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Ah Bu Töreler Seks Hikayesi 17. Bölüm

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Ah Bu Töreler Seks Hikayesi 17. Bölüm

Ah Bu Töreler Seks Hikayesi 17. Bölüm! ( 30 Y., Konya / Türkiye)

Sonraki birkaç günümüz sakin geçti. Tatile geldiğimden beri sürekli sikiş yaşamıştım. Karım, “Kocacığım, aklın fikrin sikişte, bırak da tatilimizi yapalım, dinlenelim biraz!” diyordu. Ben de onun bu sözüne uydum, ama Özge bundan rahatsız olmuştu gerçi. Hep birlikte havuzun, güneşin tadını çıkardık. Artık otelden ayrılma vakti gelmişti, ertesi sabah kahvaltıdan sonra evimize gitmek için yola koyulacaktık. Karıma, “Antalya’daki arkadaşıma tekrar uğramak istiyorum, çocuğu gitmeden önce yeniden göreyim!” dediğimde, karım, “Ben de geleyim mi?” dedi. Ona, “Ne işin var senin orada, biz erkek erkeğe konuşuruz!” dedim. Dudaklarını büktü, “İyi, tamam, ne yapıyorsan yap!” dedi.

Otelden çıkar çıkmaz Nalan’ı ardım, açmadı. Birkaç sefer daha denedim, en sonunda açtı. Arkadan müzik sesi geliyordu. “Yanına geliyorum!” dediğimde, “Şey, ee, bilmem ki… Bir misafirim var, bir saniye ona sorayım!” dedi. Şaşırmıştım, “Hayırdır, yeni birini mi buldun?” diye sordum. “Yok, öyle değil, şeyy… Tamam, sana bulunduğum yeri söyleyeyim, oraya gel!” dedi. Bir meyhanenin adını ve adresini verdi.

Şehir içinde küçük bir yerdi burası. Hava güzel olduğundan dışardaki masaların hepsi doluydu. Çoğunlukla orta yaş ve üzeri insanlar vardı. Nalan’ı gördüm, masasında onun yaşlarında bir kadınla oturuyordu. Yanlarına gittiğimde Nalan heyecanlanmıştı, “Merhaba, hoş geldin!” diyerek beni karşıladı. Diğer kadını tanıttı, “Pakize hanım… Benim çok değerli bir dostumdur, kendisi de buraya tatile geldi, benim kaldığım otelde kalıyor!” dedi. Sonra da beni kadına, “Bu da Osman bey!” diye tanıttı. “Merhaba, memnun oldum!” diyerek elimi uzatınca, Pakize, “Ben de memnun oldum! Methinizi duydum!” dedi gülümseyerek. Nalan beni anlatmıştı ona.

Pakize ince gözlüklerinin arkasından bana dikkatle bakıyor, beni inceliyordu. Sarı saçları omuzlarına dökülüyordu, sigarasını uzun bir ağızlıkla içiyordu. Nalan’a göre daha hoş ve zarif bir kadındı. Yüzünde yılların getirdiği kırışıklar vardı, ama bunlar güzelliğini gölgelemiyordu. Nalan Pakize’yi anlatmaya başladı. Pakize Ankara’da onunla beraber aynı dairede çalışıyormuş, kocası bir firmada müdürmüş. Oğlunu geçen yıl evlendirmiş. Kocası işlerinin yoğunluğu nedeniyle gelememiş. Pakize de Nalan’ı yalnız bırakmamak için aynı otele yerleşmiş.

Ben de onlara uyarak kendime bir kadeh Rakı söyledim. Karım yanında içmemi istemediği için şimdi rahattım. Kalkarken hesabı ben ödedim. Pakize imalı gözlerle, “Borcumuz olsun Osman Bey!” dedi. “Ben yarın gidiyorum, eve dönüyorum!” dediğimde, Nalan, “Aaa, ama olur mu?” diye yakındı. Pakize de, “Daha yeni tanışmıştık!” dedi. “Sizi otelinize bırakayım!” diyerek onları arabama davet ettim. Ama Pakize, “Hava güzel, yürüyelim!” dedi.

Nalan ince, dizlerinin üzerine gelen askılı bir elbise giymişti, memelerinin çatalı yine meydandaydı. Pakize ise siyah, mini bir etek, üzerine de askılı kırmızı bir bluz giymişti. O yaşta bir kadın için güzel bir fiziği vardı. Onun da memeleri ortadaydı, ama Nalan’ınkiler gibi büyük değildi. Omzuna da üşümesin diye kırmızı bir şal atmıştı. Her ikisi de ayağında yüksek topuklularla yürüyordu. İkisinin koluna girmiştim, Nalan solumda, Pakize sağımdaydı. Yürürken ikisi de bana doğru kendini bastırıyordu, memeleri koluma değiyordu. Otelin önüne geldiğimizde, Pakize, “Osman bey, size de borcumuz var, nasıl yapsak? Bunu birşekilde ödememiz lazım!” diyordu gülerek. Mesele anlaşılmıştı. İkisinin koluna girdim tekrar. Resepsiyonda yine aynı kız vardı. Bizi o halde görünce şaşırdı. Birlikte asansörle Nalan’ın kaldığı 5. kata çıktık. Nalan’ın odasına girerken, Pakize, “Ben odama bir uğrayayım, geliyorum hemen!” diyerek gitti.

Nalan’la içeriye girince hemen ona sarıldım, ince elbisesinin içine elimi soktum, içine karım gibi tanga külot giymişti. Göt yanaklarını sıkmaya, yoğurmaya başladım. Rujlu dudaklarını emiyordum. Yarağım pantolonun içinde kalkmıştı. Nalan, “Oğhh, ımm!” diyerek hızlı hızlı nefes alıyordu. Memeleri göğsüme değiyordu. Elbisesinin askısını indirdim omzundan, içine askısız sutyen giymişti, arkadan kopçasını açtım, memeleri fırladı. Uçlarını emmeye, ısırmaya başladım. Nalan daha çok inliyordu şimdi. O sırada kapı çalındı. Nalan kapıyı açarken, ben de tuvalete gittim.

İçeri döndüğümde Nalan ayakta, Pakize köşedeki sandalyede oturuyordu, masanın üzerine çantasını koymuştu. Nalan bana, “Seninle yaşadıklarımı Pakize’ye anlattım. O benim en iyi arkadaşım, aramızda sır yoktur. Senden bir şey istiyoruz… şey… anlamışsındır belki… Pakize ile birlikte olurmusun?” dediğinde, “Memnuniyetle!” dedim. Pakize sandalyesinde kendisini geriye yasladı, bacak bacak üstüne attı ve “Delikanlı, beni memnun edeceğine inanıyor musun?” dedi. “Nalan sana anlatmadı mı?” dedim. Pakize, “Evet anlattı, beni de o şekilde sikmeni istiyorum!” dedi.

Ben, “Tamam!” deyince, Nalan, “Pakize ben senin odana gideyim, anahtarını ver!” dedi. Pakize de, “Şekerim gitmene gerek yok, sen de kal!” dedi. Nalan, “Anlamadım?” diyerek şaşkın bakışlarla baktı. Ben de tam anlayamamıştım. Pakize elini çantasına attı ve içinden üzerinde deri kayışı olan takma bir yarak çıkardı. Nalan, “Pakize bu ne böyle?” dediğinde, “Bu benim erkeğim, kocam beni artık bununla sikiyor, yarağı kalkmadığı için bunu kullanıyor. Kocam olmadığı zamanlarda da ben bununla kendimi tatmin ediyorum!” dedi. Nalan şaşkın şaşkın bakıyordu. Ben Nalan’a dönüp, “Kalmak istersen sen de katıl aramıza!” dedim. İlk defa grup sikiş yapacağım için heyecanlanmıştım, böyle bir fırsat elime geçmişken bırakmak istemiyordum. Pakize de Nalan’a kalması için ısrar ediyordu. Nalan, “Ay böyle şey olur mu?” dediğinde, Pakize, “Şekerim biz iyi arkadaş değil miyiz?” dedi. Nalan en sonunda kalmaya karar verdi. Bunun üzerine ben, “Hadi bakalım!” diyerek soyunmaya başlayınca onlar da üzerindekileri çıkardı.

Biraz sonra hepimiz çırılçıplak kaldık. Pakize yarağımı görünce, “Ooo, küçük beyimiz de teşrif ettiler!” dedi. Bu sözü beni güldürmüştü. Nalan’ın koca sarkık memeleri sallanıp duruyordu, Pakize’nin memeleri onunki kadar büyük değildi, karımınkiler kadardı. Sarkmıştı, etli uçları koyu kahverengiydi. Pakize Nalan’a göre daha işveli, deneyimli görünüyordu. Ama olayı ben idare etmek istiyordum, Pakize’ye, “Yarağı tak ve yatağa uzan!” dediğimde heyecanla deri kayışı beline bağladı. Damarlı, ten renkli koca yarak önünde uzanıyor, sallanıyordu.

Pakize yatağa sırt üstü uzanınca yarak da havaya dikildi. Nalan’a, “Hadi üstüne çık!” dediğimde, Nalan ne yapacağına karar veremiyordu. Pakize, “Hadi Nalan, çok zevk alacaksın, hadi!” deyip duruyordu. Sonunda Nalan yatağın üstüne çıktı, yarağın üzerine işer gibi çömeldi, eliyle yarağı amına sokmaya çalışıyordu. Sonunda Nalan’dan derin bir, “Immmm!” sesi geldi. Yarak amına girmişti. Yarağın üzerine yavaş yavaş oturdu. Pakize Nalan’ı belinden tutmuştu. Nalan ileri geri sallanmaya başladı. Daha sonra da yarağın üzerinde oturup kalkmaya. Yarak amına tamamen giriyordu. Onlar bu şekilde sikişirken ben de ayakta durmuş yarağımı sıvazlıyordum. Şimdi Nalan daha hızlı oturup kalkmaya başlamıştı, ellerini Pakize’nin memelerine atmıştı. Aynı şekilde Pakize de Nalan’ın memelerini tutuyordu. Nalan’ın inlemeleri çoğalmıştı, “Iğhh, ağhh, oğhh, uğhh, çok güzelmiş, ığhh, çok güzel!” deyip duruyordu. Nalan’ın dar amı kalın yarağı köküne kadar içine alıyordu.

Bu şekilde birkaç dakika boyunca sikişmişlerdi. Ben de yatağın üstüne çıktım, ayakta duruyordum. Pakize’nin başı ayaklarımın arasındaydı. Yarağım Nalan’ın tam önündeydi, “Ağzını aç!” dediğimde Nalan inlemeyi bıraktı ve ağzını açtı. Yarağımı ağzına sokunca deli gibi somurmaya başladı yarağımı. Nalan’dan boğuk sesler geliyordu, yarağın üzerinde oturup kalkmaya, bir taraftan da somurmaya devam ediyordu. Nalan yarağımı yalamayı bıraktı, hırıltılar çıkarmaya başladı, gözleri kaymış gibiydi. Derken kendini Pakize’nin üzerine bıraktı, boşalmıştı. Ben de yataktan indim.

Nalan biraz sonra kendine geldi, toparlandı, yarağın üzerinden kalktı. Pakize sırt üstü yatmaya devam ediyordu. Yarağın üzeri Nalan’ın amının sıvıları ile kaplanmıştı. Ben Pakize’ye, “Hadi kalk bakalım!” deyince doğruldu ve kalktı. Nalan’a, “Yarağı sen tak!” dediğimde, Pakize yarağı çıkardı, Nalan’a takması için yardım etti. Yarak şimdi Nalan’ın önünde sallanıyordu. Nalan, “Ay bu ne böyle?” diyerek şaşkın şaşkın yarağa bakıyordu. Pakize yarağın üzerini mendille sildi. Şimdi Nalan yatağın üzerine uzanmış, Pakize çömelerek yarağı amına sokmaya çalışıyordu.

Kısa süre sonra Pakize yarağı tamamen amına almış, ileri geri sallanmaya başlamıştı. Elleri Nalan’ın kalçalarındaydı, geriye atmıştı. Başını da yukarı kaldırmış, “Oğhh, ımm, ığhh!” diye diye inliyordu. Pakize daha deneyimli olduğundan hareketleri daha seriydi, yarağın üzerinde makine gibi ileri geri sallanıyor, ara sıra oturup kalkıyordu. Ben yine aynı şekilde yatağın üzerine çıktım, yarağımı bu kez Pakize yalamaya başladı. Pakize yine deneyimini konuşturmaya başlamıştı. Müthiş şekilde yarağımı yalıyordu, tıpkı Remziye gibi. Aynı zamanda yarağın üzerinde sallanmaya da devam ediyordu.

Pakize Nalan’ın kalçalarını tutmayı bırakmış, iki eliyle yarağımı kavramıştı. Bu arada Nalan ellerini Pakize’nin memelerine atmış, onları avuçluyordu. Ellisinden fazla iki kadınla grup sikiş yapıyordum. Yarağım patlayacak gibi olmuştu, kendimi geri çektim, Pakize yarağımı bırakıp aynı şekilde sallanmaya devam etti. Bir süre sonra ise aynı Nalan gibi kendinden geçti, o da boşalmıştı. “Oğhh, çok iyi, oğhh, evet!” diyerek inliyor, sayıklıyordu.

İki kadın da boşalmıştı. Pakize kalkınca Nalan da kalktı. “Evet hanımlar, sıra bende!” dediğimde, Pakize, “Ay, sonunda! Hadi bakalım!” diyerek yatağa uzandı ve bacaklarını iki yana açtı. Ben de üzerine uzandım, bacaklarının arasında yerimi aldım. Amına yavaş yavaş girdiğimde Pakize derin bir, “Ohhhhh!” çekti. Amı Nalan’ınkinden genişti. İçinde hızlı hızlı gidip gelmeye başladığım zaman yaylı yatak şiddetle sallanmaya başlamıştı. Kasıklarımızın birbirine çarpmasından şiddetli ‘Şlap, şlap, şlap’ sesleri geliyor, ikimiz de zevkten inliyorduk. Ben her seferinde şınav çeker gibi aşağı yukarı hareket ettikçe, yarağım amına piston gibi girip çıkıyordu. Memeleri göğsümün altında sallanıp duruyordu. Meme uçlarını emmeye, ısırmaya başladığımda Pakize’nin inlemeleri de çoğalmıştı.

Biz bu şekilde sikişirken Nalan köşedeki sandalyeye oturmuş, bir bacağını masanın üzerine atmıştı. Elindeki takma yarağı amına sürtüp duruyor, bir taraftan da koca memelerini okşuyordu. Pakize ise götümün yanaklarını avuçlamış, onları sıkıyordu. Ve her seferinde, “Oğhh, daha hızlı, daha çok sok, oğhh, devam et, sik beni, sik beni!” deyip duruyordu. Bu şekilde birkaç dakika geçmişti, artık boşalmaya yaklaşmıştım. Amından çıktım. Bacaklarını omzuma attım. Tekrar amına girdim, kendimi ileri doğru kaydırdım, Pakize altımda kalmıştı bu pozisyonda. Bu şekilde amına girip çıkmaya başladım. Pakize kollarını iki yana açmış, başını sağa sola sallıyor, derin derin inliyordu. Ellerimi yumruk yapmış yataktan destek alıyordum, ileri geri hareket etmiyor, sadece belimi oynatıyordum. Yarağım içine girip çıktıkça müthiş bir keyif alıyordum, amının içi fırın gibiydi.

En sonunda sarsılarak amına boşaldım, o sırada Pakize’de hırıltılar, inlemeler eşliğinde boşalmıştı. Bir süre daha amında kaldım. Yataktan doğrulup kalktığım zaman, Nalan da kendi kendini tatmin ederken boşalmıştı. Sandalyenin üzerinde iyice kaykılmıştı, nerdeyse düşecek gibiydi. Ben duşa girdiğim zaman Nalan da peşimden geldi, biraz sonra da Pakize. Küçücük yerde üç kişiydik. Nalan Pakize’ye, “Osman geçen sefer beni burada sikmişti!” dediği zaman, Pakize, “Beni de sikmez misin?” dedi. Ben suyun altında yıkanıyordum, Pakize’nin elini yarağıma attığını gördüm. Yere çömeldi ve yarağımı yalamaya başladı, az önce boşalan yarağımı inleyerek yalıyordu. Yarağımı ağzının en derinlerine kadar sokup çıkartıyordu.

Ben bu sırada yıkanmayı bitirmiştim, Pakize halen yarağımı yalamaya devam ediyordu ama. Yarağım yavaş yavaş kalkmış, sertleşmişti. Pakize’yi geri ittim, omuzlarından tutarak kaldırdığım zaman, “Hoşuna gitmedi mi?” dedi. “Hayır, çok hoşuma gidiyor, fakat içerde devam edelim!” dedim. İçeriye geçip yatağa uzandım, Pakize de yatağın üzerine çıkıp götünü havaya dikerek yarağımı yalamaya başladı. Nalan’a, “Yarağı tak ve Pakize’yi sikmeye başla!” dediğimde, Nalan yarağı kolayca taktı, yatağın üzerine çıkıp dizlerinin üzerine çöktü, Pakize’nin amına yarağını soktu. Bu sırada Pakize yarağımı iştahla yalamaya devam ediyordu.

Amına giren yarak Pakize’de bir etki yapmamıştı, işine aynı şekilde devam ediyordu. Nalan Pakize’nin kalçalarından sıkıca tutmuş, amına girip çıkıyor, bu sırada, “Imm, oğhh!” sesleriyle de zevk aldığını gösteriyordu. Pakize ise, “Iğmm, ığmm!” diye diye yarağımı somurmaya devam ediyordu.

Yarağım artık içine girecek kadar sertleşmiş ve kalkmıştı. Pakize’yi omuzlarından tutup geri ittim, yarağımı yalamayı bıraktı, ama bu sırada Nalan amında çalışmaya devam ediyordu. Pakize, “Oğhh, devam et, oğhh, ağhh!” diyerek çığlık atar gibi inliyordu. Ben yataktan kalktım ve önümde sikişen iki kadını izlemeye başladım. Nalan bir erkek gibi Pakize’yi sikiyor, Pakize ise başını sağa sola atıp, inliyordu. İkisinin de memeleri sallanıp duruyordu. Birkaç dakika içinde Pakize boşalmıştı. Nalan Pakize’nin amından çıkınca, “Sıra bende!” diyerek yatağın üzerine çıktım. Pakize’nin beline bastırarak onu yatağa yüzüstü yatırdım, karnının altına yastık koydum.

Göt yanaklarını aralayınca terlemiş, kıllı göt deliği ortaya çıktı. Göt deliğinden hafif bir osuruk kokusu geliyordu. Mendille deliğin ağzını sildim. Tahmin ettiğim gibi götten pek çok defa sikişmişti. Göt deliğinin ağzı büyümüştü. Pakize yatakta inleyerek yatıyordu, yarağımın kafası rahatça götüne girdi. Yavaş yavaş bastırmaya başlayınca, yarağım, terlemiş ve kaygan göt deliğine kolayca girdi. Bu sefer götünde hızlı hızlı çalışmaya başladım. Pakize, “Ağhh, ığhh!” diyerek inliyor, başını yastığa bastırıyordu. Nalan o sırada bizi izleyip, eliyle amını ovalıyordu. Az önce boşaldığımdan yeniden boşalmam zaman almıştı, götünde birkaç dakika boyunca gidip geldim. Pakize altımda kalmış, vücut ağırlığımla üzerine yükleniyordum.

Sonunda götüne patladığımda zevk dalgası tüm vücudumu sardı. Pakize’nin üzerine yığıldım. Terlemiş, yorulmuştum. Götünden çıkıp, doğruldum. O sırada Nalan, “Bu gece ben yok muyum?” dedi, kendisini de sikmemi istiyordu. “Tamam, merak etme!” dedim. Tuvalete gidip duşun altına girdim. Ilık su beni kendime getirmişti. İçeri girdiğimde Pakize halen yatakta cansız gibi yatıyordu. Ben yatağa uzanınca doğruldu, başını göğsüme koydu. Nalan da yanıma uzanınca iki kadının ortasında kalmıştım. Bir süre bu şekilde dinlendim.

Telefonum çalınca karımın aradığını tahmin ettim, kadınlara sessiz olmalarını söyleyerek telefonu açtım. Karım, “Nerede kaldın?” deyip duruyordu. “Merak etme erken gelirim, sen yat uyu!” diyerek telefonu kapadım. Pakize, “Karın şanslı kadınmış!” dedi. Yatağa, yeniden aralarına uzandım. Nalan yarağımı okşamaya başlamıştı, ona, “Bırak okşamayı, ağzına al!” dediğimde yarağımı ağzına alarak yalamaya başladı. Pakize ise dudaklarımı kanatırcasına emiyordu. Dilimi ağzının içine sokmuştum. Pakize sikiş konusunda Nalan’a göre daha deneyimliydi. Hünerini gösteriyordu.

Nalan’ın yalamaları sonuç vermiş, yarağım yeniden dikilmişti havaya. Nalan daha fazla bekleyemedi ve bir çırpıda ayağa kalkıp yarağımın üzerine oturdu. O halde sallanmaya, oturup kalkmaya başladı. Koca memeleri deli gibi sallanıp duruyordu. Ben Pakize’ye, “Nalan’ın memeleri kocaman, işyerinde dikkat çekmiyor mu?” dediğimde, Pakize, “Çekmez olur mu! Dairede Nalan’ı herkes sikmek istiyor, ama kadın hiç birine pas vermiyor. Hele kocası öldükten sonra peşinde koşanlar çoğaldı, ama hanımefendi oralı bile olmadı!” dedi. Nalan o sırada, “Ağhh, oğhh, ımm!” diyerek yüksek sesle inliyor, yarağımın üzerinde yaylanıp duruyordu. Ellerini arkadan kalçalarıma yaslamıştı.

Pakize’ye, “Amını temizle, yalamak istiyorum!” dediğimde, hemen bir mendille amını sildi. Yatağın üzerine çıktı ve amı ağzıma gelecek şekilde çömeldi. Am dudakları Nalan’ınkine göre etli, büyük ve sarkıktı. Onları emmeye, yalamaya başladığımda, Pakize derin bir “Ohhhhh!” çekti. Amını iştahla yalıyordum. Nalan aynı tempoda yarağımın üzerinde yaylanmaya devam ediyordu, şimdi yüzünü göremiyordum, ama inlemeleri odayı doldurmuştu. Yatağın üzerinde üç kişiydik ve yaylı yatağın ortası çökmüş gibiydi, sallanıp duruyor, gacır gucur sesler çıkarıyordu. Kim bilir bu yatak daha önce ne sikişlere sahne olmuştu, yatağın eskiliği her halinden belli oluyordu.

Pakize’nin amı sulanmıştı, amının sıvıları dilime geliyordu. Derken Nalan’ın inlemeleri hızlandı, daha hızlı yaylanmaya başladı. Kısa süre sonra artık hırıltılar, ohlamalar çıkarmaya başlamıştı, boşalmıştı. Yatağın sallanması bu nedenle biraz azaldı. Nalan yarağımın üzerinden kalkarken, “Yarağı getir!” dedim. Nalan emrime uyan köle gibiydi. Yarağı kökünden tutarak arkadan Pakize’nin göt deliğine sokmaya başladım. Pakize derin bir, “Ağğhhh!” çıkarmıştı, koca yarak götüne yavaş fakat kolayca giriyordu. Artık amını yalamayı bırakmıştım. Bir süre götüne yarağı sokup çıkardım, Pakize kalçalarını, kasıklarını sıkıyor, kendini kasıyordu. Hırıltılar çıkartıyordu sürekli. Yarağı götünden çıkardım, Pakize’yi belinden tutup yarağımın üzerine oturmasını söyledim. Pakize dediğimi yaparak az önce Nalan’ın yaptığı gibi yarağımın üzerinde yaylanmaya başladı. Onu belinden tutuyordum. Kendime doğru çekince götü açığa çıkmıştı, alttan pompalamaya başladım, kasıklarım götüne şiddetle çarptıkça, ‘Şlap, şlap!’ sesleri içeriyi dolduruyordu.

Nalan’a, “Yarağı takıp, Pakize’nin götüne sok!” dediğimde, Nalan hemen dediğimi yaptı, kayışı beline bağladı ve yatağın üzerine çıkarak arkadan Pakize’nin götüne girdi. Pakize şimdi iki yarak tarafından sikiliyordu. Ben belinden tutmuş alttan amına pompalarken, Nalan’da sırtına bastırarak götüne takma yarağı zorluyordu. Yatak yine deli gibi sallanırken, Pakize, “Ağhh, ımm, ayy, ağhh!” diye çığlıklar atıyordu. Aldığım zevki tarif edemiyorum. Alttan daha büyük bir güçle amına girip çıkıyordum. Sonunda boşaldım. Yarağımda kalan son dölleri Pakize’nin amına boşalttım. Pakize inlemeye devam ediyor, Nalan takma yarakla onu götünden sikmeye devam ediyordu.

Pakize üzerimde kendini kaybetmiş gibiydi, onu omuzlarından tutuyordum. Bir süre sonra Nalan götünden çıkınca Pakize’nin götünden sağlam bir osuruk sesi geldi. Nalan yataktan kalkınca ben de Pakize’yi yanıma uzandırdım. Pakize halen inliyordu. Nalan yarağı çıkarıp yanıma uzandı, ikisine de sıkıca sarıldım. Üçümüz de çok yorulmuştuk. Gözlerimiz kapanmıştı. Uykuya dalmışız.

Uyandığım zaman saat 03:00’e geliyordu. Her iki kadın da başını göğsüme yaslamış, yanımda yatıyordu. Ben uyanınca, onlar da uyandılar. “Gitmem gerek!” dediğim zaman ikisi de kalmam için ısrarcı oldu. Pakize, “Lütfen son bir defa yapalım!” dediğinde, “Tamam!” dedim. İkisi de yatakta yan yana yatıyordu. Pakize doğruldu ve yarağımı yalamaya başladı. Yarak yalama konusunda uzman olduğunu gösteriyordu, kısa zamanda yarağım tavan yaptı. Nalan bu sırada bacaklarını açarak uzanınca, Pakize’nin ağzından aldığım yarağımı bir hamlede Nalan’ın amına soktum, üzerine uzanmak istemediğim için bacaklarını omzuma attım.

Amında gidip gelirken Nalan inliyor, “Oğhh, devam et!” deyip duruyordu. Koca memeleri sallanırken Pakize iki memesini tuttu ve onları emmeye, öpmeye başladı. Nalan gözleri kapalı aldığı zevkle inliyordu. Bense tempomu bozmadan aynı şekilde amına girip çıkıyordum. Derken Pakize, “Tamam, hadi sıra bende!” dediğinde, Nalan’ın amından çıktım. Pakize Nalan’ın üzerine çıkmıştı şimdi, dizlerinin üzerine çökmüş, köpek gibi domalmıştı. Nalan’ın omzumdaki bacaklarını uzattım, Pakize’nin göt yanaklarını iki yana ayırınca arkadan amına girdim.

Kalçalarından tutarak hızlı hızlı sikmeye başladım. O sırada altta kalan Nalan Pakize’nin sallanan memelerini emiyor, öpüyordu, onu belinden sıkıca tutuyordu. Pakize ise, “Ağhh, evet, sik beni, oğhh!” diyerek beni daha da tahrik ediyordu. Hızlandıkça daha büyük bir güçle amına girip çıkıyordum. Pakize ohlamayı bırakmış şimdi sadece “Ağhh, ığhh!” diye inliyordu. Odanın içi kasıklarımın göt yanaklarına çarparken çıkardığı seslerle dolmuştu yeniden. Elektrik çarpmış gibi oldum, zevk dalgası baştan başa vücudumu sardı, hışımla amına patladım.

Bir süre daha amında kaldıktan sonra çıktım ve duş almak için tuvalete gittim. Döndüğümde iki kadın da birer sigara yakmış, yatağın üzerinde oturuyordu. Üzerimi giyindim. Pakize, “Ankara’ya mutlaka uğra, misafirimiz ol, seni güzelce ağırlayalım!” dediğinde, Nalan da, “Evet evet, mutlaka gel!” diyordu. İkisini de dudaklarından öptüm, “Hanımlar, böylesi bir sikişi ben de yaşamamıştım, benim için çok güzel bir deneyim oldu!” dedim ve ordan ayrıldım. Otele vardığımda karımı uyandırmadan yattım yanına, hemen uyudum.

Ertesi gün karım ve kızlarla son kez otelde kahvaltı yaptık ve öğleye doğru eve dönmek üzere yola çıktık…

Devam edecek…


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Kocamı Aldatmak Aklımın Ucundan Geçmezdi 3

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kocamı Aldatmak Aklımın Ucundan Geçmezdi 3

Bahar, “Saat kaç oldu abla?” diye sordu. Saate baktım, saat 15:30’a geliyordu, “Henüz erken, bu saatte eve gitmemiz doğru olmaz!” dedim. “Nazmi içerde mi?” diye sordu. “Evet içerde, yanında bir arkadaşı daha var…” dedim. Bahar tedirgin bir şekilde yüzüme bakıp, “Yanındakini tanıyormusun?” diye sordu. Evet anlamında başımı salladım. Bahar sonra Nazmi’nin yanındaki adamın kendisine bir şey yapıp yapmadığını sordu. O an ne diyeceğimi bilemedim.

Cevap vermediğimi görünce, “İnanmıyorum abla yaa!” dedi. Kızgın bir şekilde bana bakıyordu. “Bak Bahar, ben de senin gibi sadece Nazmi var biliyordum. İçerdeki adamın ismi Kemal, üstelik çok yakışıklı biri. Nazmi’nin ev arkadaşı, bu evi ikisi paylaşıyor. Nazmi beni Kemal’e ilk defa siktirmek istediğinde, önce kabul etmemiştim, ama daha sonra onunla sikişmek zorunda kaldım. Kemal beni siktiğinde, inan bana, zevkten geberemiştim. Sana bir şey söyleyim mi, varya, Kemal’in yarrağı da hem kalın hem de çok uzun!” dedim.

Bahar ağzı açık beni dinlerken, ben anlatmaya devam ediyordum, “İkimiz de, güçlü kuvvetli ve büyük yarraklı erkeklerden hoşlanıyoruz! Öyle değil mi? Nazmi ile Kemal’de aradığımız her şey var. Üstelik ikisi de çok yakışıklı!” dedim. Bahar hiç konuşmuyor sadece beni dinliyordu. “Bak Bahar, bunlar beni de götten ilk siktiklerinde çok korkmuştum. Arkama sanki kocaman bir kuyu açmışlardı. Kocam anlayacak diye ödüm kopuyordu. Birkaç gün kocamın yanına yaklaşmadım. Birkaç gün içerisinde delik kendini toparlıyor. Korkmana gerek yok yani!” dedim.

Biz Baharla yatak odasında sohbet ederken, Kemal ve Nazmi salonda oturuyorlardı. Bahar’a, “Ben bir içeri gideyim, sen burda bekle!” dedim ve yerimden kalkıp salona doğru yöneldim. İkisi oturmuş birşeyler içiyorlardı. Nazmi beni görünce, “Gel aşkım, gel!” dedi, yer göstererek yanına oturmamı istedi ve “Küçük bayan ne yapıyor?” diye sordu. “Biraz üzüldü, ama şimdi iyi…” dedim. Nazmi, “Aşkım, merak etme sen, ben onun gönlünü alırım! Sen şimdi yanıma gel bakalım!” dedi. Neden bilmiyorum, ama Nazmi’ye karşı koyamıyordum. Yanına oturduğumda elini bacağıma koydu, önce bacağımı daha sonrada baldırımı okşamaya başladı. Birden başımı kendine çekerek, “Seni seviyorum kız!” dedi.

Evli bir kadındım, ama yabancı bir erkek tarafından sevilmek hoşuma gidiyordu. Nazmi’nin ilgisi ve baldırımı okşaması amımın sulanmasına neden olmuştu. Beni sikmedikleri için arzu edilmediğimi düşünüyordum. Nazmi elini bacaklarımın arasına sokmaya çalışırken ona yol gösteriyordum. Amımı avuçladığında, “Oohhh!” diye mırıldandım. Bir müddet amımın dudaklarını okşayıp, ardından klitorisimi ezip sıktıktan sonra elini çekti, kendisi otururken beni yan yatırdı. Yarrağını ağzıma vermek istediğini anladım, boxerinin üzerinden yarrağını avuçladım. Yarrağının kocaman gövdesini okşarken yavaş yavaş sertleşmeye başlamıştı. Kemal’ın varlığı Nazmi için engel teşkil etmiyordu, kıçını kaldırıp boxerini indirdi. Nazmi şimdi tamamen çıplaktı. Kocaman yarrağı, başını bükmüş yatıyordu…

Yarrağına bu kadar yakından bakmak, kokusunu hissetmek beni çıldırtıyordu. Nazmi’nin bugün yaptıkları unutulacak şeyler değildi, ama yine de onu istiyordum. Yarrağının kafasına dudaklarımı değdirdikten sonra dilimle etrafını yalamaya başladım. Kocaman yumuşak kafası artık dudaklarımın arasındaydı. Aç kurtlar gibi ucunu yalarken, amım da iyice sulanmıştı. Nazmi’ye, “Sik beni aşkım!” derken gözlerinin içine bakıyordum. Göbeğine kadar diklenmiş yarrağını biran önce amıma sokmasını istiyordum…

Nazmi domalmamı söyleyince, hemen domaldım, bacaklarımı açtıktan sonra kalçalarımı iyice geriye çıkardım, artık içime girmesini istiyordum. Tam o sırada amımı dillemeye başladı, dilini amımın deliğine sokup çıkarıyordu. Tamamen kendimden geçmiş durumdaydım, “Immmh! Harikaa!” diye inledim. Amımın dudaklarını emmeye başladı, şiddetli bir şekilde emerken sanki koparmak ister gibiydi. Amımın dudakları emilmekten acıyordu, ama zevkten de kıvranıyordum. Neredeyse boşalmak üzereydim ki, birden doğruldu. Artık ben de yarrağa doymak istiyordum. Yarrağını birkaç kez amımın dudakları arasına sürttükten sonra amımın deliğine yüklenmeye başladı. “Oohhhhh!” diye inledim. Yakıcı bir sıcaklık içime doğru yol alarak, en sonunda köküne kadar girmişti. Sabahtan beri özlemini çektiğim koca yarrak, artık içimdeydi ve sabun gibi kayıyordu. Harika bir duygu yaşıyordum ve doğrusu buna ihtiyacım vardı.

Bir süre sonra hızlanmaya başladı, belimden tutmuş hızla sokuyordu yarrağını amıma. İçim parçalanıyordu, ama yinede büyük bir zevk alıyordum. Nazmi sondaj vurur gibi sertçe sikerken, ben, “Ahhh!, Ohhh!” diye zevkten inliyordum. Nazmi, sanki kudurmuş gibi hırsla sikerken, nefesim kesilmek üzereydi. Nazmi’nin izbandut gibi gövdesi bacaklarımın arasını döverken ‘Şlap, şlop!’ sesleri odanın duvarlarında yankılanıyordu. Amım öyle sulanmıştı ki, yarrağı her girip çıktığında, amımdan osurur gibi ‘Zart, zurt!’ diye hava çıkıyordu. Nazmi tıpkı bir yay gibi gidip geliyordu. İkimiz de terden sırıl sıklam haldeydik, alnımdaki terler saçlarımı yüzüme yapıştırmıştı…

Vitrindeki aynaya gözüm takıldı: Nazmi nerdeyse 2 metre boyunda, iri yarı bir erkekti. Ben 1.60’lık boyumla Nazmi’ye meydan okurken, kocaman yarrağı, domalma pozisyonunda içimde kaybolup gidiyordu. Domalmış olduğum halde 10 dakikadır acımasızca sikişiyorduk. Domalmak en çok sevdiğim pozisyonlardan biriydi, tarifsiz bir zevk dalgasına giriyordum. Bu zevk içimi yakarken daha fazla dayanamayacağımı anladım. Nazmi beni sert bir şekilde sikerken, memelerim yerinden kopacakmış gibi bir ileri bir geri sallanıp duruyordu.

Artık zevkin doruklarına yükseliyordum. İnanılmaz bir zevkle kasılmaya başladım. Zangır zangır boşalırken, “Ahhh! Ohhh!” diye kesik kesik inliyordum. O sırada Nazmi’nin bir parmağı arka deliğimdeydi, parmağını büzüğüme sokmuş ileri geri oynatıyordu. Büzüğümle parmağını sıkıştırıyordum. İnlemelerim, kasılmalarım saniyeler boyunca devam etmiş, iyice rahatlamıştım. Üzerime çöken ağırlık yavaş yavaş kendini yorgunluğa, ardından da doymuşluğa bıraktı. Ben minnetle Nazmi’nin yüzüne bakarken, o halen amımı sikmeye devam ediyordu. Bacaklarımın arasından süzülen am suyum, koltuğa kadar ulaşmıştı. Gerçekten harika bir an yaşıyordum.

Bütün bunlar yaşanırken, Kemal yan koltukta oturmuş bizi izliyordu. Kemal sonra yerinden kalkıp yanıma geldi ve tepemde dikildi. Yarrağını ağzıma almamı istiyordu. Kemal’ın yarrağını dudaklarıma değdirirken, elimde olmadan dudaklarım aralanmıştı. Ağzıma aldığım kafasını büyük bir istekle emiyordum. Bu arada Nazmi amımdan çıkmış, arka deliğime sokmaya çalışıyordu. Tükürüklediği için biraz kayganlaşmıştı, ama yine de yarrağının kocaman başı deliğimi zorluyordu. Yavaş yavaş gerilmeye başladım. Acı vermesine rağmen hoşuma gidiyordu. Kemal’in yarrağı ağzımdayken, Nazmi’nin yarrağının kafası götüme girdi. Ağzım dolu olduğundan, “Ahhh!” bile diyememiştim.

Nazmi küçük küçük ritmik hareketlerle götümün deliğini alıştırırken, birden belimden tuttuğu gibi aniden sonuna kadar soktu. Acıyla irkildiğim halde bağıramamıştım bile, Kemal de ağzımı sikiyordu çünkü. Kocaman yarrak arka deliğimi genişletirken yavaş yavaş hoşuma gitmeye başlamıştı. Kemal başımı tutmuş, yarrağını boğazıma kadar sokarken, Nazmi de arkamda sertleşmeye başlamıştı, belimden tutmuş sert sert götüme sokarken ‘Şlap şlup!’ sesleri salonda yankılanıyordu. Öyle hızlanmıştı ki, taşakları amımın dudaklarını dövüyordu.

23 cm’lik koca yarrak köküne kadar götüme girip çıkarken, aklıma ilk sikişmelerim geldi. Bu koca yarrak ilkkez götüme girdiğinde ne kadarda acı çekmiştim. Oysa şimdi acı yerine zevk alıyordum. 10 dakikadır götümü sikiyordu, delik iyice gevşemiş rahatlıkla köküne kadar sokuyordu. Bu arada zaman zaman tükürüklemeyi de ihmal etmiyordu. Aniden hızlanmaya başladı. Nazmi sert sert götümü sikerken, Kemal’in yarrağı da boğazıma kadar giriyordu. Boğulacak gibi olsamda bu durum hoşuma gidiyordu. Nazmi kalçalarıma şaplak atarken böğürmeye başlamıştı. Boşalıyordu. Saniyeler boyunca boşalırken, dölleri götümün içini doldurmuştu. Nazmi’nin içimdeki kasılmaları birkaç saniye daha devam etti. Üzerime yığılmış haldeydi.

O sırada ağzımdaki yarrak ta iyice gerilmiş, patlamak üzereydi. Kemal Nazmi’ye işaret ederek, “Çekil kanka!” dedi. Nazmi götümden çıkıp ta kenara çekilirken, ben osurmamak için kendimi zor zapt ettim. Osurmuş olsaydım Nazmi’nin dölleri dışarı püskürebilirdi, bu da kötü bir görüntü oluşturabilirdi. Halen domalık haldeydim, Kemal geçti arkama. Götüme soktuğunda, “Ohhhh!” dedim. Nazmi’nin dölleri Kemal’ın yarrağına krem vazifesi yapmıştı. Döllerin verdiği kayganlık ilaç gibi gelmişti, kocaman kalın yarrak, sabun gibi götüme kayıyordu. Aldığım zevk inanılmaz güzeldi. Kemal hızlı hızlı götüme pompalarken, kalçalarım löpür löpür sallanıyordu. “Ohhh! Çok güzel! Sik, parçalaaa! Harikaaa!” diye bağırıyordum.

Başımı arkaya çevirip Kemal’e baktım. Kemal üzerime çıkmış götümü sikerken, tıpkı Maraton koşan atletler gibi terden sırılsıklam olmuştu. Dakikalardır götümü sikiyordu ve aldığı zevk yüzünden belli oluyordu. Bu evde her çeşit sikişi yaptığım halde, her seferinde de inanılmaz şekilde zevk alıyordum. Bir süre sonra Kemal sertleşmeye başlamıştı. Sert sert götüme sokarken, “Amını götünü siktiğimin orospusu, al sanaa! Al bakalım!” diyerek, ‘Zart zurt!’ sesleri arasında götümü sikiyordu. Ben de yarı acıdan yarı zevkten, “Ahhh! Ohhhh!, Ayyy! Çok güzel! Harika! Devam et, devam etttt!” diye inliyordum. İnanılmaz bir zevk yaşıyordum. Kemal’ın küfürleri umrumda bile değildi. Daha önceleri ‘Orospu’ kelimesinden hiç hoşlanmazdım, ama artık umursamıyordum. Kemal’e, “Sik orospunu, amını götünü dağıt bu orospunun!” diyerek gaza getiriyordum. Birkaç saniye içinde duyguların zirve yaptığı bir ortamda ikimiz de müthiş bir boşalma yaşadık. Nazmi’nin ardından Kemal de tüm döllerini götümün içine boşaltmıştı.

Kemal, yarrağı götümün içinde küçülmeye başladığında, yavaş yavaş geri çekti, çıkardı, kendini yana atarak koltuğa oturdu. Arkamda kocaman bir delik oluşmuştu ve ağzı bile kapanmıyordu, büzüğümün kasları görev yapmadığından sıkmakta zorluk çekiyordum. Ayağa kalksam tüm döller yere dökülebilirdi, domalmış halde birkaç dakika boyunca hareket etmedim. Büzüğüm yavaş yavaş toparlanırken, ağız kısmı azda olsa kapandı. Elimi arkama atıp, avucumla götümün deliğini kapatarak kalktım ve tuvalete koştum. Klozete oturduğumda, ‘Zorrttt! Zurrtt! Çarrrt! Çurrrtt!’ sesleri eşliğinde götümün içinde nekadar döl varsa püskürdü. Klozette birkaç dakika daha oturup tuvaletten çıktım. İyice temizlenmek için ben banyoya giderken, Nazmi Bahar’la sohbet ediyordu, ki sesleri geliyordu. Banyoya girdim. Kemal banyodaydı, duş yapmış, çıkmak üzereydi. Kemal banyodan çıkarken, ben girdim suyun altına.

Bir müddet duşun altında dinlendikten sonra bornozu giyip banyodan çıktım. Salonda kurulanırken sağa sola serpilmiş giysilerimi tek tek topladım. İç çamaşırlarımı giydikten sonra, önce penyemi, ardından da eteğimi üzerime çektim ve Bahar’ın bulunduğu yatak odasına yöneldim. Nazmi, Bahar’ı dudaklarından kapmış öpüyordu. “Ooo, kolay gelsin!” dedim. Bahar mutlu bir bakışla tebessüm ediyordu. Belli ki Nazmi dediği gibi Bahar’ın gönlünü almıştı.

Nazmi yanımızdan ayrılıp içeri gittiğinde, Bahar’la baş başa kaldık. Bahar’a kendisini nasıl hissettiğini sordum. Bahar, “Beni boş ver abla, asıl sen kendini nasıl hissediyorsun?” diye sordu. Ne demek istediğini anlamamıştım, “Nasıl yani?” dedim. Bahar, “Abla o neydi öyle! Sikişmenizi izledim!” derken gülüyordu. Ben de, “Kız zilli! Bakıyorum götünün acısı geçmiş ki, şimdi bana sataşıyorsun!” dedim. Bahar, “Abla manyaksın sen yaa!” dediğinde, ikimiz de gülüştük. Bahar üzerindeki çekingenliği atmış, rahatlamıştı. Bahar mutluydu, ben mutluydum, bütün bunlar güzel bir gün geçirdiğimizin belirtisiydi.

Saate baktım, 17:00’ye geliyordu. Bahar’a, “Yavaş yavaş hazırlanalım!” dedim. “Tamam abla!” dedi. Birkaç dakika içerisinde ikimiz de hazırlandık. Son olarak türbanlarımızı bağladık ve içeri geçtik. Nazmi ve Kemal de giyinmişler, salonda oturuyorlardı. “Biz artık gidelim!” dediğimde, Nazmi, “Yiyecek birşeyler sipariş verdim, az sonra gelir, yiyelim de öyle çıkalım!” dedi. Biz içerdeyken kebap türü birşeyler söylemiş. Birkaç dakika içinde siparişler geldi. Hep beraber yerken, güzel güzel muhabbet ettik. Yemek faslı bittiğinde ayrılık vakti de gelmişti. Nazmi bizi bırakmak için kapıya yöneldi. O sırada Kemal de ayağa kalkarak, hem beni hemde Bahar’ı dudaklarımızdan öperek, “Görüşürüz!” diyerek bizleri uğurladı.

Nazmi’nin arabasıyla birkaç dakika sonra ineceğimiz yere gelmiştik. Bahar arabadan inerken, Nazmi benim elime para sıkıştırmıştı. Nazmi arabasıyla uzaklaşırken ikimiz de arkasından baktık. Bahar’la eve doğru yürürken, “Eee… Ne düşünüyorsun kız?” dedim. Bahar, “Sana birşey söyleyim mi abla, kocam iki dakikada biterken onunla aynı anda hiç boşalmamıştım. Oysa Nazmi dakikalarca sikti beni ve hayatımda ilkkez üst üste üç kez boşaldım. Amım resmen bayram etti yaa!” dedi. “Ya götün?” dedim. Bahar, “Biraz sızı var, ama bu önemli değil, asıl kocamın anlamasından korkuyorum!” dedi. “Bir hafta kocana yaklaşmazsın, delik te kendini toparlar!” dedim. Bahar, “Asıl sen ne yapacaksın abla, kocan anlamıyor mu?” diye sordu. Ben de, “Kendisi de götten siktiği için birşey anlamıyor, kendisinin genişlettiğini düşünüyor galiba…” dedim.

Sohbet ederek mahalleye geldik. Binaya girdiğimizde Bahar’a 200 Lira verdim. “Bu ne abla?” dedi. “Al kız, ben sana daha çok para kazandıracağım!” dedim. “Nasıl yani?” dedi. “Şimdi eve git, daha sonra konuşuruz!” dedim. Bahar’la vedalaşıp eve girdiğimde yorgun ve bitkin bir haldeydim. Ama bir o kadar da mutlu ve huzurluydum…


O günden sonra Bahar’la birkaç gün görüşmemiştik. Yaşadıkları nedeniyle ne tepki vereceğini çok merak ediyordum. Bir gün kapı zili çaldığında, gelenin Bahar olmasını arzu ediyordum. Nitekim tam da düşündüğüm kişi zile basmıştı. Evet evet, bu Bahar’dı. Tebessüm ediyordu. Onun o hali beni rahatlatmıştı. Kucaklaşıp sıkı sıkı sarıldıktan sonra, “Hoş geldin Bahar!” dedim. “Hoş bulduk abla!” dedi. “Gel gel, içeri gel!” dedim. İçeri buyur ettikten sonra, “Nasılsın kız? Durumun nasıl?” diye sorduğumda, Bahar sırıtarak, “Abla yaa, olanlara inanamıyorum, halen aklımdan çıkmıyor, adamlarda sanki eşek yarağı vardı!” dedi. Bu sözle, ikimiz de kahkahayı bastık.

Bir süre birbirimizin gözlerine baktık. Bahar’a, “Bu arada kocanla aran nasıl kız? Aranızda her hangi bir şey oldu mu? Yani işler yolunda mı?” diye sordum. Bahar, “Yolunda yolunda abla! Sen merak etme, farketmedi bile!” dedi. Bu gerçekten iyi bir haberdi, “Çok iyi, bunu duyduğuma gerçekten çok sevindim!” dedim. Daha sonra kendisine arka deliğinin durumunu sordum. Bahar, ilk bir iki gün boyunca kıçının üzerine oturamadığından falan bahsetti. “Ya şimdi?” diye sorduğumda, sürekli kaşındığını, kocasıyla halen yatmadığını söyledi. Ben de, “İlk kez götten yaptığın için yırtılmış olabilir. Kaşınması ise iyileşmekte olduğunu gösteriyor. Ama birkaç kez daha siksinler, sen de alışırsın!” dedim.

Bu laf üzerine Bahar yüzünü buruşturup, “İstemem kalsın, çok acı veriyor, bir daha asla götten yapmam!” dedi. Bunu söylerken oldukça kararlı görünüyordu. Ben de üzerine gitmedim. Ama içimden (Sen öyle zannet kızım, o küçük götün daha ne yarraklar yiyecek de, haberin bile yok!) diye geçirirken gülmek istiyordum.

Bu buluşma ikimize de iyi gelmişti. Daha sonra çay demlemek için ocağın üzerine su koydum. Saat öğlen iki cıvarlarıydı. Sohbete devam etmek istiyorduk, ikimizin de işi yoktu. Çay demlenirken, Bahar’a, “Kız arka deliğini merak ediyorum, kimbilir ne durumda, yine öyle küçücük mü?” diye sordum. Bahar, “Abla yaa, senin de merak ettiğin şeye bak!” dedi. Bunun üzerine ben, “Göstersene kız!” dedim. Bahar, “Şimdi mi?” dedi. “Evet kız! Göstersene!” dedim. Bahar, “Boş ver abla, temiz olmayabilir…” dedi. Ben de, “Olsun olsun, önemli değil kız, görmek istiyorum!” dedim.

Bahar’ın üzerinde gri bir eşofman vardı. Ayağa kalkıp yanıma geldi. Arkasını dönüp öne doğru domaldı. Eşofmanını lastiklerinden tutup dizlerine kadar sıyırdım. Altında siyah bir külot vardı. Onu da indirdiğimde küçük kalçaları tüm güzelliğiyle karşımdaydı. Küçük, ama gerçekten biçimliydiler. İnce beli, kalçalarını çok güzel gösteriyordu. Bacaklarını biraz daha aralayınca, kılsız amı kabak gibi ortaya çıkmıştı. “Kız bu nee? Sen sulanmışsın!” dedim. Gerçekten de küçük am dudakların arası ıpıslaktı. Bahar, “O günden beri bakireyim abla, istediğim halde kocamla ilişkiye giremedim!” dedi. “İyi ama neden?” dedim. “Abla, yarrakları çok büyüktü, amımın deliği iyice gevşemişti!” dedi.

Belli ki kocasından çekiniyordu. Gerçekten de ona hak vermemek elde değildi. Nazmi ile Kemal’in o kocaman yarraklarını yemek her kadını etkilerdi. Amının genişlediğini düşünerek kocasının anlayacağında çekinmişti Bahar. Doğrusu aptal bir düşünceydi bu. Kendisine böyle bir düşüncenin yanlış olduğunu detaylı olarak anlattım. Küçük kalçalarını iki elimle gererek araladığımda, farklı bir manzara görmemiştim. Göt deliğinin ağız kısmı belirginleşmiş, etrafındaki morlukta biraz daha büyümüştü, hepsi o kadar. Büzüğü halen sıkı ve küçücüktü.

“Kız, gerçekten iyi durumdasın, korkmanı gerektirecek herhangi bir durum yok!” dedim. “Gerçekten mi abla?” dedi. “Evet Bahar, yemin ederim kız gibisin!” dedim. Bu sözlerim hoşuna gitmiş olacak ki, rahatladığını hissettim. Erkek olsam onu heme oracıkta domaltıp bir güzel sikerdim. Ama ben bir kadındım ve bu mümkün değildi. Bir müddet daha göt deliğini incelerken kalçalarını ezip okşamayı da ihmal etmedim. Bahar tekrar toparlanıp eşofmanını yukarı çekti. Sonra da karşıma geçip oturdu ve aklımdan geçenleri okumuş gibi, “Abla, sen erkek olsan butün kadınları sikerdin öyle değil mi?” dedi. Ben de, “Hemde nasıl sikerdim!” dedim. Bahar, “Abla yaa, sen içine kapanık biriydin, sokakta yürürken başını yerden kaldırmazdın, cinsel konulara girdiğimiz zaman yüzün kıpkırmızı olurdu, nasıl oldu da bu kadar azgınlaştın?” dedi.

“Kızım, biz erkek mi gördük, varsa yoksa kocamız. Her şeyi biz onlardan gördük ve öğrendik. İşlerini bitirdiler mi arkalarını dönüp yatarlar. Bizi boşaltıp rahatlatmak akıllarına bile gelmez ki! Hani sik’te sik olsa, küçük bir şey. Üstelik 3-5 dakika bile dayanamayıp boşalıyorlar. Nazmi’yle tanıştıktan sonra sikilmenin zevkine vardım. Hele o kocaman yarrağı varyaa! İşte o kocaman yarrağı içimi doldurduğunda amımın içi bayram ediyor. Zaman zaman canımı yakmadı değil, ama gülü seven dikenine katlanır diye bir söz vardır. Ben o gülü seviyorum. Ya sen Bahar, memnun kalmadın mı?” diye sordum.

Bahar, “Doğrusu abla, bir erkeğin boşalmadan yarım saat sikişebileceği aklımdan bile geçmezdi. Kocamla yaptığımızda genellikle sevişmeyi uzatırız. İçime girdiğinde anca birkaç dakika kendini tutabiliyor. Kocamın sikinin uzunluğu var, ama Kemal ve Nazmi’ninkine göre oldukça ince sayılır. Nazmi yarrağını amıma soktuğunda, kocaman bir ateşin içime girdiğini hissettim. Üstelik bu ateş okadar yakıcıydı ki, amımın dudakları tamamen geriliyordu. Hele alışınca, inanılmaz bir zevk deryasına girmiştim. Biliyormusun abla, daha önce ancak bir kez boşalırken, o gün kaç kez boşaldığımı bile hatırlamıyorum. Bu senin sayende oldu!” dedi.

Bu teşekkür kokan sözlerinden sonra kendisine, “Tekrar denemek istermisin kız tavuk?” dedim. Gözlerindeki ışıltı ister gibiydi, ama yine de temkinli olarak, “Şeeyy, bilmem ki, ne desem abla, yakalanmaktan çok korkuyorum!” derken endişesini dile getiriyordu. Ama bir gerçek vardı, bir kez yapmıştı ve tadını da almıştı, bundan da vaz geçeceğini düşünmüyordum. “Korkmana gerek olmadığını sen de biliyorsun Bahar. İkimizin arasında kaldıkça, dikkat ettikçe, kimsenin ruhu bile duymaz. Seni bilmem, ama ben devam edeceğim!” dedim. Bahar, “O günden sonra Nazmi ile hiç konuştun mu abla?” diye sordu. “Konuştum!” dedim. Birkaç kez o beni aramıştı, ben de onu aramıştım. Konuşmalarımız Bahar üzerineydi.

Bahar merakla, “Ee, ne konuştunuz? Söylesene abla!” dedi. Konuşmalarımızın özetini kısaca anlattığımda, Bahar, “Ciddimisin abla?” derken, hayretini dile getiriyordu. “Evet Bahar, seni çok beğenmişler, birçok kadında olmayan küçük bir amın varmış, çok zevk almışlar!” dediğimde, Bahar’ın yüzündeki gurur ve mutluluk gözlerinden okunuyordu. Bahar parmaklarını çıtlatıp, ellerini ovuştururken, başka şeyler duymak ister gibi aval aval bakıyordu. Belli ki bu ilişkilerin devamını da yaşayacaktık. O an içimden (Bu iş tamam, endişe duymama gerek yok!) diye geçirdim.

Daha sonra su kaynayınca çayı demlemeye bıraktık. Çay demlenince, yanında biraz da kuruyemiş ve pasta koydum. Konuşmadan birbirimize bakarken gülmemek için kendimizi zor tutuyorduk. Bu sessizliği ilk bozan Bahar oldu, daha fazla dayanamadı ve kahkaha atmaya başladı. Ben de kendimi tutamayıp onunla birlikte kahkaha tufanına katıldım. Mutfaktaki bu neşe uzun süre devam edince, gözlerimizden yaşlar gelmişti. Neşemize diyecek yoktu, ikimiz de çok mutluyduk, umarım bu böyle uzun süre devam ederdi. Artık hiç konuşmuyorduk, ama devamlı birbirimizi süzüyorduk.

Bahar birşeyler sormak ister gibiydi sanki, cesaret edip te soramıyordu. Kelimeler boğazında düğümlenir gibiydi. “Bir şey mi söylemek istiyorsun Bahar?” diye sordum. Bahar, “Yooo!” dedi. “Hadi, hadiii, utanma kız!” dedim. Bahar, “Abla amım öyle sulandı ki, külotumun ağı sırılsıklam oldu!” dedi. Ben kahkaha atarak, “Ne tesadüf kız, benimki de!” dedim, sonra da, “Şimdi Nazmi burda olsa… Offf! Ne sikerdi bizi! Öyle değil mi?” dedim. Bahar, “Yapma abla yaa, aklıma getirme lütfen! Şimdi şuracıkta boşalacağım!” dedi. “Madem ki boşalmak istiyorsun, ben yardımcı olayım kız!” dedim. “Nasıl olacak bu?” dediğinde, ayağa kalktım ve yanına gittim. Kolundan tutup, “Gel benimle!” dedim. Ben önde, o arkamda, yatak odasına götürdüm.

Daha önce onunla sevişmiştik. İtiraz edeceğini sanmıyordum. Örtülü başını tutup kendime çektim ve dudaklarına yapıştım. Aynı şekilde Bahar da karşılık verdi. Çılgınca öpüşmeye başladık. Bir müddet sonra ikimiz de nefes nefese kalmıştık. Bahar’ın ağzından, “Ohhhh abla!” diye bir cümle döküldü. Bahar 25, bense 30 küsür yaşındaydım. Bana göre daha tazeydi ve bu benim çok hoşuma gidiyordu. Ayakta olduğumuz halde Bahar’ı kalçalarından tutup ayaklarını yerden kesmiştim. Bacaklarını belime dolamış, öpüşmeye devam ediyorduk. Amının sıcaklığını göbeğimde hissediyordum.

Bir müddet öpüştükten sonra, “Hadi soyun!” dedim. Birkaç saniye içinde ikimiz de çırılçıplak olduk. Bahar’ı sırtüstü yatağa uzattım. Ben de bacaklarının arasına girip üzerine yerleştim. Önce dudaklarını, ardından küçük memelerini dakikalar boyunca yaladım, emdim. Bahar’ın inlemeleri iyice artmıştı. O sırada göbeğimi de amına sürtüyordum. Öyle sulanmıştı ki amı, göbeğimin etrafı sabun gibi kayıyordu. Artık zamanı gelmişti. Yavaş yavaş geriye doğru kayarak, önce göbeğini sonra da amını yalamaya başladığımda, Bahar, “Oooohhh!” diye inledi. Bu inleme içten gelen bir inlemeydi.

Amının sularını yalarken, ben de müthiş bir zevk alıyordum. Dilimin ucuyla en hassas yerini dillerken, klitorisi iyice şişmişti. Bahar’ın inlemeleri artmaya başlamıştı. Birden başımı yakaladı, yüzümü amına bastırmaya başladı. Bahar, “Oohh, ağğhh, ihhyy, iiihhhyyy, devam et abla! Devam et! Ablaa! Ohhh çok güzel! Çok güzel! Ooğğhhyy!” diye inlemeye başlayınca, am suyuyla parmağımı kayganlaştırıp arka deliğine soktum. Tam o sırada boşalmaya başladı. Kasılmalarını hissedebiliyordum. Öyle kasılıyordu ki, sanki büzüğü parmağımı kesiyordu. Bahar önce sert sert kasılırken, sonra yavaş yavaş gevşemeye başladı. O sırada parmağımı arka deliğine sokmaya devam ediyordum. Parmağım oldukça rahat hareket ediyordu götünde.

Bahar’ın boşalması bitince parmağımı götünün deliğinden çektim, sonra yan tarafına uzandım ve gülümseyerek, “Rahatladın mı kız?” dedim. Bahar gülmeye başladı. “Hahahaha, ay abla, bir alemsin yaa, çok güzel yalıyorsun valla!” dedi. Dudaklarımda ve yüzümde Bahar’ın am suyu kokusu vardı. “Seni mutlu ettiysem ne mutlu bana, umarım sen de beni aynı şekilde mutlu edersin. Şimdi sıra sende!” dedim ve bacaklarımı açıp, “Göster hünerini kız!” dedim. İki elimle amımın dudaklarını gererek içini gösteriyordum. Bahar, “O ne abla, içi görünüyor. Sanki içine biri döllerini boşaltmış gibi sulanmışsın!” dedi. “Sev, okşa, yala beni!” diye yalvarır gibi fısıldadım.

Parmaklarıyla amımı okşamaya başladı. Bir müddet okşadıktan sonra göğüslerimi yalamasını istedim. Dediğimi hemen yapıp, küçük elleriyle memelerimi sıkarken, dudaklarının arasına sıkıştırdığı uçlarını emmeye başladı. “Ohhhh!” diye mırıldandım. Doğrusu hoşuma gitmişti. O an, üzerimde Nazmi’nin olması için neler vermezdim. Bunları düşünürken daha çok tahrik oluyordum. Uçlarını yalaması artık beni kesmiyordu. Amımı yalamasını söyledim. Biraz duraksasa da, küçük küçük öpüşlerle dudaklarını amıma değdiriyordu. Sonra da dillemeye başladı. “Em! Yala! Dişle amımı!” diye yalvarmaya başladım. Kendimden geçmeye başlamıştım. “Kız Bahar, amıma sokacak bir şey yokmu? Kazık yok mu, kazık!” dedim.

Tam o esnada yapacağını yapmıştı Bahar, kolunu bileğine kadar amıma geçirdi. İnce bileği kayganlığın etkisiyle kolayca girmişti. Bir yandan ileri geri sokup çıkarırken, diğer yandanda klitorisimi emiyordu. Dakikalarca devam etti. Daha fazla dayanamadım ve boşalmaya başladım. İnanılmaz bir zevk yaşıyordum. Kasılmalarım bittiğinde, Bahar’ın hareketleri de yavaşladı. Daha sonra kolunu amımın içinden çekti. İçimden sanki çocuk çıkmıştı. Rahatladığımı hissettim. Bahar, “Arka deliğine de sokmamı istermisin abla?” dedi. Ben de, “Bugünlük bu kadar yeter, başka zaman götüme de sokarsın, vakit geç oldu!” dedim. Bahar, “Tamam abla!” dedi.

Banyo yapması için şohbeni yakmasını söylediğimde, “Olmaz abla, kaynanam farkedebilir!” dedi. Doğru söylüyordu, kendisine hak verdim. Şohbeni yakıp banyoya girdim. Bahar da üzerini giyindikten sonra yanıma geldi. O izlerken, ben duşumu alıp banyodan çıktım. İyice kurulanıp üzerimi giydikten sonra, “İçeri geçelim!” dedim. Altıma külot giymediğimi görünce, “Külot giymeyecekmisin abla?” dedi. Ben de, “Akşam kocam gelince onu azdıracağım, sonra da götten vereceğim!” dedim. Bahar gülmeye başladı. “Ne gülüyorsun kız zilli? Siki küçükte olsa, hiç yoktan iyidir! Bak aslında bu taktiği sen de kendi kocana uygulayabilirsin. Yarın birgün ne olur bilinmez, bakarsın senin o küçük götünü birileri tekrar arzu edebilir!” dedim.

Bahar ne demek istediğimi anlamıştı, “Yaa abla, çok acıyor!” dedi. Ben de, “Kızım, ilkkez olduğu için acımıştır. Hem biliyorsun ki Nazmi’nin yarrağı çok büyük, ama yinede sikti seni. Bence, arka deliğin dikkatini çekmemesi için kocana da götten vermeye bak!” dedim. Bahar, “İyi ama nasıl olacak bu abla? Durup dururken kocama, (Gel beni götten sik!) mi diyeceğim?” dediğinde, ona hak verdim. Nasıl olacak diye düşünürken aklıma bir fikir geldi. “Mesela şöyle birşey deneyebilirsin… Kocanla beraber internetten Porno seyrederken, anal pornoları seyretmeye, yada seyrettirmeye çalış! İnan bana, eninde sonunda o da götten denemek isteyecektir!” dedim. Bu fikir Bahar’ın aklına yatmıştı. “Umarım dediğin gibi olur abla!” dedi.

Daha sonra kendisine, “Haa unutmadan… Sana söylemedim ama, iki gün önce Nazmi beni aradı. İkimizi istiyorlar, anlarsın ya! Eğer sen de istersen, bu Salı bizi yine bekliyorlar! Ne dersin kız?” dedim. Bahar bir müddet düşündükten sonra, “Şey bilmem ki abla, kocama ve kaynanama bu sefer ne diyeceğim?” dedi. “Merak etme kız! Ben birşeyler ayarlarım. Sen götünü kocana siktirmeye bak! Bak benim kocam benden şüpheleniyor mu? Büzüğüm iyice açıldığı halde, bunu kendisinin yaptığını sanıyor! Sen de kocanı götten alıştırırsan, inan bana hiçbir sorun yaşamazsın, deliği kendisinin genişlettiğini sanacaktır!” dedim. İkna olmuştu Bahar.

Son kez kendisine, “Kocan senin daha önce götten sikilmediğini sanıyor, şayet sikmek isterse iyice kremlemesini söyle! Sokarkende büzüğünü sık ki, rahat sokamasın. Bir müddet uğraştır, biraz yalandan Ahh’la Uff’la, sonra gerisi gelir!” dedim. Bahar derin bir nefes alıp, “Tamam abla, dediğin gibi yaparım!” dedi. “Unutma, Salı!” dedim. Bahar tebessüm ederek başını salladı ve evine gitmek için benden izin istedi. Yolcu etmeden önce dudaklarından öptüm. Bahar, “Yeter abla, dudaklarımı morartacaksın. Kocam ne der sonra!” dediğinde gülmeye başladık. Görüşmek dileğiyle dairesine gitti…


Günlerden Cumartesiydi. O gün öğleden sonra Nazmi’yle telefonla görüştüm. Telefonda bana, “Nasılsın canım, napıyorsun? Seni çok özledim kız!” dedi. Ben de kendisini çok özlediğimi söyleyerek teşekkür ettim. Son buluşmamızın arasından 15 gün geçmişti. Onunla konuşmak bana büyük heyecan veriyordu. Hal hatır sorduktan sonra Nazmi asıl konuya geldi, “Aşkım, bu Salı Bahar’la seni bekliyoruz!” dedi. Olacaklar aklıma geldikçe beni heyecanlı bir titreme aldı. “Gelmez olurmuyuz aşkım, elbette geleceğiz!” dedim. Kesin konuşmuştum, aslında net birşey yoktu, ama yine de Bahar’ın geleceğinden ümitliydim. Bir aksilik olurda Bahar gelmezse, yalnız gitmeyi aklımdan geçirmiştim. Böyle bir günü Bahar yüzünden kaybetmek istemiyordum.

Konuşmaya devam ettik. Nazmi’nin konuyu devamlı Bahar’a getirmesi canımı sıkmıştı, ama belli etmemeye çalışıyordum. Bahar’dan bahsederken aldığı zevki ballandıra ballandıra anlatıyordu, “Aşkım, kapalı kadınlarda olan göt diğer kadınlarda olmuyor. Bahar’ın küçücük götü vardı, onu sikmek gerçekten harikaydı! Umarım bana kızmamıştır?” dedi. Bozulmuştum, “Ne yani, beni sikerken zevk almıyormusun?” dedim. Nazmi’nin, “Aaa! Aşkıma bak ya! Zevk almasam seninle olurmuydum Nesrin! Şunu bil ki canım, senin yerini hiç kimse dolduramaz. Bunu sakın unutma! Sen benim için tüm kadınlardan daha değerlisin!” diyerek iltifat etmeye başlaması benim de çok hoşuma gitmişti. Ama yinede, “Hımm, demek öyle?” dedim. Nazmi, “Yemin ederim ki doğru söylüyorum!” dedi.

Doğrusunu ben onunla var olmuştum. Kendimi onunla tanıdım. Zevkin ne olduğunu onunla tattım. Üstelik o benim ayda bir de olsa gizli sikicimdi. Onu asla kaybetmek istemiyordum. Onun o kocaman ve güçlü yarrağını içimde hissetmek istiyordum. Nazmi’yi başkalarıyla paylaşsam da bu bana yeterdi. Daha sonra Nazmi, “Aşkım, Salı günü ikinizi de bekliyoruz, ona göre haa!” dediğinde, “Başkaları da mı olacak?” diye sordum. Nazmi, “Sürpriz! Söylemem!” deyip gülmeye başladı. Belli ki söylemek istemiyordu. Önce, “Öyle olsun!” dedim, sonra da, “Tamam aşkım, Salıya görüşürüz!” dedim. Nazmi, “Öptüm canım, Salıya görüşmek üzere!” dedikten sonra telefonu kapadı.

Ben de telefonu kapadığımda, bir elimin bacaklarımın arasında olduğunu farkettim. Nazmi’yle buluşmamıza 3 gün vardı, ama amım öyle sulanmıştı ki, külotum sırılsıklamdı. Elimi külotumun içine soktum. Kendimi rahatlatmak istiyordum. Rahatlamam için de boşalmam lazımdı. Sonra koltuğa uzandım, amımın hassas bölgelerini parmaklamaya başladım. Diğer elimle de göğüslerimi okşuyordum. Hassas bölgelerimi parmaklarken küçük küçük dairecikler çiziyordum. O sırada şişmiş olan klitorisimi ve amımın küçük dudaklarını okşayıp sıkıştırıyordum. Uzun süre derin hayaller içinde tatmin olmaya çalışırken, bedenimi ısısı artmaya başlamıştı…

Birkaç dakika içinde boşalmak üzere olduğumu hissettim. Bunu üzerine parmak hareketlerimi dahada hızlandırdım. Birkaç saniye içinde beynim uyuşmaya, bedenim kasılmaya başladı. Memelerimi okşayan elimi arka deliğime yönlendirdim. Arka deliğimle oynamaya başladım. Hoşuma gidiyordu. Böyle devam etmek bana zevk veriyordu ve boşalmamı hızlandıracaktı. Bir müddet devam ettim. Ohhhh, Tanrım! Sonuna gelmiştim, aniden boşalmaya başladım. Tüm bedenim kasılıyordu. Arka deliğim açılıp kapanırken, parmaklarımla git gel yapıyordum. Am suyumun verdiği kayganlık harikaydı. Parmaklarımı rahat bir şekilde büzüğüme sokuyordum. Uzun bir müddet devam eden bu boşalma anı inanılmaz zevkliydi. Dakikalar sonra kasılmalarımın yavaşlamasıyla kendime geldim…

O gün kocamla güzel bir gece geçirdik. Bunda, Salı günü olacakların etkisi büyüktü. Kocamla olan ilişkimiz de artık düzene girmişti. Benimle daha fazla ilgileniyor, ben de onun bir dediğini iki etmiyordum. Kocamdaki değişiklik bana da rihayet ediyordu. Muhafazakar kocam fantaziyi ön plana çıkarmaya başlamıştı. Ağzımı arar gibi değişik konulara giriyordu. O gece ilk kez değişik bir soru sordu bana. Bunu daha önce hiç yapmamıştı. “Karıcığım sana bir şey sormak istiyorum, ama lütfen bana doğru söyle!” dedi. Ben de, “Sor?” dedim. “Hiç benden başka biriyle birlikte oldun mu?” diye sorunca, bir an tedirgin oldum. Ne söyleyeceğimi bilemiyordum. Bu konuda bir şey söylesem vereceği tepkiyi kestirmek zordu. Kendimi riske atamazdım.

“Bu nasıl soru kocacığım! Ben seni çok seviyorum!” dedim. Kocam ise, “Ya yanlış anlama karıcığım, sadece merak ediyorum. Sen güzel bir kadınsın, mahallede seni arzulayan kimbilir kaç erkek vardır!” dediğinde, “Töbe, töbee!” diyerek saf ayaklarına yattım. Daha sonra kocam, kendi yarrağından başka yarrak görüp görmediğimi sordu. Buna verdiğim cevap yine, “Töbe, töbee!” olmuştu. Ama kocam konuyu bitirmek istemiyor gibiydi, “Biliyormusun karıcığım, öyle yarraklar var ki, benimkinin iki misli uzun! Üstelik kolum kadar kalın olanları bile var!” dedi. Ben yine saf ayaklarına yatıp, “Ciddimisin? Gerçekten o kadar büyükleri var mı?” dedim.

Ben merak eder gibi karşılık verince, kocam dahada heyecanlanmıştı. Bana, “Biz evlenmeden önce başından geçen her hangi bir şey de mi olmadı yani? Hadi karıcığım, lütfen anlat!” diyerek, ısrarla anlatmamı istiyordu. Ben de, “Ne anlatmamı istiyorsun kocacığım? Hem olsa bile, sana anlatıp başıma iş mi alacağım?” dedim. Kocam ısrarla, “Hadi amaaa, anlat birşeyler, yemin ederim hiç bir şekilde sana kızmayacağım. Birşeyler illa ki olmuştur!” deyip, anlatmamı istiyordu. Ben de, “Küçükken olmuştu, ama bunu anlatamam ki!” dedim. Kocam heyecanlanmıştı, büyük bir istekle anlatmamı istiyordu. Ben de küçükken başımdan geçen bir olayı anlatmaya başladım…

“Köyde olduğumuz yıllarda, kışlar çok soğuk olduğundan, geceleri sıcak sobanın yanında yatardık. Annemle babam bizle aynı odada yatardı. Biz yerdeki yatakta, annemle babam ise divanda. Bazı geceler divanın gıcırdamasından uyanırdım. Annem, (Yavaş ol herif, çocuklar uyanacak!) diye ikaz etmesine rağmen, babam bizleri umursamazdı bile. Daha sonraki geceler bütün bu olanlar bende merak uyandırmaya başlamıştı. Uyur numarası yapar, neler olduğunu anlamaya çalışırdım. Babam annemi sikerken, annemin inlemeleri ve (Ohhh, çok güzel! Çok güzel! Devam et, devam et aşkım! Sok! Sok! Dibine kadar sok!) gibi sözleri duyulmayacak gibi değildi… Yine böyle bir gecede Nuray ablamın da onları izlediğini farkettim. Ablam benden yaşça büyük olduğu için, annemle babamın ne yaptıklarını benden çok daha iyi biliyordu. O da benim gibi çaktırmadan izliyor, kendi kendini tatmin ediyordu…” dediğimde, kocam lafımı kesti…

“Ablanın kendini tatmin ettiğini de nerden çıkardın?” dedi. Ben de, “O an için ne yaptığını bilmiyordum, ama birkaç yıl sonra Orgazmın ne olduğunu öğrendiğimde, ablamın ne yaptığını tahmin etmek hiçte zor değildi. Odada yalnız olduğumuz bazı günler ablam beni kaale bile almazdı. Benim yanımda, elini eteğin altına sokar, amını okşamaya çalışır, sonrada inleyerek boşalırdı…” diye ben bunları anlatırken, kocam sikini okşayarak, “Bütün bunları Nuray mı yapardı?” dedi. Ben de, “Evet!” dedim ve tekrar konumuza dönmek için, “Bir dur da anlatayım!” dedim. Kocam, “Tamam tamam!” dedi, ben de anlatmaya devam ettim…

“Komşumuzun Nuri adında bir oğlu vardı. Nuri benden büyüktü, ama onunla oyun oynamak hoşuma giderdi. Oynadığımız oyunlar, ya 5 taş olurdu, yada 6 taş. O daha iyi oynardı, ama yinede onu yeniyordum. Ya bilerek yeniliyordu, yada yenmek istemiyordu. Birgün Nuri ile evin arkasında 6 taş oynarken, kardeşlerim de etraftaydı. Hava sıcak olduğu için etek giymiştim. Bacak aramın açıldığından habersiz tüm dikkatimi oyuna vermiştim. Ben kazanmak için hırs yaparken, Nuri ise bacaklarımın arasını inceliyormuş. Bir ara yüzüne baktım, yüzündeki ifade bir şey ister gibiydi. Yüzü pembeleşmiş, aval aval bana bakıyordu. (Ne oldu Nuri? Neden oynamıyorsun?) diye sordum. Ama Nuri hiç konuşmuyordu, gözleri bacaklarımın arasındaydı…

Ne olduğunu anladım ve hemen toparlandım. Uzun süre konuşmadan kaçamak bakışlarla birbirimizi izledik. İçimdeki bir his olayın komikliğini ön plana çıkarır gibiydi. Daha fazla dayanamadım ve elimde olmadan gülmeye başladım. Nuri de biraz şaşkınlık yaşadıktan sonra bana katılmıştı. Sürekli gülüyorduk, ama ne için güldüğümüzü biz de bilmiyorduk. Aradan bir müddet geçtikten sonra ilk konuşan Nuri olmuştu. (Bacakların çok güzel!) dedi. Ne demek istediğini anlamasam da, gülümseyerek ona bakıyordum. Böyle bir laf hoşuma gitmişti. Utanıyordum, ama yine de, (Gerçekten mi?) diye sordum. Nuri, (Gördüğüm en güzel bacaklar senin bacakların. Hem güzel, hemde çok beyazlar!) dedi. İçim kıpır kıpır olmuştu. Devam etmesi için gözlerinin içine bakıyordum. O sırada bacaklarımı toplamış, iki büklüm olmuştum…

Nuri, (Senden bir şey istesem yaparmısın? Yalnız kızmak yok!) dedi. Ne isteyecekti bilmediğim halde, (Ne istiyorsun?) dedim. Nuri ısrarla, (Kızmak yok! Tamam mı?) dedi. (Tamam, kızmayacağım!) dedim. Biraz sustuktan sonra bana, (Bacaklarını görebilirmiyim?) dedi. O an ne diyeceğimi bilemedim. Ne istediğinin farkında bile değildim. Az önce bacaklarımın arasını görmüştü, ama o istedi diye göstermekten utanıyordum. O kadar utanıyordum ki, dilim tutulmuştu…

Nuri elini bacaklarıma attı, açmam için. (Hadi Nesrin! Görmek istiyorum!) dedi. O an kaçmak istedim, ama bir şey beni engelliyordu. (Tamam!) diye mırıldandım. Bacaklarımı iki yana açtığımda, eteğim geriye doğru sıyrılmıştı. Nuri fısıldayarak, (Ohh, çok güzel!) dedi. Bacaklarımın arasına bakarken onu izliyordum. O zamanlar şimdiki gibi külotlar yoktu. Altımda annemin diktiği çiçekli külotlardan vardı. Lastiği öyle sıkıydı ki, külodu çıkarmak bile zordu. Giydiğim külot en az bir yıllık vardı. İyice aşınmış, ağ kısmıda azda olsa sökülmüştü. Eski olduğu için de utanıyordum. Bacaklarımı tekrar kapadım…

Nuri yalvarır gibi, (Lütfen, bakmak istiyorum!) dedi. Etrafa bakındım, kimsecikler yoktu. Yinede, (Ya bir gören olursa?) dedim. Nuri de, (Gel! Kimsenin görmeyeceği bir yere gidelim!) dedi. Nuri önde ben arkada mısır tarlasına girdik. İtiraz etmeden peşinden gittim. Kendimize uygun bir yer bulduktan sonra, etraftaki otları düzelttik ve oturduk. Nuri gözlerimin içine bakıp, (Eteğini çıkarırmısın?) dedi. Ayağa kalktım. Çiçekli eteğimi lastiklerinden tutup, ayaklarımın dibine indirdim. Altımda sadece donum kalmıştı. Eskiydi, ama temizdi. Donumu da çıkartmamı isteyince, çekindim. Korktuğumu görünce, (Korkma kız, sadece bakacağım!) dedi. Yine de çekiniyordum, (Hayır, çıkarmam!) dedim. Nuri de, (Böyle yaparsan seninle bir daha konuşmam!) dedi…

Sanki damarıma basmıştı. Böyle bir şeyin olmasını asla istemiyordum. Bu beni çok üzerdi. Onu çok seviyordum. Ama yine de utanıyordum. (Ama çok utanıyorum!) dedim. Nuri gülümseyerek, (Sana inanmıyorum Nesrin! Benden mi utanıyorsun?) deyip elini donuma attı. Aslında ben de çıkarmak istiyordum. Ama ona karşı naz yapmak hoşuma gidiyordu. Onun o hali karşısında gülmeye başladım. Çıkarması için izin vermiştim. Lastiklerin çok sıkı olduğunu görünce, (Kız bunu nasıl çıkartıyorsun? Çıkartana kadar donuna edersin!) dedi. Bu banada çok komik gelmişti, bunun üzerine ikimiz de gülmeye başladık…

Zorda olsa, donumu lastiklerden tutup indirdi ve topuklarımdan çıkardı. Belimdeki izler lastiğin sıkılığını anlatıyordu. Şimdi üzerimde sadece kazak kalmıştı, alttan çırılçıplaktım. İçgüdüsel olarak ellerimle amımı örtmüştüm. Nuri kızarcasına, (Hadi amaaa, böyle yapma!) diyerek ellerimi kenara çekti. Sonra, (Ohh! Çok tatlı, çok güzel!) dedi. Nuri Benden 3-4 yaş büyüktü. Bazı şeyleri benden daha iyi bildiğinden emindim. Büyük bir arzu ve istekle bakmaya devam ediyordu…

Daha önce aynanın karşısında amımı incelemiştim, nasıl olduğunu çok iyi biliyordum. Amım yeni yeni kıllanmaya başlamıştı ozamanlar ve bu kıllar amımı süslüyordu. Amım patates gibi tombuldu. Ortadan ikiye bölen bir çukur vardı. Bu çukur, bir çizgi gibi kıçıma doğru gidiyordu…

Nuri eteğimi silkeledikten sonra yere serdi. Ardından oturmamı söyledi. Bacaklarımı büzerek oturdum. İki eliyle dizlerimden tutup bacaklarımı ayırdı. Amım tamamen gözlerinin önündeydi. Artık gizli saklı hiç bir şeyim kalmamıştı. Beyaz düzgün bacaklarım yanlara doğru yatmıştı. Nuri’nin ise heyecanlandığı her halinden anlaşılıyordu. Ben de heyecanlıydım, amımı ilkkez birine gösteriyordum. Sanki ben de bu durumu istemiştim. Aklıma annemle babam gelmişti, annemin zevkten inleyişleri kulaklarımda çınlıyordu. Sikişmenin zevkli bir şey olduğunu tahmin edebiliyordum. Bu beni dahada cesaretlendirmişti…

Kendimi bırakıp sırtüstü uzandım. Bacaklarımın arası iyice açılmıştı. Kafamı kaldırıp Nuri’yi izliyordum. Heyecanlanmış titriyordu, (Biliyormusun, ilk kez am görüyorum… Ben amları daha farklı sanırdım. Anlatılanlara hiç benzemiyor…) dedi. Amıma dokunurken diğer taraftan da sikini okşuyordu…” diye, o günleri hatırlamanın heyecanıyla anlatmaya devam ederken, kocam yine lafımı bölüp, “Sen neymişsin be karıcığım. Başından neler geçmiş te haberimiz yok. Zevk alıyormuydun?” diye sorunca sinirlenmiştim. “Öyle zırt pırt araya gireceksen anlatmıyorum!” dedim.

Kocam, “Tamam, tamam! Özür dilerim. Lütfen anlatmaya devam et hadi!” dedi. Duyduğu şeyler kocamı heyecanlandırmıştı ve devamını merak ettiği her halinden belliydi. Beni saf köylü sanıyordu. Nazmi’yle Kemal’ın beni tost yapmalarını anlatacak olsam, küçük dilini yutardı. Ama bunu anlatmam için kocamın daha çok yol alması lazımdı.

Ben yarım kalan yerden anlatmaya devam ettim, “Nuri amıma dokunmaya başlayınca, içimi harika bir sıcaklık kapladı. Amımı incelemekten başka bir şey yapmıyordu. Aklıma annemin amını yalatışı geldi, amını yalaması için babama yalvarırdı. Ben de Nuri’ye, (Amımı yalasana!) dedim. Nuri şaşkın şaşkın bana bakıyordu. Tekrar söyleyince, dilini dokundurmaya başladı. Dilinin sıcaklığı hoşuma gitmişti. Başını, saçlarından tutup amıma bastırıyordum. Sanki o da böyle birşey istiyordu. İyice kayganlaşan amım dilinin sürtmesiyle sabun gibi olmuştu. İnanılmaz zevk alıyordum. İçimden bir şeyler kasıklarıma doğru akıyordu. Ne olduğunu bilmiyordum ama çok zevkliydi. Nuri yalamaya uzun süre devam etti. Sonra, (Yoruldum kız!) diyerek doğruldu. Ağzı burnu ıpıslak olmuştu. Aslında yalamaya devam etmesini istiyordum, ama yorulduğunu söyleyince bir şey diyemedim. Her şeye rağmen hoşuma gitmişti…

Nuri ayağa kalkıp kemerini çözdü ve pantolonunu indirdi. Külotun içindeki şişlik dikkatimi çekmişti ki, külotunu da indiri verdi. Heyecandan dilim tutulmuştu. Daha önce hiç görmediğim şey bana bakıyordu. Kocaman başı olan, uzunca bir şeydi. O an siki bana çok büyük gelmişti. Nuri dizlerinin üzerine çömeldi. Ne yapmak istediğini anlamıyordum. (Ne yapıyorsun?) diye sordum. O da, (Korkma! Sadece sürteceğim!) dedi. Ama ben yinede tedirgindim. (Yalvarırım sikme beni!) dedim. Nuri, (Sikmeyecem kız, sadece sürteceğim!) diye tekrar etti. Sikini tükürükleyip, amımın yarığına boylu boyunca uzattı. Üzerime uzandı ve ileri geri hareket edip, sürtünmeye başladı. Amımın üzeri sabun gibi kayıyordu. O kadar sıcaktı ki, sanki amım yanıyordu…

Tüm ağırlığı bacaklarımın arasındaydı. Hareketleri hızlandıkça hızlandı. İçimden bir şeylerin aktığını hissediyordum. Öyle hoşuma gidiyordu ki, zevkten inliyordum. Nuri de acaip sesler çıkarmaya başlamıştı. Gövdesinin baskısı amımı yakıyordu. Sonra birden bağırarak doğruldu. Sikini eline almasıyla birşeylerin fışkırdığını gördüm. O an çok korktum. Ne olduğunu bilmediğim için endişeyle Nuri’ye bakıyordum. Öyle şiddetli fışkırmıştı ki, ağzım burnum berbat olmuştu…

Birkaç saniye sonra, ne olduğunu sordum. Nuri gayet mutlu bir şekilde, (Boşaldım!) dedi. Ben boşalamamıştım, ama en azından boşalan birini görmüştüm. Hemen toparlanmaya başladık. Üzerime fışkıran dölleri silip, önce külotumu giydim, ardından da eteğimi. Nuri de donunu ve pantolonunu giydi. Hiç bir şey konuşmadan, önce Nuri çıktı mısır tarlasından, ardından da ben çıkıp, eve gittim. Ablam kapıdaydı, (Nerdesin kız?) dedi. Ben de, (Zeliha’ların ordaydım…) dedim. (Üstünü başını berbat etmişsin, çabuk çıkar şunları!) dedi. Ben de, (Tamam abla.) dedim. O günü kazasız belasız atlatmıştım!” deyip anlatmayı bitirdim.

Anlattığım şeyler kocamı müthiş azdırmıştı. Yarrağı öyle bir sertleşmişti ki, daha önce hiç böyle görmemiştim onu. Yarağını gövdesinden tutup, başını tükrükledim, sonra da, “Hadi kocacığım, çok istediğin götümü sik bakalım!” dedim ve domaldım. Birkaç dakika da olsa harika bir sikiş yaşamıştım. Aynı zevki kocam da almıştı. Aslında Nazmi’deki yarrağın büyüklüğü karşısında kocamın yarrağı fena değildi. Kocamınki acıtmıyordu, ama zevk almam konusunda yeterliydi. Sadece kocamın erken boşalması canımı sıkıyordu. Fakat o gece kocam beni şaşırtmış ve 20 dakika dinlendikten sonra, götümü ikinci kez sikmişti. Kocamdaki bu pozitif değişiklik beni de rahatlatıyordu.

Kocam yorulmuş hemen uykuya dalmıştı. Ben kalkıp güzel bir duş aldım. Kurulandıktan sonra, mutlu bir şekilde kocamın yanına uzandım ve uykuya daldım…


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Finding Myself and My Best Friend

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Big Dicks

I’ve decided after talking to a friend that its time I put a few thoughts down in writing, and share them. After all, what harm can it do? I’ve found retelling this story has rekindled a lot of memories and feelings, that I thought I’d left in the past.

This is a true story about how I found myself, and how my best friend and I found each other.


Hi, my name’s Paul.

I don’t think I’d made it all the way through puberty before I started to notice the odd thing different about me, and in all honesty I don’t remember noticing anything before that, but the signs must have been there. I was just too naive or ignorant to accept them for what they were.

Not that anyone else had picked up on anything different about me at all, and certainly no one had ever said anything to me to suggest it.

To get to the point, the first time I noticed that there was something “different” about me was when I was wanking, and men started to appear in my fantasies.

There I was, wanking about whatever girl at school that I was interested in at the moment, and then for some reason one of my mates would appear in there too, and before I knew it, it was just him and me in my fantasy.

God, it scared me! Those few moments after I came, as the realisation sunk in about how much I had cum, and the thoughts that made me cum so much, it was such a surprise, and it scared me. It got the point that I actually gave up wanking in the hopes that the thoughts would go away.

For the record, I gave up wanking for a total of 7 days, a record which to this day hasn’t been broken, and I doubt it ever will.

I had success over the first few days after that, the little victories where it was just me and some girl, or girl’s, in my fantasies, but the boys kept coming back. It was so difficult to shake those thoughts, and over time, I kinda came to grudgingly accept them, but not that I agreed with them.

I was one of those kids that didn’t quite fit in all the time at school. Wasn’t a member of the sports team, accept for that one time I accidentally did too well in athletics and qualified for the regional championships, but we don’t talk about that, and I quickly slithered back into the background and just did my thing. As much as I wasn’t in shape, it didn’t mean I was out of shape, even though my low self esteem would have me thinking otherwise.

I’m an average height guy, which for my home town seems to be about 5″8, slightly better than average looks. Well I like to think so anyways, even though I’m told I’m much better looking than that, and not just by my mother, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes, and pail Scottish skin. I’m plagued with needing to wear glasses, but that just “adds to my appeal” so I’m told. I also can’t grow a beard for shit, but that doesn’t stop me from trying. I hate it if I’m clean shaven, it’s so much nicer to have a bit of stubble or a few days growth, if only cos it’s nice to play with.

The more I think back about those days, the more I realise just how much confusion I created within myself about my sexuality, and it played havoc with my emotions and self beliefs.

I come from a small town in Scotland, and I’m talking about the late 90’s early 00’s, so you can imagine that “small town mentality” that I grew up around, with gay guys being calls fags and poofs, I always hated that.

I’m thankful that today most of those beliefs have disappeared and we’ve entered a time of acceptance, even in my small home town. Most of Scotland’s political leaders are gay or lesbian, gay marriage is legal and has been for some time, it’s no longer an issue at all! But back then it was, and it was scary for this small town guy to accept.

So, what does a small town guy do, who’s kinda lost his way and doesn’t know what he’s doing?

Answer: He goes off to a big city where he’s even more lost and still doesn’t know what he’s doing.

I moved to Glasgow as soon as I was able at the end of my 6th year at school. I wanted to study engineering, a decision I would later learn to regret, but more importantly I felt this was something I had to do for myself, and try and forge my own life. I’d been stuck in the shadow of my brother and finally I was out from that shadow and free, and I loved it!

My first year I had so much fun, was out drinking, partying, clubbing, making friends and socialising, and yeah, I learned a few things too, including about myself.

I finally lost my virginity, to a woman, and the relief that I was into girls, able to get a hard cock for a girl and fuck her till she said she loved me (which is so off-putting to hear, when you’ve just pulled the girl that night) and she came so hard and so did I. I was very pleased with myself, and I finally thought that was it, no more thoughts of guys in my fantasies, and again that lasted all of…well it didn’t at all.

The thoughts about guys were still there, but I didn’t shy away from them as much as I had before. izmit escort bayan

The feelings began to grow, but the thoughts I had for women didn’t go away. It was more now that I was at uni, I had full access to the internet, and I began to understand my sexuality better.

I figured I was most likely bisexual, that I was into both sexes, and that I had wasted a week when I was younger not wanking because I was scared to think about guys. Such a waste of time, but this was something I made up for many times over since then, I’m sure.

So, I was bisexual. It took a bit of getting used to, and I always felt that no one would really understand and I couldn’t figure out how to tell them, so I didn’t. I kept it to myself.

It’s more acceptable today, and people understand it better, but back then it wasn’t so well understood. I even got into an argument once with a gay guy over the fact that he didn’t believe it was possible to like both, and refused to believe me, he said it was a myth, and that I was in denial. So, I kept it to myself to save any hassles.

Sorry, I’ve gone off topic again, back to the story.

So, I’m at uni, I’m studying engineering and I’ve recently moved out of student halls and living with one of my mates in a student flat about a mile and a half away from the uni campus. It was a good life, we were good friends. We’d spent the last 3 years living with each other as flat mates in halls, though we were studying different disciplines, and quite often our social lives would go in different circles, but that was uni, and it just meant you had a chance of meeting more new people.

He was Eastern European by birth, but he’d been brought up in the UK his whole life, and still had a bit of an accent. It was this weird mix of Scottish and English accent with the odd word of Polish working its way in. It was awesome listening to him on the phone with his family, I understand only a few swear words in Polish, but how he flew through the call in Polish was immense.

His name was Adok, and he was 2 years older than me, but still looked younger than me. That was weird when we went out and he was ID’d at the bar. He was also shorter than me, which was probably part of why bar staff didn’t think he was old enough. Those youthful looks would serve him well when he was older, but for now he was being punished.

He was also a bit of a geek, after all he was studying civil engineering, with mostly a class full of guys, and no girls to get to know, so I wasn’t sure if he was still a virgin, and we weren’t close enough for me to think it right I ask him questions like that.

Ok, so I was a bit of a geek too, I loved sci-fi, I would read Frank Herbert novels all the time, and if I wasn’t reading Frank I was reading Tolkien, and I still remember when Adok leant me a copy of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, and I was hooked. Yes, I’m a geek, but I just got laid a bit more than he did. A bit.

You see, I had a problem when it came to girls. I fell for the ones who weren’t reachable. The girl in first year who was infatuated with another guy who turned out to be gay (that I also had a bit of a thing for, but he claimed to be into another girl, when he was that bit more messed up in the head than I was about his sexuality – messy I know, so I hope you followed that?)

In second year, again I fell for the wrong girl, who I worked with in the student bar. She was in a bit of a destructive relationship with a guy, but they seemed perfectly suited it turned out. Third year I liked a girl I couldn’t go near simply because my friend liked her too. I found out years later she liked me as well, but she was already with someone, with a kid, so I had to mark that one down to an opportunity missed.

I have barely mentioned guys I liked during that time, and there was one especially who I liked, and I’ll get to him soon enough.

It was the millennium, I had a good social life, a good bunch of mates, both male and female, and I was living my own life away from home, life was good. I don’t want to bring up my life back home too much as it was depressing as hell round about this time, and I was glad to be out of it.

I’ve gone so many lines into this story so far, and I’ve not even mentioned anything to do with sex, so I’ll fix that now.

I was studying in a part of the uni library one afternoon, and by studying I mean I was sitting on one of the many levels, in a quiet part of the library that I had found, which had a couple of pc’s with open access internet. There were books shelves all around that would obscure most things from being seen.

So I was doing what every 21 year old would be doing, looking at porn, and playing with my cock beneath the desk.

I was wearing loose fitting blue adidas shorts, with loose boxers, and had pulled my cock out of my boxers, and would occasionally let it escape my shorts. I can’t say I have a huge cock, it’s of average length (about 6 inches if I izmit eve gelen escort need to spell it out) and it fits me well, and gives me a lot of pleasure.

As my desk faced the wall, and because the desk was in a small alcove as you walk along one wall of the library, there was little chance someone would spot me, at least if they blatantly walked by and noticed my cock was out or my hand was under the desk, they would know exactly what I was doing.

I had been edging for ages! That is to say, I was reading horny stories by one of my favourite authors, a guy called Seb Wallace, who was British, a student about my age at the time, and writing some really horny stuff about him, his mates, and even his brother. It was ticking all my boxes, and I was loving it. This is what studying was all about! If you’re going to hit the books, you need to hit the porn too and distract yourself every now and again, or you will go spare.

In fact, I would go so far as to say if more people wanked in the world, the world would be a better place. Period. I dare anyone to argue otherwise!

Then again, the world is full of wankers, so I’m going to take that back, I didn’t think that one through.

So yeah, wanking in a public place, I knew I wasn’t the only one that did it, in fact there was a guy behind me almost every other day. He didn’t know how to clear his history, which was handy for whenever I had to use that pc, cos he looked at some pretty good stuff, but it was all straight stuff.

As you know, I liked to mix it up with some gay stuff too, or better still this bi stuff I’d discovered since coming to uni. The internet was amazing, it opened my eyes, I mean we didn’t have it back home where I came from, and if I wanted to get hold of any I’d have to buy a magazine or something, which god forbid my mother would ever come across. They weren’t too big on privacy in my house growing up.

So I got my porn fix on the uni computers, on the 5th floor, in some foreign social science section, or something like that, from what I could make out on the books nearby when I pretended to be doing something to actually do with studying. Occasionally, someone would walk by, and I’d have to make sure I covered up, but it was normally better for this in the evenings, when fewer people were about.

I had discovered something by accident one day in the library.

Nature called, and I suffered from stage fright, so I decided to use one of the cubicles. I was on the engineering floor, and who knew engineer’s could be such pervs!?

I walked into the cubicle and locked the door behind me, noticing all the graffiti on the door, and the walls, as usual, and some of the time it was good to read, but today, the weird hole that appeared in a lot of toilets was not bunged up with toilet paper, it was open, and it was a pretty big hole.

I’m completely naive, small town and all that, remember, so I had no idea what that hole was used for, until that day.

I sat down on the toilet seat, prepared to do my business, and next thing I know, a finger was tapping at the hole. What was this? I asked myself, total invasion of privacy! Cheeky fuck.

The finger disappeared and I thought that was that, carried on with what I needed to do, but moments later, an eye briefly appeared at the hole, had a look at my junk, and then disappeared again. This was fucked up, I thought to myself, starting to clue in with what was going on. I had no idea this sort of shit actually went on.

My naivety was wearing off, and my curiosity peaked, so I tipped my head forward a bit, just enough to look through this hole, and there I could see part of his leg. He was wearing jeans, and it looked like he was probably a younger guy. Then skin, then yeah, his hand.

His hand was wrapped around his dick, and he was wanking it. His dick looked remarkably like mine, uncut, about the same length and thickness, and the foreskin was pulled back nicely, with a wet bell end. He must have been sitting a while, waiting for someone to play with, hence the finger thing so quick. I was hoping that he wouldn’t take notice of me looking, cos I was nervous as hell, but the way he stopped and pointed his cock towards me so that I could see better suggested that he knew I was watching. He seemed happy about it.

Now, normally this is the point you hear about how hard my cock got, I showed him it, and he invited me into his cubicle to fuck, but nope, this isn’t that kind of story.

At least not yet.

I was nervous as hell, my cock was never getting hard, and I was not about to get into a cubicle with a guy I’d never met before, and had no idea who he was. That wasn’t me, and well, this was a long time before apps like grindr existed, where meeting guys for sex without knowing anything about them, including what they look like, is quite common. This was my first time seeing a guys hard cock, and it made me nervous as hell. Not the way I izmit otele gelen escort thought I’d first see a cock in the flesh other than my own and hard.

What did I do?

I watched him, and he was happy for a time to continue to let me watch. Fuck, his cock was wet! He must cum loads! He was moaning pretty loudly too, he must have realised that no one else was in with us, cos he wasn’t scared to be noisy. There were 3 cubicles in all, and 2 urinals, but other than us two, the place was empty.

I hadn’t seen his face yet, just his cock, and his balls, and he was very hairy too, which kinda took me by surprise. I used to trim mine, even back then, I never liked the huge forest, so I was kinda put off but at the same time so very curious.

This guy knew I wasn’t making a move, that I was all for watching, so he continued to wank his cock and let me watch.

Fuck this was hot, not that the nerves had disappeared and my cock had gotten hard yet, but I was loving the voyeur side of this.

I was hoping he would cum, he looked like he was near ready to cum, I wanted to see this like no one’s business, but my luck wasn’t to be. The door to the toilet banged open, and I had my trousers pulled up, toilet flushed, door opened and gone as quick as I could. I didn’t even wash my hands, which wasn’t like me, I was so nervous about being caught.

I regretted not hanging about.

For so many visits, without trying to make it obvious, I kept going back in, but never again found my exhibitionist, and my timing must have been poor as I never got to play voyeur either.

Until that fateful day (cliché, apologies) that I was wanking there in the library at the hidden away computer, bringing my cock out again and having edged so many times, I built up the courage to visit the toilet again.

Fuck, I was so horny. This story I was reading on the pc had ended with a bunch of guys on a lads holiday, sharing the same bed, and one of the guys thinking the others were sleeping was taking pictures of them in poses, and before he knew it, there was a cock in his ass. Damn this was too good, and I knew that I had to go and empty my balls before I had an accident under this desk.

I decided to use the engineering floor toilet, so that’s where I headed.

When I walked in, I noticed the cubicle in the middle that I had often been to was occupied, so I was left with the one closest to the urinals or the disabled toilet at the back, which was the one I chose. I wanted some leg room.

I left my bag near the door, pulled down my shorts, and tried to piss, but it was difficult cos my cock was semi, so I pushed it downward, even though it was uncomfortable, and let myself go. It was a really good piss, without getting into golden shower territory or anything like that, but you know when you’ve been wanking for ages, you need to piss, and when you go it’s such a nice warm feeling in your cock, it’s almost like an orgasm. It was that feeling that day.

I closed my eyes and pissed, and I may have even sighed it was so satisfying, and it wasn’t until I finished I opened my eyes again and looked in the cubicle. The hole in the wall, which was bigger now since my first time visiting many moons before, was occupied with my neighbour looking back at me.

It took me by surprise, got the nerves going a bit, but I was a bit more confident with myself now, and much hornier than that last time I’d seen a guy in here. I was yet to have any proper fun with a guy though. I’d been in chat rooms, had sex chat, but never anything physical, and nothing close to exhibitionism, at least not until now.

I sat back on the toilet, and lifted my cock from pointing at the bowl, and shook the piss from the end of my dick. He was watching me do it. He seemed intrigued. more so when I pulled back the foreskin of my cock to show my bell end was wet, and there was even a small sign of my precum hanging there. I pulled the foreskin forward and back a few times, which helped the blood start flowing again.

I continued to pump on my cock, and it soon began to go to full hardness. I honestly wasn’t expecting anything like this to happen today, but I was so horny, I couldn’t resist a bit of showing off.

My neighbour continued to watch me, until he disappeared from the hole, and next thing he was on his knees and his eye back at the hole. His hand was under the bottom of the cubicle.

‘Fuck, he wanted to wank me!’ I thought to myself, ‘what do I do?’

Well, I did what any other red blooded man would do, when they didn’t run out the room that is, I got down on my knees too. I shuffled closer to him on the cold floor, and he grabbed hold of my dick really quickly, and he started pumping straight away, without even a hello.

“Fuck!” I whispered out loud.

He replied with heavy breathing, and his own whisper “feels so good mate, grab mine!”

I looked down, and there it was, the head of his cock poking through. I reached down, and for the first time, I grasped another man’s cock. Under the toilet cubicle wall. Of the Uni library.

Hardly an auspicious occasion, or one to remember every year, or really one to be proud of, but at the time all I could think about was this hard cock in my hands.

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Aussie Christmas

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Big Tits

My husband and I moved from China to live in Australia a few years ago just before Christmas, we decided to celebrate our first Christmas in a very Aussie way by taking our lunch to the beach. We both enjoy the beauty and nature of Australia so we chose a beach in the National Park which can only be reached by a long walk through the trees.

In the tourist guide it said the beach was clothing optional so I hoped if there were no people we could take some naked photos. For many years I liked my husband to take pictures of me with my favourite clothes and sometimes with not any clothes, but we had never been able to do it in the natural surroundings before, so we were looking forward to this day.

The walk was very hot so we cooled off in a stream along the way and took some photos which we were very happy with. The beach was very beautiful with a small sandy beach and a rocky platform at the end. There were a couple of families on the beach, so we walked around to the rock ledge to spread our blanket on.

I changed into my new swimsuit and we started to take our photos. After we had been there awhile a couple of men came walking around the rocks from the next small bay. I was very surprised to see they were naked and smiled nervously as they came up to us.

They were not at all shy and smiled widely as they greeted us, “Lovely day for it!” I said yes, we were enjoying the nature very much and had taken lots of good photos. I asked if we could have a photo with them as a souvenir of our first Aussie Christmas. They were very happy to pose and stood closely one each side of me while my husband took a few shots. One of the men said it would make an even better shot if I used my hand to make them bigger.

“But you are already so big!” I blurted out in surprise. They just laughed and said I could make them much bigger if I wanted. I told them we were very happily married, but they said in Australia it was very common for married couples to swap with other people and it was called swinging.

We talked for awhile and then told as that we should bring our blanket around to where they were sitting to share their lunch and then go for a swim. We were very comfortable with our new friends and happy to share our special first Christmas day with some Aussies so we followed them around.

After we settled on the blanket they opened their back packs and brought out their lunch and a bottle of wine they had brought to celebrate Christmas. The cork flew out with a loud bang and they filled two glasses, one for each of us to share.

They tried our selection of treats and we tasted their delicious chicken sandwiches which they said was BBQ. After what seemed like a very short time there was another huge bang and we were sharing their second bottle of wine – they said it was champagne which suits chicken and the sunshine very much.

Our small party was a very happy one with the huge bright blue sky the fresh sound of the waves, and mostly the bubbling enjoyment from the wine. I felt dizzy with the happy feelings of how lucky I was to live in such a beautiful country, with such friendly people.

My husband said my shoulders were becoming darker in the sun and told me I should put some lotion on. As I reached my lotion from my bag, one of the men laughed and said that that was not suitable for the strong Aussie sun and I needed his big tube of proper Aussie cream.

Then instead of handing me the tube he humorously shook it strongly up and down then squirted it dramatically into his hand. It was a very suggestive movement and I quickly pulled away and looked at my husband, but he was very contented from the wine and just smiled back at me.

He took a long time rubbing the cream on my shoulders then put some on my arms and back and said I had a very nice body, but it will look even better if I will take off my swim suit and he can rub me all over.

I reminded him I am married and removed his creamy hand from where it was sliding towards my bottom, but he just laughed and said it would be OK as they were both married and shared each other’s wives often.

He pulled out his phone and showed us many photos of him and his friend and their wives, mostly naked and some having sex together. We were all sitting crowded around the small screen and I started to feel the heat and closeness of their bodies.

They were very humorous and made gentle fun of my husband’s wine affected English, calling him “Charlie boy” because they could not pronounce his name. One photo was of both the men having sex with a blond woman with a very good figure.

“What do you think about that Charlie boy? Who said 2 into 1 won’t go,” They said as my husband took the phone and zoomed in on her large breasts.

“Hmm, Aussie tits more bigger than Chinese tits HAHA!.” He said using some of his newly acquired vocabulary.

The champagne and the happy sexy talking made me relaxed. I was excited and proud to see how big and hard it made them just talking to me. bursa escort A few times I leant closer to the phone so I could also take a look closer at their cocks, and even brushed them with my hand.

Soon I felt a warm hand on my leg. I gently moved it away, but soon it was back even higher up, and I was excited to feel its gentle presence.

An idea was forming in my mind and I reached forward, took one of the men’s hard cock in my hand and squeezed the head between my finger and thumb. It was warm and swelled strongly in answer to my pressure. The butterflies in my belly told me to continue.

“Dear husband, I want to experience these Aussie men fully on this special day – I hope you do not mind,” I said quietly in Chinese to my husband.

We had never been close to anyone but each other so I can see he was very shocked, but somehow it seemed the right thing for all of us on this wonderful day.

I smiled, closed my eyes and slowly began sliding my hand up and down over the fat swollen shaft and the full round head. I imagined how every bump and swollen vein will feel buried inside me.

Very soon a confident tug released the strings of my swimsuit top, and as it fell away a warm hand began squeezing my breasts and pinching my nipples.

When I opened my eyes, it was a wonderful surprise to see that it was other man playing with my breasts, and rubbing his cock, while my husband looked on through his drunken and groggy eyes.

It made me happy to see them enjoying my experience too. The first man was moaning contentedly in time with my hand. My body was reacting to every touch, I writhed in ecstasy.

It started with the tingle from my nipples as they were being rolled and fondled, but soon I felt the deeper heat from between my legs and I began squeezing the muscles there as I imagined what it will feel like with this strange strong cock inside me.

I squeezed my legs together in time with my stroking, encouraging the blood to swell me up and feeling my juices flowing and ready. He reached underneath me from behind and massaged between my bottom deliciously squeezing my cheeks wide apart, his fingers stretching closer and closer to my sex. I leaned forward a little, so he can reach it.

“Fuck you are so hot, oohh God that feels good,” he groaned as his finger went in and began moving round and round.

Realising there was no time left to get his cock inside of me there, I quickly sucked it into my mouth and gripped his lovely swollen head firmly between my lips.

“Oohh, I am gonna come, I’m gonna come, I am coming, fuck I am coming!” He cried out urgently.

I pumped up and down on it, excitedly anticipating the precious sticky mouthful I knew would be coming very soon. As his fingers grasped at my insides and his cock pumped and jerked in my mouth a small orgasm came over me. I swallowed his first surge of juice down then kept gently sucking him in and out until the flow stopped and his cock softened in my mouth. His finger slipped out of me and his hand left my breast as he lay back on the rug.

The other man had been watching closely and could hardly wait for his friend to be released before coming to me. I took hold of his straining cock and as I stretched back on the rug, my husband pulled the stings to release my swimsuit bottoms. As soon as they were out of the way, the man lifted my legs high.

“Charlie boy, you are a lucky guy to be able to stick your dick into that any time you want. It looks so fucking beautiful with those big brown wet lips and the pink inside. My God, it’s heaven on a plate. I am going to lick that pretty pink Chinese pussy until it comes then put my fat Aussie cock in it. What do you think about that Charlie boy. You want to see my cock in her wet Chinese pussy?” He said to my husband, tormenting him.

I felt vulnerable to be in such a position exposed and open to his eyes and hear him talk like that as if I couldn’t hear, but I was unexpectedly excited by it and hoped he will start soon.

“Fat Aussie cock in Chinese wife, haha, very good. I want to see it very much,” said my husband repeatedly sounding more and more stupid each time he said it. It was then how I realized just how drunk my husband was.

With my legs wide apart, the man lifted my bottom off the rug and licked me like a cat lapping cream. His tongue parted me circling softly around and around my entrance, dipping inside, teasing and opening me up more and more.

“You think she’s ready for this fat Aussie cock now Charlie?” he said to my husband.

“Chinese pussy very ready for Aussie cock right now haha!” replied my husband as the man lifted my legs to his shoulders and pushed his cock against my opening, but even though he was determined, and I felt very ready, it wouldn’t go in.

Putting his fingers to his lips he covered them with a large globe of spit and rubbed them over my already wet lips. It was hot, slippery and delicious. A second globe rubbed on the end of his cock and he bursa escort bayan was ready to try again. This time it went in, and kept going in an in and in. When I thought I had no more room left inside me, he kept pushing himself in, not painfully, but more than I ever felt before.

My husband’s long almost childlike ooohhhh of wonder and excitement was overshadowed by the short, grunted exhalations of the other man, as I took more of him into me with each thrust. It felt heavenly and hot in me and gave me another small quiver as it went slowly back and forwards.

“What do you think about that Charlie boy? Do you like how my fat Aussie cock looks in your wife? Can you see her white juice creaming on my cock Charlie? You want me to fill her with my hot Aussie cum Charlie?” He said mockingly.

“Ahhh, Chinese juice on Aussie cock, very good. Make more juice in pussy even better. Haha!” said my husband sounding more and more drunk.

My husband was holding my hand, almost hypnotised by our rhythmic movements and sound of the man’s body slapping against me. Our bodies collided together over and over again.

“Fuck, oohh fuck, oohh god, ooh fuck, ooh that’s good!” the guy grunted.

The mans’ thrusts grew increasingly urgent and my husband advised me unnecessarily that the man would be cumming soon.

Immediately the guy started thrusting into me so hard it slid me along the rug, and I could feel him even deeper inside. He lifted my legs and bottom even higher until he was hammering his cock straight down into me and I could feel it bumping the very back of my insides.

“God that’s good, oooh, aaahh, huh, huh, huh, huh aahhh!” He started crying out louder.

I held him tightly to me while his cock convulsed and squirted inside me, and my husband squeezed and patted my hand as another small orgasm washed over me. Although he was softer now, it was still very deeply inside, and as the full length of it slipped slowly out of me, air and juices gurgled and flowed down between my bottom.

On my other side I could see the first man was squeezing his half hard cock and waiting for his friend to roll off me.

“The other one is ready again. Can you do it?” My husband told me excitedly in Chinese.

Without waiting for a reply, he helped me up on my hands and knees and angled my bottom towards the first man. Nothing happened at first and I thought my husband was wrong about the man being ready, but then I heard him breathing.

“My God, what a beautiful bottom, and perfect pussy!” I heard him say excitedly.

When I looked back I could see him behind me just looking at it with his face very close. The feel of his warm breath between my legs made me anxious for him to be in me, and I was pleased to feel his hands on my bottom, opening me up and rubbing the juice all over me and teasing both my holes with his fingers.

His cock slid in more easily than his friend’s had and soon he was bumping against my bottom, saying how nice and good that felt.

I was nearly at another orgasm when he pulled out and replaced his cock with his fingers. My juices mixed with his friend’s cream were flowing out freely and when he started scooping them up with his fingers I was nervous and excited to realise what he is planning. One slippery finger slid into my bottom and started moving gently, then another one followed in.

My husbands gasp told me he was watching closely, and I was excited to think he was enjoying it too. It was so delicious I started pushing back onto the fingers and I can hear myself moaning. Then he slid them out and I felt his cock scooping up more cream and pressing into my bottom. He was gentle and took some time to fit it all in, but the feeling was heavenly. My insides were turned to honey and melting out of me.

My muscles are gripping and shaking uncontrollably from me as I concentrated on that pinpoint of pleasure growing and fading with his slow rhythm. Each time it grew more and faded less until it was a continuous pulsing lance of pure ecstasy.

“Oooh fuck look at that creamy smooth bottom. Charlie. Look at my cock in that beautiful bum hole, oooh God that feels good, god she is so tight, my God I wanna come, I’m gunna come!” said the man.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and pleased to find it was my husband, pulled him round until he was kneeling with his head close to mine and his arm around my shoulders kissing my neck and murmuring that I was doing good in Chinese.

I was so happy for him to share my pleasure and wished I could also see how I look from behind with that lovely cock going in and out. Behind me the man was thrusting desperately, his sack bumping against me with each stroke. When he made the last desperate lunge and held hard into my bottom, I was ready for it and as his cock began pulsing inside my bottom, my own muscles fluttered and spasmed on it.

My husband supported the two of us gently to the rug as my legs turned to jelly and collapsed. We couldn’t move for a escort bursa short while then the man pulled out of me and lay on the rug.

My husband kissed me gently from my neck and shoulders, down my back and rubbed his cheeks across my bottom. He massaged me tenderly down my legs then back up to my bottom and back.

He murmured gently in Chinese how beautiful I am and how proud he is of me. When he opened my legs and massaged inside my thighs and bottom I can feel the first slow stirring of my excitement again. When he rolled me gently over and massaged my breasts and tummy his endearing words and loving hands stirred my love for him. He kissed my lips and nuzzled my tingling nipples.

He put the flat of his palm against the warm sticky part between my legs and massaged me gently where I was still throbbing and sensitive. My body was warm and glowing all over as he kissed me deeply and when his fingers entered me I opened wide and deep for him. There was a power and purpose to his motions as his hand moved rapidly up and down, lifting my bottom off the rug, and making a delicious wet noise. It was a new and intense experience for me and as he squeezed his fingers against my insides I felt a different feeling from any other time, like I was going to pee.

I forced myself to concentrate on his fingers jerking inside me and the palm of his hand rubbing hard against the swollen folds of my open sex. I swivelled around so I can get him in my mouth, but I was being bounced up and down so much I can only clamp my lips around him and suck him hard and deep. Beside me on the other side I was aware of another body and felt a new hand pulling and squeezing my breasts.

Grasping blindly around me, my hand found another cock and I grabbed it hard near the base and rubbed it roughly over my nipples and breasts. I could feel both men building up and crazy with excitement, watching and feeling each other’s wild enjoyment of me

The feeling from inside me was so intense I fought and thrashed against my husband’s hand like a huge fish trying to free myself from his fingers hooked deeply into my flesh.

I squeezed my legs together until his fist was a hard knot between my thighs, then I threw them wide apart and pushed my hips high in the hot sunshine until I could see the part of me where he had me caught. He held me firm through my every wild lunge, and every move embedded him deeper and brought me closer and closer to him.

Quite suddenly I had no energy left to fight, I fell limp in his arms and surrendered to the overwhelming waves of my orgasm flowing from my belly and gushing hotly over his fingers and out of me. Gasping as he pushed desperately deeper one last time, his own hot creamy juice flooded into my mouth. As it spilled out over my chin and neck the other man grunted and started pumping and squirting over my breasts.

For many minutes there was only our rough breathing in the stillness and I thought how much pleasure we can get from the natural things. I rubbed my husband’s sperm from my chin and mixed it with the other running over my breasts and belly.

The smell of it was so wonderful as I scooped some up on my fingers and rubbed it over my hard nipples and put it to my lips. They both watched as I licked my fingers and smiled up at them. The other man came over and ran his hands lightly over my breast belly and between my legs.

“Fuck what a work out! Did anyone keep the score? Good on you Charlie boy! That is some wife you’ve got there!” He said laughing.

I was very happy and very proud these strong Aussie men wanted to be with me, and proud my husband trusted me to enjoy the day in such a special way.

After awhile I took my husband’s hand and we stumbled on rubbery legs into the sea, swimming out to the calm water, past where the waves were swelling and foaming their way to the shore.

The sky was brilliant blue above us as we floated side by side on our backs, resting with hands just touching as we paddled to keep afloat. When we came back in our friends had opened more beers and kept drinking.

Their gay mood had turned more serious now, and they talked mostly about what we had just done and what they wanted to do to me next. For me and my husband, the hot, steamy mood and the dizzy wine had been washed away in the sharp clear ocean and I wanted to leave the memory behind as a free and happy celebration of something special.

I covered up and tried to talk lightly of the beauty of life and how we were looking forward to the freedom to enjoy many experiences in our new country. The men were a little drunk now, and just wanted sex with me again.

They touched themselves as we talked and tried to slide their hands under my swimwear. This time their sex talk was rougher without the light humour of earlier, and I was disappointed when they didn’t understand that I had taken them simply and naturally as equals because it was what I wanted too.

Now they talked mainly of their enjoyment of me and asked if anyone had given me so many orgasms before. They asked so many details of how it felt to have it in my bottom, if I ever had that experience before, when I peed at the end, and which one of them I enjoyed most.

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Jane, Living and Loving Ch. 01

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My good friend, Rod suggested that I should sit down and write my life stories. He says that they are very erotic and that others would enjoy reading them. I love to read other peoples erotic stories so I readily agreed to write them.

First a little about myself and my early life.

My name is Jane and I was born in a little country town in Queensland, Australia in 1960. I was the youngest of my parents three children, I have two older brothers. Because we lived on a farm and there was no school in our town, when I was six years of age I was sent to a girls boarding school in a large town about 150 kilometres away.

My Mum would drive me to school on each Monday morning and My Dad would pick me up on a Friday afternoon. They would take my brothers to and from a boys school in the same town at the same time.

I started to become really aware of my body when I turned fourteen. Some of the other girls had reached their puberty when they were much younger but I was a late bloomer. When I was young I was sort of just skinny, then I started to grow tall until I was nearly 5’6″ when I was thirteen. But shortly after my fourteenth birthday I suddenly stopped growing up and started growing out. By the time I left school at nearly eighteen I was only 5’7′ tall but I had developed curves. I was then a size 12 with a figure of about 34 25 36.

All the other girls at school envied my legs, they grew to be long and, if I say so myself, quite shapely. I had done a lot of sport in school including being the Captain of the hockey team which won a state girls inter-school championship and winning the school tennis in Years 11 and 12. Keeping fit through sport had given me a body of which I was proud. My biggest disappointment then was that I felt my breasts were too small, only being a small ‘B’ cup.

I liked to keep myself looking nice though. At home on the farm I was a bit of a tom-boy, you have to be when all the company of your own age is your brothers. During the day I would wear jeans or shorts with cotton button-up blouses and work boots as I helped around the farm. At night though I would always spend the hour before dinner making myself look good. I would have a nice long hot shower and would wash my hair every night. Then I would spend at least 20 minutes brushing my hair.

I have always liked my hair. It is very black and it gets so shiny when it is clean and dry. I would wear it in a shortish page-boy during the summer and would tie it back during the day. During winter I would let it grow out to a bit longer than shoulder length. Of course at school I had to keep it tied back all the time but at night I would let it out and brush it through. Sometimes my friends at school would brush it for me and I always thrilled to feel them touching my hair.

I would then choose a dress or a skirt and blouse, something girly to keep me aware of my femininity. My Mum was always so pleased that I liked to dress up a little and my Dad was also always very gallant, telling me that I was the prettiest girl in the district and that I was by far his most attractive daughter. I would always giggle at that, it’s hard not to be his most attractive daughter when you are the only daughter. Jokes aside, I loved the flattery that my Dad showed me. As for my brothers, well, as soon as I turned fourteen they spent most of their time trying to look down the front of my blouse.

I didn’t get much of a chance to meet boys when I was in school. My only sex education was what the other girls in school told me and what I learned from surreptitiously listening to my older brothers talking about what they had been up too with their various girlfriends. They had both left school when they were sixteen to work on the farm with my Dad and both were very handsome and popular with the girls in the district. If only half their conquests I overheard them talking about were true, they were still having a lot of fun.

On my eighteenth birthday I started at a teachers training college in Brisbane doing a commercial teachers course. I was very innocent and, of course, still a virgin. Our class at college was about three parts girls to one part guys. To my great surprise I found myself to be somewhat of a centre of attention as far as the guys were concerned. I was very flattered and even more so when one of the other girls in my class told me that most of the other girls were a little jealous of me.

Since I was still young and very naive, my parents arranged for me to live in an off-campus residential college, Barnaby House. It was run by a large protestant church although it was non-denominational in the selection of the girls who lived there. It was run on very strict rules and we were expected to behave like ladies at all times. Signs on the walls of the dormitory wings would urge us to be always chaste and demure. There were very strict dress codes which we had to adhere to both in and out of the college.

I quickly made bursa escort friends there but my best friend was a girl called Mariette who shared a room with another girl next door to me. Mariette was 22 and in her third year of medicine at University. She had lived at Barnaby House for three years when I first met her. She was a short bubbly girl, also from the bush; she was very pretty with shoulder length honey blonde hair. Mariette had very large breasts, she was a 44D, on a fairly small frame, a size 14. Even so she was still quite athletic and managed to carry her breasts well although there were limits to what sports she could play. She was still a reasonable tennis player though and we had many fun games of tennis at the courts near Barnaby House.

My own roommate was girl named Sandra. She went to the same teachers college as me but was in her second year. She was very shy and reserved and spent all her free time studying. Sandra was a large girl and very self conscious about her weight; she would always wear very loose baggy clothes. I got on very well with Sandra but really saw only first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Mariette was my soulmate. Mariette was a lot of fun though with a great sense of humour like me. We were always making each other laugh and would spend hours in her room or the common room talking and playing card games or listening to music. This was the late 1970s and we played Abba, Skyhooks and Elton John on the record player over and over again. Mariette and I loved Elton John, we didn’t know then that he was gay.

Sometimes we would sit in her room if her roommate was out and Mariette liked to brush my hair out for me. Our talk would nearly always turn to sex. Mariette liked to talk about sex although she was very coy about telling me anything about her own experiences. Of course, she knew that I was a virgin. She did tell me that she had had sex with at least one boy and of course, being a medical student, she knew a great deal about the anatomical details of sex. As a virgin with a very limited exposure to boys, I was all ears and eager to learn all I could. At that time in my life, I could not see when in the future I would ever be able to use my new found sexual knowledge but I wanted to find out as much as I could. I was determined at that time to keep my virginity until I was married. My mother had instilled in me that my virginity would be the greatest gift that I could give to the man I loved. “A gift without price,” she called it.

Mariette would often ask me to describe my favourite fantasies. Being inexperienced these were quite simple fantasies about boys I had seen or knew from teachers college. The sex discussions that we had were in some ways disturbing though. Often I would become aware that I was becoming aroused. I could feel my nipples harden and could feel the wetness start between my thighs. Sometimes Mariette would stare at me suspiciously and then make some joke about my state which usually left my greatly embarrassed.

Often after these sessions and back in my own bed, I would wait until after ‘lights out’ and I could hear Sandra’s sleeping rhythm, then I would masturbate, biting my own bottom lip so that I would not cry out when my orgasm rose from within me.

During one of our sex chats, as we called them, I confessed to Mariette about my playing with myself when I went to bed. Mariette giggled and told me that she also did that too. She then asked me what I was thinking of when I masturbated. I told her that I thought of all sorts of things but nothing in particular. She then surprised me by asking if I ever thought of girls when I masturbated or her in particular. I was a little shocked at the question and said no but asked her why she had asked. She just gave me a funny sort of smile and said she didn’t know why. We didn’t speak of that particular subject again. But that night when I went to bed, I did think of Mariette while I brought myself off with my fingers. I was stunned when my orgasm was the most powerful I had ever experienced, I couldn’t restrain myself from crying out as yet another climax hit me. I only stopped when I heard Sandra begin to stir on the other side of the room.

Barnaby House was run by the Matron, Mrs Honeycomb. She was in her late forties, a tall willowy woman who dyed her hair blue in that horrible way that some older women did back then. Mrs Honeycomb was very strict about our behaviour in the college and we had to stick to our curfew of 8.30 PM every evening and be in bed with the lights out by 10.30 PM. We had to act like ladies at all times and always be appropriately dressed, we were not allowed to wear a skirt that showed our knees and jeans were only allowed in our own rooms, never in the dining room or common room. Mrs Honeycomb was always taking Mariette and I to task over our behaviour, we were just having fun though.

Barnaby House also had a number of ‘chaperones’ who lived there too. These bursa escort bayan were usually women over 25 and were unmarried. They were really a bit like prefects in high school, there job was to keep an eye on us younger girls. Some were real bitches but most were very nice. Our chaperone in our wing was a lady called Pamela. She had lived at the college since she was 17. At this time she had just turned 30. During the day she worked as a secretary for a solicitor.

I thought that Pamela was one of the most attractive women I had ever seen. She had long wavy brown hair that she usually wore plaited. She had a beautiful smile that made dimples in both cheeks and grey eyes that seemed to see right through us. She was about the same height as me, maybe a little taller and had a lovely curvy body but kept her figure very trim with a good diet and taking long walks every morning before breakfast. When she dressed for work she always looked very elegant, she wore little make up although she liked to wear jewellery, usually only a simple string of pearls around her neck and a gold bracelets. She dressed modestly as befitted her status in the college but her clothing was always just perfect and stylish.

Pamela would often sit and talk to us younger girls in the common room or sometimes she would come to our rooms and chat. She was quite sophisticated although very easy to get on with. She would often comment on our dress and would give us very good advice about the latest fashions. Whenever anyone in the wing bought new clothes, Pamela would ask us put it on and parade before her. Her comments were always intuitive and she would often help us with any small alterations needed. She would often make small adjustments to our clothes as we paraded before her and she had a way of gently touching and leaving her fingers to linger on us that would give me goose-bumps.

Chaperones were permitted to come and go as they pleased but Pamela usually did not go out. Except on Saturday nights when she would go out, looking very lovely although still modestly dressed. What was different then was that she wore more makeup, very beautifully and artfully applied, not a lot, but enough to turn the heads of all the girls in the wing. Where she went on Saturday night was the subject of much discussion among the girls and, when asked, Pamela would smile her lovely smile and just say that she went out to see friends. She would mostly return very late, 3.00 or 4.00 AM and we could hear her let herself in. She would never rise on Sunday morning until lunchtime when she would appear as lovely and serene as ever.

We girls would often talk about Pamela’s Saturday night out. Some said that she had a boyfriend somewhere, some said that she was working as a barmaid in a pub while, more outrageously, some even suggested that she was a stripper in a nightclub. We would all giggle delightedly with our musings but we were never sure what she did on Saturday nights. Mariette and I often talked about it together. Mariette would always say that the other girls were cruel to suggest the things that they did. She said that Pamela was most likely going out to meet a rich and handsome lover, a romantic notion that I completely agreed with.

Although the Barnaby House curfew was strictly enforced there were ways to get out. I had continued to play hockey and tennis in Brisbane and, with my parents permission, I was allowed to go out to training and games and come back late if needed. When I did return after curfew I would have to ring the night bell and report to Matron that I was back. She knew all my hockey and tennis itineraries and would question me closely if I was ever the slightest bit late.

The other way to get out of Barnaby House legally was to have an ‘approved visiting family’ meaning someone that your parents would allow you to visit and stay away overnight. I had one of my Aunts, Cathy, Mum’s sister who I visited often. Mariette was also approved to visit Aunty Cathy with me and I was also allowed to go with Mariette to visit her grandmother. We often visited them on the weekends although Mariette also had other people, friends of her parents, with whom she visited without taking me along. When we returned to the college we had to show a letter to Matron to show that we had really been where we were supposed to be.

My tennis club was about a 15 minute train ride from the college. On most Saturdays during summer, I would go there and play tennis all afternoon and then stay at the clubhouse for dinner. After that, at about 8.00 PM I would often go straight to Aunty Cathy’s house which was another 30 minute train ride away if I was to stay there or would go back to the college. If Mariette was staying too, she would meet me at the tennis club first.

On one Saturday night, I stayed a little later and helped some of the ladies auxiliary clean up the kitchen after dinner before going on the Aunty Cathy’s. Mariette had told me that she had escort bursa to go to her grandmother’s house for a private dinner with family so I was to go to Aunty Cathy’s on my own. The cleaning up meant that I didn’t leave the tennis club until about 9.30 PM. Before I left I used the club phone to ring Aunty Cathy and tell her I would be a bit late.

Aunty Cathy was my Mum’s younger sister. She had been a late in life baby, born 15 years after her next oldest sister, my Mum. Aunty Cathy had been a hippy during the 1960s, a real flower child in that time of peace marches, free love and free drugs. Most of her family were suspicious of Aunty Cathy but she got on well with my Mum and my Dad thought she was great. Every family needs a rebel to keep them sane, my Dad would say. At this time, Aunty Cathy was about 35 years old, recently split from her partner and bringing up two small children on a barmaid’s wage and a small pension.

On this night, Aunty Cathy had been drinking, I could tell from her voice when I rang, and she told me that I could come in anytime with my own key as she was going to bed.

I caught a train to the city and sat back in the seat. I had played some very good games of tennis that day, winning the ladies singles and coming second in the doubles with another lady. I was pleasantly tired after my exertions and very relaxed. I had showered at the club before dinner and changed into a skirt and blouse with my club blazer on to ward of the night chill.

I arrived at Roma Street where I had to change trains. I crossed to the new train, got in and sat down at a window seat. Glancing out of the window I was surprised to see Pamela, our chaperone from college, walk through the station and get onto my train one compartment ahead.

She was dressed beautifully as usual in a well cut beige dress suit which stopped half way down her calves. Under her jacket she had on a soft pink silk blouse which she had showed us when she had bought it only two days before. She had black stockings on with medium high heels. Her hair was not in its usual plaits but was pinned up except for a bang which she left hanging over her left eye.

Pamela looked stunning and many heads turned as she boarded. She didn’t look near me at all and took a seat in the compartment ahead looking away from me. I started to rise to go and greet her but something stopped me and I sat back in my seat again. Besides I should have been at my Aunt’s house over an hour before and she might tell the Matron on me. The train moved off and I just sat back watching the back of Pamela’s head.

One station before mine, Pamela stood up to get off. When she left, on impulse, I waited a moment to put some distance between us and then followed her. As I got off the train, I saw her walking briskly down a suburban street. I followed at a distance, my dark skirt and blazer making me hard to see in the dark should she look back. After a little while, she stopped at a small cottage and I slipped quickly behind a street tree. She looked around quickly to see if anyone was watching then walked up the path to the front door and, taking a key from her handbag, opened it and went in.

I walked slowly up to the front of the cottage; I wasn’t really sure what I should do now. I felt a bit foolish standing there, spying on my college chaperone. I turned to walk away when a thought came to me! All the girls in our wing were curious about where Pamela went on a Saturday night! Well, tonight was Saturday, Pamela was in the cottage that I stood in front of and I had the opportunity to find out for real what she was doing here. Always a quick decision maker, I slipped through the gate and followed the path around the back of the house.

It was very dark there. I gently placed my tennis bag on the ground under a bush where I could easily find it and then crept closer to the house. I walked slowly, letting my eyes become accustomed to the dark. I am not afraid of the dark, not many country girls are, and I soon could see enough to get close to the house.

The entire house was in darkness except for a room at the front but I could not see in as the drapes were drawn tight there. I could hear the soft murmur of voices inside as well as sounds from a radio or television. Occasionally sounds of laughter, ladies laughter, would escape and at least twice I heard the clink of a bottle on glass.

I waited for over an hour leaning ever so still against the wall. Eventually I decided that I would not be able to see who Pamela was with in there and so I prepared to leave. I thought to myself that I would bring Mariette here next Saturday night to see if we could catch Pamela again. I giggled silently to myself, thinking that Mariette would think it was a huge adventure.

As I reached my tennis bag and bent to pick it up, I heard a door close in the house. Looking back I saw that the light had gone off and the background noise had stopped. Then I saw a chink of light appear in a window near the back of the house. I froze there for a little while, not sure if someone would come out and catch me or not, but then I relaxed as I heard a tinkle of laughter from the house again.

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A Wounded Dove

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Screams emanated throughout the room echoing off the walls filling the house with that unmistakable feeling of tension and anger. Jen and Scott would scream at each other all the time unable to communicate. It seemed that most of the time their arguments were about nothing of any importance. It was just that their inability to communicate with each other had caused small things to become bigger or more of a problem then they would ordinarily be. The truth was that they never agreed on anything anymore and peace was something that seemed to be impossible. The children would lock themselves in their rooms and play their music and video games trying to drown out the sounds of their parents. The children were used to the arguing, but that did not mean they enjoyed hearing it on a daily basis. They much preferred to pretend they were oblivious to what was happening. It was almost as if they thought that ignoring it all would make the fighting stop.

Jen, (the mother) was sorry about the home environment that her kids were growing up in, but she could not see any alternative. She was in no way ready or strong enough to pack up her things and leave. Even though she knew that her husband Scott didn’t care about her anymore there were other things that made her stay. There were her children whom she adored and loved, and the nice house with all her things. She also felt that staying with her husband preserved the family unit. However, that was not the case because the house was obviously no more then a broken home. People may argue this, but sometimes she wondered; isn’t divorce better than a harsh and angry marriage in a home filled with negative emotions? She also wondered; would her children not rather see their parents separate and with some sense of peace, than together and filled with resentment? In addition to the children there was the style of life with the country club membership and the circle of friends, which included the dinner parties.

It was these things that Jen held onto desperately trying to milk every ounce of satisfaction that they gave her. However the satisfaction was slim to none. Her house was not a home and had not been for years. So yes she had lots of accessories and things, but she would rather have her husband love her. However, that just wasn’t happening. He didn’t even respect her anymore. It was as if he had put her in her place a long time ago and this she knew. It wasn’t to say she was content to be there, but rather that she just couldn’t build up the courage to stand her ground. To say I won’t take it anymore; either treat me with some respect or I am out of here. She would always talk about how this time he had gone too far and that if it didn’t get better she would be out of there. But it was always just talk and never anything more. For in reality she never had the courage to see it through, and beyond that she still loved her husband. Even after everything he had done and put her through, she still loved him.

Truthfully she was in love with the man that he used to be. The one she had fallen in love with. She would think back to how they had met all those years ago. She had been a young woman at a university and in her opinion prettier and more confident. She had been in the line at the dining hall when he had walked by with his football buddies. He had looked at her and smiled and she was taken by his handsome face and presence. He had been tall and strong and with this blonde hair and baby blue eyes. All of her friends had turned their heads and said wow when he had smiled at Jen.

“He is so gorgeous,” one of them said.

“He is quite handsome,” Jen said with an excited giggle.

Scott and his friends had their own little conversation.

“Who is that pretty girl?” Scott asked?

“That’s Jen, she’s a friend of my girl Katie,” one of his friends stated.

An introduction was soon arranged and thus their courtship started. Scott had been sweet and such a gentleman during that time. Plus he was a handsome football star and this allowed Jen big access into the social scene, and significantly elevated her status. They had been exclusive all through college and one of the most recognized couples on campus. It had been a wonderful time in her life and she longed for those days. She longed for them with all she had. Jen remembered senior year homecoming. It had been a brisk fall day as she sat in the stands watching the big game. Scott had scored the winning touchdown and the crowd had gone wild. Later that evening they had been walking back from a party, where on the main quad, by the light of the moon and stars he got down on his knee and proposed. It had solidified the relationship they had been building over the years. She could not believe sometimes where that man had gone and who he had become. Just when had her husband transformed into the overweight and insensitive jerk that cared nothing about her feelings?

She thought also about herself and wondered when she had gotten so old? Jen found herself to be aged and unattractive as if her youthfulness bursa escort had all vanished. She would look at herself in the mirror and think; did I get too big? Are their hints of gray in my hair? Is that why he doesn’t look at me the same?” However, in truth she was only in her 40’s and still a beautiful woman underneath it all, but she just didn’t see much reason to show that anymore. She felt the efforts to take the time and preserve her beauty were simply lost on her husband and her family. No one ever took any notice and this discouraged Jen, so only on rare occasions did she allow her true beauty to shine through. However, still it was there for anyone who cared to notice. She had silky brown hair that fell about her shoulders and was soft to the touch. It looked really nice when she let it grow and be well cared for. However, sometimes she didn’t have the strength in her, and she would cut her hair short, and it with it would go all of the potential. In addition, Jen had these deep dark eyes that allowed you to look into her soul. She had become more reserved over the years and it had been a long time since she had allowed anyone to look at her that way. She also had this beautiful smile that was accented by her glistening white teeth. Her body may not have been what it used to be, but it was full and shapely. Of course there were some signs of aging and Jen dwelled on these rather on the fact that she still looked quite good considering all she dealt with on a regular basis.

But there was so much more still. Jen’s so-called friends really didn’t know who she was. What they knew was nothing more then an act in which Jen and her husband would play their respective roles. If you were to imagine them as merely actors you would have to say that they were of Oscar quality. For Scott seemed like such a regular guy with always something witty to say. But in truth behind closed doors he was no more than a pompous asshole. His muscular frame had turned to fat and flab over the years. After college Scott had thrown many of his exercise and eating habits away. He now ate what he wanted and drank too much beer and rarely exercised outside of his construction work business. Jen these days had learned to smile on the outside when she was crying on the inside. She was in no way completely innocent because no one is perfect. She knew she had somehow unwittingly contributed to her situation, but she also knew underneath it all she was a good person who just wanted to be understood and loved.

Few people knew the real Jen and the truth of what went on inside the household. Brian was one of these people who really knew Jen better than most. He liked to believe that he was a true friend to her and someone that she could count on. He had been around her and her family for quite sometime now. Their families had all met each other through common free time activities, like tennis and other sports. Brian was now a young man in his early twenties and of average height. He was not overly attractive nor would he have stood out in a crowd. However, he was lean, strong and handsome in his own way. Brian had a thick head of dark hair and blue eyes that stood out against his hair. When one first met Brian they would notice his strong hands and firm handshake.

Brian in the past had become a good friend with Jen’s oldest child Kevin who was about his age. Kevin was a nice boy, but he was very moody. Sometimes he would become upset and go off somewhere alone and pout. He would have his mini tantrum and return again sometime later like nothing had happened. He was an odd child and it was not until years later that Brian would realize why Kevin had acted the way he did, and that Kevin had only been a product of his household. Brian, his best friend Melissa and Kevin had all traveled with the same circle of friends at the time. They had spent much time together during summer camp and having parties at the houses of different people in the group of friends. They were all carefree young teenagers who had their whole lives ahead of them and they just wanted to have a good time. But much time had passed since then, things had changed and the three of them really weren’t so close anymore. The whole group had grown up and gone their separate ways. But that was really not of any importance to either of them. It was a whole separate story that would have to be told in its own time. Now Brian and Melissa were older. They had managed to stay friends over the years. Brian and Melissa had known each other almost their entire lives and there was not much that could hurt their friendship. Brian thought of her like a sister and he vowed that he would always be there for Melissa if she needed him; always as a true friend whom she could count on and nothing more or less. Brian valued friendship and he knew how hard friends like that were to find.

Over the years Melissa had been working for Jen and Scott watching the younger son and driving him around in high school and later in summer break during college. Due to the fact that she was Brian’s best friend bursa escort bayan he also became more involved with the family. Brian found himself hanging around them more and spending time at their house. Back in the beginning of it all he had noticed there was something special about Jen, but he never understood what. When they were younger the group would sometimes go to Kevin’s house. Jen would always be there with a smile on her face and a big bow in her brown hair. Brian had been too young to see through Jen’s glittery exterior. Now he knew that she had wonderful grace under pressure having survived all those years in what was obviously an unhappy marriage.

During the time that Brian spent around their family Jen became rather fond of him. To her he seemed to be a sweet and genuine young man, very different then her husband and sons. Perhaps this is what helped their friendship to grow. She had seen Brian grow up into the kind of man she wished her sons to be; one who was compassionate and understanding, but also smart and independent. Brian was someone who did not harbor feelings of anger and was capable of expressing his emotions at the appropriate times. As Jen became closer to Brian she allowed herself to open up to him. Well, at first she simply stopped playing the role of the happy wife. Brian saw inside of her and realized that there was so much pain and hurt in her life. Her husband had stopped loving her years ago and she was still clinging to the hope that he would come around. Brian felt a need to be there for Jen to show her that someone cared. Brian felt that Jen deserved so much more that her husband was providing her. She deserved to be respected and loved. To be seen for the beautiful and desirable woman that she was.

Jen picked up on this and tried to show Brian that she appreciated his kindness. She would talk to him about her life when they were alone.

“Things have been pretty bad these days,” she would say.

“You don’t have to tell me Jen, I have been here, I have eyes,” Brian would say.

“Yeah, I know you hear the arguing. It is so embarrassing.”

“Well what do you plan to do about it?”

“I have no idea. I can’t leave him, I do know that much,” she would say with a sigh.

“Well, that’s your choice, I guess,” Brian would say redirecting the conversation.

Jen would confide in Brian but only to a certain degree. She would make references to actions, events, and things said. She would never go into detail and never become overly emotional. However, she did not need to tell Brian all the details because he knew all too well how it was for Jen. Jen never could hide the truth from Brian because he had been witness to one too many arguments. After his presence became more common place in the house, Scott no longer felt the need to contain himself around Brian, and the true colors of their marriage started to show. This was most likely why Jen felt so close and comfortable with Brian because he knew who she was on the inside, and the outside, and how distinct those two personalities were.

Sometimes Brian would come to ride the horses with Melissa and Jen would say “he’s not here,” signaling she wanted to talk, and they would sit, Brian listening, while she vented. Sometimes he would offer Jen his hand and she would take it holding it ever so gently. When he had to leave she would give him a loving hug and softly kiss his cheek.

“Can’t you stay awhile longer?” she would ask.

“I have to get home and get ready for work, as I am on evening shift today,” Brian would say.

“Well, you are coming back tomorrow sometime right?” she would add, showing her desire to spend more time together.

“Not sure what my plans are or what Melissa is up to,” Brian would answer, not sure if he should commit or show excitement at seeing her again.

These conversations and requests for visits gave Brian mixed emotions because he really cared about Jen, but he also knew that inside she was still attached to her husband. He wanted to protect her, but he also knew that he could not force her to make any decisions that she was not ready for. The decisions could only be made when she was able to deal with the consequences. But still he stayed by her side as the friend that she could lean on.

However, at times he wondered what Jen wanted from their friendship and where it was headed. Did she want more than he was offering? Was that the reason for all her small gestures of affection? Or was it simply that she was happy that someone actually cared? Brian often found himself contemplating Jen’s actions and her feelings towards him. Brian had no doubt that there were emotions of some kind present between the two of them. He just was not clear about the depth of these emotions. Brian was also at the time scared to discover any hidden truth in those emotions. Jen’s marriage and home situation were very volatile and anything happening would have been disastrous to say the least. That was not even including the reactions of his friend Melissa and escort bursa both of their families. The whole dynamic that had been established over the years would have been forever broken if they started any kind of relationship, and Brian was not sure he wanted to be responsible for that.

With the passing years Jen’s younger son (Billy) had grown in age and Melissa and Brian begun to treat him as more of an equal. He was about 5 years younger but often times tried to be mature and polite. The three of them would spend late nights together at the house watching movies and playing video games. They always had good times together and enjoyed those times. Brian and Melissa wanted to provide Billy with times when he could forget about his parents and just have fun. Billy was a typical teenager who had his friends and his parties and pushed the limits at times. He was also a really good person at heart and that was obvious to Melissa and to Brian. Since the oldest son Kevin had all but cut ties with Melissa and Brian, Billy became the one that they were friendlier with. On nights when neither of them had the energy to drive home they would just crash there.

Brian never minded this and he enjoyed the mornings where he would wake up early and go to the kitchen. Soon after Jen would come in wearing her nightgown and they would talk as she fussed over breakfast.

“Good morning, Jen,” he would say as he waited for the pot of coffee to finish brewing.

“Morning Brian, you’re up early,” she would say with a smile, knowing full well it was for her benefit.

Jen looked so beautiful to Brian even before she had bothered to fix herself up. It was her natural beauty that he noticed. Her dark eyes, soft face and the way her hair fell recklessly around her face. That was Jen in the truest and most basic sense and Brian appreciated that side of her. Jen always felt relaxed and never felt the need to prepare herself in any manner for Brian. He doesn’t care that I look a mess, he likes me just the way I am, she would reason. This feeling of peace mixed with the aroma of cinnamon buns in the air was quite pleasant to Brian. It had all started to become quite common and comfortable for both of them. His presence at the house was never questioned by anyone and that summer he was just around most of the time. During those mornings no one else would be awake for a good while and the two of them enjoyed spending this private time together. Before everyone else emerged and before the inevitable tension began to rise around all of them. Those times were special to them and always much too short. They would talk over coffee and Jen would be relaxed and more like the person Brian imagined she could be under different circumstances. The person that he believed needed to come to Jen’s surface and replace this mask that she had been choosing to wear.

One of those many nights when Brian and Melissa stayed over ended in a way that would change their lives forever.

“Come riding today,” Melissa said to Brian over the phone.

“Sure, but don’t you have to drive Billy around today?”

“No, I dropped him off with friends for the day. I won’t pick him up until much later. Plus you’re off work right?”

“Ok, I’ll head that way soon. Yes I am off.”

Melissa and Brian would go to the house and ride the horses and hang out. There was this cozy barn and this whole beautiful field that almost never got used. The children hardly rode anymore and the horses needed the exercise. The free use of the grounds was very enticing to Brian and Melissa who loved horses. They would get the horses ready and ride them around the field running, jumping and feeling free.

“Jen and Scott are having a party tonight, we should offer to help,” Melissa said.

“I don’t know, you know how Scott gets about these parties,” Brian replied.

“All the more reason to help, Jen will need our support,” Melissa added.

“That is true, so I guess I’m in,” Brian answered.

The usually bickering went on between Jen and Scott as he hounded her about the preparations. It had been his idea to have the party, but somehow it was her fault that nothing seemed to be coming together the way he wanted. It was always her fault because Scott was never wrong.

After the work was done the guests arrived and dinner was served. Usually Brian and Melissa would eat with any of the younger crowd that was around. That was just how it was when they ate and Brian understood this. The meal was the more serious part of the dinner party scene. But afterwards Jen would always offer Brian a seat right next to her. He would join the conversation and notice how she would eventually be smiling, laughing and have her arm around the top of his chair. She looked almost happy during those moments. But if he looked close at her face he could see the tears waiting to come out; especially on this night when she had put on such a good show for her willing audience. They of course had unknowingly enjoyed every moment. It was as if they should have stood up and applauded while Jen and Scott took their bows. Later that night the guests all left and he had helped them clean up. When they had a moment to themselves Brian asked Jen what was troubling her so. She whispered to him:

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Jackelettes- Initiation

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Jackie was exited. This was her first day on campus and she wanted to look around. She had moved up a couple weeks early because she wanted to have a chance to get to know the campus before she would have to elbow her way through the crowds.

There was another reason. A group her mother used to belong to when she was in college had opened a chapter there and tonight was sort of a grand opening. While her mother said she would be there Jackie had not seen her y et and assumed her to already be around or late as usual.

As Jackie wandered the halls she noticed very few kids had made it up to the campus yet. The whole time she was up there she saw at most 30 people. She had run into a couple of girls going to the same event as her. One was Irene who looked like she could live happily in a library, The other and polar opposite was Rachel. Rachel looked like someone who would be at home in a mosh pit. How these two got together Jackie didn’t know. She was pleased to learn where the party was to be. apparently an older house close to campus had come up for sale and the group managed to get it.

As the time for the party drew near Jackie finally ran into her Mom, who had been stuck in the parking lot talking with one of her old alumni from the group. As they walked along Jackie noticed her Mom carrying a shopping bag with some medium size boxes that appear to have been gift wrapped.

To curious not to ask Jackie looked at the bags. “House warming gifts?”

Her Mom smiled and nodded. “In a sense, some of the things we used to play around with when we were your age.”

Jackie looked puzzled not thinking anything could really be to impressive from the 70’s but shrugged as they made their way to the house.

As they stepped in there were a couple of ladies her moms age as well as the two girls she had met before. Her Mom naturally gravitated to her crows as Jackie did the same. A couple minutes later her Mom came over as the

other two ladies went down stairs to the basement.

Jackie: Welcome to the new home of the Jacklettes. You three seem to be the only three who made it in. While my friends set up the game downstairs feel free to roam around. Just be careful as this old has some loose wood we haven’t been able to fix yet.

The three young ladies nodded and split up to wander the house. Jackie took the upstairs, carefully though as she heard a couple of planks creak on her way up. As she looked at the upstairs hall she saw two doors on one side and a single door on the other. Deciding to take the solitary door first she opened it.

The room was fairly large. There was some nice deep closets apparently as she saw one whole wall with nothing but apparently closet doors. There was also a desk and chair in the middle of the room. As Jackie moved closer to the desk she saw that it was a fairly cheap one but efficient. The chair was a simple office one pushed fully up to the desk.

Curious Jackie sat down in the chair and leaned back a little. It was then she saw a sprinkler head. Puzzled a little she shrugged and assumed that it was put in by the old owners. As she was starting to sit up she spotted a switch by one end of the closet doors. Not seeing any lights or plug ins Jackie got up and moved over two it flicking it on.

A whir came from behind the closet and Jackie stood back wondering what she had done. Moving cautiously up to the closet she pulled open a door and stumbled back.

She didn’t know EXACTLY what it was called but it’s use was pretty apparent. There appeared to be a saddle like contraption sitting on a small keg. The “saddle” however had one quality she hadn’t seen on any other, a vibrator. She went over and turned off the switch which caused the saddle to slow it’s whir to a halt. Not wanting to be embarrassed if someone would walk in Jackie shut the door and moved over to the saddle.

As Jackie’s mother heard the door shut upstairs she smiled. If her daughter was in the room she suspected soon she would get quite a welcome into this house. Just then one of the other ladies came up the stairs.

Lady: Everything is all set Claire. Is anyone ready?

Claire: I believe the upstairs study is a go Sam.

Sam nodded and went downstairs shutting the door as she went. As Sam did that Rachel wandered through. “Have you seen Irene or Jackie?”

Claire shook her head. “I didn’t watch where Irene went, but I think Jackie went upstairs.”

Rachel nodded and jogged up the stairs as Jackie’s mother smiled, soon two of them would be set.

Irene who had wandered off had appropriately found the library, though she found it hard to look around as there were only oil lamps available just now. She lit one with some matches she had found next to one and picked up the lamp. As she turned she saw lots of smaller books. Not much for deep reading but something to thumb through.

Irene moved forward and pulled a book out. Staring at it oddly she had heard of it but never read it. “Lady Chatterly’s lover? An odd book to find here.” Shrugging and sliding the book back she scanned the bursa escort room until she spotted what looked like a dictionary. Moving over she reached up and tried to pull it out…nothing?~damn thing must be wedged~ she thought as she pulled harder on the book. Still not able to get the book out. She sighed and set the lamp down using both hands she managed to pry the book free. There was no name…though it looked like more of a container than a book.

As Irene was discovering her book, Rachel looked down the upstairs hall and decided to check one of the two doors. The first one she opened revealed a storage closet. There were some buckets, bottles which she guessed were cleaning supplies and what looked to be a small elevator. Curious about where it might go, but more eager to get the party started she closed the door and tried the second one.

This one revealed a large bathroom. Inside was a claw tub bath and a walk-in shower. Feeling a need to answer natures call she found the toilet and scanned the room. There was a medicine cabinet above a dual sink and a box next to the tub. As she got up and cleaned up she moved over to the box and opened it up. With a grin on her face she took out a butterfly clip. “Nasty old ladies.” She chuckled to herself. giggling she got up and peeked out the door in the hall. Satisfied that no one was coming she shut the door and instinctively felt for a light switch.

Not finding one immediately she did find a window in by the shower that would provide adequate light. Opening the shade she turned and then saw the switch. Turning over to it she flicked it on…

Sam looked up as a little bulb flashed. Nudging the lady next to her, who was called Megan, She smiled. “One is ready”

Jackie had made it over to the saddle again when Rachel came up the stairs. Frozen as she heard her in the hall she stopped and sighed again when she heard a door shut. Moving over to the saddle she traced her fingers a long it. It was plastic, no doubt there was a cord that ran into the wall which she figured ran to the switch. Stopping to hear if anyone was in the hall she moved back to the light switch and turned it on again.

Sam looked up. The light for the study was on again. From what Jackie had said about her daughter it may go off and on for a while yet, which was fine as Sam was very patient.

Jackie just stared at the device. She had very little sexual experience apart from occasionally sneaking downstairs when her parents were gone to watch some of their “intimate” videos. She didn’t think that they knew, though the time before she moved she had put the video back in backwards. It wasn’t long after that Jackie realized that her Mom told her of this place.

Now Jackie’s mind started to race as she stared at the vibrating object. Had her Mom set this up? Jackie shook her head. she had seen how her parents “did it,” and this thing never showed up. Jackie turned the switch off again and walked back to the object. She had every intention at that point of leaving, but found herself to curious about it to leave. Moving back to the door and peeking in the hall to make sure no one was there she closed it quietly and found a way to lock it.

Satisfied that no one would be coming in she walked back over and slowly traced her fingers over the saddle. It was a pretty normal sized saddle and to most appearances was normal. The color was a little off and of course what Jackie had guessed was a vibrator on it made it stand out.

Blushing a bit and taking a last glance back at the door Jackie opened her mouth a little and slid it over the top of the vibrator. As she thought it was plastic. It tasted kind of funny to her though she did end up taking it all in her mouth. Pulling her head off it she realized that her mouth obviously wasn’t what was meant to go over this. Biting her lip Jackie nervously undid her pants and slipped them off.

Not wanting it to go inside her right away Jackie walked over to the switch and turned it on, which Sam noticed in the basement right away. Jackie then sat down behind the now active vibrator. It must be fairly powerful because even sitting just behind it Jackie could feel the saddle vibrate. She wiggled in the saddle as she was unused to this and was starting to feel strange.

She scooted up the saddle so the vibrator was just barely touching her panties when she noticed the strange feeling was coming from deep in her gut and growing stronger. Jackie’s eyes started to close as a soft whimper escaped her. This was much different from her doing it herself. For one thing it was constant, where she usually went it fits and starts. It also got her whole groin where her fingers never did.

When the lust in her gut to unbearable Jackie stood up and tried to slide her panties off. She had a hard time of this since her whole body was shivering for release. Jackie had never felt a desire this strong and was eager to find out how powerful this orgasm could be.

With her panties now off she nervously sat of the saddle and pushes her body close to the vibrator, not comfortable with it being bursa escort bayan inside her yet and moaned out as she felt the effect it had on her now unprotected flesh. Starting to shake a bit hard she gripped onto the vibrator to help her stay on, which sent the vibrations through her whole body. While the vibrations caused her to get more aroused her body ached for just a bit more. Nervously Jackie stood and moved her cunt over the vibrator. Slowly lowering herself down she got surprised when the tip touched her lips and caused a shock through her body causing her to fall full onto it.

Jackie’s eyes widened as she let out a primal yell as the vibrator now deep inside her, brought her to a very hard climax. Sam meanwhile in the basement smiled. Though she couldn’t hear what was happening she was satisfied that Jackie was probably now on the sybian and moved her hand to a control box with two dials and turned one up about a quarter way. Jackie who was panting and shivering on top of the vibrator was about to slide off when the vibrator kicked into a higher gear jarring her senses.

She ended up gripping onto the keg as her body started to re charge, something Jackie had never experienced. Sam back in the basement slowly turned on the second knob to give Jackie even more of a shock. As Jackie was star starting to reclaim her senses something else caught her by surprise. The small bit of plastic that her clit ended up resting on was now vibrating separately from the rest of the saddle!

Jackie’s eyes close as she started to cry. She was happy yes but how much could her body take. Her second orgasm hit harder that the first and reeled her so bad the shivers she got knocked her off the saddle. Eager to get away from t she crawled over to the light switch and turned it off. Sam smiled in the basement and looked over to Megan. “Looks like Jackie has had some time in the saddle recently.” Megan laughed and stood up to rummage through one of the boxes.

As Jackie was discovering the secret of the sybian, Rachel was sitting confused in the bathroom. the switch was on but no light? As she glanced around the room she was in she sighed and noticed that there was indeed no light in the room save the window. So she giggled and shrugged and sat down to try the butterfly out.

Rachel was starting to slide her jeans off as she stopped to wonder how she would run the thing as there didn’t seem to be any outlet. Looking the small vibrator over though revealed a battery inside which made Rachel grin. As she started to hook her fingers to slide her panties down she stopped. For once she was alone in a house where she guessed no one cared what she would do so now she could experiment.

Putting the vibrator down she pulled up her shirt and dropped it beside her on the floor. She then picked the vibrator back up and turned it on. Almost dropping it from the surprisingly powerful hum it had she brought it up to her bra and hissed as she felt the vibration against her covered nipple. She hadn’t tried this before, mostly because when she could sneak her mom’s out of her room it was only for about 10 minutes.

Rachel leaned back against the toilet as she traced the vibrator around her nipples. After a couple of minutes her hand was shaking to much from the high she was getting to steadily hold it. Turning it off and setting it aside for a moment Rachel let the shivers of arousal settle before she dared try anything else. As her passions cooled Rachel leaned up and undid her bra dropping it on the ground on top of her shirt.

Once again the vibrator turned on and this time she brushed it against her bare nipple. Immediately moaning she felt herself start to get wet from arousal. As the vibrator circled her breasts her free hand slipped behind her panties and started rubbing her clit. As her nipple became hard and her hand moved more urgently along her sex she bit her lip and closed her eyes.

Her hand then very shakily clipped the butterfly to a nipple. The hand that was holding the vibrator shot down to grip the toilet as her other hand jerked slipping the tips of her fingers inside her. Her eyes now very widely open she tried to moan but could only get out staggered breaths as the butterfly aroused her body. As she started to wiggle in the seat she slid a finger inside herself and let it tickle her inner self.

Determined not to cum yet she forced her free hand to un clip the vibrator from it present nipple which made her sink back down on the toilet and made her finger slide in deeper. With another low hiss she clipped the butterfly to the other nipple. This time she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop cumming.

As her body screamed in lust from the vibrators attention, Rachel’s mind went into overdrive sliding her other hand between her legs and massaging/fingering herself in a wild craze. As she felt her muscles start to signal her climax she tried to undo the clip. As she was about to undo it her orgasm hit harder than she had ever felt before. Howling in delight her hips bucked slamming her sex against her fingers and the seat.

After a minute escort bursa her orgasm started to subside enough that she was able to tale the clip off. Breathing heavily she rested. Her body was covered in sweat and her face had a wicked grin as she enjoyed the afterglow of her most powerful experience yet.

As Claire sat in the main room she faintly smiled when she heard a very faint moan come from upstairs. She wasn’t sure which girl it was coming from, but their prolonged time up there meant both of them had found the toys they hid up there. As she smiled Irene came from the direction of the library holding what looked to be a large thick book.

Claire: Irene, how do you like the house so far. Irene looked at the lady and tried to smile. “It’s is big and the library seems good, but,” Claire quirked her eyebrow. “But?” Irene slowly handed her the book.

Claire opened it and pretended to be shocked when she saw a pair of handcuffs. She picked them up and opened the looking at them curiously.

Claire: Where did you find these?

Irene: On the bookshelf.

Claire: Can you show me where?

Irene nodded and Claire followed her with the cuffs and book. As Irene entered the Library Claire shut the door. Irene turned around and Claire just nodded “Just so no one walks in.” Irene could understand the she guessed. As she made her way to the bookshelf she heard Jackie put the book down. “It was right here” Irene said pointing to a blank space on the shelf.

Before she knew it the hand that was pointing had a handcuff on it. Shocked Irene spun to face Claire who with a quick movement grabbed Irene’s other arm and the other cuff on. Irene looked at Claire with a look of shock and tried to get away from her, but all Claire had to do was hold onto the chain between the cuffs and Irene stopped dead in her tracks.

Irene: What the hell are you doing?

Claire smiled and led Irene to a chair and sat her down in it as Claire rested her arms and head on Irene’s lap.

Claire: Don’t be startled Irene, this is just the start of initiation. Rachel and Jackie have already gone through the first step. The had an orgasm in the building that they caused. The problem is you are still a virgin and to straight-laced to try experimenting, so we have to tutor you through this phase.

Irene blinked in shock and tried to kick Claire off her. Claire stumbled back and for the first time looked at Irene with a look of disdain. She grabbed Irene’s legs and forced them apart moving herself between them.

Claire: That wasn’t very nice. Now if your done showing off you need to start learning.

Irene shouted “I wont let you take my clothes off!” Claire just laughed and smiled. “that’s fine,” she said as she leaned back down resting her self on Irene’s lap. Irene tried to struggle but Claire had her in a position where she couldn’t move. Claire just grinned and moved her hand between Irene’s legs. Irene was wearing a skirt and stockings over her panties, but as she would quickly learn they weren’t as think as she thought.

Claire let her fingernails glide up Irene’s leg leaving a run in the stocking. Irene winced as she watched more worried about the stocking for the moment. That passed quickly as the closer Claire got to her sex the more s he could feel her touch. It only took a moment for Irene to start blushing as she started to feel aroused by Claire.

As Claire’s fingers reached Irene’s sex the two heard a loud groan in the room above them. Irene looked in panic to Claire who just smiled as her fingers poked a hole in Irene’s stocking “Sounds Like on of the other initiates has gotten through step one. “Irene looked down in panic as Claire’s single finger slid over and started wandering the outside of her panties.

Irene’s breath started to pick up and she tried shaking off the effects when Claire’s finger rested about where Irene’s nub would be and started tickling it. Irene closed her eyes thinking maybe if she didn’t look she wouldn’t feel it, but hat just made the feeling stronger as Claire’s single finger kept on tickling.

Irene whimpered as she felt an odd feeling start to form in the pit of her stomach. She thought she would be sick as the feeling started to swell inside her. Claire looked up and smiled “Looks like the young virgin likes this stuff after all.” Irene shook her head but when she tried to talk only gasps would come out.

As Claire smiled on Irene felt her hips start to shiver as the feeling started to back up to her throat. Thinking she was sick she opened her mouth, but was surprised when she moaned out quite loudly. The moan only encouraged Claire who now was pushing her finger against Irene’s sex and managed to push the panties in enough that she could tickle Irene’s inner walls. Irene felt her hips rise up as her moan got louder. Claire mocked her by moving up and whispering in Irene’s ear “You know you like it so why not help me out here.” As she said that Claire moved her finger around Irene’s panties and slid the digit deep inside. Irene’s eyes widened as she felt the finger inside her probing around. Her hips were up off the chair, but her back was start ing to hurt and eventually they fell had down driving Claire’s finger in fully. Claire grinned and whimpered. “There you go…now ride it like a good girl.”

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Fiery Heat Ch. 07

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Comments, critiques and tips are welcome.

Damon Reid vs. Tristan Thomas


The next time Damon saw Tristan, it was at a meeting in his office. Four days after their last encounter. And it was all he could do not to draw him into his arms and damn the consequence. There were bags under his eyes and he had lost weight but he still looked sexy as hell. Dressed in black jeans and white long sleeved designer T-shirt, with his aviator shades tucked into the V of his t-shirt, and leather cuffs on his wrists that matched his boots, he simply looked delicious. Casual. But that didn’t make him seem more relaxed. Tristan was strung tight as a bow, vibrating with tension and whatever else was eating at him. Damon could take a good guess.

Tristan was due in Paris in two days. They had to meet and agree on what was to take place in Paris. Caleb Thomas, the Architect and the Consultant for the Albatros project were also present at the meeting. Damon could barely concentrate on what was being discussed. He simply couldn’t tear his eyes off Tristan. Damn he was hot. Tristan deliberately wouldn’t even meet his eye. He had never seen him all business like he was at that moment. Damon was so engrossed in the sexy man sitting at the table, he started when he heard the raised voices. What the fuck was going on? Damon wondered. Obviously he had zonked out.

“Damon talk some sense into him.” Caleb Thomas said pointing at Tristan.

“No Dad. If I’m supposed to head this project, then you gentlemen must respect my opinion. I think the best thing to do is to start from the East wing and not the West. From these drawings, it will be our best shot. And that’s exactly what I’m going to ensure when I get to Paris.” His tone was stern, authoritative.

“But we’ve already agreed to start from the West wing. Aren’t we supposed to go by the plan?” Caleb Thomas sounded exasperated.

“Excuse me.” Tristan said standing to go out of the conference room.

“Damon?” Caleb looked imploringly at Damon.

With a sigh Damon pushed his chair back. “I’ll be right back.” He went after Tristan.

The guard on the floor pointed towards the restroom when Damon asked where Tristan had gone. Damon entered and heard the toilet flush just before Tristan came out, going to the wash basin to wash his hands. He didn’t even look in Damon’s direction though Damon knew he had seen him. God, he had missed him. And if his rapidly hardening cock was any indication, he had really missed him.

“What are you doing Tristan?” He asked quietly. “Explain what the fuck just happened,” he added calmly.

Tristan ignored him. Damon stood with his arms straight by his sides. He felt everything in him, everything he was, go still as he took in the sight of Tristan. God, he was beautiful, and Damon couldn’t look away. He was hard, so hard he ached.

“Tris.” Only his name, but it was husky and rich and deep, filled with pain and longing and Tristan had to look at him.

His breadth hitched in his throat at the look of pure need on Damon’s face, his gaze so hot it did crazy things to Tristan’s heart. But arguments rushed through his mind. Every reason why Damon couldn’t be serious about him, how heartlessly he had treated him and the fact that he was obviously only good for one thing… Sex! Tristan saw red.

“Is the meeting being moved in here? If not, then get the hell out of my way.” Tristan started to dry his hands.

Damon abruptly turned on his heels and headed for the door. Tristan’s heart sunk. Just having Damon that close to him was giving him pleasurable flutters in his stomach. Now, he was walking away from him, when all he wanted was to go into his arms and hang on for dear life. Damn his big mouth.

He froze when he saw Damon rather lock the door and turn to look at him, unsure of what exactly was happening. Lord, he was so handsome, so goddamned sexy it was impossible not to stare at him. In his unmistakably costly grey three-piece suit, he looked every bit the powerful, successful businessman he was. Damon Reid looked so edible, Tristan wanted to fuck him with his suit still on. He watched with a pounding heart as Damon closed the distance between them and slammed his mouth on his, a hungry tongue, sliding its way in.

Tristan couldn’t help the moan that tore out of his throat as he opened his mouth and allowed Damon inside. Damon tasted of desperation and need as their tongue twisted around each other. But Tristan’s brain decided that it couldn’t accept Damon’s need… wasn’t about to be seduced like some schoolgirl. Not by a man who went around fucking people whilst his fiancée was out of town and even recorded the act. Tristan stood as firmly as he could and tore his mouth from the kiss, staring into blue eyes glazed with lust.

Tristan’s hands made their way onto Damon’s belt buckle and quickly undid it, pushing his hand inside his boxers to cup his wet-tipped prick with a warm, but less than gentle hold. Damon moaned deep in his throat.

“Is this what you want Damon?” Tristan’s voice took on a warm purr bursa escort that caressed Damon’s senses, making his toes curl inside his shoes. Tristan swept the weeping pierced head with his thumb, smirking at Damon’s sharp intake of breath. Then he wrapped his palm around Damon’s cock, pumping him firmly.

“Oh, Christ.” Damon’s knees almost gave out under him. Though he could feel and see Tristan’s anger, Damon felt he could very well die from the pleasure of his touch. His eyes closed against the anger on Tristan’s face.

“Is this all I’m good for?” Tristan asked harshly in a voice filled with so much pain.

Damon’s heart stuttered. Words froze in his lungs, heat racing through his body, weakening his limbs. He knew he shouldn’t but couldn’t help himself. Tristan’s hands on him felt so good. A ragged moan escaped him. Heavy pants filled the restroom as Tristan stroked him, jerking his cock from root to tip, thumb dipping into the slit.

“Does she make you feel like this?”

A hot palm cupped his balls and Damon threw his head back, his lips parting to let out a silent scream. He thrust into Tristan’s palm, fiery heat flooding his body. He knew Tristan wasn’t in the right frame of mind. Knew he had to stop him, but Damon didn’t have the willpower to bring himself to do that. He couldn’t have stopped Tristan even if his life had depended on it.

“Are you thinking about her now? Maya? Look at me Damon.”

Damon did as commanded, opening his eyes to stare at Tristan. His blue eyes, filled with passion, clashed with Tristan’s green ones, which were so…cold. What had he done to Tristan? Where did all the fire that filled those eyes just a few days ago go?

“I gave you my heart and body and what did you do? Trampled upon it. Now you have the fucking nerve to come in here and expect me to fall into your arms?” His lower lip trembled. He knew he was not far from breaking down. But he was determined not to give Damon that satisfaction. He went down on his knees, opened his mouth and swallowed Damon down.

Damon had to shove his hand in his mouth to keep from screaming.

He couldn’t breathe under the onslaught of pleasure. Tristan had never been able to take him into his throat like that before. No one ever had. Damon’s heart rate accelerated out of control. He was going out of his mind. When the hell did he learn to do that? Didn’t matter, all that mattered was the wet heat of Tristan’s mouth and the way he was swallowing around the head of his cock. Bracing his hands on the vanity, he watched as Tristan bobbed, taking his cock into the back of his throat. Those lips stretched around his thickness was simply amazing and the pleasure from it stripped his control.

Tristan heard Damon hiss with pleasure as he took him into his mouth and bobbed his head, taking him in even deeper, sucking hard, feeling the thick cock hit the roof of his mouth before sliding back to hit his throat. His eyes watered. Shit he was huge! But he didn’t stop. His cheeks hollowed as he found a rhythm, taking him as deep as he could. He needed to give Damon this, needed to watch him come apart in his hands one last time, needed to remind Damon what exactly he was missing. His own prick was hard and throbbing inside his jeans, aching to be touched. He ignored it.

“God Tris.” Damon panted. Tristan hummed his response and the vibrations ran down his length and tickled his spine, drawing up his balls. Damon almost came on the spot. He thrust into Tristan’s mouth, his hips moving without any conscious effort. Tristan gagged.

Tristan released him with a slurping popping sound, working him with his hands as he spoke, never breaking eye contact. “Am I doing okay? Am I pleasing you?” Face red, eyes wide and wet, Tristan smiled innocently, as though he didn’t know he was driving Damon out of his fucking mind. Shit he never thought he could ever be able to take Damon down his throat. He had to take it out so he could breathe.

“Don’t stop. Please!” Tristan heard the whispered plea. He stared into blue eyes that glittered with lust and tenderness, eyelids that had grown heavy as if Damon was drunk on pleasure. He had a feeling Damon thought he was going to leave him with no relief.

“Do you want to come down my throat and watch me swallow?” He shifted, taking Damon inside again. This time Damon cried out.

He bucked as Tristan’s throat contracted around him. Harsh groans filled the restroom as he rammed himself down Tristan’s throat again and again, fighting for control but not succeeding. Tristan took him almost to the base of his cock, and his tongue worked faster, tracing just under the head of his cock, over the pierced tip, and pressing into the tiny slit. Damon whimpered as his fingers sank into Tristan’s bangs and they stared each other down, neither willing to look away as Tristan pleasured him. His hands tightened in his hair, his body tensing as a ragged groan tore out of his throat.

Tristan felt his warm pre-come dripping onto his tongue. It was salty, rich, making him realize how desperate he had been for bursa escort bayan Damon’s taste. He wanted it all, wanted to feel the hard hot spurts of his semen filling his mouth, coating his tongue as he found his release in his mouth. But that wasn’t going to happen. Damon watched, looking down at Tristan, half crazed by the look in Tristan’s eyes… so much pain. Shit!

Then Tristan took his balls into his palm and squeezed them. Damon groaned and threw his head back, squeezing his eyes shut. Tristan’s mouth was working on him with wet precision, his fingers on his balls, creating a burning insidious pleasure. He gritted his teeth, and surrendered to the impending explosion. He just couldn’t hold it.

“Tris…gonna…” His voice was hoarse as his body convulsed and his thrusts grew increasingly vigorous as his excitement got the better of him and he lost his rhythm. Tristan sealed his lips tighter around him sucking with purpose, and Damon surrendered to a mind-blowing orgasm and shot…into the air, coming so hard he saw dark spots.

He opened his eyes and watched his fluids splatter across Tristan’s partially opened lips. Oh fuck, that was hotter than having him swallow it. To see the evidence of his release on Tristan’s face and lips was so hot. But it still hurt. And his gasp was due to the sharp pain that slashed inside his heart and not the pleasure that had been given him. Tristan not swallowing was more painful than Damon cared to admit.

Tristan saw the hurt that crossed Damon’s features and was surprised at the answering hurt in his own heart, instead of the triumph he was supposed to feel at that particular victory.

Getting to his feet and taking a tissue from the holder, Tristan nonchalantly wiped the cum off his lips and cheek, ignoring a trembling Damon who was slammed over the vanity.

“You’re never going to get that again.” Tristan swallowed past the emotion clogging his throat. His tortured voice was barely audible. “I wish you the very best in your marriage.”

Tristan’s heart was heavy, his emotions jumbled together. He was filled with a wave of pain so intense, he nearly doubled over. But he stifled his warring emotions and headed for the door.

“Oh and Damon, tell the other that I had to go. I’m sure you can come up with a…good reason.” And with that, Tristan turned on his heels, unlocked the door and walked out.

Damon couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. The searing pain that gripped his chest made him want to scream in misery. God help him, he needed Tristan. But for his sake, he had to stay away. Shit!


Tristan sat in the lounge at the airport waiting for his flight to be called. He had left home earlier than necessary because his parents had invited Damon over for Dinner. His mum claimed she wanted to discuss some ideas she had for the hotels with him. What was she going to talk about anyway? Scented sheets? He didn’t want to see Damon so he had left. Now here he was, waiting with a couple who obviously didn’t want to be parted. They kept making out like there was no tomorrow and Tristan couldn’t keep his eyes off them. They were acting like they couldn’t stand to be parted. Jeez it wasn’t like they were never going to see each other again, Tristan mused. It was a mere trip. But then love could do that to people right?

He felt a pang when he thought of Damon. How he wished he could have what the couple had with Damon. But he couldn’t. He was about to get married. He envied Maya so much though he didn’t know her. It didn’t matter…she had Damon. Tristan’s misery knew no bounds. How the fuck was he going to survive this? He always felt a sharp pain in his chest whenever he thought of Damon and Maya together. Adriana claimed he now acted like a zombie. There was no ‘life’ in him. He had to start living again somehow. But he felt he could only live if he had Damon in his life.

“Hey are you ok?”

Tristan looked up to see the couple who had been making out, looking intently at him. The lady had asked the question.

“Sure. Why do you ask?” He smiled wondering why they would bother with him in the first place. They had been too engrossed in each other to notice someone else.

“You…” The lady made gestures on her face that signaled there were tears on Tristan’s.

He quickly reached up and felt the wetness on his cheeks.

“Ow shit!” He wiped at his cheeks furiously and blushed. “Don’t mind me. Go ahead.” He told the couple who looked at him with concerned faces.

“Woman trouble?” The guy asked.

“Yeah you could say that.” Tristan muttered.

“Life is short you know. Make up with her and forget about everything else.” The lady chipped in, smiling so sweetly but sadly at Tristan.

“Thanks.” He told them, just as they were called to board. He stood and walked towards the boarding gate.

Make up? Ha! How about Maya? Well how about her? He fucking didn’t owe her anything right? Tristan stopped walking and stood still, lost in thought. He had the sick fear in his gut, the horrible insecurity that told him he escort bursa didn’t have any reason to live if he lost the man he loved more than anything. Damon had made it clear he didn’t mind having Tristan in his life too. He wanted Damon. And by God, he was going to be with Damon. He was going to have him any way he could and damn the consequence. Though there was still a little voice in his head cautioning him to guard himself from getting hurt, he ignored it. What had the lady said? Life was short right?

Tristan looked around him and realized he was almost to the gate. His luggage had already been taken on board but he didn’t care. He was going to Damon and damn the trip.

“Thanks guys. I’m going back to make up.” He paused long enough to tell the couple who were saying their final goodbyes, and rushed out of the airport to loud cheering by the couple.

Tristan called the contractor who was to meet him in Paris to tell him there had been a change in plans. He told him to schedule a conference call for all the stakeholders the following day and expect him in Paris at a later date. Then he hailed a taxi and was on his way back home, where he knew Damon was. He couldn’t keep the excited grin off his face. Damn he was going to have a hard time keeping his hands off Damon. He knew he was going to have to make a conscious effort not to give their relationship away to his family.

Tristan was almost home when he heard the breaking news on radio.

‘STAR-BO144 Crashes Immediately After Take Off.’

He froze! According to the news, airport workers were trying to rescue people from the wreckage. The newscaster went on to say that the front part of the plane had suffered the main crush. It was therefore feared that most people flying first class and the pilots were probably dead. Tristan was meant to fly first class. He started shaking. All the blood drained out of his skin…he turned as white as a sheet. He had almost died but for his decision to go be with Damon. God!


“Then she decided to turn the water hoes on the poor old man.” Stephanie Thomas finished her story to howls of laughter from the people at the table.

Adriana, who was bent over in stiches managed to point an accusing finger at her mum.

“Mum it was your fault. You always told me to be helpful to people remember? I was probably only trying to help the…” She broke off into more laughter.

“Well at least you know you’re marrying a very helpful lady Paul.” Damon couldn’t help teasing Paul, Adriana’s fiancé.

Stephanie Thomas had been giving them stories about a younger Adriana and how terrible she had been. They were all having fun. The food was great and in abundance. The only thing missing was Tristan. Though Damon knew it was better this way, he felt empty inside. He couldn’t help but miss Tristan. If all had gone according to plan, he would have been on his way to Paris with Tristan after all. He had come to the Thomases’ home early, hoping to catch Tristan before he left for the airport. He had been told on reaching that Tristan had already left. He didn’t have to be a genius to know why he had left for the airport way before time.

“Your phone is ringing Darling.” Stephanie prompted Caleb.

“It’s Tracy.” Tracy was their eldest daughter. “Hey little lady.” Caleb greeted his daughter fondly. Then he listened for a while and went white. “Go turn on the TV Adriana.” He said urgently.

The anxious way Caleb spoke told Damon something was terribly wrong.

“Oh God No no no no.” Caleb kept chanting whilst rushing to the living room. Everyone stopped eating and followed him to see whatever was causing Caleb to lose it. “Come here Honey.” He said to his wife who quickly rushed to her husband’s side.

Adriana cried out and sat on the floor. On the huge TV screen was the scene of the crush. Stephanie started screaming.

“Was that the flight Tristan was on?” Damon bellowed. He felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest, like he’d gulped down an entire pot of coffee. His hands were trembling and his heart was beating too fast. He actually felt a physical pain within his chest.

“Yes Damon.” Caleb said quietly with a tremor in his voice, moving quickly towards where his car keys hanged.

“Fuck!” Damon took his cell phone out of his pocket, ready to get some answers whiles moving urgently towards the door when the front door opened and a zombie looking Tristan entered. Everybody froze.

Someone finally screamed his name but Tristan couldn’t summon the interest to look in the direction of the scream and see who. He was focused on getting to just one person. And that was Damon. He didn’t pay attention to any other person in the room, he just walked.

As Tristan moved toward him Damon braced himself, opened his arms and caught him as he rushed into them, needing him. Relief flooded Damon as he pulled Tristan close and held him tight. Tristan buried his face in Damon’s neck and wrapped both arms around his waist. Damon locked him in a firm embrace, one hand cradling the back of Tristan’s head to press his face against his neck. Tristan’s trembling intensified, but he didn’t cry. Damon was glad because he didn’t think he could handle that. But Tristan was trembling so much Damon was getting scared.

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A Visit From the In-Laws

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Someone once told me during my teenage years that before I propose marriage to a woman I should see what her mom looks like. This way, I would have an idea of what my wife will look like in 20 or 25 years. I heeded that advice and kept a watchful eye on my girlfriend’s mothers during my dating days until I found the right two—daughter and mother that is!

Mary, my wife, is as sweet a woman as they come. At a slender 6’0 with 34c breasts, this brunette had my cock jumping the first time I laid eyes on her. Fortunately, her feelings for me were mutual and we hit it off immediately when we were both 22. Mary comes from a solid, upper middle class family with strong values and outstanding morals. For the two years that I dated Mary before I married her, I never heard her or any of her three sisters utter a profanity. Although prim and proper, Mary is a dynamo in bed who loves cum…in her mouth, pussy, ass and anywhere else on her body. It was such contradiction to see this elegant lady by day turn into a wanton whore at night. And I loved her for it.

Mary’s mother, Ellen, is in her mid-40s, and has the body of a woman in her early 30s. She was tight with a 36c set of tits. I’d always fantasize about what her middle-aged pussy looked like. One night I brought Mary home late and Ellen was asleep on the coach in her bathrobe. Mary went upstairs to the bathroom while I sat across from her sleeping mother wondering if I could get away with opening her bathrobe for a peek at her pussy.

Almost as if reading my mind, Ellen started to stir on the couch and in the process, one side of her robe fell to the side exposing a hairy but neatly trimmed cunt. My own mother has a bush-and-a-half but Ellen’s bush looked like a well-manicured lawn. Her pussy lips protruded from the hair and I would have given anything to have knelt between her tanned legs to see if she liked having her cunt eaten as much as her daughter did.

But discretion being the better part of valor, I feigned nodding out on the loveseat when I heard Mary return. She saw her mom’s visible pussy and covered it with the fallen side of the robe. I kissed Mary goodnight and went home for about two hours of masturbating to porno movies with Ellen in my head. Nonetheless, my relationship with my future in-laws was excellent and my future father-in-law Mike, a regional vice president who traveled a lot, approved my marriage request for his daughter.

After about a year of marriage, I got a great offer from my job to relocate to Florida and open a branch office. Normally, people from Chicago take a salary cut when moving from the north to the south. But my company wanted the bursa escort office open so quickly they gave me carte blanche to move. So Mary and I moved from the Windy City to the Sunny Beaches.

At first, things were tough for Mary and me. I was working long hours and Mary was missing her family greatly. There were many nights when I caught Mary on the phone crying on the phone to her mother when I came home close to midnight. Ellen was very supportive of me and told Mary that she should appreciate the opportunity I was having at 25 years old with a great paying job and all the benefits that came with it.

Certainly, our apartment complex which faced the ocean and had pools all around the complex including in front of our balcony-patio, was a big help. Realizing a visit from her family would greatly help the situation, I invited Ellen and Mike to spend a week or two with us. They were only too happy to accept.

When I told Mary, her whole attitude changed for the better and the horny princess that I married returned. Her attitude was much better and our sex life moved to a better level for the weeks before her parents arrival. Included was a three-hour fuck session the night before they arrived. Mary took control from the start and I had no complaints. She practically tore my clothes off and sucked long and hard on my nine-inch cock while kneeling in front of me. She was begging for me to cum in her mouth and after she gave my cock and balls a good tongue bath, I fired a battery of cum shots into her waiting mouth. She loves to moan when she sucks and that only got me hornier.

After sucking me to a hard-on again, Mary couldn’t wait to climb on my pole. She pushed me back on the bed, mounted me and jammed my dick right into her sopping pussy. One of the things I love about Mary is her talking while we fuck. She loves to tell me how she feels, what she wants and what’s coming next. Her breathing was heavy as she panted,” My pussy is so hot and wet. Shoot your cum into my hot cunt. Fuck me hard lover, fuck me hard,” I flipped her on her back and slammed my cock in and out of her until I exploded inside of her. I pumped her until she too had a shivering cum that was the best in the 18 months that we were married.

Thinking fuck time was over, I rolled off Mary but she had other thoughts. Once on my back, Mary crawled down and put my limp, sticky cock back in her mouth. She licked, sucked and stroked my dick to life until it reached its nine-inch max again. Then she freaked me out. I told you earlier that we had anal sex before but it clearly was never her favorite sex act. On this night, after sucking my cock to hardness bursa escort bayan again, Mary looked at me and said, “Joe, you will fuck me hard up the ass, NOW.” With that, she got on her hands and knees, pulled her ass cheeks apart and told me to,”fuck her in the ass until she came”.

With my cum and her cum draining out of her pussy toward her ass, my cock started to slide into her as soon as I pushed against her asshole. I wanted slow but Mary was fucking to the beat of another drummer as her ass slid back and forth on my dick at a faster pace. Getting the hint, I pounded my cock into her ass for the next 15 minutes while she moaned, screamed and cursed like a whore. Her hand was busy rubbing and fingering her cunt while I pumped away at her ass. I could tell she was nearing orgasm and I wanted us to cum together. So with the most forceful pumps I could muster, I fired a hot load into her hot ass as she started to orgasm before I collapsed on top of her.

The next night on the way to the airport, we joked at how our sex was going to need to be more quiet with her Mom and Dad around. She agreed but gave me a deep blowjob in the airport parking garage before we went in to pick them up. Mike and Ellen flew down to Florida late that Friday night and we planned a lazy day either around the pool or on the beach on Saturday. Business was good, the office staff was in place and I was hoping on skipping out for a couple of days. But a client call dictated that I head into the office for a couple of hours on Saturday. So I told Mary, Ellen and Mike that I would sneak out of the apartment early Saturday and meet up with them at the pool around noon. It was almost 2 in the afternoon by the time I got back and I feared the eye-daggers I would receive from the family when I finally showed up at the pool.

I went straight into the apartment, peeked out through the balcony curtains and saw Mary and Mike in the pooled and assumed Ellen was tanning herself out of my eyesight. I moved quickly across our carpeted floors to my bedroom where I stripped naked to get my swim trunks on. Remembering that I hung them on the shower curtain rod in the bathroom, I glided out of my bedroom naked and across the hall to the bathroom where the door was three-quarters closed. As I got closer to the door I heard a slight moan and slowly and quietly pushed the door open to a wonderful sight.

There, sitting on the closed toilet seat, was my bare-ass naked mother-in-law with her one piece bathing suit hanging off one ankle. Ellen had her legs spread nice and wide and she had two fingers sliding in and out of her pussy. Her eyes were closed, her head was tilted escort bursa back as if looking at the ceiling and her left hand was squeezing her gorgeous tits with the one-inch eraser tip nipples. For a fleeting second I thought I should back out but I suddenly remembered that I was naked and that my cock had grown to full length. I was frozen with excitement and my cock danced in front of me as I stood in the doorway watching my mother-in-law nearing orgasm. Her finger-fucking became almost frantic and she moaned and trembled like a schoolgirl when she came.

Ellen took her fingers out of her pussy and brought them to her mouth where she licked and sucked on them as she started to open her eyes and come back to reality. But she didn’t expect to see me and my nine-inch dick smiling back at her! “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to spy but I didn’t want to interrupt you either,” I said to Ellen. “You looked like you were having too much fun.”

Ellen, obviously embarrassed, started to stammer and said,” Oh my God, I’m glad you didn’t…I mean…I hope….we can keep this between the two of us”? Trying to play it cool, I answered, “Absolutely, I was coming in to get my bathing suit on the shower rod.” With that I moved toward her and reached above and behind her to get my trunks, basically putting my cock at mouth-level with her.

I guess this wasn’t lost on her either because as I reached I felt one hand on my naked stomach and one hand wrap around my cock. I leaned back, ignoring my bathing trunks, and suddenly became aware of the pre-cum on the tip of my dick. Ellen looked up at me and said,”It looks like somebody else was excited too. Since I caused it, maybe I should fix it.”

With that Ellen leaned forward and wrapped her tongue around my cock and then slid it inside her mouth and started to suck me off. I couldn’t believe that my prim-and-proper wife’s even more prim-and-proper mother was sucking my cock with great passion and she was doing it with expert pride. After a couple of sucks she took my dick out of her mouth and looked up and me and said,”You have a beautiful cock, do you think you can cum in my mouth?”

My cock started to dance in her mouth even more and she deep-throated me while rubbing my balls and my ass. Her sucking was faster and was interrupted only by her pleading to me to “Fill her mouth with my cum.” I grabbed her by the back of her head and held it steady as I emptied my balls into her mouth as we both moaned with delight. Some of my cum started to ooze out of the sides of her mouth but she quickly sucked it in or scooped it up with a finger which she eagerly licked.

I must have shot cum into her mouth for about 30 seconds. Everytime I thought I was spent she would suck or stroke me to another squirt, which she happily licked up. I thought to myself this is the end of my dream come true. But in reality, it was just beginning!

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Big Tits on Lil Sis Ch. 02

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“So where did they come from?” I asked.

“What? The tits?”

“Yeah,” I said, “Like, when did they come in? I don’t remember you ever looking so top-heavy.” She sighed.

“I don’t know,” she said, “Gradually, then suddenly. I think I grew a few cup sizes in one semester at school.”

“Have you been reading Hemingway?” I asked.

“Mhm,” she nodded, “I did my culminating assignment in English on Hemingway. The Sun Also Rises.”

“I know. Was it tough?”

“The assignment? Not really. My teacher made Hemingway pretty easy. She said it was all only bells, balls, and bulls.”

“Well… yeah, that’s kind of fair. But I more or less meant about having the tits come in so suddenly. That can’t be an easy thing to have to deal with on top of the rest of high school.”

“It wasn’t easy,” she aid after she thought for a moment, “Mostly it was the other girls, weirdly. Rumours and shit. You only have to look a certain way before other girls will start calling you a slut behind your back.”

“Were you?”

She rolled on her side and looked me in the eye. “Was I a slut,” she asked.


“No,” she said, “I don’t think so. But, you know, a girl can only here so many mean things about herself before she starts to believe them.”

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t know,” she said, “I don’t want to think about it. Didn’t you say you were going to sleep?”

“Yeah,” I said, “I did.”

“Good night.”

She rolled over to face the wall. I stared at her back for a while before I rolled over and let sleep come on me at its own pace.


The sun was deep in the room when I woke, so I knew it was later in the morning. Sam was gone from the room. I dressed and went into the kitchen expecting family ruckus and breakfast hullabaloo, but it was empty and looking pretty much untouched. Out the window I saw Sam lying out in a bikini next to the fire. Even from a distance, the size of her breasts was noticeable. They were so big they cast a shadow. The fire was lit and running a little low. I went out the screen door and walked down to meet her.

“Quiet morning,” I remarked, “Perfect time to go tanning.”

“Any time is perfect for tanning,” she said, without even opening her eyes. I stood over her and looked her up and down, taking in the breathtaking sight. Her normally pale skin shone in the sun with its recent exposure. Her bikini was light blue this time, and of a more modest cut than she had worn the day before. I wondered if she was having regrets or second thoughts about last night, but decided that what she wore probably didn’t have much at all to do with me.

“Did you have breakfast?” I asked.

“Nope,” she said, lowering her sunglasses and finally looking at me. “Mom asked me to be out of the house for a few hours. You know. You’re not the only one in the family who needs some private time.”

“Okay,” I said, “That’s pretty gross. I wondered why Dad didn’t wake me. I could have sworn he’d be up early to go fishing again. We didn’t catch that much yesterday, and I know he wants to keep dinners on the ocean.”

“Oh my god,” she said, “We have all kinds of preserves. We could go without fish a week and not miss a damn meal.”

“I know,” I said, “But he likes it. He likes being the breadwinner. It makes him feel manly.”

“Men are so simple,” she said derisively. She sat up, which accentuated the deep V of her cleavage in her bikini top. I’m not sure if caught me looking or not. She gestured to a bunch of breakfast staples she had laid out on the picnic table. “Mom asked me to make you breakfast on the fire out here, if you were hungry. So they could be alone,” she winked at me. “So what about it, brother? See anything you’d like to eat?”

I was sure that she was trying to tease me with her winking innuendo, and even though just the sight of her deep cleavage had me hot in the loins, cooler heads managed to prevail. She cooked us eggs and toast in a skillet on an open flame, and when we were done she left the dishes on the table we went into the river for a quick swim.

It’s nice to feel water all over your body and to stretch and get exercise, and I particularly enjoyed watching Sam practice her back stroke (my imagination went a little lurid with the idea that she was maybe showing off for me a little), but in reality open-water swimming isn’t really entreating for too much more than ten minutes. So once the ennui had set in, and we had defaulted to just wading in deep water until someone suggested heading in bursa escort to dry, and I had resigned to being that person, Sam surprised with a suggestion I hadn’t considered.

“Do you want to play King of The Hill?” she asked.

When we were much younger and visiting the cottage, King of The Hill was a game we played with an old log that had floated up on the beach one day. We brought it out into the river shoulder-deep on Sam and played together, trying to push each other off of the log. It was fun when we were young just because we were competitive, but I imagined a whole new kind of fun playing it with her now that we’d grown.

“Sure,” I said, “If we can find a big enough log.”

We waded up and down the beach, and as luck or circumstance should have it, we did indeed find solid enough wood to support us in our physical endeavors. We floated it out to the appropriate depth, squared off, and we began to wrestle.

What amounts to gladiator wrestling under water relies a lot on grappling. It’s of hardly any use to push someone under water’s resistance. A lot of the technique is involved in a solid grip and twist motion. At least for me it was. Again and again, I reached across my sister’s chest, taking leisurely liberties with my hands along the way, and wrapping my body around her back. Then it was easy to just kick off the log, twist in the water, and let her release with the waves. It may have been my imagination, but she didn’t seem to put up much resistance. She at least laughed good-naturedly at my more clumsy and obvious attempts at fondling her heaving chest, and once laughed with me at punch line to a joke I can’t remember that was nothing more than double-handed reverse boob-grope over her bikini top. I expect she knew that I was harder than diamonds the whole time. She must have felt it on her back, or on her stomach, or with her hands the few occasions they wandered lower.

I expect it was our cries of merriment and bliss that woke and raised our father, who came barreling out the door and down towards the dock, tackle box and fishing rod in hand and looking determined.

“You stop with that fooling around boy,” he called at me, “We got fish to catch.”

My shoulders slumped at the prospect of being pulled from my session of glorified underwater dry-humping with Sam. I gave her a final push on the shoulder, and she floated backwards off the log ineffectually.

“I’m pretty sure I won,” I said. “You owe me?”

“Oh yeah?” she said. “This isn’t over.”


We launched from the dock, and were on the water clear through til the evening getting back just in time for the sunset. Dad was quiet, most of the trip, which I thought was a little strange considering how uppity he’d been the last trek out. After a few futile attempts at generating conversation with him, I just dropped it and let the majesty of the river abide my afternoon. It was hard for me not to get hard replaying the past day’s events in my head, but the sucker-eyed look of a fish that knows it’s dinner will do hard things to a man’s libido. We had good success that day, more than yesterday, but not more than we’d usually catch back when we were out fishing and younger.

We docked, and while I tied the canoe Dad proudly held the modest bucket of medium-sized fish we’d caught over his head with pride.

“Dinner’s arrived,” he said.

“Late, as usual,” Mom answered, “We thought you boys had been lost to the current.”

“You’ll thank me when you’re eating the best fish of your life,” Dad said, stepping onto the dock and striding immediately towards the fire. Sam came in to the water to help me tying the canoe. She was wearing a different bikini, a more revealing pink bikini with tie-dye splashes of white and light blue.

“About time,” she said, “Did you fall in?”

“It was a long day,” I said. “Do you ever wear anything but a bikini?” She laughed, pressed her tits together and accentuated her cleavage.

“You’re not complaining, are you?” she joked, “You pervert.”

I could only smile at her in response.

As it turns out, Mom and Sam had already gotten dinner hungry and had started cooking some of yesterday’s fish with a heavy side helping of preserves from the pantry. It was nice to come in fresh from the water to a big warm meal, but I was tired early from the day on the water. When Dad suggested an evening swim, I was the only one who had to bow out. I had to read, I said, to keep up with school.

I had been in bed about an hour, mostly reading and on the cusp bursa escort bayan of sleep when I heard the screen door creak and slam as my family came indoors. I heard Mom and Dad bid Sam a quick goodnight and eagerly retire to bed. Then I heard the door to my room open and shut. I turned to catch sight of Sam, still in her bikini and thrashing wildly at her hair with a towel. She wasn’t being especially quiet, and my reading lamp was still on. I ogled her ass in its tight-fitting bikini bottoms, water forming in little droplets right where the skin of her leg met with the feloniously concealing fabric of her wet bottoms.

“Oh,” she said, when she turned around and saw me. “You’re still awake.”

“Yeah,” I said. “Hemingway.” I held up my copy of The Old Man and the Sea as proof.

“Cool,” she said, drying her body with quick staccato rubs all over herself with her towel. “I’m just going to change here, if that’s alright.”

“Yeah,” I said, as nonchalantly as I could manage, “No problem.”

Of course, my cock was already stiffening as I watched her shimmy under her towel, the mammoth weight of her breasts singing side to side, the soft line of her long cleavage as she bent over to dry her legs and feet. She didn’t seem to mind that I was watching. Without another word even, she unlaced her bikini top and pulled it over her head, tossing it towards the laundry hamper without even a care for the clean foot it fell short. I tried not to be a slack-jawed gawker, but I couldn’t help myself when her glorious mounds were revealed to me for the second time in two nights. She reached up and ran the towel through her hair again, her arms up and her hands held behind her head, and her proud breast jutted out at me standing in rapt attention.

“Perv,” she chastised me, catching my gaze. “Avert thine eyes.”

But she said it so good-naturedly that I couldn’t help but keep watching. I watched her as she dried her hair, and her arms, and her breasts that swelled and swayed with every movement she made. Then I watched as she turned around to face her back to me. With just the hint of a backwards glance over her shoulder (maybe she was making sure that I was looking) she pulled her bikini bottoms down off her legs and out off her feet. I saw her ass, bare and exposed to me for the first time. It was firm looking and still kind of fat, poking out noticeably from the back of her thighs. But it was merely for a second before she gave her front and bottom a cursory wipe with the towel and stepped into a pair of lacy whit full panties for bed.

I was already at full mast and quietly rubbing myself under my blankets when she turned around, seeming aware of my gaze but not overtly concerned with my activities. She walked across the room and grabbed her sleep camisole from the floor around the laundry hamper. She toyed with it in her hands, and seemed to come to the crusty stain left where she wad wiped my come off the night before.

“I forgot about this,” she said, and then turned to face me. She held her arms loosely at her sides, and her boobs were pointed out to me in full frontal assault mode. I am certain that at that point my jaw was probably wide in open admiration as I stared wantonly at her generously naked breasts presented to me.

“I guess we’re kind of past the point of modesty, aren’t we?” She asked. I honestly stammered as I tried to answer.

“Yeah,” I kind of said, “Yeah, I guess so.”

“And you don’t mind if I sleep like this?” she asked, gesturing with one hand to her free breasts, “Do you?”

“No. I don’t.”

“Okay, good,” she said. She dropped her camisole and sat on her bed. “So are you hard?”


“Your dick. Is it hard?” she asked again.

“Yeah,” I said, “Ever since you got in the room.”

“Good. Can I see it?”

“What?” I asked again?

“Can I see it? You said I could. I just want to see how thick it is. For… science, I guess.”

“Yeah, okay, I guess,” I said, “As long as it’s for science.”

I was already naked and stroking beneath the covers, so I just tossed the blankets off of me. My cock was about as hard as ever and pointing straight to the sky. I gestured at it with my hand.

“Like what you see?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Stand up,” she said firmly. I rolled my legs out of bed and stood up without thinking. At the same time, she crept out of her bed and knelt down on the floor, leaning in to look at it up close.

“Um,” I said.

“It’s so thick,” she said. I saw in her hand the involuntary escort bursa motion of a woman who can’t help but reach for the dick in front of her.

“Thank you,” I said, unsure of any other way to receive her.

“It’s the thickest I’ve seen,” she said, “I don’t know if it’s just high school guys, or you or whatever, but all the ones I’ve seen have kind of been thin little pricks.”

“Yeah,” I joked, “That’s the college in me.”

She laughed.

“So have you seen a lot of dicks?” I asked.

“No,” she said. “A few here and there. You remember what I said about being a slut?”

“Yeah,” I said.

“When a girl gets that kind of reputation, it kind of sticks with her. People have expectations, you know? And it kind of becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

“Easy is as easy does,” I said. While she was speaking, she had consciously or otherwise grabbed my dick and was softly stroking it up and down. I tilted my head back and enjoyed the sensation.

“I went on a lot of dates,” I heard her saying, “I thought it would help make me popular. I thought people would like me. But I guess the guys came with expectations. I don’t know if it was the rumours other girls spread, or if it was just because my boobs are huge, but there always came a point in the date where they just wanted it too bad.”

I wanted to express empathy. I wanted to be a good older brother and swear to protect her and to go around breaking legs of boys who’d done her wrong. But I was horny as all fuck, and she had my dick in her hands.

“Go on,” was all I could say.

“I never did anything,” she said, “Or I never went all the way. I tried, with boys I liked, to give them blowjobs. It never worked. I couldn’t ever make them come. Everybody would just finish jacking themselves off on my tits.”

Maybe it was the crassness of her language that made me look down at her just then, but when I did, she was staring straight up at me to meet my gaze. She was still stroking my cock, only softer now and slower.

“It made me super self-conscious,” she said, “Like maybe I was doing something wrong. Like I wasn’t good enough for guys except to be a pair of tits to come on.” She dropped her gaze to meet my erection eye to eye. “This thing is a monster,” she said, “Can I try just putting it in my mouth, and you tell me if I’m doing something wrong?”

Her soft strokes and gentle gaze and the slow rise and fall of her breath in her chest had already had me super excited, and I was barely conscious of her speaking except for the beautiful din of her voice and the distant realization of what she was asking.

“Yes,” I said, “Yes. Yes.”

I was so barely cognizant that I almost didn’t notice my head tilting back. I only felt. I only felt her stroking pace quicken, and the light touch of her lips on the tip of my penis. I only felt the swabs of her tongue as it circled my head. I only felt her lips tighten around my shaft, her darting tongue lubing up every inch of my straining erection as she slowly took it in her mouth. I only felt bliss as she slowly sucked her lips back up to the shaft from the furthest ingress her inexperienced throat could make on my cock. She bobbed her head back and forth a few times, before she opened her lips and let my dick slide free.

“You can just come on my tits if you want,” she said.

“No,” I said, “No, please keep going. Just mind your teeth a little.”

She smiled bright, kissed the tip of my cock again and took it in her mouth. She sucked again and again, this time more freely and liberally than before. Gradually the speed at which she sucked me grew, and the faster she went she gradually reached deeper and deeper parts of her throat to swallow my throbbing dick. It could have been two minutes, or five, or twenty for all I could tell from in heaven, before I built to an explosive climax and burst my seed deep into the recesses of my sister’s throat.

“Oh god,” I moaned as I was coming, “Oh god, yes.”

The slow dawn of earth came upon me, and I looked down as Sam gently sucked the last drops out of my gradually shrinking member. It was so ecstatically pleasant that I almost had to pull out in order to survive. When she was finished, she smacked her lips, and reached around on the ground next to her. Finding only her camisole, she spit what she had left in her mouth into its fabric.

“Thank you,” she said, “That was fun.”

“Yeah,” I said, “Yeah, it was.”

She got up from her knees, tossed her camisole at the laundry hamper without success, and crawled into her bed.

“It’s too bad we don’t have a laundry machine here for that thing,” I said, pointing with my head. “It’s sure getting dirty.”

“That’s okay,” she said, “I don’t think I’ll be needing it.”

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