All posts by sexhikayeleri

yenilgi (ayten)

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

yenilgi (ayten)
…bütçemize uygun bir otele yerleşmiştik. amacımız öncelikle durumumuzu gözden geçirip değerlendirmekti. ayten beni yine/yeniden ikna edebilmek için bütün dişiliğini kullanacaktı ve öylede oldu. daha üstümüzü bile çıkarıp duşa girmeden üstüme atıldı. dengesiz yakalandığımdan yatağa düştük. güldü ve üstüme uzanıp dudaklarıma sarıldı. bir yandan öpüyor ve bir yandan da eliyle sikimi ovuyordu. saçlarını ellerimle yana atıp yüzüne baktım. çok güzel, çok tatlı ve çok hoş. dilediği zaman azgın bir kadına, dilediği zaman çocuksu bir masumiyete dönüşen bu eşsiz yüze.bu enfes yüzü gören hiç kimse gerçekte onun ‘orospu’ olduğunu aklına getiremez bile.kısa bir süre göz göze geldikten sonra kaldığı yerden öpmeye devam etti.t-shirtünü ve sütyenini alelacele çıkarıp o gül memelerini ağzıma dayadı. en sevdiği şeydir memelerinin emilmesi. muhtemelen başka kadınlarda çok etkileniyordur ama ayten bir başka! o kadar etkileniyor ki bazen beli bile geliyor. işte onlardan birini yaşıyorduk.memeleri ağzımdayken iyice üstüme kapanmıştı ve sessizce inliyordu. bir kaç dakika içinde kaskatı kesildi.bu sefer sıradan boşalmayı geçmiş orgasm oluyordu.nihayet kendine gelip gevşemişti ve elini amına götürüp ovmaya başladı ve;
-doymadım len
-orgasm oldun ya
-evet ama kesmedi
-ne yapabilirimki?
– sikebilirsin mesela
böyle dedi ve beline bulanmış parmaklarını ağzıma soktu. büyük bir zevkle yalıyordum. ben yaladıkça o yine konsantre oluyordu. kendini ve beni tamamen soyup yanıma uzandı ve beni üstüne çekip;
-hadi sev karını. madem kimsenin sikmesini istemiyorsun doyur beni yarağa
çok azdığı zaman böyledir işte. küfürlü konuşur ve doğrusu benimde hoşuma gidiyordu bu durum.;
-yarak delisi orospu seni
-bütün kadınlar yarak delisidir. bakma sen hanım abla davranışlarına
-yok yok içlerinde gerçekten masumlar vardır
-heee, öledir. allam ya
-ne oldu ki ?
-o masum sandıklarının iç evrenlerinde ne fırtınalar var acaba? kendileriyle başbaşa kaldıklarında o fırtınalar kasırgaya dönüşüyor.
-neden bu kadar eminsin?
-çünkü kendimde kadınım! hahahaa
– vay amına koyim bunu hiç düşünmemiştim
bu kısa muhabbetten sonra yine sevişmeye başladık. dudakları, memeleri ve göbeği derken amına inmiştim. ben amını yalarken o bacaklarının arasına aldığı kafamı sıkıştırmıştı ve sürekli küfürler savuruyordu. dış ve iç dudaklarını ayırıp dilimi içine soktum. sıcaktı ve yaladıkça iyice sulanmıştı zaten daha fazla dayanamayıp yine bırakmıştı kendini. beli süzülüyordu ve çok geçmeden dilimde hissettim sıcaklığını.,
-üstüme gel
tamam deyip üstüne uzandım. sikimi eline aldı ve amına soktu ve;
-ver yarağı
dediğini yapıp gidip gelmeye başladım. o;
-daha hızlı
hızlanmıştım. o,
-daha sert sik
-uzan üstüme yine
dediğini yapıp uzandım. o yine sikimi eliyle içine soktu ve;
dediğini yapıp iyice yüklendim. o;
-bütün gücünle yüklen. aban iyice gücünü hissettir bana
bütün gücümle abandım. o ise elleriyle kalçalarımdan tutup kendine çekiyordu.bir süre misyoner devam ettikten sonra aniden bıraktı ve kalçasını dönüp domalarak;
-kıçımı sik şimdi
tamam deyip arkadan girdim. yüksek heyecan ve istek arka deliğini gevşettiği için kolay bir giriş olmuştu. girip çıktıkça zevkten geberiyordu ve en sonunda yüzükoyun uzanıp;
-sende uzan üstüme. finali yapalım
dediğini yapıp üstüne uzandım. sikimi yine arka deliğine soktum. pozisyon zorlaştığı için girişte biraz zorlaşmıştı.bu ona daha fazla haz veriyordu.neden sonra;
-tamam dur. çıkarma ama
çıkarmadan öylece durdum. tamamı kıçındaki sikimi, deliğini sıkıp gevşeterek adeta soğuruyordu. başını yastığa gömmüştü ve arada bişiler mırıldanarak inliyordu.çok uzun sürmedi kasılması. tekrar orgasm oluyordu.nihayet rahatlamıştı. sırtüstü döndü ve bana baktı. gülümsüyordu. o, ne tatlı bir gülümsemeydi öyle? i
-iyi dayandın
-yok yok bi kere boşaldım
-farketmedim ya
-neyi farkedeceksin? çıldırmış gibiydin
-hmm, evet ama o çılgınlık konsantrasyonunu devam ettirdi değil mi?
-bak onda haklısın
-ikinci kez boşalmadın ama
-evet, boşalayım mı?
-yok yok kalsın, daha sonra lazım olacak! hehee
-seni azgın kokone
sarılıp öpüştük. birbirimizin gözlerinin içine bakıp derinliklerine daldık.
-bakışlarında aşk var, sevgi var, şefkat var, beni çok seviyorsun değil mi?
-maalesef öyle?
-hmmm, maalesef?
-maalesef işte
-seni hak etmiyorum değil mi? ondan bu ‘maalesef’
-ben böyleyim işte. beni terketmekte haklısın
-bunu sonra konuşalım. önce bişiler yiyelim
-pide ısmarlasana
-tamam. kıymalı değil mi?
-evet. yumurta da kırsınlar üstüne
-tamam canım, 1,5 yeter mi?
tamam deyip resepsiyona telefon edip otelin hemen yanındaki pideciden ona 1,5 kendime de duble kıymalı yumurtalı istedim.
-sen bekle önce ben gireyim
-nazik ol, öncelik bayanlarındır her zaman!
-yok yok pideci gelirse sen karşılaşma diye
-hmm, çok ta kıskancızdır!
-elin adamına böyle kapı açmayı düşünmüyorsun heralde?
-tamam tamam, hadi gir çık hemen
okey deyip duşa girdim. duş alırken düşünmeye başladım. ne olacaktı bu ilişkinin sonu? aslında ikimizde bu evliliğin bitmesi gerektiğinin farkındaydık ama bir türlü bitiremiyorduk. hele ben, sürekli kendime söz vermeme rağmen tutamıyordum bu sözümü. onun eşsiz güzelliğine yenik düşüyordum. düşüyordum ama yinede onu bırakmam gerektiğini biliyordum. en azından mantığım böyle düşündürüyordu. tam bu düşüncelere dalmışken ayten seslendi;
-çabuk ol. pideler gelecek neredeyse
tamam deyip çıktım. beni kendi havlusuyla kurulayım kendi girdi.çantasından beni de kuruladığı küçük havlusunu ve temiz çamaşırlarını çıkarıp yatağın üzerine koymuştu.aslında hiç sevmediğim ve yapmadığım halde açık bıraktığı çantasına baktım. banka cüzdanı vardı ve elime alıp hesaplarına baktım.yüklü miktarda para vardı hesabında. idareli gidersek bizi en az bir sene götürecek miktarda para. hiç çekilmemiş, hep yatırılmıştı. bu paraları nereden bulup yatırmıştı? yine stresten kan-ter içinde kalmıştım’ki kapı çaldı. pideciydi. siparişlerimizi getirmişti. teşekkür edip pideleri bir kenara koyduktan sonra tekrar cüzdana baktım. öyle az-buz değil çidden çok para vardı.nereden bulmuştu bu kadar parayı? stres içinde bunları düşünürken ayten duştan çıktı ve;
-çantamı karıştırdın ha?
-nereden buldun bu kadar parayı?
-gene şüphe ha? stresten sırılsıklam olmuşsun, gir bir daha duş al
-bırak şimdi duşu, nereden buldun bu kadar parayı?
-bağırma, duyacaklar
-duysunlar lan, duysunlarrrr
-evet safım. çünki sana güvenmeye devam ediyorum.
-iyi yapıyorsun?
-ha birde dalga geçmek ha?
yanıma gelip boynuma sarıldı ve öpücükler eşliğinde;
-cüzdana bir daha bak
-kaç kez baktım bilmiyorum
– dikkatini çeken bir şey olmadımı?
-parça parça yatmış hep
-biliyorsun ki genelde pansiyondan yiyip içtiğimizden pek masrafımız olmuyordu. senin haftalığın yetiyordu
-ve sen bana benim haftalığımı ne yaptığımı hiç sormadın
-evet. evet ama senin haftalığın bu kadar etmez
-bir dinle
–eee, sonra?
-odalarını temizlediğim misafirler çoğunlukla bahşiş veriyorlardı. kimi zaman hatırı sayılır miktarda. hatta iş arkadaşım beni kıskanırdı. sen daha güzel olduğundan sana daha fazla bahşiş veriyorlar. bunu patrona söyleyeceğim. bahşişlerimiz bir kutuda birleştirelim ve eşit paylaşalım. bu işin kuralıda mantığı da bu
-hmm, eee?
-patron ne demiş
-hayır demiş. amacı beni ele geçirmek ya ondan. yoksa gerçekten bu işin kuralı bu
-gene başlamıyalım istersen
-tamam tamam.durum bu mu yani?
-başka ne olacaktı? kafandakileri biliyorum. boşalt o kafanı lütfen. sandığın gibi değil. hem sandığın gibi olsa patron izin verirmiydi? adam benim için geberip gidiyor be, aaa..
bu son sözü mantıklıydı. öyle ya, patron çok istediği halde kendi sikemediği kızın başkasıyla yatmasına elbette izin vermezdi. ikna olmuştum. konuşmamızın devamında biriktirdiği paraları önce evde sakladığını sonra masaj ve ingilizce kursuna başlayınca her gidişinde parça parça bankaya yatırdığını söyledi. inanmıştım. ayağa kalktım ve yüzünü avuçlarımın arasına alıp dudaklarını uzun uzun öptüm. hak etmişti bunu. çok gençti. her ne kadar güzel ve alımlıda olsa onunda istekleri vardı. incik-boncuk, takılar ve giysiler gibi. ama o elindekilerle yetindi hep. hatta çok yakınımızda kuaför olduğu halde oraya bile gitmezdi. kendi bakımını kendi yapardı. aslında bunları biliyordum zaten. biliyordum ama üstünde durmuyordum. alabildiğine kısarak biriktirdiği bu hazine(!)/ hazinemiz? bankada kuzu kuzu yatıyordu. gözlerim dolmuştu ve tekrar tekrar sarılıp öptüm onu.geleceğimizi düşünmesi ve bu sorumluluk dahlinde davranması muhteşemdi. ah birde sex düşkünü olmasaydı. ahhh..ah!
bu samimi ortam bizi önce duygusallaştırmış, sonrasında içtenlikli öpüşüp koklaşmalar tekrar yatağa çekmişti.yatağın kenarına oturtup zaten çıplak olan memelerini emmiyordum. o limon büyüklüğünde ama çok sert memelerini. oradan koltuk altına geçtim. benim sevdiğimi bildiği için pek kesmediği tüylü koltuk altına.tüyleri dilimi okşuyordu emerken ve bu bana çok zevk veriyordu.tekrar memeler ve göbek derken amına inmiştim yine.büyük bir iştahla emiyordum. amını yalarken bir yandan da kendi isteği üzerine kıçını parmaklıyordum. zevkten kendini bırakmıştı gene. amı sırılsıklam olmuştu.
-tamam, hazırım sik artık
tamam deyim sikimi amına dayadım ve o yine sikimi kendi eliyle amına soktu ve ,
-vay amına koyduğum orospusu, ne doymazmışsın sen
-orospu ama kocasına aşık bir orospu
-sevseydin beni aldatmazdın
-sex zaafım olduğunu biliyorsun
bu konuşmalar sikimi daha da sertleştirmişti ve oda bunun farkındaydı elbet
-yarağa bak. çok sert yaaa, mmmm
-aytennn, dayanamayacağım ben
– tamam gel aşkım
– ben bi sefer boşaldım. yeter şimdilik
-evet, şimdilik! hahaaa
sikimi amından çıkardım ve ağzına dayadım ve ağzının içine bıraktım döllerimi. iştah ile yalıyordu sikimi. döllerim tükendikten sonra dudaklarından sızan döllerimi diliyle yalayıp temizledi. duş dedi ve banyoya koştu. ben sıramı beklerken yeniden düşünmeye başladım.iki karakter taşıyordu. biri çok sorumlu bir eş diğeri doyumsuz bir fahişe! kimi zaman sanki 50 yaşında bir ev hanımı gibi davranır, kimi zaman çocuksu bir hal alır ve kimi zamanda doyumsuz bir orospuya dönüşürdü. ben bu düşünceler içindeyken ayten banyodan çıktı ve gülümseyerek;
-hadi bakalım kocacığım sıra sende. çabuk ol da karnımızı doyuralım. zaten pidelerimiz soğudu.
tamam canım deyip tekrardan duşa girdim ve alelacele duşumu alıp çıktım ve aytenin kurduğu mini sofraya oturdum. pidelerimizi kolalarımızın eşliğinde yedik ve sonrasında odamıza çay servisi istedik. kısa bir sessizlikten sonra;
-aslında çok iyisin, çok hoşsun ve sorumlusunda. biriktirdiğin para bunun kanıtı. tek zaafın sex. bu istek, bu arzu, beni aldatacak kadar gözü kara yapıyor seni.neden bu kadar istek ve arzu..neden bu denli azgınlık?
-belki genetiktir diyorum
-nerden bu kanıya vardın?
-niye bu kadar şaştın?
-bahsettiğin kadın annen olunca haliyle….
– bizim tarlayı ve meşe ağacını yanındaki çardağımızı biliyorsun değil mi?
-evet, tabiiki
-yazları özellikle hasat zamanı o çardakta kalırdık
-herkesin çardağı vardı ve köye gidip gelme olmasın diye çardağında kalırdı. ne var bunda?
-ablam evlendikten sonra annem, babam ve ben kalmıştık
-günlerden bir gün, yine her zamanki gibi tarladan sonra akşam yemeğimizi yiyip çaylarımızı yudumladıktan sonra benimkiler esnemeye başladı.
-yorgunluktan uykuları gelmiş, ne var bunda?
-çok şey
-allah allah, delirtme adamı yav. düzgün anlatsana. ne o kesik kesik?
-gündüz tarladayken annem ile babam hem çalışıyor hem de şakalaşıyordu. şakalaşma esnasında babam annemin şalvarının üstünden kalçasını sıktığını gördüm. aslında ben 2 arık ötede olduğumdan babam görmez nasıl olsa diye düşündü belki ama bir adım geride olduğumdan görmüştüm. annem akşamı bekle gibi bir şey söyledi ve babamın elini çektirdi
-hmmm, anladım şimdi.
-erken yatıyorlardı ki beni çabucak uyutup sevişsinler.
-eee, sonra
-içim bir tuhaf olmuştu. ben uyuyunca onların sex yapacak olması beni heyacanlandırıyordu. aslında yanlış olduğunu biliyordum ama onları sex yaparken görecek olmam içimde fırtınalar yaratıyordu. çay faslından sonra yataklarımızı serip yattık. ben mahsus onlara şaka mahiyetinde bir şeyler söyleyip iyi geceler diledim güya uyumaya başladım. beni bir an önce uyutup sevişmek için onlarda gaz lambasını söndürüp 2 metre ötemdeki yataklarına çekildiler. gaz lambasını söndürünce babam içeri çok karanlık olmasın diye üstten az bir yer açmış ve oraya cam koymuştu. böylece camdan sızan ay ışığı içeriyi loş da olsa aydınlatıyordu. aslında loş ile karanlık arası bir durumdu. aradan epey bir süre geçmiş olmalıydı ki babam uyuduğuma kanaat getirip anneme sarıldı. annem acele etme bırak iyice uyusun diyip tavır koydu. koysa ne olacak? adam azmış, dinlermi? ben o tarafa dönüktüm ama yorganı başımın üstüne çekmiştim. ve en alttan az da olsa görebiliyordum manzarayı. babam sarılıyor annem itiyordu.. mücadele esnasında yorgan açıldı ve babamın alt tarafı göründü. çıplaktı altı ve siki meydandaydı. annem babama göre daha zayıf ve çelimsiz olduğundan fazla direnemedi ve/veya direnmedi ve kendini babama bıraktı. babam annemi aşağı çekip sikini annemin ağzına dayadı ve ağzında gidip gelmeye başladı. annem nazlanmayı bırakmış ve zevkle emdiği sikin tadını çıkarıyordu. babam yeterince sertleşince üstünü yukarı kıvırdı ve çıplak memelerini babamın ağzına verdi.babam sımsıkı sıktığı memelerin avucunun üstünden taşan uçlarını vahşice emiyordu. annem de havaya girmişti ve bir yandan sessizce inlerken bir yandan da babamın sikini sıvazlıyordu. neden sonra hadi dedi yeter artık, sik beni. konuşurken sesi titriyordu haz alemine dalmıştı annem. öyle’ki yorgan tamamen açıldığı halde beni unuttuklarından umursamıyorlardı bile.annem bacaklarını iyice aralayıp babama pozisyon verdi ve babamda o ralıktan anneme yanaşıp sikini annemin amına daldırdı. gidip gelmeler annemi iyice azdırdığından küfürleri arka arkaya sıralıyordu. büyük şaşkınlık içindeydim. annemi bilirsin sert mizaçlıdır. böyle sert ve tavizsiz olan annemin babamın altında zevkten kendinden geçmesi çok ama çok şaşırtıcıydı.demek’ki dedim sex harika bir şey ve bende hemen denemeliyim!
-eee, sonra?
-anlatıyorum işte, aaaa..sonra babam annemin bacaklarını karnına doğru kırıp daha derinlere daldı. daha sonrada bacak omuza filan işte. en şaşırdığımda annemin babamın boynuna sarılıp kucağına oturması oldu. bilirsin zor pozisyondur. annemin bu zor pozisyonda’ki profesyonelliği takdire şayandır. neredeyse hiç köyünden çıkmamış bir kadından bahsediyoruz çünki. finali arkada yaptılar. annem babama domaldı ve benim sana dediğimi dedi ‘kıçımı da sik’
-hmmm, annenin tadına bakmam lazım!
– beni doyurdun ya!
-doymadın mı amına koyayım?
-evet ama daha sonraları da izledim..kimbilir kaç sefer. orospu olmamın sanırım en büyük sebebi annemdir. öncelikle bize karşı bile sert olan annemin sex esnasında’ki büyük zevki. o zevk sikişmenin sadece erkekleri değil kadınlarıda zevkten uçurduğunu gösteriyordu bana. bir an önce birini bulmalıydım. güzelliğimi ve işvemi kullanıp oğlanları tavlıyor ve kendimi onlara elletiyordum. aslında amacım kendimi onlara siktirmekti ama toy olduklarından ya sikemiyor yada korkup kaçıyorlardı.
-ondan köy senin peşindeydi değil mi?
-evet, adım çıkmıştı ve herkes beni sikmeye çalışıyordu. bunları sende biliyorsun zaten

-bana asılmayan bi sen kaldın! hahaaa
-aşıktım sana
-farkındaydım. onun için sikmeye çalışmadın
– köy çalkalandıydı o zamanlar
– evet o restorancıyla çıkmam o dedikodulardan dolayı zaten
-kızlığını omu bozdu?
-hayır. çok daha önce
-kim bozdu kızlığını?
– boşver
-bu çok öneml mi?
-değil ama merak işte
-remzi abimi? yok ya, o dürüst adamdır
-yok yok, cemalettin eniştem!
-????..sultan teyzenin kocası cemalettin amcamı?
evet, aynenn
-git kız, adam deden yaşında. belki daha yaşlı
-o kadar gencin arasında onu yaşlı bunağımı buldun? hemde bu güzellikle
-teşekkür ederim
-o niye o?
-beni çok güzel bulduğunu itiraf ettin
-bunu zaman zaman söylüyorum zaten
-ama bu kez çok içten söyledin
-tamam tamam, konuya gelelim nasıl oldu bu?
-oğlanlar ya korkuyor yada beceremiyordu
-bende cemalettin enişteye göz koydum!
-evet, bir an önce sex yapmak istiyordum ve dürtü sağlıklı düşünmemi engelliyiyordu
-kabahat onda. torunu yaşındasın. nasıl kıydı sana?
-esas kabahat bende ama. ben kışkırttım
-neler yaptın kışkırtmak için?
-yorgunum ve uyumak istiyorum. daha sonra anlatırım.hadi yatalım artık
-tamam aşkım. istersen ortalığı toplayıver. yemek yerken paket kağıtları dağılmış bak
ayten ortalığı toplarken kirli çamaşırlarımızı görmüştü ve onları yıkamak için banyoya girdi. ben yatağa uzanıp beklemeye başladım. kısa bir süre sonra döndü ve yanıma uzandı.sex ortağı gibi değil karı koca gibi birbirimize sarıldık ve tatlı bir uykuya daldık.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
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Mrb hikaye severler.ben anadolunun bir ilinde yaşamaktayım adım mehmet.burdaki hikayeleri okuduktan sonra bende annemle başımdan geçen bir hikayemi sizinle paylaşmak istedim bu olay bundan 1 sene önce başladı ve halen ara sıra fırsat buldukça aynı anları yaşamaktayız.neyse ben hemen hikayeme geçeyim.ben eşim annem babam ve bende 7 yaş küçük kardeşim ali ile ile aynı evde yaşamaktayız.eşim çok istemesine rağmen maddi imkanımız el vermediği için ailemden ayrılıp kendi başıma ev kuramadım zaten iyik**e kuramamışım:)annem ile babam görücü usulü ile evlendikleri içi genelde bizim evde annem ile babam arasındaki tartışmalar hiç eksik olmaz.annem babama göre daha bakımlı kapalı namazında niyazında ve çok otoriter bir kadındır.46 yaşında olmasına rağmen hafif tombul göğüsleri büyük ve poposu hafif dışarıya çıkıktır.ben daha önce annemle ilgili hiç kötü düşüncelere sahip olmadım dahası bu tür hikayeleri okuduğumda bana çok saçma ve çok günah gelirdi.ben 3 senedir evli olmama rağmen halen çocuğumuz yok ve annem sürekli torun torun diye tutturuyordu.kardeşim ali ise okulu bitirdikten sonra sivasta ünv kazandı ve oraya yerleşti.okul tatil zamanlarından başka ali görüşemiyorduk.mayıs aylarında annem tutturdu illa alinin yanına gitmek istiyorum rüyada gördüm çok kötüydü falan filan diye ama hem işlerimden dolayı hemde eşimden dolayı ben annem ile babamın gitmesini istiyordum ne yazıkki babam hasta olduğundan ben gitmem diye tutturdu her söyleidiğimde annen değilmi sen götür diye tutturdu .neyse ben eşimi babasının evine bırakıp annemle gitmeye karar verdim.otobüs biletimizi kestirdikten sonra yola çıktık.aliye söylemedik çünkü ona sürpriz yapmak istemiştik.annem her zamanki gibi kapalıydı bende anne bak yola çıkıyoruz bari yoldayken şu türbanı çıkarda biraz rahat et dedim neyse annem kabul etti ve yolda konuşmalarla nerseyse yolun yarısını geçmiştik.gece 2 sularında uyandığımda annemin koltukta uyuduğunu ve sol elinin benim pantolonumun ön tarafına değdiğini hissettim anemin uykusu ağır olduğundan bunu bilerek yaptığını düşünmedim bile.annemin kolunu kaldırmak istedim ama annem çok deli yattığı için vede kıyamadığım için öyle kalmasını istedim.fakat bende bişeyler olmuştu ve sikim yavaş yavaş büyüyordu.o an bende ne olduğunu tahmin edemedim aman allahım yoksa annemimi arzuluyordum o kapalı dindar otoriter kadının eli benim sikimin üstündeydi.yüzümü çevirdiğimde annemin yüzü bana dönük şekilde ve dudakları ile benim dudaklarımın arasında fazla bi mesafe yoktu nefes alışverişlerini dinliyordum ama çok tahrik oldum ilk defa annemi sikme arzusu belirdi içimde ve bunun çok zor olacağını biliyordum.neyse ben ilk mola yerinde wc koşup 31 ile kendimi tatmin ettim ama hep o anı hayal ediyordum.otobüs nihayet sivasa geldi ve biz iner inmaz alinin cebini aradık fakat kapalıydı ne yapıcamızı bilemedik.ünv o gün kapalıydı ve biz hiçbir yer bilmiyorduk.anneme istersen yoldan geldik yorgunuz hem alinin cebi açılana kadar bir otelde dinlenip uyuyalım dedim annem iyi olur belim çok ağrıyor ve yorgunum dedi bende hemen otogara yakın bi otele gidip fiyatları sordum otel ucuzdu ama yinede ben 2 oda tutmak istedim annem bunu duyunca oğlum ne gereği var tatile gelmedikki biraz uyuyup dinlenip çıkarız 1 oda yeter dedi bende kabul ettim.neyse odamıza çıktık ben anneme duş alıcam dedi oda tamam oğlum bende şu üstümdekileri çıkarıp uzanıcam biraz dedi.ben banyoya girdim akşamki olay bir türlü çıkmadı beynimden mutlaka o zevki tatmalıydım ama nasıl?neyse banyoda yarım saat kaldıktan sonra annemden bavuldaki havluyu istedim fakat ses gelmedi sanırım uyumuştu.ben mecbur çıplak çıkmak zorunda kaldım çıkınca annemin yüzüstü uyuduğunu gördüm hemen havluyu alıp yan taraftaki ranzaya uzandım ama aklım annemdeydi.annem çok derin uyuyordu ama yinede cesaret edip ona yaklaşamıyordum.annemi izlerken birden annem yüzünü öbür tarafa çevirip bacağını karnına doğru çekti bacakları dizine kadar açıldı bembeyaz tombul bacakları vardı annemin ve dikkatli bakınca annemin eteğinin içinden giydiği külotun izleri belli oluyordu o an boşalmamak için kendimi zor tuttum.hemen külotumu giyip annemin yatağına doğru yavaşça ilerledim seslendim ses vermedi.ben elimle eteğinin ucundan tutup yukarı doğru çektim aman allahım one popo öyle.beyaz külot dışında bişey yoktu altında bu manzara beni boşaltmaya yetti fakat hiç bozuntuya vermeden devam ettim.eteğini belinde toplayıp elimi külotunun üstünden poposuna koydum yumuşacıktı ve hafif okşamaya başladım yaklaşık 5 dk bu şekilde geçti ben hemen külotunun yan bağcıklaını elimle aşağı doğru indirmeye çalışıyordum ve ilk çekmemde annemin göt çukuru göründü ben hemen külotu poposunun yarısına indirip elimi sikime attım ve tekrar boşaldım.artık hal kalmamıştı bende ve ben bir plan yaptım hemen.annemin külotunu yavaşça indirip eteği indirdim külotuda gidip tuvalete koydum.yanına gelip üstüne atladım kasten anne kalk uyuayamı geldik falan dedim oda uyanıp oğlum belim çok ağrıyor kalk dedi üstümden bende anne ağrıyorda neden söylemiyorsun yat belini ovucam dedim.yok falan dediysede dinlemedim hemen yüzüstü yatırdım ve elbisesinin üstünden belini ovmaya omuzunu ovmaya başladım annemde ha orası evet tam orası deyip bana direktifler veriyordu.bende anne şu bluzu çıkarda öyle yapayıp böyle rahat olmuyor dedim ama yok falan dedi bende ben senin oğlunum benden utanmıyacaksın herhalde deyip işi pişkinliğe vurdum ve mecbur kabul etti.önce bluzunu sonrada atletini çıkardım sütyen kaldı sadece ve bana göğüslerinin ön kısmını göstermiyordu hemen uzandı şakayla devam dedi.bende elimi sabun köpüğü alıp banyodan geldim ve omuzunu ovmaya belini ovmaya başladım sanırım elim çok hafif olduğundan bu tekrar verdim cvp vermedi bende hemen işe koyuldum ve sütyeninin arka tarafını açtım sırtı bembeyaz ve benle doluydu.hafif hafif öpüp kokladım sırtını sonra eteğini indirmeye başladım ve indiriyordumda altında külot olmadığından eteği dizlerine kadar indirdim ve o kocaman beyaz götü karşımdaydı bende hemen külotumu çıkarıp yatağın üstüne oturdum ve poposunu ovmaya başladım poposunun yanaklarını yana açınca annemin göt deliği ve amcığı karşımdaydı hayatımda bu kadar masum bi am görmedim hafif kıllı ama tombuldu.ben eteği komple çıkardım ve bacaklarını hafiften iki yana açtım annem halen yüzüstü yatıyordu ve ben burnumu hafiften amcığına doğru yaklaştırdım zangır zangır titriyordum bu arada o am kokusu beni deli etti göt deliğiğini kokladım hafif ter kokuyorduçdilimle göt deliğine dokundum annem birden irkilir gibi oldu ödüm koptu ama iş işten geçmişti kalksa bile sikecektim onu.dilimle omzundan poposuna ordan göt deliğine ve amcığına dilimi vuruyordum ve bundan müthiş haz alıyordum.artık o çıktığım ama girmek istiyordum sikimi elime alıp annemin amına yerleştirdim ve birkaç gidip gelmeden sonra anneminde hafif inlediğini ve aynı anda ağladığını gördüm ama duramazdım artık tam boşalmaya yakınken annem kısık sesle içime boşalma dedi.bende beline boşaldım ve yanına uzandım annem yüzüme bakmadan neden bunu yaptın dedi bende seni arzuladım dayanamadım affet diyebildim ve ağladım.annem bana dönüp öylece baktıktan sonra bende 4 yıldır erkeğe muhtacım ama bunun sen olacağını düşünemedim dedi ve başımı alıp göğüsleri yasladı.bende ona sarılıp anne bundan sonra istersen erkeğin ben olurum fırsat buldukça sevişiriz ama senin gönlünün olması lazım dedim ses çıkarmadı .bende göğüslerini sıkıp bunları emebilirmiyim dedim kabul etti bi andan göğüslerini emerken diğer yandan annem elini sikime atmış okşuyordu bende elimle onun amını elliyordum.annem kalk hadi üstüme çıkta güzel yapalım şunu demin bişey anlamadım zaten dedi.bende hemen üstüne çıkıp bacaklarını omzuma koyup amının derinliklerine giriyordum ve çok sert yapıyordum bunu dayanamayıp içine boşaldım.ilk defa boşalırken annemin dudaklarını emiyordum ve çok güzel sevişiyordu benimle ona defalarca sen kadınımsın dedim oda oğlum yavrum sik ananı günahın bana yavrum deyip duruyordu.işimiz bitince giyinip aliyi aradım yine ve ali cvp verince gel bizi burdan al dedim ve oteli tarif ettim ve tamam deyip kapattı.ben annem banyodayken içeri girdim annem duş alıyordu ben arkadan dolanıp anne izin verirsen ali gelene kadar bir kere daha yapalım dedim ok dedi.ben annemi hemen domaltıp götünü sabunladıktan sonra götüne girmeye çalıştım ama annem çok ses çıkarıyordu acıyor falan diyordu sanırım babam onu götünden hiç sikmemişti ve çok dardı ben 10 dk gidip geldikten sonra götüne boşaldım hemen temizlenip çıktım banyodan.ben üstümü giyinirken annem çıkıp tekrar türbanı takıp beklemeye başladık tabi ben rahat durmadım o hali çok çekici geldi bana ve ben göğüslerini okşayıp dudaklarını öpüyordum.oğlum yapma ali gelecek biri görür diye ama dinlemedim ben öptükçe o dilini ağzıma koyuyordu zevk aldığı her halinden belliydi. Hikayenin devamı başka sefere hoşçakalın….

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Subject: Ben Storm Chapter 20 gay/adult-youth Ben Storm �St. Willie Your author lives in a land where many languages are used, the words and phrases are slightly different in this non-ageist, fictional tale of men and boys. I ask your patience with the English as you enjoy a story about innocence and love facing the machinations of greed. Your patience is requested along with an email containing your comments. SmokinHenry@protonmail Forwarding a donation to Nifty is more than acceptable as fty/donate.html xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Loneliness, a relatively easy term to describe but yet one of the worst feelings to live with. Show me a man, women or child that have not experience that feeling and I will show you a lair. For most it a short term feeling but for some its a feeling that they need to live by for days, weeks, months or even years. A feeling that makes you feel pain deep inside of you that drives you to tears silently at night with your face burred in your pillow, that makes you live life as a robot day in and day out. One can be surrounded by millions, but without one loving you for who you are, the feeling of loneliness creeps like a thief in the night and hitting you over the head with a 4-pound hammer. CHAPTER 20 Jack stood and looked at his new grandsons, amazed on how closely Harry looked like Ben. If it were not for the scars, he would have thought it was Ben drying his little brother after they showered. He took the two of them for haircuts before they came here to the motel, hidden away in the Hell’s forest, a nickname that is well suited for it. Hell’s forest, or better known as Dark forest, has seen many a traveler that got lost in it and never to be seen again. The dense tree growth made it very difficult to navigate and if one is not careful, you can step over the cliff that borders the forest on the south side. The cliff has a drop of 75 meters, straight to the rocks below and who or what ever falls from it, will be swept away by the fierce waves that is eating away on the cliff. Harry has told Jack their life story, making Jack sick to his stomach. It was hard to listen too but he needed to know for Harry was deeply troubled. Jack could see the boy has no self-esteem, no sense of what is right or wrong. He grew up in an environment where lies, abuse and out witting the so-called parental figure was at the order of the day. He saw hard times ahead for Steve and knew he would have to step in to help. For Jack it was clear, if not for Jesse, Harry would have been lost. Jesse gave him a purpose in life, something to wake up for in the morning. The fact that Harry refused to the take the drugs because he knew that Jesse will need him, that in itself showed Jack that Harry and Ben were so alike, their hearts were filled with love and the hunger for each other’s love. The one he can’t figure out is Cody, one minute he is happy, the next he is withdrawn. He had a conversation with the boy, but he gets the feeling that the boy is withholding something from him. “You know what time they will arrive?” Harry asked while dressing his little brother. “I do not know.” Jack looked at the scar on the boys leg and butt, “Is it painful, the scar?” “Sometimes, But I’m used to it.” Harry touched the scar, “You can touch it if you want.” He walked over to Jack, turning so the scar was in full view again. Jack looked at the boy and could see what he was trying to do. He took the boy’s hand and lead him to the arm chair that stood in front of the TV. He sat down and pulled the boy on his lap, one hand stroking his back and the other on the knee. “Harry my boy,” Jack looked him in the eye, “Sex is not the way to get someone to love you, sex is something you do when you in love with someone.” Jesse came to stand next to them. “But the men that were with me, with us,” Harry looked over to Jesse and back to Jack, “They always said they loved us while we were having sex with them.” He looked a bit confused. “Yea they did.” Jack picked up Jesse on his other lap, “But where are they now? After they had sex with you, they left you there and went back to their wives and families back home, forgetting all about you till they find the need for sex with you again.” “But Ben is having sex with Steve.” Harry stated. “Yea, he does,” Harry struggled to talk about sex matters. “But they did fall in love after Steve started to get Ben away from the bad people in his life. He loved him so much that he, without a second thought said he will take you away from the bad people just because the two of you are Ben’s brothers.” “Steve do not want sex with us?” Harry asked, and Jesse looked big eyed at the two. “I do not believe he wants sex with you.” Jack said, “He wants you to be part of his life, Ben and his, just because he cares for you.” “So, Daddy will not tell me to lick his lolly, he just wants to love us?” Jesse got a look from his brother. “He is not your Daddy, why do you call him Daddy?” Harry asked firmly, sending the boy to tears. “Because he is our Daddy now” Jesse said crying into the chest of Jack. “Harry,” Jack started, “I know why you think Steve is a threat. You where Jesse’s dad for his whole life and believe me, I have great respect for you to fill that role for your brother. Steve does not want to take him away from you, but rather he is trying to keep you together. Just give Steve a chance, you will see that he will care for Jesse and you as if you are his own children. He is not there to take Jesse away from you, but rather make the weight weighing down on you just uşak escort a bit lighter. Jesse will always need his big brother in his life.” “I love you Cupcake.” Came from Jesse and he hugged his brother, “Told you that you always be my daddy even if Steve is my new daddy.” “Love you too, Bubbles.” Harry said excepting his brother’s hug, “Sorry I was cruel now.” “You not cruel or rude Harry, you are just protecting your brother.” Jack said giving them a hug. Cody stood at the bathroom door watching the three of them on the arm chair, listening to every word they were saying, leaving him in deep thought. He turned around and went back into bathroom and closing the door behind him. He took his phone while sitting down on the edge of the bath and started writhing a text and sending it. I miss you Please come fetch me at Hell’s Forrest Motel room 102 Love Cody Cody sat for 5 minutes and only when he heard the laughter of Jesse did he go out again. He opened the door seeing Jack laying on the bed with Jesse on top of him. Jack and Harry took turns to tickle the little boy. “Hello.” It came from the door, “I hope there is something to eat.” Ben entered the room and Jesse made a bee line for him, jumping in his arms and placing a sweet little brotherly kiss on the lips. Jack indicated to Harry to get dressed and he walked over to greet his son with a hug. Cody waited till Harry has done greeting before he did move closer to Ben. “Where is Steve?” Cody asked. “He and Jo went to the front office.” Ben hugged Cody whispering in his ear, “What’s wrong?” Ben knew his friend and could see something is weighing heavy on him. “Talk later, alone.” Cody whispered back. “Can you help me with the suitcases? Pizza’s in the SUV, please guys.” Ben asked his brothers, in now time the 4 boys had everything in the room, seated and waiting to dig in. Steve was the first to enter the room, he was smiling but Jack could see that something was wrong. The boys greeted him with hugs and Jesse was all over his daddy, sloppy kisses all over the face. Harry just laughed while pulling his brother from Steve. “Hey Bubbles, give daddy a change to sit down at least.” Harry looked at Jack and received a smile back. “He will be here tomorrow as well, no need to eat him up.” Steve now looked at Jack and he could see that his father wants to talk to him. The six of them sat around the table, table for 4, so Ben and Cody shared a seat and Jesse on Harry’s lap. Jack said grace and the boys dived into the pizza. Cody took Ben’s hand under the table and Ben was not used to this kind of affection coming from his friend. He used to dick grabs and those things. “Where Jo?” Jack asked looking for Jo to enter the room. “Well, now is as good a time as any,” Steve started. “Jo is scouting the area around the motel. We have a small problem.” “Like?” Jack asked looking worried. “Pete has escaped.” Steve said looking at all the boys, “By the sound of it, the commissioner is on the run as well. We met up with Vincent earlier as well and as soon as he heard Pete is on the loose, he made a bee line for his car and said he needs to hide away.” “But he is in on it as well.” Cody said, his grip on Ben’s hand getting firmer. “Yea we thought so as well, but he handed everything over to us.” Steve looked at Jack, “Vincent said he wants nothing to do with anything that involves Pete and John. He handed everything to Jo and me, even the birth certificate of Cody. He clearly wants out and we do not see him as a threat, doubt if we ever will see him again.” “That’s good. One less thing to worry about.” Jack looked relieved in a way, but Pete on the loose made him angrier than anything else. “Steve can I phone for a few guards to help us a bit, till Pete can be stopped?” “That is the best idea I have heard the whole day.” Steve answered. Jack left the room immediately to make a call. “Cody,” Steve looked serious. “When last did Pete call you or anything?” “Last time I spoke to him I told you about,” Cody answered looking a bit upset, “He tried once more but I refused to answer, he did not try again. I swear I will not help Pete, is that what you think?” “No buddy, not at all” Steve saw that he did upset the boy a bit “We just thought he might try to use your phone to locate us, you know, tracking.” “You think he will?” Cody said handing his phone over to Steve. “Do with it what you want. If you break it you replace it.” Cody was a bit upset, as any teenager will be, but he understood the reasoning. Steve switched the phone off and made sure the sim was taken out. Ben could see that the time for him and Cody to speak is now. “Steve, I know you want to speak to Cody, but can we have a little alone time first?” Ben asked. “Yes, no problem.” Steve looked around, “I just do not know where as I don’t want any of you kids alone outside.” “They can use the room next door, it’s also ours.” Jack said from the door, “We have 4 armed guards arriving in the morning, so remember boys, behave. Cody, yes I am looking at you.” Jack will not forget the horny boy that wanted to shower with Harry and Jesse. “Thanks Dad.” Steve said before Cody could chirp at Jack. “Ben use the room next door while we clean up here.” With that Ben lead Cody to the room next door, their hands not parting once, Harry gave them a side glance and Jesse was straight in Steve’s arms again, leaving Harry and Jack to do the cleaning. Ben used the key that Jack handed to him before they left and closed the door behind them. “Ok bro, what is wrong?” Ben asked and they sat down on the bed next to the door “I van escort can see something is bothering you, big time.” “Pete will kill me.” Cody said, “I am really scared.” “He out to kill me as well, or is this just a feeling?” Ben knew that Cody will be scared, but why is he feeling there is more to this? “Cody, what is really bothering you?” “I want what you have.” Cody said looking Ben in the eyes, “I want people who loves me for me and not as a fuck toy. I want to know they want me and not just my ass. I saw how Jack was with your brothers. Does that make sense?” “How was Jack with them?” Ben wondered what they did when he was not around. “Harry tried to score with Jack, but he did not want Harry in that way. Told him that real love has nothing to do with sex. I want that as well.” Cody wondering if his friend think he is crazy. “I love Jack, he is a good old man.” Ben knew what his friend is feeling, “And you can have it as well, you know that there is an open adoption paper with Steve, he wants to talk about it with you. I know he wants you to live with us, but it’s your choice” “What about Pete?” Cody said “He will want me to go with him and I still love him even knowing he does not love me.” “He loves you the same way John loved me.” Ben took both of his friends’ hands in his, “But John never loved me even if everyone tells me so. He wanted me for his own sexual fantasies and he would have used me to get to other boys, just as Pete used you. It’s your choice but Pete is no good to you. I fear that you will end up under the back yard with your father. Pete is a killer and I know he killed John.” “I know. Worked it out myself.” Cody said. “You know what he told me over the phone the last he spoke to me? He said that I must make sure that he gets you and that no man must sleep with you, if I do not, he will kill me. When I said that I love him he just said whatever and put the phone down.” Cody spend a good few minutes crying into Ben’s shoulder. He was hurt and hurt big time, his world as he knew tumbled into pieces around him. The love that he had for Pete was not that as of a lover, but that of a son towards his father. But a father that only used him. He was in emotional turmoil, his head telling him one thing, his heart another. His brain is telling him to do what his father wants, for his own safety but his heart tell him to be true to his friend, his brother. He has fallen in love with the idea of having a family of his own that loves him the way he loves them. “Ben, brother,” Cody started again after he calmed down. “What can I do to have a restart in life as you did?” Cody raised his eyes to meet those of Ben’s “How?” “By becoming your real you.” Jack said standing in the door. None of the boys heard him opening the door, jerking their heads towards them. Jack walked to take a seat next to the boys, taking Cody’s hand in his. Both boys stared at him, wondering what he meant. “Cody is someone that Pete created.” Jack said with a soft voice, “He created you like he wanted you to be, a boy that could give him sex, a means to have his way with other boys and currently he wants you to get to Ben. He does not care about you or any of your needs.” “Yea I know he doesn’t.” Cody turned to face the old man, “But how do I do that, how do forget about Pete and everything we did together?” “By becoming William Root, claim back your name.” Jack could see the tears swelling up in the boy’s eyes again. “You will never forget Pete and all you have done with him as Cody, take it as life lessons. But now you can be your true self, William Root, and start your life over again, like you said, restart your life. Take what you have learn in your life and create a better future for yourself.” “So, I must be William now, not Cody anymore?” Cody asked, “Ben what you think?” “I think that is the best plan ever.” Ben said giving his friend a hug, “And if you….” But Jack cut in. “Steve told me what is happening surrounding your situation and I offered to talk to you.” Jack said looking at Ben and back at Cody, “You have a choice to go live with whoever you want. Steve and Jo would be happy to have you in their live as a son.” “What? Must I choose who my lover will be?” Cody asked. “As Cody yes, but as William Root, you can choose your father.” Jack answered back, “And I will love to have you as well. I see so much of you in me, I was a misguided lad in my time, drugs, alcohol and many run-ins with the cops till I met my wife. She is the one that showed me that there is much more to life than just party. I want to give it to you, and I promise not to make the same mistakes I made while raising Steve. Your sexuality is yours and I will never tell you who to love and who not. But do not decide now, sleep over it.” Cody turned to Ben and then back to Jack. Were his ears betraying him? A man that does not like boys or even is gay wants to be his father? Can he really start over and claim back his name? Will Pete ever be in the past? Cody did not know what to do but knew what he wanted. “You sure Jack?” Cody asked. “Yes, I am sure as the sun will rise in the morning again.” Jack gave the boy a hug. “I like both you and Steve, and what I have seen of Jo, I like him as well.” Cody said, “Can I sleep over it as you said?” “Yes, please do Cody.” Jack answered. “No,” Cody looked the old man straight in the eyes. “My name is William Root, Cody died tonight.” “I am so proud of you William Root.” ack said. “Now let’s go to the others so we can introduce you to them.” “Yes, William.” Ben started while tears flowing down yalova escort his cheeks gave his best friend a hug. “And whoever you choose, we will be best friends forever.” The 3 locked the room before joining the others in the room next door. Jack called everyone over as he has an announcement to make. “My sons and grandsons, not forgetting you Jo, our family friend.” Jack started but William could no longer wait. “My name is William Root.” William started, “Cody was a made-up name by Pete, and Cody died tonight. My real name is William Root and I am proud of it.” “I am so proud of you William.” Steve walked over to the boy and gave him a hug while giving his dad a nod to say thank you. “Yea buddy, William Root is a mighty fine name you have.” Jo said giving the boy a hug. “Wow, life is so strange. One man came and saved us all, while others just wanted to use and abuse us.” Harry walked over and did the same, gave William one huge hug. “How did Cody die, he standing right here, are all of you blind?” Jesse was confused, “And who is William Root?” Everyone laughed but Steve took the young boy on his lap and explained in a way that a 5-year-old can understand. The rest of the night was a carefree night, or rather as close to carefree as it could get. They were talking on how their lives did change and their exceptions. All agreed that they can’t wait to be back home and start rebuilding their lives. William had so much to think about and listening to his friends made it harder. He likes Jo and Steve and the offer that Jack made to him sounded like something he longed for all his life, A father that will love him back. But he loved the Grant’s as well, will they have him? “Steve, it’s getting close to bed time for us,” Jack said. “Why don’t you and Jo bring the bed from next door so we can sleep all together?” “Good idea Dad.” Steve said standing up. “No wait,” William said, “Why don’t you guys sleep here and Jo and me sleep next door?” Steve and Jack looked at William wondering what he was up to. Jo twisted his head because he never expected this. But Ben knew the reason why. “William wants to talk to Jo.” Ben answered, “He has a big choice to make.” “Yea, that.” William said pointing to Ben. William and Jo left for their room and Jack went for a quick shower. Ben and his brothers got dressed in sleepwear, if we can call it that, Harry and Jesse were in undies and Ben was in rugby shorts. Jesse wanted to know why he don’t wear undies for bed, Ben told him that he dislikes undies and soon he said that the boy was nude. It took them a while to get him dressed again in his undies, Ben had to borrow a pair from his brother. Ben felt very uncomfortable to have such tight-fitting cloth against his privates. Steve did go for a shower after his dad and within minutes, the 5 of them were in their beds. Jack alone in his single bed and the rest on one king size bed. “Steve,” It came from Harry, “Will you mind if I sleep with Jack?'” “Come boy.” Jack said holding open the covers, “Steve will not mind, or do you Steve?” “Nope I do not mind.” Steve said. Harry lay spooned up to Jack, he felt safe with the old man’s arms wrapped around him. He knew that this man will not take advantage of him. Steve ended up laying in the middle with Ben’s head on the one arm and Jesse’s on the other. He fell asleep with the wonder of who’s hand is resting on his crotch. Meanwhile next door: Jo offered William the shower as he wanted to do a bid of work still. With all that happened the past few days his own work has fallen behind and there are over 100 unread mail waiting for him. William did not say no but he wanted to speak to Jo a bit, but decided that his work comes first. William took his time in the shower, collecting his thoughts on what Jack told him earlier. It did not take long for him to start to fantasize with being with Steve and Jo at the same time. He grew hard and that is not what he wanted tonight, he turned the hot water off and was trying to get rid of his erection in cold water. William got out, dried himself, and went to sit on the edge of the bed where Jo was lying to read his email. Jo looked up at the nude boy facing him. It was clear that William wanted to speak, and speaking he was, his whole body screamed “take me.” “William, I am not here for that.” Jo said but he could not take his eyes away of the boy’s almost 4-inch hard cock, “I am here to help you and Steve and the rest.” “I know.” William said in a horny voice “I want you badly.” Steve looked at the boy and placed the laptop on the bed side table. He stood up and walked to the shower. “William, while I take a shower, you get rid of that.” Jo looked once again to the boy who is handing himself to him on a silver platter. “It’s fucking hard for me to say no, but…” Jo struggled to continued. Jo turned back to William and walked over to him, not sure if what he is about to do is the right thing. He stripped his clothes on the way and when he stood in front of William, naked with his 8-inch hard, thick cock, did William jump into his arms. “You sure?” Jo asked but his chasing breath gave his lust away, “I am scared.” “Do not be.” William said, “I want this.” William wrapped his arms around Jo’s neck, his legs around his waist. Their lips meeting for the first time, tongues fighting with each other. William could feel the big coke can underneath him and he wanted it. William was laid down on the bed, Jo not letting their lips part. Their soft kissing soon became a lust-filled passion full kiss. William heard a loud thud sound and Jo collapsed on top of him, he opened his eyes and saw a drop of blood running from Jo’s head. He pushed the man aside and looked up. “Pete?” He shouted. To Be Continued. Please feel free to contact me with your thoughts, good or bad ail Thank you V. You know why.

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Subject: Lil Peepers This story has been floating around in my head for a couple of years now. I’ve started it 2 or 3 times then discarded it for a variety of reasons. I really only think about it when I’m working in my yard naked or otherwise and wondering what it would be like if there were kids hiding in the woods that border the back part of my property. So, here it is. I doubt there will be more but who knows. Regardless, N-joi. Hugs, Tag_m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE START THE NEW YEAR OUT RIGHT MAKE A $$$ CONTRIBUTION TO fty/donate.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had known that someone was there the first day that they showed up and I knew it for a couple of reasons. One, my older brother and I had roamed every inch of the 400 acres of woods that bordered the back and one side of our property, often times naked as the day we were born. We had grown up there, moving to the property when I was 3 and Ralph was 8. My father had gotten permission from the Rasmussen’s for us to play in the woods provided we didn’t destroy things, we didn’t litter and we didn’t start fires. We could camp there if we wanted but no fires, no permanent changes. Mr. Rasmussen would do a walk around check every so often and never did he complain to my father about our behavior. The second reason I knew they were there was because my brother had built the peeping hide that they were in for me when I was 9 years old. It wasn’t much, just bushes and strategically placed dead brush and the like. He built it so that I could watch quietly when he and his friends were fucking girls or each other on our back lawn, not 15 feet away from the hide. I adored my brother and he adored me. Ralph taught me all kinds of things that our father never had much chance to do, his having died when I was 7 and Ralph 12. So Ralphie taught me how to pitch a ball, strike a tent, train a dog and everything in between. And he taught me about sex. Ralph never did much with me despite the fact that I was more than willing. Sure, he fondled me, sucked my cock once in a while, showed me how to jack off and let me jack him off and suck his cock from time to time but that was pretty much it. “Any one of my friends would love to play with you Sammy,” he told me. “But I want to play with you Ralphie,” I practically whined. He commiserated with me but held fast. I would find out later on that the reason he rarely played sexy with me was because he was afraid that he’d really like it and living together like we did and with so much free and unmonitored time, he was afraid that he’d take advantage of that. “I would have been sexing you every day Sammy,” he said. Well for fuck’s sake, I would have been fine with that. Alas, it wasn’t to be. So, a lot of my sex education came from hiding behind the blind while my brother Ralph and his friends did each other, did little girls or little boys, hell I even watched one of his friends get fucked by a big dog. When I saw that dog’s dick after it came out of the boys’ ass I about flipped. Sweet Jesus it looked like a big fat angry red rocket. The knot at the base was like a fucking baseball and I wondered if it had gone in the boys’ asshole then figured, no way. As I found out later, I’d been dead wrong about that. Our property started out as 55 acres in what was then considered country. Over the years my mother had sold 2 acre plots, the smallest that the codes would allow at the time, to augment her income. So, by the time I came to own it, the property was 11 acres. It was still sort of in the country but as the nearest city grew, so the countryside became less country. What had been mostly 10 acre to hundred acre farms was now mostly houses on � to 1 acre or less plots of land. There were still some farms but nothing much bigger than what I owned except for the guy who ran the local vegetable stands, the big ones. And of course, the Rasmussen’s property behind ours. Growing up, the nearest ümitköy escort house was a mile away, by the time I lived there as an adult the nearest house was 100 or more yards away. What started as unincorporated land was now a series of small incorporated towns, most with nothing larger than a Safeway or Albertson’s store, post office, a dozen or so small businesses along with the usual suspects in the fast food industry, and sometimes a little more upscale family style diner. My brother was killed in Viet Nam when he was 19 years old and left a moderate life insurance policy that helped to prevent mom from having to sell off everything. When I reached my 40’s I began giving her $250 a month to help augment her social security. She passed away when I was 51 and I inherited the property, free and clear of any mortgages. The house was toward the back of the 11 acres and completely shielded from any outside view due to hedges, woods, and fences although there was no fence between my property and the Rasmussen’s. The back of my house faced the Rasmussen woods, easily 120 feet away. A wide wood deck ran the length of my house and between that and their property line I had plenty of flower gardens, tall cedars or firs with fern gardens and rockery and benches underneath them. A small creek ran down along one side and had a nice sized pond that was fed by the creek. It was very idyllic and, with the exception of airplanes, very private. Thus, I went naked much of the time. I sunbathed on my deck or on the lawn, worked in my yard, swam in my pond, almost always without clothing on. I had practiced nudism much of my adult life. I loved the freedom of being naked especially among other people. It was at a nudist resort in a warm southern state where I was a member that I got my first taste of kiddie sex, as an adult, at the ripe age of 23. I’d spend many entire weekends there and had made friends with many of the people who were regulars too, and many of them had children. I’d been invited to a cookout at one of families little cabin in an area of the resort that was off limits to the general public, where people owned their cabins, but not the land. The cabins were pretty much in a section of the woods and situated to provide some privacy between each other as well. As I was walking with Tad, the man of the family, we were passing another cabin where some people were gathered out front in lounge chairs and the like. I watched as a boy maybe 9 years old went up to a woman, placed his mouth over her breast and began nursing as they stood there. She waved hello to us then put her hand at the back of the boys’ head and ruffled his hair. I could see the boys’ cock go from soft to full on hard before we passed out of sight. “Things are considerably different on this side of the fence Sam,” he said, “I hope it doesn’t bother you too much.” “Not in the least little bit Tad, I’m good.” He clapped me on the back and said good. Going by yet another cabin I saw a little girl crawl up onto a man’s lap and as we passed by, it looked an awful lot like his cock was inside her cunt yet he sat there holding a conversation with two other adults who were also in camp chairs. “Like I said,” Tad said. “It’s all good,” I replied. At Tad and Lois’ cabin I was introduced to some people I didn’t know, others I did know or at least we’d seen each other around. There were 7 or so adults at least a dozen kids of varying ages roaming around, tossing a ball or doing kid stuff. A handful of them were teenage boys or tween boys and judging from their development between 11 and 14 possibly. I never tired of looking at naked teenage boys. As I would learn later that didn’t escape Tad’s attention or one of the other adults present and was why I’d been invited to their barbecue despite not having a kid with me. I guess for the most part it was a BYOK system but they made an exception for me. As we sat chatting and sipping beers, Tad’s avrupa yakası üniversiteli escort 9 year old daughter Kyra seemed to be doing a little flirting with me. A cute little thing with long black hair she’d offered to get me another beer, bring me pretzels and things of that nature. This wasn’t the first time either; it had happened a few other times when I’d joined the family around the resort’s man made lake. I thought that her mother had caught me out while checking out her little pussy one afternoon but I couldn’t be sure about that. “I can touch my toes Sam, wanna see,” Kyra asked at one point. I chose to humor her and said yes. The little vixen turned away from me and bent over and touched her toes and giving me a terrific view of her hairless muffin in the process. I could easily see the indentation of where her cunt hole was as well as her puckered pink asshole above it. With the clit, her barely visible little clit and puffy lips, well, I was grateful that it only lasted a couple seconds. What could I do but clap my hands and tell her good job. Her mother called to her and off she went while her father gave me a very amused look. Along with at least one of the other men sitting there. “I would say, Tad said, “that my little girl wants you to fuck her, at least according to my wife.” “Excuse me,” I said, clearly shocked. “She’s not the only one,” Jeremy said, “my son Chace said the same thing.” Jeremy nodded to a cute blonde boy that might be 13. He had a nice cock and a barely visible smattering of dark blonde hair at the base of it. He happened to glance over at us and saw us looking but made clear eye contact with me, smiled and gave a little wave and ran off. Both men laughed, the expression on my face warranting the response I suppose. “Don’t be too surprised Sam, like I said, on this side of the fence things are much different. If you’re wondering our thoughts on that subject we’ll tell you that it’s up to the kids. As parents we all share the children when it comes to sex. The kids are allowed to do what they want so, if Kyra wants you to fuck her, and if you’re willing, then go for it. “Same with my boy,” Jeremy said. “In fact I think that everyone in our little group here would be willing to tumble you including me.” I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well how am I supposed to choose? I certainly don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.” “The beauty is that you don’t have to. You can do Kyra and Chace together. It wouldn’t be the first time someone has gotten double teamed. The kids are very aware of the pressure in those circumstances and are very considerate with each other. If it came right down to it, Chace would defer to Kyra if she insisted on being your first.” Tad said pretty much described Kyra as well. “You can also choose to do nothing and nobody would fault you, you’d still be welcome here. We all like you Sam but it’s your call whether or not you engage with them, assuming you even want to. “Well, yeah,” I replied, “when you put it that way I would love to play with both kids, and you guys too for that matter. But how do we go about that? I mean, just go find em or what?” “It will unfold on its own once we signal everyone that we can begin. The one thing is though, sneaking off to a bedroom or other hiding spot isn’t allowed. Everything is out in the open. All of us love to watch others and plenty of us like being watched while we fuck suck or whatever. It’s pretty much a matter of going ahead no matter where you are on the property or in the house other than bedroom bathrooms or closets. So, it will unfold.” Unfold, it did. I stayed with them for an entire weekend. I fucked the girl and the boy a couple of times and plenty of other girls and boys and adults as well. But, that’s a different story so back to the current part of the story. So, I knew there was someone in the hide just across the property line on the Rasmussen’s urfa escort land. It would unfold however it would unfold. It was in the ballpark of whoever was peeping on me; they had to make the first move. I went about my business, even going so far as to piss on the ground, right in front of the hide and thus giving the peepers a full on close up view of my boy stuff. And it was healthy boy stuff which might have been part of the reason for my success at the nudist resorts I frequented. I had hit my peak size by the time I was 15 years old. My cock hung long and thick, roughly 7� or more inches soft, in warm weather that is. It gained a good inch and a quarter when it was engorged. I wasn’t coke can thick but not far from it and my large balls hung quite low, I suppose the weight of the eggs dragged my sac out. I remembered my brother Ralph being really big too and as I grew up I began to match him for size. He praised me greatly as did more than a few of his friends as well as my own friends. I have to say that, at 12 I knew damn well he was. I grabbed the lube, slathered my cock and got in close before having Kent pull out, albeit, slowly. “I want you to move onto your back please Cassian,” I asked softly. The boy did as I asked and I stepped up to the bed. I caught his ankles and pulled a little closer to the edge and had him hold his legs back as I got into position I thought about what had happened and was going to happen. The short story is that I had never gone from first meeting to fucking as quickly as I had on this go around. It wasn’t more than 30 minutes from there to here. Oh sure, I’d had some pretty quickly transpired encounters when I fucked kids in some of the Asian countries but of course those encounters were bought and paid for. Little to no foreplay was almost preferable to them. Personally, I liked foreplay. My now swollen cock head touched his flesh, the hole clearly not back to complete normal. I touched, I pushed, I pushed a little harder and my cock slipped inside the tight confines of Cassian’s asshole. “Ouch, that hurts a bit,” the boy cried out. No doubt it did. I stopped; of course. It took a minute but Cassian finally gave me the go ahead to go ahead so I went ahead and slowly buried 8� thick inches of full grown man cock into his tight little barely non-virgin ass. “Holy fuck,” Kent said in a quiet voice, his eyes totally glued to the action area. “Indeed,” I said and began to pull out. I managed about 3 inches before going back home then repeated the process another 4 or 5 times before stopping. Kent asked him how he was doing and Cassian said it was already feeling better. “I want to get you into a better position Cassian,” I said then together we moved him farther onto the bed. At that point I slipped my arms under his legs and began to fuck the boy. It was delicious looking down onto his smooth face and watching his emotions play out. It didn’t take long before he was breathing heavy. “God it’s nice being inside of you Cassian,” I said softly. “You’re such a cute boy and a delicious fuck.” At that point I began to fuck him hard. I could go on and on about it but everybody knows what it was like. The sound of our bodies slapping together was the primary sound in the room for a bit. Then grunts began finding their way into the mix; both his and mine. Kent just stood by and stared. I was going to suggest that he offer Cassian his cock but decided against it. “Oh gosh it’s happening Kent, I’m gonna get my good feelings, I’m gonna…” and that’s as far as he got. His orgasm must have been pretty powerful because his body shook as though he were an epileptic. He cried out repeatedly, his asshole clamped down on me like a vice and made me cum. I bellowed out loud as my body went through the convulsions of my orgasm. I hadn’t cum in a few days so I was sure that I was loading the kid up with a ton of high quality sperm. I slammed my cock into him, moving us farther up the bed. Things finally slowed down and I stopped, both Cassian and I were panting loudly. “Goddamn,” Kent said, “can you fuck me like that?” It took me a moment to answer because I was busy hauling in much needed oxygen. I finally managed to look at the black haired boy. “I don’t see any reason why not.” FOR 300 MORE TAG_M STORIES GO TO THE AUTHOS LINK ON NIFTY’s HOMEPAGE

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Subject: Devil Boys 19 DEVIL BOYS By Encolpius DISLAIMER: This story is fiction. Any similarity to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. Compliments, complaints, comments to Encolpius1@protonmail Remember to donate to Nifty. I have more stories to tell. NINETEEN Skeeter’s Story Sparky brought Red up to the cafe end of the pool. His skin is alabaster white and he has freckles but he is lean and has a bulge in his Trophy Boy underwear. “Okay, Boys!” Sparky calls out. “This is Mason but we call him Red. For obvious reasons. And he just had his 18th birthday so he’s legal now!” The crowd in the pool and around cheered and called out cat calls, lewd comments and the like. Red took it in stride, a big grin on his face. He took a bow and then slowly took off his underwear. Over his head, his red pit hair showing and his carefully trimmed pubes and body hair the color of a fire ant, he snapped his underwear into the pool, where a couple of guys dove and fought for it. Sparky got behind Red. holding him in bear hug, his hands on Red’s cock, stroking it. “So Red has done his first two scenes for oys. And they are hot! Even though he’s young, he is one of the original Devil Boys, What? 8 years ago? You do the math. But he was initiated into the way you’re supposed to: covered in cum, full of cum, cum leaking out our ass and then someone pisses it off of you. A true Devil Boy. And I know you guys wil help celebrate Red’s birthday becasue he is one hot and horny queer boy” They cheered as Sparky grabbed his unit and shook it into their direction. “Am I supposed to be this sexually aroused?:” Justin, my professor, asked me. “Just wait” I said. ————————————————————————– With Bo and Jacob, it was crowded. They were totally cool and me and Buck were happy they were with us now. So we decided that we would expand the house. Well, actually build like a dorm connected to the house by a walkway. We’d eat and read and stuff in the house but fuck and sleep in the dorm. Jacob likes building things and mechanical stuff and I draw so he and I did the plans. Well, not the actual plan but the idea. Big John has a friend, a guy who comes to the Adonis gathering, that is an architect and he actually did the plans. We designed it so that there are some small bedrooms — enough for a few more boys to come and stay if that happens – but a big central bed room where everyone can sleep – and fuck – if they want to. And a dorm style shower and bathroom. We moved in the day of Buck’s 17th birthday. I’d all ready turned 15. I don’t know why but I was a little bummed about it. Buck noticed that I wansn’t all up and happy as we moved shit into our new dorm home. “So, you going to tell me?” he aseked, stopping me on the walkway as I carried a box I shrugged. He stared at me like he was pissed. “What?” “What?” “So, happy birthday. A year from now, you’ll be 18 and you can leave and go to college or whatvever. Won’t have to hide out here” “This is stupid” Buck said “Thanks” I shot back at him, pushing by him “I don’t know what I’m doing a year from now. But I’m not leaving you” “Thanks, agan” I said. Then I stopped. “So how does it work, now that there are four of us? You have a room and I do and we just fuck sometimes or ..” “You want to share a room?” “Yes” I said “Yes. I sometimes want it to just be you and me” “But not monogamous” ‘”No” Buck smiled “Okay It’ll work out Skeeter. You’ll see” I turned and took the box in. He followed me. “Do you believe that Adonis is real? I mean, actually exists” “Yes” I said “I know he does” I didn’t ask him if he believed that too because I knew he didn’t. He thought the idea was great: a gay tandoğan escort religion. He grew up in a strict Christian household and they rejected him when he was gay, and even did the pray away the gay conversion therapy thing. He’s read a lot of Big John’s books about religion and philosophy and he knows way more about that than I do but I know he hates the Christians. That Adonism says that Christianity is really evil appeals to him. But he doesn’t believe it is acually true.Sometimes, he’ll say something like that it was my vision. And it was my vision. I saw him and I talked to him and it may have been drugs but it was real to me. But that’s how the Devil Boys happened. We were all together and Buck explained it “It’s simple” he said. “Me and Skeeter marry. You two marry and we all four of us marry. You can have your partner but we are also all together. And the guys from Florida. It was Skeeter’s vision but it waas a good one. We commit our lives to Adonis. To the idea that queer is right. Queer is perfect. Sex is good. Partying is good. So, whatever we do, it furthers Adonism. Like, when I turn 18, I’ll do porn with Daddy. Porn furthers the work of Adonis. Being a bartender, shit like that. We commit to it totally and we only invite in someone new if everyone agrees.” It was the weekend around the full moon and that meant everyone was getting together. Daddy brought Little Bit and Adam and Donald came with Ben, Georgie and Davey like always. Donald’s friend, Andrew, who’s been before brought a boy named Mason. Like Georgie, he is red haired but not a deep auburn. His hair is fire engine red and he has freckles. He’s a little kid, younger even than Davey, like maybe 4th grade. But he’s cute and shy and, at first, he stayed close to Andrew but then followed in behind Davey and Little Bit. I think he kind of hero worshipped them. I explained the idea to them. “So, basically, we are committing to partying and fucking as much as we can until we can’t party and fuck no more?” Ben asked, laughing a little. “And be ambassadors for Adonis” I said “Find new queer boys to party with and fuck?” “I guess if you put it like that” I said, a little deflated. It seemed lke a cool idea when Buck explained it. “No, it’s cool, Skeeter. What you are saying is that we are the most serious fucking queer boys on the fucking planet. We rock. We tell the world that queer is good, queer is right. If you ain’t queer, you ain’t shit. Fuck yeah, I’m down.” Buck shook his head. “Red is only 9. He’s not old enough” “Fuck you, I was 9 when Donald brought me home” Ben shot back “Davey’s 11 and Little Bit’s 12. They’re not much older and it’s cool for them, right?” Adam said “There’s a big difference between 11 or 12 and 9” “Fuck it. We’ll let Big John decide. He knows shit” Ben said “That cool with the backwoods chapter of the Devil Boys?” “Yeah. It’s cool” So we went en masse to where Big John waas talking with the other adult men, getting things ready. We told him that we had a question. “Mason is quuer. He’s totally queer” Big John said before we even asked him our question “They call me Red” Mason said. He hadn’t said anything while we argued about him “Red is going to be a cum addict and one day he will out party any of you” “Okay, Red’s in” Buxk said, conceding the point. Looking at Ben he said “And it’s not junior membreship. It’s full bore” “Fuck yeah” Ben said. The worship of Adonis is what we say it it. Boys rule. Or at least we decide for ourselves. Nobody gets to make us feel bad for who we are or what we want or even that we’re young. I thought Big John was right: I thought Red was one of us from the start and just because he’s young doesn’t tekirdağ escort mean anything. If he knows what he is then that’s all that counts. It’s dark and nearly the time for the clocks to be moved back an hour, not chilly at all though, and we are in the gathering place with the monitors up above us playing gay porn. We are in the center, maked and natural, surrounded by 3 dozen men. They too are naked. There is booze and marijuana but I can feel the familiar sensation of Erosia in me: energized, open, intensely interested in everything around me and everything is vivid and alive. I am not altered. Just heightened. And I am horny. And here among naked men and boys, I am more horny still. There are hands touching me. I take Ltttle Bit, my friend, and stand him in front of me and I hold him close to me. He is hard and I am hard and my erection is against his back. He is shorter than me, of course, and lean. He has a little tuft of hair – just three or four hairs – on either side of his penis and Davey is insaanely jealous of it. But his balls are bigger now than last time. He’s on the path and only Red is truly pre-pube and he doesn’t care He’s laughing and smiling and sroking his hard little cock that is sticking straight up. I find myself the bukkake boy. I am on my knees and there are a half dozen hard dicks in a U shape around me. Who those dicks are attached to doesn’t matter. I suck one and then I suck another. Uncut and cut, smaller, larger, all hard. I take them down. 14 months or 16 months since Big John brought me home and I live for this. I want sex constantly. Even if Buck hadn’t suggested it, I’d have done it anyway. Dicks slap on the face and I go from one to another, stroking my own hard cock. I gobble them down as the cool night surrounds me and blankets me. I can smell distrinctly every smell, the pine sap in the distance, the wood of the beam, the burning peat of a smoldering fire in the Okefenokee and funky, sweaty musk of the men in front of me, even the smell of jizz. I am standing. There are two men sharing my dick with their tongues. Buck is on a bench, his legs hiked up and red headed Georgie is licking his taint. My lover. He’s cum in my ass and I in his, I’ve drunk it down by the gallon, and we likely will not touch until we fall asleep beause we are lost in Adonis’s ecstasty. We serve him now. With the giving and taking of pleasure. Red is over there, squatting up and down on Little Bit’s dick, now beginning to grow and better able to fill up his tiny hole. He is sucking Jacob as he Red rides him and Adam, his borther and his lover, is nearby being sucked off by Big John. The whole space is dominated by focus. By sexual energy. By lust. You can feel it pouring over you. A man, a grown man. comes over and roughly grabs Red thin hard cock and small balls. Andrew is there in a shot. “Stop it” he says. Like a pin in a ballon, the energy evaporates. Sexual ecstasy is a fragile thing. I’m over in a second and Buck is behind me. “What?” I say “He’s not going to be gang raped. I’m going to protect him. He belongs to me” Andrew said “He belongs to himself” I say. “He’s a Devil Boy” Buck said, bowing up. He’s bigger than Andrew and more muscular. Ben comes over and stands beside Buck. “He’s a little kid” “He’s a Devil Boy. He belongs to us. If he needs protecting, we’ll protect him” “Mr Andrew, I didn’t mind” Red said “I was having fun” He’s still hard and proud of it. Andrew is staring us down, pissed but outnumbered. Part of the boy wants to be Red, the Devil Boy, grown up and running with the big kids and part of him wants to be Mason, loved and protected by Mr Andrew. He doesn’t have to be one or the other, though. He can tokat escort be both. “Who do you want to play with?” I ask him He looks and then is shy. He wants to whisper it in my ear. I listen to him. “That’s a lot” I said. He looks down and shuffles his feet. Then he looks up half expecting me to say no. “Okay. Me, Buck, Ben, Davey, Litle Bit …. and Mr Andrew” We put him on a bench and I push his legs forward to get after his small ass. I pull apart his ass cheek and bury my face in his honey hole. I get my tongue in and around his hole.He giggled as I did but he stroked his dick too. Little Bit and Davey got up there and pushed their junior cocks in his face to suck. I reached up to grab his junk as I rimmed him. But then Andrew gently pushed me asise,.. He wanted after it and I didn’t quarrel. Red is his little lover and it’s cool. I look over and Buck and Ben are making out. Andrew buries his face into Red’s small ass and hte kid giggles but he strokes his own small cock “Fuck him” I tell Andrew. “I’ll use your cum as lube” Andrew gets some lube and smears it on himself and in Red’s ass. Then he pushes his hard dick into that tight hole. All the way in. Red whimpers but he doesn’t stop jacking himself off. A man fucking a boy and I stood there, masturbating. Little moans escaped from him as his adult lover gave it to him. He wasn’t fucking him hard, soft and gentle. He’s been in that ass before — not much, I think, but some — and he knows what little Red can and will take. You can tell Andrew cares about him but he doesn’t get is what Big John senses: that kid is gong to be insatiable. Little Bit comes over to watch. He gets on his hands and knees for Adam and for Daddy but he fights Davey for Red’s attention. I don’t think he’s jealous of Andrew but he wants a piece. Adam comes over too and we are like a trio: Little Bit in front as Adam hugs him and holds him close but in front of me as I do the same to Adam, my cock, hard and throbbing, pressed against him. “Man, that’s hot” Adam says. “No shit” I say. Ben’s fucking Buck and Georgie, Jacob and Bo are taking turns slapping him in the face with their dicks. They’ll take turns on his ass too. When Andrew finishes, I push Adam over to take over violating Red’s hot little ass. “Will you fuck me?” Little Bit asks. “Sure” I am on the ground and he rides me, cowboy, his growing dick flopping against my belly. Donald comes over and stands over me so that Little Bit can suck him as he rides me. I look over and Big John has come over and slides his fat hard cock into Adam’s ass as the boy fucks Red. It’s fucking hot and I am horny as shit. But a Devil Boy can cum and cum and cum. We are sex machines. We give our spunk to our God. I cream Little Bit’s ass but soon I am fucking Red. He rides me like Little Bit did and I rub his little dick, hard and stiff, as he does to one orgasm after another, my dick sliding in through several loads all ready there. That’s what I did Saturday. What did you do? ————————————————————————– You own your body and your sexuality. It is yours. Nobody else’s If the people involved are all there voluntarrily doing what they want, then it’s not wrong. You think queer sex is wrong because some book written in the late Bronze Age says so or because some bigot in the Roman world was squemish about butt sex? Get over your fucking self. You don’t want to fuck another guy in the ass, then don’t. I do. And the ones I do, wanted me to. So, it’s really none of your fucking business. You think it’s wrong for a young boy to be doing those things? You think you can’t feel sexual pleasure until puberty? Well, you’re wrong. You can. They may not burn with lust but those nerve endings are active and the pleasure centers in the brain work just fine. A boy that dry orgasms and comes back for more wants what happens to happen. It’s his dick and his ass and his mouth and it is his fucking business, not yours. This is what I believe.

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Chapter 7

Shortly after five, I woke up, and Devlin is still asleep, and so, I watch him, hold him as he sleeps, and only about twenty minutes later, he starts coming awake. I watch him as he wakes, and as soon as he does, I press our lips together and kiss my baby well.

“Mmmm, good morning Baby.” He sighs as we part.

“And good morning to you too Baby.”

“That was amazing, last night, you hardly did anything, but it was awesome.”

“With all the excitement of yesterday, it all added up to be like that for you.”

“You didn”t cum at all last night again, though, did you?”


“Then stand on the bed, let me take care of you now.”


We are now both good and soggy, just like we deserve, and Devlin starts by kissing pretty near every square inch of my body that he can, same as I did to him last night, taking about half an hour to do so as well, and then he presses his face into my gloriously soggy baby diaper, inhales deeply, feeling my hardness buried inside well I am sure, and making me even hotter than I was.

Devlin too only pulls down my diaper just enough to expose my bared dick head, and starts licking it tenderly. I am sure I lasted at most fifteen seconds, and I am also pretty certain that I blacked out for a few seconds, but, when I look down, I see that Devlin has a shocked look on his cum splattered face. And then he snorts, and I see what looks like damn near two hundred millilitres of cum spray out his nose, so half of it seems to have gone straight up his nose. Devlin just giggled, I groaned from the sight, and then he detached from my dick for only long enough to lick up all the cum that I had sprayed, then scoops up the rest of the cum on his face, and slurps that off his fingers as well.

When he continues, he too only keeps licking my dick head, but now also starts kneading my super soggy baby diapered bum, and it feels amazing. I last a few minutes this time, and Devlin caught the signs in time this time, because he positioned himself in such a way that all my cum fired into his greedy mouth.

Devlin then inserts his hands into the back of my diaper, kneads my bare baby bum cheeks for only a few seconds, before slipping his hands inside and going right for my core. He knows that I likely only have one more orgasm in me anyway, so he also starts working to get his fingers inside me, only he slips two from each hand inside me, something I am very much okay with, and open to, if you know what I mean. He continues licking me just as sensually, only now he is fingering me as deeply and masterfully as he is capable of doing, and I am feeling amazing for it. I last considerably longer this time, yet it still feels far too soon before I am exploding once more.

I damn near black out once more with that amazing orgasm, it was so good, but I mange to hold it together, but I can also feel that that is it too. I know I am softening up. Devlin gives me one final lick, and then pulls my diaper back up. He stands up, grabs hold of me, pulls me down, and kisses me deeply, sharing with me at least all the cum from my last orgasm, though it feels like there is more than there should be, so maybe he has saved some from the previous two as well.

“Wow, that was fucking hot, but your first cum sprayed almost all up my nose, was funny as hell actually, and I damn near burst out laughing.” Devlin giggled cutely.

“Me too, actually.” I said, then Devlin grabbed the scissors off the end table.

Devlin cut the tapes on my diapers to remove them all, and as soon as he had them all off, he went through each one, sucking them deeply. As he finished with one, he would pass it to me, and I got to enjoy what little he left for me. As soon as we were done that, though, I repaid the favour and enjoyed the flavour. Devlin also enjoyed when I passed them to him and he got to enjoy some as well.

Now that we are naked, we head to the bathroom to get a nice hot shower. Using just bare hands, as we always do, we wash each other very gently and lovingly. We brush our hair and teeth, apply our deodorant, then head back to get diapered and dressed for the day. Once more, for no other reason than we truly enjoy it, we triple diaper each other. As soon as we are diapered, dressed, and ready to go, we clean everything up, pack it all up, because we will not be coming back here now, and take it out to the car. We then head back to the office to finalize the payments, and then head for some much needed breakfast.

After another amazing breakfast, we head back to where we are competing, and Devlin is once more getting shockingly excited. When we make it there, we check in, then head to our staging area to once again get everything unlocked and set up. As we were doing so, Aidan stopped by.

“Good morning Devlin, I haveta say, yesterday was sure impressive. I”m so sorry for trying to tease you, because you spanked me, hard. Even though I know neither of you told my trainer, someone else said that they heard a little, and he tore a strip off me, and then warned me that if you were being trained by Ryder himself, that I was gonna get a spankin” that I wouldn”t soon forget, and that my comeuppance was upon me. He”s been telling me lots lately that my head”s getting too big, that yes, I am good, but better than everyone out there, probably not. I finally found out he was right. How long have you been training for?”

“Thanks, but as for training, well, not all that long, Ryder never really taught me anything himself “til only just a month or so ago now. I learned everything I could on my own, and started going to his place about a year ago, and I got to learn lots more there from the others.”

“You”ve only really been training for a month, that”s impossible. I”ve been training since I was six, and you”re way better than I am, at least at what we did yesterday. I still hope I can beat you in the trick event today, but my trainer says that the likelihood of that”s not very high.”

“He”s a natural.” I said simply, because I knew that Devlin would not be able to say anything.

“I”ve been riding since I was about six as well, and started doing tricks and whatnot pretty much right away.” Devlin did manage to say.

“Wow. My dad usedta be pretty into it as well, and when I told him I wanted to learn how to do that, he found me my trainer. I didn”t even getta feel what it felt like to flip “til I was older than you are now.”

“Oh, really, I”ve been doing back flips for about a year now, no one taught me even, but Ryder has an amazing training setup at his place, you get to jump right into a big pit filled with foam, so that even if you do fail, it won”t kill you, but I”ve landed on my bike, and had it land on me several times, that always leaves a mark.”

“Oh. I learned in a pool filled with water. Which means I can only train when it”s warm.”

“That”s not good for your bike.” I said.

“I just have a cheap shit bike for training, one that we use only in the pool, but it”s my job to clean and dry and lube it after every session.”

“Oh, good, but I”d take the water out and fill it with foam if I were you.”

“I”m totally gonna mention that to him.” He grinned.

“I would, that”s for sure. I just love jumping and flipping, it”s so fun and free, but, has your super soggy diaper ever helped prevent damage like mine has?” Devlin grinned.

“Yeah, few times. You”re a hot little diaper lover too, and I think you already fully know you”re gay too, don”t you?”

“Hell yeah, before I truly met Ryder, how do you think I afforded to pay to enter his place, it”s expensive to go there and train, but I”ve never let a man fuck me, but a few of my friends have, but I loved sucking dick and drinking cum. Fuck, I think I was six when I knew for sure I was gay. How about you?”

“Wow. I was your age now when I started to suspect it, but I think I kinda sorta knew even back as young as six or seven that I liked boys more, I was eleven when I knew for sure, and also lost my virginity, and it was because of my need for diapers. He was my neighbor, we were spending the night together, and he asked about it, and why I don”t seemta hate having to wear them, so I challenged him to wear with me, and wet them totally, and he agreed. Well, before you know it, we were sucking, then fucking each other, and he”s still, to this day, a full on gay baby boy diaper lover, and now he wears all the time too. We”re still boyfriends, we plan to get married as soon as I turn eighteen, he”s just about a year older than I am. He couldn”t come this weekend, he loves to watch me compete, his dad wouldn”t let him come for some stupid reason. It”s funny, my boyfriend can barely even ride a bike, and I do all this.”

“That”s nice, I”m glad that you have a nice boyfriend. I”d tell you who mine is, but I really can”t.” Devlin grinned.

Aidan looked to me.

“Yes, he is, however, please say nothing.”

“I won”t, don”t worry. My boyfriend and I”ve had a few men over the years too. For a long time we didn”t have enough to truly please each other, so we hadta look elsewhere. We still had loadsa fun, don”t get me wrong, but sometimes we just wanted to be truly filled. Since we”ve both gotten so big, we haven”t needed to do that in a while though.”

“Mmmm, certainly wouldn”t mind seeing what you”re packing inside that nice soggy baby diaper of yours.” Devlin groaned.

“And I wouldn”t mind showing you either, but I sure as hell wouldn”t mind seeing you too. You”re really fucking hot, and I”ve never thought of a boy as young as you as hot before.”

“Thanks, you”re pretty hot yourself.”

“Thanks. My boyfriend seems to think so too, but he”s really good looking too, especially in nothing but a triple or quadruple thick, mega soggy baby diaper.”

“That”s how we like it too. In fact, we”re triple thick right now.”

“I am too, since doing what we do puts a lotta strain on a bladder that can barely hold a teaspoon full of liquid, but of course I haveta drink lots to stay well hydrated, because we use a lot of liquid to do what we do.”

“No shit. Well, we still haveta finish getting ready, and I”m sure that you do too, and they”re probably gonna be calling us soon, so I”m afraid I”m gonna haveta kick you out so that I can concentrate on making sure my bike”s in absolutely perfect condition, I trust no one else to do that for me, even though I could absolutely trust Ryder to do it, I still do it myself.”

“Oh, yeah, I probably should be getting back and doing the same. My trainer tells me all the time that it”s important that I do all that myself as well, since it”s my life if I fuck up.”

“Exactly. Well, see you after the tricks event.”

“Will do.” He said, and then turned and sprinted away.

“God, as much as I love you, I”d let him fuck me in a fucking heartbeat.” Devlin groaned, having to reach down and try and push his erection into a more comfortable position.

“Actually, me too. I bet he”s a right hot stud who could wear the both of us out.” I had to admit.

“Sure would be fun to try. I won”t ask him, not only is his boyfriend not here to enjoy, so that wouldn”t be fair to either of them, but you really truly are all that I want and need any more. No one else can do to and for me all that you do.”

“I”m glad that you can still think with your top head even when your bottom one wants nothing more than to go and make him an offer he can”t refuse. I feel exactly the same way though, and I wouldn”t have wanted to because of the same reasons.” I smiled warmly to my baby.

“You think he”ll be back to ask anyway?”

“I don”t think so. You saw how he smiled when he was talking about his boyfriend. No, I think if they were together, and decided to do it together, then that”d be a different story, but without him, I just don”t think that he would.”

“Yeah, you”re probably right.”

“Okay, get to it Baby.”

We still had a little better than half an hour before the tricks event was called, but I know that we have lots of time. Not only were we likely to have been the last entrant, which puts us at the bottom of the queue for position, but I had requested that Devlin trabzon escort do his jump last. I do want Devlin to watch all the others though, but I will not rush him in this. With that being said, though, he was done just a few seconds before it was called, and as soon as Devlin was all cleaned up, we headed over to the ready area, just as the first kid was walking to the top of the ramp.

Because this goes shockingly fast, even though there are twenty six kids, including Devlin, doing the trick event, Devlin was the very last to be called up, at just over two hours later. He got to the top of the ramp, prepared himself mentally, and then went at it hard, did his jump, a front flip, with a twist, and landed on the other side as smoothly and gracefully as if he were ballroom dancing. He skidded to a stop, then pedaled back toward me. He knows that it will take a minute or two of deliberations for the panel of judges anyway, so he waits to watch the scoreboard until he is standing beside me once again.

“What”s taking them so long.” Devlin hissed in impatience almost four minutes later when his score still had not come up.

“No clue, they didn”t take near as long on any of the others.” Is what I said to him, but, inside I was thinking, yeah, but not one of the others probably shocked the judges as much as you just did, and not one of them did their jump so perfectly.

It was almost a minute later, when finally the head judge stood up and got everyone”s attention.

“We apologize for taking so long to score this one, it has been an incredibly tough one.” He said, and Devlin gasped, probably thinking that he got zero or something.

I, however, know that they were trying to find something, anything, no judge wants to give out a full ten.

“Try as we might, we rewatched the footage several times, we could not find one single solitary flaw, and as such, I feel that today, for the very first time in my career, that I must give a perfect score to someone.” He said, and then the scores came up, ten, all across the board.

And Devlin collapsed. The entire crowd erupted in cheers.

I bent down to pick Devlin up, and find that he actually passed out in shock. He came to, though, just as I picked him up.

“Well Handsome, you did exactly what I suspected you might. You didn”t just win, you didn”t just beat your competition, you annihilated them. Just so you know, I never got a perfect ten, I got so fucking close, nine point nine five, but you spanked even me out there. I”ve never seen that done so flawlessly before. By all rights, what you just did out there today is impossible, but, for you, impossible is what you have for breakfast.” I had to yell to him, because it was so loud.

Once more Devlin has tears in his eyes. He could say nothing still.

“Now hop down, wipe your eyes, you”re gonna haveta do something that I know you don”t wanna do, but you”re gonna haveta put up with at least two hours of people congratulating and complimenting you, as well you”re gonna haveta go up onto the podium to collect your prizes for yesterday and today.”

“Do I haveta?” He said, as he was wiping his eyes.

“Yes.” I laughed.

Just then, Devlin was called forth, and when we got there, we met all the judges, and they all shook his hand and congratulated him first.

“In all my years doing this, no one has ever shocked me before, and I had the pleasure of judging your trainer as well. He was damn good, I almost gave him a ten more times than I care to admit. You, I gave a solid ten, all four of the others also begrudgingly did so as well, you received the full fifty points, by all rights, that”s not even possible. The next closest competitor was just over twenty five points behind you, and never in all my years has there been such a point spread. In your age category, which even still you”re technically too young for, he was a full five points higher than we normally give. I knew that when we saw your entrance video, and who”s training you, that we were gonna witness something spectacular, but that, well, I never imagined that. You young man will go far in this sport, of that I can promise you.” The head judge said, and because he is wearing his cordless headset microphone still, and is still clearly turned on, what he said was broadcast to the entire crowd.

“Thanks Sir, I just enjoy jumping.” Devlin whispered. No one but me and the judges heard him.

“I don”t think that”s enjoyment, that there had to be closer to fulfilling your life”s main purpose.” He chuckled.

“Yeah.” Devlin had to giggle.

“Now, we can”t only talk to you, so, would all the winners of all the events of yesterday and today please come up. We will start our awards ceremony right now.”

And for almost an hour more, all the kids were called up, and given their awards and prizes for winning. There are nine prizes being handed out, but not nine kids receiving them. Devlin is getting two of them, Aidan is getting three, since he took first in the speed races, and second in both the other events, and so, that left only four others to collect prizes.

As soon as the prizes were handed out, the crowd cheered on all the kids once more, and then the kids were released. Aidan pulled me and Devlin aside, though, before we could get too far.

“Fuck, I started to wonder if I could win against you when you did so well in the first heat of the freestyle race yesterday, seriously started doubting it when you won the whole blasted thing, but now, I almost never wanna haveta go back against you ever again. You didn”t just beat me, you made me look like I was a baby in his walker flipping down the stairs. My trainer just laughed when you completed your jump, I damn near swallowed my tongue, I knew I was done for, but, holy fuck, like the judge said, not even Ryder ever got that high, and he was the highest ever before you.” He said, and then hugged Devlin, and turned and walked away.

As we attempted to walk away, we were stopped at least a billion times, it seems pretty near every person in the crowd wanted to meet Devlin, he shook hands so much, I am sure that his arm feels like it will fall off, and though I know him well enough to know that all he wants to do is tell everyone to back the fuck up, he takes it all with his winning smile. Finally we do make it back to our staging area, somewhere that only riders and trainers are allowed, and it quieted down, a lot, though virtually every other rider and trainer also congratulated Devlin on a job spectacularly well done.

As soon as we made it, Devlin sat down. He closed his eyes, and just breathed, it took only a few seconds before all the events crashed down on him. I can see that he is crying, but he needs this time to himself, and though a few people came up to our area, I shook my head no to them, they saw him in the state that he is in, and understood. Most people know that something like this is hard to take as an adult for their first time, but a very young child such as he, it must be very difficult on. I know how he feels, I was older than he is now when I did my first true competition and spanked everyone totally, and I too crashed. The massive amount of adrenaline flowing through your body as it is happening is a high that almost no one can comprehend, but when it leaves you, it leaves you an emotional wreck. It took me years to get used to it, and Devlin is younger, so it might take him longer.

Finally he wiped his eyes and nose, looked to me with a look of pure love, and mouthed to me just how much he loves me. I went up to him, picked him up, and hugged him tight, holding his sexy soggy baby diapered bum, and just hugged him like he needs, holding him for several minutes before even saying anything to him.

“How you feeling now Baby?”

“Like I was just run over by the worlds longest freight train.”

“Yeah, that sums up pretty near exactly how I felt the first time this happened to me too.” I laughed.

“Glad I”m not the only one.”

“Far from it.” I say and then explain to him about the massive adrenaline rush and then the expectant crash from it, and how almost anyone in such a situation would react to it, as well how long it took for me to truly be able to take it.

In so many ways, Devlin is so much stronger than I ever was though, not to mention just how self assured that he already is, without being cocky or over sure, so, with any luck, he will fare far better than I did. I have seen kids win and go through some of what we did, and not crash anywhere near as hard. Granted, both Devlin and I didn”t just barely sneak a win either, no, I never won with just a tiny difference, the next closest was always several points behind me, same as Devlin, and I suspect that it will always be like this for him as well.

As soon as I knew Devlin was going to be okay, I set him down, and then passed him the diaper bag and told him to go change himself before he leaks, I am still okay for now, and the bathrooms here are not capable of me changing him. He was not happy about having to change himself, but understood, so went and did so. When he came back, he looked far more composed, and helped me to pack up and clean up. When we were finally ready to go, we were both getting pretty hungry. We had had the last of our snacks while cleaning, so now we desperately need food.

We stopped at the office to give back our keys, and they will now have the cheque ready for Devlin, so they hand it to me, but I give it right to him, and then we head out.

“I”m almost afraid to open it?” He said seconds after we started driving and I told him to.

“Well, you took first place in two events, if I remember correctly, the first place prize for both were two thousand, so it should be four thousand. Go ahead.”

He opened it, and confirmed that it is what I thought it was.

“Wow, I”ve never had so much money in my entire life. I almost doubt my mom spent that much on me my entire life.”

“I can believe you not having that much ever before, but trust me, even as little as your mother spent, it still woulda been way more than that. Wanna hit the same diner for lunch before heading home Baby?”

“Definitely.” He grinned.

We made it there a few minutes later, ordered our lunch, and Devlin talked happily until our food came, and then we devoured it all, which, once more, we really should not have, but it was so good. We talked more over another pot of tea.

“How much do you think this weekend cost to do, with gas and food and hotel and entrance fees, and all that?” He asked, and I know exactly why.

“Well, the entrance fee was two thousand dollars, the hotel was just over three hundred with tax, we probably spent about three hundred on food, and it”ll be about a hundred on gas I suppose. Why?” Even though I truly do know what he will say next.

“Okay, that”s about twenty seven hundred you spent, right?”

“Plus or minus a few bucks, but it”ll be pretty damn close to that when we go and fill the tank to get home.”

“Okay, then that”s what I”m giving you outta my earnings. I still get thirteen hundred, which is way more “an I need, and this way you don”t haveta pay for it all.”

“You know I have no problems with paying it though.”

“I know, but I don”t want for you to pay everything anyway.”

“How”s about I cover half, you cover half.”

“I wouldn”t feel right about that though.”

“I understand. Okay, I know how you feel, tell you what, I have everything but the entrance fee, so you pay that, and I pay the rest.”

“That”s still a lotta money that you hadta put out though.”

“Not really. No, two thousand, that”s the most I take from you for this, no arguments.” I smiled warmly to my baby.”

“Fine. But I should be paying it all.”

“Nah, I”m happy to help. We”re boyfriends anyway, so one of these days we”re gonna haveta figure out how to split things, so that we both get and give as equally as possible.”

“Not sure I can do that, besides, I don”t really make any money.”

“Sure you do.”

“Not very much.” He huffed.

“Don”t worry about it Baby, I”m not.” I smiled warmly.

tunalı escort We continued talking until we were both done our tea. Devlin had had a soggy baby bum change already, but I now desperately need one, so I excused myself to go to the washroom to do so. Even though Devlin offered, I declined, it is a single use bathroom, and would not look right for him to come with me anyway, not to mention, I found that it was such a small bathroom that there would have been no way for him to have helped me anyway. I put my used diaper into a bag, and back into my diaper bag, then went and collected Devlin, paid our bill, and headed out. As we were heading to the car, I told him that there would have been no way for him to help me anyway, since the bathroom had been so small.

The entire drive home, Devlin talked excitedly once again about the entire weekend, and just how amazed he is at how well he had done, I am not, but I said nothing about that. I barely got to say a word the entire time, but that is perfectly okay with me. He deserves it.

Finally we got home, and a soon as we got there, and they realized we were, Taran and Jamie came out and asked how it was. As we unloaded the car and put everything away, Devlin excitedly told them everything. Of course, we were done putting everything away before the story was complete, so we ended up sitting on the couch as he continued to tell his tale. Once more, I barely said a word. I am happy for Devlin, he deserves this. Finally Devlin was completely and totally talked out, I doubt he has talked as much in his entire life as he has this weekend.

“So, you boys still gonna stay the night here, or are you gonna head home?” I asked.

“It”s starting to get pretty late, and all the nasties are gonna start coming out soon, so I think we”ll stay here and go home tomorrow morning and spend the day with our dads, if you don”t mind.” Jamie said.

“Sounds like a plan. So, anything to report here, how”d everything go?”

“Everything went well, everything”s nice and clean and smooth, just the way you like it, the shop was well used, but we kept it nice and clean too. I don”t think that there”s really too much to report actually.” Taran said.

“Good. Glad to hear it. Now, I know my baby and I desperately need soggy baby bum changes, and we never even stripped when we came in, so, we needta go do so now.”

“We could use a change too, come to think of it.” Jamie said.

So, we headed to our bedrooms and changed our baby boyfriends, and as per usual, both were very good soggy baby bum changes that took just over half an hour to achieve. Devlin and I sucked and fingered each other, and once more I have three of my fingers inside Devlin, and he is now taking them shockingly well, I never heard one gasp or hiss of pain, and I know that he is now as ready as can be.

“You had three fingers buried all in me, I know you did, and it never hurt. I only want a single baby diaper tonight, because tonight, finally, we make hot gay baby diaper love to each other.” Devlin said as we were still laying, staring at the ceiling, coming down from our amazing orgasms.

“Okay Baby, would you like me to plug you again to hold you nice and open?”

“Yes please.”

“Good, and you know I”ll want my plug too, and I desperately want for you to make love to me as well, but I want for you to go first. I know you well enough to know that you won”t be able to hold your baby boygasms, or your pee once you”ve been filled and I so want you to fill me as full as you possibly can.”

“Yeah, I suppose you”re right about that, you can at least hold your baby boygasms for a while when you really want to. We”ll haveta get lots to drink so that we”re decently soggy, and we haveta go peepee really bad by bedtime.”

“Mmmhmm, but my first drink”s right now.” I said, and pulled off Devlin”s soggy baby diaper, and sucked it as dry as I possibly could.

“Mmmm, good idea.” He said, and then pulled mine off completely now too, and did the same to it as well.

Finally we diapered each other up, using only a single daytime diaper, since they would be all that we need for now, as well we plugged each other more than well enough that when it finally becomes time for us to become one, we will not even have to work for it. I laugh when we exit from our bedroom and find that Taran and Jamie are only just exiting from theirs at the same time, and that they too are in just single thickness baby diapers.

“Good soggy baby bum change?” I ask.

“Mmmhmm.” They both said.

“Good. And are you by chance planning to make hot gay baby diaper love to each other tonight?”

“Mmmhmm.” They sighed even deeper.

“Good. I figured as much, considering there”s only one reason to wear just one diaper if you ask me. Devlin”s finally ready, and so, we too are only wearing one each ourselves.”

“Congratulations.” They both said happily to Devlin.

“Thanks.” He smiled brightly. “I can”t wait. I mean, I know I”ve already been fucked, but certainly never by someone Ryder”s size, yet I”ve never been made love to, and I know that”s what we”re gonna do for each other.”

“It”s so much nicer, I can”t even begin to tell you.” Jamie sighed deeper still.

“Good.” All three of us said together.

I have never been made love to, nor made love to another, I hope that it is everything that Jamie says it is, and most of all, I hope that I know what to do.

Given what all of us want and need, we went and got a good drink of juice and drank two cups each, while making a very large pot of tea, making enough to give us each two large mugs full. Hopefully that will be enough to make us ready for what we want by bedtime, which I figure is about two hours away. Once we all have our tea, we go sit back and watch a movie, enjoying it a great deal. I know I have peed at least three times already, but, more importantly, I really have to go pee again, but I am now holding it. I am more than wet enough in my thick baby diaper for what we want and need, and we both want and need for my bladder to be full now too.

Almost as soon as the movie ended, Devlin hopped up. I laughed, shut everything down, and then wished the other two baby boys a good fucking night. They laughed as well, and claimed that they most certainly plan on it. Devlin grabbed my hand and led the way to our bedroom, closed the door behind us, then hopped up into my arms and pressed his lips to mine. As we kiss sensually, I carry my baby to the bed and lay us down.

As soon as we are laying down, I roll us so that I am on the bottom, and Devlin takes the hint. As much as we know we should start with an hour or two of the most amazing foreplay ever, that is pretty near all that we have been doing since Devlin and I met, and now we both need something more. I need my baby to make gay baby diaper love to me.

That does not stop Devlin from kissing, licking, and nipping at pretty near every part of me on his way down to where he needs to be, which is causing me to hiss and moan. When he finally presses his face into my soggy baby diaper and sniffs it deeply, he also starts poking a hole in the back of it to gain all the access that he will soon be needing. Then, while still mashing his face so sexily into my soggy diaper, he reaches inside, grasps my butt plug, and starts pulling it out. Just as it was about to start slipping out, he let go and I sucked it right back in. Then he did so again, three more times, before finally it slips free from inside me, I can only assume that the mess of diaper gel it pulled out as it came out the hole in my diaper will be impressive, but I care not one iota right now.

Now, we have talked about this, we both so desperately want to make love to each other while pressed together, looking at each other lovingly and longingly, but, we both also fear that Devlin is just too young and small to be able to do it with me on my back. Yet, that is exactly how we wish to try it. We both feel that the only way that will actually work, though, is for me to be on my hands and knees, but we still want to try it the way that Devlin is lining up to do so right now.

As soon as my butt plug was cleared, Devlin gets up onto his knees, pushes his soggy diaper down in the front, so as to give him just that little bit more to work with, and then starts crawling into position. As soon as I realized what he was doing, because his pretty near plug fucking me like he had been, but also mashing his face into my soggy diapered hardness, which almost always makes me super nova hot, I had damn near came, and I had had to force myself not to, so I missed him lining up, I rolled myself a bit, as well as opened my legs to welcome him.

“Aw nuts, it”s a no go.” Devlin moaned in disappointment.

He had slipped his hot hard little gay baby bone inside my diaper, and then pressed it to my ass lips, and that had felt spectacular, but then, as he slipped in, he bottomed out, being at best half a centimeter inside me. That, I am afraid to say, is exactly what we both suspected.

“Fuck, it feels amazing though, but we talked about this, you”re only nine, and while certainly more blessed than most nine year olds in the diapered dinky department, we both really knew deep down that it just wasn”t gonna work this way. Pull out baby, let me get repositioned, and then make hot gay baby diaper love to me.”

“Yeah, I know.” He sighed.

He pulled out, I rolled over, got up onto my hands and knees, making sure to position myself in such a way that would give Devlin as much room to work as I could, so that he could give me as much of his diapered dinky as he possibly could.

This time he pulled my diaper down in the back as well, and then lined up, asking me to drop down just a tiny bit more, and then slipped in.

“Oh, that”s much better. You feel good Baby.” I moaned.

“You can actually feel me. I”m nowhere near as big as you”ve had, or like though?”

“Oh yeah, I feel you alright. No, you”re not as big as I”ve had, but I do feel you, and you feel really good. Now do it Baby, make hot gay baby love to me.” I moaned, and once more, I am not just saying that, he really does feel so very good inside me.

Devlin started thrusting inside me pretty much right away, and while he does not have a lot to work with, he certainly feels very good working what he has as deep inside me as he possibly can. He has a shocking amount of control though, considering how young he is, but then, he had practiced with his friends, a fair bit already. He is slipping all the way inside me, grinding his hips, slipping back out until he threatens to pull out fully, and then slips back in and does it all over again.

“Oh my god, you”re fucking amazing. Everyone”s always just been about fucking, and fucking hard, no one”s ever tried to make it feel good for me, and what you”re doing now feels so very good Baby.” I sigh deeply.

“You”re not just saying that, are you?” He moaned.

“No, I”m sure you can hear it, feel it from me. It feels amazing Baby, and while I certainly wish that I could watch your face as you make love to me, I can wait too. In one breath, I can”t wait “til you”re bigger, but in another breath, I”m absolutely perfectly okay with you exactly how you are now. You do things inside me that no one ever has before, and no one”s ever made it feel so good. I finally feel what being made love to feels like, and I love you so much more for it Baby.” I said, though it took me at least a couple minutes to find the words to say what I needed to say.

“Mmmm, yeah, I can hear and feel it from you, and it feels even better than I dreamed it could too. My god, I never thought you”d even be able to grip me like you do, some of the dildos and plugs we”ve used on you, they”re frighteningly large, at least to me, yet you”re pulsing around my tiny little gay baby cocklett so nice, every bit as good as when I took my friends” virginity. That was amazing, this is better. I love you more than I know how to say.” He said, and then he came.

Hearing Devlin cum inside me, feeling his orgasm from inside me, experiencing it all, it damn near made me cum, and it was sheer force of will that stopped me from doing so myself.

tunceli escort “Fuck, I damn near came when you did.” I groaned out deeply as soon as soon as I knew Devlin would be there again.

“Fuck, that was possibly the most powerful baby boygasm I”ve ever had, that was amazing, and I felt you holding off.”

“Considering you”re doing nothing at all to my diapered dinky Baby, that was all you and making such amazing love to me. Now, do it, I know you haveta, go peepee inside me and make hot gay baby diaper piss love to me.” I groaned out.

“Oh god yeah, just a sec.”

He paused for just a few moments, and then I felt him start peeing inside me. Devlin moaned, I moaned far deeper. Fucked if I know why anyone would dream of such a nasty thing, but feeling it is so much better than I am capable of describing. Sure, I have experienced it before, but far fewer times than I had ever dreamed of, but, feeling Devlin fill me full, and now gently making piss love to me, mmmm, there is no way that heaven could possibly feel as good.

Devlin was unable to keep peeing as he thrusted inside me, so, instead, he would pause, pee, thrust, pause, pee, thrust, thus causing him to take probably every bit as much as three to four minutes to not only finish peeing inside me, but to even start, which allowed him to truly take his time in making love to me. He still has limited holding power, so taking three to four minutes is nearly all but unheard of, and I am loving it immensely.

As soon as Devlin finally finished peeing inside me, he started thrusting even slower than he had been before, taking even longer for every stroke, grinding his hips for even longer once fully inside me, and my god, nothing has ever felt better. Ever, and I cannot stress that enough.

Amazingly enough, Devlin lasted damn near a further three minutes after he finished peeing inside me, making incredibly slow and gentle love to me, and it feels better than I could have ever dreamed was possible. I admit, I can feel the tears dripping off the tip of my nose almost as much as I can feel Devlin”s pee rolling down and dripping off my balls, hopefully into my diaper. I honestly never knew that it would feel like this. For the life of me though, I cannot even describe what this is, it just is, and I am far better for it, and I love Devlin more than I can say because of it.

When Devlin came, it took everything in me to not cum too. I had to clamp down so hard, I heard Devlin groan from it, I wonder if I just crimped his dick with my ass muscles. I certainly blacked out for a few moments as my brain and my dick had a fight to end all fights, though, and when finally I came to, I am laying flat down now, though my legs are still splayed.

“Did you cum?” Devlin giggled when I finally came to again.

“No, though how I managed to hold off I have no idea. I”m willing to bet there”s an extra litre of precum soaking my diaper though.”

“Mmmm, then it oughtta be good and tasty then.”

“Yeah. Come here Baby, for what you just did to me, you deserve a kiss like you”ve never felt before.”

He dove at me, and pressed his lips to mine, and I kissed my baby in such a way that I hope he truly feels just how he made me feel. After a good solid two minutes, my dick urging me to do what it wants to do the entire time, I finally rolled us over, so that Devlin is now on his back.

He had already pulled his diaper back up in the front, but mine was still down in the back, so I righted it. I kiss, lick, and nip at every area of Devlin that just makes him quiver in anticipation, until I too reach his soggy baby diaper. I press my face into it, sniff him, mash my face into his hot hard diapered dinky, all the while, poking a hole in the back of it, leading to where we both desperately need for me to be.

I too took my time in relieving Devlin of his plug. Not only would it have hurt him to just yank it out, but this also has the added benefit of truly opening him up good and proper as well. It took longer to pull it out than it had taken Devlin to pull mine out, but that is okay too. When I looked, I saw diaper gel pulled out with it, but that too is just fine, but nothing else, other than lube, came with it.

I got up onto my knees, poked a hole in the front of my diaper, and then had to force my erection through it, which was none too comfortable, I admit. Devlin groaned from the sight. Then I looked to him, laying how he is, his diapered dick pulsing underneath the diaper enough that I can see it, a hole leading to his heavenly space, and a look on his face that says he loves and trusts me more than anyone possibly could. As soon as I start moving, he opens his legs even more, rolls his hips just a little to give me more and better access, and then, I slip my dick through the hole, press my dick lips to his little baby bum lips, look to him to get permission to continue, and he nods serenely.

As slow as I possibly can, I slip myself inside Devlin”s fiery insides, he is still good and tight, but he took me all in without so much as one sound or wince of discomfort. I was watching and listening intently, making sure that I was not going too fast for my baby, paying attention to him, so that I would not hurt him. Trust me, my dick just keeps telling me to ram all in and fuck hard, I am soundly ignoring it.

“Oh, my, god, I did it, and it feels fucking amazing. Fuck, you”re big, but it doesn”t hurt, at all, but I sure do feel full.”

“Wow, you”re hot, and tight, but yeah, you did it Baby, I”m in as far as I can possibly go while two diapers are in the way, and really, given how much a diaper lover we both are, I”ll never likely fill you more.”

“Mmmhmm.” He sighed deeply. “Now, do it, make hot gay baby diaper love to me.”

And so, I do so. The problem, though, of course, is that I had almost cum three times already, and forcing myself not to was supremely difficult to put it mildly, but now, I just do not know how much longer I can possibly hold it off. I want nothing more than to make deep, gentle love to my baby for half an hour or more, but I know that my balls have other plans.

I do manage to last damn near three minutes though, which shocked me, but then, so did the sheer power of the orgasm that ripped through me. Once more, I seem to have blacked out as my mind was incapable of processing the sheer magnitude of the orgasm that just exploded out of me. Thankfully my arms are still supporting me, though I am laying almost totally on my baby when I finally manage to realize what is happening. I push myself back up.

“Fuck, wow.” I groaned.

“That was the most amazing thing I”ve ever seen. When you came, it felt amazing, but seeing it in your eyes, and then seeing you just disappear, that was awesome. I came too, just not near so hard.” Devlin said, almost giggling, but sighing, it was a super sexy sound.

“Not sure you”re supposed to be able to survive what just happened to me. And fuck, you feel so sloppy now. I musta dumped ten loadsa cum inside you.”

“Mmmhmm, and it feels glorious. Now, peepee inside me Baby.”

“Oh yeah.”

I do need to desperately pee now. I am still so hard, though, that it is still preventing me from actually doing so, and so, I have to truly concentrate in order to do so. Trust me, having the feeling of needing to pee is not something that I am truly accustomed to, but I will happily and willingly do so for my baby as often as I can. Once I started peeing, though, nothing stopped it, and so, I gently rocked my hips as I peed, and with as painful as my bladder had felt, it came as no shock that I peed for more than two minutes. I have never held that much pee, ever, and now Devlin feels even sloppier, even better.

“Oh fuck me, that feels so fucking good.” Devlin moaned so deep from within himself that I had no idea it was possible.

If I had to guess, he is like me in this, and I just found his core need, to be piss fucked, or, in our case, piss loved.

Long, slow, gentle, loving, that is what I did to my baby, and for well over ten minutes, I continued to make cum, piss, and diaper love to my beautiful baby boyfriend. We are moaning, sighing, even so much as mewling because of just how amazing this feels, and I would have gladly continued, but it was Devlin that had enough and exploded in yet another amazing orgasm, which in turn was just too much for me to take, and I too exploded inside my baby.

With that, sadly, I am done. Two massive orgasms, each feeling as if I dumped ten orgasms worth of cum, by the end it felt like my balls were being sucked inside out, and were in pain, but what a glorious pain to be in, which made me start going soft barely seconds after I finished cumming. I never once stopped rocking my hips gently as I dumped a full litres worth of cum inside Devlin, and I did not stop until he expelled me. As soon as he did, though, I scooted down the little bit that I needed to in order to press our lips together, and I showed my baby once more just how much I love him.

Given our rather considerable height differences, we were unable to kiss at all during our love making, however, we did look deep into each others eyes the entire time as well, and that was every bit as good and loving.

“Wow, I”ve never felt so amazing in my entire life. Getting fucked by my friends was nothing compared to what you just did for me. I love you so much.” Devlin sighed from deep within as he said so.

“I agree fully Baby, having you make love to me, and then getting to make love to you, that was millions, maybe even billions times better than fucking or being fucked ever was. I love you more than life itself, there”s nothing that I wouldn”t do for you.” I said, and then kissed my baby once more.

“Will you diaper me like a good gay baby boy should be diapered?” Devlin whispered sexily to me as soon as I broke our kiss again.

“Only as long as you repay the favour Baby?”

“Mmmhmm. Quadruple diaper me Baby. Oh, and plug too, please don”t forget the plug.”

“You got it.”

Somehow I managed to stumble out of bed, and went and grabbed all the diaper supplies that we are about to need. I have quite the load.

I prepared Devlin”s inner diaper first, then worked his current ruined diaper off of him, making sure to suck at least some of the sweet baby pee from the front of it before setting it aside, and then I clean him up well. As I clean, I inspect his tiny little baby bum hole, and it looks delicious, I mean good enough to eat, I mean good. He is not even bruised, he is a little puffy, but that is to be expected, and he is still oozing, which is definitely expected. I lubed up his plug once again after cleaning it, lubed his hole a little more, and then slipped his plug inside him slowly and as gently as I could. It took a full two minutes for him to take it, and he sighed as it finally seated. I then put onto him his already stuffed and holey inner diaper, one of his already ultra thick night time diapers, and taped it on well. I then added one of his next size up ultra thick diapers with another doubler inside it, and taped that onto him as well. I then urged him up onto his knees, and I proceeded to ensuring, with packing tape, that it will not come back off easily.

As soon as Devlin was ready, I threw myself into soggy baby bum change position, and waited. Thankfully the wait was not long. Devlin tried to suck some of the pee from my diaper, but could hardly get any that was not filled with diaper gel or well fucked ass juices. He did not seem to mind, though, and proceeded to diapering me in the same fashion, until I too was taped up extra well.

“Thanks Baby, now, I don”t know about you, but I could seriously use a snack and a drink.” I said.

“Yeah, me too.”

So, we headed to the kitchen, grabbed a couple pieces of fruit, and three glasses of water, each, before we were satisfied.

“Well, I don”t know about you Baby, but I”m seriously wiped and ready for bed. It was a long weekend, and I was already good and tired, but then we played hard tonight, and I”m more so now.” Devlin said, throwing in a yawn for good effect.

“Yeah, it was a little tiring, but it was very much worth it, and I”m not even talking about what we did tonight, that just made it that much more worth it.”


So, hand in hand, we head back to our bedroom to go get a well deserved sleep. We cuddled up together, kissed for only a minute, whispered I love you to each other, and then we were sound asleep.

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Subject: The DVD Tales -4 (Adult-Youth) This is a `real’ story and that means there are no men with cocks the size of an elephant’s trunk and balls as big as eggs! That is fantasy. This is `real’ in the sense that this sort of thing does happen and although a work of fiction, it is `real’ enough to be enjoyed — real people, real sexual organs and real situations. Thanks to all those who are emailing with ideas, suggestions, links to websites and photographs, all are very welcome and great sources of inspiration. Keep the cumming! It’s nice to hear from so many people who like the storyline and ideas. I reply to all emails and really appreciate the suggestions for storylines. If you want to mail me (and please do) then check the end of this chapter for further information. By the way — although based on some real characters, it is an extension of my imagination. Remember that as you hopefully jack hard to it! Essex (2008) THE DVD TALES — 4 by Steve Parker The moment I saw Jackson, I knew things would develop between him and Mark. Jimmy had mentioned that he was filming a hetero DVD later that afternoon and I realised we had eaten into the spare time with the last 40 minutes. Jackson was probably early and stood there with a big grin on his face and I looked across at Mark who seemed mesmerised by the big black guy in the doorway. I had to admit he was big. His presence seemed to dominate the room and the way he was dressed added a certain something to him. Just a black vest over chinos and in flip-flops. Too casual for my liking, but he’d be naked and banging some cheap whore they’d booked for the film in less than 30 minutes. Mark was staring at Jackson and he was still looking at the kid. “Hi guys. How’s life Maxie?” I hated Maxie and ignored the comment. “Usual Jacko,” I spat the name out knowing he also hated the clipped version, “just finishing off some work.” “And it looks good!” he said and put out his hand to Mark. Jimmy smiled and carried on setting up the equipment and Mark stepped forward and shook Jacko’s big hand. “Nice grip boy, you work out?” Mark shook his head and looked at me. “Want to, but not much really. Like your muscles,” he said and grinned as Jacko flexed a bicep and I headed for the shower. When I came back into the living room about 10 minutes later they were sitting side by side on the sofa chatting. “When you filming?” I asked as I threw the towel to Jimmy. “An hour, but want to make sure Jackson is ready,” he said in a strange way and I looked at him. Then Jackson stood up and said, in a very matter of fact way, “Going to need to last for this DVD man. So need to dump a load and wear off some of this horniness!” He said that as he smiled at Mark and rubbed a hand across his crotch. I might have guessed what would happen. I looked at Mark and he seemed uneasy and then sort of shrugged his shoulders to suggest he knew, but really didn’t know what was or would be happening. “You up for that Mark,” I asked, “act as a fluffer in reverse?” “Fluffer?” asked Mark and stood up. Jackson peeled off his vest and even I admired his pecs, steelhard six pack and bull neck. “Don’t act dumb kid!” he said and unbuttoned his chinos and let them fall to the floor. He stepped out of them and all we could see was a six foot tall black man, muscles on muscles and a bulge in a pure white jockstrap that had me throwing it second glances. Time for me to leave I thought and I said so. Mark looked anxiously at me and I said, “Stay or go. You choose.” He looked at Jimmy who walked into the hallway and then I pulled out my car keys. I knew he wanted to stay, but it had to be his choice. “Stay,” he said and stood there for a few seconds as I opened the door and then he said, “Thanks Max. See you again?” I nodded and walked out. It was a long phone call later that night from Jimmy that explained what had happened after I left. “The kid was nervous Max, but you know when it comes to blowing something like old sınırsız escort Jacko has between his legs, it makes even a hard nosed fucker go weak at the knees!” “He fuck him?” I asked as I lay back on the sofa and lowered the volume on the TV. “Nah, but you’d be proud of him mate. Did it like you taught him, London style and with a bit of teen attitude. Should have filmed it, but with Sam out buying milk for the coffee I was too busy setting up the shoot.” “So what did happen then?” Mark knew the cock pushing out the front of the white material was big. Big like the porn DVDs claim the guys have, big like the stories on the web claim black guys have and just plain big. In the few seconds that passed between Max leaving and Jimmy moving into the bedroom, Mark had decided that he was in for real and wanted to do it. When Jackson stopped talking and just stared at the boy he knew what was expected of him and sank to his knees in front of the man. The jock was already strained and he could make out the shape of what looked like a very thick cock, but maybe not as long as he thought it might be. He adjusted his knees and sat back on his heels, put his hands behind his back like Max had taught him and stared into Jackson’s eyes. “London style! Like it boy! Maxie taught you well.” As he spoke Jackson pulled the front of the jock down and snapped the waistband under his balls. It took Mark just two seconds to realise what a task he had set himself up for. From the bottom of a taught and muscled stomach rose a cock that was reaching 8 inches and was thick. Thicker than Max’s and a little more curved with an uncut head that was already leaking precum. His balls were pushed forward and hairy and Mark froze for a second before leaning forward and feeling Jackson’s hand meeting him halfway and guiding his mouth onto his cock. Mark slipped the first three inches of the cock into his mouth and realised how thick it was when his lips stretched wider and a film of precum and saliva oozed round and down the sides of his mouth. But this was not going to be an easy ride and that was pressed home as Mark felt the man’s strong hands press heavily on the back of his head to force more of the cock into his mouth. He tried to ease forward but gagged and Jackson first let him rise up a couple of inches and then pressed him back down. “Just suck boy, this isn’t going to take long,” he said, “just got to bust a nut to make me last for the shoot. Suck and make it hard boy!” Jackson flexed his stomach muscles and pushed his hips up a few inches as Mark sank lower on the cock. Then suddenly the hand was gone and Mark was bobbing up and down on the black shaft at his own speed. It was hard to suck the thick meat and still keep his eyes on the man, so Mark reached round with his hands and held the black’s balls with his left and the middle of the shaft with his right. He was now taking more than 5 inches into his mouth and the mixture of pre-cum and saliva was on his chin and dripping to the floor between his legs. By now Jackson was squirming on the sofa and every so often stroking Mark’s hair. He was moaning and Mark knew it wouldn’t be long before he was cumming. He wondered if he would finish himself of by jacking his cock and shooting over his chest or into his hair. Maybe he would get one of those facials he had seen in the pornos he watched with his mates, or would the man just jack a load onto his chest? He felt the big, hairy balls roll in their sack and start to ride the shaft. Jackson pressed the back of Mark’s head and the boy’s eyes widened a little when he did that. He gagged every so often and he put both hands onto the shaft and jacked it in time with his sucking. “Fuck boy! That is sooo good, suck, gonna bust a nut boy!” Those words made Mark ease back on the now steelhard cock but Jackson was having none of that and Mark suddenly realised that he was going to jizz into his mouth. Before he had time şırnak escort to react the man pressed his hips forward and held Mark’s head tight with both hands. “Cummin, cummin, drink boy!” Mark felt the thick meat swell for a second and then a shot of thick cum sprayed into his mouth. He tried to pull away but there was easing of the grip on his head and as he pulled up the second shot was sprayed onto his tongue and a fleck into his throat. He had to swallow and there were two more cumshots, much weaker this time, but just as thick. Jackson was moaning and still holding Mark’s head onto his cock. Mark looked up and saw the man with closed eyes and his lips pressed together as he was cumming. Mark swallowed the last of the thick cum and then Jackson let go of his head and Mark sat up, the cock dropping a good 30 degrees, still mostly hard and dripping, aimed at his mouth. “You are good boy, really good. That was hot. Like it?” Mark ran a hand across his wet mouth and nodded, unsure of what to say and still tasting the man’s cum. “Don’t worry, you won’t get anything but sweet joy from my cum boy!” Mark was still on his knees and looking at the man when he said, “You need to bust a load there boy?” Mark looked down at his own cock, now wet at the head and erect. He was about to say yes and start jacking when the front door slammed and voices came from the hallway. As Jackson stood up and grabbed a towel from the pile on the chair, the door opened and into the room came Sam and Lee. Mark was still kneeling; a fleck of cum on the side of his mouth, hard cock in his fist and the 16 year old with Sam was looking straight at it. “Thought he might have got fucked,” said Max over the phone and switched off the TV. “No, Jackson needs the cash mate and so he just left him there when Sam and Lee arrived.” “That’s the Lee I met is it, the 16 year old lad from Clapham?” “Yeh, the one with the tattoos and earrings, the one you liked!” Jimmy laughed down the phone and Mark sat up and remembered the boy. They had first met at a photoshoot Jimmy did for a website a few months earlier. The boy was slim, muscled and with shaved hair. But what stood out for Max was the number of tattoos the kid had. He wasn’t old enough for them legally, but he already had one on each arm, one on his chest, one flowery one on his lower back and apparently a small on his ass! He was cocky and a bit full of himself thought Max when they first said hello and the small gold hoops in each ear made him look sexy, if not a touch feminine. The boy was experienced and was telling Max all about his sexual adventures when they had lunch, not worried about what he thought and rather proud of his style. What Max was pleased about was that Lee was walking round “London Style” and he was delighted to hear from Jimmy that was how he arrived at the Penthouse after he left. “Yeh, I think that was why he and Mark became friendly very quickly. He recognised the style and you know Max, I think he was a little in awe of Lee when they talked and Mark didn’t seem worried about the way he was seen by Lee.” “Well come on Jimmy, tell me what happened. Did they get it on?” They didn’t fuck with each other. Well not anything heavy according to Jimmy. As Max walked into the kitchen to make coffee he listened as Jimmy continued the report of the rest of that afternoon at the Penthouse. Lee and Mark had something in common — hormones! They seemed to hit it off and as Mark pulled on his shorts and swallowed some water to flush the rest of Jackson’s seed down his throat, Lee told him he looked hot. In fact, Lee couldn’t stop talking and told Mark who he was, what he liked and how he often visited the filming thanks to his friend Sam. “You fuck with him?” asked Mark. “No, he wants to; I like him, but not enough to fuck with him! Get a life!” they laughed as they wandered through the Penthouse and watched Jackson showering and preparing for the shoot. About 10 minutes taksim escort later she arrived. She was polish and 23. She was being paid �70 and she was ready to suck and ride black cock. The two boys seemed to melt into the background and Jimmy warned them not to make a sound when they started filming. Jackson seemed almost delighted that two teenage boys were going to watch him in action and the Polish girl seemed on a different planet. She ignored them and even when Lee nudged Mark and pointed at a shaved and slightly puffy pussy, she never reacted. Jackson could fuck. At one stage he was pounding her pussy so hard she came twice and started screaming loudly, so much so that Jackson was forced to kiss her to keep her shrill voice from bouncing around the room. Mark was hard by the time they got round to fucking doggy and Lee was just as hard as Jackson slipped his thick meat into her ass and opened her pussy up with three fingers as he banged her hard. He glanced over at the boys once and winked out of camera shot and then when he was about to cum Jimmy shouted stop and he suddenly pulled out of her ass and slapped a cheek hard. She yelped and fell forward onto the bed. “You wanna do the money shot now Jim?” asked Jackson and stood at the end of the bed slowly jacking his now glistening and hard meat. Mark looked at him and grinned and Lee was rubbing the front of his jeans. “Gimme a minute to adjust the lights and then rubber off and let’s cum on her mouth and then you clean up baby, that okay with you?” Jimmy watched as she turned and opened her legs, lying on her back to expose a set of red labia lips and slightly distended asshole. “Only when those two kids leave the room,” she said. Jackson never said anything as the boys trooped off to the living room and as the door closed Lee said to Mark, “You want to wank?” Mark nodded and they sat down on the sofa side by side and pulled their jeans and shorts down to their ankles. There was no slow peeling down of the pants and no sort of visual foreplay. Mark was disappointed in that, but that all changed when he saw Lee’s cock. It was hard. It was smoother than smooth to his eyes, but it was at least 6″but so thick that Mark just had to reach out and touch it. Lee watched and popped three more buttons on his causal shirt to expose his chest. Mark stared at the boy’s chest, his nipples both pierced and a tattoo of some animal on his chest, near his left breast. “Like it eh?” said Lee and grabbed Mark’s cock in his right hand as the boy nodded a firm yes and started to jack Lee’s cock. “So fucking thick. I can’t believe how thick it is,” said Mark, “you a top or bottom?” “I do both man, versatile and horny 25/8!” They laughed and started jacking each other with a faster rhythm. Mark felt slightly in awe of the older boy and Lee realised that as Mark leaned in and licked his chest and then grasped a nipple ring in his teeth. Lee hissed and jacked Mark’s cock hard and held the grip at the base of the cockroot. His own balls were tight in their sac and hardly moving despite Mark’s hard jacking of his cock. As Mark raised his head Lee flicked out his tongue as a sign and they kissed. It was a tongue fight and they both moaned. Lee’s cock was now leaking precum and seemed to throb in Mark’s grip. Suddenly, without warning, Mark jizzed. He groaned as his tongue was still in Lee’s mouth and Lee gave his cock three hard jerks and felt the teen’s cum dribble over his hand and onto the sofa. Mark reacted by squeezing Lee’s balls with one hand, tugging them and then jacking hard and fast with his other. Lee raised his back from the sofa and with a loud shout of “cummin!” he blew what was really a thin shot of cum up onto his chest and followed it with three more that landed between his neck and navel. He eased his hand from Mark’s cock and Mark did the same. They lay back against the sofa, Lee rubbing the rivulets of cum across his nipples and then the door burst open and Jackson walked in. “You wankers want to go to a party in central London tonight?” To be continued … I am always happy to chat with readers who have ideas, comments, suggestions and experiences to share. Flames I ignore — friends online I chat with happily. [email protected]

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Subject: Our Perfect Vacation Chapter II Hello there, yes, I know I am a bold one, but so are you! Are you here legally? This story contains sexual actions of men and underage boys (well, the next chapter will anyway, this chapter contains sex between adult males). If this is fine by you, get naked and enjoy. Take pictures! If this story is illegal where you are because of location or religious reasons, or it’ll offend you, stop reading. Or not. I’m a paragraph. Not a cop. Anyway, Nifty can’t continue to host stories such as this without help from readers like you! Give `til it hurts! “$4.30 for a gallon of gas?” London spluttered as I swiped my credit card at the pump. “It’s terrible, but it makes sense. We’re in California now, and we’re still a ways away from a town or city. Can’t be cheap, hauling gas up the mountain.” I said this as I selected the grade and began pumping. “Makes sense, I suppose.” London washed the windshield as I pumped. We went inside when we were done, and browsed the snack section and drink coolers. We loaded with junk, caffeinated drinks, and headed to the counter. While London paid, I wandered to the corner where I saw a lottery machine. I also saw a machine that sold scratch off lottery tickets. I never really gambled, and neither did London. But it was vacation. I put in some cash, and was rewarded with a scratch off ticket. I dug into my pocket and found a quarter. London came up behind me, and looked at what I was doing. “Good luck,” he said. “This is probably slanted so the house wins,” I said and began scratching. When I was done, I was $400 richer. I cashed in the ticket at the register, and was rewarded with twenty twenty dollar bills. Happier, London and I got back in the Charger and kept heading down the mountain. We had driven across the country, and had entered California through the Donner Pass. The sun was down, and the hour was late as we stopped at the bay bridge to get into San Francisco itself. Handing over one of my new twenties, I received eight bucks change, and was waved through. I gently dug my elbow into London’s side. “Wake up, babe. We’re here.” London stirred and sat up straight. “Looks beautiful.” “We’re on the bridge. I’m sure it’ll look much nice once it’s daytime.” “We’re here pretty late. Will the hotel be okay with it?” London said as he checked his phone and frowned. “Yeah. While you were asleep, I called the hotel and pre-reged.” “That’s a good idea.” London nodded and smiled. Pre-registering is good for when you’re going to arrive late in the day, or night, and want to make sure you have a room. If 8 o’clock rolls around, and you haven’t checked in, management might give your room away. Calling ahead and pre-registering secures your room. I knew the hotel wasn’t too terribly far from the interstate, so I picked an exit at random. We hit the city streets, and the first thing we saw was a gay bar. London and I looked at each other and smiled. We both knew we’d go there later. A few minutes later, red and blue lights were flashing in my rearview mirror. “The fuck?” I asked aloud as I signaled and turned onto a side street. I pulled over and turned on the hazard lights and buzzed down the window. London and I made sure our hands were in plain sight as the cop walked up. “Hello there,” he said. “Hi,” I said. London just smiled in a nervous way. “You don’t have a rear license plate. California law requires one.” The cop said this as gravely as if I had just run somebody over. “Oh. Sorry.” I said this in an embarrassed manner. “Yeah. It’s a new law. Went into effect this year.” “I didn’t know. This is a rental. We’re from out of state.” I showed him the rental contract. “I have my license if you want,” I said, pointing to my wallet which was still on the dashboard from paying the bridge toll. “Uh-huh. You do have a paper in your rear windshield.” The cop took my license and shone his flashlight on the temporary registration paper in the rear window. The rental car was so new it didn’t have an actual license plate yet. New cars in our state were given a paper that acted as both a license plate and temporary registration for eight weeks while the actual plates and official registration came in the mail. “Nervous?” London asked. “Not really. If he’s a good cop, and not anal, he won’t ticket me. It’s a rental, out of state, and it’s properly registered and insured. We may have to deal with this a few more times as various cops see us. We’ll be okay.” Soon the cop came back, and handed me my paperwork and license back. Everything checked out, and he let us go after admiring the car. We talked about the gas mileage and he marveled we’d driven it across the country. I agreed it was a nice machine, and I wasn’t expecting to get such a rental. Soon, we were pulling up to the hotel. We parked and carried our bags with some haste to the lobby. A night employee slid my credit card and handed us two key cards. Rising in the elevator, London and I tapped our feet nervously. It had been a while since we’d last seen a bathroom, and needed relief. London opened the room door, and headed to the bathroom, dropping his bags onto the floor, and stripping as he went. I didn’t admire his body. I was busy shutting and locking the door. London was naked when he came out of the zonguldak escort bathroom, the toilet in mid-flush. I was naked as well, and dashed by him and relieved myself. When I came out, London was pulling the sheets off the bed, his cock flaccid, swinging in the air as he moved. I admired it, my own flaccid cut cock twitching a bit, but not more. It wasn’t from lack of love, lust, or passion; it just had been a very long day. We had driven across the country. We could go to sleep, and sleep in, no sunlight to waste because we didn’t have any morning plans. “I’m too tired to get it up,” London said. “Me too,” I agreed as I pulled down the sheets on my side. We got into bed, and got into each other’s arms. We loved to sleep naked together. We loved that wonderful skin on skin contact. Our soft cocks rubbed against the other’s body, and we kissed and murmured our love for each other. The next morning, London and I slept in, and made it to a diner for breakfast. After a hearty breakfast of pancakes, sausages and toast, we began walking around the city. We had some time to kill before our ferry to Alcatraz, and we wanted to make sure we didn’t slip into a food coma. With time, we toured Fisherman’s Wharf, Alcatraz, and took plenty of pictures. We bought some souvenirs which we carefully packed up and shipped home. This was our tradition. Ship them home, and always be amazed by what we saw when we opened the boxes. It was like going on the trip again, but in the comfort of our own home. That night, we showered separately. It wasn’t as big as our shower at home, so we did it one at a time. London went first. When I got out, my blond hair dripping water, I had a towel wrapped around my waist. The television was on, some random movie was playing. Dinner was set up. London had room service deliver it while I was showering. “Mmm. Smells good. What’d we get?” I asked this as I embraced him. His shirt was off, his body gleaming in the light of the room’s lamps. London pulled off the domes like a magician preforming a trick, and I saw steak and all the good fixings one could want with it. How I loved him. He knew what I liked, and he liked the same. We dug in. After dinner, we were in bed, naked of course. The television was on, but we weren’t watching. We were pay attention to each other. I kissed London, my tongue parting his soft lips, feeling the hint of mint from when he brushed his teeth. He moaned, and slid his hand down my back. He cupped my ass, fondling it with great care. He pulled me closer to him, and our hard cocks rubbed against each other. London pushed me onto my back, and kissed his way off my mouth. With great care, he kissed my cheeks, then my neck, sucking and licking. He was gentle, and I knew he wouldn’t leave a mark there. I smiled at the ceiling because I knew he’d leave his love marks on my chest where they would be covered by my shirt. As London kissed and sucked my nipples, my cock rubbed against his chest, smearing pre all over. He kissed his way down and surrounded my belly button with kisses, massaging my thighs. My cock twitched and bobbed in the air as it waited his arrival. Grasping my hard shaft, London didn’t stroke it. “London,” I whimpered. “Stroke it. Make me feel good,” “Soon,” he murmured with an impish grin on his face. London licked the tip of my cock, tasting my pre. He then kissed my balls, and licked them. My shaft throbbed and more pre escaped. He still had hold of it, but didn’t stroke it. I tried to buck my hips so I could get some stroking action, but he held me down with his gentle touch. Finally, London took my 6.5 inch cock into his mouth, and began sucking. My eyes rolled up as I sank into the pleasure my husband was giving me. He sucked my cock with practiced ease, stroking my thick shaft. He cupped my balls, and fingered my hole. I was writhing on the bed, waves of pleasure washing over me. London pulled his mouth off my cock, his lips glistened with saliva. He moved up, and kneeled over me his 7.5 inch cock waving in my face. I took hold of his flesh with one hand, and stroked while I cupped and squeezed his butt with my other. I sucked on it, London groaned over me. His beautiful ball sack was swinging in the air, and I slipped a finger into his hole. I worked it in and out of him as I sucked him off, his hands bracing himself on the wall. I pulled London close to me, and kissed him, our tongues touching, sampling the taste of cock on our mouths. I groped with one hand, and found the drawer of the nightstand. I pulled out the bottle of lube, and soon, London was sliding inside me with ease. His big cock throbbed inside me, hitting all the right places, and I threw my head back and cried out his name. My legs were wrapped around London’s waist, his eyes gazing into mine as he fucked me. That’s what this session was. Fucking. Just raw, strong, passion for the other man. Again and again, his cock slammed into me, I moaned as I felt his delicious hardness move inside me. I held him close and kissed him, growling for more as I did so. My hands held onto his waist as he grunted, sweat gleaming on his beautiful chest. We rolled over, still locked together. I began bucking up and down, slamming down onto him, rubbing his chest and gently pinching his nipples tunalı escort as I rode his pole of pleasure. Soon, he was panting, and I could tell he was close. He stroked my cock as it wagged in front of him, and I was close as well. Soon, our pleasuring had pushed us to the edge, and over it. “Oh, baby. Oh, I’m cumming!” London moaned as I felt his cock pulse and throb and begin coating my inside with his hot cum. The fact that my husband was cumming into me had me going. I grabbed his shoulders, looking him in the eye, my nails digging in a bit, as my cock erupted and several ropes of hot white cum flew out. I collapsed on him, panting for air. “Oh my god, that was incredible,” I moaned as I embraced his sweaty chest. “It was the best!” he responded, kissing me. When we had gotten our breath back, we got up, and showered again. We went to bed, naked, and in each other’s arms. I loved this man with all my heart. I knew he loved me, and I was so happy to be his. The next morning, we got up, and went to Ghirardelli Square. We walked around, and enjoyed the many fine chocolates the store had to offer. We sat at table overlooking the bay, and had large mugs of salted caramel hot chocolate. We took some pictures of the bay, and Alcatraz in the middle of the bay. Discovering a mini golf course downstairs, we paid for admission, and played a round. We trash talked each other in a good natured way as we played through the tiny course that had San Francisco monuments and locations. Lunch was approaching. We went to the store, and got plenty of stuff for a lunch on the beach. When I parked, overlooking the ocean, the Golden Gate Bridge to our right, I couldn’t help it. Tears welled up in my eyes. The engine rumbled with its power as we sat there, and I cried a little bit. London touched my arm in a concerned manner. “Babe, you okay?” I could hear the worry in his voice. “Y-yeah,” I said, my voice halting. “It’s…just so beautiful and powerful. We’ve driven as far as we can go. We can’t go further west. The ocean is magnificent.” London hugged me. I returned the embrace. We got out, and pulled the picnic basket from the trunk. We went down the steps and onto the beach. Soon, we were sitting on a blanket, enjoying the sandwiches we made. The day was chilly but since we were from cold weather, we didn’t mind. We actually were wearing speedos. His was red. Mine was blue. I couldn’t help gazing at his speedo bulge from time to time. He gazed at mine. I saw a few guys discreetly checking us out as well. After lunch, we sat, gazing at the ocean. Mesmerized by the constant waves. Container ships came and went. Kids ran up and down the beach. Neither one of us had a watch. Our phones were locked in the car. I don’t know how long we sat there, but we eventually got up, and dived into the ocean. We played for a while. A few souls braved the chilly water, but none joined us. London and I stood in the ocean, waves breaking over us, tasting the salt on each other’s lips. “I love you,” he said, water dripping from his hair. “I love you,” I said, my cock hard in my speedo. When we got back to the hotel, it was 3 in the afternoon. We showered, washing the salt and sand down the drain and got dressed. London was excited. I was too. It was time for the baseball game. It would be our first MLB game. Oakland Athletics versus the Texas Rangers. Since it began in the evening, we encountered rush hour traffic. I was relieved when the stadium came into sight. I wasn’t so relieved when I saw the signs. London let out a gasp of exclamation. $30 to park. “Well, now I guess we know how the teams can afford to pay their players millions of dollars.” I grumbled this as I reached for my wallet. “Yeah,” London scowled. “Thirty bucks to park? What a rip!” I got a receipt from the parking attendant, and found a spot. Not having any idea of the layout of the lot or stadium, we chose an entrance at random, and went through a metal detector. Our tickets were scanned, and we found ourselves halfway around the stadium from where we needed to be. “Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,” London said as we walked around the stadium. The grounds crew was hosing down the dirt. Gotta have clean dirt! We found where our seats were, but didn’t go sit. Instead, we got in line for food. Soon, we had pizza, hot dogs, popcorn, and sodas and headed to our seats. We showed our tickets to a frowning elderly lady who made sure we weren’t ruffians out to steal good seats. We descended some steps, and got to our seats, about ten rows behind first base. “Well, shall we dig in?” I asked. “Not yet. Wait until the national anthem and then we can sit until the seventh inning stretch.” “Oh, good idea.” Some unknown celebrities sang the national anthem and threw out the first pitch. We dug in, munching on pizza and popcorn. The teams took the field. It wasn’t until the second inning that I came up with something. “Who’re we gonna cheer for?” I asked. There wasn’t a baseball team where we lived, and we didn’t follow the sport. Since it was the sport in season on our vacation, that’s why we were at the game. “How about whoever is up?” London suggested, waving over a vendor for more soda. “Sounds good!” We enjoyed the game, buying a blanket and matching tunceli escort beanies. When it was over, we hit the bathroom, and when we came out, everyone was ushering us out as if the building was on fire. “It’s like they’re trying to beat the clock or something,” I groused as a security guard glared at us. A cop was in parking lot, bellowing over a loudspeaker how the game was over and we should stop tailgating and go home. Soon, we had crossed over the bridge, paying again to cross it, and back in our hotel. Since we were stuffed with junk food, we just got into bed and cuddled. Though I couldn’t show it, I was excited. Tomorrow would be the big day. If I could bluff London, it would be the greatest surprise he ever had. I was deep in his arms when my phone went off. I grabbed it, silenced it, and then held to my ear as if I was taking a call. I gave a few yeahs and uh-huhs, and even a “Are you fucking kidding me?” came out. London woke up some from his sleep as I talked to myself. “Whas happen?” he asked sleepily. “Work, babe. There’s been a major problem, and I got to go back.” I sat by him on the bed, and caressed his cheek. “Buh vacation” he mumbled. “I know. I’m sorry. Once this is dealt with, we can go back on vacation, and have a good time.” “Days to drive back.” “I know,” I said, kissing his forehead. “They’ve got plane tickets for us. First class. Get me back in hours, not days. We’ll stop by the-” London cut me off as he bolted upright. “I don’t do flying! I don’t much like planes!” he said this, worry in his eyes. “I know,” I said soothingly. “We’ll stop at the store first, and get you your relaxing pill, so you can make it back.” London didn’t much like flying. Too much turbulence and there was no way planes could defy gravity. On our honeymoon, he got on the plane after he took two pills of Doctor Snooze’s Snooze Aid. We’d buy it on the way to the airport. “Do we have time for breakfast?” London asked. “Yeah. We need to be there by 9:45” When we parked in the long term parking lot at the SFO airport, we got onto the shuttle. London was dragging his feet, already having taken two pills so he could relax. He nodded off on the way to the terminal, and I helped him to a chair by the airline ticket counter. He slouched there, an odd grin on his face as I went to the first class check in counter. “We’re checking in, and my husband needs a wheelchair,” I pointed. “Okay,” the attendant said, speaking into her radio. I slid over our passports, which I had secretly packed, and confirmed that our luggage was ours, and hadn’t been left unattended. I paid the baggage fees, and was rewarded with our plane tickets. Not home. The opposite direction in fact. We’d by flying over the ocean soon. I went back to London, and waited for the wheelchair agent. A girl of no more than 18 showed up. “Hi, I’m Lindsay, did you request a wheelchair?” she chirped in a bright voice. “Yeah. For him.” London was pretty much out of it. He wasn’t drooling on himself, so I suppose that was good. I helped get London settled, and Lindsay put a seat belt on him. She led us to the security line, and since we were TSA Pre-check, we got to the front pretty quick. Our tickets and passports were examined, and we were waved ahead. Soon, we were at the gate. I had bought a bottle of water, and London sipped from it before he fell completely asleep. This was good as he totally missed the departure announcements to our destination. Lindsay got London aboard and I helped London get into his seat and I buckled his seat belt. I tipped Lindsay with one of the twenties I’d won from the scratch off ticket. I buckled myself in, and pulled the safety information card from the pocket in front of me. I opened it up, and saw the cartoonish versions of people trying not to die. London was still out of it. He missed the takeoff announcements, flight length, and even the lunch meal service. The flight attendant said if I buzzed her, she’d bring London something to eat when he woke up. London did wake up, used the restroom, and came back, a confused look on his face. “We’re not there yet?” he asked, his voice hoarse from sleep. “Not yet. Have another pill, and sleep until we get there.” Too tired to do anything else, London complied. He slept the whole flight over the ocean and some land. We landed, and got another wheelchair. At customs, I said we were there for pleasure, and had nothing to declare. The customs agent looked suspiciously at London. “He doesn’t like flying. He took a sleeping pill and is still feeling the effects,” I explained and showed the bottle of pills we had bought. We got our passports stamped and moved on. A taxi took us to the hotel I’d booked us in, and I tipped the taxi driver ten bucks as he carried our bags inside. A bellman got another tip as he carried them to our room. I supported London. Locking the door, I got London to the bed. I sighed with relief. I was tired. It was late. We’d been travelling for many hours. “D’Artagnan? This isn’t bed.” London said this as I pulled his shoes off. “I know babe. They got us a hotel and…” before I could finish, London was asleep again. I undressed him, then myself. I got into bed with my husband, and was excited. We were in another country! We were going to go places tomorrow! One of the places was where we could rent boys to do with as we pleased! My cock got hard thinking of the fun we’d have with slim boys the next day. All righty then! Another chapter is done. I hope you enjoyed it, and enjoyed yourself! If you have questions, feel free to email ail

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Subject: Ice Cream Boy 1 adult/youth WARNING: This story contains a fictional and graphic depiction of sex between a man and a boy. Please do not continue if you find this offensive. If you are underage or if this type of material is illegal where you live, you should not read further. Ice Cream Boy It was a hot afternoon so I decided to stop for some ice cream on the way home from running some Saturday errands. I got to the local ice cream stand and there was a short line. As I got up to the line I saw a chubby boy at the back of the line, not just any chubby boy, but one I’ve met a couple of times at my apartment complex. One of my big turn ons is a young teen chubby boy, so I was happy to get at the end of the line behind him and check out his cute behind. We had already spoken a couple of times, he saw my Phillies cap and as expected he told me the Phils suck, to which I replied, just like the Indians, as he was wearing a Cleveland Indians t-shirt. It was small but enough so he would remember me, I certainly remembered him. HE was about 5’6, certainly heavy, not super obese but with a little extra, I want to eat that muffin top, kind of curly longish dark blond hair, blue eyes that I could barely see because of the hair. His face was round, with a few freckles, cute little nose and nice full lips. He was wearing a t-shirt and cargo shorts that were a little tight,, not that I minded. “Hey”, I said, “I know you, you live ankara yeni escort in the apartments up the street where I live.” “Yeah”, he replied, “you’re Jeff, right?” “I’m Jeff, and the Indians still suck” I laughed as I stuck my hand out for a shake (and a feel of his chubby hands). I was not disappointed as he gave me a good hand shake for a bit longer than usual. Such soft hands, I didn’t want to let go. “I’m Jason, and the Phils suck” he said as he shook my hand looking right at me with a smile, then he looked away. When we got up to the window he almost yelled “SHIT! They raised the prices and I don’t have enough money.” He was almost crying. “No Problem Jase” I said, Its on me. What do you want? He was certainly surprised,,, he stuttered for a bit then said “A small chocolate cone”. I jumped right in,,, “Make that 2 large chocolate cones” You really don’t have to do this” he said with a big smile on that chubby face. “My pleasure” I said. “Its called paying it forward. And its always a good thing to be nice to a neighbor. By then the cones were at the window. I paid and said, “Want to go sit on my car, its in the shade and the only other shade here is that bench full of people. So we walked across the lot to my car. We leaned against the front and ate our ice cream and talked. Of course as soon as I saw him I wanted him, so this was a super bonus just getting to talk to him. yenimahalle escort I asked the usual questions about school and got some typical yet funny answers, but when I asked about friends, he got real quiet. “I don’t really have any friends” he said with a wimper. “Oh come on, a good looking guy like you with a nice personality,, you gotta have friends. How old are you?”.i asked. “I’m 13. I do have a few guys I know at school, but we never get together after school” he replied sadly.” Then I told him a bit about my middle school years. Not a lot of friends, part of the class nerd herd. Getting picked on a lot. But I also told him how it got better as I made it through High School. By that time our ice cream was gone so I asked him if he wanted a ride home since we are going the same way. “Sure” he replied with a big smile and some excitement in his voice. I knew we had only about 5 minutes before we got home so I continued talking about middle school,, telling him that years later we called it the age of the 3 “H”s,, hungry, horny and hard. I knew that would get a reaction. “Hahaha” he laughed, not a full laugh but kind of a laugh because it was funny but also a laugh because it was so true. I kept it up being a little more graphic. “I could eat a whole box of cereal in the morning and be hungry by the time I got to school. And yes, I spent a lot of time with my books in front yozgat escort of me covering up my boner, hahaha. I laughed about the whole thing but keep looking at Jason out of the corner of my eye to see his reaction. No disappointment there,, I caught him adjusting his boycock. Hmmm, could he be horny enough to??? II retreated a bit, just making jokes about school, and when we were about a minute from home I asked “So what do you have planned for the rest of the day?” “Nothing really” he said. “My Mom gets home about 7:30 , nothing to do until then. I figured I would go for it. `”Well, if you want to, I was going to watch the ballgame,, 4pm game today, if you would like to watch with me Id love it” He thought for a couple of seconds and said “Yeah, OK”. We pulled into the parking lot and went up to my place. I asked him to take his shoes as we entered. He took them off and I led him to the living room, motioned for him to sit on the couch. “Anything you want to drink Jason?” “Water is fine” he said,, so I poured 2 glasses of water and went back into the living room and handed him his glass. Again, I got a quick feel of his chubby hands. As I put the TV on, he was looking at some of the stuff I have around and saw my Pride flag. “Jeff” he asked, I see that flag,, does that mean you are gay?” He was stumbling and obviously nervous about the question, and looking down at the floor. “Yes” I said,, are you?” He turned bright red and obviously was not expecting this turn of events. “I,,,,I,,, I ” he said, almost crying looking at the floor ——-end of part 1————– This is my first story for Nifty and I would love some feedback, suggestions, inspiration. Should I continue? ail hope to hear from you.

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Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Subject: Star Athlete Ass Part 2 This story is completely fictional. Any similarities to any persons or events, past or present are coincidental. This story contains scenes which involve sexual situations between youths and adults. If this type of material is offensive to you or is not legal for you to read this type of material, please do not read any further. Please leave comments ail If you like this story, PLEASE DONATE SOMETHING TO NIFTY. NIFTY NEEDS YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT. PLEASE FIND THE LINK AT THE TOP OF THE NIFTY HOME PAGE TO LEARN HOW TO CONTRIBUTE. YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS HELP KEEP THIS WEB SITE ALIVE. Every bit helps, Thank you, Succumballs Wonder Ass Athlete Part 2 Sam Brings Some Team Back After showering and dressing loosely Buck asked Sam if he wanted a beer. “No, thanks, Buck.” Sam liked being treated like a grown-up. “I’m going for some soccer practice with the team.” Buck grinned. “I thought you might want to spend the night with me and Toddy.” “Awe… I promised Friday night with the guys. Sorry.” “That’s OK. The ass exercise would have been a good starter for old Cock Doter. What say we bring Sam over with us tomorrow, Toddy. We’re due there at about ten in case you’re interested in fucking a real pussy ass, Sam. If Baba still wants to go?” He kissed his son’s head. “What with your new boyfriend and all.” “Who’s Cock Doter?” Sam asked. “Our next door neighbor at the bottom of the hill, Anton Carlsdoter.” Buck said. “Whoa,” Sam said intrigued. “He’s dean of boys at our High School, and a real son-of-a-bitch.” Buck laughed. “I bet he won’t give you much trouble once he’s had your nice, fat dick up his ass. He’s an odd one, but I always get the feeling we’re doing him a big favor. He’s a real pussy.” “Like Sam, Daddy?” “No, Baba.” Buck used their secret fuck name for Todd who grinned thinking Sam was now really part of their world. “Sam’s a man. He likes being active sometimes. Cock doter is nothing but a cock slave.” Todd wasn’t sure he understood but said, “Want to, Sam? He really likes it. I never saw him get enough. He goes ape over cock.” Sam grinned at the thought of dominating the jerk who was always on his case, giving him demerits for every little thing so he never got an A in P.E. even though he was one of the best athletes in the school. “I just might be over tomorrow morning, Baba.” He kissed Todd’s soft lips. “But now I got to go meet the team. I’ll see you.” Todd beamed with joy. “See you, Sammy.” And he embraced the athlete’s waist. “And thanks.” “For what?” “I don’t know.” Todd shrugged. “You’re a real sweetie, know that, Pony?” Sam kissed him again on the lips and squeezed his cock. “I might just want you all to myself tomorrow. How about that?” “That’s fine, Sam. I’d like that almost better.” After two hours of soccer the team went into the High School showers just before they closed. Sam’s best buddies followed him into the last cubicle with six shower heads, and the four turned them all on. Sam stood under the last head in the corner next to his best buddy Cameron, a big six foot three stormer. Across from him was Richie, even bigger at six foot six and the strongest player on the team. Next to him was Steve, medium build like Sam with an equally beautiful round ass and soft blond features that made him look like an angel. After soaping up and horsing around Cam and Richie jumped on Steve, trapping him in the corner. “Stop it,” Steve laughed, then got frightened and yelled, “Get off me.” “Come on, you guys,” Sam said, “leave him alone.” “Get the fuck off me, you ass hole,” Steve yelled at Cameron. “Hold him, Cam, and give me some soap. Stevie likes it.” Steve struggles furiously, and Sam tried to pull Cam off him. Richie soaped up Steve’s ass and shoved two fingers up him. Steve screamed, elbowed the two and then went limp and began to cry. “Get the fuck off him, you guys.” Sam yelled and pushed into the group. He held Steve gently. “It’s OK, Stevie. Calm down now.” “It was just a joke, Steve.” Cam said. “No hard feelings, huh?” “Fuck you all,” Steve cried and turned toward the wall. “Come on, Stevie,” Richie said. “I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry. We’re best friends. Come on, don’t be mad.” Steve leaned his head on the wall crying, the warm water running down his smooth, beautiful body making a stream in his ass crack. Richie put his hand on Steve’s shoulder. “Just go away, Richie.” Sam and Cameron stood back quiet as Steve shrugged Richie’s hand off his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Stevie. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.” His hand went to Steve’s waist. Steve remained motionless. “Please don’t be mad at me. We’re best buddies. Please don’t be mad. I didn’t mean anything, I’m sorry.” He looked at the others, then turned and put his arms around Steve and hugged him tight. “Come on. I love you, man. Please don’t cry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Steve turned. His eyes red, his lower jaw trembled. He looked up at his big beautiful friend and said, “It didn’t hurt, Richie.” When Richie looked puzzled Steve wiped his face and continued, “You know my dad’s been fucking me since I was a kid. I hated it at first. It hurt so much. Then I got used to it, but…” “I know.” Richie held him tenderly now, stroked his wet hair. “I’m sorry.” “The last time he humped me, a couple of months ago, I was thinking, I wish it was you. So there, now you know.” He hung his head and cried again. “Don’t cry, Stevie. I’ll always love you, no matter what.” He held his friend tenderly. “That’s why we’re the best on the team, because we all love each other. And I will always love you.” His hands slid over Steve’s back and cupped his ass cheeks. When Steve responded by embracing him Richie pulled the cheek apart to let the water rinse the soap from the crack. “I don’t give a shit what you like in bed. You’re my best friend, forever. OK? I’m sorry I did that. OK?” Steve strained up to Richie’s face, a head taller, his eyes full of trust and love and hope. He nodded and gulped hard, “Yeah,” and bit his lip. Richie gently cupped water in Steve’s ass crack to wash the soap out of the hole he’d just violated. As he pulled the tender anus flesh apart and softly rubbed the swelling pucker they both felt the other’s erection. Then, not knowing what else to do, he kissed Steve on the mouth. Steve’s mouth opened and Richie’s tongue went slowly into it. Sam and Cameron stood in front of them when some other team members poked their heads around the corner. “You guys all right in there?” Jake the goalie said. “Yeah,” Sam said. “We were just joking around and Steve got hurt.” “You OK, Steve?” “I’m fine, Jake. Thanks.” Both their erections had gone right down, and Steve walked out for a towel. In the car on the way home Cameron drove with Sam in the front seat next to him. Steve and Richie sat in the back, Richie’s arm over Steve’s shoulder. Sam broke the silence with the big question. “How long’s your dad been fucking you, Stevie?” Steve took a deep breath. Would he talk about it? Say – fuck off? Or what? After a minute he spoke softly, “Since as long as I can remember, but not much anymore. I think he found someone else. I could beat him up now if I wanted to. Maybe he’s afraid of me. I don’t know.” “What’s it like? Fucking someone in the ass?” Cam asked. “I don’t know. I never did it.” Steve whispered. “I was always the one getting done.” “I always wanted to fuck Cindy in the ass,” Richie grinned, “but she is 100% – No, thank you.” “Too bad,” Sam said. It’s kind of hot.” Cam glanced over at him. “What?” They all wanted to know. “It’s hot as hell actually. Real tight, and you don’t have to worry about Miss Suddenly Not Virgin getting all weepy about marrying you.” “Cindy wasn’t a virgin when I first fucked her.” “NO?” Cam asked.” “No, and she wouldn’t say who it was. Said I didn’t know him. Right. Then I wondered how many guys she’s had, and she said, “Not as many girls as you.” Fuck, she was my first ankara türbanlı escort time, my only one, but don’t fucking tell her that or I’ll kill you.” Cam laughed. “Let’s get back to Sam getting some ass. Who was it, Sammy?” “I don’t kiss and tell, you know that.” “Well, Stevie can tell us what it’s like to get fucked, and you can tell us what it’s like to do the fucking.” When Steve began to tremble Richie hugged him closer. “Just forget it, Stevie. Forget it all.” “I can tell you what it’s both like, Mr. Curious.” Sam whispered. “I don’t need to know all of it. I will never fucking get fucked.” Cam announced. Sam laughed. “Right, Cam. Until you get it up the ass we’ll never know how much you like it. Or hate it.” “So you like it up the ass, huh, Sammy?” Cam reached over and Squeezed Sam’s thigh. “I might be willing to help you out, if you need it I mean.” Sam had dug himself a deep hole. Steve was there to help out, and Richie seemed sympathetic enough, but Cam was big and very straight. He blew a breath through his lips. He felt he’d jumped in way over his head. As the youngest he might be thrown out of the group, but he continued. “I like both, fucking and getting fucked.” “With jesus fucking christ who?” Cam boiled with interest. “Who, man?” “A kid I met. Well, his dad first. He’s hot as hell, but his son is a fucking horse, and sweet as anything. I really like him.” “How old is he?” Steve asked. “Ten.” “Robbing the cradle, huh?” Cam laughed. “My mom and dad are twelve years apart. Todd and I are just seven. Seems like a lot now, but what the hell. He’s pretty grown up for ten, and his dick’s a grown monster. I just like him. He’s great, like a kid brother.” “Who fucking loves ass fucking.” Cam was getting interested now. “Yeah, and so does his dad. He’s is a real nice guy, and a real hunk. I wish he were my dad. I’d love to live there. It’s really easy with them.” The talk had got Steve hot, and Richie noticed it. He pulled Steve’s head to his and kissed him again. “What are you doing, Richie?” Steve panted a little. Richie smiled. He knew the signs. “Stevie’s hot again, huh?” Steve tried to pull away. “Oh, no you don’t. I think I’ll keep this motor warm.” When Richie kissed him again Steve put his hand under Richie tee shirt and fingered a nipple. When it got hard he moved to the other. When Richie’s tongue went all through his mouth Steve popped the buttons of Richie’s jeans and reached in, not into the underwear but fondling the cotton briefs with all its meaty warm treasure in his hand. After watching the two make out in the rearview mirror Cameron adjusted his crotch. Sam saw the erection snake down his thigh and laughed, “Just let the monster out, Cam, if you’re getting hot.” He popped Cam’s jeans. Cameron did the rest, pulling out his thick, long cock. When Sam saw it he mused, “You can’t really fuck someone good until you’ve been fucked yourself. That’s the thing.” “Why not?” Cam asked, pulling his underpants further down and stroking his long schlong. “Because it hurts at first, and if you’ve had it done to you, you know how to make it feel good. It should feel good. You know? You don’t want to hurt anyone.” Richie panted into Steve’s ear. “I’m sorry I hurt you, Stevie. I didn’t mean it. I really didn’t.” “It’s OK, Richie.” Steve fondled the bent and hardening meat in Richie’s crotch. “Stevie, if you don’t get that out of my pants you’re gong to break it in half.” Steve carefully reached into the briefs and extracted Rich’s roaring erection, thick, long, smooth and a beautiful brown. When he pulled the foreskin over the glans a bead of pre-cum oozed out of the wide slit. He smeared it around the cock head. Richie groaned. “Stevie, what are we doing?” “You want me to stop?” “No, Baby.” Richie kissed him again and then pushed his head down to his crotch as he lifted up and pushed his pants down to his knees. Steve sucked in the beautiful meaty treasure in euphoric joy as he worked the pants down to Richie’s aknles. “Fuck, yeah, suck it, Baby.” After a minute Richie said, “Shit, Stevie. You really like that, don’t you?” “Yeah, Richie, I do. Don’t you?” He sat up and looked at his wonderful friend. “Stevie. Don’t cry again. Of course I do.” Steve looked frightened again. “Baby. Come on. Everything’s fine with us.” Steve nodded, unsure. “All right then, shit.” Richie unzipped Steve’s pants. “I know what you want.” He pulled out the dripping erection, bigger that his own and sucked it into his mouth. Steve milked a huge stream of pre-cum into his friend’s mouth. “You tastes really sweet, Stevie. I never tasted it before.” “We going to fucking do it in the car, or what?” Cam said, slowly jacking himself as he looked mostly in the rearview mirror. Sam grinned to himself. `We,’ he thought, and wondered what Cam was ready for. “Watch the goddamn road, Cam. I’ll watch this for you.” He took hold of Cam’s cock and milked out some pre-cum. “Damn, Cam, are you hot or what?” And he leaned over the gear shift and sucked the huge meat head into his mouth. “Fuck, yes, Sammy. Suck my dick and I’ll fuck your ass if you want.” “You can’t fuck me until you’ve been fucked, Cammer the Slammer.” “Come on, Sammy. You like it.” “And how do you know you don’t?” “I just know. So just suck me off, then.” “Not in the car. Shit.” “We can’t go to my house,” Steve said. “Mine neither.” Richie added. “My dad works at home,” Cam sighed. “We can go to my friend’s house, and you can just sit and watch, Cam.” Sam said. “Buck won’t be home yet, but Toddy will be there, and they wanted me to stay the night earlier, so I guess it’d be fine with him.” “Are we turning into a bunch of fucking queers?” Cam bristled. “Just let me out here, Cam.” Sam said. “I can walk the rest of the way.” “Don’t get all bent, Sam. It wasn’t really a question. We’re turning into a bunch of fucking queers tonight, OK? So let’s see what happens. Just don’t get mad if I don’t get too involved. I mean, we’re friends, huh? No matter what? Huh? I don’t have to if I don’t want, do I? Come on, Sammy. I don’t know about getting it up the ass.” “I think the first rule should be, everyone gets to do exactly what he want.” Sam grinned. “How’s that, Cam?” And he leaned down and sucked Cam’s dripping hard-on again. “Fine. I really like you, Sammy, and now you got such a hot mouth I just might stop chasing the bitches around until they’re ready to put out.” At the next stop light Cam turned around to see Richie and Steve kissing and stroking each other’s wet cocks. “Well, you two are in for sure.” He laughed. “OK; which way to Sodom and Gomorrah, Sammy?” At the Hamhung house Sam knocked. No answer. He opened the door and yelled, “Anybody home?” “I’m upstairs, Sam. HI!” An excited voice rang out. “Just hosing out. I’ll be right down. There’s coke in the fridge, and beers. Dad says you can have beer.” “I like this place already.” Cam said. After popping four beers he turned to see Todd standing in the doorway dressed in only a tee shirt. Aside from his radiant smile the most noticeable thing was his immense tumescent penis that hung half way to his knees. “Whoa, kid. Sam was right about you.” Todd laughed and tried to cover himself with his tee shirt. “Sam, you didn’t say you brought friends.” “Shit, kid. You’re going to need a sheet to cover that thing.” Steve was fascinated. Todd embraced Sam, burying his face between Sam’s pectorals. “Are these your soccer friends?” “Yeah, they’re my best friends too.” “Oh,” Todd looked sad, tried to smile. “Except for you, of course.” He pulled up the boy’s head and kissed his lips. Then said to the others, “This is my Baba. Can we come in and fuck? I mean, I think that’s what we want to do. It’s kind of a new thing for these guys. Todd grinned and hugged Sam tight. “You can come in and do whatever you want. I just got all clean for dad in case he comes home horny, but tuzla escort I’d rather have you.” “See what I mean, you guys? Toddy here is a man’s best friend.” He set Todd up on the kitchen counter and sucked his cock until everyone stared at the biggest erection anyone had ever seen. “Now we can take you into the living room and show the gang what my little pony really likes.” Sam set Todd on the couch, got between his legs and pushed them up into the air. Then he bent down and tongues the anus. “What the fuck?” Cam said. “I guess Daddy never did that to you, Stevie.” Sam said between pokes into Todd’s anus. “Ahh.. Look at Baba open up for his Sammy. Baba want cock, huh? Yeah, Toddy wants some dick up hi ass.” They all watched as Todd smiled, pulled his ass cheeks apart for Sam and sighed, “Oh, yeah, Sammy. That feels good.” Sam swirled a finger around the tender pink hole. “Look at this pretty ass pussy. Isn’t it the sweetest thing you ever wanted to fuck.” He tongued the pucker as his thumbs slipped in and pulled the hole open, then he filled it with his tongue. “That’s it. Open up for Sammy and you can have his big fat dick. Ah huh, that’s my Baba.” “Wow, my dad never did that to me.” Steve watched fascinated. “He was mean about it, like he didn’t really want to do it.” “it feels really good,” Todd sighed and squirmed on Sam’s face. “Sam likes it too.” “I sure do, and Toddy’s a terrific ass rimmer, aren’t you. Baba?” Sam confirmed between darting tongues, then, “Richie, there’s a tube of jelly in the drawer of the writing desk. Can you get it for me?” When Richie returned Sam greased himself up as he finger greased Todd’s ripe hole. “Oowee, Pony’s ready, isn’t he?” Todd just smiled and nodded. “Come here then, Baba.” Sam slid the boy’s ass cheeks to the edge of the couch. Todd reached under and aimed the erection at his pucker. Sam giggled and smeared the oozing prick head over the swollen ass lips. Todd sighed and squirmed closer. The thick meat head popped into the boy hole. All watched as Todd’s whole body relaxed into a sea of blissful lust. He panted, “Sammy, oh, Sammy. Ahhh… yeah.” He squirmed. “All of it, Sammy.” He sighed. Sam pulled Todd’s ass off the couch and slid him right down onto his lap. The warm ass pucker slipped over the hard meat shaft that buried itself deep and firmly in the warm hole. Todd wrapped his legs around Sam’s waist. “There,” Sam grinned. “Is Baba happy now?” Todd sighed again, nodded and ground his ass over Sam’s shaft. “What a real sweetheart you are.” Sam kissed him tenderly. “My little Baba.” Richie watched with his arm over Steve’s shoulder as Steve stroked him through his jeans. Cam had knelt next to Sam and was stroking Todd’s cock, fascinated by its immensity as he pushed his hand between them to be sure Sam’s fat eight incher was really in Todd’s ass. “And you can take his thing up your ass, Sammy?” “Yeah. It took some getting used to, but once you’re good and loose, man, it is so hot. It must be what heaven is like.” “Let’s see?” Cam was hot now and unabashedly opened his pants and stroked his hard-on. When Todd saw it, longer than Sam but not as thick, he immediately leaned over and sucked the pink head into his mouth. Cam raised up onto his knees and pumped the boy’s face. Todd throated him easily. “Man, this kid is good.” Cam face fucked him until Sam said, “Help me up, you guys.” Richie and Cam pulled Sam to standing where they all could see his thick shaft pumping Todd’s anus. From each side Cam and Richie held the ass higher so Sam could give him some long and deep stroked. “Baba, you are so fucking hot.” “I love you doing me, Sammy. Even more than Daddy.” “Well, we got other stuff to do too, Baba.” Cam and Richie lifted the boy up and Sam’s cock out slipped out of the warm ass with a slurping pop. “What?” Todd asked intrigued now. Sam flopped down onto the couch, his ass up in the air. “Come here, Stevie. Get right next to me.” Steve obeyed. Two pink asses pulsated next to each other. “Go for it, Baba. Or are we too much?” Todd laughed and said to the others, “Sam really likes getting rimmed. I guess everyone does. Dad taught me how to do it. He’s the best ever.” And Todd bent down and started lapping lovingly at Sam’s ass hole. Cam and Richie watched as he got first his tongue in, and then a finger, then both thumbs, then his nose and smeared his whole face over the crack, humming and licking and adoring. Sam panted, “Oh, fuck, Toddy, get your cock in there.” Then he said, “Wait, do Stevie like that. He’s never been rimmed, just hard fucked.” “You din’t have to, Todd.” Steve said full of anticipation. Todd grinned. “But if you want…” He moved over to Steve and licked the tight hole. “Ah, shit, Todd.” He panted. “Yeah, do that deeper.” Todd licked and poked, his tongue gently loosening the frightened hole until Steve responded. His ass swelled. Todd hummed his delight as the hole opened over his fingers, his tongue ever present licking and soothing the strong muscle. “Shit, Toddy. You really know how to make as ass feel good. Whoa.” “Damn,” Cam said. “What’s it like, Steve?” “Heaven.” “Come on, Cam,” Sam said. “Get you ass up in the air so Toddy can get you ready for a good fuck.” “No, thanks.” “Some guys don’t like it, Sam. Dad says so, anyway.” “I never met one who didn’t like getting rimmed. Old Cock Doter went ape over it. Come on, Cam, get your ass up in the air.” Cam laid on the couch next to Sam who immediately jumped down and started eating his ass. “Oh, jesus,” Cam panted. “Fuck, Sammy.” he pulled his ass cheeks apart to expose more of his tight ring. “Get on his cock, Toddy.” Todd licked from Cam’s balls up the shaft to his prick head, oozing and dripping so much pre-cum Todd could use it to lube his anus, poking a small finger in and out causing Cam to squirm on it. “Not so much, Todd. You’ll make me come.” Sam grinned to himself. He knew he was going up this ass and worked it slow and softly, going deeper with his tongue, then a finger, then two. When it tightened he pulled back, just licking and kissing. “Open up, Cammy. Let’s see the nice pink inside of your pretty ass. Get those hard muscles stretched open for Sammy. Come on, Baby, open that muscle man pussy.” “Get on the couch, Richie.” Steve said. “I want to do you like that.” “Stevie…” “Please, Richie. It feels so good. You’ll love it.” And there they were, the two big stormers on their backs, their huge muscled legs up in the air, their virgin asses being eaten by Sam and Steve. Cam was the first to start grinding his ass against Sam’s face and panting, “Yeah, Sammy get that tongue in there deeper.” After more squirming, “Oh, yeah, eat my fucking ass. Fuck yes, Sammy, eat my hole. Fuck it good. Get that finger back in.” He groaned in heaven. “Yeah, just like that, like you’re doing a pussy.” Cam squirmed on Sam’s finger. “Ah huh.” Richie listened, then started himself, “Deeper, Stevie, deeper.” He panted. “Oh, yeah, put another finger in.” Todd greased Steve and Sam’s cock real good. Richie pulled Steve’s head up and kissed the musky lips, reached under him and held the long, smooth erection. “Stevie? Go real slow, Ok? But put your cock in me. Ok? Real slow.” He pulled Steve’s glans to his ass hole. Steve kissed Richie who inhaled the scent of man and smeared his pucker with Steve’s pre-cum. They looked at each other. “You sure, Richie?” “Come on, Stevie. Now or never. Fuck me. I know you want to. You have to, because I want your ass so bad.” Steve slowly swizzled his meat head around the soft, tight muscle. “Open up, Richie. Push over me. It’s going to hurt, but I can’t help that.” As he held his cock straight at the hole Richie slipped his anus muscle over the head. He gasped. “Burns like shit.” “I know.” Steve took it out, kissed the hole again and fingered the man he wanted more than anything. Then he pressed against avrupa yakası ucuz escort the anus again. “Richie, you are so hot. You are so beautiful, so big and beautiful. And your ass is so hard, and tight. I could eat you all night.” “Put it in again, Stevie. I want it in me.” “Me, too, Sammy.” Cam whispered. “Fuck me. Fuck, I’m going to get fucking fucked. Ok, fuck me then.” Sam and Steve worked together, tenderly opening the two giant athlete’s ass holes. “Ah, Stevie, don’t take it out.” “Damn, Sammy. You’re so fucking thick. I don’t know.” “I do, Cam.” And the two worked deeper and deeper, in and out. Tongues to soothe the tight holes, and cocks again to burn them open. Richie was the first to gasp, “Fuck man. You’re in me, Stevie. Ahm, just stay there for a minute. Yeah, let me… Oh, yeah. Don’t move.” After a minute Richie began squirming on the shaft up his ass. Cam wasn’t going to be the loser. His ass burned but he panted, “Come on, Sammy, get it a little deeper.” But Sam pulled out. he knew Cam needed a breather. He licked and poked the anus with his tongue, then two fingers, then swizzled one finger around the rim until Cam laughed. “That feels really good, Sammy. Do that with your cock, man.” Sam mounted Cam again, poking gently in and out, guiding his prick head in circles around the tight anus muscle until half his shaft was up Cam’s ass. Cam reached around amazed, “Wow, Sammy. You’re in. Wow.” “Not all the way, but that’s the thickest part. The rest is like this.” And Sam slid up Cam’s ass in one smooth glide until he banged against his ass cheeks. “Oh, man, Cam. Your ass is tight as hell, and so hot. Whoa, baby.” Sam sighed and fell over Cam’s muscled chest and rested, waiting for the anus to loosen. Cam stroked Sam’s hair, then rubbed his shoulders, then wrapped his legs around Sam’s torso and dug his heels into his fucker’s ass. “Man, Sam. I never thought I’d have a cock up my ass, but you got me. I’m a fucking pussy tonight. And it don’t hurt no more.” Sam propped himself up and smiled. “Well, let’s see if we can make you feel good. You’re tight as hell. I think we need to do a little loosening exercises here.” He started slow pumping the giant’s ass. Cam blew out a burst of air. It was getting easier and easier. It was beginning to feel good. He grinned as Sam pumped deeper strokes. He started rocking in unison with Sam’s pumping, humming a soft tango melody as his ass ripened over the thick shaft slipping and sliding its way around the warm virgin hole. After some long, soft strokes Cam pulled Sam to his lips, inhaled the man scent and licked Sam’s face. “You know what, Sammy? I’m beginning to like this. What the fuck is happening?” He kissed Sam deep and hard. “Fuck me, Baby. You smell good. What do you say we make the goal?” Sam smiled in triumph. “So, you want to fuck me now, Big Guy? See what it’s like on the other end of the stick?” “Not right now. I think we should go all the way.” He laughed. “Like I never get to do with Patty. Just don’t get me pregnant, you prick.” Steve and Richie were quiet for a while. They moved in perfect harmony, Richie’s ass gulping and clutching at Steve’s sliding shaft. Their kissing was deep and hot until Steve whispered, “Richie, I’m getting real close.” “Oh, Baby. Come on, Stevie Baby, make it last. You feel good in there. Don’t come yet.” “Fuck me then, Richie. Please. I want you to soo much.” “No, Baby. You been done and overdone so much. We’ll get to that next time. OK? I just want you to come in me. I want to know. OK, Baby? And I want you to know.” “Know what?” “Me jamming my fingers up your ass. I wanted you right here, up my ass. Knowing your dad was doing you, I wanted you doing me. So there, now you know. Big, brute Richie – I want to be your pussy.” He ground around the shaft slowly pumping his hole. “Ah huh, Stevie. Ah huh, do me slow and deep, just like that. Deeper, Baby. Ah huh, like that, Baby. Make your Richie feel good.” They went back to kissing with very little movement up the ass. Richie threw his head back and let himself be licked and kissed; his neck, nipples, arm pits. Steve’s tongue was everywhere sensitive, making love to his huge man. “I love you, Richie. You know I do, so sexy, beautiful. Oh, Richie, I love fucking you too. Shit…” Bam. Bam. Bam. Steve slammed Richie’s ass hard.”Oh… Richieeee.” “Fuck me hard, Baby. Give me your load. Fuck me good and hard. I want you coming up my fuck hole. Yeah, Baby. Come in me. Fuck my ass. Come on Baby. Harder. That’s right. Harder.” Steve leaned back and rested his weight on Richie’s thighs so he could deep plow him hard and fast. “That’s it, Baby. Slap me with those low hangers. Jesus, Stevie. Yeah-hoo. Ride your Richie. Fuck my ass.” Todd got between them and sucked Richie’s drooling cock. Richie held his head. Todd knew he was close and let him guide the movements. And then Steve panted, “Richiiieeee. Ohhhh….” And he leaned down to kiss his lover, trapping Todd’s head between them. Richie’s eyes widened. A flood of semen shot into him. Ramming, shooting, panting. Richie’s anus ripe and ready filled with seed. He squirmed hard on the hot shooting organ. Todd knew. He tried to move his mouth over the huge shaft. It took only a second before his mouth was shot full of sweet cum. The two panted and kissed. Todd gulped as they squirmed over and under him. Then he reached around to feel Steve’a shaft buried in Richie’s anus. The fat piece of meat was still contracting. Steve said, “Put a finger in my ass, Toddy.” “Oh, no you don’t.” Richie spat into his hand and deposited the slime in Steve’s ass crack. As Todd extracted his head from between their bellies Richie’s fingers gently pulled the ass cheeks apart. Then his huge fingers played at the ass pucker. As they dug into Steve his willing, trusting hole blossomed. Steve panted, “Richie. Oh, yes.” He ground his cock deep into his lover’s anus as his own was gently finger-fucked. “Richie. Yes, fuck my ass.” Richie guided Steve’s pumping by pumping first one then two fingers up his ass. “Ah, that’s it, Stevie.” They both grunted as two fingers and a cock dug in unison deep into the two ass holes. Then Richie laughed quietly. “You’re a damn good fuck, Stevie. I could get used to you.” Super turned on by the cum scene Sam slammed Cameron’s ass like Steve had done Richie. “Jesus, Sammy. I’m a fucking virgin. Is that thick stump of your ever going to come?” That got Sam even hotter. “Ahhh, Cam. Ahh, shit. You want it? Here we go.” Todd got his mouth on Cam’s cock as Sam ass-slammed him silly. The virgin ass burned around the slamming cock shaft, and Cam rode the waves of hot lust holding his ass cheeks open for the merciless cock slamming him into a delirious heat. “Shit, Sammy…” Cam pushed his anus against the shaft every time it bottomed out in him. “Sammy, Ahhhhhh…. coming….. yeahhhhh.” Todd got a hot load of cum in his mouth just as Sam creamed the burning ass. His cock exploded, slamming over and over, growing thicker, stretching the tight anus more, filling Cam deep with hot cum. Todd squeezed Cam’s tight nuts gulping down the shots of cream. Both athlete jerked, panted, then slowly came back to reality. Both stared. “Oh, fuck,” Both said at once. When Sam began to slide off Cam onto the floor Cam wrapped his legs around him, and slid down together, ass-locked together. After they stopped panting Cam said, “Take it out, Sammy. I’m kind of sore.” When Sam withdrew Cam grabbed him and cuddled around him. “Doesn’t mean I won’t get better at it.” He whispered. “But I’m still doing you next time.” Sam kissed him. “You sure, Big Guy. Any time.” Todd came and laid down behind Sam. “You still want to see me sometimes, Sammy?” Sam turned his head. “Every day, Baba. Don’t worry about us.” He kissed Todd who put his arm around him. Cam pulled it further so it rested on him too. “You want to fuck me now, Pony?” Sam cooed. “No, Sam. It’s all over now.” “But you didn’t come.” “That’s OK. Dad will be home soon. Maybe he’ll be interested.” Just then they heard the front door open. “Anyone home?” A voice called. The three newcomers froze. “It’s OK,” Todd grinned. “It’s just dad. We’re in here, Daddy.” And then he added, “And I’m the only one who didn’t come.”

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