All posts by sexhikayeleri

Redemption’s Kiss

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I could see myself reflected in the golden elevator doors and I smirked at myself. Behind me, I could see the expensive marble floor, the impressive (if a little gauche) Corinthian columns, and the gilded trim that was stretched around the perimeter of the lobby. Everything, including me, had a slightly gold-metallic tinge from the reflection, giving everything the impression of being made of money. I really couldn’t help but sneer at myself; I looked so perfect from that perspective; like I belonged.

What I mean by that is that I looked like money, like self-consciously ostentatious cash. I looked like the sort of vulgar power, elegance, and sophistication that this place was trying to cultivate. That the men who lived here wanted to associate themselves with. I was wearing my most expensive pair of black, five-inch stiletto heels that ran a couple of inches up my calves. Those calves were quite shapely (a favorite feature) and, while they looked bronze in the reflection of the elevator, were actually the sort of sophisticated pale white that I cultivated all over my body. Tans are nice for some people, I guess. But tans turns to wrinkles and can be uneven. Soft, creamy white skin lasts longer and has a timeless appeal. And it fit perfectly now, in the dead of a New York winter.

Above calves were several inches of exposed skin. Despite the cold, I was wearing a rather short (but by no means slutty) dress that fell a few inches above my thin knees. The dress itself was a simple, dark blue affair that hugged my figure like a second skin. To that end, it tapered out as it ran up my thighs and then flared widely at my hips. I could not see it, but I knew that my most commented-upon feature, my large, round, but toned, ass was rising like a helium balloon behind my back. From my hips, the dress narrowed down to my narrow waist. I spent a good deal of time keeping this particular feature fit and trim, making sure that the sudden contraction from my hips to my waist was particularly dramatic. From the narrowest part of my waist, the dress tapered back up to my chest.

This dress was selected, in part, because of the way in which it accentuated my breasts. It fit so tightly and held me up firmly. Further it had a low, swooping round neck. A couple of inches of cleavage were exposed from my C-cup breasts and the full round shape of them was clearly visible. Between my breasts was the large pendant of a gold necklace, some sort of precious stone polished to a perfect shine. My breasts were not quite as wide as my hips, giving me a slightly off-balanced hourglass look. My shoulders were covered by my coat (a thick, fur item that fit the false-elegant theme), but it was possible to see the short sleeves of the dress. I knew that deep in the sleeves of my coat were my narrow, delicate arms and long, thin fingers. There were expensive bracelets and rings and on my hand (not too many, just the right amount to be a little trashy).

Regardless, growing up out of the top of the dress was my long, elegant throat. My oval face was rested above that perch. I had a strong, but feminine chin sitting below thick, deep red lips. I knew that beneath those wide lips were perfectly straight, white teeth, but they weren’t visible through my smirk. I had a small, slightly upturned pixie nose and wide, desperately gray eyes. My ears were quite small and large earrings hung from them. I knew that my face had a somewhat severe, icy beauty that made me look intelligent and intimidating. My hair was silky, full and impossibly black. It hung down loose halfway across my back and laid slightly across my eyes, giving me a mischievous air. The whole package was around 5’3 tall (not counting the heels) and a little over a hundred pounds (I’ll never tell exactly how little).

I suppose that the only thing that threw off the vision was that, over my right shoulder and in the distance, I could see the doorman behind his small desk. He was looking at me, ill-concealed disgust on his face. It was roughly the same look that the driver who had picked me up and was waiting outside for me had provided when he opened the door and let me in. I guess they knew why I was there.

My beautifully maintained body split in half and I looked into the elevator. I looked briefly over my shoulder at the doorman. I slipped my long red tongue out from between my lips. I ran it along the thick length of my lips and winked at the doorman. He looked slightly flustered and turned away. But I didn’t pay attention to what he did next. I turned back to the elevator and stepped inside.

Well, fuck the doorman. But he was right. He knew what I was doing here (had seen me here many times, in fact) and apparently didn’t approve of it. That was fine by me. A callgirl can’t afford thin skin. And at the age of 25, I was more than a veteran at this and barely even thought of the moral aspects of my work anymore.

Hell, I guess I’ve never really thought about the moral aspect of my work. I started this when I was güngören escort bayan 18 years old, fresh out of high school. I had absolutely no interest in college or the military or a job of any kind. My family never really gave two shits what I did. They had important lives (or so they thought) and didn’t really have any time for me when I was growing up. They’d pissed away the money they’d inherited from my grandmother and weren’t really interested in bankrolling me while I lived the same kind of pointless lives that they lived. But I knew I liked nice things, I wanted money, I was sexy and I liked fucking. Day after graduation, I put up an ad on Craiglist and the rest was history.

Some girls like to mythologize their first time, to build it up into some sort of terrible, horrible, wonderful event. I can remember talking to some of them. They’d cry. They’d describe every little detail. They would talk about the way it made them feel. It was like a made-for-TV movie. Lifetime: I was a Craigslist call girl. That wasn’t my style. I had fucked before my first time getting paid. There were only two differences between normal sex and callgirl sex: I had to pretend it was good even when it was shit and I got paid. A little acting was well worth the paycheck. Guys would pay a premium for a young girl, right out of high school. I’d wear my brother’s letter jacket when I gave a blowjob. Johns got a real kick out of it.

I didn’t stay on Craiglist long. That was only a half-step up from being a junkie on the street in my opinion. I guess it was other girls who helped me out. You get numbers and contact information from a girl you got to know (in one way or another) when she couldn’t work. You call or text a guy and say, “I am Mary’s friend, she said we’d get along. How’d you like to go on a date?” He’d know what that meant and set something up. Eventually, I got together what I called my “stable.” A collection of stalwart regulars who always paid, didn’t hit, and I knew were clean (both in terms of disease and legal trouble). Sometimes a new guy would slip in for a date, but I relied on my regulars.

And date is the correct term, I truly believe that. I was young, I was good looking, and I created the illusion of class that sophisticated Johns wanted. Glamor, I guess would be the most accurate word. And the guys expected it to kind of be like a date. It wasn’t like Craiglist stuff and it wasn’t like what I heard about street girls. This wasn’t some 15-minute thing where I didn’t have to pretend that I cared, just let a guy lay into me. They paid enough to deserve my interest and my charm. I dressed up nice, I smiled broadly, I laughed at the jokes. For a lot of guys, this was the major appeal. Most of them weren’t exactly good-looking guys (not that I cared, do you care if your boss is good-looking?) and they wanted people to look at me fawning over him and think “what is that guys deal? He must be rich or interesting or something.” The fact that he got to fuck me, for some guys, was secondary. Though, I think they all liked that they could fuck me whenever they wanted to. The sureness of the sure thing with a hot young girl was more important than the thing, if you catch my meaning.

So it was a little bit of acting on my part, pretending like I was truly enamored with whatever guy I was with that night (or that part of the night, I sometimes had two or even three dates in a night). But the payoff was great. I don’t just mean the money (though that was excellent). I got more out of it than that. No, not fulfillment, don’t think that I am getting sentimental about this. I got gifts (Johns loved to give an expensive gift in public. More Johns thought they were Richard Gere than hookers thought they were Julia Roberts), I went to all of the best restaurants, the most exclusive clubs, I had the best drugs.

Although, on that last point, I always tried to be careful. Look, anyone who doesn’t get out of the business eventually ends up a streetwalker. That is the nature of the business. If you suck dick until you’re 50, no one wants to pay real money for you and if you want to keep doing it, you have to do it on the streets. Unless you got some gimmick. I understood that, I knew I couldn’t do it forever. But I also knew that the fastest way to the bottom of the rung was drugs. Heroin was especially bad in the circles I ran in, but I knew from stories about girls with meth or crack problems too.

Certain girls aren’t cut out for this business. They need to make themselves numb to do what they need to do. I get it. I needed to be numb too, but I was able to do it organically. To divorce myself from my feelings internally. Some girls needed heroin. I guess that meth made some girls super horny, into any kind of thing the John got into. That made it possible for them to keep working. I stayed away from that stuff, I knew that if you start doing drugs just so you can do your job, pretty soon you are doing your job just so you can get the drugs. So şişli escort bayan I never got too hard into anything. A little coke every once in a while, pills other times. Never enough to really form a habit. Though I admit, by 25 sometimes I need a little bump before I hit the circuit for the night. When I was walking into the elevator, I still had a little bit of a buzz going.

I guess I had been a little tired that night, before I had gotten myself all coifed and ready. I wasn’t really thinking about it consciously, but I guess I knew I was getting a little long in the tooth for this life. At 25, most of the girls I came up with were out of the life, strung out, in jail, or dead. Not many girls kept their looks and their interest as long as I did.

Some of it, I guess, was that I didn’t mind the job that much. I mean my 18-year-old thought that I liked fucking, so why not get paid for it had long since faded. I didn’t really know if I liked fucking anymore. I didn’t hate it for sure. But it was just a job. I didn’t get involved in the whole morality thing. I never really gave a shit about whether I was doing something fulfilling. Most jobs aren’t. But most jobs also pay shit. And I guess that was the real reason I was still doing this. The reason that I spent a lot of hours (and a lot of money) every week at gyms and salons and boutiques was because it was an investment in the business of my body. And that business was still paying out handsomely. I was a skilled worker, I demanded top-flight payment.

More for some Johns that for others. That was why, despite my fatigue, I had agreed to come here to this swanky apartment at the last minute. This was one of my regulars and he happened to pay exceptionally well. Mostly because, unlike most of the Johns who just thought they were into weird stuff (“can I get…a footjob”) this guy really was into some freaky shit.

Despite that, I had almost been hoping he would call. I needed the money. I had been putting some cash aside since I first started and I had a pretty good war chest now. I lived frugally and I got men to buy my meals. But lately, I don’t know, I had been spending a little more money than I intended on coke. On pills. I didn’t really know why. I wasn’t really thinking about it. Just one of those things, I guess. I hadn’t dipped into the savings but I wasn’t putting anything away. Tonight was a chance to ensure the coffers remained filled.

The elevator opened near the top floor (not the penthouse, my John wasn’t that successful. Yet). As I stepped through the door in the short, overly-sumptuous hallway, I felt my head sort slip into the right place. It wasn’t even a conscious thing anymore, I wasn’t acting. I was just entering into the role. My shoes clicked a little more forcefully on the floor, my legs extended a little more suggestively, my hips swung like a pendulm side-to side as I walked. I arched my back slightly to push my breasts out high and thrust my ass back. My lips curled back slightly into a seductive hint of a smile as my shadowed eye-lids drooped slightly, giving me a bed-time look. I could hear my voice, but I could hear my throat relaxing, knew that my voice would come out in a rich, honeyed tone. I was the dream now, and I was ready to give my John what he wanted.

I made my way to his door. I reached up to knock and, as it always did, the door opened up before my knuckles could touch the white-painted wood. The door swung wide and the light from the apartment filtered out over me. I could feel his apartment, a few degrees warmer than hallway and almost hot by comparison to the frigid temperatures outside. I stepped inside like I owned the place.

“Good evening Skye,” the familiar voice of my John said as I entered his home. I didn’t even look at him, I knew right where he was standing and, with eyes closed, I turned and kissed his cheek. Then I spun around in front of him, throwing my arms backwards. I felt his hands reach up and grab my gaudy fur coat and slip it from my bare arms.

“Daniel, I am so happy you called. I was waiting at home, wondering if you would,” I said, not exactly lying. Once my coat was off and hung on the peg behind the door, I turned and looked at my John.

Daniel was a middle-aged man with a wife and children out in the suburbs. He was balding, had a fleshy face with small eyes, a bit of a paunch, but somehow no ass. He was quite wealthy (though not as fabulously wealthy as he wished he was. Trust me, I hear about a lot of people’s shattered dreams) and he owned an apartment in the city for nights when he had to “work late.” I don’t know if his wife bought that line or if she was just happy he was out of her hair and not clawing at her for a night. Anyone who saw him knew that he wasn’t much to look at. Anyone who fucked him knew he was worthless in bed. But he always got the money into my coat pocket before I left. I never even bothered to check until I got home, I knew he would pay. And well.

“I am sure esenler escort bayan you were,” he said, both pretending not to believe my line but also obviously tickled by it. I smiled at him and he reached up and handed me a glass of white wine. I hadn’t even noticed he was carrying it. I giggled like a younger girl and took it.

“Oh! What a nice little surprise,” I said, taking a deep sip, “Are you trying to get me drunk before we even go out?” I asked, “Daniel, are you trying to take advantage of me?” I asked. He laughed at my little joke and began to walk down the hallway toward his living room.

“Nothing of the sort Skye, I know the kind of girl you are,” he said, “I was just thinking that a change of pace might be nice for tonight.” As I started to follow Daniel down the hallway I noticed for the first time that Daniel was by no means dressed to go out. He was wearing a robe and nothing more, from what I could tell. I was quite surprised.

My regulars (and there were a considerable number of them at that time) were my regulars, in part, because they had routines. I knew what they all liked. Some guys wanted me to come in and beg them to fuck me, only to have them take me out all night and “tease” me before taking me home. Some guys wanted me to play hard to get…Every. Single. Time. So that they could enjoy the conquest. One guy like to run me a bath and wash my hair while another liked to shave my pussy (he was quite good at it, saved me a good deal of money on grooming).

Daniel was very simple. He liked, what I called (to myself if no one else) the “Dream Date” package where we went out for a nice dinner, chatted in a witty sort of way, started up in the cab on the way home, and had sex on the floor of his apartment. This is what he had always done, since my first time with him five years earlier. The actual sex would be different (whatever kink he had on his mind that night) but the dance to get there was always the same.

“Did you want to stay in tonight baby?” I asked, making sure my voice sounded like I was totally up for whatever he wanted. I never tried to make a John feel like I was judging him about anything. First of all, it was bad for business. Second of all, how could I?

“In a manner of speaking,” he said cryptically. He made his way through the small hallway near the door and then turned left at the end, entering the open floor-plan kitchen that overlooked the living room and dining room area. I quickly followed after him, wondering what he was thinking. It always made me nervous when a John acted “different.” Sometimes it meant things would get violent. My mace was in my coat pocket, I trusted Daniel so I had left it by the door.

“Just tell me what you want honey. I am open to whatever you wa…” I said, but the ‘pliable partner’ routine that Daniel loved so much died on my lips as I stepped into the kitchen. Standing on the expensive tile floor, bent over against the counter with elbows on the table and ass sticking out, was a third party unknown to me. And not just any third party. It was a hooker.

As should be clear, I am not a hooker. I don’t walk the streets and I don’t give blowjobs in alleys (for less than $500.00). But I was in the same business generally and I could smell a streetwalker a mile away. This girl (and she was definitely 18-years old) was a streetwalker.

That is not to say that she looked burnt out or high or battered or anything else. I mean, those were common streetwalker afflictions, but she didn’t have that problem. In fact, she looked remarkably fresh-faced. But I could tell anyway. Part of it, of course, was the uniform. The girl was around 5’1 and probably 105 pounds. She was wearing knee-high, red patent leather boots that clung tightly to her taut thighs. The heels of the boots were so high and her feet so small that porn star platforms were required. Her thighs were thin and toned, I was sure she had that thigh gap everyone was raving about for a while. Her skin was about as pale as mine, but it was hard to see her because of her black fishnet stockings running down into her boots. Her ass was, as I said, sticking back out away from the kitchen counter. It was squeezed into an exceptionally tight red skirt. It looked almost as full and round as mine. There was a gap in her clothing above her wide hips and I could see the way her body narrowed down to her waist. She had a flat stomach with a sparkly bellybutton ring. She was wearing a black halter top that looked more like a bandana wrapped around her large, incredibly perky breasts. Perhaps she had not warmed up from being outside, because her hardened nipples were easily visible through the flimsy material. She had long, thin arms and small hands. She had a very delicate neck and narrow shoulders.

Her face…was shockingly beautiful for a street walker. She had a small, but well-proportioned chin, a plump (but somewhat narrow) mouth painted a deep pink color. She had a narrow, somewhat long nose with a small cubic zirconia stud in it. Most strikingly she had massive blue eyes that screamed innocence and allure at the same time. Perfect hooker eyes. Her hair was a somewhat messy tumble of long blonde locks. The messy look worked for her though, making her looking seductive rather than disheveled.

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PTA Volunteer Ch. 02

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Eating Pussy

I want to thank Sun_sea_sky for doing a great job at editing this story. It really helped to make it a much better story.


In the school PTA room, Christine reflected upon the last seven years of her daughter’s time at her elementary school. It was getting close to the end of the school year and her involvement was almost at an end. She couldn’t believe how much her daughter had changed from that little girl of five, to a twelve year old. This year in particular had been a challenge, as her budding beauty had started to be noticed by the boys in her class. There had been many long talks about it.

Her daughter, of course, knew that Christine was a lesbian. Although Christine kept it publicly low key, there were no secrets at home. Christine had always been open about the women she was dating, even as she followed the sensible guideline of keeping her girlfriends out of her home life, until it was quite clear that it was something serious. She didn’t want her daughter to be hurt as relationships that were just casual faded away. Even then, there were only two lovers that had gotten past that point, to where Christine was comfortable in introducing her daughter to them. When those relationships ended, they just reinforced Christine’s caution. It made it harder for the other women, for her daughter, and then of course her.

Just as this year had been different for her daughter, it had been unique for Christine. Her affair with Kara caught Christine by surprise. She hadn’t been looking for a relationship, let alone one with a married woman. Once it began, however, there seemed to be no stopping it. Now it had been going on for eight months. She had never been one to juggle multiple relationships, so once it became clear that this wasn’t just a passing fancy, she had completely stopped dating other women. That was a more dramatic change than what she expected. She only wanted to be with Kara, but without the ability to be truly together, it left her feeling more isolated than she had ever been before.

It hadn’t taken that long for her daughter to figure out what was going on. Sierra was a bright girl who knew her mother’s habits. She noticed when Christine’s dating trailed off. At the same time, she was spending much more time with Kara. She could hear how they talked on the phone; saw them when they were together. There was a happiness about her mother that she had only seen those few times when Christine was starting to fall in love.

Christine finally realized that Sierra knew when they were having one of their talks about boys after the New Year. They were talking about the difference between liking someone and loving someone. Christine had been struggling to put it into words that her daughter understood.

“Love is much more. When you are in love, you do things to make it work even when they are hard. But when you are in love, you don’t care or even notice.”

Then Sierra looked at her and asked, “Like how you feel about Kara?”

There was a moment of silence. Then Christine sighed just a little. “Yes, Pumpkin,” she said and then hugged her. “It’s just like that. I know there aren’t supposed to be any secrets between us but this is one that I keep secret from almost everyone. I’ve only told your Aunt. And you can’t tell anyone. It would hurt Kara. But I’m glad I have you to talk to about it.”

Christine hugged her daughter again.

“I am too, Mom,” Sierra replied. “I don’t really understand though. How can you love Kara when she is married?”

“Ah Pumpkin, that is the million dollar question. I’ve asked it myself a hundred times. Your Aunt thinks I am crazy. I didn’t mean it to happen. You remember when we were talking about liking boys and how sometimes you think about wanting to kiss them?” Her daughter turned a little red as she nodded.

“Sometimes, especially when you get a little older, like turns into something a little stronger but still not love. When I met Kara, that is what happened between us. Neither one of us meant it to happen but it did, even though it wasn’t wise and wasn’t really right. I told you that feeling was a little scary because you do things that maybe you shouldn’t. But we didn’t stop. And we really liked each other. And now it’s more than that. But I still don’t know what it means, Pumpkin. I know you don’t believe it, but sometimes your mom is confused about stuff too!”

Sierra hesitated for a moment. Finally she asked, “Does Kara love you too?”

Christine felt her eyes tear up just a little. “I think so. She says so. Pumpkin, the hardest thing about love is that it makes you open. You can’t even know for sure how the other person feels. You have to trust. And when you are young, trusting is easy because you haven’t had your heart broken. Experience will teach you that sometimes things aren’t the way you think. But when you are really in love, even though you know about the possibility of being hurt, you take the risk.”

Her daughter solemnly merter escort contemplated what Christine had said. With a very small voice, she asked “Is Kara going to come live with us?”

The tears started to slowly roll down Christine’s cheek. “No, Pumpkin, I don’t think so. I wish …” Christine trailed off. Finally she said simply, “I don’t know what will happen. For now, it’s enough for both of us.”

Sierra gave her a big hug. “Love is funny, Mom. It can make you happy and sad all at the same time. But I’m glad we can talk about it. And I won’t tell anyone.”

There was a little hitch in her voice as she said that and Christine looked at her before saying, “Yes, Pumpkin?”

“Will you tell Kara that I know? And if so, is it okay for me to talk to her to about it? It’s fine if the answers are ‘no’.”

Christine chuckled and nodded, “I think so. No secrets between Kara and me either. And I’ll ask her about the two of you talking, okay?”

Her daughter nodded and jumped down from the couch to go and grab a bite to eat. Christine smiled as she watched. As always she was amazed at how quickly she could move from one thing to another.

~ ~ ~

Almost six months had passed since then, and still the affair went on. They managed to get together as often as they could. Kara had found it a bit of a relief that Sierra knew. Clearly she couldn’t tell her own son, but there was really no one else with whom she was close enough to share the situation. It helped her to not have to hide it with Christine’s daughter. She was very sweet and it didn’t take long for Kara to care for her almost as much as she did her own son. Over time Sierra became a co-conspirator with Kara and Christine. She was quite responsible for her age and she would babysit for Kara when she needed to spend some time with Christine.

For Kara, the school year had become a contradictory combination of peaks and valleys. Although her son remained the most important priority in her life, Christine wasn’t far behind. The doubts and worries that plagued Christine were invisible to Kara. Christine was her confident lover who knew Kara as no one had ever known before. Whether it was introducing Kara to a new cultural experience or exciting her to new heights, Christine was expanding Kara’s world. The time they spent together was the best that she could remember of her life.

But it was coming at a cost. At home, the burgeoning emotional disconnect that had been starting between Kara and her husband, before she met Christine, had grown into a gulf. His indifference to her needs and feelings stood in stark contrast to Christine. For many months, he was oblivious to Kara’s withdrawal from the relationship. When he finally woke up and realized that for all intents and purposes they were living two separate lives in the same house, there seemed like nothing he could do to fix the situation. His attempts seemed weak to Kara, and generally served to irritate her more than anything else. To her, they felt like half-hearted attempts spurred more from fear of the marriage breaking up than caring about her. Beyond that, they seemed selfish because they were more about his feelings than hers.

The tension with her husband fed upon itself. Arguments flared up more and more. It seemed to Kara like he was always doing something to piss her off. By this point, she wasn’t giving him much leeway. Even innocent comments were often taken the wrong way and resulted in her snapping at him. Once that happened his own temper and hurt feelings led him to snap back, escalating the situation. More than once, he found himself screaming at her back as she retreated into the bedroom to cry. In the past, their fights usually had been brief and ended up in tender reconciliation. The first time he made the mistake of assuming that an apology combined with a hug and a kiss would lead first to forgiveness, and then sex, was his last. Kara’s cold fury at him drove him out of the bedroom more confused than ever. It was two weeks before she allowed him to touch her and three weeks before she kissed him again.

It was over a month before they had sex again … once. Even though she was still unhappy with him, Kara felt that avoiding sex wasn’t fair to him. But when they did it, Kara found it completely unsatisfying. Nothing he did turned her on. He seemed clumsy and unable to understand what she might want. The feelings between them were by now so raw that every little faux pas just piled on to leave her cold. It was clear to him that she wasn’t excited. He was so horny that he still couldn’t help himself from hurrying to enter her even though she wasn’t ready. The result was a painful experience, where Kara just lay there placidly as he fucked her. In the end, her lack of passion transmitted itself to him and he found himself losing his erection. The state of the relationship could be seen in how Kara didn’t even try to ease his bruised feelings. She just turned over and went to sleep.

Of course, escort şişli without knowing it, he was being found wanting in comparison to Christine. His worries about their relationship led to him being uncertain and tentative in bed. Christine was the exact opposite. She was demanding in lovemaking in the best sort of way. She could be tender and caring too, with what pleased Kara. She was always in control, always confident. When she wanted Kara, she let her know in many different, often surprising ways. The normal rule was for Kara to be in a skirt or dress without panties when they were together. Christine didn’t want something getting in her way.

Once, Kara was over while the kids were at school. She was admiring one of the paintings that Christine had in her house. Christine came out of the bathroom to see Kara standing there. There was something extremely sexy about the way she was standing. One leg was bent slightly, causing her hip to tilt. Christine felt a wave of lust and walked over behind Kara who was intent enough that she didn’t hear Christine’s approach. She first realized it when she felt Christine starting to firmly but carefully push her up against the wall. Christine’s hand dropped down to pull up Kara’s skirt and expose her ass. Kara was taken completely by surprise but felt her own surge of lust. Without consciously thinking about it, she spread her legs and stuck out her ass.

Christine’s body pressed up against Kara’s. Her mouth was beside Kara’s ear. Kara shuddered when she heard Christine’s confident and sexy voice say, “I wonder how wet my baby is. I bet she is already dripping for me.”

Kara felt Christine’s hand slide down over her ass and then between her legs. She rocked her hips back to give Christine better access. Christine instantly took advantage of it. She ran a finger up along Kara’s slit, starting at the bottom.

“Oh, so nice and wet. Baby, you must be horny … again,” Christine chuckled as she spoke. Not being ready was never a problem for Kara with Christine. Just being in the same room as her was enough to make Kara’s pussy grow moist.

“I am, darling. You always make me horny,” replied Kara. She pressed backwards to try and get Christine’s fingers to enter her. “Fuck me! Fuck your horny baby!” She was rewarded as she felt Christine firmly press two fingers into her pussy. Once her fingers were in as deep as they could go, she started to pump them in and out of Kara. Each thrust pushed her up against the wall. Kara turned her head so that she could look at Christine. Soon that was impossible as her eyes closed in anticipation. The pounding that Christine was giving her was having the expected result. Kara was moaning with each thrust. “Fuck me, darling! Fuck me hard!” she cried out.

Christine could feel the tension building in Kara’s body. Sometimes she liked to tease her and make Kara wait and beg for release. Not today. Christine was feeling horny herself and the sooner that Kara came, the sooner that she could get her own relief. She quickened the pace. Kara’s juices were flowing down and covering her hand. The smell was powerful and filling Christine’s senses. Suddenly Kara paused for a moment. With an exclamation of “Oh my God!” she began to shake. Christine thrust hard in and out of Kara. Her other hand went around Kara to help support her. Even in this moment of lust, Christine was making sure that she took care of Kara.

Kara felt Christine’s body press against her as she came. The contact heightened the excitement that was coursing through her body. Just like Christine was thrusting her fingers, Kara was rocking her hips hard back to meet the thrusts. “Oh yes, Christine! God, fuck me!” Kara exclaimed.

“I’m fucking you, baby. I’m making you cum,” Christine hissed in Kara’s ear. “You are such a horny little slut for me, baby!” She lightly bit on Kara’s ear and tugged. She could feel the pressure on her fingers as Kara’s pussy spasmed repeatedly.

As her orgasm slowly faded, Kara turned her head and kissed Christine. Their tongues swirled around one another. It seemed like Kara’s eyes were on fire as she looked at her lover. As the kiss broke, she spoke. “I love it when you take me whenever you want, Christine. You make me feel so desirable.”

Christine reached up her hand into Kara’s hair. For a moment, she stroked it. “You are unbelievably desirable, Kara. You excite me whenever I look at you.” Then her fingers tightened. She started to pull down while her other hand pressed down on Kara’s shoulder. “Like right now, baby. You have me so very excited that you need to lick my pussy!”

Christine pressed and pulled Kara down onto her knees. Christine’s pulling her hair hurt just a little but rather than turning her off, there was something about it that was stirring. It was a combination of Christine being in control and Kara accepting her place in their relationship. While this was one of the few times that involved pain, it was clear that Christine was dominant. Accepting esenler escort just a little pain seemed to Kara like almost a badge of honor, demonstrating her devotion. Plus, knowing how much Christine desired her gave her a feeling of security in the relationship.

When Kara was on her knees, Christine moved around in front of her. Leaning up against the wall, she put her hands behind Kara’s head and pulled her into her pussy. Kara went in eagerly. By now she was a skillful pussy-eater. Her tongue flicked out to stroke Christine’s lips. She let out a little “mmmmm” sound as she got her initial taste of Christine’s moisture. Her tongue flicked up and down along Christine’s slit, each time pushing in a little more. Soon she had her tongue deep into Christine’s cleft. Kara could feel the pressure against her face as Christine ground her hips against her. Her own hands went behind Christine to grasp her ass and pull her closer.

Her tongue now was at high speed, sliding all around Christine’s clitty. It was clearly having the desired effect as Christine was thrusting her hips against Kara’s face. For her part, Kara loved the tangy, slightly metallic taste and enthusiastically slurped down Christine’s pussy juices. To get more, Kara would slide her tongue down to push it deep into Christine. Once inside, she would swirl it around, all the while sucking to get more. Then she slid it back out and once again was running it against Christine’s clit.

Christine was finding it hard to get enough air. She was going beyond panting. She was starting to gasp for breath. She was coming close, and was distracted enough to not realize that she still had ahold of Kara’s hair and was pulling harder.

With an exclamation of “Oh, oh, oh,” Christine started to cum. One hand released Kara’s hair and grasped her shoulder instead to hold on. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck, that’s it baby!” Her legs were getting weak and it was a good thing that she was leaning against the wall. She could feel each stroke of Kara’s tongue further heighten her excitement. It was hard for Kara to keep licking but she was quite determined. She loved pleasing Christine.

As Christine finally stopped cumming, she felt as weak as kitten. She needed to hold onto Kara for support and to keep from falling. After a moment, she opened her eyes to see Kara looking up at her with a very satisfied look on her face as her tongue carefully licked around her lips. Christine reached up to gently stroke Kara’s face.

Turning her face, Kara kissed Christine’s hand. It was a moment when their love shone through and one after another, they both whispered the words.

“I love you, baby.”

“I love you too, darling.”

Saying it out loud was something that both of them shied away from. Doing it raised questions in both of their minds that they preferred to ignore. But every once in a while, it couldn’t be helped. They had to reaffirm it.

Now, as the school year was ending, Christine was finding it hard to continue to ignore those questions. The relationship was at the same time the best thing and the worst thing to ever happen to her. She couldn’t help being head over heels in love with Kara. Not only was she a sweet and smart woman, but they seemed perfectly matched. At the same time, it was frustrating for Christine to have to hide the relationship. The only time they could be completely open was when they were at home. If they went out, they both had to remember to keep up the fiction that they were just friends.

Beyond that issue, it was even more frustrating, in that Christine had no idea where the relationship was going. Although it hadn’t been her intention, at one point in April it had boiled over for her. They were having dinner together and she had two glasses of wine, which was unusual. It loosened her tongue and she found herself saying wistfully that she wished Kara would leave her husband and be with her. Kara’s face froze and she didn’t say a word in response.

Christine started to try and say something to pull back but found it impossible. She couldn’t say she didn’t mean it, when it was in fact true. No matter what she said, it only seemed to make the matter worse.

Finally in a strangled voice, Kara stopped any further discussion by saying, “Christine, I can’t … I can’t even think about that.” She got up and kissed Christine softly but then said that she had to go home. It was the first night since they started the affair that Christine had gone to bed crying. It wasn’t the last.

It was, however, the last time that Christine ever brought the subject up. She hadn’t heard from Kara for several days after that night. When they finally got together again, there was a subdued undertone that took a week to completely disappear.

Still it was wearing on Christine. Even though the relationship between Kara and her husband was deteriorating, they still had a common social life that they maintained. Kara was not free to spend as much time as either she or Christine would like together, especially outside school hours. At the same time, without Kara, Christine often found it hard to be motivated to get out on her own and do things. What made it especially hard for Christine was feeling less in control of her life than ever before.

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Pretty Young Thing Pt. 02

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The Prequel: Sasha



I like to think that the greatest relationships in human history have all began with those two little letters…or at least variations of them. Though when I think of greatness, I and Nyla don’t exactly qualify.

She did change my life though, the jury is still out on whether she changed it for the better or for the worse.

“You’re Sasha right? I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Yap… and you’re Nyla, the new girl… so what exactly have you heard?”

“Apparently, you’re the it girl around here, sweet, funny, popular …and gorgeous.”

“Hehe, I don’t know about gorgeous,” I said with a giggle.

“Don’t sell yourself short. You look fucking delicious.”

I was stunned by her bluntness. Her eyes harboring this sort of seductive evil, complemented by the allure of her beauty… she almost instantly had me under her thumb.

Not to imply that I was usually the dominant one in a relationship. Contrary to the popular stereotype that came with the celebrity of being the prettiest girl in school, I was not in fact a bitch. I was what my mother referred to as a ‘pleaser’, I knew she was using a more polite word for submissive. My mom always underestimated exactly how much I knew about life, people… sex.

You see I liked…loved to see people smile, back when I was younger this only meant that I loved to do nice things. Give out my lunch, help an old lady cross the street, start an annual charity car wash.

But as I grew older… I did… more. I gave my first blowjob about a year ago, after I had just turned 18. I was at a party and this sweet guy kept staring at me in my tight jeans and equally as tight top.

I noticed early that a black girl’s curves are one of her most desirable assets. And like I said… I liked to make people smile.

So I stared back at the boy, our eyes meeting if only for a second before he darted them away, like most shy teenage boys do. I knew what he was thinking about… the exact same thing that’s usually passing through my mind.

I have a theory, I think the only difference between boys and girls is our bodies, everything else is exactly the same. Its society and all of its expectations that make a man a man and a woman a woman. So as the young woman that I was, sex was not a topic that I was entirely new to.

Or maybe I’m making too many assumptions. Maybe my libido was slightly…significantly higher than most girls, I wouldn’t know, these are things I’m way too decent to have conversations about. No the only reason I was so accustomed to the erotic arts is that I have an unhealthy love affair with pornography… the internet is a magnificent creation.

I was addicted, I mean the more taboo it was the harder I came. Gangbangs, bukkake, incest… even non-consensual porn when I felt a little dirtier than usual.

Like a lot of things, I had this in common with my mom. I inherited her brains, her looks and her dirty mind. I only knew about her past indiscretions because she caught me with my fingers in my panties more times than I’m proud to say.

She eventually sat me down and had the talk, explaining to me that what I felt was more than natural. She explained how much happier she was when she embraced her sexual side compared to when she hid it.

Most kids shy away from conversations about sex with their parents, but my mom made me feel understood. She knew exactly who I was, because she was the same thing and felt absolutely no judgement towards me. Those regular talks were the only reason I was confident enough to walk up to my first boy and go for exactly what I wanted.

“I’m Sasha.”




“You came second at the science fair last year. Your robot absolutely blew my mind.”

“You …like robots?”

“Tech excites me. I helped Milo build the next gen computer that won first. He wanted me to enter the competition with him, but I was just helping a friend, I let him get all the glory.”


I never understood why guy’s absolutely loved it when a girl was as nerdy as them, I mean it’s not like girls find it attractive when a guy can do their makeup for them. Are men really so vain that the idea of being with the female version of themselves turned them on? Anyway…

“So Kyle…are you gonna ask me to dance or nah?”

“Uh…do …do you?”

With a smile I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the beyoğlu escort nearest wall away from all the lights and attention.

I pulled him closer, placing his hands on my hips and wrapping my arms around his neck. Slowly I grinded into him, feeling his breath rise with every slight move I made. This left me absolutely soaking. The feel of his rapid heart rate, the shaking of his hands, the rubbing of his piece on my leg and the evident fact that I was the cause of it all.

I turned around, placing my hands on the wall and bending over to grind my ass into his crotch, feeling his dick press into me. His sharp inhale of surprise made me smile, his hands shaking even more as they grabbed onto my hips, trying to keep up with my slow twerk and grind. I don’t think I was even paying attention to whatever song was playing, all I wanted to do was feel him.

His hands started to roam, the confidence in him building as I felt is palms squeeze the sides of my ass. At this point I was basically drooling, my mind set on one thing as my body moved all on its own. What I did next was downright inevitable.

“I can feel you…down there.” I said in between breaths, my head laid back and nestled on his shoulder while my ass kept doing what it felt like it was design to do, move.

“I… I’m so…sorry.”

“No… don’t be, it feels so good pressed on me.”

“It does?”

With a smile I closed the deal “Kyle…do you want me?”

I could feel the shock running through him, his mind racing as the unbelievable situation unfolded in front of him.

With a slow breath he answered, “Fuck yeah.”

I suddenly found myself grabbing him by the hand and pulling him into the nearest rest room. I dropped to my knees, too horny to even take a moment and acknowledge what was about to happen. My hand shot for his belt and zipper, undoing and pulling them off to suddenly come face to face with my very first cock.

That’s when I stopped, my consciousness suddenly coming back to me as I found myself slowly stroking him. I looked up into his eyes, half closed and groggy, fear and excitement completely taking over his being as I assume I became the first girl he was ever intimate with. The hunger he had for me, it threw shivers down my spine as I visualized the thoughts going through his head, the things he wanted to do with me, the ways I was making him feel. Fuck, the real thing doesn’t even come close to any porno.

I abided with his silent command, taking his cock deep into my mouth, ignoring my gag reflex for his sake, the idea of pleasing him, giving him the best night of his life completely driving my actions, I wanted to feel his body shake as he came, his hands twist in my hair, his eyes close in bliss.

Confidence once again took over, as he grabbed my head and started fucking my throat with vigor, my pussy getting wetter with each thrust as he used me for his own feral needs. With a groan, he climaxed. Holding my head in place while his cum filled my mouth until it was dripping down my lips. His body writhing and squirming while I kept sucking him until he was dry.

With a gulp and a smile the moment past.

Me on the porcelain floor with my makeup messed up and him sitting on the toilet with a stupid look on his face.

“Damn Sasha… that story was hot as fuck! So did you fuck him?”

“No…uh… I haven’t actually …had sex yet… I mean they was this time… I blew the whole computer club and this guy fingered me, but no, I haven’t actually… you know, done it.”

How the hell had we gotten to this point, an hour ago I was just meeting her, the next she’d twisted the conversation into sexual experiences.

“…The whole club?”

“It was only like three guys. I asked Kyle to introduce me to them because I wanted to join, but… they all stared at me like he did, with their eyes on my ass 90% of the time, so …one thing led to another.”

“One thing led to another! Jesus, you’re a little slut.”

“I hate that word… I’m just… open to new experiences.”

“How come the whole school doesn’t know about this? Wouldn’t this be like the topic of the century?”

“I asked them not to tell anyone. Plus, they’re sweet guys, unlike the asshole squad of the school they don’t drag a girl’s reputation in the dirt just for fun.”

“So, you seriously didn’t let any of them in your panties?”

“Ahmm… I would have… but they tend to cum pretty quick when I get on my knees.” bebek escort

“So did they make you cum at least?”

“Uh… no… but the euphoria from the blowjob is enough… I guess.”

“Come with me,” Nyla said while she grabbed my hand and whisked me out of the library chair and into one of the spaces between the shelves.

“…what are you…”

“Shhh… we’re friends right?”

“…Uh… I guess… I mean I did just describe to you my first blowjob.”

“My thoughts exactly. So… friends do things for each other…right?”

“Uh… right… where is this going?”

“I’m gonna make you cum,” She whispered into my ear as her fingers traced the skin on my thigh and into my skirt.


“Shhh…” She hissed, as she came into contact “Don’t think… you’ve done so much for everyone else…it’s the least I could do…”

“B…but I’m not…”

“You can’t tell me you don’t watch a little girl on girl action every once in a while?”

She said as her left hand slid up my body and groped my breast.

“What…What if we get caught?”

“…then they can join in too…”

She said with a smile as she pulled down my panties and dropped to the floor, pulling one of my legs on her shoulder, raising my skirt and diving in between my legs.

I had to press my palm on my mouth to quit myself, my breath completely out of control and my moans much of the same. She played with my pussy like a kid with a new toy. Moving from my clit to my lips to pushing deep inside and pulling back out to go right back to my clit. It was both frustrating and amazing.

She explored it, marking every part of my pussy until it was all completely hers, her fingers diving in as well, dipping as her tongue circled on my clit again. The taboo, the voyeurism, the fact that two more students were discussing their chemistry assignment in the next aisle while I was getting eaten out. It was all so overwhelming that I came in minutes, shaking as I knocked and grabbed at the books around me in hopes of not falling to the ground.

I leaned there for a while, trying to gather myself but horribly failing as remnants of the orgasm kept pulsating through me.

Nyla… the seductress. She grabbed my panties, pushing them into her pocket. Watching me with a smile.

“Ahmmm that was so much easier than I thought it would be. I’m gonna have so much fun with you.”

She left me there, cum dripping down my leg, wondering what else she had in store for me.

My favorite class, Physics, yet I couldn’t keep my mind on Mr. Gregory, regardless of his chiseled physique and his genius that I had the pleasure of listening to three times a week. He was one of the reasons I was so sad I was gonna graduate soon. But he assured me with my Grades I was gonna meet men with far superior intellect than his own.

I always assumed he knew I had a crush. His sweet tone, his complete attention towards me, how could he not know. I was the Teacher’s pet, but not in the context that I wanted. I wanted to do more than just carry his books and lead his discussions, so much more, if he had asked me to bend over on his desk and let him have me right in front of the entire class, I would have obliged without a second thought.

But teenage girls don’t tend to have their wildest dreams come true. We don’t usually fuck the celebrity heart throb, we don’t get to marry the beautiful eye candy actors that we swoon over, and we don’t get to pleasure the married teacher we fantasize over on a daily basis.

Mr. Gregory was a good man by all accounts, and fucking teenage girls is not something a good man is accustomed to do.

Suddenly I receive a text. To my shock it’s Nyla.

How did she even get my number? Well to be fair, with this tech age, and her abilities of persuasion, I doubt finding my number was a rather demanding task.

“Meet me in the girl’s bathroom.” The text simply says, my eyes reading it over and over trying to decipher exactly what she plans to do with me in there.

I receive another text and it’s just one word.


The submissive in me panics, the idea that the longer I took, the angrier she got looming as I suddenly pack my things jump out of my seat and rush towards the door.

“Sasha? Where you going?” Mr. Gregory says in his oh so blissful tone.

I suddenly stop, trying to gather up the sense to make a believable enough lie.

“Uh…restroom…girl’s bayan eskort stuff…”

“Oh…ok well hurry back, you’re gonna love the next topic.”

And with that I was out, every step I took towards the restroom doors weighing heavy on me. She could play me like a drum, and she knew it.

Suddenly I open the door and there she is, fixing her make up in one of the mirrors.

“Took you long enough!”

She says without throwing me a single glance.

“Uh…sorry, I was just in my physics lesson and…”

“Physics? Teacher Gregory’s physics?”


Suddenly she starts to laugh “Lemme guess, you got lost in his eyes on your way out of the room.”


Suddenly she put down her make up kit, walking towards me with her eyes never leaving mine.

Her hand rushes up my skirt, two fingers dipping themselves inside of me, moving past where the panties she took would have shielded, this was clearly planned. She takes my pussy in her hand, completely absent of my consent, and I didn’t say a word against it… I was hers…and yet about two hours ago we were strangers.

“God, every single girl in this school has a crush on my dad, even you, with your pussy already dripping. It’s absolutely pathetic.”

“…Your …dad?” I say in between breathes , her fingers thrusting in me, faster and faster while she pressed her body against me on the bathroom walls. Her eyes stern and unfeeling, like this moment meant absolutely nothing to her. Unlike me who was in complete turmoil as I kept wondering if some random girl was gonna walk in and catch us. I wanted her to stop… but at the same time my body begged her not to.

“Yap… He moved me here for my last year so he could keep a closer eye on me. My last school kicked me out for… bad behavior.” She said with that evil smile of hers.

I was stunned by her revelation. I found it hard to grasp the idea that the daughter of the man I was head over heels for had gone down on me, was fingering me.

“Actually …he’s the reason you and I are here right now…the reason I’ve taken such a sudden interest in you… you see your mom and my dad are…friends, to say the least.

My parents have a…tough marriage and long-distance relationships are hard to keep strong. My dad tends to get lonely sometimes… and your slut of a mother used that to her advantage… like mother like daughter I guess.”

“Wha…what?” Her fingers started to dart inside of me faster as I slowly grasped what she was saying, trying to acknowledge her words against the rising pleasure inside of me…until it dawned on me as I came on her hand…my mom was cheating on my dad with her dad… the man I was hopelessly crushing over.

“What…what do you mean my…” Suddenly her fingers were in my mouth interrupting my train of thought, the taste of my pussy on my tongue as she said with an almost wrathful look…


I abided like a good little sub.

“Your whore of a mother used my dad… So in return… I’m gonna use you…then you’re gonna take me home and I’m gonna suck the life out of your dad.”

‘My God, what is happening?’ I asked myself as she pulled me into the nearest stall by my hair.

She locked the door and sat on the closed toilet seat, with her hand still tangled in my locks and me now kneeling on the floor in front of her. She whisked her pants off in one move and pushed her panties to the side, pulling me by my braids into her sopping pussy and with a sharp inhale she commanded.


…I abided like a good little sub.

“That’s right my little fuck toy… that’s right, lick it like the little slut you are…uh… oh my god yes… mmmm. I’m gonna take pictures of this and show them to your mom, you fucking slut…uh… yah, eat me out, revenge feels so fucking good.”

The words she kept calling me. The sound of her camera phone clicking and saving proof of my indiscretions. The sounds of giggling outside of the stall door as I assume whoever was out there heard every single thing that was happening in here… it was exhilarating , arousing in ways I couldn’t possibly describe… in this moment… I must admit, I couldn’t argue with the fact that I was by definition, a slut… nothing more.

When she came, I couldn’t help but join her. Her clit in my mouth and her hand wrenching my braids, leaving me in painful pleasure… I came with her yet she barely touched me… this feeling of submission all that I needed to leave me writhing.

When the girls outside had left, she stood up and unlocked the door, stepping over my shaking body to fix herself in the mirror.

“6 Pm. Outside of the school. DON’T BE LATE!”

And with that she left me there moaning and squirming on a toilet floor.

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Pixie Pt. 03 Ch. 01: Joining AUNTIE

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What had I done? That was the natural tenor of my thoughts on receiving the letter. After our adventures in the Crimea and Romania, Sarah and I had come back to England, refreshed and invigorated. It had been hard saying goodbye to the gorgeous Emm, but as she seemed ecstatic to be remaining with the Russian Oligarch, Ekaterina, and as we would be seeing her at Christmas, the causes for sadness were few.

A few days after my return I had had a phone call from an unlisted number, which was, in itself interesting, as my phone was set to block such things. The voice had told me to be at an address in Kew on Friday afternoon at five o’clock. As I could make that, I said yes.

I talked with my wife, Sarah about it, and she said I’d make an ideal ‘Agent 006.5,’ though it was a shame Emm was not joining me, as she could be given a ‘licence to fuck.’ My comment, as I lay in her arms after making love, was that in Emm, James Bond would have met his match. She, I added, would have a ‘licence to thrill.’

‘Yes, well, my little sex-pot, as long as you don’t think you have a licence to fuck. I’ll spank your pretty little arse if you decide to go for pussy galore!’

‘No, Miss, or do I mean yes Miss?’ I giggled.

At that, she turned me over and had her wicked way with me.

So it was that, on Monday, wearing my best little black dress, with low heels, and some tactically applied make-up, I presented myself at the address. There, for the next two hours, I was grilled lightly over a medium flame – or at least that was what it felt like.

I was asked about my background, about what had happened in the Crimea and Romania, and about my sexuality. They seemed to know more about my sexual history than I remembered, and they also asked me about Emm and Ekaterina.

On Monday morning I received a call telling me to present myself for an interview at an address near Whitehall. Cancelling an appointment with my line-manager on the plea of illness, I presented myself once more.

My panel consisted of three women. The Chair, a blonde in her late thirties wearing a rather chic Versace business suit, asked whether I had heard of the Agency of the United Nations Trafficking Intervention – Extralegal, and I had to admit I had not. This seemed to cause general satisfaction. I was, I was told, being offered a post with it. As they would like my training to begin within the week, they had taken the liberty of telling my boss that I was being seconded to a Government project, and they had provided him with a suitable replacement.

‘And what if I say no?’ I asked, quizzically.

‘Then you’d be unemployed, which, given what you received for your work from the Russian Oligarch, would cause you no problems for at least a couple of years. Moreover, not to put too fine a point on it, your wife is not exactly a pauper, even on BBC Radio 3 rates.’

‘But,’ I protested, ‘I haven’t even seen a job description, let alone the salary.’

‘The latter you will find satisfactory, the former you will be making up as you go along. No doubt Human Resources can be fobbed off with some bureaucracy-speak. Oh, and by the way, you ought to meet your fellow agent.’

She pressed a buzzer.

The door opened, and in walked the last person in the world I had expected to see – Emm!

‘Hi, Pix! Darling! SO yummy to see you. You look quite pretty in that, shame about the tits!’

That was my Emm. But what the fuck! I could not quite compute all of this. Emm, an agent? Emm here? Emm, a spy?

‘Hehe,’ Emm giggled. ‘For once, Pix, it is you who looks confused. I’m here on a shopping trip with Ivana, as far as Ekaterina is concerned, and when she sees the lingerie, well, my darling!’

‘Okay, I see,’ said I, feeling far from okay or clear.

‘Miss Lee will be working gaziosmanpaşa escort undercover with you, Agent Pixie.’

‘Ha!’ I laughed, ‘if you only knew what Emm can do under covers!’

‘Darling Pix, that’s just why they have me on the books. Can you think of anyone better able to penetrate the high-level sex trade?’

Put like that, the answer was no.

I gave darling Emm the biggest hug, getting lost, as ever, in that capacious cleavage – which was only one of my reasons for doing it, of course.

So that sealed it. I accepted.

‘So, Emm,’ I said, looking also at the Chair of the panel, ‘you do realise what that makes us?’

‘Well, erm, agents?’ Emm looked puzzled.

‘It makes us, darling, Emm, and Pix – the women from AUNTIE!’

So it did.

What had I done?

That, as it transpired, was a question with quite an answer.

‘This spying lark is not,’ I told my wife a few weeks later, ‘all it is in the films.’

‘Why is that, darling?’ Sarah asked me.

‘We don’t have a hunky Daniel Craig type man teasing the office secretaries, and dangerous brunettes wielding stilettoes,’ I complained.

I could tell by her giggles that she was taking this as seriously as she had my decision to join AUNTIE (The Agency of the United Nations Trafficking Intervention – Extralegal). We had a good laugh about my being a ‘natural auntie,’ as a gay woman who did not want children, with a straight sister who did, as well as the hilarious references to the ‘Man from UNCLE’ and ‘Pussy Galore.’ As I told Sarah, the latter would have been fine, and the men could make themselves useful doing whatever it was they did in their sheds.

It had to be said (so I said it, at least five times, as Sarah reminded me) that the Headquarters of AUNTIE in a side-street off Victoria station was not quite redolent of the world of James Bond; of Q there was no sign. An undistinguished 1950s office block, it was obviously chosen for its cheapness and proximity to Whitehall.

‘Mind you,’ I said, ‘there was one incident you would have enjoyed.’

On her cocking an eyebrow to indicate that was extremely unlikely, I felt compelled to tell her. about our induction. To be fair to me, she did laugh at the end.

‘Right ladies,’ the rather tough-looking blonde who was running our induction, had said, as we approached the mid-point of the afternoon, ‘I wonder if there are any questions?’

As a newly-recruited agent, I kept quiet, letting the lickspittles curry favour with virtue-signalling questions. I looked at Emm, she looked back at me.

‘I’m confused, Pix, I thought we were spies going undercover to find sex trafficking victims, what’s GDPR and why should I care?”

I tried to explain to my glamorous blonde friend, who was officially in the UK on holiday from her Russian Oligarch Mistress, that the General Data Protection Regulation was a European Union requirement on all organisations which held data.

‘But Pix, I thought we’d left the EU, so why are they boring me with that?’

Short of explaining Brexit to Emm, a task way beyond me, I just giggled. But Mrs. Tough Blonde had picked up a disturbance in the Force.

‘Miss Lee, isn’t it, why don’t you share your thoughts with the rest of us,’ she said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. This was quite lost on Emm, who had two registers of behaviour, normal and horny. Smiling sweetly, she protested:

‘No Miss, I don’t think you’d want that.’

Those of us who knew Emm would have left it there. Her eyes were twinkling in a way they only usually did when she was about to lick ass. Tough Blonde clearly thought Emm a sweet, rather dim blonde, who was trying to get out of being told off, which was plain stupid to anyone who knew Emm; she ümraniye escort adored being told off, preferably with a paddle on her ass.

‘Oh, but Miss Lee, I do.’ She smiled a great, false, politician’s grin.

Nothing fazed, Emm responded:

‘Okay, I was just wondering whether, if I sucked your cunt for long enough, the expression on your face would change, or whether you’d had your smile muscles surgically removed as part of the procedure which stuffed that poker up your arse.’

The room burst in giggles, interspersed with laughter. Tough Blonde resembled my idea of a Warder in a Women’s Prison and not the sort who’d strip you down in order to fuck you. It was rather fun to watch her face.

‘See,’ said Emm, as her face went red and her jaw dropped, ‘you can change from a scowl. But I’m still wondering about your pussy.’

‘Miss Lee, you are extremely impertinent.’

‘Yes Miss, and you are fucking ugly, the difference is that I can change my mood, and only a plastic surgeon could help you.’

Emm was the sweetest and kindest of friends, and those attributes, along with her 36c chest, blonde hair, long legs, and tight ass led some idiots to mistake her for a Bimbo, so she had developed a good line in insults to deal with those who tried to put her down. You could whip her tits, cane her ass until it bled, tie her down and string her up, and she’d love it all; but don’t try to put her down. As Tough Blonde discovered, that was a really bad idea.

Sarah giggled.

‘But Pixie is Emm really working for AUNTIE. Does her Mistress not know?’

I explained that Ivana, the right-hand woman of the Russian Oligarch who owned Emm, Ekaterina, was on AUNTIE’s books, and therefore provided cover for Emm’s absence, with a story about her needing to see her family. Ekaterina was extremely fond of Emm, and always happy to indulge her; after all, her pussy had never been so well looked after.

‘Well,’ said Sarah, ‘I still think Emm is the most unlikely James Bondette imaginable.’

‘But darling,’ I protested, ‘that’s precisely the point of her. Who’d imagine she was a secret agent? Jane Bondage, on the other hand, that would be Emm to a tee.’

That was only a semi-humorous comment. Sex-trafficking was a major business growth area in Europe, prompted in part by great waves of migration. Where there were women to be transported, there would always be men to ensure they were taken to brothels. Our job was to use Ekaterina’s links to organised crime to help find and destroy some of the networks engaged in the trade.

There was, as my darling Sarah pointed out, an irony in Emm, (who wanted to be a branded slave and had achieved that ambition) helping stop modern slavery, but as she said to anyone silly enough to make the point, she had chosen that path, the women we were helping had not.

Tough Blonde had learned the hard way not to mess with Emm, which, unless Emm wanted to be messed with (which she often did), was not a good idea.

‘Miss Lee, I will report you to HR.’ She said.

‘Fine, if you have someone else who has my links to the sex trade, feel free to do so. Maybe your ugly mug will appeal to pervs who want women who look like butch boxers, but I doubt it. You’ll find my interrogation technique second to none!’

Tough Blonde was not, it seems, wise enough to quit while she was behind.

‘I tell you what Miss Lee, we have advanced interrogation next, and if you can make me give up the secret, we shall say no more about this. If you can’t, I report you, deal?’

‘Hehe,’ Emm said, ‘deal!’

‘Well are you going to tell me what happened Pixie,’ Sarah demanded when I stopped.

‘Only if you use the feeldoe on me tonight,’ I teased.

‘Is that supposed to be a disincentive, eskort bayan my gorgeous one?’

‘No, a bribe,’ I giggled.

Now my fate for the evening was sealed, I was happy to tell Sarah, knowing it would prepare her for what was to come.

‘Well, Emm did, as requested, and Tough Blonde was allocated to her. The way it works is that we have an hour to make someone talk. The victim is wired to a machine which measures their reaction to what the interrogator described. Tough Blonde said that was too mild and volunteered to sign the waiver to allow actual interrogation techniques to be used. That meant Emm only got half an hour. Tough Blonde clearly thought she had won an advantage.’

The only people who ever signed the waivers were pain sluts, who found it a useful (and free) way of getting their fix. Tough Blonde clearly fitted that category. One of the Trainers said I should prepare to say goodbye to Emm. I said she had not seen the Emm technique. She looked skeptical.

Tough Blonde agreed to be bound to a St Andrew’s Cross. She looked, almost longingly I thought, to the whips and crops on the side table. But to her surprise, and that of everyone except myself, Emm ignored them. Instead, she picked up the scissors, usually used to release the captive.

Tough Blonde smiled, ‘giving up already, Lee?’

Emm then, proceeded to cut her skirt off and sliced through her tights and panties, leaving her lower half naked. She was the possessor of a fine bush. Emm pulled it, hard, yanking out some hairs. Tough Blonde moaned.

Emm knelt in front of her.

‘Hey, bitch, is there a bunch of Aussies in that bush?’

Swiftly, Emm cut at the hair, using the cut-throat razor and some foam to shave Tough Blonde, who began to gasp. Emm then began to lick her exposed cunt.

‘Hey, ugly bitch, you are wetter than the Amazon down there, here, what’s up, this turning you on? You fucking slut, I’ve already shaved your pubes, maybe next I will shave your head and fit you with a dildo mask to fuck me. Do you like what you see, bitch?’

I think everyone liked it, as Emm discarded her dress and stood in her black latex bra, latex panties and stockings with a suspender-belt. As Emm jutted her ass out as she began to eat Tough Blonde, the temperature in the room rose. Emm’s ass was something to behold, especially with her bending in tight latex panties. Her thick lips and the contours of her sex were visible to all.

Emm licked up from the Blonde’s perineum to her clit, using the breadth of her tongue, and her fingers, to part the lips. Grabbing the whip, she proceeded to use it to plug Tough Blonde’s cunt, ramming it up unceremoniously.

‘Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck,’ the Blonde moaned, as Emm dilated her cunt by several inches.

Carefully collecting her cunt cream, Emm applied it to her asshole, and then repeated the trick with the whip with a smaller one. Rhythmically ramming both whips in and out of both the Blonde’s holes, Emm called her a slut, and proceeded to suck her clit. Several times it looked as though she was on the verge of an orgasm, but then Emm pinched her clit, stood up and placed her wet finger under the Blonde’s nose.

‘That’s your fucking cunt goo, bitch. Do you want to come for Mistress Emm?’

Tough Blonde was tough no longer. Emm ripped her blouse off, revealing that her small tits had erect nipples. Emm slapped them. ‘Well, Blondie?’

‘Yes, yes, yes please Mistress Emm.’

‘What will you do to earn your cummie, slut?’

‘Anything, Mistress,’ she gasped.

‘Anything, slut? Think carefully.’

‘Yes, please, anything.’

‘Tell me the name of the Agent then.’

Without any hesitation (well Emm was slapping her clit) the Blonde gave the name.

Emm rubbed her clit, thrusting both whips in.

Tough Blonde came and came.

And that, I told Sarah, was how Emm passed the training course, with a merit badge for interrogation.

‘Fuck, Pixie, I want you, bed, now!’

It might, after all, be possible to combine work and pleasure, I thought, as Sarah carried me upstairs.

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Pleasure Thy Sister Ch. 02

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Disclaimer: this is a purely fictional story. All characters are over the age of 18 and are not modeled around specific people.


Chapter 2: Most Important Meal of the Day

It was still early morning in the Sappho Sorority House. Only a few girls were awake, preparing for the day. Each quietly greeted one another, taking their turn at the beloved coffee maker. This was college, after all Sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen, was Allie. Allie was a newly initiated member in the house. Far more quiet than most of its inhabitants, she still kept to herself. Most would be confused to see her in the sorority at a glance, but while pledging, all of the seniors saw so much potential. One in particular, being Kate.

Kate was adored by the girls in the house. A taller, athletic build often left her sister swooning. She took delight in spending time getting to know each and every beautiful woman in the house. And this morning she had chosen her target.

A kind smile on her face, she approached Allie.

“Hi, there.” Allie looked up from her cereal, blushing when she realized who was talking to her.

“Oh! H-hi Kate” she looked away, nervous under Kate’s gaze. Kate’s smile grew as her eyes raked over Allies smaller frame. Although not very into sports, she still had a slender and toned body. Roaming eyes reached their intended destination. Jackpot.

“You cold, sweetie?” Kate asked, tilting her head.

Allie furrowed her brow confused, until she followed Kate’s eyes to her chest. Sure enough, her nipples were poking through her shirt. Quickly she crossed her arms and turned an even darker shade of pink.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry!! I didn’t realize, I’m so embarra-” she rambled.

“Hey hey no, don’t be embarrassed. Remember why we’re in this sorority, yeah?” Kate walked around the corner to stand at Allie’s side. She placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and encouraged her to breathe.

“Be confident, show off. You look so cute!”

Kate reached for Allie’s arms and lowered them to her lap. Her breasts gently moved up and down as she calmed her breathing down. A few of the other girls noticed her stress and gathered to encourage her as well.

“It’s okay Allie, we don’t mind at all!” One chimed in.

“Yeah! You’re boobs look so good in that shirt.” The others agreed.

Kate turned Allies attention back to her, holding out a hand. “May I?”

Allie looked down to see Kate’s hand hovering about her left breast, waiting for her consent. Meeting Kate’s eyes again, she nodded “… yes, you may..”

Kate’s hand gently palmed Allie’s breast, a little smaller than her hand, but soft and round. Allie sucked in a breath and tried not to be tense around watchful eyes.

“Hey ladies, why don’t we give Allie a little show? Has anyone had their breakfast yet?”

Smiling, the four other girls in the room didn’t say a word at all. They paired up, kissing each other and running hands over bodies and under pajamas. Kate continued gently squeezing Allie’s breasts, having moved bağcılar escort to stand behind her to work both globes. No one seemed to know why she had a tradition of breast and nipple play at breakfast, but no one was complaining either.

One of the couples providing Allie’s visual entertainment had already taken up a new position. Carmen, a dark haired beauty with fierce eyes, crawled up onto the island in front of Allie and Kate. Behind her stood Brooke, a mischievous look on her face. She was mirroring Kate’s actions on Carmen’s breasts, although Carmen had long since ditched her shirt.

“Would you like me to?” Kate asked, touching the hem of Allie’s shirt.

“Uhm…” Allie’s tensed. Kate moved her hand back to Allie’s breast, circling around the areola. “That’s okay, it can stay on. Do you like this?”

“Mmhmm” Allie nodded. She still wasn’t used to being touched this way. She had only recently begun to experiment with her sexuality, and had barely had any partners. Kate’s hands massaging and fondling her was sending warmth all throughout her body. Her breath against her neck making her shiver. The sight of Brooke teasing Carmen’s nipples made her crave same treatment from Kate.

Kate, after some more massaging, obliged. She started circling both areolas through Allie’s shirt. The fabric was a light material, almost sheer, and it made the sensation of Kate’s fingers more intense. Circling and circling she lightly grazed, slowly moving in tighter circles. Suddenly, she flicked the pads on her index fingers right over the tips of Allie’s peaks once.

“Oh!” Allie jumped slightly. She hadn’t expected that. She looked at Carmen and Brooke, who simply smiled back and continued their own teasing. Brooke was kissing along Carmen’s neck, while gently rolling her nipples between her fingers. Carmen’s hand had been gently rubbing across her stomach, clearly planning on moving south soon.

“Take a look over there” Kate instructed Allie, still using her finger tips to lightly graze across her nipples in different directions. Tingles ran down her spine, and as she looked to her left, Allie realized her panties had become noticeably wet.

While Kate, Allie, Carmen, and Brooke had settled into their own little games, the other two girls had moved onto the breakfast Katie had mentioned.

Faith was up on the counter across from the island, legs spread, while Chantel kissed at the inner thighs. Chantel was a taller athletic build, on the same basketball team as Kate. She continued to kiss around Faith’s thighs, before hearing Allie’s gasp.

“Oh my god..” she almost moaned out at the sight. Every time she would watch her other house mates pleasure each other it felt like the first time. She squirmed when Chantel looked behind her and caught her eye. Winking, Chantel licked her full lips and turned back to Faith’s moist pussy. Moving in, she placed a broad flat tongue at the bottom of Faith’s sex and slowly drug it upwards. Faith let out a low and erotic moan, closing her eyes and using her merter escort hands to spread her legs farther apart. When Chantel’s tongue reached the top and caught her clit, she jumped and moaned again.

“Look back in front of you” Kate instructed again. Allie had a hard time tearing her eyes away from Chantel and Faith, as Chantel has begun steadily lapping at her lips, occasionally letting her tongue slip deeper through her folds. Finally, she looked in front of her and let out a frustrated sigh. These girls were killing her.

Carmen was shimmying out of her panties, dropping them beside her before leaning back into Brooke. While Brooke went right back to work teasing Carmen’s nipples, Carmen used her wetness to coat her clit and began gently circling it.

“Watch her play with her clit” Kate said. As Allie watched her circle, she began to realize Katie was using her techniques to tease Allie’s increasingly sensitive nipples. She matched Carmen’s speed and tempo, and Carmen would purposely stop periodically to deny Allie(as well as herself).

“Faith, Chantel, come up here” Kate commanded. Chantel placed a few for teasing licks to Faith’s pussy before helping her down from the counter. She had purposely avoided Faith’s clit, which was now a hard bundle of tense pleasure aggravated by her walking to the island. She now sat on the edge of the island with one foot propped up next to her, the other dangling off of the side. Chantel pulled up another stool, and adjusted the height so it was closer to Faith. Both sat side by side facing Kate and Allie. Chantel spread her long dark legs, showing of an equally wet slit. Allie hadn’t realized she had been teasing herself whilst servicing Faith.

Once settled, Faith and Chantel reached between each other legs and became masturbating each other. Alternating between teasing flicks and loving circles against hard clits. Any time Allie looked from one set of girls to the other, Kate would follow and switch her nipple play to match what was happening.

Allie had never felt anything like this before. She didn’t realize her nipples could be so sensitive. Every now and then, Kate would pinch and roll them, causing a jolt of pleasure to shoot directly to the heat between her legs. How was this possible? Could she really be getting this turned on by just having her nipples teased? The teasing combined with the beautiful women moaning and writhing in front of her was becoming too much.

Needing to tear her eyes away for a moment Allie’s eyes wondered to the clock.


Uh oh. She had been in this cycle of play for almost 25 minutes. She was running late for class!!

“Yo-you guys!! I-ahhh-I have to get-oh my god yes-no wait! I’m gonna be late!” She made no move to stop Kate as she pulled ever so slightly on her hard peaks.

“How late?” She offered, beginning to circle and flick a little faster and a little hard. Circle, circle, ciiirrrrcle. Allie’s eyes rolled shut.

“Fuck… like.. fi-five minutes.”

“Ahh plenty of time” Kate eskort giggled and continued her teasing. She began using her short nails to flick back and forth quickly over the tips of Allie’s nipples. The tickling sensation burst through Allie’s body and she moaned even more. Kate was truly playing her like a perfectly tuned instrument. Not to be outdone, their other companions were all indulging in their own pleasures. Carmen was now leaning back as Brooke bent over to lick and suck at her pussy. Chantel and Faith were alternating between massaging each other’s little clits, and slipping fingers into their wet openings.

Allie felt as though she was so overwhelmed by the sights and sounds, she could practically feel it everywhere. It was like the sensations emanating from her nipples had connected to her wet pussy and hard clit. Somehow she had not touched herself this whole time and she still felt like she would explode.

“Ahh… Ah! Kate!” She pleaded. Another delicious pinch.

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day Allie, you can’t miss it. See?” Kate nudged Allie, whose eyes had fallen shut again. Her toes curled.

Carmen was moaning louder and louder as Brooke sucked her clit into her warm mouth. Her eyes rolled back as she gripped Brooke’s hair and her climax hit. Brooke didn’t budge as she continued to spasm and yelp. Soon after, Faith and Chantel’s moans joined in as they had begun finger fucking each other. Their orgasms hit at practically the same time, hips rolling against hands, stimulating their clits as well.

That was it. Allie’s couldn’t handle it anymore. With one perfectly timed pinch of her stiff and swollen nipples, Allie’s head fell back into Kate’s shoulder. Her orgasm didn’t hit suddenly, but instead rushed over in an intense wave. Her pussy spasmed, shocking her. She had no idea she could orgasm just from having her nipples teased and taunted. It seemed last longer than expected as her hips bucked and rolled against nothing but air. Kate continued to gently circle her sensitive buds for a little while, before moving back to gentle palming and massaging.

Carmen, Brooke, Chantel, and Faith were all also coming down from their orgasms. None made an effort to move. After about a minute Kate spoke up.

“See? You still have time to get ready” she smiled and kissed Allie’s cheek. Shakily, Allie’s shifted out of Katie’s arms and slid off of the stool. Kate moved the stool out of the way and hopped up onto the island, taking off her shirt. The other four girls began caressing her body.

“What about you all?” Allie asked when she realized no one else was leaving. Part of her was tempted to skip class as she watched the fun continue without her.

“Well it’s like I said, ohhh” Chantel began kissing Kate’s neck and teasing her right nipple. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day… c’mere Brooke!” Brooke and Kate, having missed out on the first round, were now receiving payback. Chantel and Faith were tag-teaming Kate’s erect nipples and needy pussy. As they licked and sucked her most sensitive parts, Kate was helping Carmen tease Brooke’s wet pussy.

Allie lingered a second longer before shaking out of her revere. Heading upstairs to shower, she decided she’d have to deal with being ten minutes late as she stopped by her sock drawer on the way to the bathroom.

The end.

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Petite Woman Seeks Same Ch. 3

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I rolled over to one side, mind-blown and feeling dizzy. I looked at the TV, and saw two women “spooning”, embraced in some heavy, lip-smacking sixty-nine action. A bleach blonde and a bad dye job brunette, who had a equally bad pair of breast implants. Never mind their imperfections, they were enjoying themselves.

Lynn slid on the bed right next to me and gently kissed my ear.

“It had been a long time since I had tasted some pussy,” she whispered, rubbing my nipple.

“Oh, really? You could have fooled me.”

“Yeah, I know. But before this time, it had been…..months, maybe years. I was starting to crave it.”

By this time, the women were enjoying a escort ataköy dildo, in the double-header position. The blonde was on one end, while the brunette kept the other end occupied. They moved the rubber dick in and out while rubbing their clits simultaneously. I was so mesmerized, I had briefly stopped talking to Lynn and became engrossed in the love-fest that was playing out in the movie.

We both were completely silent for a minute.

“I have never done that before,” Lynn remarked.

“What? A double-header?”

“Well, that too. But I meant the sixty-nine thingie.”

“You mean the scene they were showing earlier?”


“Wanna esenler escort give it a go?” I said, with a smirk.

“Of course,” she replied, revealing a ever-moistening slit.

Lynn crawled on top of me, and I felt her very hard stomach in center of my chest. I felt her pubic hair tickling my lips and chin. I placed my hands over her asscheeks, gently spreading them apart. I pulled her sticky labial lips apart and slid my hot muscle in.

“Oooh,” she whimpered, as I methodically licked her hole. I tongue-fucked her with a slow rhythm, my fingers working their way to her bunghole.

“Yes..” she escort bayan whispered.

My finger disappeared inside her asshole. I licked and pumped while she squirmed in delight.

“Mmmmm..” she moaned.

I placed light kisses on her inner lips, and plunged two more fingers in her rectum.

“Ahhhhh….mmmm…”she cried, burying her moans in my muff.

I felt her tongue dancing on my clit and then dipping in my throbbing gash.

“Yes…like that,” I instructed.

“More?”she inquired.

“Oh, yes.”

She tickled my G-spot and I felt myself ready to climax.

“I coming…”

“Come for me, baby.”

My moans and groans could no longer be held back.

“Yes, yes, yes..YES! YES!,” I yelled.

Lynn kept sucking on my snatch until she felt my hot nectar fill her mouth.

“Damn! What was that? Niagara Falls?” she asked, her mouth reminiscent of a glazed donut.

I just winked at her and pretended not to hear her.

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Seducing Shelly

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Shelly didn’t know what to expect as she walked down the flight terminal, toward her weekend adventure. Ninian was supposed to be waiting in the baggage claim for her. After rounding the last corner, Shelly saw her. There was her friend, standing with her legs spread, her arms folded over her ample chest, a patient grin on her face. They hugged and started talking about the fun weekend ahead, as they waited for Shelly’s bag to come around.

Ninian told Shelly of the fun things she had planned for them to do over the weekend. Shelly was mentally trying to pick which activities sounded the most exciting, when Ninian interrupted her thoughts. “Or, we could just stay in all weekend. Naked.” Shelly’s head whipped around to look at her friend in surprise.

Ninian just laughed. “What?” she asked, “You’ve never wondered what it would be like? Just the two of us girls? ”

Shelly shook her head and muttered, “Maybe if I were drunk…”

Ninian laughed again. “Drunk? What’s the fun in that? Being drunk only means you won’t remember it as much the next day, silly.” With that said, she leaned over and grabbed Shelly’s bag off the luggage carousel. Briskly turning on her heels, Ninian motioned for Shelly to follow her out to the parking garage.

By the time they made it to Ninian’s car, Shelly had had plenty of time to mull things over in her head. “You weren’t being serious, right? You were just joking around with me.” They had been friends only a short time, but Shelly couldn’t imagine that Ninian actually wanted to…… become intimate. They both liked men, for crying out loud!

Ninian popped Shelly’s bag in the trunk then walked to the front of her Jag and slid behind the wheel. She slid the key into the ignition and started the car, waiting for her confused friend to get situated. Turning her head slightly, Ninian stared Shelly right in the eye and said, “What if I wasn’t joking?”

Shelly’s heart jumped into her throat. She’d never entertained the thought of being with a woman before. She loved her husband, and being with another woman just seemed…..weird. Ninian turned the radio up and let the top of the Jag down. As they exited the parking garage, she told Shelly it would only take about fifteen minutes to get to her house.

Trying to just listen to the music, Shelly kept hearing Ninian’s voice in her head, “You’ve never wondered what it would be like?” Well, now she did. And it scared her. Shelly’s palms became damp, and she could feel her heart thumping as she began to think about what might happen this weekend. Did Ninian really intend to keep flirting and suggesting they sleep together? She saw Ninian glance over at her, out of the corner of her eye. Ninian’s lips curved slowly.

“Got you thinking about it now, don’t I?” Ninian mused. “Well, maybe we’ll talk more about it later. We’re here now, and I’ve already got dinner on the way.”

Shelly sighed her relief inwardly and asked, “So, what’s on the menu?” Ninian pulled into the driveway of her cute little house.

“I know how much you like Chinese food,” şişli escort Ninian told her, “So I’ve ordered two orders each of Kung Pao Chicken and Schezuan Beef, about two gallons of Egg Drop Soup, and a truckload of egg rolls.” Shelly did her little happy dance then went around to grab her bag out of the trunk, as Ninian went to unlock the front door. Shelly paused a moment and wondered when Ninian would bring up the whole “sex” thing again. Damn Ninian, now Shelly couldn’t NOT think about it.

They entered the house, and Ninian showed Shelly straight to the guest room so she could deposit her luggage. As they walked back to the kitchen, the doorbell rang. “Well,” Ninian smiled, “Dinner’s right on time! I told them to be here about seven thirty,” she said looking at her watch, “And it’s seven twenty-eight.”

It only took Ninian a moment to return with the huge bag of food. She immediately began to dish it onto plates for both of them. As they ate, they talked a little about their husbands, their jobs, then about good movies they had both seen recently. That led to discussing their favorite movies, and somehow, that wound back around to steamy sex scenes.

Flustered again, Shelly walked around to the sink to rinse her plate. When she felt Ninian’s lips on the back of her neck, the plate clattered to the floor. Shelly tried to turn around, but Ninian pressed into her, sandwiching Shelly between her and the sink. Ninian kissed Shelly’s neck again and began to slowly knead the tops of Shelly’s arms.

Shelly stuttered and asked, “Wh-What are you doing?”

“I would think that was obvious,” Ninian chuckled. “I’m seducing you, and I have no intention of stopping.”

Shelly’s heart began to pound so loudly, she wondered if her friend could hear it. She could feel Ninian’s hot breath on her neck, Ninian’s hands massaging her shoulders and arms, then slowly sliding around to…. Oh my God.

Her friend was touching her breasts. Shelly didn’t know what to do. Should she try to turn around again and stop the whole thing? Should she…. Oh God…. Should she let it happen? She was beginning to feel little tingling aches in her breasts. Between her legs. That familiar warmth began to seep into her bones and make her crave more. She heard a soft moan, but didn’t realize that it came from her.

Ninian laughed softly and turned Shelly to face her. She looked at her for a moment, then took her hand and led her to the master bedroom. Shelly let Ninian lead her, while she tried to compose her thoughts. So many emotions were raging through her, that she had no idea what to think at present. She heard Ninian speak and felt something press against the back of her legs.

Turning her head, Shelly asked, “What did you say?”

Ninian motioned to the bed directly behind Shelly and said, “I want you to lie down. Let me do this, and I swear you won’t regret it.”

Shelly complied with the request and lay down upon Ninian’s soft mattress, trembling and confused. She felt Ninian snuggle up beside her and turned her head to look at escort şişli her. Ninian leaned forward and gently brushed Shelly’s lips with her own. She reached a hand up to caress Shelly’s breasts, then lowered her head to suck on her beautiful, rosy nipples. Shelly gasped and let the new feeling of a woman suckling her sink in. It wasn’t altogether unpleasant, just strange.

Ninian’s mouth was warm and teasing as she licked her friend’s breasts and nipples. Meanwhile, her hand had caressed a trail down Shelly’s stomach and had managed to unzip Shelly’s slacks. Ninian gently stroked her friend’s mound through her soft cotton panties, and she could feel the little trembles and the heat emanating from below. She sat up and, with both hands, slowly slid Shelly’s pants down, then her pretty yellow panties.

Shelly felt vulnerable and embarrassed at the sight of her friend staring at her. Yet she didn’t want to stop the experience. Still watching Shelly intently, Ninian shed her own clothes. She rejoined Shelly on the bed and, watching Shelly’s face, she began to softly stroke her labia. Shelly tried to keep her breathing steady, but it was becoming increasingly more difficult. The sensation of a woman touching her there was so strange yet so arousing. She had never felt a desire to be with a woman until this moment.

When she felt a finger slide inside of her, Shelly moaned deep in her throat. When, a moment later, she felt Ninian’s mouth close over her clit, she almost came off the bed. She felt that hot little tongue swabbing circles around her clit. She could feel her pussy getting wetter by the second. Ninian’s dragged her tongue between Shelly’s lips, then began her assault on her clit.

Shelly couldn’t believe this was happening. A woman, her friend was eating her pussy. The finger inside her started to stroke more insistently, then was joined by a second finger. That warm little tongue was attacking her clit with a ferociousness her husband had never exhibited. Her cunt began to drip it’s wetness onto the bed and she felt herself tightening up. She could feel the building pressure and knew she would come very soon. Shelly was tingling all over her body and started to beg Ninian for more, then…

“What the hell have I walked in on?” Both ladies looked up and saw Ninian’s husband standing in the doorway to the bedroom. Shelly flushed scarlet and tried to cover herself.

Ninian just looked at her husband and said, “I told you I had a friend flying down to see me this weekend. This is her. Dillon, meet Shelly.”

Dillon walked over to the bed, cleared his throat, and said, “By all means, don’t stop on my account. I don’t mind, as long as I can watch.” Shelly and Ninian looked at each other, and Shelly giggled nervously. Dillon sat down in a chair in the darkest corner of the room. “Just pretend I’m not here,” he said.

Ninian looked down at her friend and just shrugged, as if to say, I’m game if you are. Shelly nodded and sighed, as she tried to relax again. Ninian bent her head and began to slowly lick Shelly’s fragrant eskort şişli pussy. It was still wet. Shelly groaned and unconsciously lifted her hips to meet Ninian’s warm mouth. For some reason, having Ninian’s husband there was turning Shelly on. She couldn’t see him clearly, but she knew he was watching. Was he getting turned on?

Shelly lifted her head and said, “Turn around, Ninian, so I can touch you too.” Without breaking stride, Ninian swung herself around and let Shelly position her. She let out a shaky groan as she felt Shelly’s tongue licking between her lips. Shelly began to mimic her friend’s movements, sliding a finger inside her, then starting to suck on that sweet, tiny bud. She was rewarded with a quick spurt of fluid coating her finger, and felt her friend’s muscles contracting.

They continued to lap away at each other, becoming more greedy, more relentless in their passion. A quiet cough came from the corner, and Ninian looked over to see her husband with his jeans unzipped, stroking himself. She smiled and motioned him over to join them, saying, “Why don’t you fuck Shelly while she eats me?”

As Dillon approached the bed, Shelly crossed the precipice and bucked wildly against Ninian’s hand, coming fast and hard. Just as her orgasm was lessening, she felt hard pressure, and was filled completely as Dillon plunged his stiff cock inside her. Shelly screamed and bucked off the bed. Dillon grabbed her hips and thrust himself into her repeatedly.

Reeling from the idea of another man being inside her, Shelly blindly accepted the experience and resumed licking her friend’s steaming wet cunt. Ninian shuddered, keeping her eyes on her husband’s. As they stared at each other, Dillon continued pumping into Shelly. He lifted his hands to fondle his wife’s breasts, and she braced her hands against his shoulders to keep her balance over Shelly’s face. Ninian turned her head to look at Shelly and told her, “I’m so glad you’re the first woman I’ve slept with; it’s so sexy to share this with you!!”

Shelly was shocked. From Ninian’s actions, she had just assumed that her friend had been with women before. It was sort of nice, that this was a first for them both. With that thought, Shelly slid another finger inside Ninian as she began to suck on her clit. Her free hand moved up to Ninian backside, and her forefinger gently probed at Ninian’s anal passage. She softly pushed her finger into Ninian’s ass and began to rock. With two fingers pumping away in Ninian’s pussy and one in her ass, Shelly ravaged her friend’s clit with her mouth.

With a final cry, Ninian climaxed again, and Shelly relished in the taste of her friend’s sweet come, lapping up every drop. The scent of Ninian’s come and the tightness of Dillon’s thick cock pounding away at her sent Shelly surging straight into another orgasm. Dillon grabbed her hips and lifted her ass off the bed, penetrating her more deeply than her husband ever had. He emptied himself inside her, with a growl, then stood there at the foot of the bed, his legs shaking, his chest heaving.

Ninian and Dillon tumbled down onto the bed next to Shelly, and the three of them lay there for a few minutes, trying to catch their breath. Shelly was the first to speak.

“Well, I guess it wouldn’t be so bad to stay in all weekend.”

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Scholarship Requirements Ch. 02

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As you remember from chapter one, after her husband’s death Tiffany Andrews found that he had squandered his fortune which left her in financial straits. She was forced to sell her home and move into more modest surroundings. Forced with taking one of her children out of the prestigious Hedley Coleville Academy she appealed to Elizabeth Jones, principal of the school, for tuition relief, hoping she could keep the younger daughter enrolled. The outcome of that meeting was at first shocking to Tiffany. Ultimately it was thrilling. Elizabeth Jones had made her a proposition she couldn’t refuse, offering a full scholarship to the younger child in exchange for sex. At that meeting she brought her secretary, Anna Linn, a diminutive woman from Taiwan, who herself had been made the same offer. She had commanded her to strip then ate her pussy in front of Tiffany then seduced Tiffany into a ménage-a-trois.

Within a week of the initial liaison Anna Linn had to go back to Taiwan to renew her visa. So, Elizabeth asked Tiffany to fill in for just the two weeks that Anna would be gone. But when Anna arrived in Taiwan she called Elizabeth and told her that she had to stay on to take care of her ailing parents.

It is now two months since Anna’s departure. Tiffany has been serving as the Principal’s pet, spending an hour behind closed doors each day with Elizabeth. During Anna’s absence Tiffany has developed not only great respect for Ms. Jones but worshipful adoration for the compelling woman, developing an intense need for Elizabeth’s sexual stimulation. At least twice a week, during the last two months Elizabeth has called Tiffany into the office for their 2:00pm meeting, during which time one of the other secretaries would fill in.

Yesterday, Tiffany answered the phone. It was Eloise Parker, a mother of one the students at the school, called asking for an appointment with Ms. Jones. When Tiffany asked what the appointment would entail Mrs. Parker hesitated then said, “um…I need to talk with Ms. Jones about special consideration for my daughter Samantha.”

“…special consideration?” Tiffany asked.

Somewhat defensively, Eloise Parker said, “It’s rather personal…something I prefer discussing with Ms. Jones in private.” When Tiffany hung up the phone she grinned. She was quite familiar with the sound of desperation she detected in Mrs. Parker’s voice. She knew the woman would get what she wanted and was excited that it would be her turn to show Elizabeth just what kind of assistant she could be. Buzzing Elizabeth, she told her what she suspected.

“Ah perfect,” Elizabeth purred in her husky voice, “I’ve been hoping we would have a new convert soon.” She was quiet for a moment. “Is Abigail in the office yet?” Abigail was the woman who lately was taking over the office when Tiffany went in for her two o’clock assignation. In her mid forties, Abigail McClean, having never been married, was known to be a Bible thumper. She was willowy, with the exception of a slightly poochy stomach and her breasts appeared small. But Tiffany thought she might be wearing her bra too tightly to diminish their emphasis. She wore no makeup in compliance with her religious beliefs, which, if she had might have made her face attractive.

“Ask her to take over dear,” Elizabeth said to Tiffany. “Give me a couple minutes to get undressed and I’ll be waiting for you.” The principal seemed to have developed her own addiction to Tiffany. Her voice was mellow and syrupy. “We can spend the extra time discussing tomorrow’s meeting with Eloise Parker… do you know her?”

Tiffany replied that she remembered meeting Eloise at a back to school event last year…remembered the woman’s perfectly shaped nose which was highlighted by her thick, sensuous lips. She recalled that she was about 5’5″, had gorgeous legs, which showed off beautifully in the stylish heels she was wearing, complimenting her nearly perfect figure. Her breasts must be 34C, and her hips were almost in perfect balance.

“She’s beautiful, Tiffany.” Elizabeth said… “a wonderful find, don’t you think?”

Abigail Wingate had been at Hedley-Colville for a number of years working as a teacher’s aid. As a woman she had “known” only one man, the minister of the church she attended in college. Deep down she knew he was a rogue but his seduction, always starting and finishing with prayer, made her feel that she was God’s chosen instrument for the minister’s pleasure. When he left to start a church in a new city she was desolate, knowing she would never again feel his caress, that he would never again snuffle her pubis, his tongue swirling around the rim of her vagina, darting in like an anteater’s, probing for tasty morsels. His sanctified cock always made her feel like such a woman, after his expert foreplay, massaging her insides to the point of heavenly orgasm. From the time he left Abigail was celibate and had become a lonely, frustrated woman. There’d always been speculation among the staff at Hedley Colville that Elizabeth Jones was a lesbian and was suspected of having başakşehir escort trysts with certain staff members. She seemed to show an air of favoritism toward mothers of certain children as well. Abigail had heard the rumors but placed no truth in them. Nonetheless the rumors always stimulated Abigail sexually which made her feel guilty. When she thought of or heard the rumors she would always steal away to the ladies room and masturbate, fantasizing that somehow she might be drawn into the rumored trysts. This always made her feel guilty and she would pray to be delivered from the sin of sexual covetousness.

When Anna Linn left and Tiffany Andrews filled her spot, Elizabeth asked Abigail if she would help out in the office. She told her that her job would be to keep the files intact, to help answer the phones and to fill in for Tiffany during their regular 2:00 briefings. It was not long after Abigail undertook her new assignment that she realized the rumors might be true. Elizabeth left instructions that they were never to be disturbed, for any reason. And, when Tiffany came out of her meeting she always smelled like…like Abigail’s own finger when she fucked her own pussy at night…like the distant memory of how her lover’s face smelled when he kissed her after his mouth had been on her pussy…and how his cock smelled after it had been in her cunt, when he made her suck it so he could cum in her mouth. It was puzzling to her that there could be so much of the scent on Tiffany’s body. Though delicate, it was redolent.

Today, Abigail came to the office early on purpose. She wanted to fantasize what might go on behind the door. She knew what she was thinking was sinful. But what might be going on behind that door was even more sinful and it excited her.

Tiffany told her that they were expecting a visitor, a Mrs. Eloise Parker and, when she came in Abigail was to show right in. She fantasized that the mother be coming to the office for hanky panky.

When Ms. Parker came into the office and asked to see Ms. Jones Abigail paused to assess her. She was one of the most beautiful women Abigail had ever seen, despite the fact that she appeared to be seven to eight months pregnant. “Go right in Mrs. Parker, Ms. Jones and Mrs. Andrews are waiting for you.”

The woman’s expression went from sunny to dark. “I asked to see Ms. Jones privately.”

Abigail told her that Mrs. Andrews was there for her daily meeting and, undoubtedly, she would leave if the meeting was to be private. With that she opened the door, went into the office and closed the door behind her.

In the inner office both Elizabeth and Tiffany’s jaws nearly dropped when they saw that Mrs. Parker was not only pregnant, but apparently only a month or so away from delivering. “Sit down Ms. Parker,” Elizabeth said, “May I offer you some water…or tea perhaps?”

“Nothing thanks. Looking warily at Tiffany the woman said, “Uh…Ms. Jones “May we talk privately?”

“Of course, Mrs. Parker,” the principal said. “Tiffany, would you leave us alone?”

When the door opened Abigail gave Tiffany her seat and went back to her desk. “Her baby will be here soon,” she said, wanting to engage Tiffany in conversation.

“Yes, “Tiffany said, with a far off gaze and a wistful smile. “Yes it will.”

The principal said, “Please call me Elizabeth, Mrs. Parker. May I call you Eloise?” It was the same routine with all the new candidates. But this one is going to be much more interesting, Elizabeth thought, glancing at Eloise’s huge belly. “Forgive me for staring Eloise, I didn’t realize you were expecting. Congratulations. Everything’s fine I hope.”

“Everything is fine, with the baby, Ms. Jones…”


“Elizabeth… but my husband has been laid off and I’m afraid, unless I can work something out with you, I’m going to have to take Samantha out of Hedley-Colville and place her in public school.”

Elizabeth opened a folder on her desk and studied it. “Samantha is an excellent student Eloise. She’s responded well to the challenges we have presented her with here. I hope she won’t become bored in the public school.”

Eloise’s fingers were lacing and grasping as if she were washing her hands. “I’m desolate Ms… (Elizabeth raised her eyebrows and smiled) Elizabeth. After a short pause she said, “Elizabeth? I could help out at the school…as many hours as you would like…” Her hands went to her belly. “But…” She began to sob.

“But you are expecting the baby in a month or so,” Elizabeth said. Reaching across the desk she patted the sobbing woman’s arm. She rose from her chair and came around the desk, took Eloise’s hands and coaxed her to her feet. “You poor dear,” she said, “you’re distraught Eloise,” But… I can give you hope.”

She embraced her, holding the sobbing woman in her arms, allowing the waves of heartache to subside. “You poor sweet dear,” she said while leading Eloise to the conference table. She pulled out the chair on the left of beşiktaş escort the end of the table and said, “You’re not the first mother I’ve helped, Eloise.” Eloise looked up hopefully at Elizabeth who was smiling. “I bet you could use a cup of tea right now,” the principal said. Eloise nodded her head. Moving to her desk she pressed the intercom button. Tiffany’s voice came through in acknowledgement. “Tiffany, would you bring in some tea?”

Walking behind Eloise, Elizabeth put her hands on the woman’s tense shoulders. “You’re so uptight my dear.”

She had cried before about her dilemma but each time she finished with no idea how she would resolve how to afford her daughter’s education at such and expensive school. This time however the crying seemed to have renewed her. For some reason she felt washed. And, for the first time in months, Eloise began to relax.

The attractive principal’s skilled hands were untying the knots in her neck and she allowed a sliver of hope. She remembered vividly from her first pregnancy how sexual feelings coursed through her body keeping her in constant need of sex. Her husband had freely indulged her. But this time her libido had been raging even more avidly and her husband hadn’t been attending to her needs. Elizabeth’s skilled fingers kindled a flame beneath Eloise’s erogenous cauldron. With each movement, the fire was growing hotter.

Having always incorporated massage into her seduction routine Elizabeth was well aware of its effect. It was the same way she had enticed Tiffany. But Tiffany’s body was not the same vessel of effervescent sexuality and Elizabeth was confident that Eloise would come into the fold quite willingly. In her soothing she voice said, “We’ve always been able to accommodate mothers, Eloise, who are willing to give a little extra effort to our program.” Touching another knot in Eloise’s neck her fingers pressed hard against it and it melted away. “Each person has had to make a sacrifice; more like a contribution. But, everyone who’s been given this opportunity has participated…some still participate, even after their children have graduated.”

Elizabeth’s fingers were touching spots in the vulnerable woman that she hadn’t known to exist, driving warm tendrils throughout body, sending creepers to her fingers and toes. Her logical mind flashed a warning but her psyche was being cuddled by the arms of an erotic octopus and she yearned to feel what the beast’s arms might kindle next.

“Each is a beautiful woman in her own right… as are you Eloise,” Elizabeth soothed. “Because you’re pregnant though, you’re even more beautiful in my eyes.”

When she was six months pregnant and her hormones began to rage her husband rejected her sexually. She had always thought herself beautiful and loved the look of her pregnant body. But, from that point, she refused to look in the mirror, thinking that her misshapen body made her look like a freak. Elizabeth’s comment about her pregnancy being beautiful fell on fertile ears. She was in such need of sexual gratification that she welcomed Elizabeth’s tender attention. She was comfy…was becoming mesmerized.

Tiffany walked into the office carrying a tray with a teapot and three delicate china cups.

“Meet one of the women who has enjoyed her…uh…sacrifice,” Elizabeth said to Eloise, her fingers gently kneading Eloise’s cheekbones then smoothing over her shoulders. “Have you enjoyed your sacrifices Tiffany?” Elizabeth asked.

“Yes,” Tiffany whispered, her eyes gleaming with excitement. She leaned her head, stretching her neck so Elizabeth could kiss it. As the principal’s lips melted against her tightened flesh Tiffany writhed her hips and pushed her ass against Elizabeth’s middle. She then unbuttoned the top of her slacks, reached her right hand inside and began to masturbate, moaning as Elizabeth manipulated her breasts.

In her husky, sensuous voice Elizabeth said to Eloise, “You may touch yourself sweetie…if you would like.”

Transfixed, Eloise’s pupils were big polka dots surrounded by white bands. Her body crawled with a myriad of titillating sensations and she felt like she was levitating. Watching Elizabeth’s tongue lick Tiffany’s neck she sensed it on her own and felt an oozing in her pussy begin to run down her legs. She heard Tiffany say, “Isn’t our pregnant beauty delicious?” She processed a moment of guilt but the shocks, emanating from her nipples and her clitoris, pushed the guilt aside and her fingers clutched at her swollen and dripping clitoris.

She closed her eyes, pursed her lips and drew gouts of air through her nostrils, then emitted a series of soft moans. As if by magic Elizabeth’s lips were inches from Eloise’s ear and her hands had cupped her breasts. “This lovely lady, Tiffany, has a child on the same kind of scholarship that we’ll give Samantha. Would you like to see her pussy Eloise?” The seductive woman’s words and hot breath triggered and orgasm.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Eloise thought she whispered but escort it could be heard by Abigail on the other side of the door.

“Oh, my Lord,” Abigail mumbled to herself. She remembered how often she had said the same words with the only man who had ever fucked her, the minister of her church in college, the man who had made her cum to such glorious orgasms. The pictures she drew in her mind of what the three women were doing sent prickles up and down her spine and she felt the fabric of her panties wicking the moisture from her own vagina. Uttering a brief supplication for God to forgive her sins she raised her skirt and, through the panel of her panties, ground her fingertip into her clitoris.

Looking up at Tiffany, Eloise realized how very attractive she was. Her eyes captured the flowing curves of an attractive woman’s body that wasn’t pregnant. Her gaze was met by Tiffany’s vivid blue eyes that were surveying Eloise’s misshapen body. Shyly, Eloise smiled at Tiffany who returned her smile with a flash of perfect teeth. When she saw Tiffany’s tongue tip licking her upper lip Eloise imagined how it would feel touching her clitoris. At the thought, she winced and a surge of wetness coursed through the folds of her pussy.

Elizabeth’s hands had been kneading her breasts but suddenly came free. She moved back to Tiffany, wrapped her in an embrace and passionately kissed her mouth. Eloise watched their hungry mouths devour each other’s, watched their tongues invisibly searching and dancing with one another and her cauldron of sexual ambience bubbled with excitement.

Elizabeth congratulated herself for the way she was able to recruit new members to her harem. Just in the last year she had recruited three: Anna, who was now in Taiwan, Tiffany and now, she considered Eloise a definite conquest. She stood in front of Tiffany, to the side so Eloise could see, and methodically unbuttoned Tiffany’s gauzy white blouse. Moving behind her she peeled it down her arms and dropped the diaphanous clump to the floor. Then, she undid her bra.

Eloise couldn’t remember when she’d been so aroused, so warm and cozy. She was jolted by the sharp kick of her baby. It was as if her unborn child was telling her in no uncertain terms that there was something just not quite right about this picture. Her inner voice sounded an alarm and she clutched her belly. Was her baby’s kick a warning to stop or an urge to… go for it mom? She craved the almost forgotten joy of untamed orgasms and her heart was influenced by her pussy which was now a flowing stream. and she didn’t want to be denied.

“Fuck it,” she said to herself and her inner voice was silenced. The huge load that was growing inside her body relaxed. It seemed to be floating in its warm lake, anticipating the thrilling ride it was about to experience. She raised the hem of her maternity dress, touched the sex soaked panel of her panties and manipulated the fabric against her swollen node. Alive with erogenous prickles she was eager for whatever these two women had in store for her.

“God,” Elizabeth whispered in Tiffany’s ear, “I’ve never realized how excited a pregnant female could get.”

“It’s wild,” Tiffany said, remembering her own gestation, “I craved sex like a starving animal craves food.”

The fingers of three hands worked their pussies, the excitement of each woman amplifying the arousal of the others. Tiffany’s two middle fingers slithered over her engorged and slick clitoris and pressed it between them, causing the slippery knot to squirt between them like a grape being squeezed out of its skin.

Elizabeth’s arm was pinned to her stomach by Tiffany’s back but her finger flicked her clit and wetly fucked her cunt. Both women bit their lips and grunted, fidgeting and squirming like two little girls needing to go to pee. As their body’s contorted both women watched Eloise’s mouth form a perfect oval and heard the hollow whooshing of her breath that chugged like the little engine that could on its downhill path. Her eyes were closed and her legs opened and closed in a perfect cadence.

With her eyes stretched wide Eloise wildly rubbed her own clit as she watched the two women masturbate. The first to cum, she screeched like a startled child then whooped her orgasm and gasped for air.

Tiffany, like a Lamaze student, sucked in and blew out before she came, her gusher saturating her hand and sagging down her inner thighs.

“Shit!” Elizabeth hissed through clenched teeth, her body quaking her own release. Still panting, she and Tiffany hugged and, like carousel horses, pumped up and down in their excitement. Once again, in the outer office, Abigail heard the excited cries from behind the door. She’d been close to an orgasm fifteen minutes before when a teacher who was looking for supplies came into the office and broke the spell. Embarrassed that the woman might have expected what she was doing under her desk she handed her the paper, fearing that the smell of pussy on her fingers would be detected. When the woman left she tried to calm herself but couldn’t. Finally, giving way to her urges, she slid two fingers inside and dreamed of her minister friend’s cock filling her yearning pussy. Another scream filtered through the door and her fingers dug greedily at her engorged clitoris and she clenched for the spasm that was on the cusp.

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Sabine At School Ch. 12

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Alina Li

I couldn’t watch as Ms. Wilson left our room. I was ashamed. I had let Melanie fuck me in front of her. She wasn’t a friend of either of us. We knew her, but she was a stranger, really. I shuddered as I remembered licking and sucking Melanie, too. Licking and kissing her ass. My face felt like it was on fire, along with some other parts of me. My ass wasn’t burning anymore, but was a tight ball of throbbing flesh. My nipples felt as though someone had held a match to them and my pussy felt so hot and swollen. I shuddered, remembering everything.

“Are you all right, darling?”

“Yes, I just hurt all over, especially my nipples.”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left the clamps on that long for the first time.”

“I’ll live. Where did you learn all that stuff?”

“Remember the Internet? I have looked for a lot of pictures. Pictures that fascinated me. At first they made me feel funny inside, before I realized that they were arousing me. At the beginning, all I could find was pictures of men doing this to a girl. Then I found a site called It shows women doing things to women. I know it wasn’t real, it was an act like a movie, but still, it got to me. At first I wondered how it would be to be the woman getting spanked or whipped. I used to undress and spank myself, but it wasn’t that good for me. Then I began to imagine myself as the woman doing the spanking. That worked for me.”

“All of it was free?”

“No, at first I looked at their free pictures. All the sites have them as a come on to get people to pay for what’s really inside. I saved up money and bought a six-month membership through the mail. And that’s where I found the other stuff.”

“Other stuff?”

“The pictures and movies of the dominant women fucking the other women. After they had supposedly humiliated and tormented and beaten them. I think that they figured out what they were going to film before hand and then just acted it out. But, the spankings and whippings were real, the women’s asses and tits turned red and sometimes you could see red lines on bodies from an especially hard whipping. And slapping tits and using clamps or clothespins on the women. And then the fucking. That was real, women fucking other women in the pussy and then In the ass. I was fascinated by all of it. And it made me horny. And I wanted to do it to someone. And then you came along.”

“So I am just here to fulfill a fantasy of yours?”

When I said that I lowered my face, hiding it, not wanting Melanie to see my disappointment. She stroked my hair. Tears trickled out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

“Yes, you fulfill a fantasy, but you are much more than that to me, Sabine. Yes, I do things to you that I fantasize about, but even if I didn’t have these fantasies, I would still want to have you with me.”

I didn’t know if I could believe her, I wanted to believe her but what she had just told me made me hesitant. I was feeling that I was just a toy, one to be discarded when a better toy came along. I felt dirty and used.

“Darling, do you think I would have licked you if I didn’t want you for something more than just playing out a fantasy game? The dommes never lick pussy, they only tease it, slap it, finger and fuck it.”

I wanted to believe her, I really did,

“Sabine, darling, trust me. Yes, I want to spank you and beat you, because it turns me on a lot, but I’d still want you if I didn’t have these fantasies.”

I snuggled in closer to her, wanting to be held and comforted. Melanie did comfort me. It was nice to feel her warm, soft body close to mine and to feel her arms around me.

She held me for a while, all the time stroking my hair and body, kissing me when she felt like it, making me feel loved. I felt better but always in the back of my mind was going to be that doubt. The doubt that she really loved me. I was willing to take a chance on being hurt a lot, just to have Melanie be with me. I was willing to do a lot just to have Melanie with me.

After a long time of cuddling, kissing and stroking, she had me get up and she looked me over closely. I felt like a mannequin. Melanie pushed me this way and that, looking all over me. It was embarrassing but stimulating too.

“This one is going to bruise nicely. Oh God, your pussy, Sabine. It is all red and puffy on the right side. Did I hit you there? What with? Damn, I didn’t mean for that to happen!”

“It’s all right Melanie. Don’t fuss over me. I’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, in a few days. I can’t believe you didn’t say anything or stop me.”

“Kind of hard to say anything, with a pair of panties in my mouth, Melanie.”

She giggled at that.

“I guess I forgot that. It wasn’t too much?”

‘Yes, it was too much, but it seemed that you really wanted it, so I just went along. I really want you to like me, Melanie. Really, I do.”

“Sabine, darling, I already loved you before tonight. Now we have to do something about your pussy.”

Melanie got up and got the lotion and gently pushing my legs open she put some of it on my pussy and gently rubbed it in. It şişli eskort felt good. I lay back and let her rub my pussy until all the lotion was rubbed in. Then Melanie got a washcloth and wiped the sweat off me, taking care not to touch me too hard. Finally, she got me up and took me to bed. It hurt in spots when she took me in her arms, but I was willing to take that hurt in exchange for Melanie holding me. I kept my moans and whimpers to myself and after a long while, I fell asleep, exhausted.

Ms. Wilson didn’t come back for a couple of days. Melanie took care of me. She did the lotion morning and night and I slept in her arms for two more nights. The third day she looked at my bruises, which had turned yellow and surprisingly were not that many. My pussy was starting to look normal. Melanie got a look in her eyes that I knew meant something for me. After classes and dinner when we were back in our room, she ran a tub full of hot water.

“This will feel good, darling, and I want to join you.”

I was really happy and I got into the tub without Melanie having to push me. She was out in the other room for a bit and came back to the bathroom with her hands behind her back. I was sitting back luxuriating in the hot water. Melanie stepped up and asked me to turn my face to the wall. I did and she put a blindfold on me. I shivered, knowing she had another game that she wanted to play. I felt pressure on my left wrist followed a click, then by pressure and pulling on my right wrist with another clicking sound. I pulled back but could only move my hands a little. I started to get nervous. My left leg was picked up out of the water and I felt the pressure on it and another click. I tried to put it back in the water, but my leg was held up and out. My right leg was pulled up and the same done to it. I pulled but couldn’t move. Melanie stripped naked and got in the tub behind me. I shivered some more.

“Melanie, what are you doing?”

“I have another game, darling. Do you want to play?”

“I don’t know Melanie. I am sort of scared, not being able to see.”

“It’s just for a little bit darling. I’ll take off the blindfold in a little bit.”

With that I felt her hands cup my breasts and her thumbs rub gently over my nipples. I sighed with pleasure. Melanie teased and toyed with my breasts until my head fell back on her shoulder. Then she ran a hand down my chest, my belly and right onto my pussy. I couldn’t do anything other than wriggle as she touched me gently, arousing me. I could feel her naked breasts against my back and it felt good. She teased me, my pussy, making me squirm and breathe faster. It was so nice!

Then her hands left me, left me panting and removed the blindfold. I could see now and saw that my hands were or I should say my wrists were in cuffs and the cuffs were attached by a chain to large suction cup for each, which were pressed to the tile wall for my left hand and the outside of the tub for my right. I looked further down to see the same for my legs. I was spread open for her. She moved closer behind me making me sit up straighter. Her lips brushed my ear.

“Do you want to try something new, darling?”

While she said this, one hand toyed with a nipple and the other with my pussy. I was breathing hard enough that I could only nod yes. She giggled behind me and her hand left my breast, coming to rest on the back of my neck.

“Take a deep breath darling.”

I wondered why, but did it anyway. Then her hand pressed on my neck and I was bent down, my face moving towards the water.

“No Melanie, no…..”

That was all I got out before my face and then my head was pushed under the water. I choked as I got a mouthful and some up my nose. She held me down, feeling me struggle to get back up. Finally she eased the pressure and my head jerked up, water streaming from my face and hair. I coughed and choked.

Melanie still was rubbing my pussy. I gasped and sucked in air.

“Take a deep breath darling.”

“No Melanie, no, don’t..”

Her hand pressed on my neck and I went down again, getting another mouthful of water and some more up my nose. She held me down once more, feeling my struggling. I was fastened tight enough that it didn’t do any good. She let me up, still teasing my pussy, but this time she also teased my nipples. I was gasping and coughing.

“You’ll listen this time, won’t you, darling? Take a breath.”

Knowing that I couldn’t stop her I did and closed my eyes and mouth. Melanie’s hand was on my neck again and down I went. My head submerged once more and she held me down. I squirmed and struggled, trying to get my head back up, but I couldn’t until she let up and pulled my head up by my hair. She stroked my hair out of my face and I gasped once more. She teased my pussy and nipples again, making me shudder. Her hand was on my neck and she didn’t have to say a word. I sucked in as much air as I could and then clamped my lips shut. I went down once more, my head submerged, my body squirming. Melanie held me down longer this time. Just before I was involuntarily going escort bayan şişli to open my mouth to try to breathe, she pulled me up by the hair. Water streamed down my face and ran from my hair. I sucked in breaths as fast as I could until I felt her hand on my neck. My mouth and eyes closed and this time when I went under, I didn’t struggle. I didn’t fight her until I felt that I couldn’t hold my breath anymore, then I started to wriggle and squirm, panicking as she held my head down in the water. She finally pulled my head up by my hair, and I sucked in air, gasping.

“Melanie, stop, please, don’t do this anymore, please..”

Her hand settled on my neck and I whimpered, sucked in as much air as I could and felt her pressing down on my neck. I couldn’t stop her, and I watched as the water approached my face, then closed my eyes. My head went under again and I twisted and wriggled, trying to get loose, trying to get my head up. Melanie’s left hand was busy between my legs, rubbing my pussy and her right was clamped onto my neck, holding me under water. Restrained as I was, I couldn’t stop her. Since she was bigger and stronger than I was, there wasn’t much I could do. I tried to focus on her hand between my legs, but I panicked each time she pushed my face under water and held me down. She pulled me up once more by my hair, giggling as I gasped and sucked in air.

“I wanted to try this Sabine. It’s sort of fun to do this to you, but something is missing.”

With that I felt her move back from my back and she pulled me backwards. I opened my mouth to beg her to stop, just as my head broke the surface of the water and my face went under again. The top of my head was pressed to her breasts and I was pulling at the cuffs, trying to sit up. She held me down for a bit and then let me up, kissing my open mouth as I coughed and choked, sucking in air. She fondled my left breast, teasing the nipple and continued to rub between my legs. It was starting to feel good, even with the coughing and choking that I was doing.

“Just a couple more times, darling. You are so cute when you struggle.”

My head was pulled back again and I sucked in air, clamping my lips together. My head went under again, my body twisting and wriggling in a futile attempt to get free. Melanie teased my nipple, pinching and tugging on it. My face came up and she kissed me, listening to me gasp.

“Once more, darling and we’ll try something else to see how you like it.”

I sucked in air immediately and she pulled my head back. I felt the water start to cover my head and moaned as I went under once more. I couldn’t help but struggle against her. This was unnatural. Melanie held me down, feeling me squirm and jerk against her. Then she let me up and my head broke the surface, coughing and choking. Melanie waited until I was breathing close to normal. She got up from the tub and pulled the suction cup on my left leg, free. Then she loosened my right leg and left me again, walking back to our bedroom. I sat nervously; wondering what she had in mind.

She came back with two handcuffs and with one cuffed my ankles together. Then she loosened a hand and cuffed it with one end of the handcuff. Then the other hand was freed and cuffed. She pulled me up and out of the bath, making me kneel at the side of the tub. My hands were cuffed behind me. I was pretty much helpless.

“Wait here, darling.”

I knelt, shivering, water streaming off me. Melanie came back again and had me kneel up so my tummy was at the top of the tub. I felt something hard and cool poking at my ass. The dildo. Her hand grasped my neck again and she began to push me down. I squirmed against the pressure, watching as the water approached my face. I sucked in air, my face touched the water and then I was under again. I felt the dildo prod my cheeks, then slip down.

Just as I started to panic again, I felt the dildo slide into my pussy. Melanie released my neck and I pulled up, coughing. She thrust into my pussy, fucking me, making me whimper and moan. It felt good, but I was still down on my knees, water streaming off my face. The dildo felt as if it was bigger. With my ankles cuffed, my thighs were together, making my pussy tighter for her. I moaned, feeling her penetrate me, so easily that I was ashamed of how hot she had made me already.

Melanie fucked me for a while, listening to my soft cries, then she grasped my neck. I sucked in air and watched the water come up to my face. Again she pushed my head under, this time teasing a nipple and still fucking my pussy. I squirmed and wriggled, trying to get up, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t breath either. I began to get light headed. She let me up. I sucked in air. She pushed my head back under. Her free hand went to my pussy and stroked and rubbed me, still thrusting the dildo into me. If it weren’t for the water I would have loved this.

My head came up; I was dizzy with lack of air and the fucking. Dizzy with deprivation and arousal.

“Just a little more, darling.”

My face was pushed down again. I sucked in air and felt my pussy şişli escort bayan contract. It clenched down on the dildo and I felt spasms deep inside me. Then my body jerked and I opened my mouth to squeal as I came, sucking in water. My back arched, my head still under water. Melanie let me up, listening to me cough and choke as the spasms of my orgasm swept through me. The dildo felt bigger, harder, longer inside me. I felt as though it was reaching places it never had before. Melanie fucked me through the spasms until I slumped down, hanging over the side of the tub, gasping for air.

I felt as though she had fucked me for hours. I was exhausted. My pussy was clenching on the dildo hard. She got under me more, her legs outside mine, but the dildo still stuffed up me. She pulled me back against her body.

“Fuck, Sabine.”

As tired as I was, as lightheaded, I still obeyed. I pumped my ass up and down as she felt my nipples, teasing them into hard erect points, the tingling pleasure radiating out from them. My ass moved up and down, the dildo splitting me open, so big. My pussy felt so tight. My pussy felt so good. I was breathing hard, fucking myself. I could feel her breasts on my back, rubbing me there also. Her nipples rasped along my skin as I rose and fell.

Then Melanie lowered a hand to my sensitive clitoris and rubbed it, teasing it. I moaned. It almost hurt it was so sensitive because I had just come. But her touch there made me move my ass faster, slamming down on her thighs. Grunting and panting I drove down, feeling the dildo splitting me open. My head jerked back, my mouth open in a soundless scream as I came once more. I shook and quivered. My insides clamped down, my pussy clenched on the dildo. Melanie kissed my neck, holding me as I spasmed once more. I went limp, exhausted. I felt so tired, so good. Melanie slowly lowered me to my side. I whimpered as the dildo left me, a wet sucking sound as it came out of my pussy. She moved around to my face and I looked at her, blearily.


My mouth opened and she pushed the dildo into it. I lay on my side and sucked her, tasting my pussy. My body shivered and shook from the two orgasms that had swept through me so fast, faster than I had thought they could come. They were so close together, they seemed one long continuous orgasm. I could feel my juices, not leaking out of me, but running out of me. God, I loved her! She made me feel so good inside.

Melanie pulled the dildo out of my mouth and bent to kiss me. My mouth tasted of my pussy, but she didn’t care, her tongue slithered inside it, swirling about, so she could taste me also.

She stood up and shucked off the harness, then stood me up. I clutched the side of the tub, trembling. She undid the handcuffs and got me back into the tub. Then she washed me all over, cleaning me, but still taking the time to tease my nipples and pussy. She even stuck a finger up my ass when she washed me there. I sighed and let her do as she wished, my body limp and sated. Then she handed me the soap and lay back. I knelt up, facing her and washed her. Her breasts and pussy and every other lovely part. I kissed her bare skin all over. I sucked her nipples and kissed them, I kissed and licked her pussy. I rolled her over and pulled her ass up, washed it and then kissed and licked it, all over her cheeks and then in between them. My tongue laved her anus. She shivered and moaned. I helped her out of the tub, dried her off and led her to the couch in the other room. I knelt and licked her pussy, teasing her nipples with my hands until she clasped my head hard, lifting up, pressing to my face. I felt her first spasm and she held me tight to her lips, licking as she orgasmed also. I knelt, letting her hold my face to her spasming pussy until she slumped back, limp and smiling.

“Thank you darling, that was lovely.”

My face was smeared with pussy juice, shining. I felt happy. She hadn’t beaten me today, even though I could have taken it easily. I got up, still a little unsteady from my orgasms and came back to her with a washcloth. I wiped her pussy clean of juice. Then I wiped off my face. We cuddled for a while, our bodies pressed together, warm and soft and yielding. It was good, so nice.

After that things slowed again. We had so much schoolwork that we didn’t really have the time to do all the things we both wanted. She wanted to fuck me, but didn’t, I wanted to lick and kiss her, but didn’t. I even slept alone in my little bed. We were too tired to do anything but eat, sleep, study and go to class. It was horrible. I had come to want sex, want her fucking me and teasing me. I felt deprived. I wanted her body on mine, fucking me, even fucking my ass would have been all right.

We got through that first week without too much trouble; even the stairs were not as bad. Ms. Wilson visited or should I say just walked into our room twice, both times catching me naked. She leaned against the wall, her eyes on my body. I was embarrassed because she had seen me naked so often and I still remembered her sitting beside me as Melanie fucked me that night. Those memories were both good and bad. Good because she had seen me naked, bad because she had seen me fucked. That was almost too much for me, for my exhibitionist tendencies. I almost would have preferred her touching my breasts and pussy to that.

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Sangitta Ch. 13

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Sangitta slept very well wrapped in the arms of Indira and she would have slept for a lot longer had her phone not beeped her awake. She wearily opened her eyes and sat up in bed. She made herself comfortable with the pillows behind her back and then she reached for her phone.

It was a message from Julie. She had almost forgotten about poor Julie after the humiliation she had made her suffer and the fun she had been having with her mum and Babs and also with the move to her new apartment.

“Good Morning Mistress and how are you this morning?”

“I am fine thank you but please do not call me Mistress, Sangitta will do just fine.”

“Have I upset you that you much that you will not let me be your slave anymore?”

“Yes you did upset me Julie but that is not why I have asked you not to call me Mistress. I have put that role to bed for the moment and I am just going to discover my sexuality first.”

“I enjoyed being your slave.”

“Julie what experience do you have with lesbianism?”

“Only what I have gone through with you.”

“Exactly you need how to learn to make love to a woman before you can become a proper slave otherwise you will get yourself into a lot of trouble and end up with the wrong Mistress.”

“I understand.”

“Are we still friends?” Texted Julie.

“Of course we are.”

“Why do you not come round and see me at my new apartment and we can discuss where we go from here.” Said Sangitta.

“I would like that because I am confused at the moment.”

“Then be here for eleven o’clock and make sure that you dress sexily.”

“Yes Sangitta.”

Sangitta gave her the address of her new apartment and closed her phone and just sat there for a moment. She needed to make sure that Julie knew how to make love to a woman and she also needed to find out if she really was a submissive. She wanted Julie to be happy and she needed to know if she could give her that happiness.

Eventually she got herself out of bed and had a shower. She took an age to get herself ready because she had the time to do so. She cleansed herself and then she went and styled her hair. She chose carefully what she was going to wear and then she pottered around the apartment for a bit.

She decided to give her mum a call and make contact with home.

The phone rang three times and then her mum answered.

“Hello.” She said.

“Hi mum it is Sangitta and how are you?”

“Lonely my little one. The house seems so empty without you in it.”

“It is just as lonely over here mum.”

“So how was your first night in the apartment?”

“It was difficult mum but I got through it. I had Denise round yesterday and we made love and then she left me and I spent the night alone but I had Indira come and keep me company whilst I slept.”

“I am glad that you have the joys of Indira and how she can be a comfort to you.”

“She led me down the path to my sexuality mum and she has been a great comfort to me and she comes to me every time that I am on my own and she offers me comfort and support.”

“You sound like you have found a friend who provides the comfort that you need.”

“I have mum and it is thanks to our culture that she is here for me.”

“That is good my child. Now your poor mum has to go to work. Hope you have a good day and remember where your family is.”

“You know I love you and father and I will not forget to come round and see you. I will come for tea on Thursday.”

“I shall make something special.”

“Thank-you mum. I shall see you then.”

They put their phones down and Sangitta prepared herself for the arrival of Julie. She tidied the apartment and then she decided that she needed a drink. She sent a text to Julie.

“Pick up a bottle of vodka and some cigarettes.”

“Yes Sangitta.” Came back the reply.

Sangitta took a seat in her new recliner chair and then she got up and put some music on and sat back down. She waited for Julie to arrive. Bang on eleven o’clock the buzzer on her intercom went.

Sangitta got up and went to the intercom and answered the intercom.

“Hello.” She said.

“It is Julie.” Came back the reply.

Sangitta buzzed her in and told her which floor she was on and the number of her flat. A couple of minutes later there was a knock and Sangitta used the remote control to open the door. Julie walked in carrying the bottle of vodka and some cigarettes.

“Hello Julie lovely to see you.”

Hello Sangitta I thought you had fallen out with me.”

“Go and pour us a couple glasses of vodka and throw me the cigarettes.”

Julie did as she was told and went to find the kitchen. She rooted around for a bit and then she found the glasses. She poured out two measures of vodka and then she went to the fridge and added a dose of tonic to both glasses. She took them back to the front room and handed one of the glasses to Sangitta and şişli escort then she took a seat on the sofa opposite Sangitta.

Sangitta took a sip of her vodka and then she began to speak.

“I have made some decisions about my life Julie.”

“I know that I am a dominant Julie but I need to trace my sexuality and I am going on a journey of discovery. I have taken a lover and I am going to start an affair with another tomorrow. Now if you want to be part of my life then you will have to learn that you are not number one in my life. One of my lovers will shock you but we will come back to that.”

“Now I have been thinking about you Julie. I have been thinking about you a lot and how you might fit into my life and what role you can play. I would still like you as a lover but I want more than that from you. I need to know if you are a true submissive.”

“Yes Sangitta.” Said Julie.

“I believe that I am meant to be a submissive and I still want you to be my Mistress and I am prepared to wait for you to become dominant again.” Replied Julie.

Sangitta could hear the pleading tone in Julie’s voice and she took pity on her.

“I have a proposition for you.” Said Sangitta.

“Yes.” Said Julie.

“How would you like to move in here and become my maid? I will need someone to take care of the apartment. To do the cleaning and the washing as well as being my occasional lover. How does that sound to you?”

Julie sat and thought about the proposition for a moment and Sangitta could tell that Julie was struggling with the dilemma and thought that she should further enlighten Julie to a certain section of her life.

“Julie if it helps you to make your decision I have to tell you that one of my lovers is your mother. She has begun to teach me what it is like to make love to a woman and she is particularly good at it and I will not be giving her up for you Julie.”

Julie looked shocked at what Sangitta was saying and she went into deep thought. Could she really stand around and watch her mother make love to Sangitta? Would she not be too jealous? On the other hand she knew that she needed to be with Sangitta no matter what the role was.

She had made her decision. She took a gulp of her vodka and a drag on her cigarette and then she said.

“I would be delighted to be your maid and do what you want me to do and also I am prepared for the fact that you have taken my mother as your lover and I am sure that I can learn to cope with that fact.”

“I am glad that you have made that decision. Now I want you to go home and pack your clothes and come back to the flat and then you can choose what bedroom that you want. I will text your mother to let her know what is happening so she will be prepared for your arrival home and will not be too shocked at your decision.”

Julie drained her glass and then she cleaned it away and went over to Sangitta. She spoke to Sangitta.

“May I have a cuddle please Sangitta?”

“Of course you can Julie. Come and sit on my lap.”

Julie did as she was told. She climbed onto the lap of Sangitta and felt her wrap her hands around her. Sangitta held Julie for about five minutes and then she said.

“It is time for you to go now Julie. Make sure that you only bring back your sexiest of clothes. I need you to keep a standard when you are in the flat and I want you to impress my guests when they arrive.” Said Sangitta.

“I understand.” Replied Julie.

“Now please get off my lap so that you can go and pack your clothes up and I can talk to your mother.”

Julie climbed off Sangitta’s lap and left the flat. Sangitta took her phone and began to text Denise.

“Are you alone?” She asked.

“Yes. My husband has gone to work and I do not start work until one o’clock.”

“I have just had Julie round here and we have had a very interesting conversation.”

“Oh yes.”

“Yes she has agreed to become my maid and I thought because of this I had to let her know about you and me.”

“I understand.”

“How did she take it?” Texted Denise.

“She was a little shocked about the two of us but she seemed to accept the situation.”

“I am glad that she was not too upset.”

“She is coming home to pack up her clothes and she is going to move into one of my spare bedrooms. I will pay her well and make sure that I take good care of her. I will not punish her and I will take her to my bed.”

“I am fine with that. I knew when I became your lover that I would not be the only one.”

“Now I have a job for you. I want you to help Julie pack and make sure that she only packs the best of her clothes. Can you do that Denise?”

There was silence for a moment and then came back the reply.

“Yes I can do that.”

“Good I will speak to you later.”

Sangitta ended the conversation and looked round the apartment. She could not wait to see Julie running round her flat doing what she told her to do and that would be fun.

Her new life was falling into place and she could not wait to continue her journey of discovery. She waited patiently for Julie to get back. It took her a good couple of hours to pack her clothes up and then she arrived back at Sangitta’s apartment.

Sangitta showed her round the apartment and let her choose the room that she wanted to now call her home. She chose the larger of the two remaining bedrooms then Sangitta told her that they were going shopping. Julie just nodded her head in agreement and dialled a taxi for her and Sangitta.

The taxi arrived and Sangitta directed him to a street that Julie had not heard of before. The taxi driver knew the street and set off. It was in a different town to that in which they lived and took about twenty minutes to get to. When they arrived Julie noticed that they had parked outside a posh Boutique. Sangitta paid for the taxi and they both climbed out.

Sangitta showed Julie into the Boutique and she went and asked one of the assistants for some help. The assistant nodded that she would be more than happy to help Sangitta with her request. The assistant came and took Julie by the hand and took her through to the back of the shop. Sangitta took a seat on the sofa for guests and was offered a glass of champagne. She gladly accepted.

In the back room the assistant turned to Julie and said.

“Would you take your clothes off please?”

Julie felt a little self- conscious but she began to remove her clothes as requested. Soon she was stood there naked. At least the shop was warm. The assistant then began to measure her from top to toe and made a note of them. When she had finished she took Julie by the hand and said to her.

“I believe that you are to become a maid. Is that correct?”

“Yes.” Said Julie.

“Well if you walk around the shop you will see that we offer an array of maids outfits. Sangitta has said that you may chose three outfits. One must be made of leather. One must be formal and the last one must be for everyday use. I will let you browse the rails and come back in about fifteen minutes.”

“Thank you.” Said Julie.

Julie found herself alone and started to run her way round the rails of clothing. She noticed that they were made of only the best material and she found it difficult to make her decisions. One by one she slowly made her choices and when the assistant came back she handed them to her. The assistant then stepped forward and said.

“I believe that you are new to the world of lesbianism and you are trying to find out if you are a true submissive. Is that correct?”

“Would you like to find out if you have the possibility?” Said the assistant.

“Yes I would.” Replied Julie.

“Good. You can start with me. I have a pussy that has an itch that needs to be scratched.”

“Yes I will scratch that itch for you.” Said Julie.

There was a sofa in the corner of the room that was normally used by the buyer as she watched the models and Julie asked if the assistant would go and lie on the sofa.

The assistant walked across the room and took her place on the sofa and pulled up her skirt. Julie followed her and when she saw the white frilly knickers she could not help but get aroused. She so wanted to kiss this pussy.

She reached out and pulled the knickers off of the assistant. The assistant helped by lifting her buttocks so that Julie could pull the knickers off properly. When she had got the knickers off she got a good look at the assistant’s pussy. It was nicely trimmed but not bald the way that Julie preferred. Still it look quite attractive and she could not wait to kiss it.

She climbed onto the sofa and placed herself between the thighs of the assistant. She started by petting the lips of the pussy and then she took a finger and inserted it into the pussy. She found that the assistant was quite wet and obviously aroused. She could not wait to make love to the pussy. She moved her finger in and out of the pussy and then she inserted a second finger.

In and out she moved her fingers whilst petting the thighs of the assistant. The assistant grabbed hold of her wrist and encouraged her to put her fingers in as deep as they would go. Julie took the hint and buried her fingers inside the pussy of the assistant. She had a good feel around and then she spread her fingers and opened up the pussy of the assistant.

She then moved her mouth and located the clitoris of the assistant. She kissed it at first and the assistant had a mini orgasm. Julie was happy. She was obviously doing something right and she just carried on kissing the clitoris for a bit and then she began to lap at it with her tongue.

She flicked her tongue up and down the clitoris of the assistant and soon she had the assistant on the verge of her orgasm. She was tempted to stop to tease her but she thought that would lead her to being punished.

She continued to lick on the clit of the assistant and soon she was having her orgasm. Julie gave her no peace and continued to lick her clit and brought the assistant to a second and then a third orgasm. The assistant looked down at her and said.

“Please stop. You have sexually exhausted me.”

Julie pulled herself from between the thighs of the assistant and smiled down at her.

“Did I do well then?” She then asked.

“You did very well. I shall give a good report to Sangitta on your behalf.”

“Thank you.” Said Julie.

The assistant left Julie and she left her knickers behind. Julie could not help herself. She picked them up and began to sniff at the crotch and got herself all worked up and she really needed some sexual relief. She was tempted to play with herself in the shop but just as she was about to start Sangitta walked in and she was carrying three or four bags.

“Come Julie it is time to go.”

“Yes Sangitta.” Said Julie.

She followed Sangitta out of the shop and they got a taxi back to Sangitta’s apartment. Once they got into the apartment Sangitta turned to Julie and said.

“Go and put your everyday outfit on and come and show me what it looks like.”

“Yes Sangitta.” Julie said.

She went to her room and stripped off her clothes and pulled the outfit out of the bag and began to put it on. There was a pair of frilly white knickers. She pulled them on then she pulled on the uniform and zipped it up. She added the apron and the cap and completed the look with some black hold up stockings.

She checked herself in the mirror and she liked what she saw. She hoped that Sangitta would be happy. What she had not noticed when she chose the uniform was how short the dress was and when she bent over you could see her knickers. She thought that would go down well with Sangitta.

She left her bedroom and walked into the front room. She presented herself to Sangitta and waited for her opinion on the outfit. Sangitta looked at her for a minute and then she said.

“You look very pretty Julie. Now bend over for me.”

Julie did as she was asked to do and bent over so that Sangitta could see her knickers. Sangitta could not only see the knickers she saw a wet patch and she asked.

“Are you aroused Julie?”

“Yes I am Sangitta.” Julie replied.

“Would you like to play with yourself?”

“I would indeed Sangitta.” Julie responded.

“Go and get a towel from the bathroom and lay it on the floor in front of me.” Sangitta said.

Julie scurried off and went to the bathroom. She retrieved a towel and brought it back to the front room and laid it on the carpet in front of Sangitta.

“Take your knickers off.” Sangitta said.

“Yes.” Was all that Julie could muster.

“Now lay on the floor and masturbate yourself to orgasm for me.” Said Sangitta.

Julie pulled up the skirt of her uniform and laid down on the towel. She opened her legs so that Sangitta could see her pussy. Sangitta leant forward and ran her hands up the thighs of Julie and touched her pussy. This caused Julie to shiver with excitement and she had to control herself from having an orgasm there and then.

Sangitta pulled her hand away and said.

“You need to wax that pussy of yours.”

“Yes Sangitta.” Said Julie.

“May I say something Sangitta?” Julie asked.

“Of course you can.” Replied Sangitta.

“Why did you just touch me like that? It almost made me cumm.”

“I wanted to see how aroused you were. Now you can play with your pussy.”

Julie began to touch herself. She touched herself through the material of the maids uniform and felt her nipples begin to grow and grate on the material of the dress. She knew that she was aroused and it would not take her long to orgasm.

She moved her hand down to her pussy and touched her outer lips. She ran her fingers up and down them and could feel herself shiver and begin to shake. She was close to orgasm and she had not penetrated herself yet. She decided that she would just play with her clitoris.

She popped her clit out of its hood and began to rub it. She moved her finger round in circles on the little nub and she gradually increased the speed of her rotating and soon she was on the verge of her orgasm.

“I am going to cumm Sangitta.” She said.

“Then cumm Julie. I told you that you could.”

Sangitta had hardly finished the sentence when Julie began to experience her orgasm. It had been building all day and all her emotions spilled out of her. Sangitta watched and drank her vodka and let Julie come through her orgasm and then she said.

“Put the towel in the washing machine and come and sit on my lap once you have put your knickers back.”

“Yes Sangitta.” Julie responded.

She pulled her knickers back on then she took the towel and put it in the washing machine. She came back into the front room and climbed onto Sangitta’s lap. Sangitta stroked her hair and soon she was asleep.

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