Archives Ocak 2021

Özgemi Kendi Elimle Siktirdim -1-

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Çevremiz mutaassıp çevre idi. çevrede eşim hep kapalı ve tesettürlü idi. ben ise bekarlığımda hep başkalarının dekolte ve açık hanımlarına kızlarına bakar onları hayal ederek 31 çekerdim. Evlendikten sonra da kapalı eş dolayısıyla açık hanım ve kızlara yutkunuyordum. Evlendikten uzun bir süre sonra eşime de seks sırasında hep onlar gibi olmasını ya da yemişse yediklerini yememişse hayalinde nasıl yediğini anlattırıyor anca öyle zevk alıyordum. Bir ara eşim bana beni minili olarak dışarıda görmek ister misin diye sorunca yutkundum mümkün değildi kendi giymezdi o nedenle rahatlıkla tabi dedim. Ya başkaları bacaklarımı görünce ne yaparsın dedi. Bende sen yeter ki göster çok hoşuma gider dedim. O zaman beni çarşıya götür seksi şeyler al dedi. Giyeceksen hemen dedim. Oda mal senin sen gösterdikten sonra istediğin kadarını açarım dedi. Yutkundum sen yeter ki aç istersen sonuna kadar dedim. O gün caddeden taksiye bindik. Eşimin uzun eteği vardı. Yandan dizine kadar yırtmaçlıydı. Taksiye bindiğimizde kalabalık saatte taksi yavaş giderken eşim bana işaret edip aşağıyı gösterdi.Arka koltukta oturuyorduk. Eşim bir yayılmıştı ki üff eteğini yukarıya kadar sıyırmış nefis bacakları neredeyse külotuna kadar açılmıştı. Eşimi ilk kez dışarıda öyle görüyordum. Araba sıkışık trafik yavaştı. Özge elimi sıkarak bana çaktırmadan dikiz aynasına bakmamı işaret etti. Baktığımda şoförün gözü ordaydı. Elimle özgeye lokum lokum diye işaret ettim. Sikim dimdik olmuştu. Özgeye şoför anlamadan daha da aç diye işaret ettim. O da oturuşunu değiştirir gibi yaparak eteğinin hepten sıyrılmasını sağladı sonra da dizlerini araladı. Yandan baktığımda evde sadece bana karşı giydiği tuzla escort açık mavi tül külotunu giydiğini anlamıştım. Şoförün hali perişandı. Özge elimi eliyle bacak arası üzerine getirdi. Avuçlattı. Ben avuçlarken o kendini geri atarak sessizce inledi. Şoför kalabalık olmasa kesin kaza yapardı. Elim karımın amını tül üstünden yoğururken çarşıya gelince indik. Eşim nasıldım dedi. Bende harikaydı karıcığım hele tül olduğunu anlayınca hepten zevklendim dedim. Oda adamla göz göze gelince biraz utandım elinle kapattırdım oraları dedi. Bende artık utanmanı istemem bana zevk veren zilli bir hatun ol dedim. Artık zevkimizi bulmuştuk her gün bir şoför eşimin külotunu görüyordu. Bir gün özge külotta giymeyince nerdeyse şoför eşimin en sikici yarraklara layık amını görünce dikkati dağılıp kaza yapma ihtimali belirdi. Eşim yine kapalıydı. Eski kıyafetler evde idi. bir gün özge bana o günü akşamüstü metroya çarşıya gitmek için bindiğinde ellendiğinden bahsetti heyecanımızın boyutu değişti. Ben ona ellemek gayet normal bir şey hele akşam iş dönüşü kalabalık saatte belediye otobüsüne bin bak sikmiyorlar mı dedim.Çok heyecanlandı sahi sikerler mi dedi. Bende şansına becerikli bir erkek çıkarsa affetmez dedim. oda peki kocacığım beni öyle kabalık otobüse bindirmeye cesaretin var mı deyince bende benim değil senin cesaretin var mı sonuçta seni sikerler dedim. Oda ahh şimdi öyle becerikli birinin önünde olmak isterdim o zaman sen ne yapardın dedi. Bende ben ne yapacağım yanında olduğum ve seyrettiğim sürece hoşuma gider dedim. Sahi birilerinin beni gerçekten sikmesini ister miydin dedi. bende sende bana am getirirsen hoşuma bile gider dedim. Oda bak sana ne amlar bulacağım tuzla escort bayan hadi hemen götür beni yanında bakalım öyle becerikli erkek çıkacak mı dedi. O akşam Eminönü?nün ana durağı değil de iki durak sonradan ev yönüne değil başka yöne giden bir belediye otobüsüne bindik. Onla tanışmıyormuş gibiydik. Çok aşırı kalabalık otobüsten özge zorla en arkaya kadar gelmişti bende onun açtığı yok sayesinde arkada arkasında değil yanındaydım. Özge sağına soluna baktı arkasına düşüreceği erkek arar gibiydi. Sonunda kıyafetinden lise öğrencisi olduğu belli olan bir gencin önünde kaldı bende tam solunda kaldım. Hiç konuşmuyorduk. Özgenin önündekinin sırtı özgeye dönüktü. Öbür yanlarda çok sıkışıktı. Özge belini bir iki geri falan attı. Gencin tam önüne kalçalarını yapıştırıp dar eteğin kalça boşluklarının erkeğin kalkmış sikinin tam üstüne getirip hafifçe oynamasıyla zaten erkeğin hemen siki kalkmış neredeyse eteği yaracak gibiydi. Erkeğinde yüzü kızarmış ama heyecandan kıvranıyordu. Genç özge gibi kapalı bir kadının bu kadar sürünmesinden çok zevklenmişti. Elini özgenin yandan kalçasına attı eşim tepki vermeyince okşar gibi yaptı yine özge tepki vermeyince okşadı. Özgede daha çok sürününce artık tamamen kendinden emin şekilde karımın kalçalarını avuçlayıp yoğurdu. karımda boş durmadı oda erkeğin arkasını okşayan elini tutarak öne amının üstüne getirip oraya bastırdı. Gençte ama bastırıp avuçlamaya çalışırken eşim beni yandan dürterek bak işareti yaptı zaten gözün oralarda idi hiçbir anı kaçırmıyordum. genç biri karımın amını okşuyor ben heyecan duyuyordum. karıma baş işareti ile devam et mükemmel diye işaret ettim ve bir öpücük gönderdim. Oda hem escort tuzla cesaretlenmiş hem zevklenmişti. Öyle ya kocasına marifetlerini gösterip onu zevklendirecekti. Karım elini geri atarak gencin pantolonunun fermuarını çözerek dimdik olmuş sikini çıkardı. Okşayıp sıktı. Bana işaret etti. Bende yandan eteğini yukarı sıyırmaya başladım. Eteği tamamen yukarı kaldırdım. genç hayretle bana bakıyordu. Ben ona da devam işareti yaparak öbür elimle geçir işareti yaptım. Özge gencin yarağını elinden bırakmadan kalçaları arasına getirtti ben elimi önüne attım amı elime geldiğinde külotsuz olduğunu amının ıslandığını farkettim. Elini sikime atarak bu kez benim sikimi kavradı ben yanındaydım. Arkadaki sikiyle kalçalarını zorlamaya başladı. Özge zevk ve heyecandan kan ter içindeydi. yardımcı olmalıydım ona elimi arkaya attım o benim sikimi okşarken ben çocuğun sikini yakalayıp alttan yukarı karımın amı üstüne getirdim dimdik ve sımsıcak yarrağı karımın ıslanmış amını yarıyordu fakat giremiyordu karıma hadi yol ver işareti yaptım o hafifçe eğilip kalçasını oldukça geri attıyarağın yarısı ellerim arasında alttan yukarı karımın amına girmişti. gençten alttan yukarı yarrağını pompalayınca yarrağın tamamı karımın am derinliklerinde kayboldu. Ben ise karımın eli arasında artık daha fazla dayanamadan patladım öndeki adamın arkası berbat oldu ama genç daha şanslıydı o karımın amının derinliklerinde patlamıştı çünkü.Müthiş zevk almıştık. Artık karımı kendi ellerimle siktirmiştim ve karım bundan müthiş zevk almıştı. Bende müthiş zevk almıştım. O halde daha müthiş zevklerde almalıydık. Bunun yolu tesettürlü karımın yine değişik yarak yemesiydi. Sex hayatımız çok zevklenmişti. karım bana yediği yarak fantezilerini anlatıyor bende ona onu nasıl siktirdiğim fantezilerimi anlatıyordum. Bunlardan bir sonraki fantezim telefon seksini anlatan Özgemi siktirdim 2 adlı hikâyemde. Gönderen: hakan

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Merhaba site dostları,Bende size başımdan geçen bir olayı anlatmak isterim. Ben bir otelin resepsiyonunda çalışıyorum. Bir gün karı,koca otele gelerek bir oda istediler bende Duble yataklı bir oda verdim ancak Erkek 15-20 dakkika sonra gelerek ;;“Sen bizi sevmedin galiba,Sevseydin otelin ön tarafından bir oda verirdin “ dedi. Bende fazla ses olmasın diye o odayı verdim deyince Bana;Sen bize otelin ön tarafına bakan bir oda ver dedi. Ancak yanındaki Eşi(Evlenme cüzdanları vardı) çok güzeldi ve eşini sikmek ankara escort için can atıyordum. Az sonra başka bir oda verdim ve birlikte eşyalarını taşıdık. Bana mesain saat kaçta bitiyor diye sordu bende 23`te deyince Bana işin bitince yukarıya gel bir-iki duble atarız dedi. Ve ben hemen nöbeti teslim ederek yukarıya çıktım. Çıktığımda kadın soyunmuş ince bir gecelik altında hiç ama hiç bir şey yoktu. Benim gözüm hep kadındaydı Bana“Karım çok hoşuna gittimi ?“ diye sorunca cevap veremedim çünkü utandım ancak biraz sonra escort ankara eşi bana karımı sikmek istermisin ? diye sordu;Bende neden olmasın deyince Bana,Tamam anlaştık karımın Belden yukarısı benim aşağısı senin dedi. Bende Hayır olmaz sen dışarıya çık Ben işimi bitirip seni çağırırım dedim Ve kadının kocası dışarıya çıkınca odanın kapısını kilitledim ve o hayalini kurduğum şahane gögüslerine yapıştım o ara kadında beni soyarak sikimi emmeye başladı,daha sonra ter temiz kesmiş olduğu amını 20-25 dakkika yaladım ankara escort bayan ve bana artık yalvararak ne olur artık içime gir diye yalvarıyordu Ben herşeyin zevkini çıkartmak için önce yavaş,yavaş arka deliğine girdim tam Boşalacağımda ağzına alarak tamamını yuttu,daha sonra tekrar harekete geçerek 23 santimölik yarağımı kaldırarak 2-3 defa da önden siktim. daha sonra kocasını çağırdık Kocası karısına nasıl? diye sorduğunda kadın çok memlun kaldığını söyleyince çantasını açtı ve bana o zamanki asgari ücretin 6 katını verdi ve 6 gün aynı işi tekrarladığımda maaşımın tam 36 katını almıştım ancak bende bir hayli yorulmuştum. şimdi 3-4 senedir her yıl tekrarlıyoruz bir defada memleketlerine gittim ancak bana %100 zamlı para verdi.Gönderen: mehmet

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Halamin Kizi Uyurken

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Halamın Kızı UyurkenHalamın kızının adı meltemdi ve cok guzeldi. Onlara gıttıgımde hep ona bakarak cekıyordum. O gün onlarda kalmaya karar verdim ama erkek abisi isi cıktıgı icin ben onlarda kalıyordum. Ben 16 yasındaydım, o ise 18 ben. Ona ben gec uyanırım senin uykun agirmı bursa escort diye sordum. Cünkü sikecektım. Oda evet dedi. Neyse sabah olmustu. Yazın oldugu icin sadece amının üstü örtüktü. Odasına girdim ve meltem kalk sabah oldu dedim. Oda uyku sersemlıgıyle ya git işine dedi. Ben cıktm bursa escort bayan odadan tekrar girdim, goguslerını yaladım. Ben coktan bosalmıstım. Annesi işe gittigi icin ikimizdik evde. Ben ortüyü kaldırdım ve iç çamasırını cıkardım ama bu uyuyordu, amı çok kıllıydı. Kılları escort bursa oksadım sonra yaladım. Bu sırada uyanınca ne oluyor cık odadan dedi. Bende boşa bagirma evde kımse yok dedim. Goguslerını elledım, artık oda ıstıyordu. Amına soktugumda kanadı cünkü daha bakire idi. Kilidi ben actım, hıc korkmuyordum, evlenmeyi bile düşündüm. Ondan sonra birkac kez daha yaptık. Bu evlendi baskasıyla, gerdekten sonra bana geldi. Bende siktim. Kocan birsey dedi mi dedim yok dedi. Hergün halama gıdıp onu sikiyordum…

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

A Somewhat Discovery Ch. 01

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“Ewww, I think your right!” Trenton gagged out as he fanned of the nasty smell of his armpits. “I guess I’ll go for a shower.”

Jana was rolling side to side on the floor next to the bed. Her loud laugh turned into a cute giggle as Trenton grabbed a shirt and a pair of boxers from the drawer next to the bathroom door just a few feet away from where the two were sitting.

“Thank goodness! I thought I’d die!” She said fanning her hand in front of her nose. He looked back to see his small [about 5″2′] slender girlfriend still giggling on the floor. He smiled then entered the restroom shutting the door behind him.

It had been a long day Trenton had went to help out with building his friends’ backyard fence while Jana stayed at their apartment awaiting his return. The working had brought upon the sweat, and also, the stinky ness!

Jana sat up as she heard the sound of the shower. She held her stomach wincing slightly in pain due to all of the laughing and no stop for air. She slowly lay back down and rested her small body. She stretched out on the floor; her left arm went under the bed while doing so. Her arm nudged something, if not, box shaped. Her curiosity overcame her and she rolled ever to find out what the object was. She managed to pull out a small sized, but about a foot long in length, black, rectangular box. Knowing that this was her boyfriend’s apartment, she knew that she shouldn’t have been rummaging through his personal stuff, yet again, her curiosity took over and she gently lifted the top off. There was such an odd sight!

Lying in box was pink tissue paper [the kind used for presents] under a slightly used bottle of K-Y lube and 4 condoms. The paper was obviously covering something. She quietly lifted the condoms, lube, and paper to find a long, thick, purple object that looked like an exact replica of a penis.

Jana’s jaw dropped as she stared into the box at the figure. The first two questions that popped into her head were; “What is this!?” and “Why does he have it?”

Now, Jana was a smart girl, but clueless when it came to sex toys. She was 19, had lost her virginity to Trenton a few months ago and the sex to her was amazing. That was that. She had never seen a porno, nor had she ever masturbated. She was a busy girl since she was 3. Always involved güvenilir bahis in something weather it be school or family. There had been no time for her innocent little head to have dirty thoughts.

Suddenly the sound of the shower shut off and she jumped in shock. She quickly shoved everything under the bed without packing it up like it was before.

Trenton had walked out of the bathroom without suspecting a single thing. She was sitting up still as he gently dropped his old clothes into the laundry basket. She watched the blue-eyed brown-haired man walk happily back to the bathroom and shut off the light. He was quite tall, standing at 5″ 9. His gray t-shirt loosely fitted over his broad shoulders and cute, but slightly pudgy stomach.

“Uhh…Jana? ” He said looking back at her.

“Oh! Uh…yea?” She said looking back at him.

“You okay?”

“Yes, just, kind of tired.”

She coyly stood up as Trenton walked towards her. He then planted a short but sweet kiss on her lips.

She untied a blue ribbon that held back her long black hair and sat on the bed. As Trenton sat down next to her she began to question her boyfriend about her new discovery. “It must be one of those ‘dildos’ my friends talk about a lot.” She thought.

“What are you thinking about?” he said as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her on her cheek.

She looked over into those beautiful blue eyes of his. She was desperate to know about her discovery.

“Close and cover your eyes!” she said squiggling out of Trenton’s arms.


“Just do it!” She giggled as she stood up.

Trenton shut his eyes and covered them. Jana knelt down and reached under the bed. Slowly and quietly, and pulled out the box and its contents. She grabbed the purple object and stood back up holding the end cautiously with her hands.

“Okay, Trenton. Tell me, what in the world is this thing?” she said with a smile on her cute face.

Trenton opened his eyes then removed his hands. His eyes widened, his face went pale, and his cheeks brushed red. His eyes darted at her then the object for a few moments until he let out a deep sigh and his head went down. Jana didn’t know he was mortified at what she had found.

“Sorry Jana, I…uh…it’s…well…a vibrator, my, türkçe bahis vibrator.” He said shyly trying to get the words out.

“Oh! So that’s what it is!” she said smiling at what she had now just learned.

“You…didn’t know that?” he questioned with a confused look.

Jana was the embarrassed one now. “No.”

Trenton smiled and reached out to grab the vibrator from her hands. She sat back down next to him.

“Do you even know how to use one of these?” He said swaying it slowly in front of her face.

“Well,” she giggled. “Actually no. You’re going to make fun of me now aren’t you?” she said blushing.

He put the vibrator down and leaned over to kiss her once more.

“No, but I’d be willing to teach you!” he said as his fingers trailed softly down her arm.

“That would be…nice.” She said quietly “But why do you have this?”

“Well…” He paused. “I can show you the answer to that too.”

Trenton then wrapped his arms around Jana and held her close as he kissed her soft lips slowly and passionately. Jana felt safe in his embrace and she enjoyed every minute of it.

They both lied down with Trenton on top facing her still. He unbuttoned her gray blouse and revealed her lovely 32 — B breasts.

He kissed his way down, stopping to gently suck and lick both of her hard pink nipples. As he made his way below her navel he slipped his fingers into the top of her black miniskirt and pulled down both the skirt and her panties. She lifted her hips as he eased them off revealing her soft hairless pink mound. Taking in the sweet scent of it, he softly rubbed his index finger up and down until he could feel her opening up. His fingers continued to tease her as they got covered with her warm fluids. He then poked his finger in her tight cunt a little. She let out a soft moan of desire.

Licking his fingers he then got up and lifted his shirt over his head. Then he stood up stripping out of his boxers and reaching for a condom.

“What are you going to do?” Jana questioned as Trenton reached for the vibrator.

“I just want to keep this thing clean.” He smiled as he opened the package and slipped the condom on.

Jana became wetter as she sat up and watched him. It wasn’t long until he had rested the tip of the long figure on her bottom güvenilir bahis siteleri lip. Jana somehow took cue and wrapped her lips around the head and slowly began sucking it like she would have with a real one. She bobbed her head as Trenton kept hold of the end. His own 7-inch cock became hard as he watched her. After a few more minutes he removed it.

He then asked her to get down on all fours on the bed, and without a question she obeyed, excited for what would happen next. He then got behind her with the wet vibrator and switched it on low. He rubbed it slowly on her now almost soaking pussy. The teasing drove her over the edge, but she held back. Suddenly she felt the vibrator enter her slowly and she moaned a little louder. Finally she could feel more than half of it inside of her and the vibration a little stronger.

“Do you like that?” he said as he rubbed her lower back with his free hand.

“Yes! That feels so good.” She replied.

He then began to move the vibrator in and out slowly and she moaned louder as he set the vibrator at the highest setting. She was enjoying the wonderful feeling as he began moving it faster.

He stopped for a moment, grabbed her shoulders, and lifted her off her arms so she would be on her knees only. He placed his left arm across her stomach as the other continued to pump the vibrator in and out fast. She breathed faster and she could feel herself tighten up. Suddenly Trenton stopped, grabbed her right hand, and placed it on the vibrator. Jana, being a fast learner, took hold of it and slipped it in and out as fast as she could. She closed her eyes as she began to burst with ecstasy. Her breath heaved in and out of her small body as she slowed down and removed the vibrator out of her now soaking pussy.

She looked at the glistening object for a few seconds before Trenton grabbed it out of her hand. She giggled and softly plopped down on the bed. Rolling on her back, she was shocked to see Trenton sucking slowly on the now turned off vibrator. Their eyes were locked on one another’s’ until Trenton finished sucking all of her juices off of it.

He then smiled as he took one last suck and bent over to kiss her. After, he got off the bed and knelt down on the floor as if he were going to browse through the contents next to the box on the floor.

“What are you doing?” Jana asked as she watched him quickly grab another condom to replace the other used one.

“You wanted to know why I had this right?”

***Look out for chapter 2 soon!***

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

90% True Ch. 10

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Chapter 10 — The proposition

– – –

Author’s note –

Greetings to anyone joining me for the first time. I suggest going back to chapter one to get the full effect of this story. But if you’d like to read from here out to start, here’s what you need to know;

This story is mostly a true life accounting of some of the crazy sex I’d had in my youth. All the names have been changed (which is one part of the 10% of not true material) but the situations I presented are all mostly accurate. I have of course taken poetic license, including the complete absence of condoms… because come on… they’re no fun in a fantasy story in my opinion.

The main characters that you’ll need to know for this story are myself. My wife Ann, who I tell my stories too. Then going back to the mid 90s when I was eighteen, in this story we discuss my girlfriend Jen, a dusky skinned athletic girl with a mix of polish and native American heritage. Nina, Jen and my ‘girlfriend’ who was a cute and curvy blonde girl that Jen went to school with. Finally there’s Heather, another girl from Jen’s school, who thought she was a lesbian until the weekend of the story, a cute and somewhat shy redhead who’s cabin the ‘flashback’ story takes place in.

Confused? Try not to be!

Please feel free to leave any comments or constructive criticism. I love getting feedback and 5 star ratings. But if you’ve a problem and want to just kvetch, take it elsewhere please, constructive criticism is one thing, but please don’t complain that you don’t like an aspect of my story. I can’t go back and change the past after all.


– – –

I actually was able to get a few days rest out of my wife Ann. Thankfully we both became quite involved in work and by bedtime, on the nights we had sex, it was usually a quickie while a porno movie played in the background, then off to sleep. Mind you, I love my wife very much and we have a great and very active sex life. But the way she was forcing me to tell her stories to get turned on did start to get a little tiresome after a while.

But I wasn’t surprised after about a week when she cuddled up to me in bed one night and began kissing my neck. I reached for the remote to turn on the tv and dvd player, but she shook her head. “I want more stories.” she whispered.

I had quite enjoyed the rousing anal sex we’d had last time I told her a story and I decided that maybe I’d try for that again. “Another story about Jen and me?” I asked.

“No,” Ann said as her hands caressed my chest, “You kind of left the story off with you, Jen, Heather, and Nina in the hot tub. I know it didn’t just end there did it?”

I opened my mouth to answer, but then I remembered what happened that night. “Oh boy,” I said, “I can tell you, but I should probably warn you, the stuff that happened that night? I think it’s probably the reason that Jen and I eventually broke up. So it sort of ends on a bad note eventually.”

Ann kissed me and said, “No, because if you hadn’t dumped Jen, your high school sweetheart, you never would have met me. So it’s a good thing that things ended with her isn’t it?”

I chuckled, “Yes, though you’re sort of skipping over more than a decade. But I get your point. So… the hot tub then?”

Ann nodded her head, “Yeah, Jen had just told everyone about the first time you and she had anal sex, when you went camping…”

– – –

Heather and Nina were looking at Jen with their mouths slightly agape. “Wow,” Heather finally said, “So that’s why you like anal so much? Because you had such a good first experience with it?” I knew that Heather had turned to mostly lesbian sex after she’d had a very poor first experience with losing her virginity to her boyfriend at the time. So ‘firsts’ were important to her.

Jen nodded her head, her wet hair looked raven black in the dim light. We sat in a hot tub, outside on a porch of Heather’s cabin. Being February, snow gusted around us in the bubbling water, but beyond that, only darkness. There were woods out beyond the back deck of the cabin, but I couldn’t see them. The tops of the trees showed the night sky, but otherwise it was just too dark. The only light came from the glass patio door near us, the bedroom beyond lit, and the lights that were sunk into the hot tub itself.

Jen dipped a little lower in the hot water and answered, “I mean, I think I’m just built for it. It feels so good, but yeah, the first time definitely had something to do with it, I’m sure.”

Nina shrugged, “I’m not that into it. That time Rich and I did it was my first time, but it really just felt very uncomfortable. I can’t imagine it being any better than regular sex no matter how your first time went.”

I spoke up then, “Yeah, but Nina, don’t forget, you love tasting cum right?” She arched an eyebrow at me as if silently asking where I was going with that. I pointed at Jen, “But Jen isn’t into swallowing.”

Jen splashed hot water at me and yelled, “Hey, I swallow! You can’t say I don’t.”

I güvenilir bahis held out my hands defensively, “No, you do, but you don’t love it like Nina. I had to convince you to swallow the first few times. You said it tastes gross, remember?”

Jen shrugged and smiled, “Well, yeah, I don’t love it like she does I guess. But you said you don’t really like blowjobs anyways, so what’s it matter.”

I shook my head, “It doesn’t, I’m just saying that different things turn different people on.

Heather muttered, loud enough for us all to hear, “I need to find me a well hung boyfriend to experiment with I guess. I really don’t think I’m getting everything I need from just dating girls.”

From there the conversation cut me out again as the three girls began talking about single boys they knew. I tuned out and sunk down into the hot water as far as I could. My head tilted back and the hot water came up around my face, with only the very front of my face floating above the water. I couldn’t even hear the girls anymore as bubbles rushed around my ears. It was idyllic, I felt like I could float there forever.

Eventually however I felt a soft touch caress my testicles, and the touch surprised me. I sat up quickly and all three girls laughed. Which one of them it had been to fondle my balls, I wasn’t sure. But Nina spoke up, “Come on Pete, were all getting out before we turn into prunes.”

I looked at my fingers and they were quite wrinkled, raisin-esque even, and agreed. I let the girls run into the house first. I’ll admit that I simply wanted to look at their naked bodies as they ran the few feet to the glass door. The cold air was shocking against my wet skin that was so used to the hot water. I felt like I’d stuck my finger in an electrical socket or something as the freezing air caressed my skin. I couldn’t imagine running more than a few feet and was glad to slide shut the patio door behind me.

The girls were all drying off with towels and their skin was covered in goose bumps, their nipples all deliciously hard. I couldn’t have managed an erection though after that bracingly cold shock, but maybe with enough time.

We all moved into the living room and Heather pulled the large cushions down off the couch to make a comfortable nest for us on the floor in front of the fireplace. We pulled comfy blankets down too and I found myself wrapped up with Jen as we stroked each other’s skin back to warmth.

Nina and Heather were under a blanket too, but they seemed a little stand offish. They weren’t as obviously comfortable as Jen and I were. Heck they didn’t even look as comfortable as Jen and Heather had earlier.

There was definitely a weird dynamic going on here. Jen and I had been dating for almost two years, having met when we were sixteen. Nina had been one of Jen’s classmates, but they weren’t exactly great friends. At least that was the case till Nina had started dating a mutual friend of ours, an older guy named Rich. Rich was a great guy, and it didn’t hurt that since he was a few years older than us, he always could buy us beer. Rich had gone to college for a semester after high school but then dropped out and done some construction work. It was only recently that he’d joined the Marines. He’d had to ship out recently, but before he did, Jen and I found out a lot about Nina and him. Apparently, Nina really enjoyed sex, and Rich was afraid that she’d cheat on him while he was gone for several months. So he convinced Jen and I, as a couple, to ‘adopt’ Nina as our mutual girlfriend.

I can still remember Rich’s voice telling me, “Keep her warm for me, that way I know she’ll be there when I get back!”

Rich, Nina, Jen, and I had some group sex before he had to leave. I even let him fuck Jen while I video taped the night before he shipped out. So now the three of us were in a weird threesome type relationship.

Heather on the other hand was a new factor. Apparently Heather was a lesbian at the all girls school that the three of them attended. Heather even had a pseudo girlfriend of her own. But I didn’t know much about that. What I did know is that the other weekend Heather, Jen, and Nina had come up to the cabin with Heather’s girlfriend and the four of them had a big lesbian orgy all weekend long. Now I had a sneaking suspicion that Jen and Heather were kind of sweet on each other. But I don’t think that Nina exactly approved of the situation.

To make things more complicated, Heather had asked me to fuck her in a scenario that was very reminiscent of the way she lost her virginity to her first and only boyfriend. Now she was looking at me with lust in her eyes and talking about finding a man.

Oh, and one last wrinkle? The other weekend, I hooked up with a friend from highschool. Keri had apparently been crushing on me hard for over a year, and had invited me over to a party she threw at her house. There she kind of seduced me and I ended up taking her virginity. Now Keri and I had some sort of relationship that was on pause. See, Keri wanted türkçe bahis me to date her, not Jen (and Nina). But I’d been with Jen for a long time and I loved her. I wasn’t willing to just dump Jen. So Keri was waiting to see if I would and if she and I would get serious.

But when I told Jen about Keri, she was pleased. Jen wanted a more open relationship so she could be free to date other people, like Heather for example. So the whole situation was a crazy ball of string just knotted up into a million zany kinks and knots.

But Jen’s hands under the blanket began taking a decidedly naughty turn and she seemed more interested in rubbing my cock to hardness. I was spooning her and she rubbed her butt against my crotch as she stroked me. I let out a small groan and said, “I’m a bit tapped out Jen. Don’t forget in the last few hours I’ve fucked all three of you.”

Jen laughed and flipped the blanket back, showing the other two girls that she’d already stroked my cock to hardness, “Tapped out? Tell him that!” she said laughing as she began stroking my cock faster.

I sighed, I was after all eighteen. A strong breeze caused my dick to stiffen. The girls in the other blanket laughed too. Not at me so much as at Jen’s joke. She had that sort of laugh, that when you heard it, you started laughing along with her before you even realized why she was laughing. I put one hand on her hip as she played with me, “So, I guess I’m going to have to service you again?” My voice was dripping with fake boredom. The truth was that I couldn’t wait to have sex with my girlfriend again, we’d been a bit distant since the New Years party. “Because I don’t know how many more rounds I have in me. After sex in the car with you, Nina upstairs, and then Heather in the bedroom… well… a man has his limits!”

Jen must have rolled her eyes or made a face or something, because the other two girls laughed again. I couldn’t see her as she was facing away from me and I was lightly spooning her. “Ok,” Nina said as she sat up, letting the blanket fall away from her lovely soft body. “I’m warm enough, I think I’ll go put on my jammies. Maybe we can play a game or something though?”

Heather looked almost embarrassed, “Like the other weekend?”

Nina shook her ass as she stood up and went to get her pajamas. Heather pulled the blanket around her body and smiled, her gaze trailing after the curvy blonde. Jen who continued stroking my cock said, loud enough for Nina to hear as she dug through her bag, “No, no game. I think we’ll let Pete decide what he wants to do if he agrees to what we talked about last weekend.”

Now I was intrigued. I asked, “I get to decide what to do? What do you mean by that?”

Heather chuckled, “Pete, you’re in a cabin with three hot chicks and you don’t know what to do?”

Jen and Nina laughed and I felt a little ashamed, “So I get to decide what the four of us do next, like… anything?”

Jen turned and cuddled her body against me, pressing my stiff cock between our bodies, “That depends on if you agree to what I have to say next.”

I was intrigued, what sort of proposition could Jen possibly have?

She waited for Nina to come back. The blonde sat on the couch in her flannell pajamas, and nodded to Jen. My girlfriend looked into my eyes and said, “I’m afraid to tell you, I’m afraid you’ll think I’m a deviant, a pervert.”

“Baby,” I said, “You realize that in the last few weeks you’ve discovered you’re a bisexual, you’ve had group sex with me, with rich, and with… well… I’m not sure how many girls.”

Jen cut in, “Just us here and also heather’s girlfriend, oh, and one other girl from school. But she wasn’t really sex… more like… some really heavy intense petting.”

I rolled my eyes, “Ok, and since I’m ok with all of that, and you’ve been very understanding about my friend from school,” I said referring to Keri Lions (author’s note — just a reminder, that is not the girls real name, names have been changed to protect the guilty) the girl at school I’d had sex with recently. A girl who I suspected thought we were now dating, and was hoping I’d break up with Jen and Nina to date her. “So what could you possibly say that could make me think you’re a pervert?”

Jen pursed her lips for a moment then said, uncharacteristically softly, “I want you to throw me an orgy.”

I looked around, “Uh, lets see… one, two, three, four people… isn’t that what this is?

Jen shook her head. “No, I want you to get your parents beach house for a weekend this summer. Then I want you to find a bunch of guys or couples who would come and have a proper orgy. I want to fuck three guys at once. It started when both you and Rich were fucking me, and it grew stronger the other weekend with the toys when I was playing with three girls at once. But now I want to have a proper, real, no holds barred fucking orgy.”

I was astounded. I didn’t know what to think. My girlfriend had just told me that she wanted three guys fucking her at once. I figured with Rich güvenilir bahis siteleri gone on leave he wouldn’t be back till about end of June, beginning of July. So even if I waited for him to get back, I’d still have to find a third guy I’d be willing to let fuck my girlfriend. “Ok….” I said slowly considering everything, “So if I wait for Rich to get back, then I need another guy?”

Jen shook her head, her chocolate brown hair whipping around in front of me. “No no no, I don’t want to have three guys. I want an orgy. I want like… five or six couples. I want people trading partners, I want guys lining up to fuck me, I want some guy I only just met to fucking cum on my tits and have Nina lick it off…. I want the nasty dirty stuff we’ve seen in some of your porn.”

I had to admit, my dick was so hard that it hurt just thinking about this. “Uh…. so what… you want my permission?”

Jen shrugged, “Well, yes, but I go to an all girls school. I don’t really know any guys. I know a lot of girls, and I think I even know a lot of girls who would go for it. But all the bitchy girls who have boyfriends wouldn’t go for this kind of thing. So I need you to kinda…. recruit a few guys or couples.”

I was just shocked. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I looked at Nina and Heather and they both looked perfectly calm. They’d heard this before. This wasn’t anything new to them. I looked back at Jen and opened my mouth and then closed it a few times. She must have sensed my hesitation because she added, “I can promise you that besides these two, I can bring at least…three other girls.” She looked at Nina who held out four fingers. “Maybe four girls, I’m not sure about one of them. I could probably get more than that if you’re not too picky about looks or weight. But I can’t find guys that I would trust or that I would know are clean, or that won’t be a problem. I go to an all girls school. The only guys I know are through my church youth group, and I can’t imagine that conversation going over too well. Plus those people know me too well. I want guys that don’t really know me and that I won’t have to deal with later.”

I was completely without words. It was a scenario that I wasn’t familiar with. Talking came natural to me, but I had to admit, my mind was already thinking about different guys that would possibly go for that kind of thing. It would have to be all about how I approached them with the idea.

Then Jen said something to sweeten the pot, “I would think that you’d jump at the chance too, because you’d be there, and you’d get to fuck these girls I’d be bringing.” My eyebrow raised as I honestly hadn’t considered it. Then she added something that was the straw that broke the camel’s back, “And if it makes your decision for you, we can ‘test drive’ the girls together.”

“Huh?” I asked, pulling a laugh from Nina.

“Well, if I get a girl that agrees to come to the party, I’ll tell her that we need to make sure she’s serious first. She’ll have to agree to go out with you and I first. If they don’t seem like they’d be willing to party with us this summer, we don’t invite them.”

I boggled, “So you’re saying you’re going to bring new girls out for me to have sex with if I find you guys to bring to this orgy?”

She nodded, “I have no doubt you can find guys who will be willing to go through with it. You have the easy job. I have to find girls that are willing.”

I lay there for a while considering it, but then I realized there was really only one answer. “Ok, you’ve got a deal. I’ll see when I can get my parents beach house for the summer.”

Heather and Jen both cheered, literally cheered, yelling ‘yay’ and everything. Nina on the couch just smirked, “I knew he’d say yes.”

Jen began making out with me and kissing me. “Hey hey hey,” Nina called leaning forwards on the couch. “You said Pete gets to decide what he wants to do next. Maybe he would want to do something that involves all of us.”

Heather laughed and threw a couch cushion at Jen and I, “Yeah Jen, don’t be a cock hog.”

Well, we all lost it after that. I must have laughed for a minute straight at the term ‘cock hog.’ When all four of us finally settled down Nina slid down to the floor to join us in front of the fire with the rest of us and asked, “Seriously Pete, it’s your call. What would you like to do?”

I actually did have an idea in my mind, but I wasn’t sure if the girls would go for it. “Well…” I hesitated and when I noticed that all three were looking at me interested, I thought I might have a chance. “I did have a sort of a ‘game’ in mind if you all think you’d like to play it. It’s part game, part competition.” Heather looked interested, but it was Nina that looked very eager. “Heather do you have a set of dice and an egg timer?”

Heather nodded, “There’s an egg timer in the kitchen and I can steal dice out of one of the board games on the shelf… should I go get them?”

I nodded, “Just one die and the egg timer, and a coin… a quarter or something.”

Jen was sitting up, her back to the fire, she was interested now. I waited, the blanket wrapped about my waist till Heather scampered back, her own blanket slipping from her shoulders as she sat back down and put the three items between us.

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A New Direction

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Part 1 – Emma


Kindly edited by Cambria Rose

Renowned porn star Randy Jones was gasping wildly as the plastic blonde bimbo sucked and caressed him to orgasm. The ever present camera was zooming in closer to catch the money shot. With a final twitch, the thick cum erupts erupted into her mouth and over her face.


“That’s a wrap guys, good job Debbie you were great.” The director shouted, looking at the starlet.

Randy regained his breath and composure. Grabbed an energy drink and gulped the contents down. He watched his co-star walk off to the bathroom to clean up. She looked pretty with her cute bottom, false blonde hair, and fake tits. He thought to himself, These girls are all the same. I need a change of direction, Something different.

At his flat later in the evening, Randy started surfing the net for ideas. Flicking through various streaming tube sites, he came across “public pick-ups.” ‘Interesting. He thought. Maybe I could use a similar ploy. ‘But where to search for the talent. ‘that was the big question.

The next morning he called Bob, his usual director and friend. “Bob, I have an idea for a series of new films. Are you free for a pint so I can run through it with you?”

“I think I can squeeze it in, but not until about 3 o’clock mate.”

“Perfect, I’ll meet you at the Manor Inn.”

Bob walked into the pub to find Randy already there waiting with a pint of lager for him. “Cheers mate. I need this one its been a busy day, what’s on your mind then?”

“Well Bob, how many films have we made now?”

“Oh, I think yesterday’s shoot made ten. Why do you ask?”

“I’ve been thinking Bob although I enjoy my job. I think it’s getting stale.” “All these girls look like they have been cloned lately.”

“Didn’t you like fucking Debbie yesterday?” Bob asked, looking concerned and thinking he was getting the resignation speech from his best stud.

“No, she was fine but no different to Gemma or that other girl we had the other day. See, they are so similar I can’t even remember her name.”

‘He has a point,’ Bob thought. “So what’s your remedy to this dilemma then?”

“Reality porn.”

“Reality porn! Are you serious?”

“Yep I was looking at some on the net last night and it hit me that’s what we need to do.”

“So how are you going to get your talent? Newspaper ads, cards in windows?” Bob asked.

“No, I’m going to pick a woman randomly and talk her into making a film with me by offering her cash.” Randy replied.

“Bloody hell mate, I can see you getting arrested with this madcap scheme.” Bob said with a laugh. “It might work in Prague, but this is prudish England.”

“I’m going to try it at the weekend Bob, if you can let me use James for the camera work.”

“It’s your funeral pal of course you can have James on board, and if you pull it off don’t forget to get the paperwork straight. Remember the release forms and for Christ sake, make sure she’s eighteen.”

“Bob you worry too much Tell James to meet me at 9 am Saturday.”

“Where on earth are you going that time of the day?” Bob asked, but wasn’t expecting the reply.

“A car boot sale.”

Saturday morning James strode over to Randy smiling. “Hey, Bob says were are off to a car boot sale. He’s got to be taking the piss.”

“No James that’s where we are going, come on jump in the car I’ll explain on the way.”

“Ok James keep filming while we are here. Bob will edit it later.” Randy told him.

“Blimey there’s loads of people here.” exclaimed James as he started his camera rolling and panning the scene in front of him.

“That’s what I was hoping for. Right. Let’s start looking around.”

Joining the streams of people aimlessly milling around, Randy scanned the sellers at the first few stalls. James covertly filmed his every move with his hidden camera. Coming to the end of the first line of stalls, James said. “Bloody hell mate, it’s full of old biddies and blokes.You have excelled yourself this time!”

Randy just smiled. “Patience James, I’ll find what I’m looking for, just wait and see.”

Randy smiled to himself. About half way round he spotted his first potential target. A tall brunette whom he guessed to be around twenty-eight years old. With his fine features and build he confidently moved into her stall, James close behind him.

Picking up some Cds on the table in front of her, He started his charming patter. How much did she want for them? The idle chit chat seemed to be going fine and he felt she was warming to him. So he confidently asked her. “How much money do you normally take home from one of these boot sales?”

“That depends, last week I made about fifty quid.”

“Is that ali? It’s not worth the effort, I have a proposition for you, how would you like to make five hundred pounds this afternoon?”

“Five hundred pounds, how?” She replied with a look of concern.

“Well I make films, and you’re stunningly attractive. Just the kind of girl I’m looking for to star in my latest project.”

“What güvenilir bahis sort of film?” The penny dropped. “Oh my god! you can’t be serious,”

“Why not?”

She cut him off, with a slap to the face. She would have kicked him too but couldn’t because of the paste table full of her stuff.

Randy jumped back quickly and laughed. “I’ll take that as a no then.” He drop a business card onto her table.”If you change your mind give me a call.” He walked away.

It was then he realised James was still filming, although he was laughing so much the camera footage must be very shaky.

“Thanks mate, that was the funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile. Wait till Bob sees this.”

Undeterred, Randy and James kept moving around the boot sale. “Let’s get a drink from that burger van over there.” James suggested.

“Good idea, an ice cold Coke would go down nicely.”

Emma Hawker looked over the counter as James arrived to buy the Cokes. “Yes Sir what can I get for you?”

“Two ice cold Cokes please, Love.” He noticed her red hair and slim build.

“One pound sixty please, Sir.”

He handed her a two pound coin. “There you are Love, keep the change.”

Handing the Coke to Randy, They sat down at the tables beside the van. “Mate you need to check out the bird serving.”

“You only want to see me get slapped again!” Randy replied.

“I’m serious she’s a cracker, aged about 20 I reckon.”

Randy stood up “Hungry? I’ll order a couple of burgers. Nothing ventured and all that.”

Randy reached the counter and saw what James was on about. He was right, she was a pretty thing. Placing his order for two burgers, Randy started chatting to her. Emma casually answering the idle chit chat thinking he seemed to be a nice bloke.

“How long have you been flipping burgers then?” He asked.

“I have been doing this about a year now, just weekends. It helps pay for things while I’m studying.”

“what are you studying?”

“I’m a student nurse.” Emma replied.

Trying a different approach than the ploy he tried earlier he said, “As a student I bet finding money for things is difficult. If you want to make some easy money give me a call later.” He handed over his card.

“Ok thanks, enjoy your burgers.” Emma said with her usual smile.

Randy was talking to James about the next move when his phone lit up.”I bet that’s the bird that slapped you.” James laughed.

“Hello, Randy Jones agency, how can I help you?” Randy answered his phone in a business kind of way.

“Oh hi my name’s Emma. You gave me your card earlier, can you give me some information on the modelling your agency does?”

Randy ran though a few of the things his agency did.”I tell you what Emma, why don’t you come down to the studio do a screen test.” “And I can show you some of the work we do. I can fit you in anytime today or Sunday.”

“A screen test? What’s one of those?”

“Oh just a few shots to see what you look like on film, nothing drastic. I promise.”

“That sounds ok, where is the studio?”

“12a Higher Street just off the main shopping centre.”

“Would five o’clock be ok or is that too late?”

“No five’s great, no problem.”

“I’ll see you then.”

“Ok, bye Emma.”

“We are in business James. Get your equipment and lights all set up.” Randy said.

“Was that the burger van girl?” James asked.

“That’s the one.”

He worked quickly getting all the cameras and lighting rigged up all across the studio. “Randy I’ve set things up for a wall shoot and the bed setting.”

“Ok, we will use the wall first and see how it goes. I don’t want to frighten the girl off.”

There was a rap on the door a short while later. James quickly opened it. “Hi, you must be Emma. My name is James and I’m the photographer for your screen test come on in.”

Randy sat behind the desk. “Hi Emma I have some paperwork here that you need to sign and also can you confirm your age for me please.”

“I’m Twenty.” she said as she looked at the paperwork Randy had handed to her. Picking up the pen and signing the documents without really looking at them closely, she handed them back to him.

“Ok Emma here’s some of the stuff we do. As you can see, it’s all glamour work. You can make one hundred to two hundred pounds doing this kind of soft shoot.” She flicked through the brochure full of swimwear and lingerie clad models. “But the real money is made with the stronger adult stuff. You can make anything from five hundred pound to a thousand, depending on what you are prepared to do.”

He turned his computer monitor around. “Do you want to see an example of some one thousand pound work?”

“Err no, I think the soft beachwear stuff is enough for me.”

“Ok that’s not a problem, are you ready for a photo test?”

“Yea I think so, but I didn’t know what to wear.”

“Don’t worry you are fine in what you have on. We do have a changing room and some swimwear for you to use later. But let’s just see how the camera likes you first.”

James türkçe bahis made Emma stand near the wall and turned on the lights, gently directing her in to simple poses.

“Well you look really pretty, but how tall are you?” Randy asked.

“Five foot three without my heels on.” replied Emma.

James asked her to turn around and bend down taking shots of her denim clad backside as she bent over. “Look back at me Emma.” James directed her. “That’s great ok straighten up and turn around.”

“I have the basic shots, would you be comfortable in continuing the shoot with a little less clothes on?”


“Just so we can see what kind of body you have for the swimwear.”

“Right, start off by kicking off those heels and unbuttoning your blouse a little.” Again she did as she was instructed. “That’s nice, now undo one more button.” James carried on clicking away with his camera.

Randy looked over from his desk adding. “If you are happy Emma, do you want to try on the swimwear?”

She thought about it and replied. “Yea ok I’ll try it.”

Randy got up and led her to a room along the corridor from the wall she was posing by. “There you go, have a rummage through that lot, find one you like and come out when you are ready.” Randy exited the room and closed the door behind him.

While she was changing, James had switched on the video cameras and had put a fresh memory stick into his camera. As Emma entered the room Randy took in her swimwear clad body. Looking her up and down, he admired her modest natural breasts, Which he guessed were about 34c. Her flat stomach and nice shapely legs added to her appeal. Again James expertly directed her into innocent poses. After taking about twenty shots he called a break.

“Emma it’s quite hot in front of all these lights, would you care for a cold drink and a break. I have some water or Coke in the fridge.”

“Water’s fine, thanks James.”

While she drank her drink and James replaced the batteries in his camera, Randy decided to up the ante. “Emma, I have printed off some of the pictures we have taken, care to take a look?” he said as he handed her some glossy snaps.

“As you can see, you look really good in front of the camera.” “But for the fashion industry you’re, shall we say, vertically challenged.” pausing he added. “They require taller models so it would be difficult to get you work in that field.”

“Oh.” Emma said disappointed.

Randy then remarked. “But if you would consider the adult side of things I guarantee you plenty of work and cash.”

“What does adult work entail?”

“Well nude pictures and if you really want to make some cash, video work.”

Randy could see the cogs turning in Emma’s head, As she weighed up the suggestion. “I tell you what, why don’t you have a go. We will guide you through it and if you aren’t happy, Just call a halt and we will stop filming.”

James chipped in with. “We don’t usually pay anything for a screen test, but if you give it a go we will pay you cash on the spot.”

Emma thought about it. “How much cash?”

“Depends on how far you are prepared to go. A full scene with another model and you are looking at a grand.”

James again piped up. “What have you got to lose Emma, will love it.”

“Who will be the other model?”

“That’s me.” replied Randy.

“Oh.” She stood there transfixed at his words.

“Look, we won’t make you do anything you are not happy with, just go with the flow.” Randy coaxed.

She took a deep breath and murmured. “Ok, I’ll try it.”

“Great you won’t regret it, I promise. We will take it slow, follow me Emma.” Leading her back to the changing room she was in earlier, Randy opened a chest of drawers full of lingerie. “Take your pick from that little selection and come into the studio, opposite this room when you are ready.”

Closing the door behind him Randy went into the studio, a nicely set bedroom scene, to prepare for the next stage of the photo shoot.

Randy grinned as he noticed her enter the room. “Ok Emma, just as before listen to James’s instructions, take your time and enjoy yourself.”

James told her to sit on the edge of the bed. He panned the video camera over her pretty face and down her body, lingering around her boobs and crotch area. Moving away he then started giving the instructions. Again nothing too untoward, as he had her reclining back and then sitting up. He complimented her all the time.

Emma started to relax and pose more naturally. James decided it was time to get her to caress herself over her bra. Seeing her comply he added. “Slowly undo the bra and slip it off”

Emma hesitated.

Randy thought she was going to bail. But she did as James had requested and her pert tits were now there in all their glory. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Emma said in a croaky, nervous voice.

“I am going to join you on the bed, now don’t be alarmed just go with it. You’ll be fine I promise.” Randy said as he sat down next to her.

He put his hand on her güvenilir bahis siteleri shoulder. He felt her tense up as she gasped at his contact. Randy held her for a while then started slowly caressing her shoulder. Feeling and hearing no resistance, he lowered his head and softly kissed her neck. Emma held her breath as the caressing hand left her shoulder. It gently brushed her nipples sending sparks flying in her head. Randy quickly moved his head down and clamped his mouth over her right breast, flicking the nipple with his expert tongue.

Her eyes closed and she let out a soft moan as the expert flicked and licked the now excited nipple. Randy lowered his hand down and started caressing her leg causing her to tense up again. He moved off her breast, looked straight in her eyes, and gave her a full kiss on the lips. Surprising her, gently he pushed her back onto the bed. He started playing with her nipples again all the while caressing her legs with his free hand.

Randy moved his caressing hand over the front of her panties. Gently cupping her mound and feeling a damp patch forming, he knew he had her where he wanted her.

Slowly he slipped his finger under the gusset of the panties and felt the soft ginger hair. Still feeling no resistance to the intruding finger, he gently pushed it further under the lace until he felt her wet slit.

Reaching down he deftly ripped the panties off. Tossing them onto the floor as Emma gasped again. She realised she was now totally naked but again raised no protest. Randy resumed his caressing of her slit locating Emma’s tiny clit. He flicked it lightly with his finger sending more sparks into her overloading pleasure senses. He moved down her body and spread her slim legs wide. He gazed longingly at her lightly ginger haired pussy and lowered his mouth onto her clit.

Emma jumped at the new sensations, let out a strangled cry and started bucking as her first orgasm hit her. Randy lapped her juices and inserted a finger into her pussy.

‘Bloody hell she’s tight, I’m going to enjoy fucking this.’ He thought. Letting her get her breath back he moved away and got rid of his clothes.

Emma felt his weight lift from the bed. Bringing her head up she came face to face with Randy’s big twelve inch cock. “Oh my god.” she exclaimed. Her previous boyfriend had six inches and she thought that was big!

“Its ok. Emma just gently stroke it.” As if in a trance she did just that feeling its power. “Just give it a small kiss.” Again she complied. After a while, she opened her mouth and Randy pushed slowly in.

About half way she started gagging Randy pulled back let her get some air, then pushed forward again. As she gagged again he didn’t try to force the issue, the deep throat technique could be taught another day.

Randy pulled away from Emma. And then he pushed her back down onto the bed. Taking hold of her ankles he pulled her to the edge of the bed. He spread her legs and in one movement jumped in between them. Grabbing his large cock still coated in her saliva, Randy slowly pressed the tip onto her clit and rubbed up and down her tight slit.

Emma moaned and shivered as the cock caress continued. James moved the camera down behind Randy so he had a perfect view for when the first penetration occurred.

James didn’t have to wait long. Again looking Emma straight in the eye Randy slipped the head into her tight hole. Emma squealed as Randy kept the slow pressure on. His big cock gently went deeper and deeper. He reached the five inch mark and started bucking in and out at that depth. As he felt Emma responding, he slipped another inch. Hitting untouched territory Randy marvelled at the sensation around his cock as her pussy clamped tight around him.

He had been slowly fucking her for about ten minutes, when Randy grabbed her legs and pushed them up onto his shoulders. He pulled right back and plunged in to the hilt. Emma’s eyes flew open. A scream emitted from her mouth. He held there deep in her, the tip of his cock snug against her cervix. His large balls rested tight against her arse. As she calmed down Randy started moving. In and out, making the strokes longer and longer, Until he was pulling all the way out and all the way back in.

Emma was bucking underneath him she never knew sex could be so good. Or last so long. Randy ploughed on and on. Soon she started to cum as massive orgasm hit her in waves. As she calmed down, Randy slowed the thrusts down.

“I told you, you wouldn’t regret it.” He said and without pulling out. He rolled over onto his back “Come on ride that big cock” Emma now on top of him, she started to move on his cock.

“Oh christ that’s so big.” she cried. After ten minutes of riding his cock and two orgasms later Emma slowed down.

Sensing her tiredness Randy rolled over again so he was on top and started drilling her again really fast. He felt his big balls churning, he was getting close. His long strokes were getting ragged and Emma too knew he was close. He pitched into her hard shaking and let out a loud moan.

“Fuck yea take it all.” He unloaded into her, giving Emma her first ever creampie. She felt it flood into her deep like a dam burst. His cock twitched inside her as more cum spewed out, then when the twitching stopped he pulled out with a plop.

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Bent Backwards Ch. 04

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Ch 4 The Great Unknown

“You should invite him to go to the cabin.” Says Liza, still on the quest to find out how Oliver feels about Jess. “She called me crying yesterday.”

A sick feeling of guilt washes over me.

“Okay.” I say, despite Common Sense hissing, if you really felt bad, that’s the last thing you’d do.


Later, we meet up with Jess and Oliver for a milkshake, he’s sitting across the booth from me, with Jess curled up against him. She’s looking up at him in wonder, hanging on every word that he says. She has her hand on his chest, possessively, trying to keep him all to herself.

Hands off, I think unkindly.

Jesus! Exclaims Common Sense, He might not be all hers, but he sure as hell isn’t yours either.

This unpleasant thought is interrupted by the dim realization that something has changed. He’s attention has wondered. Liza is talking, but I can see he isn’t following. I don’t have to look at him, to know his eyes are on me. I can feel them tracking up my body. His expression has changed, his eyes low and a little glazed over. His breathing has slowed. He grazes his lips with his teeth slowly.

Uh, oh.

This doesn’t bode well.

Liza is asking him about fishing, but he’s a million miles away. I consider giving him a little kick under the table to bring him back to Earth, but experience has shown me, our touch is explosive and the reaction is no longer neutralized by who we’re around.

“Do you, Oliver?” Liza asks again, “Do you like fishing?”

He swallows quickly, only skipping one or two beats.

“I love it!” He says emphatically. I try not to show my surprise. He doesn’t seem like the type who can sit still long enough for fishing.

Liza looks up at me, nudging me with her eyes.

“What do you say?” I ask, right on cue, “Fishing next week-end?”

“Sure.” He says, trying to keep his voice even, but I can see the flash of excitement. It’s so obvious, I wonder how the hell Liza and Jess miss it.


A crazy, wild feeling of exhilaration takes hold, as we hit the highway. The road opens ahead of us, trees flying past. He’s wearing sunglasses, looking ahead. Maybe it’s the fact that his eyes are obstructed, but for some reason, I can’t take my eyes off his lips. Or his jaw. Or those cheekbones. His legs are parted, blue denim stretched tightly over his knees. He’s sitting so close. I could reach over right now, put my hand on his leg. Run my hand up his thigh…

Eyes on the road, says Common Sense.


By the time we get to the cabin, I’m rampant. Wild. It’s been so long since I’ve had him. Days. Maybe a week. My body is screaming for release. Release only he can give me. I can see he feels the same, as we both spill out of the car and head for the trees. I tear my clothes off, not looking back, I know he’s right there, behind me. I turn to him when I’m naked, twigs digging into the soles of my feet, Balsam pinene filling my nostrils. I reach for him and pull him toward me, burying my face in his neck briefly. He smells like an orgasm waiting to happen.

I can’t think. I can hardly see, as I turn him around, spreading him roughly and in seconds, I’m deep inside him. Relief washes over me, but it’s not enough. I can’t get enough. His moans are unbridled. Guttural and raw. That husky voice making the sexiest sounds I’ve ever heard. I fuck him and fuck him, but as soon as I come, before I even pull out, I want him again.

He looks around quickly, looking afraid, “Did anyone hear?”

“Nah,” I smile, “and besides, even if they did, no way anyone would think that racket was human.”

Well, admits Common Sense begrudgingly, that much is true.


The evening passes in a blur. A blur of his flesh. His arms and his legs. His hands and his mouth. His chest. The sweet cheeks of his ass and all the things that live between his legs. I feel drunk, and not just from the beer or the whiskey. I’m exhausted, drained, but I’m also filled with a new, unfamiliar panic.

I can’t get enough.

What if I can never get enough? What happens then?

He’s a little drunk too. He’s had quite a bit to drink and we haven’t eaten much. His eyes drooping ever so slightly as he bobs his head to the beat in the background, unreservedly. He’s smiling a lot too, even more than usual. That sweet, sideways grin, causing his left cheek to pleat. He looks happy. And chatty. He tells me about his family, about leaving Ireland after his father died. He tells me he was a swimmer at school. The captain of the team, until he discovered girls and then couldn’t stand spending his time with his head under water. He tells me about the first time he had sex. The first time he made a girl come.

I hang on every word.

Drunk Oliver is adorable, there’s no getting around it. He’s even more laid back then usual. His Irish accent a little stronger. He’s güvenilir bahis funny too. I can see why he’s so popular. Why he’s always the life of the party, despite the fact that he doesn’t demand attention or even seem to seek it out.

No wonder everyone loves him.

He’s irresistible.

It’s getting late, we should probably sleep. Especially, if I have any hope of surviving a whole, uninterrupted day of being with him tomorrow.

“Sleep.” I say at last, though I’m a little reluctant to break the spell.

“Sleep?” He says softly.

He reaches for my hand, turning it over, spreading my fingers, exposing my palm and tracing my lifeline with his nail. Despite how tired I am, I feel myself stir. He edges his fingers under the cuff of my sleeve. I wonder if he can feel my pulse quicken. He slowly undoes the button on my cuff, opening it gently, snaking his hand up my arm, the heat of his body running through my veins like venom, paralysing me.

I look at his face, I can’t look away. He looks so serene, as he seduces me.

All the lights are off, except for the soft light omitted by a single table light. He’s naked and I swear, in this light, he seems to glow. I lie back. My body’s exhausted, but I have enough left to give, if he’s willing to take it.

He’s never ridden before. He’s never seemed to want it. I get it, it seems a little too personal, too close. Honestly, if I wasn’t drunk and so weary, I’d probably be bending him over, but what he’s doing feels good and I find myself completely unable to move.

He straddles me and I can’t describe what he looks like, as he carefully reaches back, lining me up, guiding me in. After all this time, I still can’t believe that we do this. That he lets me. That I put part of myself inside him.

He’s sinking down now, taking me in, impaling himself. He winces slightly.

“Does it hurt?” I ask softly.

He nods, eyes hooded, mouth open slightly. “Just a little, and only at first.”

I must be a little drunk too, as my filter seems be slipping. “How does it feel?”

He grits his teeth as he sinks down on me. Pursing his lips and closing his eyes, moaning a little, before saying, “It’s heaven.”

His body starts rocking.

“Heaven and hell, at the same time. Everything good, and everything bad, all crashing in.”

He’s shaking and moaning. I’m moaning too.

“It’s so big.” He whispers, his voice sounding strained, “I feel so full. I feel full in every part of my body. Every. Single. Part.”

I can’t take this feeling. Seeing him like this. Hearing him like this, is almost too much. My hips start thrusting up. Harder and harder. He’s wincing a little, making that sound that I love. The sound when I’m deep. He’s stroking his dick, head back, mouth open, hooded blue eyes fixed on me.

“In the end,” he groans, “everything is confused, I can’t tell where I end or you start.”

He gasps and arcs, “I can’t tell the difference between pleasure and pain.”

He throws his head back and howls as he cums. He’s shaking all over.

I’m shaking, too.

Baby, I think, as he collapses onto my chest, what the hell are you doing to me?


I wake up the next day, looking straight into blue. I blink a few times, slowly orienting myself. I slept like the dead. Straight through the night for the first time in months. He looks away quickly, seeming embarrassed. I grab the pillow and shove it at him, laughing and giggling as he struggles beneath it. The sight of him squirming does it for me, and I’ve barely opened my eyes, when I find myself reaching for him.

I run my fingers down his spine, not stopping when I reach his crack. I stroke his hole gently, raising my finger to my mouth before pressing it in gently. He stiffens and bows away from me, his face twisting.

“Aah, shit.” He cries.

Oh, shit.

“Are you okay?”

His face tells me he’s not.

“Oh, fuck,” I say, as a sinking feeling settles in my belly, “did I wreck your ass?”

“I’ll be okay.”

“Come ‘ere, let me see.” I say, pulling him to me. He squawks and struggles, pulling the sheet up, trying to get away. I can’t help a soft chuckle escaping from me, as I leap onto his back, pinning him down, digging my hands into his sides, tickling him, as he laughs, high pitched, hysterically. While he’s distracted, I part his cheeks and take a peek at his ass. It’s pink and a little puffy, but there’s no sign of anything worse.

“It looks okay,” I say, when he calms down. “You probably just need a break.”

His face is still buried in the pillow, but I hear him mumble, “Sorry.”

Sorry? Why are you sorry? This is on me.

“Don’t be sorry,” I say, evil intentions taking hold, “What do you think we have hands and mouths for, hmm?”

I see that slow flash his eye.

I do my best to make it up to him, taking my time, making sure he feels good. We are at it for hours, türkçe bahis taking turns. One at a time. Both of us crazed. It’s hard to say, which one of us has it worse.

When we finally can’t take anymore, my legs are wobbly and I have a dull ache in my balls. My abs and glutes feel stiff, as if I’ve overdone it at the gym. We are both starving, so I cook and we eat, before hitting the sofa’s and falling asleep.

I wake before him and get the fishing gear ready. I wake him with a nudge to his side. He’s groggy and confused, looking around and then grumbling like crazy at the suggestion of fishing.

“I can’t,” he moans, “it’s too cold.” It’s colder out here, in the mountains, and the seasons are changing. He hasn’t packed for the weather.

“Take my jacket.” I say, tossing my green army jacket to him, watching as he shrugs it on.

Damn, boy, you make that look good.

We head to the lake and get stuck in, I give him the run down and tie a fly on his line for him. I show him how to cast, demonstrating a few times, before standing behind him, guiding his hand, showing him how to flick his wrist, unable to resist a quick sniff of his hair.

Citrus and honey.

We fish for a while and I catch a nice trout. Oh, man. I love it out here. The lake and the trees. The mountains and the wide-open space.

What could be better than this?

He catches the smallest bass you’ve ever seen, and I can’t help laughing at how much it thrills him. He takes a selfie to send to the girls.

My God, the girls! Being out here, I damned nearly forgot they existed.

Watch yourself, says Common Sense sternly, you’re playing with fire.

“Hey Ethan,” he says, his voice thoughtful and clear, giving no indication of the gravity of what he’s about to say.

“You know what’s just occurred to me?” He continues without so much as a pause, “There are going to be two assholes in that cabin tonight and only one of them is wrecked.”

My mouth drops open in shock.


Well, says Common Sense, looking appalled, that has to be the dumbest idea I’ve heard yet. And at this point, that’s saying something.

I mean to shake my head, to say no, but there’s an awful glint in his eye. He seems to be nodding at me. His eyes stony. Set.

Life is for living, whispers The Dreamer, what’s the worst that can happen?

Is that a joke? Asks Common Sense, losing its cool now.

I’m in, says My Dick.

“It’s getting dark,” I murmur, “we better head back.”


I take my time packing away my gear. I’m feeling unnerved and not just because of the way he’s watching me. My belly is contracted in a nauseating cocktail of fear and excitement.

What the hell am I getting myself into?

Finally, he snaps, grabbing my arm and dragging me unceremoniously to the bathroom and giving me a grisly rundown of my to-do list.

He seems to be enjoying himself greatly, whereas I feel like I’m dying of discomfort and shame. Nerves fluttering uncomfortably in my chest.

“I don’t think I can do this.” I say, hiding my face in my hand.

“Well,” he says matter-of-factly, “you can either do this yourself, or I’ll do it for you.”

I gulp, and shove him out of the bathroom.


I can’t remember ever feeling this nervous, as I cross the room, heading to him. He’s naked, and stands to greet me. He’s making no effort to hide his arousal. His jaw is slack and his eyes are piercing. Following me. Tracking me. A predator, hunting its prey.

He doesn’t let me suffer for long, he rips the towel from my waist, leaving me stark naked, which unexpectedly, seems to help. The waiting was torture. The anticipation pure torment. Now that I’m naked, I know it’s too late. It’s happening, and the second his hands touch my body, I’m on fire.

He slaps my ass sharply. I jump and squeal in a way that could only be described as undignified.

“How’s that supposed to help me relax?” I squawk.

“It’s not supposed to help you relax,” he growls in my ear, “it’s supposed to help you get used to a little pain.”

My stomach clenches in trepidation.

Oh shit.

I bury my face in my hands. “Oh fuck,” I whimper, uncomfortably, “this shit’s going to hurt, isn’t it?”

He looks at me in a way that’s hard to read. Is it sympathy? Caring? Sybaric pleasure?

Most likely, I think, it’s all three.

“Don’t worry, Tough Guy,” he says, “I’ll be gentle.” His words hit me in the chest, and travel south, lighting a path as they inch their way through me, reaching my balls and making them contract tightly.

“Bend over.” He says softly, his voice husky and strangely commanding.

You’re a damned fool, says Common Sense, as I quickly comply.

It’s the last I hear from Common Sense for quite a long while, as My Dick steps up and takes the wheel.

I lean forward, resting my elbows on the bed, arching my back and güvenilir bahis siteleri spreading my legs. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but once again, something other than me seems in command of my body.

He strokes me gently, running his hands up and down my back, warming me. Settling me. Helping me relax, though the feeling doesn’t last long, as he plants searing hot kisses down my spine, not stopping when he reaches my cheeks. Far from it. Instead, he spreads my ass gently and runs his tongue slowly down my crack. He swipes all the way down and I feel my body react involuntarily, as he narrowly avoids my knothole. Arching, straining. He repeats this torment, over and over, until I’m squirming.

Oh God, I think frantically, please, please don’t make me ask for it.

He shows mercy with the next swipe, as he runs his broad tongue firmly over my hole. My body lurches forward, my eyes flying open.

Holy fuck!

It feels unbelievable. I strain back for more, moaning, as he gives it to me. Over and over, bathing my ass, pressing his tongue into me until I feel like I’m falling, sinking and swirling. My thighs shaking so much, I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to stay on my feet.

I hear him reach for the lube. A deep sense of discomfort washes over me.

Why am I letting him do this to me?

That thought is rudely interrupted, slammed to a grinding halt, as his slippery finger worms its way inside me. Strangely, I don’t move, or struggle. He presses his digit inside me, gentle, but relentless. It feels strange, unfamiliar, but good God, it’s good.

I make an awful, humiliating sound. A sound, I’ve never made before. A sound, I’ve forced out of him, more times than I can count. I grunt as he adds another finger.

Holy shit, I think, trying not to wince, that feels like a lot.

I can tell he knows what he’s doing, as he works me over. Stretching me, spreading me. Grazing that hot little spot every time I grow mildly uncertain, sending pleasure so dense through me, my insides turn to liquid.

His breathing has grown ragged, he’s grinding his dick against me. I can feel that he needs it. I need it too, so I crawl on the bed, on my hands and knees, looking back to see him roll on the condom.

Holy shit! We’re doing this.

He runs his hands over my body again, all the way down, before gently parting my cheeks. I’m shaking, but not from fear. No, I’m excited. Wholly, tumescent. He rubs his head against me, up and down, before pressing it in. He’s done a good job of preparing me, as my ass struggles a little, but he enters me smoothly. Still, I’m shocked by the intensity of the pain that engulfs me. It starts at my ring and radiates rapidly out.

“Ow.” I whimper softly. He stills immediately. Pulling me back towards him, sitting back on his haunches, adjusting my position, so my body relaxes. Letting me set the pace. His arms are around me, holding me close. There’s no other way of putting it, I feel safe in his arms. I know that he has me, as he guides me gently.

“Push out a little,” he croons, “right where it stings.” I do as he says, and moan loudly as he rises to meet me as my body gives way. The pleasure is unreal, and he was right, my senses are shot. Confused. Now, I’m the one who can’t tell pleasure from pain. His face is buried in my neck, kissing and biting, as he whispers, “I know, I know.”

You do know, I think, you know exactly how this feels.

He’s patient, as he lets me set the tone, waiting until I relax and bear down, before rising to meet me. Deeper and deeper each time, until at last, I’m sitting back on his thighs. Fully impaled. His hands are on my back, my chest, my nipples, my neck. Pulling my hair. All of my senses give way to nothing but fullness. Nothing but pleasure.

This time I’m the student, and he’s the master.

My master.

He fucks me forever, the pleasure’s unending. But unbelievably, there’s more.

“Jerk it,” he hisses through his teeth, “I can’t hold back.” My hand on my dick and his cock up my ass, brings me to orgasm with shocking speed and intensity.

I explode.

I erupt.

I shatter.

Afterwards, when we’re lying there in the dark. I can’t help thinking, he’s been holding out on me. And maybe, I tell him so, too.

His breathing has shifted. Slowing, deepening, as sleep overtakes him. I examine his face. The outline lit by the soft, blue light of the moon. His eyes closed.

Still and spent.

Even now, here, in the deepest recess of my mind, I cannot admit what I think as I watch him sleep. I can only say, I don’t move a muscle, afraid that if I do, I’ll disturb him and he’ll move the hand that’s currently slung over my chest.

Across my heart.


My dick wakes me the next day. To be honest, it’s a welcome relief. I don’t want to think anymore. I just want to feel.

He opens one eye, taking me in, the side of his mouth instantly curling upward as he pieces together my wicked intentions.

His eyes light up, like a young boy at Christmas, his voice higher than usual, as he asks in delight, “Again?”

I nod, and quickly get back into bed.

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A Christmas Wish Come True

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The mistletoe was hanging from the ceiling; the Christmas tree was all light up. Christmas season was here, but Molly didn’t have what she wanted. She wanted to not be a virgin. She wanted Darrell to take her virginity for her, that Christmas, that very moment if possible. Who was Darrell? Well, Darrell was the love of her life, a love she thought she could never obtain. Darrell lived next door, all of her life. They were childhood friends. To Molly’s amazement, throughout their friendship, she had never shown Darrell her true feelings. On this night, the night before Christmas, Molly did what she did ever Christmas. She stared out her window, looking into Darrell’s window, wishing the same Christmas wish she had wished every year. She wished that this Christmas, her 26th one on this planet, he would take her virginity as she had always dreamt. This Christmas would be perfect. She had come into town from New York City to spend Christmas with her family.

But at the last minute, plans had changed. Her family decided to go to Arizona for Christmas for two weeks. Molly didn’t have that kind of time off so she decided that she’d still come home to Montana for Christmas and spend the holidays in the family house alone. It was much more Christmassy there in the house then in her drab New York City apartment. And she had Darrell next door, so she thought, but she hadn’t seen him since she returned home, just 3 days ago. She only had 2 days left after tomorrow before she had to return to New York City. Molly doubted that Darrell was home since she hadn’t heard from him at all. Hadn’t he mentioned that he wasn’t going to be home this Christmas? Molly couldn’t remember. It was hard for her to remember much that he said when she wasn’t swooning over him. Thank God they only talked online so that she wouldn’t be embarrassed. It was easier for her to hide her feelings online then it had been in real life lately.

Suddenly, there was movement in Darrell’s window. Was he there? Was he in the same room he had since he was a child? Molly shook her head. She was only dreaming. Molly looked up again and straight into the eyes of Darrell. He was there. He smiled at her when he caught her eye and waved. Suddenly the phone rang and Molly cursed as she turned away from the window to answer it. Normally she wouldn’t but it might be her parents checking up on her. They wanted her to come to Arizona with them badly but understood why she couldn’t.

“Hi Molly. I didn’t realize you were home this Christmas or I would of called sooner than just now. I thought you went to Arizona with your folks.” It was Darrell. Molly smiled to herself and was so glad now that she had picked up the phone instead of ignoring it like she had wanted to.

“No. I’m home, alone, this Christmas. I don’t have the time off to go to Arizona with my parents this year so I’m spending Christmas alone at home instead of alone in my apartment in New York City. This is more Christmassy then my New York apartment,” replied Molly. “I thought you weren’t here this year. I thought you were spending Christmas with Stacy’s parents.”

“Umm,” Darrell replied, “Stacy broke up with me in July. I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you much lately or let you know. It just hurt so badly. She broke up with me to be with a co-worker of mine. I escaped Albany to escape them.”

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry Darrell.” Molly replied, though smiling through her heartbreaking for him. She knew how much Darrell cared and loved Stacy.

“It’s okay. My parents are here doting over me and I’m starting to hate it. They told me just now that they weren’t sure if you were with your parents or not. I told them if you were home alone, I’d like to spend it with you so you wouldn’t be. Please help me escape them. They are driving me nuts. Can Income over?”

“Of course you can come over Darrell! You didn’t even have to ask,” Molly exclaimed. Her heart danced in her chest. Could this be the night? Molly shook her head. She couldn’t take advantage of Darrell. He still sounded very hurt. Little did she know, Darrell was thinking differently.

Darrell’s relationship had started to go bad with Stacy so him finding out she was cheating on him wasn’t a real shock to him. He knew in his heart that she didn’t feel the way he felt towards her back. Finding out his boss was her lover that hurt bad. Darrell didn’t want Molly to know. He just didn’t and didn’t know why. Ever since things with Stacy started going bad and after finding out what Stacy had done, all Darrell had done was think about Molly. He found out that he still reacted the same way. He grew so hard and always ended up masturbating. Hell, he came better thinking off Molly then when he actually made love to Stacy, and Stacy was the one he loved. Coming over was a way for Darrell to find out Molly’s true feelings. He hoped that he was right that she actually liked him. This was going to be the Christmas that he’d find out one way or another.

After they hung up, Darrell told his parents he güvenilir bahis wasn’t going let Molly spend Christmas alone and that he’ll be over at her house instead of being with them. His parents didn’t object hoping that this will be the Christmas that they get together. They always thought Molly would be the perfect girl for Darrell.

Darrell came over and as soon as Molly opened the door, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her. He stepped back and admired how beautiful she was. He loved her but he would never admit that to himself, not now, not soon after he was hurt by a woman he thought he was going to marry. He was about to propose when things started to go sour with Stacy.

“Molly, you look stunning,” Darrell said as he stood back and admired her. Molly smiled.

“You look good too, Darrell,” Molly replied.

Molly led Darrell to the living room where the TV was ready to show It’s A Wonderful Life, Darrell’s favorite movie.

“I know you love this movie so I have it ready to go. Want anything to drink?” Molly asked Darrell.

“Got anything that will able us to celebrate Christmas?” Darrell replied.

“I got just what you want,” and with that Molly disappeared into the kitchen. Darrell sat down and waited Molly’s return, contemplating if he should make his move tonight or tomorrow. Molly came back with some Smirnoff Ice, a drink they both love, and turned on the movie. Before they realized it, both had a couple of drinks and had relaxed quite comfortably. Neither really watched the movie. They were too busy talking, talking abut everything, about their wants and desires. When the movie was over, they both went to bed, not quite sure of what had happened. Tomorrow would prove to be quite interesting.

The next day, Molly woke up thinking did they really talk about what they did. Did they really talk about sex and whether or not they were virgins? Molly couldn’t believe it. She just kept shaking her head and told herself never to drink that much when she was around Darrell. She was afraid of what she had and hadn’t said. She’d find out soon because there was Darrell in her doorway in his boxers, smiling slyly.

“Hi Molly,” Darrell said shyly, “I hope I didn’t offend you last night. I’m just shocked that you are still a virgin and sorry to say I’m not.”

Molly blushed and Darrell thought he just said something stupid. Maybe they hadn’t said what he thought they had said.

“So we did talk about sex,” Molly said as she looked up into Darrell’s eyes. “I thought I was dreaming. No, don’t be sorry. It’s okay. I kind of make people think I’m not a virgin. I actually wish you’d take my virginity.”

Molly stopped abruptly as she couldn’t believe she had just said that. She blushed and hid behind the blankets. Darrell’s jaw dropped. He must be dreaming. He looked at Molly to see that she was hiding and he wasn’t dreaming. She had said what he always wanted to hear. He went over to Molly and pulled the blankets away from her face and picked her face up so that she was looking into his eyes.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” he said softly and then kissed her on the lips. He stared into her eyes. “Secretly, I’ve always wanted to be with you. I’ve just never admitted it to myself till just recently. I think, no, I know that I’ve fallen in love with you a long time ago. If that is your Christmas wish, I would love to grant it.”

Molly smiled. “Please grant it,” and kissed him back.

“Then your wish is my command,” Darrell pressed a finger against Molly’s lips. “But only if I can do it my way. Stay here until I get you. I want this to be perfect.” And with that, Darrell went out the door, closing it with a sly smile and disappeared. Molly laid back, excited with anticipation. Her Christmas wish was finally, yes finally, coming true.

Darrell went down to the living room and put on a fire. He wanted to make love to Molly in front of the fire place and he wanted to do it now. He had to hurry before he burst and ruined it everything. He went to the guest room and got some blankets and pillows so that Molly would be comfortable. Then he lights some candles and stood back.

“Perfect,” Darrell thought, “this is just perfect for Molly.” With that, Darrell turned back and walked down the hallway and opened the door to Molly’s room. “Alrighty, are you ready?” Darrell said to Molly as he outstretched his hand to Molly.

“I’m ready,” Molly replied quietly as she stood up dropping the blanket to reveal Molly wearing only her underwear, just like Darrell. Molly went over to Darrell and took his hand.

“Don’t worry, we’ll take this as slow as you want. This is your Christmas present from me. I love you, Molly,” Darrell said and then kissed the top of her head as he picked Molly up into his arms. Darrell carried Molly over to the blankets and the pillows. He slowly went down onto his knees to gently place Molly on top of the pillows and blankets. He then laid down next to her and stared into her beautiful green türkçe bahis eyes.

“You have such beautiful green eyes,” Darrell whispered as he brushed his hands through Molly’s hair. Molly stared back lovingly into his brown eyes.

“I love your eyes, Darrell, as I love you,” Molly replied as she leaned in to kiss him.

Darrell embraced Molly and they started to passionately kiss. His hands wandered and roamed all over Molly, feeling every inch of skin that she had, wanting to touch every part of her. Soon, Darrell’s kisses trailed down her neck and to the outline of her bra. He reached around and unclasped her bra. He slowly pulled the bra down revealing Molly’s breasts to him. Darrell smiled. They were lovely, full, and luscious, everything he imagined them to be.

Darrell soon began to kiss and nibble on Molly’s breasts. Molly laid her head back and moaned. She had never before felt such pleasure as that she was getting from Darrell now. “It must be because he’s my true love,” Molly thought. Now in bliss, Molly pulled Darrell’s face up to hers and kissed his lips, parting his lips so her tongue could explore his mouth. All the while her hands slowly made their way down her body to his boxers. She felt the outside of his boxers and felt the bulge that was forming there. She smiled as she kissed Darrell and began to rub the bulge through the boxers.

Darrell moaned in pleasure as he felt Molly’s hands against his bulge. His hands began to explore her body some more and down to her panties. He soon found the wetness between her legs and smiled. He was so glad that she was happy, that he was making her that happy.

Darrell continued on and slipped his hands into her panties so he could fully feel her wetness. He smiled as he began to slip a finger over her clit and gently rub it. Shivers ran through Molly’s body as she brought him closer to her body and delve her tongue into his mouth, exploring every inch of it. This was beyond her dreams. She enjoyed every minute of it and couldn’t imagine what would come the next moment.

Darrell slowly made his strokes over her clit faster and brought his other finger into pussy. He began to move his finger in and out of her hole, finger fucking her like she had never experienced before. His movements went faster as he felt her relax under his hands and pleasure filled her body more. He continuously moved his finger in and out of her hole while his other finger moved in a circular pattern over her clit, bringing her pure ecstasy. Darrell feels her come closer and closer to climax. He looks up to see Molly, her eyes closed, enjoying every moment of the pleasure that Darrell is giving her. Slowly, her orgasm comes over her in waves, a feeling she has never felt before. Darrell continued to stroke her clit as Molly came down from her orgasm and caught her breath. Molly looked over at Darrell who was now laying next to her, propped up on an elbow just looking down at her smiling.

“Thank you,” Molly spoke, “now I must repay you.”

Darrell was about to tell her she didn’t have to when she took his breath away. In one quick movement, her hand was down his pants and on his member. Darrell eyes began to widen as Molly began to stroke his semi-hard cock. She moved her hand up and down, slowly at first but quickly picking up her pace. Darrell was amazed. He never knew she was this good. He laid back on his back and enjoyed feeling Molly’s hand on his member that was quickly growing harder with ever stroke of her hand. Suddenly, Molly did something that had Darrell shaking in pleasure. As she moved her hand up and down his hard shaft, she began twisting her fist around his cock, giving Darrell double pleasure and bringing him closer to cumming.

Darrell moaned in pure pleasure. Molly looked up to see the pleasure and joy all over his face as he began to cum in his boxers. Molly never stopped stroking his shaft until she had fully milked him empty. Darrell slowly went soft in Molly’s hand. She leaned up and kissed him as he stroked his hands through her hair and smiled. They kissed deeply and passionately.

“Molly, where did you learn that?” Darrell asked.

“Oh, I’m not telling you. Just know that I’m not as innocent as I look,” replied Molly.

“Okay, but, I have one question.”

“And that would be….”

“Since you are not as innocent as you look, does that mean you are actually not a virgin?”

Molly sat up at that and looked away. Darrell quickly got up and put a hand on her shoulder, about to apologize when Molly shook her head and got up.

“No,” Molly replied as she looked out the window. She then turned and looked into his eyes as she said, “I haven’t lost my virginity yet. You are looking at the only 26 year old virgin left on this planet. Does that change your mind about being with me?” With that, tears began to streak down Molly’s face. “My only Christmas wish has always been to lose my virginity to you. I guess that’s not going to happen.”

While Molly turned güvenilir bahis siteleri away, Darrell got up off the bed and went over to her. He wrapped around her from behind and put his head on her shoulder. He gently kissed her neck as he whispered, “actually, I was hoping I would be the one to take your virginity. It’s always been a dream of mine and I would love to grant your Christmas wish tonight.” And with that, Darrell turned Molly around and planted a loving kiss on her lips. “Will you allow me to grant your Christmas wish?”

With tears still streaking down her cheeks, Molly smiled and replied softly, “Yes, Darrell, please grant me my Christmas wish. It would make this Christmas perfect.”

Without saying another word, Darrell picked Molly up and carried her over to her bed. He gently placed her down and laid down next to her while planting loving kisses on her lips and all over her face.

“I love you,” he whispered as his kisses trailed down her body.

“I love you too,” Molly replied as she lifted off the bed a little to allow Darrell to first unclasp her bra and then slowly take it off to reveal her breasts to him.

Darrell moved down her neck as he slowly revealed her breasts fully to him. As he nibbled at her tits, he slowly pulled off her panties. Suddenly, one thing came rushing to Darrell’s mind.

“Um, Molly, are you on any sort of pill?” Darrell asked.

“Hmm?” Molly looked up at Darrell quizzically.

Darrell felt embarrassed. Of course he would ruin the moment thinking of not wanting to get her pregnant right now. Stuttering, Darrell tried to find the right words to express his concern to Molly.

Darrell spoke awkwardly. “You…ah…know…birth control? I want this to be the perfect night for you but, I, um, don’t want to get you pregnant at the same time. Not on our first night together. Not only would your parents kill me, my parents would kill me.”

Molly relaxed and just smiled. “Well, no, I’m not on any birth control. But,” Molly said as she began to blush, “I do have some condoms in my suitcase.”

Darrell’s eyes got large. “You, a virgin, have condoms?”

“Hey!” Molly exclaimed, “I never knew when you’d come to your senses so I had to be prepared.” Molly pouted.

Darrell moved over as Molly went to get up. Molly got up and walked over to her suitcase. Darrell stared lovingly at Molly’s back as she dug her way through her suitcase that was by her dresser, her tight little as shaking to and fro as she searched her suitcase.

“There they are!” Molly exclaimed as she turned around and showed a handful of condoms to Darrell. “Think they’ll fit?”

“Let’s try it out,” and with that Darrell took one of the condoms Molly had in her outstretched hand and unwrapped it. Darrell put it on while Molly came to the bed and sat down. “Tis fits!” Darrell said smiling up at Molly. He reached over and kissed her. “Now where were we,” he said seductively.

Molly giggled and laid back as Darrell’s hands wandered down to once again slowly pull down her panties as he passionately kiss her. As he slowly moved her panties down, Darrell kissed down her body. He reached her stomach and pulled her panties fully off. He kissed up and down each leg before once again preceding back up her body. He spread her legs apart so that he could be in between them. A passionate kiss was shared between the lips as Darrell put his cock at her entrance.

He looked deeply into her eyes and asked, “Are you ready to lose your virginity?”

“Yes,” she responded and nervously added “please don’t let it hurt too much.”

“I’ll try my best,” and with that, Darrell slowly entered Molly, trying to cause as little pain as possible. He soon reached her virginal barrier and looked deeply into Molly’s eyes as he broke it. Molly let out a little gasp of pain as Darrell quickened his pace so that he was soon fully inside of her after he broke her barrier. He stayed there until her breathing evened out and she was used to the feeling of him being inside her. He then kissed her and whispered into her ear, “I love you, Molly.”

Darrell slowly started to thrust in and out of Molly, allowing Molly to get used to the sensation of his dick moving in and out of her. He was sure that he went slow, not knowing how Molly would react or how sensitive she was. He didn’t want her first time to be scary or painful. He wanted it to be perfect for her. Slowly, as he could feel Molly’s body reacting positively to his motions, he increased his speed. All the while, Darrell continued to passionately kiss and tongue Molly, making love not only to her body but to her lips too. He loved the feeling of having his cock move in and out of her tight pussy. God, how he loved how her tight pussy hugged every inch of his hard cock. It took everything in him not to explode after a couple of thrusts. It felt that good to him. He loved every minute of this and, after stealing a couple of glances between kisses at Molly’s face, he knew she was enjoying it too.

Small moans escaped Molly’s lips and felt good against Darrell’s as he kissed her lovingly. Slowly, Darrell quickened his pace. He felt Molly’s walls clutch at his cock as the waves of pleasure were building within her.

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Ava Pt. 02

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On the drive back from work, couldn’t wait to get home, to find my darling Ava studying in the kitchen area “hi kiddo” I say cheerfully, kissing her head “working hard, I can see” I add as I pass by her on the way to my (our, as of yesterday) bedroom. Seems like forever since I’ve had a bounce in my step, feeling really good, head into the shower & later on relaxed & happy stroll back into the kitchen to fix us something to eat.

“How was your day baby-girl’ I ask, flipping on the radio humming along to the song that’s on.

“Was k” she mumbles, “You’re in a good mood, dad?” She states. I turn & smile, but don’t comment, turning back to keep cooking. When dinner is ready she clears the table of her studying material & we sit down to eat.

She can’t help herself, trying to quiz me about the reason for the bounce in my step, even going so far as to assume that I’ve got a new woman in my life. If only she knew. I smile to myself thinking “yeah baby, hot new woman. And I can’t wait for you to find out”.

After helping me clear-up we move into the living room, she stretches out on the sofa next to me & before long starts to doze-off, so I wake her up & send her off to bed.

I don’t know how I kept calm was so worked up I want to get started on her the sec I walked into to the house, but I had to take my time. My patience will be rewarded.

After about 10 mins I lock up the house and make my way to our bedroom and to the sleeping beauty awaiting me in bed. She was already out for the count, lying on her stomach, one hand above her head the other one under her pillow. Wearing a T-shirt and female boxer shorts.

I strip and remove the comforter off of her & the bed, slip in next to her. Took my time as I wanted her sleepy but not ‘dead to the world’ & that’s what would have happened if I took longer getting this night started.

Once in bed I get on my knees and straddle her hips, I pushed both my palm under her t-shirt up her back feeling her soft smooth hot skin, massaging her slowly. She hasn’t had time to fall into a deep sleep so before long she moans and starts to wake up, wondering what’s going on.

“You said that you were tired all day long & that your body aches. So thought I could help you relax a little baby.”

She doesn’t answer just lays there quietly, I take her silence as consent and keep massaging my hand all over her smooth back moving higher, making bigger circles with my palms covering more of her warm smooth skin, letting her get used to the feel of my touch, used to my fingers on her body. Her breathing is deeper and I know she is affected even if she isn’t saying anything.

I let my hand massage her shoulders and then drag them down her sides allowing my fingers to touch the sides of her full breasts, which are squashed under her. Her breath hitches but other then that she doesn’t make a sound. I can’t help but smile. I repeat the action again and again but slower each time I reach her side-boobs and her breathing exhilarates.

“I could do a better job without this obstacle” I whisper bending over, leaning close to her ear pulling at her T-shirt to indicate what I’m referring too, and smile when I hear her sharp intake of breath.

“Hmmm, I… ahh. it’s ok daddy. You don’t have to do this. I.. I’m not that tired and I bet you had a harder day at work” she mumbles into the bedding.

I smile to myself, “yeah I guess you are right. In that case how about you treat your old man to a massage?” I don’t wait for a reply and move off her, and lay on my back next to her waiting to see what she will do.

“Ok” she says and sits up, showing me a beautiful view of her erect nipples poking at her T-shirt. She turns around facing me and is shocked to find me butt-naked and erect, her eyes are wide in shock, staring at my raging boner, she pulls her eye away looking at me exclaiming “dad?!”

I smile “so are you going to massage your old-man’s aces away, baby-girl?”

She looks uncertain, trying not to stare at my hard-on, but failing and taking a peak from time to time. I move my hand that’s close to her, closer and start to rub my palm over her knee, moving higher massaging her & slowly moving higher. Her breath hitches again and her eyes dart to mine, and I smile waiting.

She bites her lip and moves facing me and moves higher on the bed, getting on her knees and leaning over me, putting her soft hands on my shoulders and starts to massage them moving towards my arms.

I smile and close my eyes telling her how nice that feels, but she’s stuck there and I want more, so I tell her to massage my chest as well, she does so slowly.

When her fingers rub against my erect man nipples my breath gets caught in my lungs and I hold it there, waiting to see what she will do. Guess she likes my reaction, as she does it again and then again slower, rubbing my small erect nipples with her fingers.

I lift my eye and look at her and her eyes are fixated on my face watching my reaction. She licks her lips and poker oyna my dick throbs and jumps wanting that tongue on in.

I smile and lick my lips copying her; her eyes widened staring at my mouth. I smile and cover her hands with mine moving them slowly over my chest and lower to my stomach then back up again. When her hands rub against my erect man nipples I moan aloud and hold her gaze letting her know how turned on I am “that feels so good baby-girl” I whisper “soooo good”. I’m not that verbal during sex but I want to turn her on & this is a good way, so I try verbalizing every little thing.

I lead her hands lower to my stomach and then lower still watching her reaction; there is not trepidation there but only fascination. My darling little girl is all grown up and ready for all the lessons I’ve got in mind.

When I reach my groin area I let go of her hands and wait to see what she will do, she hesitates and look up at me, “rap your hand around me baby-girl” I say. And she does just that, one finger at a time and it feels so good. “Yeah baby-girl, like that, just like that. Good girl, such a good little girl now massage daddy. Good baby mmmm” I moan.

She licks her lips again and then starts to move her fist up and down the length of my rock hard cock. “Ohh yeahhhhh, baby-girl. Just like that. Soooo good baby”. I chant lost in the feeling of her fingers.

Her hands are busy on my shaft and suddenly without instruction from me on my balls too. Fingers sliding over my cock in a delicate dance and then suddenly switching from a soft caressing brush, to a fist pumping, her thumb sliding over the large sensitive head to smear the leaking pre-cum around the throbbing head.

Whoa I was so shocked, how could me sweet shy inexperienced little baby-girl know how to do that? I rise-up resting on my elbows “Ava! You’re full of surprises aren’t you, you naughty little girl. Who taught you to do that?” I ask astonished, and a little worried that some perverted stranger has gotten to the prize before me, talk about irony.

She blushes and smile “I hear girls talking about this in the locker-room, and I just…” She mumbles into silence.

I laugh out loud in relief she is as virginal as I though and only be mine “You were always the diligent student. And a very good little girl.

I’m happy that you didn’t learn this for some horny kid” I laugh again relieved. “Well, what else did you overhear baby. You’ve made daddy curious” I ask.

Her face gets redder a blush creeping up her neck, “there’s nothing to be ashamed of baby. This is natural and healthy, and if you can’t talk to your own father who can you talk and share with?” I encourage, hopping there’s more.

When she starts to get even more embarrassed I stroke her arm and face lovingly and say “its ok baby you don’t have to tell me… show me”.

Her head snaps up and her eyes are wide looking at me shocked. I smile again and lay back down waiting.

She moves again facing my cock full-on, which is still hard and oozing per-cum. She turns her head & looks at me still unsure. So I close my eyes hopping it will help her overcome her shyness & get her started.

The first thing I feel is her hair that falls in a pool into my lap, teasing my hard cock, adding to the chaos in me. The sensation of living silk sliding around and over my already sensitive dick, and then thank god her tongue and hands were almost too much to take.

I have to keep my hips from bucking and my hands from fisting in her hair and dragging her mouth to my cock, scarring her in the processes, it wasn’t easy.

“I dream of you sucking me dry baby. That beautiful mouth of yours wrapped tightly around me, so tight like a hot fist. Your mouth so beautiful and tempting.” I grunt out unable to keep this confession inside me any longer.

Ava looks up into my eyes still leaning over my hard cock, just inches from her hot young mouth. I can’t help myself and cock in hand smear droplets along the seam of her mouth. Waiting for her reaction and she blows my mind when it comes, as her tongue darted out and catches my offering.

She licks at every last drop and then closes her hot mouth around my cock. I push into her mouth, sliding deep, groaning with bliss. She rewards me by stroking my cock with her tongue and then teasing at the sensitive spot beneath the flared head.

I close my eyes briefly, unable to believe that she’s so talented – hot & mine at long last – mine to play with, mine to love however I see fit.

This revelation and the feel of her hot mouth drive me mad I push into her hot wet mouth again. Immediately her lips close around the sensitive head and I fling back my head and groan aloud. Fire consumes me, a tight fist surrounding and drawing deeper and deeper. Her tongue sucks and licks at my hard cock and the edges of my vision goes blurry.

I hold her head with both hands and push deeper into her hot moist mouth, taking complete control of the rhythm and speed. I try to be careful, but the sight of canlı poker oyna her, so beautiful, her face flushed, breasts bouncing with every thrust, my hard cock disappearing in my baby-girl’s mouth was almost too much.

She hums softly as she sucks on me, the vibration traveling up my shaft to my oh so sensitive head. My thrusts grow more urgent. My hips bucking again and again, barely giving her a chance to breathe. But she doesn’t protest which only drives me wild. She strokes her tongue along my hard cock. She acts as if she loves the feel, shape and taste of me. As if she craves my taste.

She’s taking me deeper until she’s constricting and strangling my cock, and I’m gasping and burning with her.

My baby-girl’s mouth is red-hot. Her skin the same. Sometimes I have to just stop, holding myself deep inside her, my hands fisting in her hair while groans and soft curses leave my mouth “oh god baby-girl. Fuck yeah, you are the best. Your mouth-pussy is the best”.

And when I think it couldn’t get any better my cock swells more, she must have felt as if she had swallowed a burning torch. Then I’m gripping her even tighter while I groan loudly again, and seed starts spurting hard over and over into her mouth and down her throat and she drinks every single drop, milking everything I have.

I pull out of her, flopping boneless onto the mattress and she also exhausted breathing hard lays down next to me. When I can catch my breath after a while, still shaken by the experience and expertise of the amazing mouth on my virginal daughter.

Exclaim loudly “God damn baby-girl, you sucked me dry! Wow, what a ‘massage’. Never had anything even half as good, before.” I lean towards her and kiss her on her lips smelling and tasting myself on her.

Even though I’m drained, exhausted and worn out I can’t leave thing as is, I have to return the favor not to mention starting her initiation into her new roll means more then her amazing ability to give blow-jobs.

So I get up on my knees and pull her boxer-undies down her smooth tight legs, her head snaps up shocked, looking at me. “I’ve got to return the favor baby-girl. I’m not a selfish lover. So help daddy, there’s a good girl remove your top for me”.

She hesitates for a second and then pulls her t-shirt over her head letting it drop on the floor near the bed. Her young body is exquisite, all those soft full curves and the tucked-in waist. Her hair falls around her, framing her big heavy breasts and the nipples peaking hard already just waiting to be sucked.

I just know that if I push my hand between her legs she would be hot and wet for me. “You are so beautiful, Ava. So sexy baby-girl. For me, there is no other who can compare baby.”

I move closer widening her knees as I kneel between them and caress each knee massaging towards my goal. Until I get to her tight wet little cunt.

I want to take my time but I find that I’m so horny that I can’t seem to take it slow. My cocks hard and heavy ready for another go, even after the mind-blowing orgasm she just gave me. I spread her pussy lips and plunged two fingers into her tightness; trying to prepare her cause I know I would be penetrating her fast and hard, wild to start all over again. She cries out in ecstasy.

I part her thighs wider and move my hips forward so I can slide into her hot wet cunt in one fast forceful surge, burying myself deep. I get so deep I’m sure I feel her womb, that warm snug place created to be filled with her daddy seed.

My hands move over her, stroking and kneading her young tight body, feeling the answering response as her muscles clamped down around my cock tightly. The heat building and building I kiss her again and again, holding her still, my kiss demanding and forceful as I plunge my tongue deep into her hot moist mouth.

Her mouth submits to mine, but her tongue touching mine timidly, her nails digging into my skin unconscious as she melts into me.

Her back hits the mattress and I trap her there, using my heavier body, leaning on her, possessing her. I cup her breasts while I kiss and bit my way down to her nipples. She cries out, arching into my mouth, I draw her breast into my warm mouth, using my hands, teeth and tongue until she is panting with need, her breath coming in heaving gasps of desire.

I need to taste her so I pull out of her and lower my head to her burning center, and she screams with sheer pleasure as I lick my way up her thigh and straight into her hot dripping pussy, plunging my tongue deep like a weapon. I take her over, giving her no time to breathe, think or talk, devoured her, eating her out, drawing out that sweet honey I crave, using both teeth and tongue.

My fingers plunged into her and other times I hold her open to my hungry mouth while I lap at her ferociously.

Her body shudders again and again and she can’t stop the little mewling noises escaping as my tongue slides through her hot, slick cunt. I groan into her tight hot cunt, adding to the pleasure rocketing through internet casino her.

I sound like a hungry animal devouring his dinner as I draw more and more of my baby-girls sweet hot honey into my mouth. Her head thrashes’ and her hips buck against my mouth, but I simply hold her down with my weight, my hands hard, framing her tight little cunt & the treasure I found there. I focused wholly on my meal, on driving her up that cliff and holding her there, knowing she was wide awake only added fuel to the fire burning in me, didn’t want her to come wanted to hold her right at the edge, not going over.

I was bursting with need, my shaft swollen and throbbing. My hand already had begun to circle the girth as I looked at her. I sank back and turned my finger to indicate for her to get to her hands and knees and turn around. She went to her knees obediently; my hand circled my bursting hard cock. I pulled her head back, using her hair.

Without warning, I pushed her head down to the mattress and caught her hips with my free hand, pulling her back into me as I drove forward, entering her fast, almost brutally. Her body, already so sensitive and needy, caught fire, she screamed “Daddy!! Don’t stop. Never stop. Please daddy.” She pleaded, gasping pleas.

My dream comes true. I smile to myself and controlled her hips, holding her absolutely still so she can’t move. I thrust into her over and over, banging into her hot tight cunt, clenching my teeth against the fire streaking up my shaft and down to my balls. Even my thighs and belly are a part of the rising inferno.

Each time I feel her close to coming I back off, just enough to keep her from tipping over the edge. Her cries are music, my own personal symphony, adding to the madness building in my own body. I want her mindless with pleasure, stretched to the breaking point and maybe a little bit more, so that in the future each time we fuck, I can take her to the next level.

I want her to know who her lover is; her father, capable of great love, but also intense fucking and lust.

She chants “Daddy” over and over, begging me to take out my fury on her tight young body, wanting more, wanting to burn up in flames, desperate to give herself to that ecstasy just out of her reach.

I drive into her wildly, pushing her further. Her body hot to the touch, but nothing compares to the scorching heat surrounding my cock. I felt the tension in her growing, coiling tighter and tighter. There is the beginning of desperation, my relentless pounding pushing her higher and higher until I bet she fears she would fly apart, without ever feeling the fiery explosion she so urgently desires.

I take pity on my little baby-girl and slide my hand around her, reaching for her love-button, start to finger her hard little clit that was so starved for attention. I keep fucking, slamming deep, the volcano erupts, explodes, threatens to rip us apart as wave after fiery wave tore through her young body, her cunt clamping down hard around my flesh, scorching hot, dragging me with her into the sky.

I keep her from collapsing forward, rolling her over into my arms, holding her close. I can feel her heart pounding, matching the rhythm of mine. Our breaths come together in ragged gasps. I rock her, brushing kisses over the top of her head, like I used to do when she was younger, my arms strong around her, my chest a solid wall for her to lean into always. God what a gift I have in her, what a mind blowing first.

“I love you, daddy,” she confess on a breathless sight.

God!! I think to myself, I’m blessed!

“Love you to baby-girl” I hug her closer still, kissing her again on the top of her head and can’t seem to help myself, so keep scattering kisses all over her face, stopping at her now bruised plump red lips. My tongue penetrating her hot mouth with a deep long loving kiss. “I love you my dear baby-girl. I’m the luckiest man alive, to have such a sex-kitten for a daughter.

No one has ever come close to blowing my mind like you did; given it was your first time, just… mind-blowing. You were made for me. Like a puzzle we fight just right”.

She smiles, doesn’t answer but cuddles closer her head on my shoulder, her nose in the crook of my neck, her legs entwined with mine, hugging me close and sighing deeply. After a few mins I hear her heavy even breathing, she’s fallen asleep.

I’m very tired as well given the night and two mind-blowing orgasms I’ve had, but can’t sleep. The thoughts, the reality is just blowing me away. How lucky am I that all my deepest darkest dreams have come true & and in such an easy way. Everything just followed right into place & I got my every wish.

Am I dreaming? Did the last few hours really take place?

But the proof is snuggled up right next to me, so I guess I’m one lucky mother-fucker, or daughter fucker as the case maybe. Thinking this I drift off with a smile upon my face.


Don’t know how much time had passed, I wake I was cuddled up into him absorbing his body heat. Did all that really happen? We both are naked, so I guess it wasn’t a figment of my imagination, but still. I had sex with my father! Hot raunchy, mind-blowing, earth shattering sex WITH! MY! FATHER!?!

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Awake in a Dreamland Ch. 01

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Big Tits

All characters are over 18.


My parents adopted me when I was 12. They cared for me in a way a family would care for their biological son. I finished school and I’m going to varsity next year.

They adopted my sister when I was 13; she was 11 at the time. We grew up together but it never felt like she’s my sister, maybe it’s because we were both adopted.

Years later I came home early one day from my part time job at my father’s company. My sister Becky was at home spending time with one of her best friends. I wanted to scare them so I opened the front door quietly and tiptoed to her room. When I got to her room I paused and listened. The door was closed but I could hear clearly as they were talking a bit too loud to one another.

“Take your shirt off you slut!” my sister’s friend Ricky said angrily. “And your bra!”

I was shocked but continued listening; I wasn’t sure what was going on but I wanted to find out.

“”My God your tits feel great, uh I’m getting so wet.” She said again after a short pause.

There was silence for a while then she told my sister to suck her nipples. I could hear soft groans coming from the room and made the conclusion that my sister was sucking her friend’s nipples.

I got an erection and wanted to jerk off but stayed at the door. The next line from the friend shocked me.

“Want to lick my wet pussy you slut?” came from the friend.

“Give me your sweet pussy, I’ll lick you all you want.” My sister said in a desperate voice.

I heard the bed squeaking once or twice then it was quiet. Her friend started to groan loudly so I thought that my sister was licking her pussy. Her friend shouted “Oh God I’m going to cum” followed by a loud groan. I turned around and headed for the bathroom.

My cum shot out onto the wall as I reached my orgasm. I cleaned the place up then went back to my room.

I went to the kitchen to get something to eat when I walked into them.

“Hi… when did you get home?” my sister asked with a nervous look on her face.

“Hi, about 5 minutes ago.” I said. I knew they would think I didn’t know a thing. I greeted her friend and walked into the kitchen blushing from the mental image of them naked and licking each other “downstairs.”

They talked and joked as if nothing happened between them. I turned around and headed for my room when my sister spoke again.

“We’re going for a swim, want to join us?”

“Uhm, I don’t know… I uh… no it’s okay.” I finally got out and went to my room.

I locked my door, put my sandwiches down on the bed and pulled poker oyna my pants down again. I got another erection when I thought of them all wet in the pool. This time my cum shot out on to my carpet and I had to clean it up. I ate my sandwiches while watching an episode of Clone High on my computer.

I went to my window and looked out onto the pool. They were splashing each other and just having fun. I never thought I’d see the day that I knew a sexual secret about anyone, much less about my sister.

The rest of the day went along pretty normally except for me having to fight off the naked images of my sister and her friend that crept into my mind the whole time.

My sister was a pretty girl, long blonde hair, nice lips, blue eyes and a good body. Her friend was hot; red shoulder length hair, green eyes, full lips and a body to die for. A friend of mine once told me that his brother fucked her on her 18th birthday party.

Later that evening, after dinner, I was getting ready to turn in for the night. I kissed my mother goodnight and hesitated when I got to my sister. I kissed her, said goodnight to my father and hurried to my room. I could hear my mom asking “What’s wrong with him?” as I closed my door but I didn’t care if they saw something was up; as long as they didn’t see what was up in my pants.

My door opened and closed again. I saw that it was my sister; she walked over to my bed and sat down on it. She didn’t say anything. Her hands went to the bottom end of her night dress and pulled it over her head. She was sitting naked on my bed. She got up and got into the bed and pressed her body against mine.

My cock was hard from seeing and now feeling her rubbing against me. Her hand went down to my cock and rubbed over it. She pulled my boxers down and started playing with my cock.

She had a smile on her face as she got on top of me and pushed my cock inside her.

“Did you like what you heard, big brother?” she asked as she slowly fucked me.

I woke up when my cum shot out and crashed into the wall of material in front of it. I quickly got out of bed and pulled my boxers down.

“Oh fuck, fucking shit!” I softly shouted as I searched for something to clean the mess up.

I tried to clean up with the boxers I had on but that didn’t work out too well. I just threw those in the laundry bin and climbed back in bed with a clean pair.

I don’t know if I was disappointed that it was only a dream or if I was glad. I kept thinking of the dream and eventually came to reason that I was disappointed. We never felt like real brother and sister canlı poker oyna to me and she was the only thing I could think of since the previous afternoon when I heard her and her friend together in her room.

The next morning, I dressed quickly and went to get some breakfast. “Hey there sleepy head.” she said as I entered the kitchen.

She was fully dressed, and I was a bit disappointed by that. “Hey there. Where’s mom and dad?” I asked, getting the juice from the fridge.

“They went to the mall, said they’ll be back in a hour or two.” She said continuing her activities in front of the stove. “They went to get the necessary things for tonight.”

“Tonight?” I asked not remembering about the going-away party they planned for me.

“Yes, we’re having your I’m-finally-getting-away-from-my-sucky-sister party remember?” she said with a smile on her face.

If only she knew that I wanted to stay with her for a bit longer. “Oh, that. And I don’t think you’re sucky.”

“I made breakfast for you, I hope you like it.” she said as she got a plate out of the cupboard.

I ate the breakfast and thanked her. “It was very good, thank you sis.” I gave her a kiss on her cheek and sat down again.

“Joe… I need to tell you something.” She said and looked down.

I knew from years of trying to read her that she was uncomfortable and didn’t know how to say it. “Okay, I’m listening.”

“I just want to warn you in a kind way.” She looked down again. “Ricky might make a move on you tonight.” She finally said and blushed.

I convinced her that it doesn’t bother me and I won’t tell Ricky that she told me. We continued talking about Ricky and the party for a while.

Everybody started arriving at about 5 in the afternoon. Ricky kept smiling at me and Becky looked nervous every time she found Ricky talking to me.

We danced for a long time before taking a break. I sat down with Becky and Ricky on my left side and my best friend on the right. The rest of the people were still dancing and having fun.

Ricky appeared to be drunk and asked me to escort her to the bathroom. I helped her to get up and saw that Becky was very nervous. We walked slowly to the bathroom and I helped her to find the toilet seat.

“Okay, just call me when you’re done and I’ll come back in to fetch you.” I said and turned to leave.

Ricky grabbed my hand and pulled me back to her. Her hands struggled to unbutton my pants. She got them unbuttoned and unzipped, then pulled my pants down to my feet and took my cock in her mouth and started sucking it wildly. I internet casino was a bit drunk as well so I didn’t stop her. I pulled her top over her head and started playing with her bare tits.

She got up, pulled her pants down and rubbed her pussy against my erect cock. She pushed me down on the closed toilet seat and lowered herself onto me, my cock slipped inside her. She started hopping up and down on me, it wasn’t long before I shot my load into her pussy. She groaned and continued riding me. She came with a loud groan, she came so much it dripped onto my balls and down onto the toilet seat.

She got up and told me to wait there. She returned with Becky at her side. My cock grew harder again as Becky came into the bathroom wearing a small black g-string, no bra and black boots.

“Now for your surprise,” Ricky said. “your sister wants to give you your present, she’s been wanting to fuck you for a while now but didn’t know how you would react.”

Becky looked a bit shy as she stood there. I got up and walked over to her. I took her in my arms and kissed her with a burning fire in my lips. Ricky turned and left the room.

My mouth explored her hard nipples and firm tits while my hands rubbed over ass. I lowered my head and started licking her stomach and continued my way down to her pussy.

She was very wet when my tongue slipped in between her lips. I tasted her and started licking and sucking her with everything I had. I was still busy sucking her clit when she came to an earth shaking orgasm. I swallowed her cum and gently kissed her pussy before getting to my feet.

“I want to fuck you sis, I want to give you all my love.” I said and kissed her.

She kissed me back just as passionately. We went to her room and closed the door behind us.

We laid down on the bed and I kissed her pussy again. After kissing and touching each other for a while she said: “Take me now, make me yours, I’m so ready for you.”

My cock easily entered her wet pussy. I slid in and out of her with ease, she felt like a dream, my dream. I quickened my pace when she started groaning harder. My cock was very wet from her juices. Her nipples felt great in my mouth as I licked them.

“Oh God Joe, I’m going to cum.” She said and started shaking.

I could also feel my balls tighten then my cum shot out into her pussy. I continued fucking her for a while before I came to a full stop.

We lay there gently kissing each other and holding hands. After a while, we got up, dressed again and went out to join the rest of the party.

Later that night she came to my room and we made out some more.

“I’m going to miss you.” she said, lying with her head on my chest.

“You can always come and visit me.” I replied.

It was the start of big things for me and my adopted sister.

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