Archives Mayıs 2021

The Red House Ch. 01

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Alina Li

This is the first installment of a two part story (good news is, the second part is finished, barring a few editing issues and should follow in a week or two!). This story began as a simple one shot, but quickly became a monster – both parts run longer than my usual efforts…so be warned. I will say now, I have no clue how well I’ve come to being accurate about the key plot points, but I think it works. I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think. It is always your comments, both pro and con, that inspire me to continue…

As always, this is a work of fiction – all characters exist solely within the confines of the story and my imagination. Again, Enjoy!

I sat in the visitor’s center feeling very out of place – concrete walls with small windows made of thick glass and metal bars giving off poor light supplemented by harsh fluorescents overhead. Several children fussed, squalled or fidgeted around women who were likely their grandmothers or aunts. A few other men sat at the small rectangular tables bolted into the concrete floor. Male and female guards were at the exit, weapons displayed prominently, their faces set in a permanent squint as they studied each of us for trouble.

By ones and twos, women came in from another door, escorted by female guards, harsh looking women with butch haircuts or tight buns pulling their hair taut. The women they escorted were dressed in shapeless blue khaki dresses or in blue khaki slacks and blue chambray shirts. To a woman, they looked around warily and then upon seeing family, their faces would break into expressions of love or shame and sometimes both.

“Visitor for Carleen Howard,” called out a woman guard, bringing a woman through the door. I stood up, my heart beginning to pound, putting a hand on the table to steady myself. The guard pointed to me while the woman she escorted stared at me a little concerned or confused. She shook her head and looked quizzically at the guard who rolled her eyes and said something that got her moving, walking slowly and cautiously towards me.

She was dressed in the shapeless dress that most of the women prisoners seemed to be wearing. I tried to match her face to the one I held in my memories, few that they were. A woman in her mid-forties, dark brown hair streaked with white, chopped off in a crude pixie cut. She carried a lot more weight than I remembered – at least I think she did. Her face was fuller and her bosom seemed to swell out and strain against the material of her dress. Her ankles were trim however – her calves well muscled as if she did a lot of exercise.

She got closer and then her eyes went wide, showing me that they were as brilliant a blue as I remembered as she suddenly realized who I was. She stopped on the other side of the table and in a voice that while harsher than I recalled, I still recognized, said, “You shouldn’t be here, John.” Her eyes, so deeply blue, began to tear up.

I felt my own eyes begin to sting as I replied, my voice suddenly hoarse, “Hello, Momma.”


On March 19, 1992, my mother murdered my father, emptying an entire clip from a police issue Glock automatic pistol into him while he slept on the couch. I was four years old and didn’t witness it, but she freely confessed to the police when they came. I think the shots woke me up and I remember sitting next to my mother on my bed while she cried, hugging me tight with one arm while the pistol dangled from her free hand. I think I remember vaguely understanding that something had happened to my father, but not being real upset about it. He was mean to me and my mother…real mean.

My last memory of Momma was of her reaching out to me, sobbing and screaming my name as a policeman carried me away, trying to shield my view of a white sheet over the couch, stained a dark shade of red. Mom’s eyes would have been red from the crying except for the dark bruises that had both eyes almost swollen shut – bruises that pretty much covered her face. Her long dark brown hair was falling down into her face, denying me one last look at her.

On August 1, 1993, Carleen Howard was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of her common law husband, Lee Dean Garrett. Carleen or Carlie as her friends called her was twenty-one years old. Her defense lawyer’s efforts for acquittal based on the preponderance of evidence of physical abuse or to achieve at least a reduction of charges were all in vain. When you kill the son of a sheriff in rural Mississippi, you are in for a world of hurt.

By then of course, I had become a ward of the state, never knowing that Sheriff Garrett had decided to sweep clean any connection between his late son and as he would later put it, “That sorry piece of white trash that crawled up from the wrong side of the tracks and her misbegotten bastard.

Before my sixth birthday, I was adopted by an older couple – then almost fifty themselves, childless since the mid 1980s when their only son had been killed in the waning days of our peacekeeping efforts in Lebanon. Kent and Donna Tucker become my mother konyaaltı escort and father and took me out of Mississippi to a small town in Western Illinois where I had about as nice an upbringing as anyone could ask for.

They were both wonderful people. Dad, beneath a gruff and grumpy exterior was a wonderful father, teaching me by example how to be a good man. Mom was a June Cleaver for the modern world – balancing a job as school teacher with raising a family. I was loved and I knew it and I loved them both dearly in return.

As the years passed, I let my early years fade away, only occasionally recalling my birth mother – usually picturing her as very pretty and often sad. The only memory other than that of her sobbing as she tried to hang on to me that last moment was of her and me on a picnic. I remembered my mother smiling as she spread the blanket on the ground, her deeply tanned face almost glowing, her eyes a bright shining blue, framed by long mahogany tresses. I remember hugs and kisses and her chasing me around while I laughed until I couldn’t catch my breath. In the end, all I had was a memory that she loved me.

When I was fourteen and Dad thought I was old enough to know, he sat me down and told me the entire story of my real mom and dad. Lee Dean Garrett was a violent, hard drinking son of a man who ran his county with an iron fist. My grandfather had served as Sheriff of the county for nearly twenty-five years before my real mother, Carlie Howard emerged from the swamps of southern Mississippi at age 16, running away from home only to meet and get knocked up by Lee Dean.

The Sheriff wouldn’t let him marry my mother, but tolerated her presence, helping his son set her up in a trailer park on the outskirts of town. Dad called my birth mother a “round-heels” which he said meant she was a slut. Lee Dean was an alcoholic abuser of women and despite the danger he represented, while he’d wander off for weeks or months at a time, Carlie would sleep around with other men.

When Lee Dean would find out, he’d beat my mother. When my birth mother was examined at the hospital following the shooting of my father, she had severe contusions about the face, arms and abdomen, two broken ribs, a fractured eye socket and a bruised kidney. Records indicated a total of nine older fractures from over a five year period. Not that it mattered. The son of Sheriff Garrett could have been a serial killer and still his father would see to it that his killer would spend life in jail.

I had known vaguely what my mother had done and didn’t know how to really process this information. I felt some vague guilt over her situation, but whenever I voiced questions about how she might be now, Dad was vehement in dropping the subject. I always felt that his attitude of “leave the past in the past,” bothered Mom. In the end, I concurred with Dad and simply pushed the matter of my birth family into a dusty corner of my mind and went on with my life.

I went to a university in Ohio, majoring in American Literature and writing my senior thesis on William Faulkner – perhaps my Mississippi roots influencing my choice. As I was considering whether to pursue a teaching career back in Illinois or to begin work on my masters with an eye towards an eventual doctorate, my adoptive Mom fell ill.

Mom’s heart was giving out and now into her early seventies, the doctors were not hopeful. I returned home, temporarily shelving my future plans to help Mom and Dad out. Mom accepted what was coming with her usual grace, but it was killing Dad. Already in his late seventies, he seemed to age a year with each passing week that saw Mom slipping away.

Just before the end, I was sitting with her, reading her the latest potboiler by her favorite author – even holding a book was wearying to her. She stopped me and asked, “John, is your father asleep?” I nodded, knowing that most days now, he spent most of his time on his favorite sofa, napping away – sleep his only way to escape the sudden decline of his wife.

“Son, up in the top of the closet,” she raised a finger weakly to point at the closet across the room. “Up there, you’ll find a red metal box. Be a dear and get it down for me.”

I hurried to obey her, reaching up on tiptoe to retrieve what looked like a small red tackle box. It was light and if it hadn’t made a soft rustling noise as I brought it down, I would have assumed it was empty.

I brought it to her, setting it carefully on her lap as she pulled herself up to a sitting position in her bed. “What’s up, Mom?” I asked, a bit mystified by the box.

Mom stroked her fingers slowly over the red metal and sighed before answering. “This stays between us, son. Your father forbad me from doing something many years ago and well, I went ahead and did it anyway.” She undid the latch and opened the box up. Inside were many envelopes and what appeared to be a few greeting cards.

“You got a boyfriend Dad doesn’t know about?” I asked, getting a frown from Mom in return.

“No, smart-mouth,” Mom replied. She reached kültür escort out and took my hand, my heart aching at how little strength seemed to remain in her withered fingers. “John, these are from your mother.”

For a moment, I was confused and it must have shown on my face as Mom shook her head and clarified, “Your real mother, John. Carlie Howard.”

I felt dizzy for a moment and managed to stutter, “M-my real m-mom?”

Mom nodded and said, “We’ve been corresponding now for about fifteen years. Your father forbad it, saying the past is the past and we needed to give you a complete clean break. I went ahead and wrote her anyway.”

Her fingers slipped into the mass of paper as if stirring up the past. “Maybe your father was right, but…mothers know…understand loss in a way that men folk never will and while I couldn’t do anything about Ken…your older brother, I thought staying in touch with your birth mother might ease the pain I know she feels everyday you’ve not been in her life.”

Mom looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “This is the only thing I’ve ever kept from your father, but I sleep better knowing that Carlie knows you are alive and well and happy.” She weakly squeezed my hand. “A mother needs to know these things.”

We sat there quietly for several minutes. I was at a complete loss for words, unable to identify the emotions Mom’s revelations stirred up inside me. It was as if a door stood ajar and behind it was something I both feared and desired to know. Finally, I asked, “Is…is she okay? I mean – she’s still in prison, right? Is she okay?”

Mom gave a little shrug. “I think she does the best she can – she was just a slip of a girl when she went to jail.” She caressed the letters again. “She’s very proud of you. I sent her pictures of you from time to time and newspaper clippings when you won the scholarship and when your baseball team went to the state finals. I sent her copies of report cards and some of your stories.” Mom looked away from me as if a little embarrassed at her enthusiasm to share my successes.

“Mom?” I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Are you okay?”

Mom turned back and took a deep breath, looking as serious as I’d ever seen her. “John, I’m dying. It won’t be long now. I know this won’t be easy, but you need to reach out to her…your real mom.”

My stomach did a flip. “I don’t know…you’re my mom! I don’t even know her!” I started to get up, but Mom took a firmer grip on my hand – far firmer than I would have thought possible and I stayed in place.

“Honey, I know this is hard to hear, but you need to listen. I’ll be gone soon and I don’t think Kent will be far behind me.” Again, my heart gave a lurch and though I wanted to get up and run, my legs wouldn’t cooperate. “John, we’ll soon be gone and your mother is all the family you have left!”

Mom gave a little sob and then a wheeze while her face began to turn red. As she began to cough, I hovered around her, almost ready to panic and call 911. Slowly, Mom recovered and then she reached out and took my hand again. “John, you’ve been a good son and we raised you right. Your mother has no one…no one! Please promise, John, you won’t let her be all alone in that awful place with no one caring if she lives or dies!” Mom pulled me close, her skin now going a deathly pale. “Promise me!”

Tears were flowing down both our faces as I nodded and said in a halting voice. “I promise you, Mom!”

Two weeks later, Mom passed away, her weak heart slowing down until it simply stopped. I lost Dad five months later. He became a virtual ghost, withering away day by day after we buried Mom. A week after he passed, the family lawyer broke down my inheritance – not a fortune, but enough to make life comfortable for a while and when I got home, a letter of acceptance from the University of Mississippi graduate school and an offer to be a graduate assistant in their literature program beginning in January of the New Year was in the mailbox. I would be able to pursue my masters and teach at the same time.

As I stood on the front porch of my childhood home, acceptance letter in hand, I leaned out and looked up into the clear blue sky and said, “You don’t have to hint, Mom. I’ll keep my promise!”


My birth mother and I stood there for a couple of minutes, just staring at each other, sizing each other up and not knowing what to say. Her escort gave us the evil eye until we both sat down, still unable to say anything of consequence.

Finally, I broke the silence. “How are you, Momma?” It struck me funny that from the moment I recognized her that it suddenly popped into my head that I’d called her Momma when I was real little instead of Mom or Mommy.

Momma kind of winced when I called her that and replied, “Reckon I’m all right.” Her accent was pure southern redneck and I found it kind of charming. “You look like your daddy.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. Certainly, like all adopted kids, I had wondered from time to time, but had simply put aside wondering who I had inherited markantalya escort my unruly shock of sandy hair or my pug nose from. Try as I might, any images of my real father had faded quickly from my mind.

Momma looked at me and then tears were in her eyes and she said, “Donna’s dead, ain’t she?”

“Yeah. She…Mom died about six months ago.”

“I knowed it. She aint never went this long without writing me. She was a good woman.” Momma looked me up and down with a stare that had me squirming uncomfortably. “She raised you right for sure. You gonna keep going to school?”

I nodded and then said, “Yes, Momma. I’m going to be going to the University of Mississippi and working on my master’s degree.”

Momma grinned then and I saw for the first time more than a glimmer of the woman I’d known so long ago. “Shiiiit. Imagine that. Ain’t no-one in our family ever got past eighth grade excepting me and I bailed out when I was fifteen. My son’s a college graduate.”

There was both pride and amusement in her voice and I felt both pleased and a little annoyed without knowing why.

“Yeah, well – since I’ll be nearby, I thought maybe I could visit you and maybe we can get to know each other again.”

Momma’s face got a funny look on it and she looked down at the table as she said, “I ‘preciate that, John, but you’d best just forget about me and get on with your life.”

I wasn’t expecting that response and couldn’t hide the hurt in my voice as I responded with, “Why?”

Momma raised her head and looked at me like I was a fool and then waved her arms around. “Boy, I’m in prison. For life! Y’all don’t need a jailbird for a momma hanging around your neck, dragging you down. You got a education so use it. Get the hell out of Mississippi and have a fucking life, goddammit!” Her voice rose until she was almost yelling, causing the guards to look our way, frowning.

I was more than a bit thunderstruck. I guess I had figured we would have some sort of tearful, happy reunion and that she might actually be glad to see me. Part of me just wanted to get up and run out of there, but part of me wanted something more.

“Momma, we’re all each other have left. Mom and Da – my adoptive parents are gone and you’re the only family I have. Like it or not, you’re stuck with me. I remember loving you and missing you from when I was little and now seeing you again, I know I never stopped loving you.”

Momma’s mouth worked for a while, but nothing happened. Tears trailed down her face while she pulled herself together. Finally, she shook her head and said, her voice still too loud, “You think this can do any of us any good? Getting to spend a hour with you every month?”

“Girl, beats hell out of just another hour inside this place looking at a bunch a angry bitches, don’t it?” We both turned to see a small, stringy-haired blonde with blue tattoos running up and down her arms at the next table, a young boy squirming in her lap with a much older version of the woman sitting across from her. “Least you get to sit a spell with a good looking stud instead of fighting off some fuckin carpet eating butch dyke, Carlie!”

I just stared at the woman – realizing how out of place I felt. I thought I knew what she was talking about and damned if it didn’t trigger a little tingle in my crotch, making my cock twitch.

Momma stared hard at the other woman for a moment. Then she grinned and glancing back at me for a second, replied, “He is good looking, aint he?” She turned and the smile faded. “I’ve been here a long time, John. I aint got not clue how to be a momma anymore.” She leaned in and for some reason I noticed how her large bosom, straining against the khaki fabric seem to flow and rest on top of the table. She reached out slowly with her right hand and placed it atop mine. “But I never stopped loving you…son.” She said the word awkwardly as if she hadn’t said it in a very long time.

For some reason that seemed to break the ice and we talked – mostly me asking questions about her – our family, with her being evasive with lots of awkward pauses as we both tried to get used to the other. Eventually, an announcement was made by the guards that five minutes remained for visitation and we both fell silent again. As our first visit ended, we both stood up and looked at each other uncomfortably.

“Um…are we allowed to hug?” I asked, glancing around and seeing other inmates getting hugs and kisses from spouses and parents and children.

Momma looked around and then shrugged her shoulders and said, “I reckon so. Ain’t like I’ve had much visitors over the years.” She stepped up to me and both of us awkwardly and hesitatingly, put our arms around each other – Momma’s arms going around my neck. I could feel the tension in her and then with a quick intake of breath, she pulled me to her, hugging me tightly.

I wasn’t prepared for how she felt – warm and fleshy – the thin khaki dress doing nothing to hide the fact that she was very well…developed. My body reacted instinctively as I felt her hot breath against my neck and her breasts pressing and pillowing out against my chest. I felt my cock jerk and then begin to grow. By the time we broke the embrace, I could feel my face flaming with embarrassment. To my surprise, Momma’s face was red too.

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My ‘Hardd’ by the Window

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She is standing by the window overlooking the street below. He moves behind her and places his hands on her hips. She sighs and leans back into him, her head tilting to the left, inviting a kiss on her slender neck. He accepts the invitation.

She is wearing nothing under the blue dungarees, so as he slides his hands inside the denim he encounters soft, warm, flesh. He kisses her neck again as his hands move to cup her wonderfully full breasts. She arches her back and reaches behind to hold his head in place as he licks, nibbles and nips in between kisses and kneads her magnificent ‘girls’.

She presses her firm arse back into him, wiggling against the erection prominent in his trousers. Freeing his right hand of delicious breast he undoes his belt and buttons, letting his jeans fall to the floor. With her right hand remaining to keep his head in place her left snakes around to release his hard cock and being to stroke its length.

Instead of returning to mammary duty his hand heads inside the dungarees once more traveling down. She feels his fingers furrow her light fur and plough into her wet pussy lips. konyaaltı escort He runs them up from the base of her hole, over her velvety, moist labia, to pause then press against her clit before pushing down again and entering her sopping, hot cunt. He puts this routine on repeat, pussy rubbing, tit squeezing, neck nibbling, lust.

They stay there for an age, breathing getting louder and faster in rhythm with the stroking and play. Finally it’s too much.

Wrenching away she turns and pushes him roughly against the wall, her mouth gluing to his, her tongue attacking him with ferocious passion, her hand still wanking him hard. He leans into her assault with his mouth, grabs handfuls of her arse and grips hard. They both moan in each other’s mouths, their ears ringing from the pounding of their blood.

Her hand thumps against his chest, pinning him as she suddenly squats and swallows his twitching prick in one. The warmth of her hot little mouth smothers his cock, his knees sag. Her tongue swirls around his shaft as she fondles his balls. He swears loudly in delight.

Hands enmeshed in her hair, kültür escort she lifts her head up then slides it back down, and again and again. Her eager tongue licks up either side, around his helmet and over his tip, relishing the taste of him, his hardness and most of all the effect she is having on him.

As her head begins to bob up and down, her lips seal on his shaft, she purposefully starts to fuck him with her throat. He takes up the rhythm, sensation upon sensation spreading up from his groin. His grip tightens, the pressure builds, now he is fucking her as she holds the back of his thighs to hang on. Building and building, mouth fucking, grunting until once again she takes control by jumping back to release, springing up and into the engorging kissing.

Clips snap open, dungarees are shed, stumbling to the sofa, she is flung on her back. He pushes his dick into her mouth again and this time is free to attack her clit with his fingers. Rough, insistent rubbing, pressing and pinching of her throbbing nub. Occasional dips of one finger, then two, then three into her pussy but the focus is her clit.

Cock markantalya escort muffled cries grow louder and the frigging goes on and on, she squirms and wriggles, she gurgles and slurps on his prick. Harder, faster they both go, on and on both their legs shaking.

They stop, he swivels and plunges his prick deep in her, once, twice, three times then out. Readjusting, he dives in to lick her slick slit but only in passing as he rises again, this time her legs over his shoulders. In goes his prominent weapon again. Deep, very deep.

In and out slowly at first he starts. Is this gentle love making? As the tempo builds and he grabs her tits quite clearly this is more than that, this is mutual, animal passion, a release.

His cock and balls thud and slap, her hips buck, his right thumb finds and traps her clit. Pressure, rhythm, pace and pleasure ripping through them both. “Fuck”‘s, “Yeah”‘s, “Harder”‘s and “Oh god”‘s mingle with less intelligible shouts as they just simply and joyfully fuck.

Then the dams break, their sweat sheened bodies wracking and shuddering. He tenses and holds her viciously tight in his final down thrust as his boiling cum spews and sprays into her hungry cunt, she judders and wails in exquisite, eye rolling ecstasy.

Once more they melt into one being, joined at mouth and pelvis, together body and soul.

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My Afrikaaner Whore

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You might recognise my name if you hear it. I am a relatively famous author of crime novels with a historical twist and my books have a large following across the world. If I choose to remain anonymous on this occasion you will no doubt understand why as I spin you my story.

My success has meant I am a wealthy man. I work for half the year and the rest I spend at my houses around the world following the sun and enjoying the single lifestyle.

What you don’t know about me, and it is a closely guarded secret, is that my houses are all cared for by my hand-picked local ‘housekeepers’, who tend my every desire when I am in residence. I intend, if you will indulge me, to tell you the stories of how I met each of them in turn, starting with my very first, my Afrikaaner whore.

It was about five years ago and I was on the Cape because of business commitments. The first three days of my trip were spent in all day meetings, negotiating contracts with an African publisher and then dining with my lawyers in the evening. By day four I was exhausted and couldn’t face another evening of business talk so I made my excuses and told my hosts that I planned a quiet evening in my hotel room.

I really had other plans. I picked up a copy of the Cape Times from the reception area of my lawyers offices and scanned the personals section. Halfway down column seven I found what I was looking for: “Busty Tina, blonde, eager to please, own apartment with Table View call 333 5774.”

I tapped the number into my mobile and a sultry Afrikaans accent answered “Hi there, how can I help?”

“I saw an advert in the Cape Times and want some more details” I replied.

“Of course darling, I am a leggy blond, 34, 24, 38, how does that sound?”

“To be honest, I’ve never been much good with numbers. Would it be improper to ask how big they are?”

She giggled before replying: “Not at all darling, I’m a double E cup size, is that big enough for you?”

“Sounds like heaven”. “What I’m looking for is somewhere to hang out for a few hours, have a few beers and just relax. Can you help with that?”

“Of course I can. I have a little place in Kenilworth, we can have a beer in the garden and use the hot tub. What time do you want to come over?”

I had a few things to finish first so I suggested about 5.30.

“Perfect. Give me a call when you get into Kenilworth and I’ll guide you to the house.”

I rang off and finished my workload for the day, but to be honest my mind wasn’t really on business.

The thought of an evening in the company of a busty blonde was too much of a distraction after three days of business meetings.

I packed my things away, said good evening to the receptionist and made my way down to the car. The drive to Kenilworth took about 45 minutes in the early evening traffic but seemed longer. As I entered the suburb I pulled over to the side of the road and called Tina again.

She answered immediately. “Hi there is that you.”

“Yes, I’m in Kenilworth by the park, opposite the Castle konyaaltı escort pub, can you guide me in?”

She gave me directions and I drove on up the hill to the house. It turned out I was only 2 minutes away and she lived on a quiet street with only four other homes. I parked on the roadside and made my way to the security gate. Just as I got there the gate opened and Tina stuck her head out from around the gatepost.

Once she opened the gate fully, I could see she was about 5 11 with very long legs, made longer by 3 inch heels, and shoulder length blond spiky hair. Her most noticeable feature however was her fabulous set of tits, barely strapped in by a white shirt tied at the waist.

“Hi, how are you?”

“Good, glad to be here.”

“Want a beer?”

“Oh god yes.”

“Then come on up.”

As we made our way up the steps and into the house I watched her from behind, her round ass beautifully shaped by a short denim skirt swaying in front of me. She had the look of a woman who had been a swimmer or an athlete when she was younger. Broad shoulders, toned and well built.

We made our way into the L shaped living room which featured an open plan kitchen in the elbow of the L.

Tina went to the ice box and got me a beer and we made our way outside. Her garden was still bathed in the early evening sunshine and surrounded by high shrubs for privacy. In the far corner stood the hottub and there was a small table with a parasol and two chairs to sit under.

We sat outside and chatted. She told me all about the area, its restaurants and nightlife. It was clear she enjoyed the company and was pleased to be able to chat with someone. It turned out she was in her late 30s divorced by a husband who had found a younger, newer model of his own wife.

He had given her the house in the divorce and had promised to set her up in business, but once he got her name on the divorce papers the seed capital for the business never materialised.

She had been low on cash for a while but one night, having been stood-up by a friend at a bar, a foreign businessman had offered to buy her a drink. She declined but he was persistent and eventually offered $1000 if she would sleep with him. She had meant to be horrified but $1000 was more than 18000 rand at the time, more than enough to keep her going for at least a month.

Eventually she agreed but wanted the money up front. Without blinking the businessman handed it over and they made their way to his hotel. She had expected it to be bad lay but he had proved surprisingly good. Once he’d got his second wind she took control and began to enjoy herself. She found that she loved the power that being paid for it gave her. The ability to separate emotion from sex and to be able to walk away once the deed was done.

After that first time she had targeted businessmen looking for a similar deal. A small advert in the Cape Times was followed by a discreet website and soon she had a stable of a dozen or so local regulars supplemented by travellers just passing kültür escort through.

I listened until she finished her story and then asked if it was possible to take a shower.

“Of course darling, follow me.”

I picked up my jacket and followed her into the house, quietly slipping an envelope marked “Gift” onto the kitchen top where she would see it when she came back.

She led me to the back of the property and picked up a towel from a basket. “It’s right in here. Take as much time as you want, I’ll get the hottub fired up.”

I showered quickly but the air had got to my cock and turned it hard. I wrapped a towel around myself to cover it over as best I could and made my way back out to the garden. The envelope had disappeared from the kitchen counter and I could see Tina was already in the hottub.

“There you are, come on and get in here, the water’s lovely.”

“I will but I should warn you, you’re already having a very powerful effect on me.”

“What do you mean?”

I unwrapped my towel and displayed my stiff cock to her.

“Is that all for me darling?”

I laughed and climbed into the hottub sitting opposite her so I could take in her enormous knockers.

Sipping my beer we chatted some more but there was a heat in the air now that was nothing to do with the setting sun.

After a while, I felt a foot probing my groin area slowly teasing my foreskin up and down.

“Better not do too much of that, I’m primed and ready.”

She laughed again and stood up, giving me a clear view of her tits before leaning over me and dangling them in my face. I sucked on her nipples and moaned loudly, “God they’re magnificent.”

“You’re a tits man aren’t you?”

She lowered herself onto my lap and our lips touched. I felt a tongue dart into my mouth and then a breathy command came from her lips. “We’d better get you inside hadn’t we?” Without waiting for an answer she climbed out of the tub and towelled herself down, her huge tits swaying as she wiped the water off herself.

Her legs looked long and sexy but I wanted to see her back in those heels before we went any further.

“I love a woman in heels” I said. “Put them back on for me.”

She slipped back into the strapless heels and I followed her into the house and down to the back bedroom where she lay herself on the bed, propping her head up on one arm.

I lay myself alongside her and she moved silently on top of me. “Let me do the work darling, you’ve had a hard day.”

We kissed passionately and I suckled her tits her some more. Then she straddled my cock and lowered herself onto me, groaning as I entered her.

“How do you like your sex?” she asked.

“The dirtier the better” I gasped.

“You are a wild one aren’t you?”

She rested her hands on my chest and started to move quickly up and down. “Oh yes darling, let’s fuck.”

I’ve always loved dirty talk and decided to try some on her to see if she was up for it.

“Oh you dirty blonde bitch”.

“Baby, I’m your markantalya escort dirty blonde bitch” she replied.

Her rhythm was getting faster and she threw her head back moaning. I grabbed her hips and pushed her down further onto my cock with each thrust.

“Oh darling this is so good” she gasped.

I knew she was paid for doing a job but she clearly enjoyed her work. She learned forward and dangled her tits again in my face. I gobbled at her nipples but she pulled herself back upright almost immediately and started moving faster. I knew she was close now and I started thrusting upward as she pushed down.

“Oh baby yes, I’m almost there…..Oh baby yes, I love your cock.”

Her body buckled slightly as she came. She looked down at me with a wanton look and I knew she wanted more. But it was my turn now and I needed to cum as quickly as possible.

Moving her off me I lent her back against the pillows in an upright position. Then I got onto my knees and straddled her hips, grabbing two handfuls of titflesh.

She knew what I wanted immediately. “Oh yes baby, fuck my big titties.”

I thrust my cock up between them and saw the head pop out near her neck. It was a stunning sight and I moved quicker, relishing the friction of my cock against her knockers.

I was concentrating so fiercely I had forgotten the dirty talk but her dirty mouth had more than enough for both of us.

“Fuck my titties you dirty bastard, go on fuck them harder, harder.”

The bedsprings groaned as I moved my weight, frantically screwing away at her tits.

“Oh baby do them, fuck my big tits, come on harder, faster” she screamed.

I was close now and I wanted her to know it. “Oh you filthy fucking whore” I gasped.

“Oh baby cum all over them, shoot all over them darling.”

I pounded her tits, feeling a tightening in my balls as I neared climax. I held off as long as I could but nature had taken over now and with one last effort my balls gave way, cum shooting all over her tits and neck as I shouted at her, “Oh yes you dirty fucking bitch, oh yeah.”

I collapsed on the bed beside her as she rubbed my cum into her tits. She looked the picture of a dirty whore.

“I hope you don’t mind my language when I’m fucking” I said apologetically.

“Not at all darling. We all have our roles to play. What’s said in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom.”

I took her twice more that evening, once standing up with her leaning over the kitchen table and then finally up her well lubricated ass on her sofa.

We dined that night in a little Trattoria only five minutes away. She was the image of a middle class girlfriend, well dressed and polite to everyone she met. Nobody would have believed she had been begging me to fuck her up the ass only an hour earlier.

The next day she agreed to help me find a property to buy in Camps Bay and we looked at five houses before dining in the town that night. Within two months I had exchanged on my new house and six months later she moved in as housekeeper, rent free. She still does a little whoring for pin money but outcalls only.

I now spend about three months a year there on and off, enjoying the sun and the sex. That’s how I met my Afrikaaner whore.


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The Private Dick Ch. 01

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It was Monday. Another weekend had come crashing to a halt. Now, at seven a.m., I was being torn out of a good dream involving a pair of gymnast twins, by the sound of my shower running and a melodic, sweet singing coming from my bathroom. This wasn’t expected. Especially since I hadn’t brought anyone home. I never bring girls back to my place. Hard to bring back girls to your pad when your pad is your moms. Also, it was unnecessary for me, hence the person in the shower.

I got up and stripped off the boxers I had crashed in and made my way to the bathroom. It was steamy and hard to see but I found the toilet and did my thing.

“Honey, is that you?”

“Nope, it’s the mailman.”

“Oh gosh, well I hope the mailman doesn’t get any ideas since a beautiful, naked woman is in the shower in here.”

I opened the frosted glass shower door and climbed in beside the beautiful naked woman that had invaded my shower.

“Oh gosh!” she gasped. She really did gasp. She looked down at my penis that had woken up more ready than I had to the thoughts of her nudity. “Honey, someone is horny this morning.”

“Well thoughts of you naked, getting taken advantage of by the mailman do that to me mom.”

So yes, I do live with my mom. But there’s a reason for it. Well many reasons. Naked showers with her are high on the list of those reasons.

This isn’t one of those stories where the writer tells you that at 50 his mom could stop traffic. Let’s face it, there aren’t too many 50-year-old woman that can stop traffic without having had serious surgery specifically designed for that purpose. But I will tell you she could at least slow it down. There are a lot of 50-year-old woman who can do that and she was one of them. My mom hadn’t had any surgeries to augment her. She had wanted a boob job for several years but I managed to keep talking her out of it. I loved her breasts. They were heavy but not hitting the floor, just the right amount to have some big, double hand fulls. God they were sexy. She was sexy.

She had medium brown hair this month, it changed like the wind, and I had liked all her haircuts through the years. She was about 5’6, which was quite a bit shorter than me at an inch or two over 6 feet. She had been traffic stopping beautiful in her youth, and had aged well, in fact, I found her more beautiful with each day. Some people are sexier with age. She had a little bit of body fat on her, which she detested, and I loved, especially on her soft belly and hips and ass. Sometimes I would jerk my dick and cum just thinking about those thick hips and ass, even knowing I could go down the hall and get it if I wanted.

I loved my mother. I more ways than one. We had a great relationship.

I guess I should mention that I’m thirty-two. And yes, as stated I lived at home. Mostly so I can keep fucking my sexy mother. So, if you didn’t do the math yet, yes, she’s 18 years older than I am. If she ever knew who my father was, she won’t tell me, and I’ve long stopped asking. It doesn’t really matter. She’s mine and I’m hers and we have been for a long time. I also have a 16-year-old sister. You do the math.

And this morning was a testament to our relationship. She had obviously been thinking ahead. We didn’t sleep in the same bed every night, but we made love a couple of times a week. A lot of the times we made slow passionate love and I looked into her eyes while she came on her son’s cock, then looked into them again when I filled my own mother’s pussy with my cum. I knew she didn’t sneak into my shower for sweet love making though, and I was going to oblige her.

I kissed her hard, and she kissed me back like she does when I know she is craving the physical resolution to her sexual frustrations. Her smooth, lithe tongue was in my mouth and felt like it was a thousand degrees. My hands roamed that perfect, sexy milf body, grabbing those handfuls of breasts I mentioned and squeezing and pulling on them. I gave both her nipples a pinch and she moaned into my mouth.

I let go and ran my hand down her belly and felt her pubic hair. I slipped my index finger inside her without a problem and knew what I needed to do.

If my mother comes to me wet, she is ready to get fucked. Plain and simple.

“Sorry about all the hair,” she giggled in my ear. “I haven’t trimmed in days”

I pulled her hips around so her ass was facing me. She propped one foot up on the built-in seat in the standup shower.

“Hmmhmmm,” I grunted. She knew I liked her pussy hairy. To me it extenuated her womanliness. I like older women with a little hair on their pussies. What can I say?

I lined my cock up with her wet slit and pushed myself into her hard, pulling her hips into me.

She moaned and I knew it was filling her, taking her, slamming her, making her pussy hurt but feel good. I pulled almost all the way konyaaltı escort out, just the tip was still barely hanging on, just enough so I wouldn’t lose her completely, and then slammed into her again. She more than moaned this time and knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold it. I rammed my cock into her like a man possessed, like I wanted to see how many times I could get it in there in thirty seconds because I knew I wouldn’t be able to last more than that.

My mom also likes to talk dirty when she’s feeling like a good old dirty fuck. Which I love. She compartmentalizes very well. When we’re making love, she is sweet and sexy and wants that in return. When we are fucking, she wants to be a slut and wants that treatment in return. I am always happy to help.

“Mmmm, Fuck. Mommies. Pussy. Baby,” she said between my thrusts.

I pounded harder, if that possible at this point.

“Yes, mommy. You’re such a dirty whore for your son aren’t you mommy. Your son owns your cunt doesn’t he.”

I could feel her shudder as she came all over me and knew that was it. Feeling my own mother cum all over me takes me back to being a much younger man, but that’s a story for later.

She was in the middle of her own orgasm as she said, “I wanna taste it baby.”

That was all I needed to hear. I pulled my cock out and before I could really think about she had it in her mouth. Fuck. I could feel my balls release as I looked down at my cock in my mom’s mouth. The greatest vision in life is your mom sucking your cock as the water from the shower rains down on her.

“UGHGHGH” or something like that came out of my mouth.

She held my ass with one hand and sucked me until I became too sensitive for her to keep going. I pulled her to her feet and held her as the water poured down around us. A long time ago my mom and I had decided I would mostly cum inside her, but on those rare occasions when she wanted to taste my cum, I was putty in her hands.

We soaped each other up and kissed and laughed, then got out and I watched her ass as she made her way down the hallway. I wanted more, and the good thing was, I knew I’d be getting it later that night.

As I got dressed I examined myself in the mirror. I’m not a bad looking guy if do say so myself. I try to stay in shape with running, exercise, and not eating too much ice cream. It works ok. I had somewhat of a six-pack. Might need to work on that a bit.

I heard my phone chime and checked my text messages. I’m basically a private investigator. Well sort of. I went to law school after college, got a baseball scholarship to a really small school you’ve never heard of. I passed the bar and actually practiced law for a while. It didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t like being couped all day. Lawyering is a lot of paper work. So now I do investigations for some firms around town. If they need something checked out, or looked into, or hell, even covered up, I was their guy. It paid pretty well. Between my mom and I we did ok.

I checked my message and saw it was from Jacinda Hernandez, of Hernandez, Hernandez, and Hernandez or something like that, requesting my presence. She married a Hernandez and wasn’t a partner yet. That didn’t matter to her, she was still a super bitch. But H,H, & H paid well so I figured I better get my ass in gear and make some money.


I had thrown on a dark grey sports coat, a checkered shirt, and some dark jeans and headed to Jacinda’s office. I looked like a young strapping detective, if I do say so myself, and since clearly no one else was going to, I had to do it. I waited in the lobby on Jacinda’s floor for what I deemed an inordinate amount of time before the secretary ushered me in to see Jacinda.

The H, H and H offices were downtown and everything about them screamed well to do lawyers that charged out the ass. Jacinda’s office had lovely view of downtown with floor to ceiling windows, and she wasn’t a partner. That fact that she sucked a partner’s dick played into the niceness of the office I’m sure. Of the three H’s that made up the firm, one was the father, and two were 40-something sons. I have no idea which one Jacinda was married to.

“Thank god you’re here,” Jacinda mouthed as she stood behind her very large, very wood desk talking into her desk phone. She motioned for me to sit. She was standing so I felt kind of awkward but that’s never stopped me before.

Jacinda is a pretty spectacular chick. She’s at least six-foot-tall with long auburn hair with blonde and red highlights and these gorgeous blue-green eyes. She’s also what I like to call thick. Not fat. Big boned. Jacinda quite frankly is gorgeous. Standing in a very tight form fitting dress, all of her curves were on display. Her feet were smallish for a large woman, turning into very shapely caves, then thighs that were bigger around than a watermelon, kültür escort leading to one hell of an ass. Her breasts were beyond huge. Oh, and her belly. Her huge, sexy pregnant belly. I was shocked. I had not known Jacinda was pregnant. It had been, what, six months since I’d seen her. I was almost salivating.

She spoke quietly into the phone about something I couldn’t make out then said “I love you” and hung up. “You’re here,” she exhaled. “Good. I need you to look into something for me.”

I definitely wanted to look into something of Jacinda’s. Jacinda and I have a history, but more of that later.

She came around the desk and sat down in the other chair next to mine. She kicked her shoes off and put them in my lap. “Be a dear will you.” She gave me a look that told me I wouldn’t get any info until I rubbed.

“Fine.” I started to massage her sexy feet. I swear she must have sprayed them with perfume. They smelt wonderful. I slowly kneaded the bottoms and the tops with my thumbs and fingers. Jacinda closed her eyes and made a “mmhmm” noise.

“So…,” I stopped rubbing.

“So, there’s this client right…” She paused and I started rubbing again. “So, this client thinks his wife is having an affair. We need you to check it out. We handle his business but he’s looking for a reason to employ our divorce division.”

This wasn’t one of my favorite types of cases, but I had done these in the past. Trite P.I. investigations. The old cheating spouse.

“Okay, sounds good. So, what? Pictures, video? What kind of proof is required?”

She had her eyes closed and her head laid back, I couldn’t help but stare at her beautiful body. Her pregnant belly. When did that happen? And those mountains of titties that were struggling to get free.

“The usual stuff. Just be careful. This bitch signed a prenup and will do anything for it not to become void.”

I sort of guffawed and she opened one eye.

“What? I’m a professional. I can handle a housewife fucking the pool boy.”

She actually smirked. “Well she’s former porn star, and her pool boy is in the NBA and has an entourage.”

Well there’s that then. “I can handle it,” was the best come-back I could come up with.

Jacinda nodded and relaxed again, closed her eyes. “Keep going,” was all she said. So like the manly man I am, I did.

I massaged her feet for a few more minutes, examining her finely pedicured toes and doing my best to rub them hard and rough while she shifted around a few times. Finally, her toes were resting against my dick, where I had wanted them the whole time. She smirked again and started to rub back with her toes.

My dick was raging hard just from looking at her and having rubbed her feet. I started to run my hand up and down her smooth leg. Her skin was soft and smooth under my fingertips and she scooted lower in her chair. My hand went higher and higher each time till it was under her dress around mid-thigh.

“You’re going to touch something that gets you in trouble in a second mister,” she said.

“That’s ok, I like trouble,” I said as my hand worked even higher, discovering that she didn’t have on any panties in the process. Jacinda moved her legs and my fingers found her hot, wet pussy.

Jacinda got up quickly and I thought I had overstepped, but I was wrong. “Come on,” she said as she raised her dress over her head and pulled it off. “I thought you’d pussy foot around all day about this and I have a meeting.”

Well hell. I stared at her for a second. Damn she was beautiful. A lot of guys don’t like thicker or bigger women, but I liked them in any and every shape and size, creed and color. And Jacinda was one of the best. If I hadn’t been with someone since I was 16 I would have been in love.

So anyway. I stared at her. Her massive tits were being barely restrained by a bra made of grey lace that looked like it was going to burst. She reached behind her and unclasped it and they fell free. It was a struggle not to explode right there.

They were awesome. They were huge, so there were somewhat saggy just by sheer weight, but her nipples where gorgeous and swollen and pink. I popped one in my mouth immediately. Jacinda moaned as I bite it hard and we fumbled to get her ass up on her desk. She pulled at my belt and undid my pants to get my cock out. I tore myself away from sucking her sexy nipples to rip my pants down. My cock sprung to attention.

“Fuck, I forgot how big it is,” she said. I love it when they say things like that.

I pushed her legs wide apart and stared at her huge tits and that very pregnant sexy belly. I dove into her hot gash like a starving man, licking her and sucking her clit, my hands all over her belly. I really liked rubbing it. It was hot and juicy and the best thing I had tasted in a while.

Jacinda pulled and pushed me deeper markantalya escort and deeper into her sexy pussy, raising her ass off the table when my tongue found her asshole.

“Fuck, I need it,” she said. I love it when they say that too.

“How far along are you?” I asked.

She groaned with impatience as she rubbed the cleanest, prettiest pussy I have ever seen.

“About the same amount of time as since the last time we fucked.” She grabbed my cock and pulled it up to her. “Now fuck me.”

Well I couldn’t keep a lady waiting. I slide my dick in hard and fast and deep. All the way inside Jacinda’s pregnant pussy. She moaned and wrapped her thick legs around me. Looking down on that pregnant belly and those big tits was almost an out of body experience.

I started to ram her for all I was worth.

Jacinda grabbed a wood handled letter opener and bit down so she wouldn’t wake the dead, or even worse, alert her husband she was taking my cock like a horny nun after years of abstinence. I pulled her legs up so I could get deep. I wanted to hit the bottom of this fat, sexy pregnant bitch’s pussy so bad. I would probably blow her head off when I did.

“How long,” I gasped. “How long till you’re due?” I at least slowed down so she could answer me.

“Two months.”

I speed back up. Fuck. Two months till she popped. That means what? Six months she’s been pregnant. That was about the last time we had done this. Right here actually. I have to see Jacinda more. I love pregnant pussy and I was madly in lust with this woman. Once a week might be enough.

Jacinda was playing with her huge breasts now and I knew I better hurry up and finish. I could pace myself and make it last but I wanted to blow my load and didn’t want any interruptions before that could happened. I looked at her face, those big sexy tits, probably my baby in her cunt. Oh yeah.

Too bad you couldn’t get a pussy any more pregnant. I could feel my balls starting to ache and knew even with having already unloaded in my mom’s mouth this morning it was gonna be a doosey. I pushed Jacinda’s legs as far back as they would go and unleashed my seed deep inside her cunt. I held my grunts and moans behind my lips and took it all out on her savory cunt. My cumming put her over the edge and her toes twisted and she started to slap me wherever she could reach me to give her some mercy. It only fueled my fire. I rammed her again and again till I was sure she was done.

Panting I collapsed on top of her sucked her nipples. She squealed and pushed me away because they were sensitive. With remorse and one long last look I took her in, legs spread wide, pretty pussy holding my cock, tits and pregnant belly everywhere. I pulled out and watched my cum leak out. Jacinda scooped some with her fingers and licked it.

“This is potent stuff. But I guess you know that by now.”

I looked at her belly then into her beautiful blue-green eyes. I made a gesture. Moi

She giggled, then came up to kiss me. She tasted good. “Yes, of course you. I hadn’t had sex with my husband in weeks and then here you come along and seduce me.” She smiled really big and I kissed her again. I love kissing a smiling woman. “Then all that bullshit about you don’t do condoms, and stupid me thought what the hell, what’s the chances.” She laughed. “Well chances were pretty good, because that big fucking dick got me pregnant. I’d say on the first try but I lost count of my orgasm that time and you came what, three times?”

It was true. I had known Jacinda for a while before that night, and she finally relented, right here in her office, after hours, one night when we met about a case. And yes, I don’t wear condoms if I can talk the lovely lady whom I’m bedding into forgetting about them. And yes, when I’m stroking that pussy with nothing in between us I almost always shoot my hot baby making seed in an unsuspecting uterus. Call it a character flaw. At least Jacinda didn’t seem so upset.

“Well, I guess you weren’t mad?”

She laughed as she picked up her dress and hugged it to herself. She kissed me on the check. “I was furious. Didn’t want to talk to you for six months, obviously. But I’m over it and it’s fine and no one is the wiser. I had to fuck my husband more times in three weeks than I have in five years so there wouldn’t be any questions, then he accused me of getting pregnant on purpose. But it’s all good now.”

I nodded. She had it all worked out.

She pressed up againt me and looked into my face. “Oh, god. I’m sorry. You didn’t want anything to do with this did you, I just assumed you didn’t.”

I didn’t. “No, I guess it’s just nice to know. Nice to see you happy.”

She smiled. “Well good. I am. It’s all good.”

I looked at her and we paused and kissed again. I think in anther life we both could have had real feelings for one another.

“I just want more of that pregnant pussy. Before all your time is taken up.”

She smiled. “Get me my proof on this cheating bitch and it’s all yours for the next three months. Pregnant woman are horny.”


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The Preacher’s Wife

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2F 1M

Chapter 1

Cynthia hated the month she had to spend every summer with her uncle Thomas and aunt Elizabeth. Cindy was a precocious curvy blonde, an 18 year-old freshman at college, who had aspirations of becoming a sex worker. Given that her immediate family was very religious made no difference to her, in fact it added more spice to her life. It’s no fun when everyone says you’re doing a good job, when she really enjoyed shocking people!

Her aunt and uncle were evangelicals, ‘born again’ folks who spent most of their time in church. Her uncle Thomas, named after one of the apostles, was a preacher. They had a 24 year-old daughter, a quiet redhead, also named after Ruth in the Bible. Ruthie was burning up inside, not with spiritual fervor, but because her pussy throbbed something awful, and she often cried herself to sleep with a zucchini wedged between her legs. She was still a virgin and prayed every night, asking the Divinity to send someone to fuck her.

Gary, three years older than Cindy, was clueless when it came to life experiences, and used most of his spare time looking up at the sky, waiting for Michael the Archangel. Why he was named Gary made no sense because there was no one called Gary in the Bible. The gossip at church — or to make it less personal — rumor has it, a UPS driver was the father.

But Gary, a healthy 21 year-old, had what he needed at this point in his life. He didn’t go to college, just sort of hung out, and learned about life by watching porn. He learned that women just lie down and spread their legs, that they existed only to please men who had big dicks, and that incest was a preferred lifestyle. In fact, he learned that mothers were dying to fuck their sons, especially step moms who married men much older than themselves. Gary wore a size 13 shoe and that in itself tells you why he was popular at church.

Thomas was a preacher, and still is a preacher. He hasn’t had to resign yet because he fucks the women at church. One of the reasons women went to church was to get laid. It was common knowledge, and the men were only too happy to let Thomas give their wives a shagging every once in a while. He never pretended to be something he wasn’t. He was 42 years old, got through high school without knocking up any girls, and went onto Bible College. He didn’t have to take fancy courses like calculus and Freshman English and physics. All he needed was what the Bible told him. He married a pretty girl named Elizabeth, a virgin, and he knew she was a clean girl. No smutty talk, she didn’t smoke or do drugs. But she was always horny and she let Thomas feel her up before they eventually got married.


A good Christian would go to church twice on Sunday and once in the middle of the week, usually Wednesday nights. Sunday morning services were typically hellfire and brimstone sermons, enough to put the fear of God into every impressionable man, woman, or child. It seemed everything a good Christian does these days was a sin, especially matters pertaining to the flesh. If God wanted purity He should have created astral beings, but given the level of corruption that pervades our lives, God must have had reasons for creating fleshpots. Or to put it euphemistically, humans.

People spoke in tongues, not that they had any idea what they were saying, but hopefully someone in the congregation would give an interpretation. Unfortunately the translation wasn’t useful, like maybe offering advice on the commodities exchange. Most of the good folks were ranchers, farmers or worked at Walmart. The translation was the usual warnings from the Lord — hear no evil, see no evil, and do no evil! Except Jesus never mentioned masturbation in the Sermon On The Mount. Back then, both men and women were getting themselves off at a furious clip, since there was not much else to do. Moreover, given the level of stupidity in those days, it was obvious people rarely went to school.

Wednesday night prayer meetings were great fun. Those were mostly for young people because they could go parking after church. If they didn’t have cars, they could fuck under a tree somewhere, but most kids have cars these days. A visiting preacher would often come and speak, or a missionary back from Uganda who was kicked out of the country for corrupting the minds of the youth, being a bad influence on children. Whomever it was didn’t have much to say that wasn’t already in the Bible. Gary looked forward to the women missionaries, usually in their 30’s and had nice bosoms and played the piano too. Gary would stare at their legs as they played and sung about what a friend we have in Jesus. Following the service, Gary would jerk off to the church lady’s legs, if he made it home on time before he wet his shorts. Otherwise he’d splatter the walls in the men’s room.

Gary had a massive cock, a whopper, if you will. He worked out with weights a bit, and ingested a fair amount of protein. He told himself the size of his dick was due to his protein intake, but since he’d been jerking off, konyaaltı escort like forever, playing with his pecker and watching it grow in his hands, that theory didn’t make sense.

Elizabeth, the preacher’s wife, was a perfect example of temptation. She had a mouth shaped like it was made for sucking cocks — a wide mouth with full lips. She wore dark lipstick when she went to church, and made it clear she was available on an hourly basis. She had an ample bosom, with wide hips, and muscular thighs. She used those thighs when she was close to coming, crushing Thomas’ head in a vise grip, which left him with red ears and gasping for air.

She met Thomas at church, when she was 19, and she believed virgins went to Heaven and it was the reason she learned how to kick box. Of course, she didn’t expect to be a virgin until she was 87, but she strutted around, wiggling her big bottom, daring men to approach her, at the risk of being kicked in the balls. She was beautiful, innocent, and knew how to cook. She seduced Thomas over a steak dinner, and a bottle of root beer.

Watching his mother putter around the house made Gary horny. She was not fat, but voluptuous, and her ass was to die for. When she married Thomas, she was slimmer, and wore a size 5. Now she was heavier, wore a size 12, and was starved for some action in the bedroom. She knew Gary watched her, and it made her blush in a girlish way; he loved her curves and the rosewater she used when she went to church, and when she didn’t go to church and didn’t use cologne, she smelled like a wet cunt. He had the hots for his mother.

Chapter 2

When Cindy stayed with her aunt and uncle she wasn’t allowed to date and had to spend half her time in church. She was dragged to Bible classes on Tuesday evenings, prayer meetings on Wednesdays, church socials on Saturday nights as well as morning and evening services on Sundays.

One Sunday morning pastor’s fiery message had almost come to an end. While people were weeping, and gnashing their teeth, Cindy, being impervious to the sobbing around her, decided to have some fun. Sitting in the front pew with her aunt and Ruthie, she was glad she wasn’t wearing any panties. Slouching back in her seat, Cindy discreetly raised her skirt a big higher and uncrossed her legs, giving the preacher a blatant view of her naked inner thighs.

Pastor Tom was saying something about the sins of the flesh, when he glimpsed the lurid display of Cindy’s creamy thighs. He stammered and momentarily lost his train of thought; Cindy went for broke, spreading her thighs wide open, giving him an unobstructed view of her hair fringed pussy. Completely rattled by the sight of her wantonly exposed sex, the reverend quickly averted his eyes to the rest of the congregation. He mumbled nervously for the rest of his discourse — that the end of times was near — but his words were no longer coherent. Not that they made much sense anyway, but he was willing to let Satan tempt him one more time. Cindy was smiling up at him beatifically, fingering her wet, oily pussy. Clutching the lectern, he was unable to speak as he watched her finger sliding in and out of her slippery pussy, and it appeared from the juice running down her thighs, she was close to coming! The benediction sounded like mumbo jumbo, and the congregation being in spiritual hysterics, pay no heed.

The service was over! The piano player hammered out a rousing recessional. Violet was a piece of work herself, people thought her was a dyke because she’d never been married. She kept her hair short, wore no lipstick, and her ass was big. Sitting on the piano stool, you could see she had a big ass!

In the quiet time after people had left, Thomas walked his wife back to their home, his breathing labored and his wife wondering if he was going to have a coronary. With his horrendous hard-on, the man knew he’d have to fuck his wife or lose his mind. With visions of Cindy’s hairy pussy in his mind, he hurried Elizabeth into the bedroom.

“What’s gotten into you?” she asked, agitated.

“I don’t know, I’m just horny.”

“Aren’t you hungry?”

“I’m too horny to eat.”

“What was Cindy doing? She was squirming a round a lot!” Elizabeth asked him.

“Yeah, she seemed restless …”

“I watched her showing off her legs. She’s got nice legs, but she –” Elizabeth appreciated long legs on a woman.

“Cindy is a cute kid …”

“Yes, but I watched her! She had her hands between her legs!”

“Yeah…” He was thinking about Cindy. His breathing became heavier.

“Was she distracting you?”

“A little … not too much.”

“Well, when she had her hands down there, you could hardly talk!”

“yeah …”

“You were stammering. You made no sense.”

“Yeah …”

“I should leave Cindy home next Sunday.”

“She’s OK. No problem. Bring her to church,”

“Maybe she should wear a long dress …”

“It’s OK. She’s got nice legs …”

“But I could tell you were aroused. kültür escort I know you too well.”

“She’s a cock teaser ..”

“Thomas! A cock teaser! I never heard you talk like that!”

“It’s a phase she’s going through …”

“Well, you need to be more Christ-like.”

He didn’t need to be lectured.

“Yeah. Get on the bed.”

“Right now?”

“Now. I want you to play with yourself …”

“We’re having a conversation!” she said, attempting to stay on topic.

“Yeah, I know. Play with yourself. Show me your pussy …”

“Just like that? What am I? Some slut you picked up on the way home?”

“Play with it, Liz. You got a nice hairy pussy. Turn me on …”

She glared at him, then reluctantly crawled up on the king size bed. She slipped her panties to the side, leaving her thigh-highs on. She was wearing a garter belt.

“Play with yourself, Liz. Make it wet …”

While she kept eye contact, she moved her fingers into her folds, then slowly up to her clit. His eyes were fastened on her every movement. Her labia were opening, and he could see glistening between the lips.

“I don’t feel right about doing this. What if Cindy comes in?”

“She won’t. She’s out with Gary somewhere.”

She continued to manipulate her folds, and she was getting hotter. Her finger action was arousing him. She’d never done anything like this before!

“I feel like a whore, fingering myself like this!”

“Good. You’re turning me on. Keep doing what you’re doing …”

She was beginning to leak heavily and it was embarrassing her. She was a minister’s wife, and a mother! It wasn’t right that she should be displaying her private parts like this. But she was getting into it. She was feeling pretty good!

“Take out your pecker, Thomas. Let me see it!” Her fingers were arousing her more. She was getting very wet.

He unzipped his fly and pulled out his penis. It was almost fully hard.

“C’mon, Liz, get yourself wet. I want to hear it …”

She used more fingers to churn her pussy. She was quite wet, and made sloshy noises. It turned him on. His affair was getting larger. He began fisting himself. The mushroom dome was almost purple and glistening from precum.

“OK, Tom, enough is enough. I want to feel you inside me …”

He wanted her to suck his cock, but he was too close. Fuck it, he’d have her do it!

“Liz, I want you to suck my cock!”

“Now wait a minute! I’m not that kind of woman, Tom. I’m not going to suck that thing!”

“Yes, you will! The Bible says you can suck my cock!”

“Where does it say that?”

“Never mind. Suck it, Liz! You got me really hot …”

She knew she had to obey him. She reached out with her right hand and lifted the massive tube of flesh, cradling it in her soft palm. As she leaned forward, and opened her lips she could see how close he was to shooting. Precum was leaking heavily and his balls was very swollen.

He wanted to play with her pussy. It had been years since he had played with his wife. Her gaping hair lined slit was a visual feast, and with the musky scent she exuded, he knew she was aroused. Elizabeth had much more hair on her pussy and her pussy flaps had spread apart. She had stronger urges these days and while he was in his office working on his sermon, she used her quiet time to lie on bed and finger herself to climax after climax.

“Ooooooooh!” she passionately whispered, feeling his finger worming through the opening at the crotch of her wet panties.

Trembling with excitement, she could feel the tip of his thick middle finger probing into the moist furrow of her furry pussy, avidly seeking her hot, slick fuckhole. Elizabeth ‘s entire body writhed with ecstasy when she felt his finger action, teasing the slippery inner folds of her scalding pussy. The delirious woman whimpered as his finger continued churning her juices around and around in the hot slippery interior of her vulva.

Finally removing his fingers from her cunt, he slipped them into the waistband of her panties and rolled them down over her wide, rounded hips, pulling the wet cotton underwear down her thick thighs onto the floor. With her spread out so submissively, he removed her dress and then her bra, allowing her heavy breasts to spill out luridly on her chest.

Elizabeth was a full figured woman, an appetizing size 12. Her breasts were firm for her age, her nipples thick and red. Her areolae was wider than most women her age, and her flesh made his dick twitch when he looked at her. As women do when they remove their bra, she rolled her nipples making them stiff, and arousing herself and a trickle of juice trickled down her thighs. She was wearing tan stockings, and a garter belt. The thick bush covering her pussy made her look with a whore working in a Yuma City bordello, and as she lay there, she spread her legs and gave Thomas an eye-full that made his balls ache.

Panting with excitement, the preacher began gently caressing markantalya escort her soft tit flesh while he gently pinched and toyed with her swollen nipples.

“Oh, honey,” she whimpered, reaching down to grasp his big hard cock again. “It’s been a long time … your cock turns me on!”

Whimpering with excitement, the hot-assed woman began rolling and rubbing the entire length of his rampant weapon against the softness of her rounded belly. Even though being married to a cleric, Elizabeth’s hormones were active, her body quivering with lust as his swelling member burned so deliciously against her groin. Thomas had not touched her like this in a long time; She was almost out of her mind with anticipation.

When he finally released her from his arms so he could undress, Elizabeth perched on the edge of the bed to watch him disrobe.

“Your balls are swollen!” she whispered when he dropped his shorts.

Not speaking, the pastor dropped to his knees in front of his wife on the edge of the bed. Smiling at her, he placed her legs over his shoulders and buried his face into the auburn forest of her steaming crotch. Thomas wasn’t the kind of man that normally ate pussy; but the sight of Cindy’s cunt had unleashed passions he had never known existed. He felt energized, exhilarated, and 20 years younger!

He knew eating pussy was sorta sinful, but the Bible was never clear about eating pussy. He couldn’t help himself. He loved the heady odor of her steaming cunt, and he used his tongue to bath the entire surface of her vulva. To dive right onto his wife, especially right after church, would have made her suspicious. His prolonged foreplay would drive her wild, and maybe she’d forget about Cindy. Yeah …

While Elizabeth squealed and writhed around on the bed in ecstasy, the pastor eased his tongue through the soft curls of her mons until he located her swollen clitoris. With a lashing circular movement, his tongue action drove Elizabeth wild! Clamping on to her clit with his lips, he sucked hard while his tongue lashed it from every angle.

“Ooooohhhhh, Jeeeeeeez!” she screamed as she began to climax, over and over again as he tortured her tingling clitty with his tongue action.

Falling back on the bed with her legs over his shoulders, Elizabeth shivered when he moved his tongue from her sensitive pea along her box until he jammed it between her slippery open labia.

“Oh, my God,” she softly moaned.

Thomas thrilled to her reaction, his tongue in as far as it would reach, deliciously licking and tickling the buttery inner flesh of her hot wet pussy. He was swallowing her juices, and with his huge weapon throbbing wildly, his used his tongue action to drive her wild.

“Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” she whimpered. “I’m dying …”

He went back to her clit, and as she screamed and cried, he reminded himself that the women at church were also in need. He called them his flock.

“Oh, Jeez,” she sobbed. “What are you doing to me? I need to feel you inside me!”

Wiping his face, the preacher stood up with his massive limb throbbing out from between his legs, his thoughts still back at church with Cindy exposing herself.

“Hurry, Thomas, what are you waiting for? Put it in!”

Enjoying the moment, having her beg for it, he just stared at her gaping pink pussy, then moving her into position, he slid her ass to the very edge of the bed. He spread her creamy thighs, and bent to run his lips over her flesh. He nibbled, leaving tiny welts, on her white thighs. Placing her legs over his shoulders again, Elizabeth’s juicy cunt was angled up to receive his throbbing affair.

“Oh, sweet Jesus!” she whispered, feeling his massive cock knob probing between her pussy lips.

The woman’s entire body was trembling with anticipation as she felt his thick cock slipping into her hot nest, his bloated cockhead rubbing deliciously against the hot tingling flesh of her juicy inner walls.

“Thomas …” she excitedly whispered as his big meaty prick sank deeper and deeper into her cunt. “You will never know how much I need this!”

When his hard cock had fully penetrated her, the pastor leaned over the bed and pressed his mouth to her softly parted lips, letting his tongue sensuously entwine with hers. He hadn’t kissed her in years!

Passionately returning his kiss, Elizabeth could feel every vein and sinew of his huge weapon rubbing deliciously against the tingling walls of her quaking quim.

“Thomas, that feels so good, honey! So good!” she whimpered, arching her hips up to better enjoy the enormous shaft that was so deeply embedded in her delirious box. Finally removing his lips from hers, the man leaned back, his prick still buried to the hilt in her sodding cunt. Grasping her shoulders, he began pumping his affair in and out with a new energy that was sure to make her suspicious. He paced himself, making each stab stronger but with a longer pause in between.

With her knees locked over his shoulders, Elizabeth was wildly slamming her cunt up to meet every furious stroke of his hard, plunging prick. The pliant lips of her squeezing pussy were hungrily sucking and milking at the base of his thick cock, desperately trying to draw even more of it into her vulva.

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The Poppa of Evenings

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I finally broke my writer’s block. I hope this story doesn’t offend anyone. If it does, just delete it okay. I guess when my muse came back it brought some debauchery with it. Hope everyone is doing okay. I am glad summer is almost over. I hope fall is kinder to my muse. Anyway here goes: Poppa the Evening!

Melanie and I got home around the same time Sunday night. I had been over at the Holiday Inn lounge, killing some time on a lazy Sunday evening. Melanie had a date with her newest boyfriend. I sat listening to the vanilla details, wondering just how many times the poor guy had to take her to dinner before she gave him dessert.

We had been roommates for about 6 months now. We had shared our views on abortion, having sex while on our periods, compared douche brands, yet we had yet to share the dirty details of our intimate adventures.

It was late and I should have been in bed, dreaming of a hard cock, which reminds me of my evening. Should I share it with her? It involved me getting stood up by my girlfriend and sitting in the Holiday Inn Lounge all by my lonesome until a handsome elderly guy came in, sitting 2 seats away. I guessed his age to be around 55. But he was in fact, 68.

He made small talk with me about some the tough guys who were playing pool in the corner. They were arguing, smoking cigars and showing their cracks when they bent over the table. I made a remark that I wish I had flowers to stick down the cracks. That comment made him laugh, and encouraged him to move closer. The bar keep was too busy konyaaltı escort flirting with some chicks to notice us.

His name was Walter, a New Hampshire insurance salesman who was traveling down to Florida. He was the catch of the bar for the moment. I was in a flirty mood, letting my skirt ride up my leg and leaning over so he could catch a glimpse of ripe cleavage.

He asked my age. I told him 40. If he had been younger I would have trimmed a few years off my age. He told me he had a granddaughter 5 years my junior. I made a joke about never having a Granddad who looked as handsome as he did. He replied that he wished he had a Granddaughter as hot as I was. I leaned over, whispering in his ear, why couldn’t he? I raised an eyebrow, to make the point. He looked shocked, and then excited. He asked if he really could. I grinned, saying that Granddaddy sure could.

After my insinuation, he slipped even closer. He asked if I wanted to go upstairs to his room to watch TV. We slipped out very quietly. When we got to his room he asked if I had been a good girl. I smiled, saying that I had been and was Granddaddy going to reward me. He said yes, pulling out his cock, telling me to suck it like a lollipop.

His dick was long and semi-hard. I wondered if it would get harder without Viagra. He moaned when I licked the head. I felt it jump under my tongue. He started moaning the name Amanda. With a flash of insight, I realized that it was his Granddaughter’s name. I paused for a moment, asking him what did his she call kültür escort him. He looked puzzled for a moment. I guess the low blood supply did not help his thinking. He said that she called him Poppa.

I smiled coyly and told Poppa to take his pants off, so I could suck his cock all the way down. He inhaled sharply. I noted his trembling hands, and figured I had hit the spot in his kinky twisted fantasy. I had him sit on the end of the bed , so I could kneel between his legs. His cock was rock hard. I could have bounced a quarter off it. I sucked in down, deep throating it while making slurpy slutty sounds. I kept calling him Poppa. He called me Amanda.

I began Amanda for him. I stood up, to do a strip tease, telling Poppa to stroke his cock for his favorite Granddaughter. He absorbed me with lust in his eyes. I saw him slow down his stroking a few times.

He laid back and I crawled over his face. I asked when was the last time that he had eaten some hot cunt. He didn’t answer, as I lowered my wet pussy over his eager mouth. He started slurping up my juices as I lowered my mouth back over his cock. He ate me as if it were his last meal. I came several times, screaming out Poppa. It made him eat me faster. I kept calling him a dirty old man, telling him to tongue fuck Amanda. It took all my skill to keep him from popping his loud in my mouth.

I told him to stick his tongue in my ass, to do all the dirty things he has dreamt of doing to his Granddaughter. With that comment, I licked over his balls and to his ass, markantalya escort to slid my tongue into it for a moment. I took it out and said that Amanda loved tongue fucking Poppa. He pulled my ass down onto his tongue and tongued me with gusto. It felt fucking good, making me want his hard cock inside of me.

I climbed off him, saying that he should fuck Amanda really hard, because she has fantasized about her Poppa since she was 18. I laid back, watching as he slid into my cunt. His face showed every emotion that a kinky 68-year-old man that was having the fantasy of his life could. He let my cunt have it, literally lifting me off the bed with each thrust. Putting my legs over his shoulder, he started to do short fast strokes with each one hitting my G-spot. I was working up to a major orgasm and I could feel the pulsing and thickening of his cock. He was getting ready to explode a major one inside me. I came screaming out that Poppa was making me cum. He pulled out, stroking his shiny wet cock fast once or twice. I urged him to cum all over his Granddaughter. His spunk was hot and thick, covering my stomach and pubic mound. Some even splattered on my breasts.

He collapsed beside me on the bed. I put my fingers over his mouth, before he could ruin the fantasy. In silence, he watched me dress. I blew him a kiss as I walked out the door. Sometimes fantasies should stay perfect in our minds.

Melanie’s voice interrupted my thoughts. She had to repeat her question, which was asking if I had a great evening. I pondered whether I should tell her the dirty details or not. “Poppa’s” happy blissful face smiled at me in my mind. Yes, sometimes fantasies should stay perfect. I smiled at Melanie, telling her that my evening was the Poppa of boredom, and I would spare her.

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Mullet Teases Soccer Mom

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I remember I was sent to the grocery store by my wife who needed a few things for dinner. I was in the bread aisle checking out the buns and squeezing them to see which were the freshest when this gorgeous soccer mom came down the aisle in my direction. She was dressed like a usual soccer mom right down to the real pearls around her neck.

She smiled when she passed and noticed the bulge in my pants! I also smiled as she passed and I turned my body keeping it faced in her direction as she left the aisle.

She was blonde and about 30 years old. She was immaculate. I am 25 and blonde also. I was dressed casually since I was only going to get my groceries and return home. I was wearing sweats, sneaks, and a red white and blue head band. My hair has taken the form of a mullet. It is cut just above the eyes, short feathered sides, and really long in the back.

I think she probably works at the mall….Anyway, I carried on about my shopping and was humming a rick song as I turned down the next aisle…..there she was with nothing on!!!! J/K She was wearing a ladies version of a mans suit. It was grey and she had the nicest ass and tits. She looked like a college girl dressed for her first job.

I walked closer to her and she stopped me and asked me if I knew where the produce section was….she said she needed some cucumbers because she was going to toss a salad later. She winked!! Was I dreaming? To test this I asked her if she meant she was going to stick her tongue in my asshole. She slapped me and hurried off. Damn!! I hurried to catch up with her. I told her to wait, she had such a nice ass. I told her I had never seen such a woman as herself. She smiled and said sorry I am a soccer mom and I don’t date dogs I put them in shows. Man I had to have this woman!

I asked her if I could take her out for a drink she said hello loser I wouldn’t go near you in a million years.

I finished my shopping and walked konyaaltı escort home and my wife was naked on the couch with her fingers buried in her pussy. Yeah baby!! I undressed except for the headband and slid my fat cock inside her. She moaned and bucked under me. I turned her over and spanked her hard several times. She squealed and moaned. I then put my dick in her asshole and rammed it hard until she was screaming, then I unloaded my cum in her ass.

The next day I was at work at the hardware store and the soccer mom came in and I approached her and asked if she needed any “ass-istance”? She said Ugh just go away you gross thing. I told I loved the sweater she had on today. She said she was looking for a strong nail to hang her paintings up with.

I would give her a hard nail. I found the nails and rang her up and jotted down her address that was in the computer. Her ass seemed to wave goodbye as she slinked out the door.

When I got off work I drove to her subdevelopement. Her house was brick and three stories. Her Ford Excursion with the soccer ball sticker was parked next to her husband’s Boxter. God I hate rich people. I walked around to the back yard and looked through the wooden fence and saw her laying on a blanket next to the in ground pool. She was naked!! This time for real… She was even better looking than before in the store. Her husband was in the pool on a tube passed out.

I snuck around front of her house and found the front door unlocked. I went inside and upstairs and found the master bedroom. I looked out the window at the husband and wife who were both out. She was probably just sleeping. I went through her underwear drawer and sniffed her thongs and then went to the bathroom and found her clothes she had obviously just taken off before her tanning session outside. I held her panties up to my face and smelled the rich pussy odor that she left in them.

I had to get her inside! kültür escort I grabbed a cell phone that was in the kitchen and dialed her number I had memorized from the store computer. She woke up hearing the phone and ran towards the house. I took both phones and headed back upstairs to her bedroom. The phone was still ringing and I could hear her on the stairs. I hung up the cell and the phone stopped ringing. I heard her say Damn!

I was in the closet when she came in the room. She couldn’t see me but I could see she was naked and breathing heavy from her run upstairs. I held my breath as she picked the phone up off the bed. It had caller id and she seemed very confused when she saw her own cell number on there. She left and I relaxed a bit. In a while I heard water running in the bathroom. First a flush then a shower turned on. Yes!!

I went to the bathroom and took her clothes away and made her home phone ring again. She got out of the shower soaking wet and went into the bedroom to get the phone that was still on the bed. I was in another bedroom when she answered the phone. Hello?

Hi, Mrs Parker?


This is your new neighbor Dan.

Oh hi where do you live?

Right behind your house in the blue two story

oh yeah I didn’t even see you move in?

Well it’s been a lengthy move but we’re finally moved in

you’re married?

Yes and your husband is he ok in the pool?

Oh you can see him?

Yes I sure can Mrs. Parker. I saw you run into the house naked and wondered if you were ok?

…..yeah, sorry I didn’t mean to cause you any alarm….

No problem Mrs. Parker

Call me Patricia

Patricia, would you mind bringing that beautiful body back outside so I can see you again?

…..well ok, but my husband is in the pool…

He seems to be pretty out of it don’t you think Patricia?

Yes, I’ll be right there….

This was markantalya escort amazing…she was going to let her neighbor see her naked on purpose! I was amazed she didn’t check the caller id to see that it was just me calling from the next room. She walked outside still on the phone and I watched from the upstairs window giving directions.

Here I am Dan

Oh yeah baby I can see you keep in great shape?

Yes, I go to the gym a lot

Would you mind getting in the pool for me?


Now wade over to your husband

and now what Dan?

Take his shorts off Patricia

there now what?

Suck him


harder Patricia pretend you were sucking my cock

oh Dan I’d love to suck you off

would you like to come over right now baby?

Isn’t your wife there?

No she’s out of town

ok I’ll be right over have that cock ready

It’s in my hand right now Patricia



She hung up the phone and I watched as she went to her unknowing neighbors door. I watched her ass shake the whole way across her neighbors lawn.

She knocked on the door of the blue house and a man came to the door and saw her naked and in no shape for small talk. She grabbed his shorts and pulled them off saying I thought you would have these off already? He was shocked by all of this as she leaned closer to him and started sucking on his cock right in the doorway! He gave in to her and started moaning loudly as she brought him nearer to orgasm. His wife was in the other room as he received head from a strange woman.

As she was sucking I phoned the cops and told them that the neighbors were having a fight and it was getting ugly.. They were on their way and I took her panties with me and went outside and locked the house door behind me and then locked the fence gate to the pool as I waited for the cops to arrive. I peeked around the fence and saw her still sucking cock as I saw a cop cruiser pull in the neighbor hood……

I put her panties in my pocket and took off toward home….God was she a sexy soccer mom.

I plan on using her panties to make a new headband! Rock and Roll forever!!

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Mrs. Martin Ch. 11

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Ch. XI: The Lawyers Meeting

As the bell rang for the end of the day and the students left the classroom, Susan started to pack up to leave for the day. She heard the door shut and looked up to see Tom standing there.

He moved to the back of the room and said, “Come here, Susan.”

She walked around her desk, the full skirt of her soft dress shushing around her legs. “Yes?”

He grabbed her and pulled her close to himself feeling her soft body crush against his hard muscular chest, as he inhaled the sweet aroma of her perfume. He pushed her long blond hair off her shoulder and bent his head down to nibble on neck sending shock waves of pleasure through her body.

“Oh Tommm” she moaned as her hands took hold of the firm muscle wrapped tightly by the seat of his jean shorts. The classroom around them spun away as he moved his mouth from her neck and his lips met hers. His tongue darted in-between her lips as his fingers pulled the zipper on the back of the sundress down. She released her grip on his pants as he slid the straps of the dress over her shoulders. Without breaking the lock their lips had on one another she placed her arms around his neck as her dress slid down her body and floated to the floor after passing her hips.

Tom broke the kiss and stepped back to admire this goddess dressed only in garters and stockings whose bare breasts were heaving with excitement. He reached down and cupped one of her ample breast in his hand as he bent down and took the nipple into his mouth. Slowly he sucked and nibbled on the hard protruding bud.

She moaned with pleasure and twisted her fingers in Tom’s hair trying to hold on as her body tried to float away into space and gravity seemed to disapear. She was aware of his strong arm supporting her back and head as she was lowered to the floor. Susan’s back came to rest on the cool linoleum floor. Her body was responsive to the tongue that now slid off her breast, through the valley and across her diaphragm. She took and deep breath and sighed, “yesss” in anticipation of where he was going.

Tom kissed her shaved love mound and inhaled the musky smell of her womanhood seeping from her lips now wet with her excitement. He spread her lips and his tongue darted across her love button.

Shocks of electricity shot through her body each time his tongue made contact with the sensitive little piece of flesh. Then he placed it between his lips and sucked, it was all over for her. Susan’s body shook and jerked, bouncing on the hard floor as waves of pleasure swept over her body. “Please Tom, fill me, take me,” she moaned as the waves subsided enough for her voice to return.

He positioned the head of his massive organ at her dripping opening and pushed.

She arched her back and screamed “yesssss” and inch by inch he stretched and filled her aching love hole. It seemed like forever but then she felt his head rub her cervix and he started to withdraw. Tom’s motion increased and with it the passion within her body. Just as he stiffened, Susan wrapped her nylon covered legs around him and pulled him in tight as the waves of pleasure swept over her more intense than ever before.

The two lay on the floor breathing hard as they tried to catch their breath. Tom pulled out and placed his lips full on Susan’s. His tongue rubbed passed her lips telling her of his admiration of her. Tom broke off the kiss and said as he stood up, “Good luck at the lawyers and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

How she wanted to take that large organ he was now stuffing into his pants and lick it clean. How she wanted to feel him inside her again, but she knew she had to finish her business with Dave today, and tomorrow would start a three-day weekend.

Susan pulled up her dress, gathered her books and headed to the car, thankful no one saw her. She raced home as she entered the house the grandfather clock struck four. She was supposed to be konyaaltı escort in Nancy’s office around five. She quickly ran upstairs to her room, she had laid out her suit she wanted to ware that morning, so she head for the shower, shedding cloths as she went. In the shower she was tempted to use the showerhead on her aching loins, but knew she didn’t have the time. She did her hair and dressed in her suit she had laid out, short skirt, sheer white blouse with a bra that gave her plenty of lift for good cleave but allowed the outline of her nipples to be seen, and a dark jacket. She took one last look in the mirror as she left her room, “eat your heart out Dave,” she thought to herself as she headed down the stairs. The boys and Linda were just coming in as Susan reached the bottom of the steps. Linda let out a low whistle and Dave Jr. said, “mommy you look like a movie star.”

“Thank you dear,” Susan said to her child as she squatted down to give both boys a hug. “Now you be good for Linda and go to bed when she says to.”

“Yes, mommy,” they said.

Susan stood and Linda wrapped her arms around her. Linda kissed her cheek and said, “Good luck.”

“Thanks,” replied Susan and then whispered in the young woman’s ear, “I’ll see you tonight.”

Linda let her hand run down Susan’s jacket and skirt. She could feel the garter belt and then the smoothness of her body until the top of the stocking. Both women looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.

The parking ticket said 1700 on it as Susan pulled it from the dispenser at the parking garage. She pulled around and parked. As she got out of the car she thought, “this is the same parking place I had on Tuesday,” and giggled as she remembered that day.

As she entered the office the receptionist was getting ready to leave and said to Susan, “you can go right in Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Jefferson is expecting you.

“Thank you,” replied Susan as she headed for the office door.

“Susan, you look ravishing,” said Nancy as she got up from her desk and gave Susan a hug. “Let sit over on the couch,” she continued as she reached to her desk and picked up an open diet Pepsi. “Did you know Dave has a stock account worth almost $700,000?”

“No, I didn’t. Where did he get it from?” Susan asked.

“Oh, he’s been building on it over time, but the important thing is you should get half. He did not mention it in the agreement, but we can have it added. If he balks, though, it could mean a court fight.”

“I don’t care, it would serve that SOB right,” Susan replied.

“Great just so you know. Now who is Tom?” asked Nancy as she stared at Susan who turned bright red.

“A friend,” replied Susan, “Why?”

“Because I don’t want any surprises when we go in there, and you called out his name the other night,” replied Nancy.

“Well we have only been intimate, for a week. Not until after Dave told me he was leaving,” Susan said.

“How long have you known him,” asked Nancy.

“Since September,” replied Susan a little nervous about where this was going.

“Oh, so he is a teacher,” she questioned as she studied Susan for body language as she sipped her Diet Pepsi.

“Not exactly,” replied Susan, as she looked to the floor.

“Is he a parent of a student,” Nancy questioned.


Nancy choked on her Pepsi and then said when she could talk again, “Oh my god, he’s one of your students! Do you know how much trouble you could get in?”

“Yes, but he’s 18 and graduates in less than three weeks so all we have to do is keep it cool till then,” Susan replied.

“Well, be careful,” and then in a friendly voice Nancy asked, “is he good in bed?”

“The best,” said Susan as she remembered the episode less than two hours before and a smile came across her face.

“Well it is time to go, are you ready,” asked Nancy.

“Sure,” and the two women got up and left the kültür escort office for the five minute walk to Dave’s building.

“What are you doing for supper,” asked Nancy as the two women left Dave’s building and walked to the parking garage.

“I am going home to eat, Linda prepared a meal tonight,” said Susan. “Since Ed is on that surveillance tonight why don’t you join me?”

“I won’t be imposing, will I?”

“No, of course not, the boys go to bed by eight and we can make it a girls evening,” Susan said with a broad smile.

“Ok, I’ll follow you. By the way on Monday we are having a Luau, with Andy and Patty; do you want to come? You could bring Tom,” said Nancy

“Well if Tom comes I have to bring Judy too,” said Susan.

“Who’s Judy?”

“His mother.”

“His mother, how old is she? How does she fit into this,” questioned Nancy. “I think we need to sit down over a drink and you explain this one to me.”

“That’s a good idea, follow me to the house,” said Susan.

After arriving home Susan told Linda that Nancy would be eating dinner also. She then poured both her and Nancy a glass of wine and they went into the office where she proceeded to tell Nancy about the picture and the story about Tom.

“You mean this boy is blackmailing you? And you drove all over town naked with him and his mom?” Nancy had a confused look on her face.

“It’s not really blackmail any more, just fun and yes about riding around town naked, we even made love in the passenger seat while Judy drove,” Susan replied.

Nancy with eyes as big as saucers said, “Girl you may not have been wild before, but you have made up for it in one short week, riding around in a car naked, oeeee.”

“And making love in the passenger seat too,” added Susan.

Linda put her head in the office and said, “I fixed you ladies some plates and I am going to give the boys their baths.”

“Thank you Linda, let me know when you are done and I’ll put them to bed,” Susan returned.

After the two ladies had eaten, Susan said to Nancy, “why don’t you go into the family room and watch TV while I put the kids to bed?”

“Ok, You won’t be long will you,” asked Nancy.

“No, not long,” replied Susan as she headed up the stairs.

The boys already had their pajamas on and Linda was putting dirty towels in the laundry shoot when Susan walked in and said, “Linda, Nancy is in the family room and had a long tense day. Why don’t you go down and see if you can help her relax.” Then she winked at Linda.

Linda smiled and asked, “are going to join us?”

“In a little while but you can get started without me,” answered Susan.

Susan went into the boys’ room and Linda headed down stairs. “Mommy read my book, Pleaseeee”

“No read mine, he always gets his book read.”

“Ok, ok, boys I’ll read one for each of you,” Susan then muttered to herself, “that should be enough time.”

By the time Susan finished reading both of the children’s stories, the boys were fast a sleep. Susan went into her room and removed her cloths. She then put on a short robe and tied it at her waist. This created a long v opening that showed her cleavage nicely. She reached down and picked up a basket, she stood up and admired herself in the mirror. Then, swinging the basket walked barefooted down to the family room. As she entered into the room she saw that her plan was working, Nancy lay on the couch naked while Linda let her hands work the older woman’s upper thigh flesh. Susan knelt beside Nancy and whispered in her ear, “roll over.”

Nancy raised up and complied with the request. Susan bent over and placed her lips fully on Nancy’s in a hungry embrace, while Linda ran her hands over Nancy’s love mound while pushing her legs apart.

Linda bent down and ran her tongue up Nancy’s wet valley. She reached the knoll at the top and as her tongue darted over it, Nancy’s markantalya escort body exploded in ecstasy. Susan had slipped from her mouth and was now sucking her breast and Linda was licking her clit, as soon as one wave of ecstasy ended another would start.

In her excitement Nancy had grabbed the sash around Susan’s waist and her robe was now open and hid nothing. Susan let go of the firm nipple in her mouth and stood up. She moved behind Linda and reached around her waist and undid her belt. Next she undid the button on the young woman’s pants, and slid the zipper down. Susan then placed her hand on the material and slid it over the large round mounds of flesh exposing them to Susan’s gaze. Susan slid the shorts down and removed them from Linda’s legs. She reached under her once again and undid the buttons of Linda’s shirt. Linda let out a muffled moan as Susan brushed past the enlarged nipples on the small perky breast, but still continued to lick and suck the juices Nancy was producing as she rocked back and forth with wave after wave sweeping her body.

“Stop, pleaseeee stop,” begged Nancy. Linda raised her head, not because of the pleading, she was really enjoying watching the woman buck and jump to the touch of her tongue, but because Susan’s fingers had now found her wetness and was starting to rub and squeeze Linda’s magic button.

“Yesssss” cried Linda as she raised up and arched her back as the touch of Susan’s fingers brought all of Linda’s nerve endings to the pinnacle of excitement. Linda fell back on to the rug and lay there on her back with her legs spread while she caught her breath. Susan reached into the basket and pulled out a two pronged, round piece of plastic.

She turned to Nancy whose breathing was returning to normal, and slid the large cylinder in to her open wetness. When the first large cylinder was about 3/4 of the way in she positioned the smaller two to three inch cylinder at her back hole and proceeded to fill both of Nancy’s holes completely. Nancy started to moan softly at the fullness inside her, but when Susan flipped the switch on the back. Nancy felt the vibration start in both of her lower orifices and effect on the thin membrane between them was exhilarating.

Susan quickly readjusted herself so that her knees were on either side of Linda’s head, and placed her mouth on those full, swollen moist lips of Linda’s. Susan’s tongue licked the furrow and danced on Linda’s love button. Linda’s musky scent filled her nostrils as the young woman’s love canal filled with juice and soaked Susan’s fingers that were working their way in and out of Linda’s body. Linda’s body started to buck and shake as the waves of ecstasy washed over her.

Susan raised her head and watched Nancy quake, her eyes were rolled back in her head and her tongue was hanging out, as the vibration flowed from between her legs.

Susan suddenly felt a tongue brush over her clit and causes her legs to turn to rubber. She rolled off of Linda, onto her back. Linda quickly followed, and buried her mouth on Susan’s little button of flesh. Linda reached into the basket and pulled out the largest item she could feel. She took the object that was 10″ long and almost 3″ in diameter and placed it at the entrance to Susan’s love canal. Slowly she worked the object into Susan body. Susan shook as Linda kept her mouth on Susan’s love button nibbling and kissing it, while moving the plastic item in and out of her. Susan cried out the stimulation reached a peek within her.

When the pulsating in her body quit, Susan looked up to see Nancy, still laying on the couch, holding the ‘toy’ Susan had filled her with. Linda’s head rested on Nancy’s thigh. “Nancy, meet Linda, Linda this is Nancy. Now you two have been introduced.” The three women laughed.

Nancy slowly got up and collected her cloths, “I need to get home, Ed should be home soon.”

“Thank you again for all you did for me,” said Susan.

“It was nothing, and don’t forget Monday, love you,” said Nancy as she kissed Susan and left.

Susan and Linda gathered up their cloths and toys and headed up to Susan’s king-size bed.

To Be Continued…

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The Family Mansion Pt. 02

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Monday, September 2

7:57 a.m.

Nathan woke up feeling horny. His huge cock sticking up in front of him, typical morning wood. He opened his eyes and saw that Lexi was no longer there. And then he remembered that she had given him his first ever blow job the night before. He wondered if she was in the shower across the hall and if he could just walk in and join her so he could see if she wanted to give him another blow job. He sighed, the thought just made him feel guilty and shy, like he usually was, and he remembered that he’d fucked up his whole family yesterday. And that was all he had Lexi was drunk last night and she probably didn’t know what she was doing. Nathan decided, depressed, that he should probably just stay in his room all day. But, begrudgingly, he got dressed and out of bed. Though Nate was an incredibly shy person with low self-esteem, he wasn’t a coward. He was willing to face the music, if his mother and sisters hated him now, he’d rather just accept the consequences instead of hiding from his problems.

When he came downstairs and entered the dining hall, he saw that everyone was already there sitting to on the far side of the huge table. His mother was dressing even more conservatively than usual, wearing a sweater, jeans, a long leather jacket, and a hat. She wasn’t sure about any more photo sessions and thought that if she wore a loose fitting pair of jeans and an even looser sweatshirt from her soon-to-be-ex-husband’s closet. He only took a few outfits when he left. Liz knew she now looked like a hillbilly but she didn’t care or want Nate or her daughters to be looking at her in any way that wasn’t like normal adults look at their mother.

Nathan sat down on one side, in between his sisters Lexi and Erika, who sat on the opposite side as Brooke and their mother, Liz. Lexi glanced at him nervously, but then looked away before their eyes could meet. She was so amazingly embarrassed and guilty. She was drunk, things went too far. She may have thought she was in love with Nathan last night for being an amazing human being who was also incredibly handsome and more important to her than anyone, but that was just her being drunk and having this stupid crush. She needed to talk to Donna again, maybe she could help somehow, even though she never helped before.

Erika however was feeling much less shy. She leaned over and whispered, “Good morning big brother.” In Nathan’s year as she simultaneously reached up to his crotched and rested her hand on his dick through his sweatpants. “I wish I didn’t have to go to school today, but hopefully we’ll have a great photo session after.” She was trying to get her brother’s attention as much as possible before her mother drove her to the high school in the nearby town. She was in her cheerleading outfit too, which she felt highlighted her best features. The top lifted her boobs so they stuck out more, and because of her C cup she pushed it out enough without her bra that it showed a bit of cleavage too. Her skirt was short and showed off her long, fit legs. Erika didn’t wear underwear if she could help it but kept a few pairs of panties in a side pocket of her tiny, pink book bag when she had cheerleader practice like she did that day.

“Did you say something honey?” Liz asked Erika from across the table.

“Nothing at all,” Erika sneered at her mother, she took her hand away from her brother’s dick. He was starting to get hard anyway and she didn’t want anyone else to see it, or touch it, or use it. Liz pretended she didn’t notice her youngest daughter’s arm movement.

Nathan felt nervous and shy about Erika’s aggressiveness, and something his youngest sister didn’t seem to pick up on was just how much tension there was in the air, especially between he and Lexi.

Brooke, too, was avoiding everyone’s gaze and hoping that her perversions both did and didn’t get the better of her today.

Liz was trying really hard to stop thinking the sexual thoughts the sex demon side of her brain seemed to be plaguing her with that morning, especially about her son. She concentrated on her cereal and also tried not to look at anyone. She was too distracted to notice that he robe had fallen open and one of her large, tanned breasts was on display for all to see.

Lexi just kept beating herself up for being so drunk and horny she let her brother finger fuck her before letting him cum in her mouth, all she knew was she didn’t want to be around the mansion that day at all.

Nathan himself just worried that he’d already damaged the relationship with his family beyond repair. He grew up with everyone in there and didn’t mind that they all still lived together after his 20 years of life. If they weren’t able to talk to each other anymore, he wondered if it was better if they lost the mansion now anyway.

Still Liz sighed and decided it was time to face the music. “How were sales last night, Brooke?” She asked her oldest daughter. She didn’t want to lose the house, but Liz still hoped the sales were awful and they güvenilir bahis could call the lingerie modeling off.

Brooke swallowed her mouthful of cereal and told her, “Pretty good!” She exclaimed excitedly, then remembered she was also feeling ashamed of herself. “I just made more sales than I ever have and we now have a total of $2,000!” She went on still excited beside herself, “If we take more pictures today, I bet I could boost my sales even more.”

“Aw,” Erika moaned, “I have to go to school. So I’m going to miss out on all the fun.” She was really disappointed about this. She really wished she had graduated last May now.

Liz was taken aback by this. Because she and Erika looked the most alike she always assumed they felt the same way about many of the same things. That’s why she wasn’t very angry nor surprised the day before when she discovered that Erika had jerked off Nathan as well, especially after witnessing her own disgrace. She was just following in her mother’s footsteps. But to to find that Erika wasn’t as guilt ridden as she was just surprised her. Maybe she should talk to her about it when she took her to school, she decided.

“Do you really think we should continue?” Liz asked Brooke, “I mean, two thousand is only a fraction of what we need…” she trailed off, not knowing how exactly she should say ‘no’ to her family. She wished again that Brianna was still there, the family maid and her closest friend. She was always better at being stern with the children.

“That’s exactly why we need to continue Mom,” Brooke was feeling much better now that she could concentrate on her project again and not on her guilt-ridden thoughts,, “It shows that the pictures are working, we need to up the ante by posting even more!”

“Hmm,” Liz grumbled, her daughter was probably right. She had never been very good with financial stuff and if the pictures worked then they worked, still something bothered her, “When I get back from taking Erika to school you should show me this website you’re posting to. I know they aren’t advertised in the USA but I think I want to see what the customers see.”

Brooke gulped, she hadn’t expected to have to fess up about the X-rated nature of the website, not to her mother anyway.

Liz got up from her chair and turned to Erika, “I think on that note, we should probably go.”

Erika groaned but she grabbed her bookbag. She was already wearing her cheerleading outfit. Nathan suspected she’d wear it all the time if she could get away with it. It looked really hot on her, the skirt she trimmed to be a bit shorter and show off her sexy legs better, and her boobs were slightly too large for the top so it showed off her cleavage while also pushing up her breasts to make them look even larger. Being that she was always trying to be better than her mom, Erika was happy that she looked so hot in her cheerleading uniform while Liz was wearing an outfit that purposely covered up most of her skin. Though after seeing her mother in that swimsuit yesterday, she still knew her mom was still more beautiful than she was in every way. She sighed, feeling down that she would never be as gorgeous as her mom.

8:09 a.m.

After her mom and youngest sister left the dining room, Brooke, still not willing to look at her brother, looked at Lexi, “Hey sis, do you think you’d want to get a photoshoot in with me? We could break your cherry!” She suddenly realized that was the wrong choice of words, “Of being a model, I mean.” She added, blushing.

Lexi thought of her time with Nathan the night before when she was very drunk, and shook her head quickly, as she suddenly got up from the table, “Actually, um, I have to go to Donna’s. Maybe some other time.” She was sure Donna would know what to do in this situation.

Brooke watched as her sister left the room, still avoiding Nathan’s gaze she watched her the entire trip across the large dining room, noticing, not for the first time, that Lexi’s ass was completely perfect, especially in the tight sweat pants she was wearing. She bit her lip, thinking taboo thoughts.

Brooke finally turned to Nathan, “I guess it’s just you and me, huh?”

Nathan looked back at her, he too had been avoiding her gaze but he noticed that she looked just as nervous as he was. She was cute when she was nervous, “I guess it is.” Nathan said, gulping, “I’m guessing you don’t want a photoshoot with just me. I mean, I could, um,” he didn’t want to sound too eager about this next part, “hold the camera like before…”

“Um,” the thought sent tingles through her pussy and up her spine, but she knew she couldn’t let her perversions get the better of her again, “No, you know what, how about we clear out the classroom?” She figured if she and Nathan could work off some of their sexual tension they’d probably feel better, and she could calm down. This was Nathan, her nerdy brother, she reminded herself. He got fit after high school, that’s all. She had to remember that her incest fantasies were just that, fantasies, and türkçe bahis she couldn’t let them get the better of her again. She would try to keep this next session, whatever it might be, stay below XXX rated content. Next time, she promised herself, she’d make sure everyone kept their clothes on.

“The classroom?” Nathan repeated, “But that room hasn’t been used, well, ever.” It was another of his father’s additions that only seemed to make sense to him, like when mom asked for a medicine cabinet and he added the room that looked just like a doctor’s office. Nathan never saw the point of any of these rooms, just another thing his father thought they needed before going off on yet another business trip for over half the year.

“I know, but I figure maybe a teacher scene might be good for this next shoot. When Mom gets back, I think it will help her loosen up for the scenes, too.”

Nathan nodded, he wasn’t sure what was going to happen when their mom came home. He knew she was reluctant to continue with these sessions, Nathan was too, actually, but his desire to keep the house far outweighed his embarrassment for what had happened thus far. This seemed like a good distraction as well from his conflicting thoughts, “Alright, I’ll help you clean the classroom.” He told Brooke with a smile.

Brooke smiled back, her white teeth lightening her already bright face. She was amazingly cute, Nathan thought.”Good, let’s get to it.” Brooke told him. She was happy Nathan agreed to help her, it felt to her already that things were going to be okay between them. He always did whatever she asked, he was really so nice to her. She felt bad for treating him poorly in the past, turning him down when he needed help on his homework, or needed a ride to a movie, or never standing up for him when she saw him bullied in school, or how much she and her sisters made fun of him when they all got together. She decided she’d do more for her brother from now on.

8:12 a.m.

As Brooke and Nathan began moving the large amount of their father’s boxes from the classroom up to one of the empty bedrooms, Liz took Erika in her car to the school about 10 miles away. It was a short drive, about fifteen minutes one way, but long enough that Liz could talk to her youngest daughter. She noticed that Erika was pouting, and since she wasn’t sure how to broach the topic of what was happening in their household, instead she asked, “What’s wrong sweetie?”

Erika was deep in thought already imagining all the amazing, sexy fun that Nathan and everyone but her would be having without her. Of course, she knew her imagination was probably overenthusiastically coming up with overly sexual scenarios that probably wouldn’t play out in the way she thought, but she was still upset and jealous that she couldn’t be there whenever it started. “I just don’t like being left out of everything.” She told her mom, angrilly.

“Who said you were being left out of anything?” Liz wasn’t sure what this was about, “We always invite you to family outings or games, you just don’t want to do anything with us most of the time.”

“Except you just want Nathan all to yourself!” Erika said, angry and forceful like Liz had only ever seen her daughter when she was very young. Erika folded her arms and pouted, something that made her look very cute, Liz thought, especially in that cheerleading outfit, and with her arms crossed it only pushed her tits up making them look even perkier. Liz caught herself ogling her youngest daughter. Her inner sex demon was too much, sometimes.

Liz’s daughters words reached her brain and she gasped. Mostly because Erika had just blurted out something that was true but Liz herself hadn’t realized it before just then. She knew it was just the horniest part of her, the sex demon trying to get out of her, one she had been forced to suppress for the last five years once her husband more or less stopped coming home and instead she worked out her frustration through jogging and yoga, deep down she thought that maybe this would make her the trophy wife she knew she was and her husband would want her again. At least it got her closer to her children, their morning jogs were always fun as any of her children awake when she went would go with her, though that morning she went alone as she had a lot to think about and things were just too awkward just then.

She didn’t know what to say to Erika then either, but she knew what was bothering her. It wasn’t so much that she was engaged in taboo acts, which had been plaguing Liz, but instead that Erika just didn’t want to share.

Liz drove in silence, caught up in her own thoughts. Erika thought that her mom was angry at her so she told her, less angry, but still obviously upset “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-“

“No,” Liz told her, “I needed to hear that. It reminded me that I need to get my priorities straight.” She wished she could talk to her sisters about this, but she knew they wouldn’t understand and didn’t want the judgment right then.

“Does that mean you’re güvenilir bahis siteleri going to lay off the photograph sessions?” Erika asked her mom, hopeful that she would maybe be the only model available after that, and the only one who would be allowed to play with Nathan. She smiled, devilishly.

“Yes,” Liz told her daughter, “but you’re not going to be a part of it either.” Erika’s smile quickly transformed into a frown as she pouted again. “And we’re going to stop this and give up any hope of keeping our mansion.”

Hearing those words almost made Erika cry, “But I don’t want that. I want us to keep our house.”

“Then we’re all going to have to work together on this. This is the only hope we have for getting the money we need by Friday.” Liz hated to admit it, but as she said the words she knew she was right. She added, “things by be a bit strange this week. After this things will go back to the way they were,” Liz said that part more to reassure herself than her daughter, “and I don’t want to get your hopes up on keeping the house.” They pulled up to the school.

Erika thought about her mom’s words as she gathered her stuff. She knew they were all going to have to work together if she wanted them to be able to keep their home, the same home she’d lived in her whole life. She was going to hold back on her jealousy, for now, she decided. “Thanks for the talk Mom.” She said as she left the car, she was still feeling bitter though, especially if what her mother said was true and she wasn’t going to be allowed to be a part of the sessions anymore, as she made her way into the school.

It was an all girls high school, though the boy’s school was just next door and her cheerleading squad cheered for either boys or girls games. Because of this, most of the faculty at each school was the same gender as the school they worked in, something about the county they lived in and rules on same-gendered schools. She thought one or two of the janitor’s were men, but she wasn’t sure. She had only started going there one week ago.

Liz watched as her daughter walked away. She admired Erika’s body again, especially her fit and shapely ass, though she thought her skirt was maybe a bit too short, and her boobs stuck out too much in her cheerleader uniform. As she watched her daughter walk into her school, a puff of wind blew up her cheerleading skirt and for just one second Liz saw her daughter’s full ass. Erika’s not wearing any panties! She thought, but instead of being disappointed or upset instead it gave her a sudden thrill that made the sex demon inside of her very awake in her mind. She was suddenly very horny and ready to get home and begin the first session with her son, but the motherly side of her was already raising a few objections as she began driving home again.

8:29 a.m.

School didn’t officially start until 9, but Erika had cheerleader practice on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the morning from 8:30 until 8:55. At least that’s what was scheduled, as this was the first practice.

When she approached she saw that there were three other girls from her grade. She walked over to them, seeing that everyone else seemed to be out on the field already, as no one else was in the gym.

One of these girls was Suzy, who was 18 and blonde and shorter than the already kinda short Erika. She had a few classes with Erika, and Erika thought she was nice enough, to everyone, all the time, but it didn’t really annoy her. She just seemed so free spirited it was contagious and the few times Erika had talked to her it seemed like she was some kind of nymph or a similar mythical creature. Talking to her seemed somewhat dreamlike.

Suzy saw Erika and walked up to her, “Hey Erika,” she seemed to notice Erika’s confusion looking around at the lack of any other cheerleaders, “it’s a school policy to keep seniors in their own section of the school. Something about getting us better ready for college or something. Since you’re new you probably didn’t know we actually have our own gym! Neat right? We usually practice out back between the woods and the soccer field though.” Behind the school there was a long stretch of woods that stretched back miles but had a few hiking trails as well. “Oh, and fun fact, all Seniors this year are 18 or older! I guess that’s not really important unless this were some kind of porno!” Suzy laughed at her own joke, though Erika and the other girls just looked at her strangely. “Anyway, it’s always just been the three of us for the cheerleaders in our grade, but now there’s you too!” Suzy added excitedly as she grabbed hold of Erika’s hand and dragged her over to the other girls in the class, “come, I’ll introduce you to the other girls!” She said excitedly as she pulled Erika over to them.

Erika had seen the other girls in class before but hadn’t learned their names yet, “This is Tammy and this is Jazelle,” she said introducing the two. Tammy was blonde, like Erika’s sister, Brooke, but taller, and Jazelle was African American and both were very attractive and physically fit. Erika felt from just how little she’d seen them in the school so far that they were both a bit uptight and thought they were better than everyone else. Takes on to know one, Erika thought, smiling wikedly.

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Meeting at the Manor House Ch. 02

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Richard led Anne by the hand to the centre of the moonlit dell. Both naked, their eyes had drunk their fill of the forms of their bodies. Now it was time to let other senses take over. Anne walked nervously, her breasts moving slightly from the motion. Richard walked more confidently, master of the situation, his proud maleness prominent like a lance.

They stopped momentarily, and Richard took Anne in his arms and, holding her to him so that her breasts and belly just touched his body, he kissed her on the mouth, tenderly at first, his lips brushing hers, then with a light touch, the tip of his tongue found hers and caressed it gently. His hands stroked gently down her spine, around the small of her back, and moved down to her buttocks, where he caressed the velvet skin and gently squeezed the soft flesh. At first Anne did not feel confident to return his embrace, but as his touch began to excite her senses, she began to caress his shoulders, back, buttocks and thighs. Still embracing Anne, Richard stepped back one pace, and with his right hand took one of her breasts, where he gently stroked the skin, and then with two fingers gently pinched the nipple. He repeated this with her other breast, then bending his head, took the nipple between his lips. He pinched the nipple slightly, and then leaned back a little, so as to draw it out, and as he gently let it go again, so her nipple stood erect and firm, shining in the moonlight from the moisture of his mouth. He repeated this two or three times with the same nipple, then moved to her other canlı bahis breast and did likewise. Anne found this most arousing, and she began to sigh a little.

Starting with one hand beside each breast, Richard stroked very lightly down Anne’s sides, around her hips, and traced a line with his fingers down each side of her groin, until he arrived at the brown curls. These unaccustomed feelings of pleasure caused Anne to be frightened and excited at the same time, for indeed no-one had told her that she would know such tenderness.

Richard then knelt in front of Anne, looked long at the brown curls and the perfect cleft beneath, and leaned forward to kiss the firm pinkness beneath, which was now swollen, urgent and flowing with her juices. He parted the pink folds of skin, and inserted a finger, searching for the small mound of pleasure inside. He took his finger as deep as possible into her, then almost back to the outside, running it over her tiny pleasure mound and spreading her wetness around.

He bad her lie down on the soft grass, and she felt her naked body crushing the moist herb, and it caressing her at the same time. He parted her legs so gently, found again the moist well of pleasure beneath the soft curls, inserted two fingers this time and began to rub the sensitive area within. Anne found this distasteful, and was of a mind to cry out, but Richard leaned over her, soothed and kissed her, and she was still again. He paused for a few moments to ready his erect manhood, catching the liquid drops thereon with a couple of fingers, bahis siteleri and rubbing it around the swollen head.

Slowly, so slowly, Richard positioned himself between her legs, and applied the tip of his manhood outside the cleft of Anne’s sex, letting it rest there almost still, and then holding his shaft steady, he allowed its head to move very slightly in a circular motion between her moist pink folds, the head stroking over her awakened clitoris from time to time. Anne found this sensation strange, yet somewhat enjoyable.

After a couple of minutes of this agreeable sensation, Richard started to move the tip of his member further into her moist cleft, until he began very gently to begin to penetrate her. As he pushed inward a little further, he met with opposition, and Anne gasped a little in discomfort, as she was an untried maiden. He soothed her again, and asked her to be brave, be patient; it would not be disagreeable for long. After some time of pressure against her maidenhead, suddenly her flesh yielded to him, and his manhood penetrated her fully, so that only his rounded appendages remained outside her.

Richard moved but slowly inside Anne, as he did not wish to hurt her, and held her gently in his free arm, speaking reassuring words to her. However he was enjoying the sensations as his manhood was now caressed and held by her small form. He was not new to womanising, nor to virgins, but this damsel, his future wife, was proving to be particularly agreeable. Anne for her part knew she must be in submission to bahis şirketleri her future husband, and could only lie quietly while he took his pleasure. As time went on, however, Anne began to relax, and the sensation became enjoyable to her.

Richard showed her how to move against his thrusts so that her most sensitive parts were pleasured, and in this way they communed for quite some time, feeling the pleasurable sensations, knowing the intimacy of the marriage act. They remained as quiet as possible so as not to disturb people from the house, and yet Richard could hear Anne’s sighs of pleasure, could feel her hands beginning to hold his flesh to her, as the unfamiliar sensations began to engulf her as they deepened. Cries of pleasure now escaped her, and she moved against him, rapidly, randomly, with complete abandon, as she approached her climax. After a little longer, she clasped her arms around him, arched her body in orgasm, and cried out, as the rapturous feelings engulfed her inner parts in waves and pulsations. This so excited Richard that, with several urgent thrusts, he too was ready to reach his satisfaction, and he pushed hard into her once, and felt his seed burst from him, and flood into her. He thrust again, and again, releasing more seed, until he was still.

For long moments they remained in communion, lying together, arms around each other, lying close, with Richard caressing Anne’s face. Then he disengaged himself from her, but lay down on the grass next to her and laid his arm across her waist. They rested thus for some time, then as Richard regarded Anne in the moonlight, he pronounced himself well pleased with her, and looked forward presently to exploring both her outward and inward contours again that night if she permitted…

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