Archives Haziran 2022

Ça devait arriver !

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Big Tits

Ça devait arriver !Qu’est-ce qui pouvait bien sonner au beau milieu de l’après-midi ? Le casse-pied insistait et sonnait rageusement à la porte d’entrée. Je me suis essuyée et je me suis levée du fauteuil et j’ai rabattu ma jupe sur mes cuisses. Je savais bien que j’étais coupable de continuer à me masturber bien que je sois mariée mais je ne pouvais pas m’empêcher de le faire et je le faisais tous les jours quand j’étais tranquille après mon repas et j’étais furieuse de ne pas avoir pu me donner mon orgasme.Je suis allée à la porte et j’ai vu que c’était mon beau-frère. J’avais fréquenté plusieurs années mon futur mari avant de l’épouse et je connaissais son frère depuis longtemps. J’ai ouvert la porte et il s’est faufilé dans l’entrée.- Tu sais bien que je t’aime, m’a-t-il dit ! Tu l’as toujours su !Il avait les yeux injectés de sang comme s’il avait trop bu pour se donner du courage. Je l’aimais bien et je m’étais même débrouillée pour qu’il rencontre une de mes copines, la plus jolie sans doute et il avait fini par l’épouser et j’avais fait ça sans savoir qu’il aurait pu être amoureux de moi. J’ai tenté de le repousser et quand je lui ai dit qu’il ferait mieux de partir et qu’il avait trop bu, il m’a répondu qu’il n’avait rien bu, au contraire et qu’il ne pouvait plus se retenir, qu’il m’aimait…Centimètres par centimètres, il me repoussait dans le couloir et seconde après seconde, il me fallait bien admettre que j’allais finir par céder et quand nous sommes arrivés à la chambre il m’a poussé à l’intérieur. Je n’avais même pas eu le temps de refaire le lit mais ça n’a pas freiné mon beau-frère qui m’a poussée les mains en avant sur le lit et il a soulevé ma robe et presque aussitôt j’ai senti son pénis qui me pénétrait.Avec son frère, ce n’étais pas la même chose et c’était presque triste comme s’il faisait ça par routine, le devoir conjugal et là, c’était une énorme bite qui forçait le passage et qui pompait, pompait et qui a pompé un court instant avant de s’arrêter puis mon beau-frère m’a laissée me redresser avant de me dire de retirer ma robe.Etrangement, je n’avais plus aucune honte ni aucuns remords et j’ai retiré ma robe et mon soutif avec soulagement et quand mon beau-frère m’a fait remarquer que je n’avais pas de culotte, j’ai souri et ça voulait dire : “bin, oui, c’est comme ça !” et il a compris que j’étais en train de me masturber quand il avait sonné à la porte.J’étais nue devant lui et mon almanbahis giriş beau-frère me regardait et quand il a tendu la main ce fut pour me soupeser la poitrine et jouer avec mes mamelons puis il m’a fait mettre à nouveau en travers du lit, les mains appuyées sur le drap, la poitrine pendante et les pieds écartés et il m’a pénétré à nouveau, m’enfonçant son énorme pieu dans le ventre et m’écartant les chairs.C’était horrible et sublime à la fois et quand j’ai rouvert les yeux, je me suis vue dans la glace de l’armoire, moi, dans une position que je n’avais jamais prise, appuyée sur mes mains et mon beau-frère planté derrière mes fesses qui me souriait et je lui ai souri et il a posé ses mains sur mes hanches et il m’a labourée.J’aurais voulu que ça n’arrête pas mais il s’est retiré au bout de quelques minutes et il m’a faite mettre sur les genoux pour qu’il puisse me baiser en bouche. Mon mari n’aimait pas ça et ce n’était pas moi qui, là, suçait, mais lui qui me prenait et qui m’enfonçait son pénis jusqu’au fond de la gorge et qui me tenait la tête fermement et qui me faisait baver. Ma salive me coulait sur les seins et j’étouffais mais je n’aurais jamais voulu rien faire pour que ça s’arrête.Enfin, me disais-je, c’était pour ça que j’étais faite, pour donner du plaisir à un homme. Sa bite m’étouffait et je bavais de plus en plus et elle s’enfonçait plus profond encore dans le fond de ma gorge quand mon beau-frère s’est arrêté et il m’a refait prendre la pose précédente les deux mains appuyées sur le lit.- Laisse-toi faire, m’a-t-il dit ! Je suis sûr que ça va te plaire ! Je vais t’enculer !Avant que je ne puisse protester, il avait guidé le gland sur mon anus et il enfonçait sa bite au travers et j’ai poussé un cri de douleur. C’était vraiment horrible mais j’étais bien incapable de faire de la résistance et la bite m’a envahie puis j’ai bien été obligée de rouvrir les yeux parce que mon beau-frère me tenait par les cheveux et me forçait à regarder le miroir.- Je t’encule, me disait-il et tu seras là chaque fois que j’aurai besoin de t’enculer !Je ne sais combien de temps ça a duré mais quand j’ai regardé l’heure au réveil, il était quatre heures et demi et pendant tout ce temps, mon beau-frère m’avait baisée dans le con et dans la bouche et aussi enculée et je n’avais plus aucun mal et au contraire, j’avais envie que ça continue mais la douche de sperme m’a ramenée à la vie. Le sperme almanbahis güvenilirmi a giclé sur mon menton et sur mes seins et mon amant a voulu que je l’étale sur ma poitrine et mes joues et que je lèche mes doigts.Il s’est essuyé avec le drap et il s’est rhabillé tout en me disant que s’il avait été moins timide, il m’aurait demandé en mariage et il m’a laissée couverte de son foutre. Mon mari rentrait tous les jours à cinq heures et j’avais à peine le temps de me nettoyer et j’avais encore du sperme plein les seins quand j’ai entendu la clé dans la serrure. J’ai remis mon soutien-gorge et j’ai enfilé ma robe et j’ai remis les draps à leur place puis j’ai fait semblant de faire les poussières.- La journée s’est bien passée, m’a demandé mon mari ?J’ai marmonné que j’avais fait le ménage et que je n’avais pas fini et il est parti dans son bureau. Je ressentais encore la bite de son frère dans ma bouche, mon con et mon anus et je n’avais plus de jambes. J’ai fini mon ménage dans la chambre et je me suis souvent regardée dans le miroir de l’armoire et je me suis dite que je n’avais rien fait pour que ça n’arrive pas et que j’avais aimé ça et que si ça arrivait à nouveau je le referrais.Ce soir-là, quand mon mari est venu me rejoindre dans le lit, il a fait comme d’habitude : il a repoussé le drap et il a remonté ma chemise de nuit sur mon ventre puis il a touché mon clitoris du bout des doigts avant de se mettre sur moi et de me pénétrer pour me faire l’amour et comme chaque soir où ça arrivait, ça n’a duré que deux minutes avant que je ne sois envahie par son sperme. Après, il m’a tourné le dos et il s’est endormi.Le lendemain matin, j’ai téléphoné à mon beau-frère et je l’ai supplié de venir me retrouver mais il m’a dit qu’il ne pouvait pas, que j’étais la femme de son frère et il m’a faite attendre pendant plusieurs semaines et tous les matins je l’ai supplié de venir me faire l’amour, en vain puis un après-midi, à peu près à la même heure que la première fois, on a sonné à ma porte et je me suis précipitée et quand j’ai ouvert, je me suis trouvée face à face avec sa femme mon amie et j’ai pensé que son mari mon beau-frère lui avait parlé de notre aventure et j’ai pensé aussi qu’elle allait me le reprocher mais elle n’en a rien fait.Une fois la porte refermée, Valérie s’est adossée dessus et je voyais bien qu’elle était bouleversée.- Ah, ma chérie, a-t-elle commencé, ne te fâches almanbahis yeni giriş pas si je te dis que j’ai toujours été amoureuse de toi et quand tu m’as fait épouser ton beau-frère, je l’ai fait pour te faire plaisir !Elle était là, devant moi, désolée et les yeux pleins de larmes et elle continuait son récit, me disant qu’elle faisait l’amour avec son mari par habitude et qu’elle se masturbait en secret à cause de moi.- Regarde, a-t-elle insisté, ça va finir par se voir !Mon amie, ma belle-soeur a soulevé sa robe et elle n’avait pas de culotte et sa motte était toute excitée et je n’ai pas pu faire autrement que d’aller vers elle et d’y mettre la main et nous nous sommes embrassées à pleine bouche. Ce n’était pas la première fois parce que nous avions déjà essayé quand nous étions gamines et ça m’avait plu mais comme c’était interdit par notre éducation, je n’avais jamais recommencé et là, c’était vraiment agréable. Sa langue s’enroulait autour de la mienne et ses mains remontaient ma robe sur mes hanches et j’ai pensé qu’il valait mieux aller dans la chambre et c’est comme deux gamines gambadant en se tenant par la main que nous y sommes allées. Allait-elle deviner que j’y avais fait l’amour avec son mari ?En moins d’une seconde nous étions nues, moi avec mes gros seins et elle avec ses petits seins pointus et nous sommes parties pour un soixante-neuf et Valérie m’a bouffé la chatte avec une telle énergie que j’ai eu un orgasme tout de suite, puis je lui ai donné le sein avant qu’elle ne me donne le sien à son tour, tout en regrettant que nous n’ayons pas de lait et jusqu’à quatre heures de l’après-midi nous avons fait les gouines.Fait les gouines. Je ne pensais pas sur le coup que je pouvais être lesbienne et encore moins bisexuelle car quand Valérie m’a demandé si nous ne pourrions pas faire l’amour tous les quatre, j’ai pâli.- Tu ne te doutais pas que c’était moi qui avait arrangé ton aventure avec mon mari, m’a-t-elle dit avec un sourire hypocrite ? Je savais bien qu’il était amoureux de quelqu’un d’autre parce qu’il se branlait en cachette mais j’étais loin de deviner qu’il s’agissait de toi, a-t-elle continué ! J’ai arrangé cette petite scène, et voilà !Valérie a insisté pour que je demande à mon mari et j’ai finalement accepté de lui poser la question mais quand je la lui ai posée, il m’a traité de malade mentale et de salope et nous avons cessé ce soir-là de faire l’amour avant d’entreprendre les démarches pour le divorce et une fois divorcée, je suis allée rejoindre Valérie et mon ex-beau-frère et depuis un an je vis avec eux et je vois bien que ça ne le dérange pas d’être bigame. Au contraire, car maintenant que ses deux femmes sont enceintes, il est tout content.FIN

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Masturbating beside my husbands friend

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Masturbating beside my husbands friendGood sex should never be executed silently, and I was putting my heart, soul and mouth into this fuck.The main impetus for this noisy encounter with my exhausted husband, was lying in the room next door, with his bed lying alongside the very wall my bed lay alongside, he could with ease, hear the very sheets rustle, as I tossed and turned, I knew he was horny for me, so fucking my husband would both excite him and tease him to distraction, especially as I moaned and mouthed my sexual desires at the height of my passion, something all men would like to experience, watching and listening to a woman at the height of her orgasm, only tonight, he could listen, but his mind would have fill in the rest.As is the case, my husband, true to form, fell into a sex induced slumber, and I lay sweating, listening though the thin wall as his friend jacked-off to our endeavours, my husbands gentle snoring patterns, making him aware of our aloneness together, my occasional coughing alerting him to my close proximity and listening to the noises emanating from his bed, his masturbating noisy enough, possibly for my attention, now he knew there was more to my sugar and spice daily facade, my fucking made him aware there was more to me, when a fat cock was reaming my holes.He was stroking hard, his breathing laboured, ‘John’, I whispered through the thin plaster partition, all went silent, then he murmured, a near silent, ‘What Mariel’?My heart pounded so hard, I swore he could hear it, I was stopping John having a wank after my endeavours and was about to let him 1xbet yeni giriş know I was listening.’I can hear you’, I whispered back, after a short while listening to my husbands snoring, just to ensure we were alone in our conversation.He remained silent and I smiled, I wanted him to know I was listening, it was a belittling experience to be caught, especially by a woman you desperately wanted to fuck, she had just had the real thing and willingly shared it with him, now he was caught giving himself a wank, a poor and second substitute for any one of my willing holes.’Night John’, I whispered through the thin wall, sighing hard with my lips pressed against the plaster, I knew the sound of my breathing next to him, would make it seem as if we were lying next to each other, I could feel his urgency in my loins, I was still very wet from my own exploits, perhaps I should allow him access to me, a few moments, a few in-out strokes, and he would explode, again I smiled, I had such power at moments like these.’Sorry Mariel’, he quietly whispered back, then like a bolt out of the blue, he added, ‘I was just thinking about you’. My heart fluttered, he was admitting to wanking off to me, that had an unexpected effect on me, his admission, or confession, whoever you looked at it, he made it clear he wanted me, and I turned and pressed my nude body hard against the wall, and slipped my fingers between my legs, moaned gently and started to masturbate with him.’You doing it Mariel’? I waited a minute and moaned I was, then he began again and together we encouraged each other, 1xbet güvenilir mi in the silence and darkness of our bedrooms, no words were spoken, the noises emanating from our impassioned loins, were enough for us to cum almost simultaneously.I awoke the next morning, to find my husband was already up and about, and a cup of coffee was on my dressing table.He came into the room and told me he was heading out to town to buy the papers and pick additional breakfast items.I was glad he was, I was thinking about John in the next room, ‘Is John awake’?He shrugged his shoulders in a manner that he did not know, ‘Let him sleep longer’, he replied, as he made his way out of the room and the front door closed behind him.I jumped from my bed and peered through the curtains, to see him drive off, into the strong early morning sunlight.I was nude and felt in the mood, which meant I did not need to feel between my legs to know I was wet in up for some fun.I came out of my bedroom and walked down to the kitchen, noting John’s bed was empty, and continued into the kitchen where John was just sitting down at the breakfast stacked table. John looked up, his jaw fell open as I walked naked into the kitchen, ‘Lets fuck’, I said, I was really on my edge, each step towards him, had little spurts of warm fluid run from me, I was squirting drop by drop, and it ran down my inner thigh, my need and urgency for a fuck from John, was well beyond the point of no return, and I sat on the edge of the carefully set table by my husband, if only he could see what was about to happen.I pushed back 1xbet giriş and lifted both my legs high and open. John towered over me, standing between my open legs, studying my open cunt and pink to brown puckered anus, ‘You choose, just hurry and stick it in’.Moments later we coupled, connected by John’s long cock, we were as one person, humping hard and sending crockery and cutlery to the floor.My legs were over his shoulder and his cock was deep in my ass, so I rubbed and inserted my fingers into my pussy, just having John inside me, thrilled me, so my Orgasm came in double quick time, followed by John, who simply dumped his load in my bum. I jumped from the table and raced into the bathroom, shouting over my shoulder for John to rearrange the breakfast table and tidy up.I was in the shower when my husband returned, I was masturbating again and reached another climax, with John In my dream and doing the fucking, this time in front of his assembled friends, just to show them I was now John’s fuck toy, the table had turned 180, and now I existed for his pleasure.I took my place at the breakfast table and studied both my husband and John, I had pleasured both their cocks in my own way, had multiple orgasms with cocks inside me, and suddenly realized just how easy it was to fuck other men, and still remain respectable, ‘You know what I would like to do’, both men stopped and looked at me, ‘Stay at John’s place for a long weekend’.They looked at each other, my husband raised his eyebrows, and gave a nodded consent, I looked at John for his approval, knowing he would jump at the opportunity to have me alone for three to four days, he nodded his consent.later when we were alone I told John what I did in the shower after our fuck on the kitchen table, ‘That’s why I am coming to stay with you, I want to meet and fuck your friends’.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Milking Time B4 Chapter 9 The Main Event – The Ord

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Milking Time B4 Chapter 9 The Main Event – The OrdChapter 9: The Main Event – The Ordeal Begins”Well, I guess this is what you’ve been waiting for, isn’t it Barocca?” asked Jordan.Jordan felt Barocca’s cock at the entrance to her small bare pussy. Barocca glared at her and said nothing. Barocca howled, and jackhammered herself into Jordan’s tight young cunt. Four inches of the massive black truncheon slammed into Jordan. Jordan grunted and grimaced, but she was able to maintain her composure for the moment.Barocca tightened her hold on Jordan’s hips, and again smashed her rock hard organ into her. Again and again. Jordan’s flesh parted under the murderous assault. The next thrust from Barocca pummeling six inches of cock into her. Four vicious fucks later, it pounded eight inches deep. Jordan had no way of knowing, but Dee Dee’s pill was doing its job exactly as it was supposed to. It would be rough on her, but she could take anything Barocca, Tiffany or Clyda would dish out at her today,Any thoughts of possibly having an easy afternoon were shattered, when Ebony positioned herself beneath Jordan, and lodged the tip of her cock at her asshole. Ebony went slowly, but she forced nine inches of her steel hard shaft up Jordan’s butt in one powerful, continuous stroke. Jordan gave a low scream as Ebony rapidly shoved over a foot of her cock up her ass; the most sensitive part of her was bursting like an over inflated balloon. Barocca grunted as she seesawed into Jordan, and Jordan had found the oxygen for a long moan. Nine inches deep, smashing through Jordan’s cervix. Jordan placed a hand just below her navel, and felt the thrusting bulge forge deeper.The extreme tightness of Jordan’s cunt onto Barocca’s prick produced a wet sliding sound with each in and out stroke. Barocca’s cock sank its tenth and eleventh inches into Jordan for the first time on the same drive. Jordan reacted to the scalding agony, her head shaking uncontrollably side to side, her mouth open in a silent scream. Smash fucking into Jordan, Barocca increased her fuck pace. Breaking through into Jordan’s womb, twelve inches. Thirteen inches. f******n inches. Then fifteen inches of cock found a hot home inside Jordan’s pussy. Barocca’s cock head rammed the width of Jordan’s womb, punching into its deepest recesses. Barocca moved with nearly blurring speed, fiercely churning into Jordan’s cunt.The only consolation was that the anti-gravity mold of Dee Dee’s allowed Jordan to remain in a fairly constant position and elevation. Barocca and Ebony would actually be moving slightly up and down, and back and forth as they fucked her.As the pounding on her pussy and ass intensified, Dee Dee, Clyda and Tiffany came walking over.”Open wide, Jordan,” said Tiffany. “I’ve been itching for a chance at this since your first day here. You’ve earned this.”Jordan knew she had no choice but to open her mouth, and accept the huge bloated head of Tiffany’s cock. Dee Dee’s pill let the massive shaft slide into Jordan’s throat easier than she would have thought possible. Eight inches quickly slid down Jordan’s throat.Seeing Clyda on one side, and Dee Dee on the other, Jordan lifted her hands and found both girls’ throbbing shafts. Jordan had enough experience from her sessions with Clyda and Ebony, that she was quite experienced at handling a cock in her hands. It was difficult to get used to only using one hand on a shaft as thick as Dee Dee’s. But after a moment, Jordan found a rhythm, and soon had both girls moaning in pleasure from her efforts.”You’re doing fucking beautiful, Jordan,” said Clyda. “Now squeeze my balls. Don’t forget asyabahis yeni giriş about them. Didn’t I tell you how talented Jordan was at this, Dee Dee?””You’re right Clyda. She’s a natural at this,” agreed Dee Dee, as Jordan began to rub and squeeze her massive nuts.Jordan continued to ride on the end of Ebony and Barocca’s cocks. Jordan was riding waves of pain that burned through her mind. She could almost cope with Barocca’s powerful,rabid humping. Eighteen inches were smashing in and out of her like a runaway train. Below her, in her ass, Ebony had well over two feet of cock meat smashing in and out like a pile driver. The only feeling Jordan could equate it to, was if she left her hand over an open flame for several seconds too long. The pain burned and hurt, but Jordan felt she could somehow survive the day.Barocca and Ebony gave Jordan a violent double penetration like this for fifteen minutes.Barocca gave a bestial moan, as her first orgasm overpowered her. Then the dam burst. Jordan could almost hear the sounds of the hot slime splash the insides of her womb and her buttocks. The sperm flooding out from Barocca’s cock, into Jordan’s pussy quickly sent Ebony over the edge.Jordan thought she could almost feel her internal organs move about inside her, to house the relentless flow of jism from Barocca and Ebony. Ebony shoved her cock even deeper into Jordan, and she felt like she was being disemboweled, as her insides expanded to bursting. A huge backflow of semen began to stream from Jordan’s pussy lips. Barocca tilted her massive cock upward, increasing the angle of penetration into Jordan, and to increase the force of her fucking. One orgasm triggered another among the amazons, and Tiffany could feel herself getting ready to cum. On a day like today, it wasn’t necessary to hold out for the longest and most powerful orgasm, as they might when they were in smaller groups. Today was a day simply to overwhelm Jordan with cock and cum.”Suck me, Jordan. Suck me good!” Tiffany cried out to Jordan. Tiffany’s cock began to shoot off long thick streams of jism directly down Jordan’s throat and into her gullet. Jordan thought she could almost feel Tiffany’s sperm mixing with the other two amazons’ jism in her insides. She worked her throat muscles, and made a sleeve with her throat, as she sucked Tiffany off to a long, satisfying orgasm.”Damn girl,” said Tiffany. “You really do love cock don’t you?””You ain’t seen nothing yet,” replied Jordan, as she briefly caught her breath. “Dee Dee, Clyda, come here.” Jordan gripped each girl’s cock more firmly, as they moved nearer to Jordan’s mouth.Jordan jerked frantically on both girls’ cocks, and soon had them both throbbing and ready to shoot off. Jordan brought the tips of both girls’ cocks to her mouth, and held them close together. At this range, Jordan could only get her mouth over the two slits on the head of each cock, but that was all she planned for the moment.Seconds later, both girls began shooting off into Jordan’s mouth. At first, Jordan’s eyes opened wide, and her face looked like she’d gulped a mouth of coffee that was too hot. All the girls could see Jordan’s cheeks bulge as her mouth quickly filled with jism.Somehow, Jordan began to gulp down sperm in fantastic quantities. A few trickles did spill out of the corners of her mouth. But for over a minute, Jordan greedily wolfed down both Dee Dee and Clyda’s jism. The two amazons stared at Jordan in surprise. Neither of them had suspected that she was capable of anything like this.”You’re just full of fucking surprises, aren’t you, love?” asked asyabahis güvenilirmi Clyda.All Jordan could do was flash a devilish smile at Clyda.Barocca and Ebony continued to double fuck Jordan in both of her holes, as she sucked off the other three amazons. Finally, Ebony pulled her tremendous shaft out of Jordan’s ass, and stood up to take her turn at another position. Barocca was still humping Jordan like she hadn’t even cum yet. Finally, Barocca pulled out and made eye contact with Jordan.A final blast of sperm rocketed out of Barocca’s cock, completely hosing Jordan’s belly, her tits, with a jet stream of sperm splashing its way between her plump globes to splatter Jordan’s face. As she looked into Jordan’s eyes, Barocca didn’t even look human. All any of the girls could see was a look of pure a****l lust from her.Barocca’s cock was still rock-hard and throbbing, even though she’d just shot off a major load. Without a word, Barocca slid down below Jordan on her back, and aimed the tip of her cockhead at Jordan’s asshole.The other four girls simply looked at each other, and shook their heads. It was one thing to have sex and fuck another girl. It was another thing indeed to treat the girl being fucked as nothing more than a piece of meat, without any feelings. They all knew that Barocca didn’t like Jordan, but this display of ignoring her was beyond what they had expected from her.The ordeal continued almost non-stop throughout the afternoon for Jordan. No sooner did one amazon finish shooting off in either her pussy, her ass or her mouth, and then another was eagerly in line to take her place.During the afternoon, Ebony, Dee Dee, Clyda and Tiffany had kept up a stream of sexy chatter with Jordan. Mostly they encouraged her, as Jordan had managed to keep up with them most of the time. Other times they were lost in the throes of passion, as they reached an orgasm, and shot off powerfully into one of Jordan’s holes, or down her throat.Barocca had said little or nothing throughout the action so far. Except for some grunts and groans as she humped Jordan, Barocca might as well have been mute. The thing that remained constant from Barocca was her almost maniacal frenzy to keep fucking Jordan at all costs. The sexual staying power of the amazons was widely known across the Island. Because of all the special pills and vitamins they took, it wasn’t uncommon for an amazon to be able to perform two, or sometimes even three times in succession, without losing their erection, and having to wait for their sexual energy to rebuild.Barocca was putting all of these records to shame in her attack on Jordan. Barocca had fucked Jordan at least six times in succession, moving from her asshole to her pussy, and then back again, as other girls finished. None of the other girls had seen Barocca at anything less than a raging hard-on. All four of the other amazons had watched Barocca empty her nuts into Jordan, and heard her moan deep and loud with pleasure when her orgasms hit. When an amazon came, it was impossible to miss the throbbing shaft, as it forced the jism up and out through the urethra, and their huge testicles would pulse and shake in rhythm to this. No one had any doubts but that Barocca was shooting off forcefully and powerfully into Jordan each and every time.Finally after Barocca had spent her load into Jordan’s pussy, Ebony reached out and grabbed her by the shoulders.”Get up there and let her suck you off. Give somebody else a turn down here, damn it.”Upset at being deprived of being able to fuck Jordan’s holes, Barocca edged her way to near Jordan’s asya bahis giriş mouth, and began stroking her shaft. Barocca quickly brought herself to an orgasm, and pushed the head of her cock into Jordan’s mouth, shoving aside Clyda’s cock, which Jordan had been sucking off just before this.”Hey! Watch what you’re doing, girl. I was here first!” exclaimed Clyda.Barocca was oblivious to anything but her own gratification. Shoving her cock deep into Jordan’s mouth, Barocca began to try and fuck Jordan’s throat like she had done her pussy.While Jordan’s mouth could accommodate large amounts of cockmeat, it wasn’t the same as her pussy or her anus. Jordan began to shake her head, and nearly gag at the rough treatment.”Ease up on her, Barocca! Jordan’s mouth can’t take the same treatment as her pussy does,” said Tiffany. “What’s the matter with you?””Anyone else would think that you’ve never fucked a girl before,” said Clyda bitterly.Reluctantly, Barocca eased up on the way she was forcing her cock down Jordan’s throat so that she could accept the huge piece of meat without harming her. In moments, Barocca shot off a long thick stream of jism, that Jordan had to intensify her sucking efforts, in order to swallow it all and not gag on it.Barocca pulled out her cock, still hard and glistening. Jordan went back to sucking off Tiffany and Clyda’s cocks again. Ebony was fucking Jordan’s pussy, and Dee Dee had her cock lodged in Jordan’s asshole.Barocca looked at the four girls being serviced by Jordan, and saw all of her openings in use by others. There was no place for Barocca to m***** Jordan for the time being. Barocca had a look like a c***d who had just broken her favorite toy, but didn’t know how or why she had done it. Barocca’s distraught look was not lost on the others.”That’ll teach you not to shoot off so damned fast, Barocca,” taunted Ebony. “We’re not giving out points for how many times you can cum today.””Serves you right,” panted Dee Dee, as she fucked Jordan’s ass. “I don’t know what’s gotten in to you today, but you can cool your heels for a little bit.””You heard her, Barocca!” exclaimed Clyda. “If you’re still so damned excited, you can bloody well suck yourself off if you’re that desperate to cum again.”Realizing that she’d painted herself into a corner, Barocca had no choice but to wait until Ebony and Dee Dee had finished their twin humping of Jordan.Jordan was dimly aware that only Dee Dee and Ebony had really pushed her to her limits when she sucked or fucked them. She assumed that this might have been due to the fact that both of these girls’ cocks had considerably thicker shafts than any of the other girls.Jordan’s jaws were achy from opening wide, and deep throating so many humongous cocks in so short a time. Sperm had been flowing down Jordan’s throat like a waterfall. She was grateful for Dee Dee’s pill that somehow burned up or dissolved the massive amounts of jism that were accumulating inside of her. She had no way of measuring the actual amount, but Jordan felt like she’d swallowed at least several gallons of sperm, after a few hours in the Main Event.There wasn’t any way to describe how Jordan’s pussy and ass felt after so much constant, non-stop reaming by the amazons. Tired, sore, achy, and worn-out. All of these paled in comparison to how Jordan actually felt in her holes. Although she was tremendously tired, and would be eternally thankful when this was over, Jordan still felt she might be able to survive if things didn’t escalate pass the level that they were at now.Jordan was unprepared for what the amazons did to her next.Although Tiffany had hinted to Jordan about extreme penetrations, she hadn’t had time to think about them during the course of the afternoon. She’d been much too busy trying to keep up with being humped in two holes at once, sucking one amazon off, and jerking the other two off with her hands.

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La premiere rencontre sur xhamster

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La premiere rencontre sur xhamsterPuisqu’on me demande souvent ce qu’il s’est passé durant mes rencontres avec des membres de xhamster, je vais entamer un récit de mes aventures.Je commence par mon premier rendez-vous: le meilleur. Lolo, 35-36 ans, beau brun, rencontré sur le chat, et dont les vidéos m’ont pas mal emoustillée. 1xbet yeni giriş C’est à la terrasse d’un café en ville que nous nous sommes donné rendez-vous. Sa timidité pendant les premières minutes m’a beaucoup amusée car cela changeait de son comportement sur les vidéos, ou pendant nos chat en 1xbet güvenilir mi cam sur msn!Une fois la glace brisée, nous sommes tous deux devenus beaucoup plus a l’aise. C’est dans la boutique ou je travaille que nous avons eu notre premier rapport. Doux, bien monté, le sexe complétement rasé, Lolo 1xbet giriş ne m’a pas déçu. Marié, avec un enfant, sa dame a bien de la chance. Infatigable, nous avons fait l’amour pendant une bonne heure. C’etait la premiere fois qu’il trompait sa femme m’a-t-il dit. Nous nous sommes revus a plusieurs reprises, et nous avons convenu de faire un test hiv pour enfin baiser sans capote, ce qui arriva aprés 3 mois d’attente. C’est le seul membre que je revois régulièrement, car mes autres partenaires furent de moins bonnes rencontres… Mais ça c’est la prochaine histoire!

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Une jeune adulte désinvolte…

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Back Door

Une jeune adulte désinvolte…J’ai été élevé dans un environnement où le sexe a toujours fait partie de la vie. Mes parents parlaient ouvertement de tous les sujets et ils m’avaient élevé avec la notion que tant que quelque chose était fait avec le consentement de deux adultes, il n’y avait rien de tabou. Très jeune j’avais donc connu les plaisir du sexe d’abord en solitaire puis vers 14 ans avec un partenaire…mon copain aimait l’anal, et il m’a initié à tous les plaisirs qu’il pouvait voir dans les films classés X. Bref, j’avais maintenant 18 ans, j’habitais maintenant en appartement et j’étais libre comme l’air. J’avais pris un petit boulot dans un TIm Horton mais je détestais les clients revèches, les pourboires minables et travailler de nuit avec les poirots qui dégueule sur le plancher…En jasant avec une des “filles de la nuit” qui venaient parfois prendre un café entre deux clients, je me suis suprise à penser que je pourrais peut-être joindre le plaisir au travail en baisant pour du cash. Je pouvais tenter de faire le trottoir mais je connaissais assez la rue pour savoir que s’était un mauvais choix…je devais donc faire affaire avec une agence. Pas moins d’un mois après avoir pris mon envole, je me rendais clopin clopant à une entrevue avec une agence. La dame aurait pu être ma mère, elle avait l’air d’un raisin sec et avait une voix de crécelle. Elle me posa un paquet de questions sur mes raisons de vouloir vendre mon cul, sur ce que j’aimais faire, quelles étaient mes limites…Je dois lui avoir plu par ma franchise parce qu’elle me demanda tout de go de me mettre à poil pour prendre les photos…J’avais prévu le coup et enfilé mes plus beaux sous-vêtements. Elle me posa sous tous les angles, dans des poses des plus suggestives puis m’expliqua le fonctionnement de l’agence, leur mode de protection des filles ainsi de suite…puis me donna un pager ( maintenant j’aurais un cellulaire…) et puis voilà…Deux jours avant que mon pager ne sonne…j’étais nerveuse et je tenais à peine en place lorsque je reçu ma première rencontre. Marc, mon garde du corps attitré vint me chercher à mon appart. S’était un grand gars barraqué comme un tonneau au visage couvert d’acné mais il avait l’air d’un gros nournours…Bref, nous nous sommes tout de suite entendu. Il m’a répété une fois de plus les consignes de sécurité et de l’appeler une fois que le client m’avait appelé pour dire que tout était correcte…Puis je me suis présentée à la chambre d’hotel qu’on m’avait donné. Je m’étais habillée de manière très simple, une robe noire moulante mais pas choquante, une canadienne noir, bas de nylon, soulier à talon. Je n’avais pas l’air d’une pute et je passai sans trop attiré l’attention du personnel du Sheraton où j’avais été appelée. Mon coeur battait la chamade, mes jambes tenaient à peine debout mais adiosbet yeni giriş ma chatte mouillait déjà d’excitation à l’idée de me faire mettre par un inconnu. Lorsque la porte s’ouvrit, je faillis pouffer de rire. Un asiatique d’un âge incertain ( mais certainement entre 50 et 70 ans) se tenait devant moi. Un petit sourire coquin passa rapidement sur son visage impassible puis il m’invita à entrer. Il m’offrit un verre, je lui expliquai dans un anglais rendu imparfait par ma nervosité que je devais être payée et téléphoner avant quoi que ce soit…Il acquiessa de la tête et me tendit quatre billets de cent dollars…à ce prix là, je savais que j’avais à faire la totale…J’étais un peu déçue de la tête du client mais comme j’empochais la moitié de la somme, je ne devais pas faire la difficile. J’appelai Marc, lui dit que tout était correcte puis je pris le verre qu’on me tendais. Une fois ma vodka terminée, il m’invita à passer dans la salle de bain… Il y avait un bain sur patte et une douche téléphone. L’endroit était vraiment vaste et très beau. Délicatement, il détacha ma robe, qui glissa sur le sol, puis mes sous-vêtements. Parfois il tâtais mes fesses, parfois mes seins, puis il me poussa doucement et sans un mot vers le bain. J’étais nerveuse, allait-il me faire un coup de traître et me noyer dans la baignoire??? Je me disais que j’avais vu trop de film…mais bon…on ne sais jamais. Il fit couler un bon bain chaud, puis me fit glisser dedans. Il se dévêtit jusqu’à la taille et je pu voir à quel point il était rachitique. Impassible, il glissa sa main dans un gant de toilette et me lava de la tête au pied. Je n’avais jamais eu un traitement de faveur aussi en profondeur. Il me faisait mettre à genoux pour laver ma chatte, glissant habilement ses doigts entre mes grandes lèvres, il paraissait étudier mon anatomie avec précision, puis palpa mes seins un à un les soupesant, les pinçants du bout de l’index puis passant même un coup de langue dessus. Puis, il me fit mettre à quatre pattes pour laver mes fesses, écarter celles-ci pour mieux laver mon anus. Savonnant son index, il le glissa doucement dans mon anus dans un mouvement de va-et-vient qui me laissa échapper un gémissement. Cela le fit sourire.Je fus invité à sortir du bain, séchèe avec une serviette puis il me poussa vers le lit et me positionna à quatre pattes. Je pouvais le voir à l’envers enlever son pantalon et son caleçon pour laisser apparaître une verge de taille moyenne mais cachée dans une touffe de poils hirsute…Pendant un moment, il ressembla à un curateur de musée observant une statue comtemporaine. Je me sentais ridicule le cul en l’air, les seins pointant vers le bas mais affreusement durs…et la chatte déjà excitée…pourtant je ne voyais pas ce qui pouvais m’exciter chez ce petit être décharné. Il adiosbet giriş me fit plier les bras, pour tenir en équilibre sur le cou, le cul bien dans les airs puis je reçu le coup de grâce. D’un coup de langue expert, il la glissa entre mes grandes lèvres déjà chargées de jus. Il happa mon petit clitoris et je faillis le ruer tellement je fus traversée par un éclair de plaisir. Mes grands lèvres sont très profonde, et il devait s’enfoncer la moitié du visage dans ma chatte pour accéder à mon bouton de plaisir malgré tout, il s’y attaquait avec une ardeur toute juvénile. Il me tapa deux fois sur les fesses et me fit signe de me coucher sur le dos. Je repris donc position, sur le dos, les jambes bien ouverte, la chatte également bien ouverte. Je pouvais voir maintenant son sexe bien bandé. Il passa sa main sur son sexe à quelques reprises puis se remit à genou devan ma chatte, exposant maintenant avec sa main, mon clitoris qu’il caressait du bout du doigt. Mes fesses valsaient d’un côté et de l’autre, et je gémissais. Il regardait ma chatte comme un joyau, suçais mon clito, passait son doigt sur mon unique petite lèvre ( eh oui, la nature m’a faite avec une seule petite lèvre) puis il glissa un doigt puis deux dans ma chatte… Je ne savais plus comment me contenir…et j’explosai d’une longue salve juteuse dans son visage sans avoir eu le temps de l’avertir…Surpris, il me regarda avec convoitise. Jamais je n’avais vu autant de désir dans les yeux d’un homme…Il me lécha rapidement, avidement cherchant à récupérer chaque goutte du jus qui s’était échappé de ma chatte. Sa langue passait parfois sur mon anus qui se dilatait à son tour…espérant peut-être servir un peu… Puis il enfila une capote sur son sexe qui était à présent tellement tendu que j’avais peur qu’il explose. Je voyais poindre ses couilles de sa touffe de poils. J’avais envie de le prendre un peu dans ma bouche, mais il me repoussa fronçant les sourcils. Je devais me laisser faire voilà le message. Je repris docilement ma place couchée sur le dos. Il recommença son manège avec sa langue et ses doigts une fois de plus. Cette fois, je sentais qu’il cherchait à me faire jouir dans sa bouche et je me détendis afin de lui offrir ce qu’il voulait…Puis lorsqu’il hasarda son doigt lubrifié de bave dans mon anus tout en passant sa langue dans ma chatte, j’éclatai de nouveau. Il était prêt cette fois et avala le jus gouluement. Tout heureux comme un gamin, il enleva ses doigts et se coucha sur moi, il m’arrivait à peine aux seins mais ce n’était pas vraiment un problème puisqu’il en glissa un immédiatement dans sa bouche avant de me pénétrer. Le mouvement de va-et-vient était sommes toute très ordinaire, je suis des ces femmes qui préfère de loin le doggy, je ne sens pas grand chose en missionnaire, mais bon au prix qu’il payait adiosbet güvenilirmi je m’en foutais…puis sa manière de lécher et manger mes seins valait bien la peine de ne presque rien sentir…Il sembla sentir mon absence de sensation puisqu’il m’interrogea du regard et je tentai de lui montrer en caressant ma chatte que je ne sentais rien…Il me plaça donc à quatre pattes et je mouillai déjà à l’idée de me faire prendre ainsi. Il glissa une fois de plus sa langue dans ma chatte mouillée de plaisir puis se planta à l’intérieur. Cette fois, je sentis beaucoup mieux sa queue qui, je le sentais maintenant beaucoup mieux, possédait un gros gland. Il entrait et sortait faisant vibrer ma petite lèvre à chaque pénétration. Une fois de plus, je sentais la tension de ma chatte monter et il la sentait également. Il ralentit le mouvement, frottant maintenant son gland massue sur les abords intérieurs de ma chattes. Mon anus palpitait et cela dû attirer son regard car sa queue disparue de ma chatte pendant quelques minutes et je sentis sa langue habile et pointue tenter d’y pénétrer…puis il cracha dessus et pénétra ma chatte de sa queue et mon anus de son pouce d’un même coup…je hurlai de plaisir et une fois de plus l’innondai de mon jus. Il ressortit une fois de plus pour me faire un nettoyage avec la langue puis retourna plus bandé que jamais dans ma chatte où son rythme accéléra. Je sentis son pouce entrer une fois de plus entrer dans mon cul et je me permis de glisser deux doigts autour de mon clito pour me faire jouir…( Bien que je sois capable de jouir vaginalement de manière très mouillée…je préfère venir avec mon clito…je sens l’acte plus complet…). Je le sentais se tendre derrière moi…et à la dernière minute, il se retira, enleva sa capote parce que je sentis un long jet de sperme couler dans mon dos. Il caressa un moment ma chatte, mon anus de manière habile et délicate. Je jouie deux fois de plus, puis il essuya mon dos et me présenta la salle de bain pour que je puisse me rhabiller. Lorsque je sortis, il avait un sourire énigmatique sur les lèvres, je venais de rendre un vieil homme heureux. Avant de m’aider à mettre mon manteau, il me tendit un billet de 100$ et me tapota les fesses. Je lui fis la bise, ce qui le fit rougir jusqu’aux oreilles et je quittai la chambre. J’avais les jambes aussi molles qu’à mon entrée mais parce que j’étais épuisée. Marc m’attendait patiemment quelques rues plus bas. Je lui remis la part de l’agence, gardant mon pourboire pour moi. Marc me demanda si j’avais aimé ma première expérience et si j’allais continuer…je lui souris et il compris immédiatement que j’avais adoré l’expérience. Il me déposa à la maison et je retournai à mon appartement. En quittant l’auto, je m’étais demandé s’il fallait que je donne un pourboire à Marc, je savais que généralement les filles offraient une pipe au gars ou un hand job…mais bon…je me suis dis que je lui demanderais une prochaine fois. Pour le moment j’avais vraiment envie d’une bonne douche…et d’une masturbation intense….en repensant à ma dernière aventure… hummmmm

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Roger and I ( Part 2 )

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Roger and I ( Part 2 )I paused in the doorway, and struck a seductive pose and smiled then turned and went back into the house. I felt their eyes on my butt as I walked away with an exaggerated wiggle of my hips and smiled to myself.I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair, smiled nervously at myself, and spontaneously removed my panties. I twisted and turned looking at myself in the mirror and just before walking out unbuttoned one more button.I walked out on the deck and Roger and Freddy quit talking. I smiled and asked how their drinks were holding up? I bent down to get their glasses and I knew they had a fairly good view of my breast.I could feel a sexual tension building in the air as I poured the wine. Perhaps it was just in my mind? Roger asked me if I was ready to let Freddy take some photos of me? Sure, why not I said. I laid down on the chaise and smoothed my dress out and nervously smiled.Freddy squatted by me and said may I?, as he placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed me back opening my dress a little more than I wanted. I blushed a little. Freddy smiled and said let’s go slow okay?I just nodded unable to find my voice. Then I caught myself and scolded myself as I thought okay Anna, relax it’s not like he’s undressing you or even implying that. I forced myself to relax.Freddy had me lean on my left side and cup my head with my hand and then bend my right leg at my knee and put my hand on it. This pulled my dress to a point I felt like half of my breast were exposed. My dress slid down my leg and when I went to straighten it out Freddy said no, no, it’s perfect like that. What he didn’t know was I wasn’t wearing any panties and when he stood up and moved away from me he’d surely see that?Now I questioned the wisdom of taking them off as I blushed a bright crimson red. For now he was fussing with my hair and adjusting my dress to cover yet expose enough of my left breast to get the effect he wanted.Honestly I started feeling a little sexy as Roger and Freddy complimented me and said I was a perfect model, and very sexy one at that. I smiled and said well I’m keeping my dress on, so maybe I’m not the perfect model after all.Freddy said you don’t have to take the dress off. These poses are very sensual and very sexy. I smiled and said thank you Freddy as I moved my hand off my knee and covered myself with my dress.Yes Freddy said. She’s a natural Roger, that’s it Anna, now move your hand just a little. He shifted and focused the camera on the shadowed juncture between my legs. I closed my eyes felt my face flush red in embarrassment.I sat up and said I need another drink or something. I’m sorry Roger, I just feel funny about this. Hey it’s not like your nude under you dress. I shot him a look that he immediately understood.I was upset with myself because I felt a little trickle of arousal tickling my vagina as it flowed down between the crack of my butt. I was more ashamed of the fact that if I had moved my hand my glistening wet pussy would have given away my excitement.Freddy surprised me by sitting beside me and saying it’s ok Anna, you don’t have to do this, it’s just that you’re so beautiful and I know my camera has already fallen in love with you.It can wait he said as he stood up. Roger sat beside me and surprised me even more by saying yeah, look it’s all right. I mean this is what I want, not necessarily what you want. He kissed me and said Freddy and I can just hang out and leave you alone about this for today anyway.Can I have a drink please, I’m just really nervous. A part of me wants to do this for you Roger, honest I do. Roger hugged me and whispered in my ear. Listen Anna don’t ask me to explain, but having Freddy take pics of you in the nude really … ok Roger I’ll do it I said.I let out a long deep breath. Ok Freddy I said as I stood up. How do you want me to, um pose?. Just like you were, it was perfect. I laid back down being careful not to let my dress ride up to far.Freddy adjusted his lights, and I swallowed kind of hard as now all the shadows between my legs were gone! I looked at him and he just shrugged and picked up his camera. I blushed when he said ok, try to get in that pose again.I closed my eyes and shifted myself and felt my dress slip down again. I Felt cool air and quickly put my hand down between my legs covering myself. Freddy said, reach up and pull your dress open a little ok?I tucked my dress between my legs and pulled my dress open exposing a little more of my breast than I wanted to. I felt my nipples harden and my face blush. Perfect, perfect Freddy kept repeating as his camera clicked away.Roger kneeled down and put his hand on my thigh. I gave him a weak nervous smile and closed my eyes and quietly whispered no, as I felt his hand slowly pulling my dress up over my thighs.Right there, I heard Freddy say, stop right there, that’s a great shot. Back out of the shot Roger, Freddy began to take over and told Roger to pull my dress off my shoulders. My nipples grew harder as they were exposed to the cool air.I gasped out when Roger bent down and gently sucked on my nipple, then the other. I felt my pussy quiver with excitement and a trickle of fluid began to flow when he lightly bit and sc****d his sharp teeth over my nipples.My face flushed with excitement and I moaned out as Rogers fingers began to tease my soft wet silky pussy lips. My hips arched as his finger delved in between my dripping wet swollen lips and found the entrance to my vagina and teasingly slid his finger inside me.I looked up and saw that Freddy was focusing on my face as I squirmed and moaned on the chaise as Roger began to finger fuck me harder and faster. I couldn’t believe how wet I was getting knowing that Freddy was not only watching Rogers fingers sliding in and out of my hot tight pussy, but he was taking pictures of it all.Freddy got within inches of Rogers fingers as he began to furiously finger fuck me. I knew that Freddy could not only smell my excitement, he could also hear the wet sucking noises of Rogers fingers sliding in and out of my now hot dripping wet cunt. As much as I didn’t want to admit I was overly excited knowing Freddy was taking pictures of my slippery wet hot pussy.I began to moan out yes, yes, oh god yes roger oh fuck I’m so close, I screamed as I looked adiosbet yeni giriş at Freddy and I saw his eyes were locked on my wet tight creamy pussy I exploded in orgasm as I arched my back and bit my lip as I twisted and squirmed as my pussy exploded into orgasmic pleasure around Rogers fingers.I fell back breathing hard when I felt Rogers warm wet tongue flicking and teasing my hard clitoris. I reached down and ran my fingers through his hair as I moaned out in pleasure. I was almost oblivious to Freddy except for the constant clicking of his camera.Roger surprised me when I heard him say here get a real nice close up of her pussy. I felt him holding me open. My glistening wet pussy shining under the hot lights fully exposed to Freddy and his camera. I could feel Freddy’s warm breath on my soaking wet pussy. I looked down in surprise at how close he was to me. I let out an involuntary moan as my pussy gushed hot wet juices down between the crack of my butt.When Freddy stood up I saw the bulge in his jeans and again an involuntary moan escaped my throat. Roger rolled me over and held my butt cheeks open and Freddy once again knelt and began taking pic after pic as Roger caressed my butt cheeks and held me open for Freddy and his camera.I reached under myself and found my clit and began to slowly massage my blood engorged pleasure button. My fingers slid easily over my sopping wet clit. My hips began to undulate as I cried out and moaned in pleasure.Roll over Anna I heard Freddy say. I moaned out and rolled over on my back. My legs falling open as I settled onto the chaise. My fingers moved faster as I watched his face. His eyes intensely focused on my soft wet silken hot pussy.My eyes followed his hand as I saw him touch himself and try to adjust his hardening penis. I moaned out as I watched him stroking his hard thick cock under his jeans. Roger knelt and kissed me our lips crushing together in hot passion.My tongue snaking out to find his, our tongues dancing and exploring each other with unbridled lust. I cried out when he bit the side of my neck and left warm wet kisses as his lips found my hard nipple and began to nip and bite down on it until I arched up and held him to my breast as I cried out, yes, yes, oh god yes, uh huh, oh god yes.Roger looked at me with a questioning eye as he looked at my other breast, I closed my eyes and gave a slight nod of my head. I heard a hurried whispered go for it. My pussy exploded and my hips raised right up off the chaise when I felt what had to have been Freddy’s lips engulf my other nipple.A hot chilling bolt of pleasure raced up my spine and with one last quick quiver my pussy burst into orgasmic bliss as I screamed out and held Freddy’s lips to my nipple as he chewed and sucked on it.I lay back gasping as I looked down and sighed out in pleasure at the sight of two men suckling and nibbling away at my aching hard nipples. I squirmed and moaned and found my voice as I cried out over and over in sexual bliss. Roger’s fingers found my dripping wet hot tight pussy and plunged two fingers into me. I whimpered out and arched my back.My hand desperately sought out Roger’s hard jean encased cock.He helped me frantically free his hard thick cock. I moved my head over and quickly engulfed his rock hard thick cock in my mouth. My tongue swirling around and under and flicking the sensitive underside of his fat mushroom shaped cock head.I sucked greedily on his hard thick cock. Wet sloppy sucking noises filled the room as I held his throbbing cock and sucked him in and out of my hot wet mouth. He held my head in his hands and began to thrust his cock deeper in my mouth until my throat opened and his cock slid down into the back of my throat.I made wet gurgling noises as Roger groaned out as I took his cock into my throat and then out until I held just the head and sucked and flicked my tongue along it until he pushed his hard thick cock back down into my throat.Drool ran like shiny little ropes as it dripped down over my lip. My eyes suddenly opened wide in total surprise and I moaned around Rogers cock as I felt two fingers begin to wiggle their way into my slippery wet hot cunt. Oh god I gurgled and moaned as I realized Freddy was finger fucking me! My hips involuntarily bucked up and began to rise and fall to meet each of his thrusts as his fingers invaded my unsuspecting cunt.I looked at roger but his eyes were closed. I softly bit down on him until he looked at me, I nodded towards my pussy and Roger looked and turned back and smiled at me. His look said are you ok? My expression was one of surprise and uncertainty. Can he fuck you he mouthed?, no I shook my head violently , no, no.Roger pulled away from me and leaned down and whispered in my ear, well I’m going to fuck you baby, right here and now. With that roger positioned himself between my legs and I reached down and guided him to my sopping wet pussy.My head flew back and I moaned out loudly as roger plunged his hard thick cock into me in one long deep stroke. I cried out yes, yes, oh god yes, fuck me, uh huh, fuck my pussy roger fuck me uh huh, just like that.My pussy quivered and squeezed down on his hard hot cock as he began to thrust and grind into me. Our hips moved in unison as we fell into a rhythmic pattern. My legs wrapped around his waist and I held onto the back of his neck as he plunged in and out of my hot wet slippery cunt.Yes, yes, oh Roger, oh god yes, fuck me, fuck me, yes, yes, fuck my pussy uh huh fuck me, fuck me just like that, oh god I love your big fat cock. Roger whispered in my ear. Play with Freddy’s cock?, suck it?, I shook my head no. come on Anna , jerk him off at least.I looked over and saw Freddy pumping his cock as he watched Roger’s cock go in and out of my hot wet tight pussy. Oh god I moaned out loud as I felt my pussy spasm and squeeze down on Rogers cock.Just knowing Freddy was playing with his hard throbbing cock, sent a fresh warm trickle of my juices flowing out and around Rogers hard fat cock. Go ahead touch it Roger kept whispering in my ear. Oh god I groaned as I shut my eyes and moaned out as Roger really started pounding my hot wet pussy with long deep strokes. Go ahead baby, you know you want to, it’s ok I promise I won’t get mad, just touch it.I looked adiosbet giriş into Rogers eyes, mine searching his. I pulled him down and whispered I can’t I’m sorry, I want to but I just can’t bring myself to do it. It’s ok Roger said, I really mean it I won’t get mad, it’s just a hand job, go ahead Anna you know you want to.I knew I wanted to too, but that didn’t mean I was going to. Roger spoke out loud, I looked in his eyes in surprise as he said, touch his cock Anna, go ahead it’s ok, jerk him off while I fuck you.Roger leaned down and kissed me, a long deep passionate kiss. Then he looked in my eyes and reached up and grabbed my hand, and moved it towards Freddy’s hard throbbing cock. My eyes were big as saucers in surprise. Yet I did nothing to stop him. Nothing at all. Go ahead roger whispered as if we were engaged in some super secret. Go ahead baby, jerk him off. Make him cum, Anna, jerk his cock, like you want to.Freddy broke the spell by moving closer and taking my hand. I watched as I wrapped my fingers around the thick hard shaft of his cock. My fingers slowly instinctively began pumping up and down on his long hard shaft.My pussy gushed with orgasmic pleasure as I closed my eyes and took it all in, as an intense orgasm swept over me like a volcanic explosion. Oh god I cried out, yes, oh god yes, I moaned as my fingers tightened around Freddy’s throbbing cock.Slow Roger, go slow please, real slow, I heard myself say in a far off voice. It was almost hypnotic watching my hand slowly pumping up and down Freddy’s hard fat cock. I licked my lips and I heard roger’s voice saying go ahead, go ahead, suck it, suck his cock.Oh god I moaned out as I reached down and felt Roger’s cock wet with my hot wet juice as it slid in and out of my swollen wet quivering cunt. Roger pulled his cock out and I wrapped my hand around it. Slowly pumping it. My tongue snaking out over my lips.I looked down and watched transfixed as I slowly pumped his hard hot cock. I turned my head as if in a hypnotic trance and watched as my hand squeezed and pumped Freddy’s cock. His cock was a little fatter though shorter, but the difference was enthralling and I couldn’t stop watching my hand slowly pump his fat hard cock. Freddy had a thick veined cock, it was harder than Rogers, fatter, I licked my lips as I stared at his cock as I squeezed and pumped it. Once again I heard a far off voice say, suck it Anna, go ahead take him in your mouth. Blow him baby, suck his cock go ahead do that magic thing you do. It’s ok Anna honest it’s ok if you suck his cock.I looked up into Rogers eyes, mine questioning his, as I reached down and guided his cock back inside me. A quiet soft moan escaped my lips as his cock burrowed it’s way up inside my hot wet pussy.Roger leaned down and kissed me, softly, gently, and said go ahead, Anna, I want you to, I want you to suck his cock for me. Oh god I moaned out. See you want to, don’t you Anna?, I looked up at him and closed my eyes and shook my head slightly up and down, almost ashamed to shake my head yes.Roger kissed me again and whispered go ahead baby, suck his cock for him, suck him until he explodes in your hot little mouth. I could feel Rogers cock swelling with excitement in my pussy. I closed my eyes and turned my head to the side. My tongue flicking out wetting my lips. I felt the soft hard velvety skin of Freddy’s cock brush my lips. I moaned deep in my throat as I tasted the salty – sweet pre-cum leaking from the head of his hard cock.I moaned out as Roger slowly eased his hard thick cock all the way inside me until I felt his soft hairy balls against my pink little butt hole. I reached out and fondled Freddy’s heavy balls as my tongue playfully danced over the head of his throbbing cock.I sucked the head of his cock while I raked my fingernails along his balls. Then I took him deeper into my mouth I looked up into his eyes as I relaxed my throat and felt his cock slip down into it. He squeezed his eyes shut real hard and I felt his cock throb. I quickly pulled my head up.I smiled for the first time and shook my head and took him back in my warm wet mouth. I began to tease his hard throbbing cock with butterfly like flicks of my tongue, I licked along the shaft of his cock with the flat of my tongue. I made a point of my tongue and teased all around the head of his cock, and into his piss slit.Freddy’s knees were shaking and his balls drew up tight and he groaned out over and overHe tired to pull away but I held him to me and sucked harder on his cock. I looked up into his eyes letting him know it was ok to cum in my mouth. Oh god he groaned out and I felt his cock swell and throb and I sucked harder and faster on his cock until I felt him tense and he groaned out as jets of hot thick gooey sperm began to splash into the back of my throat.I pumped and sucked his cock as I swallowed as quickly as his sperm filled my mouth twice, three times, I gulped and swallowed and sucked and licked and milked every last drop of sperm from his cock as he groaned and sighed as his scalding hot sperm poured down my throat into my warm waiting tummy.Another heart stopping orgasm shattered my body as Roger began to grind and pump his hard thick cock in and out of my clutching, spastic wet slippery pussy. I looked up and smiled and whimpered uh huh, yes, Roger that’s it uh huh fuck me, yes. Yes oh god yes fuck me with your big hard cock.Oh god yes fuck my pussy, uh huh fuck me, fuck me, oh god yes fuck me, fuck me, fuck me I moaned through another orgasm that rocketed through my body sending little needles of pleasure up from my quivering wet pussy and spreading like a warm fire into my breast sending me off into orgasmic bliss.Roger surprised me by pulling out and straddling me and smiling down at me and saying feel like working your magic again, I grinned and said yes, and took his hard throbbing cock into my warm wet mouth.I cradled his balls as my tongue lightly danced and teased the head of his hard cock. I made loud slurping noises as I pursed my lips tightly around his cock and sucked up and down on the shaft of his cock. My tongue flicked and swirled around his cock as I sucked him deep into my tight wet mouth. I let my tongue bathe the thick bulging vein along the shaft of his cock. I relaxed adiosbet güvenilirmi and felt his cock slide down my throat.I let out a gasping gurgling sound around his rock hard cock and looked up at Roger with a panicky look on my face as I closed my eyes I moaned around his cock. I stared up wide eyed at Roger as I felt Freddy’s tongue on my pussy.Ungh ungh I gurgled around Rogers cock my panic turning into pleasure as Freddy’s tongue found my clit and began making soft slow circles around and around my sensitive clit until my hips rose up to meet his tongue.Roger looked at me with a funny look then looked back. When he turned around he leaned down and asked me if I was ok, I shook my head yes, both excited and yet apprehensive. I asked Roger if it was ok what Freddy was doing?Roger whispered what’s he doing, I said you know, Roger said uh huh but what’s he doing?, oh god I moaned out he’s eating my pussy. Do you like it?, he asked, yes, I nodded my head and closed my eyes as a wave of pleasure swept over me as Freddy’s tongue probed the walls of my silky hot wet pussy.He held me open as his tongue swept up and along my pussy lips, sucking first one then the other into his warm wet mouth. Oh god I whimpered and moaned as my hips rose up and twisted as his tongue found my clit and flicked like a butterfly over my sensitive little nub of pleasure.Roger was whispering into my ear god you’re so beautiful. I love watching your face as he eats your hot little pussy. Does it feel good he asked, I closed my eyes and shook my head yes. Tell me Roger said, tell me what he’s doing.Uhg I moaned he’s, he’s, oh god I moaned out he’s eating my pussy Roger. Do you love it baby he asked? Yes, yes, oh god I love it. Uh huh oh god yes, uh huh, oh, oh yes I cried out as I felt another orgasm washing over me… Until next time…Mrs. XNow I truly went into a panic as I felt the bed shift and Freddy positioned himself to enter me. I looked at Roger panic written all over my face. Roger bent down and kissed me long and slowly, he whispered into my ear, I’m ok with this if you are, I’m serious he said, go ahead, let him fuck you Anna.I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, I whispered I’m not sure I can, oh god, I bit my lower lip as I felt Freddy’s cock brush up against my sopping wet pussy. I heard Freddy’s voice for the first time as he said it’s ok if you don’t want to, but I want to fuck you so bad Anna, you just don’t know, but it’s up to you.I looked down at his cock throbbing up and down and barely touching my scalding hot pussy. I looked over at roger, oh god I thought, what do I do? I knew if he put his cock in me I’d let him fuck me. I looked at roger with pleading eyes, I nodded yes and closed my eyes. I felt Roger’s lips on mine and I trembled with anticipation, not sure what I should do. Roger whispered I love you and it’s ok, go for it, let him fuck you, I love you Anna, I want this too. I kissed Roger and whispered I love you so much Roger, but I’m scared, and don’t know what to do?. Roger whispered it’s ok, it’s ok to let him fuck you if that’s what you want. Oh god I whispered, don’t hate me if I do, you have to promise me you won‘t hate me. Roger kissed me and said I promise, and then he rolled away. I looked up at Freddy, and he smiled down at me and raised his eyebrows.I closed my eyes and reached down and touched his cock. It was so hard and thick I held it momentarily in my hand then shifted my hips and guided him to me. I closed my eyes and gasped out when I felt the head of his cock pushing my hot slippery wet pussy lips apart.I moaned and sighed out as I felt the thickness of his cock as he pushed himself deeper into me. My mouth came open in a silent moan, as his thick cock pushed my hot wet pussy open as he slid deeper into me.I felt a slight burn at the thickness of his cock as he pushed himself up into my vaginal sheath. I let out a long slow deep moan and squirmed and rolled my hips in pleasurable pain as my pussy adjusted to his thickness.Uh huh, I whispered, yes, yes, uh huh, quiet little whimpering moans escaped my lips as Freddy started to fuck me with twisting deep strokes that stretched the walls of my pussy as it accommodated to the thickness of his hard throbbing cock.I whispered quiet yeses, and uh huh’s as he fucked my dripping wet hot tight pussy. Freddy leaned down and kissed me. I opened my eyes in surprise but kissed him back. When his tongue probed my lips I parted them and kissed him back with equal passion.I began to moan louder and louder, as he began to fuck me with short hard deep penetrating thrust. Oh god yes, I whimpered, as his cock bored it’s way into my tight little pussy. Oh god I groaned as he pumped his cock in and out of my dripping wet cunt in short quick jabbing thrust. Yes , yes, I finally screamed out, no longer able to hold back the pleasure his hard thick cock was giving me.Yes, yes, I cried out, oh god yes, fuck me, uh huh, yes, yes fuck my pussy, oh god yes fuck me so hard, uh huh fuck me, fuck me, oh god, oh god, yes, yes, I moaned out as his thick cock pierced my dripping wet hot pussy.Freddy went rigid, and tensed up as I groaned out and he began to pound and pummel my pussy with hard deep and lightening fast strokes that had me shaking underneath him and my pussy was clutching and squeezing his fat thick cock as I felt that familiar tingling toe curling sensation that signaled my orgasm was about to burst deep inside me.Yes, yes, I cried out oh god yes, uh huh cum in me oh god yes, fuck me, fuck me, that’s it uh huh fuck my tight little cunt with your big fat cock, oh god yes, cum in me, cum in me, yes, yes, oh god yes fuck me, fuck me, fuck me I screamed out as I felt his cock throb and swell stretching my pussy just that little bit more that sent me rocketing over the edge.Freddy roared and groaned out as I felt his cock swell and then hot jets of sperm began to splash off the walls of my quivering spastic dripping wet hot pussy. Yes, yes I screamed out cum in me Freddy, uh huh oh god yes, cum in my pussy, uh huh oh god yes, yes, it’s so good, so good, I screamed out over and over as he blasted his scalding hot sperm deep inside my dripping wet orgasmic cunt. I fell back exhausted and gasping for air as Freddy rolled off me and laid on his back breathing hard through his nose. I reached over and fondly squeezed his cock. Roger crawled over to me his cock as hard as a rock, I smiled and said, that thing might have to wait a minute, and started laughing as he hugged me and whispered I love you Anna….Until next time…Mrs. X

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ExpVirginShe was experienced and a virgin, she was up to trying new things and nervous about what might happen if she let her guard down and opened up to her man with abit of chest hair poking out from the top of her shirt… as they talked she found him incredibly sexy… he had a great body and she couldn’t help but wonder if tonight was going to be the night…she loved the way he breathed and as they were chatting she couldn’t help but think about laying in bed naked with him… she wanted him to spoon her, to run his hands through her hair and and touch her all over, she thought about how it would feel to be pressed up against him… little did she know that he was thinking the same thing, before they knew it they had walked back down the street and had checked into a nice hotel and shared a few glasses of wine…it was the early evening when she suggested that they lay down and relax, she thought it was a great idea and they undressed each other slowly, admiring each others bodies and slipped beneath the covers together excited and wanting to explore each other more…. it started when he started to kiss her neck and nibble on her ear, this hasn’t happened to her before but she certainly liked it, she wanted him to asyabahis yeni giriş keep going, her back arched, she felt a shiver run down her spine and he moved his hands down neck and shoulders. as he ran his fingertips down her arms and over her breasts she could feel her nipples get hard as his gentle touch started to rub her nipples. she loved it, she wanted more and could sense that this was on the beginning… she could feel him start to get hard, his cock pressed up against her ass… she wanted to turn over and kiss him but his hands and fingers touching her breasts just felt too good to move… as he slowly started to rub her stomach and she could feel his precum start to drip onto her ass and she knew what she wanted! she wanted to kiss him, to feel his tongue against hers! as she leaned her head back and they started to passionately kiss she couldn’t help it, her pussy was starting to get hot, his cock was starting to throb and they both knew what was going to happen. they wanted each other, her hands d****d across him touching his muscular back. his hands on her stomach had started to slowly move further down her body and are now caressing her thighs, her legs opened up just abit as his hands asyabahis güvenilirmi move between her legs, she can’t wait to feel him start to touch her… as she lay there, naked, smiling, cute and sexy with an innocence look that is being taken over by a dirty mind… she didn’t even realize that as they were kissing, his hands sliding between her legs she was wet, her pussy juices had started to flow and there was no stopping them… her wetness was dripping down between her ass cheeks and as she thought about how good it felt to have his fingers slowly start to spread her lips apart her hand had managed to make its way down his stomach, through his pubic hair and was wrapped around his throbbing hard cock, his precum had made it slippery and feeling him in her hand she was getting more turned on by touching him that she just wanted to taste it, to lick it and if he let her to suck it. before she could sit up and start to play with it he was pulling his cock out of her hand and had positioned his face between her legs, he started to lick her, she loved it… the feel of his tongue they way he slid his fingers into her faster and faster… he loved the way she tasted and the way she let him finger asya bahis giriş her pussy faster and faster… she was getting close and wanted to cum… he was going to make her cum… he knew she was getting close and stopped… she took a long deep breath and laughed… and asked why he stopped… before he could answer her she knew what he wanted… he wanted her to taste him too… she couldn’t help but oblige his desire… she put him on his back and staddled his face with her dripping wet pussy, she started to rub him and asked him what he wanted… with his face in her pussy he said suck me while i lick you, she didn’t need to get told twice. she opened her mouth and started to lick his cock, his precum tasted great, she loved it actually… she wondered what his cum tasted like as she started to take him deep in her mouth, having his tongue in her pussy was amazing… she felt like a little slut and loved it… it only took 5 minutes for her to moan, cock in mouth, saliva dripping down his shaft and down his balls… pussy juice running down his chin they moaned together… just as he licked her faster and harder he started to shoot cum into her mouth…. the feeling of it hitting her throat was to much and she let out a moan…. a moan that was accompanied by her pussy and ass contracting with his cum shooting into her mouth…. she started swallowing his cum and he swallowed hers…. they both loved it and wanted to relax before he took her virginity! what do you think…. want part two?

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Comment je suis devenue sa Kahba 5 – On va te bour

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Comment je suis devenue sa Kahba 5 – On va te bourJe vais vous raconter ma dernière aventure. Je dois reconnaître que j’ai beaucoup évoluée ces deux dernières années. Ce qui m’est arrivé était imaginable il y a deux ans. Il y a deux semaines je suis tombée en panne de voiture à quelques kilomètres de chez moi. Je maudissais ma négligence, je devais amener ma voiture au garage depuis plus de deux mois. A vouloir jouer à la plus fine, j’étais bien avancée et condamnée à faire les quatre kilomètres pour me rendre chez moi et appeler le dépanneur. Evidemment, comme souvent je n’avais pas pris mon portable. Lorsqu’une voiture avec à bord deux types s’est arrêtée à ma hauteur, ma première réaction a été de refuser leur aide. .Je ne sais pas ce qui m’a décidé d’accepter après quelques minutes de douce drague. Je savais en montant à l’arrière de la voiture que j’allais payer le service qu’ils me rendaient. Lorsqu’ils me déposèrent devant chez moi, ils insistèrent pour se faire payer un verre. J’acceptais dans un éclat de rire. Sûre de moi et avec des tiraillements au ventre. A peine la porte de la maison poussée, je me suis retrouvée almanbahis giriş avec deux mains au cul, me pétrissant les fesses en me disant des horreurs délicieuses. Ils m’ont obligée à les branler, puis à les sucer, et quand j’ai voulu recracher ce qu’ils m’avaient mis en même temps dans la bouche,j’ai dû avaler. L’un d’eux m’a bécoté le con et les seins, tandis que l’autre achevait de me dévêtir. J’étais toute chose, prête à tout accepter. Mon ventre et ma chatte avaient envie de dévorer ces deux belles queues qui me semblaient énormes, des sucettes pour la grosse gourmande que je suis. Ils m’ont complimentée sur mon corps, trouvant superbe mes jambes et mes cuisses. M’enfonçant un doigt dans le cul, ils ont ajouté :- T’as un beau gros cul comme on les aime, prépare le, il va servir à son tour.Le plus jeune me pétrissait les seins sans vergogne pendant que l’autre fouillait lentement ma petite foufoune en folie. Je commençais à mouiller abondamment. Ils m’ont paru odieux quand ils ont osé me dire, malgré le plaisir que je leur donnais :- Alors, la mémé, tu aimes ça ?Mon âge les excitait énormément. almanbahis güvenilirmi Le plus âgé a mis son nez dans ma raie en me humant :T’es belle ma salope, et en plus tu sens bon. Tu vas voir comme je vais te fourrer, tu vas sauter au plafond.Il me suçait. Ses coups de langue me faisaient gémir. L’autre a ajouté :- Tu pourras te vanter au pépé qu’on t’en a mis plein. Ça ne t’arrive pas tous les jours, hein ?Ces obscénités me rendaient folle, il me tardait à présent qu’ils passent à l’acte. Ce ne fut pas long ; ils m’ont présenté deux queues à l’équerre, prometteuses par leur longueur et leur grosseur. Ma bouche fut prise d’assaut, j’arrivais à peine à en contenir une, tandis que l’autre me bourrait en levrette. Mon vagin était ouvert à fond. J’ai joui à l’instant même où mes deux loupiots se vidaient en moi. Allongée sur le lit, ils ont voulu de nouveau me prendre, déposant mes jambes l’une après l’autre sur leurs épaules. Ainsi, j’étais à leur merci ; ils pouvaient me défoncer à loisir. Ils m’ont niqué une fois de plus chacun, et quelques instants plus tard, j’ai été enculée dans la même almanbahis yeni giriş position. Le temps que l’un d’eux s’enfonce dans mes reins, m’ouvrant bien le cul, l’autre baladait sa queue sur mes seins et mes lèvres, en me chatouillant le bourgeon et en racontant des horreurs :- Il t’encule bien mon copain. Regarde ton trou à merde comme il s’ouvre. T’es belle avec une queue dans le cul. Tu aimes ça ma salope, on va te défoncer tous les deux. T’as envie dis, avoue salope.Il m’a tordu le bout des seins jusqu’à ce que je dise “oui”. C’était trop bon. Je prenais le plus grand pied de ma vie. Je disais n’importe quoi :- C’est bon, jamais je n’ai tant joui, je t’en supplie, ne t’arrête pas, encule moi encore.L’orgasme fut long à venir, mais de tout mon poids je me faisais coulisser sur cette grosse queue qui me défonçait à fond. La douleur et le plaisir mélangés m’ont fait jouir énormément, j’avais le rond en feu. Le plus vieux s’est allongé et m’a fait empaler sur lui, et malgré mon cul dilaté, l’autre n’a pas eu de mal à rentrer dans mon con. J’étais prise en sandwich par deux petits mâles vigoureux. J’aime de plus en plus cette manière de me faire prendre. A mon âge, vous imaginez cela. Quelle mésaventure inespérée pour une femelle sur le retour, mais brûlante au crépuscule de sa vie.Vous voyez, pour l’amour, il n’y a pas d’âge, il suffit d’oublier son éducation, ses inhibitions, ses tabous.

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plaisirLorsque tu entrais dans la chambre, elle était faiblement éclairée par des bougies et des petites lampes disposées un peu partout. Il régnait dans la pièce une ambiance particulièrement intime réhaussée par un parfun légèrement envoutant d’encens émis par quelques unes des bougies et de batonnets. J’étais entièrement nu, mon sexe fraîchement épilé. Je t’acceuillais à la porte de la chambre. Tu étais maquillée et simplement vêtue d’une guépière dont les bonnets redresse seins laissaient apparaître ta poitrine aux tétons érigés. Les jaretelles soutenaient des bas noirs. Tu étais chaussée de chaussures à talons hauts de 10 cm. Les talons relevaient ta silhouette , galbant tes mollets, cambrant tes reins et ainsi faisant ressortir la croupe de tes fesses et portant en avant tes seins. Tu ne portais pas de string, ce qui laissait apparaître ton sexe nu et épilé. Le capuchon du clitoris était orné du petit bijou à la rose rouge prolongé par le petit pendentif de la chainette. Mais la soirée avait commencé plus tôt. Dans le courant de l’après midi, tu t’étais couchée nue sur le lit. Là, j’avais disposé sur ton sexe les bandelettes de cire et j’avais épilé ton petit minou. J’avais fignolé en enlevant avec une pince à épiler les quelques poils récalcitrant. Puis tu t’étais mise sur le ventre et j’avais épilé entre tes fesses. Enfin pour adoucir l’agression de l’épilation, j’avais passé un peu de crème sur ton mont de vénus, ton sexe et entre tes fesses. Au passage, mon doigt s’était égaré sur ton clitoris. Doucement j’avais excité ton petit sexe érectile et je l’avais branlé. Sous la caresse tu avais eu ton plaisir. Je te laissais nue sur le lit et j’étais allé à la salle de bain. Je t’ai préparé un bon bain chaud parfumé par des sels. Pour l’ambiance j’ai allumé quelques bougies. Puis je suis revenu dans la chambre. Te prenant par la main, je te conduisais vers la salle de bain. Tu entrais dans le bain chaud. Et tu te laissais aller dans l’ambiance chaude. Tu appuyais ta nuque sur le rebord de la baignoire et fermais les yeux. Dans l’eau chaude, je te caressais, te laissant savourer l’instant. Puis, te tenant par la main, je te faisais te lever. Je prenais un gant de toilette que j’enduisais d’un gel parfumé. Je te lavais, caressant ton corps avec douceur. Je te lavais, massant tes seins, ton ventre, ton sexe, tes jambes, tes fesses et ta raie fessière. Puis tu te retrempais dans l’eau. Et tu te relaissais aller à savourer le moment. Dans l’eau je continuais de caresser ton corps. Je massais ton mont de vénus doux. Du bout du doigt je titillais ton clitoris au travers du capuchon le protégeant. Tes yeux fermés, ton souffle m’indiquaient que tu prenais plaisir à la caresse. Je faisais durer l’instant puis je te prenais par la main. Je te faisais sortir de la baignoire. Avec un drap de bain, je te sechais insistant particulièrement sur tes seins, entre tes jambes et entre tes fesses. Puis j’enveloppais ton corps encore chaud du bain dans un peignoir éponge. Restant dans l’ambiance chaude de la salle de bain,je te faisais assoir sur une chaise. Là, je te maquillais. J’ornais tes yeux d’une ombre bleu de fard à paupière et ourlant tes cils d’un mascara noir profond. Sur tes pommettes je posais une légère couleur. Ainsi, je réhaussais le bleu de tes si beaux yeux. Je passais sur tes lèvres une couleur presque neutre mais les faisant ressortir. Ouvrant l’échancrure du peignoir, je découvrais ta poitrine. Sur les aréoles de tes seins je passais un gloss légèrement rouge afin de les faire apparaître un peu plus. Ensuite, je te faisais relever et faisais tomber à tes pieds le peignoir. Je prenais alors une huile parfumée. J’en prenais dans le creux de mes mains et j’en oignais ton corps. Je te massais partout, passant mes mains dans la moindre endroit de ton corps. Pendant un moment, je massais ton corps, faisant pénétrer le produit. Ensuite, je te passais une guépière que je refermais dans ton dos. Le bustier était constitué d’un léger voile de tulle brodé de petites roses rouge. Les demis bonnets eux aussi brodés de petites fleurs soutenaient tes seins. S’agissant de demis bonnets, les aréoles à la couleur réhaussée ressortaient juste au dessus du tissu, posées comme sur un écrin. Dans la partie basse pendaient quatre jaretelles. Je passais sur tes jambes des bas noir. J’accrochais les jaretelles. Puis je passais à tes pieds des escarpins aux talons hauts d’une dizaine de centimètres. Celà relevait ta silhouette, faisant ressortir tes fesses et ta poitrine. Puis, après t’avoir demandé d’écarter les jambes, je pris le petit bijou à la rose et je l’accrochais au capuchon du clitoris. Ensuite je sortais d’une boite un petit objet almanbahis giriş ovoîde couleur chair d’environ 3cm de diamètre pourvu d’une petite chaînette. Curieuse, tu m’interrogeais et te dis qu’il s’agissait d’un surprise et d’un petit bijou pénétrant. Je le mouillais à ma bouche puis le présentais à l’entrée de ton sexe tu écartais un peu plus les jambes et avec douceur je poussais sur le petit oeuf je l’introduisais en toi. Ensuite je pris un petit tube de gel. J’en mis une noisette sur le bout de mon doigt et, délicatement, j’en enduisais ton clitoris, les lèvres de ton sexe en débordant légèrement à l’entrée de ton sexe. J’en apposais aussi un peu sur et autour des aréoles de tes seins. En prenant une noisette supplémentaire, j’en enduisais le pourtour de ton petit trou entre tes fesses. Presque de suite, je constatais à ton attitude, que le produit faisait son effet. Une douce chaleur envahissait la zone qui était enduite de pommade. Un afflux sanguin submergeait l’endroit, rosissant le clitoris, les lèvres et entre tes fesses. L’effet supplémentaire était le léger grossissement du clitoris et plus généralement de toute la zone enduite. Tout cela était du plus bel effet. Tu me regardais, intérrogative. Je t’expliquais que cela devait exacerber tes sens lors d’une caresse par exemple. Je joignais alors le geste à la parole. Je posais le doigt sur ton clitoris et le massais délicatement. Immédiatement, à ton attitude, je compris que tu ressentais l’effet du produit. Ton ventre se creusait et tu poussais ton mont de vénus en avant comme venant vers la caresse. Assez rapidement se déclenchait un orgasme libérant de ton sexe quelques gouttes de ta jouissance. Je portais mon doigt à ma bouche goutant le nectar de ton plaisir. Je passais une serviette entre tes jambes pour essuyer les quelques gouttes. Puis nous descendions vers le salon. Là, je te faisais asseoir dans un fauteuil. Mais pas normalement, enfoncée au fond. Non, les fesses au bord du fauteuil, les reins cambrés, le dos droit et les jambes écartées. Je m’asseyais dans le fauteuil te faisant face. Un moment je jouissais du spectacle offert par ta tenue et ta nudité. Tes seins offerts par le soutien gorge redresse seins, ton bas-ventre rose et gonflé où pendait le petit bijou, la petite chainette du bijou pénétrant. Quel plaisir de te voir ainsi offerte à ma seule vue. Comme j’aime que tu sois ainsi habillée lorsque nous sommes seuls tout le deux. Je te servais un petit verre. Tout en parlant, moi jouissant de la vue, nous buvions. Je me levais et m’approchais de toi. Je me penchais vers toi. Tu levais la tête vers moi. Nos lèvres se joignaient enfin. Nos langues se mélaient. Ma main se perdait sur tes seins et je caressais tes tétons. Sous l’effet de la pomade je te sentais réagir immédiatement. Un petit voile de plaisir masquait tes yeux d’un rideau humide. Ta main se portait à mon entre jambe et, au travers du tissu, tu massais mon sexe dèjà en partie dressé. Tu guettais mon approbation du regard. D’un petit mouvement de tête je te donnais mon accord. Tu défaisais les boutons et abaissais le vêtement sur mes chevilles. Tes doigts saisissaient ma tige et lentement tu entamais un lent mouvement de va et vient. Petit à petit, l’érection se poursuivait et finalement se fit plus triomphante. Tes doigts se portaient vers mes couilles que doucement ils faisaient rouler. Puis tu approchais ta bouche et dans un seul mouvement tu enfournais mon sexe. D’abord lentement, puis accélérant tu allais et venais le long de ma hampe, ta bouche à chaque mouvement me donnant toujours plus de plaisir. Excité par l’ambiance érotique, ta tenue sexy, le spectacle de ton sexe offert, et la fellation je sentais mon plaisir monter du fond de mon ventre et se ruer vers ma tige. J’attirais ta tête à mon ventre, et la maintenais. A cet instant je jouissais, avec un râle, dans ta bouche. Puis je te laissais aller et venir pour que tu extrais les dernières gouttes de ma semence. Enfin, levant la tête vers moi, tu ouvrais la bouche. Sur la langue tu avais gardé mon éjaculation. Toujours me regardant, tu refermais la bouche et tu dégluties. Lorsque tu rouvrais la bouche je constatais, avec un immense plaisir, que tu avais avalé. Je me penchais de nouveau vers toi et t’embrassais à pleine bouche. En plus d’aimer ta tenue, j’adorais que tu me suces et surtout, avec beaucoup de fierté, que tu avales le fruit de mon plaisir. Je relevais mon pantalon et allais me rasseoir face à toi. Toujours assise sur le bord du fauteuil tu continuais de m’offrir le beau spectacle de ton sexe et de ta poitrine aux tétons dressés. Une fois fini nos verres, nous nous dirigions, enlacés, vers almanbahis güvenilirmi la cuisine. La table était dressée pour deux. Quelques bougies et lumières tamisées éclairaient la pièce. Nous avions pris des plats cuisinés et tout était déjà chaud au four. Tu me disais que tu ferais le service. Je m’assis donc à table te regardant aller et venir. Je regardais tes fesses nues encadrées par les jaretelles. Entre tes jambes je voyais la chainette dorée sortant de ton sexe. Et lorsque tu me faisais face je jouissais du spectacle de ta fente ornée du petit bijou et de tes seins parrés et rosés. Tu prenais un plat et t’approchais de la table. Tu déposais le plat sur la table lorsque j’appuyais sur un bouton de la petite télécommande que je tenais dans me creux de ma main. Je lisais dans toute ton attitude ce qui pouvait se passer en toi. D’abord se fut la surprise, puis tes reins qui se creusaient, tes reins qui se cambraient faisant resortir tes fesses. Puis ta main qui se portait entre tes jambes en même temps que tu me regardais avec de grands yeux bleus humides et interrogatifs. Je te montrais alors le boitier que je tenais en main et te disais que c’était la télécommande de l’oeuf vibrant que j’avais inséré en toi. J’appuyais alors de nouveau sur le bouton. L’oeuf se mis alors a vibrer dans ton sexe. L’effet de la vibration était amplifié par la pommade. Tu écartais les jambes, vascillante, tête rejetée en arrière, bouche ouverte et tu exhalais un souffle rauque plein de plaisir, jouissant, là, debout. Je passais mon doigt entre tes jambes carressant ton sexe. Ta jouissance avait de nouveau mouillée ton entre jambe. Je me léchais les doigts. Je m’agenouillais à tes pieds et, te tenant par les fesses nues, j’approchais ma bouche de ta source. Avec avidité je léchais ton clitoris et ton sexe goutant ton jus. Puis je me relevais et me rasseyais. Tu te penchais vers moi et à pleine bouche, tu m’embrassais. Puis tu me disais que tu aimais mes surprises. Et puis tu continuais de faire le service. Lorsque tu t’asseyais à ta place, tu posais juste le bout de tes fesses sur le bord de la chaise, jambes ouvertes. Lorsque tu te levais, je pouvais voir, sur tes fesses, la marque de la chaise. Vision enchanteresse. Au cours du repas, de temps en temps et sans prévenir, j’appuyais sur le petit bouton déclenchant les vibrations. Assise, debout, ton corps se cambrait et tu jouissais dans la position où tu te trouvais. J’appréciais le spectacle. Les orgasmes a répétition et les effets de la pommade firent que tes pommettes rosirent un peu plus, tes tétons se dressèrent et restèrent érigés, ton clitoris et ton sexe se gorgèrent d’afflux sanguin et restèrent enflés. A la fin du repas, je te laissais un moment à la cuisine et montais dans la chambre. J’enlevais mes vêtements et préparais le reste de la soirée. C’est là que tu me rejoignais, toujours appréciant le spectacle. Tu te tenais sur le pas de la porte, jambes écartées. En ombre chinoise je voyais les chainette pendante entre tes jambes. La pièce était elle aussi éclairée par des bougies et des lumières tamisées. Je te pris par la main et te faisais approcher du lit. Tu me regardais et je t’expliquais mes désirs pour la soirée. J’allais t’allonger sur le lit, sur le ventre. Sous toi j’allais mettre deux coussins qui allaient te maintenir surélevée. Une fois ainsi couchée, j’allais t’attacher par des foulards aux quatre coins du lit, bras et jambes écartés, comme écartelée. Tu me dis oui, que tu voulais bien. Tu te couchais donc sur les coussins et je t’attachais. Les coussins faisaient se relever ta croupe et te maintenaient légèrement surélevé. Pour compléter et augmenter le plaisir, je repris de la pommade. J’en remis sur ton clitoris et entre tes fesses, autour de ta petite rondelle. J’en remis aussi sur tes tétons. Le fait de simplement masser ton clitoris te faisait de nouveau basculer dans le plaisir. Je caressais tes fesses, passant mon doigt entre tes monts. Puis descendant je l’introduisais dans ton sexe butant sur le petit oeuf. Puis sortant je titillais ton clitoris. Tu réagissais de nouveau prenant du plaisir. Enfin, je faisais le tour du lit. Je me penchais vers toi et t’embrassais. Nos langues se mélèrent à grandes goulées. En même temps, par en dessous, mes doigts prenaient posséssion d’un sein. J’en massais le téton qui réagi immédiatement. L’aréole se contractait et le téton s’érigeait ferme et dur. Puis, me redressant, je m’agenouillais devant toi. Ma bite dressée se trouvait près de ta bouche. J’y glissais mon sexe et tes lèvres se refermaient juste sous le col du gland. Je tenais ta tête et lentement, d’un mouvement de rein, je m’enfoncais. almanbahis yeni giriş Ta langue épousait parfaitement ma tige la guidant cmme un rail. J’allais et venais à plusieurs reprises me retenant d’éjaculer. A plusieurs reprises je me servais de la télécommande déclenchant ainsi chez toi une onde de plaisir de plus en plus rapide au fur et à mesure des déclenchements. Enfin je me sortais de ta bouche, me penchais vers toi et t’embrassais à pleine bouche. Lorsque je me redressais, je voyais tes grand yeux bleus innondé de larmes du plaisir des orgames successifs. Je faisais alors le tour du lit. Entre tes jambes grandes ouvertes, je voyais ton abricot gonflé et rosé, ton clitoris gorgé et gros, et tes fesses elles aussi écartelées qui laissaient voir ta rondelle elle aussi rosie et gonflée par la pommade. Dû aux orgasmes, le jus de ton plaisir avait coulé hors de ton minou et inondait ton intimité. Je portais ma bouche à ton entre jambe. Avidement je lêchais ton clitoris, ton sexe et, toujours remontant, entre tes fesses, ta petite entrée divine. Sous la caresse tu pris une fois de plus ton plaisir. J’actionnais l’oeuf qui te donnait, assez rapidement, une fois de plus du plaisir. Puis, tirant sur la chainette, je le sortais de toi. Du bout du doigt que j’avais humecté à ton sexe, je caressais le tour de ton petit trou, l’introduisant et avec quelques aller retour le préparais. Ensuite, je présentais l’oeuf et poussais légèrement. Pour aider, tu creusais le reins accentuant le relevé de tes fesses et leur écartement. Je poursuivais la poussée et, petit à petit, je voyais l’oeuf entrer en toi. Du bout du doigt je le poussais pour l’introduire dans ton écrin. Puis je m’agenouillais dans la fourche de tes jambes, présentais mon gland à ton sexe et, saisissant tes hanches je poussais en avant te pénétrant jusqu’à ce que mon pubis touche ton sexe. Je m’apercevais alors que nous étions inondés de sueur. Des gouttes perlaient au bout de tes cheveux et le voile de la guépière était imprégné. Ta peau luisait sous la lumière tamisée. Alors que je t’avais empalé, l’oeuf dissimulé entre tes fesses, je me penchais et par en dessous mon doigt caressait ton clitoris. De l’autre main, j’actionnait la télécommande et, me couchant sur toi, je lâchais l’objet pour prendre un sein dans ma main. L’effet fut immédiat. Au fond de tes fesses l’oeuf se mit a vibrer. L’onde se propageait parcourant nos chairs. Tes mains se saisissaient des liens et tu tirais. Ton corps entier se contractait. Je sentais sous moi la progression de cette crispation qui semblait progresser vers ton bas ventre. Les muscles de tes fesses, de ton anus, de ton sexe se tétanissèrent emprisonnant ma hampe dans le chaud fourreau humide. La vibration de l’oeuf se transmettait aussi à mon corps par mon sexe planté au plus profond de toi. Celà remontait le long de l’urêtre, vers les profondeurs de mon corps qui lui aussi se contractait de plaisir. Je sentais a fond de mes reins le déclenchement de mon plaisir. Par vagues succéssives je sentais le flux parcourir le fin canal, passer le cap des testicules et arriver à la verge. Tes muscles comprimaient encore ma bite. Ton corps était entièrement contracté. Ta tête battait dans tous les sens, tu tirais sur les liens,tu criais sous le plaisir. Puis enfin, l’oeuf cessait de vibrer. Immédiatement ton corps se relâchait, la pression devenait moins fortes. Ce qui c’était concentré au même endroit comme une implosion, explosait dispersant le plaisir à la moindre de tes terminaisons. Tu me hurlais alors un “VIENS!” tonitruant. Tout en continuant de branler ton clitoris et de caresser tes seins, je poussais mon sexe au pus profond. La pression moins forte libérait ma semence. Dans un cri qui se mêlait au tien, je me deversais au plus profond de toi à longs jets chauds. Le plaisir à l’état pur. Si le paradis avat été doté d’un sens, c’est à çà qu’il ressemblerait. Après la v******e, un immense relachement laissant une impression de sortir de son corps et de voler. Inertes. Ton corps complètement relâché, tes yeux fermés et ta respiration lourde. Mon corps lui aussi relâché, mes mains toujours sur ton clitoris et tes seins, couché de tout mon long sur toi goutant au contact de tes fesses relevées par les coussins. C’est dans cette position que, sans que nous y prêtions attention, nous sombrons tout les deux dans l’inconscience. Plus tard, j’émergeais. Regardant autour de moi je te voyais toujours endormie et toujours attachée au quatre coins, écartelée. Je te libérais. Alors que je me trouvais a genou derrière toi, une envie me prenais. Je me caressais et mon sexe se redressait. Doucement pour ne pas te réveiller je me couchais sur toi. Je me guidais et te pénétrais. Belle endormie, tu ne te reveillais même pas assommé du plaisir des orgasmes successifs. Planté en toi, goutant le plaisir d’étre en toi, je m’applatissait sur toi et me rendormais. Sans chercher à épancher mon plaisir. Juste être en toi.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Sophie’s Feet

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Sophie’s FeetI’ve known her since she was 13 and from day one I always wanted to see the soles of her feet, but I’d never ever come close really. Anyway her parents were away on holiday/vaction and she invited me around for a few days as she was bored and I swiftly accepted. I was looking forward to hang out as friends, but obviously I couldnt stop thinking about her feet. I knew I would finally get to see them for the first time ever. I will skip the boringness… It was late we were both pretty tired and she had fallen asleep it was around 2am and had been out for a while, I was still awake and very horny and she had left the bedroom light on, I went to turn it off then I realized something… Sophie’s Feet are under the covers. First I checked to see if she was really out, and yes she was long gone. I creeped down to the foot on the bed, my heart was pouding, my penis was throbbling. I was shaking, I was so nervous but also so desperate to see the soles of Sophie’s feet. I just knew they would be adorable. You could tell she was tired by the fact she had fallen asleep with her shoes on even though she had her PJS on she must have worn her shoes for when she was in the kitchen so that her feet didnt get dirty. If I got caught doing this I could make it seem like I was being nice in removing her shoes. Easy. I was at her shoes, she was wearing blue shoes (A sort of jeans colour and asyabahis yeni giriş style shoes) with white on the sole. Her laces were pretty much untied so I finished of the job. I then gently and slowly slipped of her shoes and placed them onto the floor. Next were her socks, she was wearing a pair of small fully pink socks. They were pretty clean which was good, I didnt want her feet to be to dirty, I wanted her natural feet. I needed to be careful not to wake her, but In the end it was never a problem, when she is out she is impossible to wake as a later found out. I slipped my finger at the heel of her feet under the socks removing them gently and slowly pulling her socks down until they came the whole way off over her toes. I did this 2 at a time slowly removing both socks. My dick was so fucking hard at this point as I was on my knees, gazing at the most beautiful pair of soles I honestly think anyone will ever see. They were small and perfect, her toes were also cute. After all this waiting, I had her bare feet right infront of me. I was so hard, I wish I had a camera at the time but im lucky they are in printed in my memory. The were so perfect, I knew they would be great but I didnt realize how cute they actually were. Just like her face I guess. I gazed at them for about a minute until I realized I had her socks in my hands. I moved her socks up to my nose asyabahis güvenilirmi and inhaled the smell deepy. The smell hit me immediatly, my cock was growing bigger and bigger at this point as I inhaled the smell from her cute pink socks. I didnt want to waste anymore time, Her feet were there in front of me. I brought my nose close to her feet, paused for a few seconds and she scrunched her feet infront of me as she was sleeping.. HOT.. then I carried on and shoved my face at the soles of feet sniffing her soles and toes hard and fast all over. The smell was amazing, the biggest turn on other than how beautiful they looked. They were a little smelly but not too bad and not at all a bad smell, just how I liked them. I grabbed her feet and legs at this point and placed them on my face, I rubbed them all over my face. I then proceeded to deeply inhale to smell of her soles. I then shoved my nose as far into her foot as it would go, I then very very heavily possible as hard and heavy as I could gave her feet one huge deep inhale, boy did Sophie’s feet smell good. I was lucky she did not wake up, but she did turn over onto her back and now her toes were pointing up and not down, perfect.I got back onto my knees again and admired her toes, they were painted a very lovely red colour. I moved my mouth close to her toes and began to suck. I would suck up and down and asya bahis giriş her toes, they tasted fantastic. I first sucked each toes individually but after a while sucked more at a time until nearly all of her foot was in my mouth. My dick wouldnt take it any longer, I need to cum soon. I thought for a second what too do, I knew I wanted to cum on her soles but wondered if I could take it further without getting caught. I checked again to see if she was asleep, she was still way out, she looked as if she had just been shot by a tranquilizer. I unzipped my jeans and my hard cock came out to play. First I gently rubbed it against her soles then I decided to take it to the next level.I held both her feet in my hands and both soles around my cock and moved them up and down my penis in a jerking motion. I was getting myself of with the soles of her feet, I was so horny I didnt even care anymore I forgot the fact she was asleep. I just needed to cum. It didnt take long, After a few great minutes of jerking myself off with her feet my cum splashed all over her soles drenching her feet. I came loads of times before I finally stopped, it was by far the most I had ever came in my life. Her feet were truely soaked. I didnt want to just leave it there, I gently wipped my cum of her feet using tissues trying not to tickle her feet while I did this. I gave her socks a final sniff and I put them half way back on. I knew she would think she would have accidently taken her socks/shoes of in her sleep, it’s easily done and they were partly coming off anyway. I then found somewere the sleep on the floor and lay back reflecting on what I had done.She never noticed a thing.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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