All posts by sexhikayeleri

annemin arkadaşı

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben 15 yasında bir erkagim . Annemin arkadaşlarına ha yranım o koca kıcları beni delirtiyordu bir gün escort bayan istanbul meral teyze anemi sormaya eskort bayan istanbul geldi.bende fırsat escort bayan bu diye anemin evde olmadıgından faydalanıp onu annem evde diyerek eve davet ettim.Kahve icermi die sordum.Evet dediKahve ye uyku ilacı kattım ve bayıldı onu soydum ve tecavüz ettim.öyle güzel bacakları ve göğüsleri vardı ki hepsini elledi. sonyazışmak isteyenler [email protected] dan bana ulasabilirler

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

orta yaşlı bayan

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Öncelikle herkezeye mrb lar bu sitenin devamlı okuruyum ve burada yazanlara genelde inanmazdim taki basıma gelene kadar. Analatacaım olay iki gün önce basımdan gecti aksam arkadaşlarla bulusmak icin yola cıkmıstım durakta otobüse bindim genelde bos olurdu ama nedense doluydu itiş kakıs otobüse bindim ortalarda bi yerde dikilmeye başladim o sırada yanima orta yaşlarda bi bayan geldi cok güzel ve alımlıydı ve cok güzel parfüm kokuyordu otobus duraklarda teker teker duurup yolduları alıodu bu sırada otobus iyice sıkıs sıkıs olmustu ve bi bu orta yaslı bayanla tek vicut olduk aradan 4 5 dakika gectikten sonra benim sertleşmiş olan sikime birseyin cartığını istanbul escorts hissettim ilk önce kadının cantası felan zannettim daha sonra bu carplar yerini ufak ufak sıkmalara bırakınca sasırdım ve elimle sikimi yokladığımda kadının elini farkettim kadin eliyle sikimi iyice sıkmaya başlamıstı ne yapacağımı sasırdımve kıpkırmızı olmus etrafa bakıyordum en sonunda dayanamayıp kadının bacaklarını oradanda kalcasını oksamaya başladim yasına göre cok dolgun kalcaları vardi daha sonra elini sikimden cekti ve kalcalarını sikime doğru bastırmaya başladi artık delirmiştim bir elimi kadının önüne doğru uzatıp eteğin üstünden amını oksamaya başladim istanbuldaki escort bu sıradan kadının titrediğini hissediyordum ama hala etrafa caktırmadan kalcalarını bana doğru ittiriyordu ki tam o sırada düğmeye bastı ve aşağıya ineceğini söledi yanindakilere inerkende beni kolumdan aşağıya cekti ne olduğunu anlamamiştim arabadan inince bana kendini cok tahrik ettiğini ve kocasindan yeni bosandığını caninin delice sevişmek istediğini söledi üzerindekileri cıkartmaya başladibenim heyecandan dilim tutulmustu sadece bende diyebildim ve doğruca kadının evine gittik iceri girer girmez dudaklarima yapıstı ve aynı anda üzerindekileri cıkartmaya istanbul eskort başladi bir dakika icinde ikimizde cırılcıplak kalmıstık bir gözlerime bakti birde kalkmıs olan sikime aşağı doğru eğilip sikimi ağzına aldı ben deliriyordum ilk ağzına bosalmıstım daha sonra benim onun amini yalamami istedi benimde istediğim buydu ve bende başladim onun amini yalamaya inim inim bir eliylede kafami amina doğru bastırıyordu daha sonra dayanamayıp tekrar kazık gibi olan sikimi amina dayadım ve bir cırpıda amina soktum saatlerce sevistik ve ikimizde yorgun düşünce uyuya kalmısık sabah bana cok güzel bir kahvaltı ve sonrasında bir veda seksi ile güle güle dedi (sunu öğrendim ki kalabalık yerlerde birbirine sürtünmeler cok tahrik edici bir olay bunu tekrar bi bayanla yasamak istiyorum 20 yasındayım bir cok ilişkim oldu ama o otobuste aldığım zevki ne diim hicbirseyden alamadim benim gibi düşünen bayanlarin maillerini bekliyorumGönderen: gencerkek

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Komşumuzun Güzel Kızı

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Slm ben ankaradan özay komuşmuzun kızı var dı onun la he zaman sohbet ediyorduk çok güzel bir kız dı onu her zamamn sikmek istiyordum adı gizem di o yaşı 14 ama çok çekici bir kızdı göğüsleri çok büyük kalçaları inanılmaz dı aynı 18 kızlar gibiydi ben onu çok sikmek istiyordum bir fırsatını buldum annesigil gezmeye gitmişlerdi beni çağırsı yanına gel sohbet edelim derken bana dediki çıktığın biri var mı dedi ben escort bayan fındıkzade de yok dedim senin var mı dedim yok dedi bana sen hiç ilişkiye girdin mi dedi bana ben yo dedim ben ona sordum ilişkiye girdin mi dedim o da yok dedi birtane mini etek giymişyi üstün dede askılı badi var dı göğüsleri ortadayı ben çok azmıştım ben birden konuşurken onun dudağına yapıştım bana dediki ne oluyor ya dedi escort bayan fatih ben de dedim kine sei çok istiyorum gezem dedim oda belliki canı istiyordu bana karşılık verdi gizemi kucağıma oturtup onu yaplamaya başladım onu soydum o da beni soydu onu baştan aşağıya yaladım göğüslerini yaladım o da benim yarrağımı yalama başladı 20cm idi 20 lik yarrağı eline aldı ve somursu ben ağzına varmaya başladım escort bayan kağıthane ondan sonra amına sokamay başladım bana olmaz dedi amam kendide istiyordu ondan sonra amına soktum kanlar gelmeye beşladı ve bağırdı ondan sonra 20 lik yarrağı çıkardım amında git gel yapdım ben birden boşaldım o da baoşaldı amında sıvılar gelmeye başladı ondan sonra götüne sokacaktım götü daracıktı krem sürdü yarrağıma götünü eli ile açtı ondan sonra ona soktum yarrağımın yarısı girdi ondan sonra hepsini soktum bağırmaya başladı zevk çığlıkları attı ve boşalldı titreyerek bende boşalmıştım titreyerek ve onunla her zaman şikişmeye başladık çok güzel bir kız dı baş ka sikişmek isteyen varsa sikişiriz msn adresim [email protected]

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Okul Yılları

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Öncelikle şu andaki yaşım 35 onu belirteyim. 16 Yaşıma girdiğimde ailemin isteği ve maddi durumumuzun iyi olmadığından beni pansiyonu olan bir liseye yatılı verdiler aynı odada 6 kişi kalıyorduk. Ilk zamanlar içimde hiç bir istek yoktu ufaklığımdan beri masturbasyon yaparken deliğimi parmaklardım öyle boşalırdım. Bu tabiki pansiyonda kaldığım zamanlardada devam etti. Gündüz ders olduğu için akşamları oturup sohbet ederdik benim ranzamın altında kalan arkadaşımı uyuduğu zaman hep çaktırmadan seyreder sonra banyoya gidip masturbasyon yapardım.Bir gün okuldan çıktım pansiyona gittim odama çıktım kapıyı açtığımda arkadaşımın çamaşır değiştirdiğini ve penisini gördümç hemen içeriye girip kapıyı kapattım oda hiç çekinmedi ama onun siki gözümün önünden hiç gitmiyorduç sonra şakalaşmaya başladık onun üzerinde sadece kilotu vardı. Çaktırmadan elimi sikine değdiriyordum. Sonra yatağa oturduk. Ben duş almak istediğimi söyledim fakat onun siki kalkmıştı, kilotundan belli oluyordu. Ona şakadan sordum ne oldu fındıkzade eskort sikin kalktı dedim. O da bana elimin değdiği için olsa gerek dedi. Sonra soyundum tek kilotum kaldı üzerimde. Havluyu almak için dolaba döndüm ve eğildim sırf onu tahrik etmek için. Yerinden kalkıp kalçalarıma vurdu çok güzel kalçalarımın olduğunu söyledi. Ben de okşaması için kendimi biraz daha ona ittim iki elide kalçalarımı okşuyor ara sıra kilotunun içinde kalkan sikini kalçalarıma yaslıyordu. Hoşuma gittiği için hiç ses çıkarmıyordum. Sonra benim kilotumu sıyırdı deliğimi okşadı ben yakalanma korkusu ile hemen kilotumu kaldırdım ve ona doğru döndüm burada olmaz dedim ama ikimizde çok istiyorduk. Ben havlumu alıp duşa gittim onu hayal ederek masturbasyon yaptım ve odaya gittim. O yatağa uzanmıştı bende yanına gittim bu hafta sonu arkadaşlar evci iznine çıkacaklar biz çıkmayıp pansiyonda kalalım dedim. O da olur dedi akşam arkadaşlar ile sohbet edip yattık.Ertesi günü derse girdik tenefüse çıktığımızda bu gece şişli escort bayan evci çıkmayacaksın deyilmi dedim. O da seninle pansiyonda kalacağım dedi sevinçten yerimde duramıyordum bunca yıldır istediğin şey gerçekleşecekti. Akşam üzeri son zil çaldığında hemen dışarıya çıktım ve pansiyona gittim. Öbür arkadaşlarda geldiler herkes kirli olan çamaşırlarını torbalara koyup çantalarını alıp iyi hafta sonu dileyip gittiler. Biz ikimiz kaldık odada. Biraz konuştuk ve bende böyle bir hissin ufaklığımdan beri olduğunu söyledim sonra soyundum havlumu aldım duşa gittim. Arkamdan o da girdi duşa. Soyunduk ben onun sikini elime aldım okşadım sonra önüne diz çöküp yalamaya başladım. Yaladıkça başımı kendine çekiyordu ve aniden ağzıma bir şeyler akmaya başladı. Ilk olduğu için biraz iğrendim ama hepsini yuttum tabiki sonra yıkandık ve ben yine önüne diz çöktüm yalamaya başladım yine kazık gibi oldu beni kollarımdan tutup ayağa kaldırdı ve arkamı çevirdi. Ben de ona domaldım sonra escort maslak kalçalarımı elleri ile ayırdı ve deliğimi yaladı o kadar hoşuma gidiyordu ki içime girmesi için sabırsızlanıyordum. Eline sabunu alıp sikini sabunladı ve deliğimin üzerine sürtmeye başladı. Bense içine girmesi için kendimi ona doğru itiyordum yavaş yavaş içime girmeye başladığında biraz acı duydum ama bunu başarmalıydım çünkü istiyordum ve hepsi içimdeydi artık. Girip çıktıkça acının yerine zevk almaya başladım uzun bir süre içime girip çıktıktan sonra boşaldı. Sonra duş alıp odaya gittik akşam oldu yattık gece bir ara uyandım ona baktığımda üzeri açık olarak sırt üstü yatıyordu. Yanına gittim ve kilotunun üzerinden sikini okşamaya başladım. Elledikçe kalkıyordu elimle kilotunu sıyırdım ve yalamaya başladım. Uyandı ve saçlarımı okşamaya başladı, o kadar hoşuma gidiyorduki hiç ağzımdan çıkarmak istemedim. Ayağa kalkıp kilotumu çıkardım. Deliğimi tükürükleyerek sikinin üzerine oturdum içime yavaş yavaş girdi. Tam köküne kadar girdiğinde oturup kalkmaya başladım uzun bir süre böyle sikti beni ve içime boşaldı. O günden sonra hergün değişik yerlerde beraber olduk. Okul bittikten sonra bir daha görüşemedik fakat ben bu yaşıma geldim ama 16 yaşımdan beri bu tür ilişkileri gizli olarak yaşıyorum çünkü müthiş zevk alıyorum.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Günlerden Bir Gün

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Tekrardan merhaba. Gönderdiğim hikayem yayınlanınca gerçekten çok sevindim. Bu kadarını beklemiyordum doğrusu ve hikayemi sitenizde okuduktan sonra güzel bir yaramazlık yapmaya karar verdim. Sizlerde önceki hikayemden biliyorsunuz, orta boylu ve balık etli birisiyim. Bunun yanı sıra, geriye doğru çıkık ve geniş popomun okşanması hoşuma gidiyor. Geçen hafta cuma günüydü, yaramazlık yapmak için o günü seçmiştim kendi kendime. sabah işe gitmek için hazırlanırken güzel beyaz renk bir body, bağcıkları bileklerime dolanan topuklu ayakkabılar ve siyah renk diz altımın yaklaşık bir karış altında biten yandan yırtmaçlı çan eteğimi giydim. Külot giymeyecektim zaten, içimden yükselen ses öyle yapmamı istiyordu. Bende ona uydum ve her türlü riski göze alarak külot giymedim. Işe gittim, derken akşam oldu. Eve gitmeyi canım fatih eskort istemiyordu, bütün gün içim içimi kemirmişti yapacağım yaramazlık için. Rastgele kalabalık bir otobüsü gözüme kestirdim. Tıklım tıklım otobüse kendimi attım. Hafifce sağıma soluma göz atıyordum, yakışıklı birinden ziyade popoma iri bir şeylerin sürtmesini istiyordum. Ne yapayım, huyum kurusun! O kalabalıkta bir temas hissettim, bir dokunuş vardı popomda, hafifce arkama göz attım. Yaşlı başlı bir amca arkamda duruyordu. Hayal kırıklığına uğramadım desem yalan olur, bu denli yaşlı birini beklemiyordum aslında! Ee, madem yaramazlık yapmak istiyordum, neden deneyimli birisi olmasın ki? Bir süre sonra otobüs fren yapmışta, yanlışlıkla üzerine yıkılmışım gibi kendimi tamamen arkama verdim ve popomu bey amcanın kasıklarına yaslıyıverdim. kagithane eskort Bir iki temas derken kararımda hiç de yanılmadığımı gördüm ve için için güldüm. Gittikce büyüyordu. Bir-iki durak derken arkamda sanki bir keser sapı yaslanmış duruyordu. Amcada herhalde fırsat bu fırsattır demiş olmalı ki, yavaş yavaş sürttürmeye başladı. Sürttürmesi hoşuma gidiyordu. Erkekliğinin başı popomun arasına hafifce giriyor, sonra gene aynı yavaşlıkla çıkıyordu. Kim ne derse desin, adabına göre yapıldıktan sonra, otobüslerde hafif yollu maceralar kadar güzel bir duygu yok! Hafifçe avuçlandığını…Sonra, bey amcanın inmesi gerekiyordu, otobüsten indi. Bende bir sonraki durakta inmek için kapıya yöneldim. Otobüs durağa yanaşırken popomun hafifce avuçlandığını hissettim. Hiç bozuntuya vermedim ve yanlışlıkla düğmeye taksim escortu başmışım gibi bir durak daha gitmeye karar verdim. Popomu okşayan el gerçekten utangaç utangaç hareket ediyordu. O kadar huylandıktan sonra popomun ellenmesi beni kudurttu desem yalan olmaz. Çok güzel bir duyguydu. Yalnız, otobüs bir sonraki durakta iyice boşalmıştı, bende inmek zorunda kaldım. Indiğim yerde kısa bir tur attıktan sonra tekrardan otobüs durağına gittim ve ters yönden gelen ilk ücretli halk otobüsüne bindim. Muavin yerinde parasını aldı, bende çaprazdan karşısına denk düşen yere otururken otobüs birden hareket etti. Koltuğa bir anda yığılmıştım ve muavinin bakışlarından bacaklarımın açıldığını anladım. Üzerimi pek düzeltmeden, daha doğrusu düzeltilmiş gibi yaparken eteğimi biraz daha havalandırarak oturmaya devam ettim. Muavin, bir yandan bacaklarıma bakıyor, bir yandan da durumu belli etmemeye çalışıyordu ve bu durum hoşuma gidiyordu. Otobüs kızılaya gelmişti, bende artık evime gitmek üzere kendi otobüsüme bindim ve evime geri döndüm. Bir daha ne mi yaparım? Bende bilmiyorum. :)Gönderen: Joey

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Merve`nin Koca Götü

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Slm ben cenk 19 yasındayım liseyi bitirdim ve suan dersaneye gidiyorum.bizim dersanede merve adında cok sexi bir kız vardı ve cok seksi giyinirdi kocaman kalcaları ve mukemmel gogusleri vardı.anlıyacagınız ben o kıza hastaydım ve onu sikmek istiyodum.bir gun yine dersanedeydik ve son ders oldugu için kimse kalmamıstı ben ve merve dısında o onde test cozuyodu ben arka sırada onun kalcalarını izliyodum.egilince kotundan gotunun arası gorunuyordu beyazda kulotu vardı . ben mecidiyeköy escortları soru sormak için yanına gittim kitabı onune koydum bana anlatmaya calısıyodu ben dinler gibi yapıp gomleginin arasından goguslerine bakmaya calısıyordum.beni yakaladı ve ne yapıyorsun sen dedi ben hiç bişey yokmus gibi yaptım sonra da dudaklarına yapıstım ve opmege basladım oda karsılık veriyordu sonra gomleginin dugmelerini cozmeye basladım sutyenini cıkardım cok şişli escortları guzel gogusleri vardı.yalamaya basladım. sonra onu ters cevirip masaya yuzu koyun yatırtım arkasından pantolonunu cıkardım. bembeyaz kulotu vardı hemen onuda cıkarıp koca gotunu oksamaya basladım oda iyice tahrik olmustu benim aleti alıp yalamaya basladı. ben daha fazla dayanamadım ve o koca gotune aletimi sokmak istiyordum. tekrar ters cevirip masaya domalttım aletimin basını tesettürlü escort sokmaya calıstım once yavas yavas ilerliyordum istedigim genişlige ulasınca birden kokledim . merve den bir cıglık koptu yapma diye haykırıyordu ama ben durmadan pompalamaya devam ediyordum 5dk kadar oyle devam ettim sonra merve den zevk cıglıkları gelmeye basladı birden onu sırtustu yatırıp amına kokledim merve nin cıglıgı koridorlarda yankı yapıyordu .ama kimse duyamazdı cunku binada kimse yoktu ogretmenler toplantı yapıyorlardı en ust katta ben onu sikmeye devam ettim her sokusta inliyordu merve artık bosalacaktım aletimi cıkarmamla birlikte yuzune fıskırtmam bir oldu merve butun dollerimi afiyetle yedi . daha sonraki gunlerde sex yapmaya devam ettik onlar daha sonra hadi byeeeeeeeeGönderen: bay_x

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

azgın olgun komsum

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Slm bu anlatacagım hıkaye tamamen gercektır ben bı fırmada ınsan kaynaklarında calısmaktayım annem ler ogun ende yoktu ben ısten cıkmım eve dogru gelıyodum mahalleye gırdıgım de bızım karsı komsu nil ablayı gordum bıraz uzgundu sordum bısey yok dedı bıra zusteleyınce kocasını baska kadınla yakaladıgını ondan cok moralı bozuk oldugunu (sunu belırteyım cok tatlı 46 escortlar şişli yaslarında onu dusunur hep 31 cekerdım) ıstersen konusalım dedım rahatlarsın belkı deyıp bızım eve geldık bana anlatıp aglarken bır anda omuzuma dayaynıp aglamya oyle devam ettı gohguslerı tas gıbı bana surtuyodu elını tutup tesellı ederken o muhtesem amcıgına deyıyodu elım gozyaslarını escortlar mecidiyeköy sılıp bır opucuk kondurdum boynundan ıcını cekıp kocam benı boyle hıc opmedı dedı sonra cesaret alıp duaklarına yapıstım nıl abla ters yapmayıp oda karsılık verıyo dılımı adeta yutuyodu elını sıkıme sokup oynuyo bende bu arada amını dısardan sıkıp ovuyodum sonra şişli escorts sıkımı cıkarıp oyle yalamaya basladıkı sankı sıke yıllarca hasretttı ustumuzu parcalarcasına cıkarıp 69 pozısyonuna gecıp o cıcacık amcıgını yalarken hırıldayıp ıyıce zevkten benımkını yutuyodu ıcıme sok yeter dıye bagırıyo benede kırmayıp cıkARIPO KOKLEDIM OYLE BIR OH CEKTIKI BENI BOSALTTI DAHA O BOSALMMAMISTI domaltıp sonra aletı yewrlestırıp oyle bı soktumkı hızlı gıdıp gele gelee o da bosaldı sonra sarılıp uzanaral oylece uyuduk sımdık karım oldu devamlı sıkıyom gotte ıstedım sonra dedı gotu cok taze yaladımm ofhh yaslı olgıun bayanları beklerım [email protected]

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Bi Kere Daha

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Sue’s Night with a Big One

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


It must of been March or maybe April. The three of them had been living in the house for about 6 months by then. Hally had found the place through a lady friend she knew, and had rented the 3 bedroon 2 bath home in north Dallas for about 700 bucks a month. Nothing special, just a house in a quiet neighborhood on a corner lot.

The 700 bucks was a little steep for one person, so Hally had asked Glen, a guy she knew through another friend, if he wanted to share the rent with her. Glen agreed, and the two had moved in together. Shortly after that, when Sues’ lease was up at her apartment, Hally had asked her to move in, and take the third bedroon, reducing the shared rent even further. Sue agreed. Hally had the master bedroom, with its own bath, and Sue and Glen shared the bath in the hall.

Before Sue moved in, Hally and Glen had hooked up a few times, as neither one was in a relationship. Hally was about 5’6″ 135 lbs, blond, big boned but not overweight, but didn’t have much in the chest department, but was very pretty in the face. Glen was about 10 years older than Hally, a Vietman vet, in very good shape, tan and muscular with a deep voice, but had acne scars on his face from the agent orange the army used in Vietman. He also had a very long and thick dick, which Hally loved, but the chemestry just wasn’t there, so no lasting thing ever evolved. They both used the sex with each other as they needed it, which was acutally quite often and very good, but thats all it was, just sex.

In the spring sometime, Hally announced she was going home to Phoenix for a week to see family. She had traded the time off at work and booked space available reservations with the airline she and Sue worked for. Sue was to take her to the DFW airport on one of her days off, and pick her up a week later when Hally returned.

On the way to the airport, Hally and Sue talked about the house arrangements, what they both liked, what they both disliked, etc. Sue also asked Hally how it was going with Glen. Hally told Sue they didn’t really have a relationship other than the sex, and that was about to come to an end as Hally had met John, a really nice guy who Hally hoped to get serious with. Hally was giving the green light to Sue as far as Glen went.

Thinking Sue might have a shot with Glen, she asked Hally how he was in bed. Hally told her Glen had a big one, that was really thick, and he knew how to use it too.

Sue had seen Glen naked by accident once, and knew of his size. She had gone into the bathroom right after Glen had showered. As she was closing the bathroom door, she glanced into Glens’ bedroom which was right across the hall. He had dropped his towel and was reaching for his boxers when Sue looked between his legs and saw the ‘baby leg’ hanging down. It was at least 7 inches long, thick, and was not even hard. Glen never looked up, and didn’t know Sue had seen him.

In the car driving home from the airport, Sue thought about having sex with Glen and that monster cock. It made her tingle all over, and she could feel moistness between her legs.

Sue was 20 years old then, 5’3′, about 110 pounds, with 34c breasts that were full and delicious. She thought about her sex life, the boys she had had sex with in high school, the one, two, three pumps your out kind of sex. She was ready for something different, something new. Maybe something big. Hally had given her the green light, and Sues’ boyfriend Taylor, was a thousand miles away back in Arizona. She needed something closer. She needed something now. She certainly hadn’t had anyone who came close to Glens’ size. She wondered how it would feel inside of her.

Sue pulled onto their street, and parked her car out in front of the house. Glen had the garage. He kept his car and his ‘motorcycle projects’ in there, so the women had to park in the street.

She had thought about stopping and getting some fast food, as she hadn’t eaten since a late brunch, but didn’t, opting to find something at the house. She went into the kitchen to look, and there was Glen. With a big smile and much enthusiasm, he asked,

“Well, how bout it Sue, wanna go out dancin? There’s a bar down on lower Lemmon Avenue with a good country band and they’re havin’ 50 cent longnecks. Whada ya say? Feel like getin’ drunk? I’m buyin’ “

Actually, Sue did feel like having a drink. It was her day off, in fact she had tomorrow off too.

“Ya know, I just might, Glen. Let me take a quick shower first, and your on!”

“Great! I’ll be waitin!” he replied with a smile.

Sue went back to her bedroom to get ready. She picked out some 501’s that fit her butt perfectly, and a plaid blouse. She was in the shower in a flash, and actually found herself looking forward to going out dancing. She really did like to dance. Maybe not country and western so much, but right now anything would be better than sitting around the house. Maybe she could tallk Glen into buying her something to eat too, she was starving.

She was ready in no time, gaziantep rus escort and they were off to the bar. It was about a half hour drive, and on the way, they made pleasant conversation. Sue realised she didn’t really know Glen all that much, even though they had lived in the same house for almost 6 months.

Glen worked for a well known computer company and was doing quite well. He knew he was on the ground floor of a business whose potential was limitless. Vietnam and the war memories were fading, sometimes still, very real and disturbing, but fading nonetheless. Sue noticed how handsome he actually was, inspite of the acne scars, and she was also finding out what a really nice guy he was. He was turning out to be quite the gentleman.

She also noticed he couldn’t keep his eyes off her breasts. When he would turn to look at Sue during conversation, his eyes wandered down to the generous swell of flesh that was filling her blouse. Glen wasn’t used to breasts like these, Hally was flat compared to there babies.

Sue, feeling a little daring, reached up and undid the top button on the blouse when Glen looked to the left at a red light. She then opened up the blouse a little, and when Glens’ gaze returned, leaned forward, changing the radio station as an excuse. She wanted to give Glen a little show before they got to the bar.

Sues’ actions did not go unnoticed. Glen had a nice long look at the clevage in front of him. As Sue returned to a normal sitting position, she ‘accidently’ let her left hand graze across the side of Glens’ thigh, lingering just long enough to make sure Glen felt it. Glen returned the gesture by telling Sue how good she looked.

They pulled up to the bar, parked and made their way into the crowded room. There was no cover, and there were two bars, one on each side of the door as you entered.

“I’ll get us some drinks” Glen shouted above the noise of the band. He quickly returned with 2 beers in each hand, and made his way to the side of the bar, where there were a couple of small empty tables left. They sat and Glen upended a beer, finishing it in one pull. Sue started on her first one. It was ice cold. It tasted really good going down too. She then remembered she hadn’t had anything to eat and reminded herself not to get too drunk or she might get sick.

As the next song started, Glen asked her to dance, and they made their way to the crowded dance floor. They had a good time bumping into other people and each other until they found their groove and then got into some serious dancing. After two songs, they went back to their spot.

“I’ll get us some more drinks” Glen said as he headed back to the bar. He returned with 2 more beers, and 2 shot glasses full of tequila.

Sue had just finished her first beer. She thought, ‘Oh great! Just what I need on an empty stomach. Tequila!’

She grabbed the tiny glass and toasting Glen’s glass said,

“Down the hatch!” and swallowed the liquid gold. She chased it with a good swig of beer, and then it was back to the dance floor. They danced a few dances this time, and by the time they got back to the table, they had worked up a thirst. Glen was off to the bar again and returned with another shot for each of them. They repeated the ritual, and were back dancing.

This song was a rocker, and Sue was starting to get loose. Glen was watching Sue dance, and Sue was watching Glen. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her chest. Her tits were bouncing and swaying with the music, a beautiful sight to behold. With Glen watching her, Sue reached up and undid the next button on her blouse, and pulled the fabric aside, allowing her black bra to become visible.

She then raised her hands above her head, and moved her shoulders from side to side, shaking her tits for Glen and anyone else who was watching.

Next, she bent at the waist, lowered her arms to her sides, and again, moved her shoulders from side to side, shaking her heavy breasts from side to side.Glen could see almost all of her breasts as she bent over. It wasn’t the first time he had seen them though.

Hally and Sue worked the swing shift at the airline, and were home during the day, most of the time. Hally liked to tan topless in the backyard, and when Sue moved in, Hally asked her to join her, which she willing agreed to.

Glen figured out what they were doing, even though Hally had tried to keep it secret from him. The girls would go into the back yard, not quite visible from the kitchen, so Glen couldn’t see. What the girls didn’t know, was that when Glen was in the garage working on his motorcycles, he would open the garage door, and from a gap between the edge of the house and the fence, could observe the girls in their topless state without the girls knowing he was watching.

Yes, he had seen Sue’s nice big tits lots of times. The girls would even rub lotion on each other as they tanned, which Glen particularly liked to watch. Neither one had any tan lines on top. The long hot Texas summers meant the girls were out tanning well into October.

Glen started to get turned on, and moved closer to Sue, moving his hips right next to hers, he began to bump hips. Sue started bumping back. Just then the song ended, and a slow one started. Glen took Sues’ hand and began the slow dance, pressing his groin against hers. Sue could feel the large thick meat in Glens’ pants. He was rubbing it against her, and she thought she felt it get bigger. Glen was looking down Sues’ blouse now, still staring at the beautiful cleveage. Sue was starting to press her chest into Glens’ chest. She wanted him to squeeze her tits so bad. She ached.

That song ended, and the band announced a 20 minute break. They made their way back to their table, and Glen went back to the bar for more shots. Sue stopped him before he left, and asked if he could find something for her to nibble on.

“Oh I got something for ya ta nibble on darlin’ just don’t choke on it!” he joked. He couldn’t resist that one.

He did come back with some popcorn and pretzels, so Sue was happy. She just needed a little something. Glen also brought back 2 more beers each and another shot each.

By the time the band started back up, neither one was feeling any pain. They kept up the routine of dancing three or four songs, taking a break for shots and beers for a couple of hours. Sue was wasted by then. She was getting tired too, she hadn’t danced this much in years. She couldn’t remember how many shots she had had or how many beers. All she knew was, she was having a really good time, and wanted to end it with a bang.

Glen kept a close eye on Sue, and noticed after her third shot, that she was not inhibited at all. On the dance floor, they touched each other openly, grabbing each others ass, Glen rubbing his semi-hard penis anywhere on Sue he could rub it, and Sue in turn pressing her breasts into Glen. At the table, Sue would place her hand in Glens lap, gently squeezing and stroking his dick, Glen would return the favor by pressing on Sues’ crotch through her jeans, rubbing her clit with his strong fingers.

By the time the band took their next break, Sue leaned into Glen and wispered in his ear, ” I’m ready to go home” while she pressed her breasts into his shoulder. Glen rubbed back, and said

“Alright, if you think you’ve had enough dancin’. I had a really good time.”

“Me too” said Sue, “but the night isn’t over yet!” she said with a sly smile.

They found their way back to the parking lot, found the car and began the drive home. On the way, Sue had scooted over to the middle of the bench seat, and began to rub Glens’ thigh. Glen spread his legs and let her have at it. She began to stroke his growing cock through his jeans, and couldn’t help but say something about how big it felt. Glen reached over and placed a hand on one of Sues’ breasts and began to squeeze.

Sue began to moan and rub Glens’ dick harder. By the time they got back to the house, they were both worked up pretty good.

Sue entered the house first and went straight to the bathroom. She had to pee something terrible. When she was done, she came out and looked for Glen. She found him in his bedroom lying on his bed. She kneeled beside the bed and began to undo his belt. Glen just laid back and watched her. She was pretty drunk, and had some trouble with the zipper of his jeans. The fact that there was a huge bulge underneath the zipper didn’t help matters, as it was distracting to Sue. She couldn’t wait to feel it in her hands.

Once she had the zipper down, she unbuttoned the buttons on Glen’s shirt. Starting at the top, she slowly worked her way down until she had them all undone. Then she pulled the shirt to the side and looked at Glens’ body. He had a six pack, was very tan, and had nice muscles on his chest, with a small patch of blondish hair in the middle.

She bent down and began to kiss his nipples, slowly working her way down to the exposed boxers Glen was wearing. When she got to his waist, he lifted his hips off the bed and began to tug at the jeans, working them down past his hips. The bulge was now prominent. Sue tugged at the legs, helping Glen rid himself of the clothes. When she had them removed, she started to pull the elastic of the shorts down, but Glen stopped her. He sat up and removed his shirt completely, then reached over and began to unbutton Sue’s blouse.

The top few buttons were already undone from earlier, so there were only three more and her blouse came open. Sue quickly removed it and reached behind her and unhooked the three clasps of her black bra. She left it hanging, allowing Glen to slide the straps off her shoulders and down her arms, exposing her magnificient breasts to him.

Her aereolas were half dollar size, and her nipples were just starting to peek out. Sue’s nipples always took quite a bit of coaxing before they stood out. Glen reached over and gave one a little pinch, then leaned over and took her left tit in his mouth, kissing and licking the nipple.

“Ohhhh, that feels so good” Sue moaned, throwing her head back, giving Glen full access to her chest. “Don’t stop….”

Glen didn’t have to be told. He contunued to kiss and suck as he scooted closer and began to undo Sues’ button flys on her Levis. She was still kneeling on the floor beside the bed. She didn’t resist as Glen undid the buttons and began tugging at the waist of her jeans. Sue slid her thumbs in her waistband and helped. Her jeans pooled at her knees. She then lifted one leg, and tugged the jeans down and off. She did the same with the other leg, and then all she had on were her flower print panties.

At this point, Glen gently pulled Sue up on the bed. Sue resumed her caress of Glens humongus bulge. She had to find out what it would feel like. Still buzzed from the tequila and beer, she attacked the boxers like a ravenous wolf. She whipped ’em down, and out sprung the biggest, thickest cock she had seen in her young life.

She gasped! Then she just stared for a moment. Glen was enjoying the show. Sue reached out and began to stroke it. Her small hand could not reach all the way around. It would have taken about four of her hands to fully cover it from the base to the tip.

It felt firm and warm in her hands, yet it was pliable. She could bend it a little and there were thick blue veins running all through it. The head of it was larger in diameter than the main shaft, and was pinker in color. She noticed there was a large hole in the end, and a large drop of clearish liquid oozing out from it.

She felt the nut sack, kind of scratchy with Glens’ hair. The 2 balls within were large and felt heavy, but she was able to move them around inside the sack. This was the first time she had actually examined a guy’s nuts and was somewhat facinated by them.

She returned to the shaft, and with both hands, started to slowly rub the loose skin up and down over the stiff shaft. Glen reached for a nearby tube of lube he kept on the headboard of his bed, offered it to Sue, and said,

“Here, put this stuff on, you may thank me later.”

Sue took the tube and opened the end and squeezed a generous amount into the palm of her hand. It was cool to the touch. Then she began to coat the stiff shaft from the base to the tip, working her hands up and down slowly.

When it was evenly covered in the cool gel, she grabbed the tube and again filled the palm of one hand with the lube. Then she rubbed it right in the middle of her chest, coating the valley between her breasts. The coolness shocked her nipples and they stiffened even more.

Then Sue leaned in to Glen, and placed his long shaft between her warm soft tits and then squeezed her flesh together, enclosing the fuck stick in her softness. Moving her body up and down slowly, Glen watched as his dick would disappear between the mounds of her breasts, and then reappear as Sue would move her body.

As the swollen head of Glens’ dick would appear, Sue began to kiss and lick it. Glen moaned his approval, and began to move his hips in time to Sues movement, slowly tit-fucking those lucious mounds.

At one point, Sue released her boobs, and just started sucking the head of Glens humongeous penis. At the same time, she slipped her thumbs under the elastic band of her panties, and slipping them over hips, and down her legs, removed them completely.

She then positioned her knees on either side of Glens’ hips, and reaching down with one hand, guided the tip of Glens pulsing meat to the entrance of her wet snatch. She was so eager to feel the length of him inside her, once she had the tip of the slippery cock in position, she abruptly impaled herself with its full length.

Pausing to catch her breath, and to adjust to the size of the giant flesh now inside her, Sue then began to slowly fuck Glen, moving her hips away from his body as she rose up. This move made the contact between the ridge of Glens’ head and Sues’ g-spot more pronounced. In just a few strokes, Sue had worked herself up close to orgasm, her movements becoming more rapid, and her cunt clinching becoming more powerful and she got closer and closer.

Glen could sense her pleasure, and began to thrust in time to Sue’s gyrations. Soon, the two bodies were bucking wildly in unison, and the thunderous orgasm that rocked Sue’s body was far and away the most intense, longest lasting, best feeling one she had had in her life to that point.

She paused, trying to catch her breath, lying for a moment on Glens lean body. After a few moments, Glen rolled her over, and positioned her body perpendicular to the bed. He then stood next to the bed, and spread Sues’ legs wide, and stepped between them and placed his still raging cock at the entrance to her drenched pussy.

Pulling her ass to the edge of the bed, Glen fully entered her, pushing his balls right up next to her asshole. Then he began to pound into her, withdrawing all of his dick except for the head, and then slamming it home, again and again. He began to fuck her faster and faster, Sue’s tits bouncing across her chest in time to Glens’ thrusts.

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Sunbathing with My Stepsister

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Big Tits

Wednesday morning. I woke up to see the summer sun shining in through my bedroom window. Bright and early. Well, not exactly. It was 10 a.m., and I was enjoying the laziness of summer break between my sophomore and junior years of college. I was back at home living with my mother and stepfather for the summer, sleeping in as they were off at work. The only noise in the house was the hum of the central air conditioner. Seemed I had the house to myself.

I got up and showered to ready myself for another day of relaxation. As I got out of the shower and toweled myself dry, I glanced out the bathroom window overlooking the back deck and saw that I was not alone. My stepsister, Christine, was walking through the back yard, onto the deck. She was staying with us for a couple of weeks until she could move into her new apartment. She was wearing running shorts, a white t-shirt, sunglasses, and a baseball-style cap. Seemed she was coming back from a jog.

At twenty seven, she was seven years older than me. She had just retired from playing for a WNBA team, but she wasn’t the stereotypical female pro-basketball player. Christine was tall for a woman, a shade taller than me. She was very attractive with long black hair and beautiful green eyes. Her body was fit from years of playing sports, but still very feminine at the same time.

I watched as she walked across the deck to the door leading into the house. The sounds of the door opening and Christine’s footsteps across the rooms downstairs carried up to my perch by the window in the bathroom. Soon she reappeared on the deck with a bottle of suntan lotion, a beach towel, and a book. She was now barefoot, but still wore her running shorts and t-shirt. Her hair was tied back in a pony tail. I watched intently as she evenly spread the towel out on the chaise lounge chair.

To my surprise, she slid her thumbs under the elastic waistband and pulled her shorts down her fit thighs. She bent down to slide the shorts down past her knees and step out of them, tossing them aside. She wore no panties underneath the shorts, only the liner of the running shorts and I could see the well-trimmed triangle of her black pubic hair. She removed her sunglasses and grasped the bottom of her t-shirt, pulling it up over her head and dropped it onto her empty running shorts. She did the same with her sports bra, revealing her perky breasts and pink nipples.

I felt like Judge Reinhold from that famous scene in Fast Times at Ridgemont High when he fantasized that Phoebe Cates took off her top as she got out of the swimming pool. But, instead of it being a fantasy, Christine was really nude. I gasped audibly when she stretched and arched her back to pull the bra over her head and bare her beautiful breasts. I could feel myself becoming aroused watching my stepsister from the bathroom window.

Christine picked up the bottle of suntan lotion and began spreading it over her fit body. She started at her ankles and spread the lotion up her shapely legs, working her way up her tone belly to her round breasts. I was starting to breathe hard as she spread the oily lotion over gaziantep escort bayan her breasts. They bounced up and down as she rubbed them with the palms of her hands. Her entire body glistened in the morning sun from the lotion.

My penis was completely hard from watching her. I reached down and wrapped my hand around my hard cock, gently squeezing it. The gentle pressure felt good. I let go to lick my palm, then returned my saliva slickened hand to my throbbing penis. I rubbed up and down my hard shaft, circling around my swollen mushroom head as I stood at the window, staring at my naked stepsister. Gently, I squeezed the hard shaft, causing a clear droplet of precum to ooze from the tip.

Christine had no idea of the pleasure she was giving, let alone that she was being watched. As I continued to stare at her, I rubbed up and down. My weeping hole was making my swollen cock very slippery. My breathing was ragged and I knew I couldn’t hold out much longer. I could feel myself tingling and my orgasm was building.

I stroked faster with twisting strokes up and down my slick shaft. Clear fluid was flowing from the eye of my cock. I gently squeezed my rigid shaft to milk out more precum, making it even slicker. My hips were rocking back and forth with frenzied lust as I stroked. I placed one hand on the sink to steady myself as my body shuddered when the first white stream leapt from my spasming cock. My hips pushed forward as I shot stream after stream of cum onto the tiled bathroom floor. I sat down, looking at the small white puddles my lust had left on the multi-colored floor tiles. Looking down, I watched as my cock slowly shrank back to flaccidity.

I quickly cleaned up all evidence of my moment of gratification and went to my bedroom. I put on a pair of lined jogging shorts and my longest t-shirt to cover my bulge it I got hard again. Even though I had just cum, I wasn’t totally satisfied. I wanted to see Christine on the deck.

I was nervous walking down the stairs. Butterflies were whirling around my insides. I could feel my pulse picking up as I reached the door to the deck. I put my hand on the doorknob and paused. Silently I thought, “Here goes nothing.” My heart was pounding as I turned the knob and opened the door, breaking the seal to the outside.

Christine had rolled over and was laying flat on her stomach. My naked stepsister jumped and had a look of utter surprise when she realized she was not alone. He face was becoming pinker as the blood rushed to her cheeks from embarrassment.

“Looking good, step-sis.” I said with a grin. Mind if I join you out here for a little bit?”

“Uh, uh, what are you doing here Gregory? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” She stammered.

“No, I’ve only been working some fill in time at the video store. I didn’t have a full-time job to come back to this summer.”

My parent’s house was in a fairly rural neighborhood. All of the houses were built on four and five acre lots. Though it wasn’t completely private, the distance between houses and the fact that it was mid-morning on a weekday provided ample privacy. The sound of an occasional car passing by reminded you that you were not completely private. I grabbed another chaise lounge chair and pulled it next to Christine. My eyes played over every inch of her naked back, defined legs, and shapely ass. And she knew I was looking as she tried to hide her embarrassment.

“So you just want to hang out here on the deck?” She asked.

“Sure. Don’t worry; I’m not bothered that you wanted to catch a little sun without the tan lines.”

“I’m sure you’re not!” She nervously shot back.

“So, how’s your job and apartment coming along?” I asked, trying to put her at ease.

“The apartment will be fine once the current landlord finishes repairs from the previous tenant. Nothing major, just some minor sprucing up. Though, I’ll admit I’m a bit nervous about the job. It’s a change, but I was ready to retire from basketball. It was fun, but you can’t get rich at it like the men’s game.”

We continued chatting, catching up and talking about our future plans and current events. Christine was feeling more at ease as we talked. I was enjoying the conversation, but I couldn’t help but think that she was so pretty, and laying in front of me without a thread of clothing. I decided to get a little daring.

“Your back looks like the lotion isn’t covering it very well. Do you want me to spread some on your back so you don’t get burned?”

Christine looked at me for a second, “Ok,” she said carefully.

I picked up the bottle and poured a generous amount of lotion into the palm of my hand. Sitting on the side of the chaise lounge next to Christine, I began to spread the lotion over her smooth skin with the palms of my hands. Rubbing up and down her bare back.

“Your shoulders feel a little tense. Relax, Chris.” I said.

Using my thumbs, I firmly kneaded the muscles in her neck and shoulders. It felt good to touch her smooth, warm body. Her body relaxed the more I massaged her neck and back. Judging from her breathing, Christine was enjoying this too.

“Mmmmmmm, Greg that feels good. I think I’m glad you showed up.”

Smiling, I continued to rub her shoulders next to her neck. I slowly brought my lips to the back of her bare neck and gently kissed her.

“Oh God,” she gasped at a whisper.

“Roll over” I whispered.

Christine twisted her body so she was looking at me. Slowly, nervously, I pressed my lips to hers. She hesitantly pecked my lips with a small kiss. But I continued to gently peck her lips. Her mouth opened and our tongues met. Hesitantly at first, but the intensity grew. We were both breathing hard as we kissed, deeply.

Christine rolled over and was sitting up on the lounge chair. Her pink nipples were erect ahs they pressed against my body. I reached down and gently massaged her soft breast, circling her hard nipple with my index finger.

“Fuck yea, Greg.” She moaned.

Slowly I kissed my way down her neck brushing my lips over the hard nub at the end of her firm breast. I circled her swelling nipple with my tongue. Flicking it. Sucking it.

I sat back and looked at Christine for a moment. She was gorgeous. I pulled my shirt up over my head, dropping it aside on the deck. I stood up to pull down my jogging shorts. As the waistband slid down my hips it pulled my erection down with it, causing it to bounce back up like a diving board as I slid them down my legs to kick them off.

Christine sat up to watch me undress as she smiled seductively. A smile I had never seen before from her, but had fantasized about. She laid back to open her tan thighs for me, exposing the pleasure I was about to savor.

I knelt at the foot of the lounge chair, moving my face to the pleasure she had opened for me. Her lips were a dark pink, topped by a triangle of trimmed black fur. Her body shuddered as my tongue traced her moistening lips. As I eagerly tongued her hard clit, her lust dripped from her soft opening. She was panting and moaning as I gently sucked and licked her swollen clitoris.

My cock was aching to slide into her hot, wet slit. And from the way Christine was writhing on the chair, I could tell she needed to be filled. I slid my body up and we were face to face. Hungrily we kissed each other. The shaft of my hard cock was resting against her soaking wet opening.

“Oh fuck yea Greg! Go inside.” She pleaded.

I reared my hips back so the swollen mushroom head of my dripping cock was positioned to enter her. We both shuddered as I slid deep inside her with one forceful thrust. We laid there for a second, staring into each others eyes. She was completely around me as I completely filled her. Beads of perspiration formed and began to trickle down her forehead. We kissed deeply and lustfully.

I raised my hips to begin fucking her. Christine’s calves were pressed against my ass, pushing me forward. In and out, I pumped her wet pussy. She was so wet and warm. The sensations her body gave me felt incredible.

We were both grunting with animal lust as I pistoned in and out. Her body shuddered each time I thrusted forward and her juices were dripping down my shaft and balls. Our sweaty bodies were grinding against each other in pure, carnal lust. Christine dug her nails into my back as she exclaimed, “You’re about to make me cum, Greg!”

Christine was fucking back against me with increased fervor. The slapping of our bodies and moans of pleasure were building to a crescendo that could only end in orgasm.

“Oh shit Greg, Ooooohhhh!”

Her pussy tightened around my thrusting penis as her body shook with orgasm. I pulled out and slid my juice slickened shaft against her throbbing clit. I gasped as the first rope of white semen erupted from my cock. Several more strands spurted from my hard cock, coating Christine’s thick black pubic patch.

We lay there, wrapped in each other’s embrace for a long time, basking in our afterglow of emotion and physical ecstasy. We drifted off to sleep that way. I awoke from my short cat-nap alone. Christine had gone inside to shower. The moment had been special, but we knew we had to keep it secret. Even though we were not blood relatives, we knew there was a certain taboo to what we had done. For our families’ sake, we could not be open lovers. But that didn’t mean we didn’t privately reminisce about that afternoon in the sun.

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