would just have to put up with them being the two sexiest people in the room. They both laughed long and hard.

They went out into the living room area and Mike asked if she would like to go to the dining room or eat here on the patio. She said to the dining room as she wanted to show her crippled body off and be seen with him tonight. Mike said he was hoping she would choose that. Jan was standing at the window looking out when he asked and she only turned her upper torso around to look at him. The side view accentuated her profile and her breasts were very pronounced in her sweater. He again told her how sexy she was and if she held that pose very much longer they would be late for their reservation which was for the next few minutes. She crutched over to him and said later……

They went out the door and got on to the elevator. Jan was surprised when they went UP two floors to the restaurant. It was a revolving one on top of the building. It was moving slowly enough that she could step across to it without any trouble. They were shown to a window table and somewhat removed from the rest of the patrons per Mike’s request. A chair had already been removed for his wheelchair. Jan got seated ok and neither one ordered drinks.

Jan put her hand over into Mike’s lap but she forgot there was no leg to hold on to. She ran her hand over one of the empty hip stumps and then the back of her fingers up the bulge in his trousers. Looking him in the eye she said looks like no obstructions to get to it. Mike just gave a big smile and nodded his head. He reached his hand across his chest and under his other arm and cupped her breast. He said no obstructions here either. They were both snickering as the waiter came up for their order.

After ordering Mike said he understood that she did not like to use her wheelchair out in public but sometime would she mind going to dinner with him in her chair and without her brace, leg and panties. Jan looked at him wide eyed and said that was outrageous….and when could she do it!! She also told him that she could not wait to get back to their room and have him in her as soon as possible. She hoped he felt the same way.

Mike looked around and saw that no one could see them and slid his hand up her brace to her very wet slit and engorged lips. As he fingered it he said he was in full agreement, ASAP for him also and kissed her. In a lowered voice, Jan reminded him that she had Escort Gölbaşı very little control over her leg and stump. If he ever wanted them spread for better access to her pussy, he would have to do it himself. Mike said thanks for the reminder.

The view was fantastic. Part of the time they looked out over the city and part of the time they looked out over the water. The dinner was great and they talked about several things, mostly about being crippled and how much they enjoyed being that way. They knew some people would find that strange and they also knew they were not the only ones that felt that way. They finished their coffee and started back to their room.

When they got back the room they talked about Jan getting her wheelchair out of her car. They both thought it would make getting around in the room easier and called the desk to get the key and find out where the car was parked. Mike said he would go with her and besides he thought the exercise would be good for them. They got on the elevator and went down to the desk. The valet said he would be glad to get the car for them and bring it up but Mike said that would not be necessary. He gave them the key and told him what space number the car was in. They went down to the garage, found the car and Mike got the wheelchair out for Jan. She got in it and they went back up. Mike stopped and gave the key back to the valet with a tip and then up to the suite.

When Mike got back up, Jan asked if he would like to sit on the patio for a few minutes. He said yes and they both wheeled out. The sun was down and it was cooling off. They sat side by side in their chairs but facing each other. Mike leaned forward and kissed Jan. Leaning forward to meet him she opened her mouth and invited his tongue into hers. After a few minutes Mike moved his hand up to her breast. Jan immediately pulled her sweater up so he could touch it skin to skin. Her nipples were hard as a rock. She leaned back in her chair and watched both of his hands now playing with them. She looked up at him and asked him to take her to bed and screw her now! They both headed for the bedroom.

Jan pulled her sweater off as she transferred on to the bed. Mike asked if he could take her brace and leg off and she said please do, I have been dreaming about that for a long time. He moved his chair close to her and took her leg off first. She seemed to know what he was doing as he did everything right. After pulling the leg from her socket he used his hands to massage it. It was atrophied like her left leg. Next he started undoing the Velcro straps on her brace. He removed it and laid it on the floor. He lifted her leg up into his chair seat and massaged her leg rubbing where the strap marks were. He told her she had the sexiest crippled leg he had ever seen. He could easily get his thumb and middle finger around her calf it was so atrophied. Her foot drooped over forward with her toes almost touching the seat. He pulled her foot into his hard penis.

She undid the waist band of her skirt and using her hands and arms lifted herself up off the bed. Mike pulled the skirt from beneath her and put it on the bed. She leaned forward using one arm to hold herself up and took hold of his shirt to get him to remove it. He did and she pulled at his pants. He lifted himself up and she pulled them off of his hips. His bald penis and balls stuck straight up and she got her first look at his legless torso. She told him both were beautiful. His penis was about 8 or 9 inches long but not very thick. His whole pubic area was shaved clean. She pulled on it like she was going to pull him into bed and he started to go that way. He stopped at the edge of his chair seat and said he needed a shower. He had just gotten to his room when she arrived and had not had time to take one. Jan agreed that was a good idea but she wanted to join him.

She got back into her chair and they headed to the shower. Jan went in first and Mike pulled her chair out of the way. He went in next and got on the bench and pushed his chair out and closed the glass door. They both laughed and said they should not get carried away and fall off the bench and end up in the ER. Jan got the water adjusted and turned the large shower head on to them. After they got wet, they soaped each other and then rinsed off.

They kissed and Mike let himself down to the floor and moved between Jan’s leg and stump. He kissed and licked up her stump right to her pussy and clit. Her pussy lips were very large and long. They were purple because they were so engorged. Her clit was sticking out of its hood. Before he even hardly got started eating her Jan came holding on to Mikes shoulder’s to keep from falling forward.

They dried off and returned to the bedroom. They both transferred into bed and turned into each other’s arms. They kissed and fondled each other and Jan got hold of Mike’s penis and said put it in her. Jan was on her left side and Mike was able to slide down a little. He turned on to his right side and lifted her short stump on to his hip. With no legs to get into the way he was able to get his penis to her entrance. He pulled her stump hip towards him as he moved his pelvis and penis into her. She was so wet he slid in with no problem. Being long helped and he bottomed out before he was all the way in.

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Idle Hands

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Early evening with the sun still warm on the skin, a hot shower after a hard day’s work, and the apartment to himself for the rest of the night to unwind in; Ben couldn’t ask for much more from life as he stood naked beneath the spray. With Adam out on a stag night, for which Ben couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the bridegroom, there was little chance of seeing his roommate again for at least twelve hours, possibly even a day or two, if they both had their own way.

A keen sense of hearing made Ben stick his head out of the shower, shaking the water from his ears and listening intently. The doorbell rang through the rooms as the caller again pressed the button, spurring Ben into action as he quickly rinsed the shampoo from his short hair and reached for the large white towel, wrapping it around his waist as he scampered out of the bathroom.


Being faced with an empty corridor did little to help him relax as he dripped in the doorway, looking around the hall for signs of life.

“If this is you playing games, Adam, I’m not in the mood.”


Even if he’d been expecting an apology, it certainly wouldn’t have been carried by a woman’s voice, coming just as a head popped from around the corner

“Ms Murphy, sorry, I thought my roommate was messing around.”

“It’s Andrea, Ben, and I thought there was no-one in, but it looks like you were a bit busy.”

He felt as though the thick towel had been whipped away, leaving him as naked as a newborn babe in front of her, and a red one at that with the way his cheeks burned as he quickly was made aware of how exposed he was, and of how very little shielded Andrea from a stiffening vista that could see him carted off in handcuffs, in a way slightly more serious than Adam would have the groom in before too long.

“Is there something I can do for you, Andrea?” he asked, taking a firm grip of the top of his towel, willing to lose the feeling in his fingers before he’d let it slip an inch.

“My ceiling fan isn’t working, I called the company and they said someone would be round today, but no-one’s been.”

“Do you want me to take a look for you?”

“Would you? That’d be great. I wouldn’t normally like to ask, but I really could do with it tonight.”

“No problem, just let me finish up here and get some clothes on, and I’ll be right up.”

It was a relieved man who closed the door behind her, fairly certain that she’d not seen any hint of his arousal, though his embarrassment made a pretty convincing disguise. While Adam would’ve had no qualms about being in such a situation, even having once had the nerve to drunkenly proposition her at a new tenant’s housewarming a couple of years ago, Ben had never made light of how attractive he’d found their neighbor.

A good decade older than the two guys, Andrea could easily have passed for a sibling, the only give-away to her true age being the clothes she wore and the way she carried herself, possessing a style and elegance in both that could seldom be found in the women his roommate stumbled into the apartment with in the early hours of most weekends.

Living alone as she had for as long as he’d been residing below her, he’d spent most of his fantasies thinking about her; from her blonde hair falling across her shoulders against the silver silk blouse he’d once seen her wear, to the way the skirts of her smart suits would emphasize the shapely contours of her long legs. It’d been the rare occasions when he’d hear her faint moaning in the dead of night that left him sighing as he thought of her, the sound of her pleasuring herself making him wish he were the fingers or vibrator that played over her intimate parts.

Towel dried and clad in a shirt and pair of jeans that he hadn’t planned on wearing until the next morning, he knocked on Andrea’s door, letting himself in after hearing the muted sound of her telling him it was open from somewhere on the other side. The aroma of a cut of meat gently cooking away in the kitchen prickled at his nostrils, his eyes following its trail to see Andrea busy at the stove.

“Something smells good.”

“Thanks,” she replied, checking on the progress of her creation, “it’s lemon-glazed pork with ginger.”

“I’ll bet it tastes as mouth-watering as it sounds.”

“I hope so, I’ve got company coming over in a little while, and I really don’t want to have to send out for pizza.”

“There’s no chance of that happening, and I’ve tasted your cooking so I should know,” he said. “Now, where’s this fan that’s being a nuisance?”

“This way,” she said, leading him across the room, “in my bedroom.”

It had to be really, didn’t it, he thought as she told him how she’d gone to switch it on yesterday and nothing had happened, even going to the trouble of flicking the switch on and off in succession to demonstrate her predicament. No sooner had he recovered from being near naked Elmadağ Escort in front of the woman, here she was stood beside him in her most personal, private chamber, the same chamber from which he’d heard her bring herself to orgasm.

“Um, was there any noise when you tried it, a crackle or a whine maybe?” he asked, more to hide his arousal at his wandering thoughts than to discover anything of use.

“No, nothing at all,” she said, before a look of horror covered her face. “Oh my God… wine. I knew there was something.”

He’d barely enough time to open his mouth to speak before she’d nipped out to the hall, grabbing her handbag as she reached the front door. She looked in at the ingredients simmering away gently, and had made sure she had her keys with her before turning back to him.

“I’ve just got to go out for a bit, I need to pick up some more booze. Don’t worry about the stove, it’ll be alright.”

“Won’t your guests be bringing a bottle?” he asked.

“Oh God, yes, but that’s not going to be nearly enough,” she said, as she hurried out the door, “You’ll be fine sorting that out won’t you?”

“Sure,” he replied, albeit to an empty apartment as the door clicked shut behind her.

He looked back at the fan, giving it the once over, then headed for the breaker box, finding it in the exact same spot the one downstairs was located in. As he’d suspected, the problem, and solution, was easier done than said, especially with a set of spare fuses sitting nicely beside the switch. In no time at all he was wandering back into her bedroom and watching the fan rotating noiselessly above the bed.

Feeling more than a little pleased with himself, he sat down at one end of the sofa in the living room, looking forward to the joy that would radiate from her face when she saw what he’d done. The smile on his lips lasted a good five minutes as he waited for her to return – loath to leave and miss her reaction as much as run the risk of her main course turning to charcoal – the corners of his mouth drooping with each passing minute after that.

It wasn’t long before he found himself fidgeting, continually glancing at his wrist where his watch would’ve been had he bothered putting it on, not helped by the way he felt time was passing quicker than it probably was. Deciding a distraction was needed, he left the relative comfort of the sofa and wandered over to the television, spotting a collection of DVDs stacked neatly beside it. A browse at the titles on the spines was like a who’s who of film noir; classics with a sprinkling of more obscure names that Ben could barely pronounce, and probably used subtitles, all topped with ‘The Big Sleep’ sat slightly askew on top, the case left open with the disc missing from inside.

A look around the room brought the window to his attention, making him curious of whether the view was much different from the one from their apartment. Perhaps unsurprisingly, there was little difference; the same buildings blocked the sunlight for the best part of the day, and the place wasn’t quite high enough to see over the smaller of them and out across town, though he noted that she did have a couple of pretty looking plants sat on the window ledges.

Reasoning that it’d be no surprise to Andrea to find him in her room, he let himself back in, leaving only a small gap as he closed the door behind him. There was little of actual interest lying about in the room which, in spite of its attractiveness, appeared more practical than actually lived-in. A dream-catcher on the wall above the bed and throw cushions resting against the pillows, small picture frames with photos of people he didn’t know, and an assortment of beauty products organized before a mirror were the highlights. None of which seemed to matter that much as he soaked up the thrill of just being where everything he’d heard, had happened.

He walked over to a set of wooden drawers, bending to smell the pot-pourri in a small basket that sat on a lace cloth on top of them. If there was a scent coming from there it must’ve been too weak for his nostrils, he thought, only then realizing his palms were resting on the handles of the top drawer. The idea of just having a quick peek inside raised its head, and, after he looked guiltily back at the door to see no-one was stood watching, was acted upon as he gave into the temptation, though he would hardly have needed an invitation had he known what was within beforehand.

The drawer slid effortlessly out, revealing row after row of immaculately folded clothes. His jaw dropped open as he saw them, the word ‘jackpot’ springing to mind – and sounding as if spoken by Adam as he thought it – at the sight of the underwear laid out before him. Eager eyes ran over each item as he stood there, not having had such a sight of silks and lace since locking himself in his room with one of his mother’s shopping catalogs, many Elmadağ Escort Bayan moons ago.

He stroked the delicate material with his fingers, the tips sliding across as though they were skating on ice. Holding the lacy cups of a fragile looking bra between his fingers and thumb, he marvelled at how transparent it was in places, the way it would tease with glimpses of skin between the feminine patterns marking it. Taking in the various styles and shades, pastels and prints alike, he set eyes on a pair of French knickers that summed up, in his mind at least, everything that aroused him about their owner.

So taken by the garment was he, that he felt compelled to bring it out into the light for a better look. Holding them up by his fingertips as gently as possible, he gazed in awe at the satin as it rippled in his grasp, shimmering in the sunlight reflected off the windows of the buildings opposite. The color of the panties threw up a contradiction, the pale shade as cool as ice, yet the lilac hue bringing a warmth that sat alongside the cold, complementing rather than cancelling it out.

Turning them over in his palms, he stroked across the white lace inserts that formed the sides, the insides of which Andrea’s hips would’ve been pressed against as they hugged her skin. His fingers traced the matching lace edging as it wound its way along the hem, his hand arriving back at the gusset as it came full circle. With a nervous glance to the door, he lifted the panties to his face, bringing them close enough to his nose that they almost touched as he breathed deeply in.

He hadn’t expected anything other than the fragrance of Andrea’s fabric softener, and used his imagination to surmise the scent her most intimate place would leave as they were cast aside after a days wearing. The guilty pleasure had worked its magic on his crotch, the stiffening of his cock making things uncomfortable as it grew awkwardly in his jeans.

Both his hands were needed to rearrange his package to a more agreeable position, and the resulting sight of the underwear inches away from his groin gave him thoughts that he would’ve believed forbidden only hours earlier. He unzipped himself, taking down his pants to the middle of his thighs, spreading them enough to hold the waistband from falling all the way down. Putting his hand inside the panties, letting the satin spread over his palm, he gingerly took hold of his cock, revelling in the cool sensation against his heat.

Slipping over his skin with ease, Ben took care not to grip himself too tightly, the fear of staining the underwear lingering in the back of his mind. The pleasure he felt was absolute as he let his eyes flutter closed against the downdraft from the fan, conjuring images of Andrea on the bed beside him, stimulating herself through the very item wrapped around his fist.

“Sorry I took so long, did you– Benjamin!”

His brief lapse had come at the worst possible moment, giving Andrea a perfect view of him in profile, getting sordid with her unmentionables. The look of shock on his face had matched her own, before she looked away to the dresser and he desperately tried to pull his jeans back up. His cock was still sticking obscenely out as she strode from the doorway towards him.

“I-I’m so, so sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”

She appeared to pay no attention to his hurried apologies, grabbing something he couldn’t quite see from the dresser, before taking him by his, empty, hand and directing him to the bed. He was too busy concentrating on keeping his balance as his pants fell around his ankles, to protest at being manhandled the way he was, barely getting a word out as Andrea sat herself down on the edge of the bed, still holding onto him.

With a swift jerk of her arm, she pulled him down over her lap, putting an elbow across his back to keep him there. His erection mirrored his thoughts, barely knowing whether it was coming or going, his horror at being caught in such a situation making it lose some of its former potency, while being pressed against Andrea’s thighs was almost enough to have him shoot his load there and then.

“I’m sorry to have to do this, Ben, but I can’t very well have you getting away with doing such a thing.”

He twisted his head around to see over his shoulder just in time to see her raise her arm, a black hairbrush held in her hand with the bristles facing in the opposite direction. Her hand came swiftly down, landing the lacquered wood on the fleshiest part of his bare ass, leaving a light pink mark almost immediately. He’d no sooner yelped out loud when the pain came again, a little lower this time, yet still bringing the same stinging sensation.

Squirming over her lap, he tried to get free, only finding more of her weight pressing down on his back. One of her legs came behind his own, pushing down on the back of his knees to control his Escort Elmadağ struggling feet, before another blow hit his backside, its intensity and her resolve seeming to grow the more he tried to wriggle away.

Counting the strokes wasn’t at the forefront of his mind as he laid there, the ache in both his cheeks certainly felt like it’d reached double figures before Andrea finally stopped, releasing him from her hold and letting him struggle to his feet. She placed the brush down beside her on the bed and turned to look up at him, a look of expectancy on her face.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” she asked.

“Oh. Sorry,” he said in a daze as he bent down to grab hold of his pants.

“No, not that. Shouldn’t you be finishing something off?”

He paused, frowning as he tried to fathom out her meaning, getting more confused the harder he thought.

“But, I’ve fixed the fan for you.”

“I did notice. Which is why I’m willing to let you continue from where you left off when I came in.”

She nodded towards the garment he still held in his hand, with his gaze following a moment later. His cheeks blushed furiously, almost matching the shade sported by the ones he wouldn’t be sitting on for a while, as the penny dropped.

“I can’t…”

“You seemed to manage well enough earlier.”

“I know, but I couldn’t… not in front of you.”

“Don’t be silly, I insist. Look at it as a thank you for being such a good neighbor and helping me out,” she said, not taking no for an answer. “Now, you can start just as soon as you’re ready.”

Swallowing hard, he tentatively dabbed at his cock, painfully aware how less than impressive it looked when soft. He looked at Andrea, who simply pointed his attention back to the task in hand with a swift nod of her head before staring at his groin for signs of life. She wasn’t to be disappointed as his cock betrayed his embarrassment, stirring from its apathy to rise up in an arc until it stiffened against his stomach.

An admiring smile found its way onto Andrea’s lips as she watched, encouraging Ben to be a little firmer in his motion, sweeping along his length from balls to tip with the soft satin covering his hand like a glove. His pace increased as he watched her, spotting subtle changes happening. Her breath, while still quite slower than his, seemed to quicken, a tiny gasp escaping as the first spots of semen emerged from his cock.

Her fingers were unconsciously stroking the exposed skin where her blouse had been undone, slipping inside on occasion, as she herself squirmed in her seat on the bed. He looked over her thighs as her skirt rode up, her stocking tops showing slightly beneath it, to the curves of her breasts and up to the Cupid’s bow shape of her lips, glistening as she ran her tongue over them.

The sight of her arousal quickened his excitement, speeding the rhythm of his strokes, making his grip tighten in all the places that made the ache in his loins want to burst loose, taking with it all the tension that was building up inside. The intensity of her gaze matched the fire in his balls as they welled up tight, ready to gush forth at any moment, just wanting one more hard jerk to set them loose.

His climax came as a near violent release, spasm following spasm as he shot his thick, sticky mess into Andrea’s panties, soaking the shiny satin where her pussy would normally lie. Massaging the last drops from the tip of his cock, he could feel his legs fight to hold him up, the exertion taking its toll as he began to notice the muscles of his thighs and forearm throbbing at the strain put on them.

“Show me,” Andrea said as their eyes met again.

Removing the underwear from his cock, a small trail of cum stretching visibly between the two, he opened them to let her see the mess he’d made. She got to her feet, readjusting her dress and walked over to him, a wry smile on her lips.

“Very nice. I expect you to have them dry cleaned and back to me in the condition you found them in by the weekend,” she said, walking past him and out of the room.

He pulled his jeans up and fastened them as best he could with a pair of soiled panties in his hand, trotting out after her still fiddling with his zip. She was almost at the front door as he reached her, the door opening as he tried to speak, her arm around his shoulder, guiding him out, interrupting his attempt.

“Thanks for helping me out, Ben. I’ll be seeing you soon, now that I know how handy you are, I’m sure I can find some other things that need fixing.”

“Uh, okay?” he murmured, slowly regaining use of his tongue.

“I’ll just have to make sure I’m around to watch you work next time,” she added with a wink. “You might want to hide those somewhere…”

She closed the door as he glanced down at the panties, looking around shamefaced, hoping no-one else would see. He scrunched them up and slipped them in his pocket, checking he’d not left anything of either it or himself hanging out, as the sound of a bottle of wine being opened could just be heard through the door; a small hint of reality capping an unreal experience that left him smiling broadly as he started off back down the stairs.

~ The End ~

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Inanna’s Descent into the Underworld Ch. 01

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Chapter 01: Inanna and Ereshkigal — Battle in Irkalla

[This is a one-off story, or so I intend at this time, inspired by several elements: the Mesopotamian myth of Inanna’s Descent into the Underworld, and a few stories written by a certain “GW” from another website, a noted portal for the female muscle fetish. This story draws upon various ideas and scenarios presented in GW’s stories, and it is not intended to be plagiarism.]

[This story is also predicated on a fetish: women who are paragons of muscular development, and who are engaged in intense struggle for physical and mental dominance. If you have thematic objections to this, please do not read this story.]


High Priestess Puabana shook with anger. “The demon queen has gone too far! How could Ereshkigal have the gall to break the peace of Inanna, her sister and ruler?”

The severely-wounded runner was at death’s door. She sported several claw marks along her bronzed, lean legs, but Puabana knew no ordinary animal had made those wounds. Nothing but a demon could cause gashes that suppurated in this fashion — demons under the command of Ereshkigal, Goddess of Irkalla the Land of the Dead, Queen of the Realm Beneath.

The runner croaked, while supported by two other priestesses, “I know not the reason for her boldness, O Blessed One. I know… what I saw… they come… for us…” She collapsed in a fit of coughing, and blood spotted the floor in front of her. The healers rushed forward — but it was too late. Her soul had passed on, passed on into the realm of that very entity whose demon armies now marched on the Great Temple of Uruk, the glorious city wholly dedicated to the worship of Warlike Inanna, Supreme Goddess of the Sky. Silently, Puabana prayed for her brave soul, and the souls of all who had suffered and died so far.

Then the reports came in from the soldiers. The men’s faces were frozen into rictuses of terror. Other men they could battle fearlessly, creatures of flesh and blood they could fight. Bold enough they were, certainly, when taking the spoils of war after a successful sack of a city. They could not stand firm when faced with demons from the Netherworld, horrors from nightmares come to life. Not for centuries had such a thing happened. Now, the reign of the indolent fatuous king Dumuzi would be marked by this event forever.

The warrior priestesses under Puabana’s command were far more courageous. As the demons ravaged the streets of the city and approached the steps of the Great Temple, the women silently formed ranks and levelled their spears. The sunlight glinted off their shields of bronze and gold. Their shoulders and arms were strong, their feet were firm. Puabana was proud of them, even when it became clear that they were completely overmatched.

By degrees, they were forced back until they stood in the inner sanctum, before the statue of Inanna herself, the survivors grimly blinking the sweat and blood from their eyes, forming a protective wall around a wounded Puabana. Here of all places, they would not flee or surrender. They would fight and die for their goddess.

But then they quailed, as the slavering demons parted ranks, and a figure that so obviously was of deific origin strode through. Puabana gasped. It was Ereshkigal herself! And now the entire chamber seemed filled with a palpable cold dread, as the personal aura of the dark goddess emanated from her.

She was almost naked, pale-skinned and voluptuous, clad in black flowing strands of cloth that seemed to coil around her body like sensuous tendrils. Her hair, black as midnight, was tied up and pinned in the traditional fashion of royalty. She was so pale that her skin almost seemed grey with a ghostly pallor. She wore no weapons, no protective armour or other accoutrements.

“Well, proud lackey of my haughty sister, there you stand, defiant to the last,” Ereshkigal’s voice seemed to be a chill penetrating Puabana’s very bones. The involuntary moans of her stalwart priestess soldiers and their shuddering told her that they were reacting similarly to the voice of the goddess. Not for nothing are they gods and goddesses, who rule over us, Puabana thought, breaking into cold sweat. When their divinity is manifest, no mortal can endure it.

But she drew herself up as far as she was able and declared, “This place is sacrosanct, Ereshkigal, Mistress of the Netherworld. We are the children of Inanna, your divine sister, and we are under her protection. This invasion of yours breaks the peace of the gods, and offends Enki himself. I charge you, in the name of Inanna…”

It was not so much a shout as a direct imperative forced upon every cell in her body, imprinted directly upon her brain. Puabana froze, finding herself unable to move. Ereshkigal’s eyes were black pits of hatred and rage, and she strode forward, ready with one sweep of her arm to slay them all in a stroke.

Summoning up every ounce of her will and devotion to her beloved goddess, Puabana raised her eyes to the heavens and screamed, “Queen Etimesgut Escort Inanna! Your daughters are in need! Come to us!”

And there was a flash of light, brighter than the sun, and the demons shrank back, gibbering with sudden terror. And lo! The statue of Inanna behind the women had disappeared — had come to life! The priestesses gasped as one body at this miracle. As the glare slowly faded into a warm soothing glow, they turned to their goddess made manifest and fell on one knee in adulation.

Inanna herself was there in the flesh. Like her sister, she towered over her mortal devotees, standing at nearly eight feet. Her hair was like the mane of a lion, reddish-gold framing her divinely beautiful face, strong feminine features given a leonine cast. In shade and colour her hair was like that of most Sumerians, but her shimmering hair possessed unearthly vibrancy of colour. All over her body, clad in a flowing white robe and her divine armour, a soft sheen glowed. She was sleekly muscled, her womanly curves moving sinuously with a powerful intimation of strength, so that she seemed an incomparably graceful Lioness, much like the seven golden lions she had tamed that pulled her chariot when she wished to traverse the skies or the land.

Now her golden eyes were flashing, and she raised a tawny arm to point at Ereshkigal, who had drawn back slightly but was standing her ground, baring her teeth in a show of belligerence. Puabana and her followers fell onto their knees in awe before their goddess. Several were weeping openly, never having expected the honour of seeing Inanna incarnate before their very eyes in their lifetime. It seemed that her bright presence burned away the chill and despair of Ereshkigal’s aura.

Where Ereshkigal was darkly sexual, a creature of the night, the embodiment of umbral temptation, Inanna was truly the mother of life, her curvy body the epitome of womanly perfection, her strong sun-browned limbs possessing the strength to nurture and protect.

“Sister! Has your earlier chastisement at my hands escaped your memory so soon? Why do you now wreak havoc throughout the mortal realm with such impunity, such little regard for your fate? Your punishment will be severe indeed, Ereshkigal. My mercy will be less this time, for my patience is limited, and the harm you have caused is great. I shall suffer you to explain yourself and your evil acts, before I pass judgement upon you!” Inanna’s regal voice rang out, resounding through the chamber with holy wrath tempered by a serene, unflappable calm.

“For too long have I suffered at your ‘mercy’, Sister!” Ereshkigal spat, and now her voice seemed as the venomous hissing of a serpent. “You took the sunlit realms for yourself, and grew strong on the worship of credulous mortals, while for me, you left the cold, dark netherworld, far beneath the earth, far from the sun, far from warmth, far from joy, far from life. You thought to trap me there for eternity, as I languished in my exile.

“But you made a mistake when you condemned me there! I have fed upon the misery of death. I have fed upon the pain and suffering of mortal souls, and I have grown strong, Inanna! Stronger even than you! And now, I am come to claim my throne and dominion over all the world, and I will cast you down into the deep darkness, where you will reside for all eternity, and only then will I call my vengeance sated!”

Such blasphemous words, uttered within Inanna’s own Holy of Holies! Puabana stepped forward, trembling with fury, but Inanna herself raised an arm to stay her. Awed, Puabana looked up at the countenance of her goddess. Inanna bestowed her chief follower, the most devout High Priestess who had ever served her, with a smile and a kindly look. Puabana communed often with Inanna, at all hours of the day and the night. Inanna heard her often, and spoke to her from time to time.

Being the supreme goddess of love and life, the sexual orgasm was the most powerful gift Inanna had given to all of humanity. An act of physical pleasure was a sacrament to her; the throes of bodies entwined in passion were her sacred dance; the moans and cries of release were her songs of praise. High Priestess Puabana had received that rarest of gifts — she had received a Visitation from Inanna herself, on one memorable night. She knew, with humble pride, that she occupied a special place in Inanna’s heart.

“High Priestess Puabana, I know well your love of me. Your courage and strength are an inspiration to my followers. With such women as you and your brave sisters in my Temple, my demonic sister will never triumph over the living lands,” Inanna proclaimed, sending a surge of pride through Puabana’s chest, and through all the priestess warriors who heard.

“See well the untruth of your words, sister!” Ereshkigal cried out. The room darkened, and a dark circle seemed to form in the air. The hair on the nape of Puabana’s neck rose, as she gazed upon this portal with mounting terror. It was something every mortal feared to see: the gateway to the Etimesgut Escort Bayan Land of No Return.

“You took the realms of life and love as your dominion,” hissed Ereshkigal, her dark eyes glittering pinpoints of hate. “But mine is the law of the dead. Mine is the judgement of the ending of a life. And now, I decree — their time has come! Puabana, High Priestess of my contemptible sister — your judgement is here!”

And she gave Puabana the Look of Death. Inanna was powerless to prevent this — by ancient compact, the judges of the underworld, the Anunnaki, decreed when a mortal would die — and Ereshkigal was the Queen of the Anunnaki. The entire phalanx of women warriors reeled, caught up in the Look, and they were slain where they stood — such was the remorseless power of Ereshkigal. Their souls passed swiftly into the Land of No Return. One by one, the doughty warrior-women of Inanna fell to the floor and lay still.

Puabana staggered. She fell to her knees. Raising a hand towards Inanna, she looked up, smiled, and croaked, “My goddess… save… your people… you are… the stronger… you will… triumph…” Then she slumped, and her soul passed on into the Land of No Return, beyond the veil of life, to join her courageous women warriors.

“No!” Inanna cried, but to no avail. Her eyes flashed with fury as she rounded on the laughing Ereshkigal. “Yours it was not given to cause untimely death, despicable sister of mine! Your abuse of power stinks to the heavens — and it is I who shall bring you your judgement! You will face your condemnation before me!”

“Come, then!” Ereshkigal’s eyes flashed as well. The two divine sisters locked eyes and glared. Ereshkigal’s demons had moved forward, eager to begin befouling the corpses of the priestesses with lewd intentions. With a contemptuous wave of her hand, Inanna banished them, causing them to burn up with howls of agony, leaving no earthly trace behind.

Ereshkigal spoke. “Lesser demons you may have dominion over, Inanna, Courtesan of the Heavens. But over me, you shall have none.”

“I invoke the Rite of the Trial,” Inanna intoned, her voice taking on the tones of formality. “I shall prevail over you and deliver to you my judgement.”

“I accept, and I choose the place of our Trial,” Ereshkigal replied swiftly. “Come down to my chamber, in the deep parts of Irkalla! I invite you, sister, so that you may return from my realm freely should you chance to triumph over me!”

Inanna hesitated a moment, but her sister had the right to choose the place of the Trial, according to divine formula. She remained confident — the previous Trial had been little more than a formal gesture, and she had brought heavy chastisement upon her sister in front of all the gods, forcing her to accept her judgement and punishment. In Irkalla, the gaze of the gods would easily reach the battle, and all the denizens of the deep netherworld would be spectators as well, but of course unable to interfere. Perhaps even the recently departed spirits of the dead would be able to catch a glimpse of the proceedings. Her favoured High Priestess, Puabana, would surely be comforted when Inanna exacted justice upon the dark demon queen!

“Very well — I accept your invitation, and your challenge,” she stated. “Your foul unwanted presence will be banished from the sunlit lands. Death will come in the fullness of time, and not by your wanton wishes. I will bring this to pass.”

“Come then,” Ereshkigal gave a throaty chuckle, and crooked a black-painted fingernail. She stepped into the portal, and disappeared. Inanna took a few strides forward, and within moments, she had followed her sister into the portal.

Instantly, she found herself in a high-ceilinged cold stone chamber. This was the anteroom of the gate she knew from long memory. It had been many hundreds of years since she had had occasion to pass this way, nigh unto a thousand years. The gates could not be smashed by any force — not even by her considerable might.

The sepulchral tones of the first gatekeeper echoed through the chamber. “Inanna, Courtesan of the Gods, Mistress of Life and War. Why have you come?”

“I come at my sister Ereshkigal’s behest. She has challenged me to combat, and I come to bring justice upon her,” Inanna declared.

The cold, dead voice continued, “You may enter, Queen of the Heavens, but your garments must be shed. You may not enter the Nether Realms except with a humble heart and a countenance to match.”

“Insolence!” Inanna’s fury flared. Her dark mascaraed eyes seemed to blaze with anger, and she drew herself up to her full height. The glory of her divine power seemed to envelope her physical form. “Know you not who I am? How dare you attempt to impose such strictures upon me!”

“It matters not who you are, Mighty Inanna,” the gatekeeper, Neti, responded, still in that toneless voice. “Enlil Himself would have to obey these laws, for He was the one who set them from the beginning of time. For this, the first gate, remove Escort Etimesgut your crown, and enter the gate with humbled head shorn of glory.”

Inanna gritted her teeth, but she had to comply. She raised her hands and took off her crown, her shurgarra — the Crown of the Steppe. Her red-gold hair framed her face like a mane — surely any could see that even bareheaded, her glory and beauty were not diminished. Still, the crown was a great loss, for it conferred a large part of her warlike prowess upon her.

The crown disappeared from her hands as she offered it up. The gatekeeper intoned, “Proceed.”

Inanna strode forth, and into another chamber, facing the second gate. Neti spoke again. “Here, remove and surrender unto me your necklace.” It was lapis-lazuli, finer than any that could be found in the earthly realm. Inanna stripped it off and gave it up, feeling yet more of her power disappear.

The third gate took from her the breast beads adorning her chest, the double strand that hung from her neck. She fumed as the fourth gate compelled her to take off her breast plate, which was better protection than any mortal armour could provide. The fifth gate deprived her of her bracelets, and she felt the strength of her arms diminish. By then it could be seen clearly by any onlooker that her divine radiance was dimmed, though the sheer beauty of her strong and sleek form remained astounding.

At the sixth gate, she balked at having to relinquish her judgement rod, which she wielded sometimes as a mace. It was inlaid with the same lapis-lazuli as her necklace, and contained immense power against all enemies. The gatekeeper remained adamant and unyielding, and took the rod from her.

And at the seventh and final gate, without her consent, her shimmering robes suddenly vanished. “What is this?” she demanded furiously. Her nipples stiffened at the sudden exposure to the chill air of the underworld. Her muscular body was abruptly revealed in all its glory, but not in a manner that she had desired.

“Be you silent, Queen Inanna,” Neti was as implacable as ever. “The ways of the underworld are perfect. They may not be questioned. Enter, then, holy courtesan of the Heavens, with head bowed low.”

Thus did Inanna step past the threshold, and into Ereshkigal’s throne room.

Immediately her senses were assailed with the overpowering odour of the unguents used in embalming rites by the mortals. The air here, cold and dank, was redolent with the scent of those oils. The chill air caused her pink nipples to swell and become erect, and she shivered involuntarily.

She was in a huge stone chamber, illuminated only by a faint eerie glow suffusing the entire area, which did not seem to emanate from any particular light source. This was the dark light of Irkalla, her sister’s dark and cheerless realm. In the middle of the chamber was a large circular dais, the borders of which were inscribed with cuneiform runes of power.

And across the chamber from her stood the demon Queen Ereshkigal, as naked as her heavenly sister, in front of her throne of skulls. She was holding a goblet, and beside her something hung suspended from chains, dripping blood. Inanna gasped in horror as her eyes adjusted and she saw what it was — it was the form of Puabana, her High Priestess, and her blood was dripping from a wound in her neck into the goblet Ereshkigal held!

“Release her! Release my High Priestess!” she screamed with righteous fury, filling the entire hall with the reverberations of her voice. For a moment the shadows in the deepest corner were dispelled, and Ereshkigal snarled as she felt the force of Inanna’s rage. But then the pale alabaster-skinned goddess smiled, and raised the goblet of blood to her blackened lips.

“I shall consign her to her fate soon enough, sister mine, once I have supped of her lifeblood! She was your favoured one once, was she not? Her blood fortifies me, Inanna — the blood of your most devout worshipper fortifies me against you!” And with that, she drank deeply of the goblet, letting some of the blood trickle from the corners of her lips. And indeed, she seemed to glow with increased power in some undefinable way. This was ancient magic — in a battle between deities, if one should consume the blood of the other’s defeated followers, there was an exchange of strength and potency. The more devout the followers, the greater the corresponding exchange.

Inanna could feel the flow of energies, conferring some of her power upon her sister. The soul of Puabana, she could see, was trapped, a prisoner of Ereshkigal’s whims. The form of Puabana turned its head to Inanna, and the goddess was sick at heart to see the sheer depth of suffering in the pits that constituted her eyes. How could she allow her most loyal follower to be subject to such a cruel fate? Inanna gathered her energies, preparing to force the release of Puabana’s soul from durance vile.

“Goddess… no… do not… your strength… drained… I will suffer… for you…” Puabana’s croaking, rattling voice was a parody of the clarion one she had possessed in life, the voice that had rendered judgement, offered paeans of praise, commanded soldiers in battle. But for all that, it was unmistakably hers, and she was displaying such unwavering nobility of spirit even in the midst of such suffering. She, a mortal, able to do this!

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Humiliated Muscle Stud Stripper

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Jack was one hot fucker: 6 feet tall with straight dark hair and long lashes. A dimple in his chin and a big bright smile — when he wasn’t brooding. His daily work outs had paid off: his body was of an Adonis. Muscular hairy chest down to a V waist. A smooth bubble butt that was perfection to behold. Long thick thighs and calves. Even his feet were amazing. But with all this gorgeous, bodybuilding machismo there was one, sad, exception: his cock. Or rather, his pee pee. His little boy weenie.

He had worked out, specifically, to make up for his little manhood. Worked out day after day and now, the girls (and some guys) lusted after him everywhere he went. Sadly, once the girl discovered how small his dick was, well, there was never a second date.

So, Jack had become angry and bitter. So much so that he had a reputation for being an arrogant douchebag. He treated women with scorn, not caring if he even got a first date let alone a second. Still, he discovered that many girls seemed to want him all the more. At first it amused him but soon, it excited him, this lustful yearning. He could and he would tease them and then withhold his favors. HE would be the one to deny a second date. But he loved the attention and, when he thought about it, it made his tiny cock throb as though it were 10 inches. He fantasized all kinds of things but the one fantasy that most thrilled him was the one where he was a stripper in a room full of wanton horny women. But the reality was, he would never be able to pull it off.

Then one day he had an idea. And it grew bigger and bigger than his cock ever would…

Fast forward: When Jack arrived at the party, the hostess, a blond 40 something knockout, greeted him at the door. She had great breasts and a hourglass figure in a tight fitting dress. There was a party already well underway and Jack was ready. In fact, just the thought of what he was about to do made his face flush and his tummy flutter.

The blond quickly ushered him into the kitchen.

“Here… $150. My girlfriends have already been drinking for an hour– at least. They’re gonna LOVE YOU! Now drink this shot, it’ll help you relax and catch up to them.”

He took it down with one swig. It tasted sweet and strangely bitter, too.

“My oh my… What do we have hear?” The hostess exclaimed rather loudly. “Ladies! We have a policeman here at the door! It seems ya’ll are being to loud and disruptive! Well, come on in Officer…?”

“Anton, Ma’am.” Jack almost stuttered. He could feel his erection beginning to grow a little.

“Ladies! Officer Anton is here and he needs your full attention”

Jack was ready. He stepped into the room — all 6 foot of masculine, muscular authority, in his navy blue police uniform and dark glasses. He looked amazingly real: a thick belt with handcuffs, a billy club; his dark hat with a shiny visor. 12 women looked up at him and gasped.

And there it was: the sheer lust and desire in all of their eyes. Jack was going to give them just enough to make them wet and desperate. And then — bam! Out the door Beşevler Escort with his $150. “Doris” had already paid him once she set eyes on him, he made sure of it.

“Ladies… I have had several complaints about the noise from this party! Apparently, you all are way too quiet!” With that, he clicked on his boom box and his raucous stripper music started.

Jack made his way around the room from woman to woman gyrating and thrusting. And what the women noticed, besides the bodybuilder build, the handsome dark face, and the authoritative confidence, was his big, fat bulge. His cock looked to be 9 inches long and thick as a forearm! One by one the women gasped and soon they were grabbing him by his big muscular cheeks and “accidentally” pushing their shoulders or breasts into his hard crotch.

He took of his shirt first. Then he expertly kicked of his shoes. Next came his socks, and Jack was so excited by the touching and groping he almost believed that his cock really was that big and that it really was that thick. He felt sweat trickling down his back and before he knew it, a tongue licking it off.

The women were now tugging at his pants, groping his muscular cheeks and kissing his neck. They were hot, very hot. Maybe even hotter than he felt. But it was not to be — not yet. Not tonight. Jack pushed them away, ordered them each to sit. Then, standing tall above them, he reached down to his ankles and with one quick yank, pulled his pants off.

The groans and gasps and shrieks! He stood there in his cop hat and belt with a massive, bulging black thong. He grabbed his meat and wiggled it back and forth. Stroking it and caressing it. The women were momentarily stunned! Officer Anton was a magnificent specimen of male muscle and beauty. And each of them wanted him… badly.

But for Officer Anton, that was it: the finale. He began to reach for his discarded clothing to make his getaway.

“Not so fast, Officer!” and it was Doris who sprang to her feet and, before he knew it, yanked his thong down around his knees!

And the 9 inch dildo fell and rolled across the floor…

For 2 seconds there was stunned silence. Jack stood there in complete shock — his hands covering his hard little dick. Then they stood in mass, all 12 of them and jumped him. The “officer” struggled but it was no use! They were holding his arms and ankles. Soon he was sprawled upon the floor with a woman on his chest. Trapped!

“Oh my god! Look at that tiny cock!” They were laughing at him. Grabbing him by the balls and his tiny dick. And… he was still hard.

“Oh no… you’re not going anywhere”

“We’re not done with you, Officer Anton”

“We paid you and now you’re going to pay for your deception” Doris cried.

“Puh-puh-Please, ladies… L-L-Let me go!”

The woman on his chest was sitting with her ass near his face and when he protested, she shoved her ass up on his face nearly smothering him. He could feel her grinding against his face, her panty hose and ass hot and wet. And something wet on his Beşevler Escort Bayan cock. A mouth, lips… Then his arms stretched above him and a little metallic click as someone handcuffed his wrists together. He couldn’t move his arms. He was attached to something solid.

With the brunette on his face, he couldn’t see anything and he could barely hear them. But there was no mistaking the giggling. Now and then he would see a bright flash. Photos!

“Oh god! Oh Fuck! How am I gonna get outta here?” He thought. “This is so fucking humiliating and yet… why am I still hard?”

Just then he heard Doris say “… double dose of Viagra and something else, too.”

“O.K., Carla, you’ve had your fun. Get of macho man’s face so we can have our fun.”

Jack quickly looked around in panic. He was shackled to a heavy dining room table. 12 women stood over him smirking. “N-N-No… please. Ya gotta l-l-let me go!” he cried.

“We’ll let you go — eventually” said another blond. “But first we’re going to have a “little” fun.” Jack noticed the emphasis on the word little and felt himself flush hot and red. He had begun to sweat everywhere as he kicked his muscular legs and thrashed around helplessly.

Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and then another. They were taking photos! Flash! Flash! Flash!

“N-n-n-N000000!” He yelled. “D-damn it! S-s-s-stop taking pictures!”

“Janet, Brittany… grab his ankles and hold his legs up. I’ll go get my babyoil”

Two of the woman grabbed him by the ankles, lifted and spread them open. Another flash.

“Well, let’s get this little penis all good and oiled. I had, really, really hoped that 9 incher was real. So disappointing” Doris was slathering his dick and balls with oil. Against his will, his cock throbbed in her hands. “Let me put a little here, too” She slid her oily fingers around his asshole. Stuck her long middle finger into it.

Jack squeezed his glutes as hard as he could.

“Higher ladies. Spread ’em wide”. Doris clutched at his muscle butt, squeezed and then spanked his cheeks.”Relax, Officer Anton. I just want to check your prostate.” She probed deeper. She stuck a second finger in — or tried to anyway. “He’s so tight! Well I have a trick to fix that. Be right back ladies. Don’t let him go!”

When Doris came back 5 minutes later, the one named Carla was stroking and teasing his cock. Cooing at him and remarking on it’s tiny dimensions. Jack was hot and red and sweating profusely. He felt hot tears in his eyes and he blinked them back.

Just then he felt Doris push something into his hole.

“Just like that” she said “And you leave a litte string out, see?”

“God! What was that? What did you put in me?” Jack could feel his rectum getting warm. The warmth seemed to spread through his entire ass.

“First of all, it’s “Ma’am” Understood? I just gave you something to help your rectum relax.”

The warmth began to tingle and Jack’s cock throbbed, oil dripping off of it. He could feel it trickling down around his Escort Beşevler balls, down into his hot crack and hole. The warmth and tingling, at first somewhat pleasant began to burn. Soon, it was scorching hot.

“Fuck fuck fuck! Take it out! It’s burning… M-m-my hole… my asshole. It’s burning!

“Didn’t I just tell you to call me Ma’am? Now ask me nicely what you want me to do?

“Fuck! Take it out! Ma’am… please… take. It. OUT!” The “Officer squirmed and writhed wildly; his muscular torso twisting and bucking hard.

“Well, since you asked so nicely” Doris reached down and yanked the string. Jack felt a little pop as the thing left his rectum. Doris held it up for all to see: a jalapeno pepper. The cameras once again flashed as she held it in front of Jack’s startled flushed face. His eyes bulged and tears sprang up.

“It’s still burning. Damnit! It’s worse! My ass is burning! Make it stop! Damnit…”

“Well I do have a good remedy but you’re going to have to really, really want it. You’re going to have to beg for it” Doris said

“Anything! Anything… just hurry! I c-c-can’t take this burning! Please…”

While Officer Anton writhed and bucked and whimpered, Doris went to the kitchen and a moment later she appeared.

She was holding a big, blue dildo.

“N-n-no… No! How is that thing going to help me?” The panic in his voice was evident.

“Why, it’s made of ice– how clever!” exclaimed Janet.

“That’s right. A big cold, ice dildo. What do you think Officer Anton? Do you want to cool that burning in your butthole or not?”

“C’mon… no. Not that. How about an ice cube? Just an ice cube… please?”

“Nope. This is all I got. Take it or leave it.” She began rubbing the ice dildo against his ass. She pushed it up against his hole. Jack’s cock throbbed.

“OK… OK… just a little bit in. Put it in just a little. C’mon now…”

“No, no… tell me you want it, Officer. Tell me you want me to fuck your asshole with the dildo. Tell me to shove it in as far as I can…”

“Oh my God… It’s burning. My hole is burning up! Please just give me a little ice…”

“Say it Officer.”

“Please… C’mon. It hurts!”

“Say it. Tell me you want to be fucked by this dildo…”


“Please? Please what, Officer Anton?”

“Oh God. P-P-P-Please, put the ice in me.”

“No.Tell me you want to be fucked”

“Please… fuck me with the ice… ” Jack whispered

“Say I want to be fucked in the asshole with the dildo, Officer. Loudly”

“Please…. Please fuck me. Fuck me with that dildo. Please FUCK ME WITH THAT DILDO!!!”

And with that, Doris pushed the head of the dildo into the stripper’s hot, tight, hole. But just the head.

“Ma’am… please. Please Ma’am. Push it in.”

“Say it, Officer”

P-p-p-please, Ma’am. Shove that dildo deep into my asshole. Please fuck me. Fuck me. Please?”

And when Doris obliged, when she fucked his hot, arrogant, stripper hole in and out, in and out; and Jack writhed and bucked and groaned; and all the ladies laughed and took photos and teased him; Officer Anton, stripper, bodybuilder, arrogant brooding stud, exploded and came like never before without anybody even touching his throbbing little cock.

Officer Anton has had to endure 4 more such parties. Only now he does them for free.

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How I Discovered My Messy Fetish

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My name is Misty. I’m currently in my fourth year of college, attending the University of Michigan. I’ve been living up to the high standard I’ve set for myself and everything has been going especially well, except for one thing. I recently made a discovery about myself that I’ve been rather ashamed of.

I’ve always been a well behaved girl with a strong set of morals, or so it appears. I’ve lived around religion my whole entire life, and never strayed much from the way I was raised. I grew up in a strict Christian household with no other siblings. I guess you could say I was spoiled because of this. If I wanted something, all I had to do was ask nicely and nine times out of ten it was mine.

I wanted to escape this, though. Even though it has its advantages at times, I was so sick of being looked up to as the prim and proper church girl that everyone aspired to be . It was an image I hated living, more and more with each passing day.

Well, a few weeks ago I got my wish. I’ve been on a high ever since.

When it comes to sexual desires, I’ve had them for a long time. I used to love masturbating whatever chance I got; in my own bedroom, public bathrooms, outside, you name it. I knew from early on I got off on doing it in public or sneakily with other people around. This is what led to me discovering my newest fetish. Yeah, fetish. I have officially come to terms that what I’m about to tell you is my fetish. I fucking love every minute of it too! Wow, I just have to say it feels so good to swear like that. It actually is making me kind of wet just even typing about this.

Going against how I’ve always acted is what starts making me feel worked up. I never cussed much at all growing up. To be able to say “fuck” so freely and not care about it – I don’t know. There’s just something about it that appeals to me because it is going against everything I was taught.

One night a while ago, I was in my dorm room snuggled nicely under the covers. It was about 2 am and I knew my roommate was going to be out for the night. I had my laptop in front of me, on-top of the covers and was in the process of navigating to my favorite porn website. A typical Saturday night.

Porn. I fucking love porn. I loved all kinds, but the anal category was what really got to me. I loved seeing a woman taking it deep in the ass, seeing the look in her eyes while she was cumming. None of that fake shit, either. Even more, I loved finding real videos of women pleasuring themselves with fingers or a toy in their ass. I knew I wasn’t a lesbian and I never had been in my life, but for whatever reason I was extremely turned on by watching women do this. As for myself, I had never tried anything on my own ass yet. I was awfully curious, though.

That night, as I laid under the covers trying to find a video, I happened upon a sexy looking brunette woman who was in the process of lubing up her fingers, getting them ready for her asshole. I felt my legs spread apart automatically under the blankets and I could already tell I was wet, even through my panties. The anticipation of how good it would feel to cum, in itself, was enough to turn me on. Sifting through the videos, of all these slutty women acting out their filthy fantasies, amped it up even more.

As I watched the big titted blonde’s fingers playing near her ass, suddenly a website popped up in front of me. I thought it was one of those annoying ads at first, that it had slipped through my ad blocker, but I was wrong. A video player came up with the title “Woman gets off while pushing” above it. Pushing? Curiosity got the best of me, and hoping that it didn’t give my laptop viruses, I pressed the play button daringly.

In front of me, I saw this woman in my exact scenario, laying on a bed, about to feel herself through her panties. What was weird, was she even looked like me! I had a curvy body, dirty blonde hair and plump boobs which contrasted my curvy hips nicely. I was not super skinny, but nowhere near fat either. The only difference between me and this woman was the color of her panties. My panties were a light blue, hers were white. I felt like I was looking at myself. The video was blurry enough that I couldn’t make out her face too well.

It appeared that she didn’t know the camera was on her. It looked like one of those night cams people use to monitor their houses while away. I immediately found that sexy, the voyeuristic Çankaya Escort aspect of it all. The fact that she was starting to touch herself also did so much for my increasingly wet panties. I decided to let my hand start slipping down under the covers, to tease myself just a bit.

I matched the movement of the woman’s hand to my own, feeling the shape of my pussy lips ever so slightly through my panties. As soon as my finger tips brushed against them, it sent a shiver through my body and I felt my clit start to harden. I wanted so much to just start fucking myself with my fingers, but I withheld and just kept playfully touching.

As the woman on the video kept doing the same kind of movements, she stopped. In my headphones, I heard what I can only describe as her start to strain. It sounded like she was constipated or something! This caught me completely off guard, but at the same time, it turned me on. I was so confused at this moment because I didn’t understand why I felt so horny over hearing and seeing this random chick pushing… but I knew my pussy didn’t lie when it came to being turned on.

Watching eagerly, I saw the woman’s panties start forming a wet spot at the top where her pubes were, trickling its way down to where her fingers were picking up intensity. Was she peeing?

She pulled the panties to the side, and lo and behold I saw her lovely pussy spurt out a big stream of piss that shot nearly half way across the bed. My pussy started to pulsate, now.

I paused the video, right as the woman was letting her panties slide back over her pussy, sopping wet. My own pussy was in a fit of ecstasy. I wanted to cum right then and there because of how fucking dirty this woman was being, without any care in the world. She had just pissed all over her panties and bed on purpose, and was clearly getting off to the taboo act. There was something so enticing about even the thought of such a nasty thing.

My heart raced at the thought of doing something so dirty. I focused my attention down to my bladder, and immediately realized I actually had to pee, pretty bad actually. Should I really try to piss right here, under the covers and through my panties?

I kept second guessing myself, thinking of how potentially messy it would be and about the cleanup after, but then the emanating horniness came back. I can only describe it as something taking a hold of me, not giving a fuck about how messy it could get. The feeling extended away from my tits, down the front of me, and straight to my pussy and my heart pounded all the more harder.

The sheets of my bed were a dark hue of blue that contrasted the blanket over me, which was a pale white. If I really did pee, I thought it would be better to only release a little bit so that way it wouldn’t be as noticeable. My cover, more than anything, would be the issue with the stains I was about to cause. I didn’t care though.

I started putting pressure on my pussy, feeling the familiar feeling of taking a piss. As it was just about to come out, I hesitated a moment. The feeling I felt was indescribable. I felt such an insane rush of euphoria and naughtiness, it was empowering! It was such a lethal mix of sexual excitement, I couldn’t contain myself much longer. My hand was pressing tight against myself, my fingers wrapped tightly on my pussy.

A few seconds later, I felt the first sign of droplets start to form. My pee was starting to come out, and I absolutely fucking loved it. It was a slow stream at first, just enough to wet the front of my panties and then I felt it on my hand. As soon as it touched my fingertips, my pussy gave a hard throbbing sensation. Was I really doing this?

It was as if my thoughts couldn’t catch up fast enough to what was happening. All I could picture was the woman in the video I still had paused in front of me, acting out all her same motions. My pee started to come out heavier now, which made me clench my bladder muscles. It came to a halt. The pressure, wetness, and heart palpitations were all enough on their own to make me cum harder than I ever had before, but I still somehow held off.

I wanted to see the mess I made. I reached over to the night stand beside my bed, and snapped it on. As I did this, I felt a wet sensation on my hips when I rolled to my side. I was in a small puddle of piss. I am such a filthy girl. Misty, you are so fucking perverted, Çankaya Escort Bayan pissing yourself while watching other woman play with their pussies.

I wanted to cum so fucking hard. I knew that this orgasm was going to be one of the best I ever had, but I was persistent in increasing the sexual tension that plagued my whole body. My nipples were rock hard, poking out through my white T-shirt. The end folds of the shirt were damp from the same piss puddle I was laying in. My body had a new craving I never knew I needed – to be filthy, dirty.

In the dim glow of the light, I looked down and saw my soaking wet panties. I hadn’t released all my piss, because I still had the last “normal” part of me holding me back. The puddle that had formed around my ass was now almost fully soaked through the sheets, into the mattress itself. There was a dark patch that spanned just a bit wider than my hips, and it was clearly noticeable even in the low light and dark sheets. I felt a bit ashamed but it actually turned me on even more, if that was even possible at this point. The shame seemed to fuel the ever growing fire of horniness.

There was no end to the pressure that had been building inside my groin, my pussy, all night. I decided to click play again, on the video of the woman. I started rubbing my clit through my panties, my hands wet from the mixture of pee and cum now starting to leak from my pussy. I was edging so close to cumming, but didn’t allow myself.

I now matched the woman in the video pretty much spot on. The only difference is she kept continuing to pee while her hand became more aggressive, her fingers occasionally disappearing underneath her white piss soaked panties. I followed in stride.

I slipped my fingers into my pussy, and almost exploded cum. The combination of fucking myself with the tightness from my hyper sensitive pussy, led to a pure swell of hormones. The rest of my pee gushed out, and I didn’t even care anymore.

The girl in the video started moving differently again. Her fingers continued to make small circles around her clit through her panties while her other hand was simultaneously fingering harder and harder. Then she did it.

Yet again, I heard the same familiar straining but this time I watched as her panties started developing a slight bulge at first, growing into something even bigger as she continued pushing. I realized at this point that she was shitting directly into her panties, without a care in the world, and I fucking loved it. She continued to finger fuck herself. Was she really getting off while doing it?

A pure mixture of taboo naughtiness, going against everything that I was taught not to do, and filthiness filled my senses as I watched this hot blonde chick continue to shit, while furiously masturbating her pussy. The fact that she supposedly didn’t even know she was being filmed made it all the more kinkier. This must be her dirty fantasy she lives when she is all alone…

My pussy couldn’t handle much more. I felt so ashamed that I was so fucking turned on over watching something so disgusting and dirty, but I could not deny the way the throbbing was escalating throughout my entire body. I started wondering why I was so attracted to this whole thing, and had to almost pinch myself. I reached a state of being turned on that I had never felt before, and I fucking loved it. My heart was not slowing down, either. Fuck it.

Wanting so desperately to experience a next level orgasm, a new high, I decided to do exactly what the blonde was doing on my screen. I started pushing as hard as I possibly could, all the while fucking my pussy with my fingers. In, out, in, out… I was nearing the point at which I was going to have to catch myself before I came.

The pressure on my asshole was building so much, and I could feel the first signs of it starting to open up. It sent a shiver throughout my entire body, and my lower fingers immediately started to explore my asshole, but just barely. I didn’t know at this point how I would actually feel about touching my own shit, but I didn’t spend much time thinking about it either.

So many different things were happening all at once, it was overwhelming to my senses. I could hear my heart beating in my ears, almost matching the motion of my fingers slipping into myself. A bit more piss started squirting out of my pussy again, Escort Çankaya from the immense pressure. I took a deep breath, and gave the hardest push I could muster.

I felt the first signs of my shit start pushing out, making contact with my panties underneath my ass. Feeling as though my heart, pussy, and brain were going to explode, I decided this was it. I started pushing as much as I could, not caring how fucking messy it got and just decided to go for it. I started cumming as soon as I felt my shit start bunching up underneath my ass cheeks, my panties getting so tight. What the fuck are you doing, Misty? You deserve to be this messy, it shows how filthy and disgusting you like to be.

The smell started reaching my nostrils as I came. It only added to the intensity. It let me know just how dirty I was really being, and I kept pushing even when I knew I had no more left. I had a massive pile of shit mashed up beneath my ass, and it felt so fucking good. I didn’t stop after I came the first time. I was in such a state of exhilaration that I immediately went for another. My clit was so hard it felt like it was going to fall off my pussy, and I could feel that some of my shit had pressed itself against my lower pussy lips. I could’ve sworn that some was most likely on my fingers now, but I didn’t even care. I had an intoxicating feeling to be as dirty as I possibly could. It felt like a primal beast had taken over my body, and all I wanted was to feel filthy. I came again, this time pulling my panties tight against my ass at the same time, feeling my shit clump even tighter against me. I was such a fucking mess.

I was shivering, as if I was out in a cold winter night with no clothes on. My body was shaking hard, pussy sore to the touch. I noticed every time I had cum, I pushed, even though I knew my bowels were completely empty at this point. Something about my asshole trying to open up, coupled with watching the blonde woman’s asshole doing the same was helping me get off so fucking hard.

The shit was so warm all over my ass, up on my pussy a bit, and spread all over my panties. The smell filled the room, especially because I was still half way under the covers. I decided to take a quick look down and was so thrilled and turned on by the sight.

My own shit was leaking out of the sides of my underwear, slightly onto my bed sheets. Piss was everywhere, even on the front of the laptop. All the while, the girl on my screen finishing her last cum session. What have I even done? What am I? I am so fucking dirty, I love this filth in my panties.

I held my fingers up in front of the nightlight. There was a bit of shit on them, but not much. Even though my pussy was completely used, I felt one last shiver and decided to finish with the blonde on my laptop screen, using my shitty fingertips. In the moment, I didn’t care how dirty it was or how risky it was with getting UTIs, I just wanted to have one final cum.

I could hear the woman in the video’s asshole pushing, and did it again myself. I was already so dirty, I didn’t care. I started cumming when I heard her moan, it rushing through my body as her eyes rolled back and her pussy started squirting through her panties. I heard her let out some farts at the same time, but could tell she was empty also. I followed exactly what she did.

I laid there, staring up at the ceiling in a state of pure ecstasy. I was so worn out from how hard I came, and how fast my heart was beating thinking of how dirty I was being, I could barely move. I couldn’t believe what I had done that night. Not only was it completely disgusting, but it was also so messy, I knew I would have a lot of cleanup to do. This was the part I dreaded.

This night was a very important part of my journey of self discovery. It let me know how turned on I could get over something so insanely taboo, and how much fun it could actually be. I got away with it, too.

Later on the next day, after I managed to clean the sheets and covers, my roommate actually told me she thought there was a sewage problem in our dorm because there was a weird smell! Hahahahahahhaahhahahaha! I laughed so hard to myself that night.

There will be many other nights like this, I can promise. After writing about what I did, I had to resist the temptation to masturbate several times. I might’ve slipped a hand down occasionally in some of those really detailed parts though… and I definitely couldn’t help but pushing just a bit, teasing myself. I wouldn’t be surprised if my panties are a bit messy right now, but oh well!

I hope you all enjoyed this, and I look forward to posting more of my dirty adventures I plan to have in the future!

Love, Misty

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I Like to Drive

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Ariella Ferrera

I like to drive. I like to leave the overcast and lonely city full of fast going people in their obscuring beige and gray trench coats. All of them blending together and yet ignoring one another, like pigeons milling about. There, in the city, I despise driving. It is stop and go, a jilting journey of endless lights in which I never actually enjoy going anywhere That final release of arrival is unsatisfying after the staccato actions of getting there.

I allow my desire to leave build over days and weeks, a pent up restlessness. And then I let myself go. I drive south, the ocean to my right, and am liberated from the road blocks; the pearl string of traffic lights; the un-desirous tonations of cars and sighing, depressed bridges.

When I pass the final light onto the old freeway, I flow unobstructed on the gray winding pavement amongst the beautiful and verdant giant trees. Slowly and languorously I direct my car, as if the road to getting to a place is the pleasure itself. I hum lowly and small sighs and gasps escape across my warm, damp tongue. My soft belly moves out, sucking my breath in more deeply and more slowly with each breath. As I take the winding turns and my hands slip gently over the cool wheel, my muscles loosen and my eyes droop into a half gaze. My neck gently gives and my head rolls minutely from side to side with the curves of the road. I am like the tiny apex of a redwood just moving slightly as if aroused by a small breeze.

When I come deep into the valley just before it climbs up again to the last hill that then drops to the ocean, I do not often see another driver. But I have encountered one from time to time.

A man comes up behind me slowly and quietly from long distances. He comes on a matte black Ducati, his face and skull covered in an iridescent black helmet with no seams. His limbs look as if flat black leather has been melted onto them.

He will tail me for miles and miles. I never can even estimate how long he has been there because I am so engaged in the round voluptuousness of the road. When I finally do notice, I watch his body fluidly bob to the left and then to the right as he balances the curves of the road. Sometimes I will catch him leisurely let a knee fall to the side, opening the groin of that side of his body into an exposed triangle. Sometimes, he will even lean backÑalmost Kolej Escort uprightÑand carefully but fearlessly take one hand to a hip. What skill he shows, in these moments of leisurely bravery, I admire.

I slowly lick my lips after he finally begins to pass. When he does pass, it is not fast. The velocity is just slightly faster than my own. It is only as he slowly but deliberately cuts in front of the hood of my car that he will finally bolt forward. He may wave at this point, a quick flip of his wrist and then a finger pointed to the sky. Then the leather above his wrist will slide down, exposing a slim line of skin. I lean forward and smile lightly, secretly, as if I am conspiring with myself. The hidden dimples of my cheeks come out, which only appear when I am aroused and my mouth sets into this very specific pose.

On this particular day, I am spontaneously drawn from the city for a drive and my body is more on edge. My fingers tingle when I touch the wheel and the sun is pressing through the grayness of the sky. My heart is rambunctious beneath my rib cage and I swear I hear the small crescendo of waves as my blood moves to the many small crevices of my lower body. I am enlivened and irritated on my ride that usually softens and relaxes my muscles.

I have passed through the triad of valleys that lead to the greenest and most remote part of my drive. I begin to think how I have never stopped to look closely at the stream that runs along this deepest valley. So I stop, confident I am safe on this narrow path of road from which I have never ventured.

The car door thumps closed satisfyingly behind me. I am engulfed in the quietness of the running stream and the soft crunch of moss as I step on the mounds of rock lining the clear creek. I close my eyes. I sit. My mind empties whiles the stream continues its own long road past.

At some point, I feel a hand on my shoulder. It alights softly but firmly. I am brave though and remain unsurprised by this intrusion. All day, my body has known something. I am sure now that when I open my eyes and turn, I will find the man who has travelled behind me many times.

As I turn my head slightly to look at my shoulder, I find the familiar slim line of elegant wrist skin and my tongue immediately begins to water as the scent of leather, fresh Kolej Escort Bayan tobacco and the sweetness of redwoods come to me. I am not afraid as his other hand molds to my spine between my shoulder blades. The mound of his thumb joint presses into the protruding bone at the base of my neck. Like pushing a lever, my head falls back and my neck lengthens. His hand surrounds my throat from behind firmly, but with the distinct pressure that exists just before any of your air is occluded from your windpipe. He strokes my neck deeply with a leather covered thumb.

He stays behind me massaging my neck with gentle roughness and I realize only my breath is audible as it starts to come faster. I turn fully around to look at him and stare into the black opalescent glass of his helmet. I reach forward, toward his helmet. He stops my hands, gathers them behind me and holds them there. He drags his hand to the v at the neck of my dress. He palms my breast over the grey translucent dress beneath my tan coat, and then pushes his thumbs over my nipples. Rubbing up and down against my agitated nipples, I begin to make long ÒyesÓ noises over and over. My warm cunt drips thick moisture already.

With a knee, he spreads my bent knees and quickly brings a hand under my dress and between my thighs. He stops at the top of my legs, deeply massaging the tendons of my groin. He lightly drags his covered, soft fingers down the inside of my legs. This likely lasts a matter of seconds but I want his leather hands to fuck me so bad it seems like hours have passed in which I have been denied something like water or air. ÒPlease touch me,Ó I beg, my tone serious.

Obligingly, he lays a leather-gloved thumb over my clit and begins to circle around and around. Pushing back the swollen hood of my clit, he intermittently stops and puts pressure on my erect bulb of nerves. Silently, I mouth deep unknown words over and over and begin to shake in my lower legs from flexing onto the balls of my feet so strongly. Just before I come to the place where I will stop existing anywhere but deep in my body, his fingers slowly halt to a stop.

He brings his hands to the back of my dress and brings the zipper down one tooth at a time. I am looking into the black globe of his helmet wondering what color his eyes are. My mouth salivates at Escort Koleji the black hairs pushing through to top of his skin at the junction of his jaw and neck. I bend forward and sink my teeth softly into his neck so that I might feel his stubble on my tongue.

When my zipper is half down, he pulls the front of my dress forward so that my cream lace bra is exposed. Looking down, I am excited even more by the brownish red skin pushing at the holes of the lace. He moves the straps of my bra down my shoulders just enough, and my breasts are fully visible.

He puts his leather arm behind my back and brings me down against the mossy rocks. My flushed skin is soothed as he rubs himself, fully clothed, against the naked skin of my chest.

He plunges two gloved fingers into my swollen cunt and pulls his fingers forward. I silently scream as I stiffen my entire body, arch my back and come. The sky above, through the canopy of the redwoods, is infinitely blue and the corners begin to buzz golden. As I continue to come with him caressing and caressing that spot deep inside me, he lays the side of his hand across my mouth and I bite hard, tasting the flat hide of his gloves.

After returning, I sit up onto my elbows. He is on his hands and knees in front of me and raises himself to sitting, placing his hands gently on his reinforced leather knees. His cock is pushing against his black leather pants. I continue to lean forward until I am on hands and knees in front of him. I lay my tongue on his neck as I solemnly unbutton his pants and pull them down. From his pocket he retrieves a condom and I suck his neck as I roll it down his cock. I do this so slowly and so controlled, that I have the feeling of near explosion or near sobbing as I continue to devour his neck.

He startles me by pushing me forward. He flips me unceremoniously around and onto my hands and knees. My belly drops, my heart pushes forward, and my pelvis tilts back as an invitation to his cock. He holds his dick right at my entrance and my belly pushes down and down as my breathing speeds with anticipation. He wraps his leather glove around my face and I bite down onto my own metallic taste.

Then he places his hand on the small of my back and grips my hip with the other. My body fills with the pressure of his cock in me. I am so lost in embodiment and the deep release of my small pelvic muscles that tears come down my cheeks. I am so joyous at being fucked on my hands and knees in the serene forest. I go somewhere deep inside myself and all sound stops except the slap of his groin to my pelvis as he rubs himself over and over into me.

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His Turn

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She awoke from her nap and smiled at the stickyness between her legs…He was still sleeping and she gently raised up to look at him. They had been napping after an intense session of fucking and sucking and he was on his back, nude, lying with legs spread and arms overhead. His penis was semi-erect and still leaking cum from their earlier fuck.

“Okay,” she thought to herself “Now is the time to turn the tables. He’s fucked me, now I get to fuck him.”

With that, she eased out of bed and walked across the darkened room to where her briefcase sat on the table. Quietly opening the case, she felt her heart begin to pound when she saw the familiar shape of the strap-on dildo, two short coils of rope, a bottle of oil and a blindfold nestled among the papers in the case. She removed the dildo, walked into the bathroom, and after relieving herself, carefully positioned and tightened the straps so that the dildo was firmly seated over her pubis and protruding just as if it were the erection of an extremely stimulated man.

She eased back into the bedroom and grabbing the blindfold, crawled onto the bed, taking care to turn herself so he could not see the blindfold or her crotch and the surprise it carried. He kept his eyes closed, but smiled as he felt her hand close around his penis and begin to slowly massage the cum on its tip into the rapidly erecting stem. When he was fully erect she slowly sucked the shining head into her mouth and swirled her tongue around and over it.

“M-m-m-m-m,” he grunted “God that feels good!”

“Like that?” she questioned as she replaced her mouth with the softness of her hand and continued to stroke.

“Oh, god, yes!” he gasped at the sensation of her stroking up and down his saliva slickened cock.

“Want me to take my hand away and wrap my pussy around it?” she questioned, loosening her grip but continuing to stroke.

“Y-yes, p-please fuck me!” he gasped at the sensation.

“Well…” she replied, “I’m going to let you fuck me, but before you can do that, I have a surprise for you.”

“W-what k-kind of surprise?” he stuttered as his hips jerked in rhythm with her stroking.

“Here, let me put this on you” and without hesitating, she slipped the blindfold over his head and firmly seated it over his eyes.

“H-hey,” he stammered “What’s this.”

“You’ll see,” she replied “Here let me help you up.”

“B-but,” he stuttered

“No buts,” she replied and then thinking to herself “You’re going to be thinking ‘butt’ in a minute big boy.”

She helped him get off the bed and led him across the room. Holding one of his hands so he wouldn’t lose his balance, she reached Aydınlıkevler Escort out and pulled a straight-backed chair from under the desk. She turned it so that the seat was facing him and then taking both of his hands began to pull them down toward the seat. He, not being able to see, resisted at first, but she slapped his ass and said, “Bend over.”

His hips jerked forward at the slap and his now wilting penis bobbed at his reaction to the stinging in his ass.

Finally, she placed his hands on, and grasping, the edges of the chair seat.

“Now be still” she said as she reached into the briefcase, withdrew the coils of rope, and began tying his wrists to the seat.

“Oh, god,” he groaned, his heart pounding at the realization that he was no longer in control.

Once he was tied, bent over with legs spread and his ass in the air, she reached between his legs with one hand and encircled his scrotum above his testicles with her thumb and forefinger. Pulling down firmly to pull tight the skin on his reawakening penis, she used her other hand to reach around his hips and began to stroke his penis back to its fully erect state.

Once he was fully erect, she released his penis and reached for the oil. She opened the bottle and squirted a liberal amount onto the base of his back, letting it trickle between his ass cheeks, over his anus and around his testicles.

“Ah! G-god” he gasped as she began to rub the oil into his ass, over his balls and into the twitching erect stem of his penis.

As the oil worked into his skin, she added more and more until he was shiny and slick from his navel to the middle of his thighs. He had grown used to the binding of his hands and relaxed as she continued to rub oil into his skin. Then her rhythm changed. Suddenly, she placed one hand at the top of his hips so that her fingers pointed down and her middle finger rested at the top of the crack in his ass. Slowly, she moved her hand down over his ass, pressing her middle finger between his cheeks until it brushed his anus.

“W-w-wh-h-h-o-o-o!” he gasped and clinched his ass at the sensation trapping her finger in the process.

“Ah, ah, relax that ass!” she chuckled as she slapped his ass a second time and he yelped at the sting in the slap, forcing himself to relax.

Squirting another stream of oil directly onto his anus she, without hesitating, slipped the tip of her finger into his anus and setting the oil on the desk, used her other hand to stroke his throbbing penis.

“W-w-h-h-a-a-a-a!” he groaned at the combined sensation of her soft hand on his penis and the ever deeper Aydınlıkevler Escort Bayan probing of her finger in hisass….Soon she was in him to the knuckle.

Noticing that his penis was distended to its max and hearing his gasping breath, she feared his orgasm was immanent, so she released her grip on his penis. He groaned his disappointment then gasped anew as she began stroking her finger in and out of his ass. As soon as she felt him relax she removed her middle finger and before he could react inserted both her first and second finger into his ass.

“N-n-n-n-g-g-g-g! O-o-o-w-w-a-a-h!” he gritted as he felt his anus stretching to accommodate her fingers….Precum formed at the tip of his penis and dripped to the floor as he humped his ass back into her probing fingers so that they began to hit his prostate.

Knowing he wouldn’t last a long time she pulled her fingers out and said “Now, I have a surprise for you.”

“W-what I-is it?” he panted gasping for breath.

“Here, let me show you” and with that she removed his blindfold and stepped into his field of vision so she could see the strap-on.

“O-oh g-god!” he stuttered.

“Like it?’ she questioned, grinning at him and she made couple of hip thrusts to demonstrate her intentions.

“O-oh p-please…I-I’m afraid it’s too b-big!” he panted staring at the obscene protrusion over her cunt.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll go slow” she giggled “And besides, you’ll stretch”

He groaned and dropped his head, knowing his fate was sealed….And deep inside he knew he wanted her to fuck him.

With that she walked around and stood behind him. She placed her hands on each side of his hips and used her thumbs to spread his ass cheeks. Her eyes moved across the surface of his ass, picking up first the two faint red handprints where she had swatted his ass; then his oily, distended anus winking at her…..She stroked her thumb across it once more just to see him jump.

“A-h-h!” he gasped.

“Easy,” she giggled “Now squat a little. Your legs are longer than mine.”

He bent his knees into a squat and groaned in both fear and anticipation as he realized that squatting only caused his ass to jut out for easier access by this woman who was about to fuck him..

She poured oil on the dildo and spread it like she was a man masturbating. Then she grasped the fake penis, took careful aim at his anus, and pressed the head into the oily opening.

“A-h-h-h! G-g-god, p-p-please g-go slow!” he gasped through gritted teeth.

She pressed forward until the head disappeared and then she stopped. His anus was distended Escort Aydınlıkevler around the dildo like the mouth of a suckling child. She held her hips still until his panting slowed, then she pulled back slightly looking with fascination as his anus gripped the head of the dildo as it retreated from his ass…She could actually see the point at which the brown skin on the exterior met the bright pink of the interior.

“W-w-h-h-h-o-o-o-e-e-e-e-e! Y-y-a-a-a-h-h-h!” he squealed as she pressed forward again, slowly but steadily running half the dildo into his ass.

Again she held still as he groaned and panted, sweat covering his body. She reached around and found to her delight that his penis was rigid…He was squealing, but he was liking it.

Again she withdrew and this time in one long stroke, ran the dildo in until her belly pressed against his ass.

“A-r-r-r-g-g-h-h-h-h! O-o-o-o-h-h-w-w-e-e-e-!” he squealed again as the dildo pressed against his prostate.

With that, she pulled back and began stroking in and out of him in earnest…It was not violent, just slow and steady. She stared mesmerized at how his anus seemed to suck the dildo in as she stroked into him and how it grasped greedily onto the dildo on each out stroke. Her pussy dripped, then ran juice at the sight of him at her mercy. He could only babble and gurgle as his assfucking continued. It wasn’t long until she wanted him inside her pussy, but rather than remove the dildo from his ass, she pushed it in to the hilt then carefully unstrapped it while she pressed her belly into his ass, holding the dildo into place.

He sensed the change in her demeanor and held still, clenching his ass around the dildo so as not to lose it. Using one hand she quickly untied his hands and then led him to the bed.

She fell into the bed and spread her legs as he scrambled in between them his dripping penis bobbing, then pointed at the pink gash between her legs. She reached around him, grabbed the straps of the dildo and pulled his throbbing cock into her pussy.

“Wha-a-a-a-a!” he grunted as she use the straps to simultaneously pulled him in and out of her pussy and bump his prostate.

“Fuck me baby!” she gasped as he began pumping into her with blinding speed.

Their flesh slapped together with the force of his strokes until she gasped at the recognition of her orgasm. Her pussy began to vibrate as the spasms rocked down her spine and around her turgid clit.

“A-a-a-h-h-h-h, y-y-yes! A-a-h-h-h! O-h-h-h-h, y-y-y-e-s-s-s b-baby!” she squealed as her orgasm washed over her.

As soon as he recognized her orgasm his eyes widened as her final pull on the straps pressed the dildo onto his prostate and he crammed his penis full into her gaping cunt.

“O-oh m-my g-g-o…O-oh s-shit b-b-baby…H-h-here it is-s-s-s-s-s…Unh! Unh! Unh!” he grunted with each spurt of cum rocketing out of his penis and he fell into her arms.

Neither could move, but both were already thinking of needing more.

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Hot Pregnancy Ch. 3

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Jennifer walked into the doctors office with her new born baby boy in her arms. It was time for his 3 week check up. They both went into the office and the doctor checked out the baby. Everything checked out fine and Jennifer was very happy at that news.

“Dr. Lynwood” said Jennifer.

“Yes Jennifer” said Dr. Lynwood.

“I was wondering if you might give me another pregnancy test” she said.

“Wow” he said.

“You two sure are busy little beavers” he said chuckling.

Dr. Lynwood gave Jennifer the test and confirmed that she was indeed pregnant. Jennifer was very happy that she was once again pregnant and was very much looking forward to what was to come in the very near future.

For the next three months Alex and Jennifer’s lives went on like normal, with all of the joys of being pregnant. They enjoyed all of the sex that they were having and the joys of being young parents. Since they had got engaged they had started planning for their wedding day. They were going to have a nice outdoor summer wedding and they would take a nice long honeymoon to the Bahamas.

The day finally came when Jennifer and Alex exchanged wedding vows and officially became husband and wife. It was a small ceremony with only a few members of their family and some friends. After the reception they headed off for their honeymoon. They had rented a nice honeymoon suite overlooking the ocean in the Bahamas. They flew into the airport in the Bahamas and they went to their room where they got all settled. After they were all settled into their room they figured that they should go and have a look around the hotel property and see what was around. Alex made the suggestion but Jennifer didn’t feel much like going out and wanted to have a nap. So she laid down onto the bed and Alex went out exploring around the hotel.

Alex left the room and got onto the elevator and headed down. He got off and walked outside and it was such a beautiful day out. He headed down toward the beach to see what the water was like. He walked through the fence at the front of the hotel and he was amazed to see all of the people there. But what amazed him even more was that what he was seeing was a nude beach. Everyone was walking around stark naked. Alex felt very over dressed since he had all of his clothes on. He took off his shirt and then his pants followed by his boxers. Now Alex was stark naked as well and he felt more at home. He continued to walk down the beach and out to the water when a very beautiful girl walked passed him. She was about 5’6″ tall with long blonde hair and blue eyes. As she walked past Alex took a second look at her ass. He knew that it wasn’t a good idea to be looking at other women but he just couldn’t help it.

He finally got down to the water and started heading down the beach as he walked in the water. The water was very warm and the sun was beating right down on him so he thought he should go for a little swim. He dove into the waves and swam out a little ways and then made his way back to the beach where he continued his journey down the beach. He walked all the way down the beach to the pier at the end. He then walked out onto the pier and sat down at the end. Just as he sat down a young girl came and sat down right next to him. Alex looked and saw that it was the same girl who he had passed on the beach. Her breasts were large and her nipples were hard as rocks. Alex liked what he saw but knew he couldn’t have what he was looking at.

“Hello” said the girl.

“Hello” said Alex.

“My name’s Amy. What yours?” she said.

“Alex” he said.

Amy got up and moved closer to Alex as he sat on the bench overlooking the water.

“I saw you take a double look as I passed you on the beach. Guess you liked what you saw” she said.

“Yeah” said Alex.

Amy moved a bit closer to Alex and placed her hand on his cock. Alex pulled away because he knew he wasn’t suppose to be doing this.

“I…I….” said Alex.

Just then Amy came even closer and kissed Alex on the lips. Again, Alex pulled away from her kiss.

“I can’t be doing this” he said.

“Oh come on now. You know you like it.” she said. Your cock is hard as a rock.”

“I haven’t been fucked in over three months and my pussy is just dying to get a cock in it.” she said.

She slid her index finger into her cunt and then brought it out and stuck it in her mouth and licked off all of the juices. That was all it took and Alex was over next to her kissing her passionately. Alex was running his hands all over her body wanting to feel every inch. As they continued to kiss, Amy got up and straddled Alex’s lap.

She whispered in his ear “Fuck me you slut”

Just then Alex slid his cock up and into her very wet and waiting cunt. Never missing a beat in there kiss they were now totally involved in fucking one another to even realize what everyone else was doing. They didn’t even realize that there was a crowd starting to gather around them. Most of the people were sitting on the surrounding benched stroking there cocks as they enjoyed the Çamlıdere Escort show they were getting. Alex didn’t care what was happening, his cock was hard and deep inside a beautiful pussy. They continued to fuck as Amy started to scream as her orgasm approached.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Baby! Fuck Me! Fuck Me! Harder! Faster! Oh God! Yes!” she yelled

With every moan Alex started to fuck Amy faster and harder just like she said. Amy continued her yelling as she got even closer.

“Oh! God! Yes! Fuck me you slut!” she said.

Alex pulled out and them slammed his rock hard cock back into her cunt. And that was all it took and Amy went over the edge, her juices started flowing. Ounce after ounce of sweet cum oozing out of her cunt. That then sent Alex cuming with her ever beat. They kissed once more and then Alex got up and walked away like nothing had happened.

He put his clothes back on and then went back upstairs. As he walked down the hallway to their room he heard a woman screaming like she was getting fucked. His cock started to once again get hard at all of the noise. He put his card into the slot and opened the door to see Jennifer laying on the bed with a man on top of her fucking her brains out. He stopped in his tracks as the man kept on fucking Jennifer. Alex took off his shirt and then his shorts followed by his boxers. His cock was once again hard as a rock and he was really enjoying what he was watching. He walked over to the bed and saw Jennifer laying there with this mans cock deep inside of her. Jennifer was bucking up and down on his cock with her eyes closed. She felt the presence of another person standing next to the bed so she opened her eyes to see who it was. Her eyes got really big when she noticed that it was Alex who was standing next to the bed. But what she saw next really surprised her. Alex got onto the bed and grabbed the guy that was fucking his pregnant wife and turned his head and started kissing him. The guy didn’t seem to mind at all and kept on fucking Jennifer as he kissed Alex. Alex broke off the kiss and then pulled on the guys cock. He pulled it out of Jennifer’s cunt and Alex stuck two fingers in her cunt and lubed up his cock. He then got off of the bed and got into the drawer next to the bed and pulled out a condom. He opened the package and rolled the condom onto his cock and then got some more of Jennifer’s juices and worked them all over the condom.

Alex got back up onto the bed and got behind the guy who was fucking his pregnant wife. The guy leaned over and started to kiss Jennifer and Alex rammed his hard cock into the guys ass. He started to work the guys ass real good. He fucked his ass for about 15 minutes and that was all that his cock could take and he unloaded his hot cum into the guys virgin ass. With that the guy unloaded his hot cum into Jennifer’s cunt and that made Jennifer start to cum as well. Alex pulled his cock out of the guy’s ass and laid down next to Jennifer. The guy pulled his cock out of Jennifer’s cunt, put his clothes on, and left without ever revealing his name. Jennifer looked at Alex and Alex looked at Jennifer.

“What was that all about?” said Alex.

“I saw you out on the pier fucking that girl, so I figured I could get a fuck in as well” said Jennifer.

They both just smiled at one another and then fell asleep in each other’s arms. They slept for about two hours when they were awoke by the phone ringing. Alex picked up the phone and said “Hello”

“Hey there big guy” said the female voice on the other end of the line.

“Seems you lost your wallet on the beach when you ran off” she said.

“Why don’t you come to room 785 to claim it” she said.

“I’ll be right down” said Alex.

He hung up the phone and told Jennifer that he had forgot his wallet on the beach and that he had to go down to the front desk and get it and that he would be back in a little while. Jennifer just rolled over and fell back asleep as Alex slipped out the door and went down to room 785. Alex knocked on the door and to his surprise Amy answered the door.

“You probably thought you would never see me again” she said with a grin on her face.

“Well I was hoping I would” said Alex.

“Come on in” she said.

“I found your wallet down on the beach and now you owe me a favor” she said.

“Anything” said Alex.

“Anything?” Amy repeated.

“Well if you hadn’t of found my wallet I would be in a big bind right now. So I am willing to repay you in any way that you would like.” he said.

“I want you to get me pregnant.” she said.

“Pregnant! But I’m married and have three kids and another on the way.” said Alex.

“Well then, I guess you know how to get the job done.” she said.

“You were a good fuck, and I really enjoyed fucking you but I don’t know.” said Alex.

“I already know your wife knows we fucked before.” she said.

“How do you know that?” he said.

“Because my husband fucked your wife.” she said.

“You mean the guy that fucked my wife was your husband?” said Çamlıdere Escort Bayan Alex.

“Oh so you know about that?” she said.

“Of course” said Alex. “I fucked him up the ass while he fucked my wife.”

“He has always been a sucker for a three-some.” she said.

“So, if your married, then why don’t you just have your husband get you pregnant” Alex said.

“Because his sperm are, shall I say, inactive” she said laughing.

“Oh” said Alex.

“I think I should ask my wife before I say that I will get you pregnant” said Alex.

Amy picked up the phone.

“Call her right now and have her come down here” she said.

Alex took the phone and dialed his room.

“Hello” said Jennifer.

“Hi baby. It’s me Alex. he said.

“Hi baby” she said. “Where are you?”

“I’m in room 785 and I need you to come down here with me.” he said.

“For what?” she said.

“Just come down and I will explain it all when you get here.” he said.

“Ok” she said.

And with that Jennifer pulled on some decent clothes and headed down to room 785. She knocked on the door and Alex looked through the peep whole to see that it was his wife at the door. He opened the door.

“Hi baby” he said giving Jennifer a kiss on the lips.

“Jennifer, this is Amy, the girl you saw me fucking on the beach.” he said.

“Well I’m glad that I finally get to meet my husbands sex slave” said Jennifer grinning.

“We kind of know one another already.” said Amy.

“How’s that?” said Jennifer.

“Well the guy who fucked you earlier is my husband.” said Amy.

“Oh” said Jennifer.

“Jenn, the reason that we had you come down here is because, Amy is the one that found my wallet on the beach, and now she would like me to repay the favor for her.” said Alex.

“Well there is nothing wrong with that” said Jennifer.

“Well there might be” he said.

“What’s that?” said Jennifer.

“She wants me to get her pregnant” he said.

“But I thought you were married?” Jennifer said to Amy.

“Inactive soldiers” said Amy laughing.

“Oh.” said Jennifer.

“Well, seeings how you have 4 kids already and another on the way I guess you already know how to get the job done” said Jennifer rubbing her pregnant belly.

“Four kids?” said Amy. “I thought you said you only had 3 kids and one on the way.”

“Well, he got my mom pregnant as well” said Jennifer.

“Wow!” said Amy.

“So I guess if you want to get pregnant, there is no one better then my husband” said Jennifer.

“So I’ll let Alex fuck you as many times as it takes for you to get pregnant, but on one condition.” said Jennifer.

“Name it” said Amy.

“That every time you get fucked by my husband. I get fucked by yours.” she said.

“That sounds fair enough” Amy said.

Alex’s cock was getting harder and harder by the second as he sat there and listened to what these two beautiful girls were talking about.

“Well I’ll leave you two be so you can get started” said Jennifer.

She kissed Alex on the lips and then whispered into Amy’s ear.

“He likes to get sucked” she said.

Amy and Jennifer both smiled and then Jennifer headed toward the door. Just then there was a noise at the door. Jennifer opened the door to see that it was Amy’s husband coming back. He looked a little shocked to see her coming out of his room.

“We’ll leave them be” said Jennifer.

“You’re coming with me” she said.

She grabbed him by the arm and drug him toward her room. As they walked Jennifer filled him in on all of the info that Alex, Amy, and her had talked about. He seemed to like the idea very much. As they continued to talk Jennifer found out that his name was Tony and that he and Amy were from Long Beach, CA, not far from where Jennifer and Alex were from.

They got back to the room and it didn’t take them long at all until they were down to business. Before Jennifer could get the door opened Tony had her shirt half way pulled up. Jennifer walked in the room with Tony following closely behind with both of his hands fondling her breasts. Jennifer turned around and put her arms around Tony’s neck and they kissed passionately. Tony’s hands never left her breasts as they kissed. He pushed her back toward the bed and as Jennifer landed on the bed Tony had her pants off and on the floor. He interrupted their kiss and started to kiss his way down her body. Stopping only to kiss, lick and hug her pregnant belly. He continued down her body and when he came to her panties he grabbed the top of her panties with his teeth and started to remove them. He put his hands under Jennifer’s butt and pulled the back of her panties down as he got her panties down to her ankles. Jennifer then kicked them off and onto the floor.

Tony then kissed his way back up her body not missing a single inch. He found his way back to her pregnant cunt. He slid his tongue into her cunt and starting working it good. He slid his tongue in and out Escort Çamlıdere and in and out sucking and licking all of her juices. He stuck his tongue in as far as he could get it as his nose touched her belly. He continued to work her cunt as Jennifer slammed her head onto the bed and closed her eyes and then grabbed his head and started to push and pull him to make him go faster. He let her work his head as he concentrated on pleasing her cunt. His tongue was working faster and faster as he could tell Jennifer was getting close. He started bobbing his head up and down with the motion of Jennifer’s hands. He was now curling his tongue up as if he was licking an ice cream cone. That made Jennifer crazy and that was all she could take. Her sweet juices started to flow faster and harder then ever before. Tony kept up the licking as he tried to lick up all of her juices. Jennifer lifted her head up off the bed to see what Tony was doing. He drove his tongue into her cunt one last time and that sent Jennifer off into yet another hard orgasm.

Meanwhile back in room 785…

Alex and Amy were sitting on the bed kissing as Alex fondled Amy’s breasts. He lifted her shirt up and over her head. He then reached around behind Amy and unbuttoned her black lacy bra and threw it to the floor. He laid Amy back down onto the bed and climbed on top of her. He went right to work, kissing, sucking, and licking her breasts, first the right one and then the left one. Amy just laid her head on the pillow with her eyes closed as Alex worked her breasts over good. He then began working his way down her body. Sucking her tits, he moved down her chest, kissing every inch. Then he moved on to her belly where he stopped and kissed and licked imagining that his child was growing inside of her. He then continued down her body until he came to her pants, that were still intact. He quickly removed her pants and then her panties and went right to work on Amy’s wet pussy. He drove his tongue deep into her wet cunt. Before he could get to far, Amy stopped him. She pulled on his head and Alex looked up from what he was doing. She grabbed him under the arms and pulled him up closer to her. She lifted him out of his shirt and then quickly unbuttoned his pants and slid them off followed by his boxers letting his rock hard cock fly free. After he was stark naked, Amy turned around so that her head was now at the foot of the bed. Alex knew exactly what she was going to do, and now he knew what Jennifer had told her before. Alex was on his hands and knees and Amy drew him into her and he slammed his rock hard cock into her mouth and as she started to work on his cock, he went back to work on her went cunt. Amy’s mouth was nice and warm and Alex loved the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of her wet, warm mouth.

“Oh Amy! Oh Baby!” he yelled.

“I want to get you pregnant! I want you to have my baby” he moaned.

Amy continued to work on his cock. She could feel his cock starting to swell and knew that she was about to get a very tasty treat. But just as he was about to cum Alex pulled his cock out of her mouth and quickly turned around. He then rammed his cock into Amy’s wet cunt and with just a matter of two thrusts he sent pulse after pulse of hot steamy white cum shooting deep into Amy’s fertile cunt. With his cock still rock hard he pulled out of her cunt and turned back around and they went back to work on one another. And in just a matter of a few seconds each of them had a hot orgasm, spilling loads of hot cum all over one another.

Alex pulled his cock out of Amy’s mouth and then Amy turned back around to the head of the bed and curled up next to Alex.

“You were great, Alex” she said.

“You were fantastic” he said.

“Today is my fertile day” she said.

“Well that’s good” he said.

“I hope that you get pregnant, and that you come and find me after you get pregnant” he said.

“I really love pregnant girls” he said. “And I really love to fuck girls that are pregnant”

“That sounds like a lot of fun” she said.

“Why do you think I keep getting Jennifer pregnant?” he said.

“I’m addicted to fucking pregnant girls” he said.

“When ever I see a pregnant girl, my cock gets rock hard and I want to fuck them right there and then” he said.

Amy could tell that Alex was very excited.

“Oh Alex! Baby! Fuck me now!” she said.

And with that Alex quickly got back on top of Amy and once again drove his rock hard cock into Amy’s wet fertile cunt. He drove his cock in and out of her cunt, dreaming that with each shot of cum, he would make her pregnant. Thinking about Amy being pregnant really excited Alex. It excited him so much that he prematurely shot off his load into Amy’s cunt. That didn’t matter to Amy though, because just as Alex started to shoot his load into her cunt, she too started to cum all over Alex’s cock. And that sent Alex off into yet another orgasm.

Alex, Jennifer, Amy and Tony continued on with their vacations relaxing and having fun on the nude beach and going to all of the attractions in the area. But since all good things must come to an end the day finally came when they had to make their way back home. Since they all lived so close together they would be flying into the same airport. They didn’t realize it but they had all flown in on the same plane and they were all flying home on the same plane as well.

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