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FloraJe suis une jeune femme de 30 ans, très féminine et qui vit avec une compagne. Je suis plutôt jolie et attire facilement des partenaires. A l’adolescence je n’ai jamais rêvé de garçons ou d’hommes et je me masturbais en pensant à des femmes de mon entourage ou à des actrices, mais j’étais très sage. Je n’étais plus vierge grâce au manche de ma brosse à cheveux qui ravissait mon sexe pendant mes fantasmes.A la fin du lycée nous avons commencé les soirées chez les copines dont les parents laissaient l’appartement libre. A une de ces soirées il y avait des gens un peu plus âgés copains d’une grande sœur. Une grande fille eurasienne, belle, m’invita à danser. Elle dirigeait la danse et j’étais très bien dans ses bras quand elle me serrait de près. A la fin de la danse elle me demande ce que j’aimais. Je lui répondis bêtement que j’aimais bien lire. Elle sourit, m’embrassa sur la bouche en passant sa langue et me dit « et ça tu n’aimerais pas ». Puis elle me laissa réfléchir en allant danser avec une autre fille. Quelques minutes plus tard elles partirent main dans la main dans une des chambres et on ne les a plus vues pendant une heure. Quand elles sont revenues danser elles étaient encore plus belles. Il fallait que je mûrisse.Je pratiquais la danse moderne dans une association de quartier depuis plusieurs années et cette ambiance entre filles me plaisait beaucoup. J’aimais l’activité physique mais aussi güvenilir bahis les contacts avec les autres danseuses et l’ambiance du vestiaire, occasion de papotages et de voir les filles nues sous la douche. A la rentrée de septembre une nouvelle prof a pris en main le cours. C’était une vraie danseuse entraînée et musclée. Elle avait le physique typique avec des fesses et des cuisses puissantes et des seins minuscules. Elle était plus grande que moi et avait une présence rassurante. Très sûr d’elle, maîtrisant bien son sujet, elle était exigeante avec les élèves en nous imposant beaucoup de travail. J’aimais son autorité et je fus immédiatement sous son charme. Pendant les cours je la regardais avec admiration. Pendant la semaine je me masturbais en pensant à elle, m’imaginant le plus souvent subir ses caresses. Je suis tombée amoureuse.A la fin des cours elle restait seule dans la salle pour s’entraîner. J’ai traîné sous la douche et au vestiaire et une fois prête à partir je suis restée dans le couloir pour l’observer pensant ne pas être vue. Elle dansait magnifiquement et je me délectai à parcourir tout son corps des yeux. A un moment tout en continuant de danser elle dit « Je t’ai vue Flora, si tu veux me mater tu peux rentrer ça ne me dérange pas ». J’ai dû rougir jusqu’au bout des cheveux, mais je suis rentrée timidement. Elle m’a dit «assois toi au bord de la piste et profite ». Je me suis assise türkçe bahis mise à genoux assise sur mes talons en posant mon sac derrière moi. Elle a continué de danser un moment puis s’arrêta me dit « alors je te plais, tu me trouves belle ». Je dus rougir encore et ne sus quoi répondre. J’étais émue et tendue.Elle vint devant moi et resta debout en me dominant du regard puis elle mit sa main sur son pubis sans la bouger et dit « Tu sais Flora, je te vois me déshabiller du regard à chaque cours. Je vois bien que tu me désires. Moi je ne fais l’amour qu’aux femmes. Si tu veux franchir le pas avec moi, ça me plairait ». Elle me tendit une main pour m’aider à me relever puis la glissa sans rien dire dans mon survêtement et caressa mon sexe à travers ma culotte. Je l’ai regardée avec amour et ça lui a suffi comme accord.Elle m’a alors plaquée contre le mur en m’embrassant à pleine bouche enroulant sa langue autour de la mienne. Avec une de ses mains elle palpait fermement mes seins et l’autre plongée dans ma culotte caressait mon clito et ma fente avec autorité. Des sensations puissantes troublèrent mon esprit. J’étais ravie de la subir. Je me mis à mouiller et à écarter un peu mes cuisses. Elle me regarda au plus profond des yeux et me dit « tu me plais Flora ; je ferme la salle ; déshabille toi ».Elle mit un tapis de gym sur le sol, se mit nue et me dit vient couche toi là. J’étais sur le dos. Elle écarta güvenilir bahis siteleri mes cuisses avec autorité, plongea sa bouche dans mon sexe mouillé et le pénétra avec sa langue sans hésitation. Avec ses mains elle me caressait les deux seins en malmenant les tétons. J’adorai être sa chose et profiter de sa fermeté. Elle me fit jouir rapidement une première fois. Elle avait la bouche pleine de ma cyprine. Elle remonta vers mon visage et me dit lèche ma bouche puis elle m’embrassa profondément tout en introduisant ses doigts dans mon vagin en une pénétration virile suivi d’un va-et-vient rapide. Je ne fus pas longue à être submergée par un deuxième orgasme qui me fit trembler les cuisses. Je voulus l’attirer dans mes bras mais elle me fit comprendre que c’est elle qui dirigeait en me disant « mets-toi en levrette et écarte les cuisses ». Elle passa derrière moi, mouilla bien ses deux mains l’une après l’autre dans mon vagin ruisselant. Puis elle me masturba en s’occupant de mon clito et de mon vagin d’une main et de mon petit trou encore vierge de l’autre. Je ne pus résister longtemps à ces doux sévices et je me suis écroulée à plat ventre sur le tapis parcourue de terribles contractions dans tout le corps. J’étais en extase car je n’avais jamais rien connu d’aussi fort.Elle partit prendre une douche. Quand elle est revenue elle était en survêtement et me dit « c’était bien Flora, la prochaine fois je t’apprendrai à t’occuper de moi ».Notre liaison a duré dix ans. Je l’ai aimée passionnément. J’ai été heureuse à ses côtés bien qu’elle n’hésita pas à me tromper avec quelques amantes si ça lui disait. C’était elle le mec dans notre couple.

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A Spanking Fantasy BDSM Story

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A Spanking Fantasy BDSM StoryThere are six of us and a dozen of them. They are all around 21, naive, innocent, staring at the ground, up into the night sky; anything but look directly at us. They are beautiful, wide-eyed and nervous, their slim bodies obvious in their tight jeans and T-shirts. One of the girls licks her lips as she watches me.With a grin at the guys I open the trunk and pull out six wooden paddles, large and heavy. The eyes of the girls grow to saucer-size and they look at each other with apprehension as I pass the paddles to my pals.“Off with the shirts, girls,” I say calmly as my men line up beside me, each of us holding our paddle upright in front of us like a deadly sword.The nudity does not really bother them–it’s what the nudity portends that makes them nervous. One by one each slips off their top and soon the twelve girls are standing hands on their hips, naked from the waist up. Twenty-four perfectly pert breasts exposed before me, trembling lightly against the night chill, the nipples sharp and erect. Six guys holding paddles attempt to discretely adjust their too-tight jeans.Then it begins. Slowly at first, and then with panicked speed, the girls begin to run across the wet grass, their bare feet slipping and sliding awkwardly. The men close in. I focus on a petite blonde with a terrific round ass and I rush at her, catching her butt with a loud wallop from my paddle. She squeals loudly but her cries are immediately drowned out by the thunderous blows of paddles throughout the park.Suddenly it is sweet chaos. Half-naked girls are güvenilir bahis running everywhere, guys with huge paddles smacking bottoms right and left. The girls are wearing thick Levis so there isn’t much pain, really, but every blow stings and there’s a humiliating rudeness at getting your butt spanked.Then I called out “Halt!” and everyone freezes. The tall blonde with frizzled hair and huge bobbing breasts I’d been chasing tries to stop but takes a step, and then a smaller one. She stops, her face slowly raising to mine, her eyes frightened. I grin and nod and all hope flees from her face. She is doomed and knows it.“Grab your ankles.”She obeys immediately, bending over and keeping her legs straight in the process. Without much preamble I wallop her ass hard with the paddle, again and again, steadily and without pausing. She whimpers and moans occasionally, the air hissing through her clenched teeth a couple times as the paddle finally penetrates her thick jeans.“Seven… eight… nine… _ten_!” screams the crowd as I spank the blonde, the girls in high-pitched voices filled with alarm, the guys with laughter and lust.It is done and the chase continues until one of the guys calls a halt and selects a victim for punishment. He selects a short girl with dark-hair and a plump ass that has eluded my paddle all night. He spanks her hard, though, and she’s yelping by the third blow. I enjoy it immensely, watching her squirm and struggle to stay in position, legs straight and hands gripping her ankles.Again and again this happens until each guy has called a türkçe bahis freeze once. Then I order everyone to regroup back at the car. The paddles are put away and I pass out narrow riding crops. “Off with the jeans, girls.”There are groans and cries of dismay at this order, but everyone obeys. Twelve girls in skimpy panties stand before us. I wave and the game begins again, and this time the strokes are felt. The running now is real, the terror no longer feigned, the cries earnest.Again we each call a pause and select a pretty girl to taste individual discipline while everyone else counts out loud. The girl selected inevitably is in tears by the time the lashing is over, her pale bottom glowing with red lines visible through her thin panties.When each of us has punished our slut and we are panting with exertion from the awkwardness of running with our cocks so stiff in our pants, I call the final time out and collect the girls’ underwear.Totally naked they stand shivering in the cool breeze. They aren’t really cold but frightened, and they have good reason. For now I put away the riding crops and pass out thick strips of leather. One woman begins to cry just seeing the instruments of torture.We do not waste much time but immediately begin our chase, catching a few of the girls off-guard, their yelps at the stinging slaps of the leather warning the others to run for their lives. The women run frantically, but they cannot escape. There is no where to go; the park is too small.One woman slips on the grass and slides a yard or two on her chest. A belt lashes güvenilir bahis siteleri her bottom half-a-dozen times before she manages to get back on her feet.The stillness of the night is broken by cries of pain and the terrible lashing of leather against flesh. It is exhilarating, forbidden, dangerous. I am ecstatic.Then the women begin their attack. They come at us in pairs, one girl sacrificing her bottom to the lash while the other takes care of removing our pants. When our cocks are free the girls switch roles, the whipped girl eagerly swallowing the cock whole while the other offers her bottom for punishment.It is too much for me. A warm wet tongue glides over my shaft and hot lips grip it tightly. In front of me kneels a gorgeous youngster with wide hips and well-reddened ass. Her cheeks are scarlet with welts and her bare thighs are also striped. Her spread legs hide nothing from me and I can see her slit dripping with juices as she wiggles her hind end at me, eager for me to finish what I’ve started.With a groan I pull myself away from the girl mouthing me, my hands rudely squeezing her naked breasts as I push her aside. Without a pause I thrust myself between the legs of the kneeling girl, enjoying the hot feel of her ass against my belly.She weeps at my punishment, my heavy strokes thrusting through her as though I mean to tear her in two. My manhood bursts as I climax and from then on the night is a hazy dream, a fog of pleasant memories and astonishing daring and resourcefulness.The women are monsters who will not let me rest but make me ride them again and again and yet again, never satisfied.I am exhausted when it is over. All of us are exhausted. The park is littered with the sprawled bodies of naked men and women, the orgy of orgasmic bliss accomplished.A Spanking Fantasy

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Berlin Nightclub Adventures

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Berlin Nightclub AdventuresMy sex life can, as a first approximation, be divided into aMDMA and pMDMA—before and after MDMA, respectively.Hour Zero pMDMA corresponds to right around 2am, on some generic Sunday in the late fall of 2014. The spot was a surprisingly large toilet stall at Stattbad Wedding, a club nestled into the catacombs beneath a derelict swimming pool in northern Berlin. Five twenty-somethings, more or less nervous. More or less drunk. Among them Justine, a red-haired Canadian girl, one of my closest friends. The others were Nathan, a friend of Justine’s from South Africa, and two girls he had brought along. The pretty but quiet Belgian girl had been the last to squeeze inside, barely managing to lock the door behind her. At the centre of it all was Yael, with one knee on the closed lid of the toilet and her mind on the precision work she had to perform.I had first met her earlier that night, at Justine’s place, drinking Gin Tonics for her birthday celebration. When the birthday girl decided to hit the road shortly after midnight, none of the others from our usual little gang could be motivated to come along. So at the front door, they went right, walking home or taking the subway.I turned left. For some reason, my instincts told me this could be an exciting night. Also, this girl Yael was fucking beautiful, fucking smart, and fucking funny. Everything about her exuded confidence, yet she didn’t have an arrogant bone in her (until later, when I changed that).Yael was Israeli, a bit taller than most girls, and a byte cuter. She may even be beautiful, but it is drowned in cuteness. Very much girl next door, if you happen to life next to an incredibly cute girl. This impression was shared among any human who had spend a minimum of “sorry, do you have… ahm… wow… wait, what did I want? The time! Do you have the time?” with her. Photos did not do her justice, for it was a composition: of looks, yes, including breasts, not too big, seemingly exempt from the law of gravity. And of hair, long, with small curls of natural chaos. And a pair of dark pants, fitting like a second skin, but not obviously intended to be sexy, just happening to trace even minute details of her body’s surface. Did you notice that…? Where the pants just happen to shape into two, parallel, folds? Or are you imagining things? It’s not obvious, such vulgarity being unthinkable. But there’s something, isn’t there? You know it could be, and, interpolating here and there as you gathered more data whenever you moved around, you know that you know an awful lot about it. Does she know, that you know? You barely resist the urge to ask.She was quick with a laugh, providing an audience throughout the night—an audience being essential for my mode of being: tall and skinny, clothes (and hair) just slightly off from what would be considered excellent taste, so as to always puzzle the observer: he seems like a cool guy, but there’s a lingering feeling of incompleteness, a tiresome wait for the final accord in this composition.But: quick with a joke, or to light up your smoke. It’s a great talent to have, yet it comes with a threat: you have no idea how you do what you güvenilir bahis do, do you? You’re a slave to a brain that may, at any point, decide to no longer provide you with those sudden intuitions, spoken aloud the moment they appear, taking consciousness for a ride and making it parse the words coming out of your mouth, and only then allowing you access to meaning, evaluating it, and initiating mitigating actions when, as is bound to happen a bit too frequently, that meaning had no meaning, or was mean, or so meandering as to be incomprehensible without access to the library that gave birth to it. With Yael around, I was at the top of my game. Her laughing, my friends rolling their eyes, but hiding a smile.Speaking of rolling: shortly after our arrival at the club, Nathan asked me if I would join in if they got some MDMA, which Yael was already looking to procure. I said yes without hesitation, which means I got quite lucky that nobody ever offered me d**gs before. I doubt my answer would have been different if someone had offered me heroin when I was 12. As it were, I had never tried anything besides marihuana, which turned out to make me intensely nauseous and lightly angry at whoever gave it to me.Yael turned around, the subject of attention in her hand. She offered it to her cadre of neophytes. My mood was already elated from the sense of adventure. Also: I finally found out what these groups of 3+ people going into toilet stalls in clubs are up to. To think of all the years where I glanced sideways at them with the pain of jealousy at that-guy-also-getting-a-foursome, my dick pointed at the pissoir, his presumably at too much pussy. What a waste of a perfect feeling of depression! They were just taking d**gs!One by one, we wet a finger in our mouths, dipped into her palm, and lick off the powder that stuck to it. One by one, our faces contorted into grimaces of pain, MDMA being among the least tasty substances consumed by humankind, barely ahead of Marmite.And now? Wait. Also: “Oh, now somebody has to lick my palm clean, I already took enough.” / “I’d love to, but only if it doesn’t make you uncomfortable.”“I’ve done much worse in toilet stalls!”And thus I had a new sentence to never forget, joining “tear down this wall” and “please mind the gap”. Also: the kinky part is almost here.But it had to wait another hour for me, so you’ll have to deal with a few paragraphs. We made our way back to the rather small dance floor. Minimal Electro coming from all sides, the air hot and humid from the bodies of around 150 ecstatic dancers. Thus began the waiting, casually dancing to the music because of a lack of alternatives. Checking out the water pipes, part of the former pool’s cleaning and heating systems, running along the walls every which way, into and out of large tanks of unclear purpose, with wheels to regulate the flow at strategic locations. The ambiance of a submarine, and the crew celebrating the end of a war of attrition.Justine caught my eyes. “You feel anything” / “No, you?” / “No. Maybe it’s bad” / “lets give it a bit more time”. I looked around. It was really quite beautiful. Whoever did the lights in here did türkçe bahis an excellent job. That is a brilliant red. Look at that deep blue! Did Yves Klein do the lighting in here? This music is starting to grow on me. Wow.Wow. Wow. Wow…. Wow!I was high, no doubt. Waves of love and enjoyment came rolling over me. Goosebumps. Rhythm. Bodies. Warmth. Look at that guy, he moves so smooth, so naturally. Look at that girl, how lost she is in enjoyment. I hope all her dreams become true.I danced for about two hours. I heard details in the music I would have never noticed before, and I heard how they reflected off the walls. I’d catch someone’s eye and they would smile, put a hand in the small of my back, the other on my arm, and just say “It’s good isn’t it?” / “Wow”.Sight, sound, Justine, and touch—everything was better than before. Just for a few moments, two bodies may synchronize. Mine and Nathan. Justine and Yael. Yael and me. Nathan and a stranger. I’d put a hand flat on their belly, and they’d be electrified from this simplest of contacts, while my hand became a conduit of the animistic warmth produced by their bodies.Through the crowd, I caught a glimpse of Justine and Nathan leaving for the bar in the next room. Remembering what I’d been told about the importance of staying hydrated, I followed along and we each got two large glasses of water. The first we gulped immediately, only then noticing our thirst. The second was enjoyed more than a glass of water usually is, especially after Yael charmed the barkeeper to give us some ice. Justine was there now as well, and when Yael suggested to finish off what was left of the MDMA, we once again made our way towards the toilets.With the door locked behind us, the music was distant, and for the first time, we could talk without screaming, listen without straining. We had chosen the toilet stall at the far left. Because the room itself was shaped irregularly, it was much larger than usual, about as long and wide as a car. Making the best of it, or possibly just looking for free space, the club’s owner had at some point put an old couch along one of the walls, which my legs suddenly appreciated strongly.“Wow” we all said, except Yael who had known what awaited her. I took a deep breath, smiled at Justine, both of us shaking our heads in disbelief. Some more powder was consumed, this time presented on a phone, with a rolled-up bill to spare us from having to eat it again. Nathan and I sat sideways on the couch, opposite each other with an elbow each on the backrest. Talking slowly became easier again, with the old d**gs receding and new dose not yet having hit. I heard water splashing and, glancing over Nathan’s shoulder, I saw that Yael had dropped her pants and was taking a piss, completely casual, and without missing a beat in her conversation with Justine. The joy I felt at the sight wasn’t sexual. It was the appreciation for the trust she had in us. For an instance I had the impulse to turn away, to hide the fact that I had even noticed, but I had lost all care for hiding anything, and just calmly floated in this sense of friendship we were sharing, right there, right then.Yael nestled güvenilir bahis siteleri in her purse and got up with a tissue in her hand. After a moment, her hand no longer obscured anything. She was dressed impeccably upwards of the imaginary line running between the two humps where her pelvic bone pressed from under the skin. Between them, a valley of flat white skin. Above, a white dress shirt, adding to that boyish cuteness of hers, but immediately betraying it by ending well above her sex, now entirely visible. Often, even a naked woman retains her modesty. By hair, or lighting, or simple geometry. Here and now, it was as if nature did not mind because we didn’t.“I’ve never seen a woman as closely at this”, Justine said, interrupting this moment which had in reality not lasted more than a second or two. Nobody expressed surprise, or embarrassment, least of all Yael, who held still for a second, abandoned the pants that she had just begun to pull up again, and leaned back, against the wall. One hand flushed the toilet, the other was on her lower abdomen, on the smooth, hairless skin about 2cm above her genitals. She pulled at the skin and tilted her head, so as to get a look herself.“I guess I never really see it either… As long as it works, though.” She moved two fingers, one on each side of these four folds of skin. With slight pressure, they moved, separating minimally. Not making it obscene, just clearly defining the outlines of her anatomy. Then, one finger of her other hand pressed three fourth of the arrangement to one side, the thumb held one fourth in place. “These outer libs are a bit short, that’s why the inner ones show”. Justine bend down, her face only half a meter from Yale’s crotch. With her next question, all my pretentious notions of “nothing sexual, all trust” went out the window: “Can I lick it?”I think Justine was halfway on the route to feeling embarrassed by her forward question, but Yael had already replied, “Please, be my guest”. Justine tentatively put a hand on Yael’s left thigh and got even closer. With one finger of her other hand, she traced downwards from the belly button, hesitated for an instant, then continued along the ridge between Yael’s labia. She lingered where they disappeared between the legs, and Yael ever so slightly slid outwards with one foot, giving her complete access.Nathan had turned around on the couch as the scene unfolded. He was leaning against my side and I had placed my arm around him. I couldn’t see his face but I can only assume he was transfixed on what was happening as much as I was. I could feel he was taking shallow breasts, or at least I imagined as much, fearful of disturbing that reality we were witnessing.I doubt there was much danger of that. Justine was now spreading Yael’s pussy only centimetres from her face. “There’s your clitoris” she commented matter-of-factly while touching the spot. A sharp inhale was the response, providing confirmation if anybody had been doubting Justine’s knowledge of female anatomy. Yael’s eyes seemed to roll to the back of her head. Encouraged by her quick success, Justine continued with slightly more forceful touches, and quickly found the courage to stick out her tongue. I think the tip first made contact with her own fingers, then followed them home, but her head was now in the way of me observing such details.TBC… See my profile for links to my personal site.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

A simple garden party ends unexpectedly / Part 1

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


A simple garden party ends unexpectedly / Part 1How all beginnsLast Weekend it should be the first really sunny weekend of this spring. But most of my friends were either out of town or had other appointments. On Saturday morning my dear friend Edwin called me and asked if I would accompany him to his aunt’s garden party. I thought my part when he explicitly requested me, this time to dispense with flashy and sexy outfit, as we would expect almost only guests of his family and older audience. Although I did not like it, I finally decided to do it to Him. So in the back of the wardrobe in the corner, I pulled out a black short cocktail dress and tried it on. Only the deep rear cutout, held together only by three thin ribbons, with the lowest ribbon just above the butt gap, would not be suitable! So I pulled out a white sleeveless gown with a round neckline reaching down over my knees, and pulled a thin leather jacket, made of sheets of translucent space, over it. Then my last run-mesh-free pair of white stockings pulled over and put my feet in white pumps with heels and low heels. That should be so fit! Only my reflection thought that I would not be like that! So out of the dress, put my little nondescript breasts in one of my most effective pushup bras, put them in a little tuck-out fold and put them back on! It all looked better. Only I had forgotten when putting on and taking off on my underpants, that would affect later!Edwin and I met at the appointed time before an imposing villa in a better residential area on the outskirts of the city. Already the all-around car types did not hint at young guests, but at least the first face we encountered was that of an attractive young girl from the service staff who welcomed us with a glass of sparkling wine. Behind them, in the large entrance area, it was swarming with gentlemen with sparse gray hair and their women, dressed in a lot of jewelry, in mostly long dresses. I pushed my companion on the hip and hissed him a rather derogatory “Thanks, this is sure to be an unforgettable party!”. He smiled somehow dirty and said that his aunt supposedly just recently had her breasts operated on and not only looked as great as years ago, but now insisted on often bringing young girls home to satisfy their insatiable bisexual love life. His uncle was more interested in his motorcycles and his buddies from the Harley Club. He liked to play the macho and had a reputation for having his hands everywhere. “It sure is funny!” Edwin said, grabbing my hand and pulling me on. We mingled with the guests as unobtrusively as it was possible due to our appearance. I noticed that the women looked at me with their eyes rather than their men! Then somebody suddenly shouted out the name of my companion, whereupon we turned around and met an elderly gentleman with a bald head but with a powerful full beard. He patted my companion on the shoulder and asked if I was his girlfriend. Edwin whispered to me that this is his uncle Frank, who is hosting this party. Frank pressed between us and put us both his hands around our hips, just to let them slip down with me just a bit and stroked as unintentionally over my butt. So unintentionally that he winked at me and said he did not know what a pretty friend Edwin would have. I corrected him that we were just good friends. That encouraged him, however, only to grope my butt again and staring me instead of my eyes on my strapped tits. So not really my case of this horny old bag! Edwin knew me and my gaze, so he asked about his aunt and his uncle said she was already waiting for him in the garden. That was the cue to take flight.We walked through the lobby directly into a garden that earned the name Park. He seemed to be endlessly tall, ending up with a pond and ducks. Everywhere stood white tents with lounge furniture in which the guests had made themselves comfortable. On the right side, three musicians played old Mowtown hits. On the left was a buffet that seemed to reflect all the good taste of the hostess. And then finally, Edwin spotted his aunt Victoria. She towered over most of the heads of her guests and beckons to güvenilir bahis Edwin from afar. As she wore a low-cut but beautiful long-sleeved jumpsuit that was cut out of thin fabric and printed with exotic floral patterns, I wondered why her not insignificant breasts did not jump out at every step. “What a hot mature lady!” I thought to myself! This great character with these properly distributed curves and a narrow tailie! WOW! As we got closer, I could see her nipples shining through under her dress, noticing that she was not wearing a bra. And her madness Louiboutin High Heels made a major contribution to her size. Edwin proudly introduced me to his aunt. “Hello Auntie Victoria, thank you for your invitation! I have brought my good friend Mandy. OMG she looked with all her little wrinkles on the face just stunningly beautiful and well-groomed! She had styled her almost jet-black hair to the pageboy’s head and slightly enlarged her lips with a contour pin, making her full lips even more desirable. She looked at us both and said to me: “Hello my love, please call me Vicky! That sounds like younger! What I just heard say: “It does not matter what name I appeal to you, he can not make you look younger than you already look!” OMG, how stupid she must have thought me! But she leaned over to greet me on the cheeks with a kiss to my left and right! That was the moment when I perceived my environment only through the beguiling scent of her feminine exotic perfume. I hoped to get a look at her presumable D-size breasts because of the deep section, but this fabric seemed to stick to her skin, because only her nipples brushed up and down the inside. I must have stared so obviously at her breasts that Vicky apparently noticed, because she pulled me to herself again and said: “It seems as if we both were the only relaxed here, if there was not that bump in your dress! ” As she said that, she just put her leg between mine and pressed her knee against my half-stiff girl’s tail, which was now completely out of control! It felt like a little girl had just been caught doing something bad. Normally, I enjoyed provoking others, only Vicky’s open-mindedness disturbed me, because I just stuttered, “OMG, that’s annoying to me now!” “But it would not have been fair now either, since I had no way of getting to my half stiffeners hide. “Vicky’s answer:” Well, I already knew a pleasantly warm hiding place “did not help me at the moment! OMG I could have drowned in the ground, because now it was obvious to everyone that I had forgotten on my panties! But Vicky was at least so fair and stayed so close to me until I could face me so that my lust was not really visible to everyone! And Edwin? The grinned only dirty and said I fit perfectly in the prey picture of his aunt, since she is bisexual and would invite together with Frank more often young girls for a threesome. I was not so sure, I’m just a tail girl with a pussy in the ass!Vicky and I kept coming back and every time she looked at me in a different way, so I was not sure if I had a chance with her. But she had already done it to me and I really wanted her on my checked list! Later, when it was already dark, Edwin and I settled in one of the lounges and fooled around. We stood over the other guests and fantasized about how it would be in the respective bedrooms. With only a few couples left, the little band played these old Berry White and Percy Sledge love songs and some couples started to dance. The first slow song was not yet over when Uncle Frank came to me and leaned down to ask Edwin permission to dance with me again. As a true friend, of course, he said YES. I hated him at that moment, because I could already imagine what approach Uncle Frank I would now be suspended. By now, Uncle Frank had already gotten rid of his tie and his jackets and I saw where the hair that had left his head now lived. There was that thick gray fur peeking out from his unbuttoned shirt. Uncle Frank pulled me with his hands on my buttocks to him and breathed me a distorted from his previous alcohol consumption: “I may say YOU, right? We have not had such a perfect türkçe bahis well-built young thing in our house for a long time! I’m glad we had you at our party today, how can I just thank you for that? ” “OMG now it’s time.”, I thought to myself! I have stuck the horny uncle with his hands on the ass, but would rather have the hot aunt stuck to my skin. Now uncle Frank apparently went all in and tried to squeeze his leg between mine. It was not long before Uncle Frank’s eyes became big and questioning at the latest when he noticed things he did not suspect there. I just wanted to get rid of him at the moment and tried the offer: “Quite simply, you lower your pants and lean forward to find out!” Frank just said that this would more likely please his wife and me certainly would not need a dildo, as Vicky’s other girlfriends! And he would like to see it! At that moment, I thought Uncle Frank is my new ally to get to Aunt Vicky. So I gave him that dance and pushed him extra on my tits. Then he brought me back to Edwin and said I should not go without telling. By now, Edwin had lost the fun of the party and wanted to leave, but knew me well enough to realize that I was in Vicky. So he just said, “I think Uncle Frank and Aunt Vicky like you, so I’ll probably go alone if that’s ok for you.” Short hugs and a kiss and Edwin was gone.I went to the abandoned bar and poured myself another glass of champagne and then sat down in one of the empty lounge groups. I sipped on the glass and closed my eyes to imagine how I could persuade Aunt Vicky today to do without a dildo. I do not know how long I sat there when that seductive scent of Aunt Vicky’s perfume hit my nose. At first I thought I only imagined that when two hands lay on the back of my shoulders and let me enjoy a pleasant warmth. So pleasant that I sank deeper into the soft seat and acknowledged this feeling with a very soft sigh. That smell, along with those hands massaging my shoulders, made me drop my head back to open my eyes and look into Vicky’s sparkling eyes. That was enough to open my lips and stretch out to hers. She returned my desire and pressed her full lips to mine, while her hands slipped into my cleavage to press my excited nipples with their long fingernails. It was right for me to search my seat farthest from the rest of the guests, because we were left unobserved. Vicky took my hands and walked very slowly without taking my eyes off the bench to sit on me as a matter of course, her knees on the left and right leaning on the bench her pelvis in circular motion over my fierce interest increasing ever Clit to move. She held my hands with crossed fingers and threw her head back with a low moan. As a self-dominant, this was just to be taken by Vicky, anyway a damn good feeling! Especially the moment when she took my hands and put on her breasts and for the first time I was allowed to touch these two already attracted great-looking tits. OMG they felt so great taut! And Vicky’s nipples were rock hard and she flinched with a breathy “Ahh not so tight my love!” “You’re the first one who can touch my new DD Boobies, how do you like them?” “They’re worthy of you and feel fantastic, at least under the fabric!” “Oh, sorry, I still have those double-sided adhesive strips in mine Dress so my Twins will not fall out of my neckline!” Without batting an eyelash Vicky rips these strips left and right of the inside of her breasts. The resulting red stripes on her skin she feels rather as a trophy: “Haha, some pain feel cool and you did not even need a whip!” “You may hurt, right?” I asked Vicky. “If it is always the right time, and I hope you too!” “OMG what is still waiting for me?” Vicky has noticed how horny I already am, because she has pushed my dress up to the hips and is still circling over my girl’s tail awakened to full glory.I would like to moan my lust out, but Vicky shuts my mouth with one hand and I feel her other hand on my clit! I give myself with my eyes closed, which will happen now. “Well my cock girls, do you like that?” She asks. But how should I answer with my mouth shut? So I can only breathe faster, moan and turn güvenilir bahis siteleri my eyes. Vicky continues, “I want to feel your girl’s cock deep inside me! And I mean everywhere! “Her words, her perfume, her breasts in my hands and her pulsing clit massaging hand make me wantless. “Come on, tear my coveralls between my legs, I want to be fucked now and here!” She releases her hand from my mouth for a moment, but before I can finish my sentence, “But the people …”, Vicky squeezes her hand so tightly around my throat that I can not breathe! I manage to pierce the thin fabric with my nails and drive with my finger directly between her wet labia. Vicky seems to want to lose no time, because she tears herself a slit in the dress to introduce themselves through this my tight and vibrant girl’s cock. “Come on, you horny piece, get it to me!” Vicky wears only a tiny string thong under the dress, or better wore it! Because she dragged it until it was apparently only three thin threads existing part through the narrow slot in the dress remove. Now the way was free and I pushed her my pulsing Clit as deep and tight as I could in her already out of sheer lust dripping wet and smacking sounds of giving pussy. Vicky was certainly not a c***d of sadness, because I felt lost in her big pussy.But she knew remedy and took my right hand to additionally push two of my fingers with my cock in her smacking pussy. Vicky seemed insatiable, moaning louder and louder. By now she had let go of my neck, but only to knead her nipples. “Come on, you little hooker, push me as many fingers in my pussy as you can!” That was really a rough tone and I did not want to replace it. So I tried it with 3 and later with 4 fingers. That made Vicky even hornier and she knocked like crazy with the palm of her hand on her dripping wet pussy. Meanwhile Vicky was sitting with her knees bent and behind her with her hands on my thighs and rode me as she wanted! Vicky body twisting wilder in pure ecstasy. She moaned incomprehensible a****l sounds while her hips on my girl’s cock in wild jerking back and forth and suddenly a thick jet from her pulsating pussy unloads and runs on my stomach and on the dress. At Vicky’s orgasm her nails claw in my little breasts protruding from my dress. Then she falls moaning on me, puts two fingers in her pussy to put this in my mouth. “This has made my little cock girl very well!” She says while she still sees next to me over to the house wall not 2 meters away because there was now Uncle Frank and had his from here huge looking stiff stand out of his pants and jerked off unabashedly one. So I was just used by both! Frank came closer and stood right next to Vicky when she was riding my girl’s cock. Yicky demanded with a certain tone “Come on, you horny stallion, jerk me a load of cum on my new tits!” Frank was apparently used to doing what Vicky wanted, because instantly jerked his hips than him a load of cum in several fat fountains from his really considerable device spewed directly between Vickis DD breasts. “Well, that’s what our little fucker hooker likes? Does she want to lick Uncle Frank’s load of my tits? “She asked. Well that was just a rhetorical question with such a sperm-oriented bitch like me. Also, Vicky already squeezed my face between her breasts and I had Uncle Frank’s sperm all over my face. I had already swallowed everything that reached my tongue when Vicky licked the rest out of my face to stick her tongue covered with Uncle Frank’s semen into my mouth. I noticed that Uncle Frank was already far away, as it seemed to say goodbye to the last guests. He turned to us and waved Vicky over. Apparently, good friends wanted to say goodbye in person. Vicky leaped off of me like a young thing, picking up her battered dress as best she could, but forgot to wipe Uncle Frank’s remaining cum out of her face. And when I wanted to point out to her, she put her index finger to my mouth and said only: “Darling, you’re still staying? I want to spoil you in so many ways! So do not run away or play around with yourself! Your sperm belongs to me tonight! “I had finally arrived where I wanted to go! I had sunk my girl tail in Vicky’s pussy and swallowed Uncle Frank’s sperm. So it was still a great garden party. I thought everything else is just an encore. But I clearly underestimated the addition!to be continued …..

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BBW gf

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BBW gfThis story happened just over 2 years ago names have been changed but nothing else . So I knew this girl called Emily and she was a 5”3 brown hair chubby girl (size 22-24). We had known each other since university 4 years prior where we had a fling for (10 weeks ) , just sex nothing serious . She was a virgin when I met her and now two years later she has slept with 3 more guys ( while I went through 7 women ). We would meet up and go for food and movies tbh I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend. Then one night we texted and it got graphic very quick , the next day we met up and she confessed that she wanted me . But she didn’t want a fling she wanted to be serious , so 4 days later she asked me to be her boyfriend I agreed . So as our first official date she wanted to go out drinking a proper night out , I thought ah sounds good . She arrived in my home town and we went out were she acted like she was my wife holding onto me basically mourning me in the club . We sat down and she went to pee she left her bag ( she had borrowed two of my cigarettes earlier and she bought a new pack ) so she said take two and off she went to toilet , I got my two cigarettes and then her phone went off the text message read “ friend- o your so lucky your boyfriend taking you out for a nice meal and then your sleeping at his aww “ I was like what is she telling people ? It was a night out and I didn’t know she was staying at mine .so she came back and I decided to test her “ how are you getting home ?” I asked , she turned red “ the last bus was ten mintues ago “ , her chest turned bright red . She pulled her shirt up as i think she was nervous about being dressed like that out in the town .As she was a modest girl , so I went and sat next to her and chatted , I put my hand on her thigh I could feel her shaking . I leaned in and whispered “ does that make you nervous ?” She nodded güvenilir bahis . So I was horny and hard , I went you can sleep at mine , she smiled so wide “ omg that would be amazing ! Your such a amazing boyfriend “ . So she arrived back through the front door , she was shaking more . I poured her a glass on wine and we sat on the sofa . She took her jacket off and re adjusted her bra infront of me , she caught me looking and paused and nervous laugh .I went out to get more wine and I could hear a lot of movement in the sitting room . I could hear her open her bag , stand up sit down lie down . Something that sounded like elastic but that was it . I went in and she looked the same but she looked hyper . I sat down and she started kissing me and sat on my lap as we kissed . She was really getting into it , ( for a fat girl she felt good ). So I felt her 34 c boobs in her bra , she bit my neck . And started doing it harder , I recoiled “that will leave a mark !” She blushed that is me claiming you . She lifted her chest agaisnt my face and said “ your my man aren’t you?” . I moaned and nodded she then whispered “ I am your baby girl ?” I said “ yeah your are “ . She pulled her top down slowly , and then she straddled me and shoved her chest into my face and moaned . Then she sneered “I know you want me “ ,I nodded . She kept on repeating “Your mine right ?” I kept on nodding and repeating . She got on her knees and kissed my stomach , in buttoned my jeans and kissed me hard cock though my boxers . She the put one hand down and pulled my cock out then she started sucking it like a pornstar . Deep throat gagging tit job all in one I was in heaven at this long and shut my eyes . She’s not that bad at this I thought she whispers do you like that ? I groan and whisper guckyeah ,I look down her top is off completely then she deepthroats me and slides her leggings türkçe bahis down around her knees . I see her side them off , at this long I am surprised she wasn’t like this at uni . She straddles me agin and I can feel her pussy recently shaven agaisnt me . Then a thought crosses my mind “ she didn’t mention about a condom or mention the pill or implant “ . She looks up at me and says “ I am safe “ .phew I think panic over . She straddles me and with one hand teases myself down her clit . With the other hand she pushes me back on the sofa , I feel myself hit some pressure and then warmth . “ holy fuck “ I groaned she then starts to grind her hips agaisnt me . She then bounces her small tits and belly is bouncing up and down , then she gets wet she groans louder and louder . I start to loose inability to think all I want is this moment never to end . Again she makes me suck her nipples and she drops her weight about 18-19 stone onto my cock . “ your so big “ she islets , “and your mine she cackles “ so she is bouncing faster and faster , and then I felt strange like she is super wet . I look down to see blood on my thighs , she doesn’t pause , she gets into it quicker and quicker. I look down and say “ Emily your bleeding I think it’s your period “ , she pauses and goes “ do you mind ?” I say erm not really , she runs into the bathroom and turns the shower on . I am just washing the blood away she shouts . She then comes out and asks me where I want her . Bedroom , she runs up and says give me 10 mintues . And I walk into find her on her side covered by the duvet, she has one hand over her face her eyes shut knees up and one hand under the sheets . So I strip naked and creep to the bottom of the bed and look under the sheets and she is fingering her pussy . Like slamming her fingers up to the knuckle . She stops and uses her wet fingers to becken me towards güvenilir bahis siteleri her . I get closer and she say “ do what you want to me “ . I climb up the bed towards her pussy . And slide myself into her and she moans I get directly above her and she pulls my head into her shoulder and bites my shoulder , so I go to pull out and she hooks her legs behind me entrapping me . She starts to squirm “ I am going to cum “ She squeals . I get Harder and harder , she is now staring at me right in the eyes . “ everything ok ?” I ask “ yeah it is perfect “ . So I really get the urge to cum “ I can’t hold it “ I groan . “ it’s ok, do it “ she whispers . “ cum inside me … pleaaase “ she demands . I need to ask her about protection “ your on the pill right ?” “ no but I am safe “ “ how what are you on ? “As I ask her she locks my legs in and I realise I can’t pull out . “ I need to pull out “ I tell her . “ please I am safe I promise “ she rocks her hips , and clenches her pussy . “ stop it or I’ll cum “ , “ you love me don’t you ?” She asks “ yeah ofc I do “ I lie , she looks into my eyes “ baby I promise you , I am safe I promise don’t you trust me ?” At this moment I am about 10 seconds from exploding , She now sqeeues her legs shut . I cannot move I am starting to freak out , but she is calming me I grunt “ do it , you little whore . Bareback first our first sex “She nod and she starts smiling and I get faster and faster she starts moaning louder and louder , she is screaming “ yes yes yes yes yes “ , “ fucking whore “ I grunt “ . “ I can’t hold it “ then she puffs her stomach out , “ I am gonna cum” , I can feel it starting then she glances up at me and says “ I will be yours “ . I explode inside her and she twitches and she screams “ knock me up “ . So after I stop screaming myself she confesses she wasn’t on the pill and she was at her most fertile. Fortunately she didn’t get pregnant but we from that day for the next 8 months never use any protection . She still messages me till this day “ obsessed with having a baby with me “ . I’ll try not to fuck her again , but she had this hold on me .

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Vietnam Prisoner Of War

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Vietnam Prisoner Of WarI was enlisted in the army in the 60’s. Boot camp was hell, but I made it through. Some one must have liked me because I got assigned to be a paratrooper in 101st Airborne Division. Before I knew it I was shipping out for Vietnam. First time out of the USA, and it sure as hell was nothing like home. The people, the jungle, it was all foreign. The Vietcong hated us, but goddamn we weren’t about to lay down. We came there to fight and we came there to win.Three months into my deployment we got some radio chatter from deep in the Pleiku province. 14th Infantry unit was pinned down and needed support ASAP. We got the order, saddled up few a huey UH-1 gunship helicopters, and rode out. When we arrived the situation was grim. The 14th was surrounded on all sides. The gunships rained hell. This gave the 14th some cover, but would be enough. Our pilot hovered over a good spot for us bursa escort to jump out. Just as we jumped the Vietcong began lighting up the hueys with heavy machine gun fire and the bird was downed.The carnage was unbelievable. The stench of blood, sweat, and spent gunpowder filled the air. I tried to get my footing but a sharp pain coursed through my left leg. Stumbling to the ground l took a last breath and fell.When I opened my eyes, I was in a hut. Immediately I grabbed for my side arm, but the pain was unlike anything I’d ever felt. My arm bandage was spotted with crimson blood. Trying to wrap my brain around what had happen and what state I was in, and passed out again. I came to with what I thought to be an angel over me. Hair as black as the night sky, and beautiful full breasts which pressed tight the dress she was wearing as she leaned over me. I jumped a sharp pain in my arm, startling bursa escort bayan her. She looked at me with her wide eyes. She came back over and began changing my bandages as she unwrapped them, view of her round ass which I could just see the bottom of as she leaned across me to change the dressings on my wounds. The pain was mixed her soft touch and I was as hard as steel.Transitioning to the wound on my chest, she paused. I met her wide eyes and saw she was eyeing the huge bulge in my tattered pants. After what felt like forever, she reach down and began undoing them. I tried to voice my protest but even speaking hurt, my voice was dry and a weird sound came out when I tried to speak. She paused looked back at me then to my bulge and the undid my pants.My rod sprang out at attention and a bright smile filled the angels face. I could see her hard nipples poking out from her dress. escort bursa She wrapped her hand around my rod and began to stroke. It had been almost a year since I had felt a woman’s touch and the pleasure was out weighing the pain. Precum appeared on my tip, and as she noticed it she took me into her mouth. The wetness of her mouth was heavenly. Suddenly she got up. I could see the desire in her eyes. She let her dress fall off, reveling the body of a goddess. Perfect breasts with black pubes covering her mound. She positioned herself over me and slowly lower down. Her wet cunt enveloped all of me as she moaned and said something. I couldn’t understand and at that point I wouldn’t have cared. She began riding me slowly at first. The speed picked up and the pace of her breath and moans quickened. The pleasure I was feeling overtook all of the pain as each pump milked my cock for it’s precious load. She cried out in bliss as her body quivered uncontrollably. The wetness, her cries, were too much to handed and I let lose shooting my seed as deep as it would go. She stopped quivering, got up put her dress back on, and walked out.

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Introducing Melodie

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Introducing MelodieThe very first day that I met Heather she made it clear to me that sex was very important to her. That same night, when she first saw me with my pants down, she explained that since my penis was way too small to ever satisfy her, she expected me to service her with my tongue and lips whenever she wanted.All my life I’d always loved fantasizing about being dominated by a woman, being forced to dress up as a girl and obey her every command, so when she made me kneel between her legs and lick her cunt that night, I loved it. I did wish that she’d let me actually put my penis inside her but when I asked if I could, she just laughed at me and told me to forget it, saying, “You have to be k**ding! I have absolutely no interest in ever letting you put that ridiculously tiny and completely worthless little thing of yours inside me.” And she laughed and shook her head in disgust.From then on, that was the way things were except on very rare occasions. I knew that there was nothing that I could do about it so I just did as I was told, did my best to service her pussy with my tongue. I learned to be happy that after I’d licked her until she came she’d occasionally let me stand in front of her and masturbate, maybe once every week or two.Even on those rare occasions when she’d let me play with myself until I came, she’d tell me how useless my little penis was, how it could never satisfy her, what a complete waste and failure I was as a man, and that she could never understand why she put up with me. It never took long for me to cum because I was only allowed to do it so rarely, and afterwards she always humiliated me even more.Of course, we both knew why she put up with me; it was because of the trust fund that my aunt and uncle had left for me. The trust fund wouldn’t become completely mine until I was 35 years old — nearly 13 years from the time that Heather and I had met. I was fresh out of college and went to work at bank as a teller, more for something to do than because I needed the job; the income from the trust fund was enough for me to live on very comfortably. Heather was the assistant manager of the bank, and one day she’d noticed me staring at her — she was absolutely gorgeous, with long almost white blonde hair and the face and body of a super model except for her big full breasts, much bigger than any model would have. She came over to me, beckoned with one imperious finger and I followed her into her office, then at her gesture I closed the door behind me.”You were staring at me,” she said, eyes narrowed and glaring at me. “Almost drooling. That is not acceptable in this bank. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t fire you right now.” Then without waiting for me to respond, she went on. “And don’t give me any crap about you needing the job. I wouldn’t believe you.”I blinked. What did she mean about not believing that I needed the job. How could she know that? She quickly answered my silent question.”I looked at our payroll records. You haven’t cashed your paycheck a single week since you started here a month and a half ago. Your job application says you just finished college, but you aren’t cashing your paychecks. Why is that?” Her eyes narrowed even more. “What the hell is up with you?”I explained about the trust fund, and admitted that I hadn’t cashed the checks; they were accumulating in the top drawer of my dresser.She grinned. “So, you have money. And you like to look at me. Well, I think I’ll let you take me out to dinner tonight.” It was not a question. “I know your address; I’ll pick you up at six. Be ready, I do not like to be kept waiting.” She pointed to the door. “Now go back to your station. And don’t stare at me anymore.”From there things progressed rapidly. We went to a very expensive restaurant for dinner, had a very expensive bottle of champagne, and after dinner (which of course she had me pay for) she took me to a jewelry store and picked out a lovely pair of diamond earrings which she also had me pay for with my credit card.She then took me to her apartment where she ordered me to strip naked in front of her, then kneel between her legs and lick her twat until she came twice. While I licked her she kept telling me what a worthless little pansy I was, with such a tiny little thing between my legs that she’d never allow me to put it inside her, and that I was lucky that she allowed me to service her cunt with my tongue. Afterwards she had me stand in front of her and beg her to let me fuck her while she teased me about how little my penis was, then told me to masturbate for her. I jerked my little cock frantically and quickly shot a big load of sticky wet cum into my hand while she watched me, still laughing and rolling her eyes. Then, to my dismay, she ordered me to lift my cum covered hand to my lips and to lick up all of my own sperm and eat it. And of course ever since that was what I had to do on those rare occasions when she allowed me to masturbate.I was totally and completely humiliated, and I loved it, knowing that I’d happily submit to anything she wanted if I could continue to serve her like this.Three days later she moved into my house, a nice sized three bedroom place on a ½ acre lot on a rather remote street in the hills, and took complete control of my life. She had me add her name to my checking, savings, and credit card accounts, then took away all of my credit cards and my check book and put me on a strict allowance. She made me do all the housework; vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the bathrooms and the kitchen, washing and putting away all dishes, take care of all the grocery shopping and cooking, and do all her laundry, and mine. The only money she gave me was to go shopping, or take her nice clothes to the dry cleaner, or run errands, and I always had to bring her the receipts and make sure that I gave her back all the change. She also arranged with the bank for me work reduced hours, starting at 9 and getting off at 4 so that I was still at the house after she left and back to the house at least an hour before she got home.She then had me transferred to a different bank branch because she said she didn’t want to have to put up with seeing me during the day, and arranged for direct deposit of my paychecks so that all my earnings went into the bank accounts which now really belonged to her.Every day she made me strip naked and kneel between her legs to service her pussy both in the morning and in the evening, and sometimes three or four times a day on weekends. But although servicing her got me really turned on and made my little penis very hard, she enjoyed refusing to allow me to cum except for the once every few weeks, and then of course she always forced me to cum in my hand and then swallow all of my sperm while she watched me. She also told me that if she ever caught me masturbating without her permission she’d make me sit outside on the back deck of the house, naked except for a pair of her panties over my head and face for 24 hours, which was terrifying to me, so I never played with myself at all.Then, on the first month anniversary of our first date, she came home about an hour later than normal, her arms loaded with bags and packages, piled them on the couch and called me into the living room.I came in as she called, having become well trained in doing whatever she ordered me to do, wondering what she wanted.She looked at me strangely, then nodded. “OK,” she announced. “Time to move to the next step.” She grinned, then laughed out loud.”Take off your clothes.” I figured she was going to have me service her, which was nothing particularly new, but I was wrong. Still, I quickly stripped off my jeans and tee shirt, then my underwear and stood in front of her, expecting her to pull up her skirt, take off her panties, and order me to lick her twat until she came.Instead, she then handed me one of the bags and told me to open it.To my surprise, inside was a beautiful hot pink lace brassiere and a matching pair of incredibly skimpy pink lace panties, a package of pantyhose and the most incredible high heeled pumps that I’d ever seen. They were a fluorescent hot pink, with 1 ½” platforms and 6″ spiked heels, and I couldn’t help thinking how beautiful I would look in that gorgeous lingerie and those beautiful pink pumps on me. In fact, to my embarrassment, just holding and looking at the bra, panties and sexy shoes made my little penis start getting hard right away.Heather rolled her eyes, shaking her head and laughing. “It figures. I should have known that just looking at such pretty things would make your ridiculous little thing get all excited.”But before you get to put any of those on, you need to go in the bathroom, get in the shower, and shave your entire body. Your legs, your groin, your chest & underarms — everywhere, and shave your face again, too. I’m going to take you out with me to the city tomorrow night and we need to start getting you ready.”I couldn’t believe the implications of the lingerie and high heels with what she’d said. “Um…did you say…you’re taking me out with you to the city..?” and held up the lingerie and heels. “And…what…umm…what are these for?””They’re for you to wear, silly.” She giggled and shook her head. “Now go shave yourself and come back here when you’re done. Come back naked.” Then she took the lingerie and shoes out of my hands and shooed me away towards the bathroom.I didn’t know what was happening, but I had learned in the weeks since Heather had taken over my life that it didn’t matter whether I understood what was happening. I was completely and totally in her power, and I had no choice but to do whatever she told me to, so I hurried into the bathroom, stripped off my clothes, and got into the shower. I quickly shaved every part of my body, legs, chest, arms, underarms, groin, going over every part of me twice to make sure I’d done the best job I could.After drying off I somewhat tremulously went back to the living room, realizing both that my little penis was very hard, and that I was quite conscious of the smoothness of my legs, arms, chest and everything, and feeling almost feminine in the new hairlessness of my body.Heather looked up and grinned as I walked in, then told me to stand in front of her with my hands behind my back. As I did, my little penis was rampantly erect — though of course still tiny — and I realized from the heat in my cheeks that I must be blushing intensely.She stood there looking at me for several minutes while I wondered what would come next, then spoke.”Well, Mikey. Would you like to put on these pretty panties and bra, and these nylons and sexy pumps?” She held them up, raising her eyebrows questioningly.Of course I did very much want to put on all those lovely things, but I wasn’t sure what to do. Then she asked again, impatiently. “Well, do you, Mikey, or do I send you outside to sit on the deck with a pair of my panties over your face?” I knew I didn’t want that!”Yes, Heather,” I answered submissively. “I’d love to put on the bra, panties, nylons and high heels.”Without any hesitation she reached out and slapped me on my cock and balls really hard with the palm of her hand, then slapped me again backhanded, hitting my cock and balls even harder this time. The pain and shock of her hitting my tender little genitals drove into my groin like a streak of electricity, shooting up through my entire body, and tears instantly sprung to my eyes as she grinned at me.”From now on, Mikey, whenever you speak to me you will address me as “Miss Heather” or “Mistress Heather”, or even just “mistress” but you’ll never, ever again address me just as Heather.” And she reached out and again slapped my cock and balls three times, back and forth, back and forth, rocking me backwards with the blows of her open hand and then the back of her hand, the hard stinging slaps on my balls and penis sending shooting, incredibly wracking pain from my groin up through my whole body as I staggered, almost stumbling under the force of her hitting me.”Yes, Miss Heather,” I gasped. “Yes, Miss Heather, yes, Mistress Heather,” I moaned, tears streaming down my face, my voice trembling with the pain and the fear of her hitting me again. But she kept on hitting me, again and again, slapping my balls and tiny penis back and forth, back and forth so many times that I lost count. I couldn’t help myself, I just stood there as she punished my little balls and hard little cock, sobbing pitifully, crying like a little girl, the tears running down my face. Finally, she stopped and smiled ever so sweetly at me.”Do you understand, Mikey?””Yes, Mistress Heather, Miss Heather, yes, I understand. Please, mistress, please don’t spank me anymore. Please, please I promise I’ll be good.””You’ll be a good little girl from now on, won’t you, Mikey?””Oh, yes, Miss Heather. I’ll be a good little girl. I’ll do whatever you want, anytime, Mistress Heather. Please, please don’t spank me anymore. Please…” “Now, Mikey, if you want me to let you put on these sexy girly things, you’ll have to beg me, you’ll have to convince me.”Now get down on your knees and beg me, you little sissy.” She laughed and shook her head. “I love to have you on your knees in front of me, begging me like the useless pathetic little sissy that you are.”I quickly sank to my knees, and in a soft, pleading almost whisper I begged her.”Please, Miss Heather. Please could I put on those beautiful panties and that lovely bra. Please, could I? And could I put on those nylons and those gorgeous pumps, please? Please let me put on those pretty girly things so I look like a good little girl for you. Please, mistress?”Laughing and shaking her head in disgust, she handed me the beautiful hot pink lace bra and told me to put it on, then gave me the lovely matching panties and ordered me step into them and pull them up about my hips, tucking my little penis into the soft, silky lace panties. She then had me sit on the couch and showed me how to very carefully put on the pantyhose. They were all sheer from my toes to the waistband, a beautiful suntan shade that made my newly smooth shaven legs look just lovely; very feminine indeed.Next she handed me those incredible beautiful hot pink high heeled pumps and told me put them on and walk to the hallway and back. Since it was the first time I’d ever worn high heels I found that pretty hard, and felt that I was barely teetering along, taking tiny little steps and almost stumbling several times.Miss Heather laughed and laughed at my clumsiness in the high heels, but told me that I’d just need to keep practicing, and made me keep walking back and forth across the living room and down the full length of the hallway, over and over. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and within ten or fifteen minutes or so I was able to walk without stumbling. She then began coaching me on how to walk as a real girl would when trying to look sexy, placing one foot in front of the other, making my bottom swing back and forth in those gorgeous panties, and still she kept me practicing, walking up and back, up and back.Finally, after nearly three quarters of an hour she said that was enough, that I should come and stand in front of her again.It was an amazing experience to stand there in front of this incredibly beautiful woman in just my new pink bra and panties, with pantyhose and those unbelievably beautiful pink platformed pumps. I knew that my tiny little penis was so hard that it was very visible in my lovely panties, and I expected her to have me kneel between her legs and lick her twat until she came. But I was wrong.Instead she pulled a chair from the dining room next to the couch and had me sit in it. “Now for your makeup, sweetie.” My what? I thought.Miss Heather then took out her purse and gave me a full makeover. Hot pink eye shadow on my eyelids with a sparkly silver over the hot pink, lighter pink on the brow just above my lids, then several thick, heavy coats of deep black mascara, followed by a sparkling pink blush on my cheeks and finally hot pink lipstick on my lips followed by a glittery pink lipgloss. When she finished, she looked at me with a smile and nodded, handing me her makeup mirror so that I could see the results of her work. I was stunned. The makeup had completely transformed my face; I truly looked like a very pretty young girl of no more than 18 to 20 years old. And if I wore my new bra and panties, nylons and high heels I was sure that with a wig and falsies and either a dress or a skirt and blouse no one would ever guess that I wasn’t really and truly a girl.I was speechless, my eyelashes fluttering, my cheeks blushing with embarrassment and pleasure, and I couldn’t help myself from asking her, “Umm, Mistress Heather? “Did…did you get me a wig and falsies, and maybe a dress, or a skirt & blouse to wear when you take me out with you?”She looked at me in amusement, then started giggling, and finally broke out laughing. Why was she laughing at me like that, I wondered. If she were dressing me up like this, doing my face up so pretty and all, why was my asking about a wig, falsies and a dress so funny? Then she answered.”No, silly. I didn’t get you any of those things.” She grinned. “But I did get you these.” And reaching into another bag she took out a pink tee shirt and white shorts — but as soon as I saw them, I realized that the shorts were really tiny, and that the tee shirt had something written on it.She handed me the tiny little white shorts and told me to put them on. As I took them, I realized that they were even smaller than I’d thought. As I sat back down on the chair to put my feet through the legs, then stood to pull them up, I discovered that not only were they very little, they were absolutely skin tight. I had to struggle to pull them up over my hips and around my bottom, and then to fasten them around my waist. My goodness they were short! They left two to three inches of my smooth shaven nylon covered bottom exposed — probably the shortest little short-shorts I’d ever seen, and I was wearing them! They made my nylon sheathed legs look unbelievably sexy and feminine and my lipstick covered lips were parted in a mixture of dismay and delight as I looked down at myself.Then she handed me the tee-shirt, a hot pink ladies style that looked like it would barely reach to the top of my short-shorts with light pink lettering and lots of tiny little lip prints, like someone wearing light pink lipstick had kissed it all over. When I read the lettering, which was on both the front and the back and matched the light pink color of the lip prints I thought I’d faint. It said: “I love to have my girlfriend dress me up as a girly-girl, but I’m really just a useless little sissy boy.”Oh my god, I thought. Could she really be planning to take me out dressed up like this and wearing that tee shirt? My mouth fell open and the expression on my face must have told her what I was thinking.”Yes, sweetie. That is exactly how you’re going to go out with me tomorrow. Dressed up like a girly-girl, but with no wig, no falsies, and your sweet little boy’s haircut combed just like a boy.”I think you’re going to be just adorable.” And she laughed and laughed and laughed. Finally, she stopped and still giggling said, “But there are a couple of things we need to do tonight, so you’ll be ready for tomorrow.” Again I u*********sly fluttered my mascara covered eyelashes, wondering what else she could possibly have in mind.She cocked her head to the side slightly. “Well, if you’re going to be a real girly-girl, you need to be able to wear earrings. And no real girl in today’s world would wear clip on earrings, so we’ll have to take you out to get your ears pierced.” She glanced down at her watch.’Now put on this cute little tee-shirt, and let’s get going.” She giggled. “And while we’re at the mall we need to get you a sweet little girly-girl purse and some makeup of your own. I don’t want to have to loan you my makeup all the time. And maybe on the way back we’ll stop and do some grocery shopping. I’m sure you’ll enjoy that.”It was an incredibly humiliating experience and I absolutely loved it!Miss Heather parked her car on the far side of the parking lot from the mall entrance, and since it was only a little past six-thirty the sun was still well up in the sky, twilight wasn’t even close. As I got out of the car to follow Heather, my super short shorts, my high platformed spike heeled pumps, the sissy tee-shirt and all my makeup with my flat chest and short boy’s haircut made me feel incredibly self-conscious. I knew that everyone who saw me would stare at me, and I was frankly terrified, but Miss Heather took my hand and pulled me along, giving me no choice at all. Meekly, submissively, I went with her, wondering how I could be so lucky as to have met her.As we entered the mall I discovered that I had, if anything, underestimated how much attention I would draw. It seemed like every single person, male or female, whatever age they were, gaped at me, their mouths falling open and their eyes widening. As we walked through the mall, heads turned and I saw people murmuring, whispering to each other, pointing at me, and my cheeks flushed bright with embarrassment and humiliation. Miss Heather loved it, loved seeing how humiliated I was, and did her best to make it even worse for me.”Now come along, Mikey,” she said fairly loudly. “You know I told you that everyone would stare at you if you insisted in coming here all dressed up like that. I know you love dressing up all sexy like that, and yu really do look almost like a girl in those platform pumps, nylons and those little short-shorts, especially with all the makeup you’re wearing, but you insisted. You really should grow your hair longer so you don’t look so much like a sissy.” She giggled and shook her head. “You wanted to look as feminine as possible to get your ears pierced, sweetie, so you can’t back out now.” And she kept up her commentary as we walked, teasing me, humiliating me, making me feel completely ridiculous.Finally, after what seemed like an interminable walk through the mall, we arrived at the ear piercing kiosk where a lady in what seemed like her late 20’s was working with two young teenaged girls, probably 13 or 14. Miss Heather pulled me forward and prodded me to speak. As she’d ordered me, I asked if I could get my ears pierced, and the lady grinned, saying of course. The two teenagers stared at me, their lips parting in amazement, their eyes traveling up and down over me, taking in my spike heeled pumps, my nylons and short-shorts, and my heavy makeup, and of course reading my pink sissy tee-shirt. I couldn’t believe how I felt, a wonderful mixture of humiliation and embarrassment with the thrill of it all making my heart throb with delight.While we were waiting for the sales lady to finish with the two young girls Miss Heather held my hand and we browsed through the various earrings as she searched for the most humiliating possible earrings for me. Finally she selected two little pink enameled hearts, about 3/4″ in diameter for me to wear until the piercing healed, and two incredibly big hoops, at least 5″ in diameter for me to wear afterwards.Finally my turn came and the sales lady had me sit on a stool while she pierced my ears, putting the adorable little pink hearts in the newly made holes. To my utter embarrassment, the two teenagers didn’t leave, but stood there watching, staring at me in amazement the whole time. Miss Heather giggled and looked over at them, enjoying my reaction to them staring at me.”He does look pretty ridiculous, doesn’t he?” she asked, and they both nodded emphatically. “He just loves dressing up as a girl, wearing pretty lingerie and sexy things like this. I had him practice walking in those pumps for nearly an hour today, so he’d learn how to walk in them, and he does pretty good, for a boy.” Both girls shook their heads, staring at me in disbelief but joining Mistress Heather in giggles.”From here we’re going to get him a little purse at Claire’s,” (Claire’s was a store that focused mostly on p*****n and early teenaged girls), “and then to Sephora to get him some makeup of his own so he’s not always asking to borrow mine.” Both of the girls again shook their heads wide-eyed, then broke into giggles while continuing to stare at me.Our next stop, as she’d told them, was the little girl’s store, Claire’s. Miss Heather paused at the doorway and gestured for me to go first. I was nearly paralyzed with embarrassment, knowing that I would instantly be the center of attention when I walked in dressed like I was, but I knew I had no choice. Unable to look up, I looked down at the floor, tentatively putting one high heeled foot in front of the other, moving very slowly into the store, then not knowing which way to go I lifted my head and looked around. Standing less than five feet away, looking right at me, was the sales lady, her mouth falling open in astonishment, her eyes widening in amazement. It was so embarrassing to see the way she was looking at me I thought I might faint with the humiliation, but Miss Heather gave me a quick swat on my bottom and said, “Go ahead, Mikey. We don’t want you blocking the door,” and having no choice I continued into the store. Glancing around in bewilderment I saw a huge array of girly things everywhere. There were lots of different head bands and hair ties, display after display of earrings, necklaces and bracelets, shelves and floor displays covered with oodles of different kinds of makeup — lipstick, lipgloss, face & body glitter and lots of different blushes. There were two other girls in the store, both of them a little older than the two at the ear piercing kiosk, probably fifteen or sixteen, and they stared at me, like eveyone else who’d seen me their mouths falling open, eyes wide as saucers, shaking their heads in disbelief at the sight of me. I couldn’t believe how embarrassingly humiliating bursa escort it was to be there all dressed and made up like I was, almost but not quite completely feminized. My short hair and completely flat chest contradicted the super feminine appearance of my clothes and makeup, and my pink sissy tee-shirt eliminated any doubt that might possibly have remained. And then Miss Heather spoke, adding even more to my humiliation.”Well, Mikey, you said you wanted to come in here. Now I want you to go pick out some goodies for yourself. I’ll let you get two more pairs of earrings, two necklaces and four bracelets — all in gold color — and then two different lipsticks and two different lip glosses but make sure that the lipsticks and lip glosses are all pink, because we both know how much you love pink. And then see if you can find a cute little clutch purse for you to carry all your makeup in.” She laughed, looking at the sales lady and the two girls and shrugging, then went on, speaking to them.”What can I say? He just loves pretending that he’s a girl, wearing makeup and all those sexy things. And he’s such a waste as a boy, so tiny, if you know what I mean, that I finally just gave up.”Once again, I had no choice. I moved around the store hesitantly, looking at all the delightfully feminine things they had, using one of the pink baskets from next to the door to put all my things in, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, lipstick and lipgloss, then took them to the counter and asked the sales lady if they might have a small clutch purse in pink. By this time she’d grown used to watching me move around in my high heeled pumps and little short-shorts, and still with a rather condescending look on her face led me to a shelf with purses and small handbags and gestured to them. I quickly chose the first pink clutch purse that I saw, picking it up, but Miss Heather stopped me, pointing to another one.”Mikey, I think you’re in too much of a hurry. Look at that pretty one up a couple of shelves,” and pointing to one with rhinestones all over it, and several little lip prints on it, very much like the ones on my tee-shirt. “Sweetie, it matches your tee-shirt!” I hesitantly put the first one that I’d selected back on the shelf and picked up the one Mistress Heather had pointed out, then followed the sales lady back to the counter. By that time the two young girls had left the store and she, Heather and I were alone at the counter.After I paid for everything, Miss Heather had me open the lipstick and lipgloss packages and put them in my purse, and had me put on both of the necklaces and bracelets before she led me out of the store. I could hardly speak I was so totally embarrassed and humiliated, which of course was exactly what Miss Heather wanted.From there we went to Sephora, the makeup store, and the walk from Claire’s to Sephora was even more embarrassing than walking through the mall before, because now on top of everything else I was wearing two jingly gold necklaces and two matching gold bracelets on each of my wrists, and of course the adorable pink hearts in my newly pierced ears. As before, virtually everyone we passed, male or female, gaped and stared at me open mouthed, their mingled looks of amazement, astonishment, condescension and disgust making me cringe in humiliation. I was almost completely unable to lift my head up to meet anyone’s eyes, staring down at the floor as Heather led me along, but I heard many of the comments that were sometimes not even whispered. Things like “Oh, my god! Will you look at that!” or “My goodness, is that a boy or a girl? I think…it’s a boy, but look how he’s dressed, wearing nylons, high heels and all that makeup!” or “Honey, look at that — unbelievable!” or the worst that I could remember, “That is totally ridiculous — to be a boy all dressed up like that; it’s like he wishes he were a slutty girl!.”But doing that, walking with my head down made me watch my feet, emphasizing in my mind my smooth shaven, nylon covered legs and my beautiful hot pink platformed pumps, both of which reminded me with every single step how completely ridiculous I looked.Finally, after walking at least half the length of the mall, we reached Sephora, and again Miss Heather gestured for me to go first, then as I passed in front of her she reached out and pinched the curve of my bottom where the tiny short-shorts revealed it to everyone, then giggled uncontrollably as we entered the makeup store. Sephora was crowded with women of all ages, and I really created a stir in there. Every single woman gaped and stared at me, and Heather kept up a constant stream of teasing me, telling me that she’d told me everyone would stare if I came dressed up like this, but that I had insisted that she bring me here, and now I’d just have to endure the stares. And to make things even more embarrassing, she kept fondling my bottom as we moved around the store.The women in the store giggled, stared, some laughed out loud, some shook their heads and looked disgusted — a full range of what you might expect them to show when seeing a sexy little sissy dressed up like I was walking around in those short-shorts and high heels wearing so much makeup and carrying my brand new little pink purse. It was incredibly humiliating, totally embarrassing and I loved every second of it. Heather kept up a running talk about how I was so ridiculous to want to dress up in such sexy girl’s clothes and wear so much makeup. Then she laughed and said it wasn’t bad enough that I was such a little sissy and wanted to always pretend that I was a girl, but I had to look like such a slutty girl and dress like a whore all the time. And of course she always called me “Mikey” and asked how I liked the different shades of eye shadow and lipstick. There was a very attractive woman demonstrating how to blend different shades of eye shadow and Miss Heather had me stand in line, then sit on a high stool while the lady showed me how to do the blending and then put on the new color over the pink that I’d come in wearing. The woman looked a bit startled at first, but when Heather assured her that we’d be buying plenty of makeup she just looked at me with in condescending amusement and went on with the makeup lesson. She taught me to blend the eye shadow, how to put on mascara so it was thick and black, without clumping by using lots of light coats of mascara, one after another, and showed me how to use lipliner, lipstick and lipgloss to make my lips look their fullest. It was incredibly embarrassing, but I loved it. Miss Heather got me several shades of eye shadow, mostly pinks and lavenders, with a sparkly black and a deep violet, two different mascaras, two kinds of beautiful pink blush, facial powder and a spray on makeup fixer, everything I needed to do my own makeup just like a real girl.When we finally left I was sure that there wasn’t anything else that she could do to further humiliate me, but I was wrong. On the way home she took me into a beauty salon and had them put on false fingernails, and then paint them in a bright hot pink with little tiny white hearts on them so that the next night when she took me out there wouldn’t be anything about me that wasn’t completely feminized. Except that my chest would be completely flat and my hair would be completely male. But as I thought about it, I hoped that maybe my makeup, my lovely legs and sexy pumps and short-shorts might make people think I was really a girl, in spite of being so flat and having such short hair.But then I remembered my tee-shirt that proclaimed me a sissy to all the world, and I realized that was what I really, truly wanted after all — to be a little sissy boy all dressed up as a whore.Finally, true to her word, Miss Heather stopped at a large chain d**g store and with her following me, had me buy two packages of rubbers and a jar of vaseline. I loved walking around the store in my tiny short-shorts and platformed heels, and again she continued to fondle and pinch my bottom the whole time.When we got home she made me kneel between her legs and kiss, lick, and suck her twat until she came three times, which took nearly half an hour. Then she told me to go undress myself and go to bed, but it was another hour before I finally fell asleep because every time I thought about all the incredible things she’d done to me and with me that day I got a raging hard on — but I was afraid to even touch my little penis for fear of making it shoot my cum all over the bed sheets.**The next afternoon she again dressed me up the same as she had the day before, then had me sit in front of her dressing table mirror and do all my makeup, face powder, the spray on makeup fixer, blush, three colors of eye shadow, six coats of black mascara so my lashes were as thick and full as if I were wearing false lashes. She then took out the little pink heart studs and quickly substituted the 5″ hoops which made me feel even more like a slutty little whore, with the last touch of makeup being my lipliner, lipstick and lipgloss. Finally, when I finished she had me dress her, and to my astonishment she wore a push up brassiere that revealed over half of her breasts, leaving her nipples completely uncovered, then a garter belt and black stockings with a pair of crotchless panties. Finally she slipped into a pair of unbelievably gorgeous black satin high heeled pumps with 3″ platforms under her toes and 8″ heels that made her tower over me even in my own hot pink high heels.As I gaped at her, expecting her to put on a dress, she explained to me that the party she was taking me to was a very X rated party, and that although she was going to wear a black leather coat in the car on the way to the party, and that she had a hot pink plastic rain coat for me to wear, once we got inside the party, we’d both leave our coats at the checkroom. I was actually surprised that she was going to let me wear a coat at all since it wasn’t cold out, but then what she did to me showed me why.”Come stand in front of me, Mikey,” she ordered, pointing to the carpet right in front of her. I did as commanded instantly.Then she reached down and unzipped the front of my short-shorts, pulling down the front of my pantyhose and panties and gripping my penis. She put a hot pink rubber — I didn’t even know they came in that color! — on my little cock, then pulled the panties and nylons up to just below my tiny balls and left my balls and the shaft of my penis uncovered. Then, to my amazement and horror, she fastened the top of my short-shorts around my balls and penis and zipped the front zipper up halfway, leaving my tiny balls and my rock hard little cock sticking out of the front of my shorts!I couldn’t believe it. Was she really going to take me to the party like this, with my penis & balls sticking out of front of my shorts? I couldn’t say a word, just trembled in terrified embarrassment. But it was even worse. She reached into her purse and took out a wide pink ribbon and proceeded to tie a little pink bow around the end of my cock, and then looped another long stretch of ribbon around my cock just under the pink bow, tying it in a slip knot so that when she pulled on the ribbon, the loop around my cock tightened painfully, pulling it extremely tight and leaving nearly four feet of it dangling from the end of my very erect penis. She proudly explained through giggles and laughter that I was now on a cock leash, and that she would be leading me around by the ribbon cock-leash all night long so that everyone could see what a complete pansy sissy faggot I was. She then took the end of the ribbon leash and tugged on it, pulling me towards her by my cock to show me what it would be like. She laughed and laughed, leading me around the house by the ribbon cock-leash, pulling and jerking on my cock painfully, making me prance after her in my spike heeled pumps, hurrying to keep up with her or have my cock tortured by her pulling on it with the ribbon leash. Almost constantly as she led me around the house on the ribbon cock-leash she’d jerk on it, the slip knot noose around the head of my penis tightening painfully, and pulling my cock painfully, making me thrust my hips forward to try to even a little bit reduce the pain she was inflicting on my helpless penis. And when she did that, she’d laugh and laugh, enjoying my suffering, and telling me how much fun she was going to have with me all night long, exhibiting me to everyone at the party.It was going to be an incredibly humiliating and mortifyingly embarrassing night — and I knew I was going to just love it.Then before we left she surprised me by taking out a gorgeous long very light blonde wig and putting it on me, then brushing it out so that the long soft tresses fell around my shoulders and down my back and over my chest well past where my breasts would have been if I were a realy girl. “I figure that with that little dick of yours sticking out the front of your short-shorts and me leading you around with the pretty pink ribbon cock leash on it, and with your flat chest and that sissy tee shirt no one will think you’re a real girl, so I decided to let you wear that pretty blonde wig. If anything, it will make you look even more like a little sissy faggot.” And with that she burst out laughing.She then jerked me up and out of the chair she’d had me sit I while doing my wig and pulled me along behind her, tugging on my cock leash to keep me close to her. She explained that any time she dropped the end of the ribbon that she was holding I was to stand exactly where she left me to show what a well trained sissy I was.She slipped on her black leather coat and had me put on the hot pink patent leather coat that barely reached 4″ or so below my crotch, and then with her still jerking me along by my cock leash that led up under my coat she led me out to the curb where a limo was waiting.All the way to the party she had me kneel between her legs and lick her cunt while she tugged and jerked on my cock leash to keep reminding me what a useless little sissy I was. Any time my licking, kissing and slurping at her juicy twat lagged even the slightest she jerked mercilessly on the leash which pulled painfully on my rock hard little cock. She came three times, the last time just moments before we pulled up to the party. As the limo pulled to the curb she had me get up off the floor and retouch my lipstick and lipgloss, then she stepped out and jerking painfully on my tortured cock led me up the walk with my high platformed spike heeled pumps, all sheer nylon pantyhose and long golden blonde wig making me acutely conscious of my enforced femininity. At the door she rang the bell, and while waiting there on the porch she again jerked repeatedly on the lovely little ribbon cock leash, torturing my tiny penis. The door opened and a lovely brunette answered the door, dressed very much like Mistress Heather was, in a pushup shelf bra, garter belt, crotchless panties, nylons and high spiked heels. She smiled welcomingly at Miss Heather, then grinned from ear to ear, shaking her head and laughing when she saw me.”Ah, Heather,” she chuckled. “I see you brought your new toy with you. You’ve been telling me so much about it; I’ve really been looking forward to seeing it.” ‘It?’ I thought.” Oh, my goodness. She went on, “You always bring the most exotic things to our parties. And it is just adorable, so very feminized.” She leaned forward to embrace Miss Heather, then she and Heather kissed deeply, mouths opening wide, tongues entwining, and Heather dropped my leash as they embraced, their hands reaching up to fondle one another’s breasts. Then they parted, seemingly reluctantly, and she turned and led us into the entryway.”May I take your coat, sweetie?” the brunette asked, and Heather slipped it off and handed it to her, then turned her head to me and raised one eyebrow. “Well, Mikey, give Angela your coat, sissy.” And of course I hastened to take it off and hand it to her. Angela turned and called out, “Heather’s here, people, and she has the most adorable new toy with her,” then giggled, smacked me really hard on the nylon covered part of my bottom that was exposed by my short-shorts and went to put the coats away. Heather grinned at me, jerking at my leash really hard, then pulling me along by my little cock so hard that it almost made me stumble. “Come along, little sissy. Let me show you off to the crowd.” She then walked into a large almost ballroom-like room filled with 30 to 40 people, all of whom were turning to look as we entered. It seemed at first glance that all the women were beautiful, almost all of them wearing nothing but bras, panties (mostly crotchless ones), garter belts, stockings and high heels, though nearly all of the men were in coats and ties, most of them in suits, some in tuxedos. Quite a number of the women were in couples so probably only 8 or 10 of the group were men, the rest gorgeous women, all dressed very sexily. And every single one that I saw was staring at me, laughing, giggling, shaking their heads and apparently very much enjoying my humiliation. We walked straight across the room to a bar with a bartender serving drinks, all the way me having to struggle to keep up in my high spiked heels as Miss Heather walked quickly through the crowd, towing me after her by the adorable pink ribbon leash attached to my hard little cock. Several times I felt hands grope me, my legs, my bottom, and once someone even quickly grabbed at my cock, but Mistress Heather just kept tugging me along after her. Then, as we reached the bar, I saw an incredibly beautiful blonde lady come over and throw her arms around Miss Heather, the two of them hugging and kissing each other deeply. As I watched, entranced as seeing my…I couldn’t call Miss Heather my girlfriend, for by now I was thinking of her as my mistress, for surely I was as close to being her slave as one could possibly be, I noticed that there was another lady behind the blonde, not as tall, but very pretty, and somewhat shy looking, in a super short lace & ruffle covered baby pink micro-miniskirted dress with a full white lace petticoat that was so short that it showed off a pair of very lacy ruffled pink panties above the sheer lace topped pink nylons that covered her legs. The dress was very low cut, covering her nipples, but exposing all the rest of her fantastically beautiful breasts, which must have been at least 40D, spilling out of the lacy confines of her pink lace pushup bra.This amazingly gorgeous lady was in the highest spike heels that I’d ever seen, with at least 4″ platforms under her toes and what must have been 10″ spike heels, with very heavy but extremely feminine makeup and long almost white blonde hair that fell down to her bottom, nearly to the hem of her dress. She had two pairs of huge hooped earrings in her ears, one pair that was probably 5″ in diameter and the other at least 6″ in diameter. She was truly one of the most feminine and incredibly beautiful girls I’d ever seen in my life. Finally Miss Heather and the blonde broke apart, and Miss Heather introduced me. “Eileen, this is Mikey, my new toy. Isn’t he just adorable?” And they both began giggling, then broke into full laughter.”Mikey,” she said to me between giggles, “you are just priceless. Heather’s been telling me that she found a new toy, and had been training you, and I’ve just been dying to meet you.” Then she paused and looked back at her lady friend, raising one eyebrow at her. To my delight, the second gorgeous blonde stepped forward, her incredibly radical platformed heels making her take only the tiniest of steps as she came to stand beside Eileen, who I assumed was her lover.Eileen reached back, slipping her arm behind the newcomer then up under her petticoat to squeeze, then fondle her bottom. I watched wide-eyed, gaping in astonishment, which turned to near disbelief.”And Mikey, this is my little toy, Suzette, who used to be named Steven until I changed her into my toy.” I couldn’t believe my ears. This incredibly beautiful and feminine little thing was…a boy?At my expression, both Miss Heather and Miss Eileen again burst into laughter, but little Suzette blushed brightly, her blush covered cheeks darkening with her embarrassment as she looked down at her toes.Miss Heather grinned and jerked on my cock with her ribbon leash. “I don’t think Mikey believes you, Eileen. Do you, Mikey?”My words stumbled over themselves. “Umm, I…I don’t know, Miss Heather. I’m sure your friend wouldn’t say something that wasn’t true, but…but Suzette…Suzette is so beautiful it’s hard to believe…” and I trailed off, not knowing what to say.Miss Eileen laughed again, then turned back to Suzette and said, “Well, little girl,” I guess you have to prove it to him. Go ahead, pull down your panties and let him see it.”Her beautiful and extremely feminine eyes squeezed almost shut, the adorable little blonde lifted up her mini-skirt and petticoat with one pink nailed exquisitely feminine hand, then with the other hesitantly took hold of the waistband of her panties and carefully pulled them down to her knees, revealing a very hard and very large cock, standing out from her hips like a pink strap-on dildo. I was stunned, and u*********sly licked my lipstick covered lips in disbelief.Miss Heather spoke immediately. “Well, my goodness! Did you see that, Eileen? The very first thing Mikey did when he saw Suzette’s cock was to lick his lips? Did you see?”Miss Eileen nodded, giggling. “I sure did, Heather. I think that means he’d like to suck her dick, don’t you?”What? Surely, I thought, they couldn’t make me do that, not here in front of everyone?!But I was wrong.”Well, Mikey. I think you need to beg Suzette to let you suck it. And beg Eileen to let you suck Suzette’s cock. Don’t you?” I trembled, but I wasn’t sure whether it was in humiliation or with desire, because I couldn’t look away from that big cock jutting out from Suzette’s hips. My goodness, it was so big, so hard. I fluttered my mascara covered lashes, knowing that I had no choice, and as I did, Heather jerked the ribbon leash on my little cock.”Down on your knees in front of her, Mikey. Down on your knees and beg for her penis in your mouth.”Helplessly, unable to resist Miss Heather’s command, I sank to my knees in front of this gorgeous vision of lace, silk and femininity, wanting nothing more than to take her rock hard cock in my mouth and make her squirt a big load of her juicy sperm in my hungry feminized mouth.”Please, please Suzette. Please could I suck your cock, please?” She looked down at me through those mascara covered lashes, her hot pink lipstick covered lips and long white blonde hair so feminine, so beautiful, and softly shook her head. “No,” she murmured. “I…I don’t want a boy sucking my cock. Please, Mistress Eileen. Please don’t let him do that.”My own mascara covered lashes fluttered and I looked to Eileen. “Please…please Miss Eileen. Please can I suck Suzette’s cock. Please? Please let me suck it. Please I want her cock in my mouth, please?” Then I looked back up at Suzette, her rock hard dick now only inches from my face. “Please, Suzette. Please let me suck your cock! Please let me have it, please let me suck it, please…please!” I begged in earnest. She looked down at me, the most beautiful and feminine creature that I’d ever seen in my life, and silently shook her head.”Please Mistress Eileen! Please let me suck her cock! Please oh please I want it in my mouth so much! I want to make her cum in my mouth, I want to swallow her sperm, please…please let me suck it! Please, please, please let me suck it!”Then Miss Heather spoke up. “Mikey, maybe you need to touch up your lipstick. Take out your lipstick and lipgloss and touch up your lips, sweetie. Maybe then she’ll let you suck it.”I immediately fumbled in my little pink clutch purse and took out my lipstick and lipgloss, but then Miss Eileen spoke up.”Wait,” she said. “I have a wonderful idea.” And her grin widened. “Mikey, hand your lipstick to Suzette.” I did as she commanded, and Suzette took it.”Now Suzette — I want you to coat the tip of your cock with that hot pink lipstick, as thickly as you can, and then use your cock like a tube of lipstick, to put the lipstick on Mikey’s lips.” And she and Miss Heather looked at each other, howling with laughter, then Miss Eileen reached over and pulled Suzette’s petticoat and sissy panties down around her ankles, and pulled her dress up so that the hem came no lower down than her waist.Hesitantly still, Suzette took the tube of lipstick and with one hand holding her rock hard cock, used the other to put a thick coat of the glistening hot pink lipstick all over the head of her throbbing hard penis, then as I leaned forward she used her other hand on her cock to smooth the tip of it over my already glistening lips, using it like a lipstick applicator, coating my lips with the lipstick on the head of her cock. As she finished, Miss Eileen asked sweetly, “How about now, Suzette. Can Mikey suck your cock now that his lipstick is all pretty?””No, no…Please, mistress. You know I’m not gay, I can’t let a boy, someone named Mikey. Suck my cock. You know you only let me fuck girly-boys, not someone with a boy’s name.” And again she shook her head, but I saw her reaching down to grab her huge hard dick and squeeze it, then pump it slowly up and down, making the big head of her incredible cock throb and seem to grow even bigger.Everyone burst out laughing, and Miss Eileen said with a grin, “Well, Suzette, that’s not a problem. That little slut in front of you is a girly-boy, and we’re making her into a real girl, just like you. You just have to pick a girl’s name for it; that’s the last step in making it into a girly-boy, sweetie. Then you can let her suck your cock.””Yes!” I begged. “Please, Miss Suzette! Please! Please give me a girl’s name, please so I can suck your cock, please!” And she bursa escort bayan smiled shyly down at me, nodding.”Well…ok,” she said softly. “I guess…I guess I can do that,” nodding again somewhat shyly. “Then…I guess, I guess I’ll name you Melodie,” she said, looking down into my eyes, her soft hot pink lipstick coated lips parting, the little pink tip of her tongue reaching out to touch her lips. Everyone laughed even harder, and Miss Heather jerked again on my little cock, the pain reminding me of the ribbon cock-leash that she was holding.I looked up, the tip of her lipstick covered cock only an inch from my lips, and begged her, “Please, Suzette. Please let me suck your beautiful penis….please!”She signed, then looked down at me again, this time with her eyes almost completely closed and breathed, “Yes, yes… ok, I’ll let you suck my dick, Melodie. Go ahead, make me cum with your mouth, sweetie; make me shoot my sperm in your mouth.”I bent forward, tenderly, lovingly kissing the lipstick covered tip of her cock with my lipstick covered lips, then kissed it up and down, all over. I licked and slurped and kissed every inch of that wonderful penis, enjoying it, worshipping it like a little girl with a delicious lollypop. Finally I couldn’t stand it anymore and I sank my hungry mouth down on the full length of her cock, my lipstick coated lips parting, stretching to open as wide as I could as I took all of her delicious dick in my mouth, swallowing it, sinking my mouth all the way down to her groin, the full length of her cock thrusting down my throat, almost gagging me. Then up and down, up and down I bobbed my head, serving her, servicing her like a whore, wanting nothing more than to be kneeling there in front of this beautiful feminine person with her dick sliding in and out of my mouth, wishing she’d cum for me, fill my mouth with her hot, sticky sperm.Then, for the first time in my life, I found what it was like to have a penis erupt in an explosion of sperm in my mouth, to have the cum spurt into my hungry mouth, forcing me to swallow as much as I could as fast as I could. But in spite of my trying to swallow it all, her massive ejaculation of jism was too much and too fast for me, and I felt the cum bubble out of my lips, running out over my lipstick covered lips and down my chin, drooling down to drip on my nylon covered thighs as I knelt there in front of her, feeling her entire body shudder and tremble with the force of her orgasm and the massive flow of cum that she shot in my mouth.Finally I realized that the flow of sperm from her penis into my mouth had ended, and I reluctantly pulled back, letting her still hard cock slip out from between my lipstick covered lips, then used my fingers to scoop up the dribbles of cum from my cheeks and chin and carry it all into my mouth, and as I did, my peripheral vision made me aware that I was in the middle of a crowd. Virtually the entire crowd in the ballroom, nearly 40 people, was standing around me, having watched me suck Suzette’s cock.It was so indescribably wonderful, I couldn’t help but smile in happiness.Then Miss Eileen spoke up. “Well, little Melodie, as you can see, little Suzette’s cock is still nice and hard, even after you did such a good job of sucking it and making her shoot her cum in your mouth.” She giggled, and glancing up at the indescribably feminine and beautiful Suzette, I saw that she was looking down at me, her mascara covered lashes and eye shadow covered eyelids almost closed.”The reason for that, little sissy, is that I haven’t allowed her to cum for nearly three weeks, because I wanted her to be properly prepared for tonight, to be able to play with you, my darling Heather’s new toy.” She looked over at Heather, and around at the group of people surrounding us, all of whom were watching me with interest.”Now, Melodie, I want to you pull off those adorable tiny short-shorts and come stand in front of me.” What? What was going to happen now, I thought, but I knew that I had no choice at all but to do what Miss Heather and Miss Eileen commanded. Hesitantly I pulled my short-shorts down around my ankles and stepped out of them, then went to stand in front of Miss Heather in just my pantyhose and spike heeled pumps. She reached down and grabbed my pantyhose, tearing them open around my crotch, letting my tiny penis fall out of my crotchless pink panties and leaving my bottom completely naked.”Now, Melodie,” Miss Heather said with a chuckle, “we want to lie down on your back and grab your ankles, and pull your legs up near your shoulders, wide apart, so you open your sweet little pussy/bottom for Suzette, and then we all want to hear you beg Suzette to fuck you like a little girl, to fuck your sweet little bottom with her big hard cock.Trembling, I did as she commanded, turning towards the beautiful feminine Suzette, spreading my legs and grabbing my ankles, then pulling my legs wide apart and up almost to my shoulders, exposing my sweet virgin butt to everyone. The lovely Suzette closed her eyes and turned her head away, refusing even to look at me, but her big still rock hard cock jutted out from her hips, and I stared at it, completely captivated by it.”Please…please, Miss Suzette. Please? Please won’t you fuck me?” I moaned, meaning every word of it, my tiny little dick throbbing with excitement. “Oh, my goodness, Miss Suzette, please fuck me! Please put your wonderful big cock inside my bottom. Please!! Please fuck me!”Then she turned her face back to me, opening her eyes and looking down at me through her gorgeous mascara coated lashes, her hot pink lipstick covered lips and long white blonde hair so feminine, so beautiful, and softly shook her head. “No,” she murmured. “I…I don’t want to do that, I don’t want to have to put my dick inside you. Please, Mistress Eileen. Please don’t make me do that. Please?” Her soft feminine voice was pleading, desperate in its begging.”No, please, Mistress Eileen,” I begged. “Please, please could I have Miss Suzette fuck my bottom, Mistress? Please?”I need her cock inside me so much, I need to have her fuck my asshole, Mistress. Please won’t you let me have it in me?”Miss Eileen and Miss Heather were giggling so hard they could barely speak, and everyone around us was laughing and giggling at me. “Well,” Miss Eileen said, “I don’t know. I don’t think Suzette wants to fuck you, Mikey.”My own mascara covered lashes fluttered and I looked to Miss Eileen. “Please…please Miss Eileen. Please can I have Miss Suzette’s cock in my pussy/bottom. Please? Please let her fuck me with it. Please I want her cock up inside, please?” Then I looked back up at Suzette, her rock hard dick now only inches from my bottom. “Please, Suzette. Please let me have your cock! Please let me have it, please fuck me with it, please…please!” I begged in earnest. She looked down at me, the most beautiful and feminine creature that I’d ever seen in my life, and silently shook her head.”No, no…I can’t fuck you, Melodie. I can’t fuck a boy, and even though you’re dressed up like a girl, and your face is so pretty all make up like a girl. You even have a nice new girl’s name, but you’re still not really a girly-girl, because you don’t have breasts like a real girl. You’re too flat. Miss Eileen only lets me fuck girly-girls, not someone with a flat chest like you have, Melodie.” And again she shook her head, but I saw her again reaching down and squeezing her cock it, slowly stroking it up and down.”You’re…you’re pretty enough, that’s for sure. And your makeup is just lovely, your lipstick and eye shadow and mascara make you really look like a pretty little girl, but without breasts…” She sighed and shook her head. “I can’t fuck you when you’re so flat. If I can’t feel my boobs rubbing against your tits, it would be too much like fucking a boy.”Everyone burst out laughing again, and Miss Heather giggled, then reached back for a bag that one of the other ladies had been holding, “Well, Suzette, that’s not a problem. I have a nice big pair of silicon filled falsies, and I want you to put them in Melodies’ bra, so she won’t have flat chest any more. Then she’ll be a proper little girly-boy. Giving her boobs will be the last step in making it into a girly-boy, sweetie. Then you can fuck her.””Yes!” I begged. “Please, Miss Suzette! Please! Please give me big beautiful breasts like a real girl, please so you can fuck me!” And she smiled shyly down at me, nodding.”Well…ok,” she said softly. “I guess…I guess I can do that,” nodding again. She took the big silicon filled falsies and looking down into my eyes, her soft hot pink lipstick coated lips parting, the little pink tip of her tongue reaching out to touch her lips, she bent forward, pulled up my sissy tee shirt and slipped them into the cups of my bra. Looking down at the sexy pink bra now filled almost to overflowing with my new big full fake tits, I absolutely loved it. Everyone laughed even harder, and Miss Heather jerked again on my little cock, the pain reminding me of the ribbon cock-leash that she was holding.Then Suzette looked down at me fondly and smiled prettily. “Do you really want me to fuck you, little sissy Melodie?” she asked.”Oh, goodness, yes, Miss Suzette,” I begged. “Please, please fuck me! Please put your big cock inside me, please fuck me with it.”Then this incredibly feminine and beautiful girly-boy, Suzette, pushed me down on my back and forcing my nylon clad ankles and high heeled pumps even further apart she pressed her groin and the throbbing shaft of her massive rock hard cock against me, rubbing it against my own panty covered penis. As she did I heard the murmurs and comments of the crowd, watching as she prepared to shove the whole length of her cock up inside my ass, wondering if I would cry while she was fucking me.But she didn’t fuck me right way. First she brought her beautiful face to mine, and began softly kissing my lipstick covered lips, again and again, softly and tenderly. I loved looking up into her gorgeous blue eyes, with her eye shadow and heavy mascara emphasizing her femininity, and I parted my lips, hoping and wishing that she’d put that lovely pink tongue inside my mouth where my own tongue would touch hers.As she felt me open my lips, she broke off the kiss and pulled back an inch or two, smiling down at me lovingly.”Don’t rush things, sweetie. Let’s go very slowly, and enjoy getting to know each other. Miss Eileen told me that we’re going to be lovers for a long time, that she wants to watch us learn to truly love each other, and make each other happy. Of course, you’ll never ever put your little penis inside me, it will always be me putting my love toy inside your pussy/bottom, but we’ll both enjoy it, won’t we?”I nodded unhesitatingly and she went on, “So don’t be in a hurry, little girl. I’m going to enjoy fucking you, taking your virginity and making you my very own sweet little girlfriend, but we’ll do everything at my speed. I will be your mistress, and you’ll be my little slut, always and forever.”Then she brought her lips back on mine, and kissed me again, sliding her slippery lipstick coated lips over mine, then slowly, gently slipping the soft tip of her delicious tongue into my mouth. Knowing that I must always remain completely submissive to her, I sucked only very gently at her tongue, making sure that I wasn’t in any way demanding, merely servicing her and wanting to obey her every desire.She kept kissing me, licking at my lips and my tongue, but still pressing her groin and cock against me. I loved the feel of it, loved knowing that my femininity excited her, made her want me, want to push her cock up inside my pussy/bottom. The realization that I’d become so pretty, so sexy and so feminine that she wanted to fuck me excited me so much that my own tiny penis throbbed intensely.Suzette kept kissing me, her tongue continuing to probe into my mouth and wrap itself around my tongue, and I felt her knees forcing my legs even further apart, and of my own will I lifted my smooth shaven nylon clad legs with my spiked platformed high heels up in the air. Knowing instinctively what a well trained little slut should do, I pulled my nylon sheathed ankles up and open, exposing my little pussy/bottom for her, opening myself as wide as I could for her big, wonderful penis.”I want you to do it, Melodie.” She whispered, “Reach down and grab my cock, and guide it into your pussy/bottom for us.” And I saw her eyes sparkle with excitement and anticipation. I reached down as she’d commanded, and grabbed her huge dick, then guided it to the opening of my pussy/bottom. Loving the thought of it finally entering me, I pressed the tip of her huge dick against my little butthole, and it was so big, so hard, that at first I was afraid that it wouldn’t go inside me, but then almost before I realized it she pushed her hips forward and the huge tip of her gigantic cock slipped past the rim of my pussy/bottom was inside me. I gasped in a mixture of pain and delight as her dick entered me, then groaned and whimpered, because Miss Suzette didn’t hesitate for an instant, but just kept on pushing and to my amazement and the delight and appreciation of the crowd of onlookers slid the full 8″ of her prick deep up inside my ass, burying it to the very hilt in my sweet butt, forcing a scream of pain from my throat at the intrusion of her gigantic cock in my now no longer virgin asshole. And even as she buried her penis inside me, she brought her lips down on mine again, bringing her beautiful incredibly feminine face so close that our noses touched, and plunged her tongue deeply into my mouth, almost gagging me with it. Then, still looking deeply into my eyes, she pulled her penis almost all the way out of my pussy/bottom, until only the tip of it was still in my bottom, and then thrusting her hips forward she slammed it back deep inside me, forcing it deep inside my pussy/bottom again. Ant then she did it again…and again…and again. In and out, in and out she ass fucked me, reaming my butt with her cock…until…until…I started moving with her. As she had known I would, as I began to accept the huge cock inside me, I started moving with her, pressing my pussy/bottom down against her, encouraging her, wanting her inside me, wanting that massive rock hard dick as deep as she could stick it in my ass. My shrieks of agony turned into moans of delight, my whimpers of pain turned into groans of pleasure, and my begging her to stop hurting me turned to begging her to keep fucking me, keep ramming her dick into me, keep slamming her massive cock deep inside my sweet little pussy/bottom.As she fucked me deeply, she kept kissing me passionately, pressing her beautiful pink lips down on mine, and I loved the feeling of the slipperiness of our lipstick covered lips on each others lips, loved the way her tongue slid deeply into my mouth and opened my lips as wide as I could, wanting her tongue as deeply in my mouth as her cock was in my little pussy/bottom.I grabbed my nylon clad ankles more firmly and pulled my legs up and open even more, opening myself to her plunging cock, and each time she slammed it fully into me she ground her hips against my pussy/bottom, and I pushed my butt up against her thrusting prick to take it as deeply as I could inside me.”Oh, god, yes…fuck me! Fuck my pussy, Miss Suzette!” I begged, and smiling down at my mixture of pain, humiliation and pleasure she forced her penis so deeply inside my bottom that it felt like she was going to split me in half.And then I felt my own little peepee begin to spasm, and almost before I knew it I was cumming, shooting a huge wad of hot sticky cum inside the pink rubber that coated my tiny little thing, and as the waves of orgasm rocked through my body I shrieked in pleasure, feeling so incredibly feminine and sexy that I couldn’t believe it.Here I was, the beautiful sexy, slutty, feminine little girly-boy, dressed and made up completely as a sexy little girl, lying there with my legs up in the air, holding my nylon clad ankles while being fucked by my wife’s lesbian lover’s sex toy cumming while she fucked me in front of all these other people.Then she pulled her lips away from mine and spoke softly but firmly, “Now, my darling little Melodie, spread those beautiful feminine legs wider apart for me, grab those little ankles and open up your pussy/bottom even more for me, spread those legs and open up that adorable little cunt for my cock, you darling little girl, so I can put my penis as far as possible up inside you.”I unhesitatingly did as she ordered, grabbing my ankles tightly and pulling my legs even wider apart for her, opening myself up for her, but I knew that my submissiveness wasn’t going to help. Her face hovered in front of my eyes, her lipstick covered lips glued to mine, and she kept fucking me and fucking me, slamming her cock in and out of me, ramming it as deeply as she could, then grinding her hips forward against my feminized butt to force her dick even deeper inside me, than pulled it back almost all the way out just to slam it back in me again.I couldn’t believe how much it hurt me to have the whole length of that her penis ramming in and out of me again, and involuntarily I screamed out, “Oh my god…no…no…please… please don’t!” and I screamed again, begging her to stop.”Please, Miss Suzette,” I begged, breaking into sobs, crying out in pain, tears filling my eyes. “Please take it out, please oh please…it hurts too much, oh god no…”I couldn’t stop screaming…I felt like her dick was truly splitting me in half, it was so far up inside me that I could only scream and cry, whimpering, shrieking as she mercilessly fucked my little pussy/bottom with her rock hard penis cock.”Shhhh, my sweetheart, my little darling,” she whispered, “I’m not going to stop, not until I hear you begging me to fuck you even harder. You know you want it in you, don’t lie to me.” And she pulled her prick almost all the way out of my bottom so that just the very tip of it was still inside my butt, and then viciously slammed it all the way back inside me, once again burying the full length of the her dick deep to the hilt inside me — and again I screamed, thrashing my body from side to side, but still not letting go of my nylon sheathed ankles, still pulling my legs up and open to let her reach deeper inside me with her cock.My eyes were filled with tears, the tears streaming down my cheeks, my lipstick covered lips wide open as I pleaded with her to please stop hurting me, to stop fucking me so hard.But of course she didn’t stop, because neither of us wanted her to; she actually did it harder, sliding her cock almost all the way out, then mercilessly slamming it back inside, shaking my whole body with the force of her dick ramming back inside me, impaling me to the hilt with it. My screams of pain were shrill and ear splitting, as she reamed my tiny little asshole with the vicious thrusting of her wonderful cock. My long beautiful blonde hair flew around behind my head as I thrashed around beneath her, my hands still gripping my nylon clad ankles, pulling my legs as wide open as I could, but even that wasn’t enough for her. Leaning her weight down on me, she reached up and grabbed my legs, pushing them up over her shoulders, then used the weight of her body to force them wider apart and up over my shoulders beside my head, making my screams of pain even louder as I felt the insides of my smooth shaven nylon clad calves against my cheeks. I couldn’t believe the pain, but simultaneously couldn’t believe how wonderful it felt to have my legs spread so wide apart, pushed so far up over my head while this incredibly, unbelievably beautiful girly-boy fucked me like a little whore.And then finally as she kept kissing me, kissing my lips and my rouged cheeks and my mascara covered eye lashes, I could feel her dick begin to stiffen even more, and she sped up the ramming of her cock in and out of me, her lipstick covered lips kissing me everywhere. Her hot pink tongue alternated between thrusting down my throat and licking me all over – my lips, my cheeks, and my eyes, my neck and my ears, her heavily made up eyes covered with deep black mascara and glittering pink and lavender eye shadow scant inches from my own as she stared into my own feminized eyes and then her entire body spasmed, her cock pressed deeply far up inside me with her hips glued so my groin, and she shot a huge load of her hot, sticky wet cum deep inside my asshole, and for the first time in my life I knew the feeling of my asshole being filled with sperm, with her luscious cum, making me forever into her slut, her submissive lover.It was fantastic!I lay there under this incredibly beautiful fully transformed girly-boy, her lipstick covered lips still softly and tenderly kissing me, kissing my lipstick covered lips, my rouge covered cheeks, my eye shadow covered eyelids and my mascara coated lashes, showing how much she loved having me under her, her huge still hard cock buried deep inside my pussy/bottom. I could still feel the twitching of her dick in my butthole, still throbbing from the massive orgasm that had shot more cum into my feminized body than I had dreamed possible, filling me with the warm, sticky wetness that was her spermMy legs were spread wide apart with my hands still grasping my nylon covered ankles to keep my pussy/bottom open for her, and the weight of her completely feminine body pressed my nylon sheathed thighs down on my shoulders so that the full length of her wonderful penis reached deeply up inside me. I loved the heavy fullness of the big beautiful breasts that her mistress had let the doctor implant on her chest against my flat, boyish chest, and wished that someday I could have big lovely breasts like hers. Lying there was like being in heaven and if I could have stayed there forever with her cock buried to the hilt in my sweet little butt, I would have been happy to have done so.But then she lifted her face away from mine and I felt her pull her hips back and suddenly I was aware of a terrible emptiness in my pussy/bottom as her cock slipped out of me and she leaned back on her knees. As she did, I realized that the crowd of onlookers, nearly twenty women and eight or nine men were all cheering at the way she’d plundered me, applauding and laughing at my complete and total humiliation by my Mistress Heather, her girlfriend Miss Eileen, and the gorgeous and incredibly feminine Miss Suzette who had just finished fucking me.Heather leaned in as Miss Suzette pulled away from me and grabbed my tiny little pee-pee, holding it with one hand and peeling off the pink cum filled rubber into which I’d emptied my own load of cum only a few moments earlier. She grinned and held it out to me.”Here you go, Melodie. You know my rule is that anytime you squirt your disgusting cum out of that ridiculous little thing of yours, you have to eat your sperm for me.” Knowing that I had no choice, I took the rubber from her, letting go of my ankles and letting my legs relax down to the ground, still widespread but at least not pinned to my shoulders any more. Then I lifted the rubber up to my lips, opened them as wide as I could, and holding the opening of the rubber as wide open as possible, held it up over my face so that all of my own sticky, wet cum dripped down onto my face, covering my cheeks, my eyes, and my hot pink lipstick covered lips. I squeezed the rubber to get as much of the cum as I could out of it, not daring to actually eat any of it without Miss Heather’s permission, but knowing that if I left any of the cum in the rubber and not on my face my mistress would punish me severely.The cum dripped all over my completely feminized and heavily made up face, leaving droplets and rivulets all over my cheeks, lips and eyes; there were even droplets of sperm on my mascara coated eyelashes. I loved the way it felt on my face; heavy, sticky, luscious and utterly humiliating.Then to my surprise Miss Eileen stepped in close to me with a camera in her hands and went down to one knee.”Here you go, little sweet Melodie. Let me get a close up of your lovely face with all that slimy cum all over it.”After all, I’ve been filming you the whole time, when you were sucking Suzette’s cock, and then begging for her to fuck you, and of course all the time she was fucking you, kissing you all over, and I’m sure you’re going to be quite the hit on the internet. There’s a great porn site that specializes in little sissy girly-boys and I’m sure they’re going to love the performance that you and Suzette put on.” And as she said it, the crowd surrounding us all laughed and applauded again. “In not too long, boys who wish they were girls will be playing with their little cocks, masturbating while they watch you getting your ass/cunt fucked.” And she grinned, shaking her head in disgust.Miss Eileen stepped back, and Miss Heather reached out and grabbed my ribbon cock leash, jerking on it so that she tugged painfully on my little pee-pee. “Get up now, Sissy Melodie. No more lying around on your slutty back — time to get up and get busy, sweetie.”Of course I had no choice, particularly with the painful jerks and tugs on my little thing, and I scrambled to my feet. Mistress Heather then ordered me to take off my torn nylons and put on a new pair, still pulled up to just below my little cock and balls, and then had me pull my tiny short-shorts back up over my hips and butt. As before, she had me fasten the metal stud of the shorts around my waist, leaving my little thing and tiny smooth shaven balls hanging out the fly of the shorts. She then zipped up the front until it was so tight that every step I took made the base of my pee-pee and the lower part of the fleshy sack holding my little balls strain painfully against the zipper, and with the continuous tugging of the ribbon cock leash on the tip of my tiny penis, escort bursa I was in almost continuous pain.But it was a wonderful pain, and I loved that she cared enough about me to make the effort to keep me suffering and see me so completely and totally humiliated.Finally, as she finished with my shorts, she nodded to Miss Suzette and handed her the end of the cock leash.”Here you go, Suzette. As we promised, we’re going to give Sissy Melodie to you to be your very own sissy lover and toy. You can do anything and everything you want with her tonight, and Eileen and I will be sure to get the two of you together a lot in the future. I’m sure you’ll enjoy having your very own sissy toy, especially after you’ve been serving Eileen as her pay toy.” Of course everyone laughed at this, but for me, it was incredibly exciting. Miss Suzette was the most incredibly feminine and beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life. Knowing that she had really been born as a boy, and that her massive tits and delightful femininity were the gifts of her mistress who had transformed her from a boy into an incredibly beautiful girl made me wish and hope that if I were a good little sissy toy, someday I’d be able to be as beautiful, as feminine as she was. I even hoped that maybe if I did everything that Mistress Heather and Mistress Suzette told me to, one day I might even have my own big, full, wonderfully delicious breasts just like Miss Suzette had.As Miss Heather handed Miss Suzette the end of my pink ribboned cock leash, she laughed, then turned away and putting her arm around Miss Eileen’s waist, the two of them walked away.I looked tremulously at Miss Suzette, not knowing what might come next. Smiling softly at me, she then jerked hard on the cock leash, pulling my pee-pee painfully and forcing me to step closer to her. I was now almost back as I’d been when I first came to the party and saw my wonderful Mistress Suzette for the first time. My long golden blonde wig fell down about 5″ to 6″ below my shoulders and my hot pink sissy tee shirt proclaimed in light pink letters: “I love to have my girlfriend dress me up as a girly-girl, but I’m really just a useless little sissy boy.”I was wearing all sheer suntan nylon pantyhose, an amazingly tiny and incredibly short pair of white short-shorts that left nearly three inches of my smooth shaven nylon covered bottom exposed and the most delightful fluorescent pink flowered pumps, with 1½” platforms and 6″ spiked heels. Miss Heather had forced me to spend hours walking around the house in them, practicing walking as a model would, placing each footstep across in front of the one before to make my butt swing back and forth in a very exaggerated but quite sensuous way. Naturally underneath my outerwear I had on a gorgeous hot pink brassiere and panty set, and the night before the party Mistress Heather had taken me to a shopping mall where she’d paraded me all over the mall, showing me off in my short-shorts, heavy makeup and spike heeled pumps. In the process she’d stopped as a kiosk and had my ears pierced for the 5″ gold hoops that I now wore, and then on the way home had stopped at a beauty salon and had them give me long false nails painted a hot pink with tiny little white hearts on them.The only change since my arrival had been that just before she fucked me, Miss Suzette had taken a pair of large and very realistic silicon filled falsies and slipped them into my bra. She’d said that she couldn’t fuck me if I had a flat chest, that she needed to feel big full breasts under her own real 40D breasts so that when she was making love to me she wouldn’t feel like she was fucking a boy. As Miss Suzette pulled me to her, she looked into my eyes and sadly shook her head.”Sweetie,” she said. “You have cum all over your face, and it’s dripping down your cheeks and all over your lips. You need to take your fingers and scoop up all of that disgusting cum and eat it before we can do anything else.” She flashed me a quick smile, then jerked viciously on my little pee-pee with the cock leash, sending a shock of pain through my tiny dick. “Now, sweetie,” she commanded.”Yes, mistress,” I murmured, and quickly took my makeup mirror out of the adorable pink clutch purse that Miss Heather had bought me the night before. Looking in the small mirror, I saw that — of course! — Miss Suzette was right, there was cum all over my face, dripping down my cheeks, droplets of sperm on my bright pink lipstick covered lips, and even droplets of it on my mascara covered eyelashes.Very carefully, as daintily as I could, I scooped up the cum little by little with my long pink nails and licked it up with my tongue, trying my best to get it all, and licking my fingers clean after every drop while taking special care not to mess up the lovely hot pink lipstick that covered my lips. Miss Heather always made me eat up all of my own cum on those very rare occasions when she’d allowed me to squirt, so I’d come to associate being allowed to cum with the taste of my sperm, and hence had come to love the taste. Now, eating it with the lovely Miss Suzette watching me so closely was amazingly embarrassing, completely humiliating, and even though I had squirted my cum so recently I felt my little pee-pee beginning to stir. Out of the corner of my eye I had a quick glance of another woman, a very petite Eurasian lady who even in that brief glance I could tell was strikingly beautiful, holding up Miss Eileen’s camera, filming me. Knowing that I was being filmed while licking up my cum off my face, and that very soon I’d be splashed across thousands of internet connected computer displays all over the world, I did my very best to lick up all the cum and swallow it with a smile on my face.Soon there was no remaining sign of my jism left on my face except for a shininess that the juicy sperm had left, and Miss Suzette nodded approvingly.”Now to touch up your makeup for you, Melodie,” she said, and proceeded to reapply my rouge, eye shadow, lipstick, lip gloss and mascara, making me again look like a sweet though rather slutty young girl.She took her time, making sure that every bit of the heavy feminine makeup that she put on my face was just perfect, and when she’d finished she held the mirror up again so that I could see. I was again amazed at how absolutely lovely and feminine I looked, and my tiny pee-pee, which had gradually reawakened as I watched the beautiful Miss Suzette doing my makeup was rock hard and actually quivering with excitement.As I was gazing at myself in the mirror, truly almost hypnotized at the thought that the beautiful young girl I saw looking back out of the mirror was really me, I noticed Miss Suzette raise her eyes, which were widening in surprise, and look over my shoulder. Her luscious glistening pink lips parted slightly, in what might have almost been fear, but then turned up in a smile.From behind me I hear a lovely voice. “So, little Suzette, Eileen has given you your own little toy, I see.””Yes, Miss Kylie.” Miss Suzette nodded, still smiling. “Miss Eileen said that the true test of how well she’d done in transforming me into a virtually complete girl was to see if I could take another boy as my toy and make him over into a real girly-boy, and to learn to enjoy using her the way that…that I’ve learned to love being used.” And as she said that, I saw her eyes flicker down as if she found it hard to meet the eyes of the lady behind me, and her smile faltered a bit more, again in what I thought might be fear.”Well, Suzette, I’m sure you’ll do a fine job. Eileen has done a wonderful job of changing you into a sweet, adorable girl, as of course Zach and I both know very well.” Again Miss Suzette’s eyes flickered down, then back up.”And even though you’ve apparently just started, we wanted to come over and see if we could help.” The voice behind me broke into giggles, then she went on, “Didn’t we, Zach, honey?”The voice that answered her was deep, extremely male, but both well spoken and well modulated. “Indeed we do, my dear. Indeed we do.” And then the couple came from behind me around to stand beside Miss Suzette and I was able to see them for the first time.The woman, Kylie, I quickly mentally corrected myself: Mistress Kylie — was truly unbelievably, incredibly beautiful. That she was attractive was no surprise, because every woman I’d seen at this party was gorgeous and very sexily dressed, but Kylie was far beyond the norm even here. Miss Heather had the perfect ‘Nordic goddess’ look with her long golden blonde hair, shining blue eyes and fantastic figure, and Miss Suzette’s mistress, Miss Eileen was of the same mold — blonde, blue eyes, and full figured.Miss Kylie was Eurasian, very slim, and very petite, probably only 5’2″ or maybe 5’3″, with a long shimmering curtain of midnight black hair falling to the middle of her perfectly shaped bottom and her face, with high cheekbones, a fine aquiline nose which was, of course, most exquisitely made up. Her lips were covered with a gorgeous hot pink lipstick that was enhanced by a shimmering, glittery translucent lipgloss that made me wish it were on my lips, and her dainty ultra-feminine nails naturally matched her lipstick perfectly. Her eye shadow was a wonderful blend of pink on her lids merging into a smoky, glittery black on her lids, and her perfectly done ultra-black mascara-coated lashes framed eyes that seemed to be almost purple. All this was capped by her huge hooped earrings, each of which was probably 6″ in diameter, so big that they actually rested on her shoulders.This fantastically beautiful vision wore an almost completely transparent shimmering silver dress that clung to her like wet silk, hugging every curve of her amazing body. It was very low cut with what seemed like a built in brassiere that lifted her breasts to display them as if they were on a shelf, and did nothing whatsoever to hide their magnificent beauty in any way. Her big ripe nipples and the luscious curves of her huge breasts were enhanced, not hidden, by the silvery shimmering fabric of her dress. The hem of the dress came a scant inch or two below the neatly trimmed patch of pussy hair covering the area around her cunt. Through the dress a skimpy black lace garter belt and matching crotchless panties were quite visible, with all sheer black nylons attached to the garters reaching down her shapely legs. And her shoes! My goodness, I never dreamed that anything so incredibly beautiful and sexy existed. They were black platformed pumps whose thin straps wrapped around her ankles and calves, reaching nearly 10″ up her lovely calves, with at least 5″ platforms and what must have been 10″ spiked heels.As my eyes widened at the sight of those amazing “Fuck Me” shoes, I instantly wished I could fall at her feet so she’d let me worship her by kissing and licking those beautiful spike heeled pumps.Her partner, Zach, as she’d called him, was, unsurprisingly, the complete opposite. He was a huge, ebony black man who looked like he must be a former football player, at least 6’8″ tall, probably weighing over 300 pounds, but obviously all muscle, with not a visible ounce of excess flesh or fat anywhere on him. He was wearing a cream colored silk polo that clung to his upper body, emphasizing his chiseled pecs, abs, and upper arms. I couldn’t help wonder how big his cock was, fleetingly wishing that I might someday find out. Kylie grinned at me evilly and explained that Zach was almost always horny, but that she was a very jealous woman, and never wanted her husband with any other woman, and that he was also a very jealous man and never wanted to think about her with another man. Then she giggled and went on.”But we both agree that little sissy girly-boys don’t really count as men or women, so we figure that when we find the right little submissive sissy girly-boy, we can both fuck the little pansy faggot without either one of us being jealous. “I’ve had some wonderful evenings watching him while little Suzette sucked his cock as I fucked her pussy/bottom with my dildo, and we’ve also had fun with him fucking her in the ass while I sat on her face so she could eat my cunt for me.” She giggled again and looked at Suzette, then went on.”You do like sucking Zach’s big dick, don’t you sissy Suzette? And having both of us fuck that sweet little ass/cunt of yours?”Miss Suzette looked down at her feet in embarrassment, and softly murmured, “Yes, Miss Kylie. I do like sucking your husband’s cock, and I love having both of you fuck my pussy/bottom.”Mistress Kylie went on. “So you see, sissy Melodie, now that you’re sissy Suzette’s little playtoy, we’re going to let her watch while we do all that to you.” And both she and Zach laughed.”So, Suzette, bring your little sissy girl over to the couch for us, and then you can tell her how we want this to go.”Then she and Zach walked to a couch against the wall, and Mistress Suzette, pulling me along by my cock leash, followed her obediently. When we got to the couch, Zach sat down in the middle with Miss Kylie on his left, then she pointed to the spot on the couch on his right. “You sit there, Suzette, and explain to sissy Melodie what we want her to do.”You know how we like it — you’ve done it for us so many times yourself, haven’t you sweetie?” And again she giggled.Miss Suzette went and sat beside Zach, and as she sat down he reached over and put one of his big powerful looking hands on her thigh, immediately beginning to fondle her leg. She glanced over at him, then at Mistress Kylie, and with a slight sigh looked back at me, smiled and began to explain.”Well, Melodie, as Miss Kylie said, they both enjoy playing with sissy girly-boy toys.” She shrugged slightly, smiled at me again, and went on. “Miss Kylie has a dildo which is an exact replica of Mr. Zach’s cock, made out of a new kind of plastic that looks, and feels, just about exactly like a real penis.” She glanced over at Mr. Zach, and I saw her eyes flicker down to his crotch. Following her eyes, I always looked at his crotch, and realized that he was already getting a hard on — the bulge in his pants was unmistakable, and I found myself involuntarily licking my lips in anticipation.”What they want is to have their toy — that’s you, of course – do sort of a table dance in front of him, nice and close, so he can reach out and touch you while you’re dancing. Touch your legs, your bottom, and wherever else he wants to touch you.”Miss Kylie added, “Like that silly little thing of yours, Melodie. What you used to think was your penis.” And she giggled, while Mr. Zach laughed and nodded.”Come on, sweetie — let’s see how good a dancer you are.” And all three of them, even my Mistress Suzette, looked at me expectantly.I stood uncertainly, shaking back my long golden blonde wig, tentatively letting the tip of my tongue touch my lower lip, and carefully moved closer to the couch, very conscious of how slutty I must look to them in my tiny short-shorts, my all sheer nylons, and my wonderful spike heeled platform pumps. Then, less than two feet away, I began to dance, trying to remember the stripper like gyrations that I had watched so often on the Playboy internet site, trying to imitate the way those beautiful girls had danced to tease their viewers. As I did, I saw Miss Kylie reach over and put her hand on Mr. Zach’s groin, rubbing the bulge in his pants as she looked up to watch the intent look on his face as I swayed and squirmed in front of him. Miss Suzette, too, reached over to touch that growing bulge as Mr. Zach’s hand kept fondling her leg, sliding up and down her nylon covered thigh almost idly as he watched me.Then he reached out to me and put his hand on my leg, then slid it up to cup my bottom, squeezing and fondling me as I moved under his hand. Then his other hand reached out for me and was sliding up and down my nylon sheathed leg. His hand was so powerful, the fingers so strong, yet not ungentle, and I absolutely loved knowing that he found me attractive.I saw that Miss Kylie had unzipped his pants, that she and Miss Suzette were pulling his fly open, and then his massive cock was free, sticking up like a huge column of black flesh from his pants. He pulled one hand back from my leg and cupping the back of Miss Suzette’s head pulled her mouth down to him, down to his rock hard dick. She hungrily began to service him, licking, kissing, slurping his cock all over, paying special attention to the sensitive vein on the underside of his massive penis. “Don’t take it in your mouth yet, Suzette,” Miss Kylie commanded. “Just kisses and licking for now. I know you want his cock in your mouth you little sissy slut, but you can’t have it until I give you permission.” And again she giggled, now holding his prick at its base, slowly jerking it up and down to make it as hard as possible.Dancing there in front of them, Mr. Zach’s hands on me, fondling my legs and ass, I couldn’t look at anything but his incredibly gargantuan cock. My eyes were wide, my lips open in unsuppressed hunger for that massive penis, and I knew it must be 10″ long and at least 3″ in diameter — bigger than I’d ever thought any man’s dick could be. And I desperately wanted to have it in me, first in my mouth, then in my cunt/ass. My pussy/bottom almost quivered at the thought of having him on top of me, plunging that gigantic penis into me, deep into my cunt/ass, then having him pull it out and stuff it in my mouth, forcing me to taste the juice of my own cunt/ass on him. And the thought of making him cum with my lipstick covered lips, feeling the eruption of cum as he shot his massive load of sperm down my throat made my little pee-pee quiver and twitch with desire.Then from somewhere a hot pink fly swatter materialized in Miss Kylie’s hand, and she reached out with it to viciously spank my little pee-pee, then my tiny balls which were still sticking out of the front of my tiny short-shorts, sending arcs of pain shooting through my body, then hitting me again and again, punishing, torturing my little pee-pee and tiny balls with her stinging slaps. But of course I had no choice but to keep dancing, undulating, pirouetting in front of them while Miss Kylie kept viciously spanking my pee-pee with the fly swatter, watching my mistress Suzette kissing and licking Mr. Zach’s cock as he fondled my legs and bottom. It was simply wonderful; the dream of a lifetime come true!Moments later Miss Kylie ordered me to drop down and suck Mr. Zach’s huge dick. I thought she’d never get to it; finally I was able to get my dainty feminine hands on his magnificent penis, to worship it, kissing, sucking, licking his massive shaft like a little girl with a lusciously delicious lollypop. As I did, unbeknownst to me Mistress Kylie had taken out her dildo and strapped it on, and then as I knelt there in front of Mr. Zach, complete absorbed in my adoration of his throbbing prick, she pulled down my short-shorts and pantyhose and with no warning placed the tip of her fake cock against my asshole/cunt opening and then mercilessly slammed her huge dildo deep to the hilt into my unprepared pussy/bottom. The feel of that huge plastic penis ramming into me was an exquisite combination of pain and ecstasy, filling me the way I’d always dreamed it would be to have my ass/cunt fucked by a beautiful woman with a dildo, but it was so big that I felt like something inside me might explode from the pain. But that thought didn’t even enter Miss Kylie’s mind, and she grabbed my hips, pulling me towards her as she pulled her false dick almost all the way out, then with a thrust of her hips slammed it back inside me, again and again and again. All the while, Mr. Zach was grabbing the back of my head and forcing my mouth down on his cock, the incredible size of his gigantic dick forcing me to stretch my lips as wide open as I could for him, the huge tip of his penis reaching well down my throat. When his dick was its fullest extent into my mouth and throat it reached beyond where the windpipe from my nose joined my throat, completely choking me, leaving me no possible way to breathe. At first I panicked, terrified when I realized that I couldn’t breathe even through my nose, but he must have done this many times before, probably to Miss Suzette among others, and he only left me choking for a few seconds, then allowed me to pull back just enough so that I could catch a breath through my nose.What came next was so delightful, so wonderfully beautiful and sensuous that I felt like I was in heaven. On my knees, sucking Mr. Zach’s 10″ penis with his wife, Kylie, behind me madly fucking my sweet pussy/bottom, there was suddenly my gorgeous Mistress Suzette beside me, kissing the corner of my lips, my cheeks and even my heavily made up eyes, whispering to me how beautiful, how feminine, how sexy I was, and how much she loved me. She kissed me everywhere, licking and nibbling my neck, making sweet love to me as I was being fucked in my mouth and my pussy/bottom, and then Miss Suzette joined me in kissing and licking Mr. Zach’s massive black cock. The feel of our lipstick covered lips meeting on his fantastic cock, feeling this gloriously feminine girly-boy who now owned me joining me in kissing and slurping at his huge penis was indescribably sensual, and I knew that Miss Suzette loved it as much as I did.Finally as Kylie slammed her huge dildo in and out of my little ass/cunt, making me feel like she was going to split me in half with her gigantic fake cock, Zach grabbed my head, forcing my mouth all the way down on him, and as I started to choke and gag on his hugeness reaching down my throat he exploded his massive load of cum in my mouth. I couldn’t believe how much sperm shot out of his huge prick into my throat, filling it with far more cum than I could swallow, forcing the cum down inside me like it was coming from a pressure hose. Suddenly, as I was gasping, choking on his dick and his cum, I felt the pressure push his cum up into my nasal passages from my throat, and my nose filled with his cum and I felt it dripping out my nostrils. He pulled my head away from him, then forced it back down, up and down on him as he kept shooting more and more cum, so much that some of it burst out of my mouth, leaving gobs of it on my lips, chin and face as I struggled to eat as much of it as I possibly could, wanting to feel it sliding down my throat and filling my tummy. No sooner had his cock stopped spasming and shooting cum than I felt Miss Kylie pull her dildo out of my ass/cunt, and Mr. Zach’s huge hands lifted me and flipped around so my butt was toward him, then turned me over to my back and forced my legs apart. So quickly that I hardly knew what was happening Miss Kylie slid forward and lowered her sopping wet twat over my mouth, commanding, “Lick my cunt you sissy faggot slut!”By reflex, well trained sissy that I was I began licking her pussy, reaching up for her clit with my lips and tongue, and as I did, I felt the tip of Mr. Zach’s still rock hard cock poised against the opening of my ass/cunt. Without an instant’s pause he thrust it into me, driving it all the way into me until the full 10′ were stuffed deep inside in my bottom, and my scream of half-pain, half-delight was smothered by Miss Kylie’s hot, went twat covering my face. Mr. Zach kept fucking me like a pile driver while Kylie bounced up and down on my face, wiggling, gyrating her cunt over my mouth as she and I both strove to bring her to climax. Adding to my mixed pleasure and pain, Miss Suzette tortured my little pee-pee with tugs and jerks of the ribbon cock leash and sharp slaps of her dainty hands, keeping my little dick bouncing around in delight. Finally I felt Kylie’s body shudder and climax to my licking and slurping her twat, and Suzette’s jerking, slapping and punishing brought my little penis right to the verge of squirting its tiny drops of cum as Zach again came, this time with his cock buried deep inside my ass/cunt. Finally, after Miss Kylie and Mr. Zach were both utterly satiated, Miss Suzette lay down between my legs and began to again make soft, gentle and tender love to me. She kissed my lips and all over my cheeks, nose, eyes, ears and neck, constantly whispering how happy she was to have me as her toy and her lover, how much she loved me and wanted to be with me forever. I was overcome with love and desire for her, and whisperingly begged her to please fuck me, to please make me her little girl again. Smiling softly, she reached down between my legs and slid the tip of her massive erect penis into my ass, which was completely lubricated by the huge load of cum that Mr. Zach had just shot into me, and slowly, lovingly fucked my little pussy/bottom as tenderly as if I were a young girl just losing her virginity. Finally, as she whispered sweet nothings into my ears, our lipstick covered lips touching softly, our lipstick blending and sliding smoothly against one another, she asked me if I were ready to come with her. “Yes, yes, mistress…please! Please make me cum,” I begged her. Smiling down adoringly at me she thrust herself further inside me, wiggling her hips from side to side, kissing me again and thrusting her delightful tongue into my mouth. Entwining our tongues we joined in ecstasy as the feeling of her wonderful penis reaching into the very deepest part of my body and then exploding into a warm burst of her cum into my pussy/bottom brought me to an unforgettable climax. Miss Suzette and I came together in a simultaneous orgasm as her cock squirted sperm up into my pussy/bottom while my tiny pee-pee squirted my own cum into my rubber, a fantastic climax to an incredibly wonderful night, a night that I hoped would be just one of many more that my new owner and I would share.As our mutual shivering, whole-body wracking ecstasy slowly ebbed away, she never stopped kissing my lipstick covered lips, my rouge covered cheeks, my eye shadow covered eyelids and my mascara coated lashes. Holding me closely, gazing deeply into my eyes, her soft gentle kisses showed how much she loved having me under her, having her huge still hard cock buried deep inside my pussy/bottom, and knowing that I was hers for all eternity.

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TRIO A DUEIkea… che palle!Katia mi aveva talmente stressato, tanto da cedere e soccombere ad una Domenica in quell’ immenso capannone alla ricerca di un divano per il suo appartamento; e la sera non si è nemmeno concessa a me.Effettivamente trovammo ciò che faceva al caso suo, e pure in offerta.Problema n1: in macchina non ci sta.Il loro servizio di trasporto era troppo costoso allora ripiegammo sulle amicizie.Mi accordai con un mio amico e il sabato pomeriggio successivo partimmo in tre (io Katia e Marco) con il suo furgoncino.Destinazione ritiro divano.Arriviamo al deposito e carichiamo; si riparte per casa.Problema n2: restiamo per strada con il furgoncino.Accidenti, questa non ci voleva.È sabato sera e come facciamo a trovare un meccanico?Katia è parecchio indispettita… (la tipina è una di quelle che vuole tutto e subito), inoltre il caldo la fa irritare parecchio.Si siede sul guard rail con i suoi legging a 3\4 bianchi e la canotta nera aderente…le se intravvede pure il perizoma.Gioca con i sandaletti facendo dandglin… quanto la sbatterei….Peccato sia molto acida e non sempre i nostri rapporti sessuali vanno a buon fine, nel senso che ma la da con il contagocce.Anche Marco nota tutto ciò, continua a lanciare occhiatine di nascosto.Ok ci siamo esclama! Ho trovato un officina che viene a recuperarci.Di li a poco arriva bursa escort il carro attrezzi e ci porta presso la sua officina.Problema n3: non ha il pezzo di ricambio per riparare il furgone.Che si fa? Siamo a 200 km da casa e sono le 20,30…Affamati e stanchi chiediamo a tale meccanico se vi fosse un albergo per poter passare la notte. Siete fortunati, circa 200 m a sud c’è un hotel carino, provate la!Ci incamminammo e giunti all’ hotel tirammo un sospiro di sollievo.Problema n4: c’è solo una stanza libera, con un solo letto matrimoniale.Come facciamo? Marco dice che lui dorme sulla poltrona e noi nel letto.Katia mi sussurra che lei non dorme con altri in camera.Alla fine la convinco.SaliamoLa camera è piccola e carina. Letto matrimoniale, sedia ( e quindi non adatta a dormire) e bagno.C’è un po’ di tensione. Katia va in bagno a rinfrescarsi mentre io e Marco ci accordiamo sul fatto che io dorma in mezzo a loro due.Informiamo la Miss che ne prende atto.Ora tocca a me andare in bagno, mi faccio una doccia e poi lascio il posto a Marco.Katia ne approfitta per togliersi i legging e infilarsi nel letto.Io provo a toccargli il seno ma prontamente mi arriva un ceffone e mi insulta pesantemente dicendo che sono un porco.In tempo zero si addormenta pesantemente.Marco esce dal bagno in boxer e canotta.Cacchio che ben dotato bursa escort bayan osservo tra me e me. (mentre immagino katia alle prese con il suo cazzone).Marco entra nel letto e la luce si spegne.C’è un po di imbarazzo… mi sento inferiore a lui.Mi chiede: dorme?Si come un sasso!Certo che è una bella tipina da sopportare! È già, sa il fatto suo!Comunque è carina, sei fortunato ad avere lei.Carina è carina, ma sapessi che stronza è!!!!Veramente?Si, non ne hai idea.Katia si muove e noi restiamo in silenzio.In questo silenzio la mia eccitazione sale e facendo a finta di sgranchirmi un po’ allungo una mano andando a toccare il cazzo del mio amico.Lui fa una smorfia e mi dice:sai, è tanto che non gioca.Prendo la palla al balzo e inizio ad accarezzarglielo; mentre diventa duro come il ferro e grosso come non mai.A marco non da fastidio, anzi si accomoda e mi lascia fare.Gli abbasso i boxer e lo faccio uscire. È una sberla di cazzo.Delicatamente e molto silenziosamente lo masturbo, lo sento nella mia mano duro ma vellutato. Ad un certo punto mi dice:ti va di succiarmelo?Ssssssht! Ma sei scemo? Sta zitto!Piccolo stop di controllo katia (dorme come un sasso) e il grosso membro mi sfiora le labbra.Gioco di lingua, percorro tutta la punta, roteo attorno ad essa. Piace!Me lo infilo in bocca, ma caspita che grande è! escort bursa Riesco a succhiare poco piu che la punta. Gioco di mano e labbra, sempre nel massimo silenzio e delicatezza.Io mi bagno come una fontana.Il giochino continua per buoni 15 minuti, quando tutto ad un tratto lo sento pulsare.Cazzo! Questo mi viene in bocca! Mi scosto ma è troppo tardi; il primo schizzo mi arriva in faccia, il secondo tra le mani, il terzo nuovamente in faccia ed il resto cola tra le mie dita e scivola sul suo pube!Ansima in estremo silenzio, ha goduto come non mai.Io rimango immobile con il suo cazzo tra le mani ed il tutto incollato dallo sperma caldo e viscido. Non so cosa fare, dovremmo andare a lavarci ma ho paura di fare troppo rumore.Marco mi allunga un paio di fazzolettini ed allora io come una brava mogliettina lo pulisco per bene, poi pulisco me ma l’ odore dello sperma invade la camera.Marco è soddisfatto è spera vi sia l’occasione per ripetere le cosa in futuro.Tutto sommato soddisfatto lo sono anche io vorrei approfondire la cosa.Ci addormentiamo.L’ indomani Marco si sveglia per primo è va in bagno a lavarsi. Io rimango nel letto mentre katia si sveglia. Le dico buongiorno amore, dormito bene? Fanculo! Avrei dormito volentieri nel mio letto da sola!Esce dal letto e tra me e me mi chiedo per quale motivo dovesse essere sempre cosi acida.Di li a poco esce marco, lei ancora in perizoma ma coperta da un lenzuolo si dirige verso il bagno e guarda marco di soppiatto, indirizzando lo sguardo sul suo membro e sbattendo la porta.Che ci vuoi fare! Cosi è fatta!!!

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Carly’s Private Lesson. Pt 1

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Carly’s Private Lesson. Pt 1It’s been several years now since my ex wife left me for some douche bag low life she knew at work. 19 years of marriage down the drain. It sucked, but I got over it. But I wasn’t a guy in my 20’s going out to clubs looking for cheap pussy. And other than my hand a porn video, my only outlet my was neighbor’s sister who would visit once in a great while. Nope I was a 40 something year old man. Alone, and horny as shit. The one thing that always put a smile on my face was this cute redhead who’s name was Carly. Her and my daughter Jessica were like sisters to each other. She really missed my daughter ever since my ex cunt took her when she left me. But I could tell that Carly had this secret crush on me. I could sense it by her subtle body movements, or by the tone in her voice. The way she would joke, or say the silliest things. But mainly, it was by the way she would laugh at things I said that weren’t even funny. But she’d always come over to say hi, or keep me company. I watched this girl grow up and out over the years. Even when she just started to hit puberty,she became more beautiful with each passing day. She had milky white skin, with freckles on her nose and under her eyes. Her face nor body was covered in them like other gingers would be. Her red mane was long and curly, It seemed like her C-Cup tits grew practically overnight. And usually females that have big tits, don’t have a nice ass. But Carly was a rarity, She had both.I even fantasized fucking her while I was screwing my ex. Not that my ex was no longer sexy or good looking, but men are men. Sometimes we just like to fuck those young girls. Hell, I had even fantasized about fucking my own daughter while fucking my ex. But it wasn’t bad to fantasize about Carly. One day, I was in one of the spare rooms of the house.I was thinking about making it a studio for my photography hobby. There was a knock on the door. Opening the door Carly stood there smiling as always. “Good morning” She said. “Morning” I replied back. “What brings you here this morning?” She was rocking on the balls of her feet as she answered, ” I was bored and thought you might like some company.” So I stepped aside the doorway, letting her enter,closing the bursa escort door behind me. I headed back to the spare room, Carly right behind me. As she looked around the room, she happen to see a strange looking object. “That looks like one of those things you see at a doctors office.” Pointing at the object. “You’re close.” I said. “But that right there is a massage table.” Then she said, “I didn’t know you gave massages!?” I laughed then told her that Jessica’s mom was training to be a massage ther****t, but gave it up many years ago. “Did she give you massages?’ She asked with intense curiousity. “Yep.” I replied. “We gave each other massages, and sometimes Jessica too.” She stared at the table, walking closer to it. Jumping up on it and kicking her legs in and out, she asked me this question. “So how good are you giving massages?’ I must be dreaming. Here I was staring at this beautiful teenage redhead sitting on top of a massage table wanting to know how good I could give one. I can’t fuck this opportunity up. I got to play this real smooth and act cool. “Would you like me to give you a massage?’ I said smiling. Her face lit up after me asking. She lifted her legs on the table then turning over, laid on her stomach. “No, no, no.” I said. “You can’t get a massage like that!” “Like what???” She replied. “With your clothes on.” I said. “You want me to get naked????” She said in a higher pitched voice. “Not completely, just down to your bra and undies.” She paused for a moment thinking what to say or do next. “I don’t know.” She sat up still undecided what she wanted to do. “I’ve done this with Jessica, and she did it with only her underwear on.” I exclaimed. “She did???” now looking at me. “Uh-huh. And she wasn’t scared or a chicken.” Carly’s eyes got narrow,”I’m not scared. and I’m no chicken!” She grabbed her shirt pulling up over her head. She was wearing this sexy white laced bra. Her bra pushed her tits up making an excellent cleavage. She let her shirt drop to the floor as she slid her ass off the table. Then she unbuttoned her shorts, pulling them down past her ass and letting them fall to the floor. She removed her shoes and socks, jumped back up on the table, and laid down on her stomach. I wheeled bursa escort bayan a table tray over by Carly. I lit some scented candles and dimmed the lights. I then turned on the stereo, playing some soft, soothing music. I gave her a rubber band so she could tie her hair up so it wouldn’t be in the way. I asked her if she was comfortable, and she said she was. I started with her neck and shoulders. Rubbing her neck in nice, easy circular motions. Then rubbing her shoulders, gently pressing my fingers in and around her collar bone. I worked my way down to her shoulder blades, using my fingers, and my palms in a circular motion. Her soft moans told me she was enjoying this. I worked lower down her back. Then I pressed my hands on her back pushing upward reaching the nape of her neck. Then back down her back again. Her bra was getting in the way, and I asked her if she wouldn’t mind taking it off. She unclasped it from the front. Then pulling down her shoulder straps,removed her bra tossing it on the floor. As I said, I had dreams and fantasies of fucking her ever since she started wearing a training bra. I jerked off looking at her pictures that I had took with her wearing a sexy bikini, or a sexy shirt. I couldn’t fulfill my fantasy at that time because she was too young. But now at least for me she was the right age. I continued to massage her back going up, then back down. Then I focused on her tailbone and small of her back. The tips of my fingers were touching her underwear as I continued to rub the small of her back. I pressed down on her skin, getting my fingers below her undies. Gradually I rubbed my fingers on the top of her ass. I slid my hand down her underwear. I could feel her ass crack as my fingers moved across her bumpy cheeks. Her ass was as smooth as….. well you know the line. I pushed her undies down more.Now her ass was half in and out of her panties. She lifted her ass up allowing me to pull her panties off completely.I went to the end of the table. I massaged her feet and calves, going up her inner legs and thighs. I spread her legs apart getting my first look at her sweet pussy. I could see her dark red pubes growing around her vulva. Getting on the table, I spread her legs even escort bursa more getting my head between her wide open snatch. She ‘ooooed’ and laugh as my tongue hit her slit. her thighs twitched each time I made contact with her twat. “What are you doing?” She asked, turning her head toward me. “Your first lesson…. Eating you out.” Juices began seeping out as I tongued,and sucked on her twat. I told her to turn over and sit at the edge of the table. I positioned her where I wanted her. Spreading her legs, I dove in putting my mouth on her red carpet twat.my tongued licked her clit with rapid speed, going up and down as fast as I could make it. This was Carly’s first ever experience having her pussy eaten. She was in love having this done to her. If she had her way, I don’t think she’d ever want me to stop. Her moans grew louder, echoing throughout the room. She was on the verge of climaxing. This too was new to her. I pushed her flat on the table. I wrapped my arms around her thighs, squeezing them like a vice. My head was gripped in her squeeze tight legs. I could feel every muscle in her thighs spasm as if there was an earthquake happening inside her. She was almost there. I could feel her get tensed as her ass lifted up off the table. As I licked her pussy, I kept saying,”Just a little bit more.” It was too much for her. She had to let it go. She had to climax. Her body stiffened up one last time as a series of loud moans escaped from her mouth. She panted furiously as her love nectar oozed out of her pink pussy. Her body finally collapsed on the table. She laid there motionless, still breathing heavy. It took her about 10 minutes to finally muster the strength to sit up, and another 5 to get her rubber legs functional. “WOW! That was awesome.” She said getting dressed. “Is that what you did to your ex?” I told her yes. I use to do that with her. What else did the two of you do?’ This was my response,”If you really like to know, come back tomorrow, and I’ll show you more. Okay?’ “Okay.” She said I walked her to the door. Before I could open it, she wrapped her arms around my neck, and gave me a long passionate kiss. “I just want to let you know that I’m a virgin. I never had sex with anyone, but I like you to be my first.” I didn’t say a word as she walked out the door. But I watched as she bounced down the porch stairs onto the walkway, and walking down the street. And during that time saying in my head. “My fantasy is about to come true.

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Like Mom Like Daughter – The Beginning

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Like Mom Like Daughter – The BeginningdeletedME AND MY MOM FOR U R IMAGINARY deletedOne fine Friday I reached home at around 8 pm after the special class, as usual I changed into pyjamas and was in my room when I heard the door knock. I thought no one was home except my mom Radhika, so it must be mom. “Come in mom”, mom came in with her hands held to her back. Being very close to my mom I asked her “what’s it buddy”. Mom brought her hands forward and I saw a pink panty in her hands. She was holding the waist band of the panty and I realized it was the same panty I had put in the bin for a wash a little earlier.Mom: what’s this in your panty dr.She asked holding my panty high. I went closer to examine and I found a white semi liquid thing covering my pussy area of the panty. Immediately my mind drifted back to the quick fucking session I had with my boyfriend in his car. After he discharged his load in my pussy, I just pulled up my panty and came home straight. His load must have dripped into my panty from my pussy.Me: I’m on my period’s mom.Mom: Really?I just nodded.Mom: come on, really? I’m your mom and moreover I’m a 41 years old woman who had been with enough men to know the difference between a man’s semen and a women period fluid.I was shocked hearing mom say “had been with enough man”. I saw the same expression in my mom’s face too.Mom: did I just say that?Me: hmm.Mom: let’s just forget I mentioned that. Now, how is a man’s semen in your panty?I just looked at her, she was not angry. She was relaxed. So I’m not in any trouble. So I decided to spill the beans. I told her everything about my boyfriend Ranuk and the fun we have in his car. She heard the whole story calmly.Mom: so did you take precaution, so that you won’t get pregnant.Me: no mom.Oops! That made her angry and she started to bark at me saying things about my future, pregnancy, social status and blab la blab. Then she stormed out of the room and returned with a glass of water and an ipill. I took the pill.Me: mom I’m so sorry.Mom: I thought you would share these things with me, I thought I was your best friend.Me: mom I’m really sorry. I was afraid of the way you would react if I had told you about Ranuk earlier.Mom: I’m sorry too. A mom must talk to her daughter about sex and other things revolving around it, but I was waiting for you to turn 18. I didn’t know that my daughter had grown up so fast.Me: I’m so sorry mom, if I had hurt your feelings.She just nodded her head with a smile and went away. We had dinner together and it was total silence, which on any other day would be like mom and daughter talking and laughing on different matters. The silence was killing me and I decided to break the silence.Me: mom can I ask you something.Mom: go on.Me: earlier today, when you were in my room. You said something about being with other men. What was all that.Mom: Do you think that I’m cheating on your dad, since he is in the army.Me: no mom, don’t get me wrong. I’m just asking out of curiosity.Mom; well I had a few relations before marriage.Me: (after a bit of hesitation) where they physical too.Mom: some, yaa.Me: how old were you then.Mom: when?Me: when you were first err.. ( after a bit hesitation) deflowered.Mom was silent, I think a number of thoughts ran in her mind. “I don’t remember exactly, may be 19.” There were regular pause in her answer, which gave me the hint that she is lying.Me: mom, you know you are not good at lying, then why the try. Lets be honest here. Remember we are best buddiesAfter a bit of resistance and batting with her mind, she spoke “ I was 16 then”It took me some time to digest the news that my mom was in a physical relationship at the age of 16. No wonder I’m having high sexual feeling at this age. After all I’m, my mom’s daughter.Me: can you tell about them.Mom: no, no way.Me: come on mom, just earlier you said to me that we are best friends and we should never keep secrets from one another.Mom: but I’m your mother. I can’t tell you all about my physical relations.Me: why not mom, I told you about Ranuk and me. And we are more than mom and daughter. We are best friends remember.Mom: (laughing) okay okay, I’ll tell you, but first you must promise me one thing.Me: I shouldn’t say it to anyone else! Is that it.Mom: no, it’s that you should not have sex with your bf in his car.I was disappointed when she said that, but she wasn’t finished with the sentence. At the end she told “you two must get a room , may be your room”.I was happy now, not only my mom allowed me to have sex but also she allowed us to have sex in our own house. Mom was also giggling and laughing along with me. I promised my mom and she told me about her first relationship very briefly.Me: mom not like this, tell it with all the details. Like how I told you about me and Ranuk.Mom: no way. Not like you told me.Me: come on mom, no secret’s between best friends.Mom: (laughingly) okay okay. Here it goes.The thought that I was going to hear about my mom losing her virginity had a tingling sensation in my pussy. I listened as she started her tale.It all started as I hit my puberty at the age of 14. Even though I was a late bloomer, my breast started to grow faster. By the age of 15 I had round C cups of flesh in my breast. Anyone could easily imagine the shape and size of my breast as I didn’t wore any bra then.My father was a poor farmer, working on the fields of a rich land lord. Mom too working in the fields. Both their earnings were low, so they couldn’t afford me any bras. I too didn’t care and left my breast jiggle around me. I would mostly roam in my brother’s shirt, who was a year older than me. I would only wear blouse when I go to the school, that too braless. Being a village, no boys or girls knew much about sex and the attraction towards the opposite genders private parts. Only when they reached the age of marriage, their parents would share them the secret.All four of us lived in a hut, which only had one small room, the roof was made of palm leaf and frequent change of palm leaf was required. So once in a full moon night, I woke up to some strange noise. A small hole in the roof fairly bursa escort lit the room with moon light. I turned towards the source and found that my mom was topless and above him was my dad.He seemed to suck my mom’s breast, to which she was crying. I was a bit afraid to see my mom in such a situation but my mom asked my dad to suck her other breast too. It was then I knew that she was not crying but she was enjoying it. And under the blanket they shared I could she my dad’s hips raising and falling. All this made no sense to me and the next day all those things ran inside my head. I decided to ask my brother about it and when asked he said that, he too have seen our parents doing such things at night and had no clue about it.My bro: dad was biting mom’s breast and she was crying like it pained but she was asking dad to do it more. I wonder why she would say like that.Me: May be she likes it.We discussed about it for a few minutes until my brother came up with the idea of trying it ourselves.So we were all alone in our hut, with the sun about to set and plenty of time in hand till our parents returned home. I opened the buttons of my shirt and my growing breast was in full view of my brother. He groped both my breast and started to bite and suck on my nipple. It was hurting but also some unknown feeling of pleasure could also be felt. I noticed that my nipples have grown a bit and is hard.My brother asked me how I felt and I said to him that it hurts while he bites me but feels great when he sucks. So he stopped biting and starts sucking. A pleasure I have never experienced before started to rock my body, my hands were restless and moving all over my brothers body. I felt a tingling sensation in my lower stomach and it was unbearable pleasure. A few moments later I had my first orgasm without my knowledge.After my brother stopped sucking me, he removed his shirt and asked me to suck his nipples. I did so and I felt great to suck on his tiny nipples. He too seemed to enjoy it. From that day on we used to suck each other’s nipples whenever we were alone. We didn’t do anything else as we didn’t know what else to do. It all changed in the summer vacation.During the summer vacation my brother went to work in the fields and I was sent to the land lord’s house to work.I used to do some cleaning, dry the spices and other small jobs. So one day I was changing the sheets in all the bedrooms. I entered the bedroom of Cheran, who was the only son of the land lord and the next land lord in the making. He was about 20 years old at that time. When I lifted a corner of his bed to tuck the edge of the sheet in, I found a folded piece of paper under the bed. I took it to examine and when I opened the folds of the page two naked women’s photo came in to view. Both were white like milk and one was exposing her huge breast to the other, whose face was buried in the first women’s breast and her ass pushed up.I was so lost in enjoying the assets of both the women in the picture until I heard “what are you looking at?” It was Cheran and before I could say anything, he knew I was holding his secret paper. I could feel the embarrassment in his face. I folded the paper and gave it to him, he said he was sorry and not to tell this to anyone. I agreed and moved out. I couldn’t get the image of the two naked women out of my mind, so in the afternoon I again went into his room to take a peek at the photo when he went for lunch. The photo was not there, Cheran must have kept it some were else.I was searching his room when he came in. He asked me what I’m doing in the room; I stood silent searching for a reason to say. When he asked again I blurted out the truth. He seemed happy and confused at the same time when I asked for the photo. He walked to a trunk box kept at the side of the room and opened it using the key. After clearing some books from the top, he took out a magazine. The cover of the magazine had a woman in her bra and panty. He opened the centre page and there was the photo I had seen before.I was admiring the photo again when he asked me if I like to keep it. I nodded my head in excitement.Then i asked him what if he needed it back. He said he has lot more of such photos and he took some other similar magazines from the trunk. He said that the centre page of the magazines had such beautiful naked women’s photos. I was happy that he had given me the photo and was about to leave the room, when he said that I can keep the photo only if I allow him to feel my breast. I didn’t think much as I need the photo desperately to show to my brother and it’s not a big deal to me as my brother often feels my breast.He moved to my back, and he cupped my breast from behind. He was slowly squeezing and fondling my breast. He was gentler than my brother and it also made me feel good. My nipples started to poke against my shirt and he started to pinch them. We both were enjoying the moment but had to stop as we heard some footsteps.Cheran advised me not to get caught with the photo. When I reached home I showed it to my brother and he was happy seeing it. He asked me all sorts of questions and I told him everything that happened except the breast fondling part.The next day I went to Cheran’s room for cleaning, we talked a bit about each other and then he asked me if I need another photo. I said yes. He took out another magazine from the trunk and the cover photo had a girl kneeling down in the sand wearing a sky blue bra and panty. Her left hand was on the panty strap pulling it down a bit and her right hand was on one of her breast. The bra and panty was not helping her in anyways to hide her asset. He turned to the centre page and there was a nude women lying on a couch with her legs spread and showing her clean shaved pussy, her pussy lips was spread using two fingers of her right hand. It was as if, she was showing the world her open pussy.Cheran told me to come to the store room, which was on the top floor of the house if I wanted the photo. It was a deserted place used to store old stuffs. No one comes by the store room. I was nervous but Cheran convinced me that I bursa escort bayan can take a better look at the entire book while he played with my breast like yesterday without getting caught. So I went and told one of the maids that I was going to clean the top floor and if anyone asks for me, tell them I’ll be back as soon as I’m finished cleaning.I went to the second floor and the store room was on the third floor, it was like an opening in the roof and we needed a ladder to climb. I climbed the ladder and found Cheran already in there with the books. As soon as I entered he pulled the ladder up and closed the door or as we called closed the roof. The entire room was dark except for some light coming through a small glass in the wall. We moved under the lights and Cheran handed the book to me. I kept the book above an old table, while Cheran moved back and started to fondle my breast.I turned the first page of the book and on the left were two women, only in their panties. Their breasts were touching each other’s and their hands were on each other’s ass. On the right side was the same two women but now they were lying down close to each other, lips locked in a passionate kiss. The women on the left had her right hands finger buried inside the pussy of the other, her panty pulled to the sides.I was all lost in the picture when I felt a chillness on my chest, as I looked down I found that three buttons of my shirt was removed and Cheran was about to remove the rest too. “What are you doing?” I asked him concerned now with my situation. “Don’t worry, I only want to feel your breast without anything between my hands and your breast.Before he finished, my shirt was pulled over my shoulders and down they went. I was standing top naked to a man I know no less than a stranger. I shook and wiggled as his hands gently roamed over my breast. It was a different feeling than my brothers touch.“Your breast feel so soft, I feel like squeezing them hard” he said resting his head over my shoulders. All I could say was “mm”. I bit my ear gently as I inclined my head that direction as a natural response. “how does it feel, when I play with breast” he asked me licking my neck and tasting my sweat. I was not sure how to respond before telling him “good”. “only good huh! I can make you feel great and out of this world” he said pinching my nipples with his fingers.Before I could ask him how, he turned me around and kneeled down and took my left breast into his mouth. His right hand still playing with my other breast. “how do you feel now?” he asked me as he sucked my best. I felt the same tingling sensation I feel every time my brother sucks me. “it feel so good” I told him. “I know, you must have never felt like this before” he added before he went back sucking. “yes” I lied to him as I had felt the pleasure of sucking my nipples from my brother. But unlike my brother, his teeth never hurt my nipples.As he sucked my breast, his hands started to wander around my body. His fingers played with my belly button. His left hand again went for my breast and with his tongue; he started to lick my belly, spending a lot of time in my belly. My breathed heavily as he asked me “do you like it” all I could moan was “mm”He slowly started to lick below my lower belly as I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach. “how does it feel now “ he asked still doing his job. “it feels different” I said. “what different?” he asked. “I don’t know, I don’t know how to explain it” I replied.“Are you enjoying it?” he asked squeezing my breast. “mm” I said. “don’t just hum, say it fully” he retorted. “ yes I’m enjoying it”“Do you want to enjoy more?” he asked pinching my nipples harder.“Ahha, yes”“Yes what?”“Yes , I want to enjoy more” I said closing my eyes embarrassed.Then I felt his hand on my knees and the hands slowly sliding up to things. My mind wanted to protest and resist him, but the bot burning sensation in my nipples as he nibbled it was opposing my minds protest. I felt his hands cup my ass checks. He had direct access to all the holes under the skirt as I was not wearing any panty.“Where is your panty Radhika?” he questioned.“I wear them only to school” I said the truth.“Nice, here after follow it the same way as you do. No panties are allowed when you come here!” he said as his fingers inched my ass hole.I jumped as his finger went a little deeper in my asshole.“You have a nice body for a young girl like you, and I’m sure lucky too enjoy you and your body” he said as he withdrew his hands from under the skirt and pulled it down.“No, don’t pull my skirt down” I protested by pulling my skirt up by the waist band. He was too strong for me and eventually my skirt hit the floor.“Shhh” he sounded. “you should only reply for what I ask you. Is that clear to you” he asked. I nodded as I was surprised by his sudden dominance over me.“Step out from your skirt” he ordered.As I followed his command, I looked down and saw myself fully naked standing in front of a man who was fully clothed. I was embarrassed and covered my pussy area with my hands.“Take off your hands” he said in a rather harsh tone.As I did, his eyes were glued to my pussy; a little cover was provided by my sprouting hairs. His hands moved to my pussy and as his hands brushed against my pussy, a feeling unknown to my body, took me by storm.Suddenly I was gasping for air, my breast enlarged as I breathed in a gush of air. Never before had I experienced such a pleasure and I was not able to control myself. I don’t know what came over me as I put my hands over his hands on my pussy and pushed his hands into my pussy.“Oh dear, you are a horny girl, why the rush. Let’s take it slow” he said and pushed my hands aside.“Please do it more” I pleaded him.His middle finger was slowly rubbing my pussy when he spoke “you really like it huh?”He clearly knew the answer but he needed to hear it from me, so I did “yes”“Yes what?”“Yes, I like what you are doing” I barely muttered out as I suddenly felt I lost my sensation to speak. As he continued rubbing my pussy, various sounds escaped from my mouth like“Ahha, ohho, mmm, ayoo, ammmmaa”Then escort bursa he stopped rubbing my pussy and I felt all the pleasure draining from my body. “please do it again” I pleaded him.“I’ll, but first you have to do as I say” he said with a evil grin on his face.I nodded and said “okay”.Then he lifted me by holding my hips and placed me over the old table. The height of the table was just above his thighs and when I sat on it, with my legs spread, I was positioned just below his belly.“Remove my dhoti” he said.I pulled his dhoti by catching an edge, as his dhoti fell down I saw something making a tent in his underwear. I had no idea then that a males penis can grow bigger when excited.“Pull down my underwear also” he commanded.I looked at him, not sure if I had to do it or not.“Pull it down” again he ordered.I couldn’t disobey now and I pulled his underwear down by holding the waist band and his cock popped up and made a few up and down motion. It was big and something very new to me (actually it was a pretty small cock, when i comparing it with the other cocks I had in my life).He didn’t speak and guided my hands to his cock and showed me how to give him a hand job. I did as he instructed and moved his cock up and down. At first I was really freaked out but later I started to enjoy the meat loaf in my hands.Then his hands were back on my pussy, I was dying for his touch but this time he wasn’t just brushing my pussy lips but he was trying to insert his mid finger into my pussy. A third of his finger went in without any sweat, but then it hurt a bit. I moaned in pain and he stopped. Took his finger from my pussy and put it into his mouth. He was the first man to taste my juice. I didn’t know what he was doing then and it seemed awkward to me.“Wow, you taste better than sugar” he said. I didn’t know what that meant, but I was about to find out as he went on his knees and started to lick my pussy. at the first touch of his tongue, I jumped and shivered. My hands rested on his head and unknowingly I pushed him more into my pussy. it didn’t take long as the first orgasm hit me and my pussy was flowing like river at the same moment I was restless. Not knowing what was happening to my body was worrying but all those mattered less as for the pleasure I experienced.I don’t remember what I moaned or did when the orgasm hit me as I was in a different state of pleasure. I came back to my sense as the orgasm subsided and I looked at Cheran, still on his knees and my juice all over his face.Without saying a word he came up and kissed on my lips. His tongue was fighting with my lips to enter my mouth. When I opened my mouth and as his tongue invaded my mouth, I tasted something funny. I couldn’t explain the taste on his tongues but I really liked the taste. I had no idea then, that I tasted my own pussy juice.After parting from the kiss he asked “how did you enjoy that?”“It was very nice, can you do it again” I asked him, desperately needing to experience the pleasure once again.“Don’t worry, now we can do something much more better than what I did now. It will give you more pleasure than what I did now. Are you ready for it?”I was really excited from hearing that, I can experience more pleasure than I just experienced. I nodded my head in great enthusiasm.He made me lie down on my back and pulled me to the edge of the table by pulling my ass and he stood between my legs. I could see something dripping from his cock as it came closer to my pussy.Some kind of electricity passed over my body as his cock touched my pussy. A small portion of his cock slid in without any pain, but after than it was horrible. I had never experienced such a pain before. To stop me from crying out load Cheran had his hands covering my mouth and he was whispering into my ears that “calm down! Calm down, relax your body. The pain will be gone now. Calm down and relax”The pain did disappear but it felt like an eternity. Cheran began to thrust his cock in slowly. My cheery was broken and his cock explored the depths of my pussy. As he picked up his rhythm of thrusting the cock, so did my waves of pleasure. Cheran was right, the pleasure that I felt couldn’t be matched with any other.My second orgasm of the day hit me as I felt his warm semen deposit in my pussy. As the pleasure slowly faded away, Cheran collapsed over me, his cock still in my pussy.We regained our senses after a few minutes and as he withdrew his limp cock from my pussy, I saw a white liquid dripping from my pussy. confused and with lot of questions in my mind I looked at Cheran.Later on the coming days, I learned a lot about sex, male gentiles and female gentiles from Cheran. He also taught me about ways I can pleasure myself, which we call fingering now and many more. It was his cock that took my cheery, it was his cock that I first sucked, it was his semen that I first swallowed. All this continued for two years till he got married.“It was a secret only known for me and Cheran, and now you also know about it”, my mom told me. all this time I was imagining the story my mom had just told me. I could feel the wetness over my pussy. my mom has really turned me on with her life story.Me: mom you and uncle had sexual relation.Mom: well, we didn’t go any further than touching each other’s chest and sucking nipples. We never talked about it after we knew about sex.I was clearly turned on by mom having a relationship with her brother and I wanted to know more about her sex life.Me: mom, tell me some other secrets like you just did. I’m sure now, there are many.I asked her with a grin in my face.Mom: ma be, maybe not. But I’m not going to say that today. Its almost 12 now. I’m going to get some sleep.As my mom kissed me good night and went away, I took my vibrator that someone special had gifted me. No, it was not my boy friend.As the vibrator pushed me to the edge of an orgasm, I thought all about my mom having sex with a stranger. Within no time I had a huge orgasm.I lay in my bed, thinking of all the way I could use my mom for my own benefit and much more. But first I had to find out many other dark secrets from mom, which I knew I will unearth in the coming days.Hope you all enjoyed the story. The upcoming continuation of this story will contain i****t, bi, lesbian, sex at work and many other surprises and twists. I request you all to support me

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